Arkansas Times: Feb. 11, 2010

Page 1


July 12, 2007

Best restaurants


the places you picked, from soup to nuts. page 12





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Riverfest shifts

For the first year since 2002, Riverfest will not incorporate North Little Rock into its traditional entertainment offerings. Instead, the north side of the river will play host to hot-air balloon races, a 5K fun run and a stage devoted to what festival director DeAnna Korte termed “inspirational music.” Access to those activities will be free. The shift southward comes in response to feedback from festival goers, according to Korte. “Last year, people enjoyed having the Clinton Center stage and the amphitheater stage so close together. They really like having everything on one side of the river.” This year, attendees will be able to move westward from the festival’s two biggest stages, at the Clinton Center and at the Riverfest Amphitheater, to the Arkansas Music Tent, which moves from the foot of the Junction Bridge to near the back side of Rumba-Revolution, and then on to the Triple-S Stage, which returns to the parking lot under the Broadway bridge after a year away on the North Shore Riverwalk in North Little Rock. Korte said she doesn’t anticipate any more congestion than at last year’s Riverfest, which drew around 250,000. The Little Rock grounds will extend farther west than they did last year and, to combat crowd bottlenecking, the southeastern boundary will shift to allow crowds to travel behind and in front of the Museum of Discovery when traveling to and from the Clinton Center stage, according to Korte. Also in response to feedback, the annual Sunday fireworks display will start at dark, around 9 p.m., and the day’s headliners will follow. There will be no charge to watch the fireworks from the North Shore Riverwalk.


An early snow deadline prevented us from getting to the bottom of this, but a legal ad this week indicates a proposal has been filed to permit a liquor distillery on East Sixth Street in Little Rock. The application was filed by Philip Brandon for Rock Town Distillery Inc. More when we have it. CORRECTION n An article in last week’s Times incorrectly said that Sen. Barbara Boxer of California was lead sponsor of a 2003 bill on climate change. The lead sponsors were Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s office contends, further, that that climate change bill, which she opposed, was significantly different from a 2007 climate change bill she supported, and that there was no flip-flop in her position.





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Stay Clean, Stay Connected Have you checked your service lines lately? Beneath your residence or business is a network of over 1,300 miles of sanitary sewer pipe (sewer mains) that connects nearly 65,000 customers to Little Rock’s wastewater (sewer) treatment facilities. On top of this extensive underground network is your residence or business, which is connected to this wastewater service by a sewer service line. Many homeowners and business owners don’t realize they are responsible for maintaining the sewer service line from the structure to the sanitary sewer mains. Help keep sewer where it belongs: in the pipes. Have your sewer service line checked often for leaks or cracks and make any necessary repairs to help keep our environment safe. • 501-376-2903 ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 3

Smart talk


How green was my ammo

The criminal mind

n Munitions-maker American RheinMetall Munitions has invited news media to Camden Feb. 17 to tour “the first and only 40mm green ammunition facility in the United States.” “Green Ammo” is supposed to be more environmentally friendly than regular ammunition, though still harmful to those who are struck by it. The manufacture of green ammo involves using other substances in place of lead. According to Rheinmetall, there’s no danger of its ammunition leaching into water systems. Furthermore, the ammunition is intended to “resolve Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) issues. UXO creates economic stagnation for communities impacted by high-risk unsellable land.” Rheinmetall says that its fired projectiles “can be stepped on, picked up, rolled over and excavated with no risk of bodily harm.” The plant is in Highland Industrial Park, which was the site of a Naval ammunition depot from 1944 through 1957.

n Argenta News, the website ( that covers the historic core of North Little Rock, turned up an interesting crime story last week. Owners of a house on West Seventh came home after work late one night to find thieves had ransacked the house and stolen TVs. About 1 a.m., after police had taken a report and left, a man walked up to the house and offered to sell the homeowners items that had been stolen a few hours earlier. A quick call brought police back, but the man denied any involvement in a crime and, lacking solid evidence, police turned him loose. All turned out well. The man was arrested the next day pawning items stolen in burglaries police had been trying to solve for months. He was described as a “one-man crime wave.” He was being held in Faulkner County, there being no room in the Pulaski County lockup.

Unusual contribution

mittee contributed to his campaign. Generally, state campaign laws prohibit contributions from one candidate to another, but Garner said he’d been told by the state Ethics Commission that “it is legal for a candidate to attend a ticketed fund-raiser for another candidate if his appearance raises his profile and benefits his own campaign.” A commission spokesman confirmed that interpretation. Garner said he’d been invited to a Clark fund-raiser by one of his own supporters, who encouraged him to support Clark and said that tickets were $50 apiece. Garner and his wife attended, he said. It’s rumored that Clark will run against Garner this year. Clark says he hasn’t decided on his political plans for 2010. Garner says he’s running for re-election himself, and doesn’t know Clark’s intentions.

n A tricky question in campaign-finance law: Can a candidate for one office use his campaign funds to contribute to the campaign of another candidate? The question was raised recently by the Pulaski Association of Classroom Teachers (PACT) concerning the 2008 campaigns of state Rep. Ed Garner, RMaumelle, and Tim Clark, chairman of the Pulaski County School Board. PACT is at odds with Clark. Clark’s campaign finance report shows a $100 contribution to his 2008 school board campaign from the Committee to Elect Ed Garner, which was formed to support Garner’s legislative candidacy. Clark said he didn’t know why Garner’s com-

10 Light rail dreams in Fayetteville

Some dreamers think Northwest Arkansas could be ripe for light rail as a solution to traffic congestion. For now, it’s just a dream. — By Michael Cockram

10 Stepmommy dearest

One civil case has been settled but a criminal trial is still pending in which a Little Rock woman is charged with beating her stepdaughter in an outgrowth of a financial dispute. — By Leslie Newell Peacock

12 Best restaurants in Arkansas

The results are in on another readers’ vote on the best eats in the state. Also features on diner discoveries, great chili dogs, a family of chefs and more.

DEPARTMENTS 3 • The insider 4 • smart Talk 5 • The Observer 6 • Letters 8 • Orval 10-29 • news 30 • Opinion 33 • arts & entertainment 51 • Dining 61 • Crossword/ Tom Tomorrow 62 • Lancaster

Words n Headline: “Civil War panel low on funds: Don’t have enough for anniversary markers, it says.” I doesn’t either, governor replies. n “Let’s keep our fingers crossed that these local could-bes have been out of public view lately because they’ve been busy working on being dope, rather than, say, sulking because the A-state doesn’t get its due.” I assumed the reviewer had used the wrong word — surely “busy taking dope” was intended — but when I offered to make the correction, he resisted. Dope has added a new meaning, he said. Among younger people, the adjective dope means “cool, nice, awesome: Man, that car is dope.” He wouldn’t let me change “A-state” to “Arizona,” either. n Don’t be a dope, get away from that 4 february 11, 2010 • arkansas Times

Doug S mith

piste: A quote from Ghana’s one-man Winter Olympics team: “I was number 111, last to go in a blizzard, bitter cold and on a desperately icy piste. The starter asked me ‘You OK?’ and I said ‘No, I don’t want to go. But I must.’ ” Is piste a Ghanian word, I wondered. No, it’s familiar to skiers the world around, evidently. A piste is “a track or trail, as a downhill ski run or a spoor made by a wild animal.” People in states like Arkansas, Arizona and Alabama always hear unfa-

miliar terms during the Winter Olympics. The luge will be on us before we know it. And there’s a strange device used in the sport of curling — a brume, I think they call it. Incidentally, all us A-staters expect Olympic skiers to have names that are French, Italian, German or Scandinavian. The Ghanian team’s name is Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong. He’s also known as “The Snow Leopard.” n “She called police at about 7:40 a.m. to report that she was the driver.” Is at about a redundancy? Not in this case, according to Garner’s Modern American Usage. Garner says that about can often do the job by itself, “but in many contexts, especially those involving expressions of time, the phrase at about is common, idiomatic, and unimpeachable.”

VOLUME 36, NUMBER 23 ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $42 for one year, $78 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $49 for one year, $88 for two years. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.



The Observer has been

battling insomnia lately, so we were awake around 1 a.m. last Sunday night when the Winter Event came to Little Rock — first a belt of sleet that sounded like coarse salt being thrown against the windows of the Observatory, then snow that came down as heavy as we’ve ever seen it in our near-tropical state. For a long time, The Observer stood at the window, watching it fall, filled with the quiet awe of a person who lives in a climate that never quite gets enough snow that we begin to think of it as mud that falls from the sky. After awhile, though, it occurred to us that this was something too beautiful to experience alone. We thought of Spouse first, love of our life — but then nixed the idea on advice of the angel on our shoulder, who reminded that Our Better Half would likely be going to work the next morning, even if delayed. That left either the cat or Junior. Given that Junior was very likely going to be off school the next day — a prediction that bore itself out before we were even awake the next morning — the burden of memory fell to him. The Observer roused him, and he staggered to the door in his jammies, wiping sleep from his eyes. We opened the door and then stood there together, looking out at the fat flakes of snow falling through the yellow streetlights, rapidly crowding out the dark pavement and making the sleeping world fresh and new. “I know you’re not quite awake,” his father told him, “but try to remember this. It isn’t a dream, and you’ll want it someday.” Then he and his old man just stood for awhile, perfectly silent in the warm doorway, watching the street turn white.

A national public opinion

survey said that Democrats favored the New Orleans Saints in the Super Bowl, Republicans the Indianapolis Colts. Perhaps that’s why a Colts fan was nowhere in evidence at the Super Bowl party The Observer attended in Hillcrest, one of the bluest precincts in Arkansas. But, honestly, how could you not root for the Saints? Forty years of

football hard luck against the backdrop of a historically dysfunctional city devastated by a hurricane and abandoned by its federal government at its crisis hour. But there I go talking politics again. I’d prefer to talk about the Catholic church in the St. Roch neighborhood where a WWL camera crew was on hand Sunday morning when the priest ripped off his clerical robe to reveal a Saints jersey. He then pulled out a Saints-themed umbrella, the type used in the “second lines” that strut behind jazz bands, then led an impromptu second line up and down the aisles of his church. Most in the congregation came with umbrellas and many wore Saints jerseys to mass, too. It was funny and it was joyful and it was good. But there was something even better about the picture relayed around the world by YouTube. The big congregation was black and it was white and it was brown and it was many shades in between. They say Sunday is one of the most segregated days of the week, but not at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church. Who Dat, indeed. And where can we get some of it?

Spotted: The fertile Mr.

and Mrs. Duggar and their cast of thousands were dining at Bruno’s Little Italy in Little Rock this week when The Observer happened by. That got us to thinking, what would a typical restaurant bill be for a family of that size? It was hard to tell, and we didn’t get an exact count, but let’s just say that 15 out of the 21 in the immediate family were in attendance. If everyone ordered spaghetti and meat sauce (one of the cheaper menu items at around $10 each) with a drink (let’s say $2), that comes out to around $180. Add a couple of desserts and a tip, which would probably be required anyway with such a large group, and you’ve got yourself quite a tab there. Over the course of a few years of child-rearin’ that could add up! The income from their TV show on TLC might cover it. We were just there with an old buddy, not a wife and umpteen kids, and that was OK with us.

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2602 S S. Shackleford Rd • (501) 312-1616 ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 5


In defense of Cabot With regard to Bob Lancaster’s Best and Worst of 2009 article: One could (and should) assume that Mr. Lancaster is just another in a long line of liberal journalists who use their position to further stereotype good, hardworking, decent middle class Americans. As to his inclusion of Cabot in his list as one of the “worst” — under the heading “you know Cabot” — I believe he is unfairly stereotyping an entire city. Mr. Lancaster’s inclusion of Cabot is obviously an inaccurate reference to Cabot being mainly a city of white middle class citizens with lack of racial diversity or tolerance. Cabot schools could have possibly boycotted President Obama’s speech, but I am not aware that they were taking up some form of a flag and bearing the standard for the state. Mr. Lancaster then included the city of Bryant. In this listing he is implying that Bryant’s ranking at No. 86 in the top 100 places is code once again for being “a white middle class community.” Is it truly hard to believe that the reason Bryant and Cabot are two of the fastest growing areas of the state could be due to lower crime rates, strong school

districts, and fiscally strong local governments among many other reasons? Hey Bob, you are one of the reasons that race relations are still strained in this country, not just in two small areas of this state. You are stereotyping people. Quit playing the race card Bob! John Campbell Cabot

Death penalty: illegitimate Last fall, the American Law Institute dropped the death penalty from its Model Penal Code. Franklin E. Zimring, distinguished professor of law and scholar at the Berkeley School of Law, noted in a recent article in the National Law Journal that the recent action by the ALI deprives the death penalty of any legal legitimacy. “The institute has pulled the intellectual rug out from under the current system of deciding between life and death,” said Zimring. When the Supreme Court invalidated the death penalty in Furman v. Georgia in 1972, many states used the Model Penal Code to structure death penalty laws that separated the guilt/innocence phase from sentencing and set standards for when the death penalty was warranted. Again, Professor Zimring: “Now that the creators of the modern system of death penalty sentencing have disowned that system, there is no support for distinguishing the current death pen-

alty lottery from the lawless system that Furman condemned. The apparatus that the Supreme Court rushed to embrace in 1976 has been exposed as a conspicuous failure.” ALI President Roberta Cooper Ramo noted the ALI Council’s action: “The Institute withdraws Section 210.6 of the Model Penal Code in light of the current intractable institutional and structural obstacles to ensuring a minimally adequate system for administering capital punishment.” The death penalty is flawed. To date, 139 men sentenced to death in the United States have been exonerated. Coupled with the action by the American Law Institute, can Arkansas continue to have confidence that its death penalty can be administered fairly and equitably? David L. Rickard Little Rock

UALR fees too high The Arkansas Times reported last month that Michael Steele and Harold Ford Jr. are receiving $40,000 to participate in tonight’s debate at UALR. Officials at UALR yesterday revealed that these two debaters have an agency that is booking these debates, and that the $40,000, which is coming from student activity funds, covers travel, accommodations, speaking fees, and an agency fee. This is outrageous. Bill Clinton spoke

at UALR last November, and UALR officials told me that he didn’t receive a penny (nor did his foundation, Hillary, or any entity connected with the Clintons). So why can’t Mr. Steele and Mr. Ford debate for travel expenses and a modest honorarium? In my opinion, $40,000 is not modest. I question how many of the 11,000plus students at UALR know that their student activity funds are being spent on this single event. UALR announced that students were “involved” in the decision to spend the student activity fees on this event, but it is not clear who actually made the decision. However, the timing could not be worse. UALR, along with every other state institution, has received multiple budget cuts this year, and is in the middle of both a complete spending freeze and a hiring freeze. Departments cannot even buy paper for copy machines so that instructors can print exams. If UALR can spend $40,000 on this debate, then why shouldn’t the public believe that its budget should not be cut further? I believe that UALR offers many wonderful educational opportunities for students, so I hope that does not happen. Finally, I will note that the title of the event is Left, Right, and Forward: On the Future of America; however, the political left is not represented in this debate. Mr. Steele, a Republican,






8700 Riley Dr. •Little Rock 501.224.4242 6 february 11, 2010 • arkansas Times

chairs the RNC and is an analyst for Fox News, while Mr. Ford, Democrat, chairs the DLC and is an analyst for MSNBC. While he was in Congress, Mr. Ford voted for the war in Iraq, against women’s right to legal abortion, against civil rights for gay people, and against everyone’s civil rights by voting for the Patriot Act. In other words, he’d make a pretty good Republican candidate. Although I work at UALR, I am certainly not writing on behalf of UALR in this message. I am writing as a concerned citizen who has two family members that are UALR students. Nickolas S. Jovanovic Little Rock


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Do they read? Is Thomas Pope really not aware that our present economic mess was caused by eight years of “economic mismanagement” by his buddy Bush? It is a bit much to expect Obama to clean up this mess in one year!! His letter is a thinly disguised composition of current racist code words concerning Hispanics. It was a wonderful article about wonderful people. William Carlyle, in his letter, seems unaware that Walt Disney spied on and reported his fellow Hollywood movie members to the infamous Commie chaser, Eugene McCarthy, and to his even worse buddy, J. Edgar Hoover. He was one swell guy! Don’t these people ever read books? Gus Causbie Ash Flat

The health debate In 1987 my mother underwent invasive exploratory surgery to determine if a spot on her long was a blood clot or a tumor. Afterwards her blood pressure spiked and her doctors struggled for weeks to get it back within normal range. Then she was told she would have to either leave or pay out of pocket for continued hospitalization. Neither her insurance nor Medicare would approve a continued stay. Two days after her discharge she suffered a major heart attack that sent her back to the hospital where she spent the next three months in the ICU until her death. I don’t blame the hospital. I blame Medicare and insurance rules that had forced her to leave in such poor health. Anyone with limited knowledge of American history knows that she died during a Republican presidency and under the health care rules in force throughout that presidency. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration fought unsuccessfully for universal health care. I hope and pray that the Obama health care plan will finally succeed. President Obama’s health care plan is designed not to pull the plug on grandma but to provide needed health care to all Americans so no one has to experience what my mother experienced. John Matlock Little Rock

The William J. Clinton Presidential Center Celebrates Black History Month An evening with James McKissic: McKissic plays Schumann

Sitting in History

February 13 at 7:00 p.m. Great Hall

Please join us for a special Black History Month program at the Clinton Presidential Center as the talented students of Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School perform the dramatic musical performance of “Sitting in History.”

The William J. Clinton Foundation and the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame will host the first in a series of “Living History” by presenting “An evening with James McKissic: McKissic Plays Schumann” featuring Arkansas native and world renowned classical and acoustic pianist James H. McKissic.

February 24 at 7:00 p.m. Great Hall

This year’s program, a musical and dramatic reading will tell the stories of the 1960 lunch counter sit-ins. The program is free. The performance will last one hour.

Programs are free. To make reservations, please call (501) 748-0449. ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 7

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the week that was feb. 3-9, 2010

The Arkansas Reporter

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It was a GOOD week fOr …

LEGISLATING. The General Assembly convened its first “fiscal” session, a biannual exercise mandated by a voterapproved constitutional amendment. With little extra money to spend, all were hoping for a quick and routine exercise. HOG BASKETBALL. The men’s team won four SEC games in a row and found themselves on top of division standings. Also, a special prosecutor concluded that no criminal charges were warranted against three basketball players who engaged in sex acts with a UA freshman at a fraternity party last August. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Though Gov. Mike Beebe expressed some concern about sufficiency of revenue, the legislature seemed poised to give $5,000 annual scholarships to present and future four-year college students from lottery revenue. HAROLD BAILEY of Conway. He picked up an $8 million check for a Powerball win after first unlisting his telephone number. When a reporter went calling to ask him about his winning, a man believed to be Bailey displayed a revolver and ran him off. It was a baD week fOr …

The POOR AND SUFFERING. State officials began talking about ways to cut $400 million in Medicaid spending in Arkansas next year. ORATORY. Rep. John Boozman entered the race for U.S. Senate. If he wins the nomination to oppose Sen. Blanche Lincoln, the prospects of scintillating speechmaking are slim. (See John Brummett.) MICHAEL STEELE. The Republican National Committee chairman told a UALR audience — to guffaws — that $1 million wasn’t a lot of money to make in a year, after taxes. Spoken like a man who shared a $40,000 fee with Harold Ford for about an hour’s work, courtesy of college students’ fees. SEN. BLANCHE LINCOLN. For no particular reason, she volunteered that she opposed trying a terror suspect in civilian courts, undercutting the Obama administration and supporting the Republican noise machine. 10 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

ALL ABOARD: A study’s concept of a light rail stop in Fayetteville.

A dream of light rail An ‘advocacy’ study pushes traffic solution. by MIchael cOckraM

n From Spokane to Orlando cities throughout the country are developing passenger light rail. There are at least 30 existing systems and another 40 or so on the boards. A recent study led by the University of Arkansas Center for Community Development found that Northwest Arkansas is a strong candidate for light rail. The study, which included work by University of Arkansas and Washington University at St. Louis architecture students and design professionals from Minnesota and California, has won two major national design awards. The study is an “advocacy document” says UACDC director Stephen Luoni. “Were pushing the conversation to get to that level of support to get to a feasibility study.” Like the rest of the world, Arkansas is making a dramatic shift toward urbanization. The population of Northwest Arkansas is estimated to grow from its current 300,000 to 1 million by 2050. Current urban planning models are

increasingly focused on reducing sprawl through transit-orient development. That means compact, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods centered on transit hubs. Northwest Arkansas provides important characteristics for light rail. Rail systems are most efficient when they are arranged in a linear configuration rather than in amoebic conglomerations. The string of merging cities from Fayetteville to Bentonville originally grew up around rail service — two-thirds of the population lives within one mile of the main rail line. As much as 66 percent of the cost of building a new light rail system is used in acquiring the property. Most of this right of way already exists in Northwest Arkansas and is used lightly by the Arkansas Missouri freight line. The service laid out in the study runs from the Drake Field airport south of Fayetteville, up through the chain of towns to Bentonville then veers off to XNA airport. It connects higher education facilities U of A and NWA Community Col-

Hundley suit settled Hundley heir cited stepmother’s attack on her. by leslIe Newell PeacOck

n A lawsuit filed by the granddaughter of the late Dr. John Hundley, a prominent Little Rock orthopedist and thoroughbred horse breeder, against her father for allegedly misappropriating funds from a trust inheritance was settled in January. Heather Hundley Beitzel had argued that since her father’s wife attacked her with a hammer last January he should be removed as trustee of the various family holdings she

was named beneficiary to. A month after Beitzel filed suit against John Hundley Jr. in December 2008 in Pulaski Circuit Court, she was allegedly attacked by her stepmother with a hammer in her Austin, Texas, garage. The stepmother had apparently driven all night from Little Rock and had lain in wait for Beitzel, who was returning home after dropping her daughter at school.

lege, major shopping centers, and major employers such as Tyson and Wal-Mart. But will Arkies ride? Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission surveys show that current public interest in developing light rail is mixed. The 2030 Transportation Plan informal survey showed 65 percent approved of developing light rail but only 5 percent saw themselves using light rail twice a week or more. According to the UACDC, that’s always the case. Once people find they can work, read or relax on the way to their jobs and they can count on getting to the airport or an event on time with no parking worries, train ridership increases. Light rail is flourishing in some unlikely places. Dallas, for example. If Americans love their highways and their cars then Texans love them on steroids. It would seem like a stretch to get many cowboy boots to walk onto a light rail car. Voters in Dallas at first balked at measures to get rail started. But the city eventually found funding for a pilot project. Currently 65,000 people ride the DART trains every workday and the numbers continue to increase — as does expansion of the system. Then there’s the question of development. “Dallas has had $10 billion of investment around [light rail] stops,” Luoni says, “and it’s mixed use, walkable and compact.” There are alternatives to rail. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which utilizes train-like buses on dedicated lanes, has been successful in cities from the environmental poster child Curitiba, Brazil to Eugene, Oregon. “BRT doesn’t make sense here” Luoni asserts “There are large infrastructure costs — it only works if you have the right of way and it’s not as energy efficient.” But bus lines can grow as a compliment to rail. “Rail concentrates people, buses distribute people,” Luoni says. Continued on page 11

Beitzel had asked the court to require her father to provide her with a full accounting of trusts left by Hundley Sr., who died in 1995, and his wife, Jeanice, who died in October 2008. Beitzel said the settlement’s provisions prohibited her from disclosing details, but said she was no longer a part owner in the family trusts. According to Hundley Jr.’s filings in the case, the assets of the trust and the Hundley Family Limited Partnership created by the trust are between $3.5 million and $4.5 million. Hundley Jr. and Beitzel were the only named beneficiaries, with Continued on page 11



two-thirds to go to Hundley and a third to Beitzel. According to police, on the morning of Jan. 14, 2009, Beitzel’s stepmother, Janet Hundley, appeared in Beitzel’s carport dressed in black and wearing leather gloves with surgical gloves underneath. Beitzel said her stepmother told her that she was ruining her life and then attacked Beitzel with a claw hammer, hitting her on the head. Beitzel, whose then-14-monthold child was in the car, wrestled with Hundley for 11 or 12 minutes, she said, before she could escape into her house, where she called a neighbor and 911 for help. The neighbor, who was armed, came immediately and held Hundley until police arrived. Beitzel was treated at a hospital for deep lacerations to her scalp requiring seven stitches, concussion and scrapes on her arm and back. Janet Hundley was jailed in Travis County on charges of aggravated assault. She was released on a bond of $200,000 six days later and was required to wear a GPS monitoring unit on her ankle. A criminal trial is set for May 24 in Austin. On Jan. 29, 2009, Pulaski Circuit Judge Collins Kilgore enjoined Hundley from transferring or disposing of assets in the trusts and Janet Hundley, who did accounting for the trusts, was removed from involvement with the trusts. Among other allegations, Beitzel said in the suit that Hundley used trust funds to buy homes in Little Rock and San Marco, Fla., and transferred funds into accounts in his name. She maintained that her grandmother, Jeanice Hundley, complained to her that Hundley Jr. told her the trust was “out of money” and that Hundley Jr. had eliminated a home health care worker and reduced Jeanice Hundley’s “grooming allowance.” Hundley, head of oil and gas exploration company Hundley Hydrocarbons, acknowledged borrowing $730,000 from the Hundley Family Limited Partnership and $475,000 from the Hundley Sr. trust to purchase his condominium in San Marco, Fla., where he and his wife legally reside. Hundley maintained that the loans were made with Jeanice Hundley’s approval and would be taken into account when the trust is closed and assets are distributed. He denied that he had transferred trust funds into his own investment accounts. Beitzel said his continued support of his wife after the attack on Beitzel was “callous, humiliating and demeaning” and raised the question of loyalty to Beitzel as beneficiary. Patrick James, who was representing Hundley, said the daughter’s suit against her father was a “regrettable situation” and that his client “feels sad” about it. Beitzel said that she does not anticipate reconciling with her father.

