New Mexico Vegan - November/December 2022

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NewMexicoVegan November/December 2022 Enjoy your FREE complimentary copy

For Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Veg Curious

NM Vegan | IC

The views and opinions, expressed by contributing-authors, in the New Mexico Vegan Magazine; may, or may not, represent the views and opinions, of New Mexico Vegan.

Friendly Reminder…




Editor’s Note


Point of View


New Mexico Facts & Trivia



Nancy Arenas

7; 37-40

Meryl Fury



Kathleen Gage


1000-Year-Old Poem


VLynn Hawkins


I Hate The Holidays


Joanne Kong



Linda Middlesworth


Go Vegan For The Earth


True Price

10 - 11

Richard H. Schwartz




Rae Sikora


Turkeys At Christmas…


Akil Taher


Happy ThanksLiving


The Power of Our Fork – Sarina Farb


The Dairy Industry: Gulags of Despair and Cancer

16 - 17

Photo Collage


Food for Children and the Planet


Happy Vegan Holidays!


Thoughts on Veganism


Vegan Pulse


Food As Medicine – Will Tuttle


Why Heart Disease In Women Is So Often Missed


What Some People Think Veganism Is


Can a Climate Catastrophe Be Prevented?


Cooking With Compassion


Important Trends for Vegan Businesses and Entrepreneurs


Meet Our Extended Family


Speciesism Is Senseless


Where Do You Get Your Protein?

37 - 40

Advertising with NMV


We Are All The Same


For Wildlife…


Special Supplement - Ethical Vegan Therapist Directory

44 - 53

Recipes: Eggplant Caponata/Oatmeal Bowl/Lentil Bolognese

54 - 56

When Was The Last Time You Turned On Your TV…


Paying For Goods And Services…



New Mexico Vegan Volume 8 – Issue 6 November/December 2022 Editor: Nancy Arenas NMV Photographer: N. Arenas

a HeartnSole, LLC publication

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All the trees, with orange-y leaves so dry as hay,... the autumn soon will lay.…………...bare. But they are… still yet… an inspiring show, which none shall regret, of warmly golden-n-glorious glow. Yes, we know. “Yes,” we say, “away… the colorful leaves must go.” Go as a spring day…greeting the snow…without a ..………

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Autumn leaves; …bare tree-branches; …the forest, it seems, is a hill of thorns; …days are shorter and colder……. (Is anyone getting feelings of…change? “Life’s---BIG---changes?” Mortality perhaps.). 1)- First things first… autumn is beautiful. 2)- Secondly… our spirits are… positively destined to transcend mortality; so, we have grace-worthy rhymes of that, here and now, such as …autumn. 3)- Thirdly, …change. Which are the prospective “changes” worth bringing to mind, during this… fabulous fall… (into winter’s hands…?) “They” are already happening. By “they,” I am…….. naturally…….. referring to the… betterments of ‘veganism.’ The science and art of veganism, is presently involved in, purging bloodshed from human hands. For those who have not followed this line-of-thought, through… to its obvious conclusion… veganism is not a diet. Veganism is non-violence; veganism is social-justice. Veganism is “Humans living peace-fully with Mother Nature.” When humans stop making ‘animals’ bleed... the human belly-mind will, consequently, stop making ‘humans’ bleed. Non-violence…… i.e., peace…… is the hallmark of veganism. The new millennium “did not remove” our difficulties. Human difficulties continue; being emphasized, now, by a global pandemic. Furthermore, as a consequence of this misfortunate, yet positive, reality; humans are showing more appreciation for: their own health; and by self-extension, Earth-health. Holism, will soon be installed upon the world-throne. And then, all kings and queens… by the obvious principle of inclusion …will, finally, appreciate animals, as citizens… of a, truly, high society. Vegans are not suggesting that animals be allowed to “vote” during public office elections. Vegans are saying, “Bloodshed is …bloodshed.” During this 2022 season of autumn holidays… I wish to formally celebrate each and every vegan, ……right now… by invoking the new world…… the vegan world…… imminent and timely. Congratulations to………… and appreciations for ……YOU. …if you want to contact me, I’m here to help. ---Cook With Compassion & Eat Without Violence--Livegan, Nancy

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You know… I can’t help it… perhaps you think me pompous and conceited for ‘celebrating you’ …but nothing moves me more than …the vegan purpose. Since I could not grow it myself, alone, I must say, “Way to go, gang.” After all, who else, is raising veganism, but you… and you… and you…….. _______________

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1. New Mexico has 16.68 million acres of forestland. 2. New Mexico is sparsely populated, but did you know that we have only 17 people per square mile? 3. In Red River, it usually snows for 48.2 days a year. That amounts to an average annual snowfall of 159.5 inches per year. 4. Much of New Mexico’s landscape has been shaped by volcanic activity. Our state experienced over 700 eruptions during the last 5 million years. 5. Agriculture began in New Mexico around 2500 years ago, when the Mogollon people started cultivating corn, squash, and beans. 6. Old churches are everywhere. We have a ton of churches, chapels, and cathedrals, we also have the nation's oldest -- the San Miguel Mission, in Santa Fe, built between 1610 and 1626. 7. New Mexico is larger than the countries Poland, the Philippines, and Oman. 8. There are three cities in New Mexico larger than Santa Fe: Albuquerque (32nd largest in the US, at 564,000), Las Cruces, and Rio Rancho. 9. New Mexico even has an official state cookie, the Biscochito. 10. Animals native to New Mexico include the kangaroo rat, coyotes, porcupines, foxes, rodents, rabbits, bobcats, and badgers. At higher elevations, animals such as mountain lions, bobcats, minks, foxes, black bears, muskrats, mule deer, and bighorn sheep are found. 11. In terms of agriculture, New Mexico grows onions, potatoes, beans, corn, lettuce, cabbage, pumpkins, and watermelons. 12. 85% of the nation’s fresh onions are supplied by New Mexico during June. 13. New Mexico remains the largest producer of chile peppers in the US, and it is the state’s most famous export. 14. The first wine grapes ever planted in the US were along the Rio Grande in New Mexico. Today, the state has nearly 50 wineries dotting its landscape. 15. Breaking Bad, the wildly popular and critically acclaimed TV series, was filmed mainly in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Many people now tour various filming locations in town.

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Yes, I said it, “I hate the holidays.” The winter holidays, are especially gruesome for me. There was a time when I loved Thanksgiving and Christmas. I felt them to be heartwarming festive gatherings. They were extended-weekends, of: soft cozy sweaters and crackling fireplaces; soft-lit rooms, brightened by electric “starlight.” Family and friends would raise their “personal bar of charm,” becoming especially entertaining, or funny. Woo-hoo… good times. Holiday food? O yes. I confess. I enjoyed, even, carnivorous dishes, in those days. Many, many vegans… have that story to tell: of being an innocent unsuspecting child, who did not realize they were… sporting oblivious-ness. I did not realize that I was oblivious to……… horror……… to the horror of being a turkey, a pig, a goose, or a grouse…… impaled…… on the end of someone’s dinner fork. Obviously, as a child, I was not programmed to question… my parents’ arms… the crib of Mother Earth… that received my birth… it all merely felt like, an extension of… me. Why would a child doubt… the very world, itself? Ok, moving on. In 2014, I became vegan. Compassion for animals, overwhelmed me… so animal-advocacy was my transforming motive. But, as a new vegan, the plants-only-diet…… the vegan “food” itself…… began speaking to my soul. I awakened to………….. one hypocritical-absurdity after another…………… that had been lurking in plain sight……………… permeating the social-norms of my very own homeland. I saw America giving thanks, over murdered beings, that were eaten for food. The plentiful harvest, of America’s grains, greens, vegetables, and beans… was neglected by humans… and put to the systematic “fattening” of animals, who were lined-up and marched into… slaughterhouses… as into a holocaustic gas chamber. How disgusting is that classic image, of: a chef… on grand entrance, into a dining hall, with a raised platter in the hands -displaying a corpsedecorated with spices, and roasted to a golden brown, intended to… turn you into a cannibal. What a horrific scenario. How can we, all, have been duped into believing that these……….. …barbaric attitudes… supply us with: goodness and legitimate fun? Once I adapted myself to a vegan lifestyle, I saw brutal-deceit, within our holiday traditions, so now… I hate the holidays. Therefore,……… Christmas… to me…?...... All I can think of is …the loss of so many innocent lives… by adding, extra-over-indulgence, to an already grotesque habit, that occurs all year long. How did that fond traditional meal become the eating of… pigs, cows, deer, lambs, chickens…… beautiful creatures…… all of whom, wanted to live? The thought brings me to tears, every time. How can people………… recite blessings………… and raise glasses……… in “celebration” ………while participating in such horrors? When ‘complete-compassion’ (i.e., veganism) becomes “the reason for the season” …I will love holidays, again.

