AccordingCAFE-RESTAURANTStothelocalization of each activity that contributes to the eco nomical development of Zagori, we can see that the biggest part of takes place within the limits of core Villages such as Papigko, Tsepelovo and Monodendri are the main sectors of accommodation and ca intesnse. Σύµφωνα µε τον εντοπισµό των δραστηριοτήτων που συνεισφέρουν στην οικονοµική ανάπτυξη του Ζαγορίου, µπορούµε να δούµε πως το µεγαλύτερο µέρος αυτής προέρχεται από τις περιοχές εντός των ορίων του Core A. Οικισµοί όπως αυτοί του Μεγάλου Μονοδενδρίου είναι οι κύριες πηγές εισοδήµατος, µιας και οι ανάπτυξη των τοµέων της διαµονής και της εστίασης είναι πιο έντονη. OFOFUNIVERSITYIOANNINAENGINEERING Department of Architecture < APY801: AD6 Cultural Heritage Protection & Reuse Tutors: Ang. Papageorgiou, N. Patsavos, Al. Peteinarelis < Students: Nikos Gkrintzos, Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri ZAGORI CULTURAL LANDSCAPE MAPPING, EPIRUS GREECE 2020 LOCALIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY_ZAGORI ACCOMMODATION 10CAFE-RESTAURANTS AA004 Geozagori-Diadromes Papigko INDEX Porto Academy Workshop: Fyr Escape house pp. pp.Zagori09-14UNESCO15-18DiplomaThesis:VillaggiodiSalepp.03-08 CV CV pp. 01-02

pp.Hybrida33-38 An optional intimacy Biennale di Venezia pp. 19-22 AA Visiting School The ripple effect pp. 29-30 Komvikes Theseis pp.CrescendoContest31-32Poli-katoikiapp.39-42Symbols & Iconic Ruins Value & Price pp. 27-28 10.00 µ. Η λέξη Βόλος προέρχεται από το ιταλικό golfo, που σηµαίνει κόλπος. Η έννοια του κόλπου αποτελεί τη βασική σχεδιαστική αρχή, η οποία µεταφράζεται σε χώρο µέσω των χαράξεων και του παραµετρικού σχεδιασµού. Οι δύο κοµβικές θέσεις προσεγγίστηκαν µε κοινούς χειρισµούς τόσο σε επίπεδο υλικοτήτων όσο και σε επίπεδο χρήσεων. Οι κατασκευές που προτείνονται, παρά το µέγεθός τους, σχεδιάστηκαν έτσι ώστε να µην παρεµποδίζουν τις οπτικές φυγές από τους οδικούς άξονες κυκλοφορίας. Πρόκειται για δύο µεταλλικές κατασκευές, µέγιστου ύψους 10 µέτρων, από διαδοχικά µεταλλικά στοιχεία που συναρµόζουν σε µία επίσης µεταλλική βάση, η οποία πακτώνεται στο έδαφος. Στη βάση τους σχηµατίζονται κυρτά σηµεία στάσης από σκυρόδεµα, τα οποία αποτελούν αναφορά στην αντίστοιχη σχέση του Παγασητικού Κόλπου µε τη θάλασσα. ∆ιατηρείται ο περιµετρικός δακτύλιος κίνησης των πεζών µε τα υφιστάµενα υλικά δαπέδων και σχεδιάζεται εκ νέου η εσωτερική έκταση των νησίδων. Για τη σύνδεση της πρότασης µε τη θάλασσα και το υδάτινο στοιχείο, δηµιουργούνται νέες δεξαµενές ρηχού νερού, οι οποίες αξιοποιούν τις υφιστάµενες παροχές νερού. Τέλος, για την αισθητική βελτίωση των κόµβων, προστίθεται χαµηλή βλάστηση, καλλωπιστικά φυτά και φυσικοί βράχοι. Στον Κόµβο του Τελωνείου τοποθετούνται από δύο διαπερατά κελύφη εντός των οποίων δηµιουργείται µία περιµετρική διαδροµή που προσδίδει στον κόµβο έναν εσωστρεφή χαρακτήρα. Η συγκεκριµένη χειρονοµία δικαιολογείται λόγω της θέσης του κόµβου στην πολυσύχναστη λεωφόρο. Ο Κόµβος του ∆ηµαρχείου έχει πιο εξωστρεφή χαρακτήρα, λόγω του προσανατολισµού του και της θέας που προσφέρει προς το λιµάνι. Πρόκειται για ένα πέρασµα, που λαµβάνει το ρόλο του τοποσήµου για την πόλη του Βόλου και λόγω της δοµής του παραπέµπει σε Τακυµατισµό.σηµεία ενδιαφέροντος παύουν να αποτελούν µία αδρανή έκταση, και πλέον αποκτούν ζωή µέσω της κίνησης και στάσης των πεζών. Οι κοµβικές νησίδες µετατρέπονται σε ένα ευχάριστο οπτικό ερέθισµα και ενσωµατώνονται στον αστικό ιστό του Βόλου. CRΕSCΕNDO Aquatic Thread Paris Transformations: Ar chitectural, Urban & Metro pp.politan23-26

