New Mexico Vegan - January 2021

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NewMexicoVegan January 2021

For Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Veg Curious

Enjoy your FREE complimentary copy

The views and opinions, expressed by contributing-authors, in the New Mexico Vegan Magazine; may, or may not, represent the views and opinions, of New Mexico Vegan.

If You Think Zoos Educate Our Children…Advertisement)




Editor’s Note


I Support Animal Rights(Advertisement)


Eating Animal Products




6 Ways to Kick Off a Plant-Based Diet for 2021

7- 8

Homo Ahimsa’s Nine Steps To Save The World



Johnan Aretell


Judy Carman


Jordi Casamitjana


Bera Dordoni


Frances Gonzalez



Joel Kahn


Photo Collage


Greg Lawson


Nutritional Benefits Of Veganism…


Jacquie Lewis


Veganism: A New Year’s Resolution with Multiple Advantages


Tom Linney


When Family and Friends Deny Your Vegan Lifestyle


Herbs for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Ebony McCormick



Vegan Meal Ideas


Linda Middlesworth

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Tips For a Successful Transition to a Plant-Based Diet


Cindy Lou Negron-Matos


New Mexico Facts & Trivia


Tony Quintana


You Either Approve of Violence or You Don’t


Cyndi Rook


Advocates Needed: How You Can Help Protect Cows and Calves from Abuse


You Are The Youniverse


What If?


Meet Ms. Ebony McCormick


Juice for Stress


Vegan Egg Replacements


Meet Our Extended Family


Vegan Banana Bread


Winemaking Really Begins At The Vineyard And That Plays A Very Important Part In Veganism


Revisit With Previous New Mexico Vegan Magazine Issues


The Importance Of The Future


“Ethical Vegan”, a new book for all vegans to read


Recipe: Vegan Tembleque


Advertise with NM Vegan


Natural Painkillers


…and a Happy New Year


Vegan Pulse (Advertisement


How Long Until It’s Gone


New Mexico Vegan Volume 7 – Issue 1 January 2021 Editor: Nancy Arenas NMV Photographer: N. Arenas

a HeartnSole, LLC publication

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Another year is here… a fresh start. Happy New Year. This past year has been… unbelievable …our drama and suspense is the stuff of epic fiction… of cinematicblockbusters; but …it’s real. Who -during the winter celebrations of 2019- imagined that we would wake up in 2020’s New Year’s Day, to a year that would bring relentless and persistent horror, like “a nightmare come to life.” Society-culture, as we knew it, has changed forever; and, hopefully, for the better. When I hear people wishing to get “back to normal,” I think to myself, “We are not getting ‘back to normal.’ ” Who wants that anyway? Not me. Our “skewed sense of normal” is the bus-of-behaviors, that drove us here. The 2020 global crisis of the Corona Virus Pandemic, speaking positively, has created a potent opportunity to propagate veganism. Animals are going to be “under the microscope” in 2021, as the world of humans is being shocked, into taking a serious look at: food-choices; and humane-ness. Humanity, for centuries, has had bad-habits …of destruction and disregard for the planet and for animals. Now, the consequences are falling upon us, hard. Our global-symptoms range far and wide: climate-change; natural eco systems – gone; increasing frequency of zoonotic diseases—diseases transferred from animals to humans (eating animals leads to pandemics). Our needs and dangers are apocalyptic. We are at the crossroads of a new world. And the list is long, for opportunities to heal. Veganism addresses all the many problems affecting us, these days. Vegans are the leading example, for the world; and, it appears, the world is ready to listen. I can feel that our past vegan efforts, have prepared us for this time. Working-together is the way to “do-it;” so, sharing posts on social media, with your family and friends, is …awesome. I love to wear clothing & masks that are, basically, a vegan billboard\marquee. How ‘bout those vegan food shares …mmm …I also love how deliciously ...vegan food can taste. Spread the love, in every way. Remember, we are not “picked up” by major news syndicates or newspapers; therefore, vegans must do and be the advertisement for veganism. Other good ideas: signing vegan-legislation-petitions; supporting vegan businesses\events; sharing vegan stories and testimonies; and so on. Here’s a little anecdote. Nearly a decade ago, when I began advocating for veganism -here in New Mexico- the general public, that I encountered, scarcely knew the word ‘vegan.’ I found myself, giving the definition, repeatedly. Nowadays, it seems that the word ‘vegan’ is living in more people’s vocabulary …thanks to the efforts of local, national, and international vegans …bearing fruit. Our global network is sprouting into a mighty green miracle. I pray for: peace and veganism throughout the world; and the happiness of all living beings, human and nonhuman alike. May there be, respect for all. Veganism is the future, and the future is here. Livegan, Nancy

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ABQ Vegan: Albuquerque Vegan and Vegetarian Parents: Cooking with Compassion Food Not Bombs ABQ HeartnSole Spiritual Community: Leaf: Taos Vegan Society: New Mexico Vegan: Plant-Based Eating New Mexico: Positive Links Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque: Santa Fe Vegan: Santuario de Karuna: Sprouting Compassion Vegan Pulse VIP (Vegans in the Park):

If you have an article that deals with veganism and would like to submit it for possible inclusion in an upcoming NM Vegan Magazine, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Article.

If you are vegan and offer cruelty-free services and products please let us know for possible inclusion in upcoming NM Vegan Magazines, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Vegan Products & Services.

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6 Ways to Kick Off a Plant-Based Diet for 2021 Dr. Joel Kahn Congratulations. You are making the best decision you can choose for your health: eating a whole-food plant diet. Once you've decided to avoid animal products and jump into the world of plant-based eating you might begin to wonder what your three meals a day and snacks are going to look like. How will you order at restaurants? What do you need to stock up on at home? I've discussed this process with thousands of patients because plant-based diets have been shown to reverse heart artery disease and prevent heart attacks. I routinely use these resources to guide my patients through this transition and I hope it will help you too. 1. Check out free starter guides Here are some organizations with some great free resources to help you get started on a plant-based diet: Kaiser Permanente The largest managed care organization in the USA provides strong medical support • for a whole foods plant-based diet, as well as pages of practical tips in their downloadable resource. • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) This organization, led by Dr. Neal Barnard, maintains high standards and does original research. For example, PCRM has found evidence that diabetes mellitus in adults can be treated and reversed with plant-based diets. Their Vegetarian Starter Kit is excellent. People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) This group does great work exposing animal cruelty • and their Vegan Starter Kit to eating is an important resource, offering a two-week meal plan, tips to make the transition, and a list of foods to eat. Vegan Outreach This non-profit organization does wonderful work on college campuses reaching almost • a million students a year. Their guide to cruelty-free eating is excellent; it features dozens of recipes, plus information about vegan philosophy and nutrition. 2. Watch 3 Documentaries Forks Over Knives: I ask all of my patients to watch this documentary with their family. It has made a • bigger impact on the decision to eat a healthy diet than any other resource I've found. The film's website has a guide to eating that is another great resource. • What the Health is a documentary that has changed many lives for the better. Find a night and to sit down with your family to watch it together. • Game Changers Movie is the newest blockbuster documentary that will blow away any final idea that you need meat or dairy to be strong and healthy. 3. Learn About Animal Rights Animals Deserve Protection Today and Tomorrow (ADAPTT) This is a website created by animal • liberation activist Gary Yourofsky and features his viral speech making the case for a vegan diet. The site has great resources for changing to plant-based nutrition. For some people, considerations of the plight of animals is even a more powerful reason to maintain a plant-based diet than health concerns alone. 4. Use nutrition plans • PCRM offers a 21-day complete vegan program called the Vegan Kickstart. It's free and includes celebrity tips, meal plans, webcasts, restaurant guides, daily messages, and a community forum. It is run beginning the first of every month, is free, and is even available in several languages. I highly recommend signing up. • PETA offers a complete two-week nutrition plan for free including what to eat, what to make, and where to eat. I have found this to be a helpful resource.

