Arkansas Lawyer The New Arkansas Bar Center
L..., ..... t/lOU8/1 freg'"
hare cr••ted a great structure
Lawyers, t/lough temporary men, have buill a permanent monument -Jame. E. We.t
JANUARY 1974 VOL. 8, NO.1 Note: VOL. 7. NO.4 was last in the 1973 series. Four special issues were published in lieu of bi-monthly publication.
OFFICERS James E. West. President James B. Sharp. Vice President James M. Moody. Secretary·Treasurer
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Thomas F. Butt Douglas O. Smith, Jr. Robert Hays Williams OtIS H. Turner Herman Hamilton. Jr. John A. DavIs. III W. D. Murphy. Jr. Julian B. Fogleman David Solomon John P. Gill Guy Amsler. Jr. Leonard L. Scott
Ex-Offielo James E. West James B. Sharp James M. Moody Henry Woods William R. Wilson Dale Price
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Robert D. Ross Philip E. Dixon C. E. Ransick JANUARY, 1974
Arkansas Lawyer SPECIAL FEAlURES Arkansas Bar Foundation ..20 Organization . .23 Purposes. .. .. 24 Fact Sheet . Arkansas Bar Center Ground·Breakmg Ceremony .. 26 Photo Highlights. . 30 Architect - BUilder - Decorator.. .36 The Banner .38 The Rose-Wright Room......... .. .. .... .40 Dedication (MIdyear Meeting) . ..•. . . .. . . . .42 21st Midyear Meeting Program 42 Admissions Ceremony ...............•......•.....•......... 15 Aegis •........ " •••••..• , •.........•...........•............ 7 1974 Membership Directory 45
REGULAR FEAlURES President's Report.. . JUrlS Dictum....... Oyez-Oyez.. . .. . .... .. . . .... . Executive CounCil Notes Lawyer's Mart... Service Directory........... In Memoriam......... .
James E. West 3 C. R. Huie 9 .. ....... .4 James M. Moody 5 .. .4 . 60 _ 10
Published quarterly by the Arkansas Bar Association, Arkansas Bar Center, West Markham at North Conway, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Second class postage paid at little Rock. Arkansas Subscriptton prlce to non-members of the Arkansas Bar Associatlon $6.00 per year and to members $2.00 per year included In annual dues. Any opinion expressed herein is that of the author, and not necessarily that 01 the Arkansas Bar Assoctation, The Arkansas Lawyer, or the Editorial Committee. ContributIons to The Arkan· sas Lawyer are welcome and should be sent in two copies to the Arkansas Bar Center, West Markham at North Conway, Litlle Rock, Arkansas 72201. All inquiries regarding advertising should be sent to Advertising Department, Arkansas lawyer, Post Office Box 4117. North Uttle Rock. Arkansas 72116.
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JAMES E. VILLINES Vice President
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BIPOlT by Jam•• E. W•• t Life for lawyers. as with all mortals. has its ups and downs; its peaks and its valleys: its triumphs and its failures; its rejoicings and its sorrows. Our mid-year meeting on January 10-12. 1974. will be a time for rejoicing - a time to explore the new Arkansas Bar Center and to enjoy the fruits of our long labors - a time to dedicate a structure conceived by men of vision and accomplished by men of action - a time to remember the past. relish the present. and plan for the future. Our future is limited only by our vision, ingenuity. and energy. It is within our power to make the new Arkansas
Bar Center a great legal center. Each person attending the meeting will have the privilege of signing the dedicatory register which will constitute a permanent record of those attending this historic event. I know each lawyer will sign the register with immense pride in his profession. It is my great privilege to have the honor of serving as President of the Arkansas Bar Association during the dedication of the new Arkansas Bar Center. I have attempted to express my feelings in the following free verse written for the dedication:
fragile and temporary being
He is born, he lives for a while, and then dies Some men contribute much, some little, and some nothing to their society Lawyers, more than most men, have the opportunity to acl effectively The ability to create, to shape and to have a lasting impact upon society We, as lawyers, have performed a miracle We have constructed a living monument A structure which will remain standing long after
our numbered days on this earth have expired Continuing through the years as a symbol of our profession Saying to the world - 10 generations of the future Lawyers, though fragile men, heve created a great structure Lawyers, though temporary men, have built a permanent monument All hail to the legion of legal warriors who have fought this crusade Whose time, talents and contributions are embedded forever in this edifice We are convened here today, in this new Arkansas Bar Center To dedicate this structure, this memorial, this monument May it ever serve to improve legal education, the legal profession, the administration of justice
II you ha.. not alr.ady don. '0, pl.... .and In your r.gl.tratlon lorm lor the Mld·V.ar Meeting. I am looking
lorward to •••Ing .ach 01 you during lhl• •xcltlng and memorable occ••lon.
Distinguished Emeritus Professor Robert A. Lellar has been rehired to teach at the Law School. Raymond Tyra, Director of the ABA LSD. attended the recent Congress of World Peace Through Law at Abidjan. Ivory Coast, West Africa. J. W. Looney has opened his law office in Mena, a1ter teaching for two years at U. of Mo. E. Dall Stiles and Philip Clay have a new law partnership in Glenwood. Tom B. Smith has joined the Shaver & Shaver law firm in Wynne. Attorney General Jim Guy Tucker addressed the Texarkana Bar Association on the need for instruction of young people in the basics of law. Crossett Attorney William S. Arnold has been inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers. Judge Van B. Taylor has completed the post graduate judicial course conducted by the National College of State JUdiciary. William Penn Dougherty, Jr. is the new partner of Mike Wilson in Jacksonville. Mike Irwin is associated with Hoyt D. Thomas in Heber Springs: and Jim Boyd with Van Albertson in Huntsville. Joe Michael Fitzhugh is JUdge J. Smith Henley's new law clerk. James H. Pilkinton, Jr. has joined his father in the practice of law at Hope. Robert W. Faulkner has been appointed Arkansas' first fulltime U.S. Magistrate. Joe D. Woodward addressed the Magnolia Optimist Club on legislative process. James A. Gray of Little Rock and Benton represented the Arkansas Land Title Association at the October national convention in L.A. Don H. Smith of Pine Bluff has been named to the State Public Building Authority by Governor Dale Bumpers. Charles B. Roscopf of Helena. Guy Amsler, Jr. of Little Rock, Jack Yates of Ozark and John Burris of Pocahontas have been appointed to the State Board of Law Examiners. David Pryor is now on the Board of Presbyterian Family and Child Services. Richard Calaway is Arkansas Justice George Rose Smith's new law clerk. Richard W. Box and James L. Hall, Jr. have established a new law firm in Pine Bluff. New associations for the practice of law include Ron Metcalf with Troy Dougl.. in Fort Smith: Roy Edward Thomas with Bennett & Purtle at
Batesville: Howard M. Holthoff with Hall, Tucker & Lovell in Benton. Crumpler O'Connor & Wynne have a new associate, Jerry G. Jame., and new offices in the NBC Plaza. EI Dorado. James R. Wallace has opened his own law office in Little Rock. The new L.R. firm of Cockrill & McGehee has partners Ashley Cockrill, Howard Cockrill and Abner McGehee. Officers of the newly formed Pulaski County Bar Auxiliary are: Mrs. William L. Owen, President; Mrs. Griffin Smith, first vice-president: Mrs. James R. Rhodes III, second vice-president and Mrs. James H. Wi!路 kin., corresponding secretary. Also elected to office were Mrs. Harlan Weber, recording secretary; Mrs. David Bograd, treasurer and Mrs. Leonard Scott, parlimentarian. The following have opened up their own law offices David Stewart at Russellville: William W. Benton in Pine Bluff: WIlliam Donald Kelley, Jr. at Little Rock. Jerry W. Faubus and Richard J. Orintas have new offices in Little Rock. Mitchell Moore of Osceola is new Lieutenant Governor of Kiwanis International for his district.
JAMES A. PENIX, JR. is associated with Davis & Douglas in Springdale. V. JAMES KING, JR. is returning from 4 years duty as USN JAG and will join his father. VERNON KING, in the practice of law at Pocahontas. iI-_
Lawyers' Mart WANTED TO BUY Sets of Ark. Stats. Digests. and S.W. Reports (Ark, cases). VERNON KING - 892路5288 105 E. Broadway, Pocahontas, Ark.
HELP WANTED Openings for two law graduates on editorial staff of nation's leading publisher of city and county codes. Some editorial experience preferred, but not required. Prior practice or membership in State Bar not required. Please send resume and salary requirements to Municipal Code Corporation. P.O. Box 2235, Tallahassee, Florida. 32304.
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NOTES By James M. Moody Secretary-Treasurer At its regular meeting on July 28, the Executive Council heard a report from Owen Pearce on the proposed program on legal economics at the annual meeting in Hot Springs for 1974. Plans are almost complete and an outstanding slate of speakers has been arranged. The program for the midwinter meeting January 10-12 will feature Judge Roger J. Traynor. Governor Dale Bumpers. Chesterfield Smith, President of the American Bar Association. and Edward Lester as speakers and will be an event no lawyer interested in the Bar Association will want to miss. The Council adopted a resolution congratulating JUdge Mehaffey on his appointment as Chief Judge of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. A reception in his honor was held at the fall legal institute. The Council also adopted a resolution prepared by Marvin Thaxton to oppose congressional legislation which would limit real estate closing fees. The meeting of the House of Dele-
gates was held in connection with the fall legal institute September 20-22. at which time the House authorized action against a bank in the state for unauthorized practice of law and heard reports concerning internal reorganization of the House of Delegates. At the November meeting in Little Rock the Council heard a report from Winslow Drummond on the results of the questionnaire circulated in preparation for the long range planning conference. Stricter enforcement of legal ethics led the balloting by a wide margin based on an unexpectedly large number of responses to the questionnaire. Five committees will be organized to correspond to the five subjects considered by response of the Association to be most pertinent for long range consideration. The subJects are judicial reform, legal education. reform in criminal law. legislative reform and stricter enforcement of professional ethics. Branch Fields. Chairman of the Group Insurance Committee,
proposed to the Council an increase of benefits under the Association's major medical plan to 540 per day for hospital rooms and to 520,000 policy limit. It was also reported that a 41.7% rate increase would be necessary to maintain the existing program. The Council voted to continue with the present carrier. Continental Casualty. and to increase the benefits as the committee recommended. The firm of Rather, Beyer & Harper contributed $1,000 to the Bar Foundation which was gratefully accepted by Phil Anderson. Construction of the Bar Center is virtually complete and the Association will move into the new building on November 30. James Sharp reported that plans are being made to move back to Fayetteville for the fall legal institute and that several topics for the program are under consideration. Membership remains at a record high with 1.813 members compared to 1,677 in December of 1972. ~
1974 21st Midyear Meeting January 10-12, 1974
Camelot Inn Little Rock
13th Oil & Gas Institute ...................•.... Majestic Hotel April 10-12, 1974 Hot Springs 76th Annual Meeting June 5-8, 1974 Fall Legal Institute September 26-28, 1974
Arlington Hotel Hot Springs U of A Fayetteville
Great partnership: Orville & Wilbur ..•another great partnership: ARKAnSAS BAR ASSOCIATion &
:·CNA /insurance Now working together to provide you with a long-term stable program to combat the professional liability problem. With a partnership like this, wouldn't you expect more? There is, if you just participate. The future is uncertain-protect it.
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Please send Professional Liability Program details. Arkansas Bar Association Administrator Rather, Beyer & Harper Three Hundred Spring Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 372-4117 I I
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Editor's Comment: AEGIS is a feature of the Arkansas Bar Association's educationa/ program concerning docket control and other areas of high risk experience in professional liability
Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket: There Could Be A Bad Break! the problem
In this case the insured attorney represented a couple who had been injured as a result of an automobile accident which occurred in Canada. Since the accident was caused by a rear-end collision, liability on the part of the defendant was undisputed. Rather than refer the case to a local attorney, the insured attorney dealt with the adjusting firm by mail. He was unaware that a year statute of limitations applied in Canada and failed to take the necessary steps to protect his clients.
the result
The insured attorney notified his clients of his failure to file the suit on time. He conducted the negotiations with the clients himself and settlement was made for medical expenses and lost time.
Cases involving a Foreign Country need a much closer review of the points of law. Prompt referral to a local counsel is always a wise decision. 7
We're concerned about you and your future. Our vast experience in legal malpractice cases indicates that at least half of all malpractice claims stem from a faulty diary system for case follow-up and docket control. We're concerned about your diary system. Is it adequate ... or have you just been lucky? Does it contain all your important dates to follow up today? ... next wee>;? ... next month? .. next year? How long will your luck hold out? To help you establish the essential characteristics which any reliable system must have, the American Bar Association has prepared a special Docket Control Kit. Irs a suggested approach for you to consider for the development of your own system. The Kit contains a cassette tape and booklet that spell out in detail what to do and how to do it. Normally, the Kit costs 57.50 and irs worth every penny. But if you're insured under the CNA Bar-Sponsored Professional liability Program, we'll send it to you for only 56.00. (Our special offer expires 12/31/73.)
This coupon saves ~ou $1.50 now. And possibl~ thousands of dollars later.
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JURIS Q.!;.CTUM Executive Secretary, Judicial Department
Canon 6
kansas, a voluntary organization com-
posed of all Circuit Judges and Chan-
New Judge Henry S. Wilson of Trumann was appointed by Governor Dale Bumpers on
October 19, 1973 to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Circuit
Judge Charles Light of the Third Division. Second Circuit. Judge John S.
Mosby of Lepanto and Judge Todd Harrison of Blytheville occupy the other two divisions of this Judicial Circuit. Judge Wilson is a native of Conway and was currently serving as city attorney of Trumann and Marked
Tree. A graduate of the Blytheville High School, he attended the University of Wyoming and received his law degree from Vanderbilt University
School of Law. He began the practice of law in West Memphis in 1951. moving to Trumann seven years later. He served as Trumann city attorney from 1960 until
1964 and since 1969. Judge Wilson also served as deputy
cellors, members of the Supreme Court, and designated members of the Arkansas Bar Association, held its annual meeting October 12-13 in Little Rock. The agenda included a discus-
of compensation received for quasijudicial and extra-judicial activities.
sion of legislation enacted by the 1973 Generai Assembly affecting the Judi-
activity inappropriate to his judicial office. Following the afternoon session, the members of the Council, their
ciary led by Justice John Fogleman. Following the discussion, the afternoon session was devoted to a study of the American Bar Association Code
of Judicial Conduct led by Justice George Rose Smith and Judge Thomas Butt. At the conclusion of the study, the State Judicial Council went on record as endorsing the Code with commentary as amended by the adoption of the American Bar Association alternate provision allowing fu II-time judges to supplement their incomes through commercial activities.
The canons approved by the Council are as follows:
Canon 1 A judge should uphold the integrity and independence of the Judiciary.
Canon 2 A judge should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all his activities.
Canon 3
prosecuting attorney for Poinsett County for six years when JUdge Harrison was prosecuting attorney for the
A judge should perform the duties of his office impartially and diligently.
Second Circuit. The State Judicial Council at its annual meeting in October awarded a certificate of life membership to retired Circuit Judge Light.
A judge may engage in activities to improve the law, the legal system, and
State Judicial Council The State Judicial Council of Ar-
A judge should regularly file reports
Canon 4
Canon 7 A judge should rerrain from political
wives and guests enjoyed the hospitality of the Pulaski County Bar Association at a reception. after which Governor Dale Bumpers made the principal address at the annual dinner. The next morning, resolutions were adopted expressing appreciation to the Arkansas Bar Association for its cooperation and assistance in legislative matters and to the Pulaski County Bar Association for its hospitality. The following were elected as offi-
cers of the Association for the year 1973-74: President Chancellor Royce Weisenberger
Hope Vice President Circuit Judge Warren Wood
Little Rock Secretary
C.R. Huie Arkadelphia Treasurer
Circuit JUdge Tom Digby lillie Rock
the administration of justice.
Canon 5 A judge should regulate his extrajudicial activities to minimize the risk of conflict with his judicial duties.
Prior to adjournment, the retiring
President, Circuit Judge Harrell Simpson of Pocahontas, was presented a plaque in appreciation of his services to the Council.
In memoriam Deepest sympathy of the bench and bar is extended to the fami lies of our departed colleagues mentioned herein as well as to the families Of those colleagues not mentioned, who may have expired since the last printing of this necrology, and of whom the Arkansas Bar Association Memorials Committee may not have been notified. Any oversight is purely inadvertent. To all concerned herein is extended the admonition of the prophet, Micah, who said, He hath showed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require 01 thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (MIcah 6:8) ROY MITCHELL Roy Mitchell, age 72. a past president of the Garland County Bar Association and of the Hot Springs School Board, expired on July 3, 1973 at Hot Springs. Roy Mitchell was a member of the Bar for 50 years and was with the law firm of Lewis and Mitchell. Among his many church. civic and social activities are noted his being a deacon of the Second Baptist Church of Hot Springs; member of the Board of Arkansas Baptist Hospital; a trustee of Ouachita Baptist University; member of the Optimist Club; and a Mason. Roy Mitchell was survived by his wife, Mary Ramsey Mitchell; two sons, William Roy and Robert B. Mitchell of Hot Springs; four brothers. three sisters, and four grandchildren.
Judge Rowan in addition 10 his judicial duties was selected to serve on the editorial board of the Committee for Con· tinuing Legal Education in Arkansas. He was active in planning and preparing the "Arkansas Domestic Relations Manual." He pursued his Interests with membership in legal. politics I, religious and civic ae· tlvilies in his community, area and state. He was senior warden in 51. John's Episcopal Church of Camden and superintendent of its Sunday School for a number of years. Judge Rowan was a man who loved his work and was dedicated to his profession. God, family, state and nation. He is survived by his widow, Ann Mitchell Rowan; one son, one daughter; one grandchild; and many. many friends and acquaintances who will long and well remember him.
JUOGE JAMES MURRAY ROWAN, JR. MISS EFFIE COMBS Judge Jam.. Murray Rowan, better known as "Jim" to his many friends, passed away at Camden, Arkansas, on May 23, 1973, at which time he was Chancellor and Probate JUdge for the Seventh Chancery Circuit, State of Arkansas. Judge Rowan was born at Tallulah, Louisiana, and later moved to Marvell. Arkansas. where he graduated from the public schools in 1937. His subsequent education at the University of Arkansas was interrupted by World War II. He enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel at the time of discharge in 1945, having served in both the European and Pacific areas and as an instructor in the Continental United States. Judge Rowan returned to the University of Arkansas where he was active in Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity and president of Delta Theta Phi Legal Fraternity. He graduated from the law school in 1949 and began his legal career in Camden. Arkansas, where he was Immediately active in civic affairs. He served as city attorney from 1951 to 1955 and as elected mayor of Camden from 1956 to 1959. Judge Rowan was first elected to the Office of Chancery and Probate Judge for the Seventh Chancery District in 1964. He served in this capacity until his untimely death.
The Arkansas Association of Women Lawyers recently mourned the passing of MI.. Effie Comb., one of its oldest members and also one of the oldest female members of the Bar. Miss Combs passed away on June 15, 1973. Her friends and acquaintances remember her as a colorful, friendly person, guided by principle, a sense of humor, and a wealth of pat· riotism which she extolled at fNery op· portunity. Miss Combs was an accomplished musician and had qualified for a career as a concert pianist, when she decided she preferred a business career, It was during this endeavor that she studied law and later qualified for admission to prac· tice law on July 12, 1926. Miss Combs used this talent to serve several years as Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arkansas, and in subsequent employment in various other governmental departments. Miss Combs was dedicated to her state and country. It is said her patriotism knew no bounds. She was true to both and exemplified her beliefs by active participation in such organizations as "The Daughters of the American Revolution;" "The United Daughters of 1812;" "The United Daughters of the Confederacy;" and "The Order of the Eastern Star."
ROBERT A. YOUNG, JR. Robert A. Young, Jr., attorney. businessman. civic leader, church leader and philanthropist. passed away in Fort Smith on August 31. 1973. He received his B.A. from Ouachita Baptist University in 1930 and his LL.B. from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 1933. Following admission to the Arkansas Bar, he formed a law partnership of Miles, Armstrong and Young. now Harper, Young and Smith, in Fort Smith. In 1947. he left the active practice of law for a distinguished career as a nationally-known businessman in the fields of transportation and finance. He was a member of many business and professional groups. including the Arkansas and American Bar Associations. His philanthrophic and civic activities were legion. Recognition of his services was in direct ratio - Distinguished Alumnus Citation and Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Arkansas; Distinguished Alumnus Citation from Ouachita Baptist University; Order of Achievement. Lambda Chi Alpha; etc. He was a Mason and member of the Goddard Memorial Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Vivian Curtis Young. two daughters and a son, and eight grandchildren. One of the finest tributes was a local newspaper editorial which said of him, "It is said that if a man can leave the world a little better than he found it. something very worthwhile has been accomplished. He did this, making everything he touched better and fuller than he found it. He was, as someone has said of him, 'a builder and a dreamer, and we are all better for having had his life touch our own'." JUDGE J.M. SMITH Judge J_me. M. Smith, 80, a resident of McGehee for 54 years, died on October 24, 1973. He came to McGehee in 1919 as Superintendent of Schools. He served as Desha County Judge from 1927 to 1934, when he took up the practice of law in McGehee. JUdge Smith was a graduate of Ouachita College; a World War I veleran; a Shriner; a thirty second degree Mason;
past president of the local Lions Club; and member of the Arkansas and American Bar Associations. He attended the McGehee First Baptist Church, where he taught a Men's Bible class. He is sur· vived by his wife, Jennie Lee Smith, three sons and a daughter, and eleven grandchildren. As one friend has said, "He could see and often spoke of the good in people; and like the shepherds of old, loved the outdoors, the song and the flowers; and thought justice was made for all."