• 2013-2016 High School (grade 19.5/20)
• AA Summer School What now? Agents of Care.12 July - 25 July 2021.
• Summer School on Sustainable Protection of cultural heritage (Erasmus+), 23 – 28 September 2019, Lublin, Poland.
• Icey arts Exhibition. Serafeio, Athens, June 2021. Project title: UNION
• French: Diplôme d'études en langue française DELF (B2)
ArAutoCADchiCAD, Revit QgisOfSketchupficeSuiteLumion,Vray, Enscape Rhinoceros - Grasshopper Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PremierPro, Lightroom)
• Spanish: Certificado Estatal de Conocimiento de Español (Nivel C2)
• Ioannina Science Festival 2020-2021: Graphic Designer (1 year)
• 3d printing basics workshop, covered theory & practic, FAB LAB, 1-2 June 2019, Ioannina
• I5th International DOCOMOMO Conference-Student Workshop. Education to everybody -
• 2020: Internship at the Architectural Office K-Studio (3 months), Athens, Greece. Work Experience
Participation in Exhibitions
• 2022-present MPhil Research in Architecture: Architectural Design-Space-Culture in the field of Advanced Architectural Design, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
SummerEducationSchools -
Volunteering Languages Greek (mother tongue) FrEnglishenchSpanish
• Nurturing Intangible Cultural Heritage for Entrepreneurship Open University of Greece, April-May 2022.
• 2022-present: Architect at the NGO Humanity Greece. Design and construction of the 1st coordination center of volunteers in Greece.
Aristea - Evangelia Koukounouri
• 2016 - 2021 BSc & MSc at the Polytechnic School of Ioannina, Faculty of Architectural Engineering (grade 9.07/10).
• English: Certificate in Advanced English (C1) University of Cambridge.
ARCHITECT ENGINEER (Licenced by Technical Chamber of Greece) - BSc & MSc in Architectural Engineering Polytechnic School, University of Ioannina - MPhil Research in Architecture: Architectural Design-Space-Culture in the field of Advanced Architectural Design National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Workshops
• Biennale of Western Balcans. Ioannina, Greece. Sept.-Oct. 2018. (2 months) Languages
• Participation team of Architectural Engineering Faculty of the Polytechnic School of Ioannina at the exhibiton “Symbols” at the National Museum of Contemporary Art - FIX. Athens, Greece, 2020. Project title: Value and Price
• Participation team of Architectural Engineering School of Ioannina at the Greek Pavilion of “LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA” 2021. Project title: An optional intimacy.
• 2021-22: Internship at the Architectural Office Ensamble Studio, Madrid, Spain. (5 months).
• Urban Agriculture Workshop. Thessaloniki Design Week. 11 May 2019.

