Daylight Investigation
Dea Savina Arimbawa
Fig. 1 Sultan Nazrin Shah Building
Case Study
Daylight plays an important role in architecture and urban scheme as it influence spaces’ aesthetical value. As mentioned by architect Louis Khan, “I can’t define a space really as a space, unless it has natural light ... natural light gives mood to space and nuances of light in the time of day and the season of the year as it enters and modifies the space.” (Ander, 1995). The right amount of daylight that penetrates inside a building has to be specifically designed in relation to space’s function and considered to a specific site context (Plummer, 2012). Different climates, latitudes and time of the day creates daylight’s key dynamic aspects (Rockcastle and Andersen, 2014) for architects and designers to be taken into consideration in designing a daylight strategy. They have to be, as the source of light changes direction, also the shades move and change shape (Ozorhon and Uraz, 2014).
Fig. 2 Sultan Nazrin Shah Center Interior and Exterior
Throughout this architectural journal, the importance of constructing a daylight strategy to a specific site location will be investigated and analysed. The method to move forward, is by using a building case study and locate it in two different locations and climate context. To then evaluate and compare how daylight’s dynamic key factors in each location will impact the building’s original daylight strategy. Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) building will be used as the daylight case study and will be analysed in two locations; Oxford, England (where it’s originally located) and in Penang, Malaysia. This study will be structured into four main contents. First, is to introduce the case study and the methodology of this investigation. Second, is to start analysing the case study, focusing on the impact of the different climate and sun path to the building. The third part of this investigation is to zoom into the findings from the previous analysis, and examine it more in-depth. The final part of this study is to modify and manipulate the problems found in the earlier analysis to fit the location of the replicated case study.
Case Study
Sultan Nazrin Shah Center
Sultan Nazrin Shah Center is located in Oxford, England and was named after Sultan Nazrin Shah, one of Malaysia’s royal family member. This building provides spaces like; seminar rooms, student learning space, dance studio and a lecture theatre as seen in the floor plan (Fig. 5). Sultan Nazrin Shah building awarded the RIBA National Award in 2018 and was claimed as a building with successful daylight strategies. As analysed in Appendix A, Sultan Nazrin Shah Center was indeed putting daylight into consideration throughout the different spaces in the building. The architects, Niall McLaughlin, designed the daylight strategy specifically to each space’s function and daylight condition. Every key spaces in the building such as the clearstory window at the auditorium in the building as seen in Fig. 4 and the roof light located at the south-west atrium in the building as seen in Fig. 3, specifically has been designed to adapt the climate and sun path of Oxford.
Fig. 3 Roof Light
Fig. 4 Clerestory window
Fig. 5 Sultan Nazrin Shah Center Floor Plan
In Oxford, the common daylight strategy is to bring as much as daylight as appropriate into a building. The average sky condition throughout the year is mostly cloudy with a inadequate clear sky and sunlight. With the average temperature of 16oC during summer and 3.7oC during winter (Climate, n.d), daylight is very much needed inside the building not only to illuminate the space, but daylight also relates directly to the visual comfort rate within the building. In tropical countries such as Malaysia, the temperature throughout the year are roughly between 22o C and 32oC (Climate, n.d). With the high-temperature average, the common daylight strategy is to reduce as much as daylight as possible that are entering a building (Hyde, 2000). Daylight in this climate are mostly too intense and brings a strong illumnination and heat gain in a building which will lead to physical discomfort. By diminishing as much as daylight as possible, it will also reduce visual and glare issues in the building. Architects and designers in these countries, have to carefully consider bringing balanced daylight into the building so users can perform activities with minimal reliance on artificial light.