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JUltlce Paul Ward , who retired from
Mi.1 Aurelle Burnllde, a well·known, retired attorney and civic leader in South Arkansas, passed away in EI Dorado, Arkansas, on Monday, August 13, 1973. Miss Burnside was born September 16, 1889 at "Old Hillsboro" in Union County, Arkansas, the daughter of James E. and Grace Burnside. Among her survivors are three nieces, Mrs. Joe Chambers of Smackover, Mrs. Helen M. Winn and Mrs. I.W. Clark of EI Dorado, and other relatives. Miss Burnside attended the public schools in Union County and graduated from both the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. and Yale University at New Haven, Connecticut. She taught school for a time in Union County. worked in the office of former Governor Hayes of Arkansas and was employed also in the Department of Justice. Washington. D.C .. as well as becoming one of the first women attorneys in South Arkansas. Miss Burnside was active in social and civic affairs, being a member of the Art League of EI Dorado, Little Rock and Conway; a member of the Lawyers Literary Club; the Self Culture Club of which she was president; and a member of the Pioneer ClUb, Business and Professional Women's Club and the United Daughters of the Confederacy, all of EI Dorado. It is said that Miss Burnside blazed the trait in South Arkansas for women attorneys.
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the Arkansas Supreme Court on December 31. 1969. after having served thereon for 18 years, died on November 8, 1972. Mr. Justice Ward enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a practicing lawyer and a public servant. He earned and also enjoyed the deepest admiration and respect of his colleagues; members of the Bar; and of his fellow citizens, while serving as mayor of the City of Batesville, State Senator. Chancellor and as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. The contribution of service and dedication of Mr. Justice Ward to both Bench and Bar was recently expressed and acknowledged by appropriate Resolution of Judicial Council of Arkan· sas.
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FOR SALE: Conference Room Furniture
ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION 400 West Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas Phone: 375-4605 11
by Director J. Steven Clark
sence, Professor Guzman will also hold a position of Professor of Law at Drake University Law School where he will offer seminars related to the
Criminal Justice Centers work. On November 10th Misters Phillip K. Lyon. Walter Niblock. and Owen Pearce presented a program on
He says he has no federal practice Director Clark Dean Wylie Davis chaired the meeting of the Committee on Contracts for the Multi·State Bar Examination (a project of the National Conference of Bar Examiners), at Chicago on October 26-28. The committee finalized the test on contracts for the July, 1974. examination, which will 1be given in 41 American jurisdic· tions. In addition. Dean Davis addressed the Sebastian County Bar Association on November 4th, on "Challenges of Legal Education in Arkansas." He also recently addressed the U. of A.·s Houston alumni chapter in Houston, concerning the "Academic Side of University Life." Professor Rafael Guzman will take a one·y'ear leave of absence beginning January. 1974. to take a position as Director of the Metropolitan Criminal Justice Center. Des Moines. Iowa. The Criminal Justice Center is a federally funded organization with the responsibility for planning. operating, and evaluating experimental programs aimed at improving the administration of criminal justice. The Center will work with police. courts, and prison officials in implementing the experimental programs in the City of Des Moines. During his leave of ab·
Maybe he's changed professions, Roy
There is no way the citizen, whatever he pursues, can escape the spreading influence of federal law. It is a 1973 daily fact of life.
To adequately represent his citizen clients, today's lawyer must have federal law readily at hand. Many thousands of successful lawyers rely heavily on United States Code Annotated to bring them the federal statutes that affect
their clients, together with all court decisions that construe them. USCA can be a working tool for you. helping to build your practice.
your West representative or write us for facts.
Archie C. McLaren, Jr. Directors Plaza-Suite 202, 3035 Directors Row, Memphis, Tenn. Phone: 901/744-8420
"Legal Economics" at the Fayetteville campus of the law school. Mr. Henry Woods also participated in a program with the students at the Fayetteville campus in October of this year. Associate Professor David W. Newbern, who has been on leave from the School of Law, is returning from hIS leave this January and will resume his teaching responsibilities on the faculty. He will be teaching future mterests and comparative law. The law school's National Moot Court team participated in the Regional Moot Court competition along with nine other schools at the University of Texas at Austin, November 7-9. The team composed of Van Gearhart, Fayetteville; Vashti Varnardo, Pine Bluff; and Boyd Cox, Little Rock was accompanied by Assistant Professor Elizabeth Osenbaugh, the team's advisor. The brief submitted by the team placed second in the competition. The Waterman Case Club appellate advocacy competition is about to be completed at the Fayetteville campus. Finalists in the competition are: Lewis A. Huddle, Jr.; Charles M. (Mike) Hulen; Albert D. Johnson and Lee Kuykendall. The two final teams will argue before Justices Byrd, Holt, and Smith on November 16th. There were originally 26 teams in the tournament. The earlier rounds were judged by jUdges and attorneys in Washington County and the faculty members at the law school. The case argued involves products liability, with issues relating both to Act III of the Statutes of Arkansas (1973), and implied warranties under the Uniform Commercial Code. Professor Fred K. Spies recently concluded a two-year term as president of the Arkansas Conference of the American Association of University Professors. Professor Spies. who will teach a Law and Medicine Seminar at the Little Rock campus this spring, taught the same course as a visiting professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Law this past summer and will do so again this coming summer. In a touch football game staged in Razorback Stadium November 10th, the Washington County Bar Association defeated the law school all stars 12 to 6 with a game ending touchdown pass. The victory was the second for bar in the same number of years. James W. Murphy, Professor of Law at the Little Rock Division of the Law School. attended a Criminal Law Education and Research Center during July and early August. This was followed by attendance at the
National College of Trial Advocacy at Harvard Law School during August. Professors Ruth Brunson and Glenn Pasvogel are currently serving on the Arkansas Bar Association's Special Committee for Dedication of the Arkansas Bar Center. The newly elected officers of the Student Bar Association are: Paul Riviere, President Betsy Williams. Vice-President; Jim Dunn. Secretary; and Lonnie McAllister. Treasurer. Assistant Dean Glenn Pasvogel is currently conducting five (5) seminars in various parts of the state explaining the proposed rules of juvenile court to County Judges. juvenile referees. and probation officers. Mr. Samuel Perroni and Mr. Clarence Stripling were recently awarded gift memberships in the American Judicature Society. The memberships were generously donated by Mr. Louis Ramsay of Pine Bluff. Mr. Tony L. Skogen, a senior student attending the Littte Rock campus. was named the winner of a five hundred dollar scholarship awarded by Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. Mr. Skogen was competing with P.A.D.'s from Arkansas, Oklahoma. and Missouri. He was selected because of his outstanding service to his fraternity, law school and the legal profession. Associate Professor Sandy Hendrick recently participated as a panelist at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Association of American Law Schools. Marco Island. Florida. The program dealt with the issue of state and federal water law legislation. Professor Hendrick also participated as a speaker at the Conference of
Municipal Court Clerks sponsored by the Judicial Department of the State of Arkansas. The conference was held November 11 th in Hot Springs. Directors of the program were: Paul F. Riviere and Robert Wellenberger, members of the Judicial Department's staff and incidentally both of whom are students at the Little Rock campus of the law school.
PART II by Assistant Dean
Glenn E. Pasvogel Colonel Ransick has asked me to write a few words about what the move to a new law school building means to the faculty and student body of the Little Rock Division. As usual, I've put it off until the last minute. and I've promised to give him the copy tomorrow. Nevertheless. it seems almost tritely appropriate that I should come down to the office and compose this column on Thanksgiving Day. I suppose the greatness of a law school must primarily be measured by the quality and dedication of its faculty, staff, and student body. But, the physical plant is more than the shell in which the educational process takes place. Apart from establishing the character of the school. it influences the morale of those who work and study inside and, hopefully, provides an optimal environment in which learning may occur. The Little Rock Division has been serving the needs of legal education in Arkansas for eight and one-half years now, and during most of that
The Human Needs Energy Company ARKLA GAS 13
suit of clothes - and that is the purpose of this column. All of us associated with the Law School view the move as a welcome step in the growth and development of legal education in Arkansas. The design, furnishings, and decoration of the building will provide a learning environment that is equivalent to any law school in the country. The lIbrary IS assured space for continued growth. Most of all. the facility will serve as a source of pride and identity that will enhance the educallOnal role played by the Little Rock Division. So. on behalf of the faculty. staff. and student body of the Law School. I
would like to express our thanks and deep' appreciation to all those who have contributed so much of their time and effort toward making this move pOSSible. Especially. we would like to thank the Arkansas Bar Association. the Arkansas Bar Foundation. and the administration of the University of Arkansas. We are gratified by thiS expression of confidence and encouragement toward us, and pledge for the future our continued efforts toward providing quality legal education to the cItizens of Arkansas.
Arkansas Eminent Domain Digest Compiled by the University of Arkansas for the Arkansas State Highway Commission.
207 Pages Dean Pasyogel
lime the Gay Building has met our needs. It comfortably housed a small student body. and the library space was sufficient for the minimally adequate collection of law books we began operating with. The plumbing. heat, lighting. and aIr conditioning worked, if not well. at least most of the time. The crumbling plaster, leaky faucets and toilets, increasingly fussy heating system. and eclectic collectIOn of used furnishings served as a constant reminder that nothing In this world IS permanent and even the continued existence of a law school cannot be guaranteed, But. dUring these early years thiS environment served to Unify the faculty. staff. and student body In a struggle to make the lillie Rock Division a superior institution and assure Its future In Arkansas DUring the past three or four years, the love. dedIcation and hard work of students, staff and numerous friends of the Law School have borne frUIt. The student body has grown to the POint that classroom space has become a problem of sardIne-can proportion. Mrs. Brunson has assembled a book collection that burst out of the library, through the classrooms. and Into the entrance foyer. The heating and plumbing have grown weary. When Art Murphey stepped down as Assistant Dean he assured me that the most Important qualificatIOns for one assuming his job was being able to unplug a stopped-up urinaL change a fuse. and avoid offending a vindictive heating system. Hopefully, by the time this is read, the Gay BUilding wtll be vacant and the Law School will be wearing a new
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Any It'$,,I1,,, is ht'e to ChJHJ'" whatever price II WIshes for
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SEPTEMBER 10, 1973
Congratulations from Chief Justice Carleton Harris of the Arkansas Supreme Court, Chairman Philip S. Anderson of the Arkansas Bar Foundation, American Bar Association Representative Neva Talley-Morris, and President James E. West of the Arkansas Bar Association.
Arkansas Lawyer
ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION GROUP TRAVEL TO HONOLULU, HAWAII connection with the Amencan Bar ASSOciation 1974 Annual Meeting Honolulu. Hawaii August 12-16. 1974
HAWAII In order to take advanlage of the most convenIent air travel at the lowest possIble fares. the Arkansas Bar Association I, offering it. member. special group flight. arranged through the firm 01 Travel Consullants, Inc. in Washington, D.C., the official coordination center for the 1974 ABA Annual Meeting In Honolulu. These "non-afflnlty" group flights are on Bramff International Airlines Jet non-stop service out 01 Dallas. Texas as follows: Departs to
Honolulu Group NO.2 .. Group NO.3
Wednesday. August 7
. Thursday, August 6
Departl from Honolulu ..... Tuesday. August 20 (arrives August 21) ............ Monday, August 19 (arrives August 20)
PER PERSON ROUND TRIP FARE FROM DALLAS: 5234 80 TRAVEL TO AND FROM DALLAS The Coordination Center at Travel Consultants. Inc will also Issue tickets for your travel from home city aIrport 10 Dallas to con. necl wlIh the Bramff group flIght HOW TO MAKE RESERVATIONS All ABA members Will receive from the ABA the brochure containing the offiCial registration-reservation form Those deSiring to travel on the Braniff group flight program should indIcate under Section 5 of the reservallon form that they deSIre to travel on the Arkansas Bar ASSOCiation program. speCifYing Group No 2 or Group NO.3. Tho.e who have not received the official brochure may request a copy by contacting the Meeting. Department of the American Bar Association, 1155 Ea.t 60th Street, Chicago, illinois 60637
The Great Hall The Great Hall. Camelot Inn's principal convention facility. is extraordinary in size
(8.720 square feetl but can be altered to form five individually lailorep smaller rooms. II's ideal for expositions. exhibitions. sales
meetings. and social events. With capabilities of seating over fiheen hundred people. the Great Hall of Camelol is surely the aristocrat of ballrooms.
Flexible Meeting Rooms and Exhibit Space Meet. think. and be merry at the Camelot Inn! We offer nine complete areas for meeting. dining. partying. and
exhibitions: the Minstrel's Gallery. the Prince Valiant. the Black Knight. the White Knight: the Red Lion Rampart and the Golden Knight. And. of course. the Great Hall of Camelot. Each gives you the finesl in facilities and service. YOli Illay have 15 or 1500 ror biHlquels. meelings. and convenlions i'll t he Camejo!.
Outstanding Restaurants In traditional old English decor and quiel luxurious atmosphere. the CameJol has facililies for every taste. The King's Court Dining Room offers dining excellence and a capacity of 180. The Country Squire Coffee Shop has a capacity or 88 and specializes in lighter. quicker meals. And the Prince Valiant Dining Room. which seats up to 80 knights and Iheir ladies. gives you the finesl in private dining convenience.
Camelot Inn welcomes the Arkansas Bar Center to Convention Plaza. Now that we're neighbors~ it's only fitting that we get to know each other better. Here are some things you might like to know about us: Pool Enjoy our commanding
view of Little Rock while sunning at the Camelot. Or arrange a poolside party ... complete with a portable bar. Our pool is conveniently located on the fOllrth Ooor and is the very un-convention way to relax during your
busy day!
Convention Center As a convention center. the Camelot Inn was designed with business-and businessmen-in mind. Located in the new Convention Complex (Camelot Inn. Robinson Auditorium. Uttle Rock Convention Center) the hOlel provides easy access to numerous and spaciolls meeting facilities. Nearby is the Lillie Rock Business District: easy access 10 Little Rock Municipal Airport: and. of course. taxi service at the door. All these features come together to rOml an atmosphere totally conducive 10 gelling your job done.
303 Guest Rooms
Majeslic room accommodalions. consisling or a choice of one double bed. Iwin doubles. king size or two or three-room suiles creale a variely of regal decor and offer a full range of guesl and convenlion services-all designed 10 make your slay althe Camelot a pleasure. Included are: 24-hour lelephone service: color lelevision: ice and beverages on each guest floor: free parking for registered guests: pool: individual climate control: shopping; and. golf and recreation nearby. The normal range of room rates is 5 18-524. Suite rales are 540-560. Lounge
The Jeslers Lounge. where hospitalily reigns and a merry time is assured. sports a commanding vie"' of Ihe Arkansas River. Refreshments are regal and the niglllly entertainment is certain to create a festive atmosphere for knighls (and ladies) on Ihe town.
ct-amelot lnn速 of Little Rock
tEbt §rltan~a~ a.. - raar jfounbation --
Meeting of January 22, 1959
The organizational meeting of the Arkansas Bar Foundation was held in the offices of the Arkansas Bar Association, 817-19 Pyramid Life Buildin9, Little Rock, Arkansas, on January 22, 1959, pursuant to notice to all members of the Foundation. The meeting was called to order by Mr. John A. Fogleman. President of the Arkansas Bar Association. who declared that a quorum was present. On motion of Mr. W. S. Mifchell, duly seconded by Mr. Willis B. Smith, Mr. Fogleman was elected Chairman of the meeting, and Mr. H. Maurice Mit· chell was elected secretary thereof. On motion of Mr. W. S. Mitchell, du Iy seconded by Mr. Edward L. Wright, the number of directors was determined to be seven, with three directors to be elected for a one·year term and four to be elected for a twoyear term. the length of each of the original directors' term being decided by lot after the election of the dlrec· tors. After a vote was taken, with all members present voting, the Chair· man declared the motion unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. H. MaUrice Mit· chell, duly seconded by Mr. Edward L. Wright. the following slate of directors was unanimously elected:
W. S. Mitchell John A. Fogleman Fred Pickens Heartsi II Ragon Gaston Williamson Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. Ned Stewart
On motion of Mr. H. Maurice Mit· chell, duly seconded by Mr. Edward L. Wright, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Foundation was called for 1:00 p.m. March 13, 1959, in the offices of the Arkansas Bar Asso· clation. Pyramid Life Building, Little Rock. After a vote was taken, with all members present voting, the chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Willis B. Smith, duly seconded by Mr. Edward L. Wright, the Board of Directors was authorized and directed to adopt by-laws for the government of the Foundation and to amend. repeal, or adopt additional by-laws. After a vote was taken, with all members present voting, the ChaIrman declared the motion unanimously adopted. The group then requested that Mr. Gaston Williamson prepare a proposed set of by·laws for su bmission to the Directors' meetIng of March 13. 1959.
Respectfully submitted,
4L~:trUi H. Maurice Mitchell, Secretary
JZR~ John A. Fogleman. Chairman
ergani?ational JJleeting Jllinutes --20
I. I I·
John A. Fogleman, W. S. Mitchell, H. Maurice Mitchell Edward L. Wright, Fred Pickens, Jr.. Willis B. Smith Heartsill Ragon, J. Gaston Williamson, Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. JANUARY, 1974
Congratulations to the members of the Arkansas Bar Association.
We salute the new Arkansas Bar Center as the latest asset of our statewide community.
Union National Bank of Little Rock
Member FDIC
~be ~tkan~a~
....,.. -- - -- .at . jfounbatton â&#x20AC;˘
To take by bequest, devise, gilt,
The purposes of this organization shall be to promote the following educational, literary, scientific and charitable purposes or any of them, both directfy and by application of funds to the use of the Arkansas Bar Association, if for educational, literary, scientific and charitable purposes, or to the use of any other corporation, trust, fund, foundation or or-
grant, purchase, lease or otherwise and to hold, manage and use for the purposes herein set forth, any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, or any undivided interest
therein; to convey, sell or otherwise dispose of such property and to invest, reinvest and manage the same,
inclUding the right to vote any stocks so held, in such manner as in the
ganization whose purposes and operations are exclusively educationa', literary, scientific or charitable: To improve and facilitate the administration of justice. To promote study and research in
judgment of the Directors of this or-
the field of law, the diffusion of knowledge thereof, and the continuing education of lawyers.
To cause to be published and to distribute addresses, reports, treatises and other literary works on legal subjects and to acquire, preserve and exhibit rare books and documents, objects of art, and items of historical interest having legal significance or bearing on the administration of justice.
ganization will best promote its purposes. To do and perform all acts and things which are legitimate and are reasonably calculated to promote the interests and carry out the purposes of this organization. Provided, however, that no part of the income or assets of this organization shall inure to the benefit of any private member or individual, and no part of the activities of this organization shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
etC Ongtitution ~S ~menbeb
June 6. 1962
-- -
WHAT do YOU kllou'
• • •
The Foundation
Standing Committees are the Awards Committee, Memorials Committee, Committee for Selection of Fellows and Finance Committee. Special Committees include the Building Committee, Fund Drive Committee, and Plans and Programs Committee. Committeemen need not be members of the Foundation; only Chairmen of the Standing Committees need be.
The Arkansas Bar Foundation was incorporated on September 17, 1958 as a nonprofit corporation for "educational, scientific and charitable purposes" directly and by application of funds to the use of the Arkansas Bar Association for similar purposes. The Foundation has been declared an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax.
Membership includes current officers and Executive Committeemen of the Arkansas Bar Association along with its past presidents; current and past Directors of the Foundation; the Foundation Fellows; and the recipients of Foundation awards.
The Committee on Election of Fellows shall from time to time recommend to the Board of Directors persons for con~ sideration as Fellows of the Foundation. The Board has prescribed the requirements for Fellowship as including membership in good standing in the legal profession and rendition of outstanding services to the profession including the contribution of as much as $1000 to the Arkansas Bar Foundation. Photographs of the Foundation Fellows will be hung in the prestigious Hall of Fellows in the new Arkansas Bar Center. 155 First Fellows were inducted at the Inaugural Fellowship Reception·Banquet on Wednesday, January 17, 1973 at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs. Arkansas. 23 additional First Fellows were inducted at the Foundation Luncheon on Thursday. June 7. 1973 at the Arlington. Some 10 more will have been inducted before the formal opening of the new Bar Center on January 11. 1974. In addition, more than 150 distinguished members of the Arkansas Bar have pledged $1000 to be paid in the next five years. Undoubtedly, there will be many future candidates for Fellowship in the Arkansas Bar Foundation. As these are inducted, their photographs will be added in the Hall of Fellows.
Governing Body
Past Projects
Directors who need not be members are elected by the Foundation members. Consideration is given to a geographical representation. Executive Committee is composed of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer, duly elected at each annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
Some of the past projects have been Law School Scholarships, Law Graduate Brochure, Law Career books for schools, court programs, purchase of property for Foundation and Bar Center, Capital Funds Campaigns: Law Review Awards, Memorial Brochure, housing of Pulaski County Law Library, among others.
Regulation The Foundation operates in accordance with its Constitution. as amended June 6, 1962, and its By-Laws, adopted June 4, 1970. The new By-Laws have expanded the membership, provided for Fellowships and set up fiscal controls among many other democratization efforts.
Annual awards are (1) Outstanding Lawyer; (2) Outstanding Lawyer·Citizen; (3) Outstanding Local Bar Association (More than 30 Members); and (4) Outstanding Local Bar Association (Less than 30 Members). Current Officers. Directors and Committeemen are not eligible for year's awards.
Memorials are a main source of income of the Arkansas Bar Foundation. A great variety of memorials are available at the new Arkansas Bar Center. A memorial may be inscribed in the beautiful marble of the Memorial Border in the lobby - the contribution is $1000. Memorials by way of art, furniture, rooms, etc. are also available. Scholarships may be underwritten with the names of those honored to be inscribed in the marble fireplace of the Great Hall. It is also a noteworthy custom to donate small amounts of money to the Foundation at the time of death of a fellow lawyer, judge, etc. - beautiful memorial cards are sent to the immediate family acknowledging the donor. Wills may include specific bequests to the Foundation. Other tax-free gifts may be made at any time.
Future Projects Immediate projects will be for the benefit of the law student. viz., scholarships, law review awards. lectureships, internships, Law Graduates Brochures, etc. The Annual Awards will be made. The Plans and Programs Committee has been created to develop additional programs envi· sioned by the Foundation's Constitution.