• Koukounouri, A. E Project title: Mercado Verde. Disruptive Design Awards. June, 2020.
• Museum as a bond between the narration and the City-Branding. Reaserch Essay at Grad Review. Available at:
• Güler, M., Rozendaal, F., Wisniewski, W., Rahovsky, L. & Koukounouri, A. E Turning the building inside out, Emil Navincek, Majda Vrhovnik Primary School,1959. ANALYSIS. Poster presented at I5th International DOCOMOMO Conference-Student Workshop. Education to everybody - Structures in Ljubljana. August 24-28 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Güler, M., Rozendaal, F., Wisniewski, W., Rahovsky, L. & Koukounouri, A. E. Turning the building inside out, Emil Navincek, Majda Vrhovnik Primary School,1959. DESIGN. Poster presented at I5th International DOCOMOMO Conference-Student Workshop. Education to everybody - Structures in Ljubljana. August 24-28 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Charissi, A., Koukounouri, A. E., Chaliasos, N. & Vrionis. From self-portrait to selfie; presenting the selfie. A critical approch through art. 30th conference of Helenic Assosiation of Social Pediatrics and Health Promotion ( “Health Child Art”. 20-23 September 2018. Tinos, Greece.
• Koukounouri, A. E., Mikroni S. Villaggio di Sale. The revival of the abandoned settlement of Kariotes and Alexander Saltworks of Lefkada. Diploma Thesis available at:
• Charissi, A., Chaliassos, N., Vrionis, G., Koukounouri, A. E., Neou, E., & Petridou, E. (September, 2018). Creative occupation of children 10-15 years old during leisure time. Poster presented at 30th Socped Conference. Health-Child-Art. September 20-23 2018, Tinos, Greece. (2nd Prize).
• Koukounouri, A. E., Margianna Papanikolaou. Proposal for the Logo of the Department of Architectural Engineering of the Polytechnic School of University of Ioannina. Competition with selected invitations.
• Abandonment: end or beggining? Reaserch Thesis published at Grad Review available at: leipsh-telos-h-arxh-o-
• Koukounouri,Shortlisted A. E., Mikroni S. Project title: Crescendo. May, 2021
• Participation at the Catalogue of the 1st Biennale of Western Balkans (BOWB). Personal reflexion with theoretical references (September 2020) available. at: (pp.110-111)
• Koukounouri, A. E., 6th Tallinn Architecture Biennale Competition: Future Food Deal Project title: Capsule Oasis, April, 2022.
• Nousia, A., Mpatsis, D., Charissi, A., Kanellopoulou, E., & Koukounouri, A. E (2018). Re-organizing the Indoor Space of a Day-Care Center “Places for the child or child places?” Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - International Interdisciplinary conference.19-21 May 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. An indoor nursery space transformation proposal. In Tsoukala, K., Germanos, D., Gloumbou, A., Katsavounidou, G., Panteliadou, P. & Tomprou, P. (Ed.). Available at:
• Gomes, A. Koukounouri, A. E., Mitsuedaj., R. (2017). Fyr Scape. In M. Kogan (Eds) Porto Academy 2017 (pp.10-11) available at:
• oni/gio-di-sale-anaviwsi-egkataleleimmenou-oikismou-karioton-alikon-aleksand
• Member at the redaxion team of the Folder of the integration of Zagori in the Universal Catalogue of Cultural Heritage Monuments of UNESCO (2020).
• Koukounouri, A. E., Mikroni S Project title: Villaggio di Sale. Cyprus Architects Association.
• Charissi, A., Koukounouri, A. E., Kanellopoulou, E., Nousia, A. & Mpatsis, D. (2017) Transforming Early Learning Outdoor Space. “Places for the child or child places?” Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - International Interdisciplinary conference. 19-21 May 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
The proposal addresses issues of reuse and reappropriation by communicating the cultural customs and folklore traditions of the area. The new Museum, through experiential workshops, offers the visitor the opportunity to get acquainted with traditional techniques and practices, to try the local cuisine and to learn about the life of the inhabitants who once lived in the village.
Team: Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri, Sofia Mikroni. Supervising professors: Katerina Kotiza, Korina Filoxenidou.
The Diploma Thesis concerns the redesign of the abandoned settlement of old Kariotes and the de commissioned Alexander saltworks in Lefkada. The two places, which are 10 minutes apart by car, are programmatically connected with the creation of a Museum around salt: its collection, processing and use. The aim of the Museum is to contribute to the promotion of the cultural heritage of Lefkada, but also of Greece, to the extent that it is connected with the -not so old- operational period of the saltworks. With this in mind, the Museum attempts to display both tangible and intangible exhibits, in order to enhance the local cultural identity.
DIPLOMA THESIS Ioannina Polytechnic School - Architectural Engineering
The old settlement of Kariotes was abandoned by its inhabitants in 1957 and the Alexander saltworks stopped functioning in 1988 and are today completely abandoned, despite being designated as a “Pro tected Industrial Museum and site of Natura 2000 Network”.






