Rassegna stampa agosto settembre / Press Review August-September

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Nuovo capitolo dedicato dal marchio emiliano al suo specialista del lavoro in vigna e in frutteto per eccellenza, costantemente sugli allori grazie al cospicuo assortimento di modelli e di configurazioni. omplice la necessità di adeguare i propulsori alle nuove normative sulle emissioni, i tecnici di Reggio Emilia hanno dato vita ai Rex 4, una gamma di trattori formata da modelli profondamente rigenerati nel look e nei contenuti. Tutte macchine che rispecchiano assolutamente la visione di casa Landini nei confronti dei trattori specializzati del futuro. Ribadendo e accentuando la propria vocazione altamente specialistica, la nuova serie Rex 4 si propone con un'offerta ancora più ampia e differenziata. La serie Rex 4 debutta con quattro modelli: F, GT, GE e V (Frutteto, Larga, Ribassata e Vigneto), a cui si aggiungono diverse varianti e al-


26 -1Mezzi Agricoli

lestimenti per una personalizzazione decisamente più spinta. Fatta eccezione per il modello GE, tutti gli altri mezzi sono disponibili con la cabina. Il propulsore è Deutz. E proprio la cabina è uno degli elementi di novità di questa serie, visto che è stata notevolmente migliorata nell'estetica e nell'ergonomia rispetto alla precedente gamma. Adesso l'operatore ha tutti i comandi a portata di mano, disposti su un tunnel centrale appiattito e ad alta visibilità anteriore. Inoltre, per l'impiego nella distribuzione di agrofarmaci, la cabina dei nuovi Rex 4 è disponibile con l'opzione di protezione categoria 4, che garantisce la totale sicurezza dell'operatore in un ambiente pressu-

La quarta serie dei Rex, progettati e realizzati a Fabbrico, risulta fino ad ora la più azzeccata di tutte. Questo piccolo trattore è un vero re dei frutteti e dei filari.

rizzato e controllato da più sensori. Ma in realtà è la motorizzazione il vero fiore all'occhiello di questa serie: quattro cilindri Deutz T ier 4 lnterim da 2,9 litri TCD L4 con dispositivo engine memo switch, in grado di memorizzare il numero di giri del motore. Le potenze massime vanno dai 70 ai 111 cavalli (sono 6 i modelli per ogni versione). Trasmissione con inversore. Un'altra importantissima novità è data dalla trasmissione Argo Tractors, che è dotata di un inversore meccanico o idraulico e di 4 marce per 3 gamme con possibilità di aggiungere due opzioni: Hi-Lo e High-Medium-Low, oltre naturalmente al super riduttore. Scusate se è poco. La nuova serie Rex 4 offre ampie possibilità di scelta anche nella presa di forza (disponibile in versione meccanica o idraulica) in funzione dell'inversore, e con due o quattro regimi di velocità: 540, 540 Eco, 1000 e 1000 Eco. Limpianto idraulico è disponibile con una pompa doppia 55+30

litri/minuto (60+30 litri/minuto nella versione GT) o con una pompa tripla 25+55+30 litri/minuto nelle versioni cabinate e si completa con distributori ventrali, selettore di flusso e divisore di flusso (optional). Assale anteriore sospeso. A prescindere dal fatto che siano macchine a 2 o a 4 ruote motrici, dotate di pneumatici posteriori da 24" e 28" (per la versione GT addirittura 30"), grazie alle dimensioni ridotte e ad un angolo di sterzata di 55 gradi, i nuovi Rex 4 offrono una maneggevolezza impressionante. Unica nel suo genere. Se non bastasse, per agevolare la sterzata, la versione da vigneto dispone di un apposito assale High Pivot con basculamento maggiorato. Invece, per quel che riguarda l'assale anteriore dei modelli F e GT, oltre alla versione rigida con innesto 4WD e bloccaggio del differenziale elettro-idraulico, per la prima volta su queste macchine è stato introdotto un sistema di sospensione centrale. Ovviamente, made in Argo Tractors. 1Mezzi Agricoli -




farm Contractor Dlarge Scale farmer McCormick X7 Series


Des~gnated th.e


v&stOns, l.l'lé r'léw smpoer-

spoc Mc:Corrni~A '1:7 .670 and X7 680 t'l'lO(ials Arf! an1ed m operotors wantlng a reasonably automatod.

hg, power tractor t>Jl

with:lu" fhe fea.I1Jres on ihe top-spaç Premi\Jrn Jl1()()bls.