New Bar Center
Fund Drives The first Capital Fund Drive was initiated in 1961. Some
$200,000.00 tram pledges of over a quarter million dollars was collected. The second Capital Fund Drive was undertaken in 1972. Over $460,000.00 was pledged by some 1000 members of the Arkansas Bar Association and $163,000.00 paid thereon as of November 1, 1973. The Capital Funds Drive is continuing in the hope that every Arkansas Lawyer will want to be part of this effort.
The new Center in Little Rock, the Capital of Arkansas, stands as a monument to the Arkansas Lawyer. Few State Bar Associations have their own building. None has incorporated both a law school facility and fine law library. The site on the Convention Plaza and next to the Old State House highlights the Center as the bridge between tradition and modern everyday activity. Within six blocks are the Federal District, County and Municipal Courts another six blocks to the Arkansas Supreme Court. Described as "probably the finest thing the Arkansas lawyers have ever undertaken as a group," the new Arkansas Bar Center will symbolize the ideals of Arkansas lawyers of every generation. The Arkansas lawyer may well be proud.
Chairmen Arkansas Bar Foundation Assets
The new Arkansas Bar Center is, of course, the major as· set of the Foundation. This facility is roughly worth $1,SOO,000 with a construction loan of about $900,000. The Foundation owns in fee the rear one-half city block upon which the Center is constructed. The underground rights have been leased for 99 years to the Parking Authority for $1. The back building houses the University of Arkansas School of Law, Little Rock Division, and the Pulaski County Law Library. The Library Board leases the back building and, in turn, leases the top two floors to the University. The Foundation will have a $300,000 or greater reserve in pledges - this amount is to be paid off over 5 years, or at about $60,000 per year - the source of tunds for current operations and future projects. JANUARY, 1974
1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974
William S. Mitchell Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. J. Gaston Williamson Bruce T. Bullion Paul B. Young Robert L. Jones, Jr. John T. Williams John D. Eldridge, Jr. James E. West Phillip Carroll Clint Huey Earl J. Lane Stephen A. Matthews Edward Lester Philip S. Anderson
;Sar ({enter ---
Our Heavenly Father, as we gather here on this occasion for this groundbreaking, we are proud of this undertaking and may it symbolize our constant efforts to
improve our profession, but we know that buildings, beautiful though they may be, are only a reflection of our efforts, and we are aware that our primary aim must ever be to promote truth and justice, respect for and obedience to the law. May we today strive and rededicate ourselves to these ends. Chief Justice Carleton Harris Arkansas Supreme Court
We of the Bar J)f Arkansas should remind ourselves that as important as
a functional, beautiful building will be, still a Bar Center is far more than that, for here men of all persuasions will sit and make decisions together; here
will be stored and housed the books of over a thousand years of government under law; here young, eager
minds will be trained in the difficult disciplines of the law; and, yes, here the lawyers of Arkansas will have made their statements and will continue to say that government under law, as slow and with as many faults
as it has, is still the best, if not the only hope for mankind. Chairman Edward Lester Arkansas Bar Foundation
This occasion is made possible today because there Jive in this land men and women of the legal profession who are dedicated to the premises that lawyers throughout Arkansas should have a suitable situs for the conduct of their affairs and who have therefore labored faithfully to build this building. It is difficult to determine who first gave birth to this building, but suffice it to say that many
lawyers labored faithfully with the multitude to bring us to this ground-breaking ceremony. -
Chairman John P. Gill Building Committee
rI This is a great day for all of us, and I am proud that it so happened that I was President of the Bar Association on the occasion that we meet for here today. However, / do want to praise all of those predecessors, beginning back in the
early 1960's, in the presidency of the Bar and other officers of the Bar that made possible this great occasion . .... So we should think in terms here of not just a headquarters of the Arkansas
Bar Association, but a great legal complex. President Henry Woods Arkansas Bar Association
Certainly, while this location in downtown Little Rock has many advantages. it has some unique advantages for educating students in the law. First, the advan-
tages are the continued sharing by the law school of the largest County Law Library in the state. It would be quite expensive to duplicate that part of the law library for a law school at a different location. Second, another unique advantage
is the easy walking distance to the Circuit Courts, Chancery Courts, Municipal Courts and Federal Courts, while at the same time it is less than one mile from the Stste Supreme Court. Consequently, this location offers unique advantages in the state for combining academic and practical experience. Third, it is at the seat of both the legislative and executive branches of govern-
ment with State Officers in easy rock-chucking distance. -." Lastly, and probably the most important of a/l, downtown Little Rock has the advantage of being convenient for guest lecturers from central Arkansas as well as giving the students the great opportunity of informal contacts with a large number of practicing members of the Bar. This contact, of course, will occur in the library and in the halls as well as in the classrooms. -
County Judge B. Frank Mackey Pulaski County, Arkansas
This project really had its Inception when the old Arkansas Law School wanted to cease operations. It was the judgment, and I think very wisely so, of most of the leaders of the Arkansas Bar that the Law School in Little Rock should be merged into the University of Arkansas, and so it was. We have one administration, one Law School, one faculty . •.•• While the Bar Center Is of great importance, and certainly no one would detrect from it, I think the greatest thing that is happening on this site today is, as our President said, we are beginning a legal education center here in the center
of the State. Chairman James B. Sharp Executive Council
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We are proud to have had a part in the construction of the new Arkansas Bar Center.
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From every point of view.
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. . . . . the Arkansas Bar Center is a living tribute to the Arkansas lawyer and his ideals. . . . . . we are honored to have been selected as the Center's building contractor.
PICKENS Little Rock JANUARY, 1974
.ar ((enter
• • • • •
Success in any democratic undertaking must proceed from the individual. -Brandeis. 1922
March 7. 1973
March 7. 1973
March 8. 1973
March 8. 1973
March 8. 1973
Jltracle ... Jlonument ... Jlemortal
April 10, 1973
April 27, 1973
April 27, 1973
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December 4, 1973
December 7, 1973
Little Rock Convention Center
The Little Rock Convention Center complex is the culmination of a 15-year dream and a 20-year need ... an economic and civic anchor for the heart of this capital community.
It consists of a completely renovated Robinson Auditorium, a 550-space parking garage, a 303-unit privately-owned hotel and a lovely public plaza. The finishing touch is the Arkansas Bar Cenler.
Little Rock Bureau for Conventions and Visitors Pulaski Visitors Council . . . Agencies of the Little Rock Advertising and Promotion Commission
1 Convention Center Plaza Markham at Broadway
P.O. Box 3232
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 34
The Bar Center Ruled In Our Favor. • •
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1601 MAIN
THE ARCHITECT Cromwell, Neyland. Truemper. Millett & Gatchell. Inc.. is one of the oldest Architect-Engineer firms in continuous practice In the United States. The firm goes back to 1891. Within the firm. the full range of architectural and related engineering services is offered. from master planning and programming through construction management. Offices are maintained in Forrest City. EI Dorado and
Little Rock. Eugene P. Levy. AlA. serves as the firm's Director of Architecture. and was the PrOject Architect for the new Arkansas Bar Center. Following a distinguished scholastic career. Gene Levy graduated first in his class at the University of Virginia. receiving his Bachelor of Architecture. In 1960. He has been Involved as project architect for a wide variety of projects in Arkansas.
THE BUILDER Pickens-Bond was founded January 1. 1943. as a partnership in Muskogee. Oklahoma. The Company gradually extended in operation Into Texas and Arkansas. In June 1945. Jack Pickens returned from service in the Army and joined the company. A Little Rock office was opened and. in 1949. the firm was incorporated. The name was changed to Pickens Bond Construction Company in July 1961 with its main office in little Rock. Since Its inception. Pickens-Bond has built major projects throughout the United States. The Arkansas Bar Foundation was fortunate in obtaining Pickens-Bond as the Arkansas Bar Center's building contractor. In view of Pickens-Bond's fine reputation. no construction bond was required.
THE DECORATOR Charles Morris Mount heads up his own firm for interior design. planning and graphics. located in New York City. He earned his Bachelor of Interior Design Degree in 1964 at Auburn University. He continued his studies at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts. Fontainebleau. France. travelling extensively thru Europe at the same time. Recently. he was Director of Interior Design for George Nelson and Company of New York City. Charles Mount was also Project Manager for Interior Space Design. Inc. of New York City - projects included The Worthen Bank & Trust Company and the law offices for Wright. Lindsey & Jennings in little Rock. It was through contacts made during these last projects that the Foundation was fortunate to secure Charles Mount's services for the new Arkansas Bar Center.
JANUAR Y , 1974
THE BANNER Arkansas Artist Rebecca Rogers Witsall was commissioned to execute the applique Banner which hangs in the Lobby of the new Arkansas Bar
Center. "The 'Blind Justice' figure which ;s the basis of the design of the wall hanging needs no explanation. The figure has been simplified and stylized to correspond to the architecture of the new building and to make it a more powerful image at the large scale of 12 feef by 12 feet. The media ;s machine appliqued and machine embroidered felt and cotton. The only symbolism that might bear mentioning is the red, white and blue strip near the figure's right shoulder which serves to point out the Arkansas Bar Association as a part of the American Justice System." -Witsell The Banner ,s symbolic of the gift of $10.000 to the Arkansas Bar Foundation from John A. Cooper, noted Arkansas business leader. He is also a lawyer. Association President James E. West received the contribution from Mr. Cooper on October 11, 1973 at the new Center.
Phoro Credil: Carol Culp Robinson
Photo C,ffdll: Clral Culp Robinson
ARKANSAS JUSTICE: THE FIRST TWO HUNDRED YEARS We at First National Bank in Little Rock were pleased to sponsor the recent special television presentation, "Arkansas Justice: The First 200 Years" and we're pleased for two reasons. First, we were happy to bring this excellent presentation to the people of Arkansas: it was a fine program with a great feel for historical Arkansas. And second, it was our way of congratulating the Arkansas Bar Association on the new Bar Center at the Little Rock Convention Center Plaza. Congratulations again, gentlemen.
-- - --
which we were partners and occupied adjoining rooms with open door between. As those years are recalled and pass before me, not a single incident appears that derogates from the perfection of hi~ kindness, gentleness and unselfishness. There is not a note of discord to mar the harmony of all his sweet associarions. He stands out, the brightest inteffect and the kindest, gentlest. and most unselfish and lovable man I have known. And these are not the qualities of an amiable complacency, but of sterling virtues softened in the warmth of a humane heart, and directed by an exalted conscience." U. M. Rose's own deep reverence for the Law appears in an address delivered in S1. Louis in 1902: "There never was any system of law that was not better than no law. "I think that every lawyer toward the close of his career must sometimes feel as if he had always been chasing a rainbow. Hard as he may have toiled, extensively and patiently as he may have burned the midnight oil, the serene and infinite law defies his puny efforts to fix its limits, to distinguish its precepts, to define and classify the countless rules and exceptions that go to make up its wondrous fabric. It is the mightiest creation of the human intellect. It has not been made by anyone man, or by any millions that can be computed, or in a hundred years, or in a thousand years. Beginning as a mere rivulet before the dawn of history it has come down through all the ages, re· ceiving at every step some additional rill or rivulet until it has become a mighty river, and at last spreads out until it presents a shoreless sea."
The Board of Directors' Room off the upper lobby of the new Arkansas Bar Center has been named for two legal U. M. Rose and Edward L. Wright. There is a great similarity in the careers of these men - and in thelf personalities - and In thelf contributions to the Bar. Uriah M. Rose was born In 1834 and died In 1913. In the recent TV special on "Arkansas Justice: The First Two Hundred Years," which had its preview showing on KATV, Channel Seven on November 26. 1973. Rose is identified as the outstanding lawyer during the period. He was one of the founders of the present Arkansas Bar Association and its first President in 1899. He was President of the American Bar Association in 1901-1902.
giants of the Arkansas Bar -
Upon Rose's death, the Bar of the City of Little Rock passed a Resolution, noting: "That in the death of Judge Uriah M. Rose, the State of Arkansas has lost her foremost lawyer, whose absence from her tribunais and her walks of fife wiff be profoundly felt, and whose counsel in times of storm and stress will be sorely missed. "Resolved, Further: That in the death of this distinguished jurist, we recognized and acknowledge the crea· tion of a vacancy which can not be filled again in our day, for thereby the State has been deprived of her greatest citizen and the leader of the Bar of Arkansas." In the moving address to the Supreme Court of Ar· kansas concerning U. M. Rose's passing. Wilson E. Hemingway gave one of the most beautiful eUlogies. ending with: "I have spoken without extravagance of praise. None is needed in speaking of him; and in his view of the delicacy of his nature and his regard for truth, none is admissible. What has been said reflects opinions formed from an acquaintance of more than thirty years during most of
Completeness in Graphics
International Graphics, Inc. "Furniture and Office Products" Our congratulations to Arkansas Lawyers on the new Arkansas Bar Center. We feel privileged to have had a part in its furnishing. 1000 Center Street
lillie Rock
- - - - - Wright
Edward L. Wright is the only other Arkansan to be
honored as President of the American Bar Association (1970-71). He was President of the Arkansas Bar Association (1957-58). He was born at Little Rock in 1903. His contributions to the Organized Bar are well-known; his honors, legion. There is no point in reviewing them all here. However. rather typical is the little known fact that he has appeared in every "Sridging-the-Gap" program for the new members of the Arkansas Bar; even in 1971 and
1972 when he was ill. "Ed" Wright managed to appear his subject on "Professional Responsibility and Relations with Fellow Attorneys" is a key to his own attitudes toward the Law and his fellow lawyers.
The January 1971 issue of The Arkansas Lawyer was dedicated to Edward L. Wright. Then President of the Arkansas Bar Association, Jack Deacon noted that he received comments from hundreds of lawyers across the country, expressing their love and respect for Wright. It is fitting to conclude with the comments of one 01 the younger members of the Wright, Lindsey & Jennings Law Firm in the cover story of the "Wright" issue of The Arkansas Lawyer: "No author of a biographical sketch can really know his subject. And I am not even certain that anyone Arkansas lawyer truly knows the totality of Ed Wright as a person.
To some he is a legend. To others he is an acquaintance. To many he is a warm, personal friend. And to those of us so privileged to be associated with him in the practice Ed is partner, father confessor, member of the family, and the
fife of the party."
Dailey's is honored to have some of its fine furnishings in the new Arkansas Bar Center. . .
.Congratulations 10 Arkansas Lawyers on the beautiful new Bar Center from Dalton Dailey. Jim Dailey and Jim Massery.
J~~.l~ We have Little Rock's most complete line of office furniture. Unique office furniture, not the run-of-the-mill type so often found. Our selection includes a wide variety of couches, tables, etc.-all of the things necessary to make up a total office. JANUARY, 1974
3RD 拢;- ROCK路 376-2361 41
A I\)
21st ;fflibpear ;ffleeting - C!Camdot 3Jnn. JLittle l\ock CO-CHAIRMEN jl}ebJ ~rhan5a5 JSar C1Center J)ebication Jranuarp 10-12, 1974
President Arkansas Bar Association
The Dedication of the new Arkansas Bar Center will be the realization of a' dream - the establishing of a permanent memorial to the legal profession. Every member of the Association should attend the Midyear Meeting and participate in this historical once-in-a-lifetime occasion.
:n A
Great occasions call for great men, and such men are on the program. Judge Roger J. Traynor, a jurist compared with such greats as Judge Learned Hand and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes; Chesterfield Smith, President of the American Bar Association; Governor Dale Bumpers, a lawyer's lawyer; Deans Robert A. Leflar, Joe E. Covington, Raiph C. Barnhart, and Wylie H. Davis, the four living Deans of the University of Arkansas School of Law and the men who have had a significant impact upon nearly every member of the Association; Edward Lester, the lawyer with the vision and ingenuity to develop or invent necessary financing;
Edward L. Wright, Past President of the American Bar Association and the man with the original dream for the Bar Center; Henry Woods, the lawyer whose leadership and personal efforts resulled in permanent financing for the Foundation; John P. Gill, the energetic Chairman of the Building Committee; Philip S.
Anderson, Chairman of the Arkansas Bar Foundation during this critical year when major decisions have been almost a daily occurrence; and many other
r :l>
distinguished members of the Arkansas Bar. I know you will come to the meeting with a sense of anticipation. I know you will return home from the meeting with a feeling of accomplishment and great pride in the legal profession. James E. West
&; :::
;:;1 :n
PHILIP S, ANDERSON Chairman Arkansas Bar Foundation
Past President
Past President
Arkansas Bar Association American Bar Association
Arkansas Bar Association
c... }>
ROGER J. TRAYNOR Distinguished Jurist, Teacher Writer and Public Servant
State of Arkansas
1943 - 1954
1958 - 1972
• ~
... w
EDWARD LESTER Past Chairman Arkansas Bar Foundation
CHESTERFIELD SMITH President American Bar Association
1954 - 1958
1973 - - -
Arkansas Bar Center 400 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas
Adams, R.M., III Rt. 5. BOK 174 Edgewater. Md 21037 Alexander, B. 116 Cannon HOB Washington. D.C. 20515 Allen, P.E. 470-400 Sherburn Lane LOUISVille. Ky 40207 Allen, B.l. 1300 Post Oak Tower Houston. TK 77027 Ande"', D.H. 5508 N. 31st Arlington. Va. 22207 Aste, R. 901 Bayamo Ave Coral Gables. FI. 33146 Austin, H.L. Drawer 1734 Atlanta. Ga. 30201 Baker, J.P. 2713 South Inge 51 ArlIngton. Va. 22202 Ba"lckman, R.E. BOK 9405 Rosslyn Sta. Arlington. Va. 22209 Barton, C.S. 210 W. Tenth St. Kansas City. Mo. 64105 B.ardall, C.W. 3826 N. 10th Ave. Pensacola. FI. 32503 Bemis, O.K. 1054 31st SI. Washington. D.C. 20007 Berry, J. Box 12785 Pensacola. Flo 32575 Bickford, O. L. 410 Bush 51. San FranCISco. Ca. 94108 Blan, a.L., Jr. 800 John A. Hand Bldg. Birmingham. AI. 35203 Booth, H.O. PO Box 512 Vero Beach. FI 3:>960 Bowdon, F.A., Jr. 510 Lalayelle Bldg. DetrOIt. Ml. 48226 Brooksher, R.R. 519 Fidelity Bank Bldg. Baton Rouge. lao 70801 Brown, J.S. 401 W. Oak JunCllon City. Ks. 66441 Burka, R.K. 846 Eastgate Dr. Vermillion. 5.0 57069 Burks, l.W. 503 US Courthouse FI. Worth. Tx. 76102 Burton, C.C. P.O. Box 1534 Shreveport. La. 71102 Caldwell, B.T. 3014 Duane Ave, Omaha. Ne. 68123 Callborne, H.E. 108 S. Third 51. Las Vegas. Nv. 89101 Capas, O.Y. 1215 New Senate Off. Bldg. Washington. D.C. 20510 Caraway, P.W. 4450 S. Park. Apt. 516 Chevy Chase. Md. 20015
Cardin, T.W. Box 188 CaSSVille. Mo 65625 Chamberlain, H.A. 1930 Two Shell Plaza Houston. Tx 77002 Childs, J.P. West 5th Odessa. TK. 79760 Clamant, F.B. VA Center Bonham. TK 75418 Clendanny, G. 8903 Merrill lane No. 404 laurel. Md 20810 CoHman, E.M. 3504 51. Elizabeth Ad. Glendale. Ca. 91206 Colllar, G.P., Jr. SUite 1200. 100 N. Main Bid. MemphIS. Ten. 38103 Collins, G.B. 1 North LaSalle Street Chicago. II. 60602 Coop, D.O. 112 N. Ashas StarkVille. Ms. 39759 Cronkhite, W.O., III HQ 3D Infantry DIVISion APO New York. N.Y. 09036 Crowell, C.B. 520 East 88th New York. N.Y 10021 Cure, H.B. SUl\e 1800, 3003 N. Central PhoeniX. Az. 85012 Curlee. E.O. 139 West Van Buren Chicago. II. 60605 Oahlen, R. 800 N. Lindberg St. LoUIS. Mo 63141 Oanlal, A.J. 10 Third St. N.E. Washington. D.C 20002 Davia, C.W. 1 E. Wacker Chicago II 60601 Davia D.O. 1712 Venellan Arlington. Tx. 76010 Davis, J.M. 931 N. Nevada Ave. Colorado Sprgs.• Co. 80902 Dermott, J. PO Box 897 Joplin. Mo. 64801 Dlbrall, F.S. 145 E 23rd 51. New York, N.Y. 10010 Dixon, A.H. 894 3701 KIrby Houston. Tx 77006 Efurd, D.G. Box 8752 St. LOUIS, Mo 63102 Elzey, F.S. 2524 Ulla St. San FranCISco. Ca 94116 Flald, R.H., Jr. 3016 Green Acres Rd. Metalfle. La. 70003 Fltulmmona, F.P. 3604 Gingerbread Alexandria. La. 71301 Fleming, J.W., II 1730 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. WashIngton, D.C. 20036
Foltz, E.J. Campbell Place Camden, N J 08101 Forrest, D.A. PO BOK 804 Athens. Tn 37303 Foater, J.T. 6210 N 59th Ave Glendale. Az 85301 Fraley, F.A. 1816 Frano<lln Avenue las Vegas. Nv 89104 Fulbright, J.W. 1215 Senate QlIlce Bldg Washington. D,C 20005 Garner, C.E. ColVin Road Gates Mills. Qh 44040 Glrratt, R.S., Jr_ 919 Fl. Worth Natl. Bk. Bldg Fort Wonh, Tx. 76102 Glttle, F.S. 806 Main St. Houston, Tx 77002 Glover, W.O. Guaranty Bank & Trust AtlantiC City. N.J. 08404 Gibson, M.L. Hdq 8th US Army SJA APO San FranCISCO. Ca. 96301 Haley, Y.L. 720 5, Highland 51. Arlington. Va. 22204 Hall, R.H. 11 JeHerson Village Holts Summit. Mo. 65043 Hamm, H.D. 510 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills. Ca. 90210 Hlrpar, G. Su 1100, 105 Montgomery St San FranCISCO. Ca. 94104 Hart, R.l., Jr. Hq Signal Group 22 APO New York. N.Y. 09086 Haya, B. 314 Second 51. S.E. W::l!'ihlnglon 0 C 20003 Hendrick, M_. Jr. 610 Oil & Gas BUIlding Midland. Tx 79701 Han-.on, P.F. PrOVIdence Sq .•Apt. 7 Charlotte, N. C. 38211 Herglt, P. 971 Trenton Way Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626 Harman, O.M. 706 Cleve Tusc Bldg Canton. Oh, 44702 HitchcOCk, R.B. 991-3 Payne Ave St Paul. Mn 55101 HOlrster, J.K. 1122 Denny Bldg Seallie. Wa. 98021 Holland, W.R. C/O Dombnco. Inc. 10 Allen 51. Hanover. N H. 03755 Hollla, C.G. 1010 Pine 51 St LoUIS. Mo. 63101 Hom, M.E. 1610 Two Turtle Creek Village Dallas. Tx. 75219 Huff, W.S. 200 W. 14th Ave. Denver. Co. 80204
Hurley, J.B. 10208 Bershlre Rd. MmneapollS, Mn. 55437
McCI.llan, J.l.