Fig. 6 Site location in Oxford, England
Fig. 7 Site location in Penang, Malaysia
Site Location
Oxford, England Fig. 8 The map of Sultan Nazrin Shah in Oxford
Site Location
To continue with this investigation, a thorough research of a specific location was done. In order to reduce as much variables as possible the replica’s location has to be as similar as possible to the existing context in Oxford. Penang, Malaysia was chosen due to the massive difference of sun path and climate compared to Oxford, England. From the variation of the climate’s condition, this will lead the investigation to achieve an captivating comparison of daylight strategy. Penang, Malaysia is also the island where Sultan Nazrin Shah, the Malaysia’s royal family member was born and raised, this connection bring the island’s to a close relation to the building. The specific location was decided at the University of Science, 11800 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia. Latitude of 5°21’31.23”N and Longitude of 100°18’30.50”E (Fig. 9). This location was chosen due to its similarity of the original site in Oxford (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7). The original context of the building are not surrounded by other buildings and it was placed near a big green space with a few trees and plants surrounding the building similar to the location in Penang. The replica’s building orientation will remain the same with the original context, this to aim for a better result with less amount of variables as possible.
Penang, Malaysia Fig. 9 The map of Sultan Nazrin Shah in Penang
Climate and Sun path The amount of solar radiance is greater at the equator compared to the solar radiance near the pole (Hyde, 2000). Due to the earth’s rotation toward the sun is inclined at an angle of 23,5o (Fig. 10), causes the changes of the sun ray’s strike to the earth will vary every day around the year (Kukreja, 1978). As the source of light changes direction, also the shades move and change shape (Ozorhon 2014). With that in mind, the effect of daylight towards a building will contrast in different locations.
The nature of daylight strategies in countries located by or near the equator tend to try to reduce as much as sunlight as (Hyde, 2000). Too much light will cause problems such as; heat intensity, glare and discomfort of the user’s well-being, as Fig. 11 shows how direct and indirect lights penetrate inside a building. In this study, both Oxford and Penang are located differently against the equator, which causes the effect of daylight toward the case study will be interestingly different. Furthermore, as seen in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 it’s clearly illustrated, the distinction of both location’s sun path throughout the year. This allows certain events of sunlight penetration towards the earth might occur in one site, but not the other. In Penang for example, one day between March and September equinox will be taken place, where the sun sits directly above the head and create a 90o angle perpendicular towards the earth. Meanwhile, in Oxford, the sun will never sit directly above the head as it will always be at certain angles towards the earth and mostly in the southern sky. This causes the way the sun rays penetrate the building in Penang will be different from the one in Oxford.
march -21 july -21
september -21
23,5 degree angle
Fig. 10 Earth’s Rotation
Fig. 11 Direct and Indirect Sunlight
Fig. 12 Oxford’s Sun Path
Fig. 13 Penang’s Sun Path
To be able to visually comprehend how the different climate and sun path may affect the case study, daylight testing software was used to help investigate. The software (Velux) are set in both Penang and Malaysia with two different seasons, summer and winter and the results can be seen in Fig. 14. From the result, it can be determined that in Oxford, the daylighting strategy is perfectly manipulated throughout the year. During winter solstice, for example, both south-west facing glazed door and roof light help to illuminate the foyer space. It enables the space to reach a comfortable visual rate, even with the lack of natural light due to the low sun angle during the season. As well as in summer solstice, where usually the south-west facing glazed door can gain an intense amount of daylight, it seems to not cause an issue here. This happened due to Oxford’s climate rate, where even during summer solstice the average sky condition is mostly cloudy. If the sky is clear and the sun altitude is high, during summer solstice, the architect able to tackle the daylight problem, where brise soleil is placed on the outside part of the window to filter direct sunlight.
In Penang, the daylight reading software gives the opposite result. Due to the sun path and angle in Penang, the atrium will gain excessive intense daylight into the building all through the year. This will lead to an unsuccessful daylight strategy within the building where the visual discomfort is likely to occur. Even then, in Fig. 3 it shows that during summer solstice the daylight reading result in Penang and Oxford looks similar. The amount daylight that penetrates inside the building in both location may be alike but the differences rely on the intensity of temperature and sunlight which in Penang, Malaysia is more intense than in Oxford. Therefore, due to Penang’s tropical climate, the atrium space will become visually and physically uncomfortable.