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6 Ways to Kick Off a Plant-Based Diet for 2021 – Cont’d Dr. Joel Kahn 5. Find Travel Apps to Succeed Eating a plant-based diet at home is one matter, eating one on the road another. Familiarize yourself with apps like Happy Cow and you will increase the odds that you will succeed long term. While diet is a personal matter, increasing scientific evidence indicates that the lowest rates of chronic diseases occur in people who don't eat meat, eggs and dairy and instead consume mostly or totally plant-based foods. The resources above can be of use to anyone hoping to improve health, reverse disease, or manage weight. Eating a diet of plant foods reduces damage to the planet and animals while making you healthier.

At his core, Dr. Joel Kahn believes that plant-based nutrition is the most powerful source of preventative medicine on the planet. Having practiced traditional cardiology since 1983, it was only after his own commitment to a plant based vegan diet that he truly began to delve into the realm of non-traditional diagnostic tools, prevention tactics and nutrition-based recovery protocols. These ideologies led him to change his approach and focus on being a holistic cardiologist. He passionately lectures throughout the country about the health benefits of a plant-based anti-aging diet inspiring a new generation of thought leaders to think scientifically and critically about the body’s ability to heal itself through proper nutrition. One of the world’s top cardiologists, Dr. Joel Kahn has treated thousands of acute heart attacks during his career. He’d like all that to stop. He’d like to prevent ALL future heart attacks by breaking through to the public to educate and inspire a new holistic lifestyle. Now is the time to focus on educating the public to eat clean, sweat clean and apply cutting edge science to their lifestyle.

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Homo Ahimsa’s Nine Steps To Save The World Judy Carman Homo Ahimsa? What kind of animal is that? If we look in the mirror, we will see. It is our true nature. It has whispered to us for centuries, but today it is singing out loud. Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for non-harm, universal love and compassion for all life. Ahimsa is the golden rule in action. Veganism is ahimsa in action. It is not just about eating plant-based food. It is doing the least harm and the most good in our actions, thoughts, and words. I believe many of us are feeling some kind of awakening—an almost indefinable transformation happening within us. Bears and alligators did not devastate the earth. It was Homo Sapiens alone that caused this chaos. But the old paradigm of domination is dying, and we are here at this revolutionary moment to create a world of kindness, compassion and love. Human beings have dreamed of such a world for centuries. But many people have not understood that as long as we wage endless war against trillions of animals, we ourselves cannot have peace. Will Tuttle, in his World Peace Diet explains how we have brought upon ourselves diseases, loss of freedom, wars, and toxins, because we have inflicted all these things on other species. We are at a crossroads like no other in our history. If we do not act now to leave behind the violent ways of Homo Sapiens, more animals will perish, more forests will burn, more oceans will succumb to our toxic waste, and we ourselves will have great difficulty surviving in such a world. How do we do this sacred work? Here are nine steps for this miraculous journey ahead: 1. Eat only plant-based food. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of nearly every environmental crisis, most human diseases, the sixth extinction, and the poisoning of our spiritual energy field which is now filled with the torture and death of trillions of animals. 2. Eat organically grown plants to eliminate the market for GMO’s, pesticides and herbicides. Look for fairtrade food that has not involved slave labor by monkeys or people. 3. Enjoy entertainment that is ethical, loving, respectful and lifts us up spiritually. Zoos, aquariums, circuses, rodeos, races and others are rooted in terrible suffering and domination. 4. Buy cruelty-free products that do no harm--no leather, silk, wool, animal parts or feathers. Buy fair-trade items to make sure we are not supporting human slavery. 5. Connect with people who care about the environment, world peace, poverty, homelessness, racism, domestic violence, human trafficking, etc. and help them see how releasing their own inner Homo (vegan) Ahimsa will immediately assist them in their noble quests. 6. We all need to do our inner spiritual work in whatever way works best. We have all been programmed with false ideas--that we are the dominator species, have the right to violate others, are innately violent and warlike predators, and that those above us have the right to dominate us. It takes loving patience with ourselves and spiritual discovery to shed these old ideas and discover our radiant, eternal selves. 7. Our prayers, intentions, visualizations and faith have immeasurable power to literally and finally shift the entire energy field of earth toward peace and nonviolence for all. 8. Listen to the animals and nature in whatever way draws us and makes our hearts sing. 9. Live in gratitude, awe and amazement, and feel the joy of knowing that we are--right now--creating a world of love, peace and freedom for all beings. © Judy McCoy Carman, M.A., 2020 Author of Homo Ahimsa: Who we Really are and how we’re going to save the world NM Vegan | 09

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Veganism: A New Year’s Resolution with Multiple Advantages Jacquie Lewis Are you checking out this magazine because you’re thinking about becoming vegan? Or are you new to veganism? Perhaps you’ve been vegan for a while and are looking for articles to share with meat-eating family, friends, and coworkers? Well, whatever your intention you are in the right place. Now is the time for non-vegans to make the best New Year’s resolution they could possible make - to become vegan! Let’s start with the advantages; what a vegan (plant-based) diet can do for you. Here are some of the reasons people adopt a vegan diet: to lose weight, to lower risk of heart disease, to avoid colon cancer, to curb or eliminate type II diabetes, to live longer, to help the planet in the most effective and impactful way, and to save thousands of non-human lives over one’s lifetime. You might also wonder what’s the difference between adopting a plant-based diet (which is vegan) and being vegan. Being vegan means choosing to broaden your vegan diet to include additional lifestyle choices. Vegans want to live as cruelty free and tread as lightly on the earth as possible. Vegans don’t wear animal products of any kind. This includes silk, wool, and leather. This decision to enact a totally cruelty-free lifestyle usually is accomplished gradually. For example, a new vegan may: wear his down jacket until it is time to replace it with primaloft; she’ll replace her leather jacket with pleather the next time she buys one; and they both replace their leather shoes with vegan ones, which could be anything from canvas, to cloth, to pleather. There’s good reason and another advantage to consider the animals and the environment when deciding to maintain a vegan diet. A 2015 study reported in “Time Magazine” (These Vegans are More Likely to Stick With It) found that ethical vegans, who are also concerned about the environment and animals, are more like to stay with their diet. What this article suggests is that once a person decides to change his eating habits because of the way farmed animals are treated there is an emotional investment rather than just a personal concern about health. The issue is broadened from merely wanting a plant-based diet, like joining Weight Watchers for a while and then dropping it, to a positive and permanent lifestyle choice. Here’s my experience. I became vegetarian in the 1970’s. Twenty years later I finally got the entire picture. It happened when I read the following line in a book: “Veal floats invisibly in everyone’s milk.” At that time there was much buzz in the press about the horrendous conditions on farms to create veal using calves. I finally realized the connection between consuming dairy milk and how male cow babies on dairy farms were shipped off to veal farms. I copied that quote and stuck it on my refrigerator (it stayed there for years) and became vegan that very day. If I had adopted a vegan diet to lose weight, for example, I might not have stuck with it. However, when I realized that my daily habits were causing suffering to other species – well, I just had to do something, permanently.

