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Issue 11 November/December 2019

Farah Manjoo Polishing Diamonds

Lynelle Blunden From Fashion to Granite

Sindi & Yoli


For Global

Excellence 1


Editor’s Hello


Made Excellently: Pastor Amanda



12 Polishing Diamonds: Farah Manjoo 18 Dear Keri 20 The Queen of Granite – Lynelle Blunden 22 Life Solidifies Faith 25 Quiet Time: Scripture for Meditation28 Reflections of the Heart – Rolene Strauss Global Outlook: Sindi and Yoli

Puse - Striving for Excellence pg15

Puseletso Modimogale Pastor Amanda Xaba

Keri - Dear Keri pg20



Editors ’ Hello

Issue 11 is themed ‘The Excelence Issue’ I felt great pressure when confirming the theme for this issue of arise magazine. My concern was to ensure that the final product is not a frivolous and superficial issue filled with worldly material and materialistic and content man calls excellent. We also would not want to own a weak issue as the last issue of 2019… a year that brought about many lessons, new ambitions and deep commitments.

Sometime during 2019, I made a decision not to allow any mediocracy in any of my projects, assignments and ventures. I adopted the slogan: it can’t be mediocre if it is for God’s Glory. Needless to say this slogan came after experiencing ‘some failures’ and making some work mistakes. I put ‘some failures’ in inverted commas because I have realised that we (most of the time) call it failure based on certain perceived standards that are set by history, community or society. I thank God that I have been able to free myself from that. He has freed me from this limited and limiting worldly notion…my new understanding and pursuit to excellence is not set by people but by what God has put in me… what He has created me to be. No doubt, He has blessed me with capacity, creativity and intelligence sufficient for His purpose with my life. The only challenge that exists, therefore, is for me to actively strive to optimise my potential, effort and attempt to give my best to that which is my assignment. What is great, awesome and more freeing is that He says I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me…in other words, where I come short, Christ strengthens me to go a mile longer, a minute longer and a level higher. Not longer or higher than the next person but longer and higher than I would have gone without Christ’s strength, wisdom, stamina and just simple will to continue. I also accept my difference, my uniqueness and that which set’s me apart from the rest as a foundation, a well and a source of excellence defined, created and gauged by God.

To excel means to do exceptionally well, to surpass, to do better than… So what is exceptionally well? For me, and we teach the same to our daughter: give your best at all you do, knowing that you are not only doing it for yourself or for people but importantly for God. I therefore do not believe that when we aim for excellence we have to consider what has already been done or achieved but instead consider and strive to give our best for God’s Glory, knowing that our best is known by God. To strive to do more than this is perhaps to stray into vanity and ego? I love and admire Rolene’s brand aspirations on page 6 of aligning her personal and business brand with God’s brand. I have never heard anyone say this before and when she said it, it took my breath away…I think if we all aspire to this, then our navigation through life will be better…yes maybe tougher but certainly better. Lynelle Blunden validates the truth that as women, we are able to excel at anything we put our minds to as she migrates from the world of lipstick and fashion to the world of cement and safety boots. How exciting a time is this we live in? It becomes more exciting when you spend an afternoon like I did with the global powerhouse that is Sindi and Yoli, founders of the Global Business Women Circle. They are warm, enthusiastic, intentional hard core girl-nextdoor women with excellent plans to change the global business landscape with this new initiative and movement…I for one cannot wait to see the fruit that many will enjoy from these two.

As with every issue, we aim to present you with an issue that is jam packed with inspiration. Check out Farah on page 18 who say’s we are diamonds. We also bring you amazing competitions from some of our favourite contributors – Puseletso and Keri to get us ready for 2020 and Cum Books gifts you beautiful Christmas gifts. Follow our social media pages for details on how to win. Try our quiet time pages which are designed to allow you some special time with God. May this Christmas be the best you’ve had, may it be a better connection with God our Daddy and may it deepen our relationship with God, family and humanity so that we are better for God. The journey to excellence is arriving at the aptitude God has instilled within us and going further with Christ’s strength waiting at our limit. May we aim for no greater excellence than that which Glorifies God. Once again, from God, my Daddy through me to YOU





Makes Excellence

I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my Soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was being formed in secret, And intricately and skillfully formed - as if embroidered with many colorsin the depths of the earth. David’s Psalm 139:14-15 gives us a glimpse of how God took His time after creating the earth to make this special creation called man. There are billions and billions of people on earth and each and every person is delicately, intricately woven by God whilst in the wombs of their mothers - not to be just a number on earth but to live a life of purpose according to His plan. God did not call us in to being like He called the light and the rest of creation. In fact it is only when He gets to creating man that He says “let’s make”. He personally gets His hands in so that He mould’s us as He pleases for His Glory. When it came to creating this special being called man, God called a meeting and He said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, over the entire earth and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genisis 1:26-27 AMP If God our Father in Heaven has a character of Excellence and if we, His children, are made in His image and likeness, it means our DNA possesses an element of excellency. Dear reader, Be encourage to keep the intention and plan of God going by being conscious of excelling through your God given calling, purpose and talent. Excel even when no one is watching, excel to show the world who your Father is. You do not Excel so that people only remember your name but excel so that people want to know you and the God in you. There is no criteria for excellency but excel anywhere and anytime under any condition and circumstance. Daniel excelled in Babylon, Deborah from under the palm tree and Joseph excelled in Potiphar’s house, Esther against Haman’s plots because it was not about the circumstance but about the God who changes circumstances. It is only when you excel in your purpose and calling that heaven and earth will pause and say here lived a great man, great woman, daughter, son, leader who lived his purpose very well.