Malaysia, June
500.0 437.6 375.3 312.9 250.5 188.1 125.8 63.4
Cd/m2 500.0
188.1 125.8 63.4
Location Time Orientation Sky condition
Custom, Latitude 5.0º N, longitude 100.0º E June at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
Location Time Orientation Sky condition
Custom, Latitude 5.0º N, longitude 100.0º E December at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
Location Time Orientation Sky condition
Custom, Latitude 51.0º N, longitude 1.2º W June at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Cd/m2 500.0 Location 437.6 Time 375.3 Orientation 312.9 Sky250.5 condition
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Custom, Latitude 5.0º N, longitude 100.0º E June at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
Custom, Latitude 5.0º N, longitude 100.0º E December at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
Malaysia, December
Location 437.6 Time 375.3 312.9 Orientation Sky250.5 condition
England, June
188.1 125.8 63.4
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Location Time Cd/m2 Orientation Sky500.0 condition
Custom, Latitude 51.0º N, longitude 1.2º W June at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
England, December
437.6 375.3 312.9 250.5 188.1 125.8 63.4
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Custom, Latitude 51.0º N, longitude 1.2º W
Custom, Latitude 51.0º N, longitude 1.2º W
Fig. 14 Velux daylight reading result
Moving forward in this investigation, two key issues from the case study will be analysed more in depth. In structuring daylight strategy, one most important factor is window orientation. The function of a window is to admit light into an interior and they provide a view out, but the main cause of glare discomfort could arise from these direct view of the sky (European 1993). Therefore, windows are a great component in daylight strategy but thay have to be greatly considered and analysed, specifically to specific climate and context. In this case study, two main windows that bring a significant effect to the foyer space are the south-west facing glazed door and the roof light that’s located above the bar (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15 Velux daylight reading result of June 21st in Penang.
In the a European climate, the common understanding of window’s orientation in the relation of daylighting is where south-facing windows, tend to have a high luminous level with high energy gain during winter solstice medium in summer. Also, west-facing windows normally provide a medium luminous level with high energy gain in summer and low in winter (European, 1993). From this understanding, the south-west facing glazed door as shown in Fig. 1, will provide a great amount of daylight penetration within the foyer. As discussed, the orientation of the glazed door leads to a slight issue in Oxford, during the summer solstice and a big problem during summer and winter season in Penang. To understand the sunlight’s impact on the space inside, Fig. 17 shows the cut section of the glazed door and the direct sun altitudes towards the foyer. From the diagram, it shows that in Oxford on the 21st of December, the sun altitude sits low, by 8o and on the 21st of June the sun altitude sits at 55o towards the earth. It appears that during the winter solstice, the south-west facing glazed door does not provide enough daylight inside the space. On the other hand, with the high sun altitude during summer, which might lead to visual discomfort-into the foyer, brise soleil is placed to filter direct sunlight.
Fig. 16 South-west facing glass door
Penang 21st December 12:00 65 o Southern Sky Oxford 21st June 13:30 55 o Southern Sky
Oxford 21st Desember 15:00 o 8 Southern Sky
Penang 21st June 15:00 52 o Northern Sky
Fig. 17 South-west facing glazed door cut section
Fig. 17 also shows the altitude of the sun in Penang. During the winter solstice, the sun altitude set at 66o on the southern sky which is similar to the sun altitude in Oxford during the summer solstice. The differences lie on the brise soleil, where it works in Oxford, but not in Penang. This is an event caused by the extreme climate in Penang, which have a high average sun rate throughout the year. This might not bring a high visual discomfort but it will bring a high physical discomfort such as heat. Oppositely, during the summer solstice in Penang, even from the high sun altitude which angled at 52o, no direct sunlight will penetrate the space. This event occurs due to the sun located in the northern sky. It can be concluded that in Penang, the glazed door will only bring concern into the foyer during the winter solstice (Fig. 15)
Another key element in this case study that brings a huge impact in the daylight gain rate inside the foyer is the roof light (Fig. 18). To understand the roof light’s impact on the space, direct light gains in both locations and seasons is illustrated on Fig. 19 and Fig. 20 .From Fig. 19, it shows that during winter solstice in Oxford, the low sun angle will not fully able to illuminate the light even with the help of the indirect sunlight. Oppositely, during summer solstice, an intense amount of direct light and indirect light are coming through the roof light. This might seems to be an issue, but considering the southwest facing glazed door, glare discomfort will not occur. Glare caused by an unsuitable distribution of luminance or an extreme contrast in a space (European, 1993). The sunlight from both roof light and glazed door admit a balanced daylight factor throughout the foyer, so glare discomfort is prevented. In Fig. 2, it shows the contrast of how roof light illuminance space with Penang’s climate. It clearly shows that both in winter and summer the sun altitude are high. The sun also sits both at the northern and southern sky and sometimes perpendicularly located towards the earth (equinox). This diagram (Fig. 12) shows how the roof light continues to deliver an extreme amount of daylight that is constant and intense throughout the year. Which without a doubt will cause visual and physical discomfort.
