The tree house project

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The Tree House Projects

A r c h i t e c t u r e

D e s i g n

A r c h i t e c t u r e

D e s i g n

The Tree House The Tree House

I n t e r i o r s

L a n d s c a p e

S u s t a i n a b l e - P r o d u c t i o n

I n t e r i o r s L a n d s c a p e S u s t a i n a b l e - P r o d u c t i o n E/62 Block B North Nazimabad, Karachi 74700 Pakistan Tel: 9274700 21 36627399 E/62 Block B North Nazimabad, |Karachi Pakistan | Tel: 92 21 36627399

The Tree House is a young and energetic design firm based in Karachi with works ranging from Karachi, Sri Lanka and Sweden. Founded by Ali Reza Dossal and Mariyam Iftikar soon after they graduated from the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture in 2009. The design studio’s philosophy is simple, functional production and contemporary. Inspired by nature and the way we live, this design studio designs at various scales, from furniture and accessories to large scale interior design, architecture and landscape projects.

Content 01. Wooden bridge 02. Interim shelters 03. Bath 04. Jewellery shop 05. Aman foundation 06. 21 lights 07. Residence interiors 08. The Tree House Annex 09. E garden house 10. Pursukoon karachi 11. Lets Post-it 12. See Hear Speak

Photo Credits, Sangram Shirke.

Professional Practice 01

/ Bridge at Virserums Konsthall Wood Workshop

Task and Process: Design and construct Duration 1 Week “No Nails, No Screws, No glue, Just simple wood joinery” We were asked to undertake a wood workshop in which our group got 45mm x 180 mm Glu-Lam (80 planks) to make a bridge spanning approx 9m without using nails, nor screws, nor glue, just simple joinery! The task took place in Virserum’s Konsthall in conjunction to the wood exhibition in June/July 2013.

80 x (45x 180x 3800)

Working site

8600 15475


Construction process





Section, bridge members.

Floor board detail.

Professional Practice 02 /

Interim Shelters for Flood Relief Victims Volunteer relief project

Location: Relief camp site, Makli, Interior Sindh- Pakistan A collaborative work of ‘The Architects’ with the ‘Institute of Architects, Pakistan’ IAP. Type: Temporary housing pavilions Material: Bamboo, Straw mat, used Panaflex from billboards. Cost of Shelter: Pak Rs.12000/ US $140

Panaflex, Rain protection. Straw Mat.


The Institute of Architects Pakistan, Karachi Chapter has initiated to provide Interim shelters to the flood victims spread throughout the country. The initial target areas are southern parts of Sindh. The current location of which is 8 km from Makli, in the province of Sindh. These shelters are biodegradable, built on a bamboo structure and covered with a layer of Chatai (Straw mat) and used panaflex’s from billboards, the design facilitates flexibility so that the occupant can later on carry these tents when they settle back to their homes; available in a kit with a graphical Installation guide it provides a quick sturdy method of hoisting the temporary shelter.


1. 4.


Installation process steps .

Professional Practice 03 / Bath Interior design

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Area: 440 sqft , 41 sqm. Type: Outdoor/ Bathroom interior. Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction. The program encompasses a walk in closet a bathroom and an outdoor area extending to a bed room. With adequate space, there was room to bring in a private open to sky court and plenty of natural light. It’s an attempt to change the typology of the conventional bathroom. Series of benches and outdoor shower makes it a great living place to relax in the warm climate of Karachi. The use of local Mohagani (Hardwood), terracotta and local ceramic tiles laced in intricately, accentuates colours and textures to bring a sense of calmness.

Colour Palatte.

Outdoor court

Bathroom View




Sink/ Vanity

1. Walk in closet 2. Bathroom/ Court 3. Sink area, he/she

Photo Credits, Humayun Memon.

Professional Practice 04

/ Jewelry Shop Interior design

KFJ- Kiran Fine Jewellery. Karachi-Pakistan Project Architect: Mariyam Iftikar, Ali Reza Dossal. Area: 521 sqft , 48 sqm. Type: Concept jewllery Store, Publishing Office. Task: Design, execution and construction. KFJ is a concept jewellery store and an office space for a jewellery designer and an entrepreneur credited for her versatility and creativity. Among the empowered woman of Pakistan, Kiran (Client) strongly believes that her jewellery design aesthetic is often a manifestation and indeed an extension of her emotions. Thus the work space becomes an equally conducive place for creativity and display. The layout stretches across a long rectangular shop with a relatively higher ceiling. It accommodates displays at the beginning, meeting room and an office studio. Choice of material and colour was an essential yet exciting phase of the process. In order to promote and reflect the clients intuition and personality, the palette was kept simple yet decadent.