A:reacly an opHon cn lower pow-cred McCormlck >V Series models. ;he E!fci9flt spec for the rwo new modc:ls includes use ot medlaflJcaJ spool val\19$, 123 ltrolmn load sensirrg hydraul es, 24 x 24 speed Pro Drive transmission, fourSpeE::d

p•c1 SIJ<J 9300kg rear

lit1 capac1ty For the operator t~ere es mMunl dmato COt'tro ard

e,. suspensl(lò seat Mi;Jin

controiS are to tne rl!ll• · hand side. 6ther sado of the cfals ust:d lor opcra!ion o' tre elec1rorlic -ear Mch

are lovars for tt1e woo varves and pto spocd. Lll<e

o1her siX-cyhrder modes lfl the rango tho )(1.670 and 'X] 680 JSS the SatT'e 6 l litre Be1aflower engines. For rrn e 1n1t. n 11.on ç:(l1 01 30 ? 757550. http:/lmccormlck. agrlargouk.co.uk/ contact-usl




McCormick•s X7 now avaìlable with simplified spec p6 6

New Gators take centre stage at The Game Fair

l AUGUST 2017


McCormick X7 Series tractors now available to Efficient spec McCorm ick has introduccd simplcr-sp« versions of l he two mosl powerful modds in its X7 SC'fics rangc, joining tbc: Effidcnt \'Crsi ons of olhcr modcl s in thc firm's hn c-up that

m re addcd Jast ycar.

•n cse additional Efficicnt

thc rcqucst of opcrators1oolring

was i:nlroduccd Jast yc.u on

fora high-performance, h ighpowcr tractor with a rcasonabJc amount of automation but

143- 166hp four-cylinder modd s in thc McCormk k X7 Scrie:s and on a pair of six· cylin<lcr tractors - thc 160hp X7.650, which itsdf was a ncw a ddition lo tbc rangc,and thc

"''ithout thc ' bcUs and whistlcS

fcaturcs of tbc top-spcc Premium modd s:" said lhc

firm's Ray Spinks.

modd s are being introduccd al

The ai:mpter Effi cient z pecification ic now a vailabJe on t he two moot poweriul mode!s in the McConnick X7 Pro Drive range

l hc Efficicnt spccification

165/ J75hp X7.660. No"''> thc specifi c-ation is

aJs.o a\'ailablc on thc X7 .670, wh icb has l nhp for drafl "-'Ork boosting lo l92hp for pto implcmcnts a nd towing trai1crs, tankcrs and sprcadcrs, and on tbc X7.680 with J8Shp rising to 212hp. 'Thc standard spcd 6cation fo r thc ncw modds includcs: thrcc mcchanic.al spool vaJvcs plus onc clcctric \'af.,.c; 123-litrc/ min Joad-scnsing hydraulics plus a 44-htrc/min pump dcdicatcd to s:t('('ring and anciJ1a rics; thc 24x24-spccd Pro Ori\'c transmission; four-spccd pto with •ccc nc my' as wcU as 'po"'•cr' gcari.ng; and a 9300kg rcar Wi capacity. lnsidc thc ca~ whicb has ma nual inslcad c f d imatc contr oJ air conditioning. thcrc is a swh'cUing air suspcnsion drivcr's scat and a 'b idc awaf passcngcr scat.Outsidc, LO work lights illuminate thc tractor's surroundings. In piace ofthc sca t-moun ted armrcst console found on fuU-spcc Prcmium \'Crsions is a ncat layout of main conttoJs to thc dri.,.cr's right. On c itbcr sidc of thc dials uscd for sctting up and adjusting tbc d cctronic rcar h itch are 1cvcrs for thc m«hanicaJ spool vah ·cs, pto spero sclcction and tbc optional crccp gcarbo~ wbicb takes tbc totaJ comp1cmcnt of ratios

Efftcient tlpec

ti'3Ctor&have controJc

for the tiWI3mi~on .

pto 3nd hydr3uliro located ona cide ooncole

lo 40 forwa rd and rC'\·crsc. Ahcad ofthcm i.s a m ulti· fu nction jorstkk, which carrit"S a rollcr S\\i tch for Lifting and lowering tbc Linkagc a nd buttons for th c: enginc spct'd mc mory and ma nua1 o r auto roadlfi d d transmission shifting. Anothcr two buttons reguJate the singlc d cctrk .spool \'alve; the optional mid-mountcd dectric \'ah·es for opcrating a 3.5-tonnc front Jinkage or a loadcr are ha ndled by a small, fully intcgratcd joystick.

