Raising the Bar with
Tradition, Integrity & Trust
Joint Meeting with the Arkansas Judicial Council
June 9-12, 2010
Arlington Hotel & Hot Springs Convention Center 1
112th Annual Meeting
Getting Started CLE Seminars held in both the Arlington and Convention Center on Thursday & Friday.
Shuttles will run continuously between the two venues.
New this Year – Two Venues Arlington Hotel & Spa Arlington Hotel
Total distance between < 1 mile
Breakfasts, Luncheons & Exhibit Hall only held at the Arlington. Meeting Registration is available at both the Arlington Hotel and the Hot Springs Convention Center. Printed course materials are available for purchase at The materials will be shipped directly to you. Bring your materials to the meeting. There will be no printed course materials available for purchase at the meeting. Electronic course materials are included with your registration. A copier will be available on the mezzanine. Online Evaluations Look for an e-mail from ArkBar with a link to the online evaluation of the Annual Meeting. Complete the evaluation during or following the meeting. Or go to Your Feedback is Important! Check for meeting updates. 2
tion ven Con
d Blv
Hot Springs Convention Center
The Hot Springs Convention & Visitor’s Bureau is providing transportation for the Annual Meeting on Thursday and Friday between 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. One bus will run a continuous route between the Arlington Hotel and the Convention Center, and two buses will have an additional stop at the Embassy Hotel. The Arlington bus stop is in front of the hotel’s covered archway on Central Avenue. The Convention Center bus stop is in front of the Grand Lobby (Convention Blvd. side). The Embassy bus stop is in front of the Embassy Hotel. Look for these buses: Select Charter & Tours – Arlington, Convention Center & Embassy Ouachita Coaches – Arlington & Convention Center Parking for the Meeting: Arlington Hotel Public Deck Old Majestic Hotel (Arlington will provide Shuttle) New —2,000 parking spaces at the Hot Springs Convention Center
112th Annual Meeting We invite you to join us at the 112th Annual Meeting, where we have raised the bar, literally. There are new venues, new tracks, and revamped kids and spouses’ programs. We hope that you step into the spotlight at the first President’s Gala and “lounge and learn” in the Magnolia Room. Come hear Chief Justice Hannah’s State of the Judiciary Address and call the Hogs during Professor Brill’s entertaining CLE Gwendolyn Rucker presentation. Intrigued yet? Annual Meeting Chair Good, because much more awaits you. You are the muse of the Arkansas Bar Association and your requests have inspired us. We hope the countless hours of thought and preparation that have gone into planning and producing the Annual Meeting will give you an unforgettable experience. Whether this is your first or your tenth Annual Meeting you are sure to make some great memories. And don’t forget the most important part—register!
Celebrate! That’s what we will be doing at the 2010 Annual Meeting. We are going to celebrate our profession, where we have been, who we are, and who we are going to be. There will, of course, be dynamite CLE. Do you practice before an administrative body? There’s something for you. Are you interested in agricultural law, the power of politics, helping your client make a small business thrive, ADR, enviDonna C. Pettus ronmental law, the ins and President, Arkansas Bar Association outs of being in-house counsel, sports law, construction law, social media for lawyers, government law, technology, trying PI cases, DNA evidence and forensics, computer forensics and technology, family law, handling appeals, and so much more? It will be hard not to find something just right for you. Spouses, you are in for a treat. Children will have some great new activities. We will all party, dance, and have a chance to star. Don’t miss it—the 2010 Annual Meeting.
Hotel Information Please make reservations with the hotel of your choice
Arlington Hotel (501) 609-2533 Austin Hotel (877) 623-6697 *Baymont Inn & Suites (877) -Baymont *Candlewood Suites (877) 654-0232
Comfort Inn & Suites (501) 623-1700 *Country Inn & Suites (800) 456-4000 Embassy Suites: (501) 321-4407 *Hampton Inn Express (501) 525-7000 *Holiday Inn Express (800) 345-8082 *Lookout Point Lakeside Inn (800) 525-6155 Park Hotel (800) 895-7275
Staybridge Suites (501) 525-6500 The Springs Hotel & Spa (newly renovated & suites available) (888) 624-6155 The Comfort Suites (free shuttle) (501) 624-3800 You are encouraged to make your reservations early – hotels will book quickly. *Ask for the Annual Meeting Group Rate. Go to for a map.
CLE Credit
To meet the Supreme Court’s requirements for 2009 - 2010, you must attend 12 hours by June 30, 2010, including one hour of ethics. Over 83.5 CLE credits, including 13.5 hours of ethics, are offered at this year’s Annual Meeting. If you will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, or if you have a question, please contact Crystal Newton at (501) 375-4606 or 3
Arkansas Bar Association Annual Meeting Registration Form
Registrant Information
Meeting Registration
Registrant Name: ____________________________________________ Supreme Court #: ____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: __________ Zip:__________
Member Online Registration Discount for registering at
Badge Information
$225 EACH
Member Early Registration (Received by May 31)
____ @ $250 EACH
$ __________
Member Registration (Received After May 31)
____ @ $300 EACH
$ __________
*Non-Member Registration
____ @ $450 EACH
$ __________
Law Student Section Member
____ @ $35 EACH
$ ___________
Phone: (______) ____________________ Fax: ______________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________
Badge Name: __________________________________________________ Please ✔ check for ribbons: Foundation Fellow Young Lawyer Past President House of Delegates Assn. Sustaining Member ABF Sustaining Fellow Legislator Board of Governors Judge
Registered Spouse/Guest Badge Information Spouse/Guest Name: ________________________________________ Child(ren)’s Name(s): _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Order printed course materials online at
Registration Includes all CLE Programs (except CNA), Electronic Course Materials, Receptions, Continental Breakfasts, Luncheons, Breaks, Hospitality Area, Exhibit Center & Entertainment CNA Risk Management for Lawyers Program Wednesday Afternoon 1:30 Separate Registration
____ @ $90 EACH
$ ___________
Guest or Spouse Registration (Optional events and course material not included)
____ @ $50 EACH
$ ___________
Children’s Programs
____ ____
2010 Annual Meeting Three Easy Ways to Register: Online: Fax:
Hot Springs Convention Center Attn: Elaine Musil P.O. Box 6000 Hot Springs, AR 71902
Discount for registering online! REGISTRATION DESK: Registration will be held in the Arlington Exhibit Hall and the Hot Springs Convention Center. EVALUATIONS: Please tell us what you think of the meeting by taking the online evaluation during or following the meeting. We will email you the link. ADDITIONAL REGISTRATIONS: Look for the Wednesday afternoon golf tournament and Friday morning 5K registrations on HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Go to for a complete listing of area hotels. CANCELLATIONS - Full refunds, less a $50 administrative charge, will be given to registrants whose cancellation is received at least two weeks before the program begins. If you do not cancel and do not attend, you will receive the electronic course materials only.
Meeting Registration Subtotal
@ $20 First Child
$ ___________
@ $10 Each Additional Child $ __________
*Non-members -- save on registration fee by joining the Association. For more information call (501) 375-4606 or (800) 609-5668.
