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Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology





D. Siano1,Citarella,2, 1 Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,SR. Engineer,Fisciano (SA), Itlay. 2 Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, SR. Engineer,Fisciano (SA), Itlay.

Abstract We are designing the tank as per the parameters; tank capacity is 15 liters, width 380mm, length 420mm, and height 260mm. We are using Pro/Engineer software for modeling. Then we have to create core cavity, Core back plate, cavity back plate, ejector plate, spur pin, and guide pillars for mould tool design. We are using mould flow analysis for finding the material filling, pressure distribution, air traps, wild lines formed during injection moulding process. By using this process manufacture of air cooler tank can be done without any failures…. Mould tool design is done by using Pro/Engineer software and Mould flow analysis is done by using “Plastic Advisor” which is a module in Pro/Engineer. This project will enable us to learn about the various engineering practices followed in the company in producing the high quality products. Our mould tool design is ready to production.

*Corresponding Author: D. Siano, Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,SR. Engineer,Fisciano (SA), Itlay. Published: AUGUST 06, 2014 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: I, Issue : I Citation: D. Siano,Research Scholar (2014) COOLER TANK INJECTION MOULD DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING

INTRODUCTION Air coolers also called evaporative coolers are used for cooling purposes. They are different from air conditioners in the sense air conditioners use refrigeration cycle principle whereas air coolers use the evaporation of water principle. There are five main evaporative cooler parts, with each of these being composed of other parts or pieces. The first part is the Blower which creates the airflow into and out of the cooler. Then there are the pads which filter and cool the air. These pads are attached to the side grill; this grill is supported with side grill pillars and a mounting stand for motor. And the final part is bottom tank used to store water.

First, when the evaporative cooler is on, the pump circulates water from the tank of the cooler to the top. It filters down into the pads where some of it is absorbed, but what isn’t absorbed is passed down to the tank of the machine again where it will repeat the cycle of being circulated again to the top. Some of the water will be evaporated from the pads and the circulating water will eventually be used up. So tank acts as a water reservoir in order to keep the pads damp if the pads ever dry out, the cooler will not be able to cool the air. We have taken up the parameters of an already prepared air cooler and prepared a model for air cooler tank. And that mould tool design is done based on the model, by using Pro/engineer software. After determining the values of the mould tools, manufacturing drawings are prepared with full details selecting the appropriate materials. Subsequently, these mould tools are manufactured as per drawing prepared and subjected to quality control tests. MODEL OF AIR COOLER TANK


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology

MOULD EXTRACTION A die is usually made in two halves and when closed it forms a cavity similar to the casting desired. One half of the die that remains stationary is known as cover die and the other movable half is called “ejector die”. The die casting method is used for castings of non-ferrous metals of comparatively Low fusion temperature. This process is cheaper and quicker than permanent or sand mould casting. Most of the automobile parts like fuel pump, carburetor bodies, Horn heater, wipers, brackets, steering wheels, hubs and crank cases are made with this process. Core: The core which is the male portion of the mold forms the internal shape of the molding. INJECTION MOULDING Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the mold cavity. After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds are made by a moldmaker (or toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminium, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars.

Cavity: The cavity which is the female portion of the mold, gives the molding its external form. CAVITY

Process Characteristics • Utilizes a ram or screw-type plunger to force molten plastic material into a mold cavity • Produces a solid or open-ended shape which has conformed to the contour of the mold • Uses thermoplastic or thermoset materials • Produces a parting line, sprue, and gate marks • Ejector pin marks are usually present Injection molding is used to create many things such as wire spools, packaging, bottle caps, automotive dashboards, pocket combs, and most other plastic products available today. Injection molding is the most common method of part manufacturing. It is ideal for producing high volumes of the same object. Some advantages of injection molding are high production rates, repeatable high tolerances, and the ability to use a wide range of materials, low labour cost, minimal scrap losses, and little need to finish parts after molding. Some disadvantages of this process are expensive equipment investment, potentially high running costs, and the need to design moldable parts.


Die Design Assembly

Injection molding machine


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology MANUFACTURING PROCESS: CORE ROUGHING

MOULD FLOW ANALYSIS Mould flow, 3D solids-based plastics flow simulation that allows plastics part designers to determine the manufacturability of their parts during the preliminary design stages and avoid potential downstream problems, which can lead to delays and cost overruns. Following are the benefits: • Optimize the part wall thickness to achieve uniform filling patterns, minimum cycle time and lowest part cost Identify and eliminate cosmetic issues such as sink marks, weld lines and air traps. • Determine the best injection locations for a given part design PLASTIC ADVISOR in PRO/ENGINEER Problems found after tooling development are always expensive and frustrating. For plastic part design and manufacture, there is a better way. By simulating the plasticfilling process for injection-molded parts, Pro/ENGINEER Plastic Advisor enables engineers to design for manufacturability, uncover problems, and propose remedies, reducing development time and expense.


Pro/ENGINEER Plastic Advisor simulates mold filling for injection molded plastic parts. Advanced features provide valuable manufacturability insight - insight that can significantly reduce late-cycle design changes and mold reengineering costs.


Plastic flow analysis


Fill time

Confidence of fill


Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology ROUGHING PROGRAM

• Mould Flow Analysis is done on water tank

% G71 O0001 N0010T1M06 S5000M03 G00X10.Y-10. G43Z0.H01 G01Z-5.F200. X450.652 Y-19.99 X10. Y-29.98 X430.771 X433.429 G01Y-239.322 X450.652 Z0. M30 %

• We are using mould flow analysis for finding the material filling, pressure distribution, air traps, wild lines formed during injection moulding process.


• Mould Flow Analysis is done using “Plastic Advisor” which is a module in Pro/Engineer. • By simulating the plastic-filling process for injection-molded parts, Pro/ENGINEER Plastic Advisor enables engineers to design for manufacturability, uncover problems, and propose remedies, reducing development time and expense. •By using this process manufacture of air cooler tank can be done without any failures…. REFERENCES [1] R. Citarella, and D. Siano, “Transmission loss assessment of an air induction system by BEM” In: Proc. ICAD2006, The 4th International Conference on Axiomatic Design, Florence, Italy, 2006. [2] R. Citarella, and M. Landi, “Acoustic analysis of an exhaust manifold by Indirect Boundary Element Method”, Open Mech. Eng. J., vol. 5, pp. 138-151, 2011. [3] R. Citarella, L. Federico, and A. Cicatiello, “Modal acoustic transfer vector approach in a FEM-BEM vibro-acoustic analysis”, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., vol. 31, pp. 248-258, 2007. [4] E. Armentani, D. De Stefanis, R. Esposito, M. Martorelli, and A.Parente, “Valve cover's numerical vibro-acoustic analysis and experimental correlation”, In: The 6th International Styrian Noise,Vibration & Harshness Congress - Sustainable NVH solutions inspired by ecology and economy, Graz, Austria, 2010.

FINISHING PROGRAM % G71 O0002 N0010T1M06 S5000M03 G00X10.Y-10. G43Z0.H01 G01Z-5.F200. X450.652 Y-19.99 X10. Y-29.98 X450.652 Y-39.97 X10. Y-49.96 X450.652 Y-59.95 Z0. M30 %

[5] D. Siano, S. Giacobbe, and F. Bozza, “Noise prediction of a multicylinder engine prototype using multi-body dynamic simulation” In: Proc. 10th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles -ICE 2011, Napoli (Italy) 2011, SAE Technical Paper 2011-24-0216.

AUTHOR D. Siano, Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SR. Engineer,Fisciano (SA), Itlay.

Citarella, Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, SR. Engineer,Fisciano (SA), Itlay.

CONCLUSION • In this project, we have designed an air cooler water tank as per the parameters; tank capacity is 15 liters, width 380mm, length 420mm, and height 260mm. • Core and Cavity is extracted for the tank. • Die design is prepared for the same. • The modeling, core-cavity extraction and die design is done in PRO/ENGINEER.


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