Although thc X7 .670 and X7 .680 usc the same 6.7-litrc c nginc and aut chas.sis as other six-cylindcr modck in the rangc. thcy are biggcr, beeficr tractors. Thcy bave a longer \\ilcd basc (28l 0mm \'Crsus 2750mm), more \\'cight ( 3055kg \'Crsus

2920kg bcforc ballast) and thc

ability to run on taUcr tyres (42in \'CfSUS 38in)- a li of whic.h hclps exploit tbc grcatcr power and torquc availablc. They also bave the sa.mc SC.'1lli·powcrshift transmission as thcir Prcmium countcrparts, with its a djusiablc powcr shu tùc, four-spced powershift and dcctronic manual or auto rangc shifling. • lhc transmission is constantJy highhghted by opcrators as an attracth·c fcaturc of thc McCormic.k X7 tractors b«ausc of its progressive gcaring. silky smooth powcrshifts and cffccth·c rood and 6dd auto fu nctions:' added Spinks. A SOkph option, packagcd \\'ith hydrauhc cab and multi1ink front axle suspcnsion can be addcd to tbc 6na1 spcd6cation, togethcr with air trailcr braking.






rarmeri S u pportlng farmers In Scotland slnce 1893



August 5, 2017

Big McCormicks with simple spec' SIMPI.F.R version.s of dte two most powerful modciS ln tbc MCC6rndck

X7 S<.'riCS bave b«.'n

intrOducC<L Tbe late8l 'Eilì cieo~ d~igoation in ùle Uoeup · adds to the more sophisticued models in tbc

mnge taw1éhed 1~'-'lol year. 1bese addjtional models are bei.ng i.o ttoduced at reque:st of oper:uors


waruing a Wgh-performance, higb.J,>OW'Cr







automatioo, bOt withollt tbe 'bell' aod whisoles' "atures of rhe top..speè Ptemium models," poimed om Ray Spinks, salcs dirt.'(.lor and generai manager at AgriArgO UK.

tbe McOmnick dìsuibtuor io Great Bric.ai.n and lreland. This simpler spec' was intr<.x.l'uél.~ 1-ast ycar on 143J66hp fom-<.-ylindcr models in tbe McCornuck Xi ScrieS aod oo a pajr of slx.cyHnder uacrors - tbe i60hP l\.7.650, wbid1 i[Self was a new additiòn to thc range, and thc


Now, it is also av.tilable oo d1e X7.6JO, which has 177hp for draft worlc, boosting to J92hp for p10 implements ancl tr.uu;port work; ancl oo

the X7.680, with 188hp risiog

to212bp. Standard fomtat ls tbree mcdmni<.'al :>pOol valves plus one electric valve; I234itre/ mln load~ing llydraulics

plus a 44-lit:.re/min pump dedicated to steering and ancillaries.

Th~-y havc tbc 24x24..1>éed




plos four<Jpeed piO "itb

'economy' as weU as 'po-wer'

gearing and a 9.3-tonne rear lih capaciry. 'lbè Prt~micre c.~ bas n•unoal iru>tead of dimate comrol air cooditioning, but

there's StUI a swi~eillog ai.r suspension driver's seat and a 'hidc aw.w' p:ISS(.-ngcr stat. In pL~<'è of tbc sc.-.umounted acn1rest coliSOie f<>uod oo fuU-spec' Premium

versions, lhe layom of main comrols is to the dri-vers right :md on Cithcr side of d~tls uscc:l for sc:."tting op and adjuSting tbe ele..~ronic

rear hitch are leve.rs for the


mechanlctl spool valves, ptO speOO S(-.lcetion and an optional creep gearlx>.x. Ahead of tbcm is a multifuoctk.>n joystick. w ilh

ele<..'t:r ooic maoual or auto

roller switch for linkage lift/

lower and bunons for rhe cngine speed mcmory and m;wual or auw road!6eld transmission shiftiog. Aoother two buuoos

regulate the s ingle elecrrk spool valve fined. The Optional mid-mO\mtcd electric val'" " for operating

a 3.5 torulC front Unk.1ge o.r a McCormid< MPowe:r loader are handled by a

small, integrated joystick. Although tbc X7.670 at1d

semO.powershift uansmission as lhe Prcmiurns - ~md adjtL.'lot:lb1c power sl:tuttle wid:1 four~ speed powershift ancl ranb>e shifting. '"The transmission COOStandy bighlighted



oper.ttors as an attrac..'tive feamre of the McCormick X7 =ors bec:ruse of i«

progr~ve gearing, siU..-y smootb pov.oerslùfts and efft.'(.1iVC road and ficld auto functioos,· pointed out R.'ly