Optional Events Ladies Small & Tall Royal Treatment ____ @ $20 Each Thurs. & Friday afternoon (no charge for small)
$ ___________
Gentlemen’s Scotch & Cigars Thurs. & Friday afternoon
____ @ $20 Each
$ ___________
President’s Friday Night Gala Dinner, Desserts, Dancing
____ @ $25 Each
$ ___________
Desserts and Dancing only
____ @ $10 Each
$ ___________
Optional Events Subtotal
Total Due
$ $
Payment Information
Card No.: ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________________________________________________ Daytime Phone #: ______________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________ Make check payable to Arkansas Bar Association
Wednesday Events Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Registration 12:30 p.m. Tee Time 1:00 p.m. Hot Springs Country Club
Family Portrait A Legal Family Reunion By the Pool
John Vines has arranged a four person scramble. The $300.00 per team entry fee includes: Prizes • Box Lunches • Refreshments Green Fees • Cart Rental
Come as you are for hot dogs, snacks & drinks Sponsored by Regions Insurance
Registration form available at Sponsored by
Arlington Pool Wednesday 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
The President’s Reception Honoring:
Arkansas Bar Foundation
Fellows’ Dinner Arlington Crystal Ballroom 7:30 p.m. Arkansas Bar Association President Donna C. Pettus
Arkansas Bar Foundation President David B. Vandergriff
Arkansas Judicial Council President Hon. Harry A. Foltz
Arlington Conference Center 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by • • • • • • • • • •
Anonymous in Memory of Judith R. Gray Arkansas Bar Association Sustaining Members Baim, Gunti, Mouser, Havner & Worsham, PLC Bank of Arkansas, N.A. Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor, PLC Dodds, Kidd & Ryan Dover Dixon Horne PLLC Duty & Duty, Attorneys at Law Garland County Bar Association Gary Holt & Associates, P.A.
• • • • • • • • • •
Laws & Murdoch, P.A. Matthews, Sanders & Sayes Quattlebaum, Grooms, Tull & Burrow PLLC Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley LLP Sebastian County Bar Association Smith, Cohen & Horan, PLC TaMolly’s Washington County Bar Association Williams & Anderson PLC George Williams
The Fellows’ Dinner honors recipients of the following awards: Outstanding Lawyer Outstanding Lawyer-Citizen C.E. Ransick Award of Excellence Equal Justice Distinguished Service Award Outstanding Local Bar Association
This event is by invitation only.
Joe Giles Band Wednesday Night 8:00 p.m. Arlington Lobby 5
Wednesday at the Arlington Public Service
Arlington Crystal Ballroom
Arlington Magnolia Room 7:00-9:00a.m.
Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance
8:30-9:30 a.m. 1.0 CLE
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Agricultural Law Professor Harrison M. Pittman, University of Arkansas Center for Agriculture 9:30-10:30 a.m.
1.0 CLE
Special Education Mediation Melanie Ewell, UALR Center for Public Collaboration Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 1.0 CLE
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Oil & Gas Law Charles Morgan, Dunn, Nutter & Morgan LLP
11:45-1:15 p.m.
Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC, the Family Law Section, Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun, Ltd. & Wagoner Law Firm, P.A. 1.0 CLE
National Health Care Reform and Its Impact on the State of Arkansas Amber Wilson Bagley, Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C. Scotty Shivley, Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C. Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology, UAMS Dr. Joe Thompson, M.D., Arkansas Center for Health Improvement Sponsored by the Health Law Section
1.0 CLE
State Constitutional Jurisprudence Christian Harris, Assistant Attorney General John Adams, Assistant Attorney General 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Justice: The Pro Bono Component Vincent Morris, Arkansas Legal Services Justice Annabelle C. Imber Tuck, Retired Associate Justice, Arkansas Supreme Court
1.0 CLE Ethics
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 1.25 CLE
The Power of Politics: How Lawyers Make a Difference Through Public Office Jack A. McNulty, Lobbyist Representative Darrin L. Williams Senator James Charles Luker Speaker Robert D. Wills, Jr. Representative John C. Edwards Morrill H. Harriman, Jr., Chief of Staff, Governor's Office Timothy G. Gauger, Chief Legal Counsel, Governor’s Office 11:45-1:15 p.m.
Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC, the Family Law Section, Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun, Ltd. & Wagoner Law Firm, P.A.
CNA Risk Management for Lawyers
3.0 CLE Ethics
Arlington Crystal Ballroom
Building A Solid Foundation Robert L. (Skip) Henry, III and G. Spence Fricke, Barber, McCaskill, Jones & Hale, PA
1.0 CLE
Practicing Law Before an Administrative Body Gregory L. Crow, Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board David E. Mackey, ADHS Administrative Law Judge Warren Readnour, Senior Assistant Attorney General
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Registration 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. 1:30 - 4:45 p.m. (one 15-minute break)
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 2:30-3:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
The Future of the Legal Profession in the Eyes of those Training the Next Generation Dean Cynthia E. Nance, University of Arkansas School of Law Dean John M.A. DiPippa, UALR William H. Bowen School of Law
10:45-12:00 p.m.
Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
1:15-2:15 p.m.
Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance
A “how-to” guide to implementing important and effective risk management. Speakers will teach methods of applying good risk management while showing attendees ways to retain long-term relationships with clients. A premium credit on professional liability insurance is available from Regions Insurance to all attorneys who attend this three-hour seminar. For more information regarding premium credit contact Vernon Dutton or Shirley Hinton at (888) 272-6656.
Wednesday at the Arlington Family Law
Fountain Room
Arlington Conference Center
Arlington Fountain Room
Sponsored by Frazer Frost, LLP
10:00-2:00 p.m. (1-hour lunch) Winning
7:00-9:00 a.m.
Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance
8:30-9:00 a.m.
0.5 CLE Ad Litem
Effects of Drug & Alcohol on Custody & Visitation Jack Wagoner III, Wagoner Law Firm, P.A. 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Hot Topics in Family Law Harry Truman Moore, Goodwin Moore, LLP
9:30-10:00 a.m.
11:45-1:15 p.m. 0.5 CLE
Effective & Ethical Communications with the Bar & the Bench Hon. Xollie Duncan, Circuit Court Judge Hon. Doug Schrantz, Circuit Court Judge Hon. John R. Scott, Circuit Court Judge
Wayne M. Ball Auction & Realty Matthews, Campbell, Rhoads, McClure, Thompson & Fryauf, P.A. 1.0 CLE Ethics Ad Litem
Economy & Families in Crisis How the Recent Economic Changes Impact Divorce Cheryl Shuffield, Frazer Frost, LLP
11:45-1:15 p.m.
Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC, the Family Law Section, Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun, Ltd. & Wagoner Law Firm, P.A. 1.5 CLE
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Ad Litem The Politics of Shared Parenting Dr. Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Government, Patrick Henry College
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall
2.0 CLE Ad Litem
Charles Thompson, Office of Chief Counsel, Arkansas Dept. of Human Services
Hon. Joyce Williams Warren, Circuit Court Judge Charles Thompson will discuss Department of Human Services records that might impact your domestic relations, civil, criminal, and/or child welfare case. Judge Warren will provide a review of common ethical issues and problems which might confront the general practitioner who is handling a dependency-neglect case in an effort to help you avoid those pitfalls.
