Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Lay ers Por t L of oop
C om
nit y
Nat ure
Lan ds
cap e
0 3 0 2 t r Po
p o Lo
1. H isto ry hun With i era ting l n 5 d o t 2. ion. cationecade 203 site s this 0 to b sty The a c lock le of ity g Mill of l rowin l w i i th and h e ron nnial ving. g tec a n o as h s w m S pen been nee ent ill o the nolog y opp no t d t has t up an 3. ort ransf Livi o gro been be t comin d ec u nit orm he w a ono ng g i ies n f t c s my lo n for rom g w rease ame. rend sim Real h the a de d, i ith p Dem of h ave a com le an sing c r new er o it. h a c t The hitec nd o using anged gen gro muni d affo he qu wor ture n co and h w a ty a r u l d i -liv ma ld c lon and able ty o h a o n n is g. f e nv s gro not ing anw hum hab Ma iron olutio life i it win me n t t st nif g s be mud sus an li at an a h n v t o r a t t est do te in ainab e for d o a t enh t from livi o im a ng this le env to nce t habi spa cas ta con he e, ice. nec rela t, wh it t n tion ere atu re ship we ca and bet n peo ween find ple t and he to
Client Needs Community
Landscape Architecture
Social Space
l l i M
Dea Savina
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
s l a i enn
Vis ual Bri ef
Behaviour Mapping
Dea Savina & Yvonne Freeman
Behavior Mapping is a type of a systematic observation research that mainly focused on the human behavior against the space and time. In this specific part of a site analysis, human behavior will always been affected by their surrounding. So the aim of this observation is to gain data and understanding how human behavior varies in different type of the week and different type on weather. The main focused human activities in this observation will be; jogger, pedestrian, cyclist, leisure (picnic, sitting, walking), water activities, and construction area. In the other hand, the main focused for the surrounding space will be on Cloudy Weekday, Cloudy Weekend, Sunny Weekday and Sunny Weekend. After collecting data on different type of activities and time we could conclude that people around the site will do more of an outdoor activities on a sunny day either weekend and weekday rather than the cloudy week. The most popular area on the site are the Edgbaston Reservoir and the Canal Side where it shows higher number of certain human activities such as cycling, jogging and pedestrian but the main road of the site also shows a high number of human activities which mostly are pedestrian, the reason for this is might be related to the bus lane that are placed in the main road. Lastly, the least popular area on the site based on the research we collected are the residential area.
Concentration of people more people
less people
Master Plan
Cyclist Joggers Cyclist A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction
Individual Construction
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Behaviour Mapping
Sunny Weekend
Sunny Weekend Mapping
Individual Mapping
Water Activities
Pedestrian Cyclist Joggers Cyclist A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction Individual Construction
Concentration of people
more people
less people
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Behaviour Mapping
Sunny Weekday
Sunny Weekday Mapping
Individual Mapping
Water Activities
Pedestrian Cyclist Joggers Cyclist A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction Individual Construction
Concentration of people more people
less people
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Behaviour Mapping
Cloudy Weekend
Cloudy Weekend
Individual Mapping
Water Activities
Pedestrian Cyclist Joggers Cyclist A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction Individual Construction
Concentration of people
more people
less people
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Behaviour Mapping
Cloudy Weekday
Individual Mapping
Cloudy Weekday
Water Activities
Pedestrian Cyclist Joggers Cyclist A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction Individual Construction
Concentration of people
more people
less people
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Site Analysis
Location, Rotton Park St, Birmingham
Behaviour Mapping
Si t fig e To . 1 pogr
Concentration of people more people
less people
The Behaviour Mapping analysis help to understand the community in the neighborhood and to determine which activities in the sorrounding area is the most popular or what kind of space the community need the most.
Cyclist Joggers Cyclist
A group of Leisure Individual Leisure A group of Construction
Project Site
Individual Construction
The site topography and access to the site are pretty much flat except in a few area such as the site landscape area which have a meter deep countour. From this topography analysis I could counclude that with the canal and resevoir surrounding the area there should not be any underground structure on the site
Site Landscape Port Loop Stage 1
Summer 58.06o at 15/06/2018
Sun Path Analysis Port Loop Stage 1 Design Proposal
The sun path analysis affect the placing of different type of space in the proposal and to understand which is the best way to locate the proposal.
