Arkansas Times

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Anthony Fletcher, M.D. Georgetown University

Fred Meadors, M.D. Baylor College of Medicine

Ali Krisht, M.D. Emory University

Kathleen Sitarik, M.D. Duke University

Carlos Roman, M.D. Tulane University

Lowry Barnes, M.D. Harvard

John Brizzolara, M.D. University of Arkansas

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The INsIder Miscount

n Secure Arkansas’s poor arithmetic apparently will not be penalized. Jeannie Burlsworth, president of Secure Arkansas, signed an affidavit for the secretary of state saying that the group had acquired 78,211 signatures on petitions for its proposed constitutional amendment to deny benefits to illegal aliens. A total of 77,468 valid signatures were needed to place the amendment on the general election ballot. But before the validation process even got started, an accounting firm hired by Secretary of State Charlie Daniels said that only 67,542 signatures had been submitted. Some people wondered if the incorrect affidavit constituted a violation of state law. There are laws prohibiting the “knowing” misstatement of material facts, but the “knowing” part would have to be proved. Asked if Daniels planned any further action concerning the signatures and the affidavit, a spokesman said “Not at this time.”

Dicker does

n Pulaski County District 7 JP Pat Dicker, whose term ends in January, is hoping to go out with a bang, by implementing a plan she hopes will keep young people from winding up in jail. Based on a similar program in Kansas, the idea is to give at-risk youth a series of tests to identify their personal problem areas and allow officials to target those needs before they turn criminal. As Dicker envisions it, a coalition of experts from the Pulaski County sheriff’s office, UAMS, UALR, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, the Arkansas Department of Human Services and other organizations would be integral to making it work. “We’ve got to stop this cycle,” Dicker said. “We can’t keep building jails and prisons. If we can establish a way of identifying and then working with the folks that could benefit, certainly society would be the bigger benefactor.” Dicker is working with Pulaski County Community Services on the plan, trying to get her fellow Quorum Court members to agree to a feasibility study and looking for funding for the study, perhaps from the state legislature.

Pension p.s.

n Add this to the city’s funding obligations: The Little Rock Police Pension Board still wants the city to pay it $500,000 it says it owes the Little Rock Police Pension Fund for the years 1995-2005. The fund is separate from the Little Rock police and firefighter pension funded by state insurance turnback money, which has come up $587,000 short. City Manager Bruce Moore said last week the city didn’t owe the money because a statute of limitations had run, a position the board contests.


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Smart talk


Deputy bares and grins about it n AOL caught up last week with Jessie Lunderby, the 21-yearold Washington County jailer suspended from her Fayetteville job because she posed nude on in June. She told AOL she’d take it off all over again. “My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.” She has been on administrative leave since superiors began LUNDERBY: Says reviewing her moonlighting, but response has been sweet. said the experience had been a plus. It has produced some job offers, including in “small” movies and lots of support. “I’ve had women from all walks of life, singer women, crazy women, single women, mommas, all tell me they support me,” she told AOL. “Everyone’s been so sweet and awesome.”

Latino immigration pro and con n Interesting convergence of events. On July 2, Secure Arkansas submitted signatures for a constitutional amendment to discourage immigrants from coming to Arkansas by making it even harder than it already is to receive any public benefits. Backers of the amendment cited as one reason for the effort the huge increase in Latino population in Arkansas (legal and illegal). A few days later, the Winthrop Rockfeller Foundation announced a $140,000 grant to The Center for Leadership Innovation to establish leadership programs for Latinos. Sherece West, CEO of the Rockefeller Foundation, credited the state’s increasing Latino population. “By promoting the development of Latino leaders and building the capacity of Latino nonprofits, we are supporting the creation of a pipeline of effective Latino leaders and strong Latino organizations that will have a positive impact on the state of Arkansas.” Somehow, we think Secure Arkansas won’t see this as a positive.

Fun with numbers n The state of Arkansas released end-of-course test scores last week and algebra scores, a high stakes test for younger students for the first time, generally moved upward. One development worthy of note: A strong performance on algebra by students in Little Rock School District middle schools, problematic grades where many students have been lost to private schools and burgeoning charter schools, such as the rapidly expanding eStem Charter School. For example: Students in every Little Rock middle school scored as well or better than middle schoolers at eStem. The Democrat-Gazette, whose publisher is a major supporter of eStem, quickly supplied the alibi that only better students take algebra in middle school years. True. But the numbers indicate that even schools with overwhelming poor and minority populations might not be the total disasters often depicted by charter school backers and anti-LRSD opinion writers. The eStem/LRSD comparison, with the number taking the test at each school in parenthesis, and the percentage that scored proficient or advanced: eStem Middle School (98) 68 percent Cloverdale Middle (53) 98 Dunbar Magnet (66) 97 Forest Heights (50) 88 Mabelvale Middle (71) 83 Pulaski Heights (93) 100 Mann Magnet (98) 90 Henderson Middle (98) 68

Cost of auto insurance n Arkansans are paying an average auto insurance premium of $1,649 this year, an amount that is near the middle of state averages. According to the AARP Bulletin, Louisiana has the highest average premium, $2,511, and Michigan is second at $2,098. They’re the only states above $2,000. Maine has the lowest premium, $903. Vermont, at $969, is the only other state below $1,000.

8 God and Beebe

The mayor of Beebe is happy to mix church with the state of civic affairs in his city and he doesn’t much care who it might offend. — By Doug Smith

10 Mex to go

Taco trucks are on a roll in Little Rock. Now for lovers of the cheap and tasty fare they offer comes a definitive guide to the rolling taquerias of Little Rock. — By Jaman Matthews

31 Tribute to Gilligan

The legendary castaways on Gilligan’s Island provide the theme for Thirst n’ Howl, a pub with drinks and grub that would have made life easier for the shipwrecked crew of the Minnow. — Dining

Departments 3 The Insider 4 Smart Talk 5 The Observer 6 Letters 7 Orval 8-13 News 14 Opinion 17 Arts & Entertainment 31 Dining 37 Crossword/ Tom Tomorrow 38 Lancaster

Words n How much off the Chairman Mao shirts? A Little Rock men’s store has been advertising “50% Off Lenin Shirts,” which are said to be available in colors of aqua, white, black, lime, brown, blue, yellow and melon. Paul L. Butt of Conway writes: “Must be a market for Communist shirts in Little Rock. But you’d think they’d offer it in red.” n “The Supreme Court held Monday that Americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live ... The court was split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative-moderate justices in favor of gun rights and four liberals opposed.” Why not “The court was split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative justices in favor of gun rights and four liberal-moderate justices 4 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Doug smith

opposed”? Because the Associated Press, and the mainstream media generally, lean to the right. People on the conservative side of an issue are often described as “moderates.” People on the liberal side are not. They are instead exhorted to become “moderate” by becoming more conservative. In reality, the Supreme Court has shifted considerably to the right in recent years. Today’s “liberal” justices would have been “moderates” in the 1970s and ’80s when Warren Burger, a Republican, was chief justice. There was no one on the Burger Court as conservative as Antonin Scalia

and Clarence Thomas are today, and there is no one on today’s court as liberal as William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall were then. n Speaking of the Supreme Court, a recent article about Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominees mentioned that Sen. Arlen Specter, a member of the Judiciary Committee, was a “lame duck,” which is not as bad as being a dead duck, but almost. A lame duck is “an officeholder whose power is diminished because he is soon to leave office, as a result of defeat or statutory limitation.” According to Safire’s Political Dictionary, “Lame duck was originally an 18th-century import from Britain meaning a bankrupt businessman; by the 1830s the phrase was used to label politically bankrupt politicians.”

VOLUME 36, NUMBER 45 ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $42 for one year, $78 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $49 for one year, $88 for two years. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.



It’s a good thing this column

is written anonymously, because what The Observer has to say is going to make some people real mad. The Observer hasn’t had a decent tomato all summer, and it’s not for lack of trying. We’ve had ’em from the River Market, we’ve had them from a couple of real farmer’s markets, we’ve had them from fancy-schmancy places in the fancyschmancy Heights neighborhood. We’ve had heirloom and carbons and hybrids and whatnot (we draw the line at those chilled store-bought horrors). Where are the tomatoes of yesteryear? The kind you ate three of at one sitting, with salt and pepper and maybe some cottage cheese? (No, we didn’t have fresh basil and mozzarella in yesteryear.) That you ate until the corners of your mouth stung? Our boss accuses us of sounding like a complaining old person, especially when we note that our mother, a tomato lover of the first order, would be dumbstruck at the prices people — we — are paying for so-called real tomatoes these days. There’s something wrong with a $7 tomato. When people are paying $7 for a tomato, the end of the world is nigh. OK, so it does sound old to express disbelief that a fruit that was once 50 cents a pound and delicious is now $3.50 a pound and tastes like water. OK, we’re old. We get it. But that doesn’t mean we’re wrong about the dearth of good tomatoes. Now here’s what’s going to make some folks mad: Heard someone say they had some good pinks the other day. They can keep their pinks; we want high acid. Complain, complain, complain.

The Observer has fond

memories of the July 4th weekend, especially the part that involves blowing things up. In Little Rock where we reside, fireworks are technically a no-no. We lived out in the wilds of Saline County as a pup, though, where the only regulations concerning fire are that you can’t use it to prepare an endangered species for Thanksgiving dinner, so fireworks were on the agenda every summer. Given our clear disregard for fireworks safety back in those days, it’s a wonder we made it to manhood without a skin graft, a glass eye and/or a hook in

place of a hand. We set the porch on fire one year, thanks to a smoldering ember left inside a tube we’d been using as a makeshift bazooka. Another year, our brother thought it would be funny to stick a lit firecracker into The Observer’s shirt pocket — a pocket which just happened to be filled at the time with a quiver of bottle rockets (which, to be fair, we were in the process of firing at various neighbors and kinfolks). The result: Nipple flambe, with a side of smoldering shirt. Not recommended. Grown now to the mind of a father, we like to think that we’re a little more cautious with things that go boom, but we just can’t help but stop by the fireworks stand every July to take in its wonders. No scofflaw, The Observer does his lightin’-n-runnin’ out at our Auntie’s palatial spread in the far, unincorporated north of Pulaski County. Last weekend, during a visit, we showed Junior — 10 years old now — how it’s done. There was a bit of magic there: Pa and son hunkered down beside an old bottle with a rocket sticking out, him cautiously holding the faint, glowing end of a punk to his first fuse with shaking hands while his Old Man muttered encouragement. The fuse sparked to life, and we hauled keister like we’d just lit the wick on a cruise missile, turning back just in time to see his handiwork whoosh into the darkening sky — up, up, up, then a pop and a puff of light and smoke. Yes, it’s dangerous. Please don’t write letters filled with cautionary tales about the burn ward. The Observer is a worrier when it comes to our sole and only progeny, and any horror you can dish out is one we’ve already served to our self, cold, a dozen times over in the dark reaches of the night. Fatherhood, for Yours Truly, has always been about walking the tightrope of doubt — the line that runs between the urge to mummify him in bubble wrap, and the knowledge that risk is what makes boys into men. That said: the look on my son’s face at that accomplishment — smiling, face upturned to the sky, where the breath of smoke was quickly lost to the dusk — was worth a hundred burned fingers. It will, I think, linger long past this summer in my mind. My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty. And bottle rockets.



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(501) 372-5200 • july 15, 2010 5


This is green? Please explain exactly how an industry that would clear the woods of southern Arkansas by the square mile (cover story July 1) and dump the product in a blender could be considered “green.” Bill Shepherd Little Rock

Presidential giants

The Democrat-Gazette (that name still sticks in my craw) cartoonist on the last Sunday in June had a funny sense of history. He depicted Presidents Reagan and Lincoln as giants and Presidents Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama as somehow inferior to them. I guess he still believes in trickle-down economics (does anyone still buy that?), and equates the giants as liberators. President Reagan had very little to do with the liberation/transition of the Soviet Union into armed camps still mostly opposed to western interests and with lots of unaccounted for fissionable materials. The wall that needs to be torn down now is between verified science and crackpot climate change deniers. Who knew ignorance would become so fashionable?

I wonder if anyone has been paying attention to energy policy these days. The disaster in the Gulf is terrible, but distracts us from any discussions of long-term policy. While I didn’t agree with Obama’s stance on offshore drilling, which by the way was a bone thrown to the opposition to get any kind of energy policy established, he still recognizes, as any adult should, the limitations of our present hydrocarbon addiction. And how many thousands of commentators and others have to point out that if the short-sighted Reagan hadn’t turned back Carter’s energy policies, we would now be the world leader in alternative energy technology instead of China, and not need to import a single drop of oil from the Middle East. Our debt to China now pales in comparison to how beholding we will be in the future for their energy technology, which we could easily have developed here if we had not listened to Big Oil. It only makes sense that if you have a commodity, you don’t want competition for that commodity. As a man named Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan said, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from it.” Jay Sims Little Rock

Please, no lion burgers

I was shocked to hear that lion burgers are being served at a restaurant in Arizona.

I was even more upset to hear that this isn’t something new or out of the ordinary. That this meat is considered game meat and so easily obtainable is hard to believe since lions in Africa are a threatened species with only about 20,000 left. If we do nothing, they may be extinct by 2020. I can’t believe an Arizona restaurant is serving lion burgers. I can’t believe it’s legal. And the butcher has already been convicted of illegal underground trading and uninspected meat! Shouldn’t be too hard to put a stop to this. I used to think I’d like to live in Arizona, but lately they have been showing us how redneck they are. By banning the breeding of big cats in the private sector, it would make it impossible for U.S. dealers to acquire and sell this meat. Neither the USDA nor the FDA has the manpower to inspect, regulate, and ensure the quality or origin of this food source. Please sponsor or co-sponsor a bill that would ban the breeding, buying and selling of big cats in the U.S. (other than AZA zoos). Janet Sorensen Little Rock

Arkansas’s Pravda

It seems to me that the ignorance of the Arkansas Times is only exceeded by its hypocrisy! You wax eloquent on the political misgivings in South Carolina in your

editorial of 10 June 2010, but leave out a person by the name of Alvin Greene. If you going to give white Southern republicans hell, why not black Democrats like Alvin Greene? He ran unopposed, without any campaign commercials or expenses, and the liberal left is aghast about how he got elected. I first heard it mentioned on the radio, but he was not identified by race (a particular hypocrisy the media has, wrongdoers who happen to be white ALWAYS have their race mentioned, or pictures shown, but if it is a person of color you have to really dig to find out that fact!). Here is a hint for all you brain dead liberals: he got elected because he was black! Blacks bloc voted in the primary based on his skin tone, whereas if whites had done that the Arkansas Times would be raising several kinds of Hell! I even heard one black Democrat in South Carolina trying to say that Greene was a Republican plant because this election had “Elephant dung” all over it! No, Greene is not a Republican byproduct; he is the inevitable result of the liberal lunacy found in the Democratic Party. You might want to mention some charges against Mr. Greene also, that is if you intend to really do your duty of informing the masses, instead of being Arkansas version of Pravda. Joseph Anthony Redfield


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we honor competitors’ Advertised prices. pleAse bring the Ad. 11200 W. Markham (West of Shackleford on Markham) Little Rock 501-223-3120 • 866-988-vino • july 15, 2010 7

The WEEK THAT was j u ly 7 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 0 It was a good week for …

PULASKI COUNTY TEACHERS. For the second time, Circuit Judge Tim Fox nullified a vote by the Pulaski County School Board to withdraw recognition of the Pulaski Association of Classroom Teachers. The board first voted to stop negotiating with the teachers union in December. Fox ruled in April that the board had exceeded its authority. The board tinkered with its policies, trying to comply with Fox’s ruling, then voted again to sever relations with the union. Fox ruled Monday that the board had again exceeded its statutory authority. He ordered the board and the union into mediation over a new contract for teachers, and told them to report back in three weeks. ARKANSAS STUDENTS. More than 90 percent of them earned passing scores on the state Algebra I test and therefore won’t have to retake it or put their high school graduation in jeopardy. ARKANSAS MOTORISTS. The State Police revealed that the number of fatal accidents on Arkansas roadways in the first six months of 2010 was down 22 percent from the same period in 2009. COMPROMISE. Little Rock police and firefighter unions voted to accept a city offer of an extra week of vacation and a one-year contract extension in exchange for deferring a 4 percent pay raise city officials said they didn’t have the funds to give. The agreement postpones, at least, any legal action against the city by the unions. I T WAS A B AD WEEK FOR …

ATTORNEY GENERAL DUSTIN MCDANIEL. First he stumbled confusedly through a controversy over whether he should have paid taxes on his use of a state vehicle, at one point lashing out at Lt. Gov. Bill Halter because Halter did pay taxes on use of a state car. McDaniel and Halter are considered likely political opponents in the future. McDaniel later realized his mistake and apologized all around. But then he joined in a demagogic appeal of a federal judge’s quite proper ruling that invalidated a law requiring the president to declare a “National Day of Prayer” every year. 8 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

The Arkansas Reporter

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Beebe mayor has God’s back Won’t apologize for giving Creator his due. By Doug Smith

n The city of Beebe calls itself “Your Dream Hometown.” Civil libertarians might find the dream unpleasant. The June issue of a city-government newsletter contains a rambling message from Mayor Mike Robertson. He says: “Government has taken a very high profile in the everyday lives of citizens and businesses — too much in some areas. In the last few weeks there has been more than one movement to limit our freedom of prayer and the pledge of allegiance to our God and country. A federal judge recently ruled National Prayer Day as unconstitutional and the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, has locally challenged North Little Rock City Council meetings unconstitutional for allowing a prayer to God and pledge to the flag as opening to their meeting. It is my opinion and the Beebe City Council’s that government leaders must pray to God as the true leader of the nation and that a nation cannot exist if they are not one nation under God trusting in God as the leader. It is my opinion government has allowed nonbelievers far too many liberties taking

God out of our d a i l y l iv e s . As mayor of this city I will continue to open our meeting with a prayer and a pledge to our country – one nation under God. “ P l e a s e ROBERTSON: Beebe remember in mayor won’t back t h e c o m i n g down from his stance N o v e m b e r on God. election for leaders of this nation to elect only those who will stand firm doing the will of God and not their will. If placing God or the simple mentioning of his holy name in this newsletter is offensive to some; so be it. I do not and will not apologize, ever, for giving him the praise he is due for all that he has done for our blessed country. Not now, not ever in the future, should we turn our backs to our creator.”

An anonymous source sent the newsletter to the Arkansas Times. Robertson said he’d heard no objections, not even from the ACLU, to the prayer and pledge of allegiance at Beebe City Council meetings, nor to the mention of God in the city newsletter. He confirmed a report that a framed print of the Ten Commandments hangs inside City Hall, next to a plaque that says the print was donated by Mike Robertson. “I won’t take it down,” Robertson said. “If somebody takes it down, it won’t be me.” Asked about the excessive liberties allegedly granted to non-believers, Robertson said he was referring to “Judges and lawsuits restricting prayer at athletic events. Not allowing children to have a pledge of allegiance. Fear of insulting someone who doesn’t believe in God.” Beebe is a city of about 5,300. Robertson is a 55-year-old businessman serving his eighth year as mayor. “Can a mayor and city use city funds to promote a religious viewpoint?” our anonymous source asks. Absent an objection, possibly so.

River Market rumblings Police stepping it up, but say crime is down. By Leslie Newell Peacock

n Though they say crime is actually down in the nightclub district surrounding the River Market, police have stepped up their presence, spokesman Lt. Terry Hastings said last week. Hastings said “one of our specialized units will be working down there as needed.” But police will not, as Clinton School of Public Service Dean Skip Rutherford posted on his twitter address (@JLRIII) last week, double their presence. Rutherford has been tweeting about crime in the River Market for a couple of weeks, writing July 4 that “Rose Law Firm’s Dan Young to start weekly prayer breakfast in downtown LR. Maybe will help with Thurs-Sat. late night crime in River Market.” He followed that up a few days later with the flash that police would double their presence in the area. Hastings said the River Market district has five or six patrolman assigned there.

There are eight officers in the specialized unit, he said. Hastings said overall crime “is down in the River Market” district, but concedes that assaults and robberies are up. “Car break-ins are down and thefts are way down” compared to last year, Hastings said. There have been five cases of aggravated assault so far this year, one more than in all of 2009. There have also been four robberies to date, the same as in all of 2009. River Market crime has been a topic at the Copper Grill Grocery breakfast group, Rutherford said. “There are many complaints of people getting harassed, stopped, and running into large groups that are threatening. ... There is a growing dialogue among various people,” Rutherford said in an interview. He does not think race enters into the worries expressed by visitors to

downtown’s nighttime tourist destination. Hastings characterized most of the aggression as bar fights. The Clinton School holds classes in the restored Porbeck and Bowman building across from the River Market as well as in the school property on the Clinton Center grounds. To Rutherford, the area is “our campus.” He’s been concerned with the litter in the River Market as well. “Having students greeted by trash is not my idea of greeting the best and brightest to Arkansas.” Rutherford said Police Chief Stuart Thomas told a neighborhood group last week that he would double policemen on Friday and Saturday nights, placing some on the periphery parking areas. Hastings reiterated, however, that extra policing would be on an “as needed” basis, and that the unit’s ability to respond quickly makes doubling-up unnecessary.

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1517 Rebsamen Park Road 664-6133 11-10 7 Days a Week • july 15, 2010 9

s u o i c i l e d d n a p a e h s c k c u r The t o c a t f o d l r o w DELICACY K C RO E EST LITTL SOUTHW E TH F O Y E A SURV

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ime was, if you wanted Mexican food in Little Rock, you headed to a sit-down restaurant where you filled up on chips and salsa while invisible cooks prepared your food. No longer. Now you need only find the nearest taco truck — mobile taquerias that set up shop around town. Jorge Campos spends his days in a small trailer, surrounded by refrigerators, cooktops and counters. It’s cramped and hot. “Too hot,” said Campos, who cooks at this taco truck that sets up in the parking lot of a discount carpet store in southwest Little Rock. As he worked, a small fan blew behind him and pushed the smell of grilling meat and onions into the parking lot and beyond, out into Geyer Springs Road, where it mingled with bus fumes. Taqueria Samantha II, named after Campos’ niece, has been in this same parking lot for more than six years, and Campos has been here too, every day it is opened. Like many taco trucks, it’s a family operation. His sister-in-law owns Samantha II and the original Taqueria Samantha, which is often parked on Asher Avenue. The taco truck is a two-man operation. Polo Hernandez works with Campos, taking orders and prepping food. Taped to the wall behind them is a picture of the Virgin de Guadalupe, and next to her, three permits in plastic sleeves. Taco trucks must obtain special “mobile canteen” permits from the city and, like any other food establishment, must be inspected by the state Health Department. On a recent Friday night, a family of three stepped to

10 juLY 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

the window of Samantha II and ordered tacos. Hernandez scribbled their order in a small notebook, where column after column lists the day’s sales. Campos slapped six white-corn tortillas down on the cook-top and scattered shredded beef. “Asada is most popular,” he said of the meats the taco truck offers. “The next is pastor. And then chicken.” Chicharron, lengua, carnitas, buche and barbacoa are also on the menu. After conferring in Spanish with Hernandez, Campos estimated that they sell at least 270 tacos a day. That doesn’t include the burritos, quesadillas and tortas. After Campos plated the family’s tacos, Hernandez piled on fresh cilantro. He sliced a lime and put two wedges on each plate, along with a cup of green salsa. The family perched atop three wooden stools next to the window to eat their tacos. Unlike many other taco trucks, Samantha’s doesn’t have a plastic table and chairs nearby. A few customers stand around the window if a stool isn’t open, but most get their order to go and return to their cars. Campos is originally from Aguascalientes, Mexico, but

has lived in Little Rock for 13 years. “This area,” he said, motioning from the inside of the trailer, “a lot of Mexicans.” Samantha II’s primary patrons, said Campos, are the area’s working-class Hispanics, a demographic that has grown in Little Rock during the last decade, doubling to more than 10,000. Many settled in southwest Little Rock, and businesses sprang up to cater to them, including taco trucks. But Taqueria Samantha II’s clientele seems to be changing. “I think right now, it’s more mixed,” said Campos. He estimates that Hispanics now make up only 60 percent of the business; the other 40 percent is largely African American. But people from all over the city are finding their way to the taco trucks, like Noel Mace, a taco truck convert. “About 18 months ago, a friend from southwest Little Rock was talking about taco trucks in that area,” Mace said. Since then, he’s visited as many trucks as he can find and counts Taqueria Samantha II as one of Little Rock’s best, and a good deal. “If I want a cheap way to feed the family, I drop by the truck and pick up a handful and bring them home.”



ooking to make your first visit to a taco truck? Don’t be intimidated when you step up to the window. Start with a couple of tacos. Two tacos make a good snack, three a light meal. First, decide which meat you want—beef, pork or chicken. Or if you’re feeling more adventurous, tongue, tripe, pig skin or stomach. Place your order in your best Spanish (English will always work too) and take a seat on one of the wooden stools to watch the cook and visit with the other customers. At most trucks, a taco will run you $1.50 and will come with onions and cilantro, a wedge of lime and, if you’re lucky, a roasted pepper. And of course, salsa. Most trucks offer two kinds of homemade salsa — roja o verde, red or green. Always good, always hot. You’ll have to pay a little more for the extras, like cheese, sour cream and avocado. The fare is pretty standard across the board. If you don’t know what a word means, someone always

speaks enough English to help you out (or check out our handy-dandy taco truck glossary on page 13). In addition to tacos, most trucks offer tortas, quesadillas and burritos, and a cooler full of cold water, juices and soft drinks, including “Coca Mexicana,” Cokes made in Mexico using real cane sugar instead of corn syrup.