Lounge& Learn
Lounging area with Wifi & refreshments. Arlington Board Room, Lobby Level on Wed.
Wednesday Meetings
3:00-3:30 p.m.
0.5 CLE Family Law Mediation Ad Litem To Succeed or To Sabotage the Mediation Mary M. White Schneider, Keith, Miller, Butler, Schneider & Pawlik, PLLC
3:30-4:30 p.m.
2:30-4:30 p.m.
The World of Dependency-Neglect: Tips for the General Practitioner 0.5 CLE
11:15-11:45 a.m.
Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC, the Family Law Section, Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun, Ltd. & Wagoner Law Firm, P.A.
Wednesday Breaks Sponsored by:
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 10:15-11:15 a.m.
Charles C. Owen, Gill, Elrod, Ragon, Owen & Sherman, P.A. This workshop will examine the components and skills involved in putting together a winning presentation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; be it to a judge or jury, a CLE program, a boss, a spouse, etc. Seating Limited to 20. Contact to register.
0.5 CLE Ad Litem
Family Law Case Law Update Stephen Engstrom, Wilson, Engstrom, Corum & Coulter
3.0 CLE
1.0 CLE Ad Litem
Emerging Issues in Family Law: Immigration, DNA Testing, Child Support in Arkansas v. 50 States, and Same Sex Issues Leo A. Monterrey, Monterrey Law Firm LLC Betty Hardy, Friday, Eldredge & Clark
Arkansas Bar Foundation Membership Meeting 3:00 p.m. Board of Directorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Meeting 3:30 p.m. Spruce Room, 7th Floor, Arlington
IOLTA Board Meeting 11:00 - 2:00 p.m. The Board will meet for lunch. Cypress Room, Arlington 2nd Floor
Thursday at the Arlington Professional Development
Arlington Conference Center
Arlington Crystal Ballroom
Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
7:00-9:00 a.m.
7:00-9:00 a.m.
Sponsored by Regions Insurance 1.0 CLE
8:30-9:30 a.m.
The Rule of Law and the Role of the Arkansas Lawyer Governor Mike Beebe Sponsored by William A. Martin 9:30-10:30 a.m.
1.0 CLE
The Power of Service Robin Crow, Dark Horse Recording (book signing)
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 1.0 CLE
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Creating Leadership: Ethics Ethics, Honor and Personal Leadership James J. Belanger, Coopersmith, Schermer & Brockelman PLC, AZ
11:45-1:00 p.m.
Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Visit with the Exhibitors and enjoy an Italian lunch
1:00-1:30 p.m.
Your Spoken Image: It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton, Ed.D
0.5 CLE
1.25 CLE
1:30-2:45 p.m.
Negotiating Law and Life in the Legal Culture Managing Work/Life Conflict Dr. Ellen Ostrow Ph.D., Founding Principal, Lawyers Life Coach LLC Sponsored by the Arkansas Bar Foundation Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall
3:00-3:30 p.m.
Attorney General Update Attorney General Dustin McDaniel Sponsored by William A. Martin
0.5 CLE
60 Gadgets in 60 Minutes: Legal Technology Trends for 2010 Bill Ramsey, Neal & Harwell, Nashville, TN Phillip Hampton, LogicForce Consulting, LLC Sponsored by End2End Business Solutions
1.0 CLE
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
Sponsored by Regions Insurance
8:30-4:30 p.m. (Two 15-minute breaks and 1.5 hour break for lunch)
6.0 CLE
Advocacy for the Ages: Persuading the Genders and Generation Dominic J. Gianna, Middleberg Riddle & Gianna Lisa A. Marcy, American Bar Association’s Disability Lawyers Trial Training Program & American Bar Association/National Institute for Trial Advocacy Legal Services Training Programs • Effective advocacy for clients — in and out of the courtroom — demands a practical understanding of how our “Alphabet Soup” population of Baby Boomers, Generations X, Y and D think, and what moves them to act. Advocacy for the Ages focuses on how to communicate with and persuade today’s “generational cohorts.” • You will travel through a trial from beginning to end with Dominic J. Gianna, one of America’s great trial lawyers and most dynamic, inspired teachers of advocacy, and Lisa A. Marcy, a uniquely experienced trial lawyer, motivating and engaging advocacy teacher and former judge, who reveal the ways, means and secrets to persuading Baby Boomer, X, Y and D generations. • Using classic and popular film clips and live trial demonstrations, Gianna and Marcy exemplify and illustrate how modern jurors think and why they act. With the help of their “fictional friends” and representatives of each gender and generation – from Perry Mason to Hannah Montana — Gianna and Marcy deliver a new approach to trial persuasion and to communication and advocacy outside of the courtroom. • Learn the “ABCs of Advocacy,” the Three Cs of Persuasion and the Three Ss of Powerful Communication. You will discover how to conduct a “Trial in a Hurry” by text messaging your case. Understand the “prime directives” that diverse juries demand and learn the “prime guidelines” essential to moving modern jurors your way. • You will learn the essentials of communicating with Baby Boomer, Generation X, Y and D clients, colleagues, adversaries and judges. Sponsored by McMath Woods P.A. & the Civil Litigation Section
Cypress Room Arlington 2nd Floor 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Got Stress? Call JLAP! (Why Should I Call JLAP?)
1.0 CLE
Sarah Cearley, Ph.D., LCSW, Matthew Reel, MS, LMSW Arkansas Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP)
Thursday Events Law School Meetings University of Arkansas School of Law Alumni Luncheon 12:00 - 1:00 p.m Hall B Convention Center Ticketed Event (479) 575-4436
UALR William H. Bowen School of Law Alumni Luncheon 12:00 - 1:00 p.m Rooms 203-204 Convention Center Ticketed Event (501) 324-9967
Lounge& Learn Take a break from CLE and enjoy learning more about the latest hobbies and trends. Also a lounging area with Wifi and refreshments.
Put a Cork in It An introduction to making wine, cheese and cider
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Bead Unique Learn how to create custom pieces of jewelry
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Thursday Breaks Sponsored by: Wilcox Parker Hurst Lancaster & Lacy PLC Hamilton, Colbert & Scurlock, LLP
Take Your Best Shot The art of photography
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Brew Ha Ha Learn how to make your own beer at home
3:30 - 4:30 pm.
Arlington Magnolia Room, Lobby Level No registration required.
Learn more about new ArkBar Member Benefits
New member benefit
New Web site Training Welcome to Your Member Portal 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. & 1:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Cypress Room, Arlington 2nd Floor Thursday & Friday
Learn the new user-friendly intuitive
New member benefit Online Legal Research- Fastcase 1.0 CLE
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
FastCase Training Cypress Room, Arlington 2nd Floor Thursday & Friday
Fastcase will replace VersusLaw as the Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s online legal research member benefit. Now you have access to much more comprehensive data and a variety of new tools that make legal research much easier and faster. Now you can search any number of jurisdictions at the same time, sort the search results six different ways, and print or save it in dual-column format.