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Even in calmer times on the planet it is difficult to feel that our choices as individuals make a difference. During extremely chaotic times, it is even more elusive. The feeling of helplessness as we witness the suffering around us gets more intensified with political and environmental upheaval. Trying to remain mindful of our consumer choices is difficult when those choices often involve two of our most addictive habits: shopping and eating. We have a hard time seeing how our choices are contributing to the destruction. There is a major disconnect, as most of us simply do not see the processes that bring us our goods or what happens to these items after we throw them “away”. The reality is that there is no “away”. The items we throw into the trash do not magically go “poof”. Away simply means somewhere else on the planet…whether near or far. We have been trained to believe that the cost of an item is only in dollars. The disconnect is widespread. The earth and all life are paying the price for a growing population of humans who do not think beyond their own pleasure/desire. The supposed progress of new products and more volume (to feed a growing human population) happens in a relatively slow pace that keeps us from noticing the impact. When we are surrounded by a majority engaging in some consumer pattern, we go along with it without questioning whether it is a positive direction for all life. There are countless examples. I am in Chicago visiting family right now. When I travel, I call it “visiting America”, because I get a view of what the culture is up to that I do not get in my life in the forest. I see the amount of trash created by just one couple or one family or the throngs of people in the airport. Everyone in our family (except my household) has a machine that makes a cup of coffee using little plastic cups. Each cup of coffee has its own little plastic cup that gets thrown away after use. This, and so much more, has been normalized. To understand how we can think of something as normal or okay when it happens over a period of time, I will give you a visual. Imagine that 500 years ago, you walk up to someone drinking from a stream and tell them that 500 years in the future, the water will be too poisoned to drink. They tell you, “You are crazy. We would never poison our drinking water.” Today, you walk up to someone standing near the same stream and tell them you are going to get a drink from the stream. They stop you, “Don’t be crazy. That water is not drinkable.” This happened over many years and because of that it is normalized, and we are not alarmed that we cannot drink from our fresh water rivers and lakes. In my dream world, there would be a different kind of price tag on every item that we humans consume. It would be the True Price Tag. The True Price Tag would not just give you the price in how much money it costs, it would tell you what it took to produce that item and what the impact is when you throw it away. Each tag would include: Environmental cost, human rights cost, animal rights cost. For example, on a carton of 12 eggs, the True Price Tag could read something like this: Non-human animals: 288 hours of cramped cages or crowded indoor environment for the hens (24 hours per hen per egg). Forced molting to encourage more production. Male chicks killed by suffocation or being ground up alive at the hatchery. Automatic watering and feeding machinery often fail killing many birds. After about a year of being in the cage, the “spent hens” are sent to other factories to be ingredients in soup. Humans: Factory conditions that force each worker to stand for 10 hours at a time and breath toxic dusty air. Environment: Waste from the facility, which houses 700,000 birds, flows into the closest water way, making it too toxic for swimming or other water activities. Transportation: Hens transported from hatchery to facility, then to another facility when “spent”. Eggs shipped long distances in refrigerated trucks. NM Vegan | 10

You get the idea. Think about all the animal products produced and consumed by humans. Think about each UPO (unnecessary plastic object) produced, consumed and thrown away. Think of that computer or iPhone you are looking at right now. Most of us have no idea what the process was to create that item or what happens when we dispose of it. I know that it is unlikely that a True Price tag or QR code will be added to the items we consume. So, instead, we need a human population that is capable of doing some of their own calculations. One simple solution is the Compassionate Consumer Wallet Card that I created (see below). Simply print one out (or many to share with others) or have it on your phone when you shop. Ask yourself these questions before making any purchase. Maybe we can become a connected culture rather than a disconnected culture. The Earth and all life will benefit from a shift in mindfulness.

Caring Consumer Wallet Card 1-Is this a want or a need? 2-Will having this item add meaning to my life? 3-Is this purchase the best way to care for myself and the planet? 4-What is the true cost of the item to: My health? Other species? The environment? Other humans/cultures? 5-Is there something more worthwhile I could do with this money?

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ABQ Vegan: Albuquerque Vegan and Vegetarian Parents: Cooking with Compassion HeartnSole Spiritual Community: Leaf: Taos Vegan Society: New Mexico Vegan: Plant-Based Eating New Mexico: Plant Powered Events Positive Links Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque: Santa Fe Vegan: Santuario de Karuna: Sprouting Compassion Vegan Pulse VIP (Vegans in the Park):

If you have an article that deals with veganism and would like to submit it for possible inclusion in an upcoming NM Vegan Magazine, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Article.

If you are vegan and offer cruelty-free services and products please let us know for possible inclusion in upcoming NM Vegan Magazines, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Vegan Products & Services.

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My friend Philip Wollen calls all factory farming “gulags of despair.” This is the sad truth. The dairy industry is one of the most egregious of all. I was shocked at the age of 44 to find out about our cruel practices taking place with dairy cows. He told me 97% baby calves were striped from their mamas at birth. The mothers cry for days. Have you ever watched a mother cow run and bellow after the truck who grabbed her baby away? Can you imagine doing that to a human mother? The newborn baby boys raised for veal are tied up to small stalls, all alone, unable to move so their muscles can be kept tender. Desperate for their mamas, as they all are, I cried as they tried to suckle my fingers when I visited them. Mama cows develop high levels of cortisol from being isolated. She told me the mama cows were painfully raped with rape guns repeatedly to keep them pregnant. They are excruciatingly machine milked 2-3 times per day. The mamas with swollen tits get mastitis, painful udder infections. Dairy milk is pooled together in large tanks so virtually all dairy milk contains pus. A liter of milk can have up to 400,000,000 pus cells before it is considered unfit for people to drink. I saw them try so hard to kick off the metal clamps. At 4 years, they are slaughtered for hamburger and never live to 25. To fatten them, the vegetarian cows are fed fish. We feed more factory farmed fish to cows than we do to humans. This sickens them so we give them antibiotics possibly making humans more resistant. Many species of farmed fish are carnivorous, which means that fish must be caught from our already-exhausted oceans in order to feed them. It can take 1 pound or more of fish from the ocean to produce 1 pound of farmed salmon or sea bass. Aqua farmers feed fish oil and meal to the fish who naturally eat only plants to make them grow faster. Fish farmers lace fish feed with powerful chemicals and antibiotics to help fish survive the deadly diseases caused by severe crowding and filth. These fish pellets higher PCB and dioxin contamination levels found in farmed fish, which are seven times higher than the already-dangerous levels found in their wild counterparts. Besides the natural female estrogen, male testosterone, bovine growth hormones, cows get hormone injections, i.e., manmade zeranol, trenbolone acetate and melanogaster acetate to make them produce more milk, gain muscle and fat weight and thus increase profit. The Food Commission links these hormones to acne, obesity, allergies and cardiovascular disease. Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s research at Cornell University shows that casein (casomorphin) in milk is our most powerful cancer promoter, especially for breast, prostate, colon and testicular cancer. Milk causes biological changes in our bodies which is a rise of the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1 hormone. Having higher IGF-1 in one’s blood shows a higher risk for cancer.

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Why humans think they need milk from another species is bizarre. I picture a man in his pajamas lying under a mama cow sucking on her tits for his morning breakfast. I know milk is the symbol of goodness and comfort, but we just need to let the baby calves, sheep, goats and camels have their mama’s milk. We humans should only be having our own mother’s milk at birth. According to the USDA, the average American consumes approximately 30 ounces of milk, cheese, butter, a day. You can find dairy in all grocery stores, vending machines, school cafeterias and hospitals. Milk advertisements falsely show that milk in any form is good for muscle building and athletic performance. In fact, due to the high protein content and acidity of milk, it depletes calcium from our bones. This is the opposite of what we are told.