S.arcy, J.C.
Senate 011. Bldg. Washington. D.C. 20510
Box 3128 Houston, Tx. 77001
Hyden, J.W.
McCI.rnon, F.H.
Shuplk, R.A.
80 Toppmg Circle Williamsburg. Va 23185
P.O. Box 1601 Springfield. Mo. 65805
Jackson, E.F. Box 10
McCulough, J.S.
355 Frenchtown Rd. Bridgeport, CI. 06606 Sllughter, L.A. 10223 Chatterlon Houston. Tx. 77043
Des Momes. lao 50301 Johnson, M.P. PO BOll 1050 MiamI. FI. 33148
Box 1906 Palm Sprmgs, Ca. 92262
McNulty, N.A.
Smith, R.M.
8818 Hawthorne lane laurel. Md. 20810
607 FairView RIchardson. Tx. 75080
Johnlon, D.L.
Minton, D.l.
Stewart, V.C.
509 Wyncresl Manchester, Mo. 63011 Johnson, J.E. JUdICIal Bldg -U. 01 Nev Reno. Nv 89507 Jon •• , R.R. 110 W Meade Lebanon. Tn. 37087 Jon•• , 8,B. PO Box 25\ 1 Jackson, Ms 39207 Jon•• , D.M. 600 $. 4th. Apt. 706 Louisville. Ky. 40203
6469 Frenchmens Dr Alexandria. Va. 22312
Rt. 1. Box 36 CaStleberry. AI. 36432
Mochary, M.
Strecker, T.A.
60 Underclill MontclaIr. N.J. 07042 Montgomery, D.O., Jr. 3131 1st Nail. Bk. Bldg. Dallas. Tx. 75202
2146 A Barcillf Springfield. Ms. 65802
Stubbl.field, C.R.
Munday, J.L.
Taylor, J., Jr.
321 Enchanted Dr. VICksburg. Ms. 39180
11181 Estrada Or. Apt. St. loUiS. Mo. 63138 Taylor, R.G., II 1100 Esperson Bldg. Houston. Tx. 77002
Neely, T.A. 1200 Hamilton Bldg. Wichita Falls. Tx. 76301
5476 Cork hill Dr. Dayton, Oh. 45424
Jordon, V.E., Jr.
Nel.on, S.R.
Trotter, V.W.
55 East 52nd New York, N.Y. 10022
2901 Karen Terrace ManhaHan. Ks. 66502 Nixon, W.W., III 136 Flushing Nav. Sup. Act. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11251
6913 W. 100th Terrace Shawnee MISSion, Ks. 66212
Joyc., J.H. 2863 N.E. 26th Court Ft. Lauderdale. FI. 33306 Kelly, H.G. POBox 52790 Houston, Tx 77052
NuU, V.l. 600 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. WaShington. D.C. 20037
Tual, B.S. 1041 Stenck Bldg. Memphis, Tn. 38103
Tucker, R.W. 603 North Trenton Ruston. La. 71270 lyra, R.E. 1155 E. 60th Chicago. III. 60637
Kimberly, J.
O....rholt, H.R.
4040 Southwest Frwy Houston. Tx. 77027 King, V.J. Naval Air Station Albany. Ga 31703 KIrk, D.W. l15 E, Camp WIsdom Rd. Duncanville. lx. 75116
3414 Ramsgate Terr. Alexandria. Va. 22309
Knight, R.C.
Paul, E.F.
Warren, W.M.
7575 Grand Kansas City. Mo. 64114
4797 Gamsborough Ct. Columbus. Oh. 43220
1002 Continental life BId. Fe Worth. Tx. 76102
Parrllh, M.R.
Wallace, V.P.
4531 Que St .. N,W. Washmgton. D.C 20510
2500 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Washington. D.C. 20007
Pate, P.
Wallon, J.W.
Courthouse Poteau. Ok. 74953
P.O. Box 1067 Corvallis. Or. 97330
Kopp, G.S.
PI.rc., D.A.
Watlon, F.L., Jr.
Dept. of Jusllce WashIngton. DC 20530 L3Wl., P.K., Jr. 6064 Tammy Drive Alexandna, Va. 22310
358 E Sl. Charles Elmhurst, II. 60126
2410 Stenck Bldg Memphis. Tn. 38103
Quick, G.N.
Webb, N.
2601 VIlla Prom. Oklahoma. Ok. 73107
9826 Whitman S.W. Tacoma, Wn. 98499 Whitehead, R., Jr. Staff Judge Advocate MCB Camp Pendleton. Ca. 92055
Lewl., W.T.
Rad.r, W.S., Jr.
206 Green lake Pass MadIson. WI. 53705 Lippman, G.l. 631 N. Terrace Ml. Vernon. N.Y. 10552 LI ... ing.ton, J.T. 1401 Elm. Hunt 011 Co Dallas. Tx. 75202 Loon.y, J.W. 205 Mumford Hall U.M. Columbia. Mo. 65201
Box 211 Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701
Rawllngl, P.C.
Wiley, D.G.
3002 Navajo Circle Hattiesburg. Ms. 39404
Kaliison Tower Penthouse San AntoniO. Tx. 78212
Richardson, W.S.
William., l.
POBox 1034 Wichita. Ks. 67201 Box 1492 EI Paso. Tx. 79978
1215 Senate Office Bldg. Washington. D.C. 20510 William., E.N., Jr. Rm 349A Old Senate Office Washington. DC. 20510
Malone, C.N.
Robblnl, J.S.
Winberry, L.T.
8355 S Western Blvd. 145 Dallas. Tx 75206
1st Ave. and 58th SI. Brooklyn. N.V 11250
SJA Off Hdq V Corps APO New York. N.Y 09079
100 N Main Bldg Memphis. Tn. 38103 Ros., U.M. Box 159 Hobbs. N.M. 88240
Marten ••n, J.K.
Richardlon, C.T., Jr.
Worthen, R. 1745 Winchester Ardmore. Ok. 73401
Martin, W.A.
Sanderford, R.M.
Wright, L.R.
3204 Bela Vista Midwest CIty. Ok. 73110
195 Broadway Am. 2526B New York. N.Y. 10007
POBox 1519 CorSlcanna. Tx 75110
Matthew., J.l.
Searcy, J.C., Jr.
Wright, R.R.
PO Box 590 Taylor. Tx 76574
Box 1129 Shreveport. La. 71120
The Unlv. of Ok. College Norman. Ok. 73069
Holcomb. George V.
McCorkle. Ed W. McMillan. H.W. Needham. V. Owam
Sanders. Bobby Simmons. John W
Turner. OilS H. ASHDOWN - 71822 Bishop. Enc W. Finley. John C. Pickett. Fred E.
Drake. Evelyn I.
Box 365 Box 405 PO Box 365
898·2786 898·3147 898·2786
Box 86
Rt. 2. Box 168A
246-2466 246-4681
101 South 2nd 51. P,O. Box 479 115 Main POBox 495 Box 454
347·2592 347·2521 347·5586 347·5171 347·5231
Moody. J.H.
Box 396
Barnell Bldg 150 S. Third 51. Murphy & Arnold Bldg. 592 Bates River Dr .. Box 1462 Box 1505 4th & College 4th & College Box 358 150 Broad St Murphy & Arnold Bldg. Box 360 Box 448 P.O Box 807 4th & College 5 3rd St. P.O. Box 1505
793·2300 793·5734 793·3821 793·2234 793·2374 793·6818 793·7556 793·7556 793·3158 793·3131 793·3821 793·3821 793·5734 793·5482 793·7556 793·5734 793·6818
726 Box P.O Box Box Box P.O. P.O Box 604 Box Box
Allen. Tom Bennett. Caldwell T. Blair. H. DavId Coleman. Stanley E.
Grace. PreSIon W. Harkey. John N. Highsmith. M.F Highsmith. Samuel C. Lindsey. Dean R. LIvingston. J. Fred Murphy, W.o .. Jr. Post. Jerry C. Purtle. John T. Rutledge. David Keith Tatum, Allyn C Thomas. Roy Edward Walmsley. Bill H.
Alsobrook. Robert F.
Bnner. Fred E. Carden. C. Mel Gibson. Sam E. Hall. O. Wendell. Jr. Hardin. Robert N. Holthoff, Howard M. Lovell. John F., Jr. McCray. Ben M. Purcell, Joe RIckard, Curtis Tucker. W. Lee
Forest Lane 428 Box 285 211 606 507 Box 606 Box 606 116 N. Market 507 606
778·2328 778-2412 778-7471 77847491
776·1193 778·5874 77847491
778·2761 778·1169 778·1193 778·7491
Burrow. lloyd C .. Jr. Cameron. Anthony B. Collel!. Eugene Enl1eld. Wilham H. Garrett. L.W. GOCIO. Charles L. Hendren. J.L Kennan. W. Gary Lawrence. Ernest G .. Jr. Little. Clayton N. McCollum. Sidney H. Mixon. J.G. Reese, Floyd L. Sawyer, Stephen P. Smith. Richard H.
Williams. Ralph C. Wolfe. J.A.
Daugherty. James F. Eldndge. John 0 Fitzhugh. Thomas B. Proclor, George Smith. J. Ford
246·5858 246·5858 246·5858 246·5886 246·2468 246·2468 246·4321
Lookadoo Bldg Lookadoo Bldg Attorney at Law 316 South Sixth Box 607 929 Main 404 Clay 320 Clay St. P,O Box 276 P.O Box 174
Orr, Dan M.
Gooch. James T Lookadoo. J Hugh Jr. Mathis. TravIs
Rt. 1, Box 92
104 569 104 Box 60 Box 589 351 Box 447 447 447 Box 104 60
553 558
273·2521 855·3833 273·2521 273·2221 855·3711 273·3324 273·7711 273·5557 273·2417 27342417
273·2417 273-2417 133
273·2842 273·2521 855-3711
273-3447 855-3711
203-204 Bank Bldg Box 226 Box 89
423-2818 423-3948
Anglin. M.D Coxsey. J. Kent Jackson. H Paul
BL YTHEVILLE _ 72315 Banks. Charles A. Bradley. Gene E. Buck. C.M Burge. Dan M Burrow. Leon Caudill. John W Fendler. Oscar Gardner. James M. Harber. Everett E Hamson. A.S (Todd) Johnson. Elbert S. Mayes. J.B Partlow, H. Graham. Jr. Prevallett. Donald Reid. Richard A. Ross. Bill E. 5telnslck. James VII Sudberry. Graham Wnght. Percy A
309 309 Box Box
734-4651 734-4651
W Cedar W, Cedar 552 552
734·4060 734-4060
Box Y
302 W. Main
PO Box 777 213 Van Buren St Box 516 Box 777 303 Jackson 1412 Park Courthouse Box 777 Box 777 PO Box 516 648 California St. P.O. Box 777 P.O Box 516 P.O. Box 516 Rt. 2. Box 178 942 Lyons Lane. 5 W 317 Jackson SI., Box 428
836·5771 836-6412 836·6431 836·5771 836·5771 836·5771 836·9163 836·5771 836·5771 836·6431 836·3792 836·5771 836·8538
Box 24
Attorney at Law PO Box 422 109 Court
747-3813 747-5575
Barnes. Harry F Bramblett. Eugene Faulkner. Ralph E Gaughan. Thomas Gaughan. J.E. Gaughan. John E.. III Graves. John M Harrell. Searcy W .. Jr. Laney. Robert S Plunkett. Charles E Punfoy. Robert J Roberts. Allen P. Smead. Leonard C. Streett. J. Bruce Sireetl. Juhan 0 Warnock. John Norman Westfall. O.E.
836-6431 231-4761
72933 72029
Lee. W Moore. John B .. Jr Seno. Robert G
Bartlett. o.B. Holman. J. MarvIn Patterson. John Riden. William R. SWindell. Benny E. Taylor. Armll Woolsey. Edgar A .. Jr.
675·3301 675·2924 675·2880 675·3281
Robertson. M.H.
119 E. Main Box 504 County Courthouse PO Box 127
763·7073 763·3742 763·6891 763·8186
Petty. James G .. Jr
763·3628 763·8633 762·2692 762·2692 763·4586 763·4586 763·0077 763-8186 762·2421 763·3381
Kennell. Dan P. MacDonald. Fred Sharp, James B Sprott. James O.
763·5456 763·3413 762·2936
1100 Willow-Apt. 107 618 Indiana 1036 VII Ash 51 Box 107 Box 627 Box 201 Box 548 Box 1587 217 VII Walnut 1313 S DIVISion P,O. Box 181 Box 406 311 N. 2nd Box 107 Box 107 Box 486 115 N Second 115 North Second 211 N. Broadway
Evans. Jeptha A. Lippard. Charles R Williams. Paul X .. Jr WIlliams. Paul X
Ramos. Joseph Box Box Box PO Box P.O. Box Box P.O. Box Box Box PO. Box Box
Box 5BB Box 60
P.O Box 102 Box 588 Box 36 9 Briarwood Lane Box 585 Box 444 106 S Fulton
754·3495 754·2400 754-3495
754·6000 754·2339 754·3790
Burnett. Jim Crockett. Rober1 P.
PO Box 42 Box 359
(NL) 745-2431
CONWAY - 72032 Bradley. Rolland A, Brazil. William C. Burton. Ronald L. Clark. William M. Graddy. Larry E. Hartje. George F.. Jr. Henry. Robert W. Howard. Charles X. Jones, Guy H.. Jr. McNeil. Andre E Roberts. Russell Ross. Lanzo A StraHan. Phil Wilson. Thomas G. CORNING - 72422 Hollaway. E.L. Manatt. Scott CO TTER - 72626 Pond. Jennie F CROSSETT - 71635 Arnold. WS. Bndgforlh. Joe K. Goffin. Rtchard Earl Johnson, Robert J Meredllh. RIchard D. Rothwell, W.O. Streetman, Thomas S. Sullins. Paul SWllzer, OVid T. SWllzer, Bruce D. DANVILLE - 72833 George. C.R. Stewart, David A. Tatum, John T. DARDANELLE - 72834 Bird, David Goodier. Joe Parsley. Kenneth M. Taylor. Van S, DEQUEEN - 71832 Carlton. Gordon B. Halnen. John B. Norwood. Garnet E. DERMOTT - 71638 COlVin, G.B .. Jr, Gibson. Robert B.
Glbson. John F. DES ARC - 72040 Bayne. James J. DEVALLS BLUFF Thweatt. J.D. DEWITT - 72042
Jennings. Warren A. Pike. George E. DUMAS - 71639 Clayton. John R. Gill. Manon S. Johnson. B. Kennels EL DORADO - 71730 Alderson. Edwin B .. Jr. Anthony, Beryl F.. Jr. Baine. James E. Brooks. J.S.. Jr. Camp. Worth, Jr. Compton. Robert C.
Woods BUilding 514 W Second
857-3646 857-3104
P.O. Box 9
P.O. Drawer A Box 681 P.O. Box 948 Box 948 1000 Hickory 5t. P.O. Box 520 P.O. Drawer A P.O. Box 777 Box 777
364-2213 364-6561 364路2111 364-2111 INL) 567-8066 364-2213 567-8066 364-5161 364-5656
Box 246 Box 536 P.O. Box 578
495-2281 495-2341 495-2649
Rt. 2. Box 225 108 Quay 108 Quay Box 7
229-3334 229-3553 229-3553 229-3580
Box E 214 N. 3rd Thomas Building
584-2533 584-2566 584-3636
Courthouse P.O. Box 303 Box 217
538-5361 538-5900 538-328f.
Box 334
Box 448
117 117 P.O. P.O.
946-3567 946-3567 946-1246 946-2100
P.O. Box' 107
P.O. Box 520
Bons, WIlbur Jenkins. Claude W.
Crumpler. Claude B. DavIs, Jell Dickens, H. Derrell Gathright, Emmette Greene, Chester L. Griggs. Ronald L. Hanna. Albert R. Hams. Oren Hoggard, Jabe E. Hopper. Wililam L.
1304 Oak Street P.O. Box 1107 2231 Lee Ave. Box 24 801 Parkway Box 998 811 Parkway 1100 Harkrider Box 729
329-6984 327-4457 327-7287 329-5662 329-5623 327-7211 329-5623 329-2597 327-7211 329-5662 329-8529 327-718' 327-7221 329-5656
1939 Prince Street 1008 Front 51. Box 1432 801 Parkway
N. Adams N. Adams Box 629 Box 631
135 W. Waterman St. 135 W. Waterman S1. 135 W. Waterman S1.
382-4988 382-4988 382-4988
First Natl. Bank Bldg. 309 N. Washington Murphy Bldg. 1st Nail. Bank Bldg. 435 N. Washington 423 N. Washington 308 NBC Plaza 111 Summit Place 814 Lion OIl Bldg. P.O. Box 828 Box 1611 435 N. Washington Box 1853 Federal Bldg. Box 212 200 Jefferson Ave.
862-5565 862-7422 862-6272 863-6720 862-1323 862-3478 863-8118 862-6153 862-5801 862-6212 863-6888 862-1323 862-1602 863-1303 863-8216 862-5654
Hurley. LoUIS E. P.O Box 641 863-3276 James. Jerry G. 308 NBC Plaza 862-4743 James. Thomas P. 1115 West 6th 863-8624 Jewell. Wayne Security Bldg 863-5506 Jones. Edward P. 1st Nail Bank Bldg. 862-5565 Kassos. Anthony G. 301 N. Washington 862-6181 Landers. Michael A. 211 E, Elm 862-5433 Love. Claude E 417 West Cedar 863-4325 Mahoney. Joseph K. II 406 Armstrong 862-6464 Mahony. Emon A. 406 Armstrong 862-6464 Mahony. Michael F 406 Armstrong Bldg. 862-6404 Matheney. M.P. 314 E Elm 863路4794 Mays. Richard H. 211 East Elm 862-5433 Moody. Wallace M. 814 LIon 011 Bldg 862-4471 Nobles. James H .. Jr. 205 Armstrong Bldg. 863-6060 Nolan. Wilham C .. Jr. FIrst Natl. Bank Bldg. 862-5565 O路Connor. J.Ao, Jr 308 NBC Plaza 863-8118 Peace. R.H. 215 E. Main 863-4020 PhillIps. Norwood 100 E Church 862-5523 Polk. Joe A. 423 N Washington 862-3478 Prewett. WIlham I. 423 N. Washington 862-3478 Rowe. H.Y. 200 Jellerson Ave. 862-3826 Shackleford. John M .. Jr 100 E. Church 862-5523 Shackleford. DenniS L 100 E Church 862-5523 Snuggs. G.E. Garrett Bldg. 863-4468 Spencer. J.V.. Jr. 305 N. Washington Ave. 862-4913 Spencer. J.V .. III 305 N. Washington Ave. 862-4913 Thornton. Denver L. 435 N. Washington 862-1323 WatkinS. Jerry W. 200 Jefferson Ave. 862-1606 Wynne. William J. 308 NBC Plaza 863-8118 Yocum. Henry S.. Jr. Union County Court House 862-6464 ENG LAND - 72046 Hollaway. C.v. 512 SI. John Street 842-6281 Roberts. Navada C. Box 182 842-2221 EUDORA - 71640 Cashion. Thomas L. Box 367 355-4712 Grubbs. W.K Box 667 355-4457 Pratt. Richard L. Rt. 2. Box 50 (NL) EUREKA SPRINGS - 72632 Demel. Earl J. P.O Box 447 253-8732 Epley. LeWIS E.. Jr. P.O. Box 447 253-8732 Maberry. John O. P.O. Box 226 253-8788 FAYETTEVILLE - 72701 Atkinson. Charles W. Ozark Theater Bldg. 443-2201 Baker. Johnny B. Courthouse Annex (NL) Ball. E.J. P.O. Box 567 442-6213 Banks. Warren E.. Jr. 1109 Sunset Drive 442-462' Barnhart. Ralph C. 634 Oliver Ave. 442-8705 Box 477 Bassett. Woodson Wo, Jr. 442路7441 Bierwirth. Nicholas 225 North Gregg 521-4065 Burke. Betty J. 20 E. Center 521-1411 Burke. Thomas B. 20 E Center 521-1411 Burleson. DaVid J. P.O. Box 507 443-4391 Butt. Thomas F. P.O. Box 135 442-2051 Carnes. Charles N. Unlv of Ark. Law School 442--4621 Cash. EdWin 7000 Old WIre Rd. 443-3729 Clark. J. Steven 1933 Yates 575-5600 Crocker. J.R. 666 Sequoyah 442-6725 Cummings. L. Maupin Box 396 442-4411 DaVIS. Wylie H. U of A Law School 575-5600 DaVIS. Sidney Po, Jr. 28 South College 442-7441 DaVIS. Erwin L. Box 4128 521-4890 Dickson. James F. Box 1048 442-8233 Douglas. Hal C. P.O Box 0 442-5209 Duvall. Ruud L. 334 N. College Ave. 521-1371 Estes. Peter G. 64 E, Mountain 521-4444 Gallman. James W. PO. Box 567 442-6213 Gibson. Mahlon G. 1949 Yates Ave. 442-9864 Gileiman. Morton U of A Law School 575-5600 Greenhaw. Leonard F. P.O. Box 4276 442-2562 Hale. James R. American Legion Bldg. 442-6141 Halpern, Gerard 1635 Hotz Dr. 442-4077 20 E. Mountain Hanks. Charles E. 521-5510 Box 1225 442-2981 Henry. M. MOrriSS Henry. Ann R. 204 S. East Box 1225 442-2981 Hlpp. Richard Box 30 521-5510 Horne. DaVid B. Box 599 442-4621
Hotz. Hartman Jameson. Paul Jones, LewIs D. Kincaid. Hugh R. Kirkpatrick. Fred C Kirkpatrick. Terry R Lellar, Robert A Lmeberger. John R Malone. David R Martm. Festus H .. Jr. Mayes. Bob I. McAllIster. AD. Jr McCord. James N .. IV Meriwether. Edward B. Miller. James F. Myers. William G Niblock. Walter A. Odom. Bob Osborne. RIchard P. Pearson. C. Thomas, Jr Putman. W B Robmson, JF Rudko. Frances H. Scharlau. C. E. Segers, Joseph W .. Jr. Smith. Truman H .. Jr. Spies. Frederk K. Stewart. Charles W Storey, William A. Stuart. Rupert A. Taylor. C. Odell Trammell, A. Trumbo, C. Bass Wade. Clifton Wade, Lynn F. Wells. Richard A. White, Esther M. Williams, Charles N. Wmg, Glen Wommack. R.L. Woodruff. Ronald G. Wnght. Tilden P.. III Yancey. Truman E. FORDYCE - 71742 Phillips. Ronnie A. Sparks. Thomas E. Trussell. L. Weems Wynne. Frank W. Wynne. Thomas 0 .. Jr FORREST CITY - 72335 Bndgforth. O.R. Butler. E.J. Cannon, Carroll C Hargraves. O.H. H1Cky, Philip Jones, LOUIS B .. Jr. Kmney. Knox B Long. Fletcher. Jr Mann. John W. McCulloch, Richard B. Morledge. W. Frank Norton. N.M. Sharpe. Harold Wilkinson, Henry FORT SMITH - 72901 Barry. Ben T. Beasley. Charles A .. Jr. Bedwell. Edward E. Bethell. Edgar E. Blatt, Robert S. Booth. Frank W. Bowers. D.S. Bryan. Lem C. Callaway, Donald P. Canfield, Jerry L. Christian. Eddie N. Cloar. Robert R. Cloninger, L. Coffman. Eldon F.