Winter 13.01o at 15/12/2018
Canal 1 meter deep countour that will be flatten
A-A Section 1:1000
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Client Brief This project also need to not only thinking about being occupied with Millenials X and Artists but also those client who are looking for a new flexible and an new amazing way of living experience. Type: Millennial X (variety of Millenials generation and Generation X in 2030). Basic facts: With the growing population and a constant wave of people moving to city, this new upcoming generation goes againts the current housing style. Where their way of living is different than the other generation, this generation are determine to gain as much as experience in many difference ways as possible. Flexibility is a key thing to this generation. Design Requirements: A flexible apartment house where the space could grow with the client. Flexible space where client could easily move from one place to the other. Different type of units that covers client's way of living. Not only a flexible way of living is important in this project but also to put a variety of different types of apartments that will fit to not only these young professional but also a broader range of clients, those with small to a big families.
Design Requirements, Living space The proposal need to have a public space where the community around the area could go and also enjoys the whole Port Loop project.
A semi public space accessable only for the client who lives on the site.
1 bedroom apartment
Design Requirements, Landscape
The Master Plan need to somehow made to work with the canal surrounding the site.
Annual Festivals where a new client who just moved in to Birmingham could experience a varieties of different culture in Birmingham.
2 bedroom apartment
3 bedroom apartment
1 bedroom attachedable apartment
3 bedroom disabled access apartment
More sitting area
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Growth Initial Concept Structure ready
Half take method Full take method
communal space
flat unit
flat unit flat unit flat unit
flat unit
communal space
communal space
flat unit
communal space
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit communal space
communal space
communal space
Expand to the other flat
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
Mass produced apartment units communal space
communal space flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
Expand facade
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
*Diagrams are not to scale
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Mass Produced Apartment Units
communal space flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
1. Prefabricated Apartment Units 1 container size
1 apartment unit
1 bedroom unit combined on site
Flexible Apartment Units: 6,1
The process of Moving In and Moving Out will be held Termly.
The shipping container apartment units will be produced by Container Conversion where client could request a specific type of apartment unit that they need
2. Delivery System Truck Staking System
Canal Boat Staking System
3. Moving out
3. Moving In
*Diagrams are not to scale
flat unit
flat unit
communal space
flat unit
flat unit
flat unit
communal space
flat unit
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Precedents Paxton House / alma-nac Social Housing by Alejandro Aravena
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
Fig. 2 Fig. 4
Fig. 6
Fig. 8
Paxton House / alma-nac This precedent is a beginning of my understanding of how a space for apartment block looks like. And also to understand spaces are diveded on which room will need the most daylight and which one did not.
Social Housing by Alejandro Aravena This award winning design is the most signifcant inspiration to this project where the main focus is growth and how we as a society need to understand how the way of living in the older century does not work any longer with the growing technologies.
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Developments and Experiments 1. Density
3. Space 4. Early proposal
B 2. Access and Daylight
Semi-Private space Private space Public space Daylight in
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Master Plan
Annual Festivals
Bench and sitting area
Flexible Units delivery access
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Ground Floor
Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
First Floor
1:200 18
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Second Floor
1:200 19
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Third Floor
1:200 20
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Individual Apartment Unit Floor Plan 1 Bedroom Apartment
3 Bedroom for Handicap Users Apartment
2 Bedroom Apartment
Attachable Apartment
Duplex Apartment
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
South East Elevation
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
South West Elevation
North West Elevation
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
A-A Section (Block A)
B-B Section (Block B)
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Perspective Interior Section
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Block A Interior Perspective Lounge Ground Floor
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Pedestrian Perspective
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Pedestrian Perspective
Dea Savina Dea Savina S16151420 S16151420 Architecture Lv 5 Architecture Lv 5 Project 2
Structure Model
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Other Projects
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Summer Project
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5
Dea Savina S16151420 Architecture Lv 5