It hasn’t yet flourished in some likely places: Austin provides a good example of what happens when rail transportation happens too little too late. For a mid-sized city, Austin has the worst traffic and is the most congested in the U.S., according to the Austin American Statesman. Despite a robust bus system, average rush-hour commutes are 31 percent longer than in off-peak periods. That means when I commuted in Austin last year I was spending an extra 60 hours a year (a week and a half of work hours) in crawling traffic. Austin’s growth from the early 1980’s to present has

Continued from page 10

Continued from page 10

Finley ad-mammogram AT.indd 4

a similar trajectory as the projected growth for Northwest Arkansas. Austin is past due to begin its pilot rail line this year. A new four-lane highway could cost around $40 million a mile (the range is between $17 and $74 million) within a developed area. A comparable light rail project, Raleigh-Durham’s system is slated to cost about $23 million per mile. Northwest Arkansas’s costs could be less since much of the right-of-way exists. Opponents of light rail tell a different story. The unlikely masthead of the anti-rail movement is a bearded, bicycleriding, self-proclaimed environmentalist named Randal O’Toole. Working with the Cato Institute, O’Toole asserts that

statistics show that light rail is an underutilized economic boondoggle driven by political pork. The Northwest Arkansas business community is not yet on board since their infrastructure needs are presently focused on highway transport. But the Fayetteville, Springdale and Washington County governing bodies have voted to request that the Northwest Arkansas Regional Mobility Authority commission a rail feasibility study. Fayetteville resident Michael Cockram is a writer, designer, musician and occasional adjunct assistant professor of architecture at the University of Oregon.

ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 11 1/27/10 2:18:46 PM

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Dinner specials model rolls: Sushi Cafe's cuisine gives it top Japanese honors.

The besT resTauranTs of 2009 are chosen by Times readers.


he year 2009 didn’t see a remarkable boom in restaurants. But Arkansas still managed to welcome some bright additions to its dining scene and old favorites continued to satisfy. You’ll see both old and new in this year’s results in the Arkansas Times Readers Choice contest to select the best restaurants in Arkansas. Ballots were distributed in our weekly paper and voting also was conducted online. As ever, we tried to weed out blatant efforts to stuff the ballot box. Enough said. On to the results.


LITTLE ROCK Brave New Restaurant RUNNERS-UP: Ashley’s, Lulav, Ya Ya’s, Trio’s AROUND ARKANSAS Mike’s Place of Conway 12 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

RUNNERS-UP: James at the Mill of Johnson, Bordino’s of Fayetteville, Michelangelo’s of Conway


LITTLE ROCK Capi’s RUNNERS-UP: The House, Maddie’s, Union AROUND ARKANSAS Sassy’s Red House of Fayetteville RUNNERS-UP: Casa Colina Mexican Grill and Cantina and the Garden Bistro, both of Eureka Springs


LITTLE ROCK Bruno’s RUNNERS-UP: Ristorante Capeo, Prego, The Villa AROUND ARKANSAS Ermilio’s of Eurkea Springs

RUNNERS-UP: Michelangelo’s of Conway, Pesto Cafe and Bordino’s of Fayetteville


LITTLE ROCK Fantastic China RUNNERS-UP: Fu Lin, Pei Wei, Chi’s AROUND ARKANSAS Jade China of Conway RUNNERS-UP: PF Chang’s of Rogers, Hunan Manor of Fayetteville, Lucky Dragon of Berryville


LITTLE ROCK Sushi Cafe RUNNERS-UP: Shogun, Mount Fuji, Sekisui AROUND ARKANSAS Fuji Restaurant of Springdale

RUNNERS-UP: Shogun of Fayetteville, Kobe of Rogers, Wasabi of Fayetteville


LITTLE ROCK Senor Tequila RUNNERS-UP: La Hacienda, Casa Manana, El Porton AROUND ARKANSAS La Huerta of Conway RUNNERS-UP: La Hacienda of Hot Springs, Casa Colina of Eureka Springs, Los Amigos of Conway


LITTLE ROCK Purple Cow RUNNERS-UP: Playtime Pizza, Flying Fish, Cajun’s Wharf AROUND ARKANSAS Sparky’s Roadhouse of Eureka Springs RUNNERS-UP: Mike’s Place of Conway, Larry’s Pizza of Bryant, Buffalo Wild Wings of Hot Springs


LITTLE ROCK Taziki’s RUNNERS-UP: Star of India, Layla’s, Lilly’s Dim Sum,Then Some AROUND ARKANSAS Taste of Thai of Fayetteville Continued on page 14

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Continued from page 12

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RUNNERS-UP: Thep Thai of Fayetteville, New Delhi of Eureka Springs, Rolando’s of Hot Springs


LITTLE ROCK Community Bakery RUNNERS-UP: Boulevard Bread, Silvek’s, Old Mill AROUND ARKANSAS Ed’s Bakery of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Rick’s Bakery of Fayetteville, Little Bread Company of Fayetteville, Ambrosia of Hot Springs

Thank you!

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LITTLE ROCK Damgoode Pies RUNNERS-UP: U.S. Pizza, ZaZa, Pizza Cafe AROUND ARKANSAS Larry’s of Bryant RUNNERS-UP: Tiny Tim’s of Fayetteville, Chelsea’s Corner Cafe of Eureka Springs and Old Chicago of Conway


Congratulations to the 2010 winners of the Arkansas Times Best Restaurant Awards. When you are chosen as the best in your category by your consumers it is one of the highest compliments you can receive.

LITTLE ROCK Whole Hog Cafe RUNNERS-UP: Sims, Corky’s, Chip’s AROUND ARKANSAS McClard’s RUNNERS-UP: Penguin Ed’s of Fayetteville, Craig’s of DeValls Bluff, Smoke House of Heber Springs

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LITTLE ROCK Ozark Mountain Country Restaurant RUNNERS-UP: Satellite Cafe, IHOP, Mimi’s AROUND ARKANSAS Stoby’s of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Common Grounds of Fayetteville, Mud Street Cafe of Eureka Springs, Pancake Shop of Hot Springs

2010 Readers Choice Awards

Sysco Arkansas • 5800 Frozen Road • Little Rock, AR • 72209 1-800-827-3411 • 1-501-562-4111 14 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

brIaN chIlSoN

gold sponsor

victory is sweet: At Community Bakery.

“Make this

Valentine’s Day

briAn chilson

Special, Share the very best”

on the house: Best burger vote.


LITTLE ROCK Flying Fish RUNNERS-UP: Grampa’s, Cock of the Walk, Catfish City AROUND ARKANSAS Catfish Hole of Fayetteville RUNNERS-UP: Fish House of Conway, Dondie’s of Des Arc



LITTLE ROCK The House RUNNERS-UP: Buffalo Grill, Arkansas Burger Company, Cheeburger Cheeburger AROUND ARKANSAS CJ’s of Russellville RUNNERS-UP: Whatta-Burger of Russellville, Hugo’s of Fayetteville, Sparky’s of Eureka Springs

LITTLE ROCK Popeye’s RUNNERS-UP: Kitchen Express, Capital Hotel Bar, Bobby’s Country Cookin’ AROUND ARKANSAS AQ Chicken House of Springdale RUNNERS-UP: Holly’s of Conway, Momma Dean’s Soul Food Kitchen of Fayetteville




LITTLE ROCK Boulevard Bread RUNNERS-UP: Jason’s Deli, Diane’s, Fresh Market AROUND ARKANSAS Jason’s Deli of Fayetteville RUNNERS-UP: McAlister’s of Conway, Corsey’s of St. Joe

CWa[h½i WdZ _Y[$

LITTLE ROCK Bonefish Grill RUNNERS-UP: Cajun’s Wharf, Brave New Restaurant, Flying Fish AROUND ARKANSAS Cajun Boilers of Hot Springs RUNNERS-UP: Mike’s Place of Conway, Powerhouse of Fayetteville

LITTLE ROCK Sonny Williams’ Steak Room RUNNERS-UP: Doe’s, Butcher Shop, Faded Rose AROUND ARKANSAS Mike’s Place of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Doe’s and Herman’s of Fayetteville, Gaskins Cabin Steakhouse of Eureka Springs Continued on page 17

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briAn chilson

World Champion Barbeque

romantic dinner: At Michaelangelo's.

RESTAURANTS Continued from page 15


LITTLE ROCK Golden Corral RUNNERS-UP: Franke’s, Star of India, Larry’s Pizza AROUND ARKANSAS Brown’s Country Store and Restaurant of Benton RUNNERS-UP: Golden Corral of Fayetteville, New China of Russellville, Myrtie Mae’s of Eureka Springs


LITTLE ROCK Trio’s RUNNERS-UP: Ashley’s, Community Bakery, Copeland’s AROUND ARKANSAS Stoby’s of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Mike’s Place of Conway, Michelangelo’s of Conway, Mud Street Cafe of Eureka Springs


LITTLE ROCK Starbucks RUNNERS-UP: Boulevard Bread, Guillermo’s Coffee House, Satellite Cafe AROUND ARKANSAS McDonald’s, various locations RUNNERS-UP: Something Brewing of Conway, Common Grounds and Arsaga’s Espresso Cafe of Fayetteville


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Check out for other locations.

LITTLE ROCK Your Mama’s Good Food RUNNERS-UP: Dixie Cafe, Homer’s, Bobby’s Country Cookin’ AROUND ARKANSAS Holly’s Country Cooking of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Momma Dean’s Soul Food Kitchen of Fayetteville, Myrtie Mae’s of Eureka Springs, Cracker Barrel of Bryant


LITTLE ROCK Purple Cow RUNNERS-UP: Playtime Pizza, Chuck E. Cheese, Cheeburger Cheeburger


LITTLE ROCK Ashley’s RUNNERS-UP: Brave New Restaurant, 1620, Acadia AROUND ARKANSAS Michelangelo’s of Conway RUNNERS-UP: Rogue’s Manor of Eureka Springs, James at the Mill of Johnson


LITTLE ROCK Ashley’s RUNNERS-UP: Trio’s, Ciao Baci, Ferneau Continued on page 18

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Continued from page 17

AROUND ARKANSAS Bordino’s of Fayetteville RUNNERS-UP: Mike’s Place of Conway, Michelangelo’s of Conway, Theo’s of Fayetteville



Please join us at Ya Ya’s this Valentines Day and fall in love all over again, as our Executive Chef, Paul Clinton, prepares a special menu only to be complimented by the romantic melodies of local jazz duo Wine & Roses. Sunday, Feb. 14th ~ Open till 10pm ~ Reservations Preferred.


Conway • 559 Harkrider Street


Brown’s Country Store and Restaurant RUNNERS-UP: Dizzy’s (now closed), Ed and Kay’s, Colton’s Steakhouse


Mike’s Place RUNNERS-UP: Marketplace, Stoby’s, Michelangelo’s


Ermilio’s RUNNERS-UP: DeVito’s, Local Flavor, Mud Street Cafe


Bordino’s of Fayetteville RUNNERS-UP: Hugo’s of Fayetteville, James at the Mill of Johnson, Greenhouse Grille of Fayetteville

“Pulaski Technical College was a life saver for me. The college gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and expand my range of thinking. I owe a great deal of thanks to all my instructors who took the time to make sure that I excelled.

The bottom line is, Pulaski Technical College gave me back my life and independence. Because of this, I will continue to live my life as an example of the valuable asset and role the college plays in our community.” Leonard Boyle • Executive Director Arkansas Governor's Commission on People with Disabilities, 2008 Pulaski Technical College Outstanding Alumnus 3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 (501) 812-2200 18 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS


McClard’s RUNNERS-UP: Rolando’s, Belle Arti, Cafe 1217


Vinnie Suha of Lilly’s Dim Sum in Little Rock RUNNERS-UP: Amy Lloyd of Trio’s, Scott Robertson of Brave New Restaurant and Blair Wallace of Ciao Baci, all in Little Rock; Shawna Brumett at Sassy’s Red House of Fayetteville, Tiffany Murphy at Pesto Cafe in Fayetteville, Brent Garrett at Gaskins Cabin in Eureka Springs


Donnie Ferneau of Ferneau in Little Rock RUNNERS-UP: Peter Brave of Brave New Restaurant, Capi Peck of Capi’s, Lee Richardson of Ashley’s at the Capital Hotel, all in Little Rock; Miles James of James at the Mill in Johnson

$100 DRAWING WINNER Melanie Turner of Benton

AlwAys-pAcked Bonefish nets A Best. ery menu in town where fish is served, n It took us three casts to catch a seat at so why should Bonefish Grill be any difthe Bonefish Grill. ferent? Indeed, the waitress said, it’s the The first time, we cavalierly waited most-ordered fish on the menu. until Saturday afternoon to call for a resPerhaps it should be different because ervation that evening; none were to be Bonefish makes such a big deal on its had until after 9 p.m. Then we cavalierly drove out on a Tuesday night thinking we’d be safe. Nope. An hour, maybe an hour and 20 minutes, wait. So we decided on our third try not to be cavalier and call a couple of days ahead. The only reservation we could get was for 4:45 p.m. And you know what? The place was packed, the spinning front door emptying a non-stop stream of folks into the bar. They never quit coming, even through an hour-long downpour that started about 5:30 p.m. You’d think Bonefish was the only restaurant grouper: A special at Bonefish. in town. website about its dedication to “responsiWas it worth the effort? Sure. We had ble” fishing. It touts its “partnership” with to see what all the fuss was about. the Ocean Trust and the OSI Seafood AdOur waitress, looking competent in a visory Council, both of which “help us white chef’s coat, asked us if we wanted employ best practices.” the menu presented, and we said yes inThat sounds like they’ve got some deed. We paid special attention to her descientific support, until you do a little rescriptions of the fish, of course: salmon, search and discover that OSI is the pargrouper, mahi mahi, Chilean sea bass … ent company of Bonefish Grill (Outback Chilean sea bass? Wait a minute. Isn’t Steakhouse was its first business, hence Chilean sea bass on the no-no list? The fish the initials) and the Ocean Trust is appar— also known as the Patagonian toothfish, ently a one-man non-profit outfit created though never on menus for obvious reasons by the company. — has long been on Seafood Watch’s avoid (On the positive side, the Ocean Trust list. Seafood Watch (of the Monterey Bay has awarded grants to projects to restore Aquarium) says those who would choose Ridley’s Sea Turtle, mangrove reserves (or serve) a sustainable food should nix and flounder stock. A gesture perhaps, but Chilean seabass for several reasons: It’s who’d turn it down?) badly overfished, most served in the U.S. The publicity company for OSI dehas been caught illegally, and the method clined comment, except to say a new of capture — with bottom longlines — menu is in the making. drowns thousands of seabirds, including None of this is particularly startling, of the endangered albatross. course. Bonefish Grill is a money-making Still, Chilean sea bass is on most evbriAn chilson

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Quite a haul bonefish bar: Catches the dining room overflow.

proposition — with $2 million in sales last year, it was the 26th highest-ranked restaurant in Little Rock — not a conservation outfit. In the name of research (and we confess that we enjoyed having a reason to sacrifice our virtue), we ordered the grouper (another no-no), the Atlantic farm-raised salmon (also a no-no) and mahi mahi (OK). One of us had crab cakes as well, and as long as they weren’t made from imported King Crab, one can order them without compromising one’s commitment to eating sustainably. All were delicious if not unique, thanks in part to a nice mango salsa, delicious jasmine rice and haricots verts (French green beans), the salmon (served on a plank) especially so. There was a tiny bit of a wait, but the company was good and so were the drinks (a well-made Cosmopolitan and a glass of dry Riesling, both generous). We could have done without the gentlemen resting their elbows, inches from our heads, on our booth back as they waited in a crowded area by the door to be seated but the waitress kindly asked them to back off, which they did. If you decide to have dessert on top of a very richly buttered fish — as we did — be forewarned. The waitress tried to give us a heads up, but we paid no attention. Bonefish’s brulees (both chocolate and vanilla) are served in dinghy-sized ramekins, about five inches long and three inches wide. No kidding. With a dollop of whipped cream starboard. The macadamia nut brownie was about a pound of flourless brownie with vanilla ice cream on top, sex on a saucer. The key lime pie, though generous, was not quite as overboard. — Leslie Peacock



Grampa’s Catfish House 100 Shadow Oaks 834-5400 • Sherwood 7 days: Lunch 11-2 • Dinner 4:30-9:30 Grampa’s Southern Catfish House 9219 Stagecoach Rd 407-0000 • Little Rock 7 days: Lunch 11-2 • Dinner 4:30-9:30

Mama sez: “Thanks to our customers! You ‘ve made us a winner!!”

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Open Monday—Friday Breakfast….….7:30-9:30 a.m. Lunch………11:00 a.m.-2 p.m.

Award Winning Down-home Cookin’ Downtown ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 19

briAn chilson

dave's dogs: For an upscale version, go to Dave's Place.

On the trail of the chili dog Be aware of slaw and Beans. n During the January cold spell, some people who’ve worked in downtown Little Rock for many years started reminiscing about the legendary D and D, a cafe on Main Street that was best-known for its chili dog, although you could get the chili on anything you wanted — spaghetti, burgers, fries, probably salads and desserts. On cold days, and especially cold, snowy days, it seemed like everybody who worked downtown ate lunch at D and D. The owner of D and D was murdered — by a former employee, not a dissatisfied customer — in 2002, and the restaurant died not after that. Can one still find a good chili dog in Little Rock, our geezers wondered? Research ensued. The answer is yes, there are good chili dogs and they’re not hard to find. Maybe not as good as D and D’s — in our memory, that was a chili dog for the gods — but quite tasty. We’ll admit we didn’t go to every chili dog emporium in Pulaski County — even our chili-dog appetite is sometimes sated — so it’s possible we missed the best of all. But we found quite nice ones, some of them downtown, within blocks of the old D and D site. At 201 E. Markham St., The Hop is on the first floor of a building that houses the Arkansas Times on the second floor. But we judged on quality, not proximity.

“I will put it up against any chili dog in town,” says Iris Isgrig, a co-owner of The Hop. “You can’t beat a good Nathan’s dog.” The Hop uses all-beef, Nathan’s wieners, and its own beanless chili. (The presence or absence of beans is a touchy subject, a deal-breaker for some aficionados. Slaw is regarded much the same way.) The available addons include mustard, cheese, slaw, relish, onions and peppers. One reviewer was not overwhelmed by the first c-dog he ate at The Hop, but he figured out why. Relish always belongs on a regular hot dog, but never on a chili dog. Our man made the deletion, and it’s been smooth sailing since. The Hop’s dog is the classic foot-long, incidentally. Some places use a standard-length bun. If there’s such a thing as an upscale chili-dog vendor, Dave’s Place might be it. Also downtown at 210 Center St., Dave’s is a semi-refined sandwich, soup and salad shop. Owner and Chef Dave Williams doesn’t prepare the chili dog every day; it depends on his mood. (And it’s never available in the summer.) When he’s in the mood, he puts beans in his chili, which is also heavy on spices and light on water. He uses all-beef dogs, toasts the buns and omits mustard and slaw. “Some people don’t like mustard. I used to put slaw on every once in a while, but nobody

wanted it.” The nearby Downtown Deli does nice work with mustard, and Fritos are available. Fritos are the perfect accompaniment to a chili dog, and we downgrade places that don’t stock them. Potato chips have their uses, but they don’t go with chili dogs. We solicited recommendations for c-dogs, and we probably got more for the Buffalo Grill’s than any. We went to the Grill at 1611 Rebsamen Park Road. The no-beaners would have been outraged again. (We may as well face up to it: They’re wrong.) “We make chili with beans,” manager Brooks Browning said. “That recipe has been here since the beginning of the restaurant in the early ’80s, almost as long as I’ve been alive.” And the chili dog is one of the most popular items on the Buffalo Grill menu. The Times reviewer did have the kind of experience that has turned some against beany chili, however. A bean fell from the fork and left its mark down the front of his white shirt. It was worth it, though a gentlemen wearing an expensive tie should probably stuff his neckwear inside his shirt before digging in. Some people like jalapenos on their chili dog, including Governor Beebe, Browning said. Terri-Lynn’s B-B-Q & Delicatessen at

10102 Rodney Parham Road offers not only the basic chili dog, but variations like the Killer Dog, which includes sauerkraut, jalapenos and Swiss cheese, and the Demon Delight, which substitutes hot link sausage for the standard weiner. (Chef Dave at Dave’s Place said he’d offered a “chili brat,” but found few takers.) Like most of these places, Chip’s Barbecue at 9801 W. Markham St. sells chili by the bowl (beanless, “Chip’s own recipe”) as well as on dogs. Chip’s handles the slaw question well — it puts the slaw on the side in a plastic cup, so the diner can decide for himself. Arkansas Burger Co. at 7410 Cantrell Road has a surprisingly good chili dog for a specialty hamburger place. The Town Pump at 1321 Rebsamen Park Road is the kind of establishment that, as soon as you walk in the door, you know will have a good chili dog and cold beer to wash it down with. Maybe the question should be “Is it possible to find a bad chili dog in Little Rock?” Or maybe it’s just us. We can’t leave a chili dog discussion without noting that both the reviewer and a close friend remembered eating their first chili dogs at Jug’s Drive-In on Dickson Street in Fayetteville, long ago. Like D and D, Jug’s belongs to the ages now. — Doug Smith ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 21

KaT robINSoN

WHOPPER TIMES 10: It’s the humongo hamburger at Ed Walker’s in Fort Smith, the state’s biggest.

Diners, drive-ins and dives Our readers prOvide the rOad map tO fOOd finds. n In what’s become an annual tradition in the Best Restaurants issue, we once again turned to our readers for help. On our Eat Arkansas blog, we asked for nominations for the best unheralded dining in Arkansas. And we were flooded with responses. Below, with help from friends and regular contributors, we present a crowd-sourced take on “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” — a collection of little known gems worth seeking out. Keep the finds coming at Eat Arkansas ( BJ’S MARKET CAFE Mammoth country helpings. Great pies. 45 Market Plaza, NLR. 945-8884. — Ernest Dumas BIG RED DRIVE-IN Let others enjoy CJ’s Butcher Boy Burgers and the world-famous Feltner’s Whatta-Burger. Locals will head to Big Red for burgers, fried chicken and big, messy banana splits. Some pass up on the decent burgers for the Chuckwagon sandwich, a chicken fried steak treated like a burger. Can’t go wrong with the fried catfish, though, served up hot in a basket with fries. 1520 S. Arkansas, Russellville. 479-968-1960. — Kat Robinson BULLDOG RESTAURANT During strawberry and peach seasons, there’s nothing better than a milkshake from the Bulldog. So thick with fruit, sometimes a straw won’t work. 3614 Hwy. 367 N., Bald Knob. 501-724-5195. — Caroline Millar DONALDSON COUNTRY STORE Made to order when you order it, good fat 22 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

burgers and deli sandwiches, too. Get a basket. And dip yourself a pickle or two while you’re at it. Front Street two blocks east of Hwy. 67 in Donaldson. 870-3822219. — Kat Robinson ED WALKER’S The sign will tell you to order up a French dip sandwich. That’s not a bad idea, but it’s not all you’ll find on the menu. Flash your lights for service to order, and choose some Texas tooth-

picks (fried onion and jalapeno straws) or a chile relleno. But if you choose the Giant Hamburger ($22.99) you’d better be driving a van. That’s five pounds of beef on a custom-made bun, served up with a generous portion of French fries and a platter of tomatoes, onions, pickles and lettuce. Impressive, tasty and ample enough to feed a family reunion. If you can manage dessert, a slice of homemade

cake or strawberry shortcake in a chilled glass should set you up fine. The fact that Ed Walker’s is the last restaurant in the country that has car hop service for beer deserves mention. 1500 Towson Lane, Fort Smith. 479-782-3352. — Kat Robinson FATIGA’S Hidden in a strip mall shopping center a half mile from the Oklahoma border, Fatiga’s Sub Station is

More reader nominations: n BARNETT’S DAIRYETTE 111 W. Tulsa St., Siloam Springs. 479-524-3211. BROADWAY GROCERY & BAIT 1126 E. Broadway Ave., Forrest City. 870-633-3924. COLOMBIA MEX 2155 W. Sixth St., Fayetteville. 479527-9577. CUBAN GRILL 1402 Fayetteville Road, Van Buren. 479474-2247. ED’S COUNTRY CATFISH 906 Southwest Drive, Jonesboro. 870-802-4223. FRED’S FISH HOUSE 44 Hwy. 101 Cutoff, Mountain Home. 870-492-5958. HOLLY’S COUNTRY COOKING 120 Harkrider St., Conway. 501-328-9738. JANSSEN’S LAKEFRONT RESTAURANT 9999 Edgemont Road, Edgemont. 501-723-4480. JJ’S BBQ 1000 E. Main St., El Dorado. 870-862-1777. JO JO’S CATFISH WHARF 707 Hayden Heights Road, Mountain View. 870-585-2121. JR’S BAR-B-QUE 11166 U.S. 49, Poplar Grove. 870829-3748.

