Issue 1 SPRING 2015
Communications Committee communications director ARELI FISHER graphics/design ALICE XIANG marketing NEDDA SARSHAR ANASTASIA KANAKARIS social media JJ PANG VANESSA SALMAN esf liaison ASHLEY CHONG JYOTIKA SHAH
by: Deena Lucas
by: Mary Rachel Keville
by: Anastasia Kanakaris
by: Todd Pearson and Jas Jackson
Eboard Eboard
Mariann Asayan Mariann Asayan President
Eugene Law Eugene Law Vice President of Rush & Retention
DeenaDeena Lucas Lucas Vice President of Service
Sai Narayan Sai Narayan Vice President of Pledging
BryceBryce Davis Davis Vice President of Pledging
KaylaKayla Nunemacher Nunemacher Treasurer
Areli Fisher Areli Fisher Communications Director
Alexandra Miranda Alexandra Miranda Vice President of Fellowships
TiffanyTiffany Kwong Kwong Vice President of Leadership
StacieStacie Fanelli Fanelli Corresponding Secretary
Molly Molly Mahoney Mahoney Secretary of Service
GraceGrace Chung Chung Historian
Paulina Colon Paulina Colon Parliamentarian
Fabian Rodriguez Fabian Rodriguez Webmaster
Michael Goldman Michael Goldman Webmaster
STEP UP, STEP DOWN By: Deena Lucas
hat have I learned between yesterday and today:
1. Don’t force a tradition on a chapter that isn’t interested in it anymore. Make new traditions! This goes for anything within LFS, especially service. 2. To become a leader within APO, one must first develop personal leadership skills, then chapter, then becoming a leader in the community, and finally being a leader as a staff member or with staff members – advisers. 3. OTHER CHAPTERS HAVE A SUNSHINE CHAIR!!! Some of their responsibilities include keeping chapter meetings fun and interesting and recognizing significant events going on within the brotherhood like birthdays. 4. One chapter has pledges answer in their interview what their favorite donut flavor is and then the chapter gets each NIB their favorite one for initiations! 5. No matter what, any organization that grants membership will cause potential members anxiety/fear of being able to become a member. Do whatever you can do decrease this fear both during the rush and pledging processes. 6. Pledge classes should meet certain
requirements but ensure that during the pledging process pledges have a multisensory learning experience that teaches: leadership, fellowship, the four fields of service, brotherhood, national and chapter specific history, hazing (no hazing, not even for brothers, of course), and what it is like to be an active brother of the fraternity. 7. The concept of having a fellowship/ retreat for the graduating seniors to meet with the advisers to discuss life after Phi and how to continue demonstrate LFS. 8. The Delta Delta chapter has FORTY FIVE brothers on their E-board!!! Their elections take THREE days!!! And you all thought our elections were bad…. 9. Some chapters have further developed
the VPL position to include a committee underneath the VPL that consists of the past semester’s E-board members who are no longer on the E-board. Basically, the committee is for recently retired officers. 10. Step Up, Step Back is when you step up to your leadership responsibilities and what the chapter needs from you, but when you’re finished you step back and let other brothers step up and get involved.
Check out all the adventures that Deena, Ashleey, Molly, Fabian and Stacie went through at Nationals!! blog:
KNOCKING… By: Mary Rachel Keville
very Brother knows that service is a way of life. This was a sentiment that I adhered to, but I never realized quite how true this was until I went abroad last semester. I was extremely nervous about leaving everything I knew, especially when I had just been welcomed into the Brotherhood, but I was excited for the adventure. I knew everything was going to be different, but the one thing I never imagined was that I could find a way to serve the new community I was thrown into.
“I knew everything was going to be different, but the one thing I never imagined was that I could find a way to serve the new community I was thrown into.” A few weeks into my abroad semester, I had settled into my homestay in Langa, Cape Town. We were doing all the usual tourist stuff (read: A LOT of museums), and we had a visit to Historic District 6 of Cape Town scheduled. I was convinced that this would be another boring museum visit, but I was completely surprised when we pulled up next to a park filled with busy volunteers. Instead of a dull tour, we were meant to
help prep the park for District 6’s Cultural Reclamation Week! The idea of the project was to create a dynamic exhibit to educate the residents on the difficult and colorful history of the District during apartheid. I was absolutely elated and spent a cheerful few hours hanging informative signs and decorating trees, feeling completely at home serving my adopted community with my friends. I learned an important lesson that day: no matter how far you wander, you can always find a way to serve the community you’re in.