Team: Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri, Ana Gomes, Raphael SupervisingMitsueda.professor: Marcio Kogan. The project started in a relation with the movie “Persona” (1966), by the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman (1908-2007). The program of the project is a foggy island in Denmark and the client would be a boy from the movie (he is adult now). The movie implies that there would always be an opposition between the feeling of the boy, two equal but oppo site sides. It talks about two sides of people; the side that we think we know an the side that we don’t even know that exists. One moment everything is still there, but suddenly, in a glimpse, everything is still there becomes chaotic. It is a controlled chaos going from here to there.
PERSONA - FYR ESCAPE HOUSE Porto Academy - Summer Workshop with Marcio Kogan, July, 2017

Sketches - Process 10

The proposal for the house of Elizabeth’s son reflects his per sonality, witch is divited into two sides; the one that guides him to know the truth about his moth er and the one that leads him to search from himself. This boy decides to live isolated in Fyr is land, a foggy land,, full of cold stones and stopped waters., where memories remain buried in its territory. During the time, the boy becomes an exterior viewer, who tries to find answers to his deep questions. While struggling with his two sides, the house reflects this division con sisting of two buildings that are the opposite of each other and at the same time are also com plimentary. These two volumes, cylinder and a cube can also be compared with the psyche of Elizabeth and Alma, which seem to be something else from what they really are. These two archi tectural bodies are connected with a narrow corridor that re flects the connection between the two actresses. The one that presents itself as a cylinder has a square interior plan. This half part of the building includes the library (a really important place for the boy who appears in the movie reading a book), the living room, the kitchen and the tech nical area. The other half, witch presents itself as a cube, has a cylinder interior inside, including facilities such as bedroom, bath room and closet.

Act 20:37Scene_1IIIit’s already dark outside. The bedroom it’s also cold. He decides to warm it up. He goes to the fireplace, with macthes he lights it up. Than he sits in his chair, slowly resting.
19:42Scene_3feeling dizzy he decides to move to the other side of the house. Moving throw a deep corridor, he is only guided by the light of the next volume. It is a cold space, not warm like the living room. The walls are made of concrete. He feels happy to feel this cold material in his hand.
21:19Scene_2after falling asleep, he walks around his room. He decides to take a shower. The water falls. It feels nice to feel the drops touching his body. He looks up. Although its dark he can see the moon. This weak light comes into the bedroom.
MainLonelycharacter:boy,25 years old, tall, skinny, brown hair, big dark eyes. Biggest passion: reading poetry.
ESCAPE HOUSE” 19:56 23:34
spending the night reading, books are spread across the table. Then, after a bottle of wishky, he starts thinking about the poem her mother used to read to him when he was young. He gets angry, and hits the table with his fist. The poems he was writing, they fly around the space falling slowly into the ground.
Act 10:13,Scene_1IIafter
23:34,Scene_2asmall yellow point starts shining in the deep foggy night. After following this thin line of light a vertical shape starts to show up. It looks like a vertical body made of stone, lost in the middle of the sea.
Prologue:Thestory happens in Fyr Island, a Nordic territory lost in the sea. It is a foggy cold place, full of stones, s without life. The waters are stopped and memories are buried.
Act 19:56,Scene_1Ithere’s a boat. It is actually an old small boat, not used for a long time. It slides gently cutting small waves: The water is cold, dark, it seems like if you touch it, it might cut your Neverthless,hand.the boats continues its trip, gently, graciously. Its going somewhere.
Scene_3 02:45, a door opens. There’s unlimeted bookshelves, they seem infinite. The place is warm. The firewood crackles iluminating the space. The light is soft. At the end of the room a table and a chair waits for its guest.
21:55Scene_3he seats in his bed. It looks industrial, cold, without temperature. It is just the way he likes it. His father cross is there, giving him this feeling of his childwood. He falls asleep, although the loved to live in this house. It was just a dream. day “FYR 02:45 19:42
10:13 16:03
20:37 21:19 21:55 12
16:03,Scene_2its already middle a ernoon. e sun starts hidding. ere’s eggs and milk on the fridge. He decides to start doing something to eat.

Plan Section
“Sometimes I feel the wind and it seems like somebody is coming. I walk alone near the sea lost in my thoughts. I can listen to a woman cryig but then I turn around and she is not here. I get angry to myself and I don’t know why. It feels like my soul is divited in two little pieces that sometimes fight and sometimes are trying to become one agian. I don;t know what to expect from life. I want to stay alone with my memories, but I can’t remember. I walk into the corridor and I see a shadow. For a moment I’m thinking that she is coming, but then I ralize that this is just a dream that will never come true. Do I really want it to come true?”