Donald Watson to the rescue! He coined the word “vegan.” He wanted a word to help all animals be free of human afflicted pain to the best of their ability. No more eggs and dairy or gulags of despair for any animals. We humans can stop factory farming by going vegan. Make sure your own diet is plant exclusive. We must help others see animals as living, feeling beings and not as some object for humans to use. We must stop using all animals for any purpose. We do not own them, just like we do not own other people. They deserve to live in a safe environment protected as much as possible. I may have avoided thyroid cancer 34 years ago had I known about dairy. Once I was awakened, I went vegan. If you need help transitioning, email me at

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There can be no denying it. The vegan and plant-based movements have made great strides in the last 20 years. Yet, despite all the progress and acceptance, the movement has enjoyed, there is still a lot of garbled noise about eating patterns, health, beyond-human species sovereignty, and planetary impact. There are conflicting messages everywhere we look. One area where this confusion is most evident is Childhood Nutrition. We can look for reliable information sources and quickly realize that few can be found. It seems like the subject isn't sexy enough, or maybe it's dangerous to discuss, or perhaps there's just no money in it. However, the latter can't be true because Big Food spends upwards of $1.4Billion per year just marketing to children. So, clearly, someone thinks it's worth the investment. It is an obvious fact that all populations have children. It is also a fact that nearly all children in this country get the short end of the "quality nutrition" stick. Furthermore, it doesn't matter who the parents are or where they come from. I mean, just about every three-year-old knows what chicken nuggets, pizza, and fries are, right? Let me be clear. I am not blaming the parents or other caregivers. Although we parental types have a lot to say about what our kids eat, we are not the only ones feeding them. Much of the time, we are not even solely responsible for the options offered to our children. In reality, the most potent food influences come from the 5,000 commercial ads the average child sees yearly. Kids absorb these messages ("as planned") and then bug their parents for the advertised items (also "as planned"). Then, in a few years, they grow up to be adults who have to fight off all the illnesses that come with eating the advertised foods (certainly predictable, if not "as planned"). This is a crazy way for companies to make money. It is even hard to believe until you see it. Take a look at this video from Food Myth Busters featuring Anna Lappé. You'll get the picture and never be able to unsee it again. So, as conscientious plant-loving, happily hugging beyond-human beings, and planet-protective folk, let's take a few minutes to consider what we feed children in this country. I invite you to close your eyes for 20 seconds and think about a typical kid's menu. What comes to mind? Pizzas, cheese, cookies, donuts, sweetened breakfast cereals, milk, chicken nuggets, mac 'n' cheese, burgers, and fries? Yes, that's about right...oh, and candy, and sugary beverages. Don't forget those.

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Unless your family is pretty enlightened and avoiding all media sources, this is what the kids are eating a good percentage of the time. After all, it is the typical diet supplied by school food programs, approved by our governmental food regulators, and encouraged by marketing, even if it sacrifices our children's health and potential. Said another way, children are our single most vulnerable human population. As adults, we know it is our job to protect them. Curiously, in any other situation, if we knowingly fed our child poison, the state would remove the child from our custody at some point, and we would be criminally charged. Yet, as our food culture is currently created, we can give our children nothing but chemicals, carcinogens, and cardiac cloggers and society will say NOTHING. In fact, we are encouraged to do so all day long, except the poisons come disguised as processed meats, additives, preservatives, dyes, refined sugar, salts, and oils (happy meals, bacon, dairy products, and sweets). Let me repeat: This is the typical diet supplied by school food programs, approved by our governmental food regulators, and encouraged by marketing. ALL. Day. Long. And we adults buy into it, making big, unscrupulous food companies very rich at the expense of our children's health, longevity, and human potential. Isn't that mind blowing? now what? What can we do about it? It can all feel daunting knowing that the US government and billions of dollars hold so much power over our eating patterns. But there's good news! We can control this one! Here are 7 things you can do right now to save your kids' lives and make a planetary difference, in the short and long run. 1. If you are responsible for selecting or purchasing food for children, choose whole, unprocessed or minimally processed, nutrient-dense, plant-exclusive foods. 2. If you are a dietary service professional in a school district, a youth group home, or a healthcare system, change up the menus to include more fruits and veggies. 3. If you are a parent or grandparent, do the same: decrease the fake, food-like stuff and offer more veggies, fruit, beans, whole grains, and mushrooms every chance you get. 4. Encourage "food bravery," meaning talk to your young people about taste-testing new foods. Let them know it's great to try new flavors, colors, and create new combinations of healthy foods. 5. Talk to your kids about how our food choices impact the planet and other living beings. Most kids want to do something to help decrease climate chaos. Food choices are one real tangible, tasteable, maybe even fun way to make a difference in planetary health.

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6. Be a role model. You have to walk the wall, too. Become a Brussel Sprout Booster, A Mushroom Maniac, Whole Grain Hooligan, A Bean Behemoth and share your excitement with the kids near you. 7. Plant a garden or put some herbs in a little pot on your window sill, if that's what is available to you. Let the children help care for them. The ripple effect will be felt around the world. Transitioning children to healthier eating patterns can be fun. You could be the one to make a world of difference for us all. Thanks in advance for your support!

Check out our free virtual Child Nutrition Summit: 6 Million Seeds 2022 Decade of Child Nutrition Summit 12/3-12/6. Featuring, Dr, Columbus Batiste, LeAnne Campbell, Dr. Joel Furman, Evelisse Capó, Fances Moore Lappé and many more! Check it out here

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The other day, I encountered someone who voiced opposition to animal rights activists, saying that there’s no way people are going to quit eating meat—“How are you going to get people to change?” This person implied that advocating for animal rights is a losing battle, that it’s not a good or right path. When alone, I realized that this person had the effect of getting a rise out of me, but even though I felt initial anger towards what the person was saying, I realized that I needed to find a stronger point of focus for my advocacy; the essence of what our work is all about. It’s not only about motivating people to become vegan, it’s not only about right vs. wrong, or who has the better argument. It’s not only about whether enough people will change to make a difference or whether our society as a whole will ever change. It goes way, way beyond this. It is about the fundamental tenets of compassion and filling every waking moment of our lives with the highest good we possess as living beings—our capacity for kindness, empathy, and seeing ourselves in every other living being who shares our identities as living, sensitive, and feeling beings who are aware. It seems so simple, yet it has profound implications for the world. We advocates give voice to the voiceless, telling the world to bear witness to the tens of billions of innocent creatures who are needlessly killed every year. Who is going to be kind to these animals, and prevent them from enduring a horrendous existence that we would never wish on anyone else? Who will comfort them, and touch them with a loving hand? The preponderance and inertia of our social conditioning and the power exerted by the animal agriculture industry is such that it would be so easy to do nothing, to simply accept the killing of animals for food as the status quo. But I am not willing to give up and say that it is too difficult, or that I can’t make a difference. My goal must be to move people to be courageous and open their hearts to the pain they would feel in witnessing what is the most destructive, cruel, exploitative and oppressive act that happens on our planet today, running like an invisible thread through the fabric of our lives. It is this point of awareness that must be reached, no matter by what path, or how difficult it may be. That we as a society avoid this emotional pain and complicit guilt—how often have we heard the words, “Don’t tell me, I don’t want to think about it!”—is not about having shortcomings or insensitivities, and it is never about judging the actions of others. Rather, these types of responses happen precisely because our capacity to love is so great that we want to look away, to subconsciously and protectively distance ourselves from the cruelty, suffering and death that take place through the industries that exploit animals every second of every day. People can reach this point of conscious, compassionate awareness in many different ways, and we can encourage them in specific ways, whether it be through their companion animals, visiting an animal sanctuary, becoming educated about veganism online, attending a vegan festival or gathering, or viewing a documentary. Bringing about positive change through animal advocacy must be about imploring people to turn inward—to look at themselves, and embrace deeply, fully and consciously, their great capacity for love and kindness. Too much of our world is about the material and external aspects of our lives, but we can re-awaken the sensitivity of our true selves that reside within. We all have the power to create a new, transformative and beautiful reality, a true, PEACEUL PLANET. Only then will we as a society be able to extend that kindness to the fellow beings with whom we walk this earth.

