Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology
Ramavath Konda Naik1, Ravindra2, Vallem Srinivasa Rao3. 1 Research Scholar,Department of Thermal Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India. 2 Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India. 3 Associate Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India.
Abstract The Internal Combustion Engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. Internal Combustion Engines produce mechanical power from the chemical energy contained in the fuel. Fuel characteristics play a major role in engine efficiency directly or indirectly. Diesel engines are the most efficient engines with high performance. The fuel characteristics play an important role in atmospheric pollution caused by these engines. If the efficiency of the engine is increased and developments are made in the engine, that may be helpful for the economy of today’s world. Hence additives are used for performance improvement of the engine. In this present work, experiment was conducted on Kirloskar single cylinder, four stroke, and water cooled diesel engine. Experiments are conducted with Pure Diesel, Acetone mixed with Diesel, Xylene mixed with Diesel and Toluene mixed with Diesel. Experiments are conducted at various percentages (0.5%, 0.7%, 0.83% and 1.0% etc.) of additives by volume. The effect of Acetone, Xylene and Toluene on brake thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption (SFC) were studied and graphs are plotted. Finally, we suggest that diesel with Toulene of 1% by volume is the best fuel among the fuels used in this work. Keywords: additives, diesel engine, performance analysis
*Corresponding Author: Ramavath Konda Naik , Research Scholar, Department of Thermal Engineering,
burning of the fuel and the release of high-temperature & pressure gases and work transfer between the gases and mechanical components of the engine provide the desired output.
Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India.
Published: January 16, 2016 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: III, Issue : I
INTRODUCTION A device that transforms one form of energy to the other is called an Engine. Most of the engines convert thermal energy into mechanical work. Such engines are called ‘heat engines’. Heat engine transforms the chemical energy of a fuel into thermal energy and uses that energy to perform some useful mechanical work. Types of Engines: Heat engines can be broadly classified into two categories: I. Internal Combustion Engines (IC Engines) II. External Combustion Engines (EC Engines) The internal combustion engine (IC Engine) is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. Internal combustion engines produce mechanical power from the chemical energy contained in the fuel. The energy is released by oxidizing the fuel, which is basically the burning of fuel inside the combustion chamber in the engine. The
The Reciprocating IC Engine has some advantages over Steam Turbines because of the absence of heat exchangers in the passage of working fluid. Hence mechanical simplicity and improved efficiency can be obtained with this type of IC Engine. In internal combustion engines, higher thermal efficiency can be obtained with moderate maximum working pressure of the fluid in the cycle. PROPERTIES OF A GOOD ADDITIVE: Additives that are to be blended with diesel have following properties. 1) It must be miscible with diesel over the range of environmental temperatures that the vehicle operates. 2) It should be such that it increases the cetane number of diesel after blending. 3) It should have minimum volatility. 4) It should not harmful to the components of the engine. 5) It should not form any gum deposits.
Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology
Classification of fuel additives: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Anti-knock agents Oxygenates Fuel anti-oxidants: ex Fuel dyes
TYPES OF FUEL ADDITIVES USED: ACETONE: Acetone is simplest ketone also called as propanone with chemical formula (CH3)2CO and it has trigonal planar structure. Acetone is used as solvent, mainly for cleaning purposes in laboratories. It is used as oxygenate fuel additive to diesel.
concentrations. 2) Acetone peroxide is formed as by product when it is oxidized which is highly unstable and explosive. 3) Acetone presence results in oxygen depletion in aquatic systems due to microbial consumption. TOLUENE: Toluene is aromatic hydrocarbon which is clear water insoluble liquid with typical smell of paint thinners. It is also called as Methylbenzene with chemical formula C6H5CH3 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Specification of engine: ENGINE : FOUR STROKE SINGLE CYLINDER MAKE : KIRLOSKAR BHP : 5 HP RPM : 1500 FUEL : DIESEL BORE : 80 mm STROKE LENGTH : 110 mm STARTING : CRANKING WORKING CYCLE : FOUR STROKE METHOD OF COOLING : WATER COOLED METHOD OF IGNITION : COMPRESSION IGNITION
(a) Properties: Boiling point: 56 to 570C Density: 0.791gcm-3 Flash point: -170C Auto ignition temperature: 4650C Viscosity: 0.3075Cp Specific heat capacity: 125.45 JK-1mol-1 Solubility in water: miscible (b)Production: Acetone is produced by different methods but approximately 83% of acetone is produced by cumene process in which benzene is alkylated with propylene to produce cumene. The produced cumene is oxidized by air to get phenol and acetone. Other processes are Wacker-Hoechst process in which acetone is obtained by direct oxidation of propylene and dry distillation of acetates (c) Applications:
Loading system: The brake drum is directly coupled to the engine flywheel and a belt brake is wounded around the drum, top ends of the belt are connected to spring balance S1 & S2. The load to the engine can be varied by rotating the hand wheel provided. The rear spring balance will be S1 & the front spring balance will be S2. Then load the engine for different loads.
