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Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology





A.Ravindra1*, D.Vijaya Kumar2, P.Rama Koteswara Rao3, K.BabuRao4 1. Research Scholar ,M.Tech ECE (VLSI Embided),Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. 2.Associate Professor(HOD), ECE Department,Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. 3.M.Tech Coordinator, Associate Professor, ECE Department,Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. 4.Project Guid Associate Professor ECE Department Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India.

*Corresponding Author: A.Ravindra, Research Scholar, ECE (VLSI Embided), Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. Published: September 27, 2015 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: II, Issue : I Citation: A.Ravindra,Research Scholar (2015) A NOVEL APPROACH FOR MUSIC/VOICE SEPARATION USING REPET

INTRODUCTION The objective of this project is to design and implement a modern, internet-based flood monitoring system Floods are one of the most common forms of natural disasters in the world, and cause huge loss of life, and property. There is a critical requirement for development and installation of enhanced flood forecasting sites in various commonly flooding regions of the world. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of heterogeneous flood management. This embedded system enables various types of electronic gages to be deployed at remote locations, wherever mobile network is available. Acquisition of hydrologic data occurs at user defined intervals of time, and is uploaded to a database, through the internet. Information acquired into the database can then be easily viewed from anywhere, used for analysis, and running flood forecasting simulation models. The overall system architecture, module description, and results are described here The controlling device system of the whole system is a Microcontroller. The Microcontroller reads input from pressure sensor and it monitors the floods in to website according to the instruction given by the controller. And at the same time the information will send to predefined numbers by using GSM modem .Microcontroller is loaded with an intelligent program written in embedded ‘C’ language to perform the task.

and Microcontrollers. Microprocessors are commonly referred to as general purpose processors as they simply accept the inputs, process it and give the output. In contrast, a microcontroller not only accepts the data as inputs but also manipulates it, interfaces the data with various devices, controls the data and thus finally gives the result. The project “Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Flood management system” using PIC16F876 microcontroller is an exclusive project which is used for automatic monitoring of heart beat displays on LCD and also alerts through SMS messages using GSM modem.

LITERATURE REVIEW Embedded Systems An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions often with realtime computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a wide range of end-user needs. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today. Embedded systems are controlled by one or more main processing cores that are typically either microcontrollers or digital signal processors (DSP). The key characteristic, however, is being dedicated to handle a particular task, which may require very powerful processors. For example, air traffic control systems may usefully be viewed as embedded, even though they involve mainframe computers and dedicated regional and national networks between airports and radar sites. (Each radar probably includes one or more embedded systems of its own.) Since the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost of the product and increase the reliability and performance. Some embedded systems are mass-produced, benefiting from economies of scale.

Project Overview:

Physically embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches and MP3 players, to large stationary installations like traffic lights, factory controllers, or the systems controlling nuclear power plants. Complexity varies from low, with a single microcontroller chip, to very high with multiple units, peripherals and networks mounted inside a large chassis or enclosure.

An embedded system is a combination of software and hardware to perform a dedicated task. Some of the main devices used in embedded products are Microprocessors

In general, "embedded system" is not a strictly definable term, as most systems have some element of extensibility or programmability. For example, handheld comput-

The main objectives of the project are:

1.Real time flood monitoring system. 2.Alerts in emergency to predefined numbers. 3.Works anywhere in the world (with GSM availability).


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

ers share some elements with embedded systems such as the operating systems and microprocessors which power them, but they allow different applications to be loaded and peripherals to be connected. Moreover, even systems which don't expose programmability as a primary feature generally need to support software updates. On a continuum from "general purpose" to "embedded", large application systems will have subcomponents at most points even if the system as a whole is "designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions", and is thus appropriate to call "embedded". A modern example of embedded system is shown in fig: 2.1.