In partnership OFSCHOOLOFUNIVERSITYwithIOANNINAENGINEERINGHeritage Protection & Reuse Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri EPIRUS GREECE 2020 ZAGORI DEVELOPMENT 44.7 0.0 50.0 100.0 4.1ΠΟΣΟΣΤΟ ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ ΛΙΓΟ ΑΡΚΕΤΑ ΠΟΛΥ ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΥ 19.4 44.776.5 0.0 50.0 100.0 8.8%ΠΟΣΟΣΤΟ ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ ΛΙΓΟ ΠΟΛΥ / ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΥ 31.2 60.0 44.7 0.0 50.0 100.0 8.8%ΠΟΣΟΣΤΟ ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ ΛΙΓΟ ΑΡΚΕΤΑ ΠΟΛΥ ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΥ 31.2 60.0 44.7 0.0 50.0 100.0 7.1%ΠΟΣΟΣΤΟ ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ ΛΙΓΟ ΑΡΚΕΤΑ ΠΟΛΥ ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΥ 26.4 MONASTERIES66.5 MUSEUMS ACCOMMODATION ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES BUFFER ZONE Η οικονοµική ανάπτυξη του Κεντρικού Ζαγορίου φαίνεται πως είναι µεγαλύτερη συγκριτικά µε των υπόλοιπων ∆ήµων της ευρύτερης περιοχής, όπως αυτού της Παράλληλα,Τύµφης. η άνθιση του τουριστικού τοµέα παρατηρείται σε ολόκληρο τον ∆ήµο του Κεντρικού Ζαγορίου, µε τους περισσότερους οικισµούς να συνεισφέρουν σε Αυτόαυτόν.που προκύπτει ως αποτέλεσµα µέσω της διαδικασίας έρευνας της οικονοµίας του Ζαγορίου, είναι πως οι περισσότεροι οικισµοί είναι εγκαταλελειµµένοι. Για παράδειγµα, στον ∆ήµο του Ανατολικού Ζαγορίου, µόνο 2 από τους 22 οικισµούς εµφανίζουν κάποιου είδους χαµηλή ανάπτυξη. Μπορούµε να πούµε πως όσο πιο κοντά βρίσκονται οι οικισµοί στους οικονοµικά αναπτυσσόµενους του Κεντρικού Ζαγορίου-τόσο µεγαλύτερη ανάπτυξη Έτσι,έχουν.καθώς κινούµαστε από την δυτική στην ανατολική πλευρά του Ζαγορίου, εµφανίζεται και µία βαθµιαία αραίωση οικονοµίας. 16
Central Zagori seems to be in much higher level compared to other municipali ties such as this of Timfis. At the same time, the flourishing of the tourist sectors is observed in the municipality as a whole, with most of the villages contributing to it. What comes as a conclusion through the process of the economic re search in Zagori, is that most of the villages are abandoned. For exam ple, in municipality of East Zagori only 2 out of its 22 villages appear to have some kind of low level develop ment. We can say that the closer the villag es are to the high economy-rasining ones of Central Zagori - the higher development they have. So, as we move from the west to east side, a gradual dilution takes place.

Department of Architecture < APY801: AD6 Cultural Heritage Tutors: Ang. Papageorgiou, N. Patsavos, Al. Peteinarelis < Students: Nikos Gkrintzos, Aristea-Evangelia ZAGORI CULTURAL LANDSCAPE MAPPING, EPIRUS LOCALIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL 302010 26 17 11 10 9 PAPIGKO TSEPELOVO TSEPELOVO 5TOP / ACCOMMODATION PEDINAANO MONODENDRI KIPOI 105 8 5 4 4 4 MONODENDRI 5TOP / CAFE-RESTAURANTS PEDINAANO ARISTI VITSA ID Name AA001 Papigko Raſting & White Pegasus" AA002 Zagori Mountain Running AA003 Zagori 900 AA004 Geozagori-Diadromes AA005 Trekking AA006 Trekking Vitsa-Skala Vitsas-Gefura Kokori AA007 Trekking Dikorfo-Kipoi AA008 Trekking Elati-Mylos-Agios Minas AA009 Trekking Elafotopos-Ano pedina AA010 Trekking Kapesovo-Skala Vradetou-Vradetou AA011 Trekking Kipoi-Koukouli AA012 Trekking Monodendri-Vikos AA013 Trekking Monodendri-Papigo 17