Entrance: Comb Plaster textured wall. Concealed store shutter. Accentuated door.

Office Studio: Generous shelving space for publishing office and design cataloguing.

Display Area: Traditional display cabinet with a highlight of fresh green, on a rich red backdrop. Passage

Elc Display





Colour Palatte.

Professional Practice 05 Interior renovation

/ Aman Foundation

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Architect: Mariyam Iftikar, Tariq Hasan Type: Renovation - Retrofit. Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction. The Aman Foundation is a local, not-forprofit trust, based and operating in Pakistan. Inspired by a proactive commitment to the cause of human development, the Foundation aspires to make strategic interventions in Pakistan to support development in the areas of: Healthcare, Education and Nutrition. The Foundation involved us to undertake the challenge of converting an abandoned warehouse into a Technical School for Vocational and Skills Training. We not only met the requirements of the Foundation but also provided the students and teachers of this organization an energetic space that reflected the humble yet creative ideology of the Centre. Additions to the interior include handrails, a guiding skirting tile, cable trays and lighting provision and sound absorption panels around the noisy workshops.

Suspended animated screen print

All addition were made on e need and requirement basis and treated with color so as forming a low cost and easy maintenance technical school environment.

Before renovation

After renovation

Professional Practice 06

/ Light Installation Exhibition 21 lights

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Architect: Mariyam Iftikar, Carim, Dania Type: Craft / installation Task: Design/ Self execution. 21 lights was curated in 2013 at the Indus Gallery. Artist and architects were invited to design lights. This installation used concrete as the medium with hidden light points cast in different shapes to represent different light moods through out the day.

“5 kind of lights, from dusk to dawn�.

4 pm.

Concrete Lights

Professional Practice 07 Interior design

/ Residence interiors

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Architect: Mariyam Iftikar Client: Ahmed M Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction.








Professional Practice 08

/ The Tree House Annex

Extension Design

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Area: 750 sqft , 70sqm. Type: Extension - Retrofit. Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction. An annex has been retrofitted to accommodate a living space for two and a home office/ lounge. The outer wall wrapping before the front of the annex, screens away views from the outside, and forms an enclosed outdoor sitting that opens up to the main house. Warm and cool colours are used carefully to articulate the enclosure making it a vibrant place. An antique door is placed at the threshold to pronounce entry to the home. The design is an attempt to amalgamate the old box with a new skin.


Transforming Elements, Detail Sill-Ledge.

Increase Window Size Sun Shade Bathroom



Sun Shade A/C



As per Existing Door





Shift Door opening

Bed Room 1'-8"


- 0'-2"

1'-3" Bench

Lounge/ Study

Door as approved by client

+ 0'-0"






5'-0" 1'-0"

- 0'-6" Entry Patio

Earth Gravel


- 0'-6"

Overhead Sunshade

- 0'-4"




Mohdi Tile










CC Band 4”

Earth Gravel

CC Band 6”


Mohdi Tile


- 0'-10"

4" 6"








ck Blo cing a



Parapet @ +18” ( Above FL)


Wall Upto Lintel Height







Existing Planter

Lintel Beam

The Tree House AR Dossal, Mariyam Iftikar

Project: The Dossal Annex

Drawing: Elevations Scale: 3/16” Date: 19th Dec 2014

Professional Practice 09

/ E Garden House

Residential Design

Location: Karachi Pakistan. Area: 1000 sqyrd. Type: Residential Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction. The E-garden house is designed for the context of karachi. Planned around a central courtyard, it allows for views looking out in the garden whilst the building block and walled screens maintains privacy in the garden. The court faces the north west, bringing in enough day light. A central water pool helps cool the air that ventilates the house.

Central court View.

Side view.

Front approach.


Professional Practice 10 / Pursukoon Karachi 21 cubic feet- Installation design

Location: NAPA, Karachi, Pakistan. Area: 21 cubic feet Type: Street Furniture Task: Design/ detail, execution and construction. An installation to activate public spaces in Karachi, this piece is part of many to travel through a few public spaces in Karachi starting from NAPA and ending at the Frere Hall. The design takes inspiration from nature and the need for benches in public spaces and the framing in blue as a metaphor for the fishing village Karachi once was.

