The Future is Now Humanimal Non-Human Animal Planet
Volume 2 Issue 2 March 2016 For Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Veg Curious
Editor’s Note
Jane Wotton
LOVE (Advertisement)
Julia Grueskin
We, Vegans, Are United By A Vow
Malaika Namara
About New Mexico… Meet: Tucumcari, NM
Delilah Williams
Neal’s Yard Remedies
Lainie Sevante´ Wulkan
Zeta Global Radio (Advertisement)
Photo Collage
Bette Castoria
Keith McHenry: Book Signing ‘The Anarchist Cookbook’
Live Vegan (Advertisement)
Why Be Vegan?
Correction Notice (to NMV, January Issue): “Journey of Love and Compassion: The Flores Family in Cloudcroft NM”
Recipe: Baked Macaroni and “Cheese” with Peas
Gatos Y Galletas
BEMER Technology Amazes!
BEMER America (Advertisement)
Calendar of Events
HeartnSole Spirituality – Vegan Spirituality (Advertisement)
Green Witch Botanicals
Meet Our Media Partner - Zeta Global Radio and Radio Non-Profit
Body & Brain Yoga * TaiChi * Meditation
Body & Brain Yoga * TaiChi * Meditation (Advertisement)
Advertising with NM Vegan
Why Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016
Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016 (Advertisement)
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Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016 -Registration Information-
Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016 -Registration Form-
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New Mexico Vegan VoIume 2 – Issue 2 March 2016 Editor: Nancy Arenas Assistant Editor: Arwen NMV Photographer: N. Arenas
A HeartnSole, LLC publication
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Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016 -Schedule-
EDITOR’S NOTE: Now… is a very exciting time. Many seeds and blossoms (of mind and mother-nature) are preparing to sprout and bloom. Many projects, are underway …in rhyme, with spring-time. Ahhh, Spring …O warming spring; a time of awakening, from wintry sleep. May veganism, for all, around the world, somehow; be, the long-awaited sun rise …now. This, March 2016 New Mexico Vegan, is the magazine’s issue, that directly precedes, the (April) 2016 Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque {Convention Center / Saturday April 23rd, 8am-6pm (weekend of, National Earth Day)}. So, I express my gladness …now… for all those, who: attend; connect; learn; enjoy; and, engage with others --in a celebration of our “Earth.” This ‘community outreach event’ will, I trust: inspire you, on being in-line, with your moral-convictions, to… “do no harm.” Our VegFest Presenters, are knowledgeable; their topics, are worthy and interesting. Come …share with us: information; dance; exercise; delicious and nutritious food. ‘This’ will be a place & time: to learn more about compassionate healthy-living; to meet like-minded people …now. See you there. Eat Without Violence | Livegan, Nancy & Arwen
New Mexico Vegan is an electronic magazine available at NM Vegan | 03
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We, Vegans, Are United By A Vow We, vegans, are united by a vow: the vow of pure (uncompromised) non-violence. As “friends in veganism,” we are connected, by a marvelous karmic-bond. We have been born, collectively, in this era (to help suffering animals, become free and happy). We are working, to achieve a non-violent world (on behalf of humans and non-humans, alike). Let us resolve, to exert ourselves, heartily, at: proposing the vegan-ideal, to all. As we awaken to veganism; our compassionate-outreach, expands. Voice “the pure vegan-objective;” for, it is destined to be heard. Our goal, is certain: we must eliminate radically tortuous-suffering, from our world (yes, vegans …must establish, world peace). It will be a great effort; but, ending the sadistic horror (that devastates the dignity of animal-life) is a fight, in which, we will be the victors …we will win! Nichiren Daishonin said, “When great evil occurs, great good follows.” We are in the early stages, of a momentous new era, for veganism. I am willing to challenge its obstacles (even, terrible storms of distress) for as Bertrand Russell said, “Hope, not fear, is the creative principle in human affairs.” We, vegans, must be the builders of a better future. Who else is motivated to end “the world’s largest-scale bloodshed event (of humanity’s carnivorous-food habit)?” Vegans, are the Medicine, this world needs, now. If vegans abandon this cause, what group will step forward? Creating majority-population-veganism (51%, worldwide), is an important future landmark (en route to a 100% vegan world). Furthermore, “how” it is created, is just as important. A purely vegan world, will be created; only, through the high ideals of: patience; compassion; non-judgment; sacrifice of ego; and so on; in a word, through the ideal of …wisdom. Veganism, is the hope, for saving the world, from human destructive-forces; and, we (who endeavor to work towards this end) are the caring souls, who are making peace. Be active (for veganism) in your community. Look for opportunities to participate (in vegan events). We can make it our joyous-duty, to support vegan causes; thereby, each community will become, a step on the stairway to happiness (yours, as well as your grandchildren’s). And, remind everyone …animals, too, have grandchildren. As we move forward, support (for our vegan endeavors) will come. Together, we will build a society of truth, love, and compassion. Courage, will inspire us, to take timely-action, against speciesism. We will be champions for the animals, in the NEW ERA of VEGANISM (…for, we have awakened).