SpiJI.ks. A SQkph optloo, packaged

wilh hydrmùtc cab and multiUnk front rude suspension

can be added tu the fina!

X7.680 use the saroe 6.74itre

specifìcuioo, togethcr with

Betal'ower engine and cast cha.."\.:;;is ao; otl)er slx<rtinder modeJs in dte r.ut.t:te. mese are bigger, beef-.er tractors. "lbcy havc a looger wheelhase (2820mro ven.'US 27SOnun), more weight

air trailer br:tl<ing.

(3055kç V<:<Sil$ 2920kç before balla>~) and tbc ability to run òD taller tyn:os ( 42-inch ven;ttS 3S.inch). nley aiso have tbe

• The newcomers are avaiL:lhle in Scodand from M~'Cormick dcalcrs Jl' Corroack, ]Oho O'Groats; Thomas Murray Agricultur:ll llogioeers, Ouodooaid, Aynihire; TH Engineering. B;lllksfOOt, D'.tbwintUn, Oumfrit"S; and Fraser C R<>bb, Drrmen, Glasgow. TLiey

TME NEW 'Efficient' spec' large Pro Drive tractors trom McCOtmicl< have ali con1ro1s ro IM righi of d>e driver, rather lhan on a complet ;c>ystick andare aimed at offefing big power and va1ue tor money

are also oow available rrom Arb'Yii Agrialltural Eogineers, Oban; John Orysdait; Kinneswoo<J, Penbsllire; HamiltOll Tractors, Carowatllt t.aoark.o;;hi.re; Brian Smid1 Engineers,




Agt>Sales, lnsch; Mearns 'l'ractors) LaurCn(.'ckirk, Abenk:enshire; AL Agri, Fod1t, Ang\ls; aod AB Wigho llogineeriog, St ~wells, Borders.



Fàriiier 28

August 201 7

The Northérn Farmet



NIWYIRSIONS JOIN 'EPPICIENf' MODELli SThiPJ..f.R...<;PEC \>ttsions: or the two mO'M pow~rful iOOdets in «he M~~'()nni ck X7 series ha\V: bcen ln~rodi)C('d, joining ehe emc;em '~10us <•f otbc•· rooclels in ll;e liJli>Up Lb:lt Wére ~d<k'd tò tbt ral'q_M' 1;).~ )'eat. lhe oO\\'(X)roer-. are ;Wllil~ble from M\:Connick dc:1ler!t COV• erillg oortbem EtJ8,b.ud .. Jobn Cbnrokf &. Svns. Chorlll}', Lam~: N&S Moor:btll•se, n;•. ru.gb near Bams.k:y; Agrlplus.

Si<>k<Siey, NOl1h Yod:.shire ::md Ne\vt()wO Bngh~~eerhì@. Morpdh, Norlh1•mbcrlomd. '"TbC"Je 00dilion11.l Eflicltnl tWdelo: m being in1.r0doced

al the rcquest oJ' opernlcm; w,mtiug a

bigh-pcrfonrw n~


tnl(;t« whh U. l'tà·


50110:lbJe nmount automation but \vithot.1 tbc ' bdJs und whistlcs' fcaturos tll' the top·

spe.c Premium modcls.''


Ray Spinks. s.1Jes director ttnd

Specialisingin Sales. Serviclng '& Repalr& of ali makes and models of ATV & UTV &Equipmeot. including Argo & Hunter Ali Terrain Vehicles & Wild Fire Suppression Systems. Official Dealers for Arelle Cat, Honda &Quadzìlla.

gen·•roJ .. man.1gcr al AgriA.rgo UK. thc McCormicl>. distrib· utot i n Grcru. Bri tain and lre· lt~nd.

