To be healthy we need to eat healthy plant-based foods… Vegan Food!

To be healthy we need to eat healthy plant-based foods… Vegan Food!
Flowers and trees are blooming The weather is getting warmer Outside is where we want to be Soaking the sun and being amazed by nature.
Here I am again to commend you for continually moving forward in making a more compassionate world. YOU are important! You will inherit this planet. The more we make others aware of how important it is to make the changes necessary to ensure your world, the better it will be for the animals, our health, and the survival of the planet
Talk to your friends, teachers, and family about making the change to veganism. Remind them that you need a sustainable world You want to end the cruelty towards ALL animals You want everyone to be healthy
You are doing a great job and I’m here to help you any way I can In fact, vegans everywhere are doing the same
As always, I am here to help. If you have questions for me, my e-mail is:
NancyIf you could give every person in the world a gift but it would have to be the same gift, what would that gift be?
Imagine you’re the President and you need to have 3 people to assist you. Who would you pick and why?
If you could set one rule for the family that we all have to follow, what would it be?
What’s a hobby that you don’t currently have that you’d love to learn?
How would you change the world if you could?
Q: What washes up on really small beaches?
Q. What do computers snack on?
A: Microchips.
Q: Why does no one make friends with Dracula?
A: He is a pain in the neck!
Q: What is an old snowman called?
A: A puddle!
1. Octopuses are found in all oceans at every depth.
2. Octopuses have three hearts that pump blue, copper-based blood.
3. An octopus is a mollusk, like clams and shells; however, through evolution, it lost its shell.
4. All octopuses are venomous. Their venom contains enzymes that help digest their food.
5. Octopuses can remember and recognize individual humans.
6. Octopuses can change their appearance in less than 30 milliseconds. They change colors by expanding tiny pigment sacs in their skin called chromatophores.
7. Like dolphins, crows, and chimpanzees, octopuses are part of a special class of animals that can use tools.
8. Octopuses are believed to be the smartest invertebrate on the planet.
9. Scientists say octopuses are capable of learning from experience and maintaining short- and long-term memory.
10. Rather than swimming, octopuses often walk along the seafloor.
11. Some octopuses can walk and even run on land. According to one veterinarian, chasing an octopus on land is like "chasing a cat.
12. An octopus's appendages are called arms, not tentacles.
13. Octopuses do not have bones. This means that even large octopuses can fit through openings the size of a coin.
14. A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it's born.
15. An octopus can build their own shelter or dens using shells or moving rocks secured by its powerful tentacles.
1 whole wheat pita
¼ cup marinara sauce
¼ cup black olives, sliced
¼ cup tomatoes, chopped
¼ bell pepper, chopped
¼ cup mushrooms, sliced
Preheat the oven to 400°F .
Place your pitas on a lined baking sheet or pizza pan. Top with sauce first, spread evenly over the top of the pita. Add desired toppings.
Bake for 10 minutes until the pita bread is golden and crispy.
Are you ready to be a Vegan-Activist? If you’re wondering, howyoucanget started, here are some suggestions:
Anyone can be an activist. Yes, even you! All you need is a passion for changing something that you feel needs changing. If you want to make a difference in the world, you can!
Start by reading up on your cause, i.e., climate change, animal rights, diversity, etc. Next, get involved, in person, online, anyway, you can. You might find this is a career that you might want to pursue as you get older.
Remember to set goals. Make them realistic goals. Start in your own community. Join or start a group that supports your cause. Volunteer.
This is a quick easy way to get started. YOU…can change the world!
As always, I’m here to help any way I can.