Taco trucks don’t sell alcohol, but there is often a service station nearby. There are about 15 taco trucks currently operating in Little Rock, most in the southwest part of the city, between I-430 to the west, Geyer Springs to the east, Baseline Road to the south and 65th Street to the north. (There are others outside this area, including several real winners on Colonel Glenn west of University Avenue) Taco trucks usually set up shop in front of another business — a carpet wholesaler, a tire shop, a money transferrer. It’s a symbiotic relationship; each business helps the other by drawing in more customers. The trucks set up in the mornings, usually in time for the lunch crowd, and then pull up stakes each night. Most return to the same spot everyday, but it is increasingly common for the taco trucks to cater. So if you have enough people and enough money, some taco trucks will come to you. Be prepared, though, because taco trucks are cash-only businesses.

TACO TRUCK GUIDE Note that the hours listed are subject to change day to day.

Emma’s Taqueria

Taqueria Samantha and Taqueria Samantha II It’s just a trailer pulled behind a white GMC truck, but Taqueria Samantha II has some of the best tacos in Little Rock. Taqueria Samantha II parks in front of Discount Carpet on Geyer Springs, between 65th and Baseline. There’s a menu in English with standard taco-truck fare — tacos, tortas, burritos, quesadillas. You can eat at one of the three wooden stools or get your order para llevar. The meat, whether you order the pork, beef or chicken, is moist and well seasoned. 7521 Geyer Springs Rd. 501-744-0680 or 501-442-9703. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tue.-Sun. Taqueria Samantha was last spotted in the 5200 block of Asher Avenue, just east of Fair Park. But on Friday and Saturday nights, from 8 p.m.–2 a.m., it can be found in downtown Little Rock, parked on the 300 block of Broadway Ave., next to Jose’s Club Latino.

Emma’s is parked in front of a tire and rims shop on Baseline Road. In addition to the standard beef and pork choices, it also offers lengua, chicharron and buche — tongue, pork skin, and stomach. There is a fresh pineapple on the counter inside the truck, which makes the torta hawaiiana — a pork sandwich with avocado, pineapple and onions — even more enticing. The chicken comes pre-sauced, which means you can’t enjoy the green salsa, but the beef is perfectly seasoned. The homemade pickled cucumbers that come on the side of every order are reason enough to visit. There’s a picnic table under the pine trees. 4318 Baseline Rd. 501-541-7650. 10:30 a.m.-10 p.m. daily.

Taqueria Thalia Thalia’s is a small trailer pulled under the roof of an old car wash on Baseline at Doyle Springs. It’s unassuming, out of the way and the tacos are nothing special. It’s the rest of the menu that makes this a favorite. Go on the weekends, when the dry-erase board may list anything from shrimp cocktail to menudo to tamales. Be sure to try the posole, a hearty pork and hominy soup. If you ask for it by name, Thalia will light up and ask if you like posole. If you assure her you do, you will have a new friend. Eat at the plastic table under the car wash awning or get it to go. 4500 Baseline Rd. 501-563-3679. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Wed.-Mon.

La Margarita This may be the most colorful taco truck in Little Rock. The side is painted with sunflowers and a bridge, the name in a fancy script. Even the menu is hand-painted, blue with pictures of sandwiches. The offerings are sparser than other trucks; they don’t serve any chicken, but they do have a good veggie quesadilla. And there’s no seating. 7308 Baseline Rd. 9:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Thu.–Tue.

El Jalapeno Less a taco truck than a snack bar that also has a few Mexican offerings. They do sell tacos, flautas, and mega-tortas, but to find them, you’ll have to search the menu, past the chili dogs, cheeseburgers, frito pies, barbecue chicken sandwiches and Doritos nachos — yes, the cheesy, orange triangles come topped with yet another cheese-like substance and jalapenos. No seating. 9203 Chicot Rd. 501-772-7471. 9 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Mon.–Thu., 9 a.m.–10:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. • juLY 15, 2010 11

La Vaquera One of the later-model trucks, with Texas plates and a southwest-style cow skull painted on the hood, it is parked in front of a small strip mall on Baseline that houses Unique Styles and Fades hair studio and a catfish restaurant. The tacos are more expensive than most, but at $2 they’re still cheap eats. Beyond the tacos and tortas, it’s one of the few taco trucks where you can order a combination plate that comes with rice, beans and lettuce. 4720 Baseline Rd. 501-565-3108. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Thu.; 10 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri.-Sat.

Taco Mexico

Taqueria Lourdes

This truck sits at the corner of Colonel Glenn and Oak Park, in the parking lot of MyWay Auto, about a mile west of University Avenue. An extension cord snakes across the parking lot and a blue awning covers a small table. A sign above the ordering window kindly asks patrons to refrain from spitting. Tacos have to be ordered at least two at a time, but that’s not an impediment. These are some of the best and, at $1.25, some of the cheapest tacos in Little Rock. Enjoy with your choice of Orange Fanta, Coke or Fresca. 7101 Colonel Glenn Rd. 501-416-7002. 11 a.m. Wed.-Sun.

The Chevy Step Van in the parking lot of City Market on Colonel Glenn at 36th Street may not have a sign yet, but they have good tacos. The window is plastered with handmade announcements — a 1993 mobile home for sale, a religious revival — so it takes a minute to figure out the offerings. In addition to the usual tacos and tortas, they also offer quesadillas and nachos, coffee and hot chocolate. Definitely worth trying. Seating available. Colonel Glenn Rd. and 36th St. 501-612-2120. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.–Sat.

Taqueria Las Isabeles It’s easy to overlook the white 1970s-era, 26-foot Executive motor home outside a dilapidated former service station in the 7100 block of Colonel Glenn Road, about a mile west of University. It looks more like an abandoned RV than a place to eat. But there’s a small hand-painted sign outside that says, “Taqueria Las Isabeles—tacos y mas.” It’s worth the trip just for the tacos, but they also have burritos, nachos and Hawaiian hamburguesas — burgers topped with pineapple and avocado. There’s outside seating for four at a plastic table under the old station’s overhang, and Norteno music is piped through a speaker hidden in the structure above. 7100 Colonel Glenn Rd. 501-563-4801. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.–Fri. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat.

Luncheria Mexicana Alicia Taqueria Jalisco San Juan Jalisco San Juan is the taco truck for the not-soadventurous crowd. The sparkling clean, late-model truck sits just west of I-430 on Markham, in the parking lot of Colonial Wine and Spirits. They claim to serve “original Mexico City tacos,” but it’s their chicken tamales that make it worth a visit. They also have tortas, quesadillas and fajitas. 11200 Markham St. 501-541-5533. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.–Wed., 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Thu.– Sun. 12 juLY 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

The ever-elusive “Walmart taco truck.” Several months back, word spread about “the best taco truck in town,” rumored to be found in the parking lot of the Walmart on Bowman and Markham in West Little Rock. It took a month to finally find it, in which time its reputation only grew. Maybe not the best taco truck ever but definitely the best in West Little Rock, and definitely a better choice than the Taco Bell next door. It’s a good lunch spot for your all-day West Little Rock shopping excursions. If you want to eat there, they’ll pull a couple of chairs under the trees beside the taco truck for you. 620 S. Bowman. 501-612-1883. 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.–Sat.

GLOSSARY CARNE (meat) adobada – literally “marinated;” meat, usually pork, in a spicy red vinegar-based sauce al pastor – literally “shepherd-style;” thinly sliced pork that has been marinated then grilled on a rotisserie, much like the meat in shawarma or gyros asada – literally “roasted;” grilled beef steak barbacoa – slow-cooked and shredded meat, usually beef buche – beef stomach cabeza – literally “head;” meat from the head of a cow, usually the cheeks carnitas – shredded, fried or roasted pork chicharrón – soft and chewy pork skin chorizo – spicy sausage lengua – beef tongue pollo – chicken tripa – tripe, or beef intestine


BEBIDAS (Drinks)

arroz – rice aguas frescas – literally “fresh waters;” cold fruit drink that

cebolla – onion

usually comes in jamaica (hibiscus), tamarindo (tamarind) and

con todo – with everything, meaning all the extra toppings

horchata (rice milk with cinnamon) flavors

above onions and cilantro, like lettuce, cheese and sour cream

Coca Mexicana – Coca-Cola made in Mexico with real

fríjoles – beans

sugar instead of corn syrup

para aquí – for here

Jarritos – popular brand of Mexican soda that comes in sev-

para llevar – to go

eral fruit flavors, from grapefruit to strawberry to tamarind

queso – cheese

jugo – fruit juice

torta – sandwich

Mystery Taco Truck An old Toyota pickup with a too-large camper shell sits in the parking lot of the U-Pull-It salvage yard on Baseline Road, half a mile west of I-30. The words “hamburguers & tacos” and a brief menu are painted on the side, but no hours are listed and it never seems to be open. The front tire of the truck has been flat for weeks, at least — not a good sign. But if you ever find it open, give it a try and let us know what you think. 10312 Baseline Rd.

Tacos Guanajuato In front of El Gallo Jiro (“the champion rooster”), a Western wear store on Geyer Springs, sits a taco truck painted to match the storefront — yellow-orange with a statuesque rooster airbrushed on the side (and a small Tweety Bird painted on the window). Maybe it’s out of respect for the store’s namesake, but Tacos Guanajuato does not serve chicken. They do have the regular pork and beef choices, along with adobado, chicharron and cabeza. No seating. 6920 Geyer Springs Rd. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Wed.-Thu., 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri.-Sun.

I ate at 13 taco trucks in five days and lived to tell about it


By Brian Chilson

love my job as photographer for the Arkansas Times, particularly when I get a dream assignment like shooting and eating at 13 taco trucks. But a mass of deadlines can conspire against even the best assignments. So, with 10 days before deadline, I still hadn’t visited any of the trucks. Not to worry said the long forgotten voice of the little fat boy inside me, legendary in family lore for leaving no plate un-cleaned and no ice cream un-eaten. I started at Samantha II on Geyer Springs with two pork tacos, which were delicious —spiced just right and juicy without being greasy. Then followed it up on Chicot with the best chicken taquitos I’ve had in years at El Jalapeno. I felt confident. I can do this, I thought. A short trip down Baseline led me to Emma’s, where I ordered the chicken quesadilla and a taco supreme. The order taker shook her head as she sang out, “The quesadilla is very big,” as she turned to make my order. As promised, it was huge and messy, but well worth it. Midway through the taco, I started to hit a wall. But then I noticed La Vaquera across the street. So off I went, this time for two chicken tacos, which were a bit dry, but tasty with a dab of hot sauce. The next two days were a blur of tortas, tamales, tacos, jalapenos, about a gallon of hot sauce and too many bottles of Coca de Mexicana to count. When I reached the last of the trucks on my list, I burped a sigh of relief. And then two trucks got added to my list. The fat boy inside of me, threatening to become full-grown, shuddered. But he/I (the line was beginning to blur) pressed on. First with a burrito at Tacos Guanajuato, which proved to be a mistake as it was the largest one I’d had in years, stuffed with juicy beef, chopped onion, beans rice and just the right amount of roasted pepper. I was full before I’d barely started. Then to Taco Mexico for two chorizo tacos, which might be the best I sampled. I took a break and then ventured out after midnight on Saturday to Taqueria Samantha outside of Club Latino on Broadway. A trio of tacos — beef, pork and chicken — provided a gluttonously satisfying coda to the shoot. The moral of the story: Never eat at 14 taco trucks in five days in an attempt to relive the glory days of an overfed youth. I can’t say enough about the food. But my stomach isn’t 24 anymore. Pass the Tums. • juLY 15, 2010 13

e y e on ar k ansas

Editorial n Dustin McDaniel seems to believe that the attorney general is supposed to blunder around talking nonsense. He’s misguided. The state’s top lawyer should be a level-headed sort. McDaniel’s recent behavior has been decidedly unsteady. Caught up, with other constitutional officers, in a controversy over the nonpayment of taxes on state-owned cars used by the officials, McDaniel was torn between confessing and expressing remorse, on the one hand, or brazening it out and denying wrongdoing on the other. So he did both, confusing all, satisfying none. He further clouded the air by calling down Lt. Gov. Bill Halter for paying the taxes, surely one of the oddest criticisms ever made by one politician of another. Ask “Would you elect a man who pays his taxes?” and you’re likely to hear back “Yes!” McDaniel and Halter are potential opponents in a future governor’s race. The potentiality appears to be weighing heavily on McDaniel. Although, eventually, he apologized and paid up. But worse lay ahead. McDaniel ran bull-like into the First Amendment wall between church and state, aligning himself — as much as he can be said to be aligned these erratic days — with political opportunists seeking to weaken the constitutional prohibition against forced religion. He joined in asking a federal appeals court to overrule a district judge who held, properly, that a federal law directing the president to declare an annual National Day of Prayer violates the Constitution. The judge was Barbara B. Crabb of Wisconsin, ruling in a suit brought by the Freedom From Religion Foundation against President Obama. (Who knows even better than McDaniel that the Foundation is right.) The name of the group is entirely apt. Fundamentalists argue that the constitutional guarantee of “freedom of religion” does not include freedom from religion, but of course it would be a sorry sort of freedom if it didn’t, rather like saying that the freedom to express one’s opinion doesn’t include the right to keep one’s opinion to oneself. Whether any American should pray or not pray is none of the government’s business. As Judge Crabb says: “Recognizing the importance of prayer to many people does not mean that the government may enact a statute in support of it, any more than the government may encourage citizens to fast during the month of Ramadan, attend a synagogue [the Day of Prayer statute refers specifically to ‘churches’], purify themselves in a sweat lodge or practice rune magic. … The same law that prohibits the government from declaring a National Day of Prayer also prohibits it from declaring a National Day of Blasphemy.” The opinion is 66 pages long and there’s wisdom on every one. We commend it to Attorney General McDaniel.

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14 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES


McDaniel flounders

RUMBLE, OLD MAN, RUMBLE: Gary Hogan, UALR’s 60-year-old assistant athletic director, lands a punch on former Major League Baseball star Jose Canseco, 44. The two boxed prior to Friday’s Arkansas Travelers game at Dickey-Stephens Park. Hogan won 39-37.

Loose ends n Circumstances sent me on an unexpected trip to New York this week. Greater love has no father, a committed catophobe, than babysitting his sick daughter’s cat. But enough about that. I found myself removed from the daily news business and reading stories from afar, wishing I could pursue some more answers to questions raised by some of the big news stories of the day. • The great car caper. Attorney General Dustin McDaniel decided to give up his state car on account of questions raised by a Democrat-Gazette article on whether this amounts to a pay supplement in excess of the state constitution’s income limit for the seven statewide officers. I happen to think cars are pay supplements and should be declared, in keeping with IRS tax policy. Even if they are not technically income for state constitutional purposes, they clearly are income in the eyes of the IRS. Why doesn’t the state auditor, who has a free car, too, report this? And is the state reporting this benefit for ALL state employees who are provided free cars that they are able to use for personal purposes? And what about the counties? And the cities? I suspect observance of the law is haphazard, at best. • The great immigrant bashing caper. The deadline to file petitions for constitutional amendments was July 2. Secure Arkansas, the virulently anti-immigrant group, claimed it made the 77,000-plus standard with a few hundred votes to spare. The so-called Christians of the right-wing Family Council pitched in with lastminute help. But wait. Secretary of State Charlie Daniels actually counted the signatures submitted, using an independent accounting firm. By the independent count, the Secure Arkansas petitions came up some 10,000 short. That is, they were short in actual signatures. No attention was given to whether these were bona fide signatures of registered voters. Something smells here. It can be illegal under certain

Max brantley

circumstances to make false statements in public filings. I’m not saying that happened here. But this is a pretty big flub, even for a disorganized group prone to wacky conspiracy theories and led by a woman who referred to that group that meets biennially in the state Capitol as the “Arkansas congress.” But skepticism is in order. Petition gatherers know that you can pad petitions with bogus signatures to meet the minimum then, if some are disqualified, get 30 additional days under the law to gather qualified signatures. It’s an extended period available ONLY to those who first submit the minimum. It’s important to know precisely what happened here. The secretary of state should endeavor to see if misrepresentations were made, or whether it was simply a matter of dumb arithmetic. Secure Arkansas has some explaining to do. They are the ones who resent giving Arkansas college scholarships to nearly lifelong Arkansans with sparkling high school records who had the misfortune of being brought to these shores as infants by parents seeking a better life. If this terrible illegality must be stamped out, so, too, must false swearing, if it has occurred. To borrow their own rhetoric: What part of accountability doesn’t Secure Arkansas understand? • The great city hall malfunction. When Little Rock police and fire agree to give up pay raises, you know there’s independent agreement about the sorry state of city finances. The city is, however, about two years too late in making the case for justifying all its existing expenditures and, if they are justified, making the case for a sales tax increase to pay for them. That’s what strong leadership is about, Mr. Strong Mayor.

Pay for health care Reagan’s way n “A fiscal Frankenstein”; so said Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) about the health care bill passed by the Congress. Soulmate Republicans echoed his warning, predicting budgetary doom. But GOP legislators who cry fiscal wolf are twice trapped. For eight years, they aided and abetted as President Bush turned a budget surplus into a $1.2 trillion deficit. Even more, an inconvenient truth has inconveniently surfaced: a tax policy passed by right-wing icon Ronald Reagan could pay for Barack Obama’s health care reform. The policy is equal taxes on income from wealth and income from work, and it was a key part of Reagan’s Tax Reform Act of 1986. The Act set the rate on long-term capital gains the same as that on wages and salaries. Returning to an equal-tax policy could nearly pay for the health care bill. This simple fact was buried in the 2008 capital gains data released in March by the Internal

Gerald E. Scorse guest writer

Revenue Service. Here are the numbers from a Bloomberg report: “The [IRS] data show that 11.2 million tax returns out of 142.4 million filed last year reported $447 billion from capital gains. Most of that income, $363.3 billion, was earned by 964,160 households reporting overall income of $250,000 or more.” That $447 billion in gains, the article noted, was down 40 percent from the $749 billion racked up in 2007. Now for some tax arithmetic. At the current 15 percent levy on long-term gains, the Treasury would have realized $67 billion on the gains for 2008. By comparison, if taxes had been paid at the top ordinary income rates of 33 percent and 35 percent, the Treasury’s take would

Seeking attention, Keet gets some n Jim Keet stopped by the office and asked me to close my eyes. Then, as I didn’t quite comply, he affixed to my chest a round bumper sticker of red, white and blue that declared his presidential candidacy in 2012. Don’t get the joke? It’s understandable. I had a recent column ridiculing Keet for trying to nationalize the governor’s race and seeking to tie Barack Obama’s unpopularity in the state around the neck of Mike Beebe, the uncommonly popular Democratic governor. So this bumper sticker was Keet’s attempt to provide a spoof — of himself or of me? — by which the supposed context for his preoccupation with national issues was that his real purpose was to seek the presidency in two years. If his ultimate point was simply to get me to write about him and his unlikely Republican challenge of Beebe, then I am making his gambit successful. Yet there remains the small matter of what I actually will say in the remaining space. I had expected that the purpose of Keet’s visit was to deliver to me copies of the incorporation papers for a Taziki’s Greek Fare restaurant in Weiner.

John brummett

Again, permit m e t o r e m i n d I had you. expected that T h e p e o p l e the purpose of Weiner are upset that state of Keet’s law requires the visit was to consolidation deliver to me of their school district because copies of the enrollment has incorporas lipped b e l ow tion papers 350. Keet had joined a protest for a Taziki’s over this closing Greek Fare and declared, restaurant in alarmingly, that we need to revisit Weiner. that holy-war issue of minimum school district size. He said keeping the Weiner school district open was simply good business. So I challenged him to open a franchise of his Taziki’s restaurant in Weiner, and, beyond that, to open a

have risen to more than $150 billion. The difference between the two figures is $83 billion—not far from the Congressional Budget Office estimate of $94 billion a year for the health care bill. Using the IRS’s gains figure for 2007, and performing the same exercise, the difference would have approached $150 billion. To be sure, the IRS figures do not indicate what portion of the reported capital gains was long-term (taxed at 15 percent) or short-term (taxed the same as other income). Nonetheless, especially for Blue Dog Democrats and other fiscal hawks, the message is compelling: look hard at Reagan’s tax equity policy. The Tax Code has long since been taken in the opposite direction. President Clinton lowered the rate on long-term gains to 20 percent. President Bush cut it to 15 percent, little more than half what middleclass Americans pay on their wages. The Bush tax cuts are due to expire the end of this year, returning the capital gains rate to 20 percent. In addition—with fiscal strain ahead, and with Reagan guarding his back—President Obama should map out our return to the equal-tax path. You can see how Reagan got there by looking into the reason that’s always given for low capital gains taxes—the claim that

buying stocks drives the economy, growing new businesses and new jobs. Nice try, but The Gipper saw through it. Only a trace amount of all the trading on Wall Street grows anything. Small companies with big dreams raise seed money through initial public offerings (IPOs) and secondary offerings. These investments deserve a bigger tax break than they get now; there’s a strong case for making them tax-free. All other stock market gains should be taxed the same as wages (which they were, back when). Doing so again would raise the cry that the rich were being hosed to pay for health care. On the contrary: tax equity penalizes nobody—on top of which, America’s taxpayers will never recover the hundreds of billions in restored tax breaks that Reagan, citing fairness, tried to end. How to pay for health care reform? It could be as simple as once more levying equal taxes on capital gains and other income. It’s only fair (and Reaganesque).

free-standing Taziki’s a few miles away in Jonesboro, and in Harrisburg, and in Newport, indeed in every community where he wanted to keep open small school districts despite their proximity and sparse population. Keet told me he didn’t really want to talk about Weiner. It’s one thing to get slapped around by me, but he had just been blistered for this Weiner business in an editorial in the Republican statewide newspaper — a potential, if probably unlikely, endorser of him come late October. Keet did manage to say this: If he had a Taziki’s in Weiner already, and if it was profitable, he would do well to keep it open. But then he said that he knew what my counter-argument would be, which was that it would enhance his efficiency and profitability if, supposing he had a bevy of Taziki’s establishments in and around Weiner, he closed one or more. I saw no need to say anything further, considering that Keet had just debated his own self into submission. Keet said this race will get more substantive as we go along. But he did say one difference between him and Beebe was management style. He noted, correctly, that Beebe, over four years as attorney general and nearly four as governor, had never personally visited the Conway Human Development Center in Conway — even as it stands accused by the federal government of failed delivery of services to developmentally disabled persons.

He’s more hands-on, Keet said. In fact, he said, when the executive board of a troubled Florida-based restaurant chain asked him to take over as chief executive officer, he insisted on first embedding himself in one of the restaurants as an employee, a management trainee. On his first day, he said, the salad lady told him that, well, bad help was better than no help at all. The difference is that governors can’t embed themselves undercover. Such visits become publicity stunts for governors and dog-and-pony shows for the places visited. Finally, I’ll say this: If the purpose of Keet’s visit was to present himself as a likable guy able to laugh at himself, then he succeeded. In fact, I’ll add this: Generally speaking, it occurs to me that I find Republican politicians more pleasant and likable than Democratic ones. The trouble only starts when we talk about politics. Beebe is one of the likable Democrats, of course. Still, I’ll share what a veteran Arkansas political observer told me that she had told Beebe recently. It was not to take Keet lightly because Keet has a “nurturing manner” and Beebe’s manner could be a little cocky. That’s probably a fair assessment.

Gerald E. Scorse lives in New York and is a member of Responsible Wealth, a Boston-based advocacy group for economic fairness. Ernest Dumas, whose column normally appears here, will return next week.

John Brummett is a columnist and reporter for Stephens Media’s Arkansas News Bureau. You can read additional Brummett columns in The Times of North Little Rock. • july 15, 2010 15

   iConsign-furniture

July 16



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“View From The road”

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Make a homerun to Ump’s after the Artwalk! Dickey-Stephens Park • North Little Rock Don’t miss a unique pottery demonstration by Russellville artist Janet Donnangelo.

FeatuReD aRtiSt: Richard Stephens Open Kitchen • Full Bar Dinner Mon-Sat 5 p.m. 425 Main St. • North Little Rock 5th & Main • Argenta Historic District

(501) 376-3463 • 16 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Argenta Branch Open Kitchen • Full Bar Street 506 Main Dinner Mon-Sat 5 p.m. North Little Rock 425 Main St. • North Little Rock 5th & Main • argenta Historic District

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The sun will come out tomorrow, as Murry’s presents one of the most beloved musicals of all time and winner of 7 Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Annie is a fun-filled, high energy event for the whole family.

William F. Laman Public Library Argenta Branch 506 Main Street (501) 687-1061

arts entertainment

This week in

Dunham and dummies to Verizon


Page 18

Holcombe to White Water Page 19

to do list








Robert Plant and Band of Joy Robinson Center Music Hall, $55-$75 8 p.m. Thursday, July 15

So you’ve got some time to tour around? Well, you know, I’ve got some stuff to do here and I’ve got some friends to see. I met Elvis many, many years ago when I was in Zep, so I got to know people who were around him too, and they know people who were around Jerry Lee. And I’ve got good connection with friends down in Clarksdale, Mississippi, too. In a lot of ways your solo career has been if not about defying expectations then at least jumping around a lot stylistically. So I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that you’re not following your massively successful collaboration with Alison Krauss and T-Bone Burnett with another record with Krauss and Burnett? You shouldn’t be surprised. And you wouldn’t be surprised to know that sooner or later there’ll be a Union Station record out and then there’ll be another summer and another winter and there’ll be another Plant and Krauss record out, I guess. This is a wonderful world of music, especially with great hindsight and more and more knowledge and a little more maturity. It means that so many things are possible, even though you kind of lose the great panoramic vista of enormous success that comes or doesn’t come. Every dog has his day, and my day is a different color quite regularly. My plan is to stimulate, so that I can sing with true meaning. I can’t bluff it. To be a singer and just to repeat everything that he is and has been, I’d be a hell of a one-trick pony, so I By Lindsey Millar can’t do that. If you get together with people and you can make stuff work in four hours, you know you’re percussionist Marco Giovino. The album, like “Raising Sand,” is another dip into the Great American Songbook, on course for making a blinding collection of songs in with songs ranging from “Satan, Your Kingdom Must a new zone. That has a very familiar ring because that’s Come Down” to Los Lobos’ “Angel Dance” to a pair of what happened in 1968, 1969 and 1970 and on through the Zeppelin world. We never went back to the same tracks from Minnesota indie rockers Low. I spoke with Plant on Monday about shifting styles, spot. On paper, though, this project looks similar to Townes Van Zandt, Helena and more. working with Burnett and Krauss: you, plus a really respected roots producer in Buddy Miller and a really How’s it going? Excellent. I finally got back to my ancient home away respected female folk vocalist in Patty Griffin. But from home. I’m staring across the Mississippi River. So, early reports indicate it’s a departure, in terms of its sound, from “Raising Sand.” yeah, I’m rockin’. Continued on page 22 The tour begins tomorrow night there in Memphis.

Led Zeppelin vocalist performs at Robinson on Thursday. hursday, in one of the season’s most anticipated concerts, Robert Plant, the iconic voice of Led Zeppelin, comes to Robinson Center Music Hall. After piling up Grammy gold last year for “Raising Sand,” his critical and commercial hit project with Alison Krauss and T-Bone Burnett, Plant’s headed to town with new collaborators in advance of a Sept. 14 album release. He’s calling the group and the album Band of Joy, a name resurrected from his pre-Zeppelin band with John Bonham. This time around, his bandmates include singer/songwriter Patty Griffin, producer and guitarist Buddy Miller, multiinstrumentalist Darrell Scott, bassist Byron House and • july 15, 2010 17

■ to-dolist By Lindsey Millar and John Tarpley

TH U R S D AY 7 / 1 5


6 p.m., Malco Theater. Donations.

n It’d be a shame not to utilize the historic Malco Theater in Hot Springs during those long, trying stretches between the end of the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival and the beginning of the next one. In that spirit, Dan Anderson, experimental filmmaker and new festival program director, has curated a summer film series in the old lion of a theater. Every Thursday evening through Aug. 5, the Malco lights up for a double feature fund-raiser to benefit the town’s stalwart festival. Starting at 6 p.m., the organizers will screen a documentary hand-chosen by Anderson from the festival’s 18,000-movie library, followed, at 8 p.m., by a “classic or alternative film.” This week they feature Harrod Blank’s “Automorphosis,” a look at the eccentric world of “art cars,” followed by the 1932 Tod Browning classic, “Freaks,” a look at the eccentric world of, well, freaks in a circus. It’s classic movies in a classic theater, all for a suggested donation of $5-$10. Visit for information on upcoming shows. JT.

FR IDAY 7 / 1 6


6 p.m., Arkansas Repertory Theatre. Free.

n If you’ve ever complained about the lack of contemporary drama at The Rep, this is your ticket. Particularly since it’s free. “Voices at the River,” the theater’s biennial playwright’s residency program, brings together Latino- and African-American playwrights to exchange ideas and, on Friday and Saturday, stage public readings of their new work. Audiences will have the opportunity to offer feedback following each play. Tearrence Chisholm’s “Liddy’s Sammiches, Potions, and Baths” (6 p.m. Friday) is about “the daughter of a sorceress who seeks to realize her identity through her deceased mother’s spell book.” “Wetback” (8:30 p.m. Friday), by Elaine Romero, tracks the fates of a Latina high school principal and the undocumented Mexican worker she fires to protect her position. The Young Playwright Selection, Michael Chavez’s “Waking Up To You” (2 p.m. Saturday), is about a fleeting romance. Augusto Federico Amador’s “Solterona” (6 p.m. Saturday) centers on 18 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

THE TRIBE: The Weekend Theater reprises “Hair,” the musical that defined the heady ’60s and became the granddaddy of all rock operas. Maria as she cares for her “repressive” mother. “Roses in the Water” (8:30 p.m. Saturday), by La’Chris Jordan, follows a young woman who enlists in the U.S. Navy to escape the perilous New Orleans housing projects. Reservations, via The Rep box office, are encouraged. LM.


7:30 p.m., The Weekend Theater. $18

n “LBJ took the IRT/Down to Fourth Street/USA/When he got there/what did he see?/The youth of America on LSD.” Taking “Hair” for granted as a simple, cheesy holdover from the ’60s might be a mistake. Yeah, chunks of the 1967 production have a hokey, dank air about them, but, without it, theater — particularly musical theater — as we now know it simply wouldn’t be the same. We all know about the infamous on-stage nudity. We know the show as the genesis of rock operas. Heck, we know the songs by heart. But the play’s ascent from the 99-person capacity Joseph Papp Public Theater to Tony Awards to worldwide omnipresence and historical significance may be — other than the nude finale — the most memorable part of its legacy. The Weekend Theater’s production of “Hair” runs through August 8. JT.


8 p.m., Robinson Center Music Hall. $14.

n Last year, we wrote critically about the inaugural Little Rock Fashion Week. Organizer/founder Brandon Campbell seemed to be practicing the inverse of the Mike Beebe doctrine: He over-promised (celebrities, crowds, atmosphere) and under-delivered (on all those counts). But, to his credit, he’s back for year two with a full slate of events. Maybe there’s slowbuild potential here. The “week” kicked off last weekend, but the fashion part doesn’t really kick into gear until Friday, with the “Young & Fabulous” show at Robinson (8 p.m., $14). Saturday is the main show, “Posh Expression.” Also at Robinson, it’s at 8 p.m., with tickets ranging from $15 (students) to $25 (adults) to $35 for VIPs. And Lulav hosts the after-party, 10 p.m. LM.

SUNDAY 7 /1 8


5 p.m., Verizon Arena. $42.50.

n Last year, Forbes listed ventriloquist Jeff Dunham as the third highest-earning come-

‘AS FUNNY AS AN F-ING BLOCK OF WOOD’: That’s a headline ventriloquist Jeff Dunham self-deprecatingly offered to the Television Critics Association during a cool reception to his now-canceled TV show. Works for us. dian in the U.S., behind Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock. His 2008 Christmas special on Comedy Central owns the record as the most watched program in network history. One of his YouTube videos, the introduction of a puppet called “Achmed the Dead Terrorist,” a skeleton with a turban whose main gag is saying “I keel

■ inbrief

you,” is currently the 10th most watched video on the website. “Growing up doing those Kiwanis Clubs, doing those Cub Scout banquets, doing those church shows, I learned to find that sensibility that most people could laugh at — that all ages and demographics could laugh at,” the Dallasborn comedian told The New York Times last year. Which is another way of saying he — like perhaps his closest comedy analogue Tyler Perry — is the master of toothless, lowest common denominator comedy; he’s a fart joke, a soft peddler of anti-political correctness. If that’s not your comedy sweet spot, he’s profoundly unfunny. Either way, one thing’s for sure: Dunham’s laughing all the way to the bank. LM.


n Self-made country-flecked pop phenom Corey Smith plays Riverfest Amphitheatre, 8 p.m., $15-$25. The poppy country and western of the Aaron Owens Band heads to Electric Cowboy, 10 p.m., $5. North Little Rock skate shop and art space The Enjoy Life brings in a night of Central Arkansas power pop with local muscle Hector Faceplant, the young guns of Ezra Lbs. and New Orleans’ dirty-mouthed sons of Soophie Nun Squad, Jean Eric, 9 p.m., $7. The weekly party “In Too Deep” returns to Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. Another weekly party, “Posh,” offers the sounds of DJ Mike Blaze and the synth-grooving Dell Smith, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. Rollicking spazz-core act Mr. Free and the Satellite Freakout brings their Man Man-inspired shuffle to Hot Springs for a show at Maxine’s alongside the swarthy psych-folk of Animalsound, 9 p.m., free.

TU E S D AY 7 / 2 0

‘WWE SMACKDOWN!’ 6:30 p.m., Verizon Arena. $17-$62

n It’s been a weird decade for professional wrestling. The WWF bought its long-time competitor, WCW, and bisected the combined brands into two distinct, separate entities with a “draft.” Former world champion Chris Benoit killed his family and himself the weekend he was supposed to reclaim his former belt. And the WWF added an extra typographical crossbar to become the WWE after the panda-huggers at the World Wide Fund for Nature sued in a British court. But all’s well that ends well and today it looks like the world of professional wrestling is still greased up and ready for action. When the show rolls through Little Rock, even the guys who tuned out years ago will have some familiar faces to look forward to: scary-ass Kane, Big Show (remember The Giant?), Chavo Guerrero and something called a Dolph Ziggler. The active wrestling fans are in for a treat, as well, with Jack Swagger returning to the ring to powerbomb his way back to the World Heavyweight Championship belt he lost

SMACKING DOWN: Kane comes to Verizon.


TRUE GRIT: Holcombe brings his gorgeous, gritted style of ghostly blues to White Water Tavern. to luchador Rey Mysterio. JT.

JAMES McMURTRY 9 p.m., Juanita’s. $13.

n “I’m gonna depress you the best I can,” James McMurtry says before a song. “Because I’m thoroughly tied into the Prozac industry.” One-liners like that exemplify why the Texas singer/songwriter enjoys a reputation as one of the most literate songwriters of his generation. It’s in his bones. The son of a college English professor and the brilliant Texas novelist Larry McMurtry is pedigreed, growing up on his father’s deft prose in song, often eyeing down the same Southern mythos with wry cynicism and an everyman’s shrug. For the last decade, he’s turned his amps towards politics and corporate greed in musical snapshots. Take “Cheney’s Toy,” in which McMurtry’s disaffected voice jumps from Iraq to Washington, D.C., to Guantanamo Bay with a dry, sardonic snarl juxtaposing a figure in the midst of battle with the aping, puppet president that stuck him there. It’s witty, it’s affecting and it’s as brazen as songwriting gets. On Tuesday, he’s joined by a fellow Austin-based singer/ songwriter Jonny Burke. JT.

WE DNE SDAY 7 /2 1

MALCOLM HOLCOMBE 9:30 p.m., White Water Tavern. $5.

n When Malcolm Holcombe gets in his mesmerizing, stomping groove, a cavalcade of idiosyncrasies blasts out of him in full effect. Never still, he jostles in his chair, shaking his head like a dazed drunkard with water in his ear, a sensation surely familiar to the legendarily rough and tumble Appalachian whom Steve Earle once called “the best singersongwriter I ever threw out of my studio.” He’s a clever-hearted John Prine in the body of a hardscrabble, boondock Keith Richards who earned the affections of both after releasing his proper debut, “A Hundred Lies,” at the age of 43. It’s an unbelievable premiere, full of wandering and poetic mood pieces about his trail to a long-avoided sobriety, but even amidst the heavy themes, it’s his trademark voice that ensnares. It neighs. It’s a gnarled, primordial rumble, and it provides a perfect accompaniment to his hypnotic, finger-picked brand of blues-folk guitar. White Water’s website says “don’t screw up and miss this show” and, well, we’re going to have to agree. JT.

n Local melodic songwriter Brian Frazier takes an outing to Sticky Fingerz, backed by Action Figures and supported by the California pop of Young the Giant and moody bedroom rockers This Holy House, 9 p.m., $6. Revolution brings in the familiar, always room-filling Boom Kinetic, 9:30 p.m., $8 early admission. Two of Little Rock’s best acts, The See and Whale Fire, take their triumphant, melodic anthem-rock to White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. It’s a family affair at Khalil’s with Team Lieblong and its brand of instant, acoustic feel-good, 7 p.m. Fox and Hound scoots boots with Ryan Couron, 10 p.m., $5.


n Benjamin Del Shreve, the catchy, bouncy Fayetteville soundcraft, releases his newest album, “Sleeping Sweetly,” at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, 8 p.m., $8. Discovery brings “Bittersweet,” billed as a “once in a decade event” when DJ Big Brown (better known as Mike Brown, proprietor of the new Green Grass Bodega) returns to the decks in the disco to battle against DJ Chaos, who makes a homecoming to the DJ booth after a 10-year absence; local rumpshaker g-force mans the lobby while Kourtney Van Wells and Whitney Paige woman the theater, 10 p.m. And finally, if you were in the market to possibly see a grown man sing and light his genitals on fire (really), Philadelphia’s Emotron is set to singe The Enjoy Life with support from Houston rapper B L A C K I E and the banging, dance-y laptop outfit Limb, 9 p.m., $7. • july 15, 2010 19


All events are in the Greater Little Rock area unless otherwise noted. To place an event in the Arkansas Times calendar, please e-mail the listing and all pertinent information, including date, time, location, price and contact information, to calendar@arktimes. com.



Antique/Boutique Walk. Shopping and live entertainment. Downtown Hot Springs, Third Thursday of every month, 4-8 p.m., free. 100 Central Avenue, Hot Springs. 20 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES


“Extreme Weather and the Environment” registration. Summer camp about earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, July 12-16 for rising 6th and 7th graders, July 19-23 for rising 8th graders. for details. In conjunction with exhibit “Nature Unleashed.” Clinton Presidential Center, through July 16. 1200 President Clinton Avenue. 370-8000.



Alex Reymundo. The Loony Bin, through July 15, 8 p.m. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.


Margaret Bogle, Dr. Pat Casey, Rich Huddleston, Rhonda Sanders. A panel discusses discuss the problems of and solutions to childhood obesity and hunger. Clinton School of Public Service, 12 p.m. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239.

SeniorNet Computing Classes for Seniors. Computer classes designed to teach seniors computer literacy to be held in the UAMS Institute of Aging, Room 1155. The courses include “Exploring Windows Vista,” 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; “Quicken,” noon-2 p.m.; “Intro to Computers,” 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Call 603-1262 for more details. University of Arkansas Medical School, through July 29:. UAMS Campus.

THURSDAY, JULY 15 Aaron Owens. Electric Cowboy, 10 p.m., $5. 9515 Interstate 30. 501-562-6000. Chris DeClerk. Cajun’s Wharf, 6 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www. Corey Smith. Riverfest Amphitheatre, 8 p.m., $15-$25. 400 President Clinton Ave. County and Them, Townsley & the Cheap Thrills. Town Pump, 10 p.m., $3. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road. 501-663-9802. Hector Faceplant, Ezra Lbs., Jean Eric. The Enjoy Life, 9 p.m., $7. 805 W. 4th St., NLR. 501-4140195. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Landlocked, They Were All Goliaths, Odds Against One, PCFL Chaos. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $6. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Mr. Free and the Satellite Freakout, Animalsound. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Nekromantix, The Mutilators, The Howlers. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $12 adv., $14 d.o.s. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. No Justice, Johnny Cooper, 2 Steps Back. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $6. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. Posh with DJ Mike Blaze, Dell Smith. Ernie Biggs, 9 p.m., $5 early admission. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. Robert Plant and The Band of Joy. Robinson Center Music Hall, 8 p.m., $64.90-$85.50. Markham and Broadway. 800-745-3000. Roger Creager, Chris Craig Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $9. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Southern Exposure. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m., $5. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. The Afterthought, 8:30 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


“Automorphosis.” Part of the HSDFI Summer Film Series. Malco Theater, 6 p.m., donations. 817 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-6200. “Fast Food Nation.” Faulkner County Library, 6:30 p.m., free. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-3277482. “Freaks.” Part of the HSDFI Summer Film Series. Malco Theater, 8 p.m., donations. 817 Central Avenue, Hot Springs. 501-623-6200.

FRiDAY, JULY 16 Music

BITTERSWEET: This is a throwback, y’all. DJs Big Brown and Chaos (L to R above), who a decade ago battled it out regularly at Discovery for dance supremacy in Arkansas, return to their old stomping ground for the last time on Saturday, July 17. It’s been 10 years since Chaos manned the decks at Disco; six for Brown. With Chaos set to soon move to Colorado, both say that this is their grand finale as DJs at Disco. Turntablist Bobby Kuta opens, 10 p.m., $10.

B. Sterling Band, Boothill, William Blackart. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Big John Miller. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 8 p.m. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010. www. Boom Kinetic. Revolution, 9:30 p.m., $8 early admission. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. Brian Frazier with Action Figures, Young the Giant, This Holy House. 21 plus. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $6. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. “Reggae on the River” with First Impressions (headliner), Darryl “Harp” Edwards (happy hour), DJ Hod. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. First Class Fridays. Bill St. Grill and Pub, 9 p.m. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-353-1724. HOD, Vore, Cardiac Arrest, Gravehill. Downtown Music Hall, 8 p.m., $7. 215 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819. Jeff Coleman. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, July 16-17, 7:30 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. www.sonnywilliamssteakroom. com. Larry Lee Cheshier Band. Town Pump, 10 p.m., $3. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road. 501-6639802. “Long, Hot Summer Night Jam” with Buffalo, Joystick, Runaway Planet, Sarah Hughes Band. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. cstonepub. com. Mare Carmody and Courtney Sheppard. Capi’s, 8:30 p.m., free. 11525 Cantrell Suite 917. 501-225-9600. Mister Lucky. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. North Little Rock Community Band. Lakewood Village Amphitheatre, 7 p.m., free. Lakewood Village, NLR. PG-13. Underground Pub, 9 p.m., $5. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-707-2537. Ryan Couron. Fox And Hound, 10 p.m., $5. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. 501-753-8300. The See, Whale Fire. White Water Tavern,

UpcOMiNg EvENTS Concert tickets through Ticketmaster by phone at 975-7575 or online at unless otherwise noted. JULY 29: Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston. 7 p.m., $31-$51. Verizon Arena, NLR. 800-7453000, AUG. 4: The Crystal Method. 8 p.m., $15-$25. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, AUG. 10: Built to Spill. 8:30 p.m. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, AUG. 30: Titus Andronicus. 8 p.m., $10. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. OCT. 29: Ra Ra Riot: 9 p.m., $15. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. www. SEPT. 30: Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato. 7 p.m., $40-$93, V.I.P. Verizon Arena, NLR. 800-745-3000, OCT. 7-9: Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival. B.B. King, Dr. John, Taj Mahal and many more. $25. Downtown Helena. 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www. Shannon Boshears. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www. Star & Micey, Apartment 5. Reno’s Argenta Cafe, 9 p.m., $5. 312 N. Main St., NLR. 501-3762900. Steve Bates. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, July 16-17, 8 p.m., free. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. www. Team Lieblong. Khalil’s Pub, 7 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. www.khalilspub. com. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. littlerock. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. Tim Meitzen. Grumpy’s Too, July 16-17, 9 p.m. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. 501-225-9650.


Alex Reymundo. The Loony Bin, July 16, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; July 17, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $12. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.loonybincomedy. com.


“Bountiful Arkansas.” A two-day festival of locally grown foods with workshops, food vendors, garden tours and tastings. Visit for details. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, July 16-17. 1 Rockefeller Drive, Morrilton. 727-5435. www. Cruisin’ in the Rock. An evening of classic muscle cars, street rods, cars, trucks and motorcycles from across Central Arkansas. River Market Pavilions, 6 p.m., free. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. Grown Folks Game Night. Khalil’s Pub, 10 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. www. Little Rock Fashion Week: “Young & Fabulous.” Robinson Center Music Hall, 8 p.m. Markham and Broadway. www.littlerockmeetings. com/conv-centers/robinson.


L. Daniel Howell. The anatomy professor from Liberty University lectures on the pros of the barefoot lifestyle and the adverse effects of shoes on the natural structure of the foot. Cox Creative Center, 12 p.m., free. 120 River Market Ave.


“Extreme Weather and the Environment” registration. See July 15.


Anneliese, Vessals of Wrath, Moments of Fierce Determination, Fathom Down. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $6. 1008 Oak St., Conway. “Benefit for Maddie” with Land of Mines,

Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Eve’s Descent. Downtown Music Hall, 8 p.m., $5. 215 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819. Benjamin del Shreve Album Release Show. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $8. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. Brian and Nick. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. Brown Soul Shoes. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 8 p.m. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010. Choo Choo Soul. Magic Springs-Timberwood Amphitheater, 8 p.m., $29.99-$49.99. 1701 E. Grand Ave., Hot Springs. Dawn Weber & Electric (headliner), Jim Mills (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. The Diamond State Chorus presents “Then and Now.” Pulaski Academy, 7 p.m., $7-$12.50. 12701 Hinson Road. DJ Chaos and Big Brown (disco), g-force (lobby), Kourtney Van Wells and Whitney Paige (theater). Discovery Nightclub, 10 p.m., $10. 1021 Jessie Road. 501-664-4784. Ed Bowman & the Rock City Players. Town Pump, 10 p.m., $3. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road. 501-663-9802. The Gettys. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-224-7665. Jeff Coleman. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, July 16-17, 7:30 p.m. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. The Lackadaisies, Motive for Movement. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., $5. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Needles St. Denton’s Trotline, 9 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Rep the Rock Rite Nite. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. Runaway Planet. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www.myspace. com/whitewatertavern. School of Dub with DJs TBDZ, Domewrekka, Step Child, JMZ Dean. The Enjoy Life, 9 p.m., $5. 805 W. 4th St., NLR. 501-414-0195. thenjoylife. com. Starroy, The Last Straw. 21 plus. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Steve Bates. Cregeen’s Irish Pub, July 16-17, 8 p.m., free. 301 Main St., NLR. 501-376-7468. www. Taylor Made. Fox And Hound, 10 p.m., $5. 2800 Lakewood Village, NLR. 501-753-8300. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-374-7474. www. Tim Meitzen. Grumpy’s Too, July 16-17, 9 p.m. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. 501-225-9650. Tragikly White. Revolution, 9:30 p.m., $5 early admission. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. William Staggers. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


Alex Reymundo. The Loony Bin, July 16, 8 and 10:30 p.m.; July 17, 7, 9 and 11 p.m., $12. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road. www.loonybincomedy. com.


“Bountiful Arkansas.” See July 16. Certified Arkansas Farmers Market. A weekly outdoor market featuring produce, meats and other foods from Arkansas farmers. Argenta Market: 7 a.m.-12 p.m., free. 521 N. Main St., NLR. 501-3799980. “Fabulous Fifties Fun” Family Day. A decadethemed day of food, fashion and activities. Central High School Museum Visitor Center, 11 a.m. p.m., free. Daisy Bates and Park Sts. 501-374-1957. Farmers Market. River Market Pavilions, 7 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. Little Rock Fashion Week: Finale Show. Lulav, 10 p.m. 220 A W. 6th St. 501-374-5100. www. L i t t l e R o c k F a s h i o n We e k : “ P o s h

Expression.” Robinson Center Music Hall, 7 p.m. Markham and Broadway. www.littlerockmeetings. com/conv-centers/robinson. Little Rock Multitap gaming night. A bi-monthly video competition night. ACAC, Third Saturday of every month, 6:30 p.m.; First Thursday of every month, 6:30 p.m., $5 membership fee. 900 S. Rodney Parham Road. 501-244-2974. Super Summer Saturdays. Programs and activities related to the Center’s summer exhibit, “Nature Unleashed.” Clinton Presidential Center, July 17, 10 a.m.; July 31, 10 a.m.; Aug. 14, 10 a.m.; Aug. 28, 10 a.m., free. 1200 President Clinton Avenue. 370-8000. “The Genealogist’s Camera.” A discussion of different brands of cameras and how to make the most of preserving family moments through photography. The Public Theater, 9:30 a.m. 616 Center St. 501-374-7529. Toyota Farm to Table Tour. The car company stops in Little Rock as part of their cross-country tour, highlighting nine local chefs and fresh market foods. River Market Pavilions, 10 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. Free.

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Sharllette Frazier. The author and Conway resident discusses and signs copies of her new book “Single and Pregnant: A New Beginning.” Hastings - Conway, 2 p.m., free. 1360 Old Morrilton Hwy., Conway.


12 Stones, Red, Atom Smash. The Village, 7 p.m., $13 adv., $16 d.o.s. 3915 S. University Ave. 501-570-0300. Successful Sundays with Tawanna Campbell and Dell Smith. Ernie Biggs, 9:30 p.m., $10 early admission. 307 Clinton Ave. 501-372-4782. littlerock. Sunday Jazz Brunch with Ted Ludwig and Joe Cripps. Vieux Carre, 11 a.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


Jeff Dunham. Verizon Arena, 5 p.m., $42.50. 1 Alltel Arena Way, NLR.


Central Arkansas Roller Derby: Rock-nRenegades vs. River Valley Roller Girls. Skate World, 5 p.m., $10. 6512 Mabelvale Cut Off.


Richie Johnson. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., free. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Shannon McClung. Grumpy’s Too, 9 p.m. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. 501-225-9650. Thieves, Crucified, Virtues, Gathering of Holy Skulls. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $6. 1008 Oak St., Conway.


Arkansas Travelers vs. Northwest Arkansas Naturals. Dickey-Stephens Park, 7:10 p.m., $6-$12. 400 W Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-7559.


“Arkansas MythBusting.” A program for students in grades 5-10 (rising) that explores unusual myths about the Old State House Museum and Arkansas history. Old State House Museum, 8 a.m. p.m., $75. 500 Clinton Ave. 324-9685. www.


Atomic Pink. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $4. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Brian & Nick. The Afterthought, 5:30 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. James McMurtry, Jonny Burke. 18 plus. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $13. 1300 S. Main St. 501-3721228.

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Continued on page 24 • july 15, 2010 21

Nostalgia’s creeping hold on pop culture n Nietzsche said, “Nostalgia is the blank check issued to a weak mind,” and if he were alive, based solely on that quotation, I think he would be really pissed that Hollywood remade “The A-Team” as a film this summer. And “Wall Street.” And “The Karate Kid.” It’s 2010. What’s going on? Neither the TV show nor those two movies were particularly good the first time around (if you don’t believe me, go back and rewatch). The answer is, for the same reason they remade “Charlie’s Angels,” “Starsky and Hutch” and “Mission: Impossible” a decade ago: Because some studio executive in his mid-30s had a memory of these shows and of a simpler time in his life and he thought he should inflict his nostalgia buzz on all of us by trying to recreate a $100 million toy for himself. Yet the audiences for these movies aren’t the people who loved the shows or films. They aren’t the ones who share the executive’s nostalgia buzz —


Continued from page 17 There’s a lot more going on in the nether regions. It’s a punchy record. It drives a lot. It’s a little to The Electric Prunes, I guess. Occasionally, there’s enough spook there to think you might be getting ready for a Cocteau Twins gig. Buddy wasn’t involved in the recording of “Raising Sand.” But he played with us throughout the tour. It was that relationship that I struck up with him at that time and the great dynamism of music — the love it all — that got us into this new zone. It’s really powerful. You’ve got a really eclectic assortment of songs on the album — from acts as diverse as Los Lobos, The Kelly Brothers, Townes Van Zandt and Low. Can you talk about the song selection? Did you and Miller pick the songs you’d cover together? I’ve been carrying Low songs in my car for about eight or nine years. That “Great Destroyer” album I used to play it a lot. I thought it’s quite removed from where I’ve been going, but I know Buddy’s got that spook stuff covered. Around Christmas time, I said, ‘Let’s touch it and see what we could do.’ It was at that point that he suggested that Patty could come along and really make the thing work. She was in Nashville and came by and tried it out and it was a very strong and sensuous vocal link. It’s really just what we want. It’s great. Let’s talk about some of the other song choices. You’ve got The Kelly Brothers. Yeah, there’s some amazing DVDs that 22 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

So, nostalgia is dangerous because we over-esteem it, it’s dangerous because it makes us forsake the present, and it’s dangerous because we bypass the promise of what we are for the memory of something we never were. At best, “The A-Team” and “The Karate Kid” and “Wall Street” are orgiastic in-jokes; at worst, they are injokes attempting to serve the old through nostalgia and the young by trying to legitimize a studio’s normally cynical summer offerings with the appearance of something more valid because it came before. Which brings me to the Nietzsche quotation. It’s not really from Nietzsche. You have to admit that it dressed up the column a bit, though, didn’t it? So, enough with the remakes. Enough with the painfully-specific referential humor. And let’s quit over-praising the mundane just because it’s obsolete, I beg you. Otherwise, in 15 years, I’ll be helping my son write a paper on the cultural merits of “Temptation Island.”

those people are at home with their kids watching “Madagascar 2” on Blu-Ray. The audience for these movies is made up of people who go to movies on Friday nights (i.e., 14-to-25-year-olds), and 14-to-25 year-olds only know Mr. T as the weird old guy who does those “World of Warcraft” commercials. This nostalgia buzz is dangerous, and not just for studio executives. For someone of my particular generation and place, if a person said, “I’m heading home to play ‘Radar Rat Race’ on my Commodore 64, eat some Pop Rocks, and watch Hacksaw Jim Duggan wrestle The Iron Sheik,” I would probably laugh until Crystal Pepsi came out my nose. It would seem brilliant to me because it would be

wrenching something from the recesses of my adolescent mind and I would reexperience the pleasure of a time in my life when the result of a WWF match was the most significant thing I had going that day. But it’s not brilliant; it’s just forgotten. It’s false heat. References like that generally produce a laugh. It’s a nostalgia laugh. It’s not “funny ha ha” and it’s not “funny strange,” it’s “funny exclusive.” And it’s precisely this exclusivity that leads us toward esteeming these things more highly than we probably should. It leads us toward deluding ourselves into believing that these things are more complex than they are, and that they’re worthy of not just overwrought praise, but study. “Murder She Wrote” was a mediocre old TV show (which is proven by the fact that Cabot Cove was tiny and there’s no way you have a murder there every week and still maintain any kind of cute, doddering population). But if you look at “Murder She Wrote” long enough, it’s a Rorshach; you’ll find new meaning and themes because that’s what the human mind does: finds connections and ascribes meaning. Does that mean you’re supposed to write your master’s thesis on “Murder She Wrote”? No, it doesn’t.

you can get, something like seven or eight DVDs of stuff that are maybe not very mainstream from that period. Maybe a little OV Wright or ZZ Hill and the Kelly Brothers are there right in the middle of it. It’s just a great period of music. I saw some YouTube footage of them. They had really fantastic pompadours. That’s right. And the bolero jackets! We all wanted to look like that, but a white boy from Worcestershire with spots ... Has trouble pulling that off? Yeah, it doesn’t work really. Frayed jeans and beatnik sandals were a bit more apropos. Later on, I did get into pointy-toe shoes, and I don’t seem to have left that behind. Can you talk about the Townes Van Zandt song, “Harms Swift Way”? It’s kind of drifted around. His — I’m not going to say “reading” because that’s really where we know we’ve gone right up our own sphincter — his music was dramatic at times, sometimes lost and sometimes hugely found, and this was, maybe, according to one aficionado, the last thing he ever wrote. It’s not a very happy tune in its original form. And basically it’s not happy-ed up now, but at least it’s got a driving beat and sounds like it just dropped off “Sweetheart of the Rodeo.” I know the album is going to be called “Band of Joy,” but are you and Miller and Griffin and others also Band of Joy? Yeah, everything is Band of Joy. Why did you decide to revive the project? Because my original Band of Joy, which Continued on page 24

‘band of joy’: More going on in the “nether regions” in the upcoming album.

Graham Gordy

Graham Gordy is a screenwriter living in Little Rock. This is the debut of his new bi-weekly column for the Times.

n artnotes Different strokes

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‘Go Hawaiian,’ ‘Fish,’ ‘Bad Girl’ in watercolor show at ASI.

Root Canals & Crowns Completed in One Visit

By LesLie NeweLL Peacock

n I have a watercolor confession to make. I am not a fan of the accidental made intentional. I like watercolors that are controlled by the artist, rather than the other way around. This makes me picky. Sometimes I’ll skip a watercolor exhibit. But I didn’t skip the “Mid-Southern Watercolorists” 40th annual juried exhibition at the Arkansas Studies Institute, and I was well rewarded. These artists have won the war with their medium and the River Market district gallery highlights just how different their battle plans can be. Dean Mitchell — a great watercolor artist himself whose work can be found at Hearne Fine Art — was the judge. Jacquelyn Kaucher won the Arvest Bank Gold Award for her large and tricky “Fish,” a batiky composition of loosely drawn and tightly composed fishes, with the judicious use of bits of sparkling something representing the glint of scales. It’s huge, painted on a scale (no pun intended) not easily achieved in watercolor. I kept going back to a smaller watercolor by Margaret Harrell of Mountain View. Harrell uses watercolor like acrylic, overpainting with highlights and using a woodcut-like stroke. A man on a horse is passing a building; his reflection in a window precedes him. I’m not horse-crazy, or cowboy-crazy, or cinderblock-buildingcrazy, but I really like this painting because of Harrell’s technique. I’m not sure why a Michigan artist is in the Mid-Southern Watercolorists show, but I was glad to see Fredrick Bidigare’s “Bad Girl” (which I believe is erroneously titled “New Day” in the free catalog that comes with the show), an image of a shadowy woman yielding a knife. A block of red in the lower right-hand corner and a jag on her face and the end of the knife are juxtaposed with the otherwise gray and black composition. I love how Bidigare has suggested movement in her arm. There’s not a single random flow of color in Htun Tin’s “Go Hawaiian,” a super painting of storefronts on a sun-bathed city street; this California artist is as skilled in light, shadow and hard-edge landscape as juror Mitchell. There are many notable works in the show — Sue Harvey’s “Burst of Summer,” which escapes the floral genre by shoving the lillies into one corner and letting them trail off into abstracted blooms; Joyce Hartmann’s “At the All You Can Eat Buffet,” a pen and watercolor illustration; Barbara Edward’s “Carolina Wrens,” a Diebenkorn-meets-bird done in paint

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thick enough to scrape; Ron Licklider’s “Flapper,” a portrait in washes of color. You can preview the work on the MSW website,

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‘GO HAWAIIAN’: At the Arkansas Studies Institute. n The third Friday of the month draws nigh, which means galleries in the Argenta neighborhood of North Little Rock are gearing up for a night of ArtWalk fans. Here’s the July 16 roster: At Greg Thompson Fine Art, ASU professor Roger Carlisle is showing his work in a show called “Light in the Landscape.” Ketz Gallery features the work of neopointillist (my moniker, not necessarily one he’d chose) Tim Jacob, and pastel artist Virmarie DePoyster will demonstrate how she works at the Thea Foundation and the 2nd floor THEArtists Studios will be open for a meet-and-greet. Look for other artists up and down Main Street as well.

The To-do lisT




The comprehensive list of everything worth doing this weekend from Times entertainment editor, Lindsey Millar. Whether it’s live music, dance, theater or an exhibit, Lindsey steers you to the best. The To-Do List email newsletter arrives in your in-box every Wednesday afternoon with an eye toward planning for your weekend. The To-Do List is a sure bet for your active life!




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n On Saturday, July 17, Gallery 26 will host an opening reception for artists Becki Lamascus and Katherine Strause, who are showing paintings and mixed media work there through Sept. 14. Lamascus’ work plays with the nasty, brutish and short facts of life with a touch of humor; Strause touches on our common history in her work inspired by old photographs. The reception is 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; the Winston Family Orchestra will play. n Speaking of DePoyster, a note on her blog pointed us to an exhibit at the South Arkansas Arts Center in El Dorado. The 2010 Annual Juried Exhibit was this year judged by David Houston, chief curator at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans. He chose 38 works (including one by DePoyster) from 347 entries from artists in Arkansas and Louisiana and states on the East and West coasts as well. An award ceremony and reception is Saturday at the SAAC.




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Follow us on Facebook & Twitter • july 15, 2010 23


Continued from page 22 was right up to meeting Jimmy Page, was like nothing mattered.You just had to get the music right — at the expense of everything. There was a very buccaneer approach to it. John Bonham and myself drove the band, but we were ably supported at that time by musicians who felt that the most important thing on the planet was to get it out and express it rather than follow Herman’s Hermits and The Tremeloes or Freddie and the Dreamers into some American teen scene moment. It was a kind of buccaneer band. I felt that I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m singing good. These people are amazing. I find that I’m learning way more by being with these people. Every day is a day when I learn something fresh. What should people expect on the tour? Tunes from everywhere. Tunes from 1968 in a studio in London. Tunes from 1988 in a studio in London. Tunes from 2008 in a studio in Nashville. And it’s not sedate. So you’ll be doing “Raising Sand”


Continued from page 21 Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Karaoke Night. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. Karaoke Tuesday. The Prost, 8 p.m., free. 120 Ottenheimer. 501-244-9550. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Matt Lieblong. Grumpy’s Too, 9 p.m. 1801 Green Mountain Drive. 501-225-9650. Tequila Tuesdays with DJ Hy-C. Bill St. Grill and Pub, 8:30 p.m. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-3531724. Tuesday Jam Session with Carl Mouton. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.


“Latin Night.” Revolution, 7 p.m., $5 regular, $7 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. www.


Farmers Market. River Market Pavilions, 7 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. The ROOT Cafe “Canning Kitchen” Summer Workshop. ROOT’s third annual summer series of food preservation workshops. Christ Episcopal Church, July 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Aug. 31, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Sept. 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Sept. 14, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $10. 509 Scott St. 501-375-2342.


WWE Smackdown. Verizon Arena, 6:30 p.m., $17-$62. 1 Alltel Arena Way, NLR. 800-745-3000.


Meet the Author: Grif Stockley. Stockley will share about his work-in-progress on the 1959 fire at the Negro Boys Industrial School in Wrightsville. William F. Laman Library, 6:30 p.m., free. 2801 Orange St., NLR. 501-758-1720.


SeniorNet Computing Classes for Seniors. See July 15.

Wednesday, July 21 Music 24 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

and Zeppelin songs? There’s room for “squeezing my lemon” and “baby, baby.” Also, “I got a woman with plenty of money/She’s got the money and I’ve got the honey” doesn’t seem like a bad thing to sing. It’s not too challenging cerebrally anyway. This’ll be your first time performing in Arkansas, right? No. I was in Little Rock about 10 years ago. I remember driving in from West Helena. I was going to ask about that. I knew you’d been in Helena and sat in Acoustic Open Mic with Kat Hood. The Afterthought, 8 p.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Futurebirds, Whale Fire, Catskill Kids. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $7. 1300 S. Main St. 501-3721228. Hazelwood, Seth Parker. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $6. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-3242999. Karaoke with Big John Miller. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Keystone Kings. Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30pm. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Lucious Spiller Band. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Malcolm Holcombe. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www. Sad Daddy. Maxine’s, free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Shannon McClung. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-3747474.


Brian Scolaro. The Loony Bin, July 21-22, 8 p.m., $6. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.


Movies in the Park: “Wedding Crashers.” Park opens at 6:30 p.m. Riverfront Park, Free. 400 President Clinton Avenue. www.moviesintheparklr. net.


4 Elements (headliner), Andy Tanas (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5:30 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www. Adam Hood, Mountain Sprout. Sticky Fingerz Rock ’n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9:30 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www.stickyfingerz. com. The Big John Miller Band. Denton’s Trotline, 8 p.m. 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717.

at KFFA with Sonny Payne. That’s right. Nicely and quite righteously for me and him there was no connection with me being a musician*, I was just a passerby. That made it so much better for me because I could talk about things like the last Sonny Boy sessions on Arhoolie before he died. You should come back in the fall. The blues fest they have in Helena is going to be bigger than usual. They’ve got BB King and Dr. John and Taj Mahal. Oh really. How did they manage to do that? It’s just on the levee there on Main Street in downtown Helena, right? It’s sort of struggled in years past, and they really struggled when the company who owns the name to King Biscuit took it back and they had to rename it the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival, which, obviously, doesn’t have the same ring to it. You know what’s really sad is when you come over the bridge on Highway 49 there used to be years ago a sign that said “Welcome to West Helena, the home of Sonny Boy Williamson” that fell in the grass and no one had the bloody propen-

sity to put it back.** I was in Tutwiler [Miss.] this year to unveil a plaque for WC Handy, and this husband and wife came up to me from Cornwall in the UK and they were looking for clues. I think these things are part of the heritage of an area that can use as much tourist dollar as possible. I’d be a bad journalist if I didn’t ask: Is there any chance for another Led Zeppelin reunion? You know, sometimes there’s a hell of a lot of interference on the line. [Laughs] Fair enough.

Brantley Gilbert. Revolution, 9 p.m., $10. 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. Cloud 9. Electric Cowboy, 10 p.m., $5. 9515 Interstate 30. 501-562-6000. www.electriccowboy. com. D-Mite, Tho’d Studios Showcase. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-3741782. Dave Williams and Company. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Dependency, Veritas, Beyond the Veil. Soundstage, 8 p.m., $6. 1008 Oak St., Conway. Eric Somner. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. whitewatertavern. Hawthorne Heights, The Story Changes, PMtoday. All ages. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $8 adv., $10 d.o.s. 1300 S. Main St. 501-372-1228. www. Holy Rolling Empire. Maxine’s, 9 p.m., free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. J-One Presents: “In Too Deep.” Deep Ultra Lounge, 9 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. Jeremy Camp. Magic Springs-Timberwood Amphitheater, 8 p.m., $29.99-$49.99. 1701 E. Grand Ave., Hot Springs. Jim Dickerson. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 7 p.m., free. 500 President Clinton Ave. 501-324-2999. Mandango Flush. Town Pump, 10 p.m., $3. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road. 501-663-9802. The Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 W. President Clinton Ave. 501-3747474. Zucura, Frosty, The Man Behind the Sun. Downtown Music Hall, 8 p.m., $7. 215 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819.

1954 play “The Rainmaker” centers on Lizzie Curry, a spinster living with her father and brothers on a Southwestern ranch. Royal Theatre, through July 17, 7 p.m., $5-$12. 111 S. Market St., Benton. “Barefoot in the Park.” The Neil Simon play about mismatched newlyweds playing matchmaker for their neighbor. Pocket Community Theater, July 15, 2:30 p.m.; July 15-17, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., July 18, 2:30 p.m.; July 22-24, 7:30 p.m., $10. 170 Ravine St., Hot Springs. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” Based on the 1988 movie of the same name, this musical adaptation follows two polar opposite con men whose decision to collaborate goes awry when they both fall for the same woman, their initial target. The Public Theater, Fri., July 16, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., July 18, 2 p.m.; Fri., July 23, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., July 25, 2 p.m.; Fri., July 30, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 1, 2 p.m., $12-$14. 616 Center Street. 501-374-7529. “Hair.” This rock opera follows the “Tribe,” a group of politically active, long-haired youth living in New York City and rebelling against the Vietnam War, their conservative parents and a prejudiced, repressive society. The Weekend Theater, Fri., Sat., 7:30 p.m.; Sun., 2:30 p.m. through Aug. 8, $14-$18. 1001 W. 7th St. 501-374-3761. www.weekendtheater. org. “Liddy’s Sammiches, Potions and Baths.” A free, public reading of the Tearrance Chisholm play about family, sorcery and the South will be held as part of the “Voices at the River” celebration. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, July 16, 6 p.m., free. 501 W. 9th St. 501-376-4602. Opera in the Ozarks: “Don Giovanni.” Inspiration Point, July 15, 7:15 p.m., $20-$25. 16311 Hwy. 62 W., Eureka Springs. Opera in the Ozarks: “Tosca.” Inspiration Point, July 16, 7:15 p.m., $20-$25. 16311 Hwy. 62 W., Eureka Springs. “Red, White and Tuna.” In the third installment of the “Tuna” series, residents of Texas’ thirdsmallest town getting ready for the Fourth of July Tuna High School Class Reunion. Murry’s Dinner Playhouse, Tue.-Sa.t, 6 p.m.; Sun., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. through July 18, $22-$30, curtain follows meal times. 6323 Col. Glenn Road. “Roses in the Water.” A free, public reading of the La’Chris Jordan’s play about a young man from the NOLA projects who joins the Army as refuge from violence at home. Part of the “Voices at the River” celebration. Mosaic Templars Cultural


Brian Scolaro. The Loony Bin, July 21-22, 8 p.m., $6. 10301 N. Rodney Parham Road.


Mike McArthy. The author of “Historic Ozark Mills” will speak about his most recent publication. Boone County Library, 5 p.m. 221 W. Stephenson Ave., Harrison.


SeniorNet Computing Classes for Seniors. See July 15.

THIS WEEK IN THEATER “110 in the Shade.” The musical version of the

*The story goes that, when asked by Payne what he did in England, Plant said, “I play a bit of tennis.” **I called Delta Cultural Center director Katie Harrington in Helena to ask about the sign. She couldn’t think of what Plant might be talking about, but said that a marker for the Mississippi Blues Heritage Trail that references Sonny Boy Williamson and “King Biscuit Time” sits outside the DCC. She added, “Helena is paying more attention to its past, preserving what it can, saving what it can.”

Continued on page 25


Continued from page 24 Sat., July 17, 8:30 p.m. 501 W. 9th St. 501-376-4602. “Smoke On The Mountain Homecoming.” A changing of guard at a WWII-era church results in a celebration of the area’s bluegrass music. July 17, 6 p.m., $25 adults, $20 children. “Solterona.” Public reading of the Augusto Federico Amador play about a single, middle-aged woman trying to find independence from her ailing mother. Part of the “Voices at the River” celebration. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, July 17, 6 p.m., free. 501 W. 9th St. 501-376-4602. “Waking Up to You.” Reading of the Michael Chavez play about a short lived relationship between a college couple. Part of the “Voices at the River” celebration. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, July 17, 2 p.m., free. 501 W. 9th St. 501-376-4602. www. “Wetback.” Reading of the Elaine Romero play about racial and class tensions on the MexicanAmerican border. Part of the “Voices at the River” celebration. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center July 16, 8:30 p.m., free. 501 W. 9th St. 501-376-4602.

AUDITIONS Applications. from directors and musical directors are being accepted by the Royal Theater in Benton for their 2010-2011 season. The resume should include previous, relevant experience in theater. For more information, contact or Royal Theatre, through July 23. 111 S. Market St., Benton. Center,

GAllerIeS, MUSeUMS New exhibits, upcomiNg eveNts

ARKANSAS STUDIES INSTITUTE, 401 President Clinton Ave.: “Luke Anguhadluq: Inuit Artist,” from the J.W. Wiggins Native American Art Collection, Mezzanine Gallery, through Oct. 9; “Mid-Southern Watercolorists 40th annual Juried Exhibition,” Main Gallery, through Aug. 28; “Arkansans in the Korean War 1950 to 1953,” through July, Atrium Gallery. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 320-5700. GALLERY 26, 2601 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Becki Lamascus and Katherine Strause, recent works, opening reception 7-10 p.m. July 17 with music by Winston Family Orchestra, show through Sept. 14. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-8996. GREG THOMPSON FINE ART, 429 Main St., NLR: “Roger Carlisle: Light in the Landscape,” receptions 6 p.m. July 15, 5-8 p.m. July 16, Third Friday Argenta ArtWalk. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. KETZ GALLERY, 705 Main St., NLR: Tim Jacob, paintings, reception and demonstration by the artist, 5-8 p.m. July 16, Third Friday Argenta ArtWalk. 529-6330. LAMAN LIBRARY ARGENTA BRANCH, 506 Main St., NLR: Demonstration by potter Janet Donnangelo, 5-8 p.m. July 16, Third Friday Argenta ArtWalk. 771-1995. THEA FOUNDATION, 401 Main St.: Pastel demonstration by Virmarie DePoyster, concert by Thea scholarship winner Isaiah Bailey (6:30 and 7:30 p.m.), meet and greet with artists in THEArtists Gallery (2nd floor), 5-8 p.m. July 16, Third Friday Argenta Artwalk. n El Dorado SOUTH ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER, 110 E. Fifth ST.: “2010 Juried Art Competition,” photographs by John Bridges and John Watson, pastels by Virmarie DePoyster, linoleum cuts by Neal Harrington and LaToya Hobbs, watercolor by Nina Louton, and work by other artists, through July 29, reception and award presentation 6-7:30 p.m. July 17, Merkle Gallery. 870-5474. n Russellville RIVER VALLEY ARTS CENTER, 1001 E. B St.: Work by sculptor Virginia Berner, artist-in-residence Winston Taylor, students Abbey Harris, Heather Beckwith, Janice Miles, Kristen Taylor, Carla Swanson, Susan Harmon, Anita Allen and Gus Sprague and Hector art teacher

Carolyn Shockley. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri. 479-968-2452.

gALLeRies, oNgoiNg exhibits.

ACAC GALLERY, 900 S. Rodney Parham: New paintings by John Kushmaul, through July. 2-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., noon-4 p.m. Sat. 479-466-1235. ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER, MacArthur Park: “The Miniature Worlds of Bruce Metcalf,” through Aug. 22; “Currents in Contemporary Art,” “Masterworks,” “Paul Signac Watercolors and Drawings,” ongoing. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER COMMUNITY GALLERY, Terry House, 7th and Rock Sts.: “V.I.T.A.L. Artists Collective Inaugural Exhibit,” work by Melverue Abraham, Rex Deloney, LaToya Hobbs, Ariston Jacks, Kalari Turner and Michael Worsham, through Aug. 28. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARGENTA ART MARKET, 510 Main St., NLR: Outdoor artists and crafters market, 8 a.m. to noon every Sat. BOSWELL-MOUROT FINE ART, 5815 Kavanaugh Blvd.: New work by 25 national, international and Arkansas artists, highlighting mixed media on canvas work of Darlyne Chauve, through August. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0030. CANTRELL GALLERY, 8206 Cantrell Road: “19th annual Mid-Southern Watercolorists Open Membership Exhibit,” through July. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 509 Scott St.: “Summer Members Show,” work by Arkansas Pastel Society members Shirley Anderson, Ruth Byrn, S. Caruthers, Gertrude Casciano, Lois Davis, Marlene Gremillion, Sheliah Halderman, Mary Nancy Henry, Susan Hurst, Melanie Johnston, Sr. Maria Liebeck, Sue F. Lopez, Anne K. Lyon, Nancy Martin, Diana L. Shearon, Cathy Spann, Mary Ann Stafford and Debbie Strobel. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.noon Sun. 375-2342. CHROMA GALLERY, 5707 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by Robert Reep and other Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 664-0880. HEARNE FINE ART, 1001 Wright Ave.: “Collaborations,” paintings and sculpture by Kevin Cole, Benny Andrews, Kennith Humphrey, Tonia Mitchell, Marjorie Williams-Smith, photographs by Ernest C. Withers, and other work. 372-6822. HEIGHTS GALLERY, 5801 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 664-2772. LOCAL COLOUR GALLERY, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “Christmas in July,” jewelry by Mary Allison, other work by members of cooperative. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 265-0422. M2 GALLERY, 11525 Cantrell Road: Work by new artists Danny Broadway, Todd Williams, David Walker, Char Demoro and Morgan McMurry. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 225-5257. RED DOOR GALLERY, 3715 JFK, NLR: Work by Twin, Robin Steves, Brady Taylor, Georges Artaud, Lola, Jim Johnson, Amy Hill-Imler, James Hayes and Theresa Cates. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 753-5227. SALON UNDERGROUND, 2821 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “More Selections from the Estate of Howard S. Stern,” paintings, prints and photographs by Leonard Baskin, Carroll Cloar, Selma Blackburn, Frank Freed, Hiroyuki Tajima, Sheila Parsons, Douglas Walton, Marjorie Williams-Smith, Jason Williamson and Stern, through July. SHOWROOM, 2313 Cantrell Road. Work by area artists, including Sandy Hubler. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 372-7373. STEPHANO’S FINE ART GALLERY, 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by area artists. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 563-4218. THEA FOUNDATION, 401 Main St.: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 379-9512. TOBY FAIRLEY FINE ART, 5507 Ranch Drive, Suite 103: Contemporary Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri. or by appointment. 868-9882. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK: “Groovy Summer Show,” 1960s rock band posters from the permanent collection, through July 20, Gallery III, 2nd floor Fine Arts Building. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 569-8977. UALR BOWEN SCHOOL OF LAW: “Law in a Land Without Justice: Nazi Germany 1933-1945,”


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Continued on page 27 • july 15, 2010 25

Friday, July 16 -Thursday, July 22



Winters Bone – r 2:00 4:20 7:15 9:20 Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes Sundance Film Fest

standing ovation – Pg 1:45 4:15 6:45 9:00 Madeline Barrows, Alexis Biesiado, Erika Corvette

Father oF My Children – nr 2:15 4:20 7:15 9:20 Cannes Film Festival

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SWim SeaSon iS here! it iS not to late to get in ShaPe! 26 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

July 16-18

movielistings All theater listings run Friday to Thursday unless otherwise noted.

Rave and Lakewood times were unavailable at press time. Visit for updates. Market Street Cinema showtimes at or after 9 p.m. are for Friday and Saturday only. NEW MOVIES Inception (PG-13) – A corporate spy enters competitors’ dreams to extract company secrets in this surrealist revision of heist films. Breckenridge: 12:15, 1:15, 4:00, 4:30, 7:10, 7:40, 10:20, 10:50. Chenal 9: 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 (IMAX); 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05. Riverdale: 12:20, 3:25, 6:30, 9:30. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (PG) – A master sorcerer recruits an ordinary guy to help him defend New York City from his arch-rival. Breckenridge: 11:25, 1:50, 4:20, 7:00, 9:55. Chenal 9: 11:10, 2:05, 4:35, 7:20, 9:45. Riverdale: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30. Standing Ovation (PG) – A group of friends compete against each other in a tween-aged music video contest. Market Street: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:00. Riverdale: 11:25, 1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:05. Winter’s Bone (R) – A 17-year-old girl tracks her deadbeat father through the Ozarks after he abandons his family. 2010 winner of LRFF’s Golden Rock award. Market Street: 2:00, 4:20, 7:15, 9:20. RETURNING THIS WEEK The A-Team (PG-13) — Four former Special Forces soldiers look to clear their name with the U.S. military after finding themselves framed and on the lam. Breckenridge: 4:10, 10:05. Animalopolis (NR) — A half-hour film of goofy animals being goofy in enormous 3D. Aerospace IMAX: 11:00, 7:00 Fri.; 1:00, 3:00, 7:00 Sat. Clash of the Titans (PG-13) — Perseus, son of Zeus, leads a band of warriors into uncharted dimensions while attempting to defeat the evil Hades, God of the Underworld. Movies 10: 12:25, 2:50, 5:;25, 7:50, 10:15. Date Night (PG-13) — When a bored couple tries for a romantic evening in New York City, a case of mistaken identity sends them off into a night of danger. Movies 10: 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 7:30, 9:50. Death at a Funeral (PG-13) — A funeral for a family patriarch goes haywire, being constantly disrupted by a series of accidents, missteps, idiocy and blackmail. Movies 10: 1:00, 3:10, 5:35, 7:55, 10:20. Despicable Me (PG) — A skittish criminal mastermind hiding in the suburbs plans to steal the moon, if only he can keep three orphaned girls away. Breckenridge: 11:50, 2:10, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35. Chenal 9: 11:15, 1:30, 4:15, 7:05, 9:20. Riverdale: 11:20, 1:25, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40, 9:45. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (PG) — Greg, a 6th-grade runt, can’t stand the ceaseless bullying, wedgies and swirlies he puts up with at school, so he retreats to his journal and his imagination. Movies 10: 1:05, 5:45, 10:25. Father of My Children (NR) — A French film producer with a seemingly perfect life ends up in dire financial straits after a project goes overboard. Market Street: 2:15, 4:20, 7:15, 9:20. Get Him to the Greek (R) — A dopey record company intern finds himself caught in a drugand-sex-fueled caper as he tries to bring an unruly British rock star to America. Riverdale: 11:30, 1:55, 4:20, 6:45, 9:10. Grown Ups (PG-13) — Five old basketball teammates act like kids again after their high school coach passes away. Breckenridge: 11:35, 2:15, 5:00, 7:25, 10:00. Chenal 9: 11:25, 1:55, 4:25, 7:15, 9:50. Riverdale: 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 9:55. How to Train Your Dragon (PG) — A timid young Viking, raised to slay dragons by his heroic father, ends up befriending one he tried to slay. Movies 10: 12:00, 2:20, 3:25, 4:40, 7:00, 8:05, 9:20. Iron Man 2 (PG-13) — The libertine superhero returns, facing off with an evil Russian copycat, an old rival and the government. Movies 10: 12:05, 1:30, 2:55, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:35, 10:00. Riverdale: 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:35.

ON A BENDER: “Inception,” the newest, long-anticipated outing from “The Dark Knight” and “Memento” filmmaker Christopher Nolan sees Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb, a corporate spy hired to extract secrets from industry rivals by entering and altering their nocturnal dream worlds. Just Wright (PG) — A physical therapist finds herself falling for the professional basketball player in her care. Movies 10: 12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40. The Karate Kid (PG) — A reboot of the 1985 classic sees the Kid as a Detroit-transplant in China, learning kung fu from the hand of his apartment maintenance man. Breckenridge: 1:10, 6:55. Knight and Day (PG-13) — When a spy realizes he wasn’t supposed to survive his last assignment, he teams with an unassuming stranger to escape. Breckenridge: 12:00, 2:40, 5:10, 7:50, 10:25. The Last Airbender (PG) — M. Night Shyamalan adapts the hugely successful action cartoon about four magical defenders of the elements. Breckenridge: 11:40, 4:35, 7:05, 9:40. Chenal 9: 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30. Riverdale: 11:40, 2:00, 4:25, 6:50, 9:15. Letters to Juliet (PG) — An American in Italy takes it upon herself to help a number of anonymous, lovelorn women who left letters at the fictional Capulet courtyard in Verona. Movies 10: 12:10, 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05. The Living Sea (NR) — An underwater tour of Palau, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Alaska, Nova Scotia and the Red Sea. Aerospace Imax: 10:00, 12:00, 2:00 (Thu.); 10:00, 12:00, 2:00, 7:00, 9:00 (Fri.); 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 (Sat.). Marmaduke (PG) — The funny pages’ Great Dane turns his family’s cross-country move into a never-ending series of disasters. Movies 10: 12:15, 2:45, 4:55, 7:15, 9:30. Ondine (PG-13) — This modern fairy tale sees an Irish fisherman and his daughter finding themselves changed by a woman who may or may not be a mermaid. Market Street: 1:45, 4:00, 6:45, 9:00. Predators (R) — The newest addition to the “Predator” franchise sees a group of paramilitary experts try to outlast the ruthless, futuristic Predators. Breckenridge: 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:45,

10:30. Chenal 9: 11:20, 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 10:10. Toy Story 3 (G) — Donated to a daycare center after their owner leaves for college, the beloved gang of toys rally together for one last escape. Breckenridge: 11:30, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50. Chenal 9: 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:25. Riverdale: 11:50, 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (PG-13) — The third installment of the “Twilight” series finds Bella graduating high school, torn between vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob. Breckenridge: 1:20, 1;55, 4:05, 4:45, 6:50, 7:30, 9:45, 10:15. Chenal 9: 11:05, 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40. Riverdale: 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50. Thrill Ride (NR) — This IMAX movie takes viewers on some of the fastest, scariest roller coasters on earth. Aerospace IMAX: 1:00 (Thu.); 1:00, 8:00 (Fri.); 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 8:00 (Sat.). Wildfire: Feel the Heat (NR) — Discover how firefighters all over the planet fight the biggest, hottest fires on the planet. Aerospace IMAX: 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 8:00 (Sat.). Chenal 9 IMAX Theatre: 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, Cinemark Movies 10: 4188 E. McCain Blvd., 945-7400, Cinematown Riverdale 10: Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, IMAX Theater: Aerospace Education Center, 376-4629, Market Street Cinema: 1521 Merrill Drive, 312-8900, Rave Colonel Glenn 18: 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza, 687-0499, Regal Breckenridge Village 12: 1-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0990, Dickinson Theaters Lakewood 8: Lakewood Village, 758-5354,

‘PREDATORS’: Adrien Brody and Alice Braga star.

n moviereview Bloody good fun ‘Predators’ reinvigorates the franchise. n The opening scene of “Predators” is so audacious that to describe it nearly qualifies as a spoiler, but what the hey. A mercenary (Adrien Brody) awakes as he’s plummeting from a great height, the sky rushing past, the ground rushing up. He fumbles around for a parachute ripcord, finds none, and continues to drop like a sack of nickels until the chute automatically deploys and makes his landing in an unknown jungle merely abusive rather than fatal. He crashes through trees and lands facedown in the dirt. Then, boom, title screen. The fanboy-laden theater where I saw the movie opening night broke into lusty applause. Despite the casting of the Pianist in the lead role – a perch immortally occupied by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the singular

1987 sci-fi action classic “Predator” – it’s obvious at the outset that director Nimrod Antal and producer Robert Rodriguez know what their audience wants, and it’s not just to see an Oscar-winning Diet Coke shill dropped from high altitude. Since the 1990 “Predator 2” and the two “Aliens vs. Predators” spin-offs (one of which drew a namby-pamby PG-13 rating), the “Predator” franchise has, to varying degrees, sucked. Antal and Rodriguez take the Predator back to its roots by essentially turning the first movie inside out. Rather than a hulking, spider-mandibled extraterrestrial hunting a team of commandos through a Central American jungle, “Predators” (literally) drops a hodgepodge of human murderers and mercenaries onto a forested planet

to be hunted. The most dangerous game includes a Yakuza assassin, a triggerhappy Russian soldier, a cartel gunman lifted from Baja and a death-row inmate. The only sympathetic player in the bunch is an Israeli sniper (a fierce Alice Braga), who’s determined not to leave anyone to die alone. Still, they’re bad people, and you know they’re doomed. The only questions remaining are how good the killing will be and whether the Predators will be sufficiently awesome. Check and check. Impalement, decapitation, disembowelment, disintegration, explosion, evisceration – people and Predators alike all get theirs in some nasty way or other. The Predators are shown to be brutal and barbaric but also oddly honorable, unsatisfied with cheap shots. It’s a hunt, after all, and if you’re going to abduct Adrien Brody and schlep him to an alien world only to shoot him in the face at your first opportunity, you might as well have saved the trouble and stopped by the filming of “The Village” six years ago to run him through with your giant Predator ax. Where “Predators” suffers, alas, is in the dialogue, which nearly matches the lead content of the gunfights. Nowhere in here do we find a line as exquisitely coldblooded as Arnie’s “If it bleeds, we can kill it,” though Topher Grace has a couple of quote-worthy moments as dweeby cannon fodder. The script also makes the calculated but profound mistake of not allowing Brody’s character to reveal his name until the final act. Names are powerful handles, and until we know his, every time he appears on screen, even with rifle erupting, an utterly ripped torso, and a voice like charred gravel, you think, Oh, right, I’m watching Adrien Brody, the dude from “The Darjeeling Limited,” and I’m rather hoping a Predator yanks his spine out by hand. — Sam Eifling

Parties are just better


Continued from page 25 World War II artifacts, through July. 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun. WILLIAM F. LAMAN LIBRARY, 2801 Orange St., NLR: “Draw Me a Story: A Century of Children’s Book Illustration,” 40 original illustrations by Maurice Sendak, Ralph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway, William Steig, Lois Lenski, Tomie DePaola, Chris Van Allsburg and others, through Aug. 11. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 758-1720. n Benton DIANNE ROBERTS ART STUDIO AND GALLERY, 110 N. Market St.: Area artists. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Wed.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 860-7467. n Bentonville CRYSTAL BRIDGES AT THE MASSEY, 125 W. Central: “ArtBuzz: Vintage Vessels,” gallery talk, 11 a.m.-noon July 15, companion to “Transforming Tradition: Pottery from Mata Ortiz,” Field Museum exhibit, through Aug. 29. 479-418-5700. n Hot Springs ALISON PARSONS GALLERY, 802 Central Ave.: Paintings by Parsons. 501-625-3001. AMERICAN ART GALLERY, 724 Central Ave.: Jimmy Leach, Jamie Carter, Govinder, Marlene Gremillion, Margaret Kipp and others. 501-6240550. ARTISTS WORKSHOP GALLERY, 810 Central Ave.: Eletha Hise, Joanne Kunath, paintings, pastels, through July. 501-623-6401. ATTRACTION CENTRAL GALLERY, 264 Central Ave.: Work in all media by Hot Springs artists. 501-463-4932. BLUE MOON, 718 Central Ave.: Mosaic glass artwork by Cassie Edmonds, through July. 501-3182787. CAROLE KATCHEN ART GALLERY, 618 W. Grand Ave.: Paintings, pastels, sculpture by Katchen. 501-617-4494. FINE ARTS CENTER, 626 Central Ave.: “Sea of Love” themed exhibition. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wed.-Sat. 501-624-0489. FOX PASS POTTERY, 379 Fox Pass Cut-off: Pottery by Jim and Barbara Larkin. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 501-623-9906. GALLERY 726, 726 Central Ave.: Barbara Seibel, paintings, through July. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 501-624-7726. GALLERY CENTRAL, 800 Central Ave.: Sandy Hubler, paintings, and work by other Hot Springs artists. 501-318-4278. HOT SPRINGS CONVENTION CENTER, 134 Convention Blvd.: “Hot Springs: A Journey Through History,” photos. Open daily. 501-321-2027. JUSTUS FINE ART, 827 A Central Ave.: Michael Ashley and Dolores Justus. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Continued on page 28

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501-375-5351 • july 15, 2010 27


Continued from page 27 Wed.-Sat. 501-321-2335. LINDA PALMER GALLERY, 800 B Central Ave.: Linda Palmer, Doyle Young, Ellen Alderson, Peter Lippincott, Sara Tole and Jan Leek. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 501-620-3063. RICIANO ART GALLERY, 833 Central Ave.: Riciano, Lacey Riciano and other artists. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. 501-339-3751. TAYLOR’S CONTEMPORANEA, 204 Exchange St.: Area and regional artists. 624-0516. n Lake Village GUACHOYA CULTURAL ART CENTER, 1652 Hwy. 65 & 82 South: “Delta Ladies Exhibit,” multimedia by Kathy Davis Day, pottery by Rebecca Potter and Delta landscapes by Shelby Nunnery, through Aug. 27. 1-6 p.m. Tue., Thu., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. 870-265-6077. n Springdale

ARTS CENTER OF THE OZARKS, 215 S. Main St.: “Artists of Northwest Arkansas Annual Regional Exhibition,” through Aug. 6, McCuistionMatthews and Smith galleries. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 479-751-5441. n Yellville P.A.L. FINE ART GALLERY, 300 Hwy. 62 W: Pen and inks by Joe Hatcher, through July. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 870-405-6316.

MUSEUMS, ongoing ExhibitS

ARKANSAS INLAND MARITIME MUSEUM, NLR: Tours of the USS Razorback submarine. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed.-Sat., 1-6 p.m. Sun. 371-8320. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER, Bates and Park: Exhibits on the 1957 desegregation of Central and the civil rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. 374-1957. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CENTER, 1200

President Clinton Ave.: “Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters,” interactive displays and animation on earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and tornadoes from the Field Museum, through Sept. 6; standing exhibits about policies and White House life during the Clinton administration. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $7 adults; $5 college students, seniors, retired military; $3 ages 6-17. 370-8000. HISTORIC ARKANSAS MUSEUM, 200 E. Third St.: “You Fit into Me: Works by David Carpenter and Lindsey Maestri,” through Sept. 5; “Unprivate Mail: Arkansas Postcards and Cryptic Messages,” through Sept. 26; “John Chiaromonte and Maribeth Anders: The Responsibility of Internal Forces,” through Aug. 8. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $2.50 adults, $1.50, $1 children for tours of grounds. 324-9351. MacARTHUR MUSEUM OF ARKANSAS MILITARY HISTORY, MacArthur Park: “Warrior: Vietnam Portraits by Two Guys from Hall,” photos by Jim Guy Tucker and Bruce Wesson, through



Log ARKTIMES.COM on to July 15 forSCHMUCKS your chance VISIT ANDbeginning CLICK ONThursday, THE DINNER FOR AD! Special Advance is July 27 • 7PMpass • RAVE toScreening win a complimentary for Theater, two. Little Rock No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Employees of participating sponsors are ineligible. Please arrive early! Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. Seats are not guaranteed, are limited to theatre capacity and are first-come, first-served. Everyone entering the theatre must have a pass. This film is rated PG-13 for sequences of crude and sexual content, some partial nudity and language.


November; exhibits on Arkansas’s military history. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun. 376-4602. MOSAIC TEMPLARS CULTURAL CENTER, Ninth and Broadway: Exhibits on African-Americans in Arkansas, including one on the Ninth Street business district, Dunbar High School, entrepreneurs, the Mosaic Templars business and more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 683–3593. MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: “Alice’s Wonderland,” hands-on science, math exhibit featuring characters from Lewis Carroll’s story, for ages 3 to 10, through Sept. 15; interactive science exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, “Pay What You Can” second Sunday of every month. 396-7050. OLD STATE HOUSE, 300 W. Markham St.: “Arkansas/Arkansaw: A State and Its Reputation,” the evolution of the state’s hillbilly image; “Badges, Bandits & Bars: Arkansas Law & Justice,” state’s history of crime and punishment, through March 2011. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9685. WITT STEPHENS JR. CENTRAL ARKANSAS NATURE CENTER, Riverfront Park: Exhibits on wildlife and the state Game and Fish Commission. n Calico Rock CALICO ROCK MUSEUM, Main Street: Displays on Native American cultures, steamboats, the railroad, and local history. www.calicorockmuseum. com. n England TOLTEC MOUNDS STATE PARK, State Hwy. 165: Major prehistoric Indian site with visitors’ center and museum. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun., closed Mon. $3 for adults, $2 for ages 6-12. 961-9442. n Hot Springs MID-AMERICA SCIENCE MUSEUM, 500 Mid-America Blvd.: “Be the Dinosaur,” life-like animatronic dinosaurs, through Sept. 6. 501-7673461 or 800-632-0583. MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 425 Central Ave.: “Just a Way Out,” new photographs by Thomas Petillo, through Aug. 1, photographs by Ansel Adams, through Aug. 1. $5. $5, $4 for seniors. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. 501-6099955. n Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY, 100 Veterans Circle: Exhibits on D-Day; F-105, Vietnam era plane (“The Thud”); the Civil War Battle of Reed’s Bridge, Arkansas Ordnance Plant (AOP) and other military history. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $3 adults; $2 seniors, military; $1 students. 501-241-1943. n Morrilton MUSEUM OF AUTOMOBILES, Petit Jean Mountain: Permanent exhibit of more than 50 cars from 1904-1967 depicting the evolution of the automobile. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 days. 501-727-5427. n Rogers ROGERS HISTORICAL MUSEUM, 322 S. 2nd St.: “Buried Dreams: “Coin Harvey and Monte Ne,” photographs; “Rogers Auto-Biography: An Automotive History of Rogers,” through 2011. 479-621-1154. n Scott PLANTATION AGRICULTURE MUSEUM, U.S. 165 S and Hwy. 161: Artifacts and interactive exhibits on farming in the Arkansas Delta. $3 adults, $2 ages 6-12. Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 501-961-1409. SCOTT PLANTATION SETTLEMENT: 1840s log cabin, one-room school house, tenant houses, smokehouse and artifacts on plantation life. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thu.-Sat. 351-0300.

Call for entries The Arkansas Pastel Society is accepting entries through Aug. 5 for its members-only juried show to be held Oct. 1-29 at the THEA Foundation, 401 Main St., North Little Rock. Cash prizes will be made. Go to or call 664-8087 for entry forms and membership information. Membership in the APS is open to all interested pastel artists. Submissions must be at least 80 percent soft or oil pastel.

Best AnsAs of

Best ArkAnsAs of

We’re celebrating our 15th year of publishing the “Best of Arkansas.” Look for our July 29 issue to see if your choices won! It’s the original.

¡Novedoso Portal el latINo! ¡Noticias de ÚLTIMA HORA a Cada Hora! El sitio en la Internet es donde los latinos pueden dar ahora a conocer sus opiniones al resto de la comunidad Ahora los lectores de EL LATINO obtendrán minuto a minuto las últimas noticias de Estados Unidos, México, Centro y Sur América y el mundo: política, deportes, entretenimiento, economía, y mucho más transmitidas por el servicio de noticias EFE. Además, leerán las noticias más importantes de Arkansas preparadas por el equipo profesional de EL LATINO y en el blog PULSO LATINO compartirán sus opiniones e inquietudes con el resto de la comunidad.En un sólo portal, minuto a minuto TODA la información de Arkansas y del mundo: • july 15, 2010 29

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Best Steakhouse 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

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30 july 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

n If you have a lot of disposable income and appreciate a good heirloom tomato, it doesn’t get much better than this: At his Garden Home Retreat outside of Little Rock, P. Allen Smith hosts the second annual Tale of Two Farms Heirloom Tomato Festival on Saturday, July 24. Chef Joshua Smith of Local Roots Cafe in Roanoke, Va., is preparing a “fivestar” dinner using heritage poultry and more than 50 heirloom tomato varieties, all from Smith’s farm. All will be paired with wine from Presqu’ile Winery in California. Tickets are $300 per couple or $200 per person. Proceeds benefit The Oxford American and the Heritage Poultry Conservancy. Tickets and more info at

Restaurant capsules Every effort is made to keep this listing of some of the state’s more notable restaurants current, but we urge readers to call ahead to check on changes on days of operation, hours and special offerings. What follows, because of space limitations, is a partial listing of restaurants reviewed by our staff. Information herein reflects the opinions of the newspaper staff and its reviewers. The newspaper accepts no advertising or other considerations in exchange for reviews, which are conducted anonymously. We invite the opinions of readers who think we are in error. Restaurants are listed in alphabetical order by city; Little Rock-area restaurants are divided by food category. Other review symbols are: B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner $ Inexpensive (under $8/person) $$ Moderate ($8-$20/person) $$$ Expensive (over $20/person) CC Accepts credit cards

Little Rock/ N. Little Rock American

65TH STREET DINER Blue collar, meat-and-two-veg lunch spot with cheap desserts and a breakfast buffet. 3201 West 65th St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-562-7800. BL Mon.-Fri. ACADIA A jewel of a restaurant in Hillcrest. Wonderful soups and fish dishes. Extensive wine list. Affordable lunch menu. 3000 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, CC. $$-$$$. 501-603-9630. LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat. BIG ROCK BISTRO Students of the Arkansas Culinary School run this restaurant at Pulaski Tech under the direction of Chef Jason Knapp. Pizza, pasta, Asian-inspired dishes and diner food, all in one stop. 3000 W. Scenic Drive. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-812-2200. BL Mon.-Fri. BLACK ANGUS Charcoal-grilled burgers, hamburger steaks and steaks proper are the big draws at this local institution. 10907 N. Rodney Parham. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-228-7800. LD Mon.-Sat. BOBBY’S CAFE Delicious, humungo burgers and tasty homemade deserts at this Levy diner. 12230 MacArthur Drive. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-851-7888. BL Tue.-Fri., D Thu.-Fr. BOSCOS This River Market does food well, too. Along with tried and true things like sandwiches, burgers, steaks and big salads, they have entrees like black bean and goat cheese tamales, open hearth pizza ovens and muffalettas. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-9071881. LD daily. BOUDREAUX’S GRILL & BAR A homey, seat-yourself Cajun joint in Maumelle that serves up all sorts of variations of shrimp and catfish. With particularly tasty red beans and rice, jambalaya and bread pudding. 9811 Maumelle Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-753-6860. L Fri.-Sat., D Mon.-Sat. BOULEVARD BREAD CO. Fresh bread, fresh pastries, wide selection of cheeses, meats, side dishes; all superb.

Continued on page 32

■ dining

Thirst n’ Howl won’t leave you stranded ‘Gilligan’ themed bar is sturdy. n “Gilligan’s Island” never was an integral part of our television diet. We can mumble most of the words to the theme song, but we’ve never felt an overriding affection for Gilligan, the Skipper, Mary Ann or the old rich guy, Thurston Howell. So the idea that someone actually opened up a Gilliganthemed bar seemed like a bit of a misfire. But, whatever your opinion of “Gilligan,” the food is on target. The restaurant itself is nestled in a corner of a strip mall off Highway 10, west of Interstate 430, so you have to look closely for the sign. Once you find your way inside, the restaurant is comfortable and modern. It’s dimly lit, with new tile floors, a stage and a bar made out of concrete and old glass bottle stumps with a nice hardwood top. Life preservers adorn the walls and a hi-def big screen displays nostalgia-inducing “Gilligan’s” episodes. If you don’t want to sit inside, there’s a patio outside with nice cushy lawn chairs and shaded tables with a couple ceiling fans out there to get the air moving during these dog days. We sat down and decided to take advantage of the happy hour prices ($1 domestic draft for us and a $3.50 margarita for our companions). The margarita wasn’t your typical, cheap happy hour margarita. It was good and strong. The restaurant’s Facebook page says it cooks “bar food,” so we figured we couldn’t go wrong with a round of appetizers. There’s plenty to choose from; we narrowed it down to three. Thirst n’ Howl offers three different types of sliders: beef, chicken and pork. The chicken sliders ($5.25) are served on toasted buns with a chipotle pepper hot sauce on the side. The chicken was prepared well, grilled but still juicy and the sauce was a great addition. The coconut shrimp appetizer ($7) outstanding. The batter was fried to a nice golden hue, not that dark brown color you see at many establishments. Served with a side of “Millionaire Sauce,” a spicy ranch concoction, the shrimps were a great start to our meal. The baked potato skins ($6.50) were a little different from those we’re used to. The toppings came mixed up — cheddar cheese, jalapenos and bacon bits — and the taters were served with a side of ranch. But they were big, evenly cooked and a nice compliment to our draft beer. For the main course it was burgers. We like things spicy so we ordered the “Volcano Burger,” which comes with jalapenos not only on top of, but ground in the meat, which makes for a lot of flavor. The bun was a little buttery for our taste, but the burger was big and juicy.

brian chilson


ON FIRE: Thirst n’ Howl offers up a spicy volcano burger and three kinds of sliders. Our companion ordered the turkey burger ($6.50), which was jazzed up with seasonings and good. Burgers come with chips, but fries ($1.25 extra) made a nice side to the spicy main courses we chose. As for the staff, it’s early yet so our waitress wasn’t too familiar with all the offerings, but was able to make a suggestion or two. The owners were there while we ate, tending bar and helping out in the back. They were very interested in what we thought and seemed eager to please. Is it the best pub grub around? Maybe not, but it is solid and located in a part of town that could use a good neighborhood bar. If you live out in West Little Rock and don’t feel like making the trip out to

Ump’s or Reno’s or the myriad restaurants in the River Market, then Thirst n’ Howl will treat you right.

Thirst n’ Howl 14710 Cantrell Road Little Rock 379-8189 Quick bite

There’s lots of bar food to choose from any time of the day, but Thirst n’ Howl also has daily lunch specials, like homemade tamales, served up on Tuesdays with a side of spicy chili.


11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. daily.

Other info

Full bar, credit cards accepted. • juLY 8, 2010 31

Restaurant capsules Continued from page 31

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32 juLY 8, 2010 • ArkAnsAs Times

Good coffee, too. 1920 N. Grant St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-663-5951. BLD Mon.-Sat. 400 President Clinton Avenue. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-374-1232. BL Mon.-Sat. 401 W. Markham St. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-526-6661. BL Mon.-Fri. BUFFALO GRILL A great crispy-off-the-griddle cheeseburger and hand-cut fries star at this family-friendly stop. 400 N. Bowman Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-224-0012. LD daily. 1611 Rebsamen Park Rd. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-296-9535. LD daily. BUTCHER SHOP The cook-your-own-steak option has been downplayed, and several menu additions complement the calling card: large, fabulous cuts of prime beef, cooked to perfection. 10825 Hermitage Road. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-312-2748. D daily. CAJUN’S WHARF The venerable seafood restaurant serves up great gumbo and oysters Bienville, and options such as fine steaks for the non-seafood eater. In the citified bar, you’ll find nightly entertainment, too. 2400 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-375-5351. D Mon.-Sat. CAMP DAVID Inside the Holiday Inn Presidential Conference Center, Camp David particularly pleases with its breakfast and themed buffets each day of the week. Wonderful Sunday brunch. 600 Interstate 30. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-975-2267. BLD daily. CAPERS It’s never been better, with as good a wine list as any in the area, and a menu that covers a lot of ground — seafood, steaks, pasta — and does it all well. 4502 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-868-7600. LD Mon.-Sat. COAST CAFE A variety of salads, smoothies, sandwiches and pizzas, and there’s breakfast and coffee, too. 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-3710164. BL daily. COMMUNITY BAKERY This sunny downtown bakery is the place to linger over a latte, bagels and the New York Times. But a lunchtime dash for sandwiches is OK, too, though it’s often packed. 1200 S. Main St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-375-7105. BLD daily. 270 S. Shackleford. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-224-1656. BD Mon.-Sat. B Sun. COPPER GRILL Comfort food, burgers and more sophisticated fare at this River Market-area hotspot. 300 W. Third St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-375-3333. LD Mon.-Sat. CRUSH WINE BAR An unpretentious downtown bar/ lounge with an appealing and erudite wine list. With tasty tapas, but no menu for full meals. 318 Main St. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-374-9463. D Tue.-Sat. DAVE’S PLACE Downtown’s premier soup-and-sandwich stop at lunch, and a set dinner spot on Friday night to give a little creative outlet to chef supreme David Williams. Beef, chicken and fish are served with continental flair. 201 Center St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-372-3283. L Mon.-Fri., D Fri. DAVID FAMILY KITCHEN Call it soul food or call it downhome country cooking. Just be sure to call us for breakfast or lunch when you go. Neckbones, ribs, sturdy cornbread, salmon croquettes, mustard greens and the like. Desserts are exceptionally good. 2301 Broadway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-371-0141. BL Sun.-Fri. DELICIOUS TEMPTATIONS A great variety of sandwiches, meal-sized salads and homemade soups, many of the items heart-smart. Great desserts, too. 11220 Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-6893. BL daily. DIZZY’S GYPSY BISTRO Interesting bistro fare, served in massive portions at this River Market favorite. 200 South Commerce St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-375-3500. LD Tue.-Sat. THE FADED ROSE The Cajun-inspired menu seldom disappoints. Steaks and soaked salads are legendary. Also at Bowman Curve. 1615 Rebsamen Park Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-9734. LD daily. 400 N. Bowman Rd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-224-3377. LD daily. FATSAM’S LOUSIANA CAFE Heaping plates of Louisiana-influenced food in a corner of the River Market food hall. The lineup changes daily, but expect to find a steam table full of shrimp Creole, etouffee, jambalaya, red beans and rice and the like. 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-244-4720. LD Tue.-Sat. FERNEAU Great seafood, among other things, is served at the Ice House Revival in Hillcrest. With a late night menu Thu.-Sat. 2601 Kavanaugh. Full bar, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-603-9208. D Tue.-Sat. FLYING SAUCER Beer, with dozens on tap, is the big draw at this popular River Market venue, but the food’s good, too. Sandwiches, including a great Reuben, salads, quesadillas and the bratwurst are dependable. 323 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-372-7468. LD daily. FOX AND HOUND Sports bar with bar munchies to watch games by. 2800 Lakewood Village. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-753-8300. LD daily. FRANKE’S CAFETERIA Plate lunch spot strong on salads and vegetables, and perfect fried chicken on Sundays. Arkansas’ oldest continually operating restaurant. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-2254487. LD daily. 400 W. Capitol Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-372-1919. L Mon.-Fri.

FRONTIER DINER Order at the counter for homecooked plate lunches, burgers and delicious pies. 10424 Interstate 30. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-565-6414. BL Mon.-Sat. FROSTOP A ’50s-style drive-in has been resurrected, with big and juicy burgers and great irregularly cut fries. Superb service, too. 4131 JFK Blvd. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-758-4535. BLD daily. GADWALL’S GRILL & PIZZA Once two separate restaurants, a fire forced the grill into the pizza joint. Now, under one roof, there’s mouth-watering burgers and specialty sandwiches, plus zesty pizzas with cracker-thin crust and plenty of toppings. 12 North Hills Shopping Center. NLR. 834-1840. LD. GRAMPA’S CATFISH HOUSE A longtime local favorite for fried fish, hush puppies and good sides. 9219 Stagecoach Road. 407-0000. LD. HAYESTACK CAFE Southern cooking, po’boys and hearty breakfasts with an emphasis on family recipes. 27024 Kanis Road. Ferndale. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-8210700. BLD Tue.-Sun. HONEYBAKED HAM CO. The trademark ham is available by the sandwich, as is great smoked turkey and lots of inexpensive side items and desserts. 9112 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. 501-227-5555. LD Mon.-Sat. THE HOP Old line dairy bar with burgers, fries and milkshakes. 7706 Cantrell. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-2276505. LD Mon.-Sat. HUNKA PIE Twenty to 25 different kinds of fresh baked pie daily. Plus, Krispy Kreme donuts in the morning, coffee, milk and cheesecake. 304 N. Main St. NLR. All CC. $-$$. 501-612-4754. BL Mon.-Sat. (closes at 6 p.m.). JUST LIKE MOM’S Daily specials include mom’s goulash, lemon pepper chicken over rice and garlic roast beef, with generous sides of pinto beans, cornbread, potatoes. 3140 E. Kiehl Ave. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-833-0402. BLD Mon.-Fri. B Sat. KIERRE’S KOUNTRY KITCHEN Excellent home-cooking joint for huge helpings of meat loaf and chicken-fried steak, cooked-down vegetables and wonderful homemade pies and cakes. Breakfasts feature omelets, pancakes, French Toast and more. 6 Collins Place. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-758-0923. BLD Tue.-Fri., BL Sat. MARKHAM STREET GRILL AND PUB The menu has something for everyone. Try the burgers, which are juicy, big and fine. 11321 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-224-2010. LD Mon.-Sat. MCBRIDE’S CAFE AND BAKERY Owners Chet and Vicki McBride have been serving up delicious breakfast and lunch specials based on their family recipes for two decades in this popular eatery at Baptist Health’s Little Rock campus. The desserts and barbecue sandwiches are not to be missed. 9501 Lile Drive. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-340-3833. BL Mon.-Fri. OLD MILL BREAD AND FLOUR CO. CAFE The popular take-out bakery has an eat-in restaurant and friendly operators. It’s self-service, simple and good with sandwiches built with a changing lineup of the bakery’s 40 different breads, along with soups, salads and cookies. 12111 W. Markham St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-228-4677. BL Mon.-Sat. RED DOOR Fresh seafood, steaks, chops and sandwiches from restaurateur Mark Abernathy. Smart wine list. 3701 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-666-8482. L Mon.-Fri. D daily. RIVERFRONT STEAKHOUSE Steaks delivered fresh from Chicago twice a week are salted, peppered, seared in an infra-red oven and then buttered for a meat-eater’s dream chowdown. There’s more to like also: crab cakes and shrimp bisque and chops and chicken and lobster tail. 2 Riverfront Place. NLR. Full bar. $$-$$$. 501-375-7285. D Mon.-Sat. RUDY’S OYSTER BAR Good boiled shrimp and oysters on the half shell. Quesadillas and chili cheese dip are tasty and ultra-hearty. 2695 Pike Ave. NLR. Full bar. 501-7710808. LD Mon.-Sat. SHAKE’S FROZEN CUSTARD Frozen custard, concretes, sundaes. 5508 John F Kennedy Blvd. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-753-5407. LD daily. SO RESTAURANT BAR Call it a French brasserie with a sleek, but not fussy American finish. The wine selection is broad and choice. Free valet parking. Use it and save yourself a headache. 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-1464. LD daily. BR Sun. STICKY FINGERZ ROCK ’N’ ROLL CHICKEN SHACK Fingers any way you can imagine, plus sandwiches and burgers, and a fun setting for music and happy hour gatherings. 107 Commerce St. Full bar, All CC. 501-372-7707. LD daily. SUFFICIENT GROUNDS Pastries, bagels at breakfast, wraps, sandwiches, smoothies, salads at lunch. 120 Commerce St. No alcohol. $-$$. 501-372-0969. BL Mon.-Sat. TEXAS ROADHOUSE Following in the lines of those loud, peanuts-on-the-table steak joints, but the steaks are better here than we’ve had at similar stops. Good burgers, too. 3601 Warden Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-771-4230. D daily, L Sat.-Sun. 2620 S. Shackleford Rd. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-224-2427. D daily, L Sat.-Sun. TOWN PUMP Soup specials daily for lunch and a dependable burger, plus basic beer food. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road. 501-663-9802. L Mon.-Sat. D daily. TRIO’S Fresh, creative and satisfying lunches; even better at night, when the chefs take flight. Best array of fresh desserts in town. 8201 Cantrell Road. Full bar. $$-$$$. 501-221-3330. LD Mon.-Sat.

TROPICAL SMOOTHIE Besides the 45 different smoothies on the menu, the cafe also serves wraps and sandwiches (many of them spicy), salads and “tortizzas.” Good food, healthy drinks, long line at lunch but it moves fast. 12911 Cantrell Road. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-9444307. BLD daily. VIEUX CARRE A pleasant spot in Hillcrest with specialty salads, steak and seafood. The soup of the day is a good bet. At lunch, the menu includes an all-vegetable sandwich and a half-pound cheeseburger. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-1196. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat., BR Sun. WHOLE FOODS MARKET Good sandwiches, soups and hummus to go; an enormous number of hot and cold entrees from the deli; extensive juice bar. 10700 N. Rodney Parham Road. All CC. $-$$. 501-312-2326. BLD daily. WILLY D’S DUELING PIANO BAR Willy D’s serves up a decent dinner of pastas and salads as a lead-in to its nightly sing-along piano show. Go when you’re in a good mood. 322 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. $$. 501-2449550. D Tue.-Sat. YOUR MAMA’S GOOD FOOD Offering simple and satisfying cafeteria food, with burgers and more hot off the grill, plate lunches and pies. 402 S. Louisiana St. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-372-1811. L Mon.-Fri. ZACK’S PLACE Expertly prepared home cooking and huge, smoky burgers. 1400 S. University Ave. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-664-6444. LD Mon.-Sat.

AsiAn CHANG THAI AND ASIAN CUISINE One of the few Thai restaurants in Central Arkansas. Skip the pan-Asian buffet and order off the menu. Don’t miss the exotic mieng kham appetizer; you won’t find anything that covers as many taste sensations in one bite. 9830 Highway 107. Sherwood. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-835-4488. LD Sun.-Fri., D Sat. CHINESE PAVILION HUNAN RESTAURANT A longtime favorite in Chinese restaurant polls, it’s one of the earliest Asian eateries on the north shore. 8000 Hwy. 107. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-835-8723. LD Tue.-Sun. CRAZY HIBACHI GRILL The folks that own Chi’s and Sekisui offer their best in a three-in-one: tapanaki cooking, sushi bar and sit-down dining with a Mongolian grill. 2907 Lakewood Village. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-8129888. LD daily. FANTASTIC CHINA The food is delicious, the presentation beautiful, the menu distinctive, the service perfect, the decor bright. 1900 N. Grant St. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-663-8999. LD daily. GENGHIS GRILL This chain restaurant takes the Mongolian grill idea to its inevitable conclusion. It’s a restaurant where you choose all the ingredients that will be blended together and cooked on a massive round grill. 12318 Chenal Parkway. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-2232695. LD daily. LILLY’S DIMSUM THEN SOME Innovative dishes inspired by Asian cuisine, utilizing local and fresh ingredients. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Rd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-716-2700. LD daily. MT. FUJI JAPANESE RESTAURANT The dean of Little Rock sushi bars with a fabulous lunch special and great Monday night deals. 10301 Rodney Parham Rd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-227-6498. LD daily. OSAKA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Veteran operator of several local Asian buffets has brought fine-dining Japanese dishes and a well-stocked sushi bar to way-out-west Little Rock, near Chenal off Highway 10. 5501 Ranch Drive, Suite 1. 868-3688. LD. SAIGON CUISINE Traditional Vietnamese with Thai and Chinese selections. Be sure to try to authentic pho soups and spring rolls. 6805 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. 501-663-4000. L Tue.-Fri., D Tue.-Sun. SAKURA Standard Japanese steakhouse and sushi fare — it’s hard to go wrong choosing from the extensive menu. Also in Bryant. 4011 E. Kiehl Ave. Sherwood. No alcohol, All CC. 501-834-3546. LD daily. SUSHI CAFE Impressive, upscale sushi menu with other delectable house specialties like tuna tataki, fried soft shell crab, Kobe beef and, believe it or not, the Tokyo cowboy burger. 5823 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-9888. L Mon.-Sat. D daily.

BArBecue CHATZ CAFE ‘Cut and catfish joint that does heavy catering business. Try the slow-smoked, meaty ribs. 8801 Colonel Glenn Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-5624949. LD Mon.-Sat. CORKY’S RIBS & BBBQ The pulled pork is extremely tender and juicy, and the sauce is sweet and tangy without a hint of heat. Maybe the best dry ribs in the area. 12005 Westhaven Drive. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 954-7427. LD daily. 2947 Lakewood Village Drive. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-753-3737. LD daily. JO-JO’S BAR-B-Q The smoky aroma of Jo-Jo’s standard ’cue has shifted from Levy to Sherwood. 3400 Burks. Sherwood. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-812-5656. LD Mon.-Sat. WHITE PIG INN Go for the sliced rather than chopped meats at this working-class barbecue cafe. Side orders — from fries to potato salad to beans and slaw — are superb, as are the fried pies. 5231 E. Broadway. NLR. Beer. $. 501-945-5551. LD Mon.-Fri., L Sat. WHOLE HOG CAFE The pulled pork shoulder is a classic, the back ribs are worthy of their many blue ribbons, and there’s a six-pack of sauces for all tastes. A real find is

the beef brisket, cooked the way Texans like it. 12111 W. Markham. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-907-6124. LD Mon.-Sat. 1400 S.E. Walton Blvd. Bentonville; 516 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-664-5025. LD Mon.-Sat. 12111 W. Markham. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-907-6124. LD Mon.-Sat. 5107 Warden Road. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-753-9227. LD Mon.-Sat. 150 E. Oak St. Conway. All CC. $$. 501-513-0600. LD Mon.-Sat.

EuropEan / Ethnic AMRUTH AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE Indian restaurant with numerous spicy, vegetarian dishes. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-2244567. LD daily. CAFE BOSSA NOVA A South American approach to sandwiches, salads and desserts, all quite good, as well as an array of refreshing South American teas and coffees. 701 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-6146682. LD Tue.-Sat., BR Sun. GEORGIA’S GYROS Good gyros, Greek salads and fragrant grilled pita bread highlight a large Mediterranean food selection, plus burgers and the like. 2933 Lakewood Village Drive. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-753-5090. LD Mon.-Sat. LAYLA’S Delicious Mediterranean fare — gyros, falafel, shawarma, kabobs, hummus and babaganush — that has a devoted following. All meat is slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law. 9501 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-227-7272. LD daily (close 5 p.m. on Sun.). 612 Office Park Drive. Bryant. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-847-5455. LD Mon.-Sat. MASALA GRILL AND TEAHOUSE A delicious traditional Pakistani buffet, plus menu items like a chicken tikka wrap (marinated broiled chicken rolled in naan) and a chutney burger. 9108 Rodney Parham. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-414-0643. LD Tue.-Sat., L Sun. MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE Gyros, falafel and souvlaki plates, as well as hummus, tabouleh, eggplant dip and other dishes — wonderful food at wonderful prices. 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $. 501-372-1662. L daily. TERRACE ON THE GREEN This Greek-Italian-Thai-andwhatever restaurant has a huge menu, and you can rely on each dish to be good, some to be excellent. Portions are ample. 2200 Rodney Parham Road. Full bar. $$-$$$. 501-217-9393. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. UNDERGROUND PUB Hearty, tasty British pub-style fare, including exceptional custom-made sausages, crunchy fish and chips and a decent Reuben. Inviting bar with an impressive draft beer and single-malt whiskey selection. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-7072537. LD Mon.-Sat. YA YA’S EURO BISTRO The first eatery to open in the new Promenade at Chenal is a date-night affair, translating comfort food into beautiful cuisine. Best bet is lunch, where you can explore the menu through soup, salad or half a sandwich. 17711 Chenal Parkway. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-821-1144. LD daily.

italian BRAVO! CUCINA ITALIANA This upscale Italian chain offers delicious and sometimes inventive dishes. 17815 Chenal Pkwy. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-821-2485. LD daily. BRUNO’S LITTLE ITALY This more-than-half-centuryold establishment balances continuity with innovation in delicious traditional and original fare. The pizza remains outstanding. 315 N. Bowman Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-224-4700. D Mon.-Sat. GRAFFITI’S The casually chic and ever-popular Italianflavored bistro avoids the rut with daily specials and careful menu tinkering. 7811 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-224-9079. D Mon.-Sat. OLD CHICAGO PASTA & PIZZA This national chain offers lots of pizzas, pastas and beer. 4305 Warden Road. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-812-6262. LD daily. 1010 Main St. Conway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-329-6262. LD daily. PIZZA CAFE Thin, crunchy pizza with just a dab of tomato sauce but plenty of chunks of stuff, topped with gooey cheese. Draft beer is appealing on the open-air deck — frosty and generous. 1517 Rebsamen Park Road. Beer, Wine. $-$$. 501-664-6133. LD daily. PIZZA D’ACTION Some of the best pizza in town, a marriage of thin, crispy crust with a hefty ingredient load. Also, good appetizers and salads, pasta, sandwiches and killer plate lunches. 2919 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-5403. LD Mon.-Sat. RISTORANTE CAPEO Authentic cooking from the boot of Italy is the draw at this cozy, brick-walled restaurant on a reviving North Little Rock’s Main Street. Familiar pasta dishes will comfort most diners, but let the chef, who works in an open kitchen, entertain you with some more exotic stuff, too, like crispy veal sweetbreads. They make their own mozzarella fresh daily. 425 Main St. NLR. Full bar. $$-$$$. 501-376-3463. D Mon.-Sat. ROCKY’S PUB A little taste of Philly, right in North Little Rock, with authentic cheesesteak sandwiches, hoagies, salads and the like. But you’d be remiss not to try the Italian specialties whipped up at night, such as the proscuitto piselli verdi. 6909 JFK Blvd. NLR. Beer, Wine. 501-8331077. LD Mon.-Sat. SHOTGUN DAN’S Hearty pizza and sandwiches with a decent salad bar. Multiple locations, at 4020 E. Broadway, NLR, 945-0606; 4203 E. Kiehl Ave., Sherwood, 835-0606, and 10923 W. Markham St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$.

501-224-9519. LD Mon.-Sat., D Sun. VINO’S Great rock ’n’ roll club also is a fantastic pizzeria with huge calzones and always improving home-brewed beers. 923 W. Seventh St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-375-8466. LD daily. ZAZA Here’s where you get wood-fired pizza with gorgeous blistered crusts and a light topping of choice and tempting ingredients, great gelato in a multitude of flavors, call-your-own ingredient salads and other treats. 5600 Kavanaugh Blvd. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-6619292. LD daily.

Hand-crafted Pies by tHe slice or wHole.

MExican CANTINA LAREDO This is gourmet Mexican food, a step up from what you’d expect from a real cantina, from the modern minimal dĂŠcor to the well-prepared entrees. We can vouch for the enchilada Veracruz and the carne asada y huevos, both with tasty sauces and high quality ingredients perfectly cooked. 207 N. University. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-280-0407. LD daily. JUANITA’S Menu includes a variety of combination entree choices — enchiladas, tacos, flautas, shrimp burritos and such — plus creative salads and other dishes. And of course the “Blue Mesaâ€? cheese dip. 1300 S. Main St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-372-1228. L Mon.-Fri., D Thu.-Sat. ON THE BORDER This latest Brinker chain offering — in a cheery, colorful setting — has great Tex-Mex food and a menu that offers some specialty chicken, shrimp and fish dishes. 11721 Chenal Parkway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-217-9275. LD daily. RUMBA Mexi-Cuban spot in the River Market area, this restaurant and bar has a broad menu that includes tacos and enchiladas, tapas, Cuban-style sandwiches. Specialty drinks are available also. 300 President Clinton Ave. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-823-0090 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090. SENOR TEQUILA Authentic dishes with great service and prices, and maybe the best margarita in town. Multiple locations: 4304 Camp Robinson Road, NLR, 791-3888; 9847 Maumelle Blvd., Maumelle. 10300 N. Rodney Parham Road. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-224-5505. LD daily.

Hunka Pie Now Serving Lunch! Monster Frito Pie, Spinach & Feta Greek Pie, Toasted Artichoke Sandwich, Thai Crunch Salad & Banh Mi.

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Around ArkAnsAs conway

THE BREWERY Coffeehouse serves soup, salads and sandwiches 2159B Prince St. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-327-2678. BL Mon.-Sat. D Mon.-Fri. DOMOYAKI Hibachi grill and sushi bar near the interstate. Now serving bubble tea. 505 E. Dave Ward Drive. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-764-0074. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. EL CHARRITO Decent spread of Mexican items. 502 Oak St. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-450-6460. LD Mon.-Sun. THE FISH HOUSE The other entrees and the many side orders are decent, but this place is all about catfish. 116 S. Harkrider. Conway. 501-327-9901. LD Mon.-Sun. GUSANO’S They make the tomatoey Chicago-style deepdish pizza the way it’s done in the Windy City. It takes a little longer to come out of the oven, but it’s worth the wait. 2915 Dave Ward Drive. Conway. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-3291100. LD daily. HART’S SEAFOOD Southern fried fish and seafood buffet over the weekend. 2125 Harkrider. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-329-8586. D Thu.-Sat., L Sun. JADE CHINA Traditional Chinese fare, some with a surprising application of ham. 559 Harkrider. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-329-5121. LD Mon.-Sat. LAS PALMAS IV “Authentic� Mexican chain with a massive menu of choices. 786 Elsinger Boulevard. Conway. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-329-5010. LD Mon-Sat. TIFFANY’S SOUL FOOD Opened in 2010, this eatery specializes in soul food classics like fried chicken, smothered pork chops and hot water corn bread. 1101 Mill Street. Conway. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-327-7685. LD Mon.-Fri.

hot SpringS BACK PORCH GRILL Pasta, seafood dishes and Omaha black angus steaks; Beef Wellington is the signature dish. 4810 Central Ave. (Sun Bay Resort). Hot Springs. 501-5250885. LD. BELLE ARTI RISTORANTE Ambitious menu of lavish delights in a film-noir setting; excellent desserts. 719 Central Ave. Hot Springs. 501-624-7474. LD. CAFE SANTA CLARE A Mexican joint — the menu includes cheese dip, enchiladas, burritos, etc. — whose entrees take on a Middle Eastern flair at night. 323 Whittington Ave. Hot Springs. 501-624-0199. D. CHEF PAUL’S Haute cuisine in a strip-mall setting. Top quality presentation and service. Freshest fish you’ll find in this area, great meats, exquisite desserts. 4330 Central Ave. Hot Springs. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-520-4187. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat.

Morrilton MORRILTON DRIVE-INN RESTAURANT Family restaurant serves up big burgers and dogs, sandwiches, barbecue, catfish, hot plate dinners and lots of ice cream. The barbecue filled baked potato is one of the largest in the state. The Super Cheeseburger is easily nine inches across. 1601 Oak St. Morrilton. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-354-8343. LD daily.


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AT(spec ad)

Cajun’s Wharf

Food and fun for everyone when you pair Cajun’s Wharf’s succulent seafood and steak with the ever-evolving live entertainment. Enjoy the fabulous fresh seafood or aged Angus beef while listening to the rolling Arkansas River on the famously fantastic deck! They also boast an award-winning wine list.

Denton’s Trotline

Attention: Members and Guests. Denton’s Trotline is known for their award winning catfish and seafood buffet. Outstanding appetizer menu. Family owned, featuring a newly remodeled building with live music. Full service catering available.


DENTON’S CaTfiSh & SEafOOD BuffET — 24 Years In Business —

We Cater • Carry-Outs available hours: Tues-Thurs 4:00-8:30pm • fri-Sat 4:00-9:00pm


2400 Cantrell Road 501-375-5351

2150 Congo Rd. Benton, 501-416-2349 Open Tues, Wed & Thurs 4-9 Fri & Sat 4-11


220 West 6th St. 501-374-5100 Lunch Mon-Fri 11am-2pm Dinner Tues-Sat 5-10pm V Lounge til 1am, Thurs-Sat

2150 Congo Rd. • Benton from Little Rock to Exit 118 to Congo Rd. Overpass across i-30

Dizzy’s Gypsy Bistro 200 S. Commerce, Suite 150 (501) 375-3500 Tues-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm

1900 N Grant St Heights 501-663-8999


FROM: TO: CO.: Arkansas Times CO.: Prime aged beef and Fresh seafood specials every week. PH: (501) 375-2985 ext. scrumptious dishes. Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, FAX: over 30 wines by the glass and largest vodka selection FAX: (501) 375-9565 downtown. Regular and late night happy hour, Wednesday AT to check 10/26 PUBLICATION:______________________ ISSUE DATE:____________ wine flights and Thursday is Ladies Night. Be sure out the Bistro Burger during lunch. ES ARTIST:________

For the salad lover, Dizzy’s is an absolute paradise. Its list of eleven “Ridiculously Large Entrée Salads” runs the gamut of what you can do with greens and dressing. For example Zilpphia’s Persian Lime Salad, featuring grilled turkey breast, tomato, cucumber, onion, lime and buffalo mozzarella over romaine. For another: Mary Ann’s Dream, with grilled chicken breast, baby spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, cranberries, mandarin oranges, bourbon pecans and bleu cheese. Don’t that sound good?

Sharing good things with good friends is the motto at Fantastic China. A Central Arkansas favorite offering the Freshest Chinese Food in town. It’s made to order with 100% Vegetable Oil. The presentation is beautiful, the menu distinctive, and the service perfect. Fantastic China is one of the heights most reliable and satisfying restaurants and a local favorite. Full bar.

mexican Casa Manana Taqueria

400 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-6637 6820 Cantrell Road • 501-280-9888 18321 Cantrell Road • 501-868-8822

Whether the Travs are at home or on the road, come enjoy the unique Dickey-Stephens Park Atmosphere at Ump’s, an upscale sports pub and restaurant, featuring sandwiches, salads, steaks, seafood, good times and more! Come treat yourself to a meal prepared by Chef’s Ball award winning sous chef Richard Lindsey. Open 6 days a week for lunch, 11am-2pm. Open nightly for all Travellers home games. Regular dinner hours Friday and Saturday only.

Capers Restaurant

Indulge in the culinary creations and intimate environment that define Capers Restaurant. Food and wine enthusiasts agree Capers’ sophisticated approach to dining is key to it’s many accolades including receiving the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for six years running.

Copper Grill & Grocery

An endless array of delicious dishes available in the Grill or grab your Gourmet-to-Go from the Grocery. Offering products by French Farm, Bella Cucina & Bittersweet Herb that promise to turn any recipe into a memorable masterpiece Copper Grill & Grocery is a wonderland for the gourmand.

Gadwall’s Grill

Still serving up high-quality burgers and home-made fries. Enjoy good food in a relaxed setting. Now offering outdoor seating on the deck. Serving cheese dip, nachos, platter meals, sandwiches and fried pies. Happy hour domestic draft beer from 3-6pm.


This is a first class establishment. SO has some of the best steaks and seafood in the city, including oysters from the east and west coasts. Their menu has been updated and features a fantastic selection of cheeses like port salut, stilton, murcia and pecorino. Don’t forget to check out the extensive wine list.

Butcher Shop

Tremendous steaks, excellent service, fair prices and a comfortable atmosphere make The Butcher Shop the prime choice for your evening out. In addition to tender and juicy steaks, The Butcher Shop offers fresh fish, pork chop, 24 hour slow roasted Prime Rib, char grilled marinated chicken and fresh pasta. Ideal for private parties, business meetings, and rehearsal dinners. Rooms accommodate up to 50-60 people.

Dickey-Stephens Park Broadway at the bridge North Little Rock T O (501) ❑ 324-BALL (2255) NP ❑

14502 Cantrell Road 501-868-7600

7311 North Hills Blvd. North Little Rock (501) 834-1840

Gadwall's Grill West

14710 Cantrell Road, Suite 1A Little Rock, AR • 868-4746

Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. • Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m.

Open daily. 11 am - close Sunday Brunch. 11 am to 2 pm 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1464

Shackleford & Hermitage Rd. (501) 312-2748

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Lilly’s Dimsum Then Some

Look no further…voted Best Asian again by the Arkansas Signature_______________________________________________________________Date__________________________ Times readers. Lilly’s serves up extraordinary dishes made PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED PROOF PROMPTLY! 304 N. Main St. from the freshest, premium local and organic ingredients. ARKANSAS TIMES North Little Rock P.O. Box 34010, Also enjoy warm and inviting ambiance as you dine on Little Rock AR 72203 (inside Galaxy Furniture Store) any one of the tasty house specialties. Sundays are wine 501-612-4754 day: all wine by the bottle, half off. Mon-Sat 10am-6pm

Super King Buffet

One of central Arkansas’s largest Chinese buffets, we offer all your favorites with our sushi bar and Mongolian Grill included for one low price. Our dinner and all-day Sunday buffet include your lunch favorites as well as all-you-can eat crab legs, whole steamed fish, barbecue spare ribs, crispy jumbo shrimp and grilled steaks. Take-out buffet and menu available.

11121 Rodney Parham 501-716-2700

Super King Buffet

Ump’s Pub & Grill

300 West 3rd Street 501-375-3333

Voted Best Mexican 2007. Featuring authentic fare from the Puebla region of Mexico, the selections seem endless at your choice of 3 locations in the Little Rock area. You will find an array of dishes ranging from the salient Shrimp Veracruzana at La Palapa out west to great Guacamole in the River Market Taqueria. Or try tasty Tostadas that share the name of the original Cantrell location, Casa Manana.


Homemade Comfort Food Daily Specials • Monday: Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry. Tuesday: Pot Roast. Wednesday: Meatloaf. Thursday: BBQ Plate or Shepherd’s Pie. Friday & Saturday: Fried Catfish.

10907 N. Rodney Parham Mon-Sat 10:30am-9pm 501-228-7800

chinese Fantastic China

Black Angus

4000 Springhill Plaza Ct. North Little Rock (Just past Wal-Mart on McCain) 501-945-4802 Sun-Thurs 11am to 9:30pm Fri & Sat 11am to 10:30pm

Hunka Pie

Mediterranean star of india

North Shackleford Road 501-227-9900


9501 N. Rodney Parham 501-227-7272

Authentic North Indian Cuisine at its very best! Vegetable and Non-vegetable Buffet daily with Special. Saturday and Sunday Brunch. Mention this ad for a complimentary Indian Mango Drink.

Enjoy regional specialties such as Lentil soup, a huge serving of yummy Hummus, Baba Ghannnouj or Tabbouleh. And don’t forget about the Gyros, they’re sure to be heroes in your book!

Brazilian Café Bossa Nova 2701 Kavanaugh Blvd 501-614-6682 Tues-Sat 11am-9pm Sunday Brunch 10:30-2pm

Try something different! Café Bossa Nova serves up cozy atmosphere and unique Brazilian dishes guaranteed to satisfy and served with that special Latin flare. Don’t deny yourself one of the delectable desserts prepared fresh daily or for an A+ apertif, drink in the authentic flavor of the country in the Caipirinha~a perfect blend of lime, sugar and Brazilian sugar cane rum. Dine with them tonight!

july 15, 2010 • advertising supplement to ARKANSAS TIMES

Hunka Pie specializes in premium hand-crafted pies. We welcome all pie lovers to come share a slice today! Call ahead for whole pie orders. Join us for Retro Mondays... Slice of Strawberry Pie $2. Chocolate Peanut Butter, Velvet Lips Chocolate Cream, Strawberry Cream Cheese, Chocolate Pecan, Coconut Custard, key Lime, French Apple Pie & more.

www. hunkapie

steak Sonny Williams

If you have not been to Sonny Williams lately, get there immediately and check out the martini/wine bar. Now you can enjoy 35 wines by the glass, 335 selections of wine, 6 single barrel bourbons and all different kinds of Scotch from the many regions of Scotland. Of course, don’t miss out on the nightly entertainment by Jeff at the piano. Sonny’s is a River Market mainstay and perfect for intimate private parties; free valet parking! As always, Sonny Williams has the best steaks in town along with fresh seafood and game. No Skinny Steaks… Call ahead for reservations (501) 324-2999

Faded Rose

Featuring the Best Steaks in town with a New Orleans flair from a New Orleans native. Also featuring Seafood and Creole Specialties. As Rachel Ray says “This place is one of my best finds ever.” Back by popular demand…Soft Shell Crab and New Orleans Roast Beef Po-Boys.

500 President Clinton Avenue Suite 100 (In the River Market District) 501-324-2999 DINNER MON - SAT 5:00 - 11:00 pm PIANO BAR TUES - THU 7:00 - 11:00 pm FRI & SAT 7:00 - Late

400 N. Bowman 501-224-3377 1619 Rebsamen 501-663-9734 Open Sunday

brew pub Vino’s Pizza•Pub•Brewery 923 West 7th Street 501/375-VINO (8466)

Beer, pizza and more! Drop in to Vino’s, Little Rock’s Original Brewpub! and enjoy great New York-style pizza (whole or by-the-slice) washed down with your choice of award-winning ales or lagers brewed right on site. Or try a huge calzone, our new Muffaletta sandwich or just a salad and a slice with our homemade root beer. The deck’s always open, you don’t have to dress up and the kids are always welcome (or not). Vino’s is open 7 days, lunch and dinner. You can call ahead for carry-out and even take a gal. growler of beer to-go. And guess what?? The bathrooms have just been re-done!















j u ly 1 5 , 2 0 1 0

Woodlands Edge home has architectural features, more. open Sunday

2 pm - 4 pm

This beautiful architecturally-designed home at 4 Woodfern Drive home rests in one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Little Rock. Woodlands Edge is known for its natural atmosphere with builder’s restrictions making sure that green belts are left throughout the neighborhood. This home is spacious with approximately 3,400 square feet and was built with nature in mind. It has two screened porches to enjoy its own green belt along with a privacy-fenced yard and windows throughout to bring the outside in. If you like open spaces, you’re going to love this floor plan. It doesn’t get much more open than this. The kitchen has two large granite islands and lots of cabinets. It opens up to a very large great room and breakfast nook. The dining room is not far away and

The home has two screened porches.

An open floor plan means easy living.

also opens to the main living areas. The home features four bedrooms and three-and-one-half bathrooms. The master suite is on the main level along with one of the guest rooms which has its own full bath. The downstairs level has two bedrooms, a screened porch, a second living area, full bathroom and a wet bar. This area is perfect as a teen or in-law quarters. The space could also be used as home office and the separate entry helps to facilitate that. There is so much more to this home that it must be seen to be appreciated. It is offered for $395,000 and is listed with Joel Tvedten of River Rock Realty. An open house is planned for Sunday, July 18 from 2-4 p.m. For additional details or pictures, visit www. or call Joel Tvedten for a private tour at 501-612-8083.

Meals are a cinch in this kitchen.

Great features can be found throughout. • juLY 15, 2010 35


HEY, LITTLE ROCK... M goall iis to sellll 2 h My homes per week. Shouldn’t your home be one of those? For a FREE listing appointment, call me today!

Land LOTS FOR SALE - Greenbrier. 1/31/2 acres starting at $23K. Trees, all utilities. Just 8 miles from Conway. 501-472-5807

Capitol View/ Stiffts Station

$212,000 Architectural design • Modern features • 12th Floor Skyline View Featured 4 times in At Home in Arkansas!

Call Gerald White, 680-3640 or Mary Johnson, 952-4318. Visit for more pictures & info. Gold Star Realty

106 THAYER - $130,000. 3BR/1BA with great curb appeal including a giant front porch and granite columns. Hardwoods & high ceilings inside. Listed with Joel Tvedten of River Rock Realty. 501-612-8083 or www.

Apartment managers

Joel Tvedten

Are first-time home buyers affecting your occupancy levels? Advertise with Hip Apartment Living. 501.375.2985


REAL ESTATE by neighborhood

Buying Lake Hamilton Condos!

Search all Listings at Publisher’s Notice

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free 1-800-669-9077. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.


Arkansas times presents PULASKI COUNTY Real Estate sales over $102,000 ODS Enterprises LLC to William E Dearing, Margaret M. Dearing, 185 Courts Ln., $580,000. George T. Burson, Lucinda Burson to Robert F. Griffin, Ann L. Griffin, 41 Bellegarde Dr., $495,000. Elder Custom Homes, Inc. to Donald G. McCrosky, Jacquie McCrosky, 5 Deer Valley Cove, Maumelle, $446,000. 300 Third LLC to Emami E Esmaeilpour, Teresa J. Esmaeilpour, 300 E. 3rd St., $435,000. Richard Cleveland, Karen Cleveland to Michael L. Blanscet, Jennifer P. Blanscet, 26 Jacob Pl., $432,000. Kathleen S.Blasingame to Jonathan Bridges, Susan Bridges, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $374,000. Randall E Johnson, Michelle Johnson to Chuck Frazier, Beverly Frazier, L17 B8, Chenal Valley, $355,000. John Wright Construction Co., Inc. to Brent W. Lutz, Mary F. Lutz, 111 Majestic Cir., Maumelle, $347,000. EMW Construction Inc. to Harold M. Kirk, Elizabeth A. Kirk, 21 Chemin Ct., $332,000. Jeff D. Allison, Nancy Allison to Crown Pacific, Inc., Crown Relocations, 15619 Highway 300, Roland, $313,000. Wanda L. Harris to John W. Daggett, Dorothy J. Daggett, 16213 Lone Pine Rd., NLR, $310,000. Patrick Benca, Tonia Goolsby, Tonia Acker, Kara Benca to Thomas OBanion, Sarah OBanion, 12710 Meadows Edge Ln., $275,000. Julianne Hoerman, Jared J. Hoerman to Schira Ott, L261, Capitol Lakess Estates Phase I-B, $272,000. Richard L. McGough, Nathalie B. McGough to Jacob D. Bleed, Jill Z. Bleed, L143, Brodie Creek Community Phase 1, $268,000. Crown Pacific, Inc., Crown Relocations to Leslie Taylor, 36 juLY 15, 2010 • ARKANSAS TIMES

Kristy Taylor, 15619 Highway 300, Roland, $265,000. Michael D. Snider, Patricia A. Snider to Wayne D. Turner, Dana M. Turner, L160, St Charles , $260,000. Reginald S. Gober, Dayna Gober to Kasey Naples, 819 N. Pierce St., $260,000. Ricky E Center, Tessi L. Center to Aaron O. Buley, Joanna B. Buley, 19606 Hunters Woods Dr., $245,000. Matthew Deneke, Shannon Deneke to Elizabeth Haman, 15000 Governors Rd., $243,000. Dorothy C. Woodruff to Julie Smith, L1, Sheraton Court Townhomes HPR, $239,000. KCA Development LLC to Mitchel T. Lincoln, 36 Kanis Creek Pl., $235,000. Commissioner In Circuit to National Bank Of Arkansas, L42A-42B B57, Pleasant Valley, L43 B57, Pleasant Valley, $226,009. ACJ Rental Company LLC to Loretta Cox, 5300 Cypress Dr., Jacksonville, $225,000. Gregory L. Bowen to Bonnie L. Godwin, 5 Blue Mountain D r. , M a u m e l l e , $ 2 2 1 , 0 0 0 . Dolores Bishop to Jane S. Cazort, L6, Point Pleasant HPR, $216,000. E. E. Esmaeilpour, Teresa Esmaelipour to 300 Third LLC, L582R, Pleasant View Phase IX, $215,000. Mitchum W. Tapson, Linda M. Tapson to Kathryn R. Gregurek, Christopher W. Gregurek, 14615 Woodcreek Dr., $206,000. Tracy C. Smith, Renee R. Smith to Joseph M. Cole, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $205,000. Richard Haddock, Jennifer Haddock to David C. Triplett, Jennifer A. Triplett, 1709 S. Gaines St., $199,000. Charles D. Nagel, Hamiyet Nagel to Henry L. Watts, Ls17-18, Pennpointe Phase 1 , $190,000. Fuller Partners 2010 LLC to Trevor

N. Tomkins, Patricia Tomkins, 16 Dauphine Pl., Maumelle, $188,000. Jeff Fuller Homes LLC to Lori Harrison, L1157, Sologne Phase XVII- The Country Club Of Arkansas PRD, $188,000. Fuller Partners 2010 LLC to Louis Johnson, Wondrue Johnson, 12 Amandine Ct., Maumelle, $187,000. Samuel R. Lyon, Rinzie C. Lyon to Robert M. Robuck, II, L16 B59, Lakewood, $185,000. Fuller Partners 2010 LLC to Suzanne Davidson, 13 Charmante Cove, Maumelle, $185,000. James E Nolen, Carla E Nolen to Jim B. Peacock, Jennifer L. Peacock, 5 Tara Mount Dr., Jacksonville, $182,000. Reata H.Atkinson to Donna K.Catlett, L489, Foxwood Phase X, $182,000. Alfred W. Keller, Sara W. Keller to Alfred W. Keller, II, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $180,000. Greg Heslep to Chad W. Fulgham, 2013 Reveile Cir., Jacksonville, $180,000. Central Mortgage Company to Patsy R. Hobgood, 392 Mountain Terrace Cir., Maumelle, $178,000. Steven R. Adams to Rachael Duckworth, Steven Cole, 401 N. Elm St., $170,000. Antonio D. Woodall, Jacque L. Woodall to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, 30 Blue Mountain Dr., Maumelle, $168,000. William H. Gingerich, N. M. Gingerich to Andre Dyer, Nancy D y e r, 1 2 0 0 0 R a v e n w o o d Dr., Mabelvale, $165,000. Tammy Siler, Shelly Siler to Isadore A. Rososki, Beverly A. Rososki, L89, Garden Oaks, $165,000. William D. Holyfield, Naoko Holyfield to Miriam L. Dodson, 141 Carnelian Dr., Sherwood, $161,000. Steven Keller, Kristina Keller to Terry J. Romine, Darla K.

Romine, 141 Diamond Pointe D r. , M a u m e l l e , $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 . Cheryl Mathis to Diane Hinkle, 8101 Chatham Dr., $159,000. Mike L. Bridge to Leroy Carrillo, Stacy Carrillo, 1429 Cornflower Ln., Sherwood, $159,000. Jeffrey A. Cathey, Shannon L. Cathey to Betty R. Dunn, 21 Garden Oaks Dr., Maumelle, $158,000. John McCormack, Deana McCormack, Ted Dickey, Lila Dickey to Akasha Hull, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $157,000. Laurel Spears to Kimberley D. Sweet, 103 Red Fox Ln., Jacksonville, $155,000. Douglas H. Mills, Regina A. Mills to Vartreice L. Dixon, 117 Raywood Dr., Sherwood, $150,000. Vallie A. Webb, Billy E Webb to Sheila M. Pilcher, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $150,000. US Bank National Association to William Porterfield, 14411 Huckleberry Dr., $149,000. James L. Bryant to Tumoqua Murray, 310 Nix Rd., $147,000. Seongjae Kim, Miseon Park to Bradford T. Schneider, C r a d y B . S c h n e i d e r, 1 2 0 6 Briar Creek Rd., $144,000. Allgood Custom Homes LLC to Russell M. Lay, Betty J. Lay, 913 Mesquite Trail, Jacksonville, $143,000. Gerald T. Yielding, Jr., Tricia R. Yielding to BAC Home Loans Servicing LP, Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, L186, Cardinal Heights, $135,506. Javonne Abernathy to Christopher L. Roach, Judy Roach, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $135,000. J u a n i t a B e l l t o D a l e A . McFee, Sr., 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $135,000. Brent D. Pounders, Michelle K. Pounders to Mark A. Blackerby,

Cassie N. Blackerby, 112 Oxford Cove, Jacksonville, $135,000. Lemus Construction LLC to Deirdre Hall, 2 Whispering Oak Dr., Mabelvale, $134,000. Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company, Bank Of New York Trust Company to OKelley Construction Company, Inc., 9313 Brittany Point Dr., $134,000. Perkins Builders Inc. to Michelle Thrash, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $133,000. Sharrel A. Myers, Tommy L. Young, Jr. to BAC Home Loans Servicing LP, Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, L12 B2, Marshall Road 3rd Section, $130,261. Bosley Construction, Inc. to Cara N. Boyd, 64 Bracey Cir., $130,000. Mapa Properties LLC to Jean G. Whipple, Fred W. Graham, L59, Ridgecrest Manor, $129,000. John C. Stanford & Jeanette C. Stanford Joint Revocable Trust, John C. Stanford to William T. Skrivanos, 25 Farvu Ct., NLR, $128,000. Rausch Coleman Mid Ark LLC to Kim Lemmons, Larry Richey, 1104 Bittercress Dr., NLR, $126,000. L a n c e R . Tu r n e r, L a u r a Turner to Moira E Donnell, L22 B7, Lakewood, $123,000. Denise L. Taylor to Scott W. C z e r w i n s k i , Ko n n i j o V. Czerwinski, 2600 Northeastern Ave., Jacksonville, $123,000. Rausch Coleman Mid Ark LLC to Angela Bradford, L38, Valley Oaks Court, $122,000. Darvin L. Knight, Celeste C. Knight to Mark Caruthers, 14 Westglen Cove, $121,500. David A. Gayles, Laura J. Gayles to Henry W. Kleckley, III, Tyisha Kleckley, L11,Northwood Acres No.8,$120,000. Cody Burns, Staci Burns, Sharee Burns, Josiah Burns to Alonda Kendrick,

8107 Doyle Springs Rd., $120,000. Kelvin Kolheim to Montana Real Estate LLC, L16 B52, Pa r k H i l l N L R , $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 . Secretary Of Veterans Affairs to Phanarat Somkuan, L14, Green Valley Phase I. Replat, $118,000. F r a n c e s P. M u r r a y t o Lawrence P. Watts, Jr., 2409 Blackwood Rd., $117,000. Eddie J. Lampkin, Cynthia Y. Lampkin to C. Scott Lewis Homes Inc., L29 B85, Chenal Valley, $115,000. David M. Habicht, Debbie B. Habicht to Allyn C. & Lois Ann Tatum Living Trust, L11 B5, Northwood Acres, $115,000. William R. Spencer, Jr. to Federal National Mortgage Association, 1618 Tarrytown Rd., $113,620. Yvonne Brewer, Shannon Brewer to Daniel M. Bowman, Jr., L1 B1, Parkwood, $112,000. Mike H. Hubbard, Robin L. Hubbard to Heather Smith-Nuckols, 3832 N. Cedar St., NLR, $110,000. Hali Jones to Federal National Mortgage Association, 2000 S. Taylor St., $109,244. Kimberly Oakes, Kimberly C. Smith, Matthew Oakes to Alexander Silva, Amber N. Silva, 301 Loop Rd., Sherwood, $109,000. Bryan K. Johnson to Greg Smelser, Jr., 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $109,000. Wilma F. Hill to Jeffrey G. Hill, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $108,000. Bonnie J. Pahls to Federal National Mortgage Association, 408 Nix Rd., $106,405. Celeste A. Shatzer, Celeste A. Shatzer-Bunch to Stephen Shatzer, 8804 Patricia Lynn Ln., Sherwood, $104,000. Tr i p l e J . B u i l d e r s L L C to Lashunda Lawson, 216 Saunders Dr., NLR, $102,000.


Chenal 20 CHALAMONT CT - $349,900. 4BR/3BA home on one of the best lots in Chenal! Extensive landscaping, tiered deck, stone patio with permanent outdoor FP. Beautiful hardwoods inside. Listed with Joel Tvedten of River Rock Realty. 501-612-8083 or www.

Pleasant Valley 7 COLUMBINE COURT - Beautiful home on a cul-de-sac! 4BR, bonus room, remodeled kitchen, two living rooms & two-level decking on back. Many great neighborhood amenities! Call Stacy Johnson of Pulaski Heights Realty at 786-0024. 4101 C ST - $229,000. 3BR/2BA, 1836SF. Recently renovated! Enter MLS# 10255320 on www. for more photos. John Selva, Pulaski Heights Realty, 993-5442

Neighboring Communities GREERS FERRY LAKE - Spectacular view! 5 acres. Utilities, covenants, seller financing. Owner/agent. 501825-6200

Conway 1313 SUNSET $92,000. Well kept and close to schools. Surprisingly huge backyard. Beautiful garden, covered patio. MLS# 10257183 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-679-1103. 4214 C STREET - $149,900. 2BR/1BA starter home, 1166 SF. Walk to UAMS or shopping on Kavanaugh. Call John Selva at Pulaski Heights Realty at 501-993-5442.

No. 0617

4 WOODFERN DR - $395,000. Lots of architectural features in this 4BR/3.5BA home. Very open floor plan with lots of room to spread out. Two screened porches to enjoy green belt. Listed with Joel Tvedten of River Rock Realty. 501-612-8083 or www.

1440 BYRON - $219,000. Spotless! 4BR/2BA, large family room, lots of counter space & cabinets. Awesome backsplash, gorgeous landscaping. MLS# 10252436 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501679-1103.

Edited by Will Shortz

123 N. SUMMIT - Rare find close to ACH, UAMS, & Hillcrest. 2 BRs and a separate office, 2050 SF. Totally updated including cherry wood laminate flooring throughout, all new plumbing & electrical wiring, new kitchen counters, sink & dishwasher, new tankless H2’ 0 heater, wired for computer network, audio/video and IR remote, a deck, fenced yard and oversized 2 car garage. A 21X17.6 ft sunroom w/vaulted ceiling, tile floor, water proof walls, lots of windows and sunken Jacuzzi hot tub. Located in Union Depot next to AR School for the Blind. Call Clyde Butler of CBRPM at 240-4300.

Woodlands Edge

Across 1 Poe poem, with “The” 6 A lot 11 Cutesy-___ 14 Chris with the 1991 hit “Wicked Game” 15 With 25-Across, an Irving Berlin song 16 Furthermore 17 Blue 18 Hit 2006 film banned in every Arab country except Lebanon 19 “___ Bangs” (Ricky Martin hit) 20 Newborn 22 Concern for an Allied ship 24 Part of many a job title: Abbr. 25 See 15-Across 26 Gratifying 30 Hershey’s brand 31 Part of the home computer market


Capitol View/ Stiffts Station

32 Talk up 33 1824 Vienna premiere 41 Hydrocarbon suffixes 42 Home of London’s Palace Theatre 43 Pastime for a car thief, perhaps 47 Euphoric 50 Region known as the Valley of the Moon 51 Évian and Vichy 52 Like most music 53 Best-selling novel of 1989, with “The” 58 Like Schubert’s Symphony No. 7 59 Top of a Roman candle? 61 Sophocles skill 62 Middling mark 63 Ding Dong filler 64 Cézanne contemporary

























65 Elizabethan dramatist Thomas 66 “___ to you!” 67 Not just big Down 1 Kind of lettuce 2 Grandson of Abraham 3 It extends about a yard 4 Diane of “Wild at Heart” 5 1973 NASA launch 6 Nucleic acid sugar 7 Up 8 One way to jump 9 Norris Dam agcy. 10 Relief pitchers prior to closers 11 El ___ (certain Texan) 12 Present 13 Work incorporated in 33-Across … or a description of this puzzle? 21 Night sch. course 23 Life, in brief 25 Swiss ___ 26 Attaché’s place: Abbr. 27 Aye s opposite 28 “Dubliners” author 29 Hrs. in Puerto Rico 30 Writer Rand 32 Jack and billy 34 Eponymous doctor with a maneuver





























24 26













41 43







50 52 58



51 53 59










Puzzle by Corey Rubin

35 Tony-nominated choreographer White 36 Part of a food pyramid, briefly 37 Neighbor of Jordan: Abbr. 38 What there was in Mudville 39 French beverage 40 Container on a pole

43 Gamer s device 44 TV s Andy 45 Short of resources 46 ___ favor 47 Works 48 Dust collector, for short 49 Certain sled driver 51 Lowlifes

53 Al ___, 1984 Olympic gold medalist in the triple jump 54 Zodiac creature 55 Solo 56 Quelques-___ (some: Fr.) 57 Part of a gig 60 Hurdle for some srs.

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today s puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:

215 CHAPEL CREEK - Energy star rated 3BR/2BA fantastic 10’ ceilings, stone fireplace, extensive trim, breakfast bar, hardwood floors, granite countertops. New Construction. $219,900 MLS# 10258240 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501679-1103. 4924 HILLCREST AVE - $475,000. 3BR/3BA plus 3-car garage. 2600 SF. Recently renovated home on large corner lot. Call John Selva at Pulaski Heights Realty at 501-993-5442.

New Price!

31 BERNARD - 3BR/2BA newly remodeled (paint, carpet, appliances, countertops, backsplash, kitchen sink & faucet, light fixtures). Huge LR with cathedral ceiling and fireplace, fenced yard. $153,000 MLS# 10253781 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-7301100 or 501-679-1103. 730 SLOPE - $279,000. New - Must See! 4BR/3BA, gameroom, computer area, custom tile shower, granite countertops, wood & tile. MLS# 10251178 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501730-1100 or 501-679-1103.

DUPLEX - $177,700. Over 2700 total SF. Buy now & have renter offset your mortgage payment. Main level is 2BR/2BA, 1500 SF. Upstairs studio rental is approx 550 SF ($525/mo.) Also, has 700+SF walkout basement. New Paint! Owner is licensed agent. Call John, Pulaski Heights Realty, at 993-5442 for more info.

Greenbrier 26 VALMONT - 3BR/2BA with huge kitchen, lots of cabinets & counter space, walk-in pantry. Stained concrete floors, covered porch, walk kids to school. $149,900 MLS# 10254807 Linda Roster White Real Estate,501-730-1100 or 501-6791103. 37 INDIAN SPRINGS - New construction 3BR/2BA with gas FP, breakfast bar, tile backsplash, smooth top cooking surface, master jet tub, deck with view. $152,000 MLS# 10253103 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-7301100 or 501-679-1103.

712 N. WALNUT - $169,500. 2BR/1BA in the heart of Hillcrest. Just 1/2 block of Kavanaugh. Renovated kitchen w/ custom maple cabinets, tile floors, solid surface counters. Enter MLS 10257444 at

5 COUNTRY COVE - $375,000. 5BR/4.5BA country estate. Perfect for horses! Den w/FP, granite counters in kitchen. More land available. MLS# 10238516 Linda Roster White Real Estate, 501-730-1100 or 501-6791103. • juLY15, 15,2010 2010 37 • july 37

Mailbag n Another q-and-a with the moonbat guru Assmunch. Remember, bizarre opinions expressed here are his responsibility and don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Arkansas Times (which doesn’t have much room to talk, inasmuch as its publisher likes to garden naked in the moonlight) or any of the subsidiaries, spin-offs, or satellite operations in the far-flung Arkansas Times media empire. Q. What’s all this yap about transparency in government? Why do we need see-through officials? A. I agree. I think what we need is more translucency in government. Like the glass in the top half of the restroom doors in most older public buildings. Q. I saw in Billy Graham’s column last week that Satan is still traipsing to and fro over the earth, trying to ruin people’s lives, and I heard from porcine Bro. Hagee that even as we speak the Antichrist is powering up. Aren’t the Devil and the Antichrist one and the same? A. No. For one thing, Satan is red. And has a tail. He’s also the one — according to South Park — who has Saddam Hussein as his butt boy, an arrangement that somehow existed even before Saddam died. The Antichrist is a mere mortal; Chuck Norris

Bob L ancaster could take his punkass easy, so what’s to fear from him? Q. There’s been a revival of bagger concern about the death panels. Do I remember right that Obama appointed you to the first death panel, and if so, what kind of mischief are y’all up to now? A. Yes, I was named to the first death panel, and was duly seated after an interim appointment. So far we’ve decided a boocoo of cases — all but one of them in favor of allowing the patient to live and to continue treatment by a doctor of his or her own choosing. The only one we decided to go ahead and let die was Mel Gibson. Q. Whatever happened to the Homeland Security bunker from which you sent the thrilling dispatches when the terrists were massing on the border? A. Aw, the velociraptors got into it and drank all the Pet milk — jagged talon holes punched into every single can — and then made off with all the Twinkies and deer jerky. Bastards. I managed to snare one of them and will exhibit him at the county fair here in September, then butcher and market the meat


as emu. I’m thinking about sectioning off the bunker ruin, making it into cell-size units and renting them out to monks or parolees. Or putting up accoutrements and turning it into a spartan bed-and-breakfast. Q. I’m enclosing a photo of what my wife and I think might be a rare bird that we spotted recently near DeWitt. Can you identify it? A. I think it’s a hand puppet. And you’re trying to put one over on Ol’ Moi. Definitely not an ivorybill. Or a roc. Q. Why should the state government be furnishing anybody with a car? I mean, besides law enforcement. A. Good question. I suspect the lieutenant governor would lieutenant govern just as well if he were obliged to take the bus. The attorney general could bum lifts from underlings. I mean, what can they say if the boss asks them to drop by on the way to work and pick him up — no? The land commissioner could commission just as much land while paying off a car note like everybody else. I’d take this to a higher level, too. Pay for your own congressional junket or “surprise visit” to the troops overseas. Give out only peanuts on AF-1. Q. I got the feeling last week that I was the only person in America who didn’t give a damn which team LeBron James decided to play for. Was I? A. There were at least two of us. Last NBA game I caught more than two minutes of, Dennis Rodman showed up in a wedding



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dress. Possibly the best rebounder who ever did that. Q. I’m starting an Amscray fund to pay our foremost creeps and weasels to just go away somewhere. If they’re ever heard from again, they have to give the money back. Dick Cheney’s got the most votes so far. Would you like to contribute? A. Soitainly. And my first nomination is a lizard trio that crawled up out of the 20th century to defile this one: Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennett, Dick Morris. In no particular order. After that, the Mama Grizzlies. Sows, I guess they’re properly called. Q. What are these moonbats I keep hearing about? I’m told that they’re the opposite of wingnuts, but I don’t know who or what wingnuts are either. A. I think Moon Maid, the horned princess who married Dick Tracy Jr., was a moonbat. There’s also a Moonbat line of Japanese clothing, and many of today’s Major Leaguers use the Moonbat brand of baseball bat, though Wally Moon never did. Sun Myong Moon wasn’t a moonbat. Nor our publisher out there dodging the okra fuzz. Q. How do you feel about an open season on these hoodlum deers invading and terrorizing our small towns and suburbs? A. I’m for it, as long as we all agree to donate the taxidermied deer heads as wall and ceiling decor for struggling Arkansas buffet restaurants.


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