"l'ho Ef6cicnt spec:ilicutioo wa.1- in.troduCC'd l:tlst year oo M3ht> to l6(,hp tbur-cylinder mcnlc-1" in tlm McCormid: X7 Sede." and Oll :t pair Qf six-cyl· iljj« ltBCIOI~ - lhe 160hp X1.G50. ~ hicb il ~lf wns nnew Nklibon tQ tho t'ilrl,8é. llJld the 165/175hp X7.(t(t0. Now it ili also tJ\'IliJable oo lhc X7.670. whkh has 177hp

NEW SPECIFICATlON: The McCormick X7.680 fOt cls'J.U \ \'Qrt\ l'I\)()Siing lo 1921'11> 101' ll'fO implemcms :md (cy,o;ir-s 11-ailcrs. tankcrs

anll sp~OOers.. ;lftd on thc X7.680 wilb 188bp risins hl ll2bp. Stut\dfmJ :Jpecilica1ilm for thc oe'\~· rnodels: incfudes three nl.ech:uUcal spool va.h--e~ plu.!O ooe d e<:tric \-'tllw:.; 123-litte/ min Joad~ing hydratl~ lk:s pl'us a 44-Utre/min pump dcd1c;~.ted t<> ~reeri rl8 :t.nd an· cìllnries; dte 24xl4·speed Pro Orh-e tr:Ul~m.i'>siotl; four. ~J pC<> widr 'ecO!lOiny' a'l "''~Il :~s •po..,'61' ge=3ring; snd

9300kg: r<:or tifi C<lpa-;ity.

Jnside the spadous !'rcmk-re cab. \vhk h hM manual instcnd <>f cliooatc-contròl oir 01mdì· tionins- thcre is a ~\'ivelli ng air suspension d rivcr's se.nt n,nd a 'hidc 4 \\'tly' pus:senj,ot'f ~t~t Ouuidc. tcn W\Wk Jighls

illuminate the tract•:w·s w rfounding~.

In pl.nce of lhc scM-mount· ed nrmrest console M md un fu ii-'J)OC Ptcmiurn vernion~ is

a ne:~1 layout of muin <:ontrols to 1he dl'ivtt's right. On eilher si de of the d ials uscJ for sdting up :md :idjus.ting the elce-

tromç ~a.r hii<;:b a~ leve::s (1)( the mechtl.ni<;:al spool vatn-:~. l'iO spetd l)(:léclion ;~J)J the: optional c~c:p gocoutx)~. wWch takc.s lhe totò.L oooopiement of r<'!tios to 40 fQr..,•ar<l 11:1.).1 re-\ 't'fSC.

Althoogh the X7.670 1md

X7.6SO use lhè same 6.:.Jilre BecaPtr.1.-cr er:.ginc ami ç;t!Sl cbnssis as otber six-cylimJer model-; in Che rat~. the5.t are biggcr. bee{ter tru<:tor;s. 1l~ey



lbe Slltoo-

highJy c(l'ecth-e scrnÌ·I>-'"'ér_..hift trtlllsmi_5.-Sion llS thel· Prentium oounterp.wts.

Livestock Machinery

Farming in the fresh air Thttt's one s;imple re"son wt.y Oennis

Ban:ten runs a tractor wtthout a cab. Anything taller wouldn'l tit In the low~ cubicle buik:hng on his farm near Horiton in Oevon where a hefd ol70 Hobttin M>iesi~ dai'Y cows 1re OYerwintered. -rhe rollover hoop only just scrapes under tht doorway as lt IS: hesays. A naaor able to fit In the sheds with l COS)' "b ptOtKting tht dti...er would have to be a lot smaller than the 8Shp l.indinì 5-0900 and

wouldn't ha~ the mass Of m.~~ t o c:ope wfth the machine's year-rouncl heovy-kload. , need a proper uactO(, not a toy," says Dennk. "l use h for everythlng from yard waQing and t,...llet wofk ro hedge cutting, putting out he~ slla9< bai"' and buck<aldng slage into tht ct.mps. so it hM to bt up to lhejob:

The tfoKtot which docke<l soo hours in its fitst fl..-e month~ works across nw farms wbete Oennis and tlis bfothers Robert and EdwWl poot resources when appropriate. h meets thetr needs and

~ witha durable but simple specific.ation that includes a mechanlul24x12 tta.nsmlsslon w!:th 4011.ph gotaring and a synchro shuu~.