microprocessor or microcontroller to do one task only. In an embedded system, there is only one application software that is typically burned into ROM. Example: printer, keyboard, video game player Microprocessor - A single chip that contains the CPU or most of the computer. Microcontroller - A single chip used to control other devices. Microcontroller differs from a microprocessor in many ways. First and the most important is its functionality. In order for a microprocessor to be used, other components such as memory, or components for receiving and sending data must be added to it. In short that means that microprocessor is the very heart of the computer. On the other hand, microcontroller is designed to be all of that in one. No other external components are needed for its application because all necessary peripherals are already built into it. Thus, we save the time and space needed to construct devices. The microcontroller used in this project is PIC16F887. Atmel Corporation introduced this 89C51 microcontroller MICROPROCESSORS VS MICROCONTROLLERS

Fig 2.1:A modern example of embedded system Labeled parts include microprocessor (4), RAM (6), flash memory (7).Embedded systems programming is not like normal PC programming. In many ways, programming for an embedded system is like programming PC 15 years ago. The hardware for the system is usually chosen to make the device as cheap as possible. Spending an extra dollar a unit in order to make things easier to program can cost millions. Hiring a programmer for an extra month is cheap in comparison. This means the programmer must make do with slow processors and low memory, while at the same time battling a need for efficiency not seen in most PC applications. Below is a list of issues specific to the embedded field. MICRO CONTROLLER Microcontrollers as the name suggests are small controllers. They are like single chip computers that are often embedded into other systems to function as processing/ controlling unit. For example the remote control you are using probably has microcontrollers inside that do decoding and other controlling functions. They are also used in automobiles, washing machines, microwave ovens, toys ... etc, where automation is needed. Micro-controllers are useful to the extent that they communicate with other devices, such as sensors, motors, switches, keypads, displays, memory and even other micro-controllers. Many interface methods have been developed over the years to solve the complex problem of balancing circuit design criteria such as features, cost, size, weight, power consumption, reliability, availability, manufacturability. Many microcontroller designs typically mix multiple interfacing methods. In a very simplistic form, a micro-controller system can be viewed as a system that reads from (monitors) inputs, performs processing and writes to (controls) outputs.

• Microprocessors are single-chip CPUs used in microcomputers. • Microcontrollers and microprocessors are different in three main aspects: hardware architecture, applications, and instruction set features. • Hardware architecture: A microprocessor is a single chip CPU while a microcontroller is a single IC contains a CPU and much of remaining circuitry of a complete computer (e.g., RAM, ROM, serial interface, parallel interface, timer, and interrupt handling circuit). • Applications: Microprocessors are commonly used as a CPU in computers while microcontrollers are found in small, minimum component designs performing control oriented activities. • Microprocessor instruction sets are processing Intensive. • Their instructions operate on nibbles, bytes, words, or even double words. • Addressing modes provide access to large arrays of data using pointers and offsets. • They have instructions to set and clear individual bits and perform bit operations. • They have instructions for input/output operations, event timing, enabling and setting priority levels for interrupts caused by external stimuli. • Processing power of a microcontroller is much less than a microprocessor. ADVANTAGES OF MICROCONTROLLER A designer will use a Microcontroller to • Gather input from various sensors • Process this input into a set of actions • Use the output mechanisms on the Microcontroller to do something useful • RAM and ROM are inbuilt in the MC. • Cheap compared to MP. • Multi machine control is possible simultaneously.

Embedded system means the processor is embedded into the required application. An embedded product uses a 19

Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

HARDWARE DESCRIPTION Introduction In this chapter the block diagram of the project and design aspect of independent modules are considered. Block diagram is shown in fig: 3.1:

Port C: It consists of 8 pins from C0 to C7 Port D: It consists of 8 pins from D0 to D7 Port E: It consists of 3 pins from E0 to E2 The rest of the pins are mandatory pins these should not be used to connect input/output devices. Pin 1 is MCLR (master clear pin) pin also referred as reset pin. Pin 13, 14 are used for crystal oscillator to connect to generate a frequency of about 20MHz. Pin 11, 12 and31, 32 are used for voltage supply Vdd(+) and Vss(-)

FIG 3.1: Block diagram of Heterogeneous Flood management system The main blocks of this project are: 1.Micro controller (16F877A) 2.Reset button 3.Crystal oscillator 4.Regulated power supply (RPS) 5.LED Indicator 6.Heartbeat sensor 7.GSM Modem 8.LCD 9.Buzzer 10.Temperature sensor