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Veganism: A New Year’s Resolution with Multiple Advantages – Cont’d Jacquie Lewis Below are a number of resources available for budding vegans. This list barely scratches the surface of the vegan treasures on the Internet. But this information below will get you started in the right direction and make your life healthier and happier. CELEBRITIES WHO ARE VEGAN: 50 Celebrities Who are Vegan for Life - Just to let you know you’ll be in good company 21 DAY VEGAN KICKSTART CHALLENGE: 21 Day Kickstart Challenge - Start your vegan journey by committing to a vegan diet for 21 days while you get advice from nutrition experts, and receive meal plans and recipes. Then on the 22nd day you are ready to move forward! TED TALKS ON VEGANISM: Michael Klapper, M.D. - “The Most Powerful Strategy for Healing People and the Planet” - 15 minutes Michael Greger, M.D. - “The Plant-Based Diet” - 15 minutes VEGAN YOU-TUBE CHANNELS Brand New Vegan - Videos on health and recipes Krocks in the Kitchen - Couple who lost 335+ pounds have videos on health and recipes Plant Based Dads - Have recipes advocating Dr. McDougall’s starch-based diet to lose weight NETFLIX MOVIES ON VEGANISM: 15 Best Vegan Netflix Documentaries VEGAN PODCASTS: Top 35 Vegan Podcasts Teach Me How to be Vegan - Podcast by Animal Protection of New Mexico John McDougall, M.D. - “Why Doctors Don’t Recommend Veganism” - 25 minutes VEGAN NEWSLETTERS: One Green Planet - Free daily short videos delivered to your inbox Nutrition Facts - Free daily short videos delivered to your inbox VEGAN NEWSLETTERS: One Green Planet - Free daily short videos delivered to your inbox Nutrition Facts - Free daily short videos delivered to your inbox VEGAN BLOGS: Top 50 Vegan Blogs VEGAN RECIPES: The Complete Guide to Vegan Cooking Shows The Jaroudi Family - Videos that show different variations on the same recipe according to people’s needs

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Veganism: A New Year’s Resolution with Multiple Advantages – Cont’d Jacquie Lewis Consider going the extra step and adopting veganism as your New Year’s resolution. Pretty soon you’ll be recommending fantastic recipes, poignant documentaries, You-Tube videos, and the 21 Day Kickstart Challenge to your omnivore eating friends!

Jacquie is a retired university professor. She is currently writing a memoir about the 1960’s and attending creative writing courses at Harvard University. She has been vegan since 1990 and lives with other vegans: her partner Joe, Thai Dye, and Pandora, the box turtle, who is sympathetic to veganism but still eats crickets.

Jacquie with her dog Thai Dye, a rescue from the Thailand dog meat trade.

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When Family and Friends Deny Your Vegan Lifestyle Linda Middlesworth It is not easy being aware of a plant-based, vegan lifestyle. We want to tell our non vegan family and friends how they can avoid chronic diseases, stop animal suffering, and save our planet but they often don’t want to hear it. Our parents and food industry marketing determine what food choices we prefer. For instance, the dairy industry depicts “happy cows” on the carton despite mother cows having been raped repeatedly and having her newborn babies stolen from her at birth. I grew up eating cornflakes with calf milk. Snacks were crackers and cheese. Dinner was ham, pork chops, steak, cheeseburgers, fries, or pizza. We did get fresh veggies but always with a large dead animal or cheese at each meal. Sadly, I taught my own family to eat the same sad foods. I always thought of myself as a kind person. I had many friends, a wonderful hubby, and 3 great children. I did gain nearly 50 lbs. but did not think about it as I thought that instructing step, kickboxing, cardio dance, Zumba and strength training was keeping me fit and healthy. I wore larger sizes hiding my growing size. Finally, I saw a photo and could “see” that I was fat. Then I had thyroid cancer and my doc wanted to remove my entire gland, but I agreed to only one partial radiation. I explained my health issues to neighbor Frances. She said to look up Dr. McDougall and that everything would resolve. Inspired, I bought his book, “The 12 Day Program” and read it all night. I couldn’t believe that not one doctor had mentioned any of his life saving information. All of it made perfect sense and I went plant based. Dr. McDougall, and his wife Mary’s recipes saved my life. It’s great to know that we humans can survive with complete nutrition on potatoes only! I lost all my extra weight eating potatoes all day long! I had no idea that most of my food choices were harmful to animals, to my health and to the environment until I was 44 years old! That was 32 years ago. Now, at age 76, I look back at my years of cognitive dissonance with sheer astonishment. I was shocked after Frances told me how dairy cows were treated! I had no idea I had contributed to horrific, ongoing violence. I read Peter Singer’s book, “Animal Liberation.” He wrote, “It’s not even whether we eat meat or not but whether they suffer.” Then, after reading Gail Eisnitz’s book, "Slaughterhouse” I went vegan on the spot. I was already plant-based for a week. Going vegan meant I was against harm to all animals. My friend Cam and I co founded “Sacramento Animal Rights Group.” I joined the International Save movement by Anita Krajnc and created our chapter, “Sacramento Animal Save”. In 2008, I founded the Sacramento Vegan Society Meetup with 4,730 members. We enjoy (before Covid) vegan potlucks, dine outs, movie screenings, etc. I started my VeganMentor business to help people lose weight and or learn a healthy plant diet and exercise tips. I became Certified in Food for Life Nutrition Instructor, PCRM, in The Starch Solution, Dr. John McDougall, in Plant Nutrition, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Cornell University, and in Aerobics and Personal Training, AFFA. I love being a VeganMentor! Watching my clients regain their health with my 30-Day Vegan Health Watch Program is heavenly.

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When Family and Friends Deny Your Vegan Lifestyle – Cont’d Linda Middlesworth Despite my healthy lifestyle training, many of my family and friends are not vegan! Even my use of profound social media images from Go Vegan World, PETA, Animal Place, Farm Sanctuary, Sea Shepherd, DXE, etc. depicting young, fearful or happy animals has not worked. Making delicious plant food isn’t enough. Even my “Get Healthy Sacramento” conferences with speakers like Dr. John McDougall, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Michael Greger have not awakened them. I will now try what I learned from Dr. Melanie Joy; the best way to reach people is to focus on the process, not the content. Dr. Joy said we remember how we felt after our conversations. If they were to feel judged, they would feel shame and shut down. I must not let them feel I am right, and they are wrong. I will tell them that they do not need to be vegan. Instead, I will be asking them to empathize with me. I want them to love and value me enough to let me reveal my emotions and understand why veganism is so profoundly important to me. I will ask for time to talk to them. If I succeed, I believe this could also deepen our relationships. I am so hopeful.

Linda Middlesworth, 916-798-5516 Cancer Project, Food for Life Instructor Certified Personal Trainer/Aerobic Instructor Certified Plant Nutrition, Cornell University

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This time of year, is a great time to work on making lifestyle changes, and many of you might be working on adding more plant-based foods to your diet. No matter where you are on your journey, and how confident you do (or don’t) feel right now, here are 5 tips to help you set yourself up for success. 1.

Have it YOUR way

Setting off on this journey, many of us think that if we’re on a plant-based diet, we have to start eating only tofu and nutritional yeast, and everything we eat has to be organic, local, fair-trade certified, and served on a bed of greens. The first thing to know about changing to a plant-based diet is that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. Vegans and plant-based eaters come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties and our specific diets and lifestyles are just as varied. Some of us eat only whole-foods, some of us eat food from a drive-thru every day, some of us are oil free, some of us eat mock meats all the time, some of us shop only local… only you know what works for you and your individual circumstances. While it’s always ok (and encouraged) to be open to new information and ideas, never let anyone tell you that you’re “doing it wrong”. 2.

