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OPINION: Three graduating seniors share advice on what they’ve learned in college
BY KELLY MARRY @kellycmarry
In the last four years, these three seniors have experienced so many ups and downs, from being sent home in March of 2020 to seeing the football team win its first game in years. They have also learned hard lessons and showed perseverance throughout these years.
Graduating is a massive accomplishment. As the semester comes to a close, three seniors look back on their time at the University of Arizona. Reflecting on their time here brought up memories of their clubs, hanging out with friends and attending sporting events. It also brought up things they’re going to miss, like the beauty of the campus, the people and the atmosphere.
Erika Brittain is double majoring in English and professional and technical writing with a double minor in theatre arts and library and information science.
“I will miss the people the most. Throughout my four years here, I’ve been so fortunate to get involved in various organizations here on campus,” Brittain said.
Carmen Rivero is double majoring in English and political science.

“I really like the campus and its walkability, so that’s definitely something I’ll miss. I also love all the little spots I’ve found to study and do homework,” Rivero said.
Emily Alviti is majoring in criminal justice and minoring in journalism.

“I will miss the atmosphere walking around campus the most,” Alviti said.
Four years is a long time, and in that time, they had amazing experiences. They went through hardships, but came back stronger than they were. They advised their underclassmen on how to make the most of their time by using the resources their tuition pays for, joining clubs that align with their interests and living in the moment.
“Make the most of the university’s resources. We pay so much in tuition, and there are so many things we can access as students,” Brittain said.
There are so many resources available that many students don’t know about. We have student access to various databases, like academic journals. The library rents laptops and cameras and has CATalyst Studios, where people can do 3D printing, laser cutting and embroidery. The Campus Pantry provides free food, and Campus Closet provides free business attire. Our tuition pays for a lot, so you might as well use everything the university offers.
“I would suggest finding an activity or club you’re passionate about and to attend events during the first few weeks of school just to get to know the campus and meet different people,” Rivero said. “You don’t have to maintain the same friends or same activity during the entirety of your time here, but it will at least provide you [with] a space to familiarize yourself with your environment as you enter this new chapter.”
Coming to college can be scary especially if you don’t know anyone. Clubs and other activities allow students to meet new people and build lasting relationships throughout college. If you can’t join any clubs, try talking to people in your classes and building rapport with them.
“Live in the moment and be yourself. Don’t worry about what others think of you, and do what makes you happy because college flies by too fast,” Alviti said.
Sometimes it can be challenging to think about your present experiences and instead think about stressful situations from the past or worry about the future, but living in the present can help you be happier and enjoy the life you’re living now.
College holds a special place in these three students hearts, and they will never forget their experiences at the UA. It seems to me, the friends they made, the adversity they conquered and the laughs they shared will be in the back of their minds for the rest of their lives. They are excited for what’s to come post-graduation.
Brittain is returning to Phoenix and looking for a job or internship in the publishing industry.
Rivero is unsure of her plans right now, but she is excited about what’s to come.
Alviti plans to gain more experience in the court system before attending law school in the fall of 2024.
— Kelly Marry (she/her) is a sophomore studying journalism and public relations. She loves to read and travel in her free time.