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michaelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” Martin Luther King.



flections Re Reflections

From the Heart... Rolene Strauss witnessed Jo-Ann Strauss being crowned Miss South Africa and she was inspired and was crowned Miss South Africa and Miss World in 2014…A big achievement for a girl raised in the small town of Volksrust. Rolene moved to study medicine and graduated from the University of the Free State in 2017 and believes that as a test tube baby, her passion for health was born with her. Kea MM: Former Miss South Africa, Miss World, successful business owner and now author. You were born in 1992 - does it feel like it is too soon? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Rolene: I was privileged to have the opportunity to enter and win the Miss SA and Miss World pageants and later return to study. Yes, there were moments I felt overwhelmed, especially by being a wife and mother but I always knew there is a greater goal and that I had a responsibility to use the opportunities wisely. When did you know that this journey is a responsibility?

When I was Miss SA and seeing how young girls reacted to me… and I remembered meeting Jo-Ann Strauss for the first time when I was 8 - I realised the impact she had on me is the same I have on young girls’ and women’s lives. I count myself fortunate at this young age to have gone through very different life stages as student, mother, wife and a beauty queen influencing different people watching my every move…all these demands responsibility. After marrying you established the Strauss foundation, what inspired you and what is your focus? My husband’s surname is also Strauss so we are one big Strauss Family… I am hoping you did not marry your cousin?? Oh No!! my husband made sure of that before we got married… We’ve always known that we would want to be able to give back when the opportunity arises. I would not say that we are actively working on it right now as we are still trying to make our own way. Our foundation is a platform to do so when the opportunity shows up. We focus on health and education and my personal dream is to help with fees for medical students from 3rd year onwards – at this stage of their studies we are sure that they are committed hard workers.


As a beauty queen, the 3rd and last Miss World from South Africa, How do you see God in action in that space? I was exposed to Christianity from a young age, I’ve had very personal encounters with God and I went through hard lessons during the Miss SA and Miss World periods.I found myself confused about who I was in that world of always trying to be perfect, trying to be what society expected, everyone watching what I eat, do and wear. In a sense I know that it was also meant to be that way because it taught me that my true identity is in God. Once I realised that, I regained self-confidence and confidence in who God wants me to be. Many think that there is no way I could struggle with selfconfidence, but a lot of women do, and I did too, only on a bigger stage. I have all eyes on me, which was a negative in the past but I have turned it into a positive to encourage others to find their true identity and become who God wants them to be. When did you have the revelation that ‘I am created by and in the image of the most powerful and most wonderful: When I became a mother and a wife. 2017 was probably the most difficult time of my life, going back to study and feeling guilty, and not being enough as a mother.

I asked myself: Why am I trying to be perfect all the time? Where is my true identity? I realised that there has to be more to life than always trying to be perfect. I had found my identity in being a Miss SA or Miss World or mother and wife… who am I really when all that is stripped away? I realised that I needed to go on the quest to find this person and this is where I accepted who I am in God. I am still on that quest and believe I will always be. “Reflections from the Heart”… why this book? I have always known that I wanted to write a book and that I have gone through all this for a reason and wanted to share it with people. My dream for this book is that it helps the reader to find her own identity.

I do not want the reader to misinterpret my stories shared in this book. I get people that tell me ‘I want to be just like you…’ and that is the worst thing that can happen. I never want people to say that…I want people to look at my life and say ‘wow!! I also want to find my identity. I also want to feel worthy and find my identity in God.’ I tell my life experiences and I want the woman to use these as a reflective exercise. Each woman has the answers she needs; I can’t tell anyone how to live their lives… that’s why I want the book to be seen as a workbook to finding her own worth and identity. The book also has my journaling from the days of Miss South Africa and Miss World…so it makes it just as relevant for teenagers as for women, students, mothers and wives…it will help at any phase of life. What did you find to be challenging about writing it? Going through the memories was like literally reliving those moments. Finding the time to write between wanting to be a good mom and studying was also a challenge.


But there were also moments I found myself writing and didn’t know where the words came from. I really feel like this is meant to be and that many people will be helped by this book. I am personally driven to be inspirational and push excellence for God in everything I do. What drives you right now: Aligning my personal brand with God’s brand. Everything that I do and say must be aligned to that brand of God. Are you able to explain the Brand to us? Yes, the brand is wellness, whether it is Spiritual, mental or physical wellness. Wellness is the one thing that I have been passionate about all my life – studying medicine, mental wellness through the coaching I do as well as Spiritual wellness through the book. When someone looks at me I want them to see wellness. Your business with you sister focuses on aesthetics and anti-aging …Christians and Religious people may question this? How do you reconcile your core business to God’s unique and perfect creation? We focus on preventative medicine and holistic wellness. My sister-in-law does all the medical work and I do the coaching and business side of things. She does Epigenetic DNA Testing; she can tell patients if they are prone to be diagnosed with diabetes etc. and we work towards helping patients to avoid that. And with aesthetic medicine, she herself went through the mental boggle of God creating us to be and look exactly like we do. She questioned a lot and was also led to the book of Esther where the women went for months of beautifying themselves for the King, bathing in milk and spices etc. So it is not wrong to want to work on the outer-side of who we are as we do on the inside. This business has shown us how women’s lives transform when they feel more comfortable with how they look. How old is the business? We are today 1st October 2019, One year old.

Wow!! Congratulations… I am certain this milestone is not without challenges, what were they? Leadership!! Miss World and Miss South Africa placed me in a position of leadership…but now it’s a position without a big team helping with making decisions. It is only my sister and I. I ask myself if I should be friendly or strict, allow this or not…? There’s a paradox between good and bad leadership. Part of the course of management coaching is Authentic Leadership and it opened my eyes to that good leadership is about being true to my role as a leader but also being true to who I am. For example, I am soft hearted and cannot change that…it is who I am…(we are at this point joined by Rolene’s son…who is literally attempting to jump into the little river a few meters away from us…mommy is laughing and about to scream at the same time before we continue the interview)


How do I lead in my own way that is still soft-hearted but the boundaries are clear and I am not a walkover? especially because most of our employees are older than I am. I want those I lead to know that I care and love them as their leader but there are boundaries and consequences. I call God my Daddy… because He has been a daddy to me, I run to Him …I cry to Him and He has physically fought for me – breaking walls to set me free, so He is my Daddy. Who is God to you? At this stage in my life He is my mentor. Ahh!! Beautiful, please explain that! There are so many roles I play at the moment. You know, with every role in life you have a different mentor, business, finances or motherhood etc.? I feel like He encompasses everything and I can learn from Him.