Don’t forget your WHY

Any behavior change can be extremely difficult, taxing, and trying at times. It is important to remember your reason(s) for making this change to help you get through the tougher times. If you made this change for health, focus on how great you feel or other positive changes you’ve noticed. If animal welfare was your motivator, keep friendly reminders of how many animals you have saved with your dietary changes. Similarly, if you are concerned about the environment, remind yourself of the huge quantity of greenhouse gases your diet has removed from the atmosphere and how much water your new diet has conserved. If you’re interested in learning more about all the different reasons to switch to a plant-based diet, check out our podcast episode titled But Why: 20+ Compelling Reasons To Follow A Plant-Based Diet.


Create your own cookbook

This doesn’t mean you have to be the world’s most creative home cook, invent new recipes, and compile a collection that will be your own publication. Simply compile a collection of your favorite recipes from different sources. Whenever you come across a recipe that is tried and true for you, save it somewhere either in a notebook or in a digital file. Animal Protection of NM is a great resource for easy and delicious plant-based recipes ( Additionally, Google can be your best friend; just type in any meal or dish that you wish to create and add the word “plant-based” or “vegan” to your search and you are guaranteed to find more recipes than you could ever hope for. Creating your own personal library of recipes is one of the best things you can do to help you transition. You will find that as time goes on you will become much more comfortable in the kitchen as a plant-based cook.

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4. Don’t strive for perfection The best way to set yourself up for failure is trying to be perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect vegan or a perfect plant-based diet. It is important to remember that we have to navigate the world we live in as it is, and that means sometimes not being able to be perfect. You might consider focusing on avoiding the big things at first – meat, milk, and eggs – and then making additional changes as you feel ready. You can always work to make improvements to your diet as you go along but trying to do everything all at once can be overwhelming and hinder your chances for success. So, go at your own pace, figure out a transition plan that works for you, and then just do your best! For more ideas and inspiration check out our podcast episode titled Baby Steps to Veganism. 5. Master your environment Although many who have never tried a fully plant-based diet might think it takes ninja-like skills to be successful, that’s not where we’re going with this one. Becoming a master means becoming familiar with your local grocery stores, restaurants, farmers markets, and any other places that you might access food. If you’re looking for places to eat out, check out our New Mexico Vegan Dining Guide ( to help you find restaurants with vegan offerings. Joining online groups like ABQ-VEGAN on Facebook can be a great resource for finding items in local grocery stores. There are also great Facebook groups specifically for finding and sharing vegan items that are available at chain stores like Costco, Target, and Trader Joe’s. Once you’ve put in a little extra time and effort re-learning how and where to shop and eat out, you will develop new routines and habits, it will feel natural, and you will be eating plant-based without even thinking much about it. Hopefully you find this list helpful. Best of luck on your vegan journey, we wish you nothing but success and happiness in the New Year.

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For more tips and resources check out our website ( and our new podcast Teach Me How To Vegan (

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1. Even though Pluto is no longer a planet, its discoverer was New Mexican Clyde Tombaugh. 2. The World Shovel Race Championship is held every year in Angel Fire, N.M. 3. Modern day New Mexico wine can be traced back to the early 1600s, making it the oldest known wine production in North America. 4. More chili peppers are born in New Mexico than all other states combined. 5. Albuquerque has more than 300 local hot air balloons, making it the hot air balloon capital of America with more than any other city. 6. Next time you stay at a Hilton, remember that Conrad Hilton, the founder of the hotel chain, was born in San Antonio, N.M. 7. Claims have been made that the pillow of goodness, the Sopapilla was first devoured in the Albuquerque area 200 years ago. 8. In 1607, roughly 13 years before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, Santa Fe was founded, making it the second oldest town in current day America. 9. According to New Mexican law, “idiots” are not allowed to vote. They don’t really give a clear definition of who gets included in that definition. 10. Though the total area of the state is relatively large at 121,665 square miles, it only has 250 square miles of surface water.

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Advocates Needed: How You Can Help Protect Cows and Calves from Abuse Tom Linney

Newborn calves in need of veterinary care, instead denied treatment and left to die where they lay. Mother cows kicked, punched, and jabbed with metal pipes and splintered wooden canes. Workers poking cows in the eyes and twisting their tails so hard that the bones break. “Downed” cows — those too sick or injured to stand — lifted by their hips with machinery and held aloft before being lowered and left to die in the dirt. When an undercover investigation by Animal Outlook revealed these and other extreme acts of cruelty at a California dairy, local law enforcement refused to intervene to protect the cows and calves. But the Animal Legal Defense Fund swung into action, partnering with the Talkov Law Corp. to file a lawsuit seeking to shut down the dairy and prevent its operators from harming any more animals. Lawsuits like these are among the most powerful tools that animal advocates have at our disposal to protect animals from inhumane treatment. But litigation alone can’t stop this cruelty — we must use every tool available to us, including our power as consumers to influence the decisions companies make. Every animal advocate’s voice is needed to protect cows, calves, and other farmed animals from abuse, and our collective action can make a big difference for these vulnerable animals. Dick Van Dam Dairy, the facility exposed through this undercover investigation, was a supplier for a large national conglomerate called Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), which produces brands including Dairy Pure and TruMoo. DFA products are sold nationwide at Target stores, among other retailers, and its brands rake in billions of dollars in annual sales. This is not the first time that one of DFA’s suppliers has been the site of an undercover investigation that documented severe and pervasive cruelty to animals. Several other dairy operations that supply the cooperative have been caught on camera abusing cows and calves in recent years, during investigations conducted by three separate animal protection organizations in three different states. In undercover investigations of DFA-affiliated farms in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska, workers were documented hitting and kicking cows, jabbing them with screwdrivers and pencils, denying water to animals, and leaving young calves outside in freezing temperatures, causing multiple calves to die from pneumonia and scours. Despite this troubling track record, Target has continued its business relationship with DFA — even though its own corporate “Food Animal Welfare” policy states that the company believes “every animal deserves to be “[f]ree from pain … fear & distress,” a standard DFA has clearly failed to uphold. In October, the Animal Legal Defense Fund sent a letter to Target, urging the company to immediately remove all DFA products from its store shelves until it can confirm that every one of the dairy cooperative's suppliers complies with Target’s policy on animal care and treatment. NM Vegan | 23

Advocates Needed: How You Can Help Protect Cows and Calves from Abuse -Cont’d

Tom Linney

Farmed animals — like the cows and calves at Dick Van Dam Dairy — are among the most frequently abused, and least protected, animals on earth. Despite the scope and severity of the suffering they endure, these sensitive, intelligent animals are commonly exempted from laws that protect other animals. But animal advocates have the power to make a difference — through the legal system, legislative advocacy, speaking out against cruelty, and the everyday choices we make as consumers. You can join the fight to protect cows and calves from DFA cruelty by taking a quick and simple action today. Be a part of this campaign by sending a brief and polite message to Target executives, asking them to follow their own policy to protect animals from abuse, at By urging Target to honor its own policy to prevent the most extreme forms of abuse to cows and calves, you’ll be wielding your consumer power to protect animals. Another action you can take today: Spread the word about the inhumane treatment of cows and calves by sharing the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s video about this undercover investigation, narrated by Emmynominated actress and animal advocate Kate Mara, at Undercover documentation of cruelty to farmed animals, like the footage obtained during this investigation, is vital to helping the public understand the cruelty farmed animals face and encouraging consumers to make animal-friendlier choices. Learn more about the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s work to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system at