BOUNDARIES OF ZAGORICOREMUNICIPALITIESAAccordingCAFE-RESTAURANTSACCOMMODATIONATHLETICMONASTERIESMUSEUMSACTIVITIEStothelocalization of each activity that contributes to the eco nomical development of Zagori, we can see that the biggest part of it takes place within the limits of core VillagesA. such as Papigko, Tsepelovo and Monodendri are the main source of financial income, since the sectors of accommodation and ca fe-restaurants appear to be more intesnse. Σύµφωνα µε τον εντοπισµό των δραστηριοτήτων που συνεισφέρουν στην οικονοµική ανάπτυξη του Ζαγορίου, µπορούµε να δούµε πως το µεγαλύτερο µέρος αυτής προέρχεται από τις περιοχές εντός των ορίων του Core A. Οικισµοί όπως αυτοί του Μεγάλου Πάπιγκου, του Τσεπέλοβου και του Μονοδενδρίου είναι οι κύριες πηγές εισοδήµατος, µιας και οι ανάπτυξη των τοµέων της διαµονής και της εστίασης είναι πιο έντονη. In partnership OFSCHOOLOFUNIVERSITYwithIOANNINAENGINEERINGHeritage Protection & Reuse Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri EPIRUS GREECE 2020 DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY_ZAGORI BUFFER ZONE Village Papigko PapigkoDilofoTsepelovoPapigkoVitsaDikorfo-KipoiElatiElafotopos-Ano Monodendri-VikosKipoi-KoukouliKapesovo-VradetopedinaMonodendri-Papigo ID Name Village MUS001 Folklore Museum Agapios Tolis Kipoi MUS002 Tradiotonal professions Museum Elafotopos MUS003 Natural History Museum Lazaridi Koukkouli MUS004 Rizario Exhibition Center Monodendri MUS005 Pashalios School Kapesovo MUS006 Anagnostopoulou Library Papigko ID Name Village MON001 Mon. of Evaggelismou Theotokou Ano Pedina MON002 Mon. Saint Ioannis Rogkovos Tsepelovo MON003 Mon. Saint Paraskevi Monodendri MON004 Mon. Profitis Ilias Vitsa MON005 Mon. Koimisi Theotokou Spilaiotissa Aristi PAPIGKO 18

Participation Team: Architectural Engineering Department, University of Ioannia Project Team: Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri, Evi Vardaka, Petros Kyrkos.
Supervising professors: Katerina Kotiza, Korina Filoxenidou, Maria Kriara.




AQUATIC THREAD PARIS TRANSFORMATIONS: ARCHITECTURAL, URBAN & METROPOLITAN Project Team: Aristea-Evangelia Koukounouri, Eirini Kitsou, Maria Veniou.
Supervising professors: Maria Gravari-Barbas, Amalia Kotsaki, Dimitra Kanellopoulou, Alexandre Vazakas, Mandalaki Maria




The Parthenon and the Acropolis are being studied within the unmapped dynamic field of two often confused notions; value and price. Being the most valuable cultural asset of Greece, the Acropolis, has no price; the Acropolis isn’t on sale and may not be sold. This ‘half-truth’ reminds of Adam Smith’s par adox with water and the diamond; the former being the most valuable asset with one of the lowest prices, and the latter being the most highly priced one but with almost no actual value. Each asset, and the Acropolis is no exception to that, is being continuously val ued and priced along everyday trades vary ing in scale, nature and effect. The strategic objective of this research is a preliminary ac knowledgement and definition of this relation between value and price at the case of the Acropolis, and more specifically, by means of its symbolic attributes as daily marketed and experienced in the Athenian hospitality and leisure industry. The dynamic maps produced are representing both relative statistical data and real time social media feed. Exhibition at the EMST Athens - Symbols and Iconic Group:RuinsNikos Patsavos, Panagiotis Antonel los, Aristea - Evangelia Koukounouri, Nikos Gkrintzos, Arnold Xelili


Coaches: Danny Wills, Gian Maria Socci, Rebecca van Beeck. Other Supervisors: The Plot Gallery, The Maak, Alex Coetzee, Maxime Lefebvre Through my video, I want to comment notions such as the identity and the palimpsest. The lakes, as geo logical cores were formed through complicated procedures and since they were created constitute land marks for each region. They are the reference point of the history of each place for an extensive period. Every moment, they are being the background of social activities, interrelation, interaction, and growth.
The aim of the video is to emphasize on the importance of each situation that happens in a place through the communication between the people, the nature and the man-made activity under a common denom inator, the lake. It doesn’t matter the time or the place, just the memories that are hidden into the seabed. We can parallel the body of the lake that hides identity secrets with a human body full of emotions; both are about to erupt yet standing still.