Thursday at the Convention Center Business 7:00-9:00 a.m.
Convention Center Rooms 207-208
8:30-10:30 a.m.
2.0 CLE
Beyond the Articles of Incorporation: How to Make Your Small Business Client Thrive Anthony A. Hilliard, Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley LLP Ines Polonius, alt.Consulting, Inc. Keith Crass, Crass & Smith, P.A. Bankruptcy Courts as Courts of Equity Professor Steven Nickles, C.C. Hope Chair in Law and Financial Services, Wake Forest University, NC
This presentation explores the powers of bankruptcy courts to custom make remedies for all disadvantaged persons in bankruptcy. Sponsored by the Financial Institutions Law Section
1:15-2:15 p.m.
10:45-11:45 a.m.
1.0 CLE
Managing Information Overload Joshua J. Poje, ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center (First offering)
1.0 CLE
1.0 CLE
Social Networking – Ethics Legal Ramifications and Ethics John DiPippa, Dean, UALR William H. Bowen School of Law Robert Lindley, President, Innovative Systems, Inc.
Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Visit with the Exhibitors and enjoy an Italian lunch 1.0 CLE
E-lawyering and the Virtual Courthouse: Removing Barriers to a Quick Equitable Settlement with ODR Hon. Arthur M. Monty Ahalt, Virtual Courthouse, LLC, Annapolis, Maryland
2:30-3:30 p.m. B R E A K
7:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance 1.0 CLE
Building a Diverse Workplace Dr. Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., CMC, Founding Principal, Lawyers Life Coach LLC
1.0 CLE
Media Savvy Litigation in the Internet Age David Margulies, President, The Margulies Communications Group
Practice Management
8:30-9:30 a.m.
2.0 CLE
Counsel to Counsel: House Calls with In-House Counsel Philip A. Pesek, Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, Deltic Timber Corporation Dean Worley, Assistant General Counsel for Dillard’s, Inc. Robert M. Lyford, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Arkansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. Kristi Moody, Vice President - Law at Windstream Corporation Sponsored by the Financial Institutions Law Section
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Understanding MetaData & Your Ethical Responsibilities When Using Word Adriana Linares, President, LawTech Partners (First offering)
11:45-1:15 p.m.
Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Enjoy an Italian lunch, visit with the Exhibitors, & register for prizes
Convention Center Room 209 Sponsored by End2End Business Solutions
7:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance 8:30-9:30 a.m.
11:45-1:15 p.m.
2:30-4:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
1:15-2:15 p.m.
ADR and Ethical Issues in Employment Law Theodore C. Lamb, EEOC William Cash, Supervisory Trial Attorney, EEOC
Sponsored by the ADR Section
Sponsored by the Business Law Section
1.0 CLE Ethics
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Regions Insurance
1.0 CLE
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Communication in the Digital Age Joshua J. Poje, American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center (First offering)
Convention Center Rooms 201-202 9:30-10:30 a.m.
1.0 CLE
60 Sites in 60 Minutes Kevin Lemley, Staff Attorney, Arkansas Public Service Commission Chris P. Corbitt, General Counsel, Corbitt Enterprises Stacy Hazell, Attorney Advisor, Social Security Administration Sponsored by End2End Business Solutions
10:45-11:45 a.m. B R E A K
1.0 CLE
In-House Defense Counsel: Permissible Cost-Saving Measure or Impermissible Conflict of Interests? Nathan P. Chaney, Chaney Law Firm, P.A.
11:45-1:15 p.m. Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Visit with the Exhibitors and enjoy an Italian lunch 1:15-3:15 p.m.
2.0 CLE
Securing, Retaining and Expanding Relationships with Clients in 2010 and Beyond Cordell Parvin, Cordell Parvin, LLC, Dallas, TX 10
3:30-4:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
Top 10 Technology Mistakes Debbie Foster, Partner, Affinity Consultant Group, FL How to avoid the top 10 technology mistakes
Thursday Events Past Presidents Dinner Hot Springs Country Club 8:00 p.m.
Take a Hike 7:00 a.m. Thursday
Meet at the Arlington Pool Deck for a hike through the beautiful hills above the hotel with Mary Ann Schnipper. Start your day exploring the scenic trails of the Ouachita Mountain Range right outside the doors of the Arlington.
By Invitation Only
Thursday Afternoon by the Pool 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Arlington Pool Sponsored by Gibson Law Firm, PLLC James, Fink & House, P.A. Law Offices of Darren O’Quinn
itional d a tr e th r o f s u in Jo Friday Firm Reception
Enjoy an afternoon break pool side Refreshments • Live music
4:30-6:00 p.m. Thursday Arlington Lobby
Tragikly White Thursday Night Entertainment 8:00 p.m. • Arlington Lobby Tragikly White has earned a reputation as The South’s premier party band, playing dance favorites from the 70’s to 2010… ALWAYS delivering a top notch show!
Finger Food Fiesta Feast on fabulous hors d’oeuvres during the show. 11
Friday at the Arlington Hotel Professional Development
Arlington Conference Center
Arlington Crystal Ballroom Bench & Bar Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall
Bench & Bar Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall
7:00-9:00 a.m.
7:00-9:00 a.m.
1.0 CLE
8:00-9:00 a.m. 1.25 CLE
8:30-9:45 a.m.
Abraham Lincoln’s Philosophy of Law John A. Lupton, Illinois Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission Sponsored by Kirby and Rosalind M. Mouser
9:00-10:30 a.m.
1.5 CLE
Arkansas Supreme Court Historical Society: Toxic Judicial Elections: A Proposed Remedy Justice Robert L. Brown, Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, Wisconsin Supreme Court David Rottman, National Center for State Courts Damon Circosta, North Carolina Center for Voter Education
9:45-10:15 a.m.
Awards Ceremony Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Law, Lawyers and Listening... What Do They Have in Common David R. Bossart, Attorney at Law, North Dakota
1.0 CLE
State of the Arkansas Judiciary Address Chief Justice Jim Hannah, Arkansas Supreme Court National Anthem singer LaTonya Laird Austin, The Austin Law Firm, PLLC Colors being presented by the Little Rock Air Force Base Honor Guard 11:30-11:45 a.m.
Swearing In Ceremony for President-Elect Jim L. Julian Chief Justice Jim Hannah, Arkansas Supreme Court
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 10:45-11:45 a.m.
1.0 CLE
Punitive Damage Issues at the Trial Court Level and the Effect of Tort Reform Will Bond, McMath Woods, P.A. Brian D. Reddick, Reddick Law Firm J. Cotten Cunningham, Laser Law Firm R. Shane Strabala, Huckabay, Munson, Rowlett & Moore, P.A 11:45-1:00 p.m.
President-Elect’s Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring Jim L. Julian
11:45-1:00 p.m.