Manual3-polnt llnkage comrot

also keeps things simple. with a 1\aindy one-touch swicch used to raise and lowet the 41.lSOtg-capadty lift arms. In addition to the usual qWdrant II!Ytf. Emis.sions requirements lite met us.lng electronk fuellnjection, exhaust gas redrculation and diesel particulate filter on the 3.4-litre Perklns 85<4€ tngint. whl(h con.tt~ to ~ extent with the simple spec:: ot me rest ot me tractor. 8ut thtort jff! ~tfits. says Otnnis.

,thas more t01que at bwer

reYS than

my previous traetors, so it pulls really

""'L•And l have noconcemsabout me emlss.lons system. wtllch only occasionalty needs to burn off deposit:s In the ftltet through an 3Uton'lati< rtgentrarion proctss.• The tractor is the latest of four cabless Landlnl$ soutted from CJ K.eitch Engintering at Ounltesweil. ft follows a succes.sion of Powerfarm uacton, pcedecessor to d.e S..O serles,

In llne wlth a ttlatlvtty

frequent replacement cyde that ensures relr.~bilìty anct alo'Ciick potential repH- bills. ~e rec;el\'e 110 Ptf cent bac:k·up from Chris Keild\. He\ alw~ on bali when there's a problem, 8ut this tractor is so criticai to my daily rourine and seas.onal work that it has to be rfght al me tlme:; says Oennls.




80 «PPoced by

this new tractor clod:ed "~300 hours In four and a half )'NtS and nttded ooly a clutch and two new tyres in that time.

"So. you ca n undemand my confidence in the landini products." As fot the open-plan drMng position,. t>ennis clsmisses it ~ no different from getting about on a q~ blke. , can work around wet weathef t o 5C:lrM txtent. and in M'Iter you h.we to wear waterproof dothing anyway. Bting ouuide on tht tra<tor

Low MOC.Iph ANO Slf01"19 f:~

lsn't realty a problem. ~bility aroW'ld the machiMis periect and me air<on in the summer isgr~tr •

Extra-wide models added to range Kuhn Farm Machinefy ha:s added

two extra·widt tnOdels to lts ran9t of d uat-porpose trailecl feeder and suaw blowers.

The Ptlmor 15070 M and 4270 M both boast high-<apadty boclies enabllng them to handle the largest of 10und and squ&lt balts. The 15070Mwlth 15m'c.apaclty ls large enough co calte up co four 1.3 x 1.2 x2.7m rtctaogular bales or three round bales up to 2m in diolmeter. lt can be C'ustomistd with a side or multidirectional discharge chute (Gl model varlant). Othtf fean.trM Include twO

powerful intake rotors which feed the full1,700mm width ofthe turbine's input area. A bank of six hydraulic tlnes abo\'e the feed rotors enables int<Jke settings to be adjusted aod regulaced according

to the type 6f ptodud belng u.sed and t o fe«t tht turbin~ with an ~n suppty of material The tuJbine ltsetf

is c-apable of blowfng ro a distance of 18m and is fitted with eight bott-on blades for pneumatic fodder

separation. like others in the Primor

range, the l 50?0 M u.ses Kuhn's disengageable be-lt driven Polyd~

dutch system t o drl\'e two feed rOtOr$ whi(h are tquipptd with 30 cutting sections for control OWf cutting length aod lntensity. Prices start a t !34,249 for the basic machine (with side chute and

etedrk: contrai). MeJnwhile' the4270M h&s a "..2m1 capaclty enabllng it 10 take a ree:unguJarbale up to 1.3 x 1.2 x 2.7rn. or two round b•les up to 2m In dlametet and I.Sm wtd~. Thls modtl is fiutd with an o~rhead chute for str<~w blowing and feeding wtth the opdon of a swl\'ellng chute. •

1he ,..._«Jng< """"' hlg/Kapoc/!y bodies ~ing thf'm ro~ ftl~ lo'9fSI ofrotmdottd sqoott broks.

Doors Ltd Specialists in Roller shutter doors Sectional overhead doors Folding shutter doors Sliding doors Steel doors

Au9VSI 2017 www.f•rmers.gui<le~o.uk 6 5


Volop zon in het Engelse Stoneleigh .lP. rn(let het lreffen als jc: naar Gr~sslancl & Muck gaat. Machines zijn na:uurlijk alliid aan hel v;erk Le zif:n, maar de omstr..r' digheden \•;a8wnd~r je naar de demon~~tral ie~; k'.ikl ktHUI!-:n sl.erk ·.vi~.>Se !en. Het enc .aar i;:; CC"'• paraplu nco:dv.~kel ijt<., eli: .!:tar stmalde cle zon uitbundig.