As Director of the Pro Bono Program for the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Tom Linney oversees the nation’s largest pro bono network for animal protection. He collaborates with the Litigation, Legislative and Criminal Justice programs to secure pro bono counsel for cases, recruiting interested attorneys and law firms from around the country

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You Are The Youniverse Greg Lawson The perception that most of us have that each of us is an individual soul or an ego, a separate being with a unique personality is only an illusion. It’s just a nicely constructed persona developed for the drama of life in which we have temporarily immersed ourselves. The word “persona” is from the Greek word which was used for the mask that actors wore in Greek theatre. A person is a mask. Each of us is an expression of the Whole, and for a short time, each of us pretends to be a singularity and we play and dance and love and cry and learn and have fun and suffer. IT, the one behind the mask, we can choose to call by names such as the Cosmic Mind or God or the Source or the Divine Goddess or the Great Whatever. Names don’t matter. Words can’t capture the experience of being, the nature of consciousness. Trying to describe life with words which can be understood is like the tongue trying to taste itself, or the eye trying to see itself. Because in reality, we are IT. The vast space between atoms, between stars, between galaxies, is not mere empty space…it is consciousness. It is a misperception that we think our brains create consciousness. The scientific and yet mystical philosophy of Quantum Physics suggests that it’s actually the other way around. Consciousness has created our brains and everything else in the Youniverse. Just like when a tree falls in the forest and there is no being to hear it, it makes no sound, the Universe would not exist if there were no beings to perceive it. When we aren’t looking all the things around us are just potential quantum waveforms. Nothing really matters, in that matter isn’t there until we perceive it. Before physical beings existed, the Universe was like an apple tree which intended to produce apples, beings which could look at itself. We are all expressions of the one consciousness. Knowing this, I chose to not cause suffering to other beings as best as I am able. I would only be hurting myself. As was said by the wisest men to have ever been recorded on audio tape, “I am you as you are he and we are all together...I am the walrus. Coo-coo-cha-chu.” And I am the orca, I am the prairie dog, I am the wolf, I’m the sparrow, I am the bison. Each transgression against them is a transgression against me, against us. Albert Einstein put it in this way: “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

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You Are The Youniverse – Cont’d Greg Lawson A Buddhist priest that I didn’t trust that much once told me that everything is perfect, just right, just the way it is. Another Buddhist priest told me that we wouldn’t be able to understand pleasure without pain, light without dark. Ying without Yang. On without Off. I have often thought about this. Is what we do to animals right? Do those creatures deserve it for some transgression they committed in a previous life? Such a strange way of viewing Karma. Is their suffering just a learning experience that will benefit them in the next life? Is there a next life? The I that is me likes to believe there is more to come. I once read that the word “believe” came from words that meant “to wish things to be.” My beliefs are far from firm, instead I have Faith that there is a Youniversal consciousness, the Force from Star Wars is a nice way to think about it, and that we are here to prove that our dreams of peace can come true. Buddha said life is suffering, but we don’t have to cause it for others. And we can view personal suffering in a new way, a way that isn’t painful, and we can do something about the suffering of other beings. What we have to do is just this…. We should be examples of peace. We have to be the best advocates for animals that we can be. We should see personal suffering as a chance to learn, and to never stop learning and growing. We must stay on an ethical path when it seems unlikely that most will follow, and to keep our goals when all the world around us seems to be without purpose. We must let go of beliefs and instead hold onto our faith that the universe will continue to be marvelously strange, wondrous and meaningful. And now and then…we need to stop and remember who we really are behind the masks.

Greg Lawson is a Main Street Vegan Academy graduate, vice president of the Veg Society of El Paso and host of a vegan radio show, ACT - Animal Concerns of Texas, in its eighteenth year on KTEP-FM, National Public Radio for the Southwest.

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What If? Bera Dordoni, N.D. Reopen. The. World. That’s what we all want, but what if it doesn’t happen this year? What if we’re forced to wear masks forever? What if we can’t leave isolation or quarantine situations? What if our jobs never return? What if we’re forced to be vaccinated even if we don’t want vaccines? What if there aren’t enough vaccines for everyone who wants them? What if the vaccines are dangerous? What if the joblessness, homelessness, violence and systemic racism get worse? What if the doctor finds something wrong with you? What if nobody can stop this virus from spreading further? What if you can’t lose weight? What if your unborn child doesn’t get into the kindergarten of your choice? What if your favorite show stops streaming? What if they stop making your favorite chocolate bar? Everyone is so wrapped up in the losses we’re experiencing that we’re forgetting that there is another way of thinking–being–doing. We’re all part of this human family – we’re interconnected – those of us who want to bring about peace peacefully feel the pain of those whose anger is invading their beings and acting out their frustrations violently. If only we were able to believe in the power we hold collectively, together we could end animal suffering, cure diabetes, heart disease, cancer, we could end world hunger and war. We could bring about peace with and between all living beings. How Can We Bring Back Even a Semblance of the World We Once Knew? It all starts with love. And belief in ourselves individually. What if the "power" is really right here inside each of us? What if the power to do, to be, to have, to hold, to know everything is simply bursting inside us, just waiting for acknowledgement? What if I, as an individual, have the power to give myself recognition for my worth – to feel worthy of everything I want for myself? What if I have the power to be loved, to love, no matter who or what the situation? What if I have the power to acknowledge who I really am, to understand what I want out of life? What if I use this power to protect all the animals needing our compassion and protection? What if I use this power to create the life I dream of? What if I use this power to fulfill my purpose on this earth. What if? What if all my patterns of self-hatred and sabotage, all my fears, doubts, indecision and frustration simply cease? What if I decide I’m now worthy, valuable, deserving, filled with grace? What if the things I really truly want are already mine? What if I am overflowing with gratitude for my fulfilled life, for the love surrounding me, for the joy and prosperity that are always mine? What if I choose these experiences as opposed to the ‘I can’t afford’ experience that tends to pop up and take hold in so many areas of life? In the midst of this pandemic, it seems impossible, but what if prosperity, abundance and perfect health are everyone’s destiny for the asking? What if fulfillment is something we can achieve if we believe? What if? What if the prophets, theologians, artists, philosophers and dreamers are right? What if it really is inside us, this gift for obtaining knowledge, for expressing power, to have, to know, to be, to do anything we dream of doing? What if the kingdom is within? What if heaven can really be here on earth through our own creation? What if? Accept or Resist? What if I live in acceptance instead of resistance? What if I choose to accept anything that frustrates me instead of resisting it? What if resistance brings on more to resist and more to frustrate me at every turn, and acceptance brings on more to accept, more that I want out of life? What if? What if the Source of our lives, God, the Universe, only wants us to be happy and healthy? What if our happiness can touch others with happiness? What if we’ve been living in denial about how powerful we really are? What if this power is always at hand, as long as we believe it is? What if our suffering is brought about by our thoughts and beliefs? What if we don’t need to seek power, or find power, but only need to tap into our power by believing it exists and acknowledging it? What if?

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What If? – Cont’d Bera Dordoni, N.D. What if we all believe we can have peace on earth in 2021? What if we all practice love and harmony instead of hatred and anger? What if we all practice random acts of kindness and send mental messages of love to those, we’re sure need them? What if we all remember that love is patient and kind, is not self-seeking nor does it dishonor others, it does not easily anger, nor does it keep record of wrongs. What if? What if I choose to believe the words of Viktor Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor (“Man’s Search for Meaning”): “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms–to choose attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” (this author’s emphasis) or the words of Henry Ford, who said: “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” What if I do believe these words? What if I do believe the power is within me? That I can create the life I love and love the life I create? What if I believe all of us on Earth can all have a peaceful, joyful year ahead filled with love and perfect health? What if I can and I do? What if you can and you do? What if? What? If?