Fig. 1-1 PIC16F887 PDIP 40 Microcontroller

Micro controller

Fig. 1-2 PIC16F887 QFN 44 Microcontroller

Fig: 3.2 Microcontrollers Pin diagram

Fig. 1-3 PIC16F887 Block Diagram Pin Description As seen in Fig. 1-1 above, the most pins are multi-functional. For example, designator RA3/AN3/Vref+/C1IN+ for the fifth pin specifies the following functions:

Fig.3.4.PIN DIAGRAM OF PIC16F877 PIC16F877 is a 40 pin microcontroller. It has 5 ports port A, port B, port C, port D, port E. All the pins of the ports are for interfacing input output devices. Port A: It consists of 6 pins from A0 to A5 Port B: It consists of 8 pins from B0 to B7

•RA3 Port A third digital input/output •AN3 Third analog input •Vref+ Positive voltage reference •C1IN+ Comparator C1positive input This small trick is often used because it makes the microcontroller package more compact without affecting its functionality. These various pin functions cannot be used simultaneously, but can be changed at any point during 20

Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

operation. The following tables, refer to the PDIP 40 microcontroller.

lengths, with very high brightness. The internal structure and parts of a led are shown in figures 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 respectively.

Fig 3.4.1: Inside a LED

Fig 3.4.2: Parts of a LED

Working The structure of the LED light is completely different than that of the light bulb. Amazingly, the LED has a simple and strong structure. The light-emitting semiconductor material is what determines the LED's color. The LED is based on the semiconductor diode.

Fig 3.4.3: Electrical Symbol & Polarities of LED LED lights have a variety of advantages over other light sources: • • • • • • • •

High-levels of brightness and intensity High-efficiency Low-voltage and current requirements Low radiated heat High reliability (resistant to shock and vibration) No UV Rays Long source life Can be easily controlled and programmed

Applications of LED fall into three major categories: • Visual signal application where the light goes more or less directly from the LED to the human eye, to convey a message or meaning.

LED: A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source. LED’s are used as indicator lamps in many devices, and are increasingly used for lighting. Introduced as a practical electronic component in 1962, early LED’s emitted low-intensity red light, but modern versions are available across the visible, ultraviolet and infrared wave-

• Illumination where LED light is reflected from object to give visual response of these objects. • Generate light for measuring and interacting with processes that do not involve the human visual system.


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

Pressure sensor A pressure sensor measures pressure, typically of gases or liquids. Pressure is an expression of the force required to stop a fluid from expanding, and is usually stated in terms of force per unit area. A pressure sensor usually acts as a transducer; it generates a signal as a function of the pressure imposed. For the purposes of this article, such a signal is electrical.

Working Pressure metrology is the technology of transducing pressure into an electrical quantity. Normally, a diaphragm construction is used with strain gauges either bonded to , or diffused into it, acting as resistive elements. Under the pressure-induced strain, the resistive values change. In capacitive technology, the pressure diaphragm is one plate of a capacitor that changes its value under pressure-induced displacement.

Pressure sensing using diaphragm technology measures the difference in pressure of the two sides of the diaphragm. Depending upon the relevant pressure, we use the terms ABSOLUTE, where the reference is vacuum (1st picture), GAUGE, where the reference is atmospheric pressure (2nd picture), or DIFFERENTIAL, where the sensor has two ports for the measure of two different pressure. LCD DISPLAY LCD Background: One of the most common devices attached to a micro controller is an LCD display. Some of the most common LCD’s connected to the many microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively. Basic 16x 2 Characters LCD

Pin Description Pin No.



Pin no. 1


Power (GND)


Pin no. 2


Power (+5V)


Pin no. 3


Contrast adjust

Pin no. 4


0 = Instruction input 1 = Data input

Pin no. 5


0 = Write to LCD module 1 = Read from LCD module

Pin no. 6


Enable signal

Pin no. 7


Data bus line 0 (LSB)

Pin no. 8


Data bus line 1

Pin no. 9


Data bus line 2

Pin no. 10


Data bus line 3

Pin no. 11


Data bus line 4

Pin no. 12


Data bus line 5

Pin no. 13


Data bus line 6

Pin no. 14


Data bus line 7 (MSB)