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Vegan Pulse

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in America for 103 years in a row. More than 1 million Americans will suffer from a heart attack this year, and about 150,000 of them will die from it, according to the American Heart Association. Thing is, more than half of the people who have a heart attack don't recognize its symptoms. “People have this idea of the Hollywood heart attack, which is a man squeezing his chest. “So, when people don't have that classic symptom that they've seen or heard about, they think, ‘Well, this must be something else.’ Women are more likely than men to dismiss the warning signs of heart attack, sometimes waiting hours or longer to call 911 or go to the ER. Women who have heart attacks are less likely to have any chest pain at all. Instead, they often have vague symptoms that is harder to associate with cardiac trouble, like shortness of breath, jaw pain, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness or dizziness, throat pain , toothache, nausea and heartburn and pain in the neck, back or arms like a pulled muscle. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should not wait wondering what is wrong. The longer there is decreased blood flow to the heart, the more likely that there will be irreversible damage to the heart like heart failure, stroke or dangerous arrhythmias. Women and older adults also tend to have a heart attack without warning signs. (silent heart attack.) the take home message is to pay attention to change patterns in your body. For example, if you’re prone to indigestion and just ate a spicy meal, the burning feeling in your chest is likely heartburn. But if it comes on out of the blue and the symptoms get worse, that’s a warning sign that its not gastrointestinal. That is true for the other vague symptoms too. Even when women go to the hospital, doctors are more likely to downplay their symptoms or delay rating them. A report by the American Heart Association that heart attacks are deadlier in women who do not exhibit the typical crushing Hollywood type chest pain, in part because both patients and doctors take longer to identify the problem. TO MAKE THINGS MORE COMPLICATED, WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO HAVE A CONDITION THAT MIMICS A HEART ATTACK. Women are more likely to have dissections, or tears, in their coronary arteries, which carry similar symptoms to a heart attack, and also myocarditis, inflammation of the heart.

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Another type of heart disease that affects women more than men is microvascular disease. Women have smaller hearts and blood vessels than men, and when their smaller vessels get clogged with plaque, blood flow is compromised, causing them to feel like they are having a heart attack. In conclusion, if you are not feeling right, a symptom that is new and persistent and you think it is an issue with your heart then you should spell it out. Say, I am concerned I am having a heart attack, and I want an EKG and blood work done to rule it out. nobody in the emergency department is going to say you can’t have it.

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Unfortunately, there is increasing evidence that the world is rapidly heading toward a climate catastrophe and there is little time to make the changes that might prevent it. All of human life could be eliminated before the end of this century, unless major positive changes soon occur. An extreme exaggeration? Unfortunately, not. Please consider: 1. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization composed of climate experts from many countries, warned that “unprecedented changes” were needed by 2030 for the world to have a chance to avert a climate catastrophe. Despite that warning, in May 2022 it was announced that atmospheric carbon dioxide had reached a record level, indicating hat the world is still heading in the wrong direction with regard to climate change. 2. Because of many dire warnings, like the one above, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that the climate situation is a “Code Red for Humanity” and that “delay means death.”

3. The year 2022 was unprecedented for the frequency and severity of droughts, heat waves, wildfires, storms, and floods, with many records being broken. As devastating as climate events have been recently, prospects for the future are even more frightening, for four very important reasons: ☼ While all the recent severe climate events have occurred at a time when the global temperature has risen about 1.1 degrees Celsius (about two degrees Fahrenheit) since the start of the industrial revolution, climate experts project that this will at least triple by the end of this century, triggering far worse climate events. ☼ While climate experts believe that 350 parts per million (ppm) of atmospheric carbon dioxide is a threshold value to avert the worse effects of climate change, the world has reached 420 ppm and it is increasing at 2 - 3 ppm per year. ☼ Climate experts fear that self-reinforcing positive feedback loops (vicious cycles) could result in an irreversible tipping point such that global warming will rise uncontrollably, with catastrophic results. One example is that as the world gets hotter, more air conditioning will be used, meaning that more fossil fuel will be burned. This will release more greenhouse gases, heating the atmosphere even more, resulting in still more use of air conditioning, etc. ☼ Military experts are warning that there will likely be tens of millions of desperate refugees fleeing from severe heat waves, droughts, wildfires, storms, floods, and other climate events, which will promote social and political instability, terrorism, and war. Severe droughts already caused major migrations that resulted in civil wars in both Sudan and Syria.

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Because of the above factors, averting a climate catastrophe must become a central focus for civilization today. Every aspect of life should be considered in terms of reducing “carbon footprints.” Among the many positive steps that should be taken are shifting away from fossil fuels to solar, wind, and other renewable forms of energy; designing more efficient cars, lightbulbs, and other items; improving public transportation so that more people will use it; recycling; and composting. However, as president emeritus of Jewish Veg and author of “Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism,” I feel impelled to stress that there is one approach that has by far the greatest potential to help avert a climate catastrophe and that is through a societal shift toward vegan diets. Such a shift has a major advantage that the approaches mentioned above do not have. It provides the only approach that not only significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, because there would be far less cows and other farmed animals emitting methane, a very potent greenhouse gas with about 80 times the ability to heat up the planet as CO2 per unit weight. It also has the potential of dramatically reducing CO2 presently in the atmosphere by permitting reforesting over a third of the world’s ice-free land that is currently being used for grazing and raising feed crops for animals. This could reduce the current very dangerous level of CO2 in the atmosphere to a much safer one. Unfortunately, the opposite is happening. According to an August 14, 2022, article, “Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest through July hits new record.” We are literally eating our way to extinction. Taking the possibility of reforestation into account, systems engineer Sailesh Rao, PhD, argues in his paper, “Animal Agriculture Is the Leading Cause of Climate Change,” published in the Journal of Ecological Society, that shifts toward vegan diets could, in effect, reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases by at least 87%, greatly lessening climate threats.

Bottom line: To have a chance for a decent, habitable, environmentally sustainable world for future generations, there must be a society-wide shift toward vegan diets. A Utopian dream? Perhaps, but as the title of a book by Buckminster Fuller puts it, we may have a choice today between “Utopia or Oblivion.” And it would not be utopian if people become aware that the climate situation is a “Code Red for humanity,” and that they can get plant substitutes with the appearance, texture, and taste indistinguishable from meat and other animal products. It is essential that meat consumption is sharply reduced, and that major reforestation occurs. There is no planet B. Nor is there an effective Plan B.

Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island Author of Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism; Judaism and Vegetarianism; Judaism and Global Survival; Mathematics and Global Survival; and Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet; and over 250 articles at President Emeritus, Jewish Veg (; President, Society Of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV): Associate producer of A SACRED DUTY (; "Like" Jewish Veg on Facebook at

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Trends come and go. Whether it be Beanie Babies, where people invested huge amounts of money into the cute little bears, mini-skirts, hula hoops, or nose piercings, there’s one thing for sure, trends can be key to growing your business… or being left behind. Although there are those who did invest wisely in Beanie Babies, most people were left sorely disappointed with their return on investment. So what do trends have to do with vegans and vegan owned businesses. Actually, a great deal. Although the term “vegan” was coined in 1944, by Donald Watson, a British woodworker, it’s only been recently that vegans are considered more mainstream. In the last few years, those who identify as vegan, veganism and vegan-identified businesses are definitely on the rise. There are a few primary reasons. One, with information more widely available due to the Internet, people are more well-informed about what veganism is and that while a part of it is about factory farming and the atrocities animals are subjected to, that isn’t everything. Second, due to the shutdowns caused by the pandemic, more people sought out information on how to improve their personal health and that of their families, finding that eliminating meat has led to some incredible health turnarounds. Third, with people realizing they have been misguided about veganism, the meat industry, and the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, more are seeking the truth. That truth has led to a greater understanding of the current and impending negative impact that raising animals for human consumption is creating on the environment, our water supply, in increased mortality rates, and a decline in the survival of our planet. Additionally, regardless of whether or not people view veganism as ethical, they see the financial benefit to offering vegan food options. While some may think veganism is the latest “fad trend”, research indicates the opposite. • The number of people who identify as vegans has jumped 3,000% in the last 15 years. (LiveKindly) • The worldwide vegan food market grew from $14.44 billion in 2020 to $15.77 billion in 2021. (OpenPR) • Vegan identified service-based companies are on the rise, with many vegans choosing to do business primarily with vegan-owned businesses. Additionally, the number of vegan-identified podcast shows is on the rise. A quick search on Apple Podcast under the category of “Vegan” results in numerous choices. Dig deeper into “Vegan Marketing” or “Vegan Business” and there are even more shows to choose from. While most trends come and go, others evolve into beneficial lifestyle changes. As vegan business owners, we’ve found other trends of importance as follows.