Dr. Bera “The Wellness Whisperer” Dordoni, N.D. With over 35 years of serving as a vegan/vegetarian-oriented Naturopathic Doctor/nutritionist, Dr. Bera now focuses primarily on teaching Ho’oponopono in workshops and at retreats in her home in the Zuni mountains. She provides gourmet vegan meals and a relaxing stay where deer and wild turkeys play… as well as instruction in plant-based living, immune-system building and how to make the laws of attraction work for you. To learn more or book your stay, visit or, or call (505) 783-9001.

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Meet Ms. Ebony McCormick Ebony McCormick Ebony McCormick is a native of Florida. Ebony matriculated to Clark Atlanta University where she studied accounting and proceeded to work in a fast-upscale environment as a financial assistant. Ebony has coached and mentored several clients, assisting them with their short- and long-term financial goals. She has a deep passion for the kitchen, embarking upon her culinary skills. Without a doubt, her son, PeTA’s Kids Cutest Vegan Kid Runner Up 2019 Leo, enjoys her love for cooking the most. Ebony McCormick is zealous in her movement to raise the awareness and consciousness of mankind. Her motto is, “What better way to take advantage of life than to be excited about educating, motivating, and touching all walks of life?” In 2017, Ebony participated in a seven-day vegan challenge that changed her world. Needless to say, during those seven days, she became more aware, and conscious of what she was putting into her body. Shortly after she decided to embark in a vegan lifestyle. Ebony stated that, although she was enjoying her new lifestyle, some of the challenges she faced were locating vegan restaurants and finding support. That’s when she had her AH-HA moment; Healthy Dining App…feeding your appetite for a vegan lifestyle! Instead of throwing in the towel, Ebony let this challenge motivate her to create something that would benefit humanity in ways imaginable. Healthy Dining is a mobile app that allows users to create a profile to search for vegan and vegetarian restaurants, vegan businesses, and vegan events worldwide, as well as allow users to connect for dining and networking purposes. Ebony launched the Healthy Dining App in July 2018. The app has been doing extremely well. Users are enjoying the unique features on the app. One of her favorite features on the app is the “create a date” feature. This feature allows users to create a date by selecting a user, restaurant, date, time, and then the app sends a date request to the user, to simply accept or reject the date. Pretty cool, right? Healthy Dining is designed around the idea to feed one’s appetite for a vegan lifestyle. Whether you want to find a local spot or dine with a fellow vegan, THIS APP IS FOR YOU! Please take the time out to download this amazing app and share with friends and family. Ebony’s entrepreneur spirit, passion for the vegan lifestyle, and more specifically making people happy didn’t let her stop there. She chose to continue to search for ways to help raise the awareness of mankind, and combining this with her passion for cosmetics, creating Cha’Rose Vegan Cosmetics was an obvious choice for her. Ebony felt that it was a gap in the market for ethical, healthy, and beauty products. Ebony stated that, she would like people to know that it’s not just about contouring and highlighting the face but contouring and highlighting the inside and the world we live in. Ebony is committed to offering people ways in which they can embrace positivity. She aims to leave a footprint in the sand and will express this through her businesses.

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Meet Ms. Ebony McCormick – Cont’d Ebony McCormick Ebony McCormick is living proof that real beauty is more than skin deep. There’s nothing more confident than standing proudly in your own skin and letting animals keep theirs. Plus, going vegan helps saves more then 200 animals a year. Ebony “whys” for going vegan are simple *compassion *empathy *longevity and *spiritual. Interested in learning more about Ebony’s Journey? Connect with her on the platforms below: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Email: Healthy Dining App: Cha’Rose Vegan Cosmetics:

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Animals can feel empathy just like humans do. Empathy for each other, for us, and even for other species.


1. A group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they're called a waddle! 2. Gentoo penguins are the fastest penguin species. In the water, they can reach swimming speeds of 22 miles an hour. 3. On a romantic note, penguins tend to be monogamous and can even be in same-sex couples. 4. Emperor penguins are the largest species of penguin. Native to Antarctica, they're characterized by their regal stature. They can grow upwards of 50 inches tall. 5. Penguins tend to be monogamous. 6. Emperor penguins famously huddle to survive frigid Arctic winters. To ensure the birds in the middle of the group don't overheat, they move in a subtle, coordinated rotation every 30 to 60 seconds. 7. Pint-sized Adélie penguins, native to Antarctica, can leap up to nine feet in the air. In comparison, emperor penguins can jump around a foot and a half. 8. Penguins lose all of their old feathers at once, rather than gradually, in a process known as "catastrophic molt.“ 9. There are five species classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List: the northern rockhopper penguin, the erect-crested penguin, the yellow-eyed penguin, the African penguin, and the Galápagos penguin. 10. Male emperor penguins incubate eggs while the female goes hunting. 11. Growing only to a height of 10 to 12 inches, blue penguins are also known as little penguins. They're native to Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania. 12. Many species of penguin spend most of their lives with large groups of other penguins. 13. A large group of penguins is called a rookery. 14. They do everything together: eating, swimming, hunting and nesting. 15. Penguins have a unique voice or call that they use to find their mates and chicks in large groups of sometimes a thousand penguins or more!

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I am a vegan and a wine lover. My mission is to bring to light the meaning of what makes a wine vegan worldwide. Your favorite wine begins in the soil (the soul) of the vineyard. It is important that the less is more method begins at the vineyard. Veganism is about animal rights and the environment which is being overlooked in the so-called vegan-friendly wine labels. In the vineyard it is important that using naturally organic fertilizers like green manure helps keep the vineyard treatments to a minimum. There are some treatments that may be needed to prevent things like mildew and is why natural sulfur is okay but synthetic chemicals have to stop to help that soil (the soul) come back to life to the vineyard with living insects like worms, ants, birds, bees, wasps, etc. We not only need this life in our vineyard but also for our survival. To correct this is part of veganism. Animal manure is NOT okay in the vineyard. Why? The animal manure the majority of the times comes from slaughterhouses. Not only is this against veganism it is also horrible for our soil and in turn our health due to all the antibiotics and hormones that are pumped into the animals during their short and horrible life in the slaughterhouse. Now there is a conflict on the belief that animal manure played a major part in evolution on earth. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet has a part that shows this clearly and there is truth in this if you listen carefully, the key word is naturally. These herds traveled the world freely the way nature intended. They didn’t have all the harsh man-made chemicals in their body. To correct this is part of veganism. Animals in the vineyard. For me using horses to do labor in the vineyard from what I have seen to this day is not animal friendly. I have a friend in Puerto Rico that rescues horses. They ride the horses once or twice along the beach daily. The horses and their rescues are so happy, this is the horses' exercise. Now the ones I have witness in vineyards have the metals in their mouth the heavy materials all over their body and this to me is not vegan, and cruel. Then we have animals gazing in the vineyard for weed management. This may seem better than machines but think about what becomes of the animals. Sometimes they are animals in the food industry and used for two purposes, gazing labor, and when retired, for human consumption, food. Now there are cases that poor farmers have sheep for gazing, and they are led to live their natural timeline. There is one case that a certain breed of sheep are put to this work, to safe that breed from extinction (I can go more into the why if needed). Therefore, it is important that we visit every vineyard because we need to know each story straight from their mouth on the why. My personal conflict with work in the vineyard is the pain and misuse to animals and the destruction to our soil (environment) and it is important for me to learn and the only way is by going there and research. To correct this is part of veganism. Vegan Wines, we are here to educate with transparency with the wines we feature and also to work with the farmers and winemakers to a better way within the wine industry. In order to correct this, we must be part of it from the very beginning to the end product. This is our belief!