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Η ενσωµατώνονταιµετατρέπονταικίνησηςαδρανήΤακυµατισµό.πόληπέρασµα,πουχαρακτήρα,ΟπολυσύχναστηδικαιολογείταιεσωστρεφήπεριµετρικήδιαπερατάΣτονβλάστηση,αισθητικήαξιοποιούνδηµιουργούνταιπρότασηςεσωτερικήυφιστάµεναπεριµετρικόςΠαγασητικούαποτελούνκυρτάπακτώνεταισυναρµόζουνύψουςΠρόκειταιοπτικέςσχεδιάστηκανΟιτόσοκοµβικέςτωνσχεδιαστικήσηµαίνειλέξηχαράξεωνσεκατασκευέςΚόµβοςπροσφέρειτουσηµεία

In collaboration with Nikos Gkrintzos and Sofia Mikroni, our proposal entitled CRESCENDO for the student architectural competition “Kom vikes Theseis” was distinguished among the finalists.
10.00 µ. 10.00 µ. 5.00 µ. 5.00 ANS4520µ. λέξη Βόλος προέρχεται από το ιταλικό golfo, που σηµαίνει κόλπος. Η έννοια του κόλπου αποτελεί τη βασική σχεδιαστική αρχή, η οποία µεταφράζεται σε χώρο µέσω χαράξεων και του παραµετρικού σχεδιασµού. Οι δύο κοµβικές θέσεις προσεγγίστηκαν µε κοινούς χειρισµούς σε επίπεδο υλικοτήτων όσο και σε επίπεδο χρήσεων. κατασκευές που προτείνονται, παρά το µέγεθός τους, σχεδιάστηκαν έτσι ώστε να µην παρεµποδίζουν τις οπτικές φυγές από τους οδικούς άξονες κυκλοφορίας. Πρόκειται για δύο µεταλλικές κατασκευές, µέγιστου 10 µέτρων, από διαδοχικά µεταλλικά στοιχεία που συναρµόζουν σε µία επίσης µεταλλική βάση, η οποία πακτώνεται στο έδαφος. Στη βάση τους σχηµατίζονται σηµεία στάσης από σκυρόδεµα, τα οποία αποτελούν αναφορά στην αντίστοιχη σχέση του Παγασητικού Κόλπου µε τη θάλασσα. ∆ιατηρείται ο περιµετρικός δακτύλιος κίνησης των πεζών µε τα υφιστάµενα υλικά δαπέδων και σχεδιάζεται εκ νέου η εσωτερική έκταση των νησίδων. Για τη σύνδεση της πρότασης µε τη θάλασσα και το υδάτινο στοιχείο, δηµιουργούνται νέες δεξαµενές ρηχού νερού, οι οποίες αξιοποιούν τις υφιστάµενες παροχές νερού. Τέλος, για την αισθητική βελτίωση των κόµβων, προστίθεται χαµηλή βλάστηση, καλλωπιστικά φυτά και φυσικοί βράχοι. Κόµβο του Τελωνείου τοποθετούνται από δύο διαπερατά κελύφη εντός των οποίων δηµιουργείται µία περιµετρική διαδροµή που προσδίδει στον κόµβο έναν εσωστρεφή χαρακτήρα. Η συγκεκριµένη χειρονοµία δικαιολογείται λόγω της θέσης του κόµβου στην πολυσύχναστη λεωφόρο. Κόµβος του ∆ηµαρχείου έχει πιο εξωστρεφή χαρακτήρα, λόγω του προσανατολισµού του και της θέας προσφέρει προς το λιµάνι. Πρόκειται για ένα πέρασµα, που λαµβάνει το ρόλο του τοποσήµου για την του Βόλου και λόγω της δοµής του παραπέµπει σε κυµατισµό.σηµεία ενδιαφέροντος παύουν να αποτελούν µία αδρανή έκταση, και πλέον αποκτούν ζωή µέσω της κίνησης και στάσης των πεζών. Οι κοµβικές νησίδες µετατρέπονται σε ένα ευχάριστο οπτικό ερέθισµα και ενσωµατώνονται στον αστικό ιστό του Βόλου. CRΕSCΕNDO word Colors comes from the Italian golfo, witch means bay. The concept of the bag is the basic design principle, which is translated space through lines and para metric design. The two roundabouts were approached by joint handling both material and usage levels. proposed structures, despite their size, were designed so as not obstruct visual escapes from the traffic lanes. two points of interest cease to an inert ares, and now come to through the movement of pe destrians. The roundabouts are transformed into a pleasant visual stimulus and are integrated into the urban fabric of Volos.