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Trend 1: Hybrid Events One of the greatest impacts to business, due to the pandemic, are hybrid events. With all the shutdowns, at one point, almost every in-person event was postponed or cancelled. The greatest frustration to event coordinators, conference planners and attendees, was not knowing when things would get back to normal. It became apparent that things will never go back to how they were, and that we are in a new normal. The new normal for events is Hybrid Events. Simply put, this is a combination of in-person and virtual. If you have not yet jumped into using platforms like Zoom, StreamYard and other virtual platforms, now is the perfect time to do so. If you keep putting it off, you will soon find yourself struggling to keep up. Trend 2: Integrated Content Creation He, or she, who creates the most relevant and timely content, wins. It’s really that simple. We are in the information age, and to not create content on a regular basis is another aspect of the “left behind” syndrome. It’s not just more, it’s about relevance and timeliness. Whether it’s writing book(s), hosting a podcast show, appearing on podcasts, social media or article marketing, content creation is highly valuable to your expert status, influence, and market position. One way to stay on top of content creation is to make sure you have a great handle on what your market is interested in. Next, create a content calendar in order to carve out time to keep the ball rolling. Trend 3: Cause Marketing Cause marketing involves a collaboration between a for-profit business and a nonprofit organization for a common benefit. Cause marketing can also refer to social or charitable campaigns put on by for-profit brands. During times when there is a lot of mistrust of how corporations and government are responding to many social situations, transparency is highly regarded by consumers.

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They expect brands to be socially responsible and many people create loyalty to such brands. According to one study, 70% of consumers want to know how brands are addressing social and environmental issues. However, companies that simply jump on the cause marketing bandwagon as the latest “catch phrase” trend, will be dropped like a hot potato if they are not sincere in their commitment to the cause. There are obviously more trends, but these three are definitely at the top and as a vegan entrepreneur, your company will benefit by incorporating this information into your business practices.

ABOUT KATHLEEN GAGE: Kathleen Gage is a highly seasoned business consultant, keynote speaker, author, marketing strategist and visibility mentor. She is the founder of Vegan Visibility, a marketing and visibility consulting company dedicated to working with clients who promote healthy living, compassion for the animals and kindness to the planet. Kathleen is the author of over a dozen books, the host of two popular podcast shows, Vegan Visibility and Plant Based Eating for Health, and a highly accomplished content creator and a committed, ethical vegan.

ABOUT VLYNN HAWKINS VLynn Hawkins is a leading authority on growing small businesses. Her passion is working with ethical businesses who believe in social responsibility. She is founder of Vegan Crowdfunding Hacker and Healthpreneur Dynamics, firms helping Healthpreneur clients with creating integrated systems, including incorporating crowdfunding, and promotional campaigns for increasing online visibility. VLynn is an author, speaker, a certified hypnotherapist, and host of the popular podcast, Health Wisdom & Wealth: Powerful Conversations for Living Your Best Life - Using Lifestyle and Food As Medicine. Together, Kathleen and VLynn have co-founded Vegan Visibility Productions, and are the Co-Hosts of the Vegan Visibility Summit, which they produce quarterly. Find them at

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Animals can feel empathy just like humans do. Empathy for each other, for us, and even for other species.

Rats 1. Rats are medium-sized rodents with a long tail. A group of rats is called a ‘mischief’! 2. Rats are mainly nocturnal and live underground. Although they vastly outnumber humans, we rarely see them. They are experts at staying out of sight! 3. Rats’ super-strong teeth never stop growing! They have to keep nibbling to wear them down – or eating would become impossible! 4. Their whiskers are more sensitive than human fingertips! 5. Rats brush the long hairs against objects or the floor, helping them build up a detailed picture of their environment. 6. Rats can hear well, including sounds that are too high-pitched for humans to hear. 7. Rats also ‘smile’ with their ears! When they’re happy their ears relax, become droopy and slightly pinker. 8. They wash by constantly licking their fur – sometimes they’ll even ‘comb’ it into place with their teeth. Yes, rats are squeak-y clean! 9. Rats are extremely social and affectionate animals. They enjoy the company of other rats and domestic rats love being with humans too. 10. Rats take care of injured and sick rats in their group. 11. Without companionship rats tend to become lonely and depressed. 12. Rats’ tails help them to balance, communicate and regulate their body temperature. 13. A pregnant or mother rat is called a dam, while a male rat is called a buck. Baby rats can be referred to as either kittens or pups. 14. The presence of the hormone oxytocin in the central amygdala makes a mother rat willing to put her life in danger in order to protect her offspring. 15. When rat babies are born, their mothers lick them in a mammalian bonding gesture like human cuddling and caressing. 16. Rats make happy “laughter” sounds when they play. 17. Rats are excellent climbers, jumpers, and swimmers. 18. Out of all the foods rodents consume, their top two loves are generally fruits and berries. 19. Rats cry blood when stressed. 20. Rats are very social and love to hang out with human family members on the couch or on peoples' shoulders or in their laps. They will even try to groom their human companions as if these people were other rats in their “rat pack.” Pet rats love the warmth and contact of their caretakers and are actually very cuddly!

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If you are a vegan, I must ask, “How many times, have you been asked the question: ‘Where do you get your protein?’ ” Now, allow me to answer that question, on behalf of the… vegan-majority: “A lot.” I hear…… frequently…… from vegans, that carnivores…… frequently…… suspect vegans, of: “being protein deficient.” It is not an absurd question, given how important proteins are, to humans. What is absurd, however, is: getting protein, by eating …animals. Therefore, I will put the shoe on the other foot… the question, on the other ear: “Carnivore, how do you get protein?” Obviously, your response will be: “I eat animals.” Let’s talk about that. Firstly, I cannot deny that… “most people on this planet, are surviving, for decades, by eating the flesh of animals.” The problem is: animals cannot “hand that over” so easily, as they could hand over, a scissored …lock of hair. Plants are an excellent source of: perfectly life-sustaining protein, and all else that we need, to be healthy & strong. Standing in the grape arbor, one can take a grape off the vine, by simply kissing it into your mouth… “look mom, no hands.” Step into the garden, to the row of green-beans; snap one off and… eat it… right there, right then. How convenient it is. I do believe that most muscle-eaters are “carnivores of convenience” …because someone else is handling the bloody inconveniences of: slaughter & clean-up. If every person became personally-responsible for obtaining their own “meat” for food… from this point in time… then, the world would become predominantly vegan ……………………………………………now. Consider, that humans descended to modern times, from ancient times. In ‘ancient times:’ food was “not got” with… …gun-powder; electricity; nor the industrial-revolution. Bare-hands… preceded metal blades… by history. Do you like lion-meat… how about that buffalo over there… the shark in the bay………………?………………… not so convenient. And who is going to clean up the bloody mess… oh yes… you must have a butcher, who can ‘rinse & wrap’ …clean & tidy. So, we are back to …convenience. The human conscience… deserves mention, here. Remember, we are role playing you, carnivore, as selfresponsible for your own food-carcasses. That baby-monkey which you are boiling, was nursing, on mother’s milk, at her breast… the same breast which lies just outside the mother’s beating heart… and just below the heart, is the womb, where the mother carried that baby, prior to giving birth. That young monkey playing alone, in that tree yonder, would have a sibling to play with, if you were not cooking it. You may say, “If not I, some lion would have taken it.” Fine, let the lion be nature’s emblem of “the savage” ...and you, with the elevated human mind, can be the more civilized one.


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Human health…………?............ where do you get your health: …………plants; or, animals. I doubt you will accept statistical scientific claims, here. I would not, either. I would do my own research. So, perhaps I can inspire you to, look around……… ………the survival of all animals… on this planet… is based upon “PLANTS that are ………edible for animals.” Imagine that all, such, edible-plants have suddenly become extinct, (due to some unexplainable circumstance). Let us fast-forward the calendar… by a few months… to some point in time, when… all grazing-animals have died, because all grass …died. Eventually, all the fallen flesh of that wild game, will be gone: having been eaten by carnivorous animals, and\or decayed, then dissolved into the ground. Now, only carnivorous-animals remain. Naturally, they will begin eating each other, or they will starve. Either way, the carnivorous population of animals will, also, become extinct… because animals will be eaten, at a faster pace, than the birth-rate of those animals.

