chip tips tricks

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Tips &

s k c i Tr

Collector ’s Edition

� 0 0 0 2 / P X / a t s i V s w o Wind a r e p O , x o f e r � IE, Fi � p m a n i ,W r e y a l P a i d e Windows M s e l i f m e t s y s � Registr y, � s p o t p a l , s r o t i n o m T TF s e n o h p l l e c , s d o P i , s a r e m � Digital ca Anniversary Special e-book



Tips Tricks

Dear Reader, When one is so dependent on technology, a tip that saves time and money is always welcome. The CHIP Test Center is always testing the latest hardware and software products. We also have access to companies that make IT products, and those who distribute them. And as we go about putting the magazine together, month after month, we always discover a new way to do things. It could be a handy keyboard short-cut, a useful menu command, a knowledge website, or a less know (but very useful) hardware trick. We know that our readers just love tips. In fact we like to think of tips as “secrets of the gurus”. Knowledge is meant to be shared, and so you always learn a trick or two from a guru. Some readers requested a compilation of all the Tips and Tricks that we did in the year gone by. This e-book complies with that request.

Umesh Dahiwalkar


Share your tips. Write to:

Tip of the month  Avoiding system crashes in iPod Nano The new third-generation iPod Nanos have a problem. The first batch of devices to be manufactured and delivered are not functioning well. The player occasionally crashes, the sound

In the Tips and Tricks section within CHIP, there are subsections such as Windows, Applications, and Hardware. We offer tips even for the older versions of Windows. And our applications tips span applications from MS Office to image editing and Internet software (browsers and email clients). While doing the numerous tests, we save tips for the hardware section. There’s strong demand for more hardware tips, so we hope to beef up this sub-section in 2009. We hope this compilation of tips will save you time and money and bring about a certain degree of efficiency. You may share your tips too. Just send these to

– Team CHIP

WINDOWS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Windows 2000, XP Windows XP, Vista Windows XP Windows XP Windows 2000, XP, Vista Windows Vista

peters out, and the album art display acts up. How


do you fix your iPod Nano and overcome this ‘first

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

mover disadvantage?

If the player has just crashed, you can restore it with a key combination. Press the ‘Hold’ switch once and then release it. Then press the ‘Menu’ and the ‘Center’ button at the same time and keep them pressed for five seconds. This results in an internal software reset and the device returns to its normal state—at least for the time being. However, this will not solve the problem of an unstable iPod Nano permanently. Therefore, you would require the latest firmware version 1.01 to cure your 3G nano (3G stands for the third generation) permanently. Luckily, now it is very easy to download it to your iPod Nano. What you have to do is, the next time you plug your nano into your PC for a charge or sync, iTunes will report that there is a new firmware version available. You can choose to install it right away, or download it for installing later. This tool should help cure the instability of your iPod Nano permanently.

Excel 2007 Excel 2003 / 2007 Excel 2003 Excel 2003 Excel 2007 Excel 2003 / 2007 Excel 2003 / 2007 Excel 2003/2007 MS Word 2007 MS Word 2007 MS Word 2007 MS Word 2007 MS Word 2007 Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox Gmail Gmail Gmail Gmail Gmail


Opening a command prompt from a folder’s context menu Tracking registry access Speeding up the display of video files in a folder Reactivating password entry after an update Presenting a photo slideshow on a second screen Calling a search directly from the Quick Launch toolbar


Generate random numbers Display formulas instead of their results Perform research online Prevent spellchecking for uppercase acronyms Ensure backward compatibility Print a draft copy Printing errors in cells Remove the Options button Modify similarly formatted text Apply a page color Insert a watermark Hide text in a document Change the username Enable caret browsing Open downloaded videos with the player of your choice Create bookmark folders Open multiple homepages Create a profile Block or allow popups Refresh your inbox View attachments instantly Insert an image Add an image to a contact Use labels in Gmail

hardware 31. External SATA 32. Notebooks


Equipping PCs with eSATA for faster external hard disks Reducing the sensitivity of the notebook touchpad


intelligent computing CHip DECEMBER 2007 Intelligent


TIPS & TRICKS Hands on Tips & TrIcks



you can choose to display only those

used for previewing the video files. You

twice. With that, you will switch to the

the Dual Monitor tab. The options under

Windows 2000, XP Opening a command prompt from a folder’s context menu

entries created by a specific program.

can prevent the delay with a registry

classic Windows login dialog box, using

the tab will be available only if the second

tweak. Select ‘Run’ from the Start menu,

which you can type your username and

monitor is connected. Activate the option

type ‘regedit’ and click on ‘OK’. Navigate

password without a problem. In case

‘Slideshow’. Confirm your entries by

Even though a graphical user interface

to the key ‘HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \

this doesn’t suit you, you can deactivate

clicking on ‘Ok’.

SystemFileAs sociations\.avi\shellex\

the welcome screen altogether and use

The slideshow mode of the program

PropertyHandler’, right-click on ‘Default’

the classic login. To do this, open ‘User

always uses all pictures in the specified


is indispensable, the command prompt still comes in handy at times. However,


Windows XP Speeding up the display of folder contents in a folder containing video files

when you wish to bring up the DOS

At times it takes too long to open a

and delete it. Confirm the query with

Accounts’ from the Control Panel, select

folder. Therefore, it’s advisable to create

box, the shortcut is hidden deep within

folder, especially if it contains many

‘Yes’ and close Regedit. In most cases,

‘Change the way users log on or off’ and

a separate folder that contains copies of

the start menu—annoying! How about

video files. Here’s a way to speed up

it should solve the problem. If you have

deactivate the option ‘Use the Welcome

only the pictures that you would like to

the display of contents.

videos encoded in multiple formats, it

screen’. After further update cycles, you

display in the slideshow. Then open the

slows down Explorer. In that case, you

can try switching on this option again

folder in FastStone Image Viewer and

can disable the preview. Select ‘Run’

to test whether the Welcome screen is

select ‘View | Slideshow’. In the next

from the Start menu and enter ‘regsvr32.

working again.

dialog box, determine other options such

making the command prompt available instantly?

2 Sysinternals Process monitor makes registry access transparent

behind the façade of the operating system and makes registry access

The delay arises because Windows tries to read the bitrate and the codecs

transparent. This feature may be useful

exe /u shmedia.dll’ and confirm with ‘OK’.

for tracking the behavior of certain

You can undo the change by re-registering

applications or potential spyware.

shmedia.dll. Simply enter ‘regsvr32.exe

Microsoft offers the application

of additional text and background music.

shmedia.dll’ in the ‘Run’ dialog box to

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Presenting a photo slideshow on a second screen

reverse the process.

You may want the desktop available on a projector or a connected television

Windows Vista Calling a search directly from the Quick Launch toolbar

set. So what’s the solution?

The system search considerably

Process Monitor for free, which runs Windows XP Reactivating password entry after an update

4 the command prompt to any folder

sysinternals/processesandthreads/ processmonitor.mspx and download Process Monitor (1.1 MB). After

If you use the command prompt

downloading the file, unzip it into a folder

3 Speed up the opening of folders containing video files by tweaking the registry

frequently, the best way to make it

and run the extracted file ‘procmon.

accessible is from the context menu

exe’. If you are using Windows Vista,

Quick Tips

that appears when you right-click on any

the operating system will request you

Desktop: Drag any icon to a free space

folder. This trick works without much

to authorize the execution through the

hassle. All you have to do is, open ‘My

administrator account. Process Monitor

Computer’ and go to ‘Tools | Folder

combines the Regmon and Filemon

options’. Switch to the ‘File Types’ tab

tools made by Sysinternals—a company

and select ‘(NONE) Folder’ from the list

that has been recently taken over by

of registered file types. Then click on

Microsoft. Using the combined tool,

‘Advanced’ and hit the ‘New’ button from

the registry, file system, and process

the dialog box that pops up. Now, enter

activities can be monitored and analyzed

‘Command Prompt’ in the ‘Action’ field

in real time.

on the taskbar—after a moment, Windows will minimize all windows and show the Desktop. System: Press [Windows] +[R] and enter the command ‘fsmgmt.msc’ to open the console for managing shared folders. Start menu: Press [Ctrl]+[Esc] to display the Start menu—handy if your Windows key is missing or not functioning. Task manager: Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Esc] to open the Task Manager directly, rather than [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] to avoid accidental reboots. Vista desktop: If you keep the [Ctrl] key pressed on the desktop and then roll your mouse’s scroll wheel, you can resize all icons on the fly. Desktop: Press [Windows]+[D] to minimize all open windows and view the desktop—an alternative to the ‘Show Desktop’ option in the Quick Launch toolbar. Press the same combination again to restore all your windows exactly as they were.

and ‘cmd.exe’ in the ‘Application used to

Configuration: The latest entries are

perform action’ field. Confirm twice with

the programs at the lower end of the

‘OK’ and close the ‘Folder options’ dialog

list. Hence, if you want to track the most

box. To bring up the command prompt,

recent activities, the easiest way is to

right-click on any folder and click on

activate the Autoscroll option from the

‘Command prompt’. Note that the path in

Edit menu. The ‘Show Registry Activity’,

the command prompt points to the folder

‘Show File System Activity’ and ‘Show

from where you launched the command

Process and Thread Activity’ buttons on

prompt. You don’t need to restart your

the toolbar toggle the display of the three

computer for the changes to take effect.

monitored areas (Registry, file system and processes). You can thus concentrate

Windows XP, Vista Tracking registry access

only on those activities that are of interest

If you want to know which application

to display or hide processes based on

creates or modifies which registry keys,

parameters such as process name,

you need a monitoring tool that looks

description, user, and so on. For example,


4 | intelligent computing CHip | DECEMBER 2007

to you. Using filters, you can choose


while presenting an image slideshow

on both Windows XP and Vista. Go to 1 By changing the folder options, you can bring

as the interval between images, display Click on ‘Play’ to start the slideshow.


simplifies dealing with large databases.

After updating Windows XP through

Unfortunately, Microsoft has hidden it in

‘Windows Update’ and after restarting

the start menu. It would be more practical

your computer, you can no longer type

to call it directly from the task bar.

passwords in the Welcome screen. Windows may have simply blocked it. So how do you log in?

This phenomenon occurs on some systems after a security update. In order to reactivate the login screen, press the key-combination [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

5 Use FastStone Image Viewer to get the best of two monitors connected to one computer or when using a projector

In order to run an image slideshow on an external display separated from the desktop, you require a tool such as

6 Create your own ‘Search’ shortcut key to call a search window instantly whenever you need it

‘FastStone Image Viewer’. The application can be downloaded for free from www.

4 Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] twice to switch to the classic Windows login dialog box

This can be installed quickly. Just After the installation, you

right-click on some free space in the

must first switch on the support for an

Quick Launch toolbar and then select

additional monitor. Press F12 to bring up

the context ‘Open Folder’. Then, select

the settings dialog box and switch over to

‘File | New | Shortcut’, enter ‘Explorer.

Intelligent computing CHip




exe /e,::{9343812e-1c37-4a49-a12e-

right hand bottom on the cell where the

appears, click on the ‘Spelling’ tab.

4b2d810d956b}’ and click on ‘Next’.

‘+’ sign appears, and drag it to fill the

Change the name to ‘Search’ and confirm

cells beneath and adjacent to it with

it with ‘Finish’. To change the icon of the

random numbers in the selected range,

 Check mark the ‘Ignore words in UPPERCASE’ checkbox.  Click ‘OK’.

newly created shortcut, right-click on the

as per your requirements.

tab, click on ‘Change Icon’. In the


following dialog box, enter ‘C:\Windows\

Want to display the formulas that are

and press [Enter]. In the dialog box, select

responsible for bringing out the results

the magnifying glass icon and click on

on your Excel worksheet?

‘OK’. Confirm the new values in the next dialog box with ‘OK’.


If you want to generate random numbers for use in your Excel spreadsheet, the RAND function helps to generate numbers without any

a given range?

8 The formula auditing mode in MS Excel

will help display all the formulas on your worksheets and hide their respective results

Then try using this simple method.

 In Excel 2003, go to ‘Tools | Formula Auditing’. Click on the ‘Formula Auditing Mode’ or press [Ctrl] + [‘]. You will find that the resulting values are now replaced by their corresponding formulas.  For Excel 2007, click on ‘Formulas’ on the ribbon and then click on ‘Show Formulas’. 7 Use this formula to generate random numbers only with in a given range

Just follow these simple steps to

save plenty of time and money using draft mode.

When using Excel 2007, the default format to save your file is the .xlsx format. However, this can pose quite

9 Use the Look up tool to research terms and look up information through the worksheet

a problem if you have to send the Excel sheet to someone using an older version of the program.

13 Select the required options to enable Excel to print formula errors as dashes or #NA fields

 Click on the green arrow to start searching for the definition.  Excel automatically pulls up the definition of the term without relying on a desktop dictionary or visiting a website.  The Research Pane also allows you to translate a word into different languages by choosing ‘Translation’. Excel 2003 Prevent spellchecking for uppercase acronyms


spellchecker would stop indentifying

words and even search for encyclopedia entries? You can do all this and more by using MS Excel.

Here’s how you do it.

 Inside your Excel worksheet, right-click on any word that you want to define.  Click on ‘Look up’.  In the ‘Research’ pane that appears to the right of your worksheet, the word will appear in the ‘Search for’ field.  Use the dropdown list below the Search field to select your source for the definition. For example, stock quotes

12 Select the ‘Draft Quality’ option in order to

print pages for proofreading and other nonpresentational purposes

11 The ‘Save as’ option can be used to save

workbooks so that they are compatible with earlier versions of MS Excel

you can save the file to ensure backward

using acronyms

compatibility:  When saving a worksheet for the first time by pressing [Ctrl] + [S], you will be taken to the ‘Save As’ dialog box. If the file is already saved, simply click on the MS Office button and then go to ‘Save As | Excel 97-2003 Workbook’ to open this dialog box.  In the ‘File Name’ field, enter the name of the file and then use the ‘Save as type:’ dropdown list to select the option ‘Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)’.  Click ‘OK’.

out all error values, or you can convert all

graphics might not look as nice and the

cells with errors to show as ‘#N/A’ or a

letters and numbers not as sharp as in the

couple of dashes.  In your Excel 2007 worksheet, click on the ‘Page Layout’ tab. (In Excel 2003, go to ‘File | Page Setup’).  In the ‘Page Setup’ section, click on the ‘Print Tiles’ button.  In the ‘Page Setup’ dialog box that appears, click on the ‘Sheet’ tab.  Under the ‘Print’ section, click on the ‘Cell errors as’ dropdown list and select an option according to your preference. For example, selecting the ‘Displayed’ option will print cells with errors as they appear.  Click on the ‘Print Preview’ button to check how your printed page will appear.  Click ‘OK’ after making your selection.

final print, it still is the ideal way to save time, ink, and money. Draft mode not only prints pages faster but also lets you do so with less printer ink or toner. Here’s

In this case, the document needs

them with red squiggles?

10 Stop Excel checking uppercase words when

If you want the cell errors to be displayed in your printed Excel spreadsheets, you can choose to blank

In this mode, although your

to be saved in the .xls format. Here’s how

Would you like to research stock quotes, find definitions to complex

these errors on paper as proof?

acronyms as errors and underlining


 Click on the cell where you would like to begin entering random data.  Enter the function ‘=RANDBETWEEN (bottom,top)’ to generate random numbers within a certain range. Replace the value ‘bottom’ with the lowest number you want generated and ‘top’ with the highest number you want generated. For example, enter ‘=RANDBETWEEN (1000, 1200)’ for generating random numbers between 1000 and 1200.  Select the cell where you have entered the function and left click on extreme

printed. How do you enable printing

Do you wish that your Excel

Excel 2003 Perform research online

learn how.

6 | intelligent computing CHip

the same Excel spreadsheet for

company profiles from Gale.

Excel 2007 Generate random numbers

generate random numbers only within

If you find yourself repeatedly printing

are pulled down from MSN Money, and


specifications. But what if you need to


Excel 2003 / 2007 Display formulas instead of their results

System32\shell32.dll’ as the file name


proofing purposes, here’s how you can

Excel 2007 Ensure backward compatibility

new shortcut in the Quick Launch toolbar and select ‘Properties’. In the ‘Shortcut’

Excel 2003 / 2007 Print a draft copy

how to select the draft mode.  In your Excel 2007 worksheet, click on the ‘Page Layout’ tab. (In Excel 2003, go to ‘File | Page Setup’).  In the ‘Page Setup’ section, click on the ‘Print Tiles’ button.  In the ‘Page Setup’ dialog box that appears, click on the ‘Sheet’ tab.  Underneath the ‘Print’ section, check mark the ‘Draft Quality’ box.  Click ‘OK’. Excel 2003 / 2007 Printing errors in cells


Sometimes cells contain logical or

Excel 2003/2007 Remove the Options button

mathematical errors that need to be

After pasting individual cells, rows,


If you commonly write acronyms in uppercase, you will know that Microsoft Excel most often shows them as misspelled words during a spell check. Instead of individually adding each acronym to the custom dictionary, you can have Excel ignore all words written in block caps by default. Here’s how:

 Go to ‘Tools | Options’.  In the ‘Options’ dialog box that Intelligent computing CHip




might have seen paper with the text

Now, with Word 2007, it will take you just one minute, no matter how large

‘Draft’, ‘Confidential’, or ‘Urgent’. You can

the document is.

also choose to use your company logo as a watermark on official documents. In

To change the format of similarly


Paste and exclamation mark symbols appearing after pasting cells is very irritating

formatted text in a document:

the following steps, we’ll show you how

 Open the Microsoft Word document.  Select the text with the formatting that needs to be modified. For example, select an instance of the text with italic formatting. Tip: Right-click on the selected text, select ‘Styles’, and click on the option ‘Select Text with Similar Formatting’.

to insert a watermark on documents that

or columns in a Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheet, a button with an exclamation mark may appear. This gets irritating. Here’s how to avoid it.

You can stop the exclamation mark from showing up whenever pasting cells in your Excel spreadsheets. To do this, click on it to choose options such as whether or not to retain the original formatting of the cells or use formatting information from the pasted


cells. While some people find this button

Use this option to select text with similar formatting to help you track certain styles

useful, others find the exclamation mark annoying. If you fall in the latter category, follow these steps to remove it:  For Excel 2003, go to ‘Tools | Options’.  In the ‘Options’ dialog box that appears, click on the ‘Edit’ tab.  In the ‘Settings’ section, uncheck the ‘Show Insert Options buttons’ option.  Click ‘OK’.  For Excel 2007, click on the MS Office button, then click on ‘Excel Options’  Click on the ‘Advanced’ section on the left column.  Uncheck the option ‘Show Insert Options Button’ or the paste buttons if needed.

 Click on the ‘Home’ tab.  Under the Editing section, click on the small arrow next to the ‘Select’ option.  Select the option ‘Select Text with Similar Formatting’. All text with italic formatting in the entire document is automatically selected.  You can now apply the new formatting. For example, under the ‘Font’ tab, click on the ‘Bold’ icon.

you create.


Change the background color of your document from white to the color you like.

18 Choose the sections of the document you may

19 Chenge the details of the document changes

 Under the ‘Font’ section, click on the small arrow at the right-end corner to open the ‘Font’ dialog box. Tip: For MS Word 2003, select ‘Format | Font’.  Under the ‘Effects’ section, click in the check box next to ‘Hidden’.  Click ‘OK’.  To make the text visible again, select the whole document by pressing [Ctrl] + [A].  Then go back to the same options and uncheck the option ‘Hidden’. Your text is back again.

when the mouse is kept over the text. To

MS Word 2007 Change the username

There may be situations when we may

preserve it for future reference? Or else

When making professional documents

you may want to enter some text that is

While tracking changes and inserting

it’s tedious to keep reaching for the

for presentations and advertisements

only visible to you and no one else who

comments in a document, you might

mouse. So here’s how to select text

you may need to have watermarks on

views the document?

find that instead of your name in

from a web page without taking your

the balloons over the text, the word

hands off the keyboard.

 Click on the ‘Page Layout’ tab on the ribbon.  Under the ‘Page Background’ section, click on the arrow next to ‘Page Color’.  Move your mouse cursor over the list of colors displayed. As you move your mouse, you can preview how the color will look after applying it to your document along with a suggested font color.  Once you are sure of which color you want, simply click on it.  The selected background and font colors will be applied to the entire document.


Are you bored of seeing the white


MS Word 2007 Insert a watermark

place a watermark on a document page using MS Word?

MS Word allows you to customize

Are you staring at a document that

the background color of your document.

needs to be completely reformatted

This may just set your document apart

with a set of new styles? Were you

from the rest and give it a unique look.

just asked to make all existing italic

What’s even better is that MS Word

sections bold as well? Maybe the

will automatically suggest a font color

document is huge and it will take you a

to match the background you select. To

few days to search for all the text that

apply a background color to the entire

is currently in italics. Here’s a way to do

document follow the steps below.

it quickly and easily.

 Open the Microsoft Word document.

8 | intelligent computing CHip

MS Word 2007 Hide text in a document

the data from your document and still

Simply hide the text and see the magic. Your data is there and yet invisible


that some additional data exist as others

made by adding your initials to the document

change the username for Word, try the following steps.

 Open the Microsoft Word document.  Click ‘Office Button | Word Options’.  Click ‘Popular’ in the left pane.  Under the ‘Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office’ section, enter your name in the text box next to ‘User name’.  Enter your initials in the ‘Initials’ text box.  Click ‘OK’. Mozilla Firefox Enable caret browsing


need to select text from a webpage but

‘Administrator’ keeps appearing. How do you change it to your name?

at the same time. Yes, only you will know

This can be done by using only the keyboard and is called Caret Browsing.

You can change the username so

The process is extremely simple yet very

impression that is made on the paper

will not be able to view it. To hide text in

that the changes reflect your name as

useful in difficult times, especially when

during its manufacturing process to

a document:

‘Editor’ or anything else you’d like. This

identify the paper manufacturer. You

 Open the Microsoft Word document.  Select the text that needs to be hidden.  Click on the ‘Home’ tab.

also helps to keep track of the different

the mouse fails to function well enough.  Open a page containing the text that you wish to select.  Press [F7]. This enables Caret Browsing.

by default? Do you need a change?



the page. Do you know that you can

background color that Word provides

MS Word 2007 Modify similarly formatted text

need to hide and select the required options

Wondering if you can remove some of

A watermark is a translucent MS Word 2007 Apply a page color

 Open the Microsoft Word document.  Click the ‘Page Layout’ tab on the ribbon.  Under the ‘Page Background’ section, click on the arrow next to ‘Watermark’.  Click on the ‘Custom Watermark’ option.  Click on the option next to ‘Picture watermark’.  Click the ‘Select Picture’ button.  Browse to the location of the image to be inserted as the watermark and select the image.  Click on the ‘Insert’ button. Click on the ‘Washout’ check box if you need it to be a very pale background.  Click ‘OK’.

users who make changes as each user’s changes are marked in a different color with their name appearing in an ellipse

17 Click on the option next to ‘Picture watermark’

and click on ‘Select Picture’ to select an image

Intelligent computing CHip




extensions in the list. The most popular

websites on start up.

extensions are MPEG, AVI, and DAT.

 Select ‘Tools | Options’.  Select the ‘Main’ tab.  In the ‘Startup’ group, select ‘Show my home page’ from the ‘When Firefox starts’ drop-down list.  In the ‘Home Page’ section, type in the name of of the sites you wish to open by separating each one by a ‘|’ (vertical line or Pipe).  Click ‘OK’. The next time you open Firefox all these sites will load automatically.

Other supported extensions may be included in your list as well.


Activate ‘Caret Browsing’ to enable cursor free browsing on web pages

 In the dialog box that appears asking you whether or not you want to activate ‘Caret Browsing’, press ‘Yes’ to proceed.  A blinking cursor will appear on your Web page. You can move the cursor around your page by using the arrow keys. To select certain text, simply keep the [Shift] key pressed and move your arrow keys in the direction of the text that you wish to select.  When the focus of your cursor comes upon a hyperlink, it selects it so that you can visit the link by simply pressing [Enter]. Caret browsing is one of the best features added by Mozilla to the Firefox browser. Mozilla Firefox Open downloaded videos with the player of your choice


Every time you download any kind of media file (audio or video), the

 To set a certain application to open a specific file format, simply click on the name of the extension and select ‘Change Action’.  In the dialog box that appears, click on the radio button ‘Open Them with This Application’. A dialog box appears using which you can select Windows Media Player with which you wish to open the file.

22 Creating a new folder for your bookmarks

with the appropriate name can help you make future references much faster and more easily

created folder:

 Click on ‘Bookmarks | Bookmark This Page’.  In the ‘Add Bookmark’ dialog box, click on the ‘Create In’ drop-down list and select the name of the newly created folder.  Click ‘OK’. This process makes it easy for you to organize your bookmarked pages based on your preferences. 21 Assign Windows Media Player as the default application for all MPEG videos, to open all files with WMP

Mozilla Firefox Open multiple homepages


 Next click on the ‘Content’ tab.  Click on the ‘Exceptions’ button that is parallel to the ‘Block pop-up windows’.  Add the name of the site on which you wish to allow popups and click on ‘Allow’. After adding the names of the sites that you wish to permit, click on the ‘Close’ button.  Click ‘OK’ to apply the new settings. Popups from all sites will be blocked but only the ones from sites that you have listed here will be allowed to open.

future use. On clicking on ‘Finish’, your

Every time we make a change in the

newly saved profile will be listed in the

settings and default configuration

‘Choose User Profile’ dialog box. These

of Mozilla Firefox, these changes are

can be loaded later by following a similar

stored and can be reloaded. This is



Your settings are now saved for

handy to transfer them to another PC or maintain a backup of all our


Mozilla Firefox Block or allow popups

Firefox settings. Along with the Firefox

settings, you can also store bookmarks

Popups are windows that open without

and passwords. How?

your consent while you’re browsing the net. They tend to slow down your

One can also create multiple profiles if

malicious as far as virus infections are

Gmail Refresh your inbox

found in your Program Files folder.

open multiple pages within a single

You’re in the middle of an important

browser window. You can also have

and when necessary.  Before you proceed to make a new profile, make sure that you have exited Firefox.  Once Firefox is closed, press [Windows] + [R] on your keyboard to open the ‘Run’ dialog box.  Now type firefox.exe –ProfileManager and click ‘OK’.  Click ‘Next’ in the ‘Create New Profile’ dialog box that appears.  As the last step, enter a new Profile name in the dialog box and click ‘Finish’. You don’t necessarily have to change the name. You can change the location of the profile by clicking on the ‘Choose Folder’

concerned. Get rid of unwanted and

 Click ‘OK’. The same procedure to open downloaded files using a certain application can be used for all types of files. For instance, we can set all image files to open with Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

irritating popups.

assignment but still want to keep track

the option here to open multiple home pages on individual tabs at once just the way Internet Explorer 7 does it.

When Firefox starts up, only one tab is opened and each time you want to surf another site, you need to press [Ctrl]

For example, videos downloaded from the Internet may open in Winamp by

It is a good habit to classify and store

then type in the address. Here’s how you

default. However, you may prefer using

your bookmarks in folders so that it is

can customize Firefox to automatically

Windows Media Player (WMP) instead.

easier to find them. But how do you do

open new tabs with your favorite


+ [T] to manually open a new tab and


Follow these steps to change the The bookmarks will appear in a

to WMP.

categorized manner in the Bookmarks

 Go to ‘Tools | Options’.  Click on the ‘Content’ tab.  Under the ‘File Types’ section, click on the ‘Manage’ button.  The ‘Download Actions’ dialog box will list all the extensions that are known to the browser either from previous downloads or those that are present in the list by default. Select all the video

menu. Creating a bookmark folder is quite

10 | intelligent computing CHip

button. Mozilla Firefox Create a profile

and view only those that you want to see

Firefox supports tabs that are used to

Mozilla Firefox Create bookmark folders

default application for downloaded videos

25 You can selectively block popups from sites

your bookmarks, passwords, and settings

Note: Windows Media Player can be

downloaded files tend to open in the default application for that file format.

24 Creating a new profile will let you to save all

simple.  Select ‘Bookmarks’ | ‘Organize Bookmarks’.  In the ‘Bookmarks Manager’ toolbox, select ‘New Folder’. Enter the name of the folder and the optional description.  Click ‘OK’. To save your bookmarked page in the

The saved file is called a profile.

PC and can sometimes prove to be


of all the new mail you receive.

Follow these steps to stop popups from appearing:  Click on ‘Tools | Options’ and then on the ‘Content’ tab.  Click on the check box near the option ‘Block pop-up windows’.  Click ‘OK’. If you want to block popups from some sites but not others, uncheck the ‘Block pop-up windows’ check box. You can allow only popups from certain trusted sites to be displayed. Here’s how:  Click on ‘Tools | Options’.

Here’s a way to check for new mail in your Gmail inbox without taking your hands off the keyboard! To check your Gmail account for new messages with a keyboard shortcut, simply press the ‘U’ key. The inbox automatically refreshes to show any new mail. The keyboard shortcuts will work only if your settings are set to ‘Keyboard shortcuts on’.  To customize this behaviour, click on the ‘Settings’ link that appears on the top right corner of your Gmail account.

23 Open multiple home pages the moment you

open Mozilla Firefox or when you click ‘Home’

Intelligent computing CHip

| 11



 At the bottom of the message, click on the ‘View as HTML’ link of the file.  To return to the main message window, simply close the new browser window or tab.  It is important to remember that the ‘View as HTML’ feature in Gmail will not display images.

26 When the keyboard shortcuts are switched on, press the ‘U’ button to refresh your inbox

 Click on the ‘General’ tab.  In the ‘Keyboard shortcuts’ section, select the ‘Keyboard shortcuts on’ radio button.  Then click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.



Gmail Insert an image

Gmail but don’t want to send them as attachments?

28 Insert your images in the message body itself without attaching them to the e-mail

compatible with some of the most

them as images in the body of your e-mail

common file formats, including PDF,

alongside your text. Although Gmail lacks


an ‘Insert image’ button you can still add


images using this simple method:

27 View your Gmail attachments without

 Ensure that rich-text editing is enabled in the Gmail message you are composing. To enable rich-text editing, click on the ‘Rich formatting’ link.  If you have a graphic you found on the Web, ensure that you can use it without any copyright violation.  If it is an image that belongs to you, then make sure the image is located on a Web server. Which means you can open the image in your browser and the address line starts with ‘http’. This can be done by uploading the image to a free host such as  If the image is larger than 640 × 640 pixels, decrease the size before you publish it online.  Next, locate the image on the website or open it directly in your browser.  Select the image by pressing [Ctrl] + [A].  Then copy the image by pressing [Ctrl] + [C].

All you have to do is use the can view any mail irrespective of its file format. The HTML view is also a faster way to quickly scan your attachments. To view attachments instantly in your Gmail account:

 Open the e-mail that contains the attachment.

12 | intelligent computing CHip

Looking at hundreds of e-mail

External hard disks can never be speedy

touchpad. So your text appear all over

addresses in your contact list can be

enough for backups and multimedia

the screen and not where it ought to be.

boring. Wouldn’t it be much better to

archives. USB 2.0 is annoyingly slow, and

How do you solve this problem? It surely

see pictures of your contacts instead?

Firewire 800 is rare, expensive and also

is not a ghost in the computer. What

not bootable. eSATA on the other hand

could it be?



Want to have your e-mail sorted so you

Here’s how you can see familiar

from the ‘Labels’ section that appears on


faces in your contact list each time you

However, only some motherboards

wish to send mails to your contacts. Once

provide these ports. How can you use an

just follow these simple steps:  Click on the ‘Contacts link’ that appears on the left pane of your Gmail account.  Click on the contact’s name to which you want to add an image.  You are then brought to the contact’s profile where an image selected by the contact already appears alongside the contact’s name. Click on ‘Edit’ to edit the contact information and make changes.  Move your mouse on the picture shown on the right side, then click on the ‘Change Picture’ link.  Select ‘My computer’ from the window that comes up next.  Click on the ‘Browse’ button to select an image of your choice.  Click on the ‘Upload picture’ button.  To crop the image, highlight the required frame and click on the ‘Apply Changes’ button.  Click on the ‘Save’ button.

29 Determine the criteria for the filter for e-mails to be sent to a particular label


the cursor jumps over the document because your palm touched the

proves to be ideal for such a situation.

30 Click on the ‘View as HTML’ link to take a quick peek at your attachments

To add an image to a contact in Gmail,

Then here’s how you can send

HTML interface in Gmail with which you

type something on your notebook and

Gmail Add an image to a contact

mouse over an e-mail address or name.

can open the file because Gmail is

downloading them

It almost seems like magic when you

External SATA Equipping PCs with eSATA for faster external hard disks

you can see it whenever you position your

attachments without having to

right application installed before you


pile to find a particular message?

you’ve assigned a picture to a contact,

Here’s a way to view your Gmail

you avoid the trouble of getting the

don’t have to wade through one huge

Gmail Use labels in Gmail

Want to send your images through

Gmail View attachments instantly

download them. It will also help

the left pane in your Gmail account.

Notebooks Reducing the sensitivity of the notebook touchpad

 Then position the cursor in the Gmail message where you want the image to appear and paste the image by pressing the [Ctrl] + [V] combination keys.

eSATA on a regular motherboard?

You need not buy a new motherboardboard. Even boards that are

Here’s how you can easily find

up to four years old have SATA ports (only

the mail you are looking for by giving it

internal ports). To turn these into external

a label allowing it to be searched easily.

ports, the board needs only an adapter

Although Gmail does not have the ability

slot bracket. You can buy the bracket at

to sort your mail into folders, it does have

any computer hardware store that keeps

labels that filter the ones you see, similar

spare parts. A slot bracket converts

to a list of search results. With the use of

up to two internal SATA ports into two

filters, you can even have Gmail sort your

external eSATA ports. The probability

incoming mail by sender, subject, or even

of complications with the latest Intel

to solve this problem. It is because the

criteria. Here’s how:  Click on the ‘Create a filter’ link that appears to the right of the Search toolbar on your Gmail page.  In the ‘Create a Filter’ dialog box that appears, fill in the criteria to determine what to do when a new message arrives.  To filter all mail received from a particular person, simply type the contact’s name in the ‘From:’ field.  Then click on the ‘Next Step’ button.  Insert a check mark in the ‘Skip the Inbox’ check box so that your e-mails are directed straight to a particular label.  Insert a check mark in the ‘Apply the label:’ check box and then select an existing label or select the new label option to create a new one from the adjacent drop list.  Type the desired name for the label in the ‘Please enter a new label name:’ field.  Click ‘OK’.  Click on the ‘Create Filter’ button.  Now all the new messages matching your rules will arrive in their respective labels. You can access the mails directly

chipsets as well as in Nvidia or ATI / AMD

input sensitivity of the notebook touchpad

platforms is very low. It is a good idea to

is too high. Many laptops come with a

change the jumper of the hard disk in the

special driver (e.g. Synaptics TouchPad)

external drive from the 3 Mbps Sata II into

that can reduce the sensitivity of the

150 Mbps Sata I to compensate for the

touchpad. Without using such a driver,

longer cable needed for the external drive,

the touchpad is integrated as a normal

(assuming it is a Sata II drive). Since even

PS/2 mouse and this means very high

the 150 Mbps mode is more than enough

sensitivity. To solve this ‘highly sensitive’

for the mechanics of the hard disk, you

problem, right-click on ‘My Computer’

need not worry about a drop in output.

and then select ‘Properties’ in the context

The compatibility between the chipset

menu. This opens ‘System Properties’

and hard disk increases because the

dialog box. click on the ‘Hardware’ tab

requirements are more relaxed.

and then on the ‘Device Manager’. Here

32 Choose these options to increase or decrease

the sensitivity of the touchpad of the notebook.

You don’t have to call the exorcist

you will find an entry titled ‘Mice and other pointing devices’ in the ‘Device Manager’ window. When you double-click on this entry, it shows the touchpad as a PS/2 Compatible mouse. Right-click on this entry to go to the properties of the touchpad, select ‘Advanced Settings’, and then click on ‘Sample Rate’. You can reduce the degree of sensitivity here. Follow this tip and you don’t have to 31 Add a bracket to your computer to equip it with an eSATA interface

be Harrry Potter to solve the ‘jumping cursor’ mystery.  – Intelligent computing CHip

| 13




Windows will now display the button for

updates also uses the ‘wups2.dll’ library

Windows XP Exclusive button for ‘Hibernate’

‘Hibernate’ by default in the shutdown

which is not available on the CD.


dialog along with the existing ones.

‘Hibernate’ function by pressing [Shift]

Umesh Dahiwalkar


Windows XP

missing and need to be restored.

offers several variants for shutting down. A hotfix can integrate a button

Windows refuses to boot any more.

for ‘Hibernate’ in the shutdown menu

Luckily, the repair function of the

and this can be very useful. However,

setup CD was able to repair the

Windows Vista Manipulating the performance index and using more functions

Microsoft provides this function

system. However, Windows Update

Vista examines the hardware of your

enhancement only through a telephonic

has strangely stopped functioning

system and determines a performance

enquiry for valid support clients.

automatically or manually.

value from what it observes. Some refuse installation or limit the range of functions—you find this very annoying.

Vista doesn’t support Aero effect if the performance index is less than 3. Even other programs respond with restrictions. If you simulate a higher value for your system, you can activate the functions

Share your tips. Write to:



of the software use this as base and


Tip of the month 

corresponding entries in the registry are

Reactivating Windows Update after repairing the system

in the shutdown menu. Windows

Tips Tricks

Though ‘wups2.dll’ remains on your system during the repairing process, the

You can access the ‘Standby’ or

which have been deactivated —the


1 Try this tip to enable the Hibernate option directly instead of pressing the Shift key all the time.

avoid activation problems in Windows XP SP2.

execution speed would possibly suffice. Note: Obviously the actual performance

Windows XP


Windows automatically starts up some services in the background. Most of these services are unused by common PC users. This tends to slow down the booting time and it can also be heavy on important resources like CPU and RAM. Here are some listed services which you can safely disable (if not used) which can speed up the performance of your computer to a certain extent. Try them at your own risk. We would suggest that you check the description of each service on the Internet before you disable them and also try disabling them one at a time: Alerter, Application Management, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Clipbook, Error Reporting Service, Fast User Switching, IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service, Indexing Service, IP SEC, Messenger, Net Logon, Network DDE, NT LM Security Support Provider, Performance Logs and Alerts, Portable Media Serial Number, QOS RSVP, Remote Desktop Help Session Manager, Remote Registry, Routing & Remote Access, Secondary Login, Smart Card, Smart Card Helper, SSDP Discovery Service, TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper, Telnet, Uninterruptible Power Supply Service, Universal Plug and Play Device Host, Upload Manager, Volume Shadow Copy Service, Web Client, Wireless Zero Configuration, WMI Performance Adapter.

2. Windows XP

Reactivating Windows Update after repairing the system

3. Windows Vista

Manipulating the performance index and using more functions

‘Hibernate’ button in the shutdown

function has created the problem. It needs

4. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Deleting contents but not the folder structure

menu besides making the support call to

to be re-registered in the system after

5. Windows 2000, XP

Reconstructing missing system entries in the ‘Send to’ menu

Microsoft. The second source is http://

repairs. However, this is only possible

System: Open ‘Start | Run | msconfig | You can download

when the service for automatic updates

the hotfix for the ‘Hibernate’ button from

is deactivated. The best way to undertake

here after you have registered yourself.

this is to take the necessary steps in a

Once registered, click on the ‘Downloads’

command prompt.

Boot.ini’ and activate the ‘/noguiboot’ option to switch off the XP logo which appears while booting. Explorer: When you set the view as ‘View | Thumbnails’, you can rotate pictures of many formats with a single command in the context menu. System: You can disable error reporting by navigating as following: ‘Start | Control panel | System | Advanced | Error reporting’. Vista Desktop: You can start or stop the Aeroglass effect in Vista directly from the command line with ‘net start uxsms’ or ‘net stop uxsms’. You can also create a batch file if you wish too. System: You can open another parallel instance of the registry editor with ‘Start | Run’, followed by the ‘regedit –m’ command. Explorer: You can hide or view the filename in the thumbnail view when you keep the [Shift] key pressed when clicking on ‘View | Thumbnails’.

14 | intelligent computing CHip

Windows XP

Exclusive button for ‘Hibernate’

2 Registering a DLL file in Windows can help to


Reading text files and website contents on the iPod


Creating a romantic sunset in your picture

Photoshop 7, CS, CS2

8. Firefox 2.x

Opening registry keys from the browser in a jiffy

9. IE 6, 7 (64 bit)

of your system does not change. Prepare There is a way to get the


link, then scroll down on the website,

A DLL file of the Windows Update

Open ‘Start | Run’, enter ‘cmd’ and

and go to ‘English Windows XP Hotfix

confirm by pressing enter. You can end the

Displaying PDF documents without ‘window flood’

Downloads’. Open ‘Search’ at the top

irritating service by giving the following

10. Internet Explorer

Using old versions parallel to the latest browser

right, look for ‘893056’ and download the

command in the command line: ‘net stop

11. Internet Explorer 7

Always opening websites in tabs instead of new windows

ENU EXE file. Close all active programs

wuauserv’. The next command registers

on your system, install the hotfix and

‘wups2.dll’ – ‘Regsvr32 %windir%\

restart the computer.

system32\wups2.dll’. Quit the following

12. Internet Explorer, Firefox

Quickly finding the domain holders of surfed websites

13. Windows Live Writer

Automatically save drafts of articles

14. Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3

Giving black and white photos an analog touch

function through the system registry.

service for automatic updates with ‘net

15. Internet Explorer 7

To add a website link to the ‘Links’ toolbar


start wuauserv’. Updates can now be

16. Winamp 5.x

Remove Numbers from Playlist


recalled as usual.

17. Winamp 5.x

Allowing multiple instances

System’ key in the registry editor using

The best shortcut keys for the Thunderbird E-Mail Client

‘Regedit’. Create the ‘Shutdown’ sub-key

by their CD versions when the repairing

with ‘Edit | New | Key’. Now create the

process is executed with a CD—this also

‘ShowHibernateButton’ entry here with

includes files that are responsible for

‘Edit | New | DWORD value’ and open it

the update. This is the reason why the

with a double click.

Windows update does not function after

18. Thunderbird


You also need to activate the following


message with ‘OK’ and reactivate the

All Windows system files are replaced

19. Notebooks

Increasing the brightness of the display beyond its maximum limit

20. iPOD

Copying songs from an iPod

21. Registry

Cleaning the registry

‘0’ to ‘1’ and confirm with ‘OK’. After you

a system repair, the registry is restored.

22. TFT monitor

Testing your TFT monitor

have done this, close the registry editor.

However, the latest version of Windows

Finally, set the value from the default

any sort of system repairs. Moreover, with

for the change by letting Vista examine

Quick Tips

Intelligent computing CHip

| 15



only display text files of 4 KB or less.

when upgrading individual components

Windows 2000, XP Reconstructing missing system entries in the ‘Send to’ menu

since you can very easily determine the

You can customize the ‘Send to’ context

simply not displayed, and there isn’t even

weakest component.

menu. You have accidentally deleted

a notification or a warning regarding this.

a color filter in the pocket for such

the ‘E-Mail Recipient’ system entry

So, it is a good idea to divide your text

situations. However, you no longer

during configuration. What should you

into smaller files. The small freeware tool

need one of those today. With image

do now?

‘txt2ipod’ which can be downloaded from

manipulation, you can imitate the required helps you

effect perfectly with integrated tools.

software. The performance index comes in handy while buying a new computer or

3 Fool the system into a high value performance index to help install other software.


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Deleting contents but not the folder structure

The problem here is that the iPod can


coloring does not reflect in the pictures you have clicked.

Any text in the file beyond this point is In analog photography, one had

Usually the system can only completely

do this. You can run this program directly

delete complicated folder structures.

without any installation, but the .NET-

to ‘Image | Adjustments | Photo Filter’ and

Framework 2 is required.

select ‘Warmfilter (85)’ and determine the

6 A plain text file displayed on the iPod screen.

But you want to preserve the structure

First, customize the window size to

For soft intensification of the sunset, go

intensity with the ‘Thickness’ slider.

your system. To do this, double click on

and delete only the data files in it.

the suburban station right away. Can

‘Performance information and tools’ and

However, opening and clearing out

the text not be displayed on your iPod?

your iPod model: in the program, select

Most of the times, only the sky and not

‘Update my score’ in the control panel.

every single folder can be quite a

This way you can continue reading

‘Tools | Window size | Customize to the

the foreground should have a different

Wait till the check is complete. You have

painful and time taking task.

while in transit.

iPod nano’, for example. Then open a text

hue. You can get a soft fade-over with

file on your computer with ‘File | Open’ or

the gradient tool with an adjustment

call data from the Internet. In the search

mask. Go to ‘Layer | New Adjustment

to temporarily switch off the user account control to save the modifications to

Using this functionality is absolutely

the corresponding file. To do this, start

5 Reassign the ‘Send to’ items which may have

‘regedit’. Navigate to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_

been deleted earlier by you.


possible on the iPod. All models other than the iPod shuffle and iPod touch can display notes. All that you are required

CurrentVersion\Policies\System’ key.

Pre-defined system entries start

to do is activate the ‘Hard Disk’ mode of

Change the DWORD value ‘EnableLUA’

special functions. They cannot be

your device. Then, you can copy simple

to ‘0’ and confirm with ‘OK’. Restart

regenerated by creating entries of the

plain text files into the folder ‘Notes’ that

Windows after closing the registry.

same name in the ‘Send to’ folder. So

already exists.

Manipulating the score: Type ‘Wordpad’

you can define the ‘Desktop’ folder as

in the search field of the start menu and start the text editor. Select ‘File |

4 Be very careful after using this tip. You can accidentally delete important files.

Open’ and navigate to the ‘C:\Windows\ Performance\WinSAT\DataStore’ folder.

A complicated command line can

It is even possible to create subfolders

destination, but a send command over

for systematic file storage without any

the context menu only copies the file. The

problem. In the iPod, you’ll be able to

original entry in the ‘Send To’ menu, on

navigate to it just like any other menu.

the other hand, establishes a link. There are special files for the system

Quick Tips

7 Modify your picture to your needs using

Photoshop and a few tricks in the application.

8 Using this feature can help advanced users to work faster with the registry.

Select ‘All Documents’ in the combination

actually do the job for you. Preferably, you

field for data types. Here you will find a

should define a context command so that

entries where the only important thing

Firefox: You can open a link in a new tab,

field, in the upper right-hand corner,

Layer | Photo Filter’. Select ‘Warmfilter

separate XML file for every evaluation

you find the process easy. To do this, open

is the correct extension of the filename.

select the Wikipedia search or call up a

(85)’ and determine the intensity with

that has been conducted so far. Open the

the registry by going to ‘Start | Run’ and

Enter ‘%userprofile%’ in the Explorer

website. Enter the search term or address

the ‘Thickness’ slider, which adds a layer

most recent one. The numerical values of

type ‘regedit’. In the registry, navigate to

address bar, press enter, and go to the

and confirm by pressing [Enter]. Wait for

above your sunset picture. You can vary

the last test are written in lines 14 to 21.

the ‘HKEY_ CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\

‘Send To’ sub folder (the folder is a hidden

a moment until the contents are loaded.

the shade, by clicking the colored button in

Change the numbers to a higher value—to

shell’ key.

folder). Create an empty file with ‘File

when you use the middle mouse click to directly click the link in the Firefox browser window. Word: To remove prominent empty space, select the text and format it one after the other as ‘center-aligned’ and then ‘left -aligned’. Outlook: For not archiving an e-mail, open it and click ‘File | Properties | Do not archive this item’’. Excel / Word: The fastest way to zoom in or out in a table or a worksheet is to keep [Ctrl] button pressed, and scroll the mouse wheel. Open Office: To protect your work, open ‘Tools | Options | Load / Save | General’ and enable ‘Always create backup copy’. Internet Explorer: With [Ctrl] + [+] you can increase the display size of a website, and also reduce it with [Ctrl] + [-]. By using the combination, [Ctrl] + [0], you can set it to 100 percent.

Now, with ‘File | Save for iPod’, create the

the dialog and opening the ‘Color selector’.