Fig. 18 Roof light On-Site and Physical Model
Oxford 21st June 13:30 o 55 Southern Sky Oxford 21st Desember 15:00 8 o Southern Sky
Fig. 19 Roof light cut section
Penang, Equinoxes Penang 21st December 12:00 o 65 Southern Sky
Penang 21st June 15:00 52 o Northern Sky
Fig. 20 Roof light cut section
After the investigation and the lead to different issues that occurs, the last part of this study is to try to modify the replica of Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre to fit in Penang’s climate. Through this investigation, it can be settled that the key issue lay on the high rate of direct light that is coming inside the space, which causes visual discomfort. As analysed before, the roof light gained the most intense sunlight throughout the year. To eliminate this issue, there are several ways to manipulate the windows. The most appropriate first approach is to learn directly from traditional houses in Malaysia, which for centuries has been made specifically to fit the tropical climate. The common vernacular Malay Houses as seen in Fig. 21 and 22, has been designed to adapt its local weather such as the high ceilings which allow heat to escape and air to circulate constantly and the house is also raised on stilts to catch air current as well as to provide extra security against dangerous wildlife and monsoon flooding (Porter, 2000). In terms of daylighting strategies, these house’s windows are mainly made in deep eaves to keep the sun away from the edges of the windows. Wood louvred windows are also commonly used to filter daylight into the building.
To alter the windows in the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre to fit Penang’s climate, there are three possible ways to modify it. The first one, as seen in Fig. 24, is to adopt vernacular Malay House. Where a high ceiling structure placed on top of the roof light to prevent too much direct sunlight coming into the building. This method allows direct sunlight to be diffused before entering the space, to cut the daylight factor. Even with the extra structure placed, there are still a few days through the year where equinox (Fig. 24) will befall and illuminate the space with direct sunlight. Which made this modifiying method not 100% effective
Fig. 21 Malay House Roof Light
Fig. 22 Malay House
Fig. 23 Malay House Cut Section
Fig. 24 Modification 1, adopting traditional Malay House
The next method is to manipulate the building’s ceiling structure to act as a brise soleil. Brise soleil and louvres are other common methods used to filter direct sunlight in tropical countries. The first technique of brise soleil is to minimize the distance from each structure. In this approach as seen in Fig. 27, certainly able to diffuse direct sunlight into the building during summer and winter solstice, but near the time where equinoxes will occur the close distanced brise soleil will not be enough to filter the intense tropical climate direct sunlight. The other technique in using brise soleil is to modify them so it is placed in an angle as seen in Fig. 28. This method seems to be the most suitable one since the brise soleil was placed at an angle, this lead to no direct sunlight coming inside the space even when the equinox occurs. This happened due to the manipulation of direct light that is diffused between the brise soleils (Fig. 29). This angled brise soleil is actually a very common daylight strategy in tropical climate countries but it usually uses directly as louvres on the outside part of windows (Fig. 25 & 26).