Meet: Tucumcari, NM In 1901, the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad built a construction camp in the western portion of modern-day Quay County. Originally called Ragtown, the camp became known as Six Shooter Siding, due to numerous gunfights. Its first formal name, Douglas, was used only for a short time. After it grew into a permanent settlement, it was renamed “Tucumcari” in 1908. Tucumcari is also known as the “City of Murals”, Tucumcari and Quay County have over 40 murals. Attractions to be found: Eastern New Mexico Arts & Cultural; Center;Mesalands Dinosaur Museum; New Mexico Route 66 Museum; Tucumcari Historical Museum; Tucumcari Railroad Museum.
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Neal’s Yard Remedies For 35 years Neal’s Yard Remedies has been at the forefront of organic, natural health and beauty. We’re on a mission to transform people’s lives and protect the environment by encouraging a more natural and holistic way of living and have always been an authentic, ethical brand. Neal’s Yard Remedies is the world’s first health and beauty company to be awarded 100/100 for ethics by the Good Shopping Guide, and the first in the UK to achieve Fair for Life certification. We don’t think any animal should suffer for our beauty. We never test our products on animals (only on willing human volunteers), we are endorsed by the leading animal protection organizations, and we support humane societies and scientific research bodies in the UK and US. All of our skincare is certified by Cruelty-Free International, which guarantees it has not been tested on animals, and meets the Humane Cosmetics Standard for cosmetics, toiletries and personal care. We follow the Precautionary Principle when formulating our products, which means you won’t find parabens, GMOs, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances or colors or anything else we believe could cause you or the planet harm. We believe in transparency and indicate every certified organic ingredient on our labels with a star*. Choosing natural and organic doesn’t mean sacrificing performance. Our Frankincense IntenseTM line has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines, to firm and tone the skin, and to optimize radiance. We work hard to minimize our impact on the environment – so you can enjoy luxurious, safe and effective skincare with a squeaky-clean conscience! Our certified organic ingredients are sustainably and ethically sourced. The blue glass we use for our iconic bottles is fully recyclable and blocks damaging UV light. The paper and card-stock used in our catalogs and packaging is from sustainably managed sources and wherever possible printed with vegetable-based inks. Don’t forget to stop by our booth at the Red and Green VegFest April 23rd Albuquerque Convention Center!