5.9 at the most and save the file. You

Right click on ‘shell’ and create the

| New | Text Document’. Change the

should then reset the changed registry

‘Empty Folder Contents’ sub key with

name of the file and the extension to the

value to ‘1’, activate the user account

‘New | Key’. Then create the ‘command’

necessary one from the table. The file

control and restart the PC.

sub key in the same way. Open ‘Default’

extension is the only decisive factor for the

by right-clicking on it in the right hand

function. You can also orient yourself to

when you next go to ‘Performance

window of ‘command’ and fill it with the

the system standards in the table above.

information and tools’. Do not conduct

following: ‘cmd /c “cd /d %1 && del /s /f

Confirm the name change with ‘Yes’. Once

another performance test—this will erase

/q *.*’. The new command ‘Empty folder

these files are created, your ‘Send To’

the changes you have made.

contents’ will be displayed in the context

context menu is ready.

Background: The performance index

menu for folders immediately after you

classifies your hardware components and

close the registry.

You will see the manipulated results


present. Microsoft will widen this range

the contents of the particular folder,

due to more efficient hardware in future.

just right click on the folder and choose

iPod Reading text files and website contents on the iPod

The performance index will probably

‘Empty Folder Contents’ from the

The information on a website which

render the efforts of penning down system

context menu and leave the rest to

you are reading on your PC, is really

requirements when purchasing new


interesting. However, you need to go to

recognizes values between 1.0 and 5.9 at

16 | intelligent computing CHip

Now whenever you need to empty


linked individual files. You will have to navigate to the desired

Now add a vector mask by going to ‘Layer | Vector Mask | Reveal all’. Press

folder in the displayed dialog and click

[D] to set the default background and

‘OK’. The tool creates a sub-folder and

foreground colors. Use the [G] key to

saves the continuously numbered and

activate the gradient tool and select a

linked files there. If the iPod is connected,

linear course in the dialog. Paint a vertical

you can directly save them to the ‘Notes’

line from the sky to the horizon to get the

folder on the device and call them up from

desired result in your image.

this location. Photoshop 7, CS, CS2 Creating a romantic sunset in your picture


Firefox 2.x Opening registry keys from the browser in a jiffy


The Internet has an abundance of tips

The sun is almost touching the horizon

—some however require you to edit

and dips the clouds in orange. A perfect

the Registry. It is a strenuous job to do

front page photo for the next holiday

editing job with the Windows Registry

slideshow. However, the intensive

Editor. For instance, it is not possible Intelligent computing CHip

| 17



If you are using 64-Bit-Windows,

There are two solutions. The first:

displays all links in a new tab instead of a

the server.

by default you automatically surf with

set up a virtual test environment, for

new window. For this, click on ‘Tools’ and

the 64-Bit-version of the browser.

instance, with the free program Virtual PC.

open ‘Internet options’. In the ‘General’

instance, whether the displayed ‘eBay’ site

The ActiveX-control element ‘pdf.ocx’

In fact Microsoft provides a completely

tab, open ‘Settings’ under ‘Tabs’. The

actually belongs to eBay or whether a link

installed by Acrobat for opening lined PDF

configured Virtual PC on which Internet

‘Tabbed Browsing Settings’ dialog opens.

has led your browser to a phishing site.

documents is, however, only present in

Explorer 6 runs. The disadvantage is that

Here, you have to activate the ‘Always

If you are not satisfied with the partially

a 32-Bit-version—the browser cannot do

the run time of the virtual machine is

open pop-ups in new tab’ option under

incomplete display in the menu bar, click

anything about this. It passes on called-up

limited; apart from this, the program runs

‘When a pop-up is encountered’. Now

on ‘CallingID’ in the toolbar and select

PDF files to the 32-Bit-version installed in

smoothly only on potent PCs.

confirm twice with ‘OK’ and your problem

‘View | Show Long Toolbar’. You can even

its system, which opens a new window.

The freeware ‘Multiple IE’ is suitable for

is solved.

report individual websites as risky or safe

To avoid a window flood, go for a 32-Bit-

weaker systems. It facilitates several

version, which, by default, is installed by

versions of Internet Explorer to co-exist

the Windows setup. To open this version,

together and installs them. First, update

to copy a key name from a website and

you have two options: you either go

your PC i.e. with Internet Explorer 7 for XP

directly access the key by pasting it in

through the start menu and open ‘Start

and version 6 for Windows 2000.

Who is the domain holder of the

When you are writing long articles on


| Programs | Internet Explorer (32-Bit)’,

Download the ‘Multiple IE Installer’ from

website you just visited? This

blogs, it is irritating when your work

or click ‘Start | Run’, enter the following

‘’ and

information helps you ensure that you

disappears due to an unexpected error

command in the ‘Open’ field ‘C:\Programs

install it. After starting the program, in

are not giving away confidential data on

or a system crash.

enhancement ‘Open in RegEdit’ helps

(x86)\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe’ and

the ‘Select Components’ dialog, select

a phishing website by mistake.

you do. You can find it at ‘https://addons.

confirm with ‘OK’. Here, ‘C’ stands for

‘Custom Installation’ and decide which old

9 Open PDF files directly in the Internet Explorer

window instead of another PDF reader window.

This is exactly what the free

In this way, you can quickly see, for

under ‘Report’. 12

Internet Explorer, Firefox Quickly finding the domain holders of surfed websites


Windows Live Writer Automatically save drafts of articles

14 Use photoshop intelligently to produce some of the best photographs to look original.

digital. You can lend your photos an analog feel by adding a Noise Filter.

You can use Photoshop to convert and touch up colored photos to grayscale. Use the following steps. Step 1: Convert the image to Grayscale.’.

your system drive. If you want to work

IE versions you want to install. The older

Download and open the file with Firefox or

with this version more often, the best

browsers can be called-up individually

along with the address of the holder

and vary the intensity of the effect in the

go to the website and click ‘Install’. After

thing is to create a link on your desktop.

through the start menu after the setup.

with the appropriate authority. The free

dialog using the bar. Granulation thus

the installation is over, restart Firefox. In

For this, right-click an empty space on the

However, don’t make any settings in

program ‘CallingID’ can always call up

created reminds you of the visible silver

future, you can right-click the selected

desktop and select ‘New | Link’. In the

the programs as far as possible, since a

this information. You can download

grain of analog films.

registry text in the browser to call-up the

following dialog, enter the command as

modified main page can also affect your

the tool from ‘

Step 3: There is another way to add noise

new context command ‘Open In Regedit’

you did in case of ‘Run’.

main browser. On the other hand, the

Download.aspx’. On the website, select

to the picture: go to ‘Filter | Texture |

old versions also accept all settings and

the ‘CallingID Toolbar’ for ‘Product’ and

Grain’. Set the ‘Grain Type’ to ‘Regular’. In

add-ons as long as they are compatible

your operating system under ‘Operating

with them.

System’. Specifying an e-mail address

with a right click. The Registry Editor opens automatically and displays the respective key. To ensure this works well, you need to

Internet Explorer Using old versions parallel to the latest browser


here is optional. Download the suitable

keep in mind a few things: always select

While one browser displays the

only the key. If, for instance, the key is given

homepage correctly, the other messes it

as part of a REG file in square brackets,

up completely. You feel like tearing out

Internet Explorer 7 Always opening websites in tabs instead of new windows

remove these brackets. Apart from the

your hair especially when this happens

complete spelling, the tool also understands

while web designing. Thus, having

abbreviations such as ‘HKLM’ instead of


Step 2: Go to ‘Filter | Noise | Add noise’

Each Internet domain is registered

13 Set Windows Live Writer to save your documents every few minutes.

version with a click on ‘Download

Just like the function in Word,

the dialog box that opens up, experiment with the ‘Intensity’ and ‘Contrast’ bars till you come across the desired setting that makes it look similar to analog.

Now’. Finally, close all open browser

Windows Live Writer can also automatically

Note: In case you have converted

windows and install the program with a

save articles in intervals when you are

the black and white picture through

When you click on some links, a new

double click. ‘CallingID’ integrates itself

writing them. Even in the worst of cases,

‘Adjustments | Gradient Map’, the grains

browser window opens automatically.

automatically as an additional toolbar in

you will only have to repeat the last couple

are very colorful—this is quite unwanted.

several test browsers in the system

But the latest Internet Explorer also

Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

of changes. However, this useful function

The reason: the file is not originally a

‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE’. If the selected

becomes mandatory. And different

supports tab browsing.

text is not a valid key, you can correct the

versions of the Internet Explorer refuse

data in a displayed dialog. If the relevant

to co-exist. What is the solution?

key doesn’t exist, you will reach the last

Colored symbols and information fields

is generally deactivated by default. To

grayscale image and still contains all the

show whether the visited website has

activate it, start ‘Live Writer’ and open

color information and the filter converts

One can adjust the settings in such

been rated as safe. You can also see the

‘Tools | Options’. Select the ‘Preferences’

this into noise. You shold try and avoid

a way that Internet Explorer automatically

address of the holder and the location of

category. Activate the ‘Automatically save

this scenario by using the specified steps.

sub-key. Even if the tool has interpreted the

drafts every’ option in ‘Edit’ and then

text incompletely or incorrectly, you have

change the interval period to the desired

still opened the Registry.

value under ‘Minutes’. Confirm the setting with Apply’ and ‘OK’.


IE 6, 7 (64 bit) Displaying PDF documents without ‘window flood’


Internet Explorer 7

To add a website link to the ‘Links’ toolbar You have a Links toolbar showing on


Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3

your browser. You need to add a link to

While surfing, the Internet Explorer

Giving black and white photos an analog touch

always opens a new window as soon

It is very easy to convert colored

as you click a linked PDF file. This is

photos to black and white ones with

 Visit a webpage you wish to add, then

the channel mixer or the Gradient Map

left-click on the webpage’s icon directly

in Adobe’s image editing program.

to the left of the address bar and keep the

However, they somehow look too

mouse button held down. Drag the icon

irritating since earlier the browser displayed the document in the same window.

18 | intelligent computing CHip

10 Web designers need to use different browsers

to check the compatibility of their website.

11 Using this tip you can set the browser to open

a popup in a new tab other than a new window.

12 Check the domain of every website you surf with Calling ID.

the toolbar. Here’s how do you do it.

You can do this in two ways.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 19



Winamp 5.x

of tasks often faster than you could with a

will find the control for contrast, color,

mouse. This is especially interesting when

brightness as well as gamma. It certainly

Allow Winamp 5.x to show video files

you are composing new e-mails, since you

makes no sense setting the brightness

Word: The quickest way to hide the

and play MP3s simultaneously with

can work without using the mouse.

to 100 percent because then the monitor

multiple instances.

You want usual short-cut keys for printing,

will display only a white bright surface.

copying, pasting, cutting, undo, and redo

However, depending on the display, you

work. However, in addition to this there

can get up to ten to thirty percent more

to play a video instead of using Winamp

are other shortcut keys that help save time

brightness here. You can then balance out

5’s visualizations while playing back MP3

when managing the inbox.

the possible resulting color fading by a

table grid is to place the cursor in the table and press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [U]. Browser: Quickly jump to the next slash or dot with [Ctrl] + [right/left arrow] to change a URL in the address bar. Word: Insert the symbol for copyright with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [C], and for trademark with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [T]. Outlook: You can directly open the Outlook address book with [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [B]. Double-click on a contact to get detailed information for it.


Allowing multiple instances

There may be times when you want

Instead of working one’s way through

files. Unfortunately, Winamp is normally

gamma reduction.

configured to only allow one running

menus with the mouse, a single press of

instance of the player. This means that you

the [N] or the [P] key, for instance, helps

correction software to do the necessary

normally must use Windows Media Player

you go forward or backward to the next

changes, but what if you do not have

to the links bar and release the mouse

to play the video, then Winamp to play the

unread mail. Likewise, you can call-up the

Adobe installed? Download the ‘Advanced

button. Choose to create a shortcut.

audio, or vice-versa.

new mails for the active account with the

Gamma Corrector- AGC’ tool from ‘http://

[F5] key.

15 Use the Links toolbar and fill it with useful shortcuts that you may use in your daily work.

 You can also drag links that you may have on the Desktop, inside a webpage,

When composing e-mails, you can

or in your Favorites menu directly to the Links toolbar.

You may use the Adobe Gamma

Quick Tips

22 Test your LCD monitor for color representation and dead pixels.

‘Wise Registry Cleaner 2’ searches and deletes all of these undesired items. Select the ones which are in green as they are safe to delete. Delete the entries which are marked orange with caution (it


exchange any music file between the iPod

may not be totally safe to fix it), but not

finish off the usual formatting through the

Gamma-Corrector-AGC.htm’ and

and your PC.

before taking a back-up of the registry.

keyboard and execute tasks. This can even

install it. Run the application and choose

assist you in sending mails much faster.

‘Brightness’ from the function and enable

from a list just like in iTunes, and then

download the free tool from ‘http://www.

However, you need to continue using

the option ‘Same RGB’. Now slide the

clicking the ‘Copy to PC’ or ‘Copy to iPod’.’.

Remove Numbers from Playlist

the mouse for file attachments. We have

Red, Blue or the Green slider above to get

Additional features: An integrated media

Clean up your Winamp 5.x playlist by

summarized the most useful shortcut keys

the necessary brightness for your monitor

player and an editor for ID3 tags.

removing song numbers.

for Thunderbird in the table.

and click on OK. You may also choose to

Note: The tool functions only with the

TFT monitor Testing your TFT monitor

increase individual color levels according

Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 installed.

Individual pixel elements are displayed

to your needs or preferences. Now, you

The .NET framework is also free of cost

in the TFT monitor with the help of three

shouldn’t have problems while working

and available at

transistors, which glow at a time in one


TIP: In case the program does not identify

of the three primary colors which are

your iPod, start iTunes so that the device

red, green or blue. Here is a way you can

is initialized properly. SharePod can then

test your TFT monitor to keep a check

access the ‘iPod_Control\iTunesDB’ file

on dead pixels.


Winamp 5.x

17 Enable Winamp to open multiple times and

play different types of media at the same time.

However, you can easily configure

16 Enable an option in Winamp to remove the

irritating number field that shows in the playlist.

Normally, Winamp 5.x displays

available for playback. However, for aesthetic reasons, you


In the evenings when the lights are dim,

allowing you to play a video and audio file

any notebook display will shine brightly.

iPod Copying songs from an iPod


If your work, however, compels you to

Want to copy songs off your iPod?

required for identification and thus read the

 Right-click on the Winamp’ s title bar.

sit in the balcony or in the garden, you

You can try to identify the files using

music files stored in the device.

 Choose ‘Options’, then ‘Preferences’.

can hardly read from the monitor in

Windows Explorer, but they are

 When the ‘Preferences’ dialog box

broad daylight.

scattered across various folders and

appears, click ‘General Preferences’. Even when the brightness is already


set high, you can get a couple of percent

 Click ‘Close’ to close the dialog box.

more with the help of the graphics drivers.

letting you conveniently see how many MP3s or other multimedia files you have

Notebooks Increasing the brightness of the display beyond its maximum limit

Winamp 5 to allow multiple instances,

 In the right pane, check ‘Allow multiple numbers next to each file in the playlist,


You can do this by selecting the songs

Thunderbird The shortcut keys for the Thunderbird E-Mail Client



This prevents any data loss if any. You may


The program ‘Dead Pixel Tester’ (‘

Registry Cleaning the registry

dpt’), tests whether the transistors are

their names are masked, possibly to avoid pirates.

Often while uninstalling programs,

(‘Color Cycle’). You can identify defects

some entries referring to them are left

using colors which are represented

behind in the registry. This not only

wrongly or not represented at all.

You can use the small program


Whether it is Nvidia, ATI or Intel graphics,

SharePod to do this job for you. After

makes Windows sluggish, but it also

every chip is controlled by the driver. You

installing this tool, you will be able to

allows for spying on your system.

working properly through color rotation

This program tests the monitor with different color and geometry patterns to help you find out how your monitor can take the display. It also has a dead pixel

may wish to disable showing these

While working with your e-mails, you

exorciser which flickers a section of the

numbers and only display the song or

have been toggling between the mouse

monitor at a high speed to try revive a

multimedia file names.

and keyboard frequently so far. You

dead pixel on the TFT screen.

 Right-click on the Winamp 5 title bar.

want to know the functions that can be

 Choose ‘Options’, then ‘Preferences’.

taken care of in a jiffy. The shortcuts

and attempt to correct pixels that get

 When the ‘Preferences’ dialog box

should also be on the keyboard so that

stuck over time. If the monitor arrived with

appears, click ‘General Preferences’.

you can leave aside your mouse.

dead pixels, this cannot be repaired with

This tool can only inspect the monitor

software, so don’t expect that.

 Click ‘Playlist’.  In the right pane, uncheck ‘Show

Like most other programs, even

playlist item number in Playlist Editor’.

Thunderbird recognizes keyboard

 Click ‘Close’ to close the dialog box.

combinations with which you can take care

20 | intelligent computing CHip

19 Use a gamma correction software to additionally brighten the LCD display of your laptop.

20 Sharepod enables you to copy songs directly from the IPOD without the need for iTunes.

21 Removal of unwanted entries from the registry can help speed up the system.

In the worst case, replacing the monitor will be the only solution. 

Francis D’Sa – Intelligent computing CHip

| 21




Tips Tricks


Windows XP Professional Accessing the administrator account

Tip of the month  Windows XP Relocate the 'Temporary Internet Files' folder to a different drive. Sometimes you need to save the temporarily downloaded files (cache) for the Internet explorer to save some important files. Some may even need to use the space from another drive rather than use the C: drive itself. To redirect Temporary Internet Files location to a different drive, follow these steps:  Save and close all running applications  Create a folder in the destination drive (for example, let's say 'E:\TIF')  Click Start, Run and type 'CONTROL INETCPL. CPL' and press enter.  In the Temporary Internet Files section, click on the 'Settings' button  Click Move Folder button and browse to the target folder  Click 'OK '  Click 'Yes', when you see the window with the prompt ‘Windows will log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files. Do you want to continue?’ Windows will now copy all the Cookies, temporary Internet files to the destination folder and log you off. You need to log back into the Internet for the changes to take effect.

22 | intelligent computing CHip | FEBRUARY 2008


Vista Home, Premium, Ultimate Automatically changing the wallpaper

the Gadget is hidden’ ensures that the wallpaper changes even when the application is not in the foreground. You

It’s not always easy to keep track of all

Variety is the spice of life—this also

can also instruct the gadget to display the

your passwords. A password here, an

holds true for the desktop wallpaper.

pictures in a completely random order

access code there—in the confusion, it

Windows Vista is capable of changing

with ‘Shuffle pictures’. Finally, you can

is very possible that you might forget

the wallpaper at regular intervals so

determine representation of the wallpaper

the administrator password of your

that you need not do it yourself.

picture below the properties. Confirm the configuration with ‘OK’.

PC, especially if you have not used it in a long time. You cannot restore

Windows keeps prompting you for the

Windows XP Releasing the network brake after the system starts

old one. Here’s how you can access the

After installing a network card for the

administrator account:

connection of a DSL modem, the PC

it from other accounts even though


you are the authorized administrator.

boots up very slowly. It does not react for minutes together, and then suddenly everything starts functioning smoothly.

2 Look for 'Desktop Wallpaper' in the 'Miscellaneous' gadgets page.


Umesh Dahiwalkar

Why does this happen and how can I prevent it?

A Vista sidebar gadget can do

Share your tips. Write to:

this job for you. Establish an Internet


connection and right-click on the sidebar.


Click on ‘Get more gadgets online’ after 1.

Windows XP

2. Vista Home, Premium

Accessing the administrator account

1 Use the ‘Prevent a forgotten password’ to

create a Password Reset disk in Windows XP.

Automatically changing the wallpaper Releasing the network brake after the system starts

4. Windows 98, Me, XP

Starting ‘My Computer’ as Windows Explorer every time

6. Windows XP, Vista

Cleaning up the notification area of the taskbar


Always displaying Media Center in the foreground


8. Windows XP, Vista

Increasing the size of the command prompt window

9. Windows XP, Vista

Optimizing the desktop for different tasks

10. Windows 2000, XP

Displaying drive letters in front of the name

APPLICATIONS 11. Excel 2007

Preventing gross computing errors

12. Microsoft 2007

Using pre-defined cover pages


under ‘Filter by’. Look for the ‘Desktop

a different user account with administrator

Wallpaper’ gadget here.

Determining and testing installed plug-ins

14. Word XP, 2000, 2003, 2007 Parallel operation without annoying installation wizards 15. Flickr

Checking the ranking of your photos on Flickr Explorer

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Shortcuts


Click on ‘Download’, then on ‘Install’ in

3 Access the ‘Use the following IP address’ option to create a fixed IP address.

| Accessories | Command Prompt’ to

the following dialog and finally on ‘Open’.

open a command prompt dialog box.

You have to authorize the action with

Type the following command: ‘net user

‘Admit’. Reconfirm the following note with

is the ‘Dynamic IP address allocation’.

administrator <password>’. Use the new

‘Install’. The gadget automatically appears

The reason why your system slows down

password of the administrator you want in

in the sidebar after the installation—you

so much during start up is because the

The emergency brake in this case

place of ‘<password>‘, and hit [Enter].

can now close the window for adding mini

network in which the DSL modem is

Note: As a precaution, it is advisable to

applications. Position the cursor on the

integrated works with TCP/IP. This protocol

create a substitute key, (called ‘password

new gadget and click on the screwdriver

differentiates between each device in

reset disk’ in Windows lingo), immediately

symbol. You can specify the source folder

the network because of their unique IP

after the installation of the operating

that contains the pictures with the ‘Folder’


system. To do this, follow these steps:

button which is near the entry field. If

 Connect a USB thumb drive to your PC.

you want Windows to include subfolders,

Windows tries to take them from a DHCP

 Log in with admin rights, go to ‘Start |

activate ‘Include subdirectories’.

server (Dynamic Host Configuration

Now select the ‘Preview next

Protocol) when the system starts. It

Control Panel’, open the current account in

13. Firefox 1.x, 2.x

in ‘Browse’ and select the ‘English’ entry

account with a trick: log in to your PC with rights. Then go to ‘Start | All Programs

Playing all video formats in the media player

opens the ‘Personalize Windows Vista Sidebar’ page. Click on ‘Miscellaneous’

You can access the administrator

3. Windows XP

5. Windows XP, Vista

selecting ‘Add gadgets’. Internet Explorer

If no addresses have been fixed,

the ‘User accounts’.

wallpaper’ entry under ‘Show each

dynamically allocates an IP address to

 Click on ‘Prevent a forgotten password’

picture’. The gadget then opens a

each device. Since, DSL modems, unlike

on the left.

preview of the next wallpaper in the

DSL routers, have no DHCP server,

 The ‘Forgotten Password Wizard’ starts

sidebar and shows buttons to change

Windows unnecessarily waits for an

and guides you through a few steps.

the selection. Select a transition effect

answer and decelerates your system in the

Incidentally, Windows also accepts all

for the exchange with ‘Picture transition’,

meantime. You can stop this by setting up

other removable media such as a USB

and define the duration with ‘Change

a fixed IP address. Follow these steps to

sticks in place of the disk.

desktop wallpaper’. ‘Change even when

go about doing this: Intelligent computing CHip

| 23



 Go to ‘Start | Settings | Network

 Here, double-click on ‘(Default)’ in the


right window and type ‘explore’ in the

 Here, right-click on the ‘LAN

‘Value data’ field of the ‘Edit String’ dialog

Windows XP, Vista Cleaning up the notification area of the taskbar

connection’ to your DSL modem and

box and click on ‘OK’.

Many taskbar icons are redundant and

select the ‘Properties’.

After a system restart, you’ll be able

 Mark the ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ in

to directly access the Explorer view when

the list and again click on ‘Properties’.

you open ‘My Computer’.


Quick Tips

unnecessarily occupy memory space.

 Activate ‘Use the following IP address’

and ‘Subnet mask’ are important. You

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Playing all video formats in the media player

need not edit ‘Default gateway’ and all

Media Player is causing problems while

other values listed below. You can use

playing certain video formats. This

‘’ as ‘IP address’, for instance,

makes it impossible to enjoy a video

but not any address.

without any hassles.

the option in the following dialog.  Here, the entries for ‘IP address’


7 Check the 'Windows Media Centre window always on top' option.

Start Windows Media Center.  Navigate your way to the ‘Tasks’ menu

The address range ‘192.168.x.x’

6 Select the application you want and select

(x = 0 to 255) is reserved for local

‘Always Hide’ to hide the icon on the taskbar.

networks—values other than these can

in the main menu of the ‘Start’ window with the [Up] and [Down] cursor keys.  Then click on ‘Settings’, ‘General’ and

lead to problems. Use ‘’

You can get rid of redundant icons

‘Start and display behavior’ tabs.

as subnet mask. Then confirm twice with

and make more room. To do so, right-click

 Click the check box in front of the

‘OK’ and restart the PC. If you have set up

on Start bar and open the ‘Properties’

‘Windows Media Centre window always

more LAN connections, allocate fixed IP

context command. Use the ‘Customize’

on top’ option in the following window

addresses for them too.

tab under ‘Notification area’ in the

and then click on ‘Save’ on the left.

‘Taskbar’ tab of the following dialog under


Windows 98, 2000, Me, XP Starting ‘My Computer’ as Windows Explorer every time

Windows XP. Vista has an independent 5 Click on the 'Use video mixing renderer' check box to disable this feature.

tab for ‘Notification area’ in ‘Properties’. Again, click on ‘Customize’. The ‘Customize Notifications’ and

The folder structure is hidden in the default view of ‘My Computer’. Which

Change the settings of video


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Increasing the size of the command prompt window

The command window shows only 25

‘Customize Notification Icons’ dialogs

lines when it is called up. This is too

System: Increase or decrease the size of graphics in the ‘System performance’ tab of the Task Manager by double-clicking on the images. Desktop: Right-click on icons and deactivate ‘Fix taskbar’ to pull them on the taskbar. Messenger: If you are not allowed to or you do not want to install an instant messenger program, you can also chat on Desktop: Keeping the [Ctrl] key pressed, you can select several icons in the taskbar to simultaneously close programs with a context command. Desktop: You can hide or show all desktop icons with ‘Arrange icons by | Show desktop icons’ context command. Vista: Turn off transparency with a rightclick on the desktop, ‘Personalization | Window Color and ... | Enable transparency’. Task Manager: You can double-click on the gray border around the Task Manager window to hide or display the command and tab lines. System: You can start a program through ‘Run’ with administrator rights by pressing ‘[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Enter]’. Explorer: ‘explore.exe /e’ as the target of the ‘Windows Explorer’ link starts the Explorer in the directory view. The parameter ‘/n’ shows only the task area.

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Optimizing the desktop for different tasks


We always find frequently used objects, if they are available at the same place. Same is true for icons on the desktop. That is the reason why you want to keep the desktop organized according to your working style.

9 Use DImanager to save the positions of the most used icons on your desktop.

You can easily complete this task with the ‘DImanager’ freeware. The tool can be used directly without installation. Setting up the tool: After confirming

the license information at the beginning, the tool automatically saves the latest configuration. Quickly adjust some more

means that if you want to navigate

acceleration to solve this problem. For

appear under XP and Vista respectively.

little to display longer text stretches

quickly, you need to click on the ‘Folder’

this, open ‘Tools | Options’ in the Media

Both these dialogs are similar to a large

such as help pages. Is there any way I

button. Here’s how you can speed up

Player and activate the ‘Performance’

extent, except for their names. Windows

can increase the size of the command

the process with a tiny registry hack.

tab. Here, click on ‘Advanced’. Deactivate

lists all the applications on the left which

prompt window?

the ‘Use video mixing renderer’ option

occupy the notification area. You can

under ‘Video acceleration’ in the following

see their behavior in the notification area

the system is such a way that Windows

dialog and click ‘OK’. Confirm the setting

on the right. Click on the desired entry

number of lines displayed:

directly displays ‘My Computer’ as

with ‘Accept’ and ‘OK’. Now check in

and select ‘Hide when active’ or ‘Always

 Click on the upper left corner of the

Size’—set it at ‘50’, for instance. You can

the profile to be loaded in the combination

Explorer with the practical tree structure.

the playback whether the problem has

Hide’ or ‘Always Show’ in the following

command prompt window and select

retain the default width of 80 characters

field below. Now you need not waste time

 Go to ‘Start | Run’ and type in ‘regedit’

been solved. If not, completely deactivate

combination field to change this.


since most editions take this as the

in opening the tool and calling up profiles.

 Navigate down to the ‘HKEY_

the video acceleration in the dialog used

Note: The ‘Hide when inactive’ option is

 Then switch to the ‘Layout’ tab.

default value and have also integrated

Activate the ‘Save icon position in

CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell’ key.

above by moving the corresponding slider

the most practical alternative, since the

Change the ‘Height’ value under ‘Window

a line break at this point. You can also

the interval (min)’ option, if you want to

to the extreme left to ‘None’. If the slider

icon appears only when the application is

immediately see whether and how the

create backup copies of your desktop

is deactivated, it indicates that advanced

actually active. ‘Always show’ will display

window thus defined fits your screen size

icons. Then increase the interval to the

settings are active at that time. In this

the icon all the time in the notification area

in the preview.

maximum value of ‘60’ minutes because

case, first click on ‘Restore defaults’ and

and ‘Always hide’ will permanently hide it.

Through the registry, you can set

Here’s a simple way to increase the

doesn’t work, using a different design for the Media Player is the last straw. Note: Microsoft has transferred the

4 With this registry hack, you can change the

default My Computer view to Explorer view.

24 | intelligent computing CHip


Windows Vista Always displaying Media Center in the foreground

on the screwdriver symbol at the top of the program window. Activate the ‘Start DIManager with Windows (minimized)’ option so that you always have the functions ready. Also activate ‘Arrange icons by changes in resolution’ and select

Also increase the ‘Height’ under

then change the slider setting. If this

settings to use the tool optimally: Click

a more frequent backup is not possible.

‘Screen Buffer Size’ to ‘600’, for instance.

Finally click on ‘Save’.

This number indicates the number of lines

Creating profiles: Alternatively, it is

the command prompt notes and through

also possible to set up different icon

which you can scroll back. This is most

profiles for certain areas of work such

options for the video acceleration to

You follow the news or a TV serial on

practical for the display of long help texts.

as ‘Office’, ‘Multimedia’ or ‘Graphics’ to

another location in Vista. Open the

Windows Media Center while attending

Confirm this setting with ‘OK’ and then

call them up quickly. For this, make the

‘Performance’ tab in this operating

to other tasks on the PC. It's annoying

close the command prompt. The new

appropriate arrangement and then open

system and deactivate the ‘DxVA Video

that open windows often hide the TV

values will be valid the next time you call

the DIManager from the system tray.

acceleration’ option.

screen when they are opened or moved.

up the command prompt.

Then click on ‘Save’, open ‘Resave’, type

8 Increase the value of window height to about 600 to reduce repetitive file scrolling.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 25


a name and confirm with ‘OK’. To call up such a configuration, open the tool, click on ‘Arrange’ and select the desired profile in the menu displayed. Exporting settings: You can now export

all profile data to transfer it to another PC or to import it easily after re-installation. For this, open the ‘Settings’ dialog in the program window and click on ‘Import/ Export’. Create a DZC file with the current time as name with ‘Export Settings’. It can be imported in a similar manner.


Windows 2000, XP Displaying drive letters in front of the name

Drive names such as ‘Local data carrier’ are not very helpful—especially when a PC is equipped with several storage devices. It would be better if Explorer could place the drive letter in front of the name.

You need a simple registry hack:


Quick Tips Excel: You can find settings to rotate text within a cell in the ‘Alignment’ tab of the ‘Format cells’ dialog. OpenOffice: Enter ‘bt’ and press [F3]— the inserted dummy text is outstandingly suitable to test new formats. Acrobat Reader: The key combinations [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [+] and [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [-] turn the displayed page into landscape or portrait formats. Firefox: You can get rid of unnecessary tabs faster on right-clicking the active tab and then clicking ‘Close other tabs’. Excel: In the header or footer, enter the ‘&’ symbol twice as ‘&&’—Excel otherwise interprets this as control symbol for functions. Word: You can display/hide invisible control characters, fixed change of paragraph, for instance, by using [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [8].

 Open the registry editor


 Navigate down to the ‘HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\

Excel 2007 Preventing gross computing errors

Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer’ key.

Background: Excel 2007 is weak

required. To do so, select the entire title

is missing or does not function. Missing

Flickr Checking the ranking of your photos on Flickr Explorer

in certain number ranges; here, the

page and click the ‘Cover page’ button

plug-ins can be directly downloaded using

Though you have uploaded numerous

calculation program gives an output of

from 'Insert'. In the resulting menu, click

the note displayed on the upper border

photos, evidently none of them appears

completely wrong values. This includes

the ‘Save selection to cover page gallery’

of the window. This way, you can help

on the overview pages of the current or

results between 65534.99999999995

option. The Create New Building Block

yourself to much more in Firefox.

interesting photos. Is there something

and 65535 as well as between

dialog box appears. In the Name text box,

65535.99999999995 and 65536. Instead

enter a name for the new cover page.

of these numbers, the table calculation

Make sure that Word shows the ‘Cover

shows 100000 or 100001. The reason

installation, double click on the file and

After creating your cover page you can

accept the license conditions.

save it as a template and use it whenever

on the right side. A message is displayed if a plug-in


shady about it?

pages’ entry under ‘Gallery and ‘Insert

Microsoft Word XP, 2003, 2007 Parallel operation without annoying installation wizards tracks

for this: systematic inaccuracies while

content in its own page’ under ‘Options’.

In order to upgrade to the current

down whether any of your photos is or

displaying binary numbers. You can easily

Then click ‘OK’ once again.

program version, you have installed it

was listed in Flickr Explorer. Using the

parallel to the old version. Thus, you

scout page is easy.

can use the version you’re used to

 Open the website and click on ‘Link

alongside getting acquainted with the

your Flickr account’ and follow the steps

features of the new one. However, when

for linking your account to Scout. Scout

try this out by entering ‘=154.2*425’ in a cell. If you use this result in further calculations, you will still possibly get a correct result, since Excel makes a


Firefox 1.x, 2.x Determining and testing installed plug-ins


The ‘Scout’ site, http://

mistake only in displaying the value; the

Firefox can be upgraded using

you try to start the other version when

transfers your information automatically if

correct number is however retained in the

extensions and plug-ins that help us

one is open, an installation routine

you have already logged in to Flickr. If not,

background. However, if you want to use

meet most of our requirements. You

opens and delays the start.

enter your Flickr access data.

the ‘ROUND’ function for the result cell,

would definitely like to get an overview

 The tool now shows, whether and

Excel carries out the calculation with the

of the add-ons that you have already

which of your photos are currently entered

incorrect value 100000 instead of 65535.

installed or come across. However,

in Flickr Explorer. A click on the link

there is no menu command for this.

‘Include dropped’ displays all photos that

Microsoft Word 2007 Using pre-defined cover pages

Firefox distinguishes between

Creating attractive cover pages for

extensions that you can manage and

 The Scout is also suitable to search for

It is truly incredible but even in this day

concepts or literary tasks is difficult and

configure using the menu and plug-ins

other users’ photos. Create any selection

 Now create the ‘Show Drive Letters

and age, Microsoft’s table calculation

time-consuming—especially if you have

that you cannot access directly. Plug-ins

using ‘Random’. Otherwise, follow the

First’ entry with ‘Edit | New | DWORD

methods sometimes churn out huge

to do this often. Isn’t there a quicker

are DLL files which are used to run other

link ‘Choose a different user’ and enter a

value’ in the right window and open it

miscalculations. Can one trust the

word processor solution?

applications in the browser window and

with a doubleclick.

results of his/her own calculations?


 Set its value to ‘4’ and confirm with ‘OK’. A faulty entry or the default value ‘0’


were listed in the Explorer for a short time

for instance, to display PDF documents From 'Insert', click 'Cover Page'.

in the past and have now dropped out.

14 In the Filter tab in Firefox, type ‘plugin. expose_full_path’.

directly on screen.

The word processor provides multiple

To know more about the installed

shows the letters at the end as usual. If

while calculating a particular number

layout variants for a cover page. Click

plug-ins, first change a setting in the

of the installation wizard can be prevented

you set the value to ‘1’, you will see the

range. First, rectify the error: go to www.

an appropriate variant. The cover page

extended configuration of the browser.

with a few registry entries. To do so, open

letters at the beginning of network drives; and enter ‘kb943075’ in

will automatically be inserted at the

Enter ‘about:config’ in the address line

the ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\

with the value ‘2’, Windows Explorer

the search. A Knowledge Base Article

beginning of the text. It contains different

and press enter. Search for the ‘plugin.

Microsoft\Office’ key in the registry

specific user name. You get the desired

does not show the letter at all. Close the

is displayed. Here, you will see the

field functions that transfer entries from

expose_full_path’ setting in the list.

editor. Depending on your version, go

photo overview by clicking on ‘Apply’.

registry editor and restart Windows. The

download link for Excel 2007 Hotfix

document properties such as ‘Title’ and

Double-click it in order to change the

to the corresponding sub-key, ‘12.0’ for

change is effective only after restart.

package dated 9th October 2007. For

‘Author’ to the new first page.

value to ‘true’. You thus see the file

Word 2007 or ‘11.0’ for Word 2003, and

thousands of photos every day; it is

names of the plug-ins with the full path.

so on. Navigate to ‘Word\Options’ and

thus normal that your photos do not

click the right part of the window, create

automatically appear on the overview

installed, it does not mean that it should

the entry ‘NoReReg’ using ‘Edit | New |

pages. It is difficult to keep track of

function properly. It is possible to test the

DWORDValue’ and double-click it. Set its

whether one of your photos is or was

functions of many current plug-ins through

‘Value’ to ‘1’ and click ‘OK’. Repeat this

there on the overview page or not, since

‘’. For

procedure in the sub-keys of the other

the ranking changes dynamically and

this to work, Java script must be activated

installed versions of Word.

there is a different overview for each day.

in the browser.

Note: Parallel operation of multiple Office

Besides, even the photo lists of previous

versions should now be possible but

days change, because of which a photo

tests one after the other. Then let the

you must always install the versions in

can appear in the Explorer only at a later

prepared actions of the plug-ins run and

ascending order of the software version

point of time. 

compare the results displayed on the left

numbers, so that settings for common

side with the correct appearance displayed

components do not overlap.

The program commits a faux pas

Just because a plug-in has been

Click the links for the individual plug-ins

10 Change the value of the 'Show drive letters first' to 4 to display the drive letter first.

26 | intelligent computing CHip

11 Excel can't handle certain number ranges. A hot fix from Microsoft solves this problem.

12 There are several templates built into Word which you can use for your cover page.

This annoying, obtrusive behavior 15 If your account is not linked with the Scout,

enter your username with the search criteria.

Flickr users upload hundreds of

Compiled by Francis D’Sa – Intelligent computing CHip

| 27

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Shortcuts Tools


Add Shape


Assign Profile

Subtract Shape


Convert to Profile

Preserve Transparency (toggle)


Clear (selection)

Decrease Brush Size


Color Settings



Increase Brush Size Decrease Brush Softness by 25%

Shift+ [

Copy Merged

Increase Brush Hardness by 25%

Shift+ ]


Previous Brush


Duplicate Free Transform

Next Brush


Duplicate Transform Again

First Brush

Shift+ <

Fade (last filter / adjustment)

Last Brush

Shift+ >

Fill Dialog

Tool Opacity 10% → 100% Flow / Airbrush Opacity 10% → 100%

1→0 Shift+1 → 0

Fill from History



Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ [

Blending Options

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ]

Bring Forward

Delete / Backspace Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+C Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+X Ctrl+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+F Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

Bring to Front Create / Release Clipping Mask (toggle) Group Layers Delete Layer (Group) Delete Layer (Group) (no dialog)

Align Left


Align Right


Auto Contrast

Contract Selection

Ctrl+Alt+ [

Bold (toggle)


Auto Levels

Center Text


Black & White



Expand Selection

Ctrl+Alt+ ]

Change Kerning by 100/1000em



Change Kerning by 20/1000em

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ -


Ctrl+Shift+ I

Decrease / Increase Baseline by 10pt

Ctrl+Alt+ ↑, ↓

Flatten Image


Move Selection (while creating)


Group into New Smart Object



Move Selection 10px

Layer Opacity 10% → 100%


Move Selection 1px

Ctrl+ /

Move Selection Area 10px


Move Selection Area 1px


Layer via Copy


Layer via Copy (with dialog)

Crop Tool


Fill with Background Color


Default Colors


Fill with Foreground Color


Eraser Tool


Free Transform

Cycle Screen Modes


Gradient / Paint Bucket Tool Hand Tool

Layer via Cut Layer via Cut (with dialog)

Ctrl+Alt+J Ctrl+Shift+J

Refine Edge Reselect

Ctrl+Shift+ ←, ↑, →, ↓ Ctrl+ ←, ↑, →, ↓ Shift+ ^, T, -^, >L ←, ↑, →, ↓ Ctrl+Alt+R Ctrl+Shift+D

Decrease / Increase Leading by 2pt Decrease / Increase Type Size by 10pt Decrease / Increase Type Size by 2pt Hyphenation (toggle)



Move Cursor to End of Line


Move Cursor to End of Story




New Layer


Clear Guides

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ;

Move Cursor to Start of Line




Paste Outside (selection) Preferences (General)

Lasso Tool


Preferences (last used)

Marquee Tool


Preset Manager

Notes / Audio Annotation Tool


Purge All

Dodge / Burn / Sponge Tool


Purge All (no dialog)

Pen / Freeform Pen Tool


Step Backward (History)

Standard / Quick Mask Mode


Step Forward (History)

Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Tool



Clone / Pattern Stamp Tool


Transform Again

Type Tool (Vertical / Horizontal)



Shape Tool


Filter Add Noise



History / Art History Brush Tool


Gaussian Blur


Last Filter


New Group (no dialog)

Last Filter (show dialog box) Lens Correction

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ +

Extras (show / hide)


Move Cursor to Start of Story

Fit on Screen


Move to Previous / Next Paragraph

Gamut Warning

Next Layer

Alt+ ]

Grid (show / hide)


Previous Layer

Alt+ [

Guides (lock / unlock)

Ctrl+Alt+ /

Select Previous Layer

Alt+Shift+ [

Guides (show / hide)

Select Next Layer

Alt+Shift+ ]

New Guide


Ctrl+Shift+ ‘ Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ‘

Send Backward

Ctrl+ [


Send to Back

Ctrl+Shift+ [


Stamp Down


Ctrl+Alt+H Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Z

Stamp Visible Select Top Layer

Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z

Select Layers to Top Layer Ungroup Layers

Ctrl+Shift+Y Ctrl+ ‘ Ctrl+Alt+ ; Ctrl+ ; Ctrl+Alt+ ‘

Ctrl+F Ctrl+Alt+F Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y

File Browse (Launch Adobe Bridge) Close Close All


Duplicate (no dialog)



Ctrl+End Home Ctrl+Home Ctrl+ ↑, ↓


Ctrl+Alt+ ,


Shift+ ↑, ↓

Ctrl+ ,

Reveal All Rotate Arbitrary

Select One Word to Left or Right


Mode > RGB

Shift+ ←, →

Select One Line Up or Down

Ctrl+ I

Mode > 8 Bits/Channel

Ctrl+Shift+Y Ctrl+Shift+ ↑, ↓



Select One Character to Left or Right Select One Line (to end) Up or Down

Ctrl+U Ctrl+Alt+U

Levels (last settings)

Regular (toggle)

Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+ /

Shadow/Highlight (last settings) Trim

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ / Ctrl+Alt+Y

Ctrl+Shift+ ←, →


Select Type to End of Line

Rulers (show / hide)


Select Type to End of Story



Select Type to Start of Line



Blending Modes Cycle Blending Modes Back/ Forward Behind

Shift+ - / + Alt+Shift+Q

Snap (on / off)

Ctrl+Shift+ ;

Select Type to Start of Story




Target Path (show / hide)


Set Horizontal Scale to 100%




Alt+ .

Zoom In

Alt+Shift+ ,

Zoom In & Resize Window

Alt+Shift+ .

Zoom Out


Zoom Out & Resize Window

Ctrl+ + Ctrl+Alt+ + Ctrl+ Ctrl+Alt+ -

Ctrl+Alt+X Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G




Proof Colors (CMYK preview) Smart Guides (toggle)


Alt+ ,


Select Bottom Layer Select Layers to Bottom Layer

Switch Colors




Image Size

Actual Pixels



Curves (last settings)

Ctrl+ ←, →

Ctrl+Alt+B Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C




Slice Tool


Justify Paragraph (Left Align Last Line)

Merge Visible

Spot Healing / Healing / Patch / Red Eye


Color Balance (last settings)

Hue / Saturation (last settings)


Ctrl+Shift+ +


Color Balance

Hue / Saturation

Keyboard Shortcuts

New Group


Canvas Size




Ctrl+Shift+ <, >

Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B


Merge Layers

New Layer (no dialog)

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ <, >


Justify Paragraph (Force Last Line) Move Cursor One Word Left or Right


Alt+ ↑, ↓

Alt+I Ctrl+Shift+B

Italic (toggle)



Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ↑, ↓ Alt+Shift+ ↑, ↓

Layer (Group) Properties

Paste Into (selection)

Alt+ ^, -^

Decrease / Increase Leading by 10pt



Ctrl+Alt+ ^, -^

Decrease / Increase Baseline by 2pt

Fill from History & Preserve Trans.


Auto Color

All Layers

Ctrl+Shift+ -


Image Ctrl+Shift+L

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ←, ↑, →, ↓

Fill w/ Foreground & Preserve Trans.

Zoom In (toggle)


Ctrl+Alt+ ←, ↑, →, ↓

Fill w/ Background & Preserve Trans.

Hand Tool (toggle)

Alt+S Ctrl+A

Move Duplicate of Selection 1px


Zoom Tool



Move Duplicate of Selection 10px


Magic Wand Tool

Ctrl+ ] Ctrl+Shift+ ]



Brush / Pencil / Color Replacement Tool

Move Tool

Alt+L Ctrl+Shift+O

Duplicate Layer (no dialog)

Duplicate Layer (Group)

Path / Direct Selection Tool

Eyedropper / Sampler / Measure Tool

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Shortcuts

Alt+F Ctrl+Alt+O Ctrl+W / Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+Alt+W / Ctrl+Shift+F4

Window All Palettes (show / hide) Tool Bar & Palettes (show / hide) Actions Palette (show / hide)

Alt+W Tab Shift+Tab F9

Set Leading to Auto Set Tracking to 0 Set Vertical Scale to 100% Show / Hide Type

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+Q Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X Ctrl+H

Color Burn


Color Dodge






Small Caps (toggle)



Alt+Shift+ I

Strikethrough (toggle)

Ctrl+Shift+ /



Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ +

Hard Light


Subscript (toggle) Superscript (toggle) Toggle Single / Every-Line Composer

Ctrl+Shift+ + Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T

Hard Mix / Threshold



Alt+Shift+U Alt+Shift+G

Close and Go To Bridge


Animation (show / hide)


Underlining (toggle)



Cycle Path / Direct Selection Tools


Pattern Maker


Edit in ImageReady


Brushes Palette (show / hide)


Uppercase (toggle)


Linear Burn


Cycle Brush / Pencil / Color Replacement


Smart Blur



Color Palette (show / hide)


Cancel Type Changes


Linear Dodge


Cycle Eraser Tools


Smart Sharpen


File Info


Commit Type Changes

Ctrl+Return / Enter

Menubar (show / hide)


Unsharp Mask


New Document

Toggle Gradient / Paint Bucket Tools


Vanishing Point

Zoom Out (toggle)





New Document (last settings)

Cycle Eyedropper / Sampler / Measure

Shift+ I

Cycle Spot / Healing / Patch / Red Eye



Toggle Slice / Slice Select Tools


Add Composite Selection

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ ~

Page Setup

Cycle Lasso Tools


Add Layer Mask Selection

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ \


Open Open As

Toggle Rectangular / Elliptical Marquee


Add Selection Channel 1 → 9

Toggle Notes / Audio Annotation Tools


Channel / Rubylith View (toggle)


Print with Preview

Cycle Dodge / Burn / Sponge Tools


Layer Mask as Rubylith (toggle)



Toggle Pen / Freeform Pen Tools


Load Composite as Selection

Ctrl+Alt+ ~


Cycle Blur / Sharpen / Smudge Tools


Load Layer Mask as Selection

Ctrl+Alt+ \

Save As

Toggle Clone / Pattern Stamp Tools


Load Selection Channel 1 → 9

Ctrl+Alt+1 → 9

Cycle Type Tools (Vertical / Horizontal)


Select Channel 1 → 9

Cycle Shape / Line Tools


Select Composite Channel

Ctrl+ ~

Toggle History / Art History Brush


Select Layer Mask (Channel)

Ctrl+ \

Airbrush (Brush Tool)

28 | intelligent computing CHip


Show Composite Channel (toggle)

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 → 9

Ctrl+1 → 9

Shift+ ~

Print One Copy

Save As (Copy) Save for Web

Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ I Ctrl+N Ctrl+Alt+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+P

Histogram (show / hide) History (show / hide)



Layer Comps (show / hide)


Move View to Bottom Right

Layers Palette (show / hide)


Move View to Top Left

Info Palette (show / hide)

Options Bar (show) New Window

Return / Enter Ctrl+Shift+0

Ctrl+Alt+P F12




About Photoshop


Accept Operation

Return / Enter


Cancel Operation Apply Zoom & Keep Zoom Field Active New Frame (animation)

NOTE: Most of these shortcuts will work in older versions of Photoshop as well

Previous Document Scroll View Down One Page


Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S

Next Document Scroll View Down 10px


Play Action

Esc / Ctrl+ . Shift+Return Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F Ctrl+Alt+ .