Table 1: Character LCD pins with Microcontroller The LCD requires 3 control lines as well as either 4 or 8 I/O lines for the data bus. The user may select whether the LCD is to operate with a 4-bit data bus or an 8-bit data bus. If a 4-bit data bus is used the LCD will require a total of 7 data lines (3 control lines plus the 4 lines for the data bus). If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require a total of 11 data lines (3 control lines plus the 8 lines for the data bus). SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION This project is implemented using following software’s: • Express PCB – for designing circuit • PIC C compiler - for compilation part • Proteus 7 (Embedded C) – for simulation part Express PCB: Breadboards are great for prototyping equipment as it allows great flexibility to modify a design when needed; however the final product of a project, ideally should have a neat PCB, few cables, and survive a shake test. Not only is a proper PCB neater but it is also more durable as there are no cables which can yank loose. Express PCB is a software tool to design PCBs specifically for manufacture by the company Express PCB (no other PCB maker accepts Express PCB files). It is very easy to use, but it does have several limitations.

Figure 1: LCD Pin diagram

It can be likened to more of a toy then a professional CAD program. It has a poor part library (which we can work around) It cannot import or export files in different formats It cannot be used to make prepare boards for DIY production 22

Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

Express PCB has been used to design many PCBs (some layered and with surface-mount parts. Print out PCB patterns and use the toner transfer method with an Etch Resistant Pen to make boards. However, Express PCB does not have a nice print layout. Here is the procedure to design in Express PCB and clean up the patterns so they print nicely. Preparing Express PCB for First Use: Express PCB comes with a less then exciting list of parts. So before any project is started head over to Audio logic and grab the additional parts by morsel, ppl, and tangent, and extract them into your Express PCB directory. At this point start the program and get ready to setup the workspace to suit your style. Click View -> Options. In this menu, setup the units for “mm” or “in” depending on how you think, and click “see through the top copper layer” at the bottom. The standard color scheme of red and green is generally used but it is not as pleasing as red and blue. The Interface When a project is first started you will be greeted with a yellow outline. This yellow outline is the dimension of the PCB. Typically after positioning of parts and traces, move them to their final position and then crop the PCB to the correct size. However, in designing a board with a certain size constraint, crop the PCB to the correct size before starting. Fig: 4.1 show the toolbar in which the each button has the following functions:

Fig 4.1: Tool bar necessary for the interface • The select tool: It is fairly obvious what this does. It allows you to move and manipulate parts. When this tool is selected the top toolbar will show buttons to move traces to the top / bottom copper layer, and rotate buttons. • The zoom to selection tool: does just that. • The place pad: button allows you to place small soldier pads which are useful for board connections or if a part is not in the part library but the part dimensions are available. When this tool is selected the top toolbar will give you a large selection of round holes, square holes and surface mount pads.

• The remove a trace button is not very important since the delete key will achieve the same result. Design Considerations Before starting a project there are several ways to design a PCB and one must be chosen to suit the project’s needs. Single sided, or double sided? When making a PCB you have the option of making a single sided board, or a double sided board. Single sided boards are cheaper to produce and easier to etch, but much harder to design for large projects. If a lot of parts are being used in a small space it may be difficult to make a single sided board without jumper over traces with a cable. While there’s technically nothing wrong with this, it should be avoided if the signal travelling over the traces is sensitive (e.g. audio signals). Proteus Proteus is software which accepts only hex files. Once the machine code is converted into hex code, that hex code has to be dumped into the microcontroller and this is done by the Proteus. Proteus is a programmer which itself contains a microcontroller in it other than the one which is to be programmed. This microcontroller has a program in it written in such a way that it accepts the hex file from the pic compiler and dumps this hex file into the microcontroller which is to be programmed. As the Proteus programmer requires power supply to be operated, this power supply is given from the power supply circuit designed and connected to the microcontroller in proteus. The program which is to be dumped in to the microcontroller is edited in proteus and is compiled and executed to check any errors and hence after the successful compilation of the program the program is dumped in to the microcontroller using a dumper. Procedural steps for compilation, simulation and dumping: Compilation and simulation steps: For PIC microcontroller, PIC C compiler is used for compilation. The compilation steps are as follows: • Open PIC C compiler. • You will be prompted to choose a name for the new project, so create a separate folder where all the files of your project will be stored, choose a name and click save.

• The place component: tool allows you to select a component from the top toolbar and then by clicking in the workspace places that component in the orientation chosen using the buttons next to the component list. The components can always be rotated afterwards with the select tool if the orientation is wrong. • The place trace: tool allows you to place a solid trace on the board of varying thicknesses. The top toolbar allows you to select the top or bottom layer to place the trace on. • The Insert Corner in trace: button does exactly what it says. When this tool is selected, clicking on a trace will insert a corner which can be moved to route around components and other traces.

Fig 4.1: Picture of opening a new file using PIC C compiler


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

After compilation, next step is simulation. Here first circuit is designed in Express PCB using Proteus 7 software and then simulation takes place followed by dumping. The simulation steps are as follows: • Open Proteus 7 and click on IS1S6. • Now it displays PCB where circuit is designed using microcontroller. To design circuit components are required. So click on component option.

Fig 4.2: Picture of compiling a new file using PIC C compiler

Now click on letter ’p’, then under that select PIC16F876 ,other components related to the project and click OK. The PIC 16F876 will be called your “'Target device”, which is the final destination of your source code. Dumping steps The steps involved in dumping the program edited in proteus 7 to microcontroller are shown below 1 Initially before connecting the program dumper to the microcontroller kit the window is appeared as shown below.

Fig 4.3: Picture of compiling a project.c file using PIC C compiler • You can then start to write the source code in the window titled 'project.c' then before testing your source code; you have to compile your source code, and correct eventual syntax errors.

Fig 4.4: Picture of checking errors and warnings using PIC C compiler • By clicking on compile option .hex file is generated automatically. • This is how we compile a program for checking errors and hence the compiled program is saved in the file where we initiated the program.

Fig 4.5: Picture of .hex file existing using PIC C compiler

Fig 4.6: Picture of program dumper window After the successful dumping of program the window is as shown below.

Fig 4.12: Picture after program dumped into the microcontroller 24

Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages: 1.Efficient and low cost design. 2.Low power consumption. 3.Easy to install the system. 4.Fast response. Disadvantages: 1. Distance is limited. 2. Interfacing GSM to the Micro Controller is sensitive. Applications:

This project can be extended by using GPRS module using which the health monitoring status can be displayed on predefined weblink. The project can also extended by using RS485 which also uses wired mechanism, but distance can be decreased with heart beat wave form display on PC or CRO. Also, wireless technology like Zigbee can be used which eliminates the wired mechanism. Also, GSM module can be used to send the monitored heart beat values.


This system can be practically implemented in real time to monitor the floods in rainy seasons

The sites which were used while doing this project: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Books Referred


1. Raj kamal –Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design. 2. Mazidi and Mazidi –Embedded Systems. 3. PCB Design Tutorial –David.L.Jones. 4. PIC Microcontroller Manual – Microchip. 5. Embedded C –Michael.J.Pont.

The project “Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Flood management system” was designed such that the message will be displayed on LCD. The pressure sensor, which detects floods, and the and sends message to the predefined number at the same time this data will be displayed in web page The system also alerts through buzzer alarm system when the pressure exceeds the limit. Conclusion Integrating features of all the hardware components used have been developed in it. Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully, thus contributing to the best working of the unit. Secondly, using highly advanced IC’s with the help of growing technology, the project has been successfully implemented. Thus the project has been successfully designed and tested. Future Scope Our project “Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Flood management system” is mainly intended to design a system, which gives very accurate result than the existing devices in the present day world. limit. The micro controller takes the responsibility to send alert messages through GSM modem whenever it is necessary. The Microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C language. The system also monitors the temperature of the patient and also alerts when it goes high through SMS messages to the predefined numbers.

AUTHOR A.Ravindra, Research Scholar, M.Tech ECE (VLSI Embided), Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. D.Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor(HOD),ECE Department, Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. P.Rama Koteswara Rao, Coordinator, AssociateProfessor,ECE Department, Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India. K.BabuRao, Project Guid Associate Professor, ECE Department, Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, Telaprolu, AP, India.


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