Fig. 25 Malay House Louvres
The brise soleil and louvres method can be applied to different windows of the building such as the south-west facing glazed door and the clerestory window above the auditorium. Even there are a few renovations that can be done to manipulate the daylight gain in the replicated building in Penang, a natural way daylight strategy (building’s windows orientation towards the sun path) are still a better and the cheapest way to control daylight (Harn, 2016).
Fig. 26 Malay House Louvres
Fig. 27 Modification 2
Fig. 29 Modification 3
Fig. 28 Modification 3
As established and evidenced throughout different methods and media in this investigation, it can be concluded that designing daylight strategy have to be influenced by a great understanding of a specific site location and climate. From the case study of Sultan Nazrin Shah in both different location it was proven that no matter how successful an original daylight strategy of a building is, the same replica located in a different location will not able to achieve the same success rate as the original site. Even with different manipulations towards the building can be done but ultimately, there are greater effects on the building and its context, than just visual comfort.
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Figures Figure 1. Author 2019 Figure 2. Author 2019 Figure 3. Author 2019 Figure 4. Author 2019 Figure 5. Worcester College (2014), viewed 11 October 2019. Figure 6. Author 2019 Figure 7. Google Earth, viewed 17 October 2019. Figure 8. Google Earth, viewed 17 October 2019. Figure 9. Google Earth, viewed 17 October 2019. Figure 10. Author 2019, adopted from Kukreja (1978) Figure 11. Author 2019, adopted from Kukreja (1978) Figure 12. Sun Earth Tools (n.d), viewed 28 October 2019. Figure 13. Sun Earth Tools (n.d), viewed 28 October 2019. Figure 14. Author 2019, adopted from the group work. Figure 15. Author 2019, adopted from the group work. Figure 16. Author 2019
Figure 17. Author 2019, adopted from the group work. Figure 18. Author 2019 Figure 19. Author 2019 Figure 20. Author 2019 Figure 21. Malaysian Timber Council (n.d) viewed 11 December 2019. Figure 22. Malaysian Timber Council (n.d) viewed 11 December 2019. Figure 23. Author 2019, adopted from Sulaiman (2017). Figure 24. Author 2019 Figure 25. Malaysian Timber Council (n.d) viewed 11 December 2019. Figure 26. Malaysian Timber Council (n.d) viewed 11 December 2019. Figure 27. Author 2019 Figure 28. Author 2019 Figure 29. Author 2019
Daylight Atrium Model Group
Dea Arimbawa, Wiktoria Piotrowska, Oana Halapciuc.
Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre Location: Worcester College, OX1 2JD Oxford Architect: Niall McLauglin Architects Client: Worcester College Awards: RIBA South Award 2018 and RIBA South Building of the Year 2018 sponsored by Artifice Press and RIBA National Award 2018 In this investigation, our aim is to understand a case study’s daylight strategy using physical model as a method. We also going to compare the effectiveness of using a physical model and digital model in analysing daylight within a building. We began our investigation by visiting the case study. During the site visit, we focus on getting as much as information of the building to continue with this analysis. The two key points of the site visit, is to take light reading measurements and to study the materials of the building. Both datas are crucial elements in this investigation. The light reading data will be use to analyse the daylight factors and impact to the foyer and the materials information will be use in the process of making the physical model. We also making sure to understand the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre’s surrounding context and climate to consider different factors that might affect daylight’s penetration within the building. As seen in Fig. , the context of Sultan Nazrin Shah building is placed within an empty green space, which determined that there will be no external factors that might affect the daylight reading result. Fig. Study visit sketches. Author (2019)
Fig. Group work (2019)
Fig. Photograph Author (2019)
Daylight Investigation On Site
To collect our data, a grid system is set up as a marking point in collecting the daylight reading. With the big area of the foyer, we set boundries of where to only measure daylight at the grid points that shows a greater amount of daylight that might brings a higher impact to the foyer. Therefor we excluded the corridors on both side of the building. While collecting the data to minimise variable, a set high was positioned at each grid point. Then we followed the grid by using the tapemeasure and a string. It is important to note we took the measurememnts early in the afteroon (this will determine the time of the day when we take the readings from the physical model) during a relatively cloudy day. We have also ensure to take enough photographs of the building as well as the outside conditions to provide us with great amount of informations for the process of making the physical model. Other methods to increase the accuracy of our results: - We assigned the tasks to reduce the posibility of human error: one person was taking the readings, one was noting them down and two people were making sure the grid was being followed correctly - The results were taken early in the afternoon In the end, the daylight reading results, gave us an understanding of which points within the space gained more daylight and gave us an idea of a pattern we should be expecting when collecting the data from our physical model.