MOMMA DEAN’S SOUL FOOD KITCHEN 1701 S. School Ave., Fayetteville 479-251-1210. MURPHY CASH STORE 276 Winchester, Winchester. 870-392-2419. OINKY’S BARBECUE 318 W. Northend Ave., Paragould. 870-236-4659. RE-PETE’S PLACE 7830 U.S. 71, Fort Smith. 479-6464333 SKIPPER’S 711 Hwy. 5, Mountain Home. 870-508-4574. OLD TYME BURGER SHOPPE 1205 Arkansas Boulevard, Texarkana. 870-772-5775. POLAR FREEZE 416 Hwy. 67 N, Walnut Ridge. 870886-9976. THE VILLAGE STEAKHOUSE 156 Knight Haven Circle, Star City. 870-628-5053. TOGA MOE JOE’S CAFE 1720 Hwy. 65 S., Clinton. 501-745-3554. WHITE HOUSE CAFE 323 S. Adams Ave., Camden. 870-836-2255. WOODS PLACE 1137 W. Washington St., Camden. 870836-0474.

a Yankee-sandwich mecca in the unlikeliest of places: Siloam Springs. While the menu has expanded to pizzas and other items in the past decade, Fatiga’s strength — and what makes it one of the truly best eating experiences in Arkansas — is its selection of Italian subs. The gold standard is the capicola, roast beef and cheese, but be sure to try to the red Reuben, too. Both are worthy of a pilgrimage to Siloam Springs, but it’s also an easy detour on any trip to or from Fayetteville. 1004 S. Mount Olive St., Siloam Springs. 479-524-6277. — Jason Weinheimer GIBBS GROCERY & HUNTERS’ OUTPOST You won’t find a busier establishment at six in the morning on the first day of hunting season. The popular gas station/restaurant/hunting supply store hugs the west side of Highway 167 south of Sheridan. The breakfast crowd goes for eggs to order or, if in a rush, a Saran-wrapped biscuit with sausage or ham and egg and maybe even cheese inside. For lunch, it’s a choice of a rather decent burger, deli sandwich or po’ boy, or a good old-fashioned homemade pimento cheese sandwich. The Lemon Ice Box Pie ($2.19) is memorable. 7781 Hwy. 167 S., Sheridan. 870-942-5284. — Kat Robinson GRANDMA’S HOUSE During game days at Fayetteville, you’ll see a lot of travelers stopping by this great place on Mount Gaylor outside of Winslow. Everything is homemade — they do great pies, fried chicken, huge homemade rolls, vegetables, homemade gravy, sometimes meatloaf, chicken and dumplings. 21588 U.S. 71, Winslow. — Janee Crotts KEENEY FOODMART Outstanding smoked meats, steaks, homemade pies — just plain cooking. 101 W. Mill St., Malvern. 870-332-3371. — From the web. LA PLACITA The best carne asada burrito you’ve ever had. 1016 Detention and Green, Benton. 501-778-3738. — From the web. PHO VIETNAM RESTAURANT It’s all about the vegetarian sandwiches. They come with tofu, pickled carrots, cilantro, pickled onions and mayonnaise on French bread. And you put a lot of hoisin and sriracha on. I know all that sounds fairly disgusting, but the sum of parts makes it the most delicious thing ever. The sandwiches only cost a couple bucks, and you get free tea and dessert. Buy 10 sandwiches, get one free, too. 2214 Rogers Ave., Fort Smith, 479-782-3227. — Leigh Wood SPUNKY PIG BBQ In a gas station/feed store outside of Heber Springs, you’ll find the best barbecue you’ll ever eat. 9 Pangburn Road, Heber Springs. 501-206-0444. — From the web. TURNER BEND STORE Great made-to-order country-store type sandwiches. 20034 N. Hwy. 23, Ozark. 479-6673641. — From the web.

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Don’t forget the bar

One Of twO: Doc's Fish and Steak House has been around for decades.

Dueling catfish

Garland City fish joints battle it out. n Garland City, Arkansas, is small. In fact, you could drive right by it and be none the wiser. Located about 23 miles east of Texarkana on Highway 82, it’s one of those towns that are at least 20 minutes from everywhere. Just over 350 people call it home, but on a Friday or Saturday night, the population of this sleepy city more than doubles. And it’s all thanks to catfish. Garland City may be tiny, but it’s able, with the help of some neighboring cities, to keep two catfish restaurants in business. There’s Doc’s Fish and Steak House, which has been around in one form or another since the late ’60s. And in 2004, West Shore Restaurant opened its doors, serving catfish fillets and steaks mere miles away from the already wellestablished restaurant owned by Kim “Doc” Mills. “I guess if you lose one fish dinner to ’em you’ve lost it and I’m sure we have,” Mills says. “But if you just look at the numbers on a piece of paper, you couldn’t tell when they opened. It’s hard to imagine that that many people will support two places.” “I hurt him for a little bit,” says Ralph West, owner of West Shore Restaurant. “Everybody told me that two fish houses

in Garland was just too much, but we’ve been doing pretty well.” If you’ve read the papers lately, you might think that Garland is better known for corruption than catfish. The city’s former mayor, Yvonne Dockery, resigned as part of a plea bargain after pleading guilty to felony theft. Even though Mills doesn’t consider himself a particularly political person, he decided to run for mayor and finish out Dockery’s term. Mills lost in a run-off last week by nine votes. “I’m not disappointed though,” he says. “You can’t really make a living being the mayor of Garland anyway, so the restaurant will remain my top priority.” And catfish has been a priority in his family for generations. Mills’grandmother Ramie Ham opened up Ham’s Restaurant in 1969, which was co-owned at that time by West and his father. The Wests sold their half to Mills in the early ’70s before opening another restaurant and Ham’s thrived until it burned down in 1992. At the time, Mills was working for Tyson Foods, but wanted to start his own business, although he “never dreamed it would be a fish restaurant.” “I had a little ol’ portable building Continued on page 27

hip hangOut: Theo's has good fish and drinks. night finds a diverse crowd — couples on n Arriving early at Theo’s is part of the a date, businessmen gathered for an inforexperience, because that way you can mal meeting, girls on a night out, sports get at least one drink in the cozy cocktail fans glued to the flat-screen TVs above lounge before sitting down to dinner. We the bar. did just that, arriving early for our 7 p.m. Theo’s drink selection doesn’t end at reservation so we could enjoy a pinot noir wine and beer — though its award-winand peruse the menu. ning wine list is vast. Theo’s is known for Since 2005, Theo’s American Kitchen its in-house cocktails and martinis, like has been Fayetteville’s hip hangout for the refreshing Basil Gimlet or the indulresidents and out-of-towners alike. Owner and Arkansan Scott Bowman opened Theo’s after 11 years of working in the bar and restaurant scenes in Atlanta and Boston. Bowman says he paid close attention to the trends, techniques and insand-outs of upscale dining to create a “version of all those great places I worked in or ran for someone else, and all the places I truly love.” Bow- COastal Cuisine: Chef Brian Aaron serves up man put so much of himself scallops and more. gent French 75. Thursdays from 5 p.m. into the restaurant, he decided to name it until close, the cocktail lounge hosts a $5 after his father and grandfather, both of Martini Night, featuring a wide and crewhom were named Theo. ative array of martinis. Theo’s exudes a sophisticated, conWhile the drinks are a definite draw, temporary vibe. The dining room, with its the main attraction at Theo’s is the food. classic leather banquettes, candlelit tables Executive Chef Brian Aaron says he and and contemporary artwork, is situated his team combine “the freshness of coastaround the glass-walled kitchen, allowal cuisine with the comfort of Southern ing diners an intimate look into how their cooking and hospitality.” Aaron graduated meal is coming along. The cocktail lounge from Denver’s Johnson & Wales Culinary is similarly decorated, with comfy leather Arts College in 2001. He held positions at couches, low-slung tables and booths and Kansas City’s Zin and Starker’s restaurants an expansive mirror-backed bar. A quick Continued on page 27 glance around the restaurant on any given LAurA Hobbs

evAn Lewis

LAurA Hobbs

food’s the thinG at theo’s, but drinks are a draw.

ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 25

2010 Readers Choice Awards

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS From the Sponsors of the 2010 Arkansas Times Readers Choice Awards Year after year we are proud to be a part of this prestigious contest honoring outstanding restaurants all over the state of Arkansas. It’s an honor to serve the needs of the restaurant community. Keep up the good work.

• DiamonD sponsors •

• golD sponsors • • bronze sponsors •


evAn Lewis

for voting us Best Ethnic Restaurant!

on the west shore: Catfish in the Hog Room.


Continued from page 25 and I just whittled and hammered and drilled holes and redid stuff in that thing until I finally made a little kitchen out of it,” Mills says. “By the time I finished it, Ham’s had burned and I thought well, maybe I’ll cook up a little fish plate and it just snow-balled from there.” Mills cooked to-go orders from that little shack for a year before adding on a dining room built with scrap wood and putting in a couple of mismatched tables. From there the restaurant grew and grew, with Mills making additions to the dining room as needed. All told, the dining area has been expanded eight times, the kitchen three. Where there was once only a small cook shack now stands a sprawling maze of ramshackle rooms that seats 150 people comfortably. The walls are adorned with old neon beer signs, a 115-pound stuffed catfish, a two-headed calf and rusted farm tools so old even the most skilled harvester in Miller County wouldn’t know what to do with them. West Shore has that same rustic charm, although you can tell it was all built more recently and all at once, not just pieced


Continued from page 25 before moving to Fayetteville in 2005. The menu changes seasonally, as Aaron emphasizes fresh, in-season ingredients and local fare whenever possible. The current menu boasts appetizers like beef tenderloin carpaccio, pan-seared scallops, and even BBQ sliders. Main courses include pasta dishes, such as the basil pesto fettuccini with toasted pine nuts; fish, including buttery salmon in parchment paper; and beef, including serious bone-in cowboy rib-eye. After noshing on house-made artisanal breads, we began our meal with the panseared scallops, served on a bed of dressed arugula, with thick slices of slab bacon and a carrot beurre blanc sauce. The next course was curried shrimp garnished with sweet potato wedges and a savory coconut whipped cream. We split the lobster, shrimp and grits with champagne cream for the main course, and sealed the meal with a slice of the gingerbread cake with

together over the years. The bar is covered with Razorback memorabilia and the three dining rooms, which seat about 125 people combined, each have a theme. There’s a deer room, a duck room and a fish room. Both places serve up all-you-can-eat fillets, or whole fish, with the traditional sides. But for those who think catfish is just catfish, Mills says there is a reason people always come back to Doc’s, even with new competition in town. “We cook it with love,” he says. “I’m a stickler about the fish. It’s gotta be smaller-size fillets. We serve everything else up just like Nanny used to.” Both restaurants have experienced somewhat off-years due to the economy, but business is steady and on the rise. Both places are only open a few nights a week — Doc’s serves dinner Thursday through Saturday, West Shore Wednesday through Saturday. “With this economy it just amazes me that people come from as far off as they do to eat here,” West says. “We’ve got customers from Ashdown, New Boston, Murfreesboro, Hope and Texarkana. Doc’s business is steady and we see new faces every week.” — By Gerard Matthews a Gran Marnier creme anglaise. The food was amazing, the service was knowledgeable and seamless, and the atmosphere was intimate and relaxed. We’ll definitely be back for more. — Laura Hobbs Theo’s American Kitchen 318 N. Campbell Avenue (just off Dickson Street) 479-527-0086 Quick bite: Entrees range from $16 to $39; get a $5 martini on Thursday nights. Hours: Dinner is 5:30 to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 5:30 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Happy hour is 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday; the bar is open until 2 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Other info: All major credit cards accepted.

The Keet Bo ys make we ekends spe sweetheart cial for s. Fresh, de li ci entrees, bo o u s a p p etizer, 2 ttle of – all for $39 wine and dessert to sh . Every Frida a y and Saturd re night and V a y alentine’s D ay.

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All in the family n It’s impossible to deny genetics. If your mother and father are, let’s say, great singers, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to belt it out as well. If your grandmother and grandfather could grow a silverware set by planting a teaspoon, you’ve probably got a fair to middling shot at being a great gardener. And so on. Then there’s my most favorite dominant trait: the genetic predisposition for restauranting. Take, for example, the family of Little Rock restaurateur Tomas Bohm, who opened a great German/Czech restaurant called The Pantry on Rodney Parham Road nine months ago. Bohm comes from a long line of restaurateurs in his native Czech Republic, where his dad owns several hotels. Tomas’ brother David Bohm owns a Spanish tapas restaurant in Europe. A relative on his grandmother’s side of the family moved to Eureka Springs from New York City in the 1970s and started one of the area’s first German restaurants, The Bavarian Inn, and folks associated with that restaurant have spun off at least two more in the area in the years since. After growing up working in his father’s hotels, Tomas moved to Eureka. After a tour of the states to try and find America, Tomas moved to Little Rock and got a job at Izzy’s restaurant. He worked there seven years, working his way up from cook to general manager. While he worked there, he started dating a woman who worked in the front of the house, Megan Tackett — later Megan Bohm. Last year, Tomas sold his collection of road-racing motorcycles in order to open his own place, The Pantry, which

briAn chilson

The geneTics of resTauranTing

Tomas Bohm: The son and brother-in-law of restaurateurs. serves a menu filled with hearty, carefully prepared goodies from the old Austrian Empire: soups, stews, house made sausages and the like. “I always liked Little Rock,” Tomas said. “It’s not too big, but it’s not too small. … I was waiting for the right opportunity. It really makes me happy when I can present to people the food we do

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here that nobody else does — true, rustic European food.” As it happens, Megan’s family is a clan of “restaurant brats,” Bohm said. As a teen-ager, Megan took a job at Sufficient Grounds, a coffee house in Little Rock’s Hillcrest neighborhood. When her brothers Gary and Daniel got old enough to work in the kitchen, she brought them

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aboard. Megan, now with wine and spirits distributor Glaziers of Arkansas, ended up working as a server and manager in Little Rock’s better restaurants like Bella Italia and Ciao Baci for 17 years. A big part of why she and Tomas wound up dating and getting married is the oldest story in the restaurant biz (not to mention a fairly good explanation for why the restaurant itch seems to run in families): the shared hours and stress. “We always say it’s hard to date or live outside the restaurant world,” Megan said. “I guess it’s a second nuclear family. It’s a community in itself. The few people I dated outside of the restaurant business definitely were not as much a success in a relationship.” Tomas, who routinely puts in 120hour weeks since opening The Pantry, agrees. “In the restaurant business, you naturally work so many hours,” he said. “I think that if you’re with somebody who has never been in the business and has no idea about the concept, I could totally see clashes: ‘Why do you have to be there now? Why? Why? Why?’ ” Meanwhile, Gary and Daniel Tackett — after moving to Virginia to attend culinary school — have since taken quite a step up from working a coffee house. These days, Daniel works as a chef at Alto, a chi-chi Italian eatery in New York. Gary, meanwhile, works as a chef at the famous La Cirque. Daniel said he doesn’t know where his family’s knack for restaurant work comes from. His mother and father aren’t chefs, though he did recently learn that his grandmother ran a small diner when she was young. “Some are born into it,” Daniel said. “Some people have parents or grandparents who own restaurants, and it just kind of becomes a part of their lives as a family. That seems to be the case with a lot of the people I work with here [at Alto].” — By David Koon

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Editorial n Straight talk was seriously abused when right-wing extremists started calling moderates like President Obama “Nazis” and “Fascists.” We’d have thought it a joke, except those people don’t joke. They stew, they plot, they obsess, they lie, but they don’t joke. Nor, we suspect, do the sponsors of a proposal to levy a “flat tax” in Arkansas. They’re calling themselves the Arkansas Progressive Group, but regress, not progress, is their goal. They propose to make an already regressive state tax structure even more so, reducing taxes on the well-off while increasing taxes on middle- and low-income families. That the group is headquartered in Fort Smith pretty well gives the game away. Truly progressive movements don’t come out of Fort Smith. The reactionaries have won the attorney general’s approval for the ballot title and popular name of a proposed constitutional amendment they hope to put on the general election ballot. The popular name is “A Constitutional Amendment to Repeal All State Taxes and Establish a Flat Rate Sales tax.” A more apt name would be “A Constitutional Amendment to Soak the Poor.” The graduated income tax requires that people who can afford to pay more in taxes do so. Elimination of graduated tax rates would be a crushing blow to poor and middleincome Arkansans, who’d have to pay a hugely increased sales tax to make up the revenue lost from other taxes. They’d have to pay, that is, if they wanted to keep things like public schools, highways, and health care. The “flat tax” amendment is a scam, and an especially cruel one. Its promoters need around 77,000 signatures of registered voters to get it on the ballot. Don’t give them one.

Manson had convictions n Hideous misuse of the language occurred in a Kansas courtroom too. Honest discourse seems to have gone out of style. The attorney for the murderer of a physician suggested to the jury that his client was a heroic figure, more deserving of a statue in his honor than a prison sentence. Scott Roeder fatally shot Dr. George Tiller in the church where Tiller was serving as an usher. Tiller had performed abortions. Roeder thought that he shouldn’t have. His attorney, Mark Rudy, told the jury “no one should be convicted based on his convictions.” He mentioned Martin Luther King as someone who stood up for his beliefs. The jury saw through this sophistry, and found Roeder guilty. King had convictions, but he didn’t kill anybody. Hitler, and the terrorists of 9-11, and Scott Roeder had convictions and they killed people. It’s an important distinction. We celebrate King. We don’t celebrate murderers.

201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Home page: • E-mail: PuBLiSHER Alan Leveritt EditOR



Max Brantley

Paul Peterson

Michelle Miller, Manager


PHOtOGRAPHER Brian Chilson


Leslie Newell Peacock


AdvERtiSiNG ARt diRECtOR Mike Spain


Mara Leveritt


ASSiStANt ARt diRECtOR Patrick Jones

David Koon Bob Lancaster Gerard Matthews Doug Smith


LifEStyLE EditOR


Lindsey Millar

EditORiAL ARt diRECtOR Erica Schaffer

Dan Limke Rafael Méndez Sheryl Kee

diRECtOR Of AdvERtiSiNG Phyllis A. Britton

Tiffany Holland

Devon Dennis Erik Heller Katherine Smith Angie Wilson


AutOMOtivE AdvERtiSiNG MANAGER Heather Baker

AdvERtiSiNG COORdiNAtORS Roland R. Gladden Mikaltodd Wilson

it diRECtOR

Robert Curfman

CiRCuLAtiON diRECtOR Anitra Hickman

Tiffany Holland






Kelly Lyles

Challis Muniz

Weldon Wilson Linda Phillips Lori Hale

PROduCtiON MANAGER Ira Hocut (1954-2009)


30 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

brIaN chIlSoN

False colors

SURPRISE: Most of Little Rock awoke Monday surprised by an unforecasted snowfall that continued to drift into the afternoon.

Justice is served n It was a long time coming, but justice has finally been served in the extraordinary judicial operation overseen by now-defrocked Judge Willard Proctor. More than two years ago, reporter Mara Leveritt exposed in the Times a number of irregularities in Proctor’s operation of an independent probation program. He sent hundreds of probationers into the arms of Cycle Breakers Inc., a private agency he established and which he hoped to build into a national operation. Health screenings, book reports and stints in halfway houses of dubious repute were among the unorthodox features of Proctor’s rehabilitation regimen. Also fees, lots of fees. They went to pay off the mortgage Proctor had taken out to buy a building for Cycle Breakers in the East End. If probationers didn’t pay fees to his agency, Proctor sent them to jail. The state Supreme Court has now ruled Proctor had no authority to assess or collect fees in the “civil probation” program he invented. It was a punishment he often put on people who’d already discharged sentences for criminal violations. Proctor, in short, operated a gulag, an eternal fee scheme that some could never escape. Pleading letters to the judge that were discovered in his office tell of their sad plight. I wrote more than a year ago that a lawsuit seemed ripe over Proctor’s actions. At least two lawsuits have now been filed and the county government will have to answer for its negligence as well. The suits promise to reveal much more about Proctor’s enterprise. Proctor’s federal lawsuit seeking reinstatement won’t place his actions in a better light, either, no matter what procedural objections he might lodge over his removal. How did this go on so many years? There are several explanations. One is Proctor himself, a bright lawyer with an amiable side who wrapped himself in religion and a professed belief in rehabilitation. He came to the bench on account of removal of another black judge with an ethics problem. People wanted

Max brantley

him and his noble idea to succeed. But lawyers recognized problems years ago, including Proctor’s own erratic behavior (gathering people to pray for the death of Mara Leveritt, for example). Those with regular business in his court were reluctant to complain, fearing retribution. Still, several brave souls took complaints to the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission several years ago. Then under different leadership, the commission staff inexplicably blew them off. Things changed when former judge David Stewart became director of the commission. He and an energetic staff lawyer and investigator, David Sachar, plunged into the mounting complaints with vigor. Proctor’s own staff — at great risk — provided damaging information. Mara Leveritt’s continued reporting gave important publicity to the affair and encouraged new complaints. (The mainstream media ignored the story until forced by official events. I had to smile at the Democrat-Gazette’s front-page treatment of allegations contained in one lawsuit against Proctor. It was serious stuff, true. Also old news to anyone who read the Arkansas Times.) The hearing process was long — extended by Proctor’s legal blocking efforts. But it ended definitively. The Supreme Court upheld multiple ethics violations and ordered his immediate removal from the bench. Now comes the cleanup. Gov. Mike Beebe has appointed Ernest Sanders of Little Rock to succeed Proctor. Efforts are underway to cleanse the court of its ties with Cycle Breakers. Clearly, Proctor’s staff should be merged with the state probation system. The verdict is in on the dangers of a special program.

Climate action good for Arkansas n Thirty-five Senate Republicans and three Democrats support Senate Resolution 26 to block the federal Environmental Protection Agency from reducing greenhouse gas emissions from large emitters like coal power plants. One of the most vocal sponsors of the senate resolution, U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, cited her “support of goals curbing greenhouse gases” in her press release. However, she has criticized and rejected all climate legislation proposed to date. Arkansas politics may have driven this decision, but sound economic analyses and science did not. Multiple studies by respected institutions show that a balanced climate and energy bill is good for the environment, good for the economy and will lead us to more jobs and greater energy security. Even agriculture and forestry, two of Arkansas’s most important industries, can benefit from a balanced bill. Time is ticking,

Kenneth Smith guesT wriTer

though. Under climate change, agriculture is the most identified domestic economic sector likely to be negatively impacted. Kansas State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that agriculture has more to gain than lose with passage of a comprehensive climate and energy bill. The House bill now in the Senate exempts production agriculture from emission caps, provides transitional assistance, and fosters the development of carbon offset markets that will enhance agricultural revenues. The University of Tennessee found that a properly constructed cap and trade program would bring net annual revenues of up to $13 billion annually to agriculture

Lincoln, Boozman — eloquence lost n Eloquence is not evidence of virtue. It can be the opposite. Eloquence does not suggest honorable commitment to a job or competence at that job. It can provide cover for the opposite. But eloquence is a bit of a tradition of the U. S. Senate. From Daniel Webster to Dale Bumpers and on down to, well, Barack Obama, senators became noted for their oratorical skill and power. So my prevailing thought while watching U.S. Rep. John Boozman on Saturday as he announced his Republican candidacy for the U.S. Senate is that I dread his debates with Blanche Lincoln. He stands a chance to make her look good. No, allow me to amend. He stands a chance to make her look not that bad. And she he. That assumes, of course, that both get that far, as I suspect they will. Their race would be an epic one, mostly likely. But it would not be a rhetorically resplendent one. Boozman was halting, uncertain, rambling and so mild of manner and soft of voice Saturday as to lack any command. He wandered distantly afield on an introductory anecdote about being outplayed as a member of the Fort Smith Northside Grizzlies in the late1960s by Little Rock

John brummett

Horace Mann halfback Jon Richardson. I expected the story would lead to something profound about Richardson’s becoming Boozman’s Razorback teammate as the first black scholarship football player at the University A Lincolnof Arkansas. I Boozman thought there race would might be a point f o r t h c o m i n g be an epic having to do with one, mostly race or opportu- likely. But it nity. But, no. It would not be w a s m e r e l y a rhetorically Boozman’s odd resplendent and contextdevoid story on one. the occasion of the announcement of his U.S. Senate candidacy about how Richardson ran over and around him in a high school football game more than 40 years ago.

and forestry. Arkansas rice producers say they will be ruined under cap and trade. Yet rice production’s decline is a measly 0.1%. When carbon and methane reduction offsets are factored, rice production generates a net revenue stream. The Texas A&M analysis shows a whopping $24 billion annual benefit to farm income w h e n o ff s e t s are included in Sen. Blanche a nationwide cap and trade Lincoln says system. And she wants to the good news curb greenfor agriculture keeps coming — house gases, biofuel produc- but has tion adds more rejected all revenue as a cap on greenhouse climate legisgas emissions lation to date. creates greater demand for biofuel-producing crops. Like other Americans, farmers may face increased initial energy costs from climate change legislation. However, a cap and trade market with offsets would generate revenue that would lower the cost of compliance and generate additional revenue to agricultural and

forestry producers. Let’s also calculate the cost of inaction that pushes carbon reduction into the distant future. Arkansas’s biggest industry is tourism. Total travel expenditures in 2008 for Arkansas were almost $5.6 billion. A 2006 study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found that $1.8 billion was spent in Arkansas for hunting, fishing and wildlife watching. What happens to the state’s tourism and outdoor recreation industry when climate change impacts more waterfowl and wildlife and these species decline or disappear? What happens if smallmouth bass, trout, and cold water fisheries are eliminated from our lakes and rivers? The Senator and her senate partners need to work together to develop climate policies that are good for the environment and for the economy. Can we convene forums that bring sound solutions instead of hyperbole and fear? The Senator’s opposition to climate action may be good politics but it is not leadership. Her sons and mine will pay the bill.

I should also say that I had one other over-arching thought as Boozman announced his candidacy. It was that a mild manner, soft-spokenness and inarticulate earnestness are perhaps family traits and traditions. We’ve had a Lincoln-Boozman race for the U.S. Senate before — in 1998, when the Republican nominee was John Boozman’s late older brother, Fay, a man who sometimes spoke nearly in a whisper. That race probably was going to be close until I got wind that Fay Boozman had declared in a Conway civic club speech that he didn’t think a woman’s right to abortion in case of rape was a very prevalent issue. I heard that he’d said that a woman, consumed by fear when raped, would produce a hormonal reaction that would likely shield her from impregnation. I didn’t have it on tape. I only had the word of people at the civic club, none of whom cared to be identified. But when I asked Fay Boozman’s campaign about reports of his having said such a thing, and for his response or explanation, Boozman declined to speak to me. He reportedly felt that I’d simply misrepresent what he said. So I reported that he’d been heard to say such a thing. In debate with Lincoln the next day, Boozman, not one to fib, got asked about it and essentially said it again. Fay Boozman went on to become an exemplary state health director in the Huckabee administration, then died

several years ago in a farm accident. So I asked some John Boozman supporters Saturday if they were hoping to win one for Fay or avenge that defeat. They said they were over that, pretty much. Finally, I should make this point: Eloquent or not, Boozman knew exactly what he wanted to say Saturday. It’s that things are bad and that it’s all the fault of, as he repeatedly put it, “the president, Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Reid.” It was striking. Obama has nearly a 60 percent negative rating in Arkansas, yet Boozman thought it more important to treat the president generically and name the enemies as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It furthered my hunch that having those two out front for the last year has nearly ruined Democrats.