President-Elect’s Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring Jim L. Julian
1.0 CLE Anatomy of a Hoax The Role & Responsibility of Defense Counsel & Ethics Prosecutors: Lessons from the Duke Lacrosse Case Joseph B. Cheshire, V, Cheshire, Parker, Schneider, Bryan & Vitale, NC James P. Cooney, III, Womble Carlyle, NC Wade M. Smith, Tharrington Smith, LLP, NC
1:00-2:00 p.m. 1:00-2:00 p.m.
1.0 CLE Ethics
I Have Been to the Top, I Have Been to the Bottom, I Like the Middle Better Steve Clark, President and Chief Executive Officer, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 2:15-3:15 p.m.
Sponsored by the Criminal Law Section Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall
1.0 CLE
Digital Workflow: Developing & Managing the Paperless Habit Debbie Foster, Partner, Affinity Consultant Group, FL
2:30-3:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
Raising the Bar in Forensic Science: DNA and the NAS Report Kermit Channell II, Director, Arkansas State Crime Lab Sponsored by the Criminal Law Section
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Principles of Time Management: When you don't have time to manage time! David Black, President, Upper Right Leadership Steve Mosely, CEO, Upper Right Leadership 12
1.0 CLE
3:30-4:30 p.m.
E-Discovery/Computer Forensics Craig Ball, Attorney and Forensic Technologist Certified Computer Forensic Examiner, TX Sponsored by the Criminal Law Section
1.0 CLE
Friday at the Arlington Hotel Substantive
Arlington Fountain Room
Arlington Maple Room
Young Lawyers Section
1.0 CLE
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Financial Security for Young Lawyers: What you need to know for you and your clients
Bench & Bar Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall
1.0 CLE
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Handling FINRA Securities Arbitration Cases Gary P. Barket, P.A., Attorney at Law
Calvin Biggers, CLU, ChFC Financial Advisor, Northwestern Mutual Matthew White, Financial Representative, Northwestern Mutual Imagine your practice without you, without your partner, without a valuable employee. Consider how these changes could affect you, your family, and the families of your clients and employees permanently. Join us as we address what is necessary for the preservation of your success. Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC
1.0 CLE
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Liability and Nonprofits Bonnie J. Johnson, Williams & Anderson PLC
This course will cover common sources of legal liability for nonprofit organizations and basic strategies for reducing risk.
YLS Annual Meeting Join the Section in the passing of the gavel to the next section chair, and the election of the new officers and district representatives.
YLS Party on the Terrace
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 10:45-11:45 a.m.
followed by the
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Friday, June 11, 2010 8:00 p.m.
1.0 CLE
On the Terrace of The Springs Hotel & Spa
Sentence Enhancers and Reducers Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Edward Walker, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Arkansas Jenniffer Horan, Arkansas Federal Public Defender
11:45-1:15 p.m.
President-Elect’s Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring Jim L. Julian
Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P. C. & Simmons First Trust Co., N.A.
How to Practice Before an Administrative Body Causley Edwards, Attorney at Law Colette Honorable, Commissioner, Arkansas Public Service Commission David E. Mackey, Attorney at Law Dawn Guthrie, Chief Legal Counsel, ADEQ Sponsored by Tax Law Section
Lounge& Learn De-Stress at Your Desk Simple yoga moves designed for the busy professional.
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
iPhone Apps & Other Fun Phone Downloads There’s an App for everything!
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Break Visit with the Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall 1.0 CLE
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Fun, Food, Refreshments & DJ!
Friday Breaks Sponsored by: Arvest Asset Mangement 1.0 CLE
1:15-2:15 p.m.
one block from the Arlington Sponsored by Dover Dixon Horne PLLC
Tax Law Update Shaneen K. Sloan, Hyden, Miron & Foster, PLLC
Reel Interesting Make your fishing time more enjoyable.
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Tax Law Section
3:30-4:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
Environmental Law Dawn Guthrie, Chief Legal Counsel, ADEQ Sponsored by Tax Law Section
3:30 - 4:30 pm. We Go Together It’s more than red and white–learn the basics of the art of wine & food pairing. Arlington Magnolia Room, Lobby Level No registration required. All attendees welcome. 13
Friday at the Convention Center Business
Convention Center Rooms 207-208
7:00-9:00 a.m. Bench & Bar Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall 8:30-9:30 a.m.
1.5 CLE Ethics
9:30-11:00 a.m.
1.0 CLE
3:30-4:30 p.m. 11:45-1:15 p.m.
The Razorbacks, the NCAA and the Law, 1995-2010
Five Legal Challenges Faced by the Construction Industry Jodie L. Hill, Attorney at Law
Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring President-Elect Jim L. Julian
Howard W. Brill, Professor, University of Arkansas School of Law Sponsored by the Probate & Trust Law Section 0.5 CLE
11:00-11:30 a.m.
Corporate Governance Issues for Non-Profit Entities Anthony A. Hilliard, Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley
1:15-3:15 p.m.
2.0 CLE
Innovative Strategies in Estate Planning 2010 Stan D. Miller, Miller & Schrader, PLLC
Sponsored by the Probate & Trust Law Section
1.0 CLE
What You Need to Know: An Update on Recent NLRB Issues and Cases Ronald K. Hooks, Regional Director, National Labor Relations Board, Memphis, TN Sponsored by the Labor & Employment Law Section
Convention Center Room 209
7:00-9:00 a.m. Bench & Bar Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall 1.0 CLE
8:30-9:30 a.m.
9:30-10:15 a.m. 0.75 CLE
Power Persuasion: Unique Ways to Persuade with Visual Evidence Using Tools You Already Own Craig Ball, Attorney & Forensic Technologist
PDF’ing for Lawyers Adriana Linares, President, LawTech Partners
Certified Computer Forensic Examiner, TX
1.0 CLE
1:15-2:15 p.m.
Nuts & Bolts of Appellate Practice in Arkansas Brian G. Brooks, Attorney at Law Brandon J. Harrison, Barrett & Deacon, P.A. Rodney Moore, Wright, Berry & Moore
A View from the Bar: Preparing a Winning Appeal Brian G. Brooks Brandon J. Harrison
2:30-3:30 p.m.
0.75 CLE
10:15-11:00 a.m.
1.25 CLE
1.0 CLE
11:45-1:15 p.m.
Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring President-Elect Jim L. Julian
3:30-4:30 p.m.
1.0 CLE
Managing Information Overload Joshua J. Poje, American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center (Second offering)
Convention Center Rooms 201-202
7:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast in the Arlington Exhibit Hall
1:15-2:15 p.m.
1.0 CLE
Understanding MetaData & Your Ethical Responsibilities When Using Word Adriana Linares, President, LawTech Partners (Second offering)
1.0 CLE
The Laws of Mobility Learn how to create efficiency through wireless mobility. Patrick Lee, Verizon Wireless Jason Alford, Verizon Wireless
2:30-3:30 p.m. B R E A K
Communication in the Digital Age Joshua J. Poje, American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center (Second offering)
8:45-10:00 a.m.
10:15-11:15 a.m.