How could we define the concept of vacation today, and which is the infrastructure that could support it in the near future?
Studio OFF concerns the redesign of the abandoned stadium of Agia Triada in Thessaloniki, the redefinition of the concept of vacation and the infrastructure that once defined it (the bathing facilities of GNTO).
Ioannina Polytechnic School
Architectural Design Group: Aristea - Evangelia Koukounouri, Nikos Gkrintzos, Sofia Mikroni.
Supervising professors: Katerina Kotzia, Korina Filoxenidou.
Architectural Engineering
Our project is a hybrid of both camping and resort, mostly of an ephemeral character. We per ceive OFF as an opportunity for someone to escape from their everyday life and spend time alone or with their loved ones. The main purpose was to design a place that offers a pleasant break from the fast city pace in which the visitor can be either completely free of responsibilities or telework if needed. It is addressed mainly to the residents of Thessaloniki, but also to anyone else, like travelers, who often make a stop in the airport of Thessaloniki.

34 Typical Floor Plan

The water is pumped from the sea through pipelines that run underground across the beach. Using the principle of the communicating vessels, the water slowly fills the shallow streams but also the deeper tanks, ending up -underground- back in the sea. The running water divides the site into categories ac cording to their functions and activities. Additionally, through its white noise it creates an ideal relaxing atmosphere for the visitor.
The site is conceptually divided into three zones depending on their use. The first, located in the coast line, is open for public use, the second zone includes the accommodation, and third the activity areas.
Structures are scattered throughout the site as pavilions or follies, hosting the functions of the park. Their curved-geometrical shapes come as a reference to the futuristic microstructures of the ‘60s. A maximum of 156 people can be accommodated in this hybrid camping-resort and around 700 can be hosted in the communal facilities.
The unifying element of the structures is a yellow stripe, a suggested route, which passes through all the structures and works as a reference and orientation point for the visitor. It takes on the role of the guide through the park, starting and ending at the sea.
Exploaded Axonometric
Our first thought was to convert all traffic axes into water. However, it turned out that vehicle access was also important and as so, some of the main traffic axes were maintained as previously existed. At the same time, a new network of waterways was designed, whose outlines are based on the existing ones of the site, thus maintaining its connection with the past.


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POLI-KATOIKIA Ioannina Polytechnic School - Architectural Engineering Architectural Design Personal SupervisingProjectprofessors: Korina Filoxenidou, Maria Kriara. Ground Plan 1st Floor Plan 39
40 2nd Floor Plan 3rd Floor Plan

The study area is a site with facades on Averof and Paleologos streets in Ioannina.
The proposal attempts to create a pas sage from one street to another to facili tate both residents of the apartment build ing and pedestrians. Specifically, on the side of the plot where the well is located, a stoa is created in which the entrance is placed. The atrium located in the building is visible from there. It serves for the best sun and ventilation of the building and is an interaction space at the level of ± 0.00. A swimming pool is created for the ten ants on the passable roof of the build ing and in this way the interaction space can be transferred there during summer. The apartment-business space is located on the side of Averoff street, the part of the plot where it semantically fits better while the apartments, which are entirely resi dential, are located at the back of the plot and on higher levels on the side of Averoff. This creates a filter between private and public space. The proposal consists of a small cafe-refreshment area (30sq.m.) and three apartments of 60, 90 and 120 sq.m. The main materials used for the exterior and interior of the building are concrete, glass, mosaic, wood and met al. A part of the apartment of 120 sq.m. is subject to further analysis. In addition to the day and night accommodation ar eas, there is also an exhibition space.
The elements that make this plot special are: the fact that it is located between buildings with large differences in height (ground floor, 2nd floor and 4th floor), the fact that its 2 large sides are blind and the existence of a well. The well remains as part of the proposal and becomes a starting point for the creation of a com mon space that refers to the “estia” which was - and is - the “heart” of the house and meeting place of all its members.

Master Bedroom 3rd Floor Model 42