This same circumstance will occur in the ocean, lakes and rivers. Since aquatic-plants have succumbed to extinction by the same anomaly. Vegetarian-fish will die, from lack of plant-food; and, carnivorous fish will eat each other………………… …to extinction. All plants, as well as animals, that were eaten as food, by humans, are, now… dead and gone. Here is an interesting conundrum. Humans, having lasted until now, on stored-food (frozen, canned, dehydrated, etc.) have consumed everything… except each other. Will humans eat humans, eking out a “living” …for a short time. Or, will they… give it up… and fade away? Either way, this scenario ends, with humanity becoming …extinct. <----------------------------><----------------------------> Now let us reverse, this scenario. Earth is inhabited by -only- plants. There are no animals on earth (humans are animals, so humans, too, are extinct). Plants are the only biological specimens, “alive.” Since any organic matter (such as, fallen: leaves; flowers; fruits; branches; bark; etc.) laid at the base-trunk of a land plant, becomes “root food” for that plant… plants will continue to …thrive. ____________________ When plants become extinct, all biology becomes extinct. When animals become extinct, plants continue to thrive. ____________________

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What does this prove? I am not claiming any …proof.

The point: (a.) There is a hierarchy\’pecking order’ to the… ANIMAL-food-chain… on this planet, and “plants” seem to be the “base” of it. Furthermore, (b.) imagine Earth… alive with plants …where the only animal inhabitants are ………human. Will the humans be …vegan? Or, will they eat humanflesh? Humanity certainly qualifies: as a species capable of living supremely …on plants. Beans are a single complete protein-source, also containing: dietary-fiber; fatty-acids; calorie-energy (and more, such as: vitamins; minerals; etc.). If the human-race has beans, it will be well fed, and will have foodpotential with which to thrive, …according to that human-race’s, level of intellect. Humans cannot survive, by eating… only… animal-flesh. Animal flesh contains no dietary-fiber. Only true carnivores (such as lions), can survive, without dietary-fiber (per their digestive system). Humans, who eat animals, must eat fiber, also (“omnivore,” is the term given to animals… who eat, both, plants and animals). Without fiber, a human-being will succumb to… all-cause-mortality… death by the vulnerability, that is nearest to the body. Doctors and dieticians estimate that: only about 5% of Americans meet the recommendations for daily fiber intake. Statistical medical information, is something that I cannot………… prove …………here. In fact, what can be proven, here, is …………nothing. If you do not care about… Earth-health… human-health… your-health………… if you have no feeling of mercy for animals… will you really be interested in hearing about… trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO)? The obvious fact that plants are the basis for all biological life, on Earth: is, nevertheless, ………no proof whatsoever……… that you should eat plants. No one is going to… prove… anything, for you. You must find: your own “reasonable mind;” your own feelings of pity… for the pitiable. >------------------------------<>------------------------------< For those who are interested in… trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO)… and other such, here is some additional information: First, we all know that we need protein as it is critical for our muscles, nails, hair and collagen, the connector tissue protein that holds our body together. Protein also is needed by our brain (neurotransmitters), hormones, DNA, red blood cells, and to help us retain a strong immune system. Get my gist…. protein is important. On the average men need 56 grams of protein daily and women 46 grams. Of course, this will vary with certain conditions such as: trying to build muscle, challenging physical work, athletic endeavors, pregnancy, etc.

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Let’s talk about your “animal-muscle protein ingestion.” Animal flesh protein usually comes with some vitamins and minerals but is devoid of fiber. Then there is plenty of unhealthy saturated fats and a diverse mixture of toxic and cancer-causing compounds in that flesh you consume. More bad news for flesh eaters, the animal flesh contains high amounts of phosphorus, and these can lead to kidney and bone mineral disorders; which can send the kidneys into overdrive for hours after ingestion. You can develop kidney disease. Animal flesh protein is harmful, not beneficial, for our health. Animal flesh protein also results in us having higher circulating levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). TMAO is a substance that damages the lining of our vessels, creates inflammation, and accelerates the formation of cholesterol plaques in our blood vessels. Excess animal protein has been linked to some cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and kidney damage. A study of over 100,000 people has shown that eating unprocessed and processed red meat has been linked to a shorter lifespan. Eating one additional serving of unprocessed red meat each day increases your risk of death by 13%. Eating one additional serving of processed red meat increases your risk of death by 20%. Where do I get my protein? From PLANTS!!! Plant protein comes together with fiber, antioxidants, complex carbs, beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals – a health-boosting package. Plant protein is great for the heart. Substituting, plant protein for animal-flesh protein, decreases cholesterol and other fats in your blood, and helps to keep your blood vessels healthy. Plant proteins, feed the good bacteria that have a positive effect on our health. Keeping your gut wall strong and healthy, leads to lower levels of body inflammation and a stronger immune system. Plant foods are the real “high quality” foods that we should be eating for optimal health… while animal flesh protein should be more appropriately labeled as………. “high risk.” My plant-based protein diet includes: •

Protection against heart disease.

Protection against cancer.

Protection against stroke.

Protection against type 2 diabetes.

So next time somebody asks you, vegan, “Where do you get your protein?”.......................................... you can answer, “From good and healthy sources. And, YOU…?”

For more information on nutrition visit: Dr. Neal Barnard - Dr. Joel Kahn - Dr. Milton Mills - Dr. Michael Greger -

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They protect their young.

They have families.

They have friends.

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CALIFORNIA Deborah Davis, LMFT Location: 5330 Primrose Drive, Suite 240, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Age Range: 14 & older Specialties/Approaches: EFT, Psychodynamic, Relational, Trauma, Physical/Sexual Abuse, Eating Disorders, Body Image, Relationships, Depression, Anxiety, Grief/Loss, Parenting Contact Information: 916-396-4307 Website: Insurance Plans: Private Pay/PPO Sliding Scale Available: No Miscellaneous: Been vegan for 10 years Rima Danielle Jomaa, MA, LMFT Location: California, Virtual therapy only Age Range: 18+ Specialties/Approaches: I use a blend of cognitive-behavioral, narrative and humanistic, as well as various techniques from other theories (as appropriate for the client). I also use hypnotherapy & mindfulness practices with clients. Contact Information: 978-503-1975 or Website: Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: Yes Miscellaneous: I've been vegan for 10 years and spent many of those years fighting in the streets as an animal activist. I've gone through the system & I've learned to cope with the difficult society we live in today and find my own sense of peace and balance. I love to help other vegans do the same. COLORADO Cindy Gordon, PhD, LPC, ATR-BC, CAAP Location: Longmont, CO Age Range: 18+ Specialties/Approaches: I use art therapy and animal-assisted therapy in my practice. Contact Information: 720-491-1533 or Website: Insurance Plans: Aetna, Anthem BCBS, Cigna, Kaiser, Optum, United and Bright Health Plan Sliding Scale Available: Yes Miscellaneous: My office is a safe place to discuss frustration, despair, or grief related to animal or environmental welfare, as well as a place to celebrate the ability of one person-the client--to make a difference in the world. Patti Swope RN, LMFT, Certified Emotionally Focused Therapy Supervisor, AAMFT Supervisor Location: Flatirons Psychotherapy L.L.C., 3445 Penrose Place Suite 250, Boulder, CO 80301 Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Couples, individuals, supervision of therapists. Emotionally Focused Therapy and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Contact Information: 303-247-0121 or Website: Insurance Plans: Private pay Sliding Scale Available: No NM Vegan | 44