Linear Light




Scroll View Left 10px Scroll View Left One Page Scroll View Right 10px Scroll View Right One Page Scroll View Up 10px Scroll View Up One Page Pan / Zoom Multiple Documents










Pin Light


Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab Shift+PageDown PageDown Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Ctrl+PageUp Ctrl+Shift+PageDown





Soft Light


Vivid Light


Pass Through (Groups)


Desaturate (Sponge Tool)


Saturate (Sponge Tool)



Highlights (Dodge & Burn Tools)



Midtones (Dodge & Burn Tools)



Shadows (Dodge & Burn Tools)



Intelligent computing CHip

| 29




In this case, register an account again

box and click 'OK'. The tool appears in the

Windows Vista Ultimate Configuring the system without annoying queries

with computer admin rights and start the

system tray after you start it. Right-click it

registry editor with 'Start | All Programs

and select 'Options'.

| Accessories | Run' and 'regedit.

Configuration: You can set the image

Vista installs the special user

exe'. Now navigate your way to the

size, background color and transparency

'Administrator' for extreme system


in the 'Thumbnails' tab. Now switch to

configurations. The advantage of

Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\

the 'Display' tab. Activate 'Start with

the admin account is that the many

Winlogon\SpecialAccounts' key. Create

Windows'. By default, there is a slight

annoying confirmation requests that

the key if it does not exist. You can create

delay before the animated view appears.

appear when performing changes in the

a new key by going to 'Edit | New | Key'.

It opens faster when you reduce the

configuration are absent. The account

Another key called 'UserList' should exist

value '700' in the 'Delay in showing

can be configured without much ado.

under 'SpecialAccounts'—create it in the

thumbnail' field or set it to '0'. If you want

same way if otherwise. Then select it

this to happen even faster, set both the

and create another entry with 'Edit | New

combination fields 'Thumbnail display

| DWORD value (32-Bit)'. Overwrite the

animation' and 'Thumbnail close animation'

name which is suggested by Windows

to 'none'.


Tips Tricks

with 'Administrator'. Double-click on the

MARCH 2008

Share your tips. Write to: Umesh Dahiwalkar

You can also pull a thumbnail at

value thus created and enter '1' in the

any place on the screen by dragging

'Edit DWORD value (32-Bit)' dialog under

and dropping it. It then remains in the

'Value'. Now close the registry editor with

foreground and is updated regularly. A

'File | Exit' and you are done.

lengthy video conversion can be monitored with this. When you are done with using

Tip of the month  Software


Windows XP


Windows XP

Accessing the administrator account

Synchronize your computer’s clock with an Internet time server


Windows Vista Ultimate

Configuring the system without annoying queries

Does your computer have the right time? If your computer is not part of a domain, you can synchronize your computer’s clock time with an Internet time server. To do this, double-click the time on your task bar. Click the Internet time tab. Select the time server you want to use and make sure to select the automatically synchronize with an Internet time server check box. Make sure that you have set the correct date before you attempt to synchronize your clock, because the Internet time server won't update the time if the date is wrong. If you have a personal or network firewall installed on your computer, you may have to tweak or change the settings to unblock the time synchronization. Now whenever you start your computer, the time will be automatically synchronized with the Internet time server, provided you have an active Internet connection at the specified time.

30 | intelligent computing CHip | MARCH 2008


Displaying the thumbnail preview in the Taskbar

3. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Re-correcting the desktop scaling to suit the PC game

4. Windows Vista

Starting Internet Explorer from the desktop

5. Windows Media Player 11

Displaying the usual menu bar permanently

6. Windows XP, Vista Windows 2000, XP, Vista

to avoid annoying confirmation requests.

If you have been getting a lot of

2. Windows XP


1 Uncheck the box besides 'Account is disabled'


Windows XP Displaying the thumbnail preview in the Taskbar

the window, you can hold the mouse pointer over it and click the pin symbol in the title.

XP's successor Vista displays a

Replacing the taskbar: Visual Tooltip

confirmation requests while performing

thumbnail preview of programs that are

can replace the Taskbar with a three-

any system configuration changes, the

open when the mouse is pointed to a

dimensional bar—similar to the dock

'Administrator' user account must be

minimized program in the Taskbar. Can

on Mac computers. You can set this in

deactivated. This is the default setting in

this be done in XP?

the 'Dock' tab. At least activate the 'Put

Windows Vista which can be changed

automatically all thumbnails in the dock'

very easily. To activate the administrator

and 'Put tray icon on dock' options. Set

account, simply follow these steps:

the rotation and transparency and test

Deleting files without annoying queries

 Register an account with administrator

the alternative bar. If you prefer it that

Deleting files blocked by a program

rights and open 'Start | Control Panel'.

way, you can even turn off the Windows

 Then click 'System and maintenance',

Taskbar by activating the "" option in the

'Administrative tools', start the 'Computer

'Taskbar' tab.

8. Windows Media Player 11

Preventing the player from hanging when it plays

9. Windows XP

Formatting memory cards even as a restricted user

Management' and confirm with 'Next'.

Note: If you start the tool with Windows

10. Windows XP

Filling the tool tip in Explorer with detailed information

 Now open 'Computer management

and hide the Taskbar before the new bar



(local) | System | Local User and Groups | Users' on the left hand side pane.  You will see the 'Administrator' entry

11. Microsoft Office XP, 2003, 2007 12. Microsoft Word XP, 2003, 2007

Hiding the annoying Office clipboard permanently

among others on the right. Double-click on

Customizing automatic capitalization

it and uncheck the box in front of 'Account is disabled'.

13. Microsoft Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Finding e-mails faster with linked search queries

The administrator icon appears on

is configured correctly, you will not be 2 Visual Tool Tip allows you to customize a lot of changes in the UI of Windows XP.

able to access your programs anymore. If this happens, open the Windows Explorer with [Windows] + [E], navigate

This can easily be done in Windows XP too. All you need is the Visual Tooltip

to 'VisualToolTip.exe' and restart it. The Taskbar will be displayed with Options.

freeware. It creates thumbnails for the

14. Audacity

Creating songs for a karaoke party

the welcome screen after you click 'OK',

Taskbar which can be positioned as you

15. Internet Explorer 7

Opening several favorite sites automatically

and restart the computer. Click on it and

like. The tool also replaces the Taskbar if

16. Mozilla Firefox 2.x

Adding your own bookmarks to the auto-complete function

enter a password under 'User Accounts'

needed. It is available for free download

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Re-correcting the desktop scaling to suit the PC game

in the control panel. Logon using the


The game ends; Windows is ruined: the

17. HTML

Controlling the line break in the HTML code sensibly

Administrator account.


font in the title line is too big—just as

18. Microsoft Outlook 2007

Automatically categorize e-mails using colors

Displaying the icon: If the admin icon

Installation: Unzip the archive in a folder

the symbols for reducing and closing

is not visible immediately, you’ll need to

of your choice and start the 'VisualToolTip.

the window are; and the desktop shows


Mozilla Firefox, IE, Opera, Windows

make some adjustments in the registry.

exe' file. Select 'English' in the first dialog

black squares instead of symbols.



Intelligent computing CHip

| 31




Windows 2000, XP, Vista Deleting files blocked by a program


Windows Media Player 11

Windows can, at times, point-blank

Preventing the player from hanging when it plays

refuse to delete a file that is supposedly

Media Player 11 occasionally hangs for

in use. But you very well know that you

no apparent reason when playing. This

have not opened the file in any program

is annoying.

Quick Tips Explorer: Open 'Edit' and place the

cursor on 'Undo'. The status bar displays the last completed action. Vista: Type 'slmgr.vbs-dli' in the search field of the start menu to check the activation status of Vista. Media Player 11: Attach the '/Task NowPlaying' parameter to the link of the player to directly start in the 'Now Playing' mode. System: Keep the [Shift] key press when calling up a program from the start menu – it then remains open for further tasks. Desktop: If the cursor jumps to the default button in dialog fields, activate it with 'Control panel | Mouse / Pointer options'. System: With the 'defrag.exe c:' command, you can defragment drives directly from the command line instead of using properties.

nor is it being used by any program. This relentless problem needs to be solved to stop you from pulling your hair out.

3 Select the 'Apply the new display setting

4 Start the registry editor and navigate your way

without restarting' option.

It is possible that the game has

5 Use the [Alt] key, or right-click the title bar of

to the New StartPanel” key.

Media Player.

in the context menu that appears after

commands with it. A click on 'Show

changed both the resolution and the DPI

right-clicking the link—direct access

classic menus' permanently shows the

setting. This setting determines the size of

to Internet options, with 'Settings' for

old and familiar command bar. If you want

objects displayed on screen.

instance. But a registry entry helps you

to deactivate it at a later date, right-click

position the internal link to the Internet

in the lower part of the Media Player and

the display by double-clicking 'Display'

Explorer on the desktop. Start the

uncheck the box in front of the assigned

in the Control Panel and activate the

registry editor, navigate your way to the

command in the context menu. The

'Appearance' tab. Check the 'Font size'


context menu cannot be accessed with

combination field—it should be set to

Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\

[Alt] in this case.

'normal'. Confirm with 'Apply' and 'OK'.

Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\New Start

2000, XP: To correct the DPI setting,

Panel' key. Open 'Edit | New | DWORD

double-click 'Display' and switch to the

value (32 bit)'. Then type the class ID with

'Settings' tab. Open 'Advanced' and

the brackets and press Enter. Double-

activate the 'General' tab in the 'Plug and

click the new entry and make sure that

Play Monitor' dialog. Change the value to

First check the font size setting for

8 You have to delete the sub-key named

{896E73F0-3851-11D3-AA54-00C04FD22F8C} .

It is possible that you have used 7 Process Explorer's performance monitor is in many ways better than Task Manager.

the 'neroburnplugin.dll' plug-in of the Nero burning software before upgrading the Media Player to version 11. This


Windows XP, Vista Deleting files without annoying queries

The 'Process Explorer' helps you

plug-in is not compatible with the new

locate the blocking application and end

player. Since it continues to get installed

references to the plug-in. Now close the

the responsible process without much

after an update, it can even disturb the


Every time you delete a file, Vista

harassment. Yes, it sounds similar to your

program. Microsoft provides a hotfix

the 'Value' is set to '0'. If you want the

makes sure that you actually want to

Task Manager.

for solving this rather usual problem.

steps have been executed successfully in

'Normal size (96 DPI)' in the 'DPI setting'

modification to be valid for all users,

remove the selected file and move all

You can find it at: http://download.

'Tools | Plug-Ins' in the Media Player. The

combination field. Confirm with 'Apply'

use the specified DWORD value in the

its contents to the Recycle Bin. This

on load/f/7/a/

Nero entry should not be visible any more and your player should not hang.

This free tool is available for download

Finally, you can check whether these

and 'OK' and restart the PC.

same sub-key under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MA

query, which seems to be useful in

Files/ Unpack


Vista: Right-click an empty space on the

CHINE'. Close the registry, click on a

the beginning, gets quite annoying for

the zip archive and start the 'procexp.


desktop and select 'Personalize'. Follow

free space on the desktop and press

experienced users after some time.

exe' program without further installation.


the 'Adjust font size (DPI)' link. Set 'Default

[F5]—Windows updates the appearance.

Open 'Find | Find Handle or DLL' to find

scale (96 DPI)' in the 'DPI Scaling' dialog.

If the icon isn't displayed, activate the

the annoying application. Enter the file

through this direct link. Start the

Restart the computer.

access to Internet Explorer by double-

name displayed in the Windows error

installation after the download and follow

It is not possible to format memory

clicking 'Default Programs' in the Control

message and click 'Search'. You will now

the steps suggested by the wizard. The

cards if you have an account with

change the DPI setting to 'Larger scale

Panel. Follow the 'Set program access

see the program which accesses this

modification is effective even without

restricted rights. This is irritating, since

(120 DPI)' as described, restart the system

and computer defaults' link. If you work

file in the 'Process' column. Select it and

restarting the PC. For security purposes,

you do not always want to work on the

and then change the value again to 96 DPI.

with the 'Custom' configuration, open it

close the search dialog—the process is

the operating system automatically creates

system as administrator due to security

and activate the 'Enable access to this

now selected in the main window too.

a restore point. Solution without a hotfix:


program' option to the right of Explorer.

Right-click on it and open the 'Kill process'

The hotfix that has been mentioned

context command. This should lift the

only deletes some registry entries—you

blockade on the file so that you can

too can do this. Start the registry editor

now select and delete it in the Windows

and go to the 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\

Explorer as usual.

CLS ID' key. Here, delete the entire

To get rid of the black squares, first


Windows Vista Starting Internet Explorer from the desktop

In Windows XP, there is a permanent icon on the desktop which is not just


Windows Media Player 11 Displaying the usual menu bar permanently

6 Deactivate the 'Display delete confirmation dialog' option in 'Global' or 'General' tab.

Right-click the desktop icon 'Recycle

Process Explorer also has a

a link to start Internet Explorer. This

The latest version of Windows Media

icon is absent in the Vista desktop. And

Player shows no menu bar by default

Bin' and open the 'Properties' context

performance monitor which is superior

creating it is not even an easy task.

—and thus moves sway from the usual

command to cure this.

to that of Windows’ own Task Manager

Windows default settings.

It is possible to create a normal link that takes you to the program file of

Press the [Alt] key or right-click

Unfortunately, it is available only

Windows XP Formatting memory cards even as a restricted user

00C04FD22F8C}'. Navigate your way to the 'HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\

confirmation dialog' option in the 'Global'

ways. A small version of the performance

Microsoft\MediaPlayer\UIPlugins\' key.

or 'General' tab. Confirm the change with

monitor is visible in the Toolbar. Double

Here too, delete the entire sub-key

the browser. But the useful commands

the title bar of Media Player. A context

'OK'. And there, you have done away with

click on it and a more detailed version will


that are otherwise present are missing

menu appears. You can call up all context

the nuisance.

open for you to see.

ED9C31}'. This removes the annoying

32 | intelligent computing CHip


sub-key '{896E73F0-3851-11D3-AA54-

(which has similar functions) in many

Deactivate the 'Display delete

9 Select 'Administrators and Interactive Users' to let restricted users format memory cards.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 33



function for restricted user accounts in

the registry editor and navigate to the

image files.

Microsoft Word XP, 2003, 2007 Customizing automatic capitalization

both Windows XP versions — Home and

'HKEY_CLASSES_ ROOT | * ' key.

Note: For Windows to show the tool tips,

The word processor corrects words

Professional, by adjusting a security policy

Double-click 'InfoTip' on the right side of

the suitable setting in Windows Explorer

written in the lower case and starts

The Outlook search function offers

or by simply making an appropriate entry

the window. The value of this character

should be activated.

them with capitals. While this is

many options—but an OR operator for

in the registry.

string must always start with 'prop:',

Open 'Tools | Folder options' and

appropriate and useful most of the

several conditions is absent. You have

followed by the individual parameters

switch to the 'View' tab. Here, activate

times, it creates unwanted results in

to often follow several flow paths till

need to do is right-click 'Administrative

separated by a semicolon. The table below

'Show pop-up description for folder and

case of abbreviations.

you find a missing mail.

tools' in the control panel and then

gives an overview of the possible entries.

desktop items'.

on 'Local Security Policy'. Then open

Delete the redundant information from the

'Local Policies' and 'Security Options'.

string and insert other information, e.g.,

Double-click 'Allowed to format and eject

the file attributes with the identification

removable media'. Change the setting to

'Attributes'. The string used here also

'Administrators and interactive users' and

determines the sequence of the display.

confirm with 'Apply' and 'OK'.

Customizing the tool tip: Windows

The Office clipboard automatically

You can activate the formatting

In Windows XP Professional, all you

In XP Home, you can adjust the

General tool tip definition: Start

'CameraModel', 'Type' and 'Size' for the




Microsoft Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Finding e-mails faster with linked search queries

Starting with version 98, Outlook


recognizes another variant of the find

Microsoft OFFICE XP, 2003, 2007 Hiding the annoying Office clipboard permanently

function, which also supports the desired logical OR operator for conditions. This function, however, is hidden and must first be activated through the registry.

Quick Tips Excel: Press [F6] for automatic recalculation of a table and for updating the cell link reliably at the same time. Outlook 2007: Make more space in the navigation area by pulling the crossbeam as low as possible and thereby reducing the size of the buttons. Microsoft Word: Several selected objects can be positioned at an equal distance from the margin by navigating to 'Print layout | Align'. Excel: You can activate and deactivate the special table view with formulae shown in the cells with [Ctrl] + [#]. Paint Shop Pro: With 'File | Settings | File links', you can determine which file types are linked to Paint Shop. Firefox: To move a paragraph, place the cursor in it, keep [Alt] + [Tab] pressed and use the arrow keys.

uses general tool tip parameters as long

opens at the border of the program

Activating QueryBuilder: First close

setting using the registry editor. Open

as separate display instructions for a

while you are copying data from one

Outlook and start the registry editor.


particular object or file type have not been

Office application to another. You do


SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\WindowsNT\

defined. This is applicable to DLL and EXE

not use it at all—so you want to get rid

CurrentVersion\ Winlogon' key. Double-

files, links ('Internet Shortcut') and file

of it entirely.

click the 'allocatedasd' character string on

folders ('Directory'). You can even provide

the right side of the dialog. Set the 'Value'

specialized tool tips to file types such as

in the following dialog to '2' and confirm

Word documents.

this correction function to suit your

Open the 'Outlook' key and create the

the change with 'OK' before closing the

This is how you do it: First open the key

requirements so that Word uses the lower

'QueryBuilder' entry with 'Edit | New |

registry. The new policy immediately

for the desired file extension, '.doc' in

case only after a full stop.

Key'. You need not define any values. Now

Audacity Creating songs for a karaoke party

becomes effective.

the example. You will see a value, for


Windows XP Filling the tool tip in Explorer with detailed information

12 Keep the automatically add words to the list checked on to add abbreviations.

You can customize and adjust

Software\Microsoft\Office\' key. Now toggle between the '8.0' and '12.0' sub-keys for Outlook 98 to Outlook 2007 depending on the program version used.


close the registry and restart Outlook.

Where can one find songs that are only

example, 'Word.Document.8' in the right

the program with 'Tools | AutoCorrect

Calling up the search: Depending on the

instrumental to use in karaoke parties?

window after the 'Default' character string.

Options'. In the 2007 version, you need to

version, open 'Tools | Find | Advanced

Navigate to the key with the same name

click on the Office button, select 'Word

Find' or 'Tools | Advanced Find' menu

under 'HKEY_ CLASSES_ROOT\'. You

Options', select 'Proofing' and then open

command. Go to the newly displayed

'AutoCorrect options'. The 'Capitalize

'QueryBuilder' tab. The operation is like

first letter of sentences' option on the

the 'Advanced' register. The new tab also

Open the AutoCorrect dialog in

If the mouse is pointed at an item in

will now find the 'InfoTip' entry you were

Explorer, a tool tip with additional

looking for. You can now customize this

information such as file size or date

info tip with parameters of your choice

modified appears. You also want to

as described above. If it does not exist,

see the file attributes here and hide

you can simply create it with 'Edit | New |

from the Microsoft Office Suite. If this

redundant information.

Character string'.

application functions with the new Office

that can completely deactivate this useful

requested a read receipt and that have

Tool tip for media file formats: The

2007 multi-function bar, click on the small

function—this becomes inconvenient.

been sent by Meier or the sender of which

settings for media files are present

arrow in the title bar of the 'Clipboard' in

Instead, you can let the function remain

uses a GMX account. First, define the


the 'Start' tab.

activated and define exceptions for

necessary criteria at the bottom of the

abbreviations or terms for which Word

dialog. For this, click 'Field' and select

temFileAssociations\audio', '...\image'

11 Check the option "Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl + C Pressed Twice "

Start any program of your choice

In all the older Office applications

'AutoCorrect' tab will only result in the

offers OR and miscellaneous operators.

usual behavior.

Conducting a linked search: An example

Unchecking the checkbox in front of

will show how to find all mails that have

14 Click on the right track and then select 'Effect | Invert'

or '...\video' keys. You can configure

and Outlook 2007, you can open the

does not correct the following word.

'All Mail fields | Receipt requested'. Set

the display with the 'InfoTip' character

menu command by navigating 'Edit |

To do this, click 'Exceptions', enter the

the 'Condition' field to 'exists' and then

need to have a recording studio since the

string even for these files. However, all

Office Clipboard'. In both cases, the data

abbreviation or term for which you want

click 'Add to Lost'. Select the 'Address

Audacity freeware does the job. Using this

parameters do not cooperate with media

container starts at the left or right border

to define exceptions under the 'First

fields | From' entry under 'Field' and set

freeware, you can remove the vocal piece

files. But there are additional options at

of the application.

letter' tab in 'Don’t capitalize after' in the

the condition to 'contains'. Enter 'gmx' to

from the centre of the stereo panorama.

'AutoCorrect Exceptions' dialog. Accept

the right. Click 'Add to List' again. Repeat

You can download the program from

the setting by clicking on 'Add'.

the last step for 'Meier'. To activate the

logic, select the first condition 'Receipt

Removing the voice track: On executing

your disposal.

Now click on 'Options' appearing at the

You can do it yourself! You don’t

Make the following settings: 'Artist',

bottom of the panel which has opened

'Album', 'Year', 'Track', 'Duration', 'Type',

up. Uncheck the box in front of the 'Show

'Bitrate', 'Protected' and 'Size' for audio

Office Clipboard Automatically' option and

exceptions in the same dialog. To do

requested exists' and click 'Up'. This

the software, load the desired audio file

files, 'Type', 'DocTitle', 'Episode Name',

close the temporary memory with the

this, click the entry in the list and then

creates a sub-level in the logic structure.

in Audacity. Open the context menu in

Windows as tool tip for an item is stored

'Program Description', 'Duration',

small cross in the top right corner. Now

click 'Delete'. Close all open windows by

Now click 'AND' which is displayed below.

the editor on the left by clicking the arrow

at different places in the registry. You can

'Bitrate', 'Dimensions', 'Protected' and

Office opens the clipboard only when you

clicking on 'OK'. Now, you will be able to

Set the 'Logical Group' combination field

next to the file name. Separate both

access these and edit the entries to your

'Size' for video files and 'Dimensions',

explicitly open it through the multi-function

enjoy the convenience of everyday writing

which is activated now to 'OR'. Start the

channels with 'Split stereo sound track'.


'WhenTaken', 'DocTitle', 'DocComments',

bar or the menu.

and won't have to correct individual words.

query with 'Start search'.

Then select the right track by clicking on

10 You can customize the Windows Tool Tip to display the information you want.

The additional information shown by

34 | intelligent computing CHip

You can also delete already defined

Intelligent computing CHip

| 35



a free space in the gray region and open

From the seventh version onwards,

Activate the desired option 'Include

Since each unique user has different


Microsoft OUTLOOK 2007 Automatically categorize e-mails using colors

Automatically allocating e-mails: The

'Effect | Invert'. Now click the menu arrow

IE not only supports tab browsing, but it

bookmarks' so that the extension does not

settings for screen resolution, window

for each track one after the other and

can also deal with multiple homepages for

ignore your bookmarks. You can control

size and font size; the line breaks in the

select the 'Mono' command. This deletes

the tabs. Open 'Tools | Internet options'

whether the function should also record

browser are dynamic. Instead of a fixed

It is getting more and more difficult to

useful. To activate this function, open

the parts of the track that are at the exact

command and click the 'General' tab to

the website name or parts of the address

allocation, you want to make sure that

manage the ever increasing flood of

'Tools | Rules and Alerts'.

center. This often reduces the vocal part

integrate the sites. You can now enter all

with further options. In 'Sorting criterion',

related items such as values and units of

e-mails in your inbox. This is an option

of the track considerably. Unfortunately,

the desired homepages one after the other

change the order of the view – this comes

measurement are not separated. Hence,

which you can use to automatically

'Check messages when they arrive' entry

even other parts of the track are lost,

by the line in the homepage entry field.

in handy if you want to see the most

you should insert 'Pre-determined breaks'

identify and categorize selected mails

under 'Step 1: Select a template' and

especially those from the bass. However,

The browser then automatically opens

frequently visited sites first. You should

for the browser. Since browsers do not

using colors.

select 'Next'.

you can try to balance this out with 'Effect

these sites in a separate tab. Confirm the

activate the 'Fill best match inline' setting

always adhere to the HTML standards,

| Equalizer'. If the voice is not heard exactly

setting with 'Apply' and 'OK'.

under 'Suggestion popup' so that the tool

and use the line break in various ways, it is

determine the conditions an e-mail must

automatically offers the best hits when

you who must decide whether an HTML

fulfill for a particular category. Here,

you type in the address bar. Some more

that adheres to rules or a representation

activate the 'with specific words in the

options help you customize the displayed

which is correct in most situations is more

sender address' option and click on the

selection list. All hits from the bookmarks

important or not.

'specific words' link in the lower part of

in the middle of stereo panorama, you can try and increase the level in the weaker channel with 'Effect | Amplification' before converting the stereo files into mono files.


Mozilla Firefox 2.x Adding your own bookmarks to the auto-complete function

automatic allocation of mails landing in the inbox to defined sub-groups is extremely

Here, click 'New Rule'. Select the

On the following page, you can

Optimizing the fade-out: The 'Voicetrap'

As soon as you type in the Firefox

are shown in cursive. If you want to go

plug-in is very useful and can be found on

address bar, it offers selection options

back to the default behavior, set the

avoided with the ' ' code for a

sender address '', click 'Add'

for quick completion of the entry. The

'Active Component' to 'Default' in the

protected empty space. This works well

and then confirm with 'OK'. Click on 'Next'

Look for 'Download' on the website and

program uses all visited websites from

'Options' of this extension.

in all browsers except Internet Explorer.

click on the 'VST (Windows)' link. Unzip

the chronicle for this. You want to use

Note: The behavior of the list also changes

It encounters problems that cannot be

the archive and copy the contents in the

this function for saved bookmarks too.

when this extension is installed. This list

solved with this trick alone. Except after

'Plug-ins' folder in the Audacity program

can be viewed with the arrow symbol

the hyphen (minus sign), Internet Explorer

directory. Prerequisite for the use of

on the address field. This now shows all

inserts breaks even after percent and

Voicetrap in Audacity is the 'VST-Enabler'

visited websites and does not allow any

degree signs and brackets and inverted

any—even self-defined—categories as

Confirm with 'OK' and click 'Next' in the

auxiliary program. Download this tool from

editing here.

commas. Even the ' ' code does not

soon as they arrive, and mark them with a

rule wizard.

help here. Use the special tag '<nobr>' so

color in the inbox. One glance at the inbox

or edit it through the extension under

that the browser does not separate the

suffices to know whether there are any

define exceptions. If you do not want to

the Audacity menu will contain the

'History Manager' if you want to delete

temperature value such as '-5 °C' after the

important mails. Now, you will never miss

categorize command conformations, or if

'VoicetrapV20' effect. The freeware

any of the entries.

minus or the degree sign. Then, simply

important mails unlike in case of rule-

you want to categorize them differently,

type the temperature value as <nobr>-

based moving of e-mails in folders.

activate 'except with specific words in the

HTML Controlling the line break in the HTML code sensibly


Integrating categories in the inbox: First

reference'. Click again on 'specific words'

of all, make sure that the 'Categories'

in the lower part of the window. Enter

desired line break at the right place. As

column is displayed in the inbox. For this,

'Command confirmed' in the following

The line breaks for flowing texts on the

per the HTML standard, a browser should

right-click the line with the column titles

dialog, click 'Add' and 'OK'. Then select

homepage depend on the browser and

treat the hyphen as normal sign and not

and open the 'Field selection' context

'Next' and enter a name for this rule, and install it.

You can either directly edit the chronicle

When you start the program next,

version of the plug-in achieves good results with its default settings. The registered shareware variant for 25 dollars offers more options for detailed

16 Enlist your favorite sites in the General tab so that they open together.

configuration. The advantage of Voicetrap is that there is comparatively less

The auto-complete list has a distinct


An unwanted line break can be

It is even more difficult to allow the

the dialog. In the next dialog, enter the

and select the 'assign this to category' 18 Select Arrange By from the View menu and click Categories.

option. Then click the 'Category' link in the lower part of the dialog and check the checkbox in front of the desired category

Outlook 2007 can allocate mails to

'eBay' in the 'Color Categories' dialog.

On the following page, you can

interference with the sound of the music

short term memory: it preserves visited

the selected window size and font size.

separate it. A flexible separator '&shy' is

command. Select 'All email fields' in the

'Categorize eBay' for instance, in '1st step:

piece and stereo signals and the depths

website addresses only for nine days.

Occasionally, minus signs or value units

provided for the identification of a possible

combination field and pull the 'Categories'

enter rule names'.

entry in the column titles of the inbox.

Before closing the wizard with 'Finish',

Now close the 'Field selection' dialog.

make sure that the checkbox for 'Activate

are preserved.

You can help the gray cells of the browser

get deleted or long terms get separated

separation. However, in reality, Internet

Note: How well one succeeds in fading

with the free extension 'Autocomplete

incorrectly. Here’s a way to ensure

Explorer does not separate after a normal

out the vocal piece depends largely on

Manager' and determine the behavior of

that the text remains orthographically

hyphen, whereas Mozilla Firefox adheres

the selected music piece. Invariably, even

the function yourself. Download the tool

correct and legible in all cases.

to the standard. On the other hand, the

column. The context menu lists the

expensive programs cannot completely


Opensource browser simply ignores

defined columns and colors. Link these

allocation functions well, set the default

remove voices without any loss of sound.

addon/2300. Install the tool and restart


with the e-mail with a click. If the mail

Outlook rule 'Delete category of emails

Erasures on live recordings can be difficult.

the browser.

already belongs to this category, this

(recommended)' before all other rules.

action deletes the allocation. You can

Otherwise, it would again delete a category allocated later.

A frequently used solution is to insert another empty space after the hyphen

From now on, you can configure the

Right-click a mail in the 'Categories'

this rule' option is checked. In order that the automatic

Internet Explorer 7 Opening several favorite sites automatically

settings of the extension with the new

to enable the separation in all browsers.

allocate different categories to one mail.

menu command 'Tools | Auto complete

In a running text however – when there

Note: You can assign an expressive

Manager'. First click the 'Options' symbol

is no separation—this is incorrect from

name to the colored column during the

'Rules and Alerts' dialog and click the

This is how your day begins: you usually

in the dialog and activate the 'Active

the orthographic point of view. A tag not

first allocation. With 'View | Sort by |

up arrow till the default rule is at the

surf your favorite sites with a cup of

Component' tab in the successive

included in the HTML standard '<wbr/>'

Categories', the inbox is displayed as

top of the list. Confirm with 'Apply' and

early-morning coffee to read the news

window. Then select the 'Enhanced'

helps even in this case. The best place to

grouped in the categories that you have

'OK'. There, you are welcome to a more

or check the status of eBay bids. You

setting and switch to the corresponding

insert it is after the hyphen. Even this tag

defined. The 'View | Sort by | Date'

convenient and colorful inbox! 

want that the browser automatically

'Enhanced Component Options' tab for

is accepted and converted by all browsers

command takes you back to the original

calls up these sites.

further settings.

as a separating option.

default view.


36 | intelligent computing CHip

17 The Autocomplete Manager is available on the Mozilla website.

Select the appropriate entry in the

Compiled by Francis D'sa – Intelligent computing CHip

| 37

Keyboard Shortcuts Mozilla FireFox:

Activate link


Add Bookmarks

Ctrl + D

Activate link in new tab


Ctrl + B

Previous page in history

Z or Ctrl + ← or Alt + ←

Next page in history

X or Ctrl + → or Alt + +

DOM Inspector Downloads Full Screen View Help

Ctrl + Shift + I Ctrl + J F11 F1


Ctrl + H

Page Source

Ctrl + U


Ctrl + P

Refresh Page Refresh Page & Cache Save Page As Back Down One Line Down One Page File Open Forward Frame Next Frame Previous Home Page

F5 Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + S Alt + Left Arrow Down

Reload the current page

Shift + Z

Fast forward

Shift + X

Show entire backward history

Alt + Z

Show entire forward history

Alt + X

Find text in page Find next instance of text Find previous instance of text Find text in links in page



Alt + Right Arrow

Zoom in 10%

+ or 0

Shift + F6

Zoom out 10%

- or 9

Alt + Home

Zoom in 100%

Ctrl + or 8 Ctrl - or 7

Ctrl + K

Restore zoom to 100%

End Home Esc Ctrl + W

Tab New

Ctrl + T

Tab Next

Ctrl + Tab

Tab Previous Tab Select Up One Line

, (comma), or Shift + / Shift + F11

Jump to Search Bar

Tab Close

Ctrl + Shift + G

Pretend to be small-screen device

Zoom out 100%


Ctrl + G

Use entire screen for viewing page

Ctrl + L

Page Top

Ctrl + F or .(period), or /

Ctrl + O F6

Ctrl + Shift + Tab Ctrl + [1 - 9] Up

Open file Save copy of page Print preview (toggle)

Move forward through the items on a Web page, the Address box, or the Links box Move through the items on a Web page,



Move selected item down in the

Go to your Home page


Go to the next page


Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box

Go to the previous page Display a shortcut menu for a link Move forward between frames Move back between frames Scroll toward the beginning of a document Scroll toward the end of a document Scroll toward the beginning of a document in larger increments Scroll toward the end of a document in larger increments Move to the beginning of a document Move to the end of a document Find on this page Refresh the current Web page Refresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same


Ctrl + O

Stop downloading a page

Ctrl + S

Go to a new location


Shift + P

Open a new window



Ctrl + S

Open the Search box


Open the Favorites box


In the History or Favorites boxes, open multiple folders


Ctrl + X

Go to previous unread e-mail

Y or Shift + U

Set printing options and print the page


Change paper, headers and footers, orientation, and margins for this page


Default Ctrl + 0


Ctrl + Z

OPERA Open a new tab Close a tab Cycle between tabs One line up One line down One character to the left One character to the right One screen up

Ctrl + T Ctrl + W Alt + Page Down or Ctrl + Tab ↑ ↓ ← → Shift + Space or Page Up

Scroll up in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Scroll down in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Toggle view: message list/message body/ list and body

Alt + Up Alt + Down I

Expand current thread

Close current thread

← Display the last page to be printed

Close all threads

Shift + ←

Select all items in a document or window

Allows discontinuous multiple selection of items

Next link up

Shift + ↑

Next link down

Shift + ↓

display context Help about an item in a dialog box Toggle between full-screen and other views in the browser

When in the Address box, move the cursor right to the next logical break in the address (period or slash)


Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text that you type in the Address box


AutoComplete matches F1

Move back through the list of AutoComplete matches




Add the current page to your favorites


Open the Organize Favorites dialog box



Display properties for the selected item Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item Rename the selected item Display properties for the selected item Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first


CTRL+Arrow keys+Spacebar Backspace SHIFT with any arrow key SHIFT+F10 F2 ALT+ENTER DELETE or CTRL+D SHIFT+DELETE CTRL+PLUS key on Number Pad CTRL+A

Select last item in the active window


Select first item in the active window


Move focus to last item in the selected window without selecting

Will launch a selected Application elevated if used from the Start Menu





Display all subfolders under the selected folder

Ctrl+Alt+I CTRL+Windows logo key +TAB Windows logo key +SPACEBAR

Cycle through Sidebar gadgets

Windows logo key +G

Open Ease of Access Center

Windows logo key +U

Open Windows Mobility Center

Windows logo key +X

Login Screen Shortcuts: Power Menu


Switch user


Navigate between user tiles Trim

Arrow keys Ctrl+Alt+Y

Security Screen Shortcuts Lock machine


Switch user


Log off


Change Password


Task Manager


General Shortcuts:

Instant Search Box Shortcuts: NUM LOCK+ASTERISK (*) on numeric keypad





Display the contents of the selected folder NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN (+) on numeric keypad





NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN (-) on numeric keypad



Collapse the current selection (if it is expanded), or select the parent folder Display the current selection (if it is collapsed), or select the first subfolder View the previous folder View the next folder

Listview Shortcuts : Select all items in a document or window

Searches for entered term using Internet browser (does not work in Start Menu)

Collapse the selected folder


Shift + K

Display Internet Explorer Help or to


Move focus to first item in the selected window without selecting

Mark selected e-mail as unread

Internet Explorer



When in the Address box, move the cursor left to the next logical break in the address (period or slash)

Move forward through the list of



Shift+ ~


F3 or CTRL+F

Move focus to last item in the selected window without selecting



Rename the selected item



Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to previous unread e-mail T




desktop, or select text within a document



Select first item in the active window


Shift + R

F10 or ALT


Select the text in the Address box

Reply to message




Ctrl + Shift + A



Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to next unread e-mail

Mark all e-mail in active view as read


Select last item in the active window

Select more than one item in a window or on the

Display a list of addresses that you have typed


Listview Shortcuts :


Redirect e-mail

38 | intelligent computing CHip

Task Manager


Ctrl + Page Down

Shift + →

Display Start Menu

Close Print Preview


Shift + ←

Cycle through open windows without closing the menu

Display a list of zoom percentages

Forward e-mail

Next link to the right

Cycle through open windows


Ctrl + Page Up

Next link to the left


Open the shortcut menu for the active window

Mark selected e-mail as read

One screen to the left


Display the next page to be printed

Shift + →

Reply to all recipients of message, including sender

Go to bottom

Type the number of the page that you want displayed

Expand all threads

Space or Page Down

Go to top

Display the first page to be printed Display the previous page to be printed

One screen down

One screen to the right

Search for a file or folder

Save message draft (continue later)

H or Shift + J

Text Size

Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer

Activate a selected link

Go to next unread e-mail

Increase Ctrl + +

Close the active item, or exit the active program

Ctrl + E

Ctrl + C

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


Write new message

Ctrl + N

Bring all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar

Cancel the current task or search ESC

Turn Full Screen Mode on or off


SHIFT with any arrow key

Go forward to next location in history


Window New

Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document

Searches for entered term and opens Search Pane (does not work in Start Menu)



Ctrl+Alt+ ;


Print the current page or active frame

Ctrl + Shift + S

the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D

Navigate to previous location in history if one exists.

Save the current page

Send composed message

CTRL+Arrow keys+Spacebar

Instant Search Box Shortcuts:

Activate the menu bar in the active program

Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on

Allows discontinuous multiple selection of items


Ctrl + K



Navigate to parent folder if there are no previous navigations.

Check e-mail


Text Size

Go backward to previous location in history

Opens current location in a new window


Go to previous e-mail


View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer

Ctrl + Q

Open the History box

Decrease Ctrl + -

Refresh the active window

Close Opera


Text Size

Select the Instant Search box

Ctrl + P

Go to next e-mail


Select the Address bar

Move focus to first item in the selected window without selecting


Explorer Shortcuts:

Print page

Close the current window



Cycle focus to next UI element in Explorer

Alt + F4

Up One Page

Move selected item up in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box


the Address box, or the Links box

F5 or Ctrl + R


Jump to Address Bar Page Bottom

Shift + Enter

Keyboard Shortcuts


Windows Key Shortcuts: Open or close the Start menu Launches shortcut in Quick Launch with the position corresponding to the # entered.(eg. Winkey + 1 to launch first item in quick launch menu) Display the System Properties dialog box

Highlight a block of text.

CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.


Ctrl+Shift+L Windows logo key + # Windows logo key +BREAK Windows logo key +D

Minimize all windows

Windows logo key +M Windows logo key +SHIFT+M

Open Windows Explorer navigated to Computer

Windows logo key +E

Search for a file or folder

Windows logo key +F

Search for computers


Create shortcut to selected item.

Windows logo key

Display the desktop

Restore minimized windows to the desktop


CTRL+Windows logo key +F

Lock your computer

Windows logo key +L

Open the Run dialog box

Windows logo key +R

Cycle through programs on the taskbar

Windows logo key +T

Cycle through programs on the taskbar by Windows logo key using Windows Flip 3-D +TAB

Intelligent computing CHip

| 39




as 'Name' and select the drive letter of

arrow near 'New'. For this purpose, the

Windows XP, Vista Repairing Vista start files on a dual boot system

the XP installation under 'Drive'. Confirm

tool offers 'Free-form Snip', 'Rectangular

by clicking on 'Add Entry'. Now, you can

Snip', 'Window Snip' and 'Full-screen

restart the computer.

Snip'. If you are using any of the first


Tips Tricks

two versions, drag an outline around

Do you have Windows XP and Vista

the desired area with the mouse. With

as you don’t rerun the old Microsoft

Vista Home premium, Ultimate Taking quick screenshots with standard Vista tools.

OS with a previous image. Vista will

Pictures speak more than words. This

mouse over the desired area. The last

not start if you do that. Supplement By

is applicable for blogs or articles as

mode 'snips' the entire desktop. To take

using the free tool EasyBCD. Using this

well. However the method of taking

a screen shot, click on 'New'. You will

entries of Vista boot menu can be edited

screenshots via [Alt] + [Print Scrn]

see a white overlay on the desktop. Only

from Windows XP.

to save the image to the clipboard,

the area to be captured appears clear so

followed by editing them later in the

that you can determine the actual subject

graphics program is a tedious process.

precisely. After snipping it, the result

installed on different partitions of the hard disk? This is not a problem as long

You have probably reset Windows

APRIL 2008

Share your tips. Write to:


'Window Snip', you can quickly snap an application or a dialog by positioning the

XP in a status previous to the Vista set-up

appears in a separate window. Here,

and thus overwritten the files that are

you can edit the picture quickly and save

necessary for booting. For even when

it with 'File | Save as' in graphic formats

Vista is installed on a separate partition,

such as JPG, etc.

its boot files are located on the partition that was active earlier. Most of the times,

it is the 'C:' drive of the previous operating system. However with EasyBCD, you can

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Tip of the month  Hardware Sony PlayStation 3 Sony’s PlayStation 3 would really be the ultimate entertainment centre – its good not only for gambling, but also for surfing in the Internet and it shows DVD as well as Blu-ray discs with the best quality. The only problem here is that the PS3 ignores the widely used DivX format. So does Sony have a solution here to overcome this deficiency? All that your PlayStation needs is a small vitamin shot in the form of a software update. You can access Sony’s official Internet presence, for knowing anything on the topic gaming consoles; including the latest firmware updates. The PS3 firmware in the version 2.10 is recently available for downloading. Thanks to this system updating, the PlayStation now plays even films in the popular DivX and WMV formats. If you want to play the new update on the PlayStation, search for the sub-item “System Update” in the “Settings” menu and subsequently select the option “Update via Internet” or “Update via data carrier”. Depending on your choice, the PlayStation then checks the Internet or all the available data carriers (CD/DVD or USB stick) for a latest firmware version and downloads it automatically if required. (Warning: Do this at your own risk)

40 | intelligent computing CHip | APRIL 2008



reconstruct the Vista boot files.

Repairing Vista start files on a dual boot system Start the

2. Vista Home Premium, Ultimate Taking quick screenshots with standard Vista tools.

computer with Windows XP and install it.

your colleagues were those kinds

2 Enable the 'Tablet PC optional components' option to use Vista’s Snipping tool.

You need to install a .NET framework for

Automatically logging off user when screensaver appears

4. Windows XP Professional

Using your remote desktop in all its colorful glory

you will see the error message 'Valid

belongs to the tablet PC functions of

5. Windows XP

Uninstalling Media Player 11 from the system without interruptions

BCD Registry not detected'. It confirms

Vista. Most of the time, these functions

the absence of the Vista boot files.

are switched off on PCs or notebooks so

Acknowledge it by clicking 'Yes'.

they must first be switched on. You need

6. Windows Vista

Saving storage space while creating backup of the system partition

Applications 7. Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 8. Excel 2007

Find and remove automatic line breaks

Open last used workbook automatically on startup

10. Word 2000, XP, 2003

Change default spacing for tab stops permanently

unprotected PC. Unfortunately, you before you leave. Here’s how to keep your pesky colleagues at bay:

administrator rights to do this. Open 'Start | Control panel', click on 'Programs' and

'Correct Boot Drive' and click 'OK'.

'Programs and Features'. In the classic view of the 'Control Panel', you can get

existing Vista installation for 'Vista Drive

to this window directly by double clicking

Letter' and confirm by clicking on 'OK'.

on 'Programs and Features'. Then, follow

If Vista is not installed on the drive,

Easily insert images from Flickr into documents


drive letter of the XP installation for the In the next step, select the letter of the

Display additional information in the status bar

9. Excel 2000, XP, 2003

11. Word 2007


In the dialog that follows, select the

who did not like to peep into your always forget to log out of your system

3. Windows 2000, XP

the program to function. After booting,

Windows 2000, XP Automatically logging off user when screensaver appears

You have finally taken a break! If only

The tool is available free under http:// 1. Windows XP, Vista


the 'Turn Windows functions on or off' link

the tool ends the action with an error

on the left side. Finally, in the 'Windows

message. In this case, check if you have

Features' dialogue, activate the 'Tablet PC

entered the correct drive and that the

optional components' option and confirm

3 Use the 'Force application termination' to shut down all running applications.

12. Mozilla Firefox

Use data from the cache as your source of inspiration

13. Mozilla Firefox

Customize your browser to your liking

Vista installation is present there with the

by clicking on 'OK'.

14. Opera 9.5

Find previously visited website

'Windows\ Boot' sub folder. Repeat the

TAKING SCREENSHOTS: The fastest way to

screen saver that can log you out of the

15. Internet Explorer 7

Start Windows again without error messages

step; the tool now copies the missing data

open the tool is via 'Start'. Click on the

system automatically. This way, you also

from the Vista installation.

'Start search' field, type 'snipping' and

increase data security.



Now, you must ensure that XP has been

confirm by pressing [Enter]. When it is

One way to do this is to use a

You will find the right screensaver in the

entered in the Vista boot menu again.

opened for the first time, Windows asks

Windows Server 2003 resource kit. It is

System no longer boots up and keeps on beeping continuously

For this, click on 'Add/Remove Entries'

whether it should add the tool in the quick

available free of cost at

17. Main memory

Why Windows XP and Vista with 4 GB RAM show only 3.25 GB

in the program. In the next step, activate

start bar. You can change this setting even

com/downloads. Type 'Windows Server

18. Reflex camera

Cleaning the photo sensor

the 'Windows' tab in 'Add an Entry'.

in the tool options. To select a mode for

Resource Kit' in the search field and click

Under 'Type', select 'Windows NT/2k/

screen shots in the snipping tool, click

on 'Go'. Find the link to the kit on the

19. Creating a Drive Image

How should I back up my hard drive?

XP/2k3'. Type 'Microsoft Windows XP'

on the small, green, downward pointing,

result page.

16. Mainboard & CPU cooler

Intelligent computing CHip

| 41



establish a Remote-Desktop connection' in

determine the desired maximum value in

Windows Explorer to 'C:\Program Files\

the 'Remote' tab. Save these settings by

Windows Resource Kits\Tools' folder.

clicking on 'Apply' and 'OK'.

Install the packet and navigate in

Search for the 'winexit.scr' file here,

Now, open 'Start | Programs |

click 'Yes'. Close the registry.

the 'Advanced' tab in the 'System

Excel replace all line breaks of a cell.

the 'Color Depth' combination field. Then


Properties' window. Click on 'Settings'

Important: The 'Find' function can’t link

you can close the group policies editor.

you must ensure that version 11 is not

under 'Performance'. Select 'Change' in

ASCII-coded breaks entered through the

After these changes, the client's system

automatically reinstalled by Windows

'Advanced' tab. You will see the 'Virtual

numeric keypad with other character

right click on it, and select the 'Install'

Accessories | Communication | Remote-

will work with every color-setting up to the

Update. So, open 'All Programs |

Memory' dialog. Here, uncheck 'Manage

strings—for instance, to search for

context command. This way, you will

Desktop-Connection' on the computer

maximum value specified.