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To revisit previous issues go to:

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If our aim is making the world the best possible place for all sentient beings, which courses of action would give us the best outcome for sentient beings from now until the end of time? Animal advocates often prefer a certain strategy over alternatives based on its expected impact on the animals who are living in the present or in the immediate future. But the future will last for a very long time, and this has an extremely important consequence that many people overlook. The odds are that sentient beings will exist into the far future. This means that in the future there will be many more sentient beings than in the present. What “many more” means here is many orders of magnitude more, a difference on a scale that is difficult to conceive of. In light of this, the attitude of caring more about beings existing in the present or the near future seems unjustified. Our strategy in defense of sentient beings should be concerned with all sentient beings equally, and with all the harms or benefits they could experience. So, considering the future is extremely important in determining how we should act to help sentient beings. Risks of future suffering There are risks that in the future the suffering of sentient beings will increase astronomically. Today there is large scale suffering from factory farming and new weaponry technology that affects both human and nonhuman animals. There are likely to be new institutions in the future that cause huge amounts of suffering. This is especially important given that many people still discriminate against nonhuman animals. Many think only human interests matter significantly. As long as this speciesist attitude remains and humans don’t give much thought to what happens to most other sentient animals, there is an extremely high risk that animals will suffer massively in the future. New technologies might be developed that benefit humans but harm other sentient beings. Because of speciesist attitudes, there is a huge risk that this will happen The impact of changing these attitudes goes well beyond the interests of the animals who exist now or will exist in the near future. It is also possible that in some respects the future will be better than the present. For instance, because of the development of lab grown meat, we might stop bringing huge numbers of animals into existence just to be exploited and killed. Still, suppose that lab grown meat leads to a significant reduction in the number of exploited mammals and birds. There are other forms of exploiting animals that are likely to be increased so that the overall number of animals who suffer is higher in the future. One example is fish farming. It’s possible that the total number of fishes exploited by this practice would be reduced by the development of lab grown fish flesh. However, other forms of farming might lead to an increase in the total number. They include aquatic farms where other animals are raised in captivity (especially small crustaceans), and insect farming because of an increase in the number of foods made with insects. There are two ways of increasing future suffering. One is by increasing the amount of suffering that is present in existing wild areas. Another is by spreading wild animal suffering to new areas.

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Shifting the future Even if it’s hard to guess accurately how the far future will be if we act in one way or another, we can still make some reasonable estimations based on current evidence of how enduring societal changes come about. It seems likely that challenging speciesism and promoting the relevance of sentience for moral consideration will have a positive impact on the ways sentient beings of all kinds are treated in the future. The spread of antispeciesism could lead to greater concern for sentient beings different from ourselves, making it easier in the future to stop the development of a technology that could cause sentient beings to suffer. For more information see The importance of the future.

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“Ethical veganism is not just a diet. Not just an opinion; nor a trend. This is a 21st-century revolution which began more than twenty centuries ago”. These are the words you can read on the back cover of my new book, published in December 2020, by September Publishing. It is an exploration of veganism, the politics, and philosophy behind it, explained through three intertwined stories: my journey of how I became a vegan, my landmark legal case which secured the protection of ethical vegans from discrimination in Great Britain, and the entire history of veganism (from millennia ago, to today). This is a comprehensive analysis of veganism as an ethical belief as well as a socio-political transformative movement, explained through my perspective, as a vegan zoologist. My journey to discover my identity started in early life as an oppressed Catalan in Franco’s Spain, before I moved to the UK where I have been living for the last thirty years. Throughout my professional career, as an animal behaviour expert and working in animal protection for various organisations in several countries, my search continued with the acquisition of a series of new “labels” — the “wasp-man”, the “monkey-man”, the “antibullfighting-man” and the “vegan-rights-man” — leading to my current identity, an “ethical vegan”, someone who seeks to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, not just those related to diet. I felt that it was important to pause and write a book about what this means to me. By analyzing the meaning and origins of the concept, but also the practicalities of the vegan lifestyle in my own everyday experience, I hope the book will help to debunk myths and dispel preconceptions about what a vegan is. It covers a wide range of disciplines: history, philosophy, science, politics, and lifestyle, exploring how it is possible to dress ethically, use vegan-friendly household products, travel according to vegan principles, work responsibly and, of course, eat well without compromising vegan ethics. I believe that ethical veganism is suitable to everyone from any culture, religion, race or class, and although the circumstances of each person will vary how it is adopted, at its core it is based in the willingness to interact with the world positively and compassionately using ahimsa, the ancient concept of ‘doing no harm’ we first see evidence of more than three millennia ago in what is now Northern India. Ahimsa is a guiding principle applicable to ourselves, other humans, other animals and the environment. This important idea, which I argue has a strong biological basis on the concept of “reciprocal altruism”, has the power to open people’s minds and help to achieve a better future for all. I have encountered many animals in my life who help me to find “my way” by the experiences they gave me, and their stories have been included in my book. I have also added the voices of many other vegans to reflect the diversity of our movement, especially in the chapter titled “The Anthropology of the vegan kind” in which I describe the more than thirty types of “veggie” and plant-based people I have identified. This book also allowed me to expand on how the legal case that drew the entire world’s attention came about, how I developed it, how I overcame the obstacles I encountered, and how it felt when I won both the Employment Tribunal’s pre-hearing to determine if ethical veganism is a protected non-religious philosophical belief, and then the full-merits hearing to determine whether I had been unlawfully discriminated against for such belief. This discrimination occurred when in 2018 I was fired for having communicated information of the pension fund we were auto-enrolled by our employer to my work colleagues, a fund I considered “unethical” because it invested in pharmaceutical companies which tested on animals and petrol companies which damaged the environment.

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I wrote the book in four months while I was in lockdown in London due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I wrote with urgency, intensity, and with the hope that the vegan world will eventually come, solving the current global crises (animal suffering, environmental destruction, world hunger, pandemics, systemic racism, etc.). In fact, the last chapter of the book is precisely dedicated to imagining how this future vegan world would look like and what we need to do to get there.

Jordi Casamitjana, the zoologist who secured the recognition of veganism as a protected philosophical belief in the UK, tell us about his new book “Ethical Vegan: a personal and political journey to change the world�.

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) …This is a positive New Year’s offering.

But there will be some negative-images along the way.

Admitted, here, are- two kinds of mind: do-ing and witness-ing.

Here is a working definition for, Positive: “Everyone will be happy forever, …no exceptions.” To realize that now, will ease human anxiety. “Positive” is- being oriented to the absolute truth …infinite eternal bliss, for every single one of us. Infinity appears, as a many-ness of “others;” but infinity is really one. There should be, at least, one …someone… who is all of it …that is certainly, a reasonable image for something so grand as… ‘everything.’ And that one is who we are, when our delusion ends. All beings are united, …one …nonetheless, infinity is vastly arrayed …real. My small self will not disappear, …but “I” will expand, to see my small self, as present and equal with all the rest of me …infinity. Furthermore, we are coming on the certain end to the “sin-principle” of the one “Earth-soul.” Though all people are “sinners” …all “sinners” are innocent. Negative?: the idea of subtracting souls from infinity is …a negative idea. Henceforth…

Hate: the sin-principle. Hate not: the “sinner.” Understand …the sin-principle. Empathize with …the “sinner.” Sin: is a global force, and all who are attacked by it, are innocent. Sinners, then: are not sinners …we are humans.