That’s beautiful and true. In concluding this awesome time together…what advise do you have for women like you, who are busy as mothers, wives, business women and more? What helps me is prioritising and knowing that I have different balls in the air… glass balls and rubber balls and which ones I can let bounce and the ones that I cannot cannot drop. For me the priority and most important is family. How do you bring God in your everyday life at the office? Firstly, we anointed the place before we started and because we are still small with 5 employees we have workship every Monday and everyone gets a chance to lead and though that we grow together. We pray for our hands, our patients, our mouths and feet.

Coming up in


Christian Women in Business

Conference 2020

14 March 2020

A Coming together of ambitious women to gain and impart knowledge towards building a tribe of powerful women empowering each other.

Where: Durban KZN Contact : 082 970 6035 | 0717554205 What to look forward to: • Panel Discussions and Presentations by Industry and Business Leaders • Master Classes • Business Exhibition • Networking

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Magazine For inspired women

MATSHIDISO MOKOAPE – Caring and providing a home WENDY MABANDLA – The youngest awardee of 2019 provides REFILWE SEDUMEDI – Supporting black families affected by cancer, educating black c MARGARET HIRSCH – Founding the Johannesburg School for the Blind, Housing and empowering o INDRANI GOVENDER – Who is dubbed the ‘seed gogo’ for providing seeds to village women so that they MEGAN TONI HUNTER – for her rare bear project which gives love and hope to those w KELLY DU PLESSIS – Founder of Rare Disease South Africa – because of he

VENESSA GOVENDER – Involved founding a school in Secunda and leading and providing BUYISIWE KHOZA – For special camps for youth development, creating employment for 1500 youth, job placement MATHABO KUNENE – For changing and improving the face of education in KZN’s poo


e for over 100 disabled children since the age of 20, s uniforms and food parcels for children in 2 primary schools communities on cancer and hosting parties for children fighting cancer in hospitals. over 17 young girls; feeding schemes and women empowerment efforts throughout the country. y feed families and make income, entrepreneurship training and developing for women and the youth. with rare diseases simultaneously creating income for unemployed Kya Sands women. er, lives are saved and dignified end to life is available for those in need.

g for Cornerstone Woman NPO which provides security and help for survivors of abuse. for post graduate young South Africans and providing afterschool homework centre impacting over 36000 pupils. orest communities and establishing the School of Excellence in Amahlongwa village. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ‘19

realising dreams,sharing life’s beauty...


Sindi started her professional

career 25 years ago after serving a bank Human Resource Manager at a Spur restaurant. The manager was impressed by the young dedicated waitress and invited her to an interview. Sindi arrived for the interview the very next day and was hired and started working on the same day. “That day was the turning point in my life” says Sindi. “I now hold qualifications in Accounting, Human Resources Management, Corporate Governance to mention a few… and this can only be God” She has since made different and impressive career moves and says she has never been formally interviewed for any position and is now the Managing Director of SM Holdings. Sindi is a daughter of a Pastor that entered the world earlier than children are expected to. She says she believes she has reached success because she is never late for anything, as taught by her Grandmother. But maybe the other reason is that she also entered the world before time, so early her family thought she was not going to make it out of ICU.


This is the reason her Grandfather changed her name to Sindiswa upon her discharge from the hospital. Sindiswa means the one that survived. A name she believes has been the reason she keeps overcoming challenges. A name who’s manifestation has also resulted in her healing from a chronic disease expected to last a life time. She Glorifies God for this too.

She spent 15 Years climbing the corporate ladder in the construction industry involved in multiple aspects of contract and project management and on-site construction execution including a full spectrum of related activities from the bidding process to the handover of the product to the end user. She is currently an Executive Director in numerous firms and sits on several Boards.

Sindi’s rendition of her life’s journey is so capturing and had us lost away from the boardroom we were sitting in, until the tall, beautiful, blond, blue eyed energetic and easy Spirit that walks into the boardroom. It is because of her commanding but relaxed and friendly demeanour of “I am here, I mean business, we can be friends if you like, life is joyful” that makes it impossible to miss her. She too intrigued me at first sight as she shook my hand with a warm infectious smile introducing herself as Yolandi.

I am forced to ask these two women how they know each other because their eyes keep drowning into each other with obvious love and unending excitement as they fondly and timeously talk over each other. They tell me that they first met five years ago and randomly and frequently bumped in to each other in professional spaces before working together at Edison Power Group. They confess that there was something unexplainably special every time they bumped in to each other being always super excited to see each other and automatically and girlishly hugging as though they were high school or childhood long lost friends.

Yolandi is the founder and CEO of FibCo South Africa a wife and mother of three.