Windows-Update' in the 'Start Menu'.

paging file for all drives automatically'. All

particular line breaks and to replace them

directly reach the screensaver dialog in the

of the client, enter the computer name

the available drives are listed in the field

with other character strings.

'Control Panel'. Now click on 'Settings' to

of the server and click on 'Options' to

configure it. To ensure that the tool logs

display the connection window. Select a

you out, it must be permitted to close all

Click 'User defined search' on the website. After the search, click 'Software,

below that. Mark the partition on which

optional' on the left. Extend the 'Windows

the pagefile.sys should be located; select

here. First, replace all breaks with a unique

color resolution of more than 256 in the

Windows XP Uninstalling Media Player 11 from the system without interruptions

Media Player 11' entry on the right. Now,

'System managed size' and 'Set'. Set 'No

character, for instance, the HTML line

the programs. For this purpose, activate

'Display' tab. Click 'Connect' to start the

The Media Player 11 digs its claws deep

activate the option 'Do not report this

paging file' for all other drives.

break tag '<BR>'. Then, find and replace

the 'Force application termination' option.

session. Don’t be astonished if the client,

into the system and you want to get

update any more'. To save the settings,

Here, you must remember that you may

in many cases, still uses a maximum of

rid of it as it does not function like you

click on the 'Show and Install Updates'.

lose any unsaved changes.

256 colors. The reason for that is the

want it to. You want the old version

default setting of the group policies.

back. However, uninstalling it via the

Therefore, you must increase the waiting time of the message in the


'Countdown for' field to, for example, '60'

group policies editor with 'Start | Run |

seconds. Enter the text for the log off note

MMC', go to 'File | Add/Remove Snap-in'

in the dialog line at the bottom and confirm


Control Panel is not always smooth.


Windows Vista Saving storage space while creating backup of the system partition



Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 Find and remove automatic line breaks

The swap method proves to be useful

the desired combination of character strings and line breaks which you’ve already marked previously with '<BR>'. Finally, replace all '<BR>' characters once again with actual line breaks by using the

A number of tables contain entries with

aforementioned key combination, this time

Data security is important to you, so

line breaks. Detecting and removing

in the field 'Replace With'.

in that and click on 'Add' in the following

you regularly make copies of your

them one by one is a time-wasting and

the dialog by pressing on 'OK'. Now set

dialog. Then mark 'Group Policies', click

Windows Systems. Nevertheless, even

nerve-wracking exercise.

the 'Wait time' in minutes. Activate the

'Add' and ensure that the 'Local Computer'

if only a few important programs are

new screensaver with 'Apply' and 'OK'.

entry is marked in the 'Group Policies-

installed, the backup is huge.


Excel 2007 Display additional information in the status bar

Object' field. End the process by clicking

Earlier versions of Excel could display

Windows XP Professional Using your remote desktop in all its colorful glory

'Finish', 'Close', and 'OK'.

the current sum of a marked range in

You can access an XP-Professional-

'Computer configuration | Administrative

PC in a local network via a remote

Templates | Windows-components |

desktop. Only the low standard of

Terminal services'. Double click 'Limit

color resolution of only 256 colors in

maximum color resolution' on the right.

the client’s desktop looks very ugly,

In the 'Settings' tab, select 'Enabled' and


especially when viewing pictures.

4 Use more than 256 colors to ensure to see a remotely controlled desktop in all its glory.

The basic requirement to add millions of colors to a remote desktop is: the graphics card on the system should be able to display more than 256 colors. Basic Settings: Initially, you must make

the client desktop suitable. For this purpose, start the server and right click on 'My Computer'. Select 'Properties' and activate the option 'Allow user to

42 | intelligent computing CHip

Navigate in the structure under

the status bar. Could the new version

'Guidelines for local computer' to

Quick Tips

possibly retrieve additional temporary

5 Use the 'Add Remove Windows Components'

7 Get rid of line breaks in all cells of a table by

option in 'Control Panel'.

typing in the ASCII code “0010” in search field.

If you cannot get rid of Media Player

Use the integrated 'Find and

11 easily, try to do it in the secure mode of

Replace' function. In the 2007 version,

the system. For this purpose, restart the computer and keep the [F8] key pressed


during the booting process. Select 'Secure

additional information like 'Recently Accessed' by right-clicking on the column names. RENAME MULTIPLE FILES: When you mark a series of files and select 'Rename', Windows assigns the same name with consecutive numbers in brackets to all the files. ACTIVATE ADMIN IN VISTA: Activate the administrator account on your computer using 'net user Administrator /active' at the command prompt. SET THE CURSOR: The 'CursorBlinkRate' defines the blink speed in milliseconds under 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\ Desktop'. USE THE PROMPT: By keeping the [F7] key pressed, you will be able to select from a list of the most recent 50 commands in the command line of a command window.

Mode' and press [Enter] . As soon as the desktop loads, go to 'Run' in the 'Start

click in the ribbon on the tab 'Home' and 6 Select the 'System managed size' option to

reduce size of the pagefile that is backed up.

select 'Find and Replace'. In the menu that appears, click on 'Replace'. In earlier versions of Excel, click on the menu item

The reason for the huge backup is

Menu', type 'appwiz.cpl' and click on 'OK'.

that the pagefile.sys paging file is also

Mark 'Windows Media Player 11' in

copied during backup. Simply shift it to

'Edit | Replace', or press [Ctrl]+[F] and [Alt]+[Z] in succession. In the 'Replace' tab, place the cursor in

the software list and click on 'Remove'.

another drive. This way the next backup

the field 'Find what'. Ensure that the Num

Follow the rest of the steps and start the

of the system partition will immediately

Lock function is activated on the keyboard.

computer normally.

reduce by a few GBs.

Then, hold down [Alt] while typing in


results at a glance?

Firstly, you must decide the drive on

8 This dialog box helps you choose which quick results are to be displayed in the status bar.

In earlier versions itself, Excel could

'0010'. What you’re actually doing here is

display the values of minimum, maximum,

not been able to remove the Media Player

which you want to shift the file. You can

entering the ASCII code of the line break

average and count as temporary results.

11, uninstall it manually. For this purpose,

also create a separate partition of say, 5 to


Excel 2007 goes a step further. The

go to 'Run' in the 'Start Menu' and enter

10 GB, for the paging file. The advantage


here is that the backup is created faster.

the line break with in the field 'Replace

the same time. In addition, the function

spuninst.exe and click on 'OK'. Click 'Next'

This is because the paging file does not

with'. If you leave the field blank, Excel

'Numeric Count' helps to ascertain how

and 'Finish'.

get as fragmented as when Windows

deletes the line break without replacing

many of the values marked are actually

distributes the data on a large drive.

it with anything. Click on 'Replace All'


Registry: Open 'Start | Run', type 'regedit',

Due to this, it also has to go through the

to replace all breaks without any more

and click 'OK'. In the editor, go to

trouble of searching for it.

prompts. On the other hand, click on

least two numeric values in the table.

To configure it, right click in the

'Find' and 'Replace' to have the option

The corresponding count will then be

Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\

'Start Menu' on 'Computer' and select

of confirming before each replacement

displayed in the status bar. Then, right-

Uninstall\wmp11', select 'Edit | Delete' and

'Properties'. In the next window, select

whether it is to be carried out. This makes

click on a value and in the context menu,

Finally, remove the entries in the


Enter the character you want to replace

program can display several values at

To customize the settings, mark at

Intelligent computing CHip

| 43


select which spreadsheet operations are to be performed on the selected cells. The display of individual partial results can


Sub Auto _ Open()

the sub-window of the 'Project' Explorer. Flickr4Word/Release/

each element. You can now enter the URL

Dim i As Integer

Then, open the structure, navigate to

ProjectReleases. aspx?ReleaseId=1226.

of the website you have in mind through

If Workbooks.Count > 0 Then

'Microsoft Word Objects | This Document'

To install it, first exit Word, open the file

the 'Search Site' menu function. You can


For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count

and select this item.

'Flickr4WordSetup.msi' and follow the

also search for a particular file type such

steps through the installation.

as 'js' for JavaScript, or for a typical name

Application.RecentFiles(1).Name Then

'DefualtTabStop' in the 'Properties'

Quick Tips

such as 'favicon'. Then, click on the link

To change the standard font, open 'Format | Font', select the desired font type and click on the button 'Default'.

Exit Sub

window below. The existing default value

in the 'Start menu'. You can find it under

found. In the next window, you will either


End If

of '35.4' corresponds to an interval of 1.25

'Programs and Features' in 'Control Panel'.

see a direct link to this file on the Internet

Next i

cm in point units. One point corresponds

End If

to 1/72 inch. For simple conversion,

'Flickr Image' will appear on the upper

Clicking on a link to a JavaScript file will


multiply the desired centimeter value

standard toolbar as soon as you click on

display the code.

You can find some useful free utilities at pack_installer.html which are ready for use within a couple of clicks.

End Sub

by 28.32. For example, 2 cm would be

the 'Insert' menu. Click on it to open the

56.6. Select the property 'DefaultTabStop'

Flickr selection dialog. Find the desired

into an HTML editor such as the freeware

document last opened in the 'Open File'

Microsoft Excel' to exit the development

and type the desired value. This is then

images by entering user names or search

Notepad++. The advantage is that it

dialog box.

environment. Exit the program and click

automatically rounded off in levels of 1/20

terms and select the concerned photo. In

highlights the code in color. This simplifies

You can define quick screenshots of dialogs in the 'Snapshot | Setup' menu and run them by clicking on 'Start'.

on 'Yes' to save the personal macro

point. To save the changed settings, click

the field 'Picture Size', select the setting

access to comprehensive codes.


workbook. The next time you start Excel,

on 'File | Save Normal' in the VBA editor.

'Medium' (or as desired) to select the

it will immediately open the last edited file.

The command is only available if an item

appropriate resolution for the image. The

This works even if Excel starts through

belonging to 'Normal' is selected in the

tool then inserts a link to the image. If

Mozilla Firefox Customize your browser to your liking

Use [Alt] + [G] + [R] instead of [Ctrl] + [Alt] to make using a number of shortcuts much easier.

another link. In this case, the last used

structure. Click on 'File | Close and Return

you wish to integrate the image, uncheck

Style sheets such as 'userchrome.css'


workbook is opened in a separate window.

to Microsoft Word' to go back to the

the option 'Include Link to Image' before

determine the browser theme. Editing

program window. The current setting is

clicking on 'Insert Image'.

the CSS files is cumbersome. First, of directories. Only then can you do

For setting one or all selected columns to their optimum widths, double-click on the right border of the appropriate column header.

something like giving an active tab a


flashy color.

For a quick calendar overview of several days, select the desired period in the month overview by keeping the left mouse button pressed.

be activated and deactivated through the appropriate command. Activated results are marked in the context menu by a leading check mark. Excel 2000, XP, 2003 Open last used workbook automatically on startup


After starting Excel, it can be rather strenuous to have to rummage for the

If Workbooks(i).Name = _

Click on 'File | Close and Return to

Word 2000, XP, 2003 Change default spacing for tab stops permanently


9 Set up a 'Personal Macro Workbook' to have

Now, search for the value

The program does not have an entry

After restarting Word, the new symbol

applicable with immediate effect for new documents and does not require the Word processor to be restarted.

By default, Word defines tab stops for

or the name of the saved file in the cache.

You can mark the code and copy it


you need to find the files in the maze

Mozilla Firefox Use data from the cache as your source of inspiration



Word 2007 Easily insert images from Flickr into documents

The website you’ve just opened is very

last edited file on startup. This is done

To integrate files from the photo

website as well. All you need to know is

by an automatically executed macro,

community Flickr into text documents,

which scripts, files and style sheets has

which you can directly open 'userChrome.

which is applicable in general for Excel,

you need to first download the desired

the designer of the site made use of?

css', 'userContent.css', 'prefs.js' and 'user.

independent of fixed workbooks. Such

image from your browser and then

macros are saved in the 'Personal Macro

import it into Word. Is there a quicker



Excel open the last document on startup.

each document at an interval of 1.25 cm. This may not suit your personal

You can have Excel always load the

working style.


To set it up, open 'Tools | Macro |

attractive. With a little customization you can make it look good on your own

js'. Define another preferred editor through

Name' and then select the setting

can be accessed.

'Personal Macro Workbook' in the combo

13 Clicking 'List Cache Entries' will display all the individual entries.

for all documents in the 'Properties' list.

The default tab spacing can be

path to the Windows system directory— for Windows 2000 OS, it is 'C:\Winnt' instead of 'C:\Windows'.

Accessing the temporarily stored content is possible directly through your

10 Change the spacing value between tab stops

immediately. Excel has now created the personal macro workbook with an empty

In addition, you can also customize the

displayed in the browser is locally stored in the cache memory on your computer and

by clicking on 'OK' and then end it

instance, the easy-to-use Notepad++.

programming ideas. All the information

Record'. Enter 'Test macro' as 'Macro

box 'Save Macro In'. Start the recording

'Tools | Edit Config Files | Settings' - for

Take a peek and get hold of a few

Save yourself the search for

In order to, for example, assign a

browser. Type 'about:cache' in the address

individual configuration files. An add-on

flashy color to the active tab, open the

bar and press the [Enter] key. The browser

creates a direct link to them in the 'Tools'

'userChrome.css' sub-menu.

window will display information about

menu and offers one the option of

tab{-moz-appearance: none !important;}

command. If you are already using this

adjusted. Check the current setting for

the storage size, storage location and the

specifying a separate editor for editing


workbook, skip the first step above.

the open document by clicking on 'Format

number of cache entries. This display is

them. You can thus quickly customize

{background-color: #ffoooo !important;}

not very helpful—at least not as yet. On

the look of the browser. To install it, open

In the editor, type the above lines in a

the one hand, information about the file, enter 'edit

blank area, save and close the file. After

types of the respective data is missing and

config' in the search screen and press

restarting your browser, your active tab will

on the other hand, several cache entries

[Enter]. On the result page, follow the link

appear red. Other options of customizing

Open the development environment

| Tabs'. You can change the value in the

11 The extension 'Flickr4Word' adds a button to

by clicking on 'Tools | Macro | Visual Basic

'Default tab stops' combo-box, but only for

Editor'. Click on the item 'Tools | Macros'.

the open document. If you want to change

In the combo-box 'Macros in' below, click

it permanently, you need to customize

on 'VBAProject (PERSONL.XLS)'. Next,

the default setting in the 'normal.

adds a program interface in Word 2007

are compiled into large files. To refine

'Edit Config Files' and on the next page,

your browser can be found on www.

select the 'Test macro' from the list and

dot' template. Open the development

that allows direct access to Flickr content

the display, click on the link 'List Cache

click on 'Install'. The tool is ready for use

click on 'Edit'. Delete the code from your

environment through 'Tools | Macro |

through a dialog box. Images can now be

Entries' to have Firefox display all saved

once you restart your browser. The 'Tools'

NOTE: Direct access can be disabled in the

'Test macro' and in its place, and enter the

Visual Basic Editor'. Look for the entry

inserted quickly and easily.

individual elements.

menu will now contain the command 'Edit

'Tools' menu and displayed as a button

following lines:

'Normal' in the upper left hand section of

Config Files', through the sub-menu of

on the toolbar. To do this, open 'View

44 | intelligent computing CHip

Word 2007 for direct access to Flickr content.

The free extension 'Flickr4Word'

You can download the tool at www.

The list displayed contains a link for

Intelligent computing CHip

| 45



| Toolbars | Customize', drag the newly available icon 'Config' on to the desired


position on the toolbar and drop it. Close the dialog by clicking on 'Done'.


Opera 9.5 Find previously visited website

While looking up something on the

Internet Explorer 7 Start Windows again without error messages


Main memory Why Windows XP and Vista with 4 GB RAM show only 3.25 GB

Reflex camera Cleaning the photo sensor

together again and take a test photo. If

The feeling of coming back from a

sensor, open the camera again. Take one


After installing Internet Explorer 7, you

DDR2 memory is now available at an

vacation with a handful of photos, only

or two drops of alcohol on a cotton bud

sometimes get an error message while

extremely low price which is reason

to find out on the PC at home that they

and slowly wipe the sensor with very

starting Windows. Apparently, there no

enough to upgrade your system

are ridden with spots is extremely

slight pressure and in multiple paths. Wipe

longer exists a 'procedure entry point in

memory to the maximum of 4 GB.

irritating. Here’s how you can clean your

only in one direction. Then, repeat the

the file psapi.dll'. What's the solution?

Even the BIOS check counts down the

camera sensor.

procedure with a new cotton bud to dry

Internet, you’ve explored several

The cause of the problem here

websites, only to find out at the end that you haven’t saved the addresses of

is a conflict between the new and the

the most interesting ones. Do you need

old versions of this file. Many antivirus

to restart the search from scratch?

programs such as BitDefender and many

16 You can adjust settings or disable your CPU fan using the BIOS.

complete 4 GB after the installation.

the sensor. Take another test photo to see

Windows however shows only '3.25 GB

if the process is successful.

RAM' in its system properties. Now the question which pops up is: where has

the remaining of the memory gone?

of them even install their own version

does not mean that the alarm is triggered

is to use good backup software and

of it. If this version is older than the one

only when the fan stops completely. In

create a disk image. This is one of the

in the 'Windows System' directory, it

fact, it rings even if the rotational speed

best methods because it is a tried and

results in this error message. To get rid

is below that defined in the BIOS. A

tested and all big corporations use this

of the conflict, start the Windows search

common value is, for instance, 1200 to

function and find out all instances of the

1600 revolutions per minute.

18 Clear the photo sensor of dust with just a little effort—do not apply force.

fans having large blades provide 800

only the file in the 'Windows | System32'

revolutions per minute for adequate

folder with its name unchanged. Finally,

processor refreshment. Only the BIOS of

restart your computer. All programs that

the mainboard looks at it as differently.

access 'psapi.dll' will now find the current

These discrepancies can luckily be disabled

your search from scratch. At least not

version from the system folder and will

in the BIOS. Since the PC refuses to start

private users use Windows XP or even

settles on the sensor—to be precise, on

if your browser is Opera. It offers you

work without errors.

with the new CPU cooler, you first need to

Vista in the 32-bit version. Of course,

the glass.

install the old cooler again. After that, start

all the modern CPUs presently support

the computer and access the BIOS using

the 64-bit versions of the operating

at these locations, ugly dark specks are

the [Del] or [F1] keys.

system. However, the market still lacks

formed on the images. Even modern

visited websites based on keywords.


If you recall a rather unusual term that you’ve read on the website, you can then find your way back to the homepage


Mainboard & CPU cooler System no longer boots up and keeps on beeping continuously

approach as the standard procedure.

Coolers made to produce softer noise regularly go below this value. Nevertheless,

the option of searching for previously

How should I back up my hard drive?

The best approach to hard drive backup

each of the file names to 'psapi.old'. Leave

You don't really need to restart

Creating a Drive Image

wrong with the CPU fan. This however

Then go through all the results and change

as the Google search option.


drivers as well use the file 'psapi.dll'. Some

file 'psapi.dll' on the PC’s system drive.

14 The ‘ historysearch’ feature in Opera is same

there is still some dust remaining on the

In the sub-menu 'Power', 'Power

The culprit here is a dirty photo sensor. This is typical for digital reflex 17 After installing 4GB of RAM on your system, Windows XP shows you only 3.25GB.

cameras in which the lenses are often changed. While changing the lens tube, fine dust can enter into the casing when

An estimated 99 percent of all the

opened even for a short while, which then

As less light falls on the photo chip

19 Using Norton Ghost to make images of your entire hard drive is a good practice.

the applications that would vindicate the

cameras equipped with automatic sensor

Management' (or a similar term), select

advancement to the expensive 64-bit

cleaning cannot eliminate this effect

detailed representation of every sector and


track of your hard disk. Once you create

A drive image is nothing but a

rather quickly. The English beta version

Even a CPU heat sink and fan can

the item 'Hardware Monitor' and an option

version of XP and Vista. The 32-bit

of Opera 9.5 can be downloaded from

grow old: Over a period of time, it gets

for 'CPU Fan Speed Warning' from here.

systems also have a handicap: they can

the manufacturer’s website http://

covered with dust, the metal loses its

The alarm threshold of the fan can be

manage only up to 4 GB memory address

cumbersome dust is probably located

to any hard drive you want. It is a good

cooling capability and the fan runs

adjusted here or you can even switch it off

space. This 4 GB includes not only the

in your bathroom cabinet—a pack of

practice to create a drive image just after

Opera_for_Windows/945720329/1/ for

increasingly louder.

completely using the 'Disable' setting if

main memory, but also the memory chip

cotton buds. You would also need a

installing a clean version of Windows XP.


of BIOS, diverse hubs and controllers

bottle of methyl alcohol. It is preferred

This allows you to restore and revert to a

as well as the graphics memory of the

over Isopropanol as the latter is very

clean hard disk image in case of a virus or spy-ware attack.

free. To start the search function, type 'opera:historysearch' in the browser’s

It’s time to get a new processor

Once the new CPU cooler is installed,

A really effective weapon against the

a drive image, you’re free to restore it

address bar and press enter. The new

cooler in the system; it is best to get one

you should check that the temperature

graphics card built in the system. If

hygroscopic, which leads to the building

internal page lists—in a manner similar to

that is extra silent. However, since the

here gives no cause of concern. To

you have a modern 3D card with 768

up of streaks on the sensor.

Google Search—all websites previously

new silencer has been installed, you find

check it out, go in the BIOS once again.

MB graphics memory in your system,

visited. Enter your search term in the input

that your computer simply refuses to start

Go to 'Hardware Monitor' and then to

Windows will take it from the regular main

in the camera. Then switch the camera

It is used since the days of DOS. The

field on the page and click on the 'History

resulting in continuous beeps every time

'Temperature Monitor'. Now keep the PC

memory. In 3D cards with 512 MB or 256

on, remove the lens and select 'Sensor

latest version supports Windows XP and

Search' button. You can thus find the

you boot the system.

in the BIOS idle mode for 15 minutes. This

MB, Windows has a lot from the actual

cleaning' in the menu. The name varies

incremental backups by which you can

looks rather unspectacular, but keeps the

main memory left.

according to the manufacturer. The mirror

create a drive image snapshot and keep

flips up and locks. Carefully wipe the inner

adding changes to it. Acronis True Image

64-bit operating system would be of no

walls with a fine anti-static cloth, without

is another competing product which is

desired site in a flash. As with every website, you can also

What seems like a sudden system defect or a fatal installation error is

computer under full load. The displayed value behind 'CPU

If you actually require more RAM, a

To clean it, place a charged battery

Norton Ghost is a good product in the industry for creating drive images.

bookmark the found, internal pages and

often a misunderstanding between the

integrate it as a link on your personal

motherboard and the new cooler. The

Temperature' should not exceed 65 degree

help. The good news here however is that

touching the sensor. Several powerful

being recognized in the market due to its

toolbar. If you delete your browsing history

latest motherboards have the rotational

and it must not be more than 75 degrees.

XP as well as Vista operate outstandingly

puffs of air from a rubber blower will blow

performance and ease-of-use. 

and personal data, you will also lose the

speed monitoring in the BIOS which

If that is the case, then the new cooler is

even with 2 GB, and even better with a

off loose grains of dust from the chip.

data required for the 'History Search'.

sounds the alarm in case something goes

too weak for your CPU.

main memory of 3 or 3.5 GB.

Hold the camera carefully. Put the camera

46 | intelligent computing CHip

Compiled by Francis D'sa – Intelligent computing CHip

| 47

Keyboard Shortcuts Mozilla FireFox:

Activate link


Add Bookmarks

Ctrl + D

Activate link in new tab


Ctrl + B

Previous page in history

Z or Ctrl + ← or Alt + ←

Next page in history

X or Ctrl + → or Alt + +

DOM Inspector Downloads Full Screen View Help

Ctrl + Shift + I Ctrl + J F11 F1


Ctrl + H

Page Source

Ctrl + U


Ctrl + P

Refresh Page Refresh Page & Cache Save Page As Back Down One Line Down One Page File Open Forward Frame Next Frame Previous Home Page

F5 Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + S Alt + Left Arrow Down

Reload the current page

Shift + Z

Fast forward

Shift + X

Show entire backward history

Alt + Z

Show entire forward history

Alt + X

Find text in page Find next instance of text Find previous instance of text Find text in links in page



Alt + Right Arrow

Zoom in 10%

+ or 0

Shift + F6

Zoom out 10%

- or 9

Alt + Home

Zoom in 100%

Ctrl + or 8 Ctrl - or 7

Ctrl + K

Restore zoom to 100%

End Home Esc Ctrl + W

Tab New

Ctrl + T

Tab Next

Ctrl + Tab

Tab Previous Tab Select Up One Line

, (comma), or Shift + / Shift + F11

Jump to Search Bar

Tab Close

Ctrl + Shift + G

Pretend to be small-screen device

Zoom out 100%


Ctrl + G

Use entire screen for viewing page

Ctrl + L

Page Top

Ctrl + F or .(period), or /

Ctrl + O F6

Ctrl + Shift + Tab Ctrl + [1 - 9] Up

Open file Save copy of page Print preview (toggle)

Move forward through the items on a Web page, the Address box, or the Links box Move through the items on a Web page,



Move selected item down in the

Go to your Home page


Go to the next page


Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box

Go to the previous page Display a shortcut menu for a link Move forward between frames Move back between frames Scroll toward the beginning of a document Scroll toward the end of a document Scroll toward the beginning of a document in larger increments Scroll toward the end of a document in larger increments Move to the beginning of a document Move to the end of a document Find on this page Refresh the current Web page Refresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same


Ctrl + O

Stop downloading a page

Ctrl + S

Go to a new location


Shift + P

Open a new window



Ctrl + S

Open the Search box


Open the Favorites box


In the History or Favorites boxes, open multiple folders


Ctrl + X

Go to previous unread e-mail

Y or Shift + U

Set printing options and print the page


Change paper, headers and footers, orientation, and margins for this page


Default Ctrl + 0


Ctrl + Z

OPERA Open a new tab Close a tab Cycle between tabs One line up One line down One character to the left One character to the right One screen up

Ctrl + T Ctrl + W Alt + Page Down or Ctrl + Tab ↑ ↓ ← → Shift + Space or Page Up

Scroll up in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Scroll down in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Toggle view: message list/message body/ list and body

Alt + Up Alt + Down I

Expand current thread

Close current thread

← Display the last page to be printed

Close all threads

Shift + ←

Select all items in a document or window

Allows discontinuous multiple selection of items

Next link up

Shift + ↑

Next link down

Shift + ↓

display context Help about an item in a dialog box Toggle between full-screen and other views in the browser

When in the Address box, move the cursor right to the next logical break in the address (period or slash)


Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text that you type in the Address box


AutoComplete matches F1

Move back through the list of AutoComplete matches




Add the current page to your favorites


Open the Organize Favorites dialog box



Display properties for the selected item Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item Rename the selected item Display properties for the selected item Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first


CTRL+Arrow keys+Spacebar Backspace SHIFT with any arrow key SHIFT+F10 F2 ALT+ENTER DELETE or CTRL+D SHIFT+DELETE CTRL+PLUS key on Number Pad CTRL+A

Select last item in the active window


Select first item in the active window


Move focus to last item in the selected window without selecting

Will launch a selected Application elevated if used from the Start Menu





Display all subfolders under the selected folder

Ctrl+Alt+I CTRL+Windows logo key +TAB Windows logo key +SPACEBAR

Cycle through Sidebar gadgets

Windows logo key +G

Open Ease of Access Center

Windows logo key +U

Open Windows Mobility Center

Windows logo key +X

Login Screen Shortcuts: Power Menu


Switch user


Navigate between user tiles Trim

Arrow keys Ctrl+Alt+Y

Security Screen Shortcuts Lock machine


Switch user


Log off


Change Password


Task Manager


General Shortcuts:

Instant Search Box Shortcuts: NUM LOCK+ASTERISK (*) on numeric keypad





Display the contents of the selected folder NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN (+) on numeric keypad





NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN (-) on numeric keypad



Collapse the current selection (if it is expanded), or select the parent folder Display the current selection (if it is collapsed), or select the first subfolder View the previous folder View the next folder

Listview Shortcuts : Select all items in a document or window

Searches for entered term using Internet browser (does not work in Start Menu)

Collapse the selected folder


Shift + K

Display Internet Explorer Help or to


Move focus to first item in the selected window without selecting

Mark selected e-mail as unread

Internet Explorer



When in the Address box, move the cursor left to the next logical break in the address (period or slash)

Move forward through the list of



Shift+ ~


F3 or CTRL+F

Move focus to last item in the selected window without selecting



Rename the selected item



Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to previous unread e-mail T




desktop, or select text within a document



Select first item in the active window


Shift + R

F10 or ALT


Select the text in the Address box

Reply to message




Ctrl + Shift + A



Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to next unread e-mail

Mark all e-mail in active view as read


Select last item in the active window

Select more than one item in a window or on the

Display a list of addresses that you have typed


Listview Shortcuts :


Redirect e-mail

48 | intelligent computing CHip

Task Manager


Ctrl + Page Down

Shift + →

Display Start Menu

Close Print Preview


Shift + ←

Cycle through open windows without closing the menu

Display a list of zoom percentages

Forward e-mail

Next link to the right

Cycle through open windows


Ctrl + Page Up

Next link to the left


Open the shortcut menu for the active window

Mark selected e-mail as read

One screen to the left


Display the next page to be printed

Shift + →

Reply to all recipients of message, including sender

Go to bottom

Type the number of the page that you want displayed

Expand all threads

Space or Page Down

Go to top

Display the first page to be printed Display the previous page to be printed

One screen down

One screen to the right

Search for a file or folder

Save message draft (continue later)

H or Shift + J

Text Size

Display the Address bar list in Windows Explorer

Activate a selected link

Go to next unread e-mail

Increase Ctrl + +

Close the active item, or exit the active program

Ctrl + E

Ctrl + C

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item


Write new message

Ctrl + N

Bring all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar

Cancel the current task or search ESC

Turn Full Screen Mode on or off


SHIFT with any arrow key

Go forward to next location in history


Window New

Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document

Searches for entered term and opens Search Pane (does not work in Start Menu)



Ctrl+Alt+ ;


Print the current page or active frame

Ctrl + Shift + S

the taskbar by using Windows Flip 3-D

Navigate to previous location in history if one exists.

Save the current page

Send composed message

CTRL+Arrow keys+Spacebar

Instant Search Box Shortcuts:

Activate the menu bar in the active program

Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on

Allows discontinuous multiple selection of items


Ctrl + K



Navigate to parent folder if there are no previous navigations.

Check e-mail


Text Size

Go backward to previous location in history

Opens current location in a new window


Go to previous e-mail


View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer

Ctrl + Q

Open the History box

Decrease Ctrl + -

Refresh the active window

Close Opera


Text Size

Select the Instant Search box

Ctrl + P

Go to next e-mail


Select the Address bar

Move focus to first item in the selected window without selecting


Explorer Shortcuts:

Print page

Close the current window



Cycle focus to next UI element in Explorer

Alt + F4

Up One Page

Move selected item up in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box


the Address box, or the Links box

F5 or Ctrl + R


Jump to Address Bar Page Bottom

Shift + Enter

Keyboard Shortcuts


Windows Key Shortcuts: Open or close the Start menu Launches shortcut in Quick Launch with the position corresponding to the # entered.(eg. Winkey + 1 to launch first item in quick launch menu) Display the System Properties dialog box

Highlight a block of text.

CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.


Ctrl+Shift+L Windows logo key + # Windows logo key +BREAK Windows logo key +D

Minimize all windows

Windows logo key +M Windows logo key +SHIFT+M

Open Windows Explorer navigated to Computer

Windows logo key +E

Search for a file or folder

Windows logo key +F

Search for computers


Create shortcut to selected item.

Windows logo key

Display the desktop

Restore minimized windows to the desktop


CTRL+Windows logo key +F

Lock your computer

Windows logo key +L

Open the Run dialog box

Windows logo key +R

Cycle through programs on the taskbar

Windows logo key +T

Cycle through programs on the taskbar by Windows logo key using Windows Flip 3-D +TAB

Intelligent computing CHip

| 49




is the case, click repeatedly on ‘Add Drive’

Windows 2000, XP Mounting ISO files as logical drives for direct access

till a free drive letter is available. Now mark

user accounts set up on the system are

the relevant entry in the list and click on

listed under ‘User Settings’ with the

‘Mount’. Then, browse to the desired ISO

exception of the one that is currently being

ISO files are images of complete

image and click on ‘Open’. You usually do

used. Click on the desired account. You

CDs. For example, Linux setups are

not need to change the options of the next

can now access the account settings via

distributed in this form via the Internet.

dialog and you can simply confirm with

the ‘General’, ‘Windows Restrictions’,

Here, it would be more practical to

‘OK’. You can now work with the mounted

‘Feature Restrictions’ and ‘Block

start the set up for Linux directly from

image just like a normal CD-ROM drive.

Programs’ tabs. Options that cannot be

the ISO file instead of having to burn a

When you are done, remove the link to

accessed directly have been explained

CD first.

the ISO file. For this, click on the ‘Eject’

in the English manual that can be

tab. Then open ‘Driver Control’ once again

downloaded from ‘

and click on ‘Stop’ there. You have thus



Tips Tricks

If you want to use ISO files from your hard disk as complete CDs by from Microsoft that allows you to do that easily. It is even more convenient with the application ‘Daemon Tools’

Share your tips. Write to:

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Using hidden special smileys when chatting Online chats without smileys? That’s simply unbelievable! Many users actually even need more smileys than those that are available under ‘Emoticons’. Skype has some hidden symbols in addition to the usual smileys that are available in the program window. However, you cannot use these emoticons unless you enter their codes directly. So, you should enter one or more of the following codes during a chat session to access the hidden smileys: bandit, drunk, finger, etc. ‘’ gives you a good overview of the available smileys and the different sequences to type using the keyboard.


50 | intelligent computing CHip | MAY 2008


Windows XP Setting up user accounts faster via templates

1. Windows 2000, XP

Mounting ISO files as logical drives for direct access

2. Windows XP

Setting up user accounts faster via templates

3. Windows Vista Ultimate

Restoring deleted files with just a few clicks

4. Windows Vista

Reactivating Flip3D

5. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Viewing all file extensions in Explorer

7. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Structuring installation routines yourself

8. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Faster copying and pasting with a mouse click

9. Windows XP

Accessing hidden hard disks when setting up Windows XP

‘File name’ under which you want to store

You can download the Microsoft

common PC is annoying: You want

the account profile as a template. It has

tool from: ‘

to work quickly, yet at the same time

the file extension ‘.SSU’. Then select the


keep logging on to individual accounts

account under ‘User name’ and click on


separately for configuring special

‘Import User’. In the next dialog, select the


settings. Instead, you can do all that

SSU file and click on ‘Open’. a password for the new user account.

accounts. Here’s how:

Confirm this information and click ‘OK’.

11. Windows 2000, XP

Correcting mixed up icons


12. Word 2000, XP, 2003, 2007

Leafing through large documents made easier

13. Office XP, 2003, 2007

Opening and editing documents in the OpenOffice format

14. Nero 7 Premium

Starting the burn process with a double-click

15. Excel 2007, XP, 2003, 2007

Legible and harmless formatting of large numbers

16. Internet Explorer

Exporting websites to other PCs from the security zone

the tool is also listed on the result page

SteadyState, you can manage user

of the Microsoft download server, which

accounts centrally. Go to ‘

according to Microsoft should run under

com/downloads/’ for this. Search for


file. Version 2.0 of the tool runs only under

Windows Vista Ultimate Restoring deleted files with just a few clicks

Start the program and unzip the file.

Windows XP with SP2. To install it, run the

It’s Monday and you want to take

Within the unzipped folder you’ll find a file

‘SteadyState_Setup_ENU.exe’ file you just

presentations that you have created

named ‘VCdControlTool.exe’ and another

downloaded and follow the instructions.

over the weekend to office. So out

named ‘VCdRom.sys’. You’ll need both to

You will need to validate Windows again

comes your USB stick. And as luck

run the tool.

here. Then open the tool with Start | All

would have it, you may have mistakenly

Installing the tool: Copy the ‘VCdRom.

Programs | Windows SteadyState’.

overwritten the current version with

this name. After validating your copy of like any CD drive from Windows Explorer.

Reading additional song information from CD text data

Changing to Thunderbird from the browser

You can now define the name and also

existing account as a template for other

‘steadystate’ here and follow the link with 1 Once you've mounted ISO files, access them

10. Windows XP, Vista

18. Mozilla Firefox 2.x

In the following dialog, enter a name under

Please note that a Beta version 2.5 of

Removing unwanted context commands in the Media Player

Accessing your contacts faster

the ‘Export User’ link on the home page.

Creating several user accounts on a

With Microsoft Windows

6. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

17. Thunderbird

accounts as templates. To do this, follow

but it is suspected to contain adware.

centrally as well as be able to use an


You can choose which smileys you want and enter the corresponding code in your chat window.


Using Windows SteadyState has another advantage: You can use existing

mounting them as drives, there is a tool

MAY 2008

Tip of the month  Skype

unblocked the drive letter again.

On the right side of the window, all

Windows, you can download the setup


sys’ driver to the directory ‘C:\

an old one. So does that mean all your

Windows\system32\drivers’. Then run

efforts are wasted?

‘VCdControlTool.exe’. Click on ‘Driver Control’ and then on ‘Install Driver’. In

Don’t panic. You can access

the next dialog, browse to the directory

earlier versions of files with the help of

‘C:\Windows\system32\drivers’ and find

Snapshots. The prerequisite for this: The

the ‘VCdRom.sys’ file in it. Now click

‘System Restore’ for the hard disk must

on ‘Open’ and in the next dialog, on the

be activated. To do so, click ‘Start | Run |

‘Start’ and ‘OK’ tabs.

Control Panel’ and click on ‘Performance and Maintenance’ and then ‘System’. In

Setting up the drive: Click on ‘Add Drive’

and check that the requested drive letter is not already used by a local drive. If that

2 You can manage different user accounts centrally from Windows SteadyState.

the classic view of the Control Panel, you can reach this window directly by doubleIntelligent computing CHip

| 51



computer where they should be copied. Independent of the settings in the

Easy compilation: Open ‘Start | Run’,

folder options, extensions of certain file

enter ‘iexpress’ and click on ‘OK’. A

types will usually not be displayed. You

wizard is started. Activate the ‘Create new

can however remove this restriction.

Self Extracting Directive files’ and click

For this, click ‘Start | Run’, enter

3 To restore a file, select Performance and

4 Enabling Flip3D in windows vista allows you to

maintenance link and System restore link.

toggle freely between several windows

on ‘Next’. Even the following command

‘regedit’ and click on ‘OK’. In the editor,

‘Extract files and run an installation

click to the left at the start of the structure

command’ remains activated. In the

on ‘My Computer’ and then select ‘Edit |

‘Packaged files’ dialog box, click on ‘Add’

Find’. Enter the term ‘Never ShowExt’ and


click on ‘Find next’. No ‘Value’ is allocated


to this character sequence. When

clicking on ‘System’. On the left side of

removing the check-mark for the ‘Lock

adjusting this option, you must thus delete

the window, select ‘System Restore’.

taskbar’ command in the context menu.

it completely with ‘Edit | Delete’.

Windows then requests you to select

Right clicking on the Quick Start bar opens

an account with administrator rights and

a context menu. Select ‘Open Folder’ and

enter the right password. Then check-mark

‘File | New | Link’ in the dialog. Enter the

the desired hard disks in the ‘Automatic Restore points’ field for system restore

delete the key.

and add the required files.

8 With TXMouse you can copy and paste data by

In the following dialogs, you can

using the mouse alone.

configure settings for license instructions, messages, system restart and other

The Freeware tool TXMouse

tasks. In the last step, save the generated

for Windows enables additional mouse

‘Copy to CD or disk’, ‘Add to

SED file (Self Extraction Directive) to be

functions in Windows. You can download

Now press the ‘[F3]’ key to continue

synchronization list’, and ‘Add to burning

used later on.

‘TXMouse’ from ’http://fy.chalmers.

searching through the registry. In this way,

list’. Confirm the security query for

Complex installations: Here, an additional


command 'rundll32 dwmapi #105' as the

delete all entries with the name ‘Never

deleting the entire key with ‘Yes’.

INF file which contains instructions for

TXMouse does not need to be installed.

target and click ‘Next’.

ShowExt’ in the registry main branch

the exact setup process is used. Include

Simply copy it to the folder ‘C:\Documents

Confirm the safety query with ‘Yes’.

It is responsible for the commands

Repeat the same procedure for

‘HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT’. Do not edit any

sub-key ‘{CE3FB1D1-O2AE-4a5f-A6E9-

it in the installation package like the other

and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\

click ‘Finish’. The link is immediately

other branches.

D9F1B4O73E6C}’. It is responsible for the

files. In the dialog box, select the INF file

Programs\Autostart’. You can then use it

as soon as a system restore point is set;

available again. You can also use the same

Caution: Before deleting, right click on it

context command ‘Play with Windows

at ‘Install program’, set the ‘Post Install

once you’ve restarted your computer.

normally, once every day.

command to create a link on the desktop

and click on ‘Export’ to create a copy of

Media Player’ or ‘Playback’. At the same

Command’ setting to ‘None’ and click on

and confirm with ‘OK’. Windows archives old file versions

Unfortunately, not every change in

Define ‘Flip3D’ as the name and

Copying and pasting can be done in

or to bind the request to the center mouse

the respective key. You can thus double

time, delete the key ‘{F1B9284F-E9DC-

‘Next’. Then, carry out the further steps

a jiffy using the mouse. Mark any text

a file leads to a snapshot being created

button if you have installed a mouse

click on it and re-paste it in the registry at

4e68-9D7E-42362A59FOFD}’ that is

of the wizard and specify the storage

and copy it to clipboard with a click. A

immediately. The function therefore does

driver that allows a self-programmed key

any time.

responsible for the context commands

location for the archive.

click on the center mouse button or the

not provide security for realtime changes,


Note: If you want to modify only certain

‘Include in queue’, ‘Add for playback’ or

which is another reason for backing up

NOTE: Flip3D functions if the Aero effect

entries, you will find the settings for the

‘Add to playback list’.

your own files regularly, and accessing

in Vista is activated, which requires a

important hidden file types ‘.url’, ‘.lnk’ and

Snapshots only in case of an emergency.

reasonably up-to-date, high-performance

‘.scf’ in the branch ‘HKEY_CLASSES_

For this, right click on the file


in Windows Explorer. Then select

ROOT’ under the key ‘InternetShortcut’, ‘Inkfile’ and ‘SHCmdFile’.

‘Properties’ in the context menu and


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Viewing all file extensions in Explorer

In the dialog field ‘Configure reboot’,

mouse wheel is sufficient to paste the

select ‘No reboot’ and click on ‘Next’.

content from the clipboard. This process

Save the generated SED file and click

works in all programs because TXMouse

on ‘Next’ twice. When the archive is

reproduces the key combinations [Ctrl]

extracted at any point in time, the files as

+ [C] and [Ctrl] + [V] wherever you need

described in the INF file are copied to the

to copy and paste things. Moreover,

You want to transfer a database or a

system in question.

TXMouse also changes the focus of the

self-written tool in such a manner that

Note: Regenerating the installation archive

active window automatically as soon as a

the relevant files can be automatically

after a modification can be automated

new window is opened. Even that helps in

installed at an appropriate location of

through the existing SED file. For this,

sparing a few clicks.


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Structuring installation routines yourself

of all available versions. Mark the desired

In the folder options of Windows

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Removing unwanted context commands in the Media Player

entry and click on ‘Open’. In order to save

Explorer, you have configured a setting

Windows Media Player adds additional

your choice, and that too via a small

start ‘iexpress’ with the command line

a copy of the marked version in the file

so that the program lets you view

commands such as ‘Include in queue’


option ‘/N’ and specify the name of

system, click on ‘Copy’. With ‘Restore’,

all known types of file extensions.

to the context menu of various media

you make the marked copy current and

However, the information is still

files. Since you do not use these

thus overwrite the previous one.

missing for URL files as well as the

commands, you want to make the menu

an archive using self-extracting archives

the dialog boxes and minimize the

Sometimes when you try to format and

browser favorites.

smaller and neater.

and determine the location on the target

windows. You can also save the complete

install Windows XP a ‘Setup did not

commands in a small batch file for a

find any hard disk drives’ message is

simpler call-up.

displayed. What do you do?

activate the ‘Previous versions’ tab. The ‘File versions’ list provides an overview

Windows Vista Reactivating Flip3D



the SED file after a space. Also use You can compile several files in

The exact names of the context

the options ‘/Q’ and ‘/M’ to suppress


Windows XP Accessing hidden hard disks when setting up Windows XP

The new Flip 3D function makes

commands differ with different versions

toggling between open windows fast.

of Windows Media Player. The settings

But the icon to activate it in the quick

for these context commands are in the

start bar has disappeared. You want to

Windows registry, but are hidden behind

restore it.

CLSID codes. For deleting them, open

Linux allows users to copy data directly

a suitable driver for the SATA controller

the registry editor and browse to ‘HKEY_

using mouse buttons, without having

chip on the motherboard due to which the


to go through the finger acrobatics of

setup cannot detect the hard disk. You can

C188-4aed-AF92-44956194EBIF}’. Then

[Ctrl] + [C] and [Ctrl] + [V]. Is it possible

integrate the missing driver directly when

to add this function to the Microsoft

booting. The driver is usually available

operating system?

with the PC or the motherboard on a

The icon for calling upFlip3D can be restored with a ‘rundll’ link. First make sure that the taskbar is not locked by right-clicking on an empty space and

52 | intelligent computing CHip

5 On regedit window, click ‘File’ menu, select

‘Find’. Browse for Never ShowExt to delete it.

create a backup copy of this registry branch by clicking ‘File | Export’ and then

7 The Installation instruction for the exact setup process is used is put in additional INF files.


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Faster copying and pasting with a mouse click

The problem arises if you have a system with a serial ATA hard disk. The original XP setup CD does not contain

Intelligent computing CHip

| 53



Quick Tips

accesses the CD and then reads the

If that is still not sufficient, click ‘Start |

available CD text. This method requires the

Run…’, type ‘regedit’ and click ‘OK’ to

Displaying the volume slide bar

CD drive and the burner to support the CD

open the registry and find the key ‘HKEY_

You can ‘Display Volume Control In Taskbar’ via ‘Start | Settings | Control Panel ‘ Sounds And Audio Devices’

text and the suitable data to be available


on the CD.

Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer’. In the

Note: Access to the CD drive is a

right-hand pane of the window, create the

Installing XP components

hardware-related system process.

‘REG_SZ’ value ‘Max Cached Icons’ with

For fast installation of components, just copy the ‘i386’ folder from the setup CD to the root directory of your hard disk.

Therefore, it works only if you use a user

‘Edit |New | Character string’ and set it to

account with administrator rights. CD text

‘2000’ for example. This number defines

is an extension of the audio CD standard

the number of intermediately saved

Displaying Desktop

for saving information such as track lists in

icons. Values between 100 and 4096 are

a data field on the audio CD. They should

possible here.

the motherboard or PC manufacturer’s

In contrast to [WIN] + [M], [WIN] + [D] shows the desktop even if there are open dialog boxes or messages.

that some media players can fetch from

file ‘ShellIconCache’ or ‘IconCache’ under

Incidentally, the ‘Location’ option is

website. Often, the manufacturer’s page

Running the on-screen keyboard

the Internet.

your profile in ‘Documents and Settings\

also referred to as ‘Position in Text’ in

The setup checks whether your PC is

also contains a program for creating a

Local Settings\Application Data’ and then

Word 2000. You can delete a selected

equipped with the prerequisites and loads

Windows 2000, XP Correcting mixed up icons

restart the computer.

bookmark by clicking on it and then

the missing components if any. It then analyzes the Word version and offers it for

Your OS has been behaving weirdly,


selecting ‘Delete’.

disk controllers such as ICH7R and ICH8R

If you want to make entries with one hand while talking on the phone, click ‘Start | Run…’ and type the command ‘osk’ to activate the on-screen keyboard.