Fig. Daylight Reading result On-Site. Group work (2019)
Materials When inside of the case study, it was important to pay close attention to materiality of the space we were investigating. We already knew the architect paid close attention to the materiality of the building and the pallete of materials was designed with Clipsham stone in mind to ensure the connection to the site, heritage of the city as well as the materiality of the rest of Worcester College. We have identified 3 key materials that we thought had the most impact onto the daylight strategy of the space: 1. Timber Joinery on the ceiling 2. Clipsham stone on the exterior as well as the interior walls 3. Stone tiles on the floor
Fig. Light meter
Fig. Grid system for the daylight reading. Group work (2019)
38 32
Process and Outcome The aim of this investigation was to model the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre atrium as close to the original as possible. With the nature of light being reflecting of the walls from one to another and it being affected by lightness, darkness and texture of a material it was important to ensure the textures we used to apply on the surfaces of our model were of the exact same tone, colour as well as scale. The model itself was constructed at a scale of 1:25 as that is what we decided was a suitable scale for the amount of detail we needed for our daylight analysis. We have construced the model using a variety of materials such as mdf, plywood, acetate and cardboard. We then used our textures of the materials and applied them onto the surfaces of our model. To achieve best and most accurate results and minimise a range of variables we covered all of the joints with aluminium foil to make the model light tight and therefore increase the chance of more accurate results at the stage of measuring the daylight readings. The process of making a daylight model was quite challenging, the attention to detail as well as making the interior as close to the original as possible and eliminating all the factors that could impact our readings was quite tricky, however, daylight modelling gave us a better understanding of the architectural forms Neil McLaughlin used to control as well as manipulate the natural light coming into the building. The daylight modeling is a process where some variables are difficult to control such as the location of the space as well as the weather but the model itself was a successful replica of our case study.
Figs. Model Making Process
A link to our finished result of the model, Figs. Physical Model Results
Fig. Interior of the physical model.
Data Collecting from Physical Model 66
We ran two tests. The first one around the same time as we did when taking the results in the building. We took the physical model outside and positioned it in the same direction as the building to result in more accurate resdings, the other set of results we gained by taking the measurements in the late afternoon. The approach that we adopted was to get the model as close to the real building as we could includint the textures, colours and including the brise soleil which had a major impact on the amount of daylight coming into the atrium and stopping it from being overlit.
When collecting the data we made sure that: 1. Our model is light - tight
4. The weather on the day we took the readings within the model was similar to the weather on the day we took the readings within the actual building
2. The model was arientated correctly 3. It was located in a context that representative to the real project, (there were no obstructions)
Fig. Daylight Reading results from the physical model.
Variables we could not control: 1. The weather (we dont know if the difference would impact the readings) 2. The Location 3. The texture of the materials - they were all printed on smooth paper therefore the light could reflect differently within the model affecting our readings
Fig. Daylight Reading process from the physical model.