Lets Post-it (Installation) Publication: Magazine Entry/ editorial, UMAN issue #2 (SE).

The project was in collaboration with HUMlab’s 2013- Student Summer project ( Dept of Humanities- Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden). Location: HUMlab X, Umeå Arts Campus. Type: Interactive installation. Supervisor: Carl-Erik Engqvist ,Artistic leader HUMlab. Vårsagod The project progress and process was available for public to follow on “tumblr”.

The project is a site specific exercise that explores the possibility of transforming a space into one big interactive Pin up. Using only post it’s the project breaks the 2D surface to explore the architectural quality of a space. Using anamorphic illusion, each post-it is part of a pixel to form a giant image in space. Viewed form only a particular angle it engages the viewer to identify the image and interact with the installation and leave their impressions on. You were welcome to leave an impression; leave a note or a doodle- Speak your heart out on these creative confetti in space.

På Svenska Det här projektet är en platsspecifik installation som utforskar möjligheterna för oss att interagera och påverka platsen. Med hjälp av post-its bryter projektet den tvådimensionella ytan och förändrar den arkitektoniska dynamiken i rummet. Det du har framför dig är en anamorfisk illusion – varje post-it är en pixel som tillsammans med djupet formar en bild precis där du nu står. Om du har svårt att se det med blotta ögat, pröva att ta en bild med din mobil. Varmt välkommen att interagera med projektet och lämna dina intryck, lätta ditt hjärta och bli en del av den rumsliga konfettin.

Against the grain / See Hear Speak

Publication: Magazine illustration/ editorial, UMAN issue #2 (SE).

Against the grain depicts the issues relating the current forestry of the Scandinavian countries. It raises Awareness, questioning and identifying the problems associated to forestry. Boreal forests are spreading out across the northern hemisphere like a green belt. Here lies the kingdom of Sweden whose forest constitutes less than 1% of the world’s forest acreage. But which yields 5% of all forestry products used in the world, but a whole 10 % of the turnover of the global export market. This is possible as it follows so to speak a sustainable forestry model that inspires the world today. However the protagonist approach has drawn considerable attention and debate over the realm of sustainability among aText few.and Illustration | Ali Reza Dossal

Against the Grain |

See Hear Speak

Sweden’s Sustainable model for forestry consists of methods that seem narrowly directed towards production in particularly with regard to clear cutting. Many argue the aspects of bio diversity and the red listed endangered species. The essential aspects of conversions of natural

forests in to mono cultural plantations and instead planting mixed trees would allow the bio diversity greatly. A lot has happened in the forest since the last 20 years. Within forestry new approaches have been developed such as ecological landscape planning, withrelating creation retention of forest andinforest species. Against the grain depicts the issues theand current forestry A lotstructures has happened the forest since the last 20 years. Within For example dead wood, it has been indicated that these aspects have of the Scandinavian countries. It raises Awareness, questioning forestry new approaches have been developed such as ecological landscape with creation and retention of and identifying the positive problemseffect associated forestry. Borealis too but in to reality 20 years little time to drawplanning, conclusions forest and Ifforest species. For example dead wood, forests are spreadingasout northern hemisphere like forest theacross cyclethe and rotation of a boiling is structures far too long. the Swedish a green belt. Here lies the kingdom of Sweden whose forest it has been indicated that these aspects have positive effect Sustainable model remains this persistent, there might not be any natural constitutes less thanforest 1% of the forest acreage. But which but in reality 20 years is too little time to draw conclusions as leftworld’s eventually. yields 5% of all forestry products used in the world, but a whole 10 % of the turnover of the global export market. This is possible as it follows so to speak a sustainable forestry model that inspires the world today. However the protagonist approach has drawn considerable attention and debate over the realm of sustainability among a few.

Sweden’s Sustainable model for forestry consists of methods that seem narrowly directed towards production in particularly with regard to clear cutting. Many argue the aspects of bio

the cycle and rotation of a boiling forest is far too long. If the Swedish Sustainable model remains this persistent, there might not be any natural forest left eventually.

Medium: Pen and Ink. Canvas: 20 cm x 38 cm

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