An Inside Look at the Arkansas Supreme Court's New Electronic Database Susan Williams, Reporter of Decisions, Arkansas Supreme Court
Rick Fought, Appellate Automation Specialist, Arkansas Supreme Court 1.0 CLE
A View from the Bench Part I: What Judges Want to See (& Not See) in Legal Writing Rodney Moore
3:30-4:30 p.m.
11:00-12:00 p.m.
Unique Ethical Issues in Appellate Practice
1.0 CLE Ethics
Brian G. Brooks & Brandon J. Harrison Luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Honoring President-Elect 11:45Jim L. Julian 1:15 p.m. 1.0 CLE
A View from the Bench Part II: The Judges Weigh In Rodney Moore, Wright, Berry & Moore Hon. J. Leon Holmes, Chief U.S. District Judge Justice Paul E. Danielson, Arkansas Supreme Court Hon. Michael Maggio, Circuit Court Judge Hon. Larry D. Vaught, Chief Judge, Arkansas Court of Appeals Hon. Randall Wright, Circuit Court Judge
Friday Events
Celebrating 50 Years
President-Elect Luncheon honoring Jim L. Julian
Members of the Arkansas Bar Association celebrating their 50th year of practice will be honored on Friday, June 11th. By invitation only.
Reception 11:30 a.m. Café I & II Arlington Hotel Sponsored by: • Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor, PLC • Dodds, Kidd & Ryan • Dover Dixon Horne PLLC • Duty & Duty, Attorneys at Law
Enjoy an elegant luncheon in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Friday, June 11th 11:45 - 1:15 p.m.
Ike Allen Laws, Jr. Gail Matthews Charles E. Plunkett Elton A. Rieves, III Donald S. Ryan Don Allen Smith Lohnes T. Tiner
Philip S. Anderson Sidney P. Davis, Jr. Davis Duty Gary L. Eubanks William D. Glover Allan W. Horne
Lunch 12:00 p.m. Fountain Room Arlington Hotel • • • • •
Sponsored by:
Gary Holt & Associates, P.A. Laws & Murdoch, P.A. Matthews, Sanders & Sayes Smith, Cohen & Horan, PLC Williams & Anderson PLC
5K Legal Runaround Walkabout Friday, 6:30 a.m. Front steps -Arlington
• • • • • •
Albemarle Corporation Ashley Group-Rick and J.D. Ashley William C. Ayres, Jr. Barber, McCaskill, Jones & Hale, PA Bell & Boyd, P.A. Centennial Bank
• • • • • • •
Chisenhall, Nestrud & Julian, P.A. Elliot L. Clegg Delta Trust & Bank Lester A. & Jeffrey E. McKinley Steve Morley Nichols & Campbell, P.A. Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP
President’s Gala
Register at
One Night Only Friday, June 11th Don’t miss out on this star-studded evening Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard, P.L.L.C, University of Arkansas School of Law and UALR William H. Bowen School of Law
Reception Arlington Lobby 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Register for the VIP PASS for $25 and receive exclusive access to the Gala Dinner and the After Party Dessert Reception with Live Big Band Entertainment by the Stardust Band Or, Register for a PRESS PASS for $10 to attend only the After Party
President’s Gala Dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. Reception & Entertainment begin at 8:00 p.m. Arlington Crystal Ballroom Cocktail Attire 15
Saturday at the Arlington “Oh, I Didn’t Know That!” Crystal Ballroom 0.5 CLE
8:00-8:30 a.m.
30 Worker’s Compensation Practices Brian J. McNamara, Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP
8:30-9:00 a.m.
Land Use Law Melanie R. Yelder, Yelder Law Firm, TN
9:00-9:30 a.m.
9:30-10:00 a.m.
Bankruptcy Practices Leon Jones, Jr., Jones Law, LLC
Family Law Practices Hon. Rita F. Bailey, Attorney at Law
0.5 CLE
0.5 CLE
0.5 CLE
House of Delegates Meeting Orientation for New Members 8:00 a.m. Magnolia Room, Arlington, Lobby Level
Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates 9:00 a.m. Conference Center, Arlington Breakfast Sponsored by the Arlington Hotel
Follow/Join In
Break 10:15-10:45 a.m.
Ethics in Private Practice J. Leon Johnson, Attorney at Law
10:45-11:15 a.m.
Juvenile Law Ethics Dorcy Kyle Corbin, Attorney at Law
11:15-11:45 a.m.
Follow Arkansas Bar Association Arkbar Young Lawyers Section
0.5 CLE Ethics
0.5 CLE Ethics
Follow & Comment hashtag: #arkbar ARAnnual Meeting
0.5 CLE
Drug, Alcohol, DNA/Paternity Testing Ad Litem Joel Howard, President, Court Room Testing Services
11:45-12:15 p.m.
Join our Group on Linked in
0.5 CLE
Members of the Armed Forces and Child Custody Steven S. Zega, Davis and Zega, P.C.
This Meeting is Paper-Lite The Arkansas Bar Association is trying to reduce the amount of paper we use at our meetings. Printed course materials are available for purchase at The materials will be shipped directly to you. Bring your materials to the meeting. There will be no printed course materials available for purchase at the meeting.
Online Evaluations Look for an e-mail from ArkBar with a link to the online evaluation of the Annual Meeting. Complete the evaluation during or following the meeting. Or go to Your Feedback is Important!
Electronic course materials are included with your registration.
As a gift to you, your electronic course materials are provided inside an eco-friendly ArkBar notebook.
Exhibit Hall Arlington Hotel Sponsored by Legal Directories The Arlington Exhibit Hall will be open from 7:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 9th - Friday, June 11th at 1:30 p.m. Meeting Registration available in the Arlington Exhibit Hall Wed.-Sat. & at the Convention Center Thurs.-Fri. Breakfasts • Luncheons • Ice Cream only in the Arlington Exhibit Hall
Prize Drawings held Thursday & Friday at 12:30 p.m. You do not have to be present to win. Check bulletin board outside of Exhibit Hall for winners.
Exhibitors ABA Retirement Funds Affiniscape Merchant Solutions American Bar Association Arkansas Association of Legal Support Professionals Arkansas Access to Justice Commission Arkansas Bar Foundation Arkansas Investigations Arkansas Pro Bono Partnership Arkansas Records Management ArkBar PAC AT&T Avansic Bushman Court Reporting Darling’s Fine Things End2End Business Solutions Fastcase
Go behind the scenes at Tinseltown with the Hollywood-themed exhibitors. Visit each booth for your chance to win glamorous prizes. Cast your vote nominating the best-dressed booth.