Written by Jane Wotton
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NM Vegan
Keith McHenry (Food Not Bombs) At his “Book Signing” for The Anarchist Cookbook Keith McHenry (co-founder of, Food Not Bombs) was received by a ‘standing room only’ audience, during his lecture and booksigning {Wednesday January 27, at Bookworks on 4022 Rio Grande Blvd NW in Albuquerque}. His new book is titled: The Anarchist Cookbook. McHenry’s use of the title (The Anarchist Cookbook), is not the first. It was a special privilege, to hear Keith speak, in person, about his satirical-echo of the original-idea, {authored by William Powell, and published as the 1971 copyright of, The Anarchist Cookbook}. He also touched briefly, on his own (McHenry’s) views of political-anarchy; and, shared some of his personal history. As I sat in the back row, I could see that the attendees (who were savoring, his every word) had a particular fascination, with McHenry’s anecdotes. I, too, agree …the stories, he shared, are truly amazing. He finished his presentation, with: Q&A; (followed by) a meet-n-greet; and, signings of (his new book) The Anarchist Cookbook. I was: honored and thrilled, to be there; so happy to bear witness, to a wonderful person – doing wonderful things, for his community and the world. Keith McHenry, will be presenting, at the Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque (when: Saturday April 23, 2016 / where: Albuquerque Convention Center). _____________________ Food Not Bombs The Anarchist Cookbook
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Welcome to the Cloudcroft Vegan Society. Here you will find information regarding the vegan way of life. You help yourself, prevent contributing to animal cruelty and help the environment by not supporting a meat based diet. To become part of the Cloudcroft Vegans, please send us an email to Here you will be able to browse around for serious information regarding animal cruelty, environmental consequences, health benefits, local meetings, and excellent recipes!!
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Why Be Vegan? The most precious (vegan) principle, is: non-violence …happiness (perpetual Heart-Life, for all). “Happiness” is a broad category. Yes, like an infinite-tree, happiness branches everywhere. Yet, historically, the “Tree of happiness” has not dropped its Happy-fruit into every mouth, in every moment. It is natural to inquire here, “If this acclaimed ‘Tree’ (principle of peace) does exist, why is ‘It’ not satisfying everyone, now …why is happiness withheld from anyone, at all?” Perhaps it is because “The Principle Of Happiness” does not ‘choose’ …to bestow or withhold. A mirror does not decide, that an image will appear on it: a mirror will reflect the image, of any object that is put before it (through a natural law of, cause and effect). “Happiness” (likewise) will, one day, make all beings happy (when righteous-causes create that righteous-effect). Regarding the slaughter of an animal (through the deeds of animal agriculture)… examine the “cause” …it is the human, unfortunately, who is allowed to steal the animal’s “Happiness” (this is a blatant act of thievery). Animals suffer …they feel: fear & grief; bleeding & breaking (…does anyone doubt this, really?). {Furthermore, to whom does the consequence return, when “I” kill (or eat) an animal…it returns to “me,” yes?}. Does this paragraph constitute (for you), reason-number-one, for: Why Be Vegan? Certainly, every reason for being vegan, cannot be detailed, on a single page. Here are some highlights, that may be helpful. Human Health - Sufficient evidence shows: eating food which is derived exclusively from the plant kingdom, offers the best nutrition, for regaining and maintaining optimum health [of mind, and body]. Implied, is: eating intelligently (do not neglect protein; avoid excesses; fiber matters; etc.). Every nutrient that humans need, to be strong and healthy, is provided in vegan food (even protein/all essential amino-acids). Animal products contain many digestively harmful substances, that are poisonous to humans, and eventually lead to premature sickness and death (one example is: saturated fat, a leading cause of heart-disease and stroke; studies show that, vegans have a lower risk of these, and other conditions {such as- diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc.}). Water - The “meat and dairy trades” are among the leading causes of “water shortage” due to: excessive-use and pollution. Agriculture consumes 85% of all U.S. freshwater resources (mostly to produce carnivorous foods for human consumption). A day’s production of vegan-food for 1-human, uses less than 300-gallons of water; A day’s production of carnivorous-food for 1-human, uses more than 4,000-gallons of water (this fact, alone, represents enormous environmental damage). Land - Planet Earth requires, 500-years to build-up a 1-inch layer of topsoil (in normal mode). Cropland-soils are, now, eroding at the rate of 30-inches per 500-years (due to contemporary methods, of industrialized agriculture, dedicated to: eating animals). Food – The amount of resources (land, water, grain, etc.) that feeds 1-person on the Standard American Diet (Carnivorous Diet), would feed 15-persons on a Plant Based Diet (Vegan Diet). To produce: 1-calorie of soybean protein, requires 2-units of fossil fuel; 1-calorie of beef protein, requires 54-units of fossil fuel. Ecology – It is difficult to conceive …a more wasteful, toxic, inhumane, disease-promoting, and destructive…”food production system” than the world’s contemporary display, within: Farmed Animal Industry. The Animals - Animals raised (for meat, milk and eggs, etc.) for the purpose of food-production, and/or to be eaten, are treated like unemotional mechanisms, normally crowded together in dirty surroundings, for the extent of their deprived and wretched existence. Whatever the environment they are raised in - intensive, organic or free range the destiny of farmed-animals is a premature/vicious death, in an industrial slaughterhouse. Hope – Though we are few; the vegan-lifestyle is gaining popularity. Around the world, the vegan-population is growing in numbers. The vegan-message is being spread in public-media through: scientific/medical discoveries; celebrity testimonials; and, inspirational stories of love & mercy for animals; etc. Vegan-expansion, is echoed in the assortment and quantity of vegan-products now available in supermarkets, health food stores, pharmacies, restaurants and cafés, etc. We are growing, growing, growing. Now…
“…Will you make the vegan-community - one heart richer?”
CORRECTION (for the January 2016 New Mexico Vegan)… “Journey of Love and Compassion: The Flores Family in Cloudcroft NM” was co-authored by Carlos & Karla Flores. NM Vegan | 11
Baked Macaroni and “Cheese” with Peas
•Servings : 6 - Prep Time : 45m - Cook Time : 30m - Ready In : 1:15 h Ingredients •1 cup raw cashews •1 cup almond milk •1 butternut squash •2 tbsp agave nectar •4 cups dry macaroni •1 cup frozen peas, thawed •1/3 cup nutritional yeast •1 tsp sea salt •1 tsp turmeric powder •2 small cayenne peppers, seeded •3 garlic cloves •1 tbsp fresh lemon juice •panko bread crumbs •Paprika Instructions Step 1 - Soak cashews in milk for at least one hour or overnight. Peel squash and cut into 1 inch cubes. Preheat oven to 375. Toss with agave nectar and a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Line a baking pan with parchment paper, add squash, and roast for 45 minutes. Set aside to cool. Step 2 - While the squash is roasting, bring a pot of salted water to boil and add macaroni. Cook according to package directions, adding peas during the last 2 minutes. Drain and rinse. Set aside. Step 3 - To make the "cheese" sauce, place cashews and milk in a large food processor and process for 2 minutes until very smooth. Add nutritional yeast, garlic, lemon juice, salt, turmeric, peppers, and squash. Process another 1-2 minutes. Step 4 - In a large bowl combine the pasta, peas, and sauce. Spoon into a 9x9 baking dish. Lightly sprinkle with bread crumbs and paprika. Bake in 350° oven for 30 minutes. You can find more at The Vegan Menu website.
