Extrapolated Architecture
As analysed, vernacular architecture is sustainable and
humble but with the changing world and the increase in the need of a dwelling, vernacular architecture simply could not meet the need. Then again, more humble and sustainable architectural designs are still required. What current architects and designers are trying to create is to combine both vernacular and contemporary architecture. Extrapolated architecture is when a contemporary architecture is created with local vernacular aspects. This type of architecture tried to be as humble and sustainable as possible while still trying to meet the necessity of a dwelling. Many starchitects started to take action and understanding the importance of a humble and sustainable design while meeting contemporary need. One extrapolated architecture is a newly built 2020 Japan’s Olympic Stadium by architect Kengo Kuma. Located in Tokyo the stadium reflects Kuma’s understanding of the importance of sustainability in not just the environmental aspect but also humility (Great Big Story, 2019).