Faster Start Menu operation

with the icons in ‘My Computer’ on

In the Windows registry, navigate to ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\ Desktop’ and decrease the ‘menu showdelay’ value to 100 milliseconds to accelerate your start menu.

the Desktop and the Quick Start bar have been changing of their own free

Office XP, 2003, 2007 Opening and editing documents in the OpenOffice format

and end the installation.

for example under the names ‘Chipset |

Word 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 Leafing through large documents made easier

will. There are several reasons why

Leafing through voluminous documents

The free OpenOffice has established

from compressed archives before

this could happen. This can happen if

can be annoying: either you end up

itself as a competitor to Microsoft

running ‘setup.exe’. Links for Excel

Windows no longer updates the icon

having a sore finger after scrolling the

Office. You might frequently receive

are available at: ‘https://sourceforge.

Change the Desktop icons

cache properly. To verify this, open a

mouse or you use the [Page Up]/ [Page

documents in the Open document


In Windows Vista, you can change the size of the desktop icons simply by keeping the [CTRL] key pressed and turning the mouse wheel.

folder with incorrectly displayed icons.

Down] keys to reach the appropriate

format. But MS Office cannot open

id=169337&package_id=226811’ and

Refresh the screen by pressing [F5].

location in your document.


for PowerPoint at: ‘https://sourceforge.

9 Download SATA driver on Intel website to stop ‘Setup did not find any hard disk drives’ error.

CD. It is also available on the Internet at

suitable driver disk. Intel provides the relevant software for its integrated hard

Chipset Software | Intel Matrix Storage Manager’ and ‘32 bit disk configuration program’. You can also download the configuration program using another PC. After inserting the disk, you need to run the tool. Then, boot the computer on which you want to install Windows from the CD and press [F6] at first setup screen. Now insert the driver disk and press [Enter]. The setup lists the available

not be mixed up with the title information


After closing the registry, delete the


12 Self-defined bookmarks help you locate

13 The Microsoft Office packet can also read and

the bookmarks appear in the document.

letters ‘EN’ in the filename.

important places in the document in a jiffy.

Now start the installation process.

selection. Check the setting, click ‘Next’


Similarly, install the add-ins for Excel and PowerPoint. You need to first extract


Then close the window, re-open the folder and then restart the computer.

save OpenOffice formats using an add-in.

Bookmarks or text marks help you

An open source project has

id=169337&package_id=232625’. After restarting the Office programs,

If the problem persists, renew the icon

when you are faced with this dilemma:

developed suitable converters with the

drivers. Select the one that is suitable for

You can download WMPCDText from

cache ‘IconCache’. Windows recreates

you can use these to mark places in the

support of Microsoft. These converters are

you will find the ‘Open ODF files’ and

your computer and press [Enter]. Windows

the file automatically if you change the

document and jump to these in no time.

available as add-ins for Office applications.

‘Save as ODF’ commands in the Dile

integrates the SATA driver and finds the


color depth of the display. For this, right

Creating bookmarks: Place the cursor

Preparing your PC: Your PC must have

menu. The converter opens the write-

click on a free area of the desktop and

where you want to mark the document.

the latest version of the .NET framework.

protected ODF files in the new Office

select ‘Properties’.

In Word 2007, activate the ‘Insert’ tab in

Microsoft has made this available

2007 format. Hence, you need to rename

the ribbon. Then, click on ‘Bookmarks’. In

for download at '

and save the file in a Microsoft-compatible

older versions of Word, you can reach this

com/downloads'. Look for ‘.NET

format before exporting it. For this, open

hard disk in the next step.

Run Windows Media Player after installing the plugin. Confirm the displayed

Windows XP, Vista Reading additional song information from CD text data

settings in the dialog that appears. After to read data from the CD text. For this,

current color depth from ‘Maximum (32

dialog via the ‘Insert | Bookmarks’ menu

Framework Version 2.0’. Download the

‘File | Save as’, enter the desired name and

When playing original audio CDs, Media

activate the ‘Now Playing’ option and

bit)’ to ‘Medium (16 bit)’. Click on ‘Apply’

command. Enter a name for the bookmark

‘Redistributable Package’ and install it.

click on ‘Save’. It is only then that you can

Player software manages to fetch artist,

then right click on the title. The context

and ‘Yes’ one after the other to confirm.

in the ‘Bookmark name’ tab. You can

Converters developed for Office 2007

export the file via the new ‘File | Save as

album and track information from an

command ‘Read CD text’ then directly

Then set the original color depth again.

refer to this bookmark with this name

also function with and 2003—provided

ODF’ menu command.

online database. However, this is not

thereafter. The name should not contain

the Office Compatibility Pack is installed

NOTE: Check the converted file before

the case when it comes to CDs that you

spaces, hyphens, other special symbols

as well. This tool is available at ‘www.

making any changes since all formats and

yourself have compiled.

and punctuation marks. Click on ‘Add’ to’. Look for

file properties are not supported in the

create the bookmark.

‘Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack’, and

current application versions.

Navigating with bookmarks: Open

download and install it.

additional information such as track lists

the ‘Bookmark’ dialog box as described

Installing converters: Now install

are saved in the data field of the audio CD

above and double-click the desired entry.

the actual extensions. The converter

as CD text. But unlike music players such

Alternately, you can even select the

available at ‘https://sourceforge.

as Winamp Windows Media Player cannot

bookmark using the ‘Go to’ command.


You create back-ups of important

read them. A free plug-in helps retrofit

With options such as ‘Name’ and

id=169337&package_id=200089’ has

documents and regularly burn them to

‘Location’, you can sort the list either

been developed for Word. Download the

a CD or DVD using Nero. However, it is

alphabetically or in the order in which

English version. You will recognize it by the

time-consuming to do so.


inserting an unknown CD, you can try

In the ‘Settings’ tab, modify the

For some self-made compilations,

the necessary functions in Windows Media Player version 10 onwards.

54 | intelligent computing CHip

10 A right-click will allow you to read track lists and other data with WMPCDText plug-in.

11 Creating this registry key will make Windows

cache icons lesser than the limit you specify.


Nero 7 Premium Starting the burn process with a double-click

Intelligent computing CHip

| 55



simple double-click. The tool required

Quick Tips

for this – ‘nerocmd.exe’ is located in the

Saving office documents

command: 'nerocmd.exe > c:\temp\

‘#,##0.000..’. In order to give the number

obligatory confirmation query, which you

Mozilla Firefox 2.x Changing to Thunderbird from the browser

‘Core’ folder in the Nero 7 installation

nerocmd.txt'. When you press [Enter],

with the unit, add the unit to the respective

will answer with ‘Yes’, the data is added to

There was an icon in Firefox 1.5, with

Nero writes the file ‘nerocmd.txt’ along

character string, e.g., ‘#,##0.000..’ mn.’.

the registry.

which you could call up the mail

with the Windows command prompt and

Write the filenames given in save dialogs within quotation marks to avoid the default extension from being added.

with a list of all parameters described in

Use the format with three points and the

NOTE: Many times, even harmful websites

program in no time. This particular link

automate specific tasks using parameters.

Upgrading Internet Explorer 7

English in the folder ‘C:\temp’.

usual abbreviation ‘bn’ to show the amount

try to add themselves to the list of

is missing from version 2.0 onwards.

A tailor-made command can be saved as

NOTE: In the listings, the gray line separates

in billion – so the entire character string

trustworthy sites using this key. You can

a program line from the other. Always

would be: ‘#,##0.000...’ bn’.

check whether there are other unknown

re-integrates the button with the browser.

Burn on orders: To create a backup of the

Click on the ‘Add to favorites’ icon and then ‘Import and export’ to import and export favorite sites.

entries for the Windows Update in addition

It is available at ‘https://addons.update.

hypothetical folder ‘C:\BurnDisc’ on a DVD,

Making Excel formulae visible

a break up to this line. Look out for spaces.

to those you have added and the default’.

open ‘Start | All Programs | Accessories

These have been marked with a red point

values you have set.

The process of installation is the usual

to the ‘Core’ folder in the Nero installation

With [ALT] + [SHIFT] + [&], select all cells with formulae that refer to the selected cell either directly or through other cells.

directory, with for instance: ‘cd c:\tools\

Changing PowerPoint fonts

Nero\core’. Then type the following

--iso <FIlename> --create iso fs --verify

To change fonts quickly, open a presentation, then open a text object in it and then use the ‘Format | Replace fonts’ command to change fonts quickly.

--dvd ‘c:\BurnDisc\*.*’ –recursive’. Confirm

Numbering Word files

with [Enter]. Nero automatically burns the

Creating a batch file: At first glance,

Click ‘Insert | Page numbers’, click ‘Format’ and activate the ‘Start at’ option to start the document from a specific page number.

typing such a command seems more

Duplicating a Paintshop Pro image

The best way is to increase the predefined

difficult than using the graphical interface.

Quickly create a duplicate of the active image with [SHIFT] + [D] to avoid making accidental changes to the original.

view format for a thousand-tag. For this,

defined as secure and restricted are

place the cursor in the desired cell with

stored in the registry. You can export the

downloads’. Open ‘Tools’ | Add-ons’,

and open ‘Format | Cells or press [Ctrl] +

required data from there to read it later on

click the ‘Extensions’ symbol on top and

[1]. Then select the ‘Custom’ entry in the

a new PC.

then click ‘Install’. Then navigate to the

Start the backup process with a

directory. You can start this program

batch file.

| Command Prompt’. Type the ‘CD’ (change directory) command and switch

command after the prompt: ‘nerocmd.exe --write --real --drivename <DVD Drive F:>

‘C:\BurnDisc’ folder to the DVD including all its sub folders and files.

However, this changes as soon as you type the command in a batch file which takes almost no time to start. For this,

ones of the tool. You can obtain a list of

with which the number is given; it shows

be copied to a new PC where you can

all parameters with the command line

three digits after the decimal point for

simply start it with double-click. After the

enter the complete command line without

in the listing.

Internet Explorer Exporting websites to other PCs from the security zone



The free ‘Get Mail’ extension

Firefox process: click ‘Install’ on the

The Microsoft browser manages


Thunderbird Accessing your contacts faster

website and ‘Install Now’ in the following

Excel 2007, XP, 2003, 2007 Legible and harmless formatting of large numbers

an integrated zone model in which

web addresses can be defined as

You can access your contacts through

‘Trustworthy Sites’ using the security

the address book which you have to

| Customize’. Then look for the ‘Email’

You calculate large numbers in your

settings. Internet contents which you

open in a separate window. This is

symbol in the dialog and drag it to the

tables, but the usual formatting is often

do not trust completely can be placed

actually quite longwinded.

desired position in the symbol bar by

illegible, and changing the format leads

in the ‘Restricted Sites’ category. Many

to inaccurate rounding of amounts.

entries get added to this list after some


In case of user-defined formats, the original number is retained in the

dialog. Then restart Firefox. To show the icon open ‘View | Toolbars

keeping the left mouse key pressed. Click An extension directly integrates

time. You want to now transfer this

contacts in the main window of

configuration to a new computer in the

Thunderbird – in a sidebar which is

easiest possible way

similar to that of Outlook Express. The

‘Finish’. A short menu with ‘Read Email’ or ‘New Message’ appears after clicking the

free program ContactsSidebar can

background, independent of the formatting. Web addresses that you have

be downloaded from ‘http://jpeters.

open a text editor and enter the command.

desktop. A simple double-click suffices to

‘Category’ list under ‘Number’ and select

It is important to enter the complete path

start the back-up.

the ‘#.##0.00’ string as ‘Type’ from the list


that appears, and click ‘Open’. Click the

for ‘nerocmd.exe’ in the beginning. If the

Understanding the parameters:

under the input field.


‘Restart Thunderbolt’ button after clicking

path contains empty spaces, enclose the

The following is a description of the

InternetSettings\ZoneMap\Do mains’ key.

‘Install now’.

entire command in quotation marks.

parameters used: ‘--write’ is used when

two points at the end of the character

Select the entry and open ‘File | Export

you want to write data to a blank CD/DVD.

string – each point stands for a division by

Registry File’. Type a name such as ‘zone

automatically active and shares the left

directly in the relevant area of Thunderbird

command in the second line if necessary.

You can only simulate one burning process

thousand. The field now shows ‘#.##0.00..’

settings’ in the following dialog. See to

side of the program with the file structure.

as soon as it is registered as the default

This ensures that the prompt window

without ‘--real’. You can assign drive

and Excel shows a preview in ‘Sample’.

it that the ‘Selected branch’ option is

You can hide or show the new bar

application for mails.

closes only after you press a key so that

letters with the accompanying alphabets

If your result is ‘1468000’, the format

activated under ‘Export range’ and the

with ‘View | Window Layout | Contacts

you can even view the messages that

which are separated by spaces and come

automatically rounds the number to ‘1.47’

previously selected registry entry has been

Sidebar’ or even faster with [F4]. To resize

program as default, you can even use

appear when ‘nerocmd.exe’ starts. Save

after ‘--drivename’. With ‘--iso’, you can

million. The number of zeroes after the

entered. Confirm by clicking ‘Save’.

the sidebar area, drag the line separating

the free ‘Get Mail Plus 3.0’. Visit ‘http://

the text file with a ‘BAT’ extension on your

name the burned CD whereas »--create_

decimal point determines the accuracy

the panes and move it to the desired’ to

iso_fs« creates an ISO file system. Nero

position. From now on, a double-click on

download it. Here click ‘Get Mail Plus – For

checks the result with ‘--verify’ after the

the entry in the sidebar will open a new

Windows Only’. Further installation follows

writing process is complete.

email to a that contact. The context

as described above. Set up the ‘Get Mail’

You can even add the ‘Pause’

For representation in millions, add

Start the registry editor and open the

The REG file that is created can now

many parameters using the ‘nerocmd.exe’.

56 | intelligent computing CHip

The new contacts bar is now

18 Click on the Download link on the add-ons

page to download the sidebar downloader.

new tab. Select the desired option and land

If you have defined a different email

menu of each contact provides more

icon just the same way. Open the ‘Tools |

media type. Last but not the least, you can

options. Besides accessing the

Add-ons’ menu command, search for the

give a name, followed by the ‘--recursive’

‘Properties’ very quickly, you can even

‘Get Mail Plus’ entry and click ‘Settings’ to

parameter, to the file for which back up

select the contact as the recipient of a CC

select the mail program. You can change

has to be created by using wild cards such

or BCC. The most useful function is the

default program to Thunderbird in the next

as ‘*.*’ for all files, so that Nero also burns

‘Forward Contact’ option in the context

dialog or enter the email program you


menu: this opens a dialog for composing

prefer. Confirm with ‘OK’. 

The ‘--dvd’ parameter selects a DVD as

14 You can control the burning program with

appropriate XPI file in the dialog window

We have not included all parameters in this list, but these are the most important

15 You can customize formatting of large numbers without affecting the accuracy of the result.

16 When you export the file make sure that

‘Selected Branch’ option button is fixed.

a new email and inserts the relevant VCF file as an attachment.

Compiled by team CHIP – Intelligent computing CHip

| 57



WINDOWS Vista Home Premium, Ultimate

1 Checking the reliability of the OS and applications

Tips Tricks Many hardware manufacturers still offer only large all-in-one programs for installing sound or graphics cards drivers that also install some applications that you don't need. You want to update only one driver. More installers first unzip their contents to a temporary folder and then follow the remaining steps. You can manipulate the process here. Start the setup and wait till the welcome dialog appears, but don't click 'Next' when prompted. Under XP, open Windows Explorer, enter “%userprofile%” in the address bar and press [Enter]. Navigate to the hidden folder “Local Settings\Temp”. Click “View | Details” and look for a folder with the “.TMP” extension, which shows the current time in the “Modified on” column. You will find the unzipped files here. You can use Vista task manager; open it with [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]. Look for the installation which has started in the “Applications” tab. Right-click it and select 'Go to process'. The task manager now selects the relevant entry in the next tab. Right-click this process and select the “Open file path” context command. Windows Explorer opens the temporary folder. Then just browse through the files for the installer file you need.

58 | intelligent computing CHip


1. Vista Home Premium, Ultimate Checking the reliability of the OS and applications 2. Windows XP

Access your computer after forgetting the password

3. Windows 2000, XP

Accessing system files that are blocked to the user by Windows


in the tree structure on the left. The


tool collects information about program

of the timeline. The index starts with 10

key pressed when inserting a CD or DVD and when closing the optical drive—this stops them from running automatically. REACTIVATING HIBERNATION MODE: If the hibernation mode refuses to function, you can reactivate it by typing the command “powercfg / hibernate on” in a command prompt window.

new tool with ‘Start | Control Panel’.

on the day Windows Vista is installed and


Click “Performance and Maintenance”

reduces with every negative event. If the

and then “Administrative Tools”. You can

OS runs without errors for some time, the

reach the same window in the Control

index shows an improvement.

Click “Organize” in the Actions bar and select “Layout | Menu bar” to always display the classic menu bar in Windows Explorer under Vista.

installations and uninstallations as well

But what is the actual level of reliability

as Windows errors and other errors.

of your system? The reliability and

The timeline at the top indicates when

performance check of Vista helps to

these events occurred. The graph sets a

assess your own system.

“Reliability index” between 1 and 10, and

Select a day in the timeline to see more

Panel classic view by double-clicking on

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Accessing temporarily zipped files from installation archives

Quick Tips

the current value can be seen to the right

Share your tips. Write to:


| Monitoring tools | Reliability Monitor”

Vista should be more stable than XP.


JUNE 2008

Tip of the month  Windows

view, select “Reliability and Performance


“Administrative Tools”. Right-click the

information about the events of this day in


“Reliability and performance monitor” link

the bottom sections of the window. This

PLAYER: Use [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F] or [Ctrl]

to the right of the window and select “Run

way you can find out which applications

as administrator”. Authorize the command

crashed or which errors occurred and

+[Shift]+[B] for fast forwarding and rewinding.

by selecting an administrator account and

negatively influenced the index. You can

entering the password if required. If you

even find out when such events occurred.

“Prevent a forgotten password” in the

are already logged on to an administrator

This helps you identify the causes of

“Related Tasks” box on the left. Click

account, you won’t be prompted to select

problems and possibly correct or uninstall

“Next” and define a drive as the storage

another account.

programs to improve the overall stability of

location for the disk in the “Forgotten


your system.

Password Wizard”. The fact that the PCs available today

in “Resource” view. In the overview, the operating system presents diagrams for the CPU, network and memory utilization. It also provides detailed information on


Windows XP Access your computer after forgetting the password

often come without a floppy drive is not a problem. One can also work with removable disks such as USB sticks or

4. Word XP, 2003

Preventing format multiplication and deleting redundant entries.

individual tasks, example reading and

Windows XP has a wizard for forgotten

memory cards. In the next step, enter the

5. Microsoft Word 2007

Selecting and editing text without the annoying mini toolbar

writing data, CPU utilization by individual

passwords. It creates a reset disk which

“Current user account password” in the

6. Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007

Displaying and printing formulae used in the cells.

processes. Click the arrow in the title

can be used to reactivate your user

field with the same name and insert the

7. PowerPoint XP, 2003, 2007

Prevent arbitrary changing of selected font size.

bar to pop open tables with the required

account and personal computer settings

disk into the previously selected drive.

Saving a lot of time with a fully automatic photo editor.

information—these give you a quick

in an emergency.

Windows creates and saves the “userkey”

9. Internet Explorer

Assigning your own favicons to websites.

overview of the current scenario.

10. Internet Explorer

Reactivating full screen mode when it becomes blocked.

11. Firefox 2.x, Thunderbird

Displaying new Thunderbird messages as icons in Firefox.

12. Firefox 2.x

Quickly identifying the actual data type of links.

13. Firefox 2.x

Automatically display the quick search bar

when making keyboard entries.

14. Firefox 2.x

Restoring forgotten toolbar settings.

15. Opera

Displaying the security status of browsers on the XP desktop.

8. Adobe Photoshop


RELIABILITY CHECK: The “Reliability monitor”

file on it. Older restore disks will no longer CREATING A RESET DISK: To run

be valid. Keep the disk with the current

function is even more interesting—it

the wizard, open “Start | Settings |

clearly indicates the stability of Windows

Control Panel” and then open the “User

“userkey” in a safe place; otherwise

Vista. The data goes back to the day

Accounts” applet. Click the desired

everyone will have access to your

and time of installation. To access this

account with admin rights and then click

computer without the password. USING THE DISK: Click your username in

the login screen and press [Enter ], an empty and incorrect password, if you have forgotten it. The “Click here to use the


16. iPod

Identifying the exact model number of an iPod

17. Digital cameras

Taking sharp photos using the mirror lockup

18. Digital cameras

The right way to capture fireworks on a digital camera

19. Photo editing

Better color rendering by calibrating the monitor

20. MP3 players

Troubleshooting Sony Walkmans when they suddenly

start behaving strangely or don't work anymore.

21. Notebooks

Making internal card readers compatible with

SDHC memory cards

password reset disk” message appears. Start the “Forgotten Password Wizard” by clicking it. Then click “Next” once, insert the reset disk and again select “Next”. You will have to define a new password in the next window and repeat the entry 1 The reliability and performance monitor shows a timeline of crashes and program errors.

2 The wizard steps you through the process of creating a recovery disk.

to confirm it. Close the dialog box with “Next” and “Finish” and log into your account with the new password. Intelligent computing CHip

| 59



Windows 2000, XP Accessing system files that are blocked to the user by Windows


Quick Tips

or word. Word then automatically creates a new combined style and


Word 2007 Selecting and editing text without the annoying mini toolbar

the “AutoFormat as you type” tab. You will find both options “AutoFit title text

Selecting sentences in Word: To select

makes a distinction between the two by placing “Char” after the name of the

A mini bar with frequently used format

to placeholder” in the “Apply as you

new style. This not only makes the list

commands appears directly over a

type” section. These options help you

“System Volume Information”

a sentence in Word, keep the [Ctrl] key pressed and click at any place within the sentence.

more confusing, but could also result in

selected text passage, but you find this

define whether and for which text types

containing data of individual restore

Zooming with the keyboard in Opera:

inconsistent formatting. Unfortunately,

more annoying than useful.

PowerPoint should automatically adjust the

points. Even worse, a virus could end up

In Opera, you can zoom in with the keyboard using the [Ctrl] + [+] and [Ctrl] + [-] keys in 10 percent steps. With [Ctrl] + [0], you can switch back to the 100 percent view.

there is no one-click option to prevent

Windows denies even administrators access to certain folders, for example

in these folders a virus scanner would not be able to find and remove it due to this restriction.

font size.

such weird behavior. To prevent this from happening, format

to placeholder” and “AutoFit body text

To hide the mini toolbar permanently, click the Office button in

individual words by defining special

the top left corner of the window. Select

styles for them rather than formatting

“Word Options” in the window that opens and then look at the “Popular” section

6 Check all your formulae with one simple keystroke.


Adobe Photoshop Saving a lot of time with a fully automatic photo editor.

Reading out info on blank discs with

individual selections. This is how you

option of getting the rights you do not

Nero: Nero can display information

can go about it: open “Format | Styles

you should directly close the file without

for your brand new website and want

have. However, this permanently changes

about the manufacturer of blank CDs/ DVDs. When you open “Recorder | Medium information”, keep [Shift] pressed and click “Update”.

and Formatting” and click “New Style”.

re-saving the contents.

to edit all of them in the same way. It

automatically starts a program at a predefined time in such a way that it runs

As administrator, you have the

the settings; which is not advisable in

Now set “Character” in the “Style type”

You have selected a bunch of photos

To achieve the same effect in older

can be frustrating to repeat each action

combination field. Then define the actual

versions of Excel, call up “Tools | Options”

formatting, give it a name and finally

and activate the “Formulas” option on

Auto write protection in Excel:

create the style by clicking “OK”. There

the “View” tab in the dialog that opens.

will be a small symbol for the character

In Excel 2007, click the “Formulas” tab,

for batch processing in Photoshop. This

style to the right of the name of the format

and then under “Formula Auditing”,

can eliminate monotonous and often-

template in the selection box. There is

click the “Show Formulas” button. The

repeated steps in the process of photo

no symbol for automatically created or

special formula view can be used to get

editing, making the whole process quicker.

an overview of the formulae used and to

This is how you go about it:

the “Run” command in the Start menu

When you open an Excel table using a shortcut with the “/r [Path]\[Filename]” parameter added to it, it automatically becomes write-protected. Text display in Openoffice: With [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [J], you can use the entire image area in OpenOffice for viewing text, or switch back to the smaller default view.

go to “Edit | Find”, click “More” and open

from the categories on the left. Then

and type “at [hh:mm] /interactive [Program

Defining edge sharpness in PSP:

“Format | Style" in the following dialog.

uncheck the checkbox in front of the

name]” and press [Enter]. Replace the

In Paint Shop Pro, define the “Edge sharpness” with “Selection” in the style pallet for the soft-focus contour effect when copying from picture sections.

Select the entry in question and confirm it

most cases. Using the “at” command, Windows

with system rights. To do this, you must enter a few parameters in addition to the program name. They are the start time and the “/interactive” option in order to communicate with the program. Call up

time [hh:mm] with the time displayed in the system tray plus one minute. Click “OK”. Now wait till the minute is over and till the system runts the program with

combined templates.

through Word's preferences dialog box.

format template has been used in the text,

document the contents of your table draft.

This sounds like an ideal application

To start with, create a folder and copy the selected photos into it. Press [D] in Photoshop to set black as the foreground

“Show Mini Toolbar on selection” option.

PowerPoint XP, 2003, 2007 Prevent arbitrary changing of selected font size.

with “OK”. Now keep clicking “Find next”

Confirm the modification with “OK”. The

If typed contents reach the boundary of

which contains the folder you created.

to navigate to the respective selections

formatting commands from the now-

a text field for the title of flowing text,

Then define the actual procedure in the

in the document. You can even correct

missing mini toolbar can still be accessed

PowerPoint automatically reduces the

“Action” field just below “Set”. Next,

paragraph formatting while doing so.

from their regular positions on the “Home”

font size. This is often helpful, but can

set the “Folder” as “Source” and select

tab of the multi-function bar.

be very annoying

the directory that contains the photos

To remove unused templates, open

maximum administrator rights. This can

either have the necessary rights to remove

be Windows Explorer for instance, which

the virus or run the disinfection tool with

“Tools | Templates and Add-Ins”. Click

can now open the directories that were

system rights. Administrators do not even

“Organizer” in the dialog that opens and

previously blocked.

have rights over the entire registry. For

activate the “Styles” tab. On the left,

example, Windows saves user accounts

select the respective style in the list of the

where, for instance, a virus has

and groups in the SAM database under

active document and click on the “Delete”

taken refuge in the “System Volume


button. Confirm the confirmation prompt

Information” folder. For this, you must

You require higher system rights to access

with “Yes”.

This technique is useful in a situation

5 The floating mini toolbar can be disabled

To check if and where a particular

manually for all the files.

this entry.


color and call up “File | Automate | Batch”. Under the “Play” section, select the set

to be edited. Then close the dialog with


Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 Displaying and printing formulae used in the cells.

Even when the font size is basically

“OK”. Activate “Override Action ‘Open’

a format, the function for automatic

Commands” if the opened documents are

adjustment of this setting is located

not processed in batches when charting

In many tables, formulae automatically

somewhere else. Open the “Tools |

the action performed. The “Suppress

edit values that have been entered.

AutoCorrect Options” command just

Color Profile Warnings” option ensures

This is very practical when working

next to the “Format” menu and activate

that inappropriate color management

on a PC—but the formulae cannot be seen when taking a printout. You need

Applications Word XP, 2003

those formulae for a discussion with colleagues.


Preventing format multiplication and deleting redundant entries.

3 Type in the time so that the program will run as soon as the minute changes.

60 | intelligent computing CHip

Use the key combination [Ctrl] + [`]

The number of styles in the selection

to toggle between the normal table view

list increases without you having done a

and a special view, in which the table cells

thing. The additional entries come with

display formulae instead of their results.

the suffix “char”. What's going on here?

However, this view does not show specific

This happens when you assign the “Paragraph” style to a selected character

4 You can use this dialog box to edit the predefined character styles in Word.

formats such as centered cell contents. The only way to deal with this is to save before changing the view. After printing,

7 Disable these options so that you are always in control of the font size.

8 Define the instructions for a batch operation and sit back as your files are manipulated.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 61



settings do not interrupt the batch

to “0” or simply send it to the recycle

with “Install now”. You will need to close

processing. Set the folder in which

bin with “Edit | Delete”. Confirm the

and restart Firefox before the add-on can

Photoshop should store the edited photos

prompt that pops up by clicking “Yes”. In

take effect.

under “Destination”.

addition, you should also check whether

Preparing Thunderbird: Open Thunderbird

an entry of the same name exists in the

and go to “Tools | Add-Ons”. Click the

website, you should give them unique


“Extensions” tab and then click “Install”.

names and number them. Photoshop also


In the following dialog box, navigate to

does this for you on request. You will find

Restrictions” key. Delete it or change it

the file you have saved and open it. Click

six fields that are linked with plus signs

as instructed above and then close the

“Install now” here as well and restart the

under the “File Naming” section. Enter the

registry. The restriction vanishes after

program. Thunderbird has to be set to

document name in the first field, select

restarting Internet Explorer.

automatically check for incoming mail in

For easily displaying photos on a

the date in the usual “MMTTYY” format

9 Assign your own icons to entries in the

order to generate the alerts. Go to “Tools

Favorites menu for quick visual recall.

from the second field and define the serial

| Accounts” and click “Server Settings” in

pages. All you need to do is type.

the for the desired account. The “Check

useful plugin is installed after you click

not placed in an input field, you just need

for new messages every... minutes”

“Install now”. Finish the setup by clicking

to type what you want to search for, and

“Read-only” option in the “General” tab

You want to integrate Firefox and

option must be activated for at least one

“Restart Firefox”.

Firefox will automatically display the quick

and confirm with OK” to make sure it can’t

Thunderbird so that you can directly

account. Automatic downloading of new

be overwritten.

read new mails in the browser. This also

messages on the other hand is not a

settings before you start using the plugin.

The bar also disappears automatically

allows you to check for new messages

prerequisite. Confirm the configuration

Open “Tools | Add-Ons” and click the

if you do not type anything for three

without downloading all your mail.

with “OK”. Incidentally, the extension can

“Extensions” icon on top. Click the


also be used with the Sunbird program in

“Link Alert” entry in the list and then

file for your desired favicon. Confirm the

order in the third field. You can specify

selection with “OK”. Now activate the

the serial number to begin within the field below. Then complete the document name in the fourth field by selecting “Extension”. Photoshop links the inputs without


13 Speed up searches for text strings in web

links are plainly visible in the box to the right.

Displaying new Thunderbird messages as icons in Firefox.

number given by the program in ascending


Internet Explorer

Firefox 2.x, Thunderbird

12 The website is in german, but the download

You might want to tweak a few

search bar at the bottom of the window.

can separate the entries in the fields with

Reactivating full screen mode when it becomes blocked.

the same way.

click “Settings”. Under “Basic settings”,

an underscore so that they become clear

Due to some unknown reason, the

the browser, indicate new emails in a

Using The Extension: As soon as you

change the selection of data types for

Restoring forgotten toolbar settings.

and legible. You can see the result above

“View | Full Screen” menu command is

pop-up window or display a notification

restart Firefox, it starts communicating

which Link Alert should show a separate

The browser has started forgetting

the fields—Photoshop displays a sample

grayed out and deactivated. Even the

in the system tray. However, this isn’t

with Thunderbird. You will see a

icon as per your needs by checking the

settings for toolbar customizations and

document name here.

[F11] key doesn’t work. But you prefer

of much use if the taskbar is hidden or

“Thunderbird Biff” icon at the bottom right

boxes for each entry. The “Advanced”

window sizes.

using the full screen view without menu

if Firefox runs in full screen view. A note

corner of the status bar. It blinks green if

tab gives you the option of defining icons

bars for clutter-free surfing.

in the status bar of the browser comes

there are any new messages.

for your own custom file types. Under

putting spaces in between. If required, you

On clicking “OK”, the program processes the batch and executes the instructions one after the other for each photo.

Thunderbird can, independent of

in handy in such situations. You can add

You have to make an entry in the


Firefox 2.x

There is a possibility that the

“Display”, activate the “Display large

“localstore.rdf” file in the profile folder

The cause of the problem is a

this feature using the free extension

registry in order to switch to the default

icons” option so that the alert looks more

which stores your customization settings

Note: Activate the “Override Action ‘Save

setting in the registry that can be activated

“Thunderbird Biff”. It is available for

email program by clicking the icon. Start

prominent. Now restart Firefox.

in XML format is not being recognized. An

As’ Commands” option in case the action

inadvertently by some registry cleaning

download at

the registry editor and navigate your way

Note: You can test all the functions of the

update could be the possible culprit.

contains a Save command. If the option is

applications. To correct it, click “Start |


to the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\

extension on the plugin’s download page

not activated, Photoshop overwrites the

Run”, type “regedit” and click “OK”.

Preparing Firefox: Right-click on the

Clients\Mail” key. Double-click “Default”


original file.


Internet Explorer Assigning your own favicons to websites. Favicons are small icons that are

“Install” link on the website and select

in the right window section. Enter “Mozilla


the “Save Target As…” context command

Thunderbird” in the dialog, confirm with

Policies\Microsoft\InternetExplorer” key.

since you will need this file more than

“OK” and close the registry.

Create it if it is not already present. Look

once. Then open the downloaded file

for the “NoTheaterMode” DWORD value


in the “Restrictions” subkey. To undo the

through the “File | Open File” dialog box

restriction, change the value from “1”

and allow the installation of the extension

In the editor, navigate to the


Firefox 2.x Quickly identifying the actual data type of links.

Explorer. Type “%app data%” in “Start |


Firefox 2.x Automatically display the quick search bar when making keyboard entries.

open other documents instead a new

combination [Ctrl] + [F]. But is there a

recalling the site you need. Many websites

web page. This can occasionally allow

faster way to search through pages?

serve up their own icons—these are

dangerous scripts and programs to run.

Firefox can start searching through

website. If not, the browser always uses

Often, even the link’s description

its default icon of a page.

a page automatically without you having

doesn’t show the required information.

to do anything. To activate this function,

The free extension “Link Alert” transforms

open “Tools | Settings” and click the

website and protect it so that the browser

the cursor into an icon when it hovers

“Advanced” icon. Then switch to the

does not replace it. Here’s how you do it:

over a link. This way, you can immediately

“General” tab. Activate the “Search for

know the type of document it leads to. To

text when I start typing” option under

install it, go to

“Accessibility”. Confirm the setting

detail/Link_Alert and click “Install”. The

change with “OK”. As long as the cursor is

You can also specify an icon for a

62 | intelligent computing CHip

backup copy of the “localstore.rdf” file can create and associate with a new one.

the Favorites menu, and help in visually

click “Change Icon” and navigate to the

then to the desired profile in it. Create a and delete the original file, so that Firefox

You can start this function using the key

Favorites list and select “Properties”. Then

the “Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” folder and

function of the browser for websites.

Some links direct you to a download or

Right-click the desired URL in the

Run…” dialog box and press enter. Go to

You often use the integrated search

displayed next to the websites listed in

anchored in the HTML code of the

First close the browser and navigate to the profile folder using Windows

10 A little registry editing is required to re-enable this blocked function.

11 Thunderbird and Firefox can be integrated with a simple add-on.

14 These files contain information about your personalized settings.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 63


Take care that you don’t do anything to the


updates. Otherwise, this information does

Quick Tips

previewing the photos on the camera

Elite is a more professional but also more



file “localstore-safe.rdf”, since this is not

will not reflect the real level of risk you

display. As is always applicable, use a

expensive option. Pantone’s Huey is

an old backup copy, but a file required by

face. A click on the icon of each browser in


small ISO value for the lowest possible

always active and constantly compensates

Making internal card readers compatible with SDHC memory cards

the browser when it runs in safe mode.

the widget leads you to an overall view on

image noise. You must use a tripod for

for ambient light. The photo editing

Many card readers integrated in

The next time you run Firefox, you have to

the Secunia website.

Change the view of the calculator to “View | Scientific” to show a professional mode and convert binary numbers to hexadecimal values.

non-blurry pictures.

software must support color management,

notebooks read regular SD cards of up

but many widely used programs such as

to 4 GB without any problems. However,

Photoshop do this.

they are not compatible with newer

Jumping to the URL field

customize all your settings again. These Note: As far as possible, avoid using


the Windows search function, since the

will now be preserved.


folder we need is hidden, and it might

Identifying the exact model number of an iPod

direct you to the program folder of the

The free The iPod classic, nano

browser instead. You must not delete the

and shuffle—it is easy to physically

“localstore.rdf” file in this folder at any

differentiate between the wide range of


Apple’s successful music players. But



To quickly jump to the URL field and type a website address in Firefox, use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[L]. You can also use [Ctrl]+[K] to jump to the search field next to it.

you need more specific details on the

is very important, especially for taking

generation and model type.

good photos with long exposures: the

Displaying the security status of browsers on the XP desktop.


Photo editing Better color rendering by calibrating the monitor

The most discerning professionals calibrate their cameras too, but this is

You always hear of two terms in

time-consuming for normal users. You

connection with photo editing: color

need comprehensive color management

management and monitor calibration.

hardware and software to adapt the color

Can hobby photographers take

profiles of each individual component in

advantage of these things?

the chain. Moreover, calibration needs to

Color management ensures

MP3 players

consistent color representation in digital

in most DSLRs, swivels the mirror away

cameras as well as your own output

You use various browsers on your

from the optical path behind the lens

device, in a photo lab and at the printing

system and want to have an overview of

before actually clicking a photo, so that

shop. This however is easier said

Troubleshooting Sony Walkmans when they suddenly start behaving strangely or don't work anymore.

current risks through known and newly

any mechanical movement of the mirror

than done — in practice, quite a few

Your Sony NW-S600 or NW-S700 series

discovered security loopholes

cannot adversely affect the photo.

problems that complicate universal color

MP3 player is about a year old and

management exist, and hence it is an

suddenly plays songs only through one

expensive affair.

earphone, or not at all.

release, the semitransparent mirror

The website

larger capacities.

be performed quite frequently.

mirror lock function. This function, found

As soon as you press the shutter

SDHC cards which come in 4 GB or


21 SDHC cards are larger and faster than regular SD cards, but not always compatible.

With a little bit of luck, you can teach your notebook to read from and

shows the number of security loopholes

swivels in the camera body and frees the

for each browser at any time, and how

path to the photo sensor. The camera body

and do not find significant color deviation

critical they are. However, a small Opera

almost always shakes because of this. At

between the image on the monitor and

fault in Sony’s factories. Plugging and

update. Some notebook manufacturers

times, the camera doesn’t stop shaking

the printed copy, you can do without

unplugging the headphones repeatedly can

provide the appropriate update. HP, for

completely even after the shutter curtain is


damage an internal component, according

example, offers an update for its Compaq

to the Sony support website.

and Pavillion notebooks running Windows

widget can also automatically display this. You can download Stay Secure from

16 Your iPod's serial number can be checked in a database, revealing its exact specifications.

You need not rummage through

released. Slight movements of the body do

If you are content with your images

But some action has to be taken if the

write to SDHC cards (“HC” stands for This is because of a production

high capacity”) using a firmware or driver

Click the widget icon on the “Launch”

the manuals or bills for the exact model

not make any difference when using short

printer reproduces completely different

button on the right. After the download,

name of your iPod. The Internet offers a

exposure times, but this can lead to blurs

shades than those you have defined on

(assuming you bought the player from an

sp32001-32500/sp32017.exe and for

Opera immediately starts the program.

faster way to do so: the website www.

when using long exposure times since the

the monitor. You have a few options. The

authorized shop). Even the E400 and E500

those running Windows Vista at ftp://ftp.

Click “Yes” in the next dialog to confirm it. The website

picture is exposed to the movements for

simplest and cheapest one is to try and

series Walkmans are susceptible; the

is in German, but you can enter the serial

longer. Even a tripod cannot prevent these

set the monitor visually using your own

shuffle and repeat functions don’t always


Secunia for the most recent data. The

number of the device in the only text


judgment. Compare a photo on the monitor

work perfectly. Irritated customers need

Microsoft’s also has a small 524

display does not show how many security

box, and click the “show” button below

with its print from the photo lab of your

not give these models in for repairs—a

KB driver update that can be of help to

loopholes a browser has, but how risky the

it. The site the opens next gives the

choice. Some photo labs also offer specially

simple firmware update helps in most

Windows XP users. You can download

most dangerous and unpatched loopholes

exact model name and generation of your

prepared test images for this purpose.

cases. You can download the update from

it from the Microsoft Knowledge Base

are. You should always use the latest

iPod. Besides, you can also learn where

Sony’s website. A bonus: your updated


versions of your browsers with all their

and when that particular device was

Fireworks just don’t look sharp and

manufactured. The serial number can be

exciting when you capture them with a

will be left out, since this patch can be

found on the rear of the player.


downloaded only after your system passes

“Stay Secure” automatically asks

Digital cameras

18 The right way to capture fireworks on a digital camera

The use of a measurement sensor such as Pantone’s Huey or Datacolor’s Spyder3

You should contact Sony for free repairs

MP3 players will include a clock function.

XP at

kb/934428. Pirated copies of Windows

a Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)


15 Download the Opera widget from this site for instant updates on browser security.

64 | intelligent computing CHip

Digital cameras

authenticity check.

The automatic mode on most

Taking sharp photos using the mirror lockup

cameras is not suitable to the lighting conditions of a fireworks display. It is

options. You can either always connect

You lug around a tripod in addition to

designed to expose the frame for a very

the digital camera with the SDHC card

your bulky DSLR, but photos with long

short time with a flash. Deactivating the

still inside it using a a USB cable, and

exposures still appear slightly tilted.

auto focus and setting the focal length

then copy the images through it. Your

What’s going wrong?

to “infinite” is a better idea. Specify an

last option is to buy a small, external card

aperture of about 5.6 or 7.1 in manual Actually, nothing is going wrong. You are probably not using a function that

mode and expose for one or two seconds. Approximate the correct values by

If none of this helps, you still have two

19 Devices such as the Spyder 3 can be used to calibrate the colors your monitor displays.

20 Some of Sony's Walkman models can be upgraded with a firmware update.

reader that is SDHC compatible.  Compiled by Jamshed Avari – Intelligent computing CHip

| 65




JULY 2008

Share your tips. Write to:

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Tip of the month  Software Colored bars in Microsoft Project Microsoft Project is a useful application to track projects with, but the uniformity of the bar colors doesn’t give you all the information needed in one glance. Changing the colors of the bars after tasks have been finished or tagged is one option. The task names in your project file have a 'Flag' field called 'Over'. Once the task has been flagged 'Over', i.e. the attribute of the filed ‘Over’ is 'Yes', the bars should change color or in some other way indicate that the next task stage has been reached. First, go to ‘Format | Bar Styles’. First we will add the bar styles for when the project is tagged. Scroll down to the end of the list and press ‘Insert Row’ and enter ‘TaskOne’, change the color to ‘Purple’ and in the ‘Show for … Tasks’ column type in ‘Normal, Flag2’ where 'Flag2' is the field name of the column ‘Over’. This will ensure that when the 'Over' field has been flagged the bar will change color. Similarly, change the color based on other tags.

WINDOWS 1. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Vacating system resources for programs

2. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Formatting a USB Stick using NTFS

3. Windows 2000, XP

Navigating the Internet without a Web browser

4. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Deactivate user activity monitoring

5. Vista Home, Ultimate

‘HP USB Disk Storage’ available on the

your services with the command ’sc query

CHIP DVD. Install and run the program.

<service name>’ while the command

Select the USB stick in the ‘Device’

The indexing service provides rapid

’sc qc <service name>’ queries the

field and set the ‘File system’ to ‘NTFS’.

access to files for a quicker search.

configuration information. To change the

Click the ‘Enable compression’ option

However, it uses a lot of memory; a

configuration of a service use ‘sc config

if necessary and then click on ’Start‘.

precious commodity. Working with

<service name> <option name>=<option

Confirm the security query for deleting

bulky programs while the indexing

value>’. There shouldn’t be a space

all data on the USB stick with ‘Yes’. You

service is running can be very slow.

after the equal sign. Further help on the

can also set the option ‘Optimize for quick

configuration options is provided by typing

removal’ as a mode for the USB stick

6. Windows XP, Vista

Disable hibernation mode

7. Windows XP

Manage multiple desktops


Indexing and other services can

’sc config’ without any other parameters.

be started and ended using the ‘net start <service name>’ and ‘net stop <service name>’ commands to deactivate unnecessary memory hogs before

while using the HP USB Disk Storage tool. NOTE: The NTFS file system has quite a


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Formatting a USB stick easily using the NTFS file system

few advantages against its predecessor FAT (File Allocation Table). For instance, it saves small files faster, the storage

starting a resource-hungry application like

All versions of Windows since 2000 use

capacity of the stick can be increased

CorelDraw. The services can be controlled

the efficient NTFS file system. One of

through drive compression, and you

using the command line tool ‘sc’,

the most obvious advantages of NTFS is

can work with user rights and encrypt

accessible from ‘Start | Run | cmd.exe’.

that it can, for instance, save files larger

files. However, be careful with these

Type ‘sc/?’ at the prompt for an overview

than 2 GB in size. However, it is unable

options—your data may not be readable

of all available options. To start a service,

to format a USB flash drive with NTFS.

on another computer if you place too many

type ‘sc start <service name>’, and to end it type ‘sc stop <service name>’. It

Displaying dual clocks

restrictions on the file system. In order to ensure that Windows

would be wise, however, to stop a service

offers ‘NTFS’ (New Technology File

only until your current operation is done

System) as a formatting option, first

and then continue running it again later.

open the flash drive in ‘Optimize for

Windows 2000, XP Navigate to certain websites without using a Web browser

The easiest way to do this is to create a

performance’ mode. Right click on the

In some situations, for instance in the

batch file. Open a text editor and type the

drive in the Windows Explorer and select

office, Web browsers such as Internet

following code:

the ‘Properties’ context command. Change

Explorer or Mozilla Firefox are blocked.

sc pause <service name>

‘Properties’. Switch to the ‘Policies’ tab


the tab to ‘Hardware’. Select the desired

Is it still possible to browse to certain

start /w <program path> <program name>

USB stick once again and then click on

websites without them?

8. Windows ME, 2000, XP

Reinstall missing fonts

sc continue <service name>

9. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Override file protection and replace system files

Important: The <service name> of the

in the following dialog box. Now activate

command line tool ‘sc’ is not the same

the ‘Optimize for performance’ option

program such as Paint or Calculator

10. Windows XP

Recheck the Registry for inconsistencies

as the common display name of the

and then click on ‘OK’. This change can

and open the program's Help dialog by

service. To find the correct <service

be implemented only after restarting the

pressing [F1] or the menu item ‘Help |

name> go to ‘Start | Settings | Control


Help Topics’. Right click on the title bar in

Panel | Administrative Tools | Services’.

Caution: Once you have made this

the help window and select the context

Double-click the appropriate service form

setting, make sure that the USB stick is

command ‘Jump to URL’. Enter the

Change the 'Back' button icon

the list and note the ‘Service name’ in the

always deactivated before unplugging it;

complete Web address in the subsequent

13. Mozilla Firefox 3

Modify the Smart Location bar

following dialog box.

otherwise your data might get corrupted.

dialog as ‘’ and

14. Mozilla Firefox 3

Delete entries in the Smart Location bar

15. Mozilla Firefox 3

Spell check form input fields

16. Apple iPod

Synchronize the iPod with Winamp

17. Internet Explorer

Empty contents of temp folders

18. Google Calendar

Synchronize Google and Outlook calendars

2 Format the USB stick to the NTFS files system

3 Surf the Internet and open websites all using

11. Windows XP, Vista

Remove shortcut arrows from icons

Applications 12. Mozilla Firefox 3

hardware 19. Digital Photography 20. CD/DVD Burner

66 | intelligent computing CHip | JULY 2008


Alternatively, you can use the free tool

be used to discover the current state of

Tips Tricks

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Freeing system resources for important programs

NOTE: The command line tool ’sc’ can also

Create Macro shots without buying a special lens Compatibility for new blanks and raising the speed


Start any Windows Accessory

73 1 In order to stop the resource-hungry indexing service, you require its service name.

using Windows or HP USB Disk Storage.

Help pages instead of the Web browser.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 67



click ‘OK’. This should bring up the desired

Quick Tips

website in the right window pane. You can

the hibernation function. However, the

determine through the ‘Shared Desktops’

procedure is very different between

option in the context menu whether the

now navigate through it using the context


Windows XP and Vista. The two are

taskbar should display only the window of

commands, accessible by right clicking on

similar in only one respect—they both

the current screen or all windows together.

require administrator rights.