Earth is one. When you help anyone …you help Earth. Earth is one. When you help anyone …you help Earth. That’s right …twice. Let it sink in. Positive, positive, positive, positive, positive, positive.

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Amid all this conceptualized “positivity” …one thing yet remains to be included. Positive-excellence must …come & stay… as in, forever. Which ego… is going to commit suicide upon its own self, abandoning its habitual selfish-attitude …to serve others… if the service leads …nowhere? “Nowhere” is a negative destination. Should there be a positive destination …?…wouldn’t that be love-ly? Well, there is a positive destination, absolutely, …we are all becoming the universe, itself. What better alternative could one have? ‘Did God promise: to share “Godhood” with you; or that you would be a subservient worshipper of the Godhead, forever? Forever sub-servient, really? Why such a partial\low place, as a gift from God …for Eternity?’ God is not …an “other.” The Universe is one. When you help anyone, you help you- the Infinite Eternal Universe. You are a “small,” …becoming the “All.” Try… go-ahead, try… try your best to…get a more positive attitude, than being all of infinity, simultaneously …forever. Do you really believe that people are going to fall through the cracks and be lost …forever? That outlook appears intensely sorrowful. That storyline, however, is temporary polarity-drama: good vs evil; happy or sad; right & wrong. The storyline, of… “lost forever” … is an intensely …negative …illusion. Temporary negativity, certainly, has a place. It makes the positive, feel …more positive… by contrast. Suffering must come, first; and then …eternal happiness. The other way round --happiness first, then everlasting suffering-- that’s too negative. You and I, are neither pre-born; nor, post-dead. We live in the …meantime… between the “tears & cheers.” And I do agree that “the meantime” can be really “mean” …monster-mean …but the worst it can do to you, is overwhelm you with …despair. “Despair” opposes good work. And inner-work is always with you …working. ‘Working’ (that’s do-ing …for you do-ers) …striving …to achieve a positively indestructible heart-mind …that is what carries us to the goal. It happens in us, because we aim-for-it. But you will not aim for anything, unless you believe in it, first. And no one can force you to believe anything. But “striving to understand” …is a do-ing in itself… involving the effort of the mind. The Absolute Truth exists, already; that’s why belief is proper. The “barn,” we may need to build, from lumber and nails …raising it upward from the ground. Not so, “Eternity.” Eternity is ‘always.’ Eternity is now. Believe it now. We do possess a blissful heritage… or we are all squawking and clamoring for nothing. ‘Value’ is valuable, only if its positive-value, lasts forever. Otherwise, experience comes …goes …and is forgotten …forever. The ‘thing’ that is most-valuable in this game-of-life, should be within the players, like a battery in a machine. If the players do not know that-kind of battery is in them, that just creates another dramatic, storyline. Be well. The “well” is you.

Everyone wants to be positive. People do not yearn to be ‘swallowed’ by a giant sinkhole, so they can be pained and trapped. Generally, we seek non-threatening peaks and valleys to explore …for safe adventures. And so, it is, with all our endeavors. Avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, are normal attributes. It is human nature to desire positive experiences, and to fear negative ones. Humans are naturally “positive-oriented.”

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Drink, therefore, from the deep (endless), cool (satisfying) …waters of eternal …well-ness… while your feet are on the Earth, here & now. Believe it, …enjoy its relaxation, right here in this temporary world. A peaceful sojourn, here on Earth… a confident-view of your own infinite joy …ahead: that is the pure “calm-attitude” to live with; furthermore, it is, always, available …right now, and everywhere …to anyone who contacts it, within their own thoughts and feelings.

Unfortunately, the person who lives only for their own sensory-pleasures, pursues a fleeting “positivity.” Eventually, this lifestyle, turns “negative.” Selfishness is a kind of “negative-satisfaction.” Sensory-pleasures can be a nasty trick, indeed. Human senses may appear to be the path to happiness; but my ear-skineye=mouth-&-nose …may drag me into misery, if I am unbalanced. Let’s suppose, that I believe- I am the body; and, I will never have anything beyond this body’s life, once “I” die. I will crave to get-get-get all the “happiness” I can get, while I am still “alive with opportunities.” What else do I have? Nothing. So, I will get-stuff, while the getting …is possible. The happier I am with this world …the more disappointed I will be when it comes time to leave it all behind. The higher I am, the harder I will fall. This is a picture of desperation. On the other hand, if I am convinced of my positive universal destiny, my anxiety over “getting-stuff” will be overwhelmed by a feeling of “relief.” And then. Patience overwhelms impatience. Sufficiency, overwhelms greed. Prudence overwhelms folly. Why such contrast in personalities? Look at the two side-by-side: (1) I am falling, even as I am alive in the world …alive but falling, into a mysterious abyss that is absorbing my life away, into absentee-ism, never to appear again; (2) Death is not an end to me. Death happens to the body, like pooping after eating. I am not, really, the body; just as I am not poop. I am spirit… one of infinite universal-smalls, becoming the One Universal-All. Never-ending-joy, is my rightful inheritance. ……..……..That (1) and That “(2),” …do not “glow” alike. I cannot offer you eternal-life, I cannot offer you a calm-attitude. I am saying, “Infinite-bliss, is yours, somewhere in your future, once this rat-race is finally over …if you knew this, you would sigh with relief, and live “relaxed.” People whose friendliness is pure, are not friendly, …so much as they are aware of the best that there is. The absence of anxiety …light-heart-ed-ness …is sufficient friendliness. One who is spiritually happy …spiritually prosperous, …is non-violent. ___________________________ --Now, here come the negative-images …that I promised you, earlier-Have you ever felt like… “It’s been, Enough Already.!!! Are there only 2-handfuls of people in this world.......... who care ……….?.......... who are right, and acting for it?... acting for justice …do-ing …for mercy? Certainly, I feel it …this way. Because the solution to our problems is so: simple & obvious. Therefore: no one else is trying …just me. Furthermore, ‘speaking-up’ is what we do in this world …in a democracy …in a republic …among people who want to be free… …my yearnings come through my speech… freedom of speech is best, when beautifying Earth… beautifying the lives of the people in the land. But am I wasting my time? How is it even legal, to kill & eat another heart-beating soul, …who breaths-in …sunshine, just as the killer does? Rain falls on the murder-er and the murder-ed, alike, that’s true; …but how is ‘murder’ in our land?

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People’s… ‘good-intentions’ …are going, in every way, …except the right way. I must be out of my mind, …thinking that I am going to reverse: the momentum …that is, now, driving Earth’s ancient-food-habits.” --So, …have you ever felt like that?— ____________________________ “POSITIVE” …is my …positive-offering: “positive” …for your own legitimate personal self-satisfaction. “Positive” …is. “Positive” …is not: despair. “Positive” …is the: only reasonable path …to achieving anything. Naturally, most everyone will claim to be: ‘positive.’ But I am not speaking of the outer-persona. I am saying, “If you need a little help ‘in-there’ (...where no one else can claim responsibility, but you; …where no one else can put their greasy-little-fingers), then …think about it.” Think about it. “Despair” …is not reasonable. “Positive” …is the truth. Furthermore, your benefits of a “positive-character” …are, also, for the team, …team Earth. Can a team be positive, when all its members are, strictly, …negative? No. Therefore, to have an effective campaign for Earth-purity, we …you… must… ‘be’ …positive-attitudes. And since being “positive” is being …peaceful & confident… then …you …we… live “satisfied.” Summarizing: Intelligent-thoughts (plus) contented feelings (equals) “positive-satisfaction.” Here and now…with your feet on the ground…satisfied: …not a trivial feat. --The End--

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