Result Analysis As a whole research group the aim was to compare different methods of daylight tesing and finding one which is more accurate. The most common approaches to this types of investigations are; Physical modeling and Digital modeling. The aim was to compare all three results. look for patterns and understand which method gives more accurate result. We have used the measurements from site as our 'standard base point' to give us an idea of what we should get through both of our methods of investigation. The results from teh physical model are significantly differents in quite a few spots on the grid. This could occur due to a variety of variables such as the sky conditions,. general weather, humidity, time of the day, location. As said above we did the daylight testing on the day that was fairly similar to the day when we took the readings in the building however the time of the year and sky conditions could still have significant impact on our readings. Secondly, the texture of materials applied to the physical model was not the same as the original. This is because stone and timber were very difficult to replicate and even though we could get the colour and tone correct we were not able to replicate teh texture, This could have had an impact because the texture of a material has an impact on the way the light reflects from one material to another. The last important variable was the scale. it was quite small and the readings could be more accurate if the model was of a slightly bigger scale. The result from the digital model is not showing expected result. The software was only able to show light reading result per candela (cd/m2) which is incomparable to the other sets of result from the on-site reading and the physical reading as tehy are in different units - in LUX. To convert the result in Candela to LUX we would need the standard of maximum and minimum point of candela, which we’re not able to find within the on-site reading and the physical reading. With the unexpected outcome, the result of the digital model is still able to show the solar gain within the building. The result of the digital model that is shown has resulted from the ‘perfect scenario’ which we were also not able to recreate through physical modeling and on site investigation. Climate and weather are unexpectable, the number of clouds that can refine some sun rays is impossible to measure. The perfect scenario is one of the variables of this daylight reading result. Overall, the result from both physical and digital model is not fully accurate which was expected from the understanding of the different variables that are not avoidable. Even though the inaccuracy within the result, the result alone are still able to help us to understand the daylight strategies of Sultan Nazrin Shah building. 66
Physical Model Result
On Site Result
Digital Model Result Cd/m2
8.00.0 7.1 6.3 5.4 4.5 3.60.0 2.8 1.9
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Location Time Orientation Sky condition
Custom, Latitude 51.0º N, longitude 1.2º W October at 12:00 304.9 CW Intermediate (7)
Daylight Testing Analysis
Physical Model
The complications of modern structures and their interrelationships makes an understanding of daylighting desirable, if not essential (Phillip 2004). With modern technology and methods, trying to understand daylight strategies in pre-built buildings seems to be an instant stage in the design process. Putting a 3D CAD model on a daylight analysis software, or making a small scale model of the building and test the different daylight effect within the building will help us in the understanding of daylight strategies. Those methods help students and architects to understand daylight strategies within their projects and precedents. The importance of daylight testing not only it is a straightforward way to analyse building's condition towards a certain climate but also to understand if every space in that building reaches the standard daylight factor to accomplish comfortable spaces. In this case study, two methods of daylight analysis were done through physical and digital modeling. Overall, the result of both methods is promising in their different methods. The physical model gave us the expected result, not to be able to reach the 100% accuracy compared to the result taken on-site, but it still helped us to understand of how the Sultan Nazrin Shah atrium's daylight strategies work. As mentioned on page 5 of this Appendix some variables within this tests are impossible to avoid, which resulted in the inaccurater results. Even though the result from the physical model are not fully valid they still shows the difference between how much daylight penetrate in each grid point. From the result on each grid point, we can work out if they have too much. too little or just the perfect amount of daylight needed for the space based just on the ratios and patterns on the grid. Moreover, we also gained an understanding of how light and shadows penetrate the building, to sense the different atmosphere within the spaces and whether they're they too dark or are they too bright. Overall, daylight testing with the physical model methods is a great starting point for students and architect to understand daylight strategies and sunlightpenetration within a building. With the digital model, the result itself is incomparable either with the physical model and the on-site results. Nonetheless, Velux, the software we used to analyse the daylight was capable of doing other things such as perspective renders. Within the software as well, there are some useful tools help us to get a specific set of the case study such as different months of the year, different weather and location, this allows us to understand the daylight within the building throughout the year from different seasons and climates. With the location tools, it allows us to pick a specific latitude and longitude points of the site, which very important in testing daylight strategies since climate and sun path in a different location will vary. From the renders of the 3D model, it's able to show us how light and shadows cast within the space throughout different seasons, and it helps to visualise the atmosphere of the building. Overall, digital modelling in daylight testing is a great tool to use to analyse and visualise atmosphere and daylight factor within a building.