With the activated setting, you can fetch

WINDOWS XP: Log in with an administrator

windows by clicking on the desktop which

account and right click anywhere on the

is active at that moment. After arranging

desktop. Select ‘Properties’ from the

everything, deactivate the option such that

menu. Open ‘Power options’ under the

you can view only the current desktop.

advantages of background monitoring,

the ‘HKEY_USERS\ .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors’ Registry key, define the background color while booting in RGB values. The original values are R=0, G=78, B=152. ADJUST THE WINDOW DESIGN: Nostalgia buffs or purists can simply right click on the desktop and select “Display Properties | Themes | Windows Classic’. ENLARGING THE DESKTOP FONT: To change the font size for the display settings go to ‘Settings | Advanced | General’ from the desktop settings. BOOTING STEP BY STEP: You can interrupt the system startup with the help of the [Pause] key in order to read on-screen information or error messages. Then, hit the [Enter] key to continue booting.

you can turn it off in a single step. Start

the website pane. NOTE: Calling up websites via the Windows

Explorer uses Internet Explorer in the background and is thus not a way to access restricted websites.


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Deactivating monitoring of user activities immediately

Windows continuously monitors the programs that you run and also the files you use. This data is then used for managing the document history and to provide personally adapted menus.

5 Along with the current local time, Vista can

display two other clocks with varying timings.

Dexpot is another free utility with a

‘Screen Saver’ tab. In the next dialog box, deactivate the ‘Enable Hibernation’ option under the ‘Hibernate’ tab. Confirm this

7 Virtual desktops also help to hold the view over many programs even on one monitor.

larger functional scope, which can be run under all versions of Windows. You can

time. The settings can be made in the

with ‘OK’. The operating system deletes

Moving too many windows opened

find it on the CHIP DVD or the website

‘Show this clock’ section. This sections

the ‘hiberfil.sys’ file automatically.

simultaneously is very tedious. Besides,

contains two clock time zone settings,

WINDOWS VISTA: Log in with an

the budget is too small to procure a

one for each display. In order to display a

administrator account and go to ‘Start |

giant TFT.

clock dial, select the check box next to the

All programs | Accessories | Command

‘Show this clock’ option. Next, ‘Select time

Prompt’. Enter the command ‘powercfg.

If you are short on desktop

Windows ME, 2000, XP Eliminating display problems with missing fonts


zone’ and ‘Enter a display name’ that will

space, you have the option of virtually

Some system fonts have evidently

inform you in which time the clock refers

enlarging the monitor. You can then group

been damaged after installing and

to. Finally, confirm by clicking ‘OK’. So the

communication and Internet programs,

uninstalling many applications.


next time you mouse over the date and

for instance, on one desktop and office

Windows has been displaying messages

the Registry Editor from ‘Start | Run |

QUICKLY: Instead of the usual three

time symbol on the system tray notification

applications on the other. The advantage

incorrectly for some time.

regedit’ and click ‘OK’. Navigate to the

key combination [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del], the task manager can be accessed in one step using the key combination [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Esc]. MANAGING DATA CARRIER: In order to start the disk management tool directly, go to ‘Start | Run’, simply type in 'diskmgmt.msc' and click on ‘OK’.

area, you will see one or two different

here is that you need not search for the

names and times for the time zones you

window of the mail program, for example,

have set, in addition to the usual local time

amongst multiple work-related windows.

If you want to forego the

‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer’ key. Create an entry called ’NoInstrumentation‘ with ’Edit | New | DWORD value‘ and open it with a double click. Assign the value ‘1’ here and click on ‘OK’. If you want the setting to be valid for all users, create this DWORD

in the system tray.

The ‘Virtual Desktop Manager’ from 6 'Change what the power button does' in the

Tidy up your system again by reinstalling the necessary fonts and deleting the unnecessary ones.

the XP PowerToys is a simple and free

RENEWING FONTS: The following fonts are

tool for enabling virtual desktops. The tool

included in Windows and these should

collection is available on the CHIP DVD

remain installed on each and every

Windows XP, Vista Unburden your system and make room in the system partition

exe -h off’ at the prompt and hit [Enter].

or at the website (

computer: 'Courier New', 'Arial' and

While switching to hibernation mode,

This is one way to deactivate hibernation.


'Times New Roman' (TrueType in each

Windows saves the content of the RAM

Alternatively, you can also tweak the

xppowertoys.mspx). The tool is ready-to-

case including the variations 'Bold', 'Italic'


'Control Panel | Power Options' in Vista.

value in the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\

even delete the list of previously used


programs used from the Start menu. The

function of the power button in the Start

use immediately after installation, even if

and 'Bold italics') as well as 'Symbol' and

Version\policies\Explorer” key too. If you

document history will not be removed, but

menu. To do this, open ’Start | Control

you don’t notice any changes. Simply right

'Wingdings' as TrueType, and 'MS Serif'

want the setting to be applicable to only

it will not be populated with entries.

Panel | System and maintenance | Power

click anywhere in the taskbar and select

and 'MS Sans Serif' as normal types. The

options‘ and then click on ’Change power

‘Toolbars | Desktop Manager’. Now you

system fonts can be renewed quickly:

saving mode‘ as well as on ’Change

will see the ‘MSVDM’ toolbar for quick

simply start the Windows setup—it

advanced power settings‘ to the left.

screen changes in the taskbar.

replaces the missing or system files that

certain users, log in as that user and then carry out the step previously described. After you close the registry, restart the computer for the changes to take effect.


Vista Home Premium, Ultimate Displaying time zones clearly while making phone calls

Now select the ‘Shut down’ entry under

However, the displayed text does not

are changed automatically.

NOTE: With this entry, you cannot only

You can talk to your near ones abroad

the ’Power buttons and Lid | Start menu

have any function, in fact, it only wastes

ADDING FONTS: Under Windows 2000, XP

prevent future monitoring, but you can

at a low price via VOIP, using programs

power button' option and press ‘OK’.

space. In order to get rid of it, remove the

and Server 2003, you can add or delete

taskbar lock first by right clicking on it and

fonts only as administrator. In order to

the future, log in with an administrator

selecting the ‘Lock the taskbar’ context

reinstall a missing font from a removable

account, open a command prompt, enter

command. Now right click on the Start bar

disk, open “Start | Run” and type

in the 'hiberfil.sys' file. Typically, several

the command ‘powercfg.exe -h on’ at

of the toolbar and untick the ‘Show title’

'%windir%\fonts' .

GBs are devoured due to this process.

the prompt and hit the [Enter] key. Under

option. Clicking once on the ‘Preview’

The hibernation mode is active by

Windows XP, simply follow the steps

symbol will show an overview of all the

click on 'OK'. Now open 'File | Install

default but is hardly used by anybody.

described earlier and activate the ’Enable

four virtual desktops.

New Font' and under 'Drives', select the

If you want to use hibernation in

such as Skype. However, you wouldn’t like to get your friends out of the bed in the middle of the night and so want to keep track of their time zones.

To display more clocks in the start menu, open the 'Date' window by clicking

6 Deactivate the hibernation mode in Windows XP to save hard drive space.

Hibernation‘ option again.

on ‘Start | Settings | Control Panel | Date and Time’ to open the ‘Date and Time’ 4 Deactivate user monitoring background applications that are unnecessary.

68 | intelligent computing CHip

If you do not require the

dialog box. In the ‘Additional clocks’ tab,

hibernation mode, you can save your

you can activate up to two clock dials along

system resources, particularly hard

with the standard clock dial for the local

drive space. You only need to deactivate

Windows XP Manage your desktop better with virtual desktops


It is possible to define different

After typing in the above command,

removable disk with the desired fonts.

background wallpapers as well as custom

Open the relevant folder and click on the

key combinations for quickly switching

font you want to add. For selecting several

between the individual screens through

fonts simultaneously, keep the [Ctrl] key

the context menu of the toolbar. You can

pressed while clicking on the icons. Now Intelligent computing CHip

| 69



activate the 'Copy fonts in the font folder'

experienced user. Reactivate it later by

else! Finally, check whether there is yet

The new ‘Back’ button in the latest

checkbox and click on the 'OK' button.

first copying back the old data version,

another entry of the software hidden

version of Firefox, though fancy, is

DELETING FONTS: In order to delete fonts

and by setting the value for ’SFCDisable‘

under ’HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\

jarring. It isn’t consistent with the

entirely from the hard disk, open the font

to ’0‘ in the registry. This protection is

Context MenuHandlers‘. If yes—then

previous version’s graphical user

folder as described above. Select the

not really necessary because it neither

delete it.

interface and you want to change it.

fonts you want to delete and click on 'File |

deters pests reliably nor offers any

Delete'. Answer the security question 'Are

adequate mechanism for system recovery.

you sure you want to delete these fonts'

Protection is also taken care by special

browser is bigger and greener than before

by clicking the 'Yes' button.

security tools and restore points.

Windows XP, Vista Removing arrows from symbols for links

If you only want to prevent a font from getting loaded while starting your computer the next time, just move the


The ‘Back’ button on the foxy Web

Windows marks program or file links

9 The system file protection can be deactivated

even with a DLL file modified with a Hex editor.


Windows XP Windows Explorer crashes suddenly when right-clicking on a file

14 Remove incorrect URLs from the smart

with a small arrow in the bottom left

location bar’s suggestions keyboard shortcuts.

corner, which doesn’t appeal to your

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Smart Location Bar Deletion

font from 'Fonts' to a different folder.

hex editor and select ’File | Open‘. Search

You can even use this method for error

for the ’sfc_os.dll‘ file in the ’C:\Windows\

Windows Explorer crashes with the

handling when it is not possible to delete

System32‘ folder and open it. Next, select

message ’Explorer.exe must be closed‘

the font or its registration information.

’Search | Go to‘, enter the ’ECE9‘ hex

whenever a file is right clicked. The

the registry even under Vista – we will

lot when you browse, it still remembers

position in the dialog and click on ’OK‘.

desktop restarts and all folder windows

show you the procedure for both the

the web address that you mis-typed. It

Windows 2000, XP, Vista Overriding file protection and replacing system files

Overwrite both the bytes available there,

that were open earlier are closed. The

systems. First, log in with an account

’33 C0‘ with ’EB 01‘. Save the changes

error started occurring irregularly after

having administrative rights under

under a new file name, for instance,

the installation of an application that

Windows XP and open ’Start | Run‘. In

Some system files, for instance drivers,

‘sfc_os_neu.dll‘ and close the editor.

included shell integration.

Windows Vista, you will find the command


just refuse to be replaced with better

Now check whether the ’sfc_os.dll‘ file

aesthetic senses.

The arrow can be deleted through


While the smart location bar helps you a

comes up whenever you type in the URL

13 Change the number of suggestions of the

in the location bar and you want it gone.

under ’Start | All programs | Accessories

(somewhat like the new Hulk movie).

and even with Internet Explorer the user is

| Run‘. If you have logged in under Vista

If, however, it doesn’t appeal to your

given suggestions of previously mis-typed

Smart Location Bar in Mozilla Firefox.

Typos in URLs are fairly common,

versions since Windows overwrites

is available in the hidden 'C:\Windows\

them automatically with the original

system32\dllcache' folder. Create a

about some changes to the system

without admin rights, right click on ’Start

aesthetic senses, you can make it smaller

address locations. To delete a URL form

versions again.

back-up copy and overwrite the original

registry. If the installation involved creation

| All programs| Accessories | Command

very easily. Right-click on the toolbar and

the Firefox location bar, simply mouse over

with the patched version. Repeat

of a command in the context menu, first

prompt‘ first, select ’Run as administrator‘

select ‘Customize’. In the resulting dialog

the URL and use the keyboard shortcut

this procedure in the ’C:\Windows\

uninstall the software. Reboot and check

in the context menu and then select

box check to select the option labeled

[Shift]+[Delete]. This will remove the

ServicePackFiles\I386‘ folder.

if the command is till exists in the context

an administrator account and enter the

‘Use Small Icons’.

incorrect URL from the suggestion list.

menu. If this is the case, then some

assigned password. Type in ’regedit.exe‘

registry entries were probably left during

in the ’Run‘ dialog box and press ’OK‘.

The reason Windows overwrites new versions is because of system file protection. We need to deactivate it in a few steps. While only one Registry entry

To change files in the ’C:\Windows\ system32‘ folder, start your computer

A new installation always brings


Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Smart Location Bar Modifications


Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Spell check Input Fields

needs to be changed under Vista, it is

with the Windows setup CD and press the

the uninstallation. Create a complete

Now navigate to ’HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\

necessary to modify two bytes of code in

[R] key in the welcome screen in order to

system backup and secure the registry

lnkfile‘ in the editor and delete ’IsShortcut‘

One much-hyped feature in the new

People prone to making typos on

a DLL file under Windows 2000 and XP.

start the Recovery console. Sign in with

as well, for example using the ERUNT

in the right portion of the window.

version of Firefox is the smart location

Web pages will benefit from this

We shall use the free ‘Hex editor MX’,

your administrator password and browse

freeware, available on the CHIP DVD

Alternatively, you can give a new name to

bar that predicts where you want to go

modification. Tweak the configuration

available on the CHIP DVD or the website

to the sub-folder using the 'cd system32'

or on the website (www.larshederer.

the value with ’Edit | Rename‘ and even

as you type. But it displays too few or

of Firefox to enable spell checking on

(, to make these

command. Overwrite the original file here Now

revoke the change later just as quickly.

too many suggestions.

input fields on forms.

changes in the DLL file.

using the command ‘copy sfc_os_neu.

delete all objects in Explorer that have any

After you are done, exit the editor and

dll sfc_os.dll’. Now, ‘Exit’ the console and

relevance to the application. Next, search

restart Windows.

restart the computer.

for the program and manufacturer name in

The first step, necessary for all versions of Windows, is to open the

The smart location bar gives

checker that you can tweak to use on

of the website or URL. For some, the

virtually every Web page. The Firefox user

number of suggestions might be too few

probably recognizes it from the wavy red

or too many.

lines that appear on misspelled words in

the manual mode of the 'RegCool' registry


and click ’OK‘. Search for the DWORD

Pack 4, the procedure is similar except

editor, available on the CHIP DVD. Delete

value ’SFCDisable‘ to the right in the

the file to be modified is the ’sfc.dll‘ file

entries you find here—and not anything

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Change the ‘Back’ button


in the ’C:\Winnt\System32‘ folder. Open

Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

the file using the hex editor and navigate

the number of suggestions that crop up

Win logon‘ key and double click it. Make

to the hex position ’62DB‘ and change the

as you type it in the location bar. First,

sure that the ’Basis” option is set to

two bytes ’8B C6‘ to ’90 90‘. Save the file

type in ‘about:config’ in the location bar

“Hexadecimal‘. Now enter ’FFFFFF9D‘ as

as ’sfc_neu.dll‘ and overwrite the original

and hit [Enter]. Press the ‘I’ll be careful, I

the value and confirm with ’OK‘. Close the

file at different memory locations exactly

promise!’ button to proceed to Firefox’s

registry. If you are a Vista user this is all

in the same way as described for the XP

configuration page where the changes

you have to do.

case. It goes without saying that a backup

need to be made. Now, type in ‘browser.

copy of 'sfc.dll' has to be created.

urlbar.maxRichResults’ in the Filter field

Registry Editor using ’Start | Run | regedit‘

Windows 2000 and XP users, however, have an additional step as they have to

If you use Windows 2000 with Service

Here is how to restrict (or lengthen)

and press [Enter]. Double click the entry

NOTE: The system file protection prevents

make changes to a system file. In case of

changes to important system files. You

Windows XP with Service Pack 2, start the

should only switch it off if you are an

70 | intelligent computing CHip


Firefox comes with an built-in spell

suggestions as you type in the name

11 Use the Registry Editor and tweak the value to erase the shortcut arrow on icons.

12 Convert the large ‘Back’ button to an icon

smaller in size in the Firefox Web browser.

and type in the optimal value for yourself, for instance, ‘10’ and press ‘OK’.

15 Enable spell checking for text input fields in forms on Web pages in Firefox.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 71



text areas, for instance, the basic view

nonetheless customize it. In Winamp open

just to learn or experiment with a new

can lead to either the burner not being

Gmail message. To extend this feature

'Options | Settings' and click on the left on


able to recognize and use the new disks

to also check text input fields on forms

the category 'iPod Support'. Alternatively,

is very easy. First, type in ‘about:config’

in the media library in your selected

in the location bar and hit [Enter]. Press

at all, or only failing midway and wasting If you mount existing lenses the

them. Official firmware updates from the

iPod, click the 'Configuration' button.

other way round, you will get excellent

manufacturer often put things right. But if

the ‘I’ll be careful, I promise!’ button to

In this category and its sub categories

close-up lenses. Photography shops have

these are not available, there is one other

proceed to Firefox’s configuration page

and the tabs in these, you can make

suitable adapters, or you can make the

possibility: The Media Code Speed Edit

where the changes need to be made.

many settings. Under 'Tools' you have,

holder yourself with two adjustment rings.

tool (MCSE; download on http://ala42.

Now, type in ‘layout.spellcheckDefault’ in

for example, the option of additionally

They bring together filters and lenses of This small utility

the Filter field and press [Enter]. Double

activating and configuring support for

varying diameters.

can change the firmware of all Lite-On

click the entry and type in the optimal

'Photo Upload' or ''. You should not

value, for instance, ‘2’ and press ‘OK’.

activate settings for automatic processes

17 Change the location of the Temporary Internet Files to free up much-needed memory.

18 Get the Google Calendar to sync with your mail and reap the benefits.

Stick the rings together with a strong

burners as well as most drives from BenQ,

quick adhesive. Then screw for example

Philips, HP, LG, NEC and Pioneer. This can

on connecting the device, because you

tab, click 'Settings' and 'Move Folder'


one telephoto lens and the normal lens

make the drive work well with unknown

could lose data. You can find the plugin in

under 'Temporary Internet Files'. Open the

GoogleCalendarSync_Installer.exe. It

together. An example from practice—use

blank media also.

the category 'Media library' under 'Plugins'

newly created folder and click 'OK'. When

requires Windows XP or Vista with Outlook

a 100 mm telephoto lens and a 50 mm

Apple would like to think that iPod users

in the 'iPod Support' dialog.

Windows asks you to log off, click 'Yes'.

2003 or 2007. If you already use another

normal lens in an inverted position. This

willingly use iTunes to load music to their

COPY: In continuous operation, you can

Then log on to the system again and close

tool for synchronizing, you should first

way, by simple calculation, you will get a

player. But you want to still keep using

transfer everything quickly with the

all dialog fields with 'OK'. In the 'Windows

uninstall it.

100:50 times magnification. To get a higher

the good old Winamp for managing the

context menus. For example, in the media

Explorer', now delete the old folder

music, because after all, your own music

library, right click a title, singer or an album

'Temporary Internet Files' and at the same

you will see the configuration dialog box.

numbers in the case of the telephoto lens

library is enough work and you don’t

and in the 'Send to | iPod' context menu.

storage location create a new folder with

There, you have to enter the username

to 16. With this setting, rays of light go

really want to make a new one

Alternatively, on the iPod, click an element

the same name. Then repeat the steps

and password of your account. Then in the

and depending on the task select 'Copy

described in the beginning and then shift

'Sync options' section, select how the data


Apple iPod Synchronize your iPod using Winamp

After installing Google Calendar Sync,

depth of field, you should turn the aperture

to hard disk' or 'Delete from iPod'. For

the storage location for 'Temporary Internet

should be synchronized. For a complete

restrictive affectation. With the much

extensive synchronization, select the iPod

Files' back to the old location.

synchronization select the option '2-way'.

loved Winamp media player, and the

in the media library and then click 'Sync' or

BACKGROUND: The problem described can

This way you can make sure the data in

'ml_ipod' plug in, you can manage your

'Auto Fill'. The next dialog box will inform

occur due to a variety of reasons. For

both calendars is always the same. As

music on new iPods without using iTunes.

you of the subsequent action. There,

example you may have downloaded the

opposed to this, selecting '1 way: Google

CAUTION: Manipulating the firmware could

Unlike the Apple program, Winamp also

click 'More' to adapt the title selection.

contents of a website only partially. This

Calendar to Microsoft Outlook Calendar',

lead to problems with your DVD burner—

runs on old Windows systems. With

A click on 'OK' then synchronizes all the

happens when you click Stop when a

will make sure that all changes in the

proceed at your own risk! Here’s how:

the extension, Winamp can copy MP3

data. Before separating the iPod from the

site is loading or when you open another

Google calendar are also made locally in

files and AAC files to the mobile player.

computer, click 'Eject' in the media library

site before a site opens completely. Or

the Outlook calendar. Similarly, '1 way:

Unlike the iPod function Implemented in

or then exit Winamp.

you download streaming videos with the

Microsoft Outlook Calendar to Google

ActiveX control element 'Axis CamControl'.

Calendar' makes sure that entries in

through the middle of the tube. In the

firmware under 'Load'. Click on the listing

And last but not the least, some files can

Outlook are also automatically accepted in

case of an additional lens, set the highest

of any existing blank media type that you

be hidden in the 'Temporary Internet Files'

the Google calendar.

exposure—in many lenses, the aperture

never use. Now enter a name for your

Then state in minutes how often the

is 2.8. Since the brightness of both lenses

new blank media in 'Media Name', click

synchronization should take place. After

will be added, you must take into account

on 'Import' and follow the instructions.

clicking 'Save', the first synchronization

long exposure times and so a tripod is an

Confirm the changes with 'Set'.

takes place. The synchronization always

absolute must for sharp images.

Show the red card to Apple’s

Winamp, the 'ml_ipod' plug in also allows you to play photos and audio books. If you


Internet Explorer Avoid temp folders wasting space

want it to, the extension synchronizes the

complete Winamp Library and can transfer

The 'Temporary Internet Files' folder

folder, which are used by other processes

playlists that you have created. Even the

on your system takes more hard

other way, as in transferring songs from

drive space than specified in the

the iPod back to the PC, works perfectly

configuration. Amongst other things,

fine, unlike the case of iTunes.

because leftovers of files remain there

INSTALL: This practical mini program

even though you have emptied all the

is available for free at www.mlipod.

contents via the 'Internet options'

For planning schedules within a group,

icon in the system tray whose context After downloading,

dialog box.

the Google calendar, which can be

open the file 'iPod_Support_v3_05. exe'. Together with the installation, start

You can quickly solve the

or are protected in some way.


Google calendar Synchronize all schedules with Outlook and Google Calendar

Save the latest firmware for your burner 19 The adjustable ring shown here needs to be glued with a strong adhesive.

only takes the primary calendar into

of it. Start MCSE and select the exported

The permitted writing speed for other known media types can also be increased.

menu you can use to manually start the

accessed via the link 'More' at www.

synchronization, exit the tool or modify the

You have bought a hundred new blank

the read speed by clicking on the 'Increase, is ideal. Additionally, you


DVDs and the burner has turned the first

read speed' option on the bottom right of

three into unreadable junk. Your DVD

the box. If the options are grayed out they

burner could not start at all with other

cannot be used for your disk drive. Now

blank DVDs. Is there any explanation for

save the firmware with 'Save' and load

this, or better still, a solution?

it on your DVD burner. After a reboot, it

want to synchronize the schedules with

computer. Now a previously installed

'Temporary Internet Files' folder to another

the content of your calendar in Outlook.

iTunes will start, simply end it. In the view

location, deleting the old folder and then

of the media library, you will see the new

shifting the new 'Temporary Internet Files'

entry 'Devices' and there, you have access

directory to the original location.

It is best to use a tool which

account. For later access, there is an

HARDWARE Digital photography Create macros without a special lens


synchronizes data automatically. For

As an enthusiastic digital photographer

example, the free program 'Google

you would want to try taking dramatic


allow a high burn speed for it using the option on the right. You can also increase

detects your new blank media—and it is The problem: Many DVD burners

CONFIGURE: The default settings of the plug

new folder and in 'Internet Explorer', open

Calendar Sync', which you can

close-up shots with a macro lens, but

do not know what burn parameters to use

in are already quite practical. But you can

'Tools | Internet options'. In the 'General'

download from

you don’t want to spend a bomb on one

with low-priced unbranded blanks. This

72 | intelligent computing CHip

to the desktop and make a backup copy

Select each media type in the list and then

problem described above by moving the

First, in Windows Explorer, create a

don’t have firmware updates.

CD/DVD Burner Compatibility for new blanks and raising the burning and reading speed

'Winamp' and connect the iPod to the

to the 'iPod'.

20 Make sure you don’t lose DVDs because you

faster than before.  Compiled by team CHIP – Intelligent computing CHip

| 73




Tips Tricks August 2008

Share your tips. Write to: Umesh Dahiwalkar

Tip of the month  Software




Windows XP, Vista Installing programs faster by restarting the Explorer


Windows Vista Setting a screensaver as the desktop background

Windows Defender automatically

You want to set the “Ribbons”

transmits data to Microsoft. But exactly

screensaver as a background to pep

system settings require you to reboot

what data? And can this be prevented or

up your Windows desktop during a

the computer. Most of the time, it is


presentation. Windows however does

sufficient to restart only the system interface, i.e. Explorer. This process is much faster and is easy to perform.

not allow this at all. Can it still work?

Microsoft SpyNet is good for data transmission. This is a user association

It works! And it's quite simple

that gives tips to deal with suspicious

to do: Open “Start | All programs |

activities based on collective experience.

Accessories | Command Prompt”. Using

the registry is re-read so that most of

If Windows Defender detects unknown

the “cd“ (change directory) command,

the newly installed programs accept it.

software, it sends a report to Microsoft.

change to the "system32" folder within

An “actual" PC restart is required only

Apart from filename, size, date and

the Windows installation directory. Type

for changes to hardware or system-level

manufacturer, this also includes collected

software like drivers and service packs

URLs for the origin of the file, computer

the command ribbons.scr /p65552 and

for Windows. To restart the Windows

data such as its IP address, operating

interface, open the task manager using

system, browser version as well as

as an eye-catching desktop background.

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc], select the "explorer.

personal information such as search terms

All icons however disappear and the

exe" entry in the "Processes" tab and

entered or form data.

right mouse key is rendered ineffective

Restarting Explorer ensures that

press [Del]—the program is stopped and

Normally, Windows Defender

confirm it with [Enter].

The screen saver appears immediately

with Vista. This is the price you pay for a

automatically restarted. It is even easier

automatically registers you as a normal

peppy background. On the other hand,

if you store the required commands in a

user on SpyNet during the installation.

this has an advantage since nobody can

batch file, thus making it easily accessible.

However, you can decide whether you

see the icons that you have stored on

To do this, create a new text file using an

want to actively participate and allow data

your desktop—especially interesting

editor and type:

transmission to Microsoft.

for presentations or training programs.

Installing programs faster by restarting the Explorer

Automatic completion of text fields is of

2. Windows XP, Vista

Optimally configuring the anti-malware program Windows Defender

great help during online searches and when

3. Windows Vista

Setting a screensaver as desktop background

filling forms online as it saves a lot of typing

4. Windows 2000, XP

Monitoring AutoStart entries during program installations

@echo off

5. Windows XP

Manipulating Thumbs.db files and obtaining more memory space

6. Windows XP

time. Unfortunately, it also saves incorrectly


Some installations and changes to

1. Windows XP, Vista

Deleting individual search terms from the AutoComplete list

Windows XP, Vista Configuring the anti-malware program Windows Defender

In order to check and change your

You can use most of the Windows

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe

SpyNet status, open Windows Defender

screensavers as desktop backgrounds


and click on “History” in the program. The

thanks to the “/p65552” parameter.

Save the file under any name with the

line highlighted in blue shows the current

Getting to the bottom of mysterious memory loss

extension “.bat” in the Windows folder

status. Click the “Change settings” link.

open the Task Manager with [Ctrl] +

7. Windows XP

Repairing access to windows Help

and create a shortcut to it on the desktop

If you don’t want your data collected,

[Alt] + [Del] and click on the process

history” section of the Internet options, found

8. Windows 2000, XP

Deleting orphaned network releases from the system

or in the quick start bar. The script ends

select the “Do not join Microsoft SpyNet

with the same name. Select the relevant

under “Tools | Internet options”—click “Delete

9. Windows XP

Accessing USB hard disks safely via the network

the “explorer.exe” process with the

now” option and click on “Save”. In this

entry, “ribbon” in our example, in the

forms”. The disadvantage of this method

“taskkill” system command and “f”

mode, the program does not transmit

“Applications” tab and click “End task”. A

10. Windows XP SP2

Verifying system files and replacing them with the original ones

parameter, and restarts it immediately.

any data. On the other hand, if you “Join

restart also stops the screensaver.

ATTENTION: Save all data in running

as a premium member”, Defender also

You can also start the animated

applications before using this command.

raises an alarm in the event of suspicious

background by using a batch file—this

The programs remain open during an

activities by programs that have not yet

is particularly helpful if it is to be used

Explorer restart; but you won't be able to

been analyzed. However, even more data

frequently and saves you from working

access them in the event of a problem.

is transmitted to Microsoft in this mode.

with the archaic command prompt.

entered terms, which you select again and again by mistake.

In the browser, you can delete the form data through ‘”Delete” in the “Browser

is that it deletes the entire list. In order to remove individual entries, proceed as follows: open a website which has input fields, for



instance, Position the cursor

11. Office 2003

Configuring Microsoft’s office software faster

in the text field and type a term—the browser

12. Word 2000, XP, 2003

Changing default settings for text fields

immediately suggests suitable entries. Now

13. Excel 2000, XP, 2003

Saving and applying filter settings faster

14. iPod

Editing YouTube videos for the iPod using a conversion tool

15. Photo printing

Printing colors correctly without color management

16. Picture editing

Professional designing of an album of your own photos

17. Firefox 1.x, 2.x

Managing cookies of Internet pages more intelligently

18. Internet

Easily monitoring accessibility of your own websites

19. Firefox 1.x, 2.x

Getting important browser functions in JavaScript windows

simply select the term that you want to delete using the arrow keys and press [Del].

20. Internet Explorer 8 Beta

74 | intelligent computing CHip | AUGUST 2008

Repairing icons for links and HTML files

1 Just save the Notepad document with the extension .bat and it can restart Explorer.

2 SpyNet and Windows Defender can be configured to your preferences.

To terminate the animated desktop,

3 The Command Prompt lets you use a

screensaver as the desktop wallpaper.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 75


For this, type the command specified above—this time with the complete path


Quick Tips

Vista with administrator rights, it is

for very small and "255” for very large

switch off this function, so that the


Windows 2000, XP Deleting orphaned network connections from the system

actually unnecessary here. The latest

images. Delete the “Thumbs.db” files in

system does not create these huge files

specification for the SCR file—in a blank


Microsoft operating system has a powerful

the respective folders so that the operating

in the first place. You can turn off error

text document and save the file with the

Startup Manager on board, which can be

system recreates the image database

reports all together by right clicking “My

Windows Explorer remembers all

found under “System | Change AutoStart

according to the changes made in the

Computer” and selecting the “Properties”

network shortcuts that have ever been


registry. It is also possible to completely

tab. Choose the “Advanced” tab and then

typed in, diligently hoarding the paths

prevent images from getting saved. For

click “Error reporting”. You can disable

under "My Network Places”. It retains

Windows XP Manipulating Thumbs.db files and obtaining more memory space

this, open “Extras | Folder options” in the

Error reporting altogether or you can

the entries even when the target no

Windows Explorer and check the “Do

change its status.

longer exists. A large number of path

Windows Explorer shows thumbnails

“View” tab.

Windows XP Repairing access to Windows Help When accessing Windows Help, only the

quite a few megabytes of memory,

Windows 2000, XP Getting to the bottom of a mysterious memory loss

which you can put to a better use.

the new shortcut once again and select

quick access to user accounts, press [Windows] + [R] in Vista or XP, then type “control userpasswords” and press [Enter]. QUICKLY STARTING PROGRAMs: For displaying the quick start bar, right click on the task bar and activate “Toolbar | Quick start” in Vista or XP”. MAXIMIZING WINDOWS EXPLORER: Delete the “Link favorites” bar in Explorer by moving the separators for the “Folder” toolbar right to the top. MONITORING THE SYSTEM: Open “Start | Run” and start the “eventvwr.msc” command—now you can control how users log on and off.

“Properties”. In the “Link” register,

using PHOTOS AS the wallpaper:

modifying the quality and size of the

select the “Minimize” entry under “Run”.

Right-click the Vista desktop and select your own image file through “Properties” “Desktop background | Browse” DELETING SHORTCUT NAMES: For a blank character, type “0160” as the symbol name on the numeric keypad while keeping the [Alt] key pressed.

thumbnails in the registry. For this, start

"BAT" extension. If you want to change the desktop during every restart, the best thing would be to create a shortcut to the BAT file in the “Startup” folder. For this, open “Start | All programs", right click "Startup” and select the “Open” context command. The Windows Explorer shows the folder contents. In the dialog, right click the empty background and select “New | Shortcut”. Search and mark the previously saved BAT file and click “Next”. On the following page, you can name the shortcut and “Finish”. Finally, right click

Confirm with “OK”. NOTE: The desktop background and the

screensaver can also be configured through the control panel. For this, open “Start | Control Panel” and click “Display and Adjustment”, “Adjustment” and “Screensaver”. You can implement


not save thumbnail views” option in the

for graphic files. In order to view them quickly, Windows saves the previews in the “Thumbs.db” file. These occupy

Restrict the amount of space required by the "Thumbs.db” files by


specifications are no longer required


and are not arranged clearly.

Since the orphaned shortcuts

error message “Help and support cannot

cannot be deleted through “Tools |

be opened, since a system service has

Disconnect Network Drive”, you need

That’s strange! You are running short

not been executed” is displayed. What is

another way to get rid of them. It is

of disk space, without having saved

the matter here?

possible using the command prompt, more specifically the “net share” command.

gigabytes worth of data or installing many programs lately.

This error message indicates that the Windows Internet service for the help

If the available disk space shrinks

Open “Run”, enter "cmd" in the text field and click "OK".

and support center has not been started.

the registry editor with “Start | Run”,

without your doing anything, recent system

In order to access the help files, click

“regedit.exe” and “OK”, and there,

crashes are probably the cause. If the

“Performance and Maintenance” (only in

navigate to the key “HKEY_LOCAL_

error reporting tool is activated, Windows

the category view) and “Administrative


saves a memory map during every system

tools” one after the other in the control

Windows/Current Version/Explorer”.

crash, for you to send to Microsoft. All

panel. In the following dialog, you will

Create the “ThumbnailQuality” entry with

such data remains saved even if it is not

see separate symbols for all system

“New | DWORD value”; you can use this

needed after that. Since the memory size

administration functions.

a slideshow as background without

settings. As soon as an installation routine

to determine the quality of the thumbnail.

of today’s computers is often in gigabytes,

using any additional tools with

tries to create a startup entry, the tool

Open it by double-clicking, and activate

these memory maps take up a lot of disk

background, you can now see a list of

“PhotoScreensaver.scr”, the “Photos”

responds with a confirmation dialog. The

the “Decimal” option under “Basis” in the

space. You can safely delete the relevant

services run by Windows and check in


entry is made only if you authorize the

“Edit DWORD value” dialog. You can then

files. For this, check the contents of the

the “Autostart type” column whether

Double-click “Services”. In the 8 Clear orphaned links to shared network folders using the Command Prompt.

change by clicking “Yes”, otherwise, it is

specify the desired quality as a number


they have currently been started or

Windows 2000, XP Monitoring Startup entries during program installations

rejected, Last but not least, it minimizes

between “50” and “100” under “Value”.

UserDumps” folder in Windows Explorer.

deactivated. Search for the "Help and

press [Enter]. The command displays all

the risk of corrupt programs such as

Higher values stand for better quality

Delete all the existing HDMP as well

Support" entry in the table; this entry will

network links and the respective path of

viruses, worms or Trojans secretly settling

and a correspondingly higher memory

as MDMP files. The first type is the

be "Deactivated". Right-click it, select

the target folders. Under this, you will also

While installing programs, many more

in your system.

requirement. The standard is “90”. Confirm

uncompressed memory map, while the

“Properties” and the “Automatic” entry

find paths which you have accessed earlier

second type is a compressed version of

in the “Start type” field in the following

but are currently not available at all. Since

the same contents for sending the error

dialog. Close all the opened windows

Explorer accesses this system information,


with “OK”.

Type "net share" at the prompt and

components are often installed which

A practical extension of this support

you do not want in the first place. It is

program is the “Startup Control Panel”,

annoying if, for instance, an endless


in the same key—this determines the size

report to Microsoft.

by clicking “OK”. After the next system

it too displays the shortcuts to targets that

stream of Startup entries slows down

This tool displays the Startup folders

of the thumbnail. In “Thumbnail Size”, you

NOTE: If you don’t send error reports to

start, access to the help files should again

are no longer available.

your system. Deactivating these entries

and registry key in separate tabs. You

can assign values ranging between “32”

Microsoft, it would be best to completely

function without any restrictions.

is irritating and time consuming.

can easily deactivate individual entries or

type the command "net share <network

delete them through the context menu

name> /d" and then press [Enter].

using the assigned checkboxes. The

Windows acknowledges the deletion

Startup entries out of action, you can

option of moving Startup entries is also

of the release with the message “The

prevent annoying programs from planing

interesting. If for instance, you want to

command was successfully executed".

themselves there using the free program

make an entry available for all users of


the computer, simply move it into the

Instead of manually putting the

The tool is available at www.mlin.

find the respective entry, right click it and

the installation and a system restart,

select the “Send To | Start up (common)”

it automatically remains active in the

context command.

background and monitors relevant system

NOTE: Although the tool also works under

In order to delete a network release,

folder for common AutoStarts. For this,

net/StartupMonitor.shtml. After

76 | intelligent computing CHip

Now create the “ThumbnailSize” entry


Windows XP Accessing USB hard drives safely via a network

USB storage drives are very practical as

5 Save even more hard disk space by regulating the "Thumbs.db" files.

6 The error reports saved by Windows can consume a lot of hard disk space.

7 Check which services are set to start up automatically and manually.

you can simply attach them and there’s additional storage space for your data. Intelligent computing CHip

| 77



important Windows system files. If

in any directory and start it. In the setup,

setting off”. The “Next setting” button

if any, which you want to use as default

these files are not precisely the versions

select the “Typical install” installation

leads directly to the next policy. Finally,

and confirm the dialog with “OK”. Now

required, this can result in problems such

mode. It creates the ADM files listed

confirm your changes by clicking “OK”.

right-click the frame of the text field again

iPod Editing YouTube videos for the iPod using a conversion tool

as crashing and data loss. Microsoft has

in the table in the “INF” system folder

and select “Set AutoForm default”.

There are many interesting videos on

thus integrated a verification routine in

within the Windows installation directory.

“Startup Task Pane” in the “Microsoft

DEFINING ANOTHER FONT: for this, create an

YouTube—a good pastime when you

Windows which can detect corrupt files


Office Word 2003 | Tools | Options | View |

AutoText entry. Format the font in the text

have to commute every day. However,

and replace them with the original ones.

policy editor with “Start | Run | gpedit.

Show” menu, you can define whether the

field and mark the frame of the field, so

the Flash contents of the YouTube

Insert the XP setup CD and open “Start |

msc”. In order to integrate the policy

application should display the task section

that the cursor is not visible inside it. Then

website cannot be loaded onto an iPod

Run”. Start the command "sfc /scannow".

templates for Office 2003, right-click

when starting. “Status bar” determines

click “Insert | AutoText | New”, enter any

without some knowhow.

The Windows file protection system will

“Administrative templates” in the “Local

whether the status bar should be visible

name, e.g. “Text box 1” and click “OK”.

verify all system files and can replace

computer policy | User configuration”

on the lower border of the window.

In the future, insert the predefined text

corrupt ones with the original versions

section and select the “Add/Remove

Settings that are directly accessible in

field using the “Insert | AutoText” menu

videos and convert them into a file format

However, network access to shared

if necessary.

templates” context command”.

Word can also be edited: in the “Complex”

command or type its name in the text and

supported by the iPod. The free YouTube

directories on a USB drive does not

NOTE: This procedure does not replace the

branch, the “Add control characters in

then press [F3].

to iPod Converter program undertakes this

always work.

system files updated through Windows

the “INF” folder and shows the currently

Cut and Copy” entry determines whether

Update with older versions from the setup

integrated policy templates. Click “Add”

control characters are also transferred

CDs. In fact, the System File Checker

and select one of the ADM files listed

when copying text passages.

attached to one computer, the Windows

uses copies of the latest files, which

above in the dialog that follows, for

server service SRV frequently refuses

Windows saves in the Windows directory

instance, “WORD11.ADM” for Word 2003

Excel has effective filter functions for

older versions do not sometimes function

access to shared folders and files with

in the “/system32/dllcache” and “/Service

policies. Clicking on “Open” integrates the

evaluating table data. Separate filters

properly with YouTube due to possible

the message “Access to resources not

PackFiles/i386” system folders during

template; “Close” ends the dialog.

Word 2000, XP, 2003 Changing default settings for text boxes

can also be set for individual columns.

format changes. You can start the program

possible. Sufficient server memory

the update.

When adding text boxes, Word normally

This may be good but you have to set

directly after the installation..

policy editor, you can now find the new

creates these with a frame and in the

the criteria after each time you edit the data. Now that’s tedious!

10 A simple registry tweak helps you share data on removable USB drives.

If multiple USB hard drives are

not available”. Insufficient memory set

A dialog with the same name opens

In the navigation area of the group

In this way, for instance through


through a parameter called “IRPStackSize”


category “Microsoft Office Word 2003”

Times New Roman font. These default

in the “lanmanserver” system service

Office 2003 Configuring Microsoft’s Office programs faster

within “Local computer policy | User

settings might not be suitable for your

configuration | Administrative templates”;

tasks at all.

Though the group policy editor of XP

categories and policies.

and navigate to the key “HKEY_LOCAL_

Professional is almost completely



hidden, it is tremendously practical.

Services\lanmanserver\parameters”. If this is not available, create the “IRPStackSize”

responsible for the sharing is at fault.


this category contains various sub-


You will have to download the Flash

task; it is available at www.dvdvideosoft.


Excel 2000, XP, 2003 Saving and applying filter settings faster

com/products/dvd/Free-YouTube-toiPod-Converter.html. Always use the latest version (currently 3.1), because

Now search for a video on the YouTube site using your browser. Copy the web address from the address line

Though there is no evident way

of the browser using [Ctrl]+[C], go to the

to save the filter settings, a user-defined

converter and click in the input field for the

view retains the settings made. This is

URL. Paste the address with [Ctrl]+[V]. In

found quickly. The font is however set by

saved along with the document. Set all the

the “Raw file” field, change the file name

functions of the group policy editor are

the “Standard” format template. When

desired filter criteria for the worksheet.

suggested to the one you want. Change

You can use it to manage and configure

explained in brief on the left side where

you modify this general format template,

Then open “View | Custom views” and

the “Drive” setting to “Apple iPod”. Then

important settings from a central

there is a tree structure of the policies in

you can also adjust the font in text fields;

click “Add”. As the “Name”, enter a brief

select the setting suitable for your iPod

entry through “Edit | New | DWORD

location. And it is not only for the

different categories and sub-categories.

this can otherwise be dome through

explanatory name and confirm with “OK”.

model under “Configure". Click “Download

value”. Double-click the new entry and

operating system, but also for the

The right section shows options for the


You can save further filter configurations

and convert”. Wait till the process is

enter the hexadecimal value “32” in the

Microsoft Office package using a trick.

currently selected category. In order to


as views in the same manner.

complete. You can now transfer the

change a policy, open the assigned entry

remove the frame, first insert a text box

In order to call these up, again open

by double-clicking and select “Activated”.

into any document. Then right-click the

“View | Custom views”, select the saved

Simply set a larger value using the registry. For this, first start the Registry Editor

following dialog—it corresponds to the decimal number 50. You can thus increase

You can use ADM files to extend

A solution for the default frame is

generated MP4 file to your iPod.

the reserve for additional network shares.

the group policy editor with snap-in

The lower area that gray before can now

frame and select the “Format text box”

entry from the list and click “Show”.

The original value of “0x4” is—depending

modules; the technical term for these

be edited.

context command. In the “Colors and

The view is then always applicable for a

on the hardware configuration of the

is Policy Templates. Suitable templates

lines” tab, search the “Color” field in the

certain worksheet and cannot be applied

Photo printing Printing colors correctly without color management

computer—possibly not high enough,

for Microsoft Office 2003 applications

default setting by checking “Check to

“Line” section. Change the setting to “No

to other tables. For quick access to the

Color management between a camera

so that the SRV service cannot properly

are included in the Office 2003 Editions

enforce setting on/uncheck to enforce

line”. Now make the other format changes,

user-defined views, create a button on

at home, picture editing software and

manage the shared directories on some of

Resource Kit. It can be used to configure

the toolbar. For this, open “Tools | Adjust”

the printer is very difficult for hobby

the physical drives.

all program options of the Office

and change to the “Commands” tab. Then

photographers. It is too costly, and the

applications centrally.

select the “View” category on the left side

colors of your laboriously edited photos


and search for the “Custom views” entry

appear completely different in printing

available at

towards right. Drag the element to the

and on the screen.


desired place on the toolbar. Click “Close”

After installing multiple programs,

aspx. In your web browser, click on the

in the “Adjust” dialog.

Windows reports problems with some

“Downloads” link directly below the table

system files—what is the problem?

that shows the available templates. On

input area of the symbol, enter a new

takes some effort; the result is however

the next page, follow the "Ork.exe” link

name and confirm with [Enter]. The

significantly better color reproduction of

filter can now be called by selecting this

the prints. Though these control programs

combination field.

vary depending on the manufacturer, all of


Windows XP SP2 Verifying system files and replacing them with the original ones

The installation routines of new applications might overwrite some

78 | intelligent computing CHip

within “Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit”. Save the file with the same name

Here, you can determine the desired

After setting the filters, click in the

11 You can change default text settings so that Word starts with the font and size you want.

12 You can change the colors and outline styles of text boxes in Word.


Try to balance the color difference manually using the printer driver. This

Intelligent computing CHip

| 79




Interestingly enough, a framed photo In order to use this

field, type “dom.disable” in order to find

should be clarified to the viewer from the

attracts more attention that one without

service, you need to set up a user account

the “dom.disable_window_open_feature.

beginning itself. Therefore, start with a

a frame. Photo programs have the

just once. You can also manage the

resizable” entry in the list. A double-click

large photo in order to catch the eye. This

necessary tools for providing the photos

monitoring tasks offered. The number of

sets it to “true”—the size of the windows

photo should follow the main theme of the

with decorative frames. Please make sure

servers controlled is restricted to 100;

can now be changed.

album—for instance a beach, the sun and

that the style suits the photo. Save the

this is however more than enough for

some bathing beauties. A principle, known

photo along with the frame in a new JPEG

private users.

to graphic designers as "hens and chicks"

file, and use that file in the album layout.

At this point, you can also define many other elements that JavaScript should not

On the website, click on the “Signup

hide. Set the relevant entries in extended

must be followed on the next pages:

SELECTING FONTS: Another important

for free” link and enter the data for name,

configuration to “true” by double-clicking

put a large photo on every double page

element is the font: if your change the

email address, time zone and password

them. The basic elements for window

accompanied by several small photos.

font on every page your album will look

on the next page. Now you can log in

management should always be visible.


like a patchwork construct. Therefore,

immediately. Follow the “Add a website

Theseinclude the size change option, the

them follow the same principle. Proceed

white gaps should not appear when

search for a font that suits the photos

or all unprotected cookies. It is however

to monitor” link. In the dialog filed that

navigation toolbar and the "Close" button.

as follows:

arranging the images—they will seem

and the overall layout style and stick to

more practical to automate this task.

is displayed, enter the complete URL of

PRINTING A TEST PHOTO: In your picture

uneven and unprofessional. On the other

it. Most of the fonts have variations, with

For this, close the dialog with “OK” and

the website to be monitored and click

editing program, open a photo that shows

hand, an uncongested layout appears very

which you can experiment, for instance

open “Tools | Add-Ons”. In the list of

“Monitor”. The website itself immediately

skin tones as naturally as possible and

neat. The basic rule for this is to distribute

to distinguish titles, photo captions and

extensions, mark the “CookieCuller”

shows the status of all servers monitored.