as of April 16, 2010
FSA -Consumer Credit Counseling Services Glaub Farm Management Holmes Legal Nurse Consulting Iberia Bank, fsb Trust IVIZE Legal Directories Publishing Lexis Nexis Pulaski Technical College Regions Insurance Systemedic Ryan Forensics The Computer Hut Thomson West University of Arkansas School of Law UALR William H. Bowen School of Law Verizon
Register for Prizes from the Exhibitors & these great Vendors as of April 16, 2010 Anderson’s Cajun’s Wharf Arkansas Repertory Theatre Arlington Hotel Spa Package Arsenic & Old Lace Bosco’s Capers Restaurant Capital Hotel Ciao Italian Restaurant Dixie Restaurants Inc. Gaston’s Resort Hewlett Packard
Little Rock Convention and Vistors Bureau LookOut Point Lakeside Inn Rendezvous Restaurant The Computer Hut The Faded Rose The Great Passion Play Wyndham Riverfront Wild River Country Wildwood Park for the Performing Arts 17
"Just Us" Kids Program Thursday, June 10th
Sponsored by
10:00–11:00 Getting Sporty With It Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor Law can be a team sport. Aaron Brooks, an expert in the field of sports law, will present this interactive event that pits two teams of lawyer parents against one another to answer sportslaw questions. The kids will also be divided into two teams. With each correct team answer, the kids will get a shot at a basket, hole-in-one, or completed pass. The members of the winning team will take home trophies. But, all participants will take home fun and a greater knowledge of how law is implicated in the sports arena. (Parents May Earn One-hour CLE)
Cullen Family Children’s Program Planners: top row l to r: Julie and Tim; bottom row: Connor with Dasher, Quinn and Katie
11:45–1:00 Lunch in the Exhibit Hall with Parents
1:00–3:00 “Art” You Glad Your Parent Is A Lawyer (ages 6 and up)
1:00–3:00 All Aboard For Fun (ages 5 and under) Pine Room • Arlington 6th Floor Join Little Rock attorney, and well-known thespian, Joel DiPippa for a fun-filled afternoon in the Land of Sodor. This program will feature Joel as Sir Topham Hat, introducing the children to Thomas the Train and all of his friends through stories, songs, and interactive play. All kiddos to visit the island will receive a special treat just for stopping by the roundhouse.
Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor Discover the wonder of a blank canvas with Arkansas artist, Tracee Gentry. We will go to the park across from the Arlington for a professional art lesson. Each participant will learn how to see the world in color and shapes by using their own creative eye. Tracee will see that each child will leave the session with not only passion for art and all of its beauty, but a professional-quality work of art. All materials will be provided.
5:30-6:30 Songwriters Workshop Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor The “Just Us” kids crew will have a rare opportunity to interact with nationally recognized children’s recording artist (and Arkansas native) Brian Kinder, as he conducts a special songwriting workshop. Brian will be communicating his observations of the craft of successful songwriters. During this setting, the kids will be involved in the creation of a new, original song. They will not only see how a song comes together, they will also participate in the process by offering lyric and musical ideas. Each child will receive a professionally produced recording of the song they helped create.
9:00–11:00 The Lens of the Law
Friday, June 11th
Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor Join award-winning cinematographer, Nick Rogers (who is also a distinguished member of our State’s bar), as he leads the “Just Us” kids through the ropes of making their own documentary. The kids will formulate questions, conduct interviews, and script commentary for their very own production. The kids will be tasked with exploring and attempting to answer the question—What Is Justice? All participants will receive an edited copy of the film.
12:30–3:00 Law Can Be Thrilling 11:15–12:15 Pizza & Justice for All Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor You choose to be the accused or serve as the judge, an attorney or member of the jury. Lunch provided. 18
Spruce Room • Arlington 7th Floor Here’s your chance to show your moves, and maybe to learn a new one or two. Join Sean Porter, instructor at Cheer City United and UALR Cheerleader, as he teaches the “Thriller Dance” to all comers. This is a skill that will serve you well in life; guaranteed.
Ladies Small & Tall
Royal Treatment
Come one, come all, ladies small and ladies tall! Experience the Royal Treatment at the 112th Annual Meeting.
Tickets are available at registration for $20.00. (Includes both days. No charge for small ladies.)
Thursday, June 10, 2010 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Venetian Dining Room
a For the T
Get pampered with shoulder & neck massages from a professional massage therapist.
Program Planners: Patti Julian & Clair Ramsay
Mini Makeovers Feel refreshed with a personal new look and learn about minerals make-up.
Whether shaken, stirred or with a twist– enjoy one of the many refreshing beverages.
Royal Fashion
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. A show of the hottest fashions of the season presented by local retailers Blue Lili, Chico’s, Dillards and the Villa.
Custom Jewelry Custom designs fit for a queen. Stunning pieces that reflect your personality. Custom jewelry available for purchase.
m For the S Ruby Slippers Get creative! Decorate and bedazzle flip flops worthy of the princess that you are!
Mini Makeovers Your little princess will feel glamorous with a gloss & glow makeover.
Friday, June 11, 2010 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Venetian Dining Room Hot Springs—Hot Spots Visit with Cindy DeWitt of the Hot Springs Convention Center about the best attractions, hottest shopping spots, and other Hot Springs locale. Each participant will receive a special map and book of discounts & promotions from local retailers available exclusively to Annual Meeting attendees.
Wine & Food Pairing It’s more than red and white-learn the basics surrounding the art of wine and food pairing. This demonstration will prepare you for any occasion by providing guidelines, tips and rules in selecting a wine with any meal.
Royal Treats
Hors d’oeuvres and Princess Punch will be available for the little ladies.
Scotch & Cigars
Kick back and relax in the Scotch & Cigar Lounge located in the Arlington Boardroom & Starbucks. Enjoy complimentary shoe shines, learn to roll your own cigars and relax with a refreshment. Thursday & Friday June 10th & 11th 2:00 -4:00 p.m. Tickets are available at registration for $20.00. (Includes both days.)
Featured Speakers Former U.S. Surgeon General and current Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Endocrinology, UAMS, Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders, M.D. Elders Thompson and Dr. Joe Thompson, M.D., Surgeon General for the state of Arkansas, discuss “National Health Care Reform and Its Impact on the State of Arkansas” on Wednesday afternoon at the Arlington along with Amber Wilson Bagley and Scotty Shivley of Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C. in Little Rock. Dr. Thompson serves as Director of the Center for Health Improvement and of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center to Prevent Childhood Obesity, is an Associate Professor in the Colleges of Medicine and Public Health at UAMS, and is a practicing general pediatrician at Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
Stephen Baskerville is a political scientist who attempts to go behind the cliches to understand the politics that explain the emotional, controversial, often unpleasant, and even violent world of family law. He also explores and explains some possible remedies, including shared parenting during his presentation “The Politics of Shared Parenting” on Wednesday afternoon at the Arlington.
Since 1998, Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., CMC has been coaching attorneys in the U.S. and around the world at all levels of experience and seniority. As the founding principal of Lawyers Life Coach LLC, she provides leadership, career, work/life integration and business development coaching to attorneys. In her presentation “Building a Diverse Workforce” on Thursday morning in the Convention Center she will outline deeply engrained obstacles to diversity and suggest ways to overcome these barriers. She will also present Negotiating Law and Life in the Legal Culture: Managing Work/ Life Conflict on Thursday afternoon at the Arlington. This program will explore the many factors that create work/life conflict in the profession as well as the consequences for lawyers, their families, their communities, clients and the legal profession. She will discuss alternative approaches to the structure of legal work and offer strategies for managing work/life conflict. 20
Robin Crow has forged a remarkable career on his journey from RCA recording artist to successful entrepreneur, and has built several world-class businesses from scratch. He is an acclaimed public speaker with a client list that is a who’s who of blue chip corporations. In his presentation “The Power of Service” Thursday morning at the Arlington, he will share with you seven critical steps that will revitalize your business. Robin lays out a practical series of proven tools and real-world techniques to help you successfully navigate your business to long-term sustainability and greater profitability.