Gatos y Galletas is New Mexico's first cat cafe, conveniently situated in the EDO neighborhood, or East Downtown, at 414 Central Ave SE. We offer a range of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, from soups and salads to full, freshly-prepared meals highlighting local and organic ingredients! We even have delicious and beautiful baked goods, in addition to coffee drinks, teas, juices, and smoothies! We also offer cat yoga, Spanish, comedy, and other classes and events each week! We even host birthday parties and other private events! Stop by today! Come visit the Gatos y Galletas booth at NM Veg Fest! Julia Grueskin
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ARE YOU ON MEDICATION! HAVE SLEEP PROBLEMS? LACK ENERGY, HAVE MUSCLE PAIN! BEMER is a Fascinating Technology!!! It is a broad in spectrum and enhances the quality of life. INTRODUCTION BEMER Technology is the state of the art biophysical application to optimize the body's own natural vitality and well-being. Enjoy this exciting opportunity to learn about the extreme importance of a healthy blood flow in your body’s tiniest blood vessels….that is microcirculation! BEMER: What We Can Claim…. Benefits of the BEMER: General enhanced blood Enhanced prevention Enhanced life quality Enhanced cardiac functions Enhanced nutrient supply and waste disposal Enhanced physical fitness, endurance, strength, and energy level Enhanced concentration, mental acuity, stress reduction and relaxation “MANY ATHLETES USE THE BEMER!” Learn why medical professionals, physicians, practitioners as well as athletes and a fast growing number of BEMER enthusiasts in over 42 countries are successfully using our clinically proven and FDA registered devices to improve the quality of life. The BEMER is a mat that you lie on or sit on for several minutes. During that time you can relax and enjoy a rest on the BEMER. Once it is turned on you will be experiencing many of the benefits described in the list above. You can also use the B. Pad to wrap specific areas that need some support. BEMER Technology: increase oxygen, blood flow and microcirculation by approximately 29% - 30%. This is a very considerable increase. See you at the ~Red & Green Vegfest~ “At the Albuquerque Convention Center” Saturday, April 23, 2016 ~ 8am-6pm Malaika Namara BEMER Distributor #US10207 for 10 years! 707-529-1109 in Albuquerque Come and Get a Demonstration on the BEMER!!!
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March 2016 Red and Green Vegan – Dancing with the Bars – Every Thursday - 8:30AM – Movement exercise program for balance and range of motion - Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt St NE, Albuquerque NM Saturday March 5, 2016 - 5:30PM ABQ Veg Group - Monthly Potluck - Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque NM Sunday March 13, 2016 - 2:30PM Red and Green Vegan - Fusion Tea Dance – (vegan snacks served) Partner dancing - Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE, Albuquerque NM April 2016 Red and Green Vegan – Dancing with the Bars – Every Thursday - 8:30AM – Movement exercise program for balance and range of motion - Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt St NE, Albuquerque NM Saturday April 2, 2016 - 5:30PM ABQ Veg Group - Monthly Potluck - Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque NM Sunday April 10, 2016 - 2:30PM Red and Green Vegan - Fusion Tea Dance – (vegan snacks served) Partner dancing - Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE, Albuquerque NM Saturday April 23, 2016 - 8:00 AM HeartnSole, LLC - Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016 - Tickets now on sale. - Albuquerque Convention Center, 401 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM. Tickets now on sale.
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Local Herbalist Delilah Williams brings to you, Green Witch Botanicals. This beautiful little shop features a variety of aromatic, herbal botanical products that will enchant the mind, body and spirit. Product line includes Aromatherapy Rollerballs created with the highest quality essential oils and organic medicinal herbs. She also features Portable Elemental Mediation Boxes that come complete with gorgeous vials of herbs and flowers in a variety of sizes, specially selected crystals, candles, incense, a mini mediation rollerball and a key to unlock the door to a higher consciousness. These items represent all 5 traditional elements and are tucked away in a wood box on a bed of moss with a closing latch lid. Other Herbal Delights include Soothing Coconut Milk Bath with floating rose petals and lavender buds in a handmade bottle with a mini terrarium cork top. Old Fashioned Sleep Enhancing Herb Pillows, Organic Massage Bars and so much more! All packaging, vials and bottles are hand crafted with love in every unique detail. Green Witch Botanicals invites you to take your senses on a fragrant journey that will inspire you to appreciate nature and all of its magical little details.