Internet Explorer 8 Beta Repairing icons for links and HTML files

which also shows light and shadow areas.

the photos evenly over the available area.

continuous text. Here, various font sizes

entry and then click “Settings”. Activate

The monitoring then takes place

Something has gone wrong when

Insert the photo paper that you normally

Uniform borders are often ignored, yet

and attributes such as “underlined” are

the “Delete unprotected cookies when

automatically approximately every ten

setting up Internet Explorer 8: despite

use in the printer and call up the printer

they are important for an even layout.

also helpful.

starting the browser” option and confirm

minutes from two different locations.

uninstalling version 7, the new browser

driver. You can access it through the

Every page of the album can be a creative

with “OK”.

As soon as the status of a website that

does not display an icon for HTML files

options of the 'Print...' command in the

work of art; the only specification that

is being monitored changes, you are


picture editing program, mostly using the

should be binding for all pages is the

“Properties” button. Select the setting for the correct paper type and set the print

15 Color calibration might seem complicated but once you get the hang of it, it's quite easy.

17 You can always specify which cookies you want to delete.

manager, so that it does not interfere.

informed about it at the email address that

border of the album. The best thing

Firefox 1.x, 2.x Managing cookies of Internet pages more intelligently

For this, open “Tools | Settings” and click

you have specified.

would be to determine the distance in

Many websites cannot be used without

on the “Data protection” symbol. In the

ATTENTION: At present, the service cannot

quality to “Optimal photo print”. Take a

centimeters when starting the page layout

cookies. Therefore, to protect yourself

“Cookies” section, set the “Retain till”

handle websites that use a redirection.


Switch off Firefox's default cookie

test print-out with these settings.

process and to check everything once

from spyware, you have not switched

combination field to the value “they are

Such URL destinations are permanently


again before printing the album.

off this function completely. You delete

no longer valid”. If you have activated

classified as “not accessible”. Therefore,

the test print-out is dry, compare it with


these small files at the end of every

the “Delete private data when Firefox

check whether you can currently access

the colors of the original photo on the

photos always have to be rectangular and

browsing session, but some required

is ended” option in the “Private data”

the problematic website if Montastic

monitor—is a color cast visible? If yes,

in a line? Funny details can be purposefully

cookies get lost in this process.

section, also click “Settings”. In the next

has marked it with red. Other offers for

open the printer driver again and try to

staged and tilted, this definitely makes

dialog, deactivate the “Cookies” option

monitoring of websites can be found at

correct the faulty color reproduction directly

them stand out. However, use this

and close the open dialogs with “OK”., www.serviceuptime.

with the help of the color regulator controls.

stylistic device carefully; otherwise the

to manage cookies, because all these

Most of the time, you need to take several

effect wears out. In most picture editing

files are deleted in the automatic cleanup.

test prints until the colors match. Note the

programs, you can, as desired, turn the

On the other hand, if you want to allow

values and save these, if possible.

picture at the edges using a gripper. As

only certain websites to store cookies

Internet Easily monitoring the accessibility of your own websites

soon as you go over it with the mouse,

on your PC, you must theoretically ban

Small but classy, your Internet site

the cursor changes, for instance in

all unknown websites as an exception.

is already attracting a considerable

Photoshop, it changes into a curved

An elegant solution for this problem is

number of visitors. The reason for the

double arrow. Now you can click and turn

“CookieCuller”, the free-of-cost extension

the picture.

20 The display settings are found easily on the desktop.

com/, or Each of


these provides a free-of-cost package that

This problem occurs if Windows

offers sufficient performance for private

does not update the icon cache after


the browser installs. In order to repair the fault, change the display settings temporarily. This forces Windows to

success is that the website is constantly

Firefox 1.x, 2.x Getting important browser functions in JavaScript windows

available from

accessible. Here, the monitoring is

Some browser windows opened with

“Properties”. Then select a different

contains the best of your photos. Only

detail/63/. In order to set up this tool,

much better than you believe.

JavaScript cannot be changed in size

setting in the “Display properties” dialog

a professional layout will bring out the

click the “Install” link on the website or

and do not show any controls. You

in the “Settings” tab in the “Color quality”

photos properly and look good enough

open the XPI file with Firefox. Restart

might want to switch on some of the

list item. If Windows asks whether you

when viewing the photos.

the browser after clicking “Install now”.

you to check whether the website is

deactivated functions.

want to accept the new settings, click

The program is now ready to start. In

accessible, use an online service for this.

the future, you can and should manage

There are numerous providers of such

program for this—a conventional picture

cookies using this extension. In order to

services, which often offer a free-of-cost

browser popups should be displayed.

“Color quality”, click “Accept and then

editing program is sufficient. Publishing

protect a cookie from deletion, open the

but limited monitoring plan as well as

For this, prevent Java Script from hiding

click “Yes”. After closing the dialog field

applications such as Microsoft Office

dialog through “Tools | CookieCuller”

various packages at a cost with more

certain control elements and functions

with “OK”, the operating system displays

Publisher or the open source program

and search for the relevant entry in the

extensive functions. If you don’t need

using the extended browser configuration.

the icons correctly. 

list and then click “Protect cookie”.

statistical assessment of accesses, you

Type “about:config” in the address bar of

Compiled by Team CHIP

From here, you can remove individual

can accomplish this task using www.

the browser and press [Enter]. In the filter



Picture editing Designing a professional album of your own photos

The browser does not make it easy


You want to create an album that

You don’t need a special album

Scribus from are also suitable for this.

80 | intelligent computing CHip

16 The "hens and chicks" principle works well to catch the eye of the viewer.

As it is not always possible for


read the cache again. For this, right-click a free area of the desktop and select

“Accept” and then “Yes”. Now again You can determine how your

select the original color depth in the

Intelligent computing CHip

| 81




You can move it around the desktop by

Windows XP Get the latest news from the internet on your desktop at all times.

hovering over the box and so that the

24-inch widescreen monitors give you

You can also scale the area as a window at

loads of space on the desktop—even

its borders with the mouse.


Tips Tricks September 2008

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Tip of the month  Software Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up XP Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc.

If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then you may want to turn this feature off:

WINDOWS 1. Windows XP

Get the latest news from the internet on your desktop

2. Windows Vista

Switching off user account control for programs

3. Windows 2000, XP, Vista 4. Windows Vista

 Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.  At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this disk for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.  A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.

Quicker access to last edited files Search for files quicker in crowded folders Prevent system error messages and work safe

6. Windows 2000, XP, 2003

Finding the right Microsoft updates using file names

7. Windows XP


Opening the VisualBasic editor outright

9. Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007

Simple trend diagnosis without putting in efforts

10. Outlook XP, 2003, 20073

Simulating a different reply address for the recipient

11. Digital photography

Capturing scenery in bad weather

12. Image editor

Richer colors for dull pictures

the desktop, open the “Desktop Items”

you have the latest information and

window. Uncheck the box for the

news from the Internet on your screen

corresponding entry and confirm with

at all times.

“OK”. However the address does not get deleted and so this enables quicker

confirming user account control.

activation of this website at a later date. To

click “Compatibility Administrator” and

remove it completely from the list, select

select the “Run as administrator” context

this, open Internet Explorer and load the

the entry and click on “Delete”.

command. Confirm the User Account

You can integrate any website onto

Control by clicking “Next”.

website you want to integrate. This could also be an RSS feed—if this is the case then, click the arrow beside “Display feeds


Windows Vista Switching off User Account Control for individual programs

ISOLATING PROGRAMS: In the window that

you see, right-click “New Database(1) [Untitled_1]” and select the “Create New |

entry in the toolbar. Select the address of

You use the same programs every

Application Fix” context command. In the

the site in the address bar, right-click the

day when you work—but you still

following dialog, enter the name of the

selection and copy this onto the clipboard

have to keep confirming the User

program you want to customize settings

with the “Copy” context command.

Account Control messages that pop

for and click “Browse”. Now navigate

Close Internet Explorer and right-click

each time you start the computer.

to the program file, select it and click

on a free space in the desktop. Click on

This is annoying. On the other hand,

“Open”. When selecting the operating

“Properties” in the context menu and

such strict control also means better

system, select “None” and then “Next”.

then click the “Customize Desktop” in the

security—which is why you should never

In the “Compatibility Fixes” list, activate

“Desktop” tab. Select the “Web” tab in

completely switch off the mechanism.

the “RunAsInvoker” option. This ensures

In the following window “New Desktop

that the specified program can be run You can permanently authorize

with the rights of the superordinate object

programs—after doing so, Windows

without further enquiry. Click “Next”.

Item”, right-click in the “Location”

abstains from showing the system

The following dialog defines additional

field and click on “Paste” to copy the

messages when these programs

criteria which you can use to identify each

internet address from the clipboard to

start. Use the Microsoft Application

program, so that infected software cannot

the field. Confirm with “OK”. Likewise,

Compatibility Toolkit for this. Vista requires

hide itself inside an application you have

acknowledge the following note with

authorization when applications such as

flagged as safe. Do not change the default

“OK”. Make sure that the checkbox next

tuning tools, developer tools, registry

specifications, and click “Finish”.

to the entry which has been added is

editors, security programs or even some


checked in the “Desktop Items” window

games require higher rights or want to

created a user database that defines

and click “OK”.

access system resources.

Vista’s behavior when starting the

INSTALLATION: First download the 11

selected programs. You still have to save

MB MSI file of the toolkit from www.

and activate them. In the dialog “File | Save As”, specify a storage location

You will now see an area on the desktop with the specified website.

13. Photoshop Express

Use professional functions without installation For

and file name of the SDB database—

14. Internet Explorer 7

Solving problems when playing Flash files

this, search for “Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit” using the search

“Safe_Program.sdb” for instance—in

15. Flickr, Firefox 2.x, 3.x

Downloading blocked images from a photo website

function on the website and go to the link

the Windows folder. Now activate these

16. Firefox 2.x, 3.x

Configuring the browser for lightning speed

which has the same name that appears on

programs. For this, close the tool kit, start

the results page. On the following page,

an entry request as administrator, type the

click “Application Compatibility Toolkit.

following command 'sdb inst C:\Windows\

msi” in the program list and save the file

Safe_Program.sbd and press [Enter].

17. Internet

Sending long web addresses in emails without errors



on your PC. Installation takes place after

It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should enjoy slightly

18. Processor fan

Eliminating fan noise with a control module

faster performance.

19. Pocket PC

Solving synchronization problems in Windows Vista

82 | intelligent computing CHip | SEPTEMBER 2008

2 Decide which programs you want for

the desktop if you have Windows XP. For

click on “New”.

Quickly getting rid of irritating chat programs


To remove a website integrated in

would be more practical if, for example,

the “Desktop Items” window and then

5. Windows 2000, XP

8. Excel 2007

 Open My Computer.


this box by holding left-click on the frame.

around an open Word window. But it

from this website” and select the desired

Share your tips. Write to:

frame appears and you can drag and place

you double-click on the file. 1 Your desktop can hold many small windows such as this Google one.

Now open “All Programs | Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit”, right-

Start authorized applications as administrator by right-clicking on the program's icon and this immediately prevents other security dialogs. Intelligent computing CHip

| 83



Windows 2000, XP, Vista Quicker access to last edited files


each Bit in the hex value defines a

is “00 00 01 00”. In the Windows

Select a criterion for sorting by clicking

or not displayed at all by Windows. The

number refers to a relevant article in the

different property. The following procedure

calculator, select “Bin”, type “100”, and

on the respective entry. Windows

size of the heap is defined in the registry,

Microsoft Knowledge Base. The following,

The document history in the Start menu

changes depending on whether the

then press “Or” and type “1000”. A click

immediately stratifies all files in the

independent of the main and virtual

optional attribute is used by software

is actually quite practical—one can

existing value is of the “DWORD” or

on “=” shows the result: “1100”. See to it

current folder and its subfolders on the

memory. Increase the value to use more

manufacturers to differentiate such update

quickly open the last edited files with

“BINARY” type.

that you don’t insert additional bytes when

basis of this specification. The stacks

programs at the same time.

packets from one another which solve

the appropriate program and continue

DWORD VALUE: The Windows calculator

making entries in the registry. Confirm

appear as labeled icons of stacked files.

working on them, theoretically that is.

comes in handy when linking the value.

with “OK” and close the registry.

To see the files contained in the stacks,

“Start | Run”, “regedit” and [Enter] and

different hardware configuration. These

In practice, however, the list is filled

Switch to the professional mode by

You can use the same method to decide

double-click on the icon. Windows


options include "x86" for 32-bit processors,

with irrelevant entries.

clicking “View | Scientific" and select the

whether other file types such as videos or

stacks the files that do not contain any

System\CurrentControlSet\Control \

"AMD64" for 64-bit AMD processors and

“Hex” option. In the input field, enter the

graphics should appear in the document

information about the selected criterion

Session Manager\SubSystems” key.

"IA64" for 64-bit Intel processors.

value from the registry, click “Or” and then

history or not.

next to the different stacks.

Double-click the “Windows” entry on

NOTE: More information on the terms used

the right. A long function call appears as

by Microsoft when describing updates

suitable criterion, select “More” in the

a character string. In this, look for the

is given in the Microsoft Knowledge

sub menu. The following dialog lists all

“SharedSection” parameter. It determines

Base under the article: http://support.

possible metadata types. Activate the

the system and desktop heap in this

format: SharedSection-xxxx,yyyy

Get rid of useless files! You

In case Windows does not offer

For this, start the registry editor with

will find it easier to identify the more

type “100000”. Important: the leading

important entries in the list. In the registry,

zeroes are not taken into account! A click

you can not only determine the display

on “=” shows the new value. Double-click

and number of elements in the history but

“EditFlags” in the registry. Overwrite the

also define many further properties for

value with the result in the calculator and

What is the difference between

checkbox for the desired entries and

each file type using the “EditFlags” entry

confirm with “OK”.

directories in Windows Explorer and the

confirm these with “OK”. Windows will

in the list for instance.

BINARY VALUE: Unlike DWORD values,

folders of an actual filing cabinet? They

now also show these entries in the “Sort

size of the heap in the entire system

by” menu in that folder.

and “yyyy” for the size of the heap per

For this, open “Run” in the Start


Windows Vista Search for files quicker in crowded folders

a different Bit sequence is valid for

are never full, irrespective of how many

menu, enter “regedit” and click “OK”.

“BINARY”. This is why you should use the

files one stuffs in them. There is a big

If, for instance, you do not want MP3

value “00 00 10 00” for the “Or” function.

disadvantage though: one cannot see

files to appear in the history, navigate

Example: the existing value for “mp3file”

them all with a simple glance.

to the “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mp3”

the same problem on machines with

You will see “xxxx” for the maximum


Windows XP Quickly getting rid of irritating chat programs

desktop, each in KB. You only need to

Windows XP was getting really slow so

Windows 2000, XP Prevent irritating system error messages and work safely.

increase the value for the desktop by 256

you reinstalled it. However, Windows

or 512 KB to prevent the annoying error

Messenger loaded again by default.

messages from showing. Do not forget to

You don’t use this messenger to chat at


key. There are separate keys with the

Quick Tips

Some applications with numerous

restart your system so that the changes

all, but it cannot be removed using the

respective extensions for other file


of stacking files in folders on the basis

windows are already running and this is

have the desired effect.

“Add/Remove Programs” dialog box.

types. Read the value of the “Standard”

of their metadata. This approach has an

what happens when you start another

advantage over the normal filing system

program: Windows refuses to open it,

in a complex folder structure in that you

showing an error message which says

can change the sorting criteria at any given

“Out of memory”. But the Task Manager

time in order to group files according to

shows sufficient physical memory and

Microsoft updates are always confusing.

attributes such as “Created Yesterday” or

swap space.

Especially when there are several files

look for the “Edit Flags” entry of the type

“regsvr32appwiz.cpl” at the command prompt if the list of installed programs does not show under XP. MAGNIFYING DESKTOP OBJECTS: With [Windows] + [U], you can directly open the Utility Manager that offers access to a screen magnifier and screen keyboard.

“DWORD” or “BINARY” on the right.


If it does not exist, create it with “Edit |

Explorer and select “Sort by” in the

“Desktopheap”, which is too small

context menu. The following sub menu

by default, is probably responsible for

offers some metadata depending on the

this—Windows again tampers with its

as “Hexadecimal”. Then enter the value

When you select several file entries and change the name of the first one, Windows XP and Vista give the other files consecutive numbers.

file types in the folder as basis for sorting.

history here. Windows uses the heap for

pattern for all software update packets

“00100000” and click “OK”.


The metadata types are different for

managing the open applications. There are

since 2003. This simplifies the search

can access the network and connections that have been set up on any machine under Vista and XP with “Start | Run” and the “ncpa.cpl” line command. QUICKER START FOR PROGRAMS: The registry value “0” for “MenuShow Delay” in the “HKEY_ CURRENT_USER\ ControlPanel\Desktop” registry key makes the Start menu faster under XP. QUICKER COPYING UNDER XP: There is a “Yes for all” button but no "No for all". Keep the [Shift] key pressed when clicking “No” in any file copy dialog box. This ensures that your decision is used for all files being copied.

different file types. For example, a digital

problems if too many windows are open.

for software updates and the relevant

photo has "Dimensions" and "Date Taken",

The behavior can also be prompted: about

articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

show Messenger in the list of installed

and a Word document can store the name

fifty instances of Internet Explorer can be

The basic composition of this pattern is

software. However, the corresponding

of the “Author”.

shown; all other windows are disfigured

“[Product name]-[KB article number]-

entry is only hidden. You can change

[option]-[language].exe”. Examples of

this—and shut the chatterbox up. Open

names of update packets:

the “sysoc.inf” file in Notepad—its


location, as per the standard installation is


“C:\Windows\Inf”. Search for the following


line in the text file:



character string, “mp3file” in the example, for the corresponding file type. The next step is to navigate to the key of the respective file type, i.e., to “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mp3file”. Now

New | DWORD value”. Double-click on it and it will open. Here “Base” must be set

If the value already exists, you have to link it with the “logical OR” hex value—otherwise, you will change other predefined properties. This is because

3 Accessing relevant documents according to your preference greatly saves time.

84 | intelligent computing CHip

Windows Vista offers the option

“ Created Last week”. Right-click a free space in the Windows


Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Finding the right Microsoft updates using file names

for an update whose names are only

The system intermediate memory,

marginally different from each other. Which file is the right one?

Microsoft has been using a default

The names start with the product

4 Entering suitable keywords into file types can make searching for files much faster.

5 "SharedSection" can be found in the registry,

and increasing its value eliminates problems.

7 Windows Messenger can be uninstalled after finding "sysoc.inf".

By default, Windows does not


name inclusive of version information,

Delete “hide”. Make sure you don’t

e.g., “Windows2000”, “WindowsXP”,

delete the comma with it. After saving

“WindowsServer” or “WindowsXPTablet”.

the file, open “Start | Control Panel |

The “KB” attribute—“Knowledge

Software” and select “Add/remove

Base” attribute—followed by an article

Windows components”. The list shows an Intelligent computing CHip

| 85



entry for Windows Messenger, which you

task. Enter the values one below the

the clouds gives rise to breathtakingly

and flair, since it can also give rise to

can now uninstall.

other in one column and select all the

dense and evocative light conditions.

conspicuous color tampering.

filled area. Now point the mouse to the

The moisture on flowers, grass, bushes

bottom right corner of the black outline

and fields intensifies their colors—you

photos: layer overlapping in Photoshop.

Excel 2007 Opening the VisualBasic editor on its own

in such a way that the cursor changes to

can strengthen this impression even


a black cross. Click the cross and pull the

more using a polarization filter. But don’t

image and the “Channels” pallet in the

selection downwards by pressing the

forget the sky after looking at this colorful

“Window” menu. One after another, click

Since you program macros quite

left mouse key over the desired area.

performance. Heavy, gray towers of clouds

the individual color channels and find out

frequently, you miss the command for

Excel uses the “Auto Fill” function to

often create an imposing atmosphere.

which one has the most conspicuous

directly opening the VBA editor. You

calculate the values of the cells to be filled.

Capture as much as of this beauty as

contrasts—this is often the blue channel,

want to know where it minimizes to and

When doing so, the program uses an

possible with your camera. This implies:

but it depends on the subject. Now press

how to get it back into the menu.

arithmetic trend calculation as per the least

take a photo from a lower angle; you can

the [Ctrl] key and click the channel symbol

checkbox for “Have replies sent to” under

even lie down so as to make the most

at the same time—this selects the bright

“Delivery options”. Change the desired

of it. The advantage of this extreme

tonal values. Then click “RGB” to redisplay

software company Adobe, which is still

distributed values on the x or time axis,

mailing address in the dialog field after

perspective is that you can capture blades

all color information.

in the beta phase, is the right choice

and for the estimation of intermediate

that or click “Select names” to insert an

of grass or ears of corn in the foreground


for you: it is an interesting mixture of

values, you can use the “FORECAST”

address from your contacts.

so that they appear very large and thus get

“Layers” pallet with [F7] and press the

photo community and photo editor. The

function. For this, enter the x and y

OUTLOOK 2007: In the “Options” tab on the

photos from unusual angles.

[Ctrl] + [J] key combination.

advantage: it can be loaded on the PC from

values, i.e., time and data in two adjacent

ribbon when composing a message, click

Photoshop accepts this selection as a new

program components without installation

columns. To use the “FORECAST”

on the “Direct replies to” button. Check

layer. When you now change the filling

and runs entirely on the web. Adobe

function, first set goal x as argument and

the box for “Have replies sent to” in the

Image editor Richer colors for dull pictures

method to “Screen” using the selection

provides you with 2 GB of free web space

then the available data regions. In doing

“Delivery options” and enter the desired

Digital cameras make beautiful pictures

field up in the pallet, the program also

after you register on www.photoshop.

so, you first enter the region of the y

address. Here too, you can select the

appear real! “Real”, since the photos are

brightens the dark areas.

com/express. You can upload and edit

values and then that for the x values.

address using the “Select names” button.

sharp but not “real” enough since the


your photos on this space and present

Then "Close” the dialog and send the

colors appear slightly pale.

selection, i.e., click the new layer by

them to your friends.



squares method. For more difficult tasks with unevenly

8 The VBA editor can be found in the "Popular" category in "Excel Options".

The result similarly delivers a linear The [Alt] + [F11] key combination

interpolation or extrapolation from the

10 Simulating a different reply address is useful, when you want to keep your privacy.


message as usual.

opens the VBA editor directly—but only

given data. Generally, the larger the

after you activate the Developer Tools

available data region and the shorter the

ribbon tab. For this, click the Office button

region to be estimated, the more accurate

Digital photography Capturing scenery in bad weather

and open “Excel Options”. On the left,

the results. In each case, think whether

select the “Popular” category. Activate “Show Developer tab in the Ribbon” at

There is one easy alternative for portrait

13 Photoshop Express gives you web space and you can edit your photos online too.

Perhaps a new offer by the

You can optimize the photos, crop

keeping the [Ctrl] key pressed. With “Selection | Inverse”, invert the selected

them, hide red eyes, correct exposure

not responsible for missing color density,

mask area. Again create a new layer with

or switch to black and white with the

but the surrounding light is. The time of

[Ctrl] + [J] on the basis of this selection.

most important functions directly in the

Landscape photography is a hobby

the day, cloud cover and alignment of the

Now set “Multiply” as the filling method—

browser—with lightning speed. It is also

a linear calculation is practical at all. For

of many amateur photographers.

camera to the source of light are deciding

this accentuates dark areas.

possible to make extreme modifications

example, if you use the monthly average

Unfortunately there are many scenes

factors when it comes to color density. If

FINAL TOUCHES: In case you think that

such as distorting the image contents.

the top and confirm with “OK”. The new

temperatures of the first half of the year,

which tend to get monotonous: a

you direct your camera closer to the sun

the contrast is too strong, you can

You cannot do this using the same tools

“Developer tools” tab in the ribbon offers

you cannot possibly infer the results for

summer photo with the sun, a few

and then take a picture, the colors will be

easily moderate it: For this, reduce the

as in the professional program, you have

more buttons for macro editing and control

the rest of the year from that.

clouds, green meadows, trees and

paler. But you can optimize weak colors

opacity of each layer at the top right of

small thumbnails at your disposal—thus

mountains can get very boring.

even after taking a picture.

the layers pallet. Experiment with other

one can preview the effects of an action.

The method we have described is

filling methods to see how they affect

The function is comparable with “Filters”

contrast distribution of the shadows and

the image. “Lighten” and "Overlay” are

in Photoshop.

elements as well as the properties and code of the active element in addition to the desired VBA editor access.


Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Specifying a different reply address for the recipient

Most of the time, the camera is


Is it necessary to pull out your

After editing the photos, you can

camera only when the sun is shining

highlights, i.e., the dark and the bright

also suitable for natural looking contrast

You send a private email from the

bright? Even shady weather has its appeal.

parts of the picture. You can do this with

intensification. Others give rise to slightly

directly store them on the web space or

computer at your workplace. If the

So you should go on a photo tour on a day

an S-shaped gradation curve, but the

artistic effects. Finally, bring together all

download them to your computer. You can

recipient presses “Reply” the mail

when there are dark clouds and stormy

technique requires a bit of experience

layers with “Flatten Image”.

even email the photos from this space.

You have to determine a quick value

lands in your company inbox as usual.

winds. In case you have a DSLR, you

estimate from a series of performance

However, you would prefer it if the reply

should think in advance about which lens

or sales figures. But statistics was never

is sent to your private email account.

you want to use. This is because changing


Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 Simple trend diagnosis without putting in effort

Adobe works together with the photo

the lens outdoors when the weather is

Photoshop Express Using professional functions without installing the whole program.

There is an option to define a reply

bad is dangerous to the extent that the

Photoshop is more or less standard for

your strength. What should you do?


address that is different from the address

sensitive insides of the camera can get

editing digital photos—but many hobby

development of your turnover as a

you have used to send the mail. The

damp and dirty. So, put on your raincoat,

photographers find it too expensive

protect your camera well and get going!

and too complicated. As a community

It is easy to estimate the self‑employed person, without the use of

method is marginally different in different

complicated formulae. The prerequisite

versions of Outlook.

for this is that the data must be entered at

OUTLOOK XP, 2003: Write your new

You can find dozens of dramatic and sensational subjects for photography in

regular intervals; every month or in steps

message and open the “View | Options”

harsh weather—particularly just after

of 5 degrees, 1 Volt etc, depending on the

command before sending it. Activate the

a downpour, the sun popping through

86 | intelligent computing CHip

12 An image can be sharp and rich without losing quality, even from a digital camera.

community Flickr, and photos can be loaded in Photoshop Express directly from Flickr and can be edited there.


Internet Explorer 7 Solving problems when playing Flash files in IE

fan, you also find it complicated to first

When playing some Flash files directly

edit the photos on a PC and then upload

from the Internet, IE7 loads the data but

them. You are looking for an easier way

hangs with a script error. However, the

to do all this.

file can be played without any problems Intelligent computing CHip

| 87



enter. Here, add the “iexplore.exe” entry

the dialog with “OK”. In the future, you

plus sign in front of “TabBrowsing” for

clicking the “Snip it!” button. Here you

and lets the fans rotate slowly at lower

with “Edit | New | DWORD value” and

will be able to download all Flickr photos

instance. Then look for “Save sessions at

will find many more buttons for copying.

temperatures and with full power when

again confirm with “OK”. See to it that

as usual using the context menu. Similarly,

intervals of”. You can change the value

Use the second one to copy the shortest

the temperatures are high.

its “value” is set to “0”. The annoying

the superimposed graphic can be blocked

for the frequency with which Firefox

option without explanations on the

problem is solved after closing the registry.

with the Nuke Anything Enhanced add-in.

automatically saves the current status of

clipboard. You can now paste this address

system fan to the control module and

14 Flash files often clash with Internet Explorer

and so configuring the browser is important.

after it is downloaded on the computer.


Flickr, Firefox 2.x, 3.x Downloading blocked images from a photo website

your session so that it can be restored

in your mail program and just send it.

the module to the fan connection on

if the system crashes. The default value

FACILITATING ACCESS: Access to “Snipurl”

the motherboard. Fix the temperature

blocks them. Thus, you should make it a

of “10000” is a figure in milliseconds so

can be facilitated if you want to use it

sensor to the heatsink of the CPU (or a

point to observe the license clauses and

that a backup of the data is created every

regularly in Firefox. For this, look for the

central place in the cabinet if you want

not use the photo without the consent of

10 seconds. The corresponding entry for

“Snip!” link under “Tools” on the website.

to throttle the fans there) and connect

scores of interesting photos. Some of

the person who has blocked it.

“about:config” is “browser.sessionstore.

Pull it with the mouse onto the bookmarks

it to the control unit. The threshold

interval”—it is more difficult to locate this

toolbar using the drag and drop method—

temperature after which the fan runs at

in the long list than through this dialog.

however, it isn't a simple toolbar button. It

the maximum rotational speed can be set

Countless other settings can be made in a

is a bookmarklet that opens a JavaScript

on the module, as also the speed at which

similar manner.

on the website. Now open the website

the fan should run below the threshold

whose link you want to send and click the

temperature. Monitor the temperatures

new bookmark. Firefox opens a “Snipurl”

that the most important components

window, creates a short address and

such as the CPU and chipset run at under

automatically copies it to the clipboard.

load. If the value is way above 60 degrees

them would make excellent desktop backgrounds. But when downloading, downloaded on your computer.

Domain’ is the cause of this problem. It stops active content from running

NOTE: The user intends to prevent

unauthorized use of his photos when he

The Flickr photo community has

only the empty file “spaceball.gif” is

The new security function “Cross

After opening the case, connect the

Firefox 2.x, 3.x Configuring the browser the way you want, with lightning speed


As a devoted Firefox user, you often

If a Flickr user does not want

configure the browser using the


Internet Sending long web addresses in emails without errors

after it has been called up from external

to make his photos easily available for

“about:config” address entry. But

computers on the Internet. This function

download, he can set a corresponding

looking for the right setting in the

is supposed to prevent the switching of

access setting in Flickr. it then

endless list is quite difficult. Besides,

Many users keep sending web links

scripts between different domains and

automatically displays the transparent

you also the run the risk of changing the

through emails now and then. But

certain settings. For this, click “Settings”

temperature. If the fan starts up shortly

thus contribute towards protection from

file “spaceball.gif” instead of the photo.

wrong parameters by mistake.

there is possibility that the email editor

on the top of the page. Set the question

afterwards, increase the minimum speed.

phishing attacks.

However, this is not a very effective

breaks up long addresses. The result:

“Close the pop up window automatically”

the recipient cannot open websites

to “Yes” and change the entry for

with a simple click.

“Show long URL in brackets when

You have several options to avoid or

way of protecting the photos, since your

The free English add-in

solve the problem. On one hand, you can

browser anyway downloads the photo

Configuration Mania offers the option

download the Flash contents using the

into its cache on your computer when the

of making innumerable settings of the

context menu and, as described, view it on

photo is viewed.

advanced configuration of Firefox with the

It is much easier when you make

Snipurl is copied” to “No”. Confirm the

Celsius, turn down the threshold for the


Pocket PC Solving synchronization problems in Windows Vista

configuration by clicking “Save changes”.

You have bought a Pocket PC and you

help of an interactive dialog. The tool is

longer than one line, many email programs


synchronize the addresses and data

the ordeal of looking through the cache.

available for download at https://addons.

interpret only its first part as link due to

register yourself at ‘Snipurl” free of

with your Vista PC. After some days, the

Firefox can help you find the photo much

the automatic word wrap. The recipient

cost, you also have the option of saving

synchronization stops working properly

in question to the list of trustworthy sites.

quicker. As soon as the download dialog

To install it, open the XPI file with the

then has to copy the link in parts. A

and managing self-created addresses.

and aborts with an error message.

For this, select the respective URL in the

displays the “spaceball.gif” file for saving,

browser or click “Add to Firefox” on the

simpler way to handle this is to use a one-

Besides, you can even ensure that the

address bar and press the [Ctrl] + [C] key

abort the action and right-click next to

website. Install the additional software by

line URL with less than 80 characters.

target addresses of your snips cannot be

combination. Then open “Tools | Internet

the photo. Then select the “View Page

clicking “Install now”.


identified unauthorized. It is also possible

synchronization problems primarily occur

Options” and switch to the “Security” tab.

Info” context command and activate

service ‘Snipurl” comes into play here: it

to download all data to Excel to sort it

when synchronizing with Microsoft Office

Select the icon for “Trusted sites” and

the “Media” tab. The list shows all the

settings dialog from “Tools | Configuration

creates compact URLs, which take you to

clearly in a table.

2007. You save most of your data—

click “Sites”. Paste the link here using the

graphics on this page. Click an entry to see

Mania”. First click the desired category at

the original link. For one-time use, copy

[Ctrl] + [V] key combination. Then click

the preview in the lower part of the dialog

the top of the dialog box, “Browser” or

the desired long address on the clipboard,


“Add” and confirm all the dialogs with

box. Keep scrolling till you find the desired

“Security” for instance. You will then have

open, click in the

“OK”. But with this, you have solved the

image. Then click “Save As” and save the

more tabs for selection for the respective

“Long URL” field and insert the long

problem only for this one website.

image on the hard disk.

settings. You will find a hierarchical menu

web address with [Ctrl] + [V]. The short

Processor fan Eliminating fan noise with an intelligent control module

in the “Browser” category. Here, click the

address is created and displayed after

Your computer sounds like a jet plane

your computer without any script errors. But this is a long procedure. The second option is to add the website

You can completely switch off

But you don’t have to go through

There are other specialized add ins

You can then reach the extensive

If the complete web address is


The most exasperating

addresses, dates and tasks—in Outlook. After an unexpected synchronization error, Outlook evidently starts preventing further synchronization attempts. Only Microsoft knows why this is so. Outlook can easily rectify the error

the additional security function by

that also facilitate the download of

when it first comes on. One glimpse

on its own. The email program checks

meddling with the registry. But you must

blocked photos. You can completely stop

into the system monitoring shows that

itself under “Help | Office Diagnostics”

compensate with the latest antivirus and

Flickr from showing the transparent file

the CPU and system temperature is

and rectifies some inconsistencies in the

phishing protection applications installed

by using the Adblock Plus ad blocker.

beyond 60 degrees Celsius.

system on its own, however without a

and ready for use on your PC. Then open

You can download this tool free of cost

the “Run” command in the start menu,


enter “regedit” and click “OK”. Navigate to

en-US/firefox/addon/1865. As soon

normally due to fans that are too fast and

Windows Mobile Center, reconnect your

the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\

as the add-in is installed, right-click the

too loud. It is relatively easy to install quiet

Windows Mobile Device to the PC and

Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\

superimposed photo and select the

fans but it is much cheaper to use a fan

create a new synchronization pair. In most

FeatureControl” key. Now open “Edit |

“Adblock Plus: block graphic” context

controller. The Wind Rider made by Cooler

cases, data can be synchronized again. 

New | Key”, type “FEATURE_BLOCK_

command. The link to “spaceball.gif” is

LMZ_SCRIPT” and confirm by pressing

selected in the first line. Simply confirm

88 | intelligent computing CHip

detailed error description. Now delete The noise in a PC system is

16 "Configuration Mania" is a very useful add-on for Firefox users and helps in many ways..

17 Long addresses can be a pain to "Paste" in the addresses bar. Snipurl eliminates this.

Master is one such module. It monitors an area in the PC with a temperature sensor

the pairing with your Pocket PC in the

Compiled by Team CHIP – Intelligent computing CHip

| 89




your notes after or below it, save the file

Windows XP Maintaining a log book for personal tasks with other tools on board

and then to close it

24-inch widescreen monitors give you


Tips Tricks there’s should be nothing to see in the browser's history or cache. Still, you don’t really want to delete your entire history, which is the only option most browsers allow.

Version 3.1.2 of Apple's Safari browser for Windows allows users to deactivate the saving of temporary browsing data. It is available from www.

loaded already through an automatic update. During installation, make sure you don’t install any additional software like “Bonjour for Windows”

around an open Word window. But it

Copying the name of folders or files with

would be more practical if, for example,

their path and to insert it in a document

you have the latest information and

was not easily possible under Windows

news from the Internet on your screen at

XP. Does Vista have a solution for this

all times.

old Windows problem?


1. Windows XP

Maintaining a log book for personal tasks with other tools on board

2. Windows Vista

Quick copying of file names as well as the path on the clipboard

3. Windows XP, Vista

Getting rid of false reports from the security center

4. Windows 2000, XP, Vista

Automatic restart of crashed programs

5. Windows Vista

Speedier searching of files using thumbnails

6. Windows 2000, XP

Finding programs and documents faster in the start menu

7. Windows 2000, XP

Linking folders to another drive

Applications 8. Excel XP, 2003, 2007

easily corrected in 'Administrative Tools'

You need not worry about PC security as long as the antivirus program

time and date for every new entry for

functions properly. The Windows security

documentation purposes—but this is very

center merely has a communication

tiresome and error-prone. There must

problem with the antivirus software. This problem can be solved by deleting the “Repository” system folder;

to do this and you don’t even need


3 False reports can be very annoying but can be

interviews or test results. You enter the

Not to worry there is an easier way special software for it: use the Windows editor Notepad as your log book. It can

| All Programs | Accessories | Notepad”

Displaying numerical values graphically in cells through data bars

2 After pressing the [Shift] key you will be able to see the extra options in the context menu.

The folder stores meta information for WMI classes—“Windows Management Instrumentation” offers access to system

the exact time for your notes. This is how The editor can be opened with “Start


Windows automatically regenerates it.

automatically enter the current date and it functions: iTunes users should check out their Start menus: the browser could be

Quick copying of file names as well as the path on the clipboard

surely be an easier way to do so!

Umesh Dahiwalkar

Some surfing sessions should remain private—

loads of space on the desktop—even

Generally when you are at work,

Share your tips. Write to:

Ensuring the Web history is not stored

Windows Vista

you note down telephone numbers and

October 2008

Tip of the month  Internet


Yes it does. Use a hidden command

information. However, deleting the folder

in the context menu for folders or files in

is not that easy, since Windows blocks this

the latest operating system.

process with a service. Since you are the

Open Windows Explorer with [Win] +

administrator, you can temporarily stop this

under XP and Vista. Then type the “.LOG”

[E] and navigate to the folder in question

service and then delete the folder.

character string in the first line. See to it

or to the desired file. Important: the folder


that you do not miss out the dot at the

or file icon must be visible in the right part

“Administrative Tools” in the Control Panel

beginning and write the letters in the

of the Explorer. The keep the [Shift] key

and then double-click “Services”. If you

upper case. Save this file under any name,

pressed and right-click the icon on the right

work with Vista, type “services.msc” in

“LOGBACK.TXT”, for example. Then close

side of the window. The context menu

the Run box, right-click it and select “Run


that is displayed shows more commands

as administrator”. Look for the “Windows

To quickly access this file in future,

than usual—including the “Copy as path”

Management Instrumentation” entry at

create a desktop link for it in the start

command. You can copy the name of the

the end of the list—do not confuse it with

along with it. An interesting and special feature of

9. Excel XP, 2003, 2007

Adjusting diagrams and table values easily with the mouse

menu or in the quick launch bar. As soon

file or folder with the complete path on

“Windows Management Instrumentation

Safari is the “Private surfing” function. With it, you

as you open the link, Notepad automatically

the clipboard using this command. You

Driver Extensions”. Right-click on the icon

10. Excel XP, 2003, 2007

Repeating column headings of tables on all pages

inserts an empty line and a line with the

can then copy the information to other

and select “Stop”. Confirm the warning,

11. Outlook XP, 2003, 2007

Getting information quickly by using the journal

current date and time at the end of the

applications such as Word with [Ctrl] + [V].

which tells you that the “Security Center”

12. Powerpoint

Opening a new presentation in the old version.

existing text. All you need to do is to type

The inserted information is enclosed in

and “IP Helper” services will be stopped..

can open websites safely without your activities being stored in the browser history for weeks or your usernames and passwords being remembered automatically. You can delete the history or private data in other browsers also, but you lose your entire history and cache if you do. In Safari, you only need to turn on the privacy function selectively and for a short time, and the

13. Image Editing

Creating sloping levels of sharpness without using any expensive or special lenses

14. Image Editing

Producing panorama from the old analog pictures

inverted commas.


Even though antivirus programs such

context menu. Navigate to “C:\Windows\

as Kaspersky or Avira run on your

System32\wbem\”. Just to be on the safe

computer, the Windows security center

side, rename the “Repository” sub folder

A new graphics card cannot accelerate juddering games

reports a problem and does not detect

as “Repository_old”. You can delete it after

18. Webcam

Webcam impedes smooth Thunderbird updates

the antivirus program anymore. The

you have successfully eliminated the error.

19. Hard Disk

Replacing the system disk with Vista on-board tools without reinstalling it

Synchronizing local and portable databases

16. Outlook XP, 2003, 2007

Sending websites instantaneously from Outlook


it in the dialog box by clicking “OK”. You can also

17. Graphics Card

turned off each time you restart Safari.

90 | intelligent computing CHip | OCTOBER 2008

for the explorer link under “All Programs | Accessories” in the start menu and

15. Thunderbird

| Private Surfing” command for that and confirm

the same command. In addition, the privacy mode is

Windows XP, Vista

Getting rid of false reports from the security center

rest of your history won't be affected. Use the “Edit

reactivate the storing of history and cookies using


Explorer. When working with Vista, look


1 The notepad log file is very useful to save small reminders and notes.

unfounded warning messages can easily be stopped though.

summon it as administrator from the

Finally, restart the computer. All required services start automatically. Moreover, Intelligent computing CHip

| 91


Windows creates a new “Repository” folder and regenerates its contents. The


Quick Tips

and deactivate it. Confirm the setting

your texts, click “+” at the center of the

sub folder, which has the same name,

with “Apply” and “OK”. Now, you only

dialog box, navigate to the desired folder

and which is located on drive D. If there

security center now identifies the antivirus

PURGING THE SYSTEM: You can delete the

have to select an icon variant for display

and confirm with “OK”. Now type “*.doc”

is not such folder on drive C, the tool

software that is running on your computer.

following file types from the hard disk without any loss: BAK, CHK, GID, LOG, OLD, PCH, PDB, TMP. SMOOTHER SCROLLING: Set the “SmoothScroll” entry in the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\ Desktop” registry key under XP to “1” for smoother scrolling. QUICKER SETUP: Copy the “i386” folder from your XP setup CD to the hard disk if you often reinstall components. Installations will take place faster. SETTING BLUETOOTH OPTIONS: Select “Run” in the start menu and type the “bthprops.cpl” command for direct access to Bluetooth settings under Vista. CONTROLLING THE MEDIA PLAYER: Switch to the full screen mode with the [Ctrl] + [1] key combination and back to windowed mode with the [Ctrl] + [2] key combination. PROPERTIES IN EXPLORER: Keep the [Alt] key pressed when double-clicking an element on the right side of the window to quickly call up its properties.

under “View” so that the icons turn into

in the one-line input field to the left, and

automatically creates it. You can always

thumbnails. You can see the preview of the

click “+” directly under it. You can update

rename this folder or delete it to delete

marked item even in the lower part of the

the index with “Rescan Catalog”.

the link. Folders and data on drive D will


Windows 2000, XP, Vista Automatic restart of crashed programs

Programs such as webserver, filesharing tools or email applications should run continuously. Yet at times, these programs hang or are closed by mistake.

4 You can just make a list of programs you want automatically restarted using Jockersoft.

You can delegate the task of continuously checking if the programs are active to a tool, so that you need

list view.

It is important to have a practical

Note: Thumbnails can take time to display,

configuration, so that the index does not

especially video files on old PCs.

become so long that it slows down the


Windows 2000, XP Finding programs and documents faster in the start menu

6 Launchy can speed things up by adding links

to your desktop, letting you launch programs.

remain untouched.


tool, or prompts many unsuitable options.


Windows 2000, XP


Excel XP, 2003, 2007 Displaying numerical values graphically in cells through data bars

freeware. You have to press [Alt] + [Space]

Linking folders to another drive

You want to display all the data with

Opening applications from the branched

to call up Launchy on the screen. You need

Drives can be integrated using the disk

the help of a bar diagram for illustrating

start menu is irritating – especially if

not do this again, since Launchy enters

management in such a way that their

the various values of a table. However,

many programs are installed on the

itself in the autostart folder.

content appears in one folder. This

inserting and aligning a diagram is a

functions for full partitions, but not for

tough task.

computer. Yet, setting up a link for each

The tool automatically indexes the

program on the desktop is not a solution

entries in the start menu and in the

individual directories that are on them.

as this can clog the desktop.

“Programs” folder. Just start typing the

Is there any other option?

name of the program you are looking for. You can start programs very quickly

Launchy immediately displays the suitable

The latest Excel version in fact offers a function now to illustrate the

Yes there is—but not through the

values directly in the background of

with assigned hotkeys. The free application

entries for selection. Press enter to start

disk management. It only recognizes linking

the respective cell through conditional

Launchy promises to be more convenient:

the program marked in the selection list.

of complete drives. Use the “junction.exe”

formatting. In the previous version, you can

It has an intelligent input field, which, like

If you press [Tab] first, you can insert one

command line tool. You can download it

at least get a similar effect in a neighboring

the “Programs” field in the Vista start

more file as parameter, which opens the

directly on your computer from the URL

cell with the help of a trick. We will show

menu, shows a shortcut to programs

application immediately.

http://download.sysinternals. com/

you both the ways:

Files/ Prerequisite for the

EXCEL 2007: Select the concerning cell area

after you type in the first letters. This is

But Launchy can do much more, it also

convenient and saves time. We will show

offers websites that match the search

success of this tip: all used drives must be

and then click on “Conditional formatting”.

you both the options.

term. These websites can be called up

formatted with the NTFS file system. Also

Select “Data bar” in the menu that opens

not bother. The free tool Application

But for some reason, you cannot find this


from the standard browser. So, if you

see to it that neither the source nor the

and subsequently select the icon with the

Monitor monitors your programs and can

function in Vista any more.

function for all the links are available in

enter “Di”, you can start the popular

target folder is open in another application,

desired color. Excel will scale the bars

the start menu or on the desktop. To set

online dictionary or the news page in no

in Windows Explorer, for instance.

automatically between the smallest and

up these hotkeys, right-click the entry

time. You can even customize Launchy to

automatically restart them if required. This tool is available for free download

Even Vista can display thumbnails.

Open the archive and save the

the largest value from the selection made.


But the operating system only offers

in the start menu or the icon for the

suit your preferences. For this, click the

“junction.exe” file on your system,

For a different setting, open “Conditional

appmonitor_index.php. Unzip the file into

various large icons for selection by default.

desired link on the desktop, and then

cog wheel icon (Settings) in the program

preferably in the Windows directory, since

formatting | Data bars | More Rules”.

a new folder. Installation is not required.

The cause for this is a hidden option, which

open “Properties” in the context menu.

window and switch to the “Plugins’ tab.

files in it are automatically found when

Keep the rule type “Format all cells based

deactivates the thumbnail view.

In the following dialog, you can assign a

In “Available Plugins”, deactivate the

the command is called up. The open the

on their values” selected. In order to

After the program starts, click the

“Shortcut key” in the field with the same

“Weby” option, provided that you do not

prompt and enter the following command

predetermine fixed limits, for instance,

click the tab next to “Path” to select the

Windows Explorer and go to “Tools |

name, for instance [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [W] for

want to directly open the website. You can

in the command line:

select the “number” setting in the “Type”

program file to be monitored from the file

Folder options”. Look for the “Always

Word, in the “Shortcut” tab. Just press

also deactivate only the options for your

combination field under “Shortest bar”.

dialog. You can specify parameters for

show icons, never thumbnails” option in

these keys for assigning the shortcut key. If

bookmarks, and use manually definable

junction c\project d\data\project

restarting a program in the “Arguments”

“Advanced settings” in the “View” tab

the desired combination has already been

shortcuts for specific search queries on

C, Windows displays the content of the

bar” as well. You can subsequently specify

assigned, Windows ignores the entry.

the Internet such as Wikipedia, Google

the individual values under it in the “Value”

You can then try out a different one.

or Amazon. Moreover, you can define

fields. Excel 2007 offers numerous further

clicking “Create”. Activate the checkbox

If the entry works, acknowledge it with

special commands with the “Runner”

variants particularly for highlighting cells

in front of the respective job to start the

“Apply” and ‘OK”. In future, you can start

option, the start of a program by specifying

with certain properties of the values.

automatic mechanism.

the respective program much faster and

parameters, for instance.

“Add” tab. Enter a name in “Name” and

This is how you can activate it: open

field. Do not change the checking interval and create an entry for the monitoring by

without creating a link on the desktop


Windows Vista Speedier searching of files using thumbnails

You are used to the thumbnail view for previewing image and video file types in Windows Explorer under windows XP.