Verreiker ol skidsteer JCB gt-:bmikl.e Gn~s:; tind & Muck voor het i:itrOOuceren van de Teleskid. Zr...a l~ df." n;1;1rn ~il zeg: is. ...et ccn kruising :ussen een verreiker en ~u ~~hr;~nkladRr. Ot; rn~~chinc 1s ccn manusjeVZln-alles vcor de -<leir ere ...e~houder. De , machjno 1s ·.ven'dbaar en kan eebruikt wcrden vuoi' hel uilruesten rnaiir ook voor hct vullcn va:n een \ioermeng.uagen. De bak kornt narn~­ lijk tot een hoogte van 4,05 metBr. De machine lili ru~xi rna.'11 f> l l -<g. Dtii' ~~; niet ech: veci. Dc Teteskid kost 58.00'J euro.

Trekkertje voor het eri

John Deere-perswikkelcombinat ie

r\·1cCormic!<: introcucee11 de X4.35·n. E~n lrekkf:!'r ;ouder c(ilJrne die hct vooral bij me.k\··eehouders in Enf;e and goed tal doen als crfcrekker. Ecntje zonder elektronica, ·.·;aarrnee 1.e de

Het wa.s de eerste keer dat ··~ve de John DeerH (/111 1-per~.:·.vikke çornbJn(i tre aan hct ·.verk ?itgen. Deze op\•olger va n d~ C44-..J heett e€n sterker chassis, de 'Nil<kelt:ltel zit dic"'oar op de pcrsk~HTer en een extr<.i rul =n ~te p:::rsk.:uner, v,•a(ird.:x:.r je ook d reo;; rnaLeriaal :)f!ler kunt persen. Meest opvallcnd .s de o~bergru i mtc •,;o:Jr het wikkelro'ie. Onl)r de ~le p te or..x::nen draaien :.te rallen op de ju ste tilhùùgle vo~r cle c· euffeur. Die hocft dus nict mcc' ver te reikcrr ot OO·lcn 1ijn miichl l~ li!l~u.

rne,;t uit de stai schuift en andere ktusjes ronc.· orn de stai opkr'apt. De serie X4m-scric is cr in vier mcdellen met een rnax:i mu rr wèrm og-~ o w·-tn 47 tot 55 k'•N {611 t•:-t 16- pk). De trekkers z'jn leverbaar mel l 6 or l? v·er-.:;ne lingc"'• vcor- cn achteruit. een ges·~'nchroniseen:e orr1keer ~~~ ni1.'1r hvee~ of ·.,:ier•Ailcleandrijving.



~ Juntade























O tros Culttvos


La jornada en ARGO TRACTORS conf1rma la colza como una opci6n solida en regadlo Cer ca de 300 agricultores pa r t icipa n e n la jor nada técn ica organizada por CAM PO en el Centro Nacional de Formaci6n de Argo Tractors en V il lam arciel (Valladol id) El encuentro ha cont ado co n una demostraci6n en campo, con equipos gu iados por tractores McCormick y Landini Heladas y sequia han mermado producci6n de col za en muchas comar cas de Casti l la y l e6n, pero nadie

duda de que este cu lt lvo sea una s611da opcl6n para el regad fo en la comunldad y en el co njunto de Espa~a.

Asl se ha confi rmado durante l a for nada técnlca organlzada por CAMPO en el Centro Naclonal de Formac i6n de A r go Tract ors en Vi llamarciel. en la provi ncia de Vallada! id.

El encue ntro ha co ntado con dlferentes ponenclas, dedlcadas a aspec tos como la l mporta ncla de l a semilla o de la sa nid ad vegetai.

Cooperativas mas grandes para ganar el futuro ~

Se ha resaltado el al t o potencial product ivo de las d istinta s variedades probadas por ltacyl en campos de ensayo de Casti Ila y le6n. De hecho. cada ano se observan r endimientos mayores, lo que ratifica los l mportantes avances que se producen en la genét ica de las semi llas que aparec en en el mercado.