Hi Everyone– Thank you so much for being the conscious individuals you are walking in the path of oneness – within yourselves by supporting the body in a whole and natural way of life and within your community and the planet – by loving the animals and making a choice. I’m the host and creator of Zeta Global Radio – an online, global conscious podcast that’s now listened to in over 50 countries. It doesn’t matter where you live, we are coming together as a community to touch on the subjects that light us up, expand us further into who we are and why we are here, right now! It’s striking a chord with many and I sincerely hope you listen in too. Recent guest interviews on ZGR have included world renowned and Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker, Alison Argo (, who is known for giving animals a voice. From her original film 20 years ago on Ivan the Gorilla, to her work saving the elephants in The Urban Elephant to her latest film, The Last Pig, she is making an impact on the big screen, one of our monthly show topics. Uber animal friend, Bonnie Ilies (, Animal Intuitive and Healer, was on our show. Bonnie shared how she speaks to the animals and lets us know what they truly want and need. I got to see firsthand with her work on my own dog. It came down to diet. Doesn’t it always? Zeta Global Radio will be at Red & Green Veg Fest and we hope you will too. Stop by our booth, say hi, maybe get an interview in with your thoughts on the surroundings and delicious food that awaits. I greatly encourage you to LIKE and SHARE our Zeta Global Radio FB page AND visit our website where we have a fantastic library of our shows’ archives on a variety of conscious subjects from incredible human beings. Look forward to seeing you soon! Lainie Sevante’ Wulkan Host and Creator – Zeta Global Radio and Radio Non-Profit
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Body and Brain Yoga holistic healing and mind-body practices are being well received in medical communities. Here are a couple of testimonies by doctors who are also members. Dr. Beauty Swe, a busy internist affiliated with Huntington Memorial and Arcadia Methodist Hospitals in Pasadena, CA says. . . “I am thankful that I found Body and Brain Yoga as a few months after I started practicing, my severe symptoms of cervical stenosis and left should ligament tear improved so much that I was able to not only avoid surgery altogether but also go back to doing things I had not been able to do before like jogging, swimming and spinning. It has also dramatically helped me with my severe sleep apnea, I have had to wear a CPAP machine and mask every night for the past 5 1/2 years. Six months of practicing this yoga and the Solar Body methods, I do not need to use the CPAP machine anymore at all and every day I have so much energy and focus that despite my 14 hour busy work day. After experiencing the amazing healing benefits, I have been enthusiastically recommending Body & Brain’s holistic wellness techniques to many of my patients, friends, and family. From a professional standpoint, I am seeing great benefits in my patients. Improvement from issues like overweight, blood pressure, arthritis, spinal problems, muscle spasms, insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression.” Dr. Lori Eanes, from Albuquerque, NM, has been practicing and promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for over 20 years. She is also a Body and Brain Yoga practitioner. She says. . . “‘Energy flows where the mind goes’ is a widely held premise of the Body and Brain Yoga practice. As I continue my yoga practice, I am better able to serve in the healing of others as this practice strengthens you from within.” Please take advantage of our ad special and experience this energy yoga for yourself. Provided by Bette Castoria
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What is the Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque? The Red & Green VegFest is a festival, for all the beauty and goodness of the vegan-lifestyle (a lifestyle that neither kills nor eats animals) [this is good for the animals, yes; but it is good for humans too, because eating plants is healthier than eating animals ...and plants offer complete nutrition]. The Red & Green VegFest is an outreach-program aimed at benefiting the whole community. Happy-humans and a rich-Earth, both of these, begin with a heart that feels compassion for animals, (that does not harm animals). Vegans promote health and peace for everyone, through non-violence. Yes, many vegans do speak-out about some tough social issues; but, veganism is more than an intellectual morality. For example, vegan-food is delicious. The vegan lifestyle, itself, can be joyously fulfilling; and at the Red & Green VegFest, we will highlight these facts. This year's festival offers a wide range of activities including: cooking-demonstrations; feature films; movement classes (such as yoga and dance); a collection of vegan exhibitors who will personally introduce you to their vegan products and services; we have an excellent line-up of speakers; there will be free food-tastings; and, much more. For the grand finale, we will celebrate in a 2 1/2 hour dance-party-for-life ...a gentle and peaceful, cruelty-free life. Our theme is "Eat Without Violence," so we are promoting do-no-harm-foods …for your body, the planet and the animals. How does the Red & Green VegFest assist vegans? As beautiful and good as veganism is, no one wants to be stuck in a static and stale monotony. We want to expand, always. It is a joy to mix and mingle with other like-minded individuals. It is a comfort to know, that when difficulties arise, we share mutual support. Our good behaviors will keep us together and "see us through." How does the Red & Green VegFest assist the veg-curious? The veg-curious person is, according to the self-defining label, a person that is somewhat lacking in vegan-knowledge and veganexperience; the person is curious about something new ...something in the realm of mystery ...something they have never seen before. Therefore, the Red And Green VegFest will be like a wise-teacher assisting a curious-student: happy; friendly; informative; inspiring; and so on. Being happy, is important. Being happy, is teaching by example. Offering 'assistance' to someone could also mean, helping someone avoid a suffering situation. For example, let us share the story of a person whose last-name is "Max." Max wishes to experience the characteristic "lightness" or, ease-of-digestion ...that follows a wellbalanced vegan meal. But Max has the habit of over-eating, and continues that habit, as a new-vegan. Max does not consider the need for further dietary-discipline: and, believes that the "vegan-ethic principle" will be forgiving of any action, as long as But, there are dietary-mistakes a vegan can make, that may injure one's own self. The story just mentioned, is one such example: Max (who was trying to be vegan) failed to attain the vegan "lightness" due to feeling bloated and "heavy" (from overeating). Our seeker, then, (disappointed and unconverted to veganism) gave-up hope in the vegan-promises. In this situation, a wise voice of experience: could have prevented Max's misery of "learning the hard way;" and, could have inspired Max to make the commitment to a better way of life, for all the years to come. Here is a similar problem: it can be very challenging for some people, to complete the transition, from “eating-animals” to “eating-onlyplants” ...even though that person knows all the principles of healthy eating. The desires & attachments of the tongue, can be a powerful addiction; and we all have experienced how resistant the mind can be to "changing a belief." Sometimes, a struggling person simply needs to hear a timely word, that is friendly and wise ...timely words, can bring out the hero-from-within; the hero who, now, has the courage to continue the fight, and conquer one's own inner "demons." Why organize a VegFest; there must be other ways to spread the vegan message? There was an opening for a VegFest, because Albuquerque has never hosted an event, quite like this. I have experience as an organizer of conventions; and, I have a circle of liaisons, in the 'event-planning' industry, who encouraged me to venture on the VegFest, and offered me their support. The format of the "weekend intensive" offers a broad-spectrum of experience, under one roof, in one day. The needs of a community are many. So, by offering a wide-variety of helpful ideas, we are a matching outreach-service, to those needs. There are many Albuquerque-vegans who have not met each other, yet; the Red And Green VegFest, people of common-vegan-ways, will meet for the first time. A VegFest is an anticipated reunion of friends that meet-up once a year. Through the VegFest, our local vegan-network will become: more familiar with itself; stronger in the bond of friendship; and, more united in our worthy purposes. I have seen, first hand, how the convention-format is helpful to groups, by planting seeds of: motivation; creativity; new relationships; and so forth. Regarding the usefulness of a vegan festival; let me, finally, say this: there are many people who, simply, need to hear the word "vegan" ...for the first time. And the Red And Green VegFest, will achieve that, by being promoted all over New Mexico (through: television; radio; newspaper; magazines; official letters to merchants; visits with government officials; billboard flyers; word of mouth; and so on). I want to bless the animals and people of this community. Organizing the VegFest, seems to be a natural way for me to begin, walking that path. New Mexico is, genuinely, the Land of Enchantment. Nature, here, is uniquely beautiful. The Great Southwest feels spiritually nurturing, to me. It is only fitting that veganism should be cultivated here. The New Mexico vegan population is growing. (many vegetarians and veg-curious individuals are at the vegan-doorstep). Let us all be, pioneers for peace. NM Vegan | 18
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