Kenneth Smith is director of Audubon Arkansas. Ernest Dumas will return next week.

John Brummett is a columnist and reporter for Stephens Media’s Arkansas News Bureau. You can read additional Brummett columns in The Times of North Little Rock.

online, on time ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 31










arts entertainment Still ShowcaSing This week in

Defying Gravity at Verizon

Page 34


n Last Thursday night was cold and rainy and Jeff Matika, on a break from Green Day, was at White Water, but the Showcase still drew. And again delivered as strong and varied of a bill as you’ll find anywhere. All four of the night’s semi-finalists — 3 Penny Acre, Big Boots, Elise Davis and Matt Stell and the Crashers — had strong contingents, even though all the acts save Big Boots spend most of their time in Fayetteville. But at the end of the night the judges judged and sent Big Boots to the wildcard round and Elise Davis to the finals. Davis, a 21-year-old senior at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, led her fourpiece band with a practiced air of someone a decade older. Maybe that’s because she’s been writing songs since she was a pre-teen and performing on big local stages since she was in high school. With a voice that recalls Liz Phair’s even when it takes slightly twangy turns, she sings about the ups and downs of relationships almost exclusively. To bring that to the fore, she introduced ace guitarist Jordan Trotter as her ex-husband, and both played their roles so well — Davis with subtle, but withering glances mid-song and Trotter with a ROUND TWO WINNER: Elise Davis. weary, dispassionate look on his face throughshowed why it’s picked up so much buzz in Northwest out — that several of the judges spent a good bit of their Arkansas. The trio rotated lead singing duty, but really commentary praising the “palpable tension” between came alive when all three joined in to harmonize. All the two. A little bit of acting never hurt anyone in the three are expert players — and luthier and guitar and Showcase. mandolin player Bayard Blain is, as a friend observed, In the opening slot, Fayetteville’s 3 Penny Acre


Who? Lead singer/songwriter in last year’s winner, Velvet Kente. On Elise Davis. Superb harmonies. Top-notch musicianship all around. Lead guitarist was stellar. Extra credit for being the first act to bring the dance floor to life.

Leigh Wood

Who? Director of the Arkansas Community Arts Cooperative (ACAC). On Elise Davis. At times she seems the leader of a slowed-down Strokes, more melodic but with the same choppy bass and driving chords.

Greg Spradlin

Who? Local guitar god and vocalist. On Elise Davis. Elise and her “exhusband” guitar player Jordan are a postpost-modern Elton and Betty White. Great Songs. Great delivery. Inspired.

‘STOMP’ to Robinson Page 35

to do list








ElisE Davis takEs rounD two. By Lindsey MiLLar

a “certified badass” — but the judges knocked them a few pegs for lyrics that several said failed to separate the band from generic bluegrass. It wasn’t hard to see why Jason Isbell’s taking time Continued on page 38

Natalie Elliott

Who? Music critic. On Elise Davis. When do you ever see an earnest beauty queen songwriter? I’m enamored by her chutzpah.

Burt Taggart, guest judge

Who? Local label owner, musician. On Elise Davis. Started especially strong. Elise’s songs are sturdy and the band supports them perfectly.

ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 33

■ to-dolist

“Mambo Kings” in her credits. Tenor LaBrecque appeared in the Harold Prince production of “The Phantom of the Opera” and has a CD, “Opening Doors.” For this Valentine show, the third Pops presentation of the season, they’ll croon snuggle-worthy classics from musicals and movies, including “Music of the Night” from “Phantom,” Cole Porter’s “Begin the Beguine” and a medley from “West Side Story.” Geoffrey Robson conducts. The ASO reprises the concert on Saturday; same time, place and price. LNP.

By Gerard Matthews, LesLie NeweLL Peacock, LiNdsey MiLLar aNd JohN tarPLey

TH U RS D AY 1 / 1 2

HAITI HOMEBUILDING BENEFIT 9 p.m., White Water Tavern. Donations.

n In the days since the tragic earthquake shook Haiti, the tremendous outpouring of support, monetary and otherwise, has been nothing short of inspirational. Global nonprofit organizations like Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have done tremendous work in the area, but there are local charities trying to make a difference there, too. The Community Development Foundation for Haiti (CDFH) was started by Little Rock native Jonathan Buford, a teacher and farmer who lived in Haiti during his time in the Peace Corps. The CDFH provides Haitian communities with technical, logistical and financial support focusing on infrastructure and education. Now, the CDFH is trying to raise money to reconstruct homes in the capitol, Port-AuPrince. To help out, several of Little Rock’s finest, The Moving Front, Magic Hassle and Frown Pow’r’s and the Times’ own JT Tarpley, have agreed to perform at White Water on Thursday. Donations will be accepted for admission, so come out and support the foundation’s efforts in Haiti. GM.

FRID AY 2 / 1 2

GRAVITY SLASHERS 7:30 p.m., Verizon Arena. $10-$23.

n If you’re an X Game nut, or just interested in seeing people fly through the

S AT UR DAY 2 /1 3

CHUBBY CARRIER AND THE BAYOU SWAMP 9:30 p.m., White Water Tavern. $10.

THROWBACKS: The Pretty Things Peep Show comes to Rev. air on motor bikes, performing tricks with names like can-cans, heel clickers, superman seat grabs, strippers, super flips, cordovas, dead sailors, cliffhangers, sterilizers and tsunamis, then this is definitely your scene. I can’t rightly describe what any of those look like in real life, but rest assured they’re the kind of all-out aerial acrobatics that will push you to the edge of your seat, forcing you to hold your breath and cross your fingers in the hopes that what goes up comes back down safely. Coming off stunt-filled stops in Salt Lake City and Wichita, the touring band of freestyle motorcross pros come to

Verizon on a two-night stand. Same time, price on Saturday. GM.


8 p.m., Robinson Center Music Hall. $32-$72.

n Hello, young lovers: Broadway voices Christiane Noll and Doug LaBrecque are coming to Little Rock for the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Pops’ “In Love with Broadway.” Soprano Noll sang in the revival run of “Ragtime” last year in New York and includes “Urinetown” and

n Fact: there’s never been a shortage of bad Zydeco music. But, unlike nearly every other genre, even bad Zydeco music is fun. So when there’s the chance to see an infamously good Zydeco band, one whose particular brand of “swamp funk” is infamous for getting Cajuns on the floor, it’s in your best interest to take it. Chubby Carrier, a legacy in a long line of creole zydeco legends, is bringing his band to White Water for Little Rock’s weekend celebration of Mardi Gras. Live, their signature tune, “Who Stole the Hot Sauce,” involves one of the members liberally splashing Louisiana hot sauce in the mouths of audience members. I’m looking forward to what other hijinks Mr. Carrier has up his sleeve for “Ain’t No Party Like a Chubby Party.” JT.

S UNDAY 2 /1 4


NO HANDS: Moto dudes “slash gravity” at Verizon. 34 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

n If you’re not planning on staying home on Valentine’s Day night and watching “Sextistics” (see page 43), you could do a lot worse than this throwback burlesque show. Like traveling vaudeville shows of yore (or at least the yore we know through Playboy cartoons), the Pretty Things Peep Show features a fire-breather, a sword swallower, a contortionist, a fast-talking MC and a host of betassled, nearly naked ladies. But with more boas and bustiers and Roy Orbison-crooning than spandex and G-strings and Axl yelping. The Go Go Revolution Girls have a “special production” planned, too. Somewhere in between the parade of flesh and fire-breathing, Little Rock singer/songwriter Jessica Carder performs. The night features two shows, one at 8 p.m. and another at 10 p.m. For table reservations, e-mail LM.

■ inbrief


n Once again, Sticky Fingerz hosts the Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase. The third round features Rah HoWard, Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth, Flash Larue, and Dangerous Idiots, 9 p.m., $5. Juanita’s brings modern rock with Parabelle, Prosevere, and Die on 3, 9 p.m., $5. And for the lovers, the Arkansas Chamber Singers and Satia Spencer offer “A Valentine’s Affair” at the Governor’s Mansion, 6:30 p.m., $65. In Hillcrest, Dr. Rex Bell and Company Jazz offer their well-loved smooth sounds at the Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5.

FRIDAY 2/12 SIDE GIG: On a break from Low, Alan Spearhawk comes to Sticky Fingerz with Retribution Gospel Choir.

MO N D AY 2 / 1 5


9 p.m., Sticky Fingerz. $7.

n Fronted by the Best Name in Rock Music titleholder, Alan Spearhawk, Retribution Gospel Choir is touring on the release of its second album, “2,” and treating Little Rock to another big Monday night show that our small city probably wouldn’t get on a more lucrative weekend day. While Spearhawk and fellow Choir member Matt Livingston’s more well-known project, Low, specializes in (read: has absolutely mastered) heart-wrenching and gorgeous “slowcore rock,” Retribution Gospel Choir works along the lines of Crazy Horse or My Morning Jacket. The guitars, the drums, the voices — all big and triumphant. What can I say? Go take the opportunity to see some really talented, established old hands practice their craft. JT.

W EDN ESDAY 2 /1 7

TC & THE EDDIES 8 p.m., The Village. $10.

n Mike Poe is closing in on completing his decade-in-the-making documentary on his metal-loving, autistic friend T.C. Edwards, and hoping to raise enough money to finish the project and to film material that’ll serve as the climax of the film. To ensure that he’ll have plenty of folks to film, he’s roped in nine (nine!) of Little Rock’s favorite acts to perform. In the hip-hop end of the spectrum, there’s Ear Fear, which features past Showcase winner 607 and his brother and current

Showcase finalist Bobby, and always-onpoint Epiphany. The See serves as Little Rock’s lone indie rock representer, while Josh the Devil and the Sinners and Ace Spade and the Whores of Babylon punk-up rockabilly and The Crisco Kids deconstruct garage-punk to its basest elements. Then, of course, there’s metal, from North Little Rock’s Zucura, Iron Tongue, the new act featuring local producer Jason Tedford and Rwake’s CT, and undoubtedly headlining, TC and the Eddies, which feature TC screaming loudly often. (It’s his birthday, so look for the screams to get an extra push.) Gforce DJs, too. Eighties dress is requested. LM.


TU ES D AY 2 / 1 6


7:30 p.m., Robinson Center Music Hall. $22-$47.

n You know the push broom beats, the trashcan lids, the italicized red font. “Stomp” has become so ingrained in the collective pop culture consciousness since its explosion in the mid ’90s that it’s easy to forget just why, 16 years later, it’s still so pervasive: It’s all pretty cool. A spectacle in the truest sense of the word, the 14-member “Stomp” crew re-imagines tribal music with found sound instruments, playing with the vigor of a gang of toddler on pot and pan sets. “Stomp” goes down at Robinson Center Music Hall from Tuesday, Feb. 16, to Thursday, Feb. 18. JT.

n Perennial Little Rock folk favorites Damn Bullets show off their fourman take on folk music alongside The Ben Miller Band and Adam Gussow at White Water Tavern, 9:30 p.m., $6. Little Rock metal outfit, Witches Tit, grind on Vino’s with Collapsing Nation, 8 p.m., $7. Meanwhile, in Argenta, The E.O.S. throws a party for his album release. He’s joined by Ear Fear, Epiphany, ArkaText, and SteeFeezy at Cornerstone Pub, 9 p.m., $5. Party band Tragikly White comes to Sticky Fingerz, 9:30 p.m., $5. Mississippi-based rock cover act Memphis Yahoos headline at Cajun’s Wharf, 9 p.m., $5. Rev Room surely will bring out the boot scooters in droves with Texas country outfit Casey Donahew Band, 8:30 p.m., $10, 18 plus.

BANG A BROOM: “STOMP” comes to Robinson.

n Local pop rockers Box Wine play the back room at Vino’s with a slew of new bands, including Russellville’s instrumental pedal hounds, The Sound of the Mountain, the buzzy husband/ wife/brother/brother outfit This Holy House, and the infinitely tattoo-able Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth. The Clinton Center welcomes celebrated pianist, Schumann scholar and Arkansas native James McKissic for a special one-night-only performance 7 p.m., free (though you’ll get some performance mixed in with lecture Friday morning at 10 a.m. at the Mosiac Templars Cultural Center). Soul throwback the Charles Woods Band shares a bill with Jess Hoggard at Cornerstone Pub, 8 p.m., $5. Local trumpet standout Rodney Block returns to the Afterthought, 9 p.m., $10. Nihilists, beware. Market Street Cinema is hosting its own version of the infamous Lebowski Fest, a celebration of all things “The Big Lebowski.” Shows are at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and 11:15 p.m., $5. ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 35



All events are in the Greater Little Rock area unless otherwise noted. To place an event in the Arkansas Times calendar, please e-mail the listing and all pertinent information, including date, time, location, price and contact information, to


A Jazzy Valentine with Ed Polcer. 7 p.m., $50. Wildwood Park for the Arts, 20919 Denny Road. 821-7275, Arkansas Chamber Singers. 6:30 p.m., $65. Governor’s Mansion, 1800 Center St. 377-1121, Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase with Rah HoWard, Dangerous Idiots, Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth, Flash Larue. 9 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 3727707, Ben & Doug (happy hour), Third Degree (headliner). 5:30 and 9:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 375-5351, Dr. Rex Bell and Company Jazz. 8 p.m., $5. Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176, Haiti Benefit with The Moving Front, Magic Hassle, JT Tarpley. Fund-raiser for the Little Rockbased Community Development Foundation for Haiti. 9 p.m., donations. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th St. 375-8400, Jim Dickerson. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, Karaoke with Cowboy Dave. 7 p.m., free. Count Pulaski Club, 200 Hwy. 167 N., Jacksonville. 983-4323. Monster Party. 9 p.m., $5. West End Smokehouse Tavern, 215 N. Shackleford Road. 2247665, Parabelle, Prosevere, Die on 3. 9 p.m., $5. Juanita’s, 1300 S. Main St. 374-3271, 18 and up.


An Evening with Diane Rehm. Benefit for the UALR Public Radio tower campaign. 7 p.m., $150. Embassy Suites, 11301 Financial Centre Parkway. 569-8485, “Backyard Science.” 9 a.m. Mon.-Sat., 1 p.m. Sun., $8 adults/$7 kids. Museum of Discovery, 500 President Clinton Ave., Suite 150. 396-7050, www. “Bandits, Badges, and Bars: Arkansas Law and Justice.” Exhibit on law and order in Arkansas. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun., free. Old State House, 300 W. Markham. 324-9685, InVerse Open Mic Poetry Night. 6 p.m., $5. ACAC, 900 S. Rodney Parham Road. 244-2979, Wine and Chocolate Tasting. 5:30 p.m., $12. Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176,


“The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.” 36 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

RISING: In the same vein as Cross Canadian Ragweed and the Randy Rogers Band, Burleson, Texas’ Casey Donahew Band returns to the Rev on Friday, February 12, at 8:30 p.m. for a big ol’ country rockin’ good time. Tickets to the 18 and over show are $10.

Screening of the 1973 film and lecture by anthropologist Dr. Jamie Brandon. 7 p.m., free. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, 1 Rockefeller Drive, Morrilton. 501-727-5435, D’Army Bailey. Founder of the National Civil Rights Museum discusses his new book. 6 p.m., free (with reservations). Sturgis Hall, Clinton School of Public Service. 683-5239,


Arsis, Once Exiled, In the Fade, Tomorrow Brings the Agony, Izamal. 7 p.m., $8 adv., $10 d.o.s. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, Big John Miller. 8:00 p.m., free. Denton’s Trotline, 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Brian & Nick (happy hour), Memphis Yahoos (headliner). 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 3755351, Casey Donahew. 8:30 p.m., $10. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090, Chris Henry. 9 p.m. Flying Saucer, 323 Clinton Ave. 372-7468, Damn Bullets, The Ben Miller Band, Adam Gussow. 9:30 p.m., $6. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, Ed Burks. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, www. “In Love With Broadway.” 8 p.m., $32-$72. Robinson Center Music Hall, 7 Statehouse Place. 666-1761, James McKissic. Classical pianist and native Arkansan performs and conducts an educational seminar. 10 a.m., free. Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 W. Ninth St. 683-3593, Karaoke with Cowboy Dave. 7 p.m., free. Count Pulaski Club, 200 Hwy. 167 N., Jacksonville. 983-4323. Kevin Gordon. 9 p.m., free. Satellite Cafe, 5923 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-6336, Steve Bates. 8 p.m., $5. Cregeen’s, 301 Main St., NLR. 376-7468, The E.O.S. Album Release Party with Ear Fear, Epiphany, Arkatext, Stee-Feezy. 9 p.m., $5. Cornerstone Pub, 314 Main St., NLR. 374-1782, The Highball. 9 p.m., $5. Underground Pub, 500 President Clinton Ave. 707-2537, The Irish Guards, the Royal Regiment of Scotland. 8 p.m., $23.50-$43.50. Walton Arts Center, 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-4435600, The Ted Ludwig Trio. 9 p.m., free. Capital Bar & Grill, 111 W. Markham. 370-7013, Tonya Leeks and Company. 9 p.m., $7. Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176, www. Tragikly White Band. 9:30 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, Whiskey King Coalition, Carolina Story, Paul Sammons. 10 p.m., $7. Juanita’s, 1300 S. Main St. 374-3271, 18 plus. Witches Tit, Collapsing Nation. 8 p.m., $7. Vino’s, 923 W. Seventh St. 375-8466,


Appetizer and Wine Pairing Course. With Dr. Robert Harrington. 5 p.m., $25, limited to 50 participants. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, 1 Rockefeller Drive, Morrilton. 501-727-5435,


“Dr. David’s Adventures in Egypt.” David Lipschitz shows slides and discusses recent Egypt tour. High tea and gift bags provided. Arts Center Lecture Hall, 3 p.m., free. 501 E. 9th. 372-4000, Reservations 552-4724.


Gravity Slashers. Freestyle daredevils motocross competition. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $11.75$24.75 adv., add $2 d.o.s. 800-745-3000.

UpcOMiNg EvENTS Concert tickets through Ticketmaster by phone at 975-7575 or online at unless otherwise noted. FEB. 21: Willie Nelson. 7:30 p.m., $35-$55. Summit Arena, Hot Springs. 800-745-3000. FEB. 25: A Night with Henry Rollins. 8 p.m. $18 adv., $20 d.o.s. Juanita’s. 374-3271, MARCH 5: Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Flyleaf. 7 p.m., $39.75. Verizon Arena. 800-745-3000, MARCH 6: T-Model Ford. 9 p.m., White Water Tavern. 2500 W. Seventh St. 375-8400, MARCH 7: George Thorogood and the Destroyers. 7 p.m., $25.50-$100.50. Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville, 479-443-5600, www. MARCH 9: Xiu Xiu. Sticky Fingerz, 9 p.m., $10. Oaklawn Racing. 1 p.m. Sat.; 1:30 p.m. weekdays, Sun. Oaklawn Jockey Club, 2705 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-4411, www.oaklawn. com.


Ben & Doug. 9 p.m. Flying Saucer, 323 Clinton Ave. 372-7468, Box Wine, The Sound of the Mountain, Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth, This Holy House. 8 p.m., $7. Vino’s, 923 W. Seventh St. 375-8466, BushDog. 9 p.m., $5. West End Smokehouse Tavern, 215 N. Shackleford. 224-7665, Charles Woods Band, Jess Hoggard. 8 p.m., $5. Cornerstone Pub, 314 Main St., NLR. 3741782, Ed Burks. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams’ Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, www. Grayson Shelton. 8 p.m., $5. Cregeen’s, 301 Main St., NLR. 376-7468, Homewreckers & Heartbreakers, Alan Hunt Band, Trey Hawkins Band, Jeff Coleman and the Feeders. 9 p.m. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090, “In Love with Broadway.” ASO POPS performance. 8 p.m., $32-$72. Robinson Center Music Hall, 7 Statehouse Pl. 666-1761, James McKissic. An evening with pianist and native Arkansan. 7 p.m., free. Great Hall, Clinton Presidential Center. 748-0449, Karaoke with Cowboy Dave. 7 p.m., free. Count Pulaski Club, 200 Hwy. 167 N., Jacksonville. 983-4323. Kenny & John (happy hour), Divas on the River (headliner). 5:30 and 8 p.m., $5 after 8:30. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 375-5351, Mardi Gras Party with Chubbier Carrier. 9:30 p.m., $10. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th St. 375-8400, Michael Tank (disco), Balance (lobby). 9 p.m., $10. Discovery, 1021 Jessie Road. 6644784, Rodney Block. 9 p.m., $10. Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176, www.afterthoughtbar. com. Sleepbanks, Delta Stone. 9 p.m., $7. Juanita’s, 1300 S. Main St. 374-3271, 18 plus. Sychosys, Iron Ton, Land of Mines, Monoxide Project. 8 p.m., $6. Downtown Music Hall, 211 W. Capitol. 376-1819, www.downtownshows. The Mat Mahar Band, Fallen Oak. 8 p.m., $5. Bear’s Den Pizza, 235 Farris Road, Conway. 501-328-5556. The Ted Ludwig Trio. 9 p.m., free. Capital Bar & Grill, 111 W. Markham. 370-7013,

Tyler’s Bluff. 8:00 p.m., free. Denton’s Trotline, 2150 Congo Road, Benton. 501-315-1717. Typhoid Mary. 9 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707,


Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team 3rd Anniversary Celebration. Register for tickets and location specifics. 7 p.m., $20. Downtown Hot Springs. 501-291-3880, www. Audubon Arkansas Backyard Bird Event. Learn how native plants, garden features, and smart planning make yards healthy habitats for birds and other beneficial wildlife. Audubon Center, 8 a.m., $50 includes organic lunch. 4500 Springer Blvd. 244-2229, Chocolate Fantasy Ball. Chocolate-themed cocktail reception and silent auction to benefit Ronald McDonald House. 6 p.m., $200. Peabody Hotel, 3 Statehouse Plaza. 374-1956, Conway Community Arts’ Hearts Ball. Food, drink, dance, silent auction. 7 p.m., $35 person, $50 couple. Knights of Columbus Hall, Centennial Club Drive, Conway. 501-733-6220, Little Rock Pen and Watch Show. 9 a.m., $5. Robinson Center Auditorium, 7 Statehouse Plaza. 231-1005, Maumelle Friends of Animals Wedding Fund-raiser. 1 p.m., free. Four Paws Park, 425 Hyman Drive, Maumelle. 851-6182. Nature Photography: Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary. Outdoor photography clinic. 9 a.m., $50, limited to 20 participants. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, 1 Rockefeller Drive, Morrilton. 501-727-5435, Simply Red 2010: “Glitz and Glamour.” Arkansas AIDS Foundation formal event with silent auction, food, entertainment, and dancing. Embassy Suites, 6 p.m. cocktail hour, silent auction, 7 p.m. dinner, $50. 11301 Financial Centre Parkway. 835-7849, 813-2025. Southside Main Street Mardi Gras Party. 1 p.m., free. Bernice Sculpture Garden, Daisy Bates and Main. Tea & Tiaras. Tea party fund-raiser for Waner Children’s Vascular Anomaly Foundation. 10:30 a.m., $25 adults, $15 children. Clinton Presidential Center. 868-6062,


Culinary Class for Adults. 9 a.m., $40, lunch. 3 p.m., $50, dinner, each session limited to 24 participants. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, 1 Rockefeller Drive, Morrilton. 501-727-5435,


Oaklawn Racing. 1 p.m., Saturday; 1:30 p.m., weekdays, Sunday. Oaklawn Jockey Club, 2705 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-4411, www.


Retribution Gospel Choir, Wade Ogle, The Sea Shall Free Them. 9 p.m., $7. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, The Subtle Way, This City Screams, Something to Stand For. 8 p.m., $7. Vino’s, 923 W. 7th St. 375-8466,

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Sarah Palin. 7:30 p.m., $43.36-$75.35. Verizon Arena. 800-745-3000,


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Scott Conroy and Sushannah Walshe. The authors of “Sarah from Alaska” will discuss their new book chronicling the recent career of Sarah Palin. Sturgis Hall, Clinton School of Public Service. 6835239,

Oaklawn Racing. 1 p.m. Sat.; 1:30 p.m. weekdays, Sun. Oaklawn Jockey Club, 2705 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-4411, www.oaklawn. com.

Delbert McClinton. 7 p.m., $25.50-$100.50. Baum-Walker Hall, UA Fayetteville. 479-443-5600, Elvis by Matt Joyce. 7 p.m., $10, $15 for couples. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, Emmure, Terror, After the Burial, Miss May I, Thick as Blood, And the Angels Were Silent, God City Destroyers, Something to Stand For. 6:30 p.m., $13 adv./$15 d.o.s. The Village, 3915 S. University Ave. 570-0300, www. Epiphany, J.White, Rodney Block. Hip-hop, soul, and food. 8:20 p.m., $20 reserved seating, $10 general. Ernie Biggs, 307 President Clinton Ave. 372-4782, Jazz Brunch with Ted Ludwig. 11 a.m., free. Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176, Jim Dickerson. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, Michael Carenbauer. 8 p.m., free. Vieux Carre, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 663-4176, Richie Johnson (happy hour), g-force (headliner). 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., $5. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 375-5351, Valentine’s Burlesque Show, Jessica Carder, Go Go Rev Girls. 8 p.m., $10. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090,

Thursday, Feb 11 Haiti Home ReLief BeNefit SHow: maGiC HaSSLe & tHe moViNG fRoNt


Adrenaline. 9 p.m. Flying Saucer, 323 Clinton Ave. 372-7468, Dikki Du & the Zydeco Krewe. 5 p.m., $5. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 375-5351, www. Good Time Ramblers, Graham Wilkinson & the Township. 8:30 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, Mardi Gras Celebration with Ten Cent Hat. 8 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 374-1782, www. St. Lawrence String Quartet. 7:30 p.m., free. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, Conway. 501450-5000, The Gettys. 8:30 p.m.. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090, www.rumbarevolution. com. Thy Will Be Done, Poisonwood. 7 p.m., $8 adv., $10 d.o.s. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, Travis Linville. 9:30 p.m., donations. White Water Tavern, 2500 W. 7th. 375-8400, whitewatertavern.