I must say, being in the same room with these two would make any girl wish they had a friendship similar to the one shared by these two…a friendship to birth something as special as The Global Business Women Circle. “Why ‘The Global Business Women Circle?’ ” I asked, especially because there are so many initiatives intended to empower women in present times. They point out that they have both operated and worked in many parts of the Globe; they’ve had their fingers burnt but acquired lessons, tools, skills and networks comprising many different people, from different cultures in different parts of the world. ‘Which we are passionate about sharing with other women.’ They continue to explain that they acknowledge the many organisations and platforms that exist that do not deliver on their promise, especially for women. “We do not believe that only a few women of a particular status with particular connections should benefit from existing opportunities but instead the opportunities must be accessible to many women – this is where the ‘Global’ becomes relevant. We will serve local African women as much as we’ll serve and connect quality women in any part of the Globe. Our board comprises women based in different parts of the world who have achieved admirable and impressive business, career experience and success so that they are good mouth pieces for advocacy for the sake of our members. The Global Business Women Circle is led by Christian women but we accept all religions in our circle and God leads.” “We want to change the status quo. We aim to build and empower women owned organisations to register on the JSE, meaning real businesses owned by women. Many companies on the JSE have women representation but not total ownership. We are changing the status quo towards registering 100% women owned companies. The Global Business Women Circle already has international presence through the many associations and entities we are already part of at our individual professional and personal capacities and we will be pulling other women along with us for their own business and professional growth. We are creating a space that enables true authentic female growth, success and excellence. For example, one of our top goals is to have Global Business Women Circle represented at the World Economic Forum in 2021 because we believe that the space should not be open only to male delegation selected by the President…women too should interact and influence at that level in a meaningful way that responds to our needs and roles as women in the global economy. As the interview continues and long before it ended, I had an inkling I was sitting with a special breed of women…they are authentic, ooze passion and are totally selfless. I was not completely surprised when Yolandi tells me that she brought her 3 month old baby to the very first Global Business Women Circle board meeting - ‘something that would not be possible without a struggle if we were led by males... part of the revolution right now is to also have spaces that accommodate women with ease...’ says Yoli. I am however pleasantly surprised and deeply inspired when she says the baby is napping only a few offices away from us - on a Thursday afternoon and that the baby has set through a few meetings in the very boardroom we were seated in. I thought to myself as I walked away from the interview ‘This is a serious change of the status quo…’ I felt like a little girl excited by the promise of the wonderful change to come through the collaboration that is Sindiswa Mzamo and Yolandi Zeelie.





Deetlefs Wine Estate, situated in the picturesque Breedekloof (Rawsonville), is the second oldest wine estate in South Africa under ownership of the same family, established in 1822 and specialise in Pinotage and Chenin Blanc. The Pinotage grape is a proudly South African cultivar which was discovered in 1952 by Abraham Izak Perold. Perold was attempting to combine the best qualities of the robust Hermitage with Pinot noir, a grape that makes great wine but can be difficult to grow.

Deetlefs Wine Estate offer one of the most unique Pinotage selections in the world: • Red wine: Deetlefs Stonecross Pinotage & Deetlefs Estate Pinotage • Pinotage Rosé: Stonecross Pinotage Rosé In order to create the perfect Brut Pinotage Rosé, only 1 hour skin contact was used. • White Pinotage: Deetlefs White Pinotage Methodé Cap Classique In order to create a WHITE Pinotage Methodé Cap Classiqie from a RED grape, whole bunch pressing prevents the white juice from the Pinotage grape obtaining colour from the red skin. Some of the 2019 International GOLD wine awards include: Tim Atkin 91 points: Deetlefs Pinotage 2016 China Wine & Spirits Awards: Deetlefs Pinotage 2016 Gold Wine Awards: Stonecross Pinotage 2017 & Stonecross Pinotage Rosé 2019

“Pinotage has the heart of a lion and the tongue of a woman; after drinking a certain quantity you can talk forever and fight like the devil!” – Anonymous

For more information visit /


Perfectionist or Striving for Personal Excellence? Puseletso Modimogale

Mindset Advocate/Speaker/Coach Most people pride themselves by claiming to be perfectionist.

They prefer things in a certain order and want people to adhere to the same standards. Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterised by a person striving for flawlessness and setting high performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluation and concerns regarding others. Perfectionist are extremely hard on themselves because they don’t want anything go wrong regardless of it being their fault of not. This may lead to low self-esteem, self-doubt and – worst case scenario: depression. Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny. Aristotle Assess if you are a perfectionist by answering the following questions: • Is there room for mistakes? • Do I have a specific manner in which things must be done? • Do I have an all-or-nothing approach to life? • Is it all about the end result and the bottom-line? • Am I extremely hard on myself? • Do I become depressed when I don’t achieve my goals? • Do I set extremely high standards for myself and others? • Is success ever enough or do I keep wanting more? • Do I refrain from doing something just to ascertain that I do it at “right” moment? • Do I constantly spot mistakes that others don’t see? How many did you answer Yes to? I can confess that I used to suffer from being a perfectionist. I believe that part of my perfectionism came from being passionate about giving my best to everything I do because my attitude is that when we set out to achieve something, we should do our best, without compromising or giving excuses. This behavior and attitude used to drive my team crazy because I stretched them to breaking point which was not good for the team and risked the project’s success.

I was raised in a culture where success was extolled, and failure brought punishment. Society also adds to this pressure and need to be perfect. People are celebrated for being the ‘best’ and are shamed and shunned upon if they are seen to be mediocre. Being a perfectionist has helped me achieve very precise standards and become an overachiever in many ways. It has helped me do well in college, perform well in my corporate job, and is probably the reason I excel in many personal goals and projects…albeit, sometimes, at a cost. Personal Excellence: Producing your best in any given situation, within or without a conducive environment, striving to be better than the last time, every time. This definition of excellence only compares with self, and hence is in my control. In order to move from being a perfectionist to working on your Personal Excellence, consider these 10 Beliefs shared by LifeHack:

Being a perfectionist also has health hazards. I personally struggled with headaches, migraines and high blood pressure because I couldn’t stop, didn’t stop even when the body was giving warnings.

There will be mistakes in life. I am responsible for my present situation. I will never stop learning. I only need to be focused on the task I am involved with in this moment. 5. It is OK to ask for support. 6. It is OK to make mistakes and learn from them. 7. I am willing to adapt to changing circumstances. 8. All the knowledge I acquire has a potential to serve me. 9. I give myself permission to say no. 10.By authentically expressing myself, I bring my unique signature to every person and thing I touch.