92 | intelligent computing CHip

5 In Vista, you can see thumbnails as previews by changing 'Folder Options'

Then, in the “Projects” folder on drive

Now repeat these steps for the “Longest


The “Catalog” tab is important: here,

“REPEAT” function here in order to create

and also when other program windows

you can determine which folders and file

a bar proportional to the value through

are active.

types should Launchy index for the quick

a listing of identical text characters. You

USING LAUNCHY: The freeware is available

start. It automatically takes into account

can actually use every character for this

for free download under http://launchy.

the respective sub folders. You can insert

net. Initially you will not see a program

more folders and file types here. For

window after you install and start the

example, to search the “C:\Data\Word” for

purpose, but the filled rectangle from 7 Linking one folder to another can really make

things more convenient and save a lot of time.

the Unicode font is best suitable here. Alternatively, the perpendicular line “|” is Intelligent computing CHip

| 93



mouse as well—Excel aligns the underlying

the “Layout” tab in the multi-function bar

the fuzziness increases in front of, and

data automatically to the changed graphic.

under “Table tools” and select the “Repeat

behind that particular area. This effect

A bar chart has been especially cut out for

Header Rows” command. If you have the

is intensified with the increasing focal

this demonstration.

older versions of Word, open the “Tables |

length and aperture of the lens. The level

Heading Rows Repeat” menu command;

of sharpness normally runs parallel to the

on that particular object. Subsequently,

Word will now copy the selected row every

viewing level just because the elements

click successively (not a double-click) on

time at the beginning of a new page.

in the lens are layered parallel to the photo

the column twice, whose height needs to

Note: You should not limit to one individual

sensor. Our eye is accustomed to this

be changed. You need to do that because

row while defining the heading. You can

picture effect, break this habit and set

all columns are selected after the first click.

even select multiple rows and display them

Now position the mouse pointer on the

as table headings repeatedly.

First of all, click on the diagram to focus

8 Displaying the data in the bars graphically can be a good visual indicator about data values.

upper edge of the column. As soon as the

also available to simulate a quasi bar graph

cursor changes into an up and down-arrow,

display. For that, click on the cell right next

keep the left mouse key pressed. You can

to the respective value and select “Insert


Outlook XP, 2003, 2007

the level of sharpness running diagonally 11 AutoJournal saves and organizes your mail, you can use it to browse through mail also.

In addition to the electronic messages

12 You need to make sure the document is not

encrypted in order to avoid password trouble.

colleague for some reason. Instead, a

to the end of the picture to make it an eye-catcher. You require neither a wickedly

and telephone calls, it also includes

now change the height of the column using

Getting information quickly by using the Journal

| Symbol”. Select “Unicode (hex)” in the

the mouse. Only experimenting will tell you

“What was the file name containing the

the respective answers to it. For instance

combination field down to the right. Then

the positions at which you can move and

costs estimation for the new product?

with “Options”, you can ascertain which

password protection thwarts all your plans.

We will show you the procedure with

click on the “Character Code” field next to

change the individual elements with the

When exactly did I call up the company

activities should be recorded for which

It has been included in the presentation

Photoshop, but the principle also works

it, change the value to “2588” and confirm

mouse in the various diagram types. While

XY for the quotation, and how much

contact by the function. Every Outlook

program from version 2002 onwards. Older

with Paint Shop Pro, Gimp and other

it by clicking on “Insert”.

the anchor point in case of the columns

time did it take?” Such questions come

contact has a dedicated page for its

versions cannot open protected documents


of a bar diagram lies in the centre of the

up every now and then, and answering

activities. You can get to it by activating the

and they respond with error messages


Extend the function to

upper edge, you need to get the individual

them takes a lot of patience and time in

“Journal” tab in the contact window.

like “PowerPoint cannot open the type

with a distinct vanishing line are best suited


segments at the external corners in case

the commercial world.

of files represented by path/file name” or

for a tilt-shift effect, but more specifically

“Contact | Show” area of the multi-

“path/file name”. You have to remove the

the level of sharpness can be adjusted with

function bar on “Activities" and then select

password protection in the higher versions

these pictures. Press [F7] to open the layer

record a log of user activities in the

“Journal” in the combination field under it.

in order to solve this problem. The only

palette. Drag the background on the paper

background automatically. So you don’t

All entries in the tab are also available in

prerequisite is that you know the password

icon at the lower margin—Photoshop will

Repeating column headings of tables on all pages

need to remember where and under which

the Journal folder. If however, for instance,

for the document.

name you have saved a document or

you want to look up all emails exchanged

There are some documents where you

where you can find a specific mail from a

with a company, the tab in the contact

the password and click “OK”. In the

click “Filter | Blur” as well as “Reduce

have to work on a large list of names or

contact. In Outlook Journal, it’s enough if

window is well suited.

2007 version, click on the Office button,

depth of field”. You can set the degree

orders that stretch over several pages.

you only know when an event took place.

APPLICATIONS: When you open the

then select “Prepare” and click on

of blur in the “Iris” field over “Radius”.

One of the strong points of the

In order to ensure that the view does not

You can even hide a link to the files behind

“Journal” folder, Outlook will display

“Encrypt Document”. Delete the text

Determine the softness of the lens in

spreadsheet is that you can create

get lost, you usually type in the column

every log entry. A simple double click on

all entries on a horizontal time scale

in the “Password” field in the “Encrypt

“Form", that is, determine whether the lens

illustrative diagrams out of just column

headings at the beginning of every new

the file will open the same.

chronologically and arranged systematically

Document” dialog box and again click on

flares are visible or not. The fine-tuning

of figures. However, changing the

page, and that’s really too complicated

ACTIVATING: You can find the “Journal”

according to categories. Like in case of

“OK”. If you have PowerPoint 2003 and

of the contours can be done via “Blade

height of the bars can only be done by

and time-consuming.

folder in the Folder List as a link in the

calendar, you can choose from day, week

2002, open “Tools | Options”, delete the

curvature” and “Rotation”. “Specular

Outlook bar. In the 2007 version, you

and month presentation from the “View”

entire text in the “Password to open” field

Highlights” facilitates the lightening of

can also open it with “Go | Journal”. On

menu. In order to find information on

under the “Security" tab and click on “OK”.

click on the right near the table row with

starting it for the first time, Outlook will ask

the computer, you must usually know its

the headings of the individual columns for

you whether the function should be turned

storage location on the hard disk or you

selecting. In case of Word 2007, activate

on. Confirm it with a click on “Yes”.

should be able to recognize a text passage

CONFIGURING: Outlook records your mails

or other details. On the time scale of

automatically and in chronological order.

Now click on [F2] to edit this cell.

Whereby “x” represents the neighboring cell to be evaluated. If

of a pie chart or a circular diagram for instance.

necessary, you must first multiply the value with a factor to display a sensible number of text characters.


Excel XP, 2003, 2007 Adjusting diagrams and table values easily with the mouse


Word XP, 2003, 2007

manipulating the database and that too in a complicated way.

There’s also another way to do it: You can vary the diagram values with the

Word can do this job for you: Left

The “AutoJournal” function can

In the 2007 version, click in the

94 | intelligent computing CHip

headings, you can copy all at one go.

Now open the presentation, enter

of functions in your image-editing program.

create a copy of the layer. CREATING BLURS: Select the copy and

restricted image areas. CREATING LEVEL OF SHARPNESS: The blurred


Image editing

copy will conceal the sharp background image. Now make the original subject

the Outlook log however, you can scan

You don’t need to bother about the

information with the help of a particular

You can’t show it, but you don’t want to

tool. Select “Reflected Gradient” from the

administration of the Journal, but you

time, the time when you have carried out

delete it either—photographers look at

options bar. Foreground and background

merely need to lay down rules for the

particular activates.

many of their photos with ambivalence.

color must be set to black and white. Now

Often, a couple of editing tricks like

create the level of sharpness by clicking

the creation of unusual depth of field

in the image and drag a line vertically to

courses are enough to make the picture

the desired layer. Photoshop will create a


layer mask, which again makes the sharp



or click in the “Settings” tab on the

Opening a new presentation in the old program version

“Journal options” button. Outlook can even

It is simply not possible to open

document the exchange of information

a presentation you created with

with your contacts.

PowerPoint 2007 on the PC of a

“Journal” tab, depending on the version,

out and make them more prominent.

It may be the case, that the

Creating sloping levels of sharpness without using any expensive or special lenses

| Options” command. Here, enable the

10 Instead of manually feeding in column

expensively tilt-shift lens, nor special software for that: instead use the variety

calculation and task requests and also

same. This can be done through the “Tools

9 Grab the segments of a pie chart to drag them

cryptic error message appears.

partly visible again. For doing that, create a layer mask and click on the gradient

background show through. In the picture, Pictures usually have only a relatively narrow area that is actually sharp;

the level of sharpness follows the tracks and lends it even more depth. Intelligent computing CHip

| 95



corrects scratches and dust on the fly. Once all the pictures are in the PC, you

13 By creating a level of sharpness you can make objects standing out in a photograph.

the sent mails that have not yet reached

the program; the capability of displaying

(version 2.0), but the installation routine

are not included on the main PC.

websites. Open the website in Outlook

hangs in an infinite loop and merely

can start with the post-processing. If the

Another option: The free tool “Synching

XP either directly through the “Favorites”

reports that you cannot access certain

photos have been taken in such a way

Thunder” from http://synchingthunder.

menu or through a double right-click on

files as they are in use somewhere else.

that they overlap each other, software like can

“Address” in the header bar. If you own

Autostitch is enough to join them together.

balance the database between the

2003 and 2007, open “View | Toolbars |

This is usually not the case in analog

computers. It is not developed further

Web”, for displaying the relevant bar with

the background accesses the nmozmapi32.

photos. For this reason, create a new file in

any more, but it still functions with the

the address field. Enter the URL of the

dll system file among others. Open the

Photoshop in the desired picture size and

latest Thunderbird versions. The program

website here and press [Enter]. Now you

Windows task manager with help of the

load the photos.

uses the Java runtime environment.

will see the “Send website as an Email”

[Ctrl + Alt + Del] key combination and

If Java is already installed, download

command in the “Actions” menu.

deactivate the QuickCam application. The

Click in the pictures one after the other with the move tool and move in the right

“Synching_Thunder_0_5_6_win. msi”

However, this function transmits only


order into the template. The program

from the website and install it. Or else,

the file which is currently open and does

does not include all the areas that are

creates a new layer every time. You can

use the complete package “Synching_

not follow any link or other elements

supposed to be displayed sharply, but this

thus view the photos next to each other


included. If the receiver has an online

interrupted Thunderbird update will run smoothly after this.

19 Windows Vista's Backup and Restore Center contains options for keeping your data safe.

on an external USB hard disk. Before you proceed with the backup procedure,


Hard Disk

make sure that the external hard disk has

Replacing the system disk with Vista on-board tools without reinstalling it

sufficient free memory space and it is

Vista reports that your system hard

backup on a second internal hard disc.

disk is about to crash and must be

However, a “basic data carrier” must be

replaced as soon as possible. However

used for the drive on which the backup is

your system is functioning perfectly and

to be taken. Vista does not accept dynamic

moreover you have no desire to reinstall

disk drives as target disk drives and they

Vista and all programs.

must therefore be converted to basic data

depends on the subject. It’s the top-right

and edit them separately, which is essential

border of the engine driver’s cabin in the

for the transitions. The brightness of the

on the left, and navigate to the local

example. You can repair this with the brush

photos usually varies. Select the pictures

mailbox. Normally, you will find yourself

now: Set the foreground color to black and

to be corrected individually and edit the

in the subfolder “Thunderbird \ Profiles\

ascertain the size and width of the tip, it is

same. For that, open a suitable function as

[????????].default\Mail” within your

recommended to use a small diameter for

an adjustment layer via the black and white

application data. Select the folder of the

a deep finish. Paint over the details to be

circular symbol, for example “Brightness

desired account here and click “Open”.

sharpened. Repair the goof now by setting

/ Contrast", and adjust the regulators in

The subfolders will appear to the left as

You had a problem with the juddering

the foreground color to white.

such a way that the color and brightness

a file directory tree. Open the second

playback on you middle-aged Core-

values of the individual pictures resemble

mailbox to the right in the same way. If

2-Duo PC with onboard graphics and

a reference image from the series.

this, for instance, belongs to a portable

therefore bought a solid mid-level

expensive programs such as Norton Ghost

Our 60 GB installation was copied on

Producing panorama from the old analog pictures

Transitions become visible in case of flat

Thunderbird on the USB stick, the

graphics card like the nVidia GeForce

for hard disk replacement are a thing of

an external disk in less than 30 minutes.

areas like the sky. Use the clone stamp

subfolder in question on the stick is called

9600 GT with 1 GB memory. You find

the past. Vista can do it all by itself. Go to

Subsequently after the computer is shut

Panorama photos are not so common

here to keep the image consistent.

“Thunderbird Portable\Data\profile\Mail”.

that there is no improvement even after

“System and Maintenance” in the control

down, it is time to replace the defective

Now select the desired folder to the left

the installation. What’s worse, you have

panel and select “Back up your computer”.

mass storage device. Then reboot the PC

in the accompanying check box. Transfer

a feeling that the juddering has become

Vista requests you to specify for which

with the Vista installation DVD.

all the elements to the second mailbox

more annoying than ever!

drive the backup should be taken and


Image editing

since the introduction of digital photography. However, the photo series made up of several paper prints have never satisfied you. Would you like to


Thunderbird Synchronizing local and portable databases

Close the email program, click “Open”

connection, the missing data is reloaded

The QuickCam software activated in

from the Internet.



Graphics card A new graphics card cannot accelerate juddering games

with a mouse click on the right-arrow. For

NTFS formatted. You can also take the

carriers in the disc management. The days when you required

Taking a backup is not a problem.

The installation routine of Vista starts

where. You have the option of burning it

after booting from the Vista DVD. Once

strain yourself in the digital era and

In addition to the Thunderbird on your

synchronization in two directions, select

on a DVD; this would amount to 50 GB

you have entered the serial number, Vista

optimize if possible?

PC, you also use the portable version

all the required folders on both the pages

external power supply. Compared to

or ten blank DVDs for an average Vista

asks you to specify the partition on which

in a notebook. The annoying part is the

and then click on the double-headed arrow.

the integrated on-board graphics, the

installation. It is better to take the backup

it has to be installed. Use the given options

repeated balancing of databases.

The program starts the process and shows

PCI Express graphics card requires an

information about the operations.

additional power supply, for it to fully

Quick Tips

Digital image editing is used to fix defects or balance differences in

You have probably forgotten the

to partition the new hard disk and to format it in the NTFS format. Note that sector by

Note: Even tools like DirSync or Address

realize its ability. Without an additional


sector formatting takes a very long time.

scan the pictures at a high resolution first.

way, all messages, including the sent ones,

book Synchronizer are suitable for

power supply, it automatically switches to

Quick formatting always suffices. Now

Here, it is recommended to use a high-

will principally remain on the email server

synchronization of folders.

the power saving mode. This is the reason

grade scanner, whose control program

of the provider and you can work with both

Open "Edit | Insert contents" in Excel and enable "Transpose", in order to switch the rows and columns. AUTOMATIC FORMATTING: If you enclose words, sentences or sections with "*" or "_" characters when typing, Word formats them as bold or italic. OPERATING OPERA FASTER: From Opera 9.5 onwards, you can open a new window using the [Ctrl]+[N] keys and a new tab with [Ctrl]+[T] just as in Firefox. CHANGING FONT SIZES IN WORD : With [Ctrl]+[9] or [Ctrl]+[8], you can change the font size of a selection exactly by a point larger or smaller.

brightness. However, before you begin,

Use IMAP accounts if possible. This

why the latest power supply units come

the computers independent of each other. The drawback here is that you usually need to pay for IMAP accounts. Most of the standard email providers


Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Sending websites instantaneously from Outlook

You want to send content from a

function with the POP technology: In

website, along with the link there,

case of a query, the program loads the

via email. The receiver should have

messages on the PC. To work on the

the possibility to access the same

notebook while traveling, you can configure

comfortably and even when offline.

the message program in such a way that the emails remain on the server, and you 14 Here is an example of combining paper prints to make a digital panorama shot.

96 | intelligent computing CHip

with a PCI Express power connector in the cable loop. If not, your graphics card must have come with a suitable adaptor for four-point drive connectors.


Webcam Webcam impedes smooth Thunderbird updates

You use a Logitech webcam with the

You can solve this problem with

respective QuickCam software. When

can download them later even from the

Outlook without any additional aid. For

you want to install the latest update

main computer. However, in this version,

that, you use the hardly-used capability of

for your email program Thunderbird

abort the Vista installation and restart the PC with the Vista installations DVD. Instead of “Installation”, select “Repair option”. Vista does not find any corrupt partition. Click “Next”. From the following options, select “Restore computer completely”. The tool searches for backup files and finds them on an external drive. Allow Vista tool to overwrite data on the target drive. The porting is completed in the next 30 minutes and Vista starts from the new disk as if nothing ever happened.  Compiled by Team CHIP – Intelligent computing CHip

| 97




Tips Tricks

Windows XP Accessing frequently used functions faster via a sidebar

Reconstructing your deleted bookmarks Your favorite sites are quickly accessible

Share your tips. Write to:

through your "Most frequently visited" folder on the Bookmarks toolbar. However, you accidentally deleted or overwrote this while backing up your computer.

There is unfortunately no menu option to undelete the folder. This is because your bookmark library is actually a small database and you have to define a database query for that. Right-click on the bookmark symbol bar and select 'New bookmark' in the context command. Enter 'Most frequently visited websites' as the “Name”. The query you have to enter in the “Address” field is important. There, type “place:queryType=0&sort 8&maxResults=20” for instance. Confirm the dialog by clicking “Add". The individual parameters work as follows: you state that the results must be pulled from the browser history with “queryType=0”; sort them in decreasing order of visit frequency with “sort=8”; and limit the number of displayed results with “maxResults=20”.

2. Windows XP 3. Windows Vista

integrated ‘Quick Launch’ bar and the CPU

keep an eye on information using the

performance monitor are very useful, and

sidebar gadgets. Now, you can have this

they can be removed from the taskbar

easy access to information in XP as well.

to free up space there. Some other

Desktop Sidebar, available for

‘Newsroom’, ‘Media Player’, stock market

all versions of Windows, offers great

quotes, and a Microsoft Outlook panel for

functionality and is a free application

quick access to your mail. To insert custom

available for download at www.

panels, right-click on the Sidebar title and

extract the ‘browseui.dl_’ file with the Start the Desktop

select ‘Add panel’ from the context menu.

command: expand browseui.dl_ browseui.

Sidebar program manually from ‘Start |

There are quite a few built-in panels, but

dll from the CD. And now, the address bar

Programs | Desktop Sidebar | Desktop

if you need more functionality, click the

is available at your disposal, the moment

Sidebar’ after the installation process

‘Plug-ins’ button to be directed to the

you restart the computer. Alternatively, you

completes. While the variety of functions

official website where you can browse and

may download the file ‘browseui.dll’ from

offered is impressive, you might want to

download for skins and gadgets. where it’s available


Using the sidebar efficiently Getting back the missing address bar after SP3 installation Correcting the wrongly allocated file associations

4. Windows 2000, XP, Vista 5. Windows XP, Vista 6. Windows Vista 7. Windows XP, Vista

Switching on system turbo by dividing the swap file Accessing frequently used system folders Keeping Outlook dates and news in view Managing files faster via tabs

Applications 8. Word XP, 2003 9. Excel 2007 10. Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 11. Outlook XP, 2003, 2007


Adding address for mass mails flawlessly Importing calculations from old versions


‘General’ tab, enable ‘Display details when

Until now, you have used the ‘Address’

Placing the Address Bar on Top: Go to the

I click on panel’ option under ‘Details

toolbar in the taskbar as a quick and

desktop, click ‘My Computer’ from the

Window’ panel, so that an explanation

easy input field. But after installing

start menu and drag it to the top border

pop-up doesn’t appear every time you

Service Pack 3, this bar suddenly

of the free space on your desktop. Now

mouse over a gadget. Furthermore, enable

disappeared and it’s not possible to

right-click in the new bar and select the

the ‘Run this program when Windows

bring it back.

‘Toolbars | Address’ context command.

at system startup. Next, switch to the

You can now drag this new toolbar into On account of some legal

the taskbar, but it will disappear once you restart the computer. Instead, right-click

‘Auto-hide Sidebar‘ and save your settings.

powerful integration of Internet Explorer

again on the My Computer toolbar and

Exit the ‘Options’ window by clicking ‘OK’.

with the operating system, Microsoft had

select the ‘Toolbars | My Computer’

This way, you can add a sidebar to XP and

to remove the address bar since it is a

command. With that, only the grey address

utilize your desktop to the fullest capacity.

feature of IE. Nevertheless, there are a few

bar on the top border remains and is

Since the auto-hide feature is enabled,

alternatives through which you can restore

available for use again after a restart.

it will only appear when you hover your

this functionality. Here we show you four

Using Custom Free software: Alternatively,

mouse over the border of the monitor.

methods that you can implement on your

you can even reproduce the desired

The various gadgets are grouped


function using the free program MuvEnum.

into panels, and they can be configured

Restoring an older config file: You can

You will find the program at www.

at any time via the context menu. For

restore an older config file quite easily .

using a simple trick. However, it’s not

The tool can be activated by selecting the

advisable to do so since an older version of

command ‘Toolbars | MuvEnum Address

the file ‘browseui.dll’ in your XP installation

Bar’ from the context menu of the taskbar

folder might contain old potential security

after installation has completed. The

loopholes which can compromise the

settings of the toolbar can be accessed

security of your system. If you still want

through the icon on the right of the

to give it a try, boot the computer from

bar. Disable the ‘Show Go Button’ in

a Windows XP SP2 setup CD and select

the ‘Options’ window to get rid of the

the recovery console. Go to ‘Start | Run |

unnecessary arrow button. Confirm your

cmd.exe’ to open the command prompt

settings and exit the window by pressing

and enter the command 'cd windows\

‘Save’. The bar is an Explorer extension and

system32' in the target directory and

thus available without an auto-start option.

Creating bright colors

Regulating image stabilizer for full resolution


specifications in connection with the

Booting with opened windows

16. Digital camera

folder in your local drive, probably ‘C:\

‘Appearance’ tab and enable the option

Preventing inadvertent sending of mails

Settling problem skin in portrait

downloaded file and copy it to the system

window from the context menu. In the

Not marking e-mails any more as read automatically

15. Digital photography

for your Windows taskbar.

Retrieving a missing address bar after SP3 installation

‘Sidebar’ title and open the ‘Options’

12. Kaspersky Internet Security Entering sensitive data in Version 2009 more securely

14. Image Editing

2 This free program is an alternative address bar

in a compressed ZIP format. Unpack the

Windows XP

starts’ option to have the application run

13. Microsoft Photo Editor

98 | intelligent computing CHip

menu. A couple of panels such as the

change the appearance and general style

WINDOWS 1. Windows 2000, XP

select ‘Panel Properties’ from the context

In Windows Vista, you can constantly

of the Sidebar. For this, right-click on the

Tip of the month  Firefox

‘Weather’ panel, right-click its title and

useful functions in the Sidebar include

November 2008

Umesh Dahiwalkar


instance, to change the location in the

1 Now, with Desktop Sidebar, you can access information quickly in Windows XP.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 99



Using Windows Search 4: As a further

Control Panel and click ‘Associate a file

Repeat this procedure for other drives.

option, Microsoft recommends its own

type or protocol with a program’. However,

Confirm the setting with ‘OK’. Restart the

program, ‘Windows Search’. However,

it isn't possible to delete an association.

system for Windows to apply the settings.

being a complex package which not

This can be done only by changing the

Caution: You cannot create swap files on

only replaces the address bar but also

relevant registry entries.

external hard disks and memory cards.

installs the comprehensive Desktop

This tweaking can be done effortlessly

Windows XP, Vista

Search function from Vista, think twice

using the free program ExtMan, available

before installing it on your machine. The

at To use the

advantage with Windows Search 4 is

program, uncompress the downloadable

that you can find files and emails across

archive, and simply run the file ‘Extman.

the entire system instantaneously. But it

exe’. It does not require any installation.

also causes hard disk activity to increase

Confirm the User Account Control prompt

noticeably. It can be downloaded from

to start the program, then find the desired

‘Programs’, but find navigating through

Variables work just like these names. A list Enter

file extension in the list and click on ‘Delete

the Windows Explorer directory

of all defined Environment Variables can

Managing files faster using tabs

‘windows search 4’ in the seach box and

extension’. Alternatively, you can click ‘Edit

structure very annoying.

be obtained by opening the prompt using

Internet Explorer can open different

download the version appropriate for your

Extension’ and select the ‘Open’ command

‘cmd.exe’ in the ‘Run’ dialog, and typing

websites in tabs. You can now install a

operating system.

from the subsequent dialog box and click

the command ‘set’.

plug-in that will give Windows Explorer


Windows Vista Setting the default program for file associations

4a Each of the swap files can have a fixed size of 1024 KB when configured this way.


Accessing frequently used system folders instantaneously

As an experienced user, you frequently

folder directly using the ‘Run...’ dialog box

‘System32’, ‘My Network Places’ and

You can open the desired folder

‘Delete’. Once you confirm it with ‘Yes’,

directly in Explorer using some shortcuts.

the incorrect association or disassociated

To do this, open the ‘Start | Run...’

entry is removed.

dialog under XP, or ‘Start | All Programs |

If you do not wish to use Extman,

5 You can open system dialogs such as Profile

work in system folders such as

Accessories | Run’ under Vista. The Run

6 With this gadget, your schedules and Inbox can always be visible.


Windows XP, Vista

similar functionality.


Windows Vista Displaying Outlook reminders and mails continuously

QTTabBar is a free application that enables Windows Explorer to show

Accidentally selecting an application as

then, changes can be made directly in

the default program for file types during

the registry itself. Type ‘regedit’ in the

the installation process gives you a ton

search field of the Start menu, right-click

of headaches. Set the file associations to

on the program icon and select ‘Run

First determine which of your drives

their former state in a few easy steps.

as administrator’. Navigate to the key

are seperate physically and which are just

this is much faster than inputting the


partitions. For this purpose, go to ‘Control

entire directory path in the address bar.

Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\

Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer

For instance, the command ‘shell:profile’

emails in direct view with a sidebar On the website,

programs to open them in is done in

Explorer\FileExts’. Search for and select

management’. In the tree view structure

opens the profile folder in Windows

gadget, eliminating the need to frequently

follow the ‘Download’ link and select

two very different ways in Vista and XP.

the key of the relevant file extension, for

on the left side of the window, navigate to

Explorer, where profile is the name for

switch to Outlook to check the Inbox. The

‘version’. Save the archive

In Vista, there is no ‘File types’ tab in

instance, ‘.dat’. This can be removed by

‘Storage | Disk Management’. You will now

the folder path would be something like

gadget mentioned here work together with

‘’ and unpack it to

the ‘Folder Options’ window, so users

clicking ‘Edit | Delete’. Only the settings of

see the physically divided data drives on

‘C:\Documents and Settings\CHIP’ The

Outlook 2003 and 2007.

the directory you want. In order to ensure

familiar with XP may find themselves lost

the active user are lost while doing so, and

the bottom right with their corresponding

table below shows which name specifies

To install the free gadget, go to the

while trying to set default programs. In

the filetype gets disassociated again.

partitions and the allocated logical drives.

which folder. Even Windows Environment website, type ‘Outlook’

Framework from version 2.0 or above has

in the search field and press the [Enter].

to be installed on your system. You can

You will find the sidebar gadget on the

download the .NET Framework from its

results page. Click on ‘Download’ and

official website at

Associating file types with default


Windows 2000, XP, Vista

‘General’ tab and select the new program

Giving the system a boost by splitting the swap file

in the following dialog box. Confirm with

When physical RAM is completely

‘Apply’ and ‘OK’. You will get a list of current associations when you doubleclick on the ‘Default Programs’ icon in the

context menu. Click on ‘Change’ under the

separate and which are logical partitions.

In addition to the system drive ‘C:’, search

order to change the setting, right-click on any file and select ‘Properties’ from the

4b Check which of your drives are physically

for the primary partitions of the other physical drives, note their drive letters and then close the Disk Management window.

100 | intelligent computing CHip

different directory structures in tabs. We

get buried under numerous application

will show you how the tool can be used to

Type ‘shell:<Name>‘ in the input field

windows on the screen, causing you to

increase your efficiency.

and confirm the same with ‘OK’. Doing

miss a meeting.

Installing and setting up: The program


System folder

shell:profile shell:personal

User profile folder User personal files My Network Places (only XP) Program Files folder IE home page System Management Tools Windows folder System32 folder


consumed, Windows data is temporarily

click on the ‘System’ icon in the Control

shifted to the hard drive. This can greatly

Panel and switch to the ‘Advanced’ tab—or

slow down the computer, because the

click on the ‘Advanced System Settings’

hard disk has to work continuously.

link in Vista. Click on ‘Settings’ under

shell:programfiles shell:internetfolder shell:common administrative tools shell:windows shell:system

If it looks like the RAM is going to

specifies how each file type should be opened.

Important reminders and emails easily

keyboard combination [Win]+[R] in both.

For configuring the swap file, double

‘Performance’. Activate the ‘Advanced’

3 'Default Programs' in the Control Panel

dialog box can also be accessed using the

tab and then under ‘Virtual Memory’, click

you need to download is a free plug-in Keep important schedules and

‘Install’. Select ‘Open’ in the next dialog box and confirm the installation. You can even configure the sidebar

called ‘QTTabBar’ from the website

that the tool works, the Microsoft .NET

Start the installation by running ‘QTTabBar.exe’. If you are using Vista, right-click on the file and select the

tool as per your preferences. Here’s

command ‘Run as Administrator’ or ‘Run

how: simply right-click on it and select

as’, select an appropriate user account

‘Options’. Set the ‘Personal Folder’ for the

with administrator rights and authorize the

‘Mailbox’ and subsequently ‘Inbox’ next

installation with your password. Now run

to it. Set the ‘Calendar’ to the Outlook

the setup process and restart your system.

get full, it’s advisable to split the swap file

‘Change’. Disable the ‘System managed

calendar of your choice in the same way.

Open Windows Explorer and select the

onto different, newly defragmented hard

size’ option, select the desired drive in

Environment Variable System Folder

Once you confirm the same with ‘OK’,

menu item ‘View | Toolbars | QTTabBar’ to

drives. Windows can write to several hard

the dialog box above, and then select


your current tasks and schedule reminders

enable it. Next, uncheck the option ‘View |

drives simultaneously and thus accelerate

‘Custom size’ and enter the desired value

will be made available at a glance and you

Toolbars | Lock the Toolbars’ and move the

the data transfer process. However, this

in the two subsequent fields, for example

makes sense only if you use multiple

‘1024’ megabyte each. Equal values for the

physical disks and not just partitions, since

minimum and maximum limit define a fixed

this will force the disk to write to multiple

size, making it impossible for the swap

areas, thereby slowing down access.

file to fragment the partition. Click ‘Set’.

%appdata% %systemroot% %windir% %temp% %tmp%

User profile folder Application data folder Windows folder Windows folder Temp files folder Temp files folder

will know whether any unread mails are

tabs below the address bar.

waiting for you in the inbox. In addition,

Using tabbed browsing in Explorer: You

you can view important reminders on your

can add a new tab by right-clicking on an

desktop even if Outlook has not been

existing one and selecting the context

opened at all.

command ‘Clone this’. This will open up a Intelligent computing CHip

| 101



new tab, which will display the same folder

Quick Tips

For example, problems occur if the first

combination box. Under ‘Comparison’,

name of the addressee is missing from

opt for ‘is not blank’. Subsequently, place

can move in both of them independent of

Displaying Menus Quickly: Pressing

the database.

the cursor in the ‘Then insert this text’

each other through the folder structure.

about the ‘Move’ or ‘Copy’ action. You can

the keyboard combination [Shift]+[F10] displays the context menu for selected elements, while the key combination [Alt]+[spacebar] shows the control menu of the active window. Explorer Preview for BMP: The Registry key ‘HKEY_ CLASSES_ROOT\Paint. Picture\DefaultIcon’ is created with ‘(Standard)’ equals ‘1’ even for BMP files. Copying Multiple Files: Click ‘No’ in the ‘Confirm File Replace’ dialog box while keeping the [Shift] key pressed; this is applicable to all files. Installing Screensavers: The fastest way to install screensavers is by selecting the ‘Install’ command in the context menu of the SCR file from Explorer. Closing Windows Quickly: You can close a program window by clicking on the X button at the right or doubleclicking the program icon at the top left.

switch between tabs using the [Ctrl] key.

Aborting A Drag & Drop Action:

Tip: Copy the entire path of the folder in

An incorrectly applied drag and drop action can be cancelled without any consequences by pressing [Esc] while the left mouse button is pressed.

structure as the original one. However, you

If you want a tab to display the contents of a particular folder every time it's opened, select the context command ‘Lock’. A small lock icon on the tab symbolizes the protection. If you navigate to a new folder in such a tab on the right or left side of the page, a new tab page will be displayed for it automatically. ‘Unlock’ will remove the protection. Several commands are available for closing the tabs: ‘Close Right Tab’, ‘Close Left Tab’, ‘Close’ and ‘Close all but this’. The last two commands are particularly useful since they close only the current tab or all except the current tab. In order to move or copy a file between two folders opened in different tabs, simply drag and drop its icon from the source tab into the target tab. A small window will inform you

the current tab to the clipboard using the ‘Copy Path’ context command. Using additional functions: You can

define folder groups in order to display

field and press the [Spacebar] to enter a The conformity of the address to

blank space. The condition implies that

a template is hard to manage if the first

Word will insert a blank space in case the

name of the addressee is missing. The

mail merge has been allocated a ‘First

reason for that is the blank space that

name’. This character separates the first

normally separates first and last names.

and last names from now on. Insert the

But you can easily correct this. While

field ‘Otherwise insert this text’ in the

writing your email, keep in mind that Word

‘Condition field’ dialog: ‘IF’ remains blank.

has a ‘Mail Merge’ function. To access it,

The text entered here uses the word

right-click near a visible toolbar and place a

processor if testing the condition leads to

These functions continue to be supported

changes’ in the succeeding dialog box.

check mark in front of ‘Mail Merge’ in the

a negative result. Thus, it will be applied

and are now available even directly.

Confirm your changes and exit the box by

context menu. Now, position the cursor in

if there is no ‘First name’. However, Word

But Excel first looks for the plug-in and

clicking ‘OK’. From now on, Outlook will

the place where you want the first and last

should not do anything in this case.

therefore displays an error message when

change the status of a new message only

it can't find it.

when you open and read it with a double

Under ‘Comparison’, the application

name of the addressee to appear. Then

9 With a simple trick, Excel 2007 replaces the

incorrect formulae in spreadsheet calculations.

10 Avoid sending messages inadvertently by editing a simple Registry setting.

go to ‘Insert | Field ‘, pick the category

also offers other options such as ‘Equal

‘Mail Merge’ from the drop down list, and

to’, ‘Not equal to’ and ‘Less than’. In order

error is really cumbersome. However,

click on it and select ‘Mark as read’ in the

select ‘MergeField’ from the Field names

to set the value with which the application

you can make Excel reinsert all functions

context menu.

list. Uncheck the ‘Text to be inserted

should be compared to the content of the

with a simple trick. To do this, select

after’ option to confirm that the field is not

field name, use ‘Compare with’. Confirm

the ‘Home’ tab in the Ribbon bar, then

followed by a blank space. Alternatively,

with ‘OK’. Subsequently, insert the mail

right click ‘Find and Select’ and select

you can click the ‘Insert Merge Fields’

merge field ‘Last name’ again without a

‘Replace’. One character that appears in

The [Ctrl]+[Enter] key combination

button on the Mail Merge toolbar,

blank space.

all functions is the 'equal to' sign. Since

might be practical for sending

you do not wish to change anything else,

messages, but by inadvertently

The final result of this tweaking will

Next, click the ‘Insert Word Fields’

Correcting many cells with the same

click or by pressing [Enter], or if you right-


Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Avoid accidentally sending messages

icon on the toolbar and select ‘If…

ensure that only if a record of first and

replace it with itself. Thus enter ‘=‘ in both

pressing the combination while writing,

Then… Else’ from the context menu. In

last names is available while sending

the combination fields respectively and

you immediately send an unfinished

the following dialog box titled ‘IF’, select

the email, then Word will separate both

then click ‘Replace all’. That way, Excel

draft without any warning.

the ‘First name’ entry in the ‘Field name’

components with a blank space from the

replaces all function definitions in the table and now displays correct results.

them simultaneously in different tabs for

will have to open the ‘QTTabBar options’

field ‘Otherwise insert this text’.

certain tasks. The easiest way to do this is

dialog box to delete a group. Now select

Note: In our tests, Word 2007

to open all the required folders in different

the entry and click on the minus sign on

automatically did without the blank space

select it for editing with the [F2] key, make

the registry using ‘Start | Run | regedit’

tabs, right click on any one tab and then

the ‘Groups’ tab.

in records without first names. However,

your changes, and then press [Enter].

and click ‘OK’. In the Registry editor,

even this version has the option of

With that, Excel looks for the function

navigate to the ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\

again and displays the correct result.


select ‘Create New Group’. Name the

QTTabBar can also do a whole lot

group in the subsequent dialog box and

more. When you hover your cursor over a

defining different text inputs for mass

enable the ‘Add all tabs’ option. Confirm

folder icon, a blue arrow icon will appear

mails, with the help of conditions. Open

with ‘OK’. To use a group, right click

next to it. Windows Explorer will show

the corresponding dialog in the Ribbon bar

next to the tab, select ‘Groups’ and the

the subordinate folder structure in a menu

with ‘Control’ in the ‘Programs’ tab.

desired entry in the subsequent submenu.

when you click on this icon, and when you

With ‘Add to Group’, you can add other

click on an entry in this menu, Explorer will

directories to the ones opened before. You

jump to the selected folder. The ‘QTTabBar

8a Insert the Mail Merge field using the ‘Insert’ menu after defining the source database.

Standard Buttons’ icon bar contains


Outlook XP, 2003, 2007 Discontinue automatically marking emails as Read

Outlook 2003 or ‘12.0’ for Outlook

immediately marks the emails as read,

documents. However, the import wasn’t

open the bar.

100 percent successful and you get the

the application tags new messages as

error message ‘#NAME?’ in some cells.

read even if the user is only clicking

even though you aren't done with them.

With its default setting in place,

through them. But this behavior can

Word XP, 2003

The problem occurs if you

Insert addresses for mass mailing

or Access might encounter problems.

program version, the next subkey is called ‘10.0’ for Outlook XP, ‘11.0’ for

Toolbars | QTTab Bar Standard Buttons’ to

address them to lists made with Excel

| New | Key’. Depending on the

using the arrow keys, Outlook

imported calculations from older Excel


create it with the command ‘Edit

While browsing through new messages

While upgrading to Excel 2007, you

Users who frequently send emails and

102 | intelligent computing CHip

Import calculations from old versions without a problem

standard commands. Select ‘View |

Windows Explorer.


This key combination can be turned off using a nifty trick. Open up

key. If the subkey ‘Office’ is missing,

buttons for quick access to the program's


7 You can manage data quickly using tabs in

Excel 2007

If only one cell needs to be corrected,

8b An IF condition filters out unnecessary blank spaces before the last name in addresses.

easily be changed. Go to ‘Tools | Options’

have used analysis functions such as

and switch to the ‘Other’ tab. Click the


‘Reading Pane’ button under the ‘Reading

‘MROUND’ in the calculation, which you

Pane’ panel and remove the check mark in

had to activate earlier as using a plug-in.

front of ‘Mark item as read when selection

11 In this way, Outlook does not change the status of messages without permission.

Intelligent computing CHip

| 103



2007. Next, switch to the ‘Outlook\

Quick Tips

‘3.0’ describes the version and may be


Digital photography

subkey. You might have to create this

Better Overview in Office 2003: You

the key, delete the entry ‘InitialPosition’ in

Turn off the image stabilizer for full resolution

subkey as well, using the method

can display the Standard and Formatting toolbars in two rows through the menu item ‘Tools | Customize | Options’. Setting the Date in Outlook: In the ‘Reminder’ field for dates, you can set timings as ‘Minute’, ‘Hours’, ‘Days’ and ‘Weeks’, for example ‘3 weeks’. Entering the Date in Excel: With [Ctrl] + [.] you can insert the current date and with [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [.] you can insert the current time, precise to the minute, in any cell of a spreadsheet. Copying Text from Firefox 3: For selecting several text sections, keep [Ctrl] pressed and mark individual sections one after the other with the mouse.

the right side of the window. After that,

Blurred pictures are a much smaller

close the tab and restart Photo Editor. The

problem today than earlier, thanks

program window should now appear and

to improved image stabilizers in the

respond as usual. While closing Photo

camera or the lens. However, they do

Editor, it saves a new set of specifications

create their own problems, and in some

for the size and position of its window on

cases, the achievable resolution drops.


described above. Now click in the right panel of the Registry editor window and select ‘Edit | New | String’. Type ‘CtrlEnter’ and press Enter. To edit, double click the new entry. Enter ‘13.8’ as the value and confirm with ‘OK’. Exit the Registry editor. Now, on restarting Outlook, you will notice that the [Ctrl]+[Enter] key combination for directly sending messages is deactivated.


Kaspersky Internet Security Version 2009

Enter sensitive data in a secure manner

different on your system. When you open

your desktop.


Image Editing

14 Compare the difference in contrast between the original and touched up photos.

15 If harsh light shines on a subject from the side, it accentuates pores and skin imperfections.

Many cameras reach their highest resolution and thus the best possible level

Producing bright colors

whether the photo is underexposed—in

You took out your camera, focused, and

the example at hand, the tonal value is

clicked a photograph without checking

accumulated in the left half of the picture.

arrangement of lights—that alone can

though a tripod could have been used

the settings. Unfortunately, the lifeless

Drag the white regulator from the right

optimize or ruin the skin in the picture.

instead of the stabilization function. This

picture you see later on your PC shows

edge to the middle—spreading the

Avoid a harsh side light like the rays of

is mainly a problem with older models,

that the camera had been manually set

tone like this considerably brightens the

the noon sun at all costs. It mercilessly

which use an older anti-blur algorithm.

for a different type of light situation.

picture. At the same time, it enhances

chisels out every tiny irregularity, casts

Optical image stabilizers try to offset the

the colors. However, use caution in doing

razor-sharp borders, and creates harsh

movement of the photographer’s hand

this. In case of intense brightening, even

contrasts. The rule of thumb is no harsh

through counter movements—one shakes

While using Internet banking and online The Problem: A member of the

photo shoot. The next tip is to pay attention to the

of detail precision only with the stabilizer turned off—so you lose resolution even

shopping services, you worry about

keys like [Ctrl], [Alt] and [Shift] can be

hackers or trojans intercepting sensitive

used. You will see your current status in

CHIP photo team once captured the

the hues shift, which can sometimes be

lights. It is preferable to photograph the

a little more and the other, a little less.

information like your PIN numbers and

the dark shading on the left side.

beautiful ambience of clouds in the sky

disturbing. You can avoid this by selecting

model in the shade, even though colors

One variant uses a movable mounted

with the help of a wide-angle lens. But

‘Luminance’ as the filling method in the

might not seem very bright at first glance.

sensor for stabilization; the second one is

keyboard included. To run it, click ‘Start |

the picture was completely underexposed

layer palette. In order to strengthen the

Diffused light flatters the skin and makes

based on the principle of loose lenses. The

Run...’, type ‘osk’ and click ‘OK’.

causing the colors to be lifeless. Another

selected individual colors, use the ‘Image

it appear smooth. In the shade, you

functionality is similar: gyroscopes, which

problem was that due to the extreme

| Adjustments | Selective color’ tool. In

might have to work with lamps in order

are special movement sensors, measure

setting of the lens, the horizon looked

our example here, an increase in the

to attain the required brightness. Place

the available deflection and pass on the

bent out of shape.

saturation for yellow, green and blue hues

lights in such a way that they light up the

result to the control electronics, which

Photograph Differently: It’s not just

makes a great difference. In order to make

subject from the front, as far as possible.

move back either the lens or the sensor

For quite some time now, the program

faulty manual settings that produce such

the picture crisp, sharpen it with ‘Filter |

A glancing light would accentuate

exactly according to the displacement.

has not been functioning when

results—even some fully automatic

Sharpen | Unsharp mask’.

imperfections of the skin—and that is

Earlier stabilization systems had to

the Kaspersky icon in the system tray and

opened—its button appears in the

cameras have a dull light problems with

precisely what you want to avoid. You

contend with natural resonance: for a

select ‘Virtual keyboard’. With a virtual

taskbar, but nothing else works. What

subjects of this type. The best thing

can bring out highlights in the eyes with a

completely idle camera mounted on a

keyboard, you can click the buttons on

is wrong?

would be to try out several options. For

Touch up skin in photo portraits

direct, but weak flash.

tripod, the sensors and balancing elements

landscape shots, the AV mode ‘aperture

When taking close-up pictures of a

priority’ is suitable. Set a high aperture

subject's face, zooming in and focusing

Even Windows comes with a virtual

credit card data.

The best way to avoid losing your numbers is to use a virtual keyboard. Then keylogger programs will not be able to secretly record and send out your keyboard entries. This useful function is integrated in Kaspersky 2009. To use it, right click with the mouse on


Microsoft Photo Editor Start the application again with a window open

screen to input characters without any need to copy and paste the text, a process

Programs like Photo Editor write


Digital photography

Quick Tips

simultaneously swing up and try to eliminate movements that don't end up

that exposes your sensitive information to

the data for size and position of the

value in order to obtain a high depth of

reveals details and flaws which the

Using New Functions in Excel: The

occurring. Due to the shaking because of

the Clipboard utility. So, first click on the

program window in the tab while closing.

field. If the exposure of the camera is

subject of the photograph might not

By doing so, the application should

short, ensure a longer exposure time for

want to be known.

then type your data by individual mouse

appear exactly as it did while closing,

a result like the second picture. All SLR

clicks on the required letters. Even special

the next time you open it. If false values

cameras and many compact models with

are entered in the tab for this data after

a manual mode offer suitable setting

disappoint anyone with your pictures—

a program crash or by Windows for

options. Since assessing the picture on

especially the person whose portrait

example, it can lead to the described

the camera display is naturally difficult due

it is. There are several points that you

effects. In this case, you have to delete

to the surrounding light, the best thing

should keep in mind before and while

the incorrect data so that the application

to do is to take plenty of pictures of the


can be seen on screen again. We will

same subject with different parameters.

need to correct the values in the Registry

Many devices can do that automatically

up flaws, since a concealer efficiently

editor, which is accessible from ‘Start |

using an aperture range.

covers up coarse or porous skin. You can

Run | regedit’. Next, open the key ‘HKEY_

Photo Optimization on the PC: Weak

correct unpleasant shiny patches which


spots in a picture can be removed on

predominantly reflect with directly flashing

Photo Editor\3.0\Microsoft Photo Editor’

the PC. Using ‘Image | Adjustments |

light with the help of cosmetic powder

in the Registry editor. The specification

Levels’ in Photoshop, you can identify

which can always be applied during the

new function ‘=IF ERROR (Value; error value)’ in Excel 2007 examines the ‘value’ and displays ‘Value’ or the ‘Error value’ instead of the ‘#NV’. Select text quickly in MS Word: A mouse click next to a row of text marks it; a double click at this point selects the entire paragraph. ADJUSTING CURVES IN PHOTOSHOP: You can select points on a curve in the Curves dialog Using the [Ctrl]+[Tab] shortcut, rather than clicking with the mouse which might inadvertently shift them. Aligning objects in flash: The keyboard combinations [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[1-9] align or distribute objects in different ways.

this stabilization attempt, the sharpness

input field to be filled on the website, and

12 Entering your bank data via an on-screen

keyboard ensures keyloggers have no chance.

104 | intelligent computing CHip

You naturally do not want to

Makeup does a great job in covering

is reduced and the measurable resolution drops slightly. This is not a problem for most picture situations. However, whoever wants to squeeze the most precise detail from his camera and lens should make the first move towards optimization by simply turning off the image stabilizer manually at all times while taking shots with a tripod. The electronic systems in newer cameras are intelligent enough to notice whether or not the camera is moving. They can then immediately turn on or off the anti-blur mechanisms if required.  Compiled by Team CHIP – Intelligent computing CHip

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