Digital Model
VELUX Daylight Visualizer 2
Location Time Orientation Sky condition
Custom, Latitude 51.0ยบ N, longitude 1.2ยบ W June at 12:00 304.9 CW Clear (12)
Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre Daylight Strategy The environmental strategy was for natural light and ventilation where possible. The structure is a mix of steel frame and blackwork, to respond to the varying requirements of the stonework cladding and glazing. The structure had to be ready as soon as possible and to show that the project would not damage the natural environment and trees present in the area Materiality, The materials in the building were carefully considered during the design process, the aim was to create a palette of materials that works well with the heritage of the city and the college and materiality of the other buildings on site. On top od this the materials were chosen in a way so they work the best in daylit environments where the true colours are shown. This is due to the fact that the purpose of the building is purerly educational and daylit spaces work best for that purpose. Technical Details, Sultan Nazrin Shah building has a south-west facing glass door that might become an issue in terms of the daylight penetration within the building. South-west facing windows typically create an intense amount of daylight and direct light within a building, the problem usually lays during the summer solstice where most of the time during the day the sun rays directly penetrate the space and it leads to an overwhelming heat gain. To tackle this issue, the architect is placing brise soleil on the outside part of the glass door. This allows some of the direct light and daylight to be filtered and not excessively penetrating the atrium. Other Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre daylight strategies are shown in how much the daylight penetrate inside the building are measured based on the function of a space. In the atrium, for example, the main function of it is where users rest and grab food and drinks from the bar. So the users in the atrium will not be using that space for a long time but the visual comfort of the space is still very important. Within the atrium, there is two main sources of daylight, the south-west facing glass doors and the roof light located directly above the bar. These two windows help to light up space during winter solstice where as much as daylight and direct light are needed. Each of the windows is carefully measured on how much it allows daylight penetrate inside the atrium space throughout the year in different seasons. When it gets too much daylight, as mentioned, the south-west facing glass door can be an issue during the summer solstice but brise soleil was placed to filter some direct light that is coming into the atrium. So the architect is able to manipulate the different daylight within its function and different climate and weather throughout the year.
Conclusion This exercise was very valuble in understanding the need for daylight testing and manipulation/navigation of natural light to achieve desirable results. It introduced us to pros and cons of design for daylight and how daylight can become almost another material which brings the atmosphere and character into the building. This investigation informed us about the importance of the window positions and how architectural features as well as the form of the building affect the amount of daylight the interior spaces receive. The materiality of the space is also an important factor to consider as wrong choice of materials can affect the amount of daylight within a space. This particular case study has taken a lot of considerations when positioning the building as there are no obstructions on the site that needs the more light which allows the maximisation of the daylight within the space as the light would not be able to reach the interior directly if there were obstructions on the site. There are a few variables need to be kept the same when daylight testing on a physical model. The weather needs to be similar, as the amount of clouds in the sky could have a major impact on the LUX readings within the model, the location of the daylight testing should be similar, in our case, the spaces we were testing had no obstructions on the site which meant that we also had to make sure our model was positioned with no obstructions around it. If we tested the daylight closer to the BCU building this could have blocked some light and make the results less accurate. The model needs to be light tight, if there were major gaps within the model there ould be more light coming in which would also impact the readings. In the future, we will have a stronger understanding on the variables that affect this type of investigation as well as know which method to choose depending on what we need to understand in our design process - the physical modeling is great to understand how daylight can become an asteathically pleasing feature of the building by creating interesting patterns on the floor/walls just like the brie soleil does in the atrium space or to understand roughly the daylight penetration within our designs, on the other hand, using the softwear could be more useful to understand more accurate light distributions within the space. Overall, this investigation allowed us to gain clear understanding of the need of daylight testing for succesful design, the architectural features that can be used to manipulate the light and the main factors that affect the amount of daylight within a building.