30 E. Spring PO. Box 4277 Box 4215 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. 1840 N. Leverett 12C 215 Cravens Bldg. 1717 W. Center Box 4128 P.O Box 1004 Box 567 Box 388 20 1 2 East Ctr. 690 Crescent S1. 1445 Cardwell 201 Ozark Theater Bldg. 764 Stone P.O. 80x 818 P.O. 80x 182 112 S E. Ave. 36 East Center 19 E. Mountain St PO Box 4151 P.O. Box 341 Box 1288 Box 4215 112 South East U of A Law School Drawer 1167 64 East Mountam St. 36 East Center 108 1/2 W. Center 405 Admin. Bldg. U of A 31 E. Center 20 East Center 20 East Center Box 1063 Box 624 112 South East Ave. Box 333 Box 4128 36 E. Center Box 477 P.O. Box 1224
44248301 442-4642 443-4313 442-4621 521·3187 443·4522 443·3585 521.4890 442-8233 442-6213 443-5731 521-1411 521-6733 442-6473 442-2951 442·6219 521-5510 521-5510 521-2181 521-4300 521-6702 442-4672
909 W. 4th. Box 781 P.O. Box 547 P,O. Box 688 300 Mam 300 Mam
352-7105 352-3138 352-2468 352-2958 352-2958
618 East Cross P.O Box 830 112 S. Izard Box 486 P.O. Box 830 Box 930 Box 486 Box 924 Box 390 Box 1053 Box 924 Box 998 Box 924 Box 429
633·3310 633-4611 633·3264 633-2350 633·4611 633-4611 633·2350 633-3141 633·1522 633-1522 633·3141 633·4525 633·3141 633-4567
22 North 7th Street Box 7 22 N. 7th 615 North B St. Courthouse Central Mall Box 756 Box 1745 615 North B St. Merchants Nat!. Bank Bldg. 602 1st Federal Bldg. 3017 Free Ferry Rd. Sebastian County Courthouse Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg.
783-6164 783-4319 783-Q476 782-7911 783-8976 452-4946 783-Q213 783-1197 782-7911 782-0361 789-9147 782-0308 783-0261 782-0361
(NLI 521·7750 4434313 521·7000 575·2000 442·7602 521-4444 521·7130 442·7572 443-5401 442-4621 521-1411 521-1411 521-4440 442-5373 521-4800 443-2255 521-4890 521·4300 442-7441 443-4011
Core, Ben
Merchants Nat!
Dally. John S. Dally. Thomas A. Dawson, Robert T. Delung. Gerald L. Dobbs. G. Byron Dougherty. Robert P. Douglas. Troy R. Evans. J.H. EVitts. Les
Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. P.O Drawer 968 214 North Sixth PO Box 285 2300 S 461h 416 Merchants Nat!, Bank POBox 1626 505 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Bank Bldg
FitZhugh. John H. Foltz. Harry A. Garner, Charles A. Garner. Charles R.. Jr. Gean. Roy R.. Jr. Gean. Paul B. Gilbreath. E.C. Gllker. James A. Giuffre. Paul L. Graves. Hubert E.
Merchants Nat! Bank Bldg. Merchants Nat! Bank Bldg. 3017 Free rerry 3017 Free Ferry 1st Federal BUilding 1st Federal Bu ddlng Merchants Nail. Bank Bldg Box 3365 214 North Sixth 54 S. 61h
Hardin, P.H. HargiS. Ed Harper. Thomas Harper. Tom. Jr. Hams. C. Wayne Hayes. Lillard C. Hornberger. Robert E. Hubbard, DaVid T. Jesson, Bradley D. Johnson. Robert E. Jones. Robert L.. III Jones. Robert L.. Jr. Karr. Charles Kimbrough. Warren O. Kincannon. Barry D. Kizer. Bernice L. Klock. G, EdWin Langston. James L. Langston. Don Leamons. S.A. Ledbetter. Charles R. Looper, J.D. Martin, Richard L. Maurras. S. Walton McCord. Larry R. Metcalf. Ronald W. Miller. John E. Moore. Patnck N. Mosley. W.B. Nans!. V.J. Paddock. Ben L. Parker. Douglas W. Pearce. Owen C Pruitt. Jerry D. Pryor. Thomas B. Ragon. Heartslll Randall. L.E. Riddle. E.A Robertson. Thomas E, Jr. Robinson. H. Clay Rotenberry. Burl C. Roy. E.T. Ryan. Dorsey M. Sexton. Sam. Jr. Sharum. Stephen M. Shaw. Bruce H. Shaw. Frank R. Shaw. RIchard B. Shaw. J. Michael Shoffey. James E. Smith. Douglas 0 .. Jr. Smith. Don A. Smith. W!llard C .. Jr. Spears. Jim Stocks. William M. Swan. Hugo. Jr. Taylor. Phillip Jack Taylor. R.C.
Drawer 968 783-6188 3600 Kinkead 783·7460 Kelley BUilding 782-1001 POBox 43 782-1001 214 N Sixth S1. 782-6043 214 N Sixth St 782-6043 212 Merchants Natl. Bank 782·7294 P.O. Box 285 782-9162 Drawer 968 783-6188 P.O Box 1524 783-5125 412 Merchants Natl. Bank 782-7203 412 Merchants Natl. Bank 782-7203 Courthouse 783-8976 2600 S. 461h 782-3035 19 Court St. 783-8328 2714 Barry 783-5353 2500 S. M 783-6918 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. 782-5452 54 S. Sixth St. 785-2326 P.O. Box 248 646-3865 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. 782-7294 1222 Rogers 646-7082 505 1st Nail. Bank Bldg. 782-4028 Box 43 782-1001 104 N. 13th S1. 782-8813 416 Merchants Bank 783-8080 P.O. Box 1525 783-7045 214 N. 6th 782-6043 509 Rogers Ave. 782·3053 541 Greenwood N. 782-2958 214 Norlh Sixth 182-6043 19 Court S1. 782-1072 104 North 13th 782-8813 2008 Knoxville 64647419 PO. Box 285 782-9162 783-1107 17 N Sixth Sta. A. Box 3009 782-3232 U S Post Office & Court 783-5168 615 N. B 782-7911 104 N 13th St 782-8813 104 N. 13th 782-8813 Box 1623 783·7045 214 N. 6th 782-6043 Box 1526 782-8958 (NL) 39 Haven Dnve Merchants Nail. Bank Bldg. 782-7294 22 N. Seventh 783-6164 Merchants Nail. Bank Bldg. 782-7294 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. 782-7294 P.O. Box 669 782-6627 214 North 6th 782-6043 Box 43 782-1001 Box 1095 782-6043 646-1738 P.O. Box '526 614 First Federal Bldg. 783-5105 3015 Free Ferry 783-3109 615 North B 452-2670 214 North Sixth 782-6043
782-0361 782-0361 782-Q361 783-6188 782-6043 782-9162 783-2254 783-8080 782-6043 782-4028 783-1197 783-5031 782-0308 782-Q308 783-1124 783-1124 782-7203 783-3109 782-6043 452-1429
Thompson. William P Vater. Robert W. Wade. Rodney C Warner. C, Randolph. Jr West. James E Westmoreland. David T Wilder. Franklin Wolle. Paul Wood. J Sam Woods, John P Wooten. GAlan Wright. WIlham G GARFIELD - 72732 BemIs. Harold S GENTRY - 72734 Kirby. LC GLENWOOD - 71943 Clay. PhIlip M Stiles. E Dall GREENBRIER - 72058
Matthews. J Chic GREEN FOREST - 72638 GIlbert. Sam H GREENWOOD - 72936 Walter. WIlham P GREERS FERRY -
15 Court Street Box 411 241 Central Mall 214 N 6th St Merchants NatIonal BanK 405 Merchants Natl Bank POBox 1143 2112 Valley Lane 506 1st Nail. BanK Bldg 4630 Free Ferry Box 43 PO Box 968
785-2869 782-4028 452路4946 782-6043 782-lJ361 785-1313 783-2041 782-1419 783-2066 782-lJ361 782-1001 783-6188
RI. 1 Box 25C
Box 57
Box 1421 P.O Box 1421
356-2330 356-2336
PO Box 13
P,O Box 325
Box 32
Harrod. Dave W. GURDON - 71743 Jackson. John H. HAMBURG - 71646 Barker. James M. Jr. Hamilton. Herman L.. Jr. HAMPTON - 71744 Medley. William C. HARDY _ 72542 Harper. Lloyd T HARRISBURG - 72432 Collier. L.K Henry. John R. Maddox. Edward S. Tiner. Lohnes T Van Ausdall. Rice L.
HARRISO N - 72601 Adams. Donald J Baker, Roy L.. Jr Berryhill. W Wade Campbell. Gene C Cummins. Robert W Fillon. Garvin Gardner. Buford M.. Jr Ledbetter. Thomas D Logan. Roger V.. Jr McCorklndale. Robert W Meadows. Phillip E Murray. Woody Reeves. Ken R PInson JD Walker WillIam S Wnght. Ernie E HARTFORD - 72938 Dalmul. Pete S HAZ EN _ 72064 Screeton. Jerry J. HEBER SPRINGS - 72543 Blackburn. CE Irwin. MIchael E. McSpadden. Carl B Olmstead. Earl N. Reed. F Leon Thomas. Hoyt HELENA - 72342 Anderson. John L. Anderson, J. Douglas Asher, Gerald E. Coates. Austin M
Attorney at Law
115 South First
212 E Lincoln Box 71
853-5414 853-5461
SullIVan Bldg.
411 Box Box 400 Box
578-5914 578-2422 578-2332 578-5403 578-2332
Court SI. 906 566 N Court 566
Box 249 HIllcrest Ave PO Box 58 Box 729 PO Box 744 Box 249 Box 807 Box 637 PO Box 58 218 E. RIdge Box 249 Box 88 PO Box 1111 HUOson Bldg 218 E Rldge Box 307
365-6114 365-8087 365-6164 365-3448 365-3080 365-6114 365-6166 365-6127 365-6164 365-3448 365-6114 365-3469 365-5340 365-6966 365-3448 365-5734
PO Box 592
Prairie County Bank Bldg
105 405 Box Box 105 405
362-3135 362-5871 362-3125 362-3125 362-3135 362-5871
North 6th West Searcy St 129 129 North 6th W Searcy
Box 561 312 Elm Street P.O. Box 352 727 Cherry
338-7409 338-7409 338-6731 338-7781
Dmnlng. WG . Jr 538 Rlghtor Epes. S Wooten. Jr Helena Nail Bank Bldg. Frankel. Arthur G. Jr 203 Helena Bank Bldg Galloway. Raymond F 417 Rlghtor S! Miller. Sharon B PO Box 376 Raff. A Eugene. Jr 417 Rlghtor St Ridenour. Garland Q SOD Walnut Roscop!. Charles B Box 551 Solomon. DavId 215 Cherry HOPE _ 71801 Crow Floyd C 314 S MalO Street Graves. Albert Citizens Natl Bank Bldg Graves. Albert. Jr CIllzens Nail Bani( Bld9 Graves. John Aobert PO Box 458 Gunter. JH Jr PO Box 591 Field. Talbot. Jr PO Box 572 Patterson. Larry S Box 276 Pilkinton. James H P.O Box 583 Pilkinton. James H. Jr POBox 583 Sparks. W.M AI. 4. Sunset Dr Weisenberger. Royce Courthouse Wilson. John L Box 591 HORATIO - 71842 Brown. D.F Box 317 HORSESHOE BEND - 72536 Brown. Paul C Box 188
Dunaway. Forrest E.. Jr
HOT SPRINGS - 71901 Adamson. W. Tillar Anderson. Sam L. Arman. R Keith Bosson. Paul R. Bntt. Henry M. Callahan. George M Campbell. Robert S Campbell. J.R. Chesnutt. James W. Clardy, Floyd. III Cook. Harry Eo, Jr Cook. Elbert Dobbs. P.E. Evans, Virgil Farrar. Clayton P Gibbs. Gary R Glover. R Juhan Green. WillIam W Harctraves. Robert Snow Hobbs. Richard W Hogue. Paul J Hurst. Q Byrum Johns. Regma L. Lane. Earl J. LewIs. M.C .. Jr. LongmOtll. LouIs J .. III Matthews. Eugene A. Jr. McCraw. Dan McGregor. R Mitchell. Wilham A Muse. Richard S Newton. R. Lee Panerson. Eudox E. Parkerson. John W Pullen. Donald C. Rasmussen. Sigun Ridgeway. Robert D. Rothman. Michael G Sanders. J E Schnlpper. Don M Slagle. RIchard L Smith. Ray S.. Jr. Smitherman. Edward T Spitzer. Eddie Thomas, Jesse B. ThraSh. E.Mo, Jr Walbert. Thomas D. White, Charles R
POBox 188
338-6598 338-3438 338-7797 338-6731 338-3272 338-6731 338-6448 338-3438 338-7427 777-2866 777-2391 777-2391 777-2391 777-8621 777-3411 777-5100 777-2428 777-2428 777-5220 777-4544 777-2721 (NL)
Hurst Bldg 624-3891 455 W. Grand Ave. 624-5731 623 Central Ave. 623-3356 809 West Grand Ave. 624-5474 Garland County Courthouse 624-4112 600 W Grand 623-4441 407 Ark, Natl. Bank Bldg 624.1611 133 Magnolia 623-4372 Garland County Courthouse 624-2321 226 Woodbine 624-5404 600 W Grand 623-4441 219 Mockingbird Lane 525-2960 400 Dell St 623-8966 309 Sherwood Dr 623-4441 600 W Grand 623-4441 809 W Grand 624-5474 303 1st Federal Bldg 623-7191 809 W Grand 624-5471 600 Grand 623-4441 Thompson Building 623-6666 800 Whittington Ave 623-5251 201 Woodbine 623-2565 1003 2nd St 624-5404 623 Central Ave. 623-3356 226 Woodbine 624-5404 Thompson Bldg 623-6666 Ark, Nat!, Bank Bldg 623-2593 274 Hazel 624-5771 100 Britt Lane 525-8044 226 Woodbine 624-5404 623 Central Ave 623-3356 PO Box 1114 623-8426 600 W Grand 623-4401 303 151 Fed Bldg 624-5404 623 Central Ave 623-3356 800 Whllllngton 623-5251 127 Hawthorne Ave. 623-3862 226 Woodbine 624-5404 303 1st Federal Bldg 623-7191 123 Market 624-1252 503 1st Natl Bank 623-2593 123 Market 624-1252 455 West Grand 624-5731 201 Woodbine 623-2565 201 Woodbine 624-2242 619-C Central 623-4455 Box 1060 525-2966 123 Markel 624-1252
Ark. Natl. Bank Bldg Box 9
Woollon. Richard H Wulfsohn. Leo HUNTSVILLE -
309 W Mam 309 W Main
982-6556 982-6556
200 N Second 1204 John Harden Dr 309 W Main 309 W Main
982-3135 982-2090 982-6556 982-6556
738-6817 738-2410
P.O Box 1245 316 S Church Box 1306 Box 1423 728 W Manhews 505 Citizens Bank Bldg 502 CUlzens Bank Bldg P.O. Box 1245 Box 549 Box 1346 McAdams Trust Bldg Box 1253 P.O. Box 4092 P.O Box 500 McAdams Trust Bldg. PO Box 1245 PO Box 1346 McAdams Trust BUilding P.O. Box 1233 P.O. Box 1245 Box 1346 Box 1346 McCourtney Bldg. 605 Madison 605 Madison Box 1423 Box 1090 403 CllIzens Bank Bldg C,tlzens Bank Bldg McAdams Trust Bldg McAdams Trust Bldg Box 1306 P.O. Box 1245 McAdams Trust Building Box 1426 211 W Jefferson Box 267 P,O, Box 1245 Box 515 P,O Box 1253 Box 1346 316 S Church McAdams TruSI Bldg P,O Box 1346 Box 1274 Box 1253 P.O Box 248 P.O Box 1245 Box 1245
932-6694 935-5845 832-7449 935-5847 932-3536 932-3710 932-3710 932-6694 935-5845 932-8357 935-0640 932-8115 932-8115 932-3599 932-1162 932-6694 935-3730 932-1120 935-3730 932-6694 932-8357 932-8357 932-8115 932-3566 932-3566 935-5847 932-6603 932-4522 932-4522 932-7449 932-7449 932-7449 932-6694 935-9000 932-1655 932-3071
932-2671 932-6694 935-2106 932-8115 932-8357 935-0120 935-9000 932-8357 932-7701 932-8115 935-5573 932-6694 932-6694
Wmdsor. Richard L
Box 78
Mills. Wilbur 0 Mills. William P LAKE VILLAG E -
Attorney at law
266-3989 (NL)
5 South Cokley Box 744 103 Main Box 391 105 Main
265-5308 265-2205 265-2235 265-5775 265-2525
P.O. Box 108
BurnSIde. Ohmer C .. Jr Drew. William H Gillison. DaVid F. Jr Holloway. Bdl R Warfield. Carneal 72941
Llewellyn, James M.. Jr.
