LOFT REAL ESTATE connect at the right time at the right place
LOFT FOR REAL ESTATE real estate ‘personalization’ and ‘home shoppers’ experience
“Wouldn’t it be great to experience my new home and visualize redecora7on op7ons before I decide ? And wouldn’t it be fantas7c for the realtor of this kiosk, to really personalize his advice based on the specific situa7on of his client? And wouldn’t it be awesome for interior brands if they can promote their products when their customers are considering a new house, and display the items in their new home?” Pieter Aarts CEO LOFT NedSense
In-‐kiosk & online No connec6on to Retail
Real Estate
Poorly linked Two separate worlds
Furniture Retail
In-‐store & online No connec6on to Real Estate
Real Estate
Furniture Retail
LOFT 3D Technology Linking the 3 worlds At the right time At the right place Providing a unique experience
REAL ESTATE connect at the right place
REAL ESTATE ONLINE MARKET connect at the right place ü 90% of home buyers / renters also search online; ü New home buyers / renters place emphases on virtual tours and home experience tools; ü Home buyers / renters are more likely to bring their online research offline by walking through or driving by a home they viewed online ü Zillow movers were 63% more likely to make ANY home improvement purchases ü Redfin,, Zillow and Trulia aSract 61 million of the 67 million visitors to real estate websites each month in the U.S., according to ComScore (SCOR). They also generate hundreds of millions in revenue and have helped turn buying a house into entertainment.
Study Na6onal Associa6on of Realtors and Google, report highlights
REAL ESTATE MARKET take advantage of an increasing market
Real Estate Market
9000000 8000000
Economical Recession Struck
7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
# houses * avg price
End of the crisis?
REAL ESTATE BENEFITS using LOFT these great benefits can be achieved
FURNITURE RETAIL connect at the right time
FURNITURE BUYING MOMENTS connect at the right time
2. 3.
When are people most likely going to purchase furniture items ?
Upgrading Homes: When families get larger 4. and it’s ?me to move into something bigger, a bigger home may require more OR different furniture pieces to go with it 5. Moving: Moving to a new state to start a new life or just moving across the hall may require a new hamper or perhaps a new sofa 6. Marriage: Two incomes, new home. New adventure in life starts with furnishing and nurturing a home – literally and figura?vely
research performed by Deal Décor
Kids: A growing family requires more space and the right type of furniture to accommodate a fast-‐growing army of babies College: Time to move out of mommy’s nest and into a dorm room requiring some inexpensive, but cool furniture pieces PromoBon: A promo?on at work or good year at your small business might meaning upgrading that 32 inch tv into that 60” wall mount that you’ve been dreaming about
LOFT Real Estate gives prominence to interior brands at the very right moment when people shop for a new home
RETAIL MARKET IS INCREASING potential growth is big, how to leverage this? expected growth of total furniture market
expected growth of online furniture market
+ 21.7%
+ 68%
RETAIL BENEFITS using LOFT these great benefits can be achieved
PROVIDE AN EXPERIENCE the ultimate 3D customer experience
IT’S AN EXPERIENCE ECONOMY Joseph Pine, author and marketing specialist
Joseph Pine, Marke?ng Specialist and Author of ‘The Experience Economy’ and ‘Infinite Possibili?es’: “ The world is shiHing to an experienced economy. And experiences are what consumers are looking for today. Really what’s out there is unexplored territory. These are worlds of our own imagina7on. And that is what digital technology such as LOFT enables us to do.
SHOPPING 2020 PREDICTS shopping will change over the next few years, starting now
Source: Shopping2020
A WINNING COLLABORATION the ultimate 3D customer experience
COMBINING THE 3 WORLDS for the ultimate 3D customer experience 3D room by Real Estate
Customer experience
3D products by Furniture Retail
Real Estate
Content: -‐ 3D rooms and apartments -‐ 3D product catalogues
LOFT technology running on realtor’s website
LOFT converts photos into 3D rooms
Products are modeled in 3D
LOFT Central Database
Re-‐direct to retailer’s webshop
Provide photos of products
On-‐line shoppers purchase products
Retailer’s webshop