1) Acetone good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic is used for thinning of polyester resin and excessively used for transportation and storage of acetylene. 2) Acetone is used as solvent in many chemical reactions in laboratories and also as chemical intermediate. 3) Acetone is used as a component in food additives and food packaging and it is also used as primary component in cleaning agents. 4) Acetone can also be used in combination with automatic transmission fluid to create effective penetrating oil. (d) Dis advantages: 1) It is extremely flammable at temperatures greater than its flash point and it is irritant to humans at very high
Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology
eration of engine. 3. Brake Specific fuel consumption at each operating condition within useful range of operation. 4. Reliability and durability of engine for the given range of operation. Engine performance tests for an engine with particular data can be determined by 2 methods. They area. By Experimental results obtained from engine b. By analytical calculation based on theoretical data.
Air intake measurement: The suction side of the engine is connected to an Air tank. The atmospheric air is drawn into the engine cylinder through the air tank. The manometer is provided to measure the pressure drop across an orifice provided in the intake pipe of the air tank. This pressure drop is used to calculate the volume of air drawn into the cylinder. (Orifice diameter is 20 mm)
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 1. Fill up the diesel into the fuel tank mounted on the panel frame. 2. Connect the instrumentation power input plug to a 230V, single phase power source. Now the digital meters namely, RPM and Temperature indicators display the respective readings. 3. Connect the water line to the engine jacket and brake drum. 4. Check the lubricating oil in the oil sump.
Thermocouple details: T1 = inlet water temperature to engine jacket & calorimeter T2 = outlet water temperature from engine jacket T3 = outlet water temperature from calorimeter T4 = exhaust gas temperature from engine T5 = exhaust gas temperature from calorimeter Water flow measurement: A Rotometer is provided at the inlet of engine jacket to measure the quantity of water allowed in to the engine jacket. Valves are provided to regulate the flow rate of water flowing that can be directly read on the Rotometer in cc/sec.
Input tables: PURE DIESEL:
Factors considering while performing tests: Performance tests are made on an engine mainly to determine how much of our fuel is required for smooth running of an engine at the particular speed and load, i.e. these tests are used to find the efficiency of engine and to compare the performance of engine for different additives added to the fuel at different conditions. Some of the factors are considered while performing tests on an engine. They are1. Maximum power or torque available at each speed. 2. Range of power output at constant speed for stable op-
Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology
HEAT BALANCE SHEETS HERE HEBP= Heat equivalent to brake power HCCW= Heat carried away by cooling water HCEG= Heat carried away by exhaust gases HUAL= Unaccounted losses PURE DIESEL
Firstly, a number of experiments were conducted in the laboratory with pure Diesel to determine the brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption and brake power. Next, after the Diesel experiment, additives like Acetone, Xylene and Toulene were added to the Diesel and the experiments were conducted. From the experimental work carried out, it is found that there will be an increase in brake thermal efficiency with addition of fuel additives. The specific fuel consumption is also reduced with the additives. It is found that diesel with 0.83% acetone has the optimum values of brake thermal efficiency (highest), specific fuel consumption (lowest) and unaccounted losses (lowest) compared to diesel with other ratios of toulene. It is found that diesel with 1% toulene has the optimum values of brake thermal efficiency (highest), specific fuel consumption (lowest) and unaccounted losses (lowest) compared to diesel with other ratios of toulene. It is found that diesel with 1.5% xylene has the optimum values of brake thermal efficiency (highest)and specific fuel consumption (lowest) compared to diesel with other ratios of xylene. But unaccounted losses were lowest at 1.8% xylene. From the above observations: • It is found that the brake thermal efficiency is higher at 1% Toulene compared to fuels with other additives. • It is also found that the least value of specific fuel consumption is also found at the usage of same fuel i.e., diesel with 1% Toulene. So, it can be concluded that Toulene can be added as a fuel additive for higher efficiency compared to other fuel additives. FUTURE SCOPE:
From the above conclusions, there is a chance of raise in the efficiency of the engine. It would help in the reduction of fuel costs. There can be a chance of usage of other additives like oxygenated additives which may help in more raise of efficiency. Single additive used may not affect all the required parameters in a positive way, so blending can be done for more effective results. Reduction in emissions can also be found out using well equipped laboratories. More effective results can be obtained if the same project is done using software tools. This may give more precise solutions.
Advanced Research Journals of Science and Technology
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Ramavath Konda Naik, Research Scholar, Department of Thermal Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India.
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Vallem Srinivasa Rao
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