Barrett, Joe C Bartels. Anthony W Boling. Larry B Boone. Joe C. Jr Boothe. Carson Bradley. Douglas Coleman. Jon R Deacon. J.C Du pwe. Warren Frierson. Charles. III Gordon. Joseph D.. Jr Hamson. Hugh W.. Jr Henry. Troy L Howard. Wilham B. Hunter, SCOII Ishmael. Randall W Johnson. Gary E. KIeffer. Marvin L. Lady. Frank LandiS. DaVid Langley. Stanley A. Laser. DaVid N McCourtney. Bon McDaniel. James E McDaniel. Bobby Mooney. Charles M. Moser. James C Parker. 01an. Jr Pearson, Gerald E. Penix. Btll PenIx. Manan F. Pemx. Roy Reasoner. Slephen M Seay. Dona Id F Shell. Terry L Sloan. Frank Sloan. Eugene Smllh. Berl Smith. Jesse M Smith. Richard S.. Jr Snellgrove. J. Frank. Jr Stallcup. Jim W Templeton. Howard W Walker, G D Ward. Malcom Webster. Wilson F Westbrooke. Edward L Jr Wheatley. Archer Womack. Tom D
Box 666 Box 539 Box 7 72076
Balton. Robert Dougherty. William Penn Malllngly. Lesly W Olson. DaIsy Rice. Ben E Wilson. Mike
CirCUit Court - Courthouse
Mosby. John S LEWISVILLE -
Albertson. Van H Cam. Howard G.. Jr Hall. WQ
939-2337 623-2593
71 B45
Atkins. Joe F.. Jr P,O Box 236 921-4272 Corbin. Donald l Box C 921-4262 Box 669 Magee. WlIlIam F. 921-5134 222 Maple Robinson. G. Pat 921-4347 Robinson. Patsy A 222 Maple 921-4347 Searcy. A.L .. Jr 1st Nallonal Bank Bldg 921-4620 Shirey. Arthur M .. Jr PO Box 336 921-4345 LITTLE ROCK (lIp Codes 72201 thru 72209) Acchlone. Julius C 111 W 12th 375-3307 308 Pulaskt ely Courthouse 562-8729 Achor. John W 100 Cambridge Place 374-6497 Adams. Arnold M Adkisson. RIchard B 409 Courthouse 375-2403 PO Box 2635 376-8267 Allen. R. Ben Donaghey Bldg 372-6175 Amsler. Guy. Jr 4301 Kenyon 663-4814 Amsler. Guy Anderson. Overton S 1100 Boyle Bldg 376-2011 375-6483 Anderson. Philip S 2200 Worthen Bldg Anderson. Harold E. Jr Apt 90. 801 S Rodney Prhm.376-3423 2200 Worthen Bank Bldg. 375-6483 Allen. H William Arnold. Ben F 10th Floor Union Life 374-3774 Atkins. James W Justice Bldg Atkisson. VlrglOia G. 721 West Second 374-6120 Avance. J. Drew 200 Cherokee CIrcle 225-3387 Babb, D. MelVin. Sr 4015 West CapItol Ave. 663-6346 602 Union Life Bldg. Bailey. R. Eugene 374-5511 Baker. Charles W. 115 E. Capitol Ave. 375-2388 Barber. A.L. 1426 Donaghey Bldg. 372-6175 Baribeau. Donald L 5424 Drexal 562-5078 211 Spring St Barket, Gary P. 372-4144 Barner, W. Christopher 825 Pyramid Lile Bldg. 376-3151 211 Spring Barron. John W., Jr. 372-4144 Bartell. Daniel E Box 1471 378-7350 Bass. Ellen A. PO. Box 3684 375-3619 Bell. Joe D. 1100 Boyle Bldg 376-2011 Bell. Harvey L. 211 Natl. Invest life Bldg. 376-4731 700 W. Capllol Belew. Johnny M. 666-6045 Benham. Paul B.. til 1100 Boyle BUilding 376-2011 Bentley. Wilbur C. (Dub) Courthouse 375-9143 Bilheimer. John M 622 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-3758 BHnback. B. 4801 Fourche Dam PIke 372-5054 617 Pyramid Life Bldg. Blackmon. Shelby R. 374-7411 Blair. William L. PO Box 1681 225-6836 Bloom. Rudolph l Box 3778 225-1631 Union Nat! Plaza Bogard. DaVid 375-9941 Box 791 Bonner. Thomas J 376-6641 Bonner. Carl 14 Huntington Place (NL) Boswell. Ted 1500 Union Nail Plaza 376-2981 Commerclf:t1 N"II Bk Bowen. William H 376-2011 Bowers. M. Drew 610-300 Spring Bldg 375-1810 Bowen. W.P 217 W 15th St 375-5835 319 Fausett Plaza Bradley. Brooks 664-1021 Brady. W.B. First Pyramid Life Ins. Co 375-9811 Bramhall. Thomas M. Tower BUlldlOg 176-0366 Bratton. Sam I.. Jr. Law Clerk. Justice BUIlding 372-5643 721 Pyramid life Bldg 376-2269 Brewer. Garry L Brewer. Silas H. Jr 2101 Main 376-6355 Briscoe. E.D .. Jr 17 Edgehlll Or. 663-7698 Brockmann. Robert G. Worthen Bank路Trust Dept 378-1231 Brodie. Ralph G 1023 Kavanaugh Apt B 666-8969 16 Cobble Hill Ad Brooks. Elizabeth M 225-8636 Brown. Lyle Justice BulldlOg 375-8414 Brown. Charles A Nail Investors life Bldg. 374-7582 Brown. Jewel Pulaski County Courthouse Brown. Robert L. Governor's Ollice 371-2133 Browne. Jack 1516 West 10th 376-9737 Brown, Robert J 608 Bryan 664-1870 Brunson. Auth H 400 West Markham ?75-6444 376-4531 Bryant. James M .. 11 1501 Tower Bldg 375-9947 300 Spflng Bldg. Am. 401 Buffalo. Joseph l .. Jr. Bullard. C. Douglas. Jr. Worthen Bldg 664-7552 Bufford. Dan F. 1500 Union Nail Plaza 374-9292 BUllion. Bruce T. 1330 Tower Bldg 372-3428 Bumpers. Dale L. State Capitol 663-8411 Burks. Larry W. Boyle BUilding 6th Floor Worthen Bk. Bldg 376-2011 Burrow. Lawrence B.
Burton. Marton B Butler. RIchard C Butler. RIchard C .. Jr Buttry. James A Buzbee. John R Byrne. RIchard J Cabe. Robert 0 Calhoon. Ken F Calhoun. John C Calaway. RIchard B Calhotle. Clyde 0 CampbelL George E Capps. Paul D. Carlson. Steve N Carmichael. L.M Carpenter. Claude. Jr. Carroll. Phillip Carter. William N. Castleberry. Ken H. Castleman. B Michael Catlett. Leon B. Cearley. Robert M .. Jr Cherry. J W Cherry. John S.. Jr Choate. Stephen Chown Ing. Frank E. Chowning. Robert Chrtstlan. James B .. Jr. Chrtsty. Ted A. Church. Beresford L. Jr Clark. BIll S Clark. James C. Clark. WlIham M Clay. W. Dane Cobb. Osro Cobb. John COCkrtll, Ashley Cockrtll. Howard H. Cockrill. Rogers Corn. John P. Cotham. E. Ralph. Jr. Cox. Frank H Craig. WillIam H. Crank. Robert H Crockett. C Richard Cruse. Michael l Cullum. Edward L. Cullum. Edward L.. Jr Curdle. Don N. Dabbs. Wilham M. Dabbs. Sid C. Dan. James Eo, Jr. Darrow. Bert N. DaVidson. CD. DaVidson. Walter W. DavIs. Jeff. Jr. DavIs. Oscar E.. Jr. DIllon. E.B .. Jr. Dillahunty. W.H. Dixon. Philip E. Dodrill. LouIs A. Donovan. Thomas Frank Dougan. Charles R. Dover. Darrell D. Dowell. James N. DownIe. Thomas E Down Ie. Robert C. Drummond. Winslow Duckett. James M. Dunaway. Edwin E. Dyke, J.T. Earl. Charles H. Echols. John C. EdmIston. Mary Eilen Eichenbaum, E. Charles Eiseman, Byron M .. Jr. Eisele, Thomas G
420 Tower Bldg Box 1331 Box 624 1100 Boyle Bldg 1004. 300 Spring Bldg 311 E Capitol Ave 2200 Worthen Bldg 20th Floor Worthen Bank UnIon Life Bldg Ark Supreme Court 1 Monica Drtve 720 West 3rd 1004·300 Spring Bldg 7575 Cantrell Rd 7 Quapaw Towers 5·A 1515 West Seventh 51. 720 W. 3rd 1920 Union Nallonal Plaza P.O. Box 4505 6602 Baseline Rd. PyramId LIfe Bldg 370 Tower Bldg New Federal Bldg Donaghey BUIlding Worthen Bank Boyle BulldlOg 312 West CapitOl 115 E. Capitol 808 N. Cleveland 825 Pyramid Life Bldg. Boyle Bldg. 1100 Boyle Bldg. 18 Edgehlll Rd 720 W. ThIrd 1360 Tower Bldg. 2170 Worthen Bank Bldg 201 Pyramid Life Bldg. 201 Pyramid LIfe Bldg Pros. Atty. Off. PO Box 3622 Box 4408 PyramId LIfe Bldg 210 S. State 1511 N. Hughes 1501 Tower Bldg 328 P.O & Federal Bldg 309 State 309 State 51. Police & Courts Bldg Tower BUIlding 1295 Tower Bldg 1501 Tower Bldg. 1433 Donaghey Bldg. 217 Natl. Investors life Nail Investors Life Bldg. 1004 Pyramid Life Bldg. 1100 Boyle Bldg. 1550 Tower Bldg. 9710 CatSkill Rd. 1550 Tower BuildlOg 3000 Maryland Ave 10300 Rodney Parham 213 W. 2nd SI. 1550 Tower Bldg 38 Pamela Dr Tower Bldg. 810 Tower BUildIng 2200 Worthen Bldg 9704 Overby Court Tower Bldg. 309 Center 1117 Worthen Bank Bldg 1100 Boyle Bldg Federal Bldg. 1500 Tower BUilding 1100 Boyle Building Box 3684
375·3236 378·3258 374·9370
376·20' , 375·9905 375·1281 375-6843 372·3466 376·387' 375·913' 376·3418 666·7946 374·9052 375·5566 375·913' 376·7261 227-4312 566·' 168 375-8283 372·5411 378·5766 372-6175 376-055' 375·73'5 376·3811 375·2388 663·2'88 376·3'5' 376·20" 376·2011 666·7092 375·913' 372·7167 374·558' 376·298' 376·298' 664-4302 375·3296 562·7600 374-6047 376·3377 375·9'43 376-4531 378·5248 376·2747 376·2747 374·1234 376·3275 376·3275 376-453' 372·'054 562·3384 376-473' 372·5411 376·2011 375·9151 378·5342 375·9'51 666·2082 (NLI
375·9151 225-8067 374·1229 374·'229 375-6483 225·3714 374·1229 376·2921 375·329' 376·2011 (NLJ
376·4531 376·2011 372-4361
Eldredge. William A.. Jr ElliS. George 0 Epley. MIchael G Eubanks. Gary L Faubus, Jerry W Faulkner. Robert W Fields. Branch T FIles. Jack D. FlOCh. Roy. Jr. FItZhugh. J Michael Fleetwood. Glenn Fogleman. John A Fooks. Robert H Forrester. K.J Forster. John F.. Jr Foster. Kent R. Foster. Wayne Foster. VlOcent W.. Jr Foster M.E. Frank. Ben J Freeland. Byron Fnday. Herschel H. Jr Fussell. Robert F Garrett. Dean Garvin. D.W. Gannaway. James B Gates. VIrginia R Geister. J.F. Gelzlne. Joseph W Gentry. U.A. Gill. John P. Giroir. C.J .. Jr. Gltchet. W. Dent Givens. Art Glasgow. Roger A. Glaze, Thomas A. Glover. GIlbert LOUIS. II GodWin. M.A. Goodloe. A.T .. II GoodWin. Perry C .. Jr Goodnch. W.R. Gould. J. Galbraith Goza. Ralph C. Graham. Thomas N Gray. James A. Greenbaum. Dave Greene. Omar F Gregory. H. Walt. III Gunter. Joe T. Guthndge. AmlS Hadden. Charles A. Hadfield. O. Don. Jr. Halbrook. W. Marcus Hale. Eugene B.. Jr. Hale. Michael E. Haley. John H. Hall. Harold L. Halt. John W. Jr.
HamIlton. Don J. HamIlton. James P Hamilton. W.P. Hamner. Ralph C Hanf. Auyle W. Hanshaw. Lance L. Hardin. L.A Hardy. Ben A. Hams. Carleton Hams. Ora Fred. Jr Hamson. Fred H. Haskins. John T Haught. WIlliam D. Haynes. Lloyd R Hays. M. Steele Helms. A.L.. Jr. Henderson. E. DeMatt Hendncks. Lowber, Jr
Boyle Bldg 825 Pyramid Life Bldg 2517 Kavanaugh 1550 UnIon Natl. Plaz", 714 Prospect Bid POBox 1958 617 Wallace Bldg 1550 UnlOn Nail Plaza Suite 600-1515 W 7th 6310 Asher. Apt 519 7511 "N Street JustIce BUlldmg 2101 S, Tyler 2519 Montreal Dr 4305 N Lookout 315 State CapItOl 410 W Third 720 W Third 11122 Eden Lane 600 UnIverSity Tower Bldg 1119 Worthen Bank Bldg Boyle BUlldmg U.s Attorney Office 1690 UOlon Nat! Plaza 317 Fausett Plaza 1433 Donaghey Blcg 715 Boyle Bldg Donaghey Bldg 825 Pyramid Life Bldg 211 Nat!. Invest Bldg Pyramid LIfe BUilding 720 West ThIrd St 370 Tower Bldg.
'004·300 Spring Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg 1120 Worthen Bank Bldg. 3 lamont 6 RIding Road 622 Pyramid llle Bldg 7th And High St 39 Tallyho Lane 6725 Kavanaugh PI. Arkansas Supreme Court 2110 Biscayne Dr 700 Union Life Bldg JustIce Bldg 210 State 720 W Third 1207 Rebsamen Pk. Rd 517 Pyramid Life Bldg First National Bank Bldg. Pyramid Life Bldg 315 State CapitOl 617 S. MISSISSIPPi 1426 Donaghey Bldg. Union Natl. Bldg. PulaskI County Courthouse 12920 Southndge Dr Tower BUlldmg 1410 Barber SI. 1200 Boyle 2714 N. PIerce SI 117 MaIO 1433 Donaghey Bldg Hall Bldg. 6314 Greenwood Aoad Justice BUlldmg 1414 High 801 Tower Bldg. Union Nail Plaza 2200 Worthen Bank Bldg. 1523 Broadway 821 Pyramid Life Bldg. 21 Colony Rd. Pyramid Life Buildmg 205 Natl. Invest, ltle Bldg
376·3151 663·1418 372-0266 664-8550 378-6107 376·328' 375-8069 375·5566 562-8435 666·1074 372·5643 663·3045 225· 1137 666·'401 664·42'9 372-4639 375·913' 225·5358 664·4224 374·0112 376·2011 372·436' 374·2238 663·3478 372·1054 374-6262 376·3151 376-4731 376·3'5' 375·9'31 374-4801 376·3418 375-6843 374·2400 565-6294 225·1303 374·3758 (NL)
225-4210 666-0742 758·5111 (NL)
376-8373 (NL)
376-3377 375·913' (NL)
374-6'07 227-0092 372-4'41 375·9905 374·7222 372·6'75 375·9941 372-4885 375·9143 375·9'51 (NL)
375·73'5 376·3871 375-8288 372·1054 372·2'75 666-0500 372·23'5 374·1229 374·2238 375-6483 374·7458 376·3151 565-6806 375·8283 375·9901
Hendrick. David R 400 West Markham Henley. J. Smith Federal Bldg. 1426 Donaghey Bldg. Henry. Robert L. 1021 Pyramid Life Bldg. Henry. DavId P 1275 Tower Bldg. Henslee. WIlliam E. 711 W. Third St. Hodge. William H. Central Flying ServIce Holbert. RIchard N. Hollingsworth. Cyril E.. Jr. 211 Natl. Investors life 1100 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Hollingsworth. P.A. Tower BUilding Holmes. Wllhs H. 402 Courthouse Holt, Jack Justice Bldg. Holt. J. Frank 602 Union Life Bldg. Holt. Jack. Jr. 615·300 Spring Bldg. Holtzendorfl, Frances D. Hopkins. R. Howard 4920 Club Road 807 W. Third Hoover. Paul W.. Jr. 211 Natl. Investors Life Horne. Allan W. 12tO Tower BUilding Houston. Gaines N. 8415 Cantrell House. A.F. Exchange Bldg. Howard, J. Roy 211 Spring St. Howell, Max 211 Spring St. Howell. F.J .. Jr. 720 W. Third SI. Hubbell. Webster L. Box 6030 Huckabay, Michael D. Justice Bu ddlng HUle. C.R. 1550 Union Natl. Bldg. Hurley, Ruby E. 11 Meldla Hylton, Wesley W. 309 Center Irby. Freeman B. 1520 Broadway lsch. W.K. 1100 Boyle Bldg. Ivester. Hermann Box 2900 Izard. C.E .. Jr. 1550 Tower Building Jack. Don T., Jr. Pyramid Life Building Jackson, Jerry D. Union NatL Plaza Jackson. Cliff 1800 E. Roosevelt Rd. Jackson. BT. 807 W. Third Jacobs. John H. 2124 Wolfe Jacobs. Patricia D. Pyramid Life Bldg. Jacoway. Cooper 11326 Shenandoah Valley Jans. Fred C., Jr. 1426 Donaghey BUilding Jefferson. Gary 2200 Worthen Bldg. Jennings, .Alston Justice Bldg. Jennings, Alston, Jr. Pulaski County Courthouse Jermgan. John T. ~ox 3003 JernIgan. George 0 .. Jr. 1550 Tower Bldg. Jewell. W.H. 2200 Worthen Bank Johnson. James A.. Jr. 601 Union Life Building Johnson, James D. 2050 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Johnson, John L. 6227-B Asher Ave. Johnson. Paul 720 W. ThIrd St. Johnston, J. Richard JIJstlce Building Jones. J. Fred 2nd & Gaines Jones. Kenneth 720 W. Third Jones. W. Wilson Donaghey BUilding Jones, Glenn W., Jr. 622 Pyramid Life Bldg. Kaplan, Philip E. 403 E. 14th St. Karpoff. George G. P.O. Box 3691 Kelly. William 0 .• Jr. 5423 Maryland Ave. Kelly. WIlliam T. Pyramid Life Bldg. Kemp. Joseph C. Box 2261 Keys. T.B. 205 Natl. Investors Life Kldd. J.L. 1111 W. Capitol King. Donald K. 111 W. 12th King. Harold L County Courthouse Kirby. William L. Ku blcek. C. James 1400 Old Forge. NO.1 702 Kumpe, Peter G. Kumpe, Roy F. Lamb. Theodore L. Lance, James W. Lavey. John T. Langston. John W. Langston. Carl Larrison, James H., Jr. Larzelere. Henry T.. Jr. Laser. Sam Laster. R.W. Leatherman. Leland F.
Box 3684 2811 Fair Park Blvd. 1410 Barber SI. 1010-300 Spring Bldg. 721 Pyramid Life Bldg. 202 Natl. Investors Bldg. 202 Natl. Investors L1fe 2101 S. Main 1100 Boyle Bldg. 1500 Union NatL Plaza 300 Spring Bldg. 711 W. Third
375-6444 372-4361 372-6175 372-7243 372-2118 376-3021 375-3245 376-4731 374-3758 375-9151
375-7214 372-3009
374·5511 374-9995 (NLI 375-9952 376-4731 375-4685 225-3577 375-2339 372-4144
3724144 375-9131 376-6355 375-7001 372-0266 (NL) 376-2921 376-3423 376-2011 663-0050 375-9151 376-3151 375-9941 374-6332 375-9952 372-3148 225-8618 372-6175 375-6483 376-3871 372-3892 374-7389 375-9151 375-6483 372-6711 376-0551 562-7541 375-9131
372·4271 376-6321 375-9131 372-6175 374-3758 375-2624 376-3197 663-7409 372-7243 375-9901 375-9901 372-7168 375-3307 375-2403 227-4756 666-8792 664-7100 375-6474 376-9544 376-2269 374-6203 374-8203 376-6355 376-2011 376-2981 375-9909 376-3021
Ledbetter, CalVin A.. Jr. Leggett, Thomas P. Lemay. Ronald T. Leslie. Robert B. Lessenberry. Jack L. Lester. Edward LewIs. WilliS V. LewIs. R. DaVid Light. Robert V. Light, Jerry T. Lincoln. Charles J. Linder. A. James Lindsey. A. Lindsey, Robert S. Lofton. John M.. Jr. Lofton, Floyd J. Lorenzo. Thelma M. Love. Boyce R. Lovett. Tom S.. Jr Lovett. Tom F. Lowe, Chester C.. Jr. Lowry, Robert C. Lucy, Gladys M. Lueken, Milton R. Lusk. George E.. Jr. Lyford, Robert M Lyon, Philip K. Marshall. Terrell Marshall, Joseph Martin, Philip A. Marlin. John H. Martin. Ward Mathews, Terry L. Mathis, LewIs H. Mathews, Edward C. Matthews. Kay L. Matthews. GallO. Matthews. Charles D. May, Ronald Mayes. S. Hubert Mayes. S. Hubert, Jr. Mayer, T.H. Mays. Richard L. Mazzanti. Eugene J. Mazzanti, Jerry E. McAdams. H.H .. II McAdams. Hall H.. III McArthur, William C. McCaskill, Austin McCain. Lloyd B. McCloy. Clifford. Jr McCright. LewIs R. McDermoll. Donald McDermott. Harry E.. Jr. McFaddin, Ed F. McGehee. Abner McHaney. EdWin L.. Jr. McHaney. James M. McHenry, Robert M .. Jr. McKnight. Woodrow B. McMath. Philip H. McMath. Sidney S. McMinn. Benjamin C. Means. Henry N., III Measler, Mary Meek, Harry E. Mehaffy, Pat Mehlburger. Max C. Miller, W.S., Jr. Milts. Ronald C. Mitchell. W.S .. Jr. Mitchell. H. Maurice Mitchell. John H.. Jr. Monroe, Thomas Arc Moody. James M. Moore, James W. Moore, H. Clay Moore. Boyce F.
3230 Ozark 120 Cambridge Place 1111 W. Capitol 217 Natl. Investors Life 807 W. Third Sh. 2000 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Second & Arch SIs. 1200 W. Park Ste. 301 1100 Boyle Building 1100 Boyle BUilding 1550 Tower Bldg. 11th Fir. Worthen Bk. Supreme Court Library 2200 Worthen Bldg. 1255 Tower Blda. 300 Spring Bldg.
8207 West 46th Boyle BUIlding 807 W. Third St. 1955 Union Plaza 1004 Pyramid Life Bldg. Boyte Bldg. 2624 North Grant Attorney Generals Office 2200 Worthen Bldg. 315 State Capitol Bldg. 1550 Tower Building Pyramid Life Bldg. Pyramid Life Bldg. 205 Slate Capitol Bldg. 501 Exchange Bldg. Evergreen Place 2200 Worthen Bldg. 1100 Boyle Bldg.
10820 Birchwood 1101 Union Life Bldg. Rector Bldg. 1200 Worthen Bank Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bldg. 807 W. Third
807 W. Third 1122 Gala Valley Dr. 622 Pyramid life Bldg. 505 U'1lon Life Bldg. 505 Union Life Bldg. Box 1541 Union Natl. Plaza 300 Spring Bldg. Donaghey Bldg. Box 2900 410 Arkla Plaza 7123 W. Markham Federal Bldg. Union Life Bldg. 2 Lombardy Lane 201 Pyramid Life Bldg. Unton Life Bldg. Union life Bldg. 1550 Tower BUilding 4942 W. Markham 71 t W. Third Street 711 W. ThIrd P.O. Box 2438 218 Colonial Ct. 611 Spruce SI. 819 N. Ash
3001 Federal BUilding 1060 Tower Bldg. 1500 Tower BUldllng 617 Pyramid Life Bldg. Boyle Bldg.
821 Pyramid Life Bldg. Box 2981 5723 Hawthorne 2200 Worthen Bldg. Boyle BUilding 1500 Union National Plaza P.O. Box 3668
663-2100 376-2011 372-7168 374-7582 375-0777 375-2301 375-4671 664-0818 376-2011 376-2011 375-g151 376-1768
374-2512 375-6483 374-5096 376-3377 565-2661 376-2011 375-9952 375-9151 372-5411 375-7315 664-3396 376-3871 375-6483 (NL) 375-9151 372-7069 372-7069 371-1571 (NL) 375-9901 375-6483 376-2011 227-0571 376-6363 376-1985 372-2121 375-6483 375-9952 375-9952 225-4846 374-3758 374-0202 374-0202 378-4268 378-4269 375-5566 372-6175 666-7920
372-6241 663-2066 378-5571 376-3774 663-4803 376-2981 372-3468 372-3466 375-9151 663-2803 376-3021 376-3021 372-5007 (NLI 663-1610 663-0949 372-5452 376-0353 376-4531 (NL) 375-7315 376-3151 758-3131 371-1325 375-6483 376-2011 376-2981 (NLI
Moore. Dewey, Jr. Moran. Pat MOrris. Raymond R Moss. Michael E. Munson. Lee Murry, Ike Murphy. James W. Murray. Walter A. Nance. Donald W. Nash. Wilham Neighbors. Robert L. Nelson, E. Sheffleld Newth. Fred A. Northcutt. Herrn Nunn. Robinson S. Nussbaum. Alan J. O'DanleL Gene O'Hara. James F. Orlntas, Richard J. Orr. William S., III OrsIni. David A. Osterloh, Henry J. Overbey, Tom Overton, William R. Owen, William L. Owen. Charles e. Owen. Wayne W. Packard, CurtiS V. Panlch, D.O. Pate, James A. Pate. Helen M. Patten, Gerland P. Patty, Clalbourne W. Patty, Clalbourne W., Jr Patton, William L., Jr. Pearson, Hazel B. Pence. B. Jeff, Jr. Pence. Richard M. Penick. Edward M. Penick. James H. Pike. George E.. Jr. Pitts, James T. Plastlras, George N. Plegg. John B. Powell. David M. Price. Stanley E. Price. N. Dale Probst, M.J. Pryor, DavId Pugh, Charles J. Purtle, John I. Ragsdale, Philip W. Raines. John W. Rather. Gordon S .. Jr. Ray. Middleton P., Jr. Rea. William C. Rebsamen, Don R. Reed. Murray O. Remmel, Augustus C. Reynolds, Andrew J. Rhodes. James R., III Rhodes, Willie E. Rhodes. Joe Rice. James H.. Jr. Richardson. A. Haynes RiddiCk, Walter G. Rlflel. RiddIck Riggs. Steve L. Roberts, Taylor R. Robinson. Robert L" Jr. Robinson. Sam Rogers, Robert L.. 111 Rogers, R.E.. Jr. Rose. John M. Rosen. LOUIS Ross, Robert O. Rosteck. LOUIS W. ROWland, Ben D.• Jr.
Plaza Towers Apt. 7K 1516 W. Tenth Street Boyle Bldg. 2050 Worthen Bank 7323 Fairway Dr 1960 Union Nail. Plaza 400 West Markham Jusllce Building 32 Westmount Circle 720 W. Third 1500 UnIon Natl. Plaza 11210 Shenandoah Valley Union Life Bldg. P.O. Box 2981 2901 HIgh Street 1523 S. Broadway U.S. Altys. OffIce Pulaski Cty. et. House 714 Prospect Bldg. 1st Natl. Bank Federal Bldg. SUite 501-300 Spring Bldg. 211 Spring Street 2200 Worthen Bldg. Union Life Bldg. 1720 Tower Bldg. Union Life Bldg. 35 Belmont Dr. Hall BUilding Box 2433 P.O. Box 2433 Natl. Investors Life Bldg. 610 Pyramid Life Bldg. Box 1541 1100 Boyle Building 11 Sun Valley 602 Union Life Bldg. P.O. Box 1229 Worthen Bank Bldg. Worthen Bank Bldg. 1100 Boyle Bldg. NatlOnal Investor Life Bd. 211 Natl. Investors Life 1004 Pyramid Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bldg. 720 W. Third 211 Spring 115 E. Capitol Ave. 1102 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 7504 N Street 300 Spring 400 Union LIfe Bldg.
306 W. 7th 2200 Worthen Bldg. 3116 Federal Bldg. 801 Tower Bldg. Justice Bldg.-WCe County Courthouse 5144 Cantrell Rd. 2913 Imperial Or. 1690 Union Natl. Plaza 1600 Spring SI .. Apt. 7 7201 Mabelvale Pike P.O. Box 1471 1200 N. Mellon 301 McMillen Trl. PyramId Life BUilding 1550 Tower Bldg. 1104 Worthen Bank Bldg. 1550 Tower Bldg.
401 ARKLA Bldg. Box 5133H 13900 Cooper Orbit Cove 924 Cumberland St., Apt. G
P.O. Box 3686 300 Spring Bldg .. Rm. 401 1101 Union life Building 300 Spring
375·9947 372-3171
376·0551 375·9143 374-6453 375-6444
376·3871 565·4536 375·9131 376·2981 372·6241 374·2716 225·1587 376·2166 376·3953 378·5342 INLI 664-8550 378·7301 378·5452 376· 1895 372-4144
375·6483 374-3774
372·5431 374·3774 563·2423 374-8723 376·3281 376·2758 374·7582 372·2219 378-4229 376·2011 225·2592 374-5511
378·5345 378·1414 378·1515 376·2011 376·4731 376-4731 372-5411
375-6483 375·9131 372·4144
375·2388 376-4797 666·9009 376·1985 376·3757 374·7436 375-6483 225·5635 376.0366 355·5371 374·1815 663·8703 225-6422 374·2238 375·9730 565· 1291 378·7301 666-8486 378·5348 372·7243 375·9151 376-6747 375·9151 372-6241 663·4619 225·9295 376-6490 372·3151 375·9947 374·7442 375·3384
Rule. Herbert e. Ryan, Donald S. Safly: Stephen E Sarver, C. Robert Saxon. David P. Schmidt. Paul A. Scott. Leonard L. SCOIt, Bob Scott. Issac A .. Jr. SelIg. John S. Shamburger. John K. Sharp. Jacob. Jr. Sherman. William F. Shults, Robert Sims. M. Jack Sloan, James L. Sloan, Ralph M .. Jr. Smith. G. Ross Smllh. George Rose SmJlh. Griffin. Jr. Smith. James H. Smith. Kirby, III SmIth, LeWIS D. Smith, Robert 0 .. 111 Smith, William J. Sowell. Ernest H. Spears. Jim B. Spltzberg. Henry E Spradley, J. Mark Stockley. Griffin J. StOll. Kenneth F. Storey, James O. Storey. OtiS H .. III Stroud, Robert D. Stubblefield H.B. Suggs. Kenneth E. Sullivan, John L. Sutton. William H. Sykes, A. Gene Tackett, Virginia Talley, Neva B. Tarlowskl. Louis Tenney, A. Leigh Terry. William L. Thomas. Jack C. Thomas. Lindsay C. Thompson. Michael G. Thornton, Ray H. Thurman. John B. Townsend, Willis Townsend. Wallace Trimble, Thomas C .. Jr. Trimble. N. Walls Tucker, Jim Guy Tuohey. John T. Upton, Wayne Ursery. Frederick S. Walker. William J. Walker, John W. Wallace, James R. Walther, Glenn F. Wallon. Gus 8 .. Jr. Ward, John C. Ward, John R. Warndof, John H. Warren, Eugene R. Watson, John Dewey Watts, Louis I. Weber, Harlan A. Webster. Warren H. West. Ella B. West, Donald J. Whetstone, Bernard P. Whetstone, Bud B. Whitbeck, Frank Whitmore. Perry V. Wilkins, James H.. Jr. Williams, Carl E.
720 West 3rd 205 Natl. Investors Life 312 PyramId Ufe Bldg 420 Tower Building 1100 Falrpark Blvd .. Apt. 49 505 Union Life Bldg. 1500 Tower Building 420 Tower Bldg.
2200 Worthen Bldg. 305 1515 West 7th 300 Spring Bldg .. Am. 401 1500 Union Natl. Plaza 5425 Cenlerwood 2000 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 701 Union Life Bldg. 400 Union Life Bldg. Worthen Bank Box 1681 1100 Boyle BUilding Justice BUlldrng 1955 UnIon Natl. Plaza 809 West 2nd Justice BUilding (Atty. Gen.) Justice Bldg. Gen Office 930 Tower Bldg. Boyle BUlldmg 224 W 16th 400 West Markham 825 Pyramid Life Bldg 211 Natl. Investors Life 1520 Broadway Box 1229 2200 Worthen Bldg. Box 1229 5906 Hawthrone Worthen Bank Bldg. 12th FI. 305 1515 BUilding
5128 B. 51.
375·9131 375·9901 376·1361 375·3236 666·9087 374-0202
376·4531 375·3236 375·6483 371-1011
375·9947 376·2981 372·3148 375·2301 374·9992 376·3757 378·1353 376·201 I 372·0230 376-6291 227 ·5400 376·3871 376·3871 374·8265 376·2011 375·7676 375-6444
376·3151 376·4731 376·3423 378·5442 375-6483 378·5342 666·6285 372·2121 371-1011
663-4772 1100 Boyle Bldg. 376·2011 PyramId Life Bldg. 372·7243 Box 2261 569·2000 722 W. Markham 372·2756 914 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374·5172 P.O. Box 88 374·1572 1100 Boyle Bldg. 376·201 I P.O. Box 1681 378·1242 200 Union Life Bldg. 375·9187 Boyle BUilding 376·2011 115 Adkins Bldg. 535·7750 312 Pyramid life Bldg. 376·1361 Commercial Natl. Bank Bldg. 375·7375 3 Longfellow Place 663·5668 1550 Tower BUilding 375·9151 602 Union Life Bldg. 374·5511 Jusl1ce Bldg. 376·3871 720 West Third SI. 375·9131 46 Nobvlew Circle 225·2121 Boyle Bldg. 376·2011 410 W. Thud 376·2382 622 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374·3758 11th Floor Worthen 375·7321 1501 Tower Building 376·4531 2200 Worthen Bldg. 375-6483 1695 Union Natl. Plaza 374·2238 P.O. Box 2011 INLI Ark. Dept. of Labor 371·1401 300 Tower Bldg. 374·9292 1100 Boyle Bldg. 376·20" 904 West 2nd 371·1450 504 Rector Bldg. 376·1985 700 West Capitol 378·5429 4719 N. Lookout 375·1442 300 Spring Bldg., Suite 401 375·9947 400 Tower BUilding 376·3564 400 Tower Bldg. 376·3564 374·3791 American Foundation Life 372·7243 1021 Pyramid Life Bldg. 720 West Third 375·9131 310 Spring SI. 372·1857
WIlliams. John T Williams. EJ Williams. Richard A Williams. WJ,. Jr WIlliamson. Imogene M Willtamson. J Gaslon Wills. Frank J Wilson. Philip M. WIlson. Ralph R Wilson. William R Windle. Donald R Windsor. J, Gayle. Jr Will. Dave E Wood. Warren E Woods. Henry Woods, Daniel Woodyard. Wilham H Woolfolk. Asa Jean Wools. Russell J Wnght. Edward L Wnght. Edward L.. Jr Yancy. Dorothy Young. Onn M Young. Jack Young. Eltzabelh G LONOKE -
2200 Worthen Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bldg. 207 Donaghey Bldg 720 W. Third Pyramid Llle Bldg 2815 Clrclewood Ad 1500 Union Nail Plaza 711 West Third 775 Tower Bldg Tower Bldg Pyramid Life Bldg Courthouse 711 West Third Box 1676 400·18 University Tower Amencan Foundation Lite 1109 N. Cleveland 2200 Worthen Bldg 2200 Worthen Bldg Exchange Bldg 1101 Union Life Bldg Union Nail Plaza 18 E. Palisades Dr
376·2011 372·4117 375-6483 375-6483 372·1586 375·9131 372·2219 376·3871 376-2981 375-6453 562-8438 372-4208 374-6449 374-5686 376·3021 225-4810 371·1414 374·3791 666-6349 375-6483 375-6483 355·2339
374·7442 375·9941 664-2627
Hass. WIlham R
Box 701 Box 157 Box 157 Box 86 P,O. Box 86 Drawer A Box 701 Drawer A Box 727 Drawer A Box 727 Box 842 Box 727
234·6100 234·1692 234-1692 234·1036 234·1036 234·3550 234-6100 234-3550 234-4727 234·3550 234-4727 234·157' 234·4727
726 E Page Pht::dps Bldg 209 S Main 315 W Third 112 W Second 130 W Second 132 W Second 130 W Second PO Box 548 205 S Main 315 W Third
332-5052 332·3663 332·5531 332-6371 332-5081 332-5541 337-7542 332-5541 337·7542 332-5244 332-6371
Box 497
SUite 1. 8 S Poplar Box 646 Box 646 PO. Box 287 100 Gerrard Bldg POBox 287 PO Box 419 Box 646
295-3434 295·3434 295·3434 295·3478 295·5233 295·3478 295·5230 295·3434
PO. Box 631
Cannan St
104 Edmonds
Stafford, Fred H. 72650
Patterson, Jerry D. 72101
LeWIS. Fletcher C
Peacock. Joe N. McGEHEE _
119 E. Second
Drawer 850 211 N 2nd 211 N 2nd
222-3662 222·3456 222-3456
P D Box 246 AltOrney·AI-Law
368-4317 (NL)
P.O. Box 8970
394·2830 394-4262
Ferguson, GIbbs Smith. Ja:Tles N. Smith. Robert M. MELBOURNE - 72556 Dellinger, L. Gray
Wiley. W.G. MENA -71953
Emerson, James D. Hardegree. Joe H Looney. Jerry W Maddox. J. DaVid Shaw. Nabors Shaw, Robert L. Stoker, James 0 MONTICELLO Ball. Wilham K. BIrd. Samuel N.
509 Hickory 408 Seventh Sireel 507 Hickory P.O Box 27 PO Box 27 Philpot Bldg
394-3244 394-4262 394·106' 394·1061
Box Box 328 P.D P.D Box
Bond, Clifton E. Ross. James A. Ross. James A., Jr. Williamson. Adrian
507 507
367-6288 367-6288 367·5368 376·5351 376·5351 367-6288
499 499 N. West 558 558 558 558 S. Chestnut S. Chestnut 357
354-3650 354-3650 354-2345 354-0125 354-0125 354-0125 354-0125 354·354' 354·3541 354-3668
E. Shelton Ave. Box 209 Box 209
Camblano. G. Joe Cree. William J., Jr. Eddy, Charles C. Eddy. Charles H. Gordon, Allen Gordon. Edward. Jr. Gordon. Nalhan Loh. Phillip H., III Massey. Edmund M. Rowell, Felver A., Jr.
Box Box 801 Box Box Box Box 108 108 Box
Carney. Leo J. Cram. John A. Danuser. Roy E. Engeler. Gordon F., Jr. Huckaba. Frank J., Jr. Johnson. James C Luttrell. D. Drew Osmon. DaVid L. Pendergrass. 0.0 Poynter. Terry M. Sanders. Ted H. Wnght, Nell P. MT. IDA -
Daggett. Jesse B Daggett, J,mason J Daggett. W,H Donovan. Robert J. Felton. Daniel H. III Ray, Carrold E Smith, RD. Jr Vandover James R
12824 Coulter 10102 Stardust Trail
Bryan!. J Winston Cole. James C Epperson. Wendell 0 FraZIer. Bob Gilliam. Wilham C Glover. DaVid M Glover. Dorsey 0 Glover, Lawson E Glover, William H McCoy. Joe W Stanley. Fenton
(NL) 676·2337 (NL) 676-6586 676-2325
Anderson. E.M. Chambers. MelVin T Chambers. Rodney T Chandler. Larry W. Choate. Richard L Clegg. Oliver M Crumpler. Paul C Eckert. William A. Jennings. Bill F Keith. EdWin B Kinard. MIke M Thomason, W Byron Woodward. Joe 0 MALVERN -
P.O. Box 206 Attorney At Law Box 185 110 S. Center 101 1 2 W Front
Couller. Warren Lowery. Robert L.
703·300 Spnng Bldg
Burnet!. James 0 Clark. Elizabeth G Jackson. Fletcher McCrary. W,.W. Jr Walls, Charles A.. Jr
1100 Boyle BUilding
511 S. Main 509 S. Main 510 S. Baker Seventh & South 123
7th Box Box 511 123 7th 512
E. 7th & South 447 370 Main St. E, Seventh and South Sts. S. Baker
425·3419 425·2134 425·2121 425·2126 425·2196 425-3139 425-2134 425·2196 423·3419 425·2196 425·2126 425-3010
Ford. Gayle K
Box 221
312 Third Avenue Courthouse Square
285-2861 285-4011
PO Box 39 Box 216 Box 58 Box 362
645·1828 645-4138 845·1870 845·1870
Bethea. Monroe l.
P.D Box 623
Bengel. Wesley H.
223 Ash
(NL) 523·3928 523·3626 523-6751 523·3626 523-6791 523·3601 523·3677 523·6791 523-6791 523·3677 523·2312 523-6751 523-6751 523·3420 523·3677 523-6751
Featherston. Jimmy L. Hrle. Lindell NASHVILLE -
Steel. Steel. Steel. Steel.
Robert Don George E. George E.. Jr.
BOWie. Max 0 110 Main Boyce. Wayne 209 Walnut 110 Main Boyce. Sam H Carlyle. Gerald W. Box 338 Copeland. P,l. 120 Hazel Street Hartsheld, Larry J. 600 Third Hodges. Kaneaster. Jr. 307 Main St. Hodges. DaVid A. 307 MaIO SI. Houl. Phillip D. 600 3rd Street Lamb, Robert B. 3rd and Hazel 209 Walnut St. McLarty, James A .. III 209 Walnut Pickens, Fred M.. Jr. Ponder, Andrew G. CIrCUli Judge 600 3rd Street Thaxton. Marvin D. 209 Walnut Watson. Tim F. NORTH LITTLE ROCK (Zip Codes 72114 thru 72119)
Armstrong. William H. Berry. J Harrod BlevIns. Wilham B. Bogard. Byron R. Carpenter. Charles L. Chambers. Newbern A. Cole. Joel C. Cortinez. Robert R. Dawson, Bob Digby. Tom F. Dugan. John C. FIncher. John M. Hale. Milas H. Hale. David L. Hankins. Stuart W. Hasllngs. W.R .. Jr. Henne. Fred E. Herndon. W.M. Herrod. Edward H. Hilburn. Sam Harmon. John T. Hoofman. Clifton H. HiCks, Basil V.. Jr. Lafferty. William A. LevI. Robert O. Madden. Harold W. Martin. Howard L. McLees. Milton Meacham. Gerald E. Meredith. James C. Montgomery. Sam Morley, Dean R. Pallerson, Ralph M .. Jr. PIerce. Robert L. Rogers. JudIth Smith. C. Byron. Jr. Stone. Thomas S. Tanner. Homer Townsend. A.E. (Jack). Jr. Wallace. Larry C. Wilson. Zachary D. Zimmerman. Glenn G. OSCEOLA - 72370 Burnett. C. DaVid Cleveland. Herschel W. Hamson. Paul H. Hyatt. James E.. Jr. Levenstein. Malcolm B. Lynch. Claude E" Jr. Moore. Mitchell D. Rhodes. Joe W. SWift. Henry J. Taylor. D. Fred. Jr. Wilson. Ralph E. OZARK - 72949 Cravens. John J. Taylor. Jeta Turner. Lonnie C. Woolsey. Mark E. Yates. Jack PARAGOULD - 72450 AdaIr. William C.. Jr. Branch. Robert Brown. Gerald Cathey. Maurice Goodwin. Ray A. Gregg. John C. Hamilton. Donis B. Holland. Alfred J. LIght, Charles W. Mayes. Howard A. Rhine. L.V. Thiel. George E. Thompson. Robert F. WatkinS. John C. PARIS - 72855 Cravens, David R.
4208 Edgemere Dr. 123 West Seventh 324 Professional Bldg. P.O. Box 5572 Mallhews Bldg. 7900 Conway Hwy. Percy Machine Or. l ' 2 Professional Bldg. 110 Professional Bldg. 713 Club Rd. 208 Professional Bldg.
52'6 JFK 52'6 JFK 52'6 JFK Rt. 2. Box 343E 8607 Northgate Dr. 4817 N. Locust P.O. Box 397 Percy Machine Dr. 115 E. Broadway 2 Canyon Crt.
52'6 JFK Blvd. 321 Belmont 2900 Railroad Ave. 13 W. Avalon Dnve 1714 Main 4906 Greenway P.O. Box 387 3615 Maple St. 4100 Idlewild Ave.
753·9735 374-9932
758·3131 374-7178
374·1364 753·5333 758-3320 758-6233 758·'268 374·5687 758·1577 758·4553 758·4553 758-4553 85'-'258 835-5283 753-6391 758-1264
758·3320 376-4229 376-4229 758·4553 753·3946 758-2955 753-8487 (NL)
Box 24 7220 Pontiac P.O. Box 777 P.O. Box 5391 No.2 Violet Ct. 115 E. Broadway P.O. Box 38
753-88'9 753·72'6 374·0508 753-0490 374-25'8 758-2955 758-2955 758·3'3' 374·1027 375·9189 853·'089 374-6405 376-6751 376-4229 376-4229 758·16'0
Professional Bldg. Drawer 567 804 Union Box 336 207 MarJone South Box 541 306 W. Hale P.O. Box 386 Professional Bldg. Box 6 Box 308
563-520' 563-5252 563-6266 563-2913 563-2719 563-5759 563-5252 563-2062 563-5201 563-6553 563·6554
Box 214 Box 281 Box 197 P.O. Box 45 301 W. CommerCIal
667-2259 667-3662 667-2300 667·2'58 667·2846
P.O. Box Box 153 P.O. Box P.O. Box P.O. Box Box 726 P.O. Box Box 335 4 Happy P.O. Box P.O. Box
239-958' 239-9581 236·77'8 236·77'8 236-77'8 236-7718 236-7718 236·7711 236-7681 236-2129 236·7673 236·7526 239-958' 236-3876
510 W. 41h 2900 Rai Iroad Ave. 2900 Ra!lroad Ave. 324 ProfessIonal
4'9'/2 Maon 51.
153 726 726 726 726 Go Lucky Lane 547 123
RFD 2. Box 33 P.O. Box 153 P.O. Box 405 24 E. Main
Hixson. Raymond H. PERRYVILLE - 72126 Branscum, Herby J .. Jr. PIGGOTT - 72454 Bnnkley. Guy Knauts. Comrade W Trantham, Hugh W. Ward. Lee PINE BLUFF - 71601 Balm, Gene Balm. Kenneth B. Beard. Roy T.. III Benton. WIlliam W. Blackwell. Lawrence Box. Richard W. Brtdgforth. William C. Brockman. Edward W.. Jr. Bynum. F. Wilson. Jr. Byrd. Richard W. Cox, E. Harley. Jr. Dane. Dan DaVIS. Fred 0 .. III DaVIS, John A.. III Dawson, Lawrence E. Dickey. Jay W. Dickey. Jay W.. Jr. Drake. Ted N. Ellbott. Reginald A .. Jr. Fikes, Horace. Jr. Flowers. W. Harold Gantt. N.J .. Jr. Gibson. L.D. Gilbert, Martin G. Goldberger. Charles S. Green. J. Russell Gregory. Henry W., Jr. Gunt!. DaVid K. Hall. James L.. Jr. Harrelson. F. Daniel HarriS. Eugene S. Holmes, George N. Holmes, M. Joe Holmes, Robert H. Howard. George. Jr. Hunt. Eugene Jones. John H. Joyce, Jimmy D. Llle. John G.. III Matthews. Stephen A. Matthews. C. Wayne McClendon, L. Philip Mitchell, Michael W. Morehead. Robert F. MulliS. Bart G. Newcomb. Robert A. Owens. Edward M. Pendleton. Paul B. Ragar. Thurman A.. Jr. Ramsay. LOUIS L.. Jr. Rush. John L. Simpson. James M. Smith. Donald H. Smith, Henry W. Starling. Manon J .. Jr. Staten. Edward I. Steed. Wilton E. Strode, Joseph A. Taylor. HendriX A. Tolson. Robert J. Trafford, Winfred A. Williams. Randall L. Young, Paul B. POCAHONTAS - 72455 Berry. DenniS L. BUrriS, John A. Dudley. Robert H. King. V. James
W. Walnut
Box 587
116 249 121 Box
598-2258 598-2233 598-2218 598-3911
W. Main E. Main W. Main 341
Box 8566 Box 8566 Box 7808 1812 W. 25th Simmons Natl. Bank Bldg. P.O. Box 7222 P.O. Box 8509 Simmons NaIl. Bank Bldg. Box 6038 National Bldg.
P.O. Box 8509 Pine Bluff Arsenal Simmons Natl. Bldg.
534·294' 534·294' 534·5532 (NLj
534·0791 536-0600 534·5221 534·255' 534·6302 536·1055 534·522' (NL)
Box 5010 P.O. Box 8248 Box 7808 City Hall. 200 E. 8th Box 7673 5th Floor Natl. Bldg. Courthouse P.O. Box 7808
534·255' 534·5532 534·2071 534·6302 534-6302 534-6302 534·372' 536·6'03 535·'032 534-522' 534·372' 534-522' 534-9272 534·3743 534-6050 534·2551 534·3721 534-522' 535·4642 534·3743 534-3743 534-5532 535·'973 534.4460 535-227' 536-4639 534-522' 534·5532 535·2271 534·3721 534·5221 536·6911 534·294' 536·5954 536-6'03 534-0534 536·2555 534·5221 536·2481 536·5909 534·372' 534·4964 534-522' 534-372' 534-0874 534·5532 536·'316 535·227' 53<·3743 534-25'2 534-5532
Courthouse Box 410 P.O. Box 410 105 E. Broadway
892·3542 892-3542 892-4991 892·5288
P.O. Box 7808 1715 West 37th Box 6038
Box 6038 Box 6038 P.O. Box 5010 414 Natl. Bldg. 104 S. MUlberry
P.O. Box 8509 219 W. 5th. Box 5010
P.O. Box 8509 Box 5615 National Bldg. Simmons Natl. Bk. Bldg. 609 Simmons Bldg. P.O. Box 7222 109 Park Place Jefferson Cty. Courthouse 516 Natl. Bldg. 516 Natl. Bldg. P.O. Box 7808 Box 8249 202 Pine
Box 7673 Box 8248
P.O. Box 8509 P.O. Box 7808 Box 7673 Box 5010
P.O. Box 8509 Box 8767 Box 8566 P.O. 80x 8707 414 Natl. Bldg.
305 NaIl. 4'6 NaIl. P.O. Box P.O. Box
Bld9. Bld9. 8509 7009
311 Nallonal Bldg. P.O. Box 5010 701 West 23rd
P.O. Box 8509
King. Vernon J Riffel. J Kirby Simpson. Harrell Simpson. Harrell A .. Jr. Wilson. G. Nick PRAIRIE GROVE -
120 East Elm Drawer 662 112 East 2nd Drrlwer 662 Box 623 122 East Second Street Box 599 Box 122 Attorney at Law P.O. Box 83
846-3825 887-3536 887-2601 887-2601 887-2601 887-2707 887-2601 887-2601 595-3741 595-3566 595-3845
P.O. Box 61
Byrd. J.C.
Beshear. Sanford L.. Jr. Elrod. John W. ROGERS -
325-6832 325-6612
Box 86 915 S. 14th Place Box 33 420 W. Walnut 209 West Elm Box 193 Box 763 Box 763 P.O. Box 474
636-2161 636-4585 636-9162 636-4585 636-3050 636-1057 636-1051 636-1051 636-7522 636-1051 636-4390 636-9169 636-2500 636-2151
Box 763
208 S. Second Box 33 P.O. Box 187 Box 533
Bailey. Bob. Jr. Braden. Dale S. Bullock. Wilham R. Finley. Dale W. Gardner. Richard E.. Jr. Hardin. Robert W. Hams. John C. Irwin. Robert E. Laws. Ike Allen. Jr. Mobley. Richard Mobley. Jell Parker. Parker Priddy. R.M. Sanford. Jon R. Schulze. W.H. Shermer. Jonathan P.. Jr. Smith. WIlliam F.. Jr. Streett. Alex G. Williams. Robert H. Young. James K. SEARCV -
Box 313 P.O. Box 346
Adams. Oliver L. Boyer. Ronald L. Clinger. David S. Croxton. Hardy Duty. DavIs Geigle. Stephen A. Jennings. John E. Kelley. Eugene Kendall. Donald B. Luffman. James M. Sampler. J. Wesley Slinkard. Howard L. Williams. Claude M .. Jr. Wilson. Douglas
Box Box 313 109 116 Box
68 26 S. Boston S. Bou Ider S. Denver 413
110-500 Bld9.
Box 444 110 N. Arkansas Ave. Box 279 128 E. Main 218 E. Main 103 1/2 West Main Box 1004 208 W. Third 4th & Boston 128 East Main P.O. Drawer F. 116 South Denver 306 South Arkansas
968-2373 967-3697 968-1426 968-3470 967-5333 968-2394 968-3009 968-3595 968-1168 968-2280
968-1412 968-2812 968-2394 968-1168 968-1168 968-1426
968路1412 968-2030 967-5333 967-2536
Beebe. Mickey D. Bethune. EdWin R.. Jr. Blount. Robert L. Boyett. Comer. Jr. Cavaneau. Jerry W. Edwards. Robert Froman. Leroy Hannah. James R. Hatheld. Richard Henry. Lloyd A .. Jr. Hickman. Darrell D.. Judge Lightle. J.E.. Jr. Morgan. James L. Petty. Denny P. Pollard. Odell Taylor. Elmo
Rl. 2 313 E. Buchanan
Calvin. C. Joseph French. T.A. Upton. Verlln E.
Tedder. Cecil A .. Jr. Yingling. C.E .. Jr.
Fore. Joe M. McKenzie. Horace H. McKenzie. James H. McRae. Duncan L. Rouse. R.D. Tompkins. Charles H. Vasser. A. Glenn RECTOR -
892-5288 892-5034 892-3144 892-5034 892-4911
Giles. Roger W. Thurman. William A. PRESCOTT -
105 E Broadway Box 47 Box 11 Box 47 P.O. Box 525
310 N. Spring P.O. Box 42 500 W. Arch 405 Arch Box 36 302 West Center 103 E. Arch 310 N. Spring Box 36 405 West Arch WhIte Cty. Office Bldg. 314 N. Spring Box 806 405 Arch St. P.O. Box 36 1605 West Arch
268-8671 268-7666 268-6533 268-2404 268-3536 268-5185 268-5454 268-8671 268-3536 268-2404 268-5185 268-8671 268-2404 268-2404 268-3536 268-5568
204 N. Oak Box 211 200 N. Oak St.
942-3713 942-3762
P.O Box 508 P.O. Box 508 Box 710
P.O. Box 230 P.O. Box 117
524-4148 524-6414 524-3333 524-5421
P.O. Box 243 Drawer K
725-2311 725-5051
P.O. Box 869
751-5768 751-9626 751-9452 751-4743 751-5768 751-5768 751-5797 751-5797 751-9452 751-5560 751-5560 751-8641 751-4723 751-0444 751-5797 751-8082 751-5797 751-5797 751-5768
Calloway. J.J. Rogers. Homer T. SPRING DALE -
Blair. James B. Boyd. Jim H. Carson. Gary L. Cloer. John W. Crouch. Courtney C. Cypert. Jimmie D. DavIs. Charles Douglas. Larry D. Evans. James E. Jacoway. Thomas A. Lisle. John Ludwig. Stanley W. Mills. Rufus H. Moore. William R.. Jr. PenIx. James A.. Jr. Plowman. Norvell. Jr. Ray. Herbert L. Reed. Joe B. Reid. Leslie L. Roy. James M.. Jr. Shaw. Bobby Taylor. DaVid S. Waters. Hugh F. 71860
DavIs. Richard H.. Jr. STAR CITY -
Elrod. Russell C. Killebrew. Don J. Wasson. Field K. Woods. Powell
P.O. Box 806
Box 285 P.O. Box 336 P.O. Box 869 P.O. Box 869
120 CommercIal 120 CommerCial Box 285 409 Holcomb P.O. Box 997 1812 McRay Box 806 Box 148 P.O. Box 284 P.O. Box S P.O. Box 888 120 Commercial P.O. Box 869 Box 869
P.O. Box 869
751-5768 751-5768 756-6860 751-5768
P.O. Box 428
P.O. Box 721
P.O. Box 277
P.O. Box P.O. P.O.
673-6376 673-1811 673-1673 673-1673
Route 1 510 S. Pleasant
Carter. Odell C. STRONG -
268-8688 268-8688
Allen. J. Larry Cole. John W. Swaty. Joseph W.
310 North Spflng 407 West Arch
Durrett. Chad L. STUTTGART -
Davlss. Wilham C. Gibson. WIlliam C. Green. J.W.. Jr. Macom. Arthur R. Moorhead. William M. Pattillo. Don H. Rogers. F. Russell Smith. Malcolm R. SWEET HOME -
P.O. Box 680
9 Circle Lane Box 365 P.O. Box 349
673-2403 673-7721 673-7662
P.O. Box 408
Dickenson. H.T. TEXARKANA -
Box 123 111 Box 680 Box 680
310 Texarkana Nan. Bank Arnold. T. Hayden (NLI P.O. Box 1938 773-3187 Arnold. Richard L. 773-3187 Arnold. W.H .. III Rt. 7 Box 495M-3 Box 1938 773-3187 Arnold. Thomas S. 2303 Locust SI. 773-3187 Arnold. William H.. Jr. 507 Hickory 773-3187 Arnold. Richard S. P.O. Box 960 773-5864 Autrey. Leroy 406 Texas Avenue 774-2002 Blagg. Ralph J. 115 E. Third 773-6784 Carter. Jack E. 6 State line Plaza Conway. Charles M. 773-5651 Box 2631 774-5191 Dowd. C. Wayne 6 State Line Plaza 773-5651 Dunn. Winford L. 406 Texas Ave. 794-2561 Friedman. Errol N. 406 Texas Bldg. 794-2561 Friedman. Donald B. 603 Stale Line Plaza 774路9501 GOldman. Ted Courthouse 774-2421 Goodson. John W. Harrelson. Frederick G.. Jr. Box 2631 774-5191 Box 961 Hawkins. John C.. Jr. 792-3755 P.O. Box 961 792-3755 Hawkins. M. Idalee P.O. Box 1812 792-6974 HIli. Cahill 803 Spruce 792-8246 Hlavlnka. Victor F.
Hooper. Jim L. Howell. WIlliam H. Johnson. John C.. Jr. Kusln, Sherman A. Larey. Bert B. Lavender, G. William Lavender. Larry M. Lavender. Carman V. McClerkm. Hayes McWilliams. George L. Mlnmck. Ronnie H. Moore. John O. Newman. Thomas R. Nutter, A. Gary Oliver, Edward P. Pallon. T. Kirk Patton. Nicholas H. Peek. William L., Jr. Potter. Charles A. Potter. David J. PUrifoy, Philip B. Raffaelli. LouIs J. Roberts, WIlham B. Rochelle, Jerry A. Sanderson. Alex G.. Jr. Smith, Willis B. Smith, Norman M. Smith. WilliS B .. Jr. Stewart, Ned A .. Jr. Stroud, John F.. Jr. Tackett. Boyd Tackett. Boyd, Jr. Webb. Bedford G. Weisenberger, Royce S .. Jr. Williams, DenniS K. Wine, Charles C. Young, Damon M. TRUMANN - 72472 Webb. Kelly W. TUMBLING SHOALS - 72581 Garner. Charles W. VAN BUREN - 72956 Batchelor, Fines F.. Jr. Batchelor. Lonme Creekmore. Carl K. Edwards. Neyron D. Gantt, H. Zed Ganl. Paul D. Park. Sam H. Rogers. Floyd G. WALDRON - 72958 Goodner, Donald S. Hodge. Dewain W. Killion. Ronald G. WALNUT RIDGE - 72476 Blankenship, G. Leroy Drew, Robert A. Hilburn, Tom L. Jarboe. RIchard A. Lingo, D. Leonard Ponder, Harry L.. Jr. Rainwater, Sloan. Jr. Sloan. James F., III WinnIngham. Ronald WARREN - 71671 Claycomb. H. Murray Garner, Robert E. Haley. J.T.. Jr. Huey, Clmt Roberts. Paul K. VIttitoW. Robert C. WEST FORK - 72774 Barbour. RIchard P. WEST HELENA - 72390 Baker. James P.. Jr. Jefferies, C. Cole, Jr. Murray. Ralph C. PIUman. John M.
406 Texas Ave. 6 State Line Plaza 504 E. 4th 406 Texas Ave. Box 8001 507 Hickory Box 1168 Box 1166 6 State Line Plaza Box 1928 Box 533 Box 2631 115 E. Third 6 State Line Plaza Box 2044 P.O. Box 1928 Box 1897 P.O. Box 1928 522 Hickory 522 Hickory At. 12, Box 640 Box 961 P.O. Box 1928 700 Texarkana Natl. Bk. P.O. Box 2666 6 State Line Plaza At. 4, Box 305J 6 State Line Plaza Box 8008 8030 State Line Plaza 521 Hickory Box 2631 212 Miller Co. Crths. P.O. Box 960 8002 State Line Plaza Box 8015 Box 1897
794-256' 773-5651 773-6359 794-2561 773-5551 773-3187 772-0924 773-5549 773-5651 794-3341 793-3134 774-;;191 773-6784 773-5651 794-2711 794-3341 774-3206 794-3341 774-2283 774-2283 772-9721 792-3755 794-3341 794-3341 774-7722 773-5651 773-1841 773-5651 773-4321 773-5651 774-5191 774-5191 773-1841 773-5684 772-5511 773-3522 774-3206
P.O. Box 190
Box AA
411 Main St. Box 437 522 Main Box 414 P.O. Box 305 603 Broadway 411 Fayetteville St. Courthouse
474-637 474-6923 474-1701 474-1221 474-6562 474-9666 783-5125 474-3101
P.O. Box 567 P.O. Box 40 P.O. Box 637
637-3286 637-2960 637-2109
P.O. Box 328 115 S.W. Second Bridges Bldg. Clark Center 110 W. Walnut P.O. Box 271 115 S.W. Second Box 309 N.W. 4th & Main
886-2486 886-6644 886-3535 886-2486 886-3535 886-3535 886-6644 886-2331 886-5725
Box 191 Box 537 Box 191 101 South Myrtle MuniCIpal Bldg. Box 458
226-2681 226-5155 (NL) 226-2674 226-3818 226-2674
Box 265
113 273 Box 108
572-6777 (NL) 572-3722 572-6777
South 5th Richmond Hill 2397 South Fifth
Schlefller. Eugene L. Yates, Harvey L. WEST MEMPHIS - 72301 Allen. B. Richard Brick, Jake Brldgforth. John D. Cooper. Edwm D. DavIs. Dana R. Dodd, Doyne Durrett. Chad L.. Jr. Fairley. Lindsey J. Fleming. James E. Fogleman. Julian B. Gathings. EC. Goldstein. Bernard Hale. James C. Hale. James C., Jr. Hams. Allee Hopper. R. Dale Nance. CeCil B. Nance. CeCIl B .. Jr. Ramey, William P. Rieves. Elton A.. Jr. Rieves. Elton A., III Rogers. Joe M. Rubens, Edward J. Rubens. Kent J. Shelton. DaVid C. Skillman, Vincent E.. Jr. Sloan. Ralph W. Smith. John M. Smith, Robert L. SmIth, Arthur L.. Jr. Spears. J.H. Thomas. A. Jan. Jr. Welsburd, Everard Wood, Stephen K. WESTERN GROVE - 72685 Ramsey. Bess J. WYNNE - 72396 Boeckmann. Otto J. Ford. Robert M. Humphrey. Gordon L.. Jr. Killough. John N. Luker. James C. Proctor, Everett Proctor, Richard L.
Shaver. J.L (Bex) Shaver . .James L.. Jr. SmIth. Tom B.
318 East Bond Box 2309 Box 2309
572-2161 572-2161
Bk. of West MemphiS Fidelity Natl. Bk. Bldg. Box 830 Box 186 Box 1399 Box 186 Box 1400 Box 1190 Bank of W. MemphiS Holiday Plaza Mall 209 Fidelity NatL Bank Bank of West MemphiS Bank of W. Memph!s 220 S. Worthington P.O. Box 1477 P.O. Box 1190 Box 1190 P.O. Box 606 P.O. Box 237 P.O. Box 237 626 E. Broadway 312 N. Mlssoun 312 N. Missouri Box 237 P.O. Box 186 500 East Broadway P.O. Box 830 300 Roosevelt P.O. Box 1002 P.O. Box 768 Box 1368 315 E. Broadway P.O. Box 1190
735-1900 735-4545 735-3310 735-3001 735-3735 735-4900 735-3735 735-7220 735-3310 735-1900 735-2630 735-3863 735-1900 735-1900 735-3600 735-1542 735-3310 735-3310 735-4545 735-3420 735-3420 735-1900 735-5500 735-5500 735-3420 735-3735 735-3270 735-3001 735-2390 735-3150 735-3270 735-7700 735-3636 735-3310
Box 56
P.O. Box 786 Box 373 P.O. Box 786 Box 373 P.O. Box 366 202 Commercial. Box 468 Box 468 P.O. Box 592 P.O. Box 592-EOF P.O. Box 592
238-9322 238-2348 238-9322 238-2348 238-8588 238-3831 238-3831 238-2317 238-2317 (NL)
PARAGON Printing & Stationery Company
Service Directory
has been printing BRIEFS for over 35 years. May we be of service to you?
311 East Capitol
375-1281 Little Rock
w. 2nd St.
- Little Rock. Ark. - FR 6-3301
FAULKNER COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Robert M. McHenry, Manager • Copying and Duplicating • Title Insurance Service • Laminating Service Over 60 Years Service
• Abstracts
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Conwav. Ark.
Phone 329·2631
We care for more Arkansans than anybody. Andvve're proudof that. Blue Cross.
Blue Shield. of Arkansas
We care about people. Arkansas people. 60
The new Arkansas Ber Center provides the Twin CIties and Central Arkansas with one of the finest "Law Centers" In the Country.
As a mailer of Interest. we feel that we add something special to the Arkansas Bar Center. The most beautiful view Is from the Pulaski County Law Library'S picture windows In the new Center looking across the Arkansas River to North Lltlle Rock and the countryside beyond. We just went to let the Arkansas Lawyers know that we all are proud of their epic accomplishment In bringing the new "Law Center" to Central Arkansas.
Ii"ilrAlrn •• I.IL..!!1W
"The All Day Bank"
201 Main Street, North Little Rock, 375-5361
It is most appropriate that the Association's salute to the new A r~'fW~;,,-R the Cen ter's D ed i cotory issu ~~fullji..Ar1tJii»:~~mlii?Y~e'?'r.
We "backed" the new permanent financing 0
ngs and Loan .e "back" cover of
a construction loan and
We are lookin Foundation an
ervice to the Arkansas Bar and their members in the future ..
We congratulate Center .
the splendid new Arkansas Bar
Com~~ilth FederaL