Our insightful experience for you: We Leave from Athens by the coastal road to Nauplio. Our first stop is at Corinth Chanal which connects the Aegean Sea with the Ionian Sea. From Nauplio you will be able to visit: The ancient palace at Mycenas, from where king Agamemnon left to campaign with all Greeks against Troy. They will also be able to visit the single most important ancient Greek Theater at Epidavrous and watch an authentic Ancient Greek play (subtitles in English and only during weekends) in the company of hundreds of Greeks gathering from all over the country. Nauplio itself being the first capital of the modern Greek state has many beautiful sites as well as picturesque paved streets full of cozy restaurants, cafes and ice scream shops. It goes without saying, that they will get the chance to dive in the beautiful blue waters of the Argolic Gulf. We recommend having 2 overnights at Nauplio Hotel: Nafplia Palace or Amphitrion
Next stop is the breathtaking byzantine castle of Monenvasia. Words cannot describe the energy and beauty of this cosseted castle on a rock in the sea.
Monemvasia is ideal for a romantic stroll and dinner. The areas around Monemvasia offer some of the most amazing beaches in Greece. We recommend 2 overnights at Kinsterna hotel which offers many traditional Greek experiences from horse riding and bicycle riding to Greek cooking and olive picking. No visit to the Peloponnese would be complete without a stop at Mani. Mani is one of the two areas in Greece to have remained free and unoccupied and home to the proudest community of Greece. Famous for its architecture it’s a favorite choice amongst culturally desirous travelers. We recommend spending 1 night by the sea at a beautiful boutique hotel: Kyrimai hotel Mani is not only famous for its extreme landscape but also for its local delicacies. Don’t miss to visit Deros caves, the biggest caves in the Balkan area, and take a 30 min boat ride in them. Last night should be spend at Ancient Olympia, the site of the ancient Olympic games for a truly Greek experience. It will definitely help them put modern Olympic games into perspective. Hotel to Stay Arty Grand. Next day return to Athens.