LESA I IUI"ftae diiJi l&f'Citlblri Jia J.. .Idlri.l



Y no solo en rendimientos, sino tambiĂŠn en una menor

dehlscencla, mayor homogeneldad de maduracl6n y aumento de las ram ificaciones.

la ma qui naria ha ten ido un papel

protagonista en el

encuentro y. de hecho, l as sesi ones han conta do con una

demostracl6n en campo, con equlpos de preparacl6n de su el o y siembra (de Maquinari a Agricola Sanz) guiados por tractores de las marcas McCormick y Landini.

El anfltri6n del encuentro, Argo Tractor s, acaba de inaugur ar su sede de Villama r ciel, desde la que se

dlstrlbuyen estos tractores por toda


la jornada ha servido. as f. para una puest a de largo de las lnstalaciones que ha trafdo buenas noticlas para el agricultor de regadfo de Casti Ila y le6n.

Recibe CAMPO en casa

l nauguraci6n

Corlos Bianco (Kolpesol Semlllas)


De Maquinarla

Preparac/6n Para l a Demostracl6n En Campo

ZONA SUSCRIPTORES Nombre de usuario


Demost raci6n En Campo

Demostraci6n En Campo

" i Recu, rdame


























Argo Tractors inauguró su nueva filial en España La empresa AgriArgo Ibérica, del Grupo Argo Tractors, dedicada a la producción y comercialización de tractores Landini y McCormick, inauguró oficialmente, el pasado 29 de septiembre, sus nuevas instalaciones centrales, ubicadas en Villamarciel (Valladolid), desde las que pretende continuar la actividad llevada a cabo en su anterior sede y añadir nuevos servicios que potencien su relación con los clientes.


l evento también sirvió para homenajear, por sus años de dedicación a la empresa, a Antonio Esteve, Administrador de Agriargo Ibérica y para anunciar a la red de concesionarios el nombramiento de Andrés Moradas como nuevo Director General, de Jaime Bellostas como Director Comercial y demás miembros del nuevo equipo de AgriArgo. En la inauguración participaron destacados directivos del Grupo Argo Tractors como Simeone Morra y el Responsable de Desarrollo de Negocios, Franco Artoni, además de miembros de la política como el Presidente de la Diputación de Valladolid, Jesús Julio Carnero y el Alcalde en funciones de Tordesillas, Cayo Martín, y el Secretario General de Ansemat, Ignacio Ruiz. Las nuevas instalaciones, ubicadas en la Autovía A-62, salida 142 de Villamarciel, cuentan con un área total de 6

hectáreas, de las cuales aproximadamente 2.300 m2 son cubiertos. La edificación incluye un aula de formación teórica, un taller para la formación práctica, oficinas de recepción y ventas, oficinas generales en el piso superior, una cafetería, zona de exposición de tractores de las dos marcas y almacén. En la parte exterior se ha habilitado un circuito de asfalto, un campo de pruebas y unas gradas pensadas para las demostraciones a los clientes. El proyecto fue posible gracias a una inversión total de tres millones de euros y requirió la ampliación de 8 nuevos puestos de trabajo. Entre los nuevos servicios que ofrece AgriArgo con el traslado a estas instalaciones se encuadra la impartición de cursos formativos para concesionarios, reforzados con una nueva página web destinada a informar de los cursos, la expo-

sición permanente de la gama de sus tractores, la organización de eventos para demostraciones de los tractores en los terrenos colindantes, etc. Según los responsables de la empresa, la decisión de establecerse en Castilla y León viene dada por el largo recorrido en tractores de alta potencia que tiene esta comunidad autónoma, además de situarse más próximos a la mayor parte de la red de concesionarios. Su objetivo es ofrecer y potenciar la posibilidad, tanto a distribuidores como a clientes, de tener un contacto directo con los tractores por medio de jornadas de puertas abiertas y una mejor formación técnica y comercial del sector. Aprovechando la presencia de sus concesionarios, los responsables del evento presentaron tres nuevas series de tractores del grupo: la renovada serie de tractores especializados Landini Rex 4, la serie McCormick X8 de entre 264 CV y 310 CV con transmisión continua de cuatro etapas, y la serie McCormick X6 VT-Drive, con transmisión de variación continua de 3 etapas.n

Antonio Esteve, Administrador de AgriArgo Ibérica junto al nuevo Director General Andrés Moradas y el Presidente de Ansemat Alfonso Tajada.

Ampliaremos información en el próximo número de agrotécnica. SEPTIEMBRE 2017 | agrotécnica




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