By: Anastasia Kanakaris
espite below zero temperatures and a nasty wind-chill, inductions for the spring 2015 pledge class were a success. We gained about thirty new phi-tastic pledges that have already claimed their places in Phi. As a senior, this was my last induction as a brother, making it a bittersweet one. I remember when I walked up those steps of Grant over two years ago, blindfolded and unsure of what was going on. Since then, at each inductions I played a role as either a big or a family head so this semester it was nice to be able to watch it all go on and think of how much I will miss it. Inductions may seem tedious at times, but as a senior (and I’m sure all of the other seniors will back me up on this) it’s something you realized means a lot. It’s where our APO families are put together and where we create bonds afterwards with family traditions. Although parts of this induction may not have gone as smoothly as others, in the end we still gained 30 new amazing pledges that I’m excited to get to know in my final semester. In the words of DD, you’reeeeee all great!
Name? Todd Pearson
Major? Nutrition Science
Pledge Class? Fall 2009
Year of Graduation? Class of 2013
Family? 610
Did you hold any positions? Alumni Secretary, Pledgemaster, President
Something you miss about Phi? I miss being around all the wonderful people that make our chapter such a positive environment. Most memorable moment? Hurricane SAL
TODD PEARSON What are you up to? I’m currently finishing my second year studying at St. George’s University School of Medicine on the island of Grenada in the south Caribbean. I’m excited to be returning to the US this Summer to finish my final two years of school at a hospital in the New York City area.
How are you applying LFS to your life? Medical school involves a lot of LFS. I’m reminded most of my Phi Chapter experiences when I’m working at a health fair. The school holds three health fairs in the community every term, providing the locals with health screening via blood pressure, blood sugar, eye, and ear exams, etc. Getting out into the community and helping folks out with some of the skills I’ve been developing at school is gratifying.
A BLAST FROM THE PAST Name? Jas (Jasmin) Jackson Pledge Class?Spring 11 Family? 610 UH HUH HUH!!!!!!!! Miss you guys tons! Major? Environmental Biology Year of Graduation? May 2013 Did you hold any positions? I certainly did! I was service sec and vps twice. I wads also a merit badge day coordinator for both boys scout and girls scout merit badge days Something you miss about Phi? What’s not to miss about phi! I miss hanging with my family, I miss getting great advice from Mama Lynne and Father Lang, going to service projects with people who eat, breath, and sleep LFS, RELAY, Zoo Boo, hanging out with other families, not being able to walk to feet without seeing someone from Phi no matter where you were on campus, accidentally turning every event into an APO event because most of the people I knew were in APO, and being part of something was and is still so epically cosmic and awesome! Most memorable moment? So many moments that were memorable. I am fond of my first family day of service. We volunteered at Sunshine Horses,and for some reason we got horse poop on everything, including the roof of the inside of Frankie’s car. I also really enjoyed the ski class through rec services that turned into an APO
because so many of us were taking the class. And, I always love going to Relay! Being surprised with a DSK probably made my life!!!! What are you up to? Currently I’m an admissions counselor for Animal Care and Control. Basically I help intake animals being surrendered; these include owned and stray animals. For owned animals, my goal is to figure out if there is any assistance I can offer the owner such as getting funding for medical treatment that will allow them to keep their animals, and if they can’t my goal is to get as much information
JAS JACKSON about the animals that will better helped them get placed, (placed in adoptions or with a rescue). I also recently applied to school at Colorado State University, hopefully I get in, fingers crossed!!!! My eventual goal is to become an army veterinarian!!! How are you applying LFS to you life right now? I’m a foster volunteer, which means that I take home animals who are too young or too sick to be adopted and I take care of them until they are old enough or healthy enough to be placed. I also like to think that I am genuinely a nice person! There are also tons of people in APO that live in the city
like Tory from 610 and Rachel from BL that I usually hang out with when we aren’t busy. Overall I just have fun, work, and help out when I can. I hope all is well in Phi! I’m very grateful to be part of something so great! I love the direction that Phi is headed in. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you all soon! In the words of Winnie the Pooh, “as soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going g to happen!” Thanks for the adventure Phi!