How we are brought up also plays a major role in how we behave as adults.

For your coaching needs and invite as a guest speaker please contact:

+ 27 (83) 445 0845 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ‘19

1. 2. 3. 4.

Follow Puse on Social Media Transformational Talk with Puseletso Modimogale 15 @Kemo4leth @pusemodi


Quiet time, pray. Reflect, pray. Connect, pray. Listen, pray.

. Listen, pray. Plan, pray. Praise, pray. Pray, pray. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ‘19


We can only achieve excellence in all areas of our lives,

when we feel worthy and deserving of the best. We can reach our highest potential and perform at our optimum when we are at peace with ourselves and life by planting seeds of positivity, thus reaching excellence when we raise standards of ourselves. Farah Manjoo, a 34 year old proudly South African woman who is a wife, mother to 3 children and a business owner from humbling beginnings used education as a means to a brighter future. She currently holds a Bachelor of Education degree and honours in Psychology and has obtained an International Accreditation in The Journey with Brandon Bays and is also a Master NLP Coach. Farah says that we sometimes fail to realise just how special and unique we truly are, because we are made to believe that we are worthless. “The many setbacks I encountered in life led to a vicious cycle of depression. I searched for a way to heal myself in order to be a better parent to my kids. I decided to pursue a career as a Journey Practitioner when I had witnessed the profound difference Journey Therapy had made in my life. I healed myself from depression and low self esteem using various holistic therapies, thus achieving my true potential and purpose in life.” I was one of those people who did not fit in anywhere, until I realised that I am meant to stand out. Growing up, I was literally the ‘black’ sheep and ugly duckling of my family. I was darker in complexion to my siblings and always felt not good enough. My complexion was always my weakness and it made me feel inferior and less beautiful than others. As a young girl I believed that because I was not fair and beautiful enough meant that I would not be accepted by others. This belief ruled my life to a degree where I started rejecting myself and had a negative self image and low self esteem. I currently meet so many women who do not love and accept themselves and go through a downward spiral of depression. It all starts with us rejecting ourselves and looking for validation and approval from the wrong people. The hardest thing I’ve had to face in my life was the ‘fear of rejection’. My life lessons have taught me to let go of negative and self limiting beliefs and to create positive self belief. Today, I stand tall, feeling proud of my complexion and I embrace my uniqueness. My journey to healing myself from the past has given me the freedom to rediscover myself and reclaim my Divine self worth. Embracing my authentic self has been my greatest gift in life because it has allowed me and others the opportunity to get to know and appreciate the ‘real me’. I especially named my business Baraaqa Healing Sanctuary. ‘Baraaqa’ is Arabic and means a ‘glistening diamond’. The symbol of a diamond deeply resonates with me; I see it as a reflection of our true self-worth, value, essence and authentic self. So often the essence of who we are gets hidden beneath layers of negativity and emotional shut down. Our negative life experiences dampen our special sparkle. That shining potential that we once possessed becomes dull and non-existent and we lose ourselves in the process. This was the case for me from growing up in a broken home with a step family. I believed and felt that I was worthless and not good enough. Discovering my own self-worth has been a life changing experience and has evoked my passion to inspire others towards acknowledging their true worth and value.

Embracing my authentic self has been my greatest gift in life 18

My mission is to help people find their inner diamond and reclaim Divine self-worth. I call myself a ‘Female & Kids Empowerment Coach’ because I am skilled in various programs and offer an amazing array of services in my practice. I am passionate about inspiring, motivating and empowering both women and children. I help them to unlock true potential to become their best versions. I help people to find the glistening diamond within in order to heal, grow and glow - allowing the inner light to shine bright.

I see myself as an eternal student and I empower myself with beneficial knowledge to enrich myself and others. MY MISSION is to make a positive difference in people’s lives and to guide them towards making better choices that will add meaning and purpose to an ultimately successful life. As a business woman, I have learnt a valuable lesson that successful outcomes are earned with consistency and patience. The little things we do daily towards achieving our greater goal and purpose is what makes all the difference.

The results of living my true authentic life, I believe, is what has led to being presented with the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever Award and a nomination for Business Woman of the year. Beyond everyday business, I offer empowerment workshops for children and teenagers at the local schools and motivational talks at various national women’s events and conferences in addition to the inspirational articles I write for the Stanger Weekly newspaper and a Facebook group exclusive to women, called Shining Diamonds, where pertinent women’s issues are discussed”.

Working with Farah, you are sure to attain a life transformational experience. She designs her programmes packages to suit your unique personal challenges while respecting your race, religion and culture. To book an appointment in Ballito, Stanger or Berea- Durban, or a Skype / Video call session (worldwide), Contact Farah on the details below:

Discover The Glistening Diamond Within You, Heal...Grow...Glow

What Do You Gain?

> Hollistic well-being > Inner freedom > More clarity & Focus > Increased self worth > Inner peace & Security > Positive Transformation > Emotional & Mental healing > Reach self actualsation > Increased happiness & Joy > Successful outcomes/solutions in different aspects of your life > Higher levels of self confidence

Who can I help?

> Women dealing with depression, grief, anxiety, trauma, low self esteem > Mothers seeking a work-life balance that works for them > Couples in need of relationship coaching to improve their partnership > Parents seeking guidance on their parenting approach and discipling methods > Children with social, emotional and academic challenges > Teenagers seeking clarity on their life purpose and goals > Students with ADHD,ADD,SPD & Concentration issues

How Can I Help?

For Adults: > Hypnotherapy > NLP Coaching > Aafiyah Healing > Journey Therapy > Time Line Therapy > Business Coaching > Relationship Coaching/ Couples Therapy

For Kids & Teens > Journey for Kids > Life skills coaching > Brain gym coaching > Educational Kinesiology > Student empowerment programmes > Educational Assessments & brain gym profile

“ I am passionate about inspiring, motivation and empowering both women and children. I help you unlock your true potential, to become the best version of YOURSELF”

Where To Find Us?


Offices in Ballito, Durban (Berea) & Stanger Skype/Video Call Sessions Available 083 786 4417


Keri is a Commercial Manager with over 15 years of experience in the public and private sectors in a variety of roles. She has an interest in sustainability and compliance, having worked in office management, legal environments and project from planning and implementation to execution. She is a self-confessed workaholic and is blessed with the ability to focus on the finer details. She says that

“there is no better feeling than seeing a client strive to achieve a dream and reaching it with the tailored solution offered from Office Executives services”.

Apart from her dedication to her business and working alongside non-profit organizations, she is devoted to her family (which includes beautiful twin boys) and finding balance. Dear Keri, I am in business consulting and would like to know if one can access funding for large projects without collateral but utilise customer contract instead? Nirupa Kzn, Mother, wife and owner of two businesses.

Hi! Nirupa, There are multiple options for funding available in South Africa, without collateral, depending on the purpose of the funding.

The DTI provides funding to qualifying businesses from a range of sectors. Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has multiple funds available offering financial support to start-up businesses needing capital for equipment, working capital and buildings. It also funds business expansion. Isivande Women’s Fund is an exclusively women’s fund provided to empower women who have existing businesses. The National Empowerment Fund (NEF) supports B-BEEE and previously disadvantaged individuals and communities. It offers a funding for start-ups and expansion as a loan, equity funding. Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) gives access to R1.4-billion in funding given by IDC and the Government for South African small businesses over the next three years. Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) aims to increase the quality of life of all South Africans by developing and exploiting technological innovations.


Dear Keri, I have been struggling with two questions for a few weeks: Social Entrepreneur and University Student. Wendy GP,

1. How can I get myself connected to the United Nations South Africa so I can upskill myself with more knowledge on how to impact more children in different communities?

The UN has an amazing online resource which lists all the different departments, along with their initiatives and contact details, visit: to find options more suitable to your needs.

2. How does one get to collaborate with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to develop future South African leaders through volunteering opportunities that allow network growth and also learnings from other countries for best leadership in SA?

For sustainable social development we need to focus on how our limited resources are used, and with some creative thinking we can create new business opportunities to create change, both in the economy and in the communities who participate in the economy. No one has all the answers however development of leaders who will be able to make a difference is essential and the 2013 SA Board for People Practices (SABPP) national HR standards has been expanded to include a leadership standard for managers. The objective of the leadership standard journey is ultimately to create a set of leadership standards for the country and can form a basis for at least a gap analysis. There are also numerous internship programmes offered by corporates which give learners exposure to the industry which they wish to enter into, however it is my personal belief that there are not enough to cater for the demand and some corporates are hesitant about engaging with interns and learners. Dear Keri, How does one get a business loan? I am owner of (Pty) Ltd...need funding to launch my business to workshop expand as I have been working from home and no longer do so. Banks don’t want to assist and private lenders need a million rand turnover which I can only achieve from workshop premises...What can I do? Anonymous, KZN

Dear anonymous, The simplest business funding entity to approach of late seems to be Lulalend. The entire process is online, and access is much faster than with a traditional bank (24 hours). The business needs to have been operating for at least a year, revenue of R500 000 minimum and located in South Africa. The alternative is contacting one of the Government Organisations for funding, e.g. Department Trade and Industry (given that workshops would fall under public benefit type activities). Also contact Business Partners, they specialise business finance to small and medium business owners by providing the much-needed business finance, tailoring their finance to offer clients a fair deal while meeting clients unique needs.


We bring you inspirational women and their personal, business and career stories to encourage you to also overcome…validating God’s presence and work in our time. Make sure you never miss a copy by subscribing for yourself, church, team or group of friends from only R226 annually. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ‘19 Get your business and services known by ADVERTISING in arise magazine and reach thousands of professional and ambitious women globally.



one are the days of female or male oriented industries…

Today we know we are also capable, not only because God tells us so but also because we see women like Lynelle succeed in industries our grandfathers never imagined women would work in, nevermind lead!!

We say THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS!! to the likes of Lynelle

Blunden for breaking imaginary barriers which society made look like invisible and unbreakable concrete walls. Women of Lynelle’s calibre show the world that women are also capable and our journeys are not defined by anyone but the author of all things…God. It’s not everyday that you hear of a woman thriving in fashion and moving on to thrive in the construction male dominated industry. Lynelle has exchanged stylish shoes for fashion clients for safety boots in dusty construction sites. She is not in the business as just a supervisor or business owner, but is involved in it all and I have personally seen dust on her shoes and cement instead of nail polish on her finger nails

Kea: Lynelle, welcome and thank you for being part of the arise magazine family!! You own City Granite… how did that come about? Lynelle: Believe it or not, I was offered a job. I had an interest in interior decorating, and took this opportunity thinking that it would ultimately lead me to interior designing but at the unfortunate demise of the owner, I took ownership of the company. Kea: How challenging was changing from employee to employer? Lynelle: It was a male dominated industry and the challenges I faced made me work harder to be considered competent. From the very beginning, I set higher standards for myself and the business in order to be noted and recognized. I knew that in order to win I had to be willing to push cultural and psychological barriers.


I took every mistake and failure as a chance for me to grow and learn. This was most helpful because from learning I became confident, strong, fearless and more dedicated, mainly because of God’s help. Most importantly, I chose the conduct of the Proverbs 31 woman, to be virtuous, strong and a force to be reckoned with.

I chose the conduct of the Proverbs 31 woman, to be virtuous, strong and a force to be reckoned with.

Kea: It sounds like it was a tough phase, but as women, we know it is always tougher than we show…may I ask this cliché’ question…what added pressure did you feel, especially because you are a woman?

Kea: Your love and passion for what you do makes me want to refurbish my kitchen and bathrooms… what drives you? Lynelle: I think there’s a few things but mostly our company goal… to turn our customers’ homes or workspace dreams into reality with quality products and excellent workmanship that makes our clients lives better, stylish and stress free.

Lynelle: Cliché’ but true answer: balancing work and my family, but once again with God’s help I was able to. I depend on God’s strength and wisdom daily. Kea: You did not only take over but you are winning in this granite male dominated world…if you had to give 5 points you believe to be what keeps you winning in business - what would they be? Lynelle:

Thank you Lynelle!!

...turning customers’ homes or workspace dreams into reality with quality products and excellent workmanship

1. I am accountable and take responsibility for my actions and decisions. 2. I work on building relationships and not just on making money. 3. I care about bringing honor to God in my business. I am a Kingdom entrepreneur and I care about treating people well. 4. I build relations with my customers where there is trust, no lies about the product and services for a quick sale. 5. The needs of the customer are taken seriously and we work hard to earn their trust and confidence.

031 577 3470 | 031 577 3420 LYNELLE: 083 411 2240 GREGORY: 083 578 6873 UNIT2 | 144 PETER ROAD | SPRINGFIELD PARK INFO@CITYGRANITE.CO.ZA WWW.CITYGRANITE.CO.ZA



Gifts for You

We have gifts for you and everyone you love!! Stand a chance to win the Gifts on this Page from Cum Books and Christian Art. Visit our Instagram and Facebook Pages, like the page or account, like and share this gift page on our newsfeed by 15 December 2019 and stand a chance to win:

To Read:


Join former Miss South Africa and Miss World, Rolene Strauss on a year-long journey of discovering your true worth and purpose. Reflections from the Heart is a 365-day devotional and Rolene shares her secrets to success and reflects on opportunities, relationships, self-confidence, pressure and perseverance in a sincere and humble way. The book will resonate with women of all ages and encourage them to embrace their true worth and live the life of passion and purpose that God intended for them. Also available in Afrikaans under the title Vanuit die hart.

To Read:


An empowering girlfriend’s guide to a purpose-driven life from the young entrepreneur and rising star behind SoulScripts and the SHE Podcast, Jordan Lee Dooley. If you ever feel you need to shift your mindset but don’t know how, this book will help you overcome shame, practice gratitude, and redefine success.

To L i s t e n :

IT’S CHRISTMAS (CD) – PLANETSHAKERS This is the very first Christmas Album by the popular Planetshakers, it brings praise and worship style to the celebration of Christmas with It’s Christmas. It features urban pop-infused recordings of the classics. Christmas is all about Jesus. He is the reason we celebrate. It’s a time of joy,” says Hunt... “but unfortunately for some, it can be a time of darkness. This song encourages everybody to remember that Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12). He bring hope to all!”

For Breaking Bread:


Share your gratitude with family and friends this Christmas and spoil them with an item from the “Gather Here with a Grateful Heart Collection”. Each of the items by themselves makes a delightful gift but paired with other items from the collection - even better!


My life Solidifies my relationship with God ... God is everything to me. If my Lord Jesus could close the lion’s mouth for David, part the Red Sea for Moses, make the sun stand still for Joshua, open the prison door for Peter, put a baby in Sarah’s arms, raise Lazarus from the dead - He can certainly care for me. Nothing is impossible with my God.

I felt, for most of my adult life, that my life was a fairy-tale. I had a doting husband, a beautiful daughter and a successful law practise with a good partner. But as life happens, my husband was diagnosed with leukaemia and passed on within three months. My daughter was 7 years old at the time and we felt completely lost. A few months later, my business partner Phelelani Dlamini also passed away. I had to deal with these sudden losses, my devastated child and also keep my law practices going. I didn’t think that anything could be worse than these blows. As I was learning to cope, I started feeling shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, inability to walk short distances, earaches and nails colour starting to change. I consulted numerous doctors and had several tests over a period of six months but received no conclusive diagnosis. I was eventually referred to a Thoracic Heart Surgeon who performed a lung biopsy and diagnosed me with Pulmonary Fibrosis Alveoliti - a terminal illness which basically makes you feel like you are suffocating. The only cure is a double lung transplant. I was told at the time of my diagnosis that I had only 40% lung function, I felt like I was drowning. I would go to the office even though I was feeling tired all the time. I have very good professional support staff and was able to delegate a lot of my work. The one doctor advised me to close my businesses and secure my daughters future. I couldn’t and I didn’t because being at work gave me purpose and helped with dealing with the fear of the unknown, and what they had said was the inevitable. My illness brought me face to face with the fact that South Africa has a huge shortage of donors. I traveled to the United States for the transplant after which I became very sick and was totally incapacitated after that trip. I was dependent on a permanent oxygen machine and was forced to use a wheelchair - unable to do anything for myself. My lung function had dropped considerably and my only time out of the house was to the hospital, in an ambulance.


Thanks to technology I was able to continue working. My colleagues were very supportive and rallied around and ensured that all business matters were in place. My family was my strength and our Faith and prayers saw me through a lot of dark times. I was in hospital again in early 2012 and was on the transplant waiting list for over six months. The worst was when the doctor told me that there was nothing more they could do. They did not allow me to go home but suggested that I be taken to a hospice. I told my family that I was not coping. I prayed to God, gave him three options: to heal me; take me away or send a donor for me. After my family had left and almost as soon as I said that prayer, the surgeon came into the ward and announced to me that they had found a match. “What?” I thought to my self. My family was called back to the hospital for the good news and to also explain the risks involved. It was a miracle that shortly after praying God answered.

I prayed to God, gave him three options: to heal me; take me away or send a donor for me.


What was even more miraculous was that the surgeon, the donor and I were in the same hospital. This was absolutely rare and a true miracle.

My God does the impossible.

I was in theatre for 7 hours and recovery was not easy. I experienced many close calls. My gratitude to my donor and donor’s family is beyond words. In their time of grief, they saved not just my life but donated to four other recipients. Right now, I live my life to the best of my ability to honour my donor and to say thank you to God for this second chance. After I was discharged, I was in quarantine for three months and slowly healed. I am an active proponent of Organ Donation and urge people to register. One donor can save 7 lives. After a year I slowly returned to work. I still don’t do court work and I am cautious about possible infections. After two years I was much stronger and more like my old self. The scars of my operation are not visible but it affects every aspect of my life. During that time, I purchased the first and oldest law firm in Umhlanga. I kept the previous owner on as a consultant until he retired. I now own three law offices. A year later I purchased four property franchises with three partners. It was an exciting and busy time for me with this new opportunity. The law firms were doing well, and our property company was growing at a steady rate. In this time I was healthy enough to travel with my family within the country and abroad. I still use a wheelchair at airports as I can’t walk long distances and I have become accustomed to strange looks from people. My life started to feel like that fairy-tale again. I was elected to serve in many leadership positions within my profession and at Not for Profit Organizations, was invited to speak at conferences - locally and abroad- and conferred a few awards. I finally felt that all was well within my world until early last year when I was diagnosed with cancer of the throat. The tumour was beginning to obstruct my airways and I was having difficulty swallowing and had to undergo an emergency operation. This was a devastating blow and a major setback to my health. This time the scars are very visible. The procedure changed the whole shape of my face. I could not eat orally for 8 months and had to be fed through a tube fitted into my stomach.

I lost a fair amount of hair and weight but I am much better now. I have a trachea and there is no time frame for its removal. I do not have a voice, it is a challenge...but on a lighter note I now own a great scarf collection. It’s a year and 10 months since my operation and I’m slowly recovering. I’m back at the offices, driving and travelling again. My doctor tells me that only about 10% of patients survive this type of operation so I am very grateful to be alive. I have also been given 100% thumbs up by my oncologist. My daughter is now 18 and completed matric successfully. She has been accepted at two universities in the UK and I am extremely proud of her. Being terminally diagnosed impacts not just the patient but the entire family and, in my case, my staff too. I am thankful for the constant love, prayer, guidance and support I received from them. I am grateful for the excellent surgeons and nursing staff that have been on this journey with me. I am grateful to my God the Father, Jesus - His Son and the Holy Spirit my comforter. I love my Jesus with all my heart and my Soul. I am grateful that He said I am perfectly and wonderfully made. I am grateful that he accepts me with all my faults and failings; He forgives me and loves me. He guides my way and gives me wisdom. He is truly a light in my path. He is my Father, my Protector, my Healer, Provider and my Keeper from harm. I am nothing without my God. Now, I take every opportunity that knocks on my door because I have twice learnt that life is short. My experiences showed me that we all have the indomitable spirit of survival and Faith enables us to overcome any and all challenges thrown at us. I say this not to brag but, I employ three full time attorneys including myself and two consultants in my three law practices with eight support staff as a sole practitioner. My property business has three offices with over 70 agents and still growing. Every time I face adversity that seems insurmountable, I find strength, courage and Faith to thrive. I try not to be distructed by the things I cannot change but change myself to adapt. I live by Grace. John Graham once said, “I don’t know exactly what the future holds. But I’m still stepping forward with grit anchored in Grace”

I try not to be distracted by the things I cannot change but change myself to adapt. I live by Grace.

My daughter was starting matric and I was concerned about the effect on her performance.

I am happy and privileged to share my testimony for God’s Glory.

Once again, I was incarcerated at home for about 10 months after being discharged and had to have 37 sessions of radiation.

Michelle Michael


Jeanie Nel Cell:073 985 3949 Email: Shop 10 | Fyndene Centre 8 Cradock Avenue Fynnlands | Bluff | Durban


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For your meditation‌use different colour pencils to colour or trace over the written Scriptures. As you colour each Scripture let the message sink in your mind and Soul and awaken your Spirit to your own journey.

Excellence as it’s written in the


2 Peter 1:3

Philippians 4:8


Daniel 6:3

possessed an extraordinary spirit, planned to appoint him Corinthians 12:31

Colossians 3:23



A Mother’s love letter to her son. Precious Mama'Botshelo Mogosetse I was 20 years when I was given the option to leave you at the hospital, but I made the best decision - To Take You Home. I was 21 years old when I was given the Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. I was 21 years old when I was told not to make future plans for you, when I was told you could never walk or talk because of the severe Cerebral Palsy but, I still wanted you. Had I left you in hospital I would have never known what unconditional love is. Had I given up on you I would have never known what my heart in human form looks like. Had I given up on you I would have never been this strong and brave or ever known the goodness of the Lord. I got you my love. I got you. And now am a 27 years old young mama whose friend is only you my son. ( Akere) when you are a special needs mom anyone that wants to see you must come to our home… so basically I can’t maintain a relationship or friendships - but I so maintain you so very well my son!! My friend!! My everything!!

I got you my love, I got you.

I will choose you over and over again without a doubt. Whatever you cannot do I will do for you. I am your mother and advocate, your mouth piece and you are my darling Angel. It hasn’t been easy but it’s all worth it, nice time can take a back seat, now - it is our time.

Had I given you up, I would have missed out on a lot of things- check that smile, the smile that’s so great and beautiful from a small body. l love you son and I will always do.

So excited about this month - Botshelo’s birthday month. Turning 6!


6 Years of God’s Grace. 6 Years of Blessings. 6 Years of Hope. 6 Years of Love. 6 Years of God’s Mercy. 25 November is the day we celebrate 6 Years!!




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