October 2018 Edition 1 Issue 4
HeartnSole LLC N. Arenas, Editor Edition 1, Issue 4 October 2018 welcome22day@gmail.com
Table of Contents
1… 2… Vegan
Table of Contents
Dear Reader
Wonder, Wonder
Vitamin E
Instead of…
Kid Zone
Color Me
Plant Power
Did you know…
Learn About Animals
Can You Find It??
18, 21
We Are The Same, But Different
Vegan Products
Samanina, Adrian, & Oki – Vegan Activist Paper Dolls
On our cover Melissa Brandenburg founder of Family Style Veg Potluck in the Park with Zyon Maria Amoriluz Brandenburg Miera.
Table of Contents
YOU are hope! Aaah, Albuquerque in autumn …the sun is cool, fresh, & invigorating, …with snow, in the town, coming soon enough. Mmm, the cold of winter, can feel so warm inside a person. The fire seems to burn a little brighter, when an ice-cycle, hangs at the window. The grays and blues of winter, make it fun to have our red warming parties, to celebrate all that we love. Whatever your manner of holiday tradition, I hope that you will ever consider the animals to be: celebrators with you, of their happiness, also. I picture you, and all of us, spreading love and compassion, by showing that: Peace begins, with a vegan plate. May we be always moving forward, for a vegan world… a world where animals need not fear humans… a world where the planet begins to heal, so that our children --Earth’s own-- still have this planet, as a home… a world where, diseased-aging & premature-death, “melt away,” like frost, in the sunshine. With warmth, Your friends, Nancy & Arwen
Dear Reader
If you could change one rule that your family has, what would you change?
Where is your favorite place in the world?
If you were a teacher, and the kids in your class would not listen to you, what would you do?
What five words do you think most describe you?
If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?
Wonder, Wonder
Some common “old sayings,” that are passed down in our lives, may seem non-offensive; but, they carry meaning, that sends mixed messages, to others, about the connection, between humans and animals, that can normalize cruelty.
Every time you hear one of these idioms, see if you can come up with an alternative.
Instead of…
Kid Power
Kudos to Father and son team, Tom and Mark, who saw much trash in the Detroit River, by their home; and, decided to do something about it!
They created an activity called “trash fishing” and are encouraging everyone in their community to get out there, and try it. What’s “trash fishing?” It’s fishing for trash, instead of animals! So, instead of yanking a fish out of the water, (where they can’t breathe), you’re helping to clean up their home.
Kid Zone
Color me
For more information visit: www.PCRM.org PCRM’s Healthy School Lunch Campaign site: www.HealthySchoolLunches.org The PCRM Marketplace Online for information on our book, Healthy Eating for Life for Children: www.PCRM.org/Shop
Plant Power
Did you know… • Cows have great memories; also, they are very good at remembering & recognizing faces, …even after long periods of time. • All “cows” are female. Males are called “bulls” (or) “steers.” • Cows have surround-vision, that ranges, nearly, 360 degrees. • Cows have an acute sense of smell; and, they can detect odors up to six miles away. • Cows are very social, and don’t like to be alone. • Did you know that cows never forget their calves. It is quite common to see them licking their grown calves just as they did when they were young. • Cows can live to the age of 25 years, if people would not kill them. • Like humans, cows seek pleasure; and, they play. • Cows “pick and lick” their noses, with their tongues.
Learn about Animals Please remember, that we all …you and I, fish & birds, etc.… are animals. There are human animals: (you; your family and friends; etc.). And, there are non–human animals, such as: (cats; dogs; pigs; cows; ants; elephants; etc.). Why is it important, to know that your human body, is a member of the Animal Kingdom? Because, just as humans suffer, …so can pigs, cows, chickens, and the many others, suffer; …if you forget this, you may treat, the “soul & life” of animals, as you treat your fingernails, hair, worn out clothes, …clipping, cutting, discarding them; you may treat them like bread, beans, apples, …slicing, cooking, biting & swallowing them. If you hurt animals, Nature’s Law of Cause & Effect, will not send you a greeting card about it, …Nature’s Law of Cause & Effect, will hurt you …to show you how that feels, …then, you will decide to stop hurting animals, …so, your innate “love and respect” for them, will return to you, …and “shine” on them. All animals, have their own special place, in this world; and, we need to protect, each and every one of, their rights… especially their right to live: happy & free, without any harm. There are books that explain the social, behavioral, and emotional aspects of animals. As an example: adult elephants work together, like humans do, to protect their young; and, chimpanzees form social hierarchies, …just as people form working-classes, school-levels, and so on. If you do not know “it” already, I hope you will, soon, get to know, “the angelic soul,” in your non-human animal family-members. Learn about those qualities, that you and other humans, have in common, with non-human animals. I encourage you to: “be a hero” …for all the kinds of animals. Treat them with kindness and respect. Help and protect, them. Be an example, to all, of behaviors that are: peaceful; respectful; and, helpful. You can be the positive hope this world needs. Think “gentleness.” Be friendly with all living beings. Visit a local animal sanctuary.
Climate Change HOW HUMANS CAUSE “CLIMATE-CHANGE:” 1. Burning fossil fuels: (oil; gas; etc.). Emissions, from these fuels, go into the atmosphere, and act like an insulating blanket, wrapped around Earth; this effect, traps heat from The Sun, and causes Earth to sustain a warmer & warmer surface temperature. 2. Eating animals, as a global food (un-balanced farming of animals). [Animal sanctuaries, are examples of, balanced farms]. a.-- WASTED NATURAL RESOURCES (WATER-USAGE… from where would you get water, if your usual sources, became polluted/unavailable; GRAIN-USAGE… grains, that could be eaten by humans, are excessively fed to farmed animals, to make them bigger in a shorter time, but the animals do not need it). b.-- POLLUTANTS to NATURAL RESOURCES {examples: Excess animal excreta; medicines for animals; poisons on crops; etc.}. c.-- THESE, AND OTHER INFLUENCES are major causes of global warming. When the world of humans, learns to eat, exclusively, a vegan diet, …these detriments, from animal-agriculture, …will, all, disappear. 3. Deforestation (loss of trees, on a vast global scale). Humans cut down trees, excessively, for farmlands, roads, oil mines, etc. Whatever the reason for cutting down trees, …how ever important it may appear to be… if trees become extinct, …so too will humans, become extinct.
HERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP: Leave lights in the “off ” position, when no one is in the room; Recycle, any reusable resources, rather than “trash-ing them;” Bike or walk, when you can prevent the use, of a “gas & oil burning” vehicle; Take shorter showers, without compromising cleanliness; When brushing your teeth, …turn off the tap water, while the toothbrush is in your mouth; Eat a vegan diet. ________________________________________________________ Remember this: you can help. Children and adults, have equal …potential (with unique roles & abilities). Show the authorities of the world, that you are serious about helping, with climate change issues; and, they may help you, by joining… an enterprise, that you began.
Can You Find It??
We Are the Same, but Different.
Vegan Products
On the following pages are the paper dolls and clothing. We suggest you print dolls on cardstock. Clothing can be printed on plain paper. The full paper back book will be available on issuu.com .
The following outfit is for you to design your own. Add colors, patterns, etc.
The following outfit is for you to design your own. Add colors, patterns, etc.
The following outfit is for you to design your own. Add colors, patterns, etc.