Effective advocacy for clients — in and out of the courtroom — demands a practical understanding of how our “Alphabet Soup” population of Baby Marcy Gianna Boomers, Generations X, Y and D think, and what moves them to act. Dominic J. Gianna, one of America’s great trial lawyers and most dynamic, inspired teachers of advocacy, and Lisa A. Marcy, a uniquely experienced trial lawyer, motivating and engaging advocacy teacher and former judge, reveal the ways, means and secrets to persuading Baby Boomer, X, Y and D generations in their day-long presentation “Advocacy for the Ages: Persuading the Genders and Generation.” You will travel through a trial from beginning to end on Thursday at the Arlington.
Steven Nickles is the C.C. Hope Chair of Financial Services and Law at Wake Forest University. He teaches in the Law School, the Babcock Graduate School of Management, and the Divinity School. In his presentation “Bankruptcy Courts as Courts of Equity” Thursday afternoon in the Convention Center, Steve examines what is meant by bankruptcy courts as courts of equity and explores the powers of bankruptcy courts to custom make remedies for all disadvantaged persons in bankruptcy. Increasing these powers can affect the roles of state and federal courts in debtor-creditor law and change the balance of “power” between them. For this reason, Steve’s presentation is important to all lawyers practicing debtorcreditor law, not just bankruptcy lawyers.
Featured Speakers Craig Ball, of Austin, Texas, is a board certified trial lawyer, certified computer forensic examiner and electronic evidence expert. He has dedicated his career to teaching the bench and bar about forensic technology and trial tactics. In his presentation“Power Persuasion - Unique Ways to Persuade with Visual Evidence Using Tools You Already Own” on Friday morning at the Convention Center, he will lead you step-by-step through unique and exciting ways you can use plain-old-PowerPoint and other simple tools to create compelling presentations. In his presentation “E-Discovery/Computer Forensics” on Friday afternoon at the Arlington he uses animation and audience interaction to demystify the mysteries of e-discovery lawyers need to understand, including proven techniques for cutting data volumes and cost and improving the performance and efficiency of search.
Joseph B. Cheshire, V, has been intimately involved in the criminal defense bar during his career. He has written and lectured extensively throughout the United States on criminal law and ethics issues. James P. Cooney, III, has represented individuals and businesses in some of the most difficult and high-profile cases in North Carolina. Wade M. Smith has been one of Smith North Carolina’s best known and most acclaimed lawyers for nearly 50 years. The Duke Lacrosse case prosecution unfolded before the country in a “perfect storm” of race, class and gender. Cooney, Cheshire and Smith each represented one of the three charged players. In their presentation “Anatomy of a Hoax. The Role & Responsibility of Defense Counsel & Prosecutors: Lessons from the Duke Lacrosse Case” on Friday afternoon at the Arlington they will describe the evidence, the steps they took to present the evidence to the courts and to the public, and the lessons to be learned from this case.
A Word of Thanks From Annual Meeting Chair Gwendolyn Rucker Association planners and presenters are volunteers. It is only through their generous contributions of time, energy, talent and experience that this and every Association seminar can be a success. We deeply appreciate their work. 112th Annual Meeting Program Planners: Donna C. Pettus, President, Arkansas Bar Association Causley Edwards, Attorney at Law – Substantive Law Track (How to Practice Before An Administrative Body) Scott Bles, Arkansas Department of Human Services - Office of Chief Counsel – Juvenile Justice Track (“The World of Dependency Neglect: Tips for the General Practitioner”) Brandon Moffitt, Moffitt & Phillips, PLLC – Entertainment Brian G. Brooks, Attorney at Law, Brandon J. Harrison, Barrett & Deacon, P.A., & Rodney Moore, Wright, Berry & Moore – Appellate Track Harry A. Light, Friday, Eldredge & Clark – Technology Track Brenda N. Stallings, Deputy Public Defender, Juvenile Court – Saturday Track Vicki S. Vasser, Matthews, Campbell, Rhoads, McClure, Thompson & Fryauf, P.A. - Family Law Track Julie and Tim Cullen – Children’s Program Mark and Kristin Hodge – Pizza and Justice for All (Children’s Program) Patti Julian and Clair Ramsay – The Royal Treatment Spouse Program Philip A. Pesek, Deltic Timber Corp.– Business Track (In-House Counsel) Anthony A. Hilliard, Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley LLP - Business Track (Beyond the Articles of Incorporation) Immediate Past President Rosalind M. Mouser, Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley LLP - Underwriting Chair
New at the Arlington The Arlington Hotel & Spa has made the following improvements: Complimentary Wifi service for the lobby and all guest rooms More outlets in the meeting rooms for laptop service New bedding in all guest rooms Additional repeaters for improved cell phone service 21
Thank you 2010 Annual Meeting Sponsors Pillar
Patron Anonymous in Memory of Judith R. Gray Rick Ashley J.D. Ashley Jr.
Arkansas Bar Association Sustaining Members
William C. Ayres, Jr. Elliot L. Clegg
Bell & Boyd, P.A.
Davis, Clark, Butt, Carithers & Taylor, PLC
Dodds, Kidd & Ryan Duty & Duty, Attorneys at Law
Garland County Bar Association
Matthews, Sanders & Sayes
Laws & Murdoch, P.A.
Lester A. and Jeffrey Ellis McKinley
Nichols & Campbell, P.A.
Sebastian County Bar Association
Ramsay, Bridgforth, Robinson and Raley LLP
Steve Morley
Smith, Cohen & Horan, PLC
Attorneys at Law
Washington County Bar Association
George Williams
2010 Annual Meeting Sponsors as of April 20, 2010 Diamond Arkansas Bar Foundation
Probate & Trust Law Section Tax Law Section
Platinum Family Law Section Wagoner Law Firm, P.A.
Hilburn, Calhoon, Harper, Pruniski & Calhoun, Ltd.
Gold Financial Institutions Law Section
Criminal Law Section Civil Litigation Section
Silver Business Law Section
ADR Section
Auction Realty Gibson Law Firm, PLLC
Labor & Employment Law Section Hamilton, Colbert & Scurlock, LLP
William A. Martin
Health Law Section Kirby and Rosalind M. Mouser
This year’s Annual Meeting artwork honors the Association’s heritage with a spectacular picture mosaic of photographs of the Arkansas Bar Association and Arkansas Bar Foundation presidents. Their individual photos have been combined into a collage overlayed with the Association’s seal symbolizing Tradition, Integrity and Trust since 1898. Look for the large framed artwork at the Annual Meeting. The mosaic was created by
Cover Art
Arkansas Bar Association 2224 Cottondale Lane Little Rock, AR 72202 Prsrt Std
Permit No. 1567
Little Rock, AR
U.S. Postage