FLORIDA Gina Rudolph, Psy.D., Interfaith Spiritual Minister Becoming More Journeys, LLC Location: Telehealth (Licensed in NJ, NY, FL) Age Range: Adults and Seniors Specialties/Approaches: Humanistic, relational, systems, feminist and spiritual perspectives Contact Information: 732-239-7208 or Website Information: BecomingMoreJourneys.Com Insurance Plans: Traditional Medicare accepted and sliding scale fees offered ILLINOIS Vicki Lynn Seglin, Ph.D. I’m a vegan licensed clinical psychologist & a clinical case consultant at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. Location: Winnetka, IL Age Range: I work with teens and adults in individual therapy and consult to groups and organizations using the Tavistock Group Relations Model. Specialties/Approaches: I work with the usual variety of issues, like depression, anxiety and relational issues, and specialize in trauma and abuse, adolescents, group and systems dynamics. I use a psychodynamic approach as a base, and also use EMDR and mindfulness. Contact Information: 847-441-0120 or Insurance Plans: I do not take insurance although clients are often reimbursed at out of network costs. Sliding Scale Available: I do consider sliding scale for clients who need that. ISRAEL Vivy Shmueli, MA, Couple and Family Therapist Location: Ramat Hasharon Specialties: Emotion Focused therapy, Imago therapy Contact Information: +972544657209 or Website: MARYLAND Alexandra Arbogast, LICSW, LCSW-C, C-IAYT Location: Because I am focusing right now solely on teletherapy, clients don’t come to an office. Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Specialize in integrative psychotherapy and coaching for adults utilizing tools of mindfulness, positive psychology and mind-body wellness. I’m also a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Certified Yoga Therapist. Contact Information: 202-506-0069 or Website: Insurance Plans: Do not take insurance. Sliding Scale Available: Can offer a sliding scale rate. Miscellaneous: Offer therapy/coaching through phone and video for greater convenience, flexibility, and affordability. NM Vegan | 45

MARYLAND Suzanne Bierer, LCSW-C Location: Ellicott City, MD Age Range: 18 + Specialties/Approaches: I use Internal Family Systems (ego state work), EMDR, and a blend of cognitive and psychodynamic work to help clients struggling with a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, relationship issues, grief, transitions, and a history of trauma. Contact Information: 410-312-9930 Insurance Plans: Medicare Sliding Scale Available: No Miscellaneous: I have been vegan for 6 years, I volunteer with a small cat rescue in Howard County and have taken Animal Reiki classes. Beth Levine, LCSW - C Location: Rockville, Maryland Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Adults in individual settings. Help people with anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties. Trauma informed. Integrate IFS, body-centered, mindfulness, and other approaches. Contact Information: 301-279-7779 or Website: Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: Yes Samantha Rodman, PhD Licensed Psychologist Location: Rockville MD and video sessions Age Range: 16+ Specialties/Approaches: Integrative, using cognitive behavioral and insight oriented approaches. I enjoy working with Highly Sensitive People, adult children of dysfunctional families, couples in conflict. Contact Information: or 707-520-4347 Website: Insurance Plans: Only out of network Sliding Scale Available: Yes Krista Verrastro, MA, RDT Location: 301 Main Street, suite 2D, Reisterstown, MD 21136 Age Range: All ages Specialties/Approaches: Abuse-Related trauma, trauma, people who feel different, drama therapy, EMDR Contact Information: Clients can reach out at: 443-885-0970 or Website: Insurance Plans: I don't accept any insurance but can provide superbills. Sliding Scale Available: Yes, fees are $75 - $125

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MASSACHUSETTS George Eastman, Ed.D. Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist Location: Cambridge, MA Age Range: 12 to 100 Specialties/Approaches: Couples, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, trauma, and mood disorders Contact Information: 617-876-3234 Insurance Plans: I take all major insurance plans. Sliding Scale Available: Yes Miscellaneous: I have been a complete Vegan for over 45 years. Sarah B Stewart, Psy.D. PLLC Location: 85 Garfield Street, Watertown MA, 02472 (on bus route and easy parking on street) Age Range: 18 - 95 Specialties/Approaches: EMDR, IFS, couples, hypnosis (used for years and now usually end up using something else, at least formally). Contact Information: 617-876-6735 or Website: Insurance Plans: Give receipts for insurance reimbursement (PPO) but not on any plans. Sliding Scale Available: Rarely are those slots open. Sherry Zitter, MSW, LICSW Location: Maynard, MA Age Range: 16 to elders Specialties/Approaches: Internal Family Systems, relational-cultural/social justice approach, Mindfulness/visualization, Inner Child work, body-centered and expressive therapies, stress management empowerment; LGBT, Deaf (therapy in American Sign Language), women’s issues, overeating and body image issues. Contact Information: 508-366-8576, ext. 1 (24-hour voicemail) or Insurance Plans: Medicare, out-of-network reimbursement, adjusted fees Sliding Scale: I adjust fees as financially required. Miscellaneous: Vegan for 11 years, vegetarian for decades. Support processes of trying out veganism, coming out to family/friends as vegan, having a non-vegan partner, and emotional stresses related to being vegan in a non-vegan world. NEW JERSEY Laura Kogan, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist Location: Princeton, NJ and Skillman, NJ Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Specialize in PTSD, anxiety, depression. Certified in EMDR and Clinical Hypnosis. Contact Information: 609-688-1244 or Website: Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: No Miscellaneous: I run the "Princeton vegan book and movie discussion club."

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NEW JERSEY Gina Rudolph, Psy.D., Interfaith Spiritual Minister Becoming More Journeys, LLC Location: Telehealth (Licensed in NJ, NY, FL) Age Range: Adults and Seniors Specialties/Approaches: Humanistic, relational, systems, feminist and spiritual perspectives Contact Information: 732-239-7208 or Website Information: BecomingMoreJourneys.Com Insurance Plans: Traditional Medicare accepted and sliding scale fees offered Lee Ann Thill, MA, ATR-BC Location: Hammonton, NJ (Camden-Atlantic Counties) Age Range: Adolescents and adults Specialties/Approaches: Medical diagnosis/chronic illness, eating disorders/body image issues Contact Information: 215-990-4874 or Insurance Plans: Private pay Sliding Scale Available: Yes, fees are $120 - $65. NEW YORK Jenn Friedman, MA, MHC-I, Graduate Psychotherapy Intern Location: MTZ Counseling, 291 Broadway, Suite 100, New York, NY 10007 Age Range: Adults of all ages Specialties/Approaches: Dementia, Bereavement, Caregiving; Psychodynamic Therapy and Expressive Arts modalities; incorporation of cognitive behavioral approaches as needed Contact Information: 646-504-1556 or Website: or Insurance Plans: Aetna, New School United Plan, Out of Network Sliding Scale: $100 - $150 Miscellaneous: Teepa Snow Dementia Training Certificate (2021); Creative Arts and Health Certificate (2013): The New School Rachel Goldstein, PhD Location: New York City (Chelsea and Queens) Age Range: 10-100+ Specialties/Approaches: Emotionally Focused Therapy, Couples therapy, Trauma; English and Spanish Contact Information: 917-525-3073 or Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: Yes

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NEW YORK Peg Haust-Arliss, LCSW-R, ACT, CPQC Location: Finger Lakes Region of Upstate NY Age Range: Adults Mission: Empower People and Save Animals Specialties: Stress/Anxiety, Imposter Syndrome, Mental Fitness for Mind/Body/Spirit Approaches: Cognitive Therapy, Aroma Freedom, Positive Intelligence, Strategic Intervention Contact Information: 315-398-1989 Website: or Insurance Plans: In-Network: Aetna, BCBS, Out of Network for many others Sliding Scale: None Miscellaneous: Psychotherapy services are for NYS residents and may be covered by insurance. Coaching Services are not covered by insurance, but clients can be outside of NYS. Check out my website for the unique differences between my therapy and coaching services. I love working with reluctant Vegans: Vegans who are natural leaders and need to rise but afraid to shine. Anne Elizabeth (Liz) Hirky, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist, Certificate in Adult Psychoanalysis Location: 740 West End Avenue, at 96th Street Age Range: Adults across the developmental age span Specialties/Approaches: Health and medical psychology, anxiety, relationships, LGBT, stress and coping, Existential/Humanistic, Mindfulness, CBT, Interpersonal/Relational psychodynamic psychotherapy Contact Information: 917-865-3820 Insurance Plans: I accept out of network benefits and AETNA student health through Columbia University. Sliding Scale Available: Possible for daytime hour April Lang, LCSW-R, SEP Location: New York City (Tribeca neighborhood) Age Range: Adults – Individuals, couples Specialties/Approaches: Life transitions, animal bereavement, trauma, vegan lifestyle/challenges, Somatic Experiencing, hypnotherapy; eclectic approach Contact Information: 212-577-1357 or Website: Insurance Plans: Only out of network Sliding Scale Available: No Miscellaneous: Certified Humane Education Specialist (CHES) Heidi Leabman, LCSW-R Location: 545 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley NY (30 Minutes from NYC). Specialties/Focus: Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, EMDR, IFS, Brainspotting, Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM), Hypnosis, Emotional Focused couples therapist, registered yoga teacher, somatic psychotherapy, attachment and developmental trauma, complex PTSD and couples therapy. Video supervision available for complex PTSD and dissociative disorders cases. Contact Information:, Insurance Plans: No insurances accepted. Miscellaneous: 25+ years in practice NM Vegan | 49

NEW YORK Gina Rudolph, Psy.D., Interfaith Spiritual Minister Becoming More Journeys, LLC Location: Telehealth (Licensed in NJ, NY, FL) Age Range: Adults and Seniors Specialties/Approaches: Humanistic, relational, systems, feminist and spiritual perspectives Contact Information: 732-239-7208 or Website Information: BecomingMoreJourneys.Com Insurance Plans: Traditional Medicare accepted and sliding scale fees offered Kimberley L. Spanjol, Ph.D., Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed and Board Certified Behavior Analyst Location: Upper West Side Manhattan and New Rochelle, New York Age Range: Children, adolescents, young adults, adults, individuals, groups Specialties/Approaches: CBT, modified DBT, behavior modification, social skills, anxiety, mindfulness, animal assisted therapy Contact Information: Insurance Plans: Insurance not accepted but will give coded bill for insurance reimbursement. Sliding scale available: Yes OREGON Jean Shirkoff, LCSW Location: NW Portland, Oregon Age Range: Teen - end of life Specialties/Approaches: Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, Individuals and Families. Certified therapist and supervisor Contact Information: 503-887-3313 or Insurance Plans: I am not on any insurance panels but will bill them out of network. Sliding scale available: Yes PENNSYLVANIA Mike Elliot, MSPC, NCC, LPC Location: 6315 Forbes Avenue, Suite L119D, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Age Range: 14 and up, individuals and groups Specialties/Approaches: Anxiety, ADHD, addictions, eating disorders, LGBT issues, men’s issues, REBT, Gestalt, and Mindfulness Contact Information: 412-212-6909 or Website:

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PENNSYLVANIA Megan Lindeman, LPC, CRC Location: I see clients at two locations through Paula Kauffman Oberly, LPC, LLC (downtown Pittsburgh and Mt. Lebanon) Age Range: 18+ Specialties/Approaches: I use an eclectic and solution-focused approach to therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and mindfulness approaches are also used. I enjoy working with adults dealing with anxiety, depression, ADHD, executive functioning difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder, college students with disabilities, individuals struggling with transitional issues (e.g. new diagnoses, elderly parents, veganism), career counseling, grief, pet loss, and how nutrition impacts mental health. Contact Information: Website: Insurance Plans: UPMC, Highmark/BCBS, Cigna, UBH, UHC, Optum Sliding Scale Available: Yes Miscellaneous: Currently I am only offering telehealth sessions due to COVID. My office is a safe space to discuss topics related to vegetarian/veganism as issues related to this come up (transitioning, having a nonvegan partner, stress related to veganism, compassion fatigue, etc.). Suzanne McAllister, PhD Location: 328 Summit Ave., Rm. 102, Jenkintown, PA 19046 Age Range: Adults 25 to 75 Specialties/Approaches: Anxiety, depression, life transitions, career coaching mindfulness, mind/body awareness, addiction recovery, cancer survivor Contact Information: 215 284 2296 (cell) or Insurance Plans: Aetna, Highmark Blue Shield, Carebridge EAP Lee Ann Thill, MA, ATR-BC, LPC (State of PA) Location: 255 S. 17th St. Suite 2608, Philadelphia, PA 19103, Age Range: Adolescents and adults Specialties/Approaches: Medical diagnosis/chronic illness, eating disorders/body image issues Contact Information: 215-990-4874 or Insurance Plans: PA BCBS, Cigna, United, Magellan TENNESSEE Valerie Martin, LCSW, RYT Location: Nashville, TN Age Range: 15+ (primarily adults) Specialties/Approaches: trauma, anxiety, eating disorders, perfectionism Contact Information: 615-617-4947 or Insurance Plans: Out of network Sliding Scale Available: I have some reduced fee slots; inquire about availability. Miscellaneous: I absolutely love working with vegan clients, because the shared value of animal rights can create an immediate and healing therapeutic bond. In addition to in person therapy with folks in Nashville, I can do online therapy inside Tennessee and online coaching outside Tennessee.

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VIRGINIA Beth Levine, LCSW - C Location: Rockville, Maryland Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Adults in individual settings. Help people with anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties. Trauma informed. Integrate IFS, body-centered, mindfulness, and other approaches. Contact Information: 301-279-7779 or Website: Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: Yes Cynthia Stroud Southerland, LCSW Location: Charlottesville, VA & Herndon, VA Contact Information: 703-819-8231 or

WASHINGTON, DC Ulka Agarwal, M.D. Location: My home office is in Washington, DC, and I see patients who reside in Spring Lake, MI via telepsychiatry Age Range: 18-65 Specialties/Approaches: General adult psychiatry, medication management Contact Information: To schedule a new patient appointment, please call Pine Rest Mental Health Services Central Access at: 866-852-4001 Insurance Plans: Priority Health, BCBS Sliding Scale Available: No Alexandra Arbogast, LICSW, LCSW-C, C-IAYT Location: Because I am focusing right now solely on teletherapy, clients don’t come to an office. Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Specialize in integrative psychotherapy and coaching for adults utilizing tools of mindfulness, positive psychology and mind-body wellness. I’m also a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Certified Yoga Therapist. Contact Information: 202-506-0069 or Website: Insurance Plans: Do not take insurance. Sliding Scale Available: Can offer a sliding scale rate. Miscellaneous: Offer therapy/coaching through phone and video for greater convenience, flexibility, and affordability. Christine Jackson, MSW, LICSW Location: Washington, DC Age Range: Individual Adults Specialties/Approaches: Psychodynamic therapy with focus on depression, anxiety, and chronic illness Contact Information: 202-465-2566 or Insurance Plans: In-network with CareFirst/BlueCross BlueShield and Cigna

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WASHINGTON, DC Christine Jackson, MSW, LICSW Location: Washington, DC Age Range: Individual Adults Specialties/Approaches: Psychodynamic therapy with focus on depression, anxiety, and chronic illness Contact Information: 202-465-2566 or Insurance Plans: In-network with CareFirst/BlueCross BlueShield and Cigna

Beth Levine, LCSW - C Location: Rockville, Maryland Age Range: Adults Specialties/Approaches: Adults in individual settings. Help people with anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties. Trauma informed. Integrate IFS, body-centered, mindfulness, and other approaches. Contact Information: 301-279-7779 or Website: Insurance Plans: None Sliding Scale Available: Yes WASHINGTON STATE Susan Costello, MA, CPCC (Counselor, psychotherapist, certified life coach) Location: WA State but working strictly virtually nationwide Age Range: 18 yr. and up; individuals and couples Specialties/Approaches: Psychodynamic / Cognitive/Behavioral / Positive Psychology / Life Coaching Counseling Blend / Humanistic / Eclectic Contact Information: 508-524-4859 or Website: Insurance Plans: Self-pay, no insurance accepted, happy to offer 10% discount to other vegans. Sliding Scale Available: No Miscellaneous: I have been in private practice since 1981 and have been vegan for 23 years! Thank you to April Lang for this resource.

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Eggplant Caponata Ingredients

•1 medium-sized eggplant, diced into 1-inch cubes •1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil •1 yellow onion, finely chopped •2 cloves garlic, minced •2 celery ribs, diced •1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and diced •1 Jalapeño, minced •1 15-ounce can of diced tomatoes •3 tablespoons tomato paste •1 tablespoon Agave nectar •1/8 cup capers, rinsed and drained •10 green olives, halved •1/4 cup red wine vinegar •1 teaspoon oregano •pinch of sea salt •pinch of red pepper flakes Instructions • Using a pot with a Steamer Basket, steam the eggplant until it is soft, about 10 minutes. • Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, celery, red bell pepper, and jalapeño. Sauté for 10 to 12 minutes, occasionally stirring until the vegetables are tender. Add the steamed eggplant and sauté for a few minutes longer. • Stir in the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered gently for 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold with your favorite bread!

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New MexicoVegan

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