Live Music



Spirit Trickey. 6 p.m., free. Laman Library, 2801 N. Orange St., NLR. 758-1720,


Finding Jimmy Hoffa, Thrill of a Dog Fight, Die on 3. 8:30 p.m., $5. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 823-0090, Jim Dickerson. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, Lucious Spiller Band. 9:30 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, Richie Johnson (happy hour). 5:30 p.m., $5 after 8:30. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 3755351, St. Lawrence String Quartet. 7:30 p.m., free. Reynolds Performance Hall, UCA, Conway. 501450-5000, Swiss Family Knives, Jamie Randolph and the Dark Horse. 9 p.m., $6. Juanita’s, 1300 S. Main St. 374-3271, 18 plus. TC & the Eddies, Josh the Devil & the Sinners, Crisco Kids, Epiphany, Iron Tongue, Ear Fear, The See, Zucura, g-force, Ace Spade & the Whores of Babylon. 8 p.m., $10. The Village, 3915 S. University. 570-0300, www. The Ted Ludwig Trio. 5 p.m., free. Capital Bar

Continued on page 39

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ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 37

showcase Continued from page 33

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w w w. C e l e b r i t y A t t r a c t i o n s . c o m 38 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

but I know that I’m still / cooler than you”) and a debut album in the works, the band seems primed to become a local must-see. — Lindsey Millar Flash LaRue Sporting what may be the catchiest band name in town, Flash LaRue sounds like a potpourri of psychgarage influences. Its Brian Jonestown Massacre guitar licks and Vanilla Fudge grooves work alongside picturesque, CSN&Y harmonies, all the while keeping a solid rock posture with a musical spine straight from ’90s guitar rock. Composed mostly of veterans from the now defunct Poeboy Society and accompanied by lo-

out of his own busy musical career to produce Matt Stell and the Crashers at the end of the month. Stell’s tall and handsome and at ease on stage, and he sings in one of those impossibly pliable voices — blue-eyed soul here, country bass there, John Mayer-style pop-blues everywhere else. And as The Moving Front’s Jeremy Brasher told me mid-set, without any slight intended, the Crashers sounded like a “frat-boy Black Crowes.” They, perhaps more than most local acts, were clearly practiced at playing to a crowd. If the band pressed the Down Home angle a little hard for our judges — one table (not of judges) started a drinking game every time Stell sang the name of a state and got fairly snockered — it still showed itself as a band that deserves close attention. In the midnight hour, Big Boots fought through equipment troubles to deliver an inspired set of indie rock. Mason Maudlin comes from the vocal school of Thom Yorke and The Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser, but Greg Spradlin, who’s winning the judges metaphor race big time, heard The Kinks: “What if the Davies brothers had a house gig at the White Pig Inn? I don’t know, but I’d buy that any damn time.” Other judges praised the band for its intricate song struc- DANGEROUS IDIOTS: That’s Aaron Sarlo, ture and drummer Michael Motley Shayne Gray and Paul Bowling. got a special shout-out from joshua cal singer-songwriter Brian Frazier, Flash for being a singing drummer. Look for the offers an interesting twist on indie, gatrio to bring it in the play-in round. rage, and rock sincerity. Also, it should Now, to next week. At 9 p.m. on Thursbe noted these guys have swagger and day, Feb. 11, once again at Sticky Fingerz, confidence by the barrelful: Once upon a we move to round three, featuring … time, on the band’s MySpace page, they Brother Andy & His Big Damn adorned their site with the claim “no matMouth Fronted by local stalwart Andy ter who you are, Flash LaRue has written Warr and backed by a two-man rhythm a song you love.” — John Tarpley section in Chad Conder (drums) and Rah hoWard Last summer, this Johnny D. (bass) of the much lamented 23-year-old rapper bested Bobby, Mista The Global Test, the band takes the same Mayhem and a half dozen more local raptime-tested rock strategy that worked so pers in a hip-hop showcase that Max Farrell well for Shane McGowan, Craig Finn and Conduit Entertainment organized. He and the like: big chunky hooks, epic followed that up in September with the mixsing-along choruses and self-depreciating tape “Motivation,” hosted by King Akeem. lyrics about drinking and girls. The tesThen, last month, he landed on Shade 45 DJ tosterone logged “dudestorm” of a band Angela Yee’s “Don’t Quit Your Day Job” recently signed on to have their upcomblog, where she spotlights up-and-coming ing album released by local labels Thick rappers. Look out for lots of energy and a Syrup Records and Last Chance Records. versatile flow on Thursday. Furthermore, Travis McElroy, owner of the former, now sports a freshly inked tatRead Rock Candy online (arktimes. too of Brother Andy’s profile on his chest. com/blogs/rockcandy) for more on the — John Tarpley Showcase, including song samples, auDangerous Idiots Featuring three dio, video and post-show reviews. dudes with serious local music bona fides — Paul Bowling (Trusty, il libretina), Shayne Gray (Techno-Squid Eats ParliaUPCOMING SHOWCASE ment) and Aaron Sarlo (Techno-Squid SCHEDULE Eats Parliament, Slept) — this new popFeb. 18: Iron Tongue, Outstanding Red rock act’s already scored plum gigs openTeam, Ryan Couron, Underclaire. ing for The Meat Puppets and a reunited Feb. 25: Stella Fancy, Big Boots. Ashtray Babyhead. With songs like “I’m March 5: Bobby, Elise Davis. Cooler Than You” (“I lead a pathetic life,


Continued from page 37 & Grill, 111 W. Markham. 370-7013,


“Constructive Destruction.” Engineeringthemed entertainment for kids. 9 a.m., $7-$8. Museum of Discovery, 500 President Clinton Ave. 396-7050,


Arkansas Times Musician’s Showcase with Iron Tongue, Underclaire, Ryan Couron, Outstanding Red Team. 9 p.m., $5. Sticky Fingerz, 107 Commerce St. 372-7707, Brady Seals, Nathan Lee Jackson. 8:30 p.m., $10. Revolution, 300 President Clinton Ave. 8230090, Brian & Nick (happy hour), Tragikly White (headliner). 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m, $5 after 8:30. Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road. 375-5351, DJs Worthy, Dirtybird, Manny Ledezma, Spencerx. 10 p.m. $10, MacDaddy’s, 314 N. Maple St., North Little Rock. 374-7665, 21 and up. Jim Dickerson. 7 p.m., free. Sonny Williams Steak Room, 500 President Clinton Ave. 324-2999, “One Night of Queen.” 8 p.m., $20.50-$60.50. Walton Arts Center, 495 W. Dickson, Fayetteville. 443-5600, Sugarcoat. 9 p.m., $5. West End Smokehouse Tavern, 215 N. Shackleford. 224-7665, The Sideshow Tragedy, Samantha Crain. 9 p.m., $5. White Water Tavern, 250 W. 7th St. 3758400, The Ted Ludwig Trio. 5 p.m., free. Capital Bar & Grill, 111 W. Markham. 370-7013,

of the Pyramids and More,” lecture by Dr. Rita E. Freed of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 6 p.m. Feb. 11, Children’s Theatre, free to members, $5 for public; “Currents in Contemporary Art,” “Masterworks,” “Paul Signac Watercolors and Drawings,” ongoing. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 372-4000. ARKANSAS STUDIES INSTITUTE, 401 President Clinton Ave.: “Local History Goes to School: Traveling the World with Mifflin W. Gibbs,” through Feb. 27, Concordia Hall gallery; “New Works by Sui Hoe Khoo,” paintings, atrium gallery, through Feb. 13. Open 5-8 p.m. Feb. 12, 2nd Friday Art Night. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 320-5792. BOSWELL-MOUROT FINE ART, 5815 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “The Delineations of V.L. Cox,” new paintings, also work by Steve Armstrong, Kyle Boswell, Frank Colcord, Carla Davis, Eleanor Dickinson, Hamid Ebrahimifar, Hans Feyerabend and others. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-0030. CANTRELL GALLERY, 8206 Cantrell Road:

“Stop the Presses,” work in various media by Arkansas Democrat-Gazette employees John Deering, John Sykes, Celia Storey, Philip Martin and others, through Feb. 27. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 224-1335. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 509 Scott St.: “Light Coming into the World,” work by Garrett Alderfer, David Bell, Lois Davis, Cornelia DeLee, Austin Grimes, Steve Grisham, LaToya Hobbs, Sr. Maria Liebeck, Mark Meador, Brittany Platt, Lenny Sheehan, A.J. Smith, Marjorie Williams-Smith, Brandye Snead and Dan Thornhill, through March. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Thu. 375-2342. CHROMA GALLERY, 5707 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by Robert Reep and other Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 6640880. GALLERY 26, 2601 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Marcus McAllister and Janet Wilcox, paintings and drawings, through March 13. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 664-8996. GREG THOMPSON FINE ART, 429 Main St.,

NLR: “Short Stories of the Sublime,” paintings by Mark Blaney, through March 13. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat. 664-2787. HEIGHTS GALLERY, 5801 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 664-2772. KETZ GALLERY, 705 Main St., NLR: “Hearts for Haiti,” auction of artworks to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, 3-5 p.m. Feb. 14. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 5296330. LAMAN LIBRARY EXHIBIT HALL, 2801 Orange St.: “Enchanting Taiwan,” 38 photographs, through Feb. 28. 758-1720. LOCAL COLOUR GALLERY, 5811 Kavanaugh Blvd.: “Arts, Hearts, Chocolate and Wine,” 10 percent of sales benefit for Haiti, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 11; artists’ collective showcase. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 265-0422. MARKET HALL WALL, River Market: Work by Diane Ziemski, through March, Boulevard

Continued on page 42


“The Secret Language of the Gowned Brotherhood in 19th Century Sichuan.” Professor Di Wang on the late 19th century Chinese mafia organization. 3:30 p.m., free. Ross Hall, UALR. 374-5904,


Oaklawn Racing. 1 p.m. Sat.; 1:30 p.m. weekdays, Sun. Oaklawn Jockey Club, 2705 Central Ave., Hot Springs. 501-623-4411, www.oaklawn. com.

THIS WEEK IN THEATER “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” Brick Pollitt and his wife, Maggie “The Cat,” let it all hang out one evening at a gathering at Brick’s family estate. 7 p.m. Wed., 8 p.m. Thu.-Sat., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sun. through Feb. 21, The Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 601 Main St. $20-$35. 378-0405. “Pearl’s Sixth White Trash Weddin’.” Southern fried comedy. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12-13. $17 adv., $20 d.o.s. UARK Ballroom, Fayetteville. 479-5214879, Red Octopus Presents: “I’m With Cupid.” Little Rock’s infamous sketch comedy troupe aim their sights at Valentine’s Day. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11-13, $10. The Public Theater, 616 Center St. 626-0153. “STOMP.” Percussive dancing. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16-18, $22-$47. Robinson Center Music Hall, 4923314. “Trestle at Pope Lick Creek.” Teen-agers ponder existence during the Great Depression. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11-12, 17-19, $8, students free. Bridges/Lawson Theater, UCA, Conway. 501-4503265,

gAllERIES New exhibits in bold-faced type ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER, MacArthur Park: 52nd annual “Delta Exhibition,” juried show of work by Arkansans and residents of contiguous states, through March 14; “World of the Pharaohs: Treasures of Egypt Revealed,” artifacts from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, through July 7, $22 adults, $14 students; “Excavating in the Shadow

Culinary Events at Forty Two Valentine’s Day • Saturday, February 13, 2010

Executive Chef Jacob Peck has created a special dinner featuring a custom Valentine’s Day a-la-carte menu. Seatings will be available from 5:00 to 10:00 pm. Reservations are required. Monday thru Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Lunch Daily lunch specials

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1200 President Clinton Avenue • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • 501.537.0042 • ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 39

■theaterreview Rep masters tricky ‘Cat’

desperation: Moldova, Ellison.

“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Feb. 4

n “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” is one of Tennessee Williams’ acknowledged masterpieces, yet it is a large, unwieldy play that the playwright openly struggled with. Hollywood, of course, scrubbed it clean of the frightful subject of homosexuality for its pretty version starring Elizabeth Taylor. It is said that Shakespeare wrote several problem plays — plays that are

tough to stage and figure out — and “Cat” is certainly that kind of play for Williams. It is a misshapen, oddly repetitive piece and yet it comes across as Shakespearean in reach and scope. The Arkansas Rep’s take on “Cat,” directed by company artistic director Bob Hupp, is to shift intermission and embrace the length that includes the latein-the-play family battle for the enormous estate of Big Daddy, which we are told several times contains the “richest land

this side of the valley Nile.” There are some incredible stage pictures conjured up in this production, which is graced with a clean, elegant set by Mike Nichols and costumes by Margaret A. McKowen so rich — lots of white and beige — as to be painterly. The moment right before the intermission after Big Daddy, played with great relish by Joe Vincent, decimates Big Mamma while the inconsolable Maggie (Trista Moldova) and Brick (Michael Ellison) stare out at the fireworks with their backs turned is a thrilling, heart-wrenching and theatrically stunning moment. What makes “Cat” difficult is that it comes across as three different plays in one. The first part is all Maggie, as she delivers what is essentially a monologue to the indifferent, soon-to-be-liquor-soaked Brick. Moldova is every bit the curvaceous beauty you expect Maggie to be, but it takes a bit of time for her to gain traction in her long speeches, much of which is exposition. But she does finally grab hold and convey Maggie’s desperate situation (a husband who’s embraced the bottle and in-laws who are perched to grab hold of Big Daddy’s fortune). The second part is Brick and Big Daddy, and it contains some of Williams’ great passages (Big Daddy’s intense recollection of his “Cook’s Tour” of Europe and Big Mamma’s open avarice during the trip) and big plot twists (Brick’s owning up to his part in the death of his friend/lover

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40 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

Skipper). Hupp, aided by Nichols’ set, is able to orchestrate the off-stage voices and bodies, standing like ghosts behind the shutters, as well as the Gooper and Mae’s wild children, who are always running in the room at the most awkward moments. The final third, the family struggle, has been criticized as an afterthought by some, but the Rep’s production makes a strong case for its vitality and necessity. Mae (a knife-sharp performance by Amy Tribbey) and Gooper (Brian Wallace, who is able to sum up the great fecklessness of his character with his silent hand gestures) stake their claim even as their own family all but dismisses them as worthless. Kathleen Doyle’s Big Mamma owns much of this section and her sobs and exhortations make it absolutely compelling. The Rep’s version of “Cat” is one incredibly bleak and remorseless journey into the heart of darkness that is this family. The last image of Maggie’s pyrrhic victory, where she will make Brick give her the child she wants (“make this lie a truth,” she says), closes with the forlorn look on Ellison’s face. Brick tells us that he has to drink until he achieves that “click” that turns off the “hot red light” in his brain and make everything peaceful. At the end, he has his “click” but his face shows nothing close to peace. It’s beautiful. It’s incredibly sad. It will stay with you long after the show is over. — Werner Trieschmann

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ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 41


Continued from page 39 Bread Co. 375-2552. RED DOOR GALLERY, 3715 JFK, NLR: Work by TWIN, twin collaborative artists Terry and Jerry Lynn, portion of proceeds benefit P.A.R.K., Feb. 18, Work by Twin, Robin Steves, Brady Taylor, Georges Artaud, Lola, Jim Johnson, Amy Hill-Imler, James Hayes and Theresa Cates. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat. 753-5227. SHOWROOM, 2313 Cantrell Road. Work by area artists, including Sandy Hubler. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 372-7373. STEPHANO’S FINE ART GALLERY, 5501 Kavanaugh Blvd.: Work by Jessica Smith, Robert Nowlin, Robert Sherman, Alexis Silk and others. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tue.-Thu.; 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 563-4218. ClintonPresDayAd 2010 ArkTimes.pdf TOBY FAIRLEY FINE ART, 5507 Ranch Drive, Suite 103: Contemporary Arkansas artists. 10 a.m.-


4 p.m. Tue.-Fri. or by appointment. 868-9882. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK: “Kom Fljugandi/Flown In,” artists working in Iceland, through March 14, Gallery I; “In Focus: Works from the UALR Permanent Collection,” work using the house as subject matter by Helen Phillips, Don Van Horn, Lorre Hoffman, Ginny Sims, Megan Marlett and Imogene Ragon, also works on paper by Ike Morgan, Jack Radcliff, Yao-Ping Liang and Francoise Gilot, through Feb. 14, Gallery II; “Make Believe by John Hartley,” monoprints, Gallery III, through Feb. 28, artist talk 1 p.m. March 1. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sat., 2-5 p.m. Sun. 569-8977. UALR BOWEN SCHOOL OF LAW: “Law in a Land Without Justice: Nazi Germany 1933-1945,” World War II artifacts, through July. 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Mon.-Thu., 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun. n Benton5:26 PM 2/5/10 DIANNE ROBERTS ART STUDIO AND GALLERY, 110 N. Market St.: Area artists. 10 a.m.-9

p.m. Wed.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 860-7467. n Bentonville CRYSTAL BRIDGES AT THE MASSEY, 125 W. Central: “Heroes of Horticulture,” landscape photographs, through March 21. 479-418-5700. n Conway UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS: “Tagged, Stamped & Stenciled: Guerilla Art ‘Goes Gallery,’ ” graffiti art by Mark Bode; “Polarized Dispersions,” multi-medial installation by Michael Wyshock, both through Feb. 25, Baum Gallery. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Tue., Wed.-Fri.; 10 a.m. -7 p.m. Thu. 501-450-5793. n Fayetteville UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS: “Un-Natural Histories — Paintings of Invasive Species,” work by Kristin Musgnug, UA associate professor of art, through March 11, reception and gallery talk 5-7 p.m. Feb. 11. 479-575-7987. n Hot Springs ALISON PARSONS GALLERY, 802 Central Ave.: Paintings by Parsons. 501-625-3001.

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AMERICAN ART GALLERY, 724 Central Ave.: Work by Jimmy Leach, Jamie Carter, Govinder, Marlene Gremillion, Margaret Kipp and others. 501-624-0550. ATTRACTION CENTRAL GALLERY, 264 Central Ave.: Work in all media by Hot Springs artists. 501-463-4932. BLUE MOON GALLERY, 718 Central Ave.: Sculpture by Wayne Summerhill, through February. 501-318-2787. CAROLE KATCHEN ART GALLERY, 618 W. Grand Ave.: Paintings, pastels, sculpture by Katchen. 501-617-4494. FOX PASS POTTERY, 379 Fox Pass Cut-off: Pottery by Jim and Barbara Larkin. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 501-623-9906. GALLERY 726, 726 Central Ave.: Work by Susan Dee Hurst, through February. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.Sat. 501-624-7726. GALLERY CENTRAL, 800 Central Ave.: Arkansas artists. 501-318-4278. JUSTUS FINE ART, 827 A Central Ave.: New paintings by Robin Hazard-Bishop, Dolores Justus and JoAnne Oliver, clay sculpture by Cynthia Bowers, and other work. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat. 501-321-2335. LINDA PALMER GALLERY, 800 B Central Ave.: Work by Linda Palmer, Doyle Young, Ellen Alderson, Peter Lippincott, Sara Tole and Jan Leek. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 501-620-3063. PRODIGIOUS ART LTD., Hot Springs Mall: Work by Bryan Sink and local, national and international artists. 501-520-0307. RICIANO ART GALLERY, 833 Central Ave.: Featuring work by Riciano, Lacey Alysse, Char DeMoro and other artists. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. 501339-3751. TAYLOR’S CONTEMPORANEA, 204 Exchange St.: Work by area and regional artists. 624-0516. n Jonesboro ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY: “2010 Delta National Small Prints Exhibition,” juried show, through Feb. 21, Bradbury Gallery, Fowler Center. Noon-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 2-5 p.m. Sun. 870-972-2567. n Pine Bluff ARTS AND SCIENCE CENTER, 701 Main St.: “Geometric Intersections: Sculpture and Paintings by Robyn Horn,” through Feb. 12. 870-536-3375. n Russellville RIVER VALLEY ARTS CENTER, 1001 E. B St.: 23rd annual “Collegiate Competition,” through February. 479-968-2452.

MUSEUMS CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSEUM VISITOR CENTER, Bates and Park: Exhibits on the 1957 desegregation of Central and the civil rights movement. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. 374-1957. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL CENTER, 1200 President Clinton Ave.: “Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection,” more than 200 pins the former secretary of state wore during her diplomatic tenure, Feb. 15-June 1; exhibits about policies and White House life during the Clinton administration. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $7 adults; $5 college students, seniors, retired military; $3 ages 6-17. 370-8000. HISTORIC ARKANSAS MUSEUM, 200 E. Third St.: “Stretched Foundations: Works by Lee Anthony, Jon Hayden and Mary Shelton,” through May 10, opening reception 5-8 p.m. Feb. 12, 2nd Friday Art Night; “Viewfinding: Photography by Brian Cormack,” through April 4; “From the Collection of Jim Gatling: A Whimsy of Treasures,” through Feb. 14. 324-9351. MacARTHUR MUSEUM OF ARKANSAS MILITARY HISTORY, MacArthur Park: Exhibits on Arkansas’s military history. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat., 1-4 p.m. Sun. 376-4602. MOSAIC TEMPLARS CULTURAL CENTER, Ninth and Broadway: “A Special Moment with Jimmy McKissic,” educational seminar with pianist, 10-11 a.m. Feb. 12; “Family Fun Saturday: Cowboys and Outlaws,” actor Baridi Nkokheli portrays Bass Reeves, 2-3 p.m. Feb. 13; “Beyond Central, Towards Acceptance: Collection of Oral Histories from Students of Little Rock Central High,” discussion by authors, 6-7 p.m. Feb. 16; exhibits on AfricanAmericans in Arkansas, including one on the Ninth Street business district, Dunbar High School, en-

Continued on page 48 42 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

pantone 654-- this is cmyk

fEb. 11-17

reality show fare (or maybe that should be: “The Typhoid Mary of our cultural decline”), that kind of seniority comes at a cost. After 19 versions and 10 years — years which have seen the genre spawn hits like “American Idol” and “Fear Factor,” and countless other permutations — “Survivor” might be a little old hat for many viewers. After all, there’s only so many times you can watch greedy, emaciated fools dine on Rat Surprise before you say enough is enough. For this reviewer, “Enough” was about four seasons back. That said, I may have to tune in for the 20th installment of the Survivor saga: “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.” Here, most every one of the baddies and goodies from the past decade is lumped together on the island of Samoa and let go at it for a million bucks. (I say “most every” because one hated face you

CRACKLE TV n Just in case you’ve been living in a rented storage locker with no Internet access for the past five years, I’ll clue you in on a little secret: TV ain’t just on TV anymore. People are demanding more from their entertainment choices, and with the bump in computer processor and modem speed in recent years, watching movies and television shows on your computer at home is completely feasible these days. In the case of the Internet, that means websites where you can see what you want, when you want. One of the best for watching TV without the TV is If you love old television shows, it’s got full seasons of tons of your favorites: “Charlie’s Angels,” “Fantasy Island,” FX’s breakout hit “Rescue Me,” the STILL ON: ‘Survivor’ pits good guys vs. bad. geek-beloved ode to high school won’t be seeing is first-season winner losers “Square Pegs,” animated faves Richard “The Naked Guy” Hatch. Hatch like “The Tick,” and classics like “The dodged the taxes from his million-dollar Addams Family” and “Bewitched” — winnings, and is currently on probation. plus dozens more. If movies are more When he asked a judge to release him your speed, it’s got dozens and dozens from probation in order to compete in “H of those too, ranging from classics to vs. V,” his request was denied.) cult favorites: “Anaconda,” “Cheech and Chong’s Nice Dreams,” “Ghostbusters,” SEXTISTICS “Stripes,” “Groundhog Day,” “Devil in a 9 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14 Blue Dress,” “Roxanne,” “Taxi Driver,” TLC “The Karate Kid,” the vast majority of n Let’s talk about sex, baby. That’s the “Godzilla” movies and much, much right: Sex. Just as there is a socket for more. If that’s not enough, Crackle is every bulb, there’s a freak for every also one of the pioneers on the web when freak — from the plain vanilla to wasit comes to the next generation of enterabi-flavored. If you’re into it, there’s a tainment: slick, made-for-the-net series great chance that somebody out there is like “The Bannen Way” and “Thirty into it too. Try the Internet. They’ve got Days of Night” that feature production more flavors than Baskin-Robbins on values that will make you think you’re there, pal. But, to get to my point: While watching a Hollywood movie. The flicks it’s kind of a sad commentary on our soand television shows are streaming vidciety that there are those who’d rather sit eo, like YouTube, so you don’t have to at home on Valentine’s Day and watch wait for a download to your computer, some show about the Horizontal Tango and there’s no fee to watch (you have instead of actually DOING the Horizonto sit through a short commercial every tal Tango, who am I to judge? To each his 15 minutes, but that’s it). Best of all, it’s own, I say! And if amazing facts about legal and on the up and up, so you don’t your various hoo-hahs, ding-dings, tahave to worry about the FBI coming to tas and goobers are your thing, this show bug you. If you’re on a High Speed Intermight just be the perfect foreplay. Here, net connection, go check it out. sociologists, pollsters and sexologists seek to provide viewers with facts about SURVIVOR: HEROES VS. human sexuality in America, including VILLAINS the average number of lifetime partners 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11 for men and women, as well as other — CBS ahem — stimulating data. n While the CBS show “Survivor” is the — David Koon granddaddy of them all when it comes to

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FREE VALET PARKING ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 43

■ artnotes Two Deltas Arts Center, ASU showcase contemporary art. by leslie newell peacock

‘PITCHERS AND PEARS’: Sheila Cantrell’s work in the Arts Center’s Delta Exhibition.


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44 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS


Arts Center gave its prize to “Powdered n I was staring at this year’s Delta ExhibiGraphite,” a neat cut-up and charcoaled tion winner, Kyle Chaput’s “Oso Bay Site paper sculpture that blooms off the wall 47,” a lithograph, trying to figure out if I by Timothy Harding of Fort Worth. liked it last week when the Arkansas Arts Now, a tiny criticism. The label for Center guard gestured to me to join her LaToya Hobbs’ linoleum-cut triptych of a at the back of the room. “Do you see the woman in profile, beautifully done, titled bat and the rat?” she asked. And taking up it “Jamie on Stage.” The prints themher vantage point, I did see the bat and the selves were named “Jamie in Stages.” rat. She was looking for more there, too, she said. Which is why I decided I liked Chaput’s technically superb lithograph. The Corpus Christi artist is offering more, and while he may not intend for the viewer to stand across the room and find animals in the work, he has removed interpretive boundaries. The drawing is vaguely disturbing up close, thanks to its psychejarring biomorphic ambiguity. It’s not a drawing of driftwood, though a first glance suggests that. The string that wraps around what might be a branch is familiar AT ASU’S DELTA: John Salvest’s “Great Amerienough. But the string doesn’t end can Novel.” properly, and why does that part It seems the label needs fixing. We also of the — wood? — drape the way it does? wish Greer Farris had named her prickly Why not bat? Why not rat? wood sculpture “Epines Si’l Vous Plait,” Martha Tedeschi, curator of prints at instead of “Si,” but perhaps I’m being too the Art Institute of Chicago, was the juror prickly myself. The rose, pine and bois of this year’s Delta exhibit, which highd’arc piece is nice nevertheless. lights the work of contemporary regional The show, in the Strauss and Stella artists, and while one or two pieces look Boyle Smith galleries, runs through out of place, there is strong work here. March 14. Figurative works on paper are many (though Kathy Bay of Little Rock won n Speaking of Kyle Chaput: His work a Delta Award with her abstract collage also appears in the “2010 Delta National “Txtrd Msg”) and paintings are few. TeSmall Prints Exhibition” at Arkansas State deschi found a lot to like among Arkansas University’s Bradbury Gallery. ASU has entries to the regional show, such as Little a fine niche exhibit here, attracting printRock artist Dominique Simmons’ fine makers and photographers from Wash“The Devil is in the Details,” an etching ington State to Maine. Juror was David of a dark, devil-enveloping cloud, in the Kiehl, curator of prints at the Whitney shape of the United States, looming over Museum of Art in New York, who judged a treeless field and crossroads; and Batesthe first “National Prints” exhibit seven ville artist Sheila Cantrell’s soft coloredyears ago. In his preface to the catalog for pencil still life “Pitchers and Pears.” Yet the prints, Kiehl takes note of the use of she passed up an exquisite silverpoint, rubber-stamped words and letters in sev“Cannas Gloria” by Marjorie Williamseral works, including ASU professor John Smith, also of Little Rock, for a prize. Salvest’s. Salvest takes on incomprehenI couldn’t stop looking at the painting sible literature with his “Great American “Jump” by Jimpsie Ayres (born in StuttNovel,” a circle filled with words stamped gart, lives in Memphis), in which an Afriin every direction and overlapping. It’s can-American child, rendered in a paintharder to read than Pynchon, which is, erly fashion, leaps into a stylized blue pool I guess, the point. Beauvais Lyons of making stylized, snowflake-like splashes Knoxville, whose fantasy paleocreature against a yellow and red splotched sky. lithographs were shown at the UniverIt produced the kind of edgy feeling you sity of Arkansas at Little Rock earlier this might get if you saw Michelangelo’s Dayear, is also represented. vid placed on a shag rug. The show runs through Feb. 21. The Contemporaries group at the

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News & Opinion Arkansas Reporter Observer Cartoons Entertainment Calendar Movie & Dining Reviews Movie Listings Dining List Classifieds CHECK THE ARKANSAS DAILY BLOG: NEWS, COMMENTS, BUZZ UPDATED CONTINUALLY 46 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

Feb. 11-18

movielistings All theater listings run Friday to Thursday unless otherwise noted.

The Arkansas Times went to press early because of inclement weather. The following are synopses only. Check our website and the theater sites listed below for showings. NEW Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PG) — High school student Percy Jackson finds out his real father is Poseidon, god of the sea, which means Percy is a demigod — half human, half god — and caught up in an Olympian power struggle. Valentine’s Day (PG) — Pressured by the expectations of the lover’s day, LA couples and singles are breaking up, and making up. The wolfman (R) — A man returns home to battle a vicious creature and restore his brother to her fiancée. RETURNING Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (G) — Alvin, Simon and Theodore return to the big screen. Animalopolis (NR) — A half-hour film of goofy animals being goofy in enormous 3-D. What’s not to like here? Aerospace Education Center IMAX. Armored (PG-13) — Officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company. Avatar (PG-13) — A paraplegic ex-Marine war veteran is sent to establish a human settlement on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet’s indigenous race. Animated. The Big Lebowski (R) — The 1998 new classic about a stoned layabout and his pals getting snared in some surreal kidnapping hijinks. 6:00, 9:00, 11:15 Fri., Sat., 6:00 Sun., Mon., costume and trivia contest 8:00 Sat. The Blind Side (PG-13) — A homeless black teen-ager is taken in by a family that coaches him into becoming a star student-athlete. Book of Eli (R) — Across the wasteland of what once was America, a lone warrior (Denzel Washington) must fight to bring civilization the knowledge that could be the key to its redemption. Boondock Saints: All Saints Day (R) — The MacManus brothers (Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus) return to Boston to avenge the murder of their priest. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs (PG) — Flint Lockwood and his food-making invention must respond to a town’s hard times when its citizenry can only afford to eat sardines. Couples Retreat (PG-13) — Four Midwestern couples, one of which seeks marriage repair, embark on a journey to a tropical island resort and discover that therapy participation is not mandatory. Crazy Heart (R) — Seeking redemption, fallen country star Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) finds a friend and confidante in a struggling music journalist. Dear John (R) — An active soldier falls in love

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THE WOLFMAN’: Benicio del Toro and some nasty stunt teeth star. with a conservative college student while on leave from Iraq in this movie based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks (“The Notebook”). Edge of Darkness (R) — A detective inadvertently uncovers a complex yarn of conspiracies while solving his daughter’s murder. Extraordinary Measures (PG) — A father devoted to saving his terminally ill children joins forces with an unconventional scientist (Harrison Ford) to battle the medical and business establishments. Fantastic Mr. Fox (PG) — Mr. and Mrs. Fox (voices of George Clooney and Meryl Streep) have their idyllic existence turned around when Mr. Fox’s animal instincts compel his relapse into stealing chickens. Animated. From Paris With Love (R) — James Reese (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers), a low level CIA operative, has a white-knuckle day alongside his new loose cannon of a partner, Charlie Wax (John Travolta). The Hurt Locker (R) — A tense war thriller following bomb diffusers embedded in urban Iraq. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (PG13) — The leader of a traveling show who traded the soul of his future daughter to the devil thousands of years ago wagers the collection of five souls to prevent the devil from collecting hers. Inglorious Basterds (R) — In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of JewishAmerican soldiers known as “The Basterds” are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. It’s Complicated (R) — When Jane (Meryl Streep) and ex-husband Jake (Alec Baldwin) find themselves out of town for their son’s college graduation, an innocent meal together turns into an affair. Law Abiding Citizen (R) — Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) targets those associated with a trial that let one of his family’s killers off with a light sentence. Leap Year (PG) — When another anniversary passes without a proposal, Anna (Amy Adams) takes action through an Irish tradition that allows women to pop the question on Feb. 29. Legion (R) — An out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. The Lovely Bones (PG-13) — A murdered young girl watches over her family and her killer from heaven and must weigh desires for vengeance against desires for her family to heal. The Messenger (R) — An army officer returned from Iraq is assigned to Casualty Notification service. Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs (NR) — Researchers and explorers piece together the

past with the archeological and genetic clues from Egyptian mummies. Aerospace Education Center IMAX. New Moon (PG-13) — Romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) delves deeper into the supernatural mysteries. Nine (PG-13) — Famous film director Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis) grapples with epic crises in his personal and professional life. Ninja Assassin (R) — A member of the secret Ozunu assassin clan seeks revenge for his friends’ murder and follows a money trail implicating the organization in numerous other crimes. Planet 51 (PG) — Animated alien adventure comedy revolving around American astronaut Chuck Baker. The Princess and the Frog (G) — A trumpetplaying alligator, a love-sick Cajun firefly and others spin a love tale on a mystical Louisiana bayou. Sherlock Holmes (PG-13) — The master detective and his stalwart partner Watson embark on their latest challenge. A Single Man (PG-13) — Colin Firth plays an early ’60s college professor attempting to readjust to regular life after the death of his partner. The Spy Next Door (PG) — CIA spook Bob Ho (Jackie Chan) retires in order to marry his girlfriend and must gain approval of her kids, who mistakenly download a top secret documents, making the family a Russian target. The Tooth Fairy (PG) — A star hockey player (Dwayne Johnson) is temporarily transformed into a full-fledged tooth fairy as penalty for discouraging a young fan. To Save A Life (PG-13) — After the death of a childhood friend, a popular teen risks his own social standing by reaching out to shunned classmates. The Twilight Saga: New Moon (PG 13) — Following Bella’s ill-fated 18th birthday party, Edward Cullen and his family abandon the town of Forks, Wash., to protect her. 2012 (PG-13) — Epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world. Up In The Air (R) — A corporate downsizing expert’s cherished travel life is threatened as the woman of his dreams comes along just as he’s on the cusp of reaching 10 million frequent flyer miles. When in Rome (PG-13) — A lovelorn New Yorker (Kristen Bell) absconds to Rome, grabs a handful of coins from a “fountain of love” and finds herself the object of affection from the coins’ original throwers. Where The Wild Things Are (PG) — Misunderstood at home and at school, mischievous Max escapes to a land populated by majestic, and sometimes fierce, creatures known as the Wild Things. Wild Fire: Feel the Heat (NR) — Firefighters, from smokejumpers to waterbombing helicopters. IMAX Aerospace Education Center: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. Tue. The Young Victoria (PG) — As the only legitimate heir of England’s King William, teen-age Victoria (Emily Blunt) becomes caught up in the political machinations of her own family. Chenal 9 IMAX Theatre: 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, Cinemark Movies 10: 4188 E. McCain Blvd., 9457400, Cinematown Riverdale 10: Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, IMAX Theater: Aerospace Education Center, 3764629, Market Street Cinema: 1521 Merrill Drive, 3128900, Rave Colonel Glenn 18: 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza, 687-0499, Regal Breckenridge Village 12: 1-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0990, Dickinson Theaters Lakewood 8: Lakewood Village, 758-5354,

■moviereview Think piece


Dense ‘White Ribbon’ deserves all the hype.

INSTANT MASTERPIECE: Haneke’s period piece feels like great literature, looks like classic cinema. only the greatest, most mature film of his n Werner Herzog not withstanding, career, but the winner of Cannes’ Palme Austro-German director Michael Haneke D’Or, the frontrunner for the Academy’s may be the greatest active cinematic exBest Foreign Picture award and the greatport from the cinematically rich sister est, most engaging release since “There countries. A perennial favorite on the EuWill Be Blood.” ropean film festival circuit and a critical The film takes place in a feudal, opdarling, Haneke remains a provocateur of pressively Protestant village in Germany the highest degree, a talent with a rapidly on the brink of World War I, when the growing canon of meticulous, rich films. townspeople’s familiar monotony is Which isn’t to say that his movies are splintered by seemingly random acts pleasant or even enjoyable. Yes, they’re of proto-terrorism. Truth be told, the masterful, a synthesis of Pasolini and less knowledge you have going into the Hitchcock, but often so profoundly dismovie, the more you’ll take out; the plot turbing (and, some would argue, disturbis completely secondary to the humanist ingly profound) that it takes serious delibquestions in the subtext. Those that loom eration to so much as consider a second the largest are the effects of social stagnaviewing. He’s the mind behind staples of tion, the nature of hypocrisy and the orithe modern thriller, remarkably with the gins of fascism. paranoid, perplexing “Cache” (2005) and Shot in black and white, the film’s the intensely unsettling “Funny Games” pacing is both languid and tense — even (1997). (The latter, an “A Clockwork Orhypnotic at times. It’s no secret that “The ange” for the ’90s, was remade, shot for White Ribbon” as a whole has much to shot by Haneke, for an American release owe to iconic pieces by Bergman and in 2005.) Dreyer but, astonishingly (and exhilaratYet with “The White Ribbon,” ingly), it can stand tall beside some of the Haneke’s found a way to retain his psymasters’ greatest works. This movie looks chological severity through understateand feels like a classic because it is one. ment and minimalism without resorting to — John Tarpley shock value. In the process, he’s made not




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BEGINNING AT 9 PM TONIGHT, FEB. 11! No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Employees of participating sponsors are ineligible. Please arrive early! Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. Seats are not guaranteed, are limited to theatre capacity and are first-come, first-served. Everyone entering the theatre must have a pass. This film is rated R for disturbing violent content, language and some nudity.

IN THEATRES FEBRUARY 19 ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 47


Continued from page 42

charmingly intimate: Exene performs live in New York.

■ review

Exene Cervenka and the Dexter Romweber Duo White Water Tavern, Feb. 6

n Though it was a brief encounter in a night of three, Exene Cervenka’s visit to White Water proved to be a charmingly intimate set. The punk maven is unmistakably confident wielding a guitar. Her whole band was acoustic, without even substantive percussion — where the drum kit normally would have sat, a vase of flowers rested on a trunk like a bedside table. Exene, under the moniker “The Alien Lord,” introduced her bandmates as “Conquering Lion” on a vintage Carterfamily-style Gibson, “Wolf Maiden” on backing vocals, and “Black Scorpion 35” on bass, banjo, and handheld percussion. Like someone’s spunky aunt bedecked in multiple rosaries and a silk apron, she grinned and chatted the whole time, en-

gaging in banter with even the youngest and the drunkest present. Later, she took a moment to thank the crowd saying with a smirk, “Thanks for listening. We really like it when you do that.” Her set was comprised mostly of her newest album’s material, and it ended with a triad of fraught love songs with titles like “I’ll Admit It Now,” all of which were heartfelt with a wicked tinge of humor. Exene’s set was followed by the Dexter Romweber Duo (and preceded by Brother Andy and His Big Damn Mouth), with Romweber himself brutalizing a vintage guitar so rocked-out it looked like it had been dragged behind a truck. Dex and his drummer/sister Sara executed meaty, rough-hewn rockabilly with studied sneers. Sara hung over her drum kit like a spider, her red, shaggy hair hanging down, her demeanor reminiscent of the world’s biggest Cramps fan. Dex peppered in a few instrumental surf numbers, and even covered the old standard “Brazil” to merciless effect. — Natalie Elliott

trepreneurs, the Mosaic Templars business and more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat. 683–3593. MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY, 500 President Clinton Ave.: Hands-on science and technology exhibits. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. Admission: $8 adults, $7 children ages 1-12 and seniors 65 and up, children under 1 free, free second Sunday of every month. 396-7050. OLD STATE HOUSE, 300 W. Markham St.: “Badges, Bandits and Bars: Arkansas Law and Justice,” the state’s history of crime and punishment from pre-territorial days to the mid-1980s, through March 6, 2011. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 324-9685. WITT STEPHENS JR. CENTRAL ARKANSAS NATURE CENTER, Riverfront Park: Exhibits on wildlife and the state Game and Fish Commission. n England TOLTEC MOUNDS STATE PARK, State Hwy. 165: Major prehistoric Indian site with visitors’ center and museum. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun., closed Mon. $3 for adults, $2 for ages 6-12. 961-9442. n Eureka Springs EUREKA SPRINGS HISTORICAL MUSEUM: History of the Ozark Folk Festival, in photographs, programs, documents. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.Sat., 11 a.m. a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sun. 479-253-9417. n Harrison BOONE COUNTY LIBRARY: “Visions of the Universe: Four Centuries of Discovery,” drawings and diagrams from the time of Galileo and contemporary images of planets, stars and galaxies made by the Hubble Space Telescope, through March 25. 870741-5913. n Hot Springs MID-AMERICA SCIENCE MUSEUM: Science exhibits. $8 adults, $7 seniors, military and youth. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. 501-767-3461. MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 425 Central Ave.: L.M. Chan, leather sculpture. $5, $4 for seniors. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thu.-Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. 501-609-9955. n Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY, 100 Veterans Circle: Exhibits on DDay; F-105, Vietnam era plane (“The Thud”); the Civil War Battle of Reed’s Bridge, Arkansas Ordnance Plant (AOP) and other military history. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. $3 adults; $2 seniors, military; $1 students. 501-241-1943. n Lavaca MILITARY ROAD MUSEUM, 303 S. Main St.: Photos and artifacts tell the history of the town. 9 a.m.-noon Sat. 479-739-2482. n Morrilton MUSEUM OF AUTOMOBILES, Petit Jean

Cajun’s is for

l o v e r s.

Mountain: Permanent exhibit of more than 50 cars from 1904-1967 depicting the evolution of the automobile. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 days. 501-727-5427. n Rogers ROGERS HISTORICAL MUSEUM, 322 S. 2nd St.: “Rogers Auto-Biography: An Automotive History of Rogers,” through 2011; “Of Promise and Pain: Life Between the Wars,” through June; “Virgil Lovelace and Life on the Farm,” through April. 479-621-1154. n Springdale SHILOH MUSEUM OF OZARK HISTORY, 118 W. Johnson Ave.: “All Dressed Up,” men’s, women’s and children’s fancy clothing, through January 2011; “Disaster! A Photo Exhibit of Crashes and Catastrophes,” through April 10. 479-750-8165. n Tyronza SOUTHERN TENANT FARMERS MUSEUM, 117 Main St.: “Interpretations of the Delta Landscape,” drawings and paintings by Norwood Creech, through February. n Scott PLANTATION AGRICULTURE MUSEUM, U.S. 165 S and Hwy. 161: Artifacts and interactive exhibits on farming in the Arkansas Delta. $3 adults, $2 ages 6-12. Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sun. 501-961-1409. SCOTT PLANTATION SETTLEMENT: 1840s log cabin, one-room school house, tenant houses, smokehouse and artifacts on plantation life. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thu.-Sat. 351-0300.

Announcements The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program is holding an art contest for fifth and seventh-grade students. Artwork should based on any Arkansas property that is at least 50 years old and include an essay on how that property reflects on Arkansas history or why it’s important to save historic places. Entries must be postmarked by April 15. For more information, write AHHP Art and Essay Invitational, 1500 Tower Building, 323 Center St., Little Rock 72201 or call 324-9786 or e-mail Winning entries will be displayed at the Old State House in May. The Shiloh Museum is asking patrons to select artifacts to be displayed in its October exhibit, “The Music of Our Lives.” The curator has selected 40 artifacts to choose from. Ballots are available at the museum or the museum’s website, www. Votes will be collected through April 30. The Center for Artistic Revolution is again providing wooden hearts for use in its annual Corazon Mexican Dinner and Silent Art Auction, set for March 27. Hearts can be painted, collaged or otherwise decorated for the auction, which benefits the work of CAR to promote justice and equal rights. To get a heart, call CAR at 2449690 or e-mail Deadline is March 22.

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Thanks arkansas For VoTing Us BesT BreakFasT!

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Trabajadores de producción actuales y antiguos de Butterball S i u s te d e s o e r a u n e m p l e a d o d e p r o d u c c i ó n a q u i e n s e l e p a g a o p a g a b a p o r h o r a , q u e e s ta b a e m p l e a d o e n l a p l a n ta d e p r o c e s a m i e n to d e a v e s d e c o r r a l d e B u tte r b a l l e n H u n ts v i l l e u O z a r k , A r k a n s a s , e n a l g ú n m o m e n to d e s d e e l 1 5 d e d i c i e m b r e d e 2 0 0 6 , ti e n e d e r e c h o a u n i r s e a u n c a s o e n e l q u e s e s o l i c i ta n s u e l d o s n o pa ga do s .

E mploye e s c onte nd tha t B utte rba ll fa ile d to pa y the m for time the y s pe nd putting on a nd ta k ing off pe rs ona l prote c tive e quipme nt a nd ge a r, s a nitiz ing, a nd wa lk ing to a nd from the produc tion floor.

L os e mple a dos s os tie ne n que B utte rba ll no le s pa gó por e l tie mpo que pa s a ba n ponié ndos e y quitá ndos e la ropa y e l e quipo pe rs ona l de prote c c ión, higie niz á ndos e y c a mina ndo a l y de l pis o de produc c ión.

A fe de ra l c ourt ha s a llowe d c urre nt a nd forme r e mploye e s to join the c a s e . Y ou mus t de c ide now whe the r to join this la ws uit.

U n tribuna l fe de ra l ha pe rmitido que los e mple a dos a c tua le s y a ntiguos s e una n a l c a s o. U s te d de be de c idir a hora s i de s e a unirs e a e s ta de ma nda .

H O W C A N I G E T MO R E I N F O R M A T I O N ?


I f you ha ve que s tions or wa nt de ta ile d informa tion a bout this c a s e a nd your rights , you ma y:


• C a l l to l l f r e e a t 1 -8 8 8 -6 2 1 -1 1 0 4 . ( A l l c a l l s w i l l b e k e p t c o n f i d e n ti a l ) ;

¿ T IE N E P R E G U N T A S ?

• V i s i t w w w . B u tte r b a l l -L a w s u i t. c o m ; or • W r i te to :

L l a m e s i n c a r g o a l 1 -8 88 -6 2 1 -1 1 0 4 ( s e h a b l a e s p a ñ o l ) o v i s i te w w w . B u tte r b a l l -L a w s u i t. c o m

J . G ordon R udd, J r. Z imme rma n R e e d, P L L P 6 5 1 N ic olle t Ma ll, S uite 5 0 1 Minne a polis , MN 5 5 4 0 2

*** T o d a s l a s l l a m a d a s s e m a n te n d r á n c o n f i d e n c i a l e s *** J . G ordon R udd, J r. , A boga do de los e mple a dos de B utte rba ll Z imme rma n R e e d, P L L P 6 5 1 N ic olle t Ma ll, S uite 50 1 , Minne a polis , MN 5 5 4 0 2 ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 49

Super King Buffet

Again and again and again… there’s a reason why readers choose Bruno’s Little Italy the Best Italian!

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• noRth LittLe Rock 5933 J.F.k. BLvD. 501-812-5353

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50 february 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

• caBot 2798 S. SeconD StReet SouthFoRk pLaza 501-843-7992 • pizza expReSS, caBot 15361 hwy. 5 noRth, GReyStone 501-605-8646

• cLaRkSviLLe hwy. 103 & i-40 501-754-3400

• LanDMaRk 3405 atwooD RoaD 501-261-1400

MonticeLLo 155 noRth paRk DR. 870-367-3290

• StuttGaRt 806 weSt 22nD 870-672-7000

• conway 1068 MaRkhaM StReet 501-329-3131

• Lonoke 155 FRontaGe RD. 501-676-2700

• SeaRcy 2600 eaSt Race avenue 501-268-8646

• white haLL 7203 SheRiDan RoaD 870-247-1300

• heBeR SpRinGS 1415 hiGhway 25B 501-362-4088

• MaLveRn 2300 LeopaRD Lane 501-337-0770

• SheRiDan 109 eaSt BeLL StReet 870-942-3712

n Satellite Cafe has scaled back its business hours in anticipation of a remodel, tentatively scheduled for the coming weeks, that would leave the Heights restaurant closed until May. Until then, the cafe is serving breakfast only, from 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. n Blanc Burger and Bottles, a growing chain with locations in Kansas and Missouri, has filed a plumbing permit to locate an outlet at 17809 Chenal Parkway, in the Promenade at Chenal. By the looks of the menu (available at, the restaurant puts a gourmet spin on the standard burger joint. Fries include hand-cut, truffle or sweet potato. Salads come with brioche croutons. There are Kobe beef and bison burgers. And a beer float, topped with custard. We’ll let you know when we hear about an opening date.

Restaurant capsules Every effort is made to keep this listing of some of the state’s more notable restaurants current, but we urge readers to call ahead to check on changes on days of operation, hours and special offerings. What follows, because of space limitations, is a partial listing of restaurants reviewed by our staff. Information herein reflects the opinions of the newspaper staff and its reviewers. The newspaper accepts no advertising or other considerations in exchange for reviews, which are conducted anonymously. We invite the opinions of readers who think we are in error. Restaurants are listed in alphabetical order by city; Little Rock-area restaurants are divided by food category. Other review symbols are: b breakfast L Lunch D Dinner $ inexpensive (under $8/person) $$ moderate ($8-$20/person) $$$ expensive (over $20/person) CC Accepts credit cards


ARKANSAS BURGER CO. Really good burgers, fries and shakes, plus salads and other entrees. 7410 Cantrell Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 663-0600 LD Tue.-Sat. BEEF O’BRADY’S FAMILY SPORTS PUB The signature item is the wings, with a variety of sauces, plus burgers, specialty sandwiches, wraps, salads and fish dishes. 115 Audubon Drive, Maumelle. Full bar. CC $$ 803-3500 LD daily. BIG WHISKEY’S AMERICAN BAR & GRILL A modern grill pub in the River Market with all the bells and whistles — 30 flat screen TVs, boneless wings, whiskey on tap. Plus, the usual burgers, steaks, soups and salads. 225 E. Markham St. $$ CC Full bar 324-2449 LD daily. BOBBY’S COUNTRY COOKIN’ One of the better plate lunch spots in the area, with maybe the best fried chicken and pot roast around, a changing daily casserole and wonderful homemade pies. 301 N. Shackleford Road, Suite E1. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 224-9500 L Mon.-Fri. BOSCOS This River Market microbrewery does food well, too. Along with tried and true things like sandwiches, burgers, steaks and big salads, they have entrees like black bean and goat cheese tamales, open hearth pizza ovens and muffalettas. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 907-1881 LD daily. BUFFALO GRILL A great crispy-off-the-griddle cheeseburger and hand-cut fries star at this family-friendly stop. Spacious deck and lots of parking in the back. 1611 Rebsamen Park Road. 1611 Rebsamen Park Road. Full

Continued on page 52

■ dining Bruno’s abides The old-school Italian joint still impresses. n For such a legendary local favorite, Bruno’s Little Italy in West Little Rock has never really done it for us in the past. But there’s no arguing that Bruno’s is an institution in the local dining scene, and after our last meal there, we’ve finally come around. To say Bruno’s has been around for awhile is an understatement. It was opened in Little Rock in 1949 by Jimmy Bruno and has been a family establishment ever since. Scott Wallace now owns the restaurant, but Vince Bruno remains the manager and head chef. It’s quiet and candlelit, the tables set in red and white checkered table cloths. The smell of home-made marinara wafts through the air and a lilting Italian opera plays softly over the speakers. Menu items are named after long-time patrons, like the Mista a la Larry Jegley, a pizza named after Pulaski County’s prosecuting attorney. We were looking for something to warm us up on a cold winter night, maybe something with a rich cream sauce and glass or two of red wine. Starving, we felt an real deal: Not your pre-packaged ravioli. appetizer was in order. Bruno’s has more very unique flavor that “might not be for than a couple of options, including dinner everyone,” we were told by the waitress, salads, fresh mozzarella and prosciutto, and it wasn’t for our dining companion. baked mushrooms and the standard But we thought it went well with the garlic cheese bread. We chose the toasted mushrooms. ravioli a la Lauren The special the night Weintraub ($7.95) and we dined was chicken were pleased to see that We were pleased to gorgonzola ($16.95), what came to the table chunks of chicken see that what came served up in a cognac were not the pre-packaged, deep-fried ravioli to the table were not cream sauce along with bits you find at most small pieces of artithe pre-packaged, places, but home-made, choke hearts and shaldeep-fried ravioli lightly-breaded puffs of lots, all topped off with pasta, filled with ricotta bits you find at most a generous portion of cheese and sprinkled gorgonzola cheese. This places, but homewith parmesan. Topped created a bit of what off with the home-made made, lightly-breaded you might call platemarinara sauce, it was in our companion. puffs of pasta, filled envy exactly what we were The gorgonzola and the with ricotta cheese looking for in a starter. lightly breaded chicken, Traditional Italian as opposed to grilled, and sprinkled with cream sauces can be really put this dish parmesan. a little too heavy on over the top, giving it cream or too light on a down-home, cookedflavor, so we were interwith-love flavor that the ested in something a little different this chicken Vincenzo was missing. time. The chicken Vincenzo ($16.95), Both dishes were better than we’d come strips of grilled chicken served with to expect from Bruno’s, where previous tomatoes and mushrooms in a tarragonforays into more traditional fare, like their and-garlic cream sauce, was just that. spaghetti and lasagna, had left us unimThe tarragon in the sauce makes for a pressed. briAn ChiLson


For dessert, we planned a two-pronged assault: cannoli ($6.50) and chocolate mousse cake ($6.50). The cannoli was delightful. The pastry portion was sprinkled with just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar and the filling was cool and creamy, but not too sweet. Our companion thoroughly enjoyed the mousse cake, which was really more like a pie. The crust was “chocolaty and amazing,” the filling fluffy and light. Dinner for two, with an appetizer, two entrees, two desserts and a half carafe of wine ($13.95) came out to nearly $70, a total we found to be a little steep. But even with the hefty tab, our opinion on Bruno’s ranking among local Italian joints has definitely changed for the better.

Bruno’s Little Italy 315 n. bowman road 224-4700 Quick bite

bruno’s is the type of place that makes you want to sit down and sip on a glass of red wine. so, indulge yourself. There’s a nice wine list and a variety of appetizers to go along with it.


5 p.m. to 10 p.m. monday through saturday.

Other info

full bar, credit cards accepted. ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 51

Thanks Arkansas For Voting For Us!


Restaurant capsules Continued from page 51

Half off least expensive entrée BEST FRIED CHICKEN best home cooking

Bobby’s Country Cookin’

501-224-9500 • 301 N.Shackleford Road West Chase Plaza at the corner of N. Shackleford & W.Markham

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Full Bar • Take out • Dine in For Gourmet Seafood lovers Monday • Friday: 10-10 • Saturday: 9-10 • Sunday: 9-9 *Must present coupon

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Capriccio. It’s Italian for “The Perfect Valentine’s Day.”

bar. CC $-$$ 296-9535 LD daily. 400 N. Bowman Road. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 224-0012 LD daily. BURGE’S TURKEYS AND HAMS Famous for its smoked turkey and hams, but also a source for good fried catfish and homemade fried pies. 5620 R St. No alcohol. CC $$ 666-1660 LD Mon.-Sat. CAPERS It’s never been better, with as good a wine list as any in the area, and a menu that covers a lot of ground — seafood, steaks, pasta — and does it all well. 14502 Cantrell Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 868-7600 LD Mon.-Sat. CATERING TO YOU Painstakingly prepared entrees and great appetizers in this gourmet-to-go location. 8121 Cantrell Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 664-0627 L Mon.-Sat. COAST CAFE A variety of salads, smoothies, sandwiches and pizzas, and there’s breakfast and coffee, too. 400 President Clinton Ave. (in the River Market). No alcohol. CC $-$$ 371-0164 BL Mon.-Sat. COTHAM’S IN THE CITY A Capitol neighborhood version of the famous Scott country store, with the same specialties — giant hubcap hamburgers, well-fried plate lunches and monumental desserts. 1401 W. 3rd St. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 370-9177 L Mon.-Fri. DAVE’S PLACE Downtown’s premier soup-and-sandwich stop at lunch, and a set dinner spot on Friday night to give a little creative outlet to chef supreme David Williams. Beef, chicken and fish are served with Continental flair. 210 Center St. CC $$ 372-3283 L Mon.-Fri., D Fri. DIXIE CAFE Abundant vegetable choices that are inexpensive, wholesome, satisfying and dependable, with meats and fresh rolls to match. Multiple locations, including 1301 Rebsamen Park Road. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 663-9336 LD daily. DOWNTOWN DELI A locally owned eatery, with bigger sandwiches and lower prices than most downtown chain competitors. Also huge, loaded baked potatoes, soups and salads. 323 Center St. No alcohol. CC $ 372-3696 BL Mon.-Fri. FERNEAU Great seafood, among other things, is served at the Ice House Revival in Hillcrest. 2601 Kavanaugh. Full bar. CC $$$ 603-9208 D Tue.-Sat. FORTY TWO The Clinton Presidential Center’s restaurant has Sunday brunch, and it’s a solid choice for weekday lunch as well with innovative sandwiches, soups and salads. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 537-0042. L. $$ CC Full bar. HEAVENLY HAM Fine hams, turkeys and other specialty meats served whole, by the pound or in sandwiches. 11121 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 225-2136 LD Mon.-Sat (until 6 p.m.). HONEYBAKED HAM CO. The trademark ham is available by the sandwich, as is great smoked turkey. There are also lots of inexpensive side items and desserts. 9112 N. Rodney Parham Road. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 227-5555 LD Mon.-Sat. THE HOUSE Delicious, gourmet burgers and sandwiches at the former location of Sufficient Grounds in Hillcrest. Cheap beer and good coffee, too, in a quiet, relaxed setting. 722 N. Palm. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 663-4500 LD daily.

■ update

Join us for a Valentine’s Day brunch on February 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with special room rates available Saturday night starting at $109.

Located At The Peabody Little Rock • Three Statehouse Plaza • 501-399-8000

KENT’S DOWNTOWN Breakfast eaters can find a bargain here – any four items for $4.95. Our $4.95 got us a large biscuit and gravy, two sausage patties, and grits. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and home-cooked fried potatoes are other choices. Coffee is extra. (Full disclosure: The sugared grits were not to our taste, but Kent says some people like them that way.) Kent’s opens at 7 a.m. – like the rest of the River Market – and breakfast is served until 9 or 10 a.m., depending on demand. Kent’s is open all day, selling all kinds of barbecue – beef, pork, turkey, etc. – for on-site or takehome consumption, as well as plate lunches. The chicken leg quarter plate, including two sides and a roll, is another $4.95 bargain, available with or without sauce. We get ours without. 400 President Clinton Ave. (River Market) 375-1900 BLD (close at 6 p.m.) Mon.-Sat. KIERRE’S KOUNTRY KITCHEN Excellent home-cooking joint for huge helpings of meat loaf and chicken-fried steak, cooked-down vegetables and wonderful homemade pies and cakes. 6 Collins Industrial Place, NLR. No alcohol. CC $ 758-0903 BLD Tue.-Fri. BL Sat. KRAZY MIKE’S SHRIMP AND WINGS Home-style cookin’ and fried fare in Bowman Curve shopping center. 907-6453, 200 N. Bowman, Suite 9. Beer and wine CC $$ LD daily. LUBY’S CAFETERIA Generous portions of home-style food and a wider variety of meats and vegetables than most cafeterias. 12501 W. Markham St., 219-1567. No alcohol. CC $-$$ LD daily. MARKHAM STREET GRILL AND PUB The menu has something for everyone. Try the burgers, which are juicy, big and fine. 11321 W. Markham St. Full bar. CC $$ 224-2010

Continued on page 54

52 february 11, 2010 • arkansas Times

a w a r d

w i n n i n g


The Faded Rose

Pizza Café Wins Northern Italian Pepperoni Growers Association Award For Excellence!


LITTLE ROCK’S WORLD FAMOUS RESTAURANT 400 N. Bowman Road 501-224-3377 • 1619 Rebsamen Road 501-663-9734

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THANK YOU TO OUR LOYAL PATRONS Lunch M-F 11-2 • Dinner M-S 5-10 Reservations of any size accepted for lunch and dinner.

MICHAEL JULIANO [fuh-tog-ruh-fee]

2300 Cottondale Lane • 501-663-2677 Full menu at ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 53

Restaurant capsules Continued from page 52 LD Mon.-Sat. OLD MILL BREAD AND FLOUR CO. CAFE The popular take-out bakery has an eat-in restaurant and friendly operators. It’s self-service, simple and good — 11 types of sandwiches built with a changing lineup of the bakery’s 40 different breads, along with soups, salads and cookies. Rock Creek Square, Markham and Bowman. CC $ 228-4677 BL Mon.-Sat. OYSTER BAR Gumbo, red beans and rice (all you can eat on Mondays), peel-and-eat shrimp, oysters on the half shell. Decent po’ boys. 3003 W. Markham St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 666-7100 LD Mon.-Sat. RESTAURANT 1620 Steaks, chops, a broad choice of fresh seafood and meal-sized salads are just a few of the choices on a broad menu at this popular and upscale West Little Rock bistro. It’s a romantic, candlelit room, elegant without being fussy or overly formal. 1620 Market St. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 221-1620 D daily. SADDLE CREEK WOODFIRED GRILL Upscale chain dining in Lakewood, with a menu full of appetizers, burgers,

chicken, fish and other fare. It’s the smoke-kissed steaks, however, that make it a winner — even in Little Rock’s beefheavy restaurant market. 2703 Lakewood Village, NLR. Full bar and wine list. CC $$ 812-0883 D Mon.-Sun., L Sun. SCALLION’S Reliably good food, great desserts, pleasant atmosphere, able servers — a solid lunch and dinner spot. 5110 Kavanaugh. Full bar. CC $-$$ 666-6468 L Mon.-Sat. D Wed.-Sat. SO RESTAURANT BAR Call it a French brasserie with a sleek, but not fussy American finish — stone walls, handsome furniture and apron-clad waiters anxious to please. Good ingredients are prepared simply — everything from salads and sandwiches to steaks. The wine selection is broad and choice. It just simply feels good to eat here. And tastes good, too. 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 663-1464 LD Mon.-Fri., BLD Sat.-Sun. THE SPEAKEASY The supper club serves a multinational menu of pot roast, scampi, Greek salads, cheese sandwiches and more and diners are entertained by jazz on Thursday nights and floor shows on the weekends. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat., B Sun. 374-2008. SPORTS PAGE Perhaps the largest, juiciest, most flavorful burger in town. Grilled turkey and hot cheese on sourdough gets praise, too. Now with lunch specials. 414 Louisiana St. Beer and wine. CC $ 372-9316. BL Mon.-Fri., open Fri.

nights for music and night food service. STICKY FINGERZ ROCK ’N’ ROLL CHICKEN SHACK Fingers any way you can imagine, plus sandwiches and burgers, and a fun setting for music and happy hour gatherings. 107 Commerce St. Full bar. CC $-$$ 372-7707 LD Mon.-Sat. STOUT’S DINER Don’t let the gas station façade fool you. The dinners are ample, the hand-patted burgers could be the best in Pulaski County, and the pies are made-to-order from scratch when you tell them what you want. They do a mean breakfast, too. 26606 Highway 107 Jacksonville 983-0163 CC. No alcohol. $-$$ BL daily, D Mon-Sat. THE HOP DINER The downtown incarnation of the old dairy bar, with excellent burgers, onion rings, shakes and breakfast. Plus, daily specials, homemade pie and quiche. 201 E. Markham No alcohol. $-$$ 244-0975 BLD Mon.-Fri., LD Sat. (close at 6 p.m.). TOWN PUMP Great burgers, good chili dogs, a monstersized platter of chili cheese fries. And cold beer, of course. 1321 Rebsamen Park Road Beer and wine (liquor license pending) CC $ 663-9802 LD daily. VICTORIAN GARDEN We’ve found the fare quite tasty and somewhat daring and different with its healthy, balanced entrees and crepes. 4801 North Hills Blvd., NLR. Wine and beer. CC $$-$$$ 758-4299 L Tue.-Sat.

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ASIAN CHINA KING BUFFET An enormous array of all kinds of Asian fare that’s all worth a try, beginning with the four dazzling large buffet tables, plus a small sushi station, a seafood bar with shrimp, and Mongolian grill. 9210 N. Rodney Parham Road. Beer. CC $$ 223-0888 LD daily. FU LIN Quality in the made-to-order entrees is high, as is the quantity. 200 N. Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $$ 225-8989 LD daily. GINA’S CHINESE KITCHEN AND SUSHI BAR A broad and strong sushi menu with a manageable and delectable selection of Chinese standards. 14524 Cantrell Road. Wine and beer. $-$$ CC 868-7775 LD daily. LILLY’S DIM SUM THEN SOME Delectable Asian comfort food — fried or steamed dumplings and more in a variety of presentations. Thai ginger noodles, Thai panang and pad Thai are just a few of the highlights. 11121 Rodney Parham Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 716-2700 LD daily. MT. FUJI JAPANESE RESTAURANT The dean of Little Rock sushi bars with a fabulous lunch special. 10301 Rodney Parham Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 227-6498 LD daily. ROYAL BUFFET A big buffet of Chinese fare, with other Asian tastes as well. 109 E. Pershing Blvd., NLR. Beer and wine. CC $ 753-8885 LD daily. SAIGON CUISINE Traditional Vietnamese with Thai and Chinese selections. Be sure to try the authentic pho soups and spring rolls. 6805 Cantrell Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 663-4000 L Tue.-Fri, D Tue.-Sun. VAN LANG CUISINE Terrific Vietnamese cuisine, the best in town, particularly in its presentation of the pork dishes and the assortment of rolls. Great prices, too. Massive menu, but it’s user-friendly for locals, with full English descriptions and numbers for easy ordering. 3600 S. University Ave. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 570-7700 LD daily.



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WEST END SMOKEHOUSE AND TAVERN Its primary focus is a sports bar with 50-plus TVs, but the dinner entrees (grilled chicken, steaks and such) are plentiful and the bar food is upper quality. 215 N. Shackleford. Full bar. CC $ 224-7665 LD Mon.-Sat. YOUR MAMA’S GOOD FOOD Now in more spacious quarters, but still offering simple and satisfying cafeteria food, with burgers and more hot off the grill. Tower Building, Fourth and Center. No alcohol. CC $ 372-1811 BL Mon.-Fri. ZACK’S PLACE Expertly prepared home cooking and huge, smoky burgers. 1400 S. University Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 664-6444 LD Mon.-Sat.

201 Donaghey Ave. Conway, AR 72035 (501) 450-5000

BARE BONES PIT BAR-B-Q A carefully controlled gas oven, with wood chips added for flavor, guarantees moist and sweet pork — both pulled from the shoulder and back ribs. The side orders, particularly the baked potato salad, are excellent. 5501 Ranch Drive, Suite 4. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 868-7427 LD daily. BIRD DOG BARBECUE Situated way out Batesville Pike in Sherwood, Bird Dog Barbecue offers a homey atmosphere, diner-style grub and some of the best sauce around — not to mention a menu stocked with homemade burgers, appetizers, sandwiches and ‘cue. Go for the barbecue, stay for the small-community people watching. 17416 Batesville Pike, Sherwood. Full bar. CC $$ 833-3133 LD Tue.-Sat. FAMOUS DAVE’S A chain that runs gamut of ’cue and its relatives: chopped pork, beef brisket, barbeque chicken, rib tips, chicken tenders, hot link sausage, catfish fillets and hot wings. With an array of sauces purported to represent barbecue regions around the country. 225 N. Shackleford Road. Full bar. CC $$ 221-3283 LD daily. FATBOY’S KILLER BAR-B-Q This Landmark community strip-center restaurant in the far southern reaches of Pulaski County features tender ribs and pork by a contest pitmaster. Skip the regular sauce and risk the hot variety; it’s far better. 3405 Atwood Road. No alcohol. CC $ 888-4998; 10208 I-30 568-3252 LD Tue.-Sun. H.B.’S BAR B.Q. A very good barbecue place tucked away in a residential neighborhood in Southwest Little Rock. Ribs are available only one day a week (Tuesday) but you’ll like the sandwiches better anyway. Don’t forget the flaky-crusted fried pies. But it’s OK to forget your credit cards – cash is all they take. 6010 Lancaster 565-1930 No CC $-$$. No alcohol LD (until 6 p.m.) Mon.-Fri. PIG AND CHIK Well-smoked meat with a thick, sweet sauce, plus nachos, huge burgers, country vegetables and lots of other stuff. 7824 Highway 107, NLR. Beer and wine. CC $$ 834-5456 LD Mon.-Sat. SIMS BAR-B-QUE Great spare ribs, sandwiches, beef, half and whole chicken and an addictive vinegar-mustardbrown sugar sauce unique for this part of the country. Multiple locations: 2415 Broadway, 372-6868; 1307 John Barrow Road, 224-2057; 7601 Geyer Springs, 562-8844. Beer. CC $-$$ LD Mon.-Sat. WHOLE HOG CAFE The pulled pork shoulder is a classic, the back ribs are worthy of their many blue ribbons, and there’s a six-pack of sauces for all tastes. A real find is the beef brisket, cooked the way Texans like it. 2516 Cantrell Road, 664-5025. 5107 Warden Road, NLR, 753-9227. Beer and wine. CC LD Mon.-Sat.

EUROPEAN / ETHNIC ALIBABA’S MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE This eatery and grocery store offers kebabs and salads along with just about any sort of Middle Eastern fare you might want,

Continued on page 56

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ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 55


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Photos by John Bigelow Taylor • Uncle Sam Top Hat, Trifari (USA), circa 1940 • Uncle Sam Eagle, Trifari (USA), circa 1940

Features more than 200 pins worn by Secretary of State Albright to communicate a strategic message during her diplomatic tenure. Photo by Diana Walker

Read My Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection has been organized by the Museum of Arts and Design. Generous support for this exhibition was provided by Bren Simon and for the exhibition book by St. John Knits.

501-374-4242 • 56 february 11, 2010 • arkansas Times

along with what might be the best kefte kebab in Central Arkansas. Halal butcher on duty. 3400 South University. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 379-8011 LD daily. CIAO BACI The focus is on fine dining in this casually elegant Hillcrest bungalow, though tapas also are available. Many come for the comfortable lounge that serves specialty drinks until 2 a.m. nightly. 605 N. Beechwood St. Full bar. CC $$$ 603-0238 D Mon.-Sat. MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE Gyros, falafel and souvlaki plates, as well as hummus, tabbouleh, eggplant dip and other dishes — wonderful food at wonderful prices. Halal dishes available, too. The River Market’s Ottenheimer Hall, 400 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 372-1662 L Mon.-Sat. UNDERGROUND PUB Hearty, tasty British pub-style fare, including exceptional custom-made sausages, crunchy fish and chips, and a decent Reuben. Inviting bar with an impressive draft beer and single-malt whiskey selection. 500 President Clinton Ave. Full bar. CC $-$$ 707-2537 LD Mon.-Sat. YA YA’S EUROBISTRO The first eatery to open in the new Promenade at Chenal is a date-night affair, retranslating comfort food into beautiful cuisine. Best bet is lunch, where you can exp

ITALIAN BRUNO’S LITTLE ITALY This more-than-half-centuryold establishment balances continuity and innovation with delicious traditional and original fare. The pizza remains outstanding. Service is impeccable. 315 N. Bowman Road. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 224-4700 D Mon.-Sat. CARINO’S COUNTRY ITALIAN A homey chain joint offering irresistible Italian bread and affordable, tasty, substantial lunches and dinners. 11600 Pleasant Ridge Road, 225-3434; 4221 Warden Road, NLR, 758-8226. Full bar. CC $$ LD daily. D’CARLO PIZZERIA RISTORANTE Solid Italian standards and a few daring originals are served in a pleasant atmosphere by even more pleasant people. 12325 Stagecoach Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 407-0400 LD Mon.-Sat. IRIANA’S Unbelievably generous thick-crust pizza with unmatched zest. Good salads, too; grinders are great, particularly the Italian sausage. 201 E. Markham St., first level. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 374-3656 LD Mon.-Sat. PIERRE’S GOURMET PIZZA Holds its own with the good independent pizza joints in the area, and most feature meat, meat and more meat. Salads, calzones and subs, too. 4905 JFK Blvd., NLR. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 907-1929 LD Mon.-Sat. PIZZA CAFE Thin, crunchy pizza with just a dab of tomato sauce but plenty of chunks of stuff, topped with gooey cheese. Draft beer is appealing on the open-air deck — frosty and generous. 1517 Rebsamen Park Road. Beer and wine. CC $$ 664-6133 LD daily. PLAYTIME PIZZA Tons of fun isn’t rained out by lackluster eats at the new $11 million, 65,000 square foot kidtopia that recently opened near the Rave movie complex. While the buffet is only so-so, features like indoor mini-golf, laser tag, go karts, arcade games and bumper cars make it a winner for both kids and adults. 600 Colonel Glenn Plaza Loop. No alcohol. CC $$ 227-7529 D Mon.-Tue. LD Wed.-Sun. U.S. PIZZA Crispy thin-crust pizzas, frosty beers and heaping salads drowned in creamy dressing. Multiple locations: 4001 McCain Park, NLR, 753-2900; 3324 Pike Ave., NLR, 758-5997; 650 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, 851-0880; 8403 Highway 107, Sherwood, 835-5673; 9300 N. Rodney Parham, 224-6300; 2710 Kavanaugh, 663-2198, and 5524 Kavanaugh. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 664-7071 LD daily. VINO’S Great rock ’n’ roll club also is a fantastic pizzeria with huge calzones and always improving home-brewed beers. 923 W. Seventh St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 375-8466 LD daily.

MEXICAN BROWNING’S They’re still serving up old-style Tex-Mex and nostalgia at one of Little Rock’s oldest restaurants. Consistency counts for something. If the Mexican isn’t to your taste, they have American dishes too, including steaks. Catering specialties from the old Cordell’s deli can be ordered here. 5805 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar CC $-$$ 663-9956 BLD Mon.-Sat. CACTUS JACK’S This inoffensive Mexican-esque effort on McCain has everything you’ve come to expect from the average Mexican restaurant. Ample portions, if not ample seasoning. However, it’s easy on the pocketbook. 4120 E. McCain Blvd. No. 116, NLR $-$$ 945-5888 Full bar CC LD daily. COZYMEL’S A trendy Dallas-chain cantina with flaming cheese dip, cilantro pesto, mole, lamb and more. 10 Shackleford Drive. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 954-7100 LD daily. EL CHICO Hearty, standard Mex served in huge portions. 8409 Interstate 30, 562-3762, and 1315 Breckenridge Drive, 224-2550. Full bar. CC $$ 224-2550 LD daily. LA HACIENDA Creative, fresh-tasting entrees and traditional favorites, all served in a festive atmosphere. Our picks: The taco salad, nachos and maybe the best fajitas around. $2.50 Margaritas on Wednesday and Thursday. Multiple locations throughout Central Arkansas. 3024 Cantrell Road, 661-0600. Full bar. CC $-$$ LD daily. LA PALAPA Seafood is the focus at this Mexican restaurant, but the overly huge menu contains includes land-based items such as a great chile verde. Pan-fried fish topped with

cheese and tomato-based sauce is a nightly special. 18321 Hwy. 10. Full bar. CC $$ 868-8822 BLD daily. LAS PALMAS “Authentic” Mexican chain with a massive menu of choices. Otter Creek Shopping Center, 455-8500, and 4154 McCain Blvd., NLR, 945-8010. Full bar. CC $-$$ LD daily. MI RANCHITO This growing Arkansas-owned chain offers great variety and super-sized meals of solid Tex-Mex, with the typical white cheese dip, only spicier, and more flavor to the regular entree fare. 1520 Market St., 223-5414, full bar; 2110 N. Reynolds Road, 653-0032, no alcohol. CC $-$$ Both LD daily. ON THE BORDER Great Tex-Mex food, with guacamole made to order and a menu that offers some specialty chicken, shrimp and fish dishes. The salsa is so good they sell it separately. The Mercedes margarita is the best we ever had; most expensive, too. 11721 Chenal Parkway. Full bar. CC $$ 217-9275 LD daily. RIVIERA MAYA For a restaurant that touts the slogan, “Discover Real Mexican Food,” it delivers much of the same as other similarly priced restaurants. Portions on the large side, though. 801 Fair Park. Full bar CC $-$$ 663-4800 LD daily. SUPER 7 This Mexican grocery/video store/taqueria has great a daily buffet featuring a changing assortment of real Mexican cooking: Fresh tortillas pressed by hand and grilled, homemade salsas, beans as good as beans get. Plus soup every day. 1415 Barrow Road. CC $-$$ 219-2373 LD daily. TAQUERIA KARINA CAFE A real Mexican neighborhood cantina with everything from freshly baked pan dulce, to Mexican-bottled Cokes, to first-rate guacamole, to inexpensive tacos, burritos, quesadillas and a broad selection of Mexican-style seafood. 5309 W. 65th St. Beer. $ CC 562-3951 LD Thu.-Tue. TAQUERIA SAMANTHA Arguably the best among the area’s burgeoning taco truck crowd. Tacos, burritos and other authentic fare. Unbelievably cheap. Usually parked just north of the Geyer Springs and I-30 intersection Cash only $ LD daily.

around arkansas CONWAY

HOLLY’S COUNTRY KITCHEN Readers have highly recommended Holly’s in the home-cooking category, and $5.25 gets you a plate full of home-style food akin to Little Rock’s famed Homer’s and Kitchen Express. 120 Harkrider St., 328-9738. No alcohol. CC $-$$ L Mon.-Fri. MIKE’S PLACE Delicious New Orleans-inspired steaks and seafood, plus wood-fired pizzas, served in a soaring, beautifully restored building in downtown Conway. Membership required. 808 Front St. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 501-269-6453 LD daily. PIA’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Casual Italian done well at moderate prices. Good selection of pastas and sauces, along with sandwiches and salads. Desserts vary daily. 915 Front Street, Conway. Beer and wine. CC. $$ 501-5139944 LD Mon-Sat. STROMBOLI’S Italian classics at this mom and pop, where as the name suggests, strombolis are a specialty. Save room for a cannoli or a cup of gelato, too. 2665 N. Donaghey Ave. No. 101. No alcohol. CC $$ 501-327-3701 LD daily. TOKYO JAPANESE RESTAURANT Besides the hibachi offerings, Tokyo also has tempura, teriyaki and a great seaweed salad. Their combination platters are a great value; besides an entree, also comes with soup, salad, harumaki (spring rolls) and vegetable tempura. No sushi, though. 716 Oak St. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 501-327-6868 LD daily.

EL DORADO FAYRAY’S Elegant but unstuffy dining experience in the nicely renovated downtown. Quality and price combine to make it an excellent value. 110 E. Elm St. Beer and wine. CC $$-$$$ 870-863-4000 D Tue.-Sat. PAPA POBLANOS Attached to the King’s Inn just off Highway 167, this local chain has a nice homey feel, with a guy hand-making tortillas on a griddle up front and some of the best Tex-Mex to be had. 1920 Junction City Road. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 870-875-1454 LD daily.

EUREKA SPRINGS BUBBA’S Ribs are the perfect blend of crunchy, meaty and moist inside, but the pork shoulder even outshines them. Menu now includes vegetarian items. 60 Kingshighway. Beer. No CC $-$$ 253-7706 LD Mon.-Sat. DE VITO’S Crisp salads, excellent entrees, good bread and casual, friendly service. Order the magnificent smoked trout. 5 Center St. Full bar. CC $$ 479-253-6807 D Mon.-Tue., Thu.-Sun. Closed Wed. HORIZON A former New York-style deli, it now offers Italian continental cuisine, with fresh fish on weekends. The sunset view is fabulous. Mundell Road on Beaver Lake. Beer and wine. CC $$-$$$ 479-253-5525 D Mon.-Sat. SPARKY’S ROADHOUSE CAFE Burgers are the specialty, but there are plenty of creative dishes, deli sandwiches and beer choices. 41 Van Buren (Highway 62). Full bar. CC $$ 479-253-6001 LD Mon.-Sat.

FAYETTEVILLE AREA AQ CHICKEN Great chicken — pan-fried, grilled and rotisserie — at great prices. N. College St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 479-443-7555 LD daily.

ARSAGA’S ESPRESSO CAFE A top-notch little coffeehouse with plenty of pleasing brews and a variety of baked goods. 2418 N. Gregg Ave, 479-444-6557. 401 West Mountain, 479-521-1993. 1852 Crossover, 479-5270690. 3215 N. North Hills Blvd., 479-443-5721. Law library, 479-527-0015.No alcohol. No CC $ BLD Mon.-Sat. ) COMMON GROUNDS Billing itself as a gourmet espresso bar, this Dickson Street storefront cafe also serves up some tasty dishes all day, plus a new menu of salads, sandwiches and pizzas. 412 W. Dickson St. Full bar. CC $$ 479-4423515 BLD daily. CORNER GRILL Hearty sandwiches, a tasty and inexpensive weekend brunch, friendly staff in new location away from Dickson Street. Highway 112. Full bar. CC $-$$ 479-521-8594 BLD daily. ELLA’S Fine dining in the university’s vastly reworked Inn at Carnall Hall. A favorite — it figures on the UA campus — is the razor steak. Arkansas Avenue at Maple Street. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 479-582-1400 BLD daily. HERMAN’S RIBHOUSE Filets, not ribs, are the big seller at this classic, friendly, dumpy spot. The barbecue chicken is another winner. 2901 N. College Ave. Beer and wine. No CC $$-$$$ 479-442-9671 LD Tue.-Sat. HUGO’S You’ll find a menu full of meals and munchables, some better than others at this basement European-style bistro. The Bleu Moon Burger is a popular choice. Hugo’s is always worth a visit, even if just for a drink. 25 1/2 N. Block St. Beer and wine. CC $-$$ 479-521-7585 LD Mon.-Sat. JOSE’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Epicenter of the Dickson Street nightlife with its patio and Fayetteville’s No. 2 restaurant in gross sales. Basic Mexican with a wide variety of fancy margaritas. 324 W. Dickson. Full bar. CC $$ 479-521-0194 LD daily. NEAL’S CAFE An immense and immensely popular platelunch (and plate-dinner) joint with great homemade pie and an equally loyal breakfast crowd. 806 N. Thompson St., Springdale. No alcohol. No CC $-$$ 479-751-9996 BLD Mon.-Sat. variety of fancy margaritas. 324 W. Dickson. Full bar. CC $$ 479-521-0194 LD daily. PENGUIN ED’S BAR-B-Q Prices are magnificent and portions are generous at this barbecue spot with an interesting menu, a killer sausage sandwich, burgers, omelets and wonderful lemonade. 2773 Mission Blvd. No alcohol. No CC $-$$ 479-587-8646 BLD daily. SILK ROAD The mom-and-pop-style Thai restaurant along the cluttered U.S. Highway 71 business strip does a booming takeout business, and some of the dine-in is good, especially the vegetable pad thai. Pleasant service and a remarkable selection of imported beers (but no Thai beer, for some reason). 1200 S. Thompson, Springdale. Beer and wine. No CC $$ 479-756-6227 LD Mon.-Sat. THAI DINER If your family likes good food that’s a little out of the ordinary and affordable, Thai Diner is the place to go. The appetizer menu offers mouth-watering items like squid; shrimp and lemongrass; filets of beef dolled up with lime, chili pepper and cabbage leaves; spicy papaya salad; wonton “crab angels”; egg rolls, and more. 514 N. College Ave., 479-582-1804. LD Mon.-Sat. $$ CC Wine and beer.

FORDYCE KLAPPENBACH BAKERY Famous for great breads, sweets and other baked goods, this place is a legend. 108 W. Fourth St. No alcohol. CC $-$$ 870-352-7771 L Tue.-Sat.

L u n ch B u ffe t

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FORT SMITH/VAN BUREN CHINESE KITCHEN SUPER BUFFET Buffet filled with a wide selection of favorites, with gourmet, special-order Szechuan dishes also available. 1820 South C St. No alcohol. CC $$ 479-783-5388 LD daily.

HOT SPRINGS ANGELS Pizza cooked in wood-fired ovens, pasta and nightly specials, cannoli and other Italian desserts. 600 Central Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 501-609-9323 LD Mon.-Sat. BELLE ARTI RISTORANTE Ambitious menu of lavish delights in a film-noir setting; excellent desserts. 719 Central Ave. Full bar. CC $$$ 501-624-7474 LD daily. CAFE SANTA CLARE A Mexican joint — the menu includes cheese dip, enchiladas, burritos, etc. — whose entrees take on a Middle Eastern flair at night. 323 Whittington Ave. Full bar. CC $$-$$$ 501-624-0199 D Tue.-Sat. FISHERMAN’S WHARF Reminiscent of a coastal seafood joint, complete with large menu and fish nets adorning the wall. Boisterous, family-style place. 5101 Central Ave. Full bar. CC $$ 501-525-7437 LD daily. J’S ITALIAN VILLA Pasta, fresh fish and beef specials. Appetizers and salads are terrific, as are the desserts. Live jazz music nightly. 4826 Central Ave. Full bar. CC $$$ 501-525-1121 D Mon.-Sat. JASON’S BURGERS AND MORE Locals love it for filets, fried shrimp, ribs, catfish, burgers and the like at good prices. 148 Amity Road. Full bar. CC $-$$ 501-5250919 LD Tue.-Sat. OAKLAWN CAROUSEL TERRACE RESTAURANT If you’re in the mood for a little gambling and a cheap meal on a Friday night, Oaklawn can provide both. While simulcast betting goes on downstairs, the Jockey Club serves up all sorts of tasty fare upstairs. Drinks are extra. It’s serviceable food for the price. 2705 Central Ave. CC $-$$ 1-800OAKLAWN D Fri. PURITY BARBECUE Good smoked meats, very affordable, and don’t miss out on the crock of beans. 1000 Malvern Ave. Beer. No CC $-$$ 501-623-4006 LD daily.

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Shackleford Crossing Center • Interstate 430 • 2604 South Shackleford • Suite G Little Rock, AR 72205 • (501) 224-8100 ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 57

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oak street bistro

713 Oak Street, Conway 501-450-9908 Lunch, M-S, 11-2 Dinner hours will be added after a January move to a new location.

Fresh seafood specials every week. Prime aged beef and scrumptious dishes. Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, over 30 wines by the glass and largest vodka selection downtown. Regular and late night happy hour, Wednesday wine flights and Thursday is Ladies Night. Be sure to check out the Bistro Burger during lunch. Ya Ya’s is both sophisticated and whimsical. Mosaic tile floors, stone columns and fabric covered wall panels while heavy beamed ceilings, hand blown chandeliers and curvy wroughtiron railings add a whimsical flair. The menu is inspired by a combination of Italian, French, Spanish and Greek cuisines. Mediterranean Euro Delights share the menu with pizzas from our wood-burning oven, rich creative pastas and an array of the freshest of seafood dishes and innovative meat entrees. Join us on the Patio, with live local music every Tuesday & Friday, or on Sunday for Brunch ($16.95 & only $13.95 for the early bird special, 10am to 11am). Reservations are preferred. For the salad lover, Dizzy’s is an absolute paradise. Its list of eleven “Ridiculously Large Entrée Salads” runs the gamut of what you can do with greens and dressing. For example Zilpphia’s Persian Lime Salad, featuring grilled turkey breast, tomato, cucumber, onion, lime and buffalo mozzarella over romaine. For another: Mary Ann’s Dream, with grilled chicken breast, baby spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, cranberries, mandarin oranges, bourbon pecans and bleu cheese. Don’t that sound good? With its exciting and creative dishes, it’s no secret why Oak Street Bistro has always been a Conway front-runner. Interesting combinations of great ingredients lead to wonderful flavor profiles that leave you wanting more. The menu has been expanded to feature some entrees in anticipation of its move at the beginning of the year. The desserts are decadent especially the Kentucky Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie.

ChINEsE FanTasTiC China 1900 N Grant St Heights 501-663-8999

Sharing good things with good friends is the motto at Fantastic China. A Central Arkansas favorite offering the Freshest Chinese Food in town. It’s made to order with 100% Vegetable Oil. The presentation is beautiful, the menu distinctive, and the service perfect. Fantastic China is one of the heights most reliable and satisfying restaurants and a local favorite. Full bar.

MExICAN Casa Manana TaqueRia

400 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-6637 6820 Cantrell Road • 501-280-9888 18321 Cantrell Road • 501-868-8822

Voted Best Mexican 2007. Featuring authentic fare from the Puebla region of Mexico, the selections seem endless at your choice of 3 locations in the Little Rock area. You will find an array of dishes ranging from the salient Shrimp Veracruzana at La Palapa out west to great Guacamole in the River Market Taqueria. Or try tasty Tostadas that share the name of the original Cantrell location, Casa Manana.

AsIAN lilly’s diMsuM Then soMe

Look no further…voted Best Asian again by the Arkansas Times readers. Lilly’s serves up extraordinary dishes made from the freshest, premium local and organic ingredients. Also enjoy warm and inviting ambiance as you dine on any one of the tasty house specialties. Sundays are wine day: all wine by the bottle, half off.

suPer king buffet

One of central Arkansas’s largest Chinese buffets, we offer all your favorites with our sushi bar and Mongolian Grill included for one low price. Our dinner and all-day Sunday buffet include your lunch favorites as well as all-you-can eat crab legs, whole steamed fish, barbecue spare ribs, crispy jumbo shrimp and grilled steaks. Take-out buffet and menu available.

11121 Rodney Parham 501-716-2700

Super King Buffet

4000 Springhill Plaza Ct. North Little Rock (Just past Wal-Mart on McCain) 501-945-4802 Sun-Thurs 11am to 9:30pm Fri & Sat 11am to 10:30pm

black angus

10907 N. Rodney Parham Mon-Sat 10:30am-9pm 501-228-7800

Homemade Comfort Food daily Specials • Monday: Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry. Tuesday: Pot Roast. Wednesday: Meatloaf. Thursday: BBQ Plate or Shepherd’s Pie. Friday & Saturday: Fried Catfish.

saTelliTe CaFe

Satellite Cafe - Heights techno-pop coffee shop that serves up the best coffee and breakfast in town, along with great lunch options (dine in or to go). And dinner is served every night except Sunday. Half-off happy hour spot - 4 until 6:30. Remember the drive thru window, just call in and pick up!! BLD - Mon-Sat. B Sunday

uMp’s Pub & grill

Whether the Travs are at home or on the road, come enjoy the unique Dickey-Stephens Park Atmosphere at Ump’s, an upscale sports pub and restaurant, featuring sandwiches, salads, steaks, seafood, good times and more! Now open 7 days a week for lunch, and open all day sat. and sun during Football season. Closed on Tues & Wed nights since baseball season has ended.

CapeRs ResTauRanT

Indulge in the culinary creations and intimate environment that define Capers Restaurant. Food and wine enthusiasts agree Capers’ sophisticated approach to dining is key to it’s many accolades including receiving the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for six years running.

CoppeR GRill & GRoCeRy

An endless array of delicious dishes available in the Grill or grab your Gourmet-to-Go from the Grocery. Offering products by French Farm, Bella Cucina & Bittersweet Herb that promise to turn any recipe into a memorable masterpiece Copper Grill & Grocery is a wonderland for the gourmand.

burger MaMa’s

Burgers, of course…big juicy burgers! Chicken Fish and More! Unexpected pleasure: Homemade chili. Come see what all the fuss is about! Karaoke Saturdays from 8pm-11.


This is a first class establishment. SO has some of the best steaks and seafood in the city, including oysters from the east and west coasts. Their menu has been updated and features a fantastic selection of cheeses like port salut, stilton, murcia and pecorino. Don’t forget to check out the extensive wine list.

butcher shoP

Butcher Shop Savings! SAVE NOW 15% on holiday gift certificates. $50 gift certificate for only $42.50! Mention this promotion in Arkansas Times and purchase gift certificates this September thru October and save 15%! Make a list of friends and clients you want to give during the holidays, go to the Butcher Shop, purchase all your gift certificates and save 15% - but your gifts still reflect the same amount. $50 gift certificate for only $42.50! But hurry - purchases must be made by end of October.

Kavanaugh and University, 501-663-6336

Dickey-Stephens Park Broadway at the bridge North Little Rock (501) 324-BALL (2255)

14502 Cantrell Road 501-868-7600

300 West 3rd Street 501-375-3333

10721 Kanis Road 225-2495 M-Th 10:30-9 Fri 10:30-10 Sat 10:30-11 Sun Noon-8

Open daily. 11 am - close Sunday Brunch. 11 am to 2 pm 3610 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1464

Shackleford & Hermitage Rd. (501) 312-2748

stEAk sonny WilliaMs

If you have not been to Sonny Williams lately, get there immediately and check out the martini/wine bar. Now you can enjoy 35 wines by the glass, 335 selections of wine, 6 single barrel bourbons and all different kinds of Scotch from the many regions of Scotland. Of course, don’t miss out on the nightly entertainment by Jeff at the piano. Sonny’s is a River Market mainstay and perfect for intimate private parties; free valet parking! As always, Sonny Williams has the best steaks in town along with fresh seafood and game. No Skinny Steaks… Call ahead for reservations (501) 324-2999

Faded Rose

Featuring the Best Steaks in town with a New Orleans flair from a New Orleans native. Also featuring Seafood and Creole Specialties. As Rachel Ray says “This place is one of my best finds ever.” Back by popular demand…Soft Shell Crab and New Orleans Roast Beef Po-Boys.

500 President Clinton Avenue Suite 100 (In the River Market District) 501-324-2999 DINNER MON - SAT 5:00 - 11:00 pm PIANO BAR TUES - THU 7:00 - 11:00 pm FRI & SAT 7:00 - Late

400 N. Bowman 501-224-3377 1619 Rebsamen 501-663-9734 Open Sunday


9501 N. Rodney Parham 501-227-7272

Enjoy regional specialties such as Lentil soup, a huge serving of yummy Hummus, Baba Ghannnouj or Tabbouleh. And don’t forget about the Gyros, they’re sure to be heroes in your book!

BREw puB Vino’s Pizza•Pub•brewery 923 West 7th Street 501/375-VINO (8466)

Beer, pizza and more! Drop in to Vino’s, Little Rock’s Original Brewpub! and enjoy great New York-style pizza (whole or by-the-slice) washed down with your choice of award-winning ales or lagers brewed right on site. Or try a huge calzone, our new Muffaletta sandwich or just a salad and a slice with our homemade root beer. The deck’s always open, you don’t have to dress up and the kids are always welcome (or not). Vino’s is open 7 days, lunch and dinner. You can call ahead for carry-out and even take a gal. growler of beer to-go. And guess what?? The bathrooms have just been re-done!















F E b R uA Ry 1 1 , 2 0 1 0

Modern Quapaw Tower condo has many unique features

Quapaw Tower is a unique property combining history, charm, convenience and value. Unit 12J is one of the most unique condo units available in the area, maximizing space and design aesthetic. The architectural design combines a multi-purpose kitchen/dining/living room area which features sleek, modern cabinets that double as living room storage and custom stainless countertops that double as a dining table. Other kitchen features include German sink & faucet, refrigerator/freezer and dishwasher drawers plus additional multi-purpose appliances. The bedroom is a calm oasis with shoji-style sliding doors opening from two vantage points into the living room, as well as opening into a spacious walk-in closet, the bathroom and additional floor-to-ceiling closets. The bathroom features tile from Waterworks, including heated floors, and a unique toilet & sink from

The bathroom has heated floors.

Shoji-style doors separate the condo.

Simas of Italy, with a Gerberit flushing mechanism and a one-off Wenge cistern enclosure and floating vanity. Four individual flow controls manage a total of eight Kohler water tile shower heads. This unit has been featured four times in “At Home Arkansas”, including the showcase cover of a special designer’s issue. The condo was featured in an article on maximizing small spaces for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Style section. It has also been included in the Chandler & Associates School of Design class tour, the bi-annual Quapaw Tower Tour of Homes and was a particular favorite in the 2008 Downtown Little Rock Partnership tour. It is listed with Gold Star Realty. Call Gerald White at 501-680-3640 or Mary Johnson at 501-952-4318 for pricing or a private tour. Visit WWW.LRCONDO.COM for additional information and more pictures.

The kitchen is top-of-the-line.

Enjoy a skyline view of the city. ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 59


Downtown 300 THIRD CONDO - Competitively priced 2br/2ba condo with French balcony, black-out shades, limestone counters and stainless appliances. enjoy spectacular views of the sunset. Call eric or Cara Wilkerson for a private tour at 501-804-2633.

• Architectural design • Modern features • Fabulous amenities Featured 4 times in At Home in Arkansas!

Call Gerald White, 680-3640 or Mary Johnson, 952-4318. Visit for more pictures & info. Gold Star Realty

LAFAYETTE SQUARE - One & two br condos which feature open floor plans of 1,026 to 1,667 SF and are competively priced for lease and for sale. urban upscale living has never been so accessible and affordable. each unit has large kitchens complete with marble counters, classic hardwood cabinetry & stainless steel appliances. Washers & dryers are included in every condo. building amenities include reserved gated parking, an exercise room & sauna, storage units and meeting/event space. Pricing starts at $145,900. Call Melissa bond of the Charlotte John Company for sales inquires at 960-0665.


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free 1-800-669-9077. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.


QUAPAW TOWER Condo with architectural design, modern features and fabulous features. Shoji-style doors are a fantastic feature of the unit. Listed with Gold Star realty. Call Gerald White at 501-680-3640 or Mary Johnson at 501-952-4318 for pricing or more info.

Midtown Little Rock 16 RESERVOIR HEIGHTS CONDO $129,900. 2br/2ba, 1384 SF. Great open floorplan and stress free living. Condo fees includes pool access. Qualifies for $8K tax credit. Seller to pay $2500 towards closing costs and 6 months condo dues w/acceptable offer. Call John, Pulaski Heights realty, for showing at 993-5442.

Hillcrest 4307 N. LOOKOUT - $429,000. Fabulous 4 or 5 br home with 2.5 ba is like a private Hillcrest hideaway. beautifully updated with stained and leaded glass features. upgraded kitchen with contemporary solid surface counters & top-ofthe-line stainless steel appliances. The huge multi-level deck is ideal for outside grilling, dining & entertaining. For more details, call Susan Desselle with the Charlotte John Company at 772-7100 or visit www.

4920 LEE AVE - $215,000. 2br/2ba, 1409 SF. New HVaC in 2009, 30 yr roof. updated kitchen with granite tile counters & new stainless appliances. Great backyard/deck and insulated & drywalled storage bldg. Call John, Pulaski Heights realty, for showing at 993-5442. 601 N. PINE - $255,000. Charming bungalow in the heart of Hillcrest, just steps away from allsopp Park & within walking distance to many shops & restaurants. The home has 3br/2ba, two living areas, hardwoods & tall ceilings. relax on the shaded deck in the gorgeous backyard. Call eric Wilkerson of the Charlotte John Company for a personal tour at 804-2633. For more information or photos on this fantastic home visit www. DUPLEX - $185,000. Over 2700 total SF. buy now & get $8K tax credit and have renter offset your mortgage payment. Main level is 2br/2ba, 1500 SF. upstairs studio rental is approx 550 SF ($515/mo.) also, has 700+SF walkout basement. New 30 yr roof in 2003. Owner is licensed agent. Call John, Pulaski Heights realty, at 993-5442 for more info.


211 ASH - $130,000. Investors Must See! HILLCreST OPPOrTuNITy! Large 2br that could have a 3rd br or nice size office. Homes is priced low to allow the new owner to make updates. Close to uaMS - excellent purchase for a uaMS student or someone looking to rent to students. Floored attic offers LOTS of storage. Call Stacy Johnson, Pulaski Heights realty, for a personal showing. 501786-0024

North Little Rock 6220 SOUTHWIND - $273,900. Spacious 3-4br/3.5ba home with all the amenities you would expect in a newer home. Just across I-430 from Maumelle, this home sits atop the ridge overlooking the arkansas river Valley & the downtown Skyline. This immaculate home is located in an ideal location, hidden away but only minutes from Little rock. easy access to the big Dam bridge and the river Trail. Call Susan Desselle of the Charlotte John Company for a private tour. 501-772-7100.

Hers, inc. presents pULAsKi cOUntY reAL estAte sALes Over $105,000 James r. alexander to Carthel J. Finch, Debbie S. Finch, Pt Sections 28-33 28-1S-10W, Pt 36-1S-11W, $5,200,000. Michael H. Martin, rhonda J. Martin to Hsbc bank uSa, 4 Spring Valley Ln., $1,214,431. Michio Kajitani, Kari M. Kajitani to David W. bass, 13240 Rivercrest Dr., $725,000. James W. Schmidley, eugenia M. Schmidley to richard H. Turnage, Jill J. Turnage, 39 River Ridge Cir., $600,000. Christopher L. Palmer, Carrie W. Palmer to Mark McCaslin revocable Trust, Mark McCaslin, L305, Cypress Point West, $485,000. Larry Walden LLC to Christopher S. McGhee, L76, Asutin Lakes On The Bay, $465,000. Woodhaven Homes Inc. to bradley N. Jenkins, rennie Herndon, 9 Bonnard Cove, Maumelle, $436,000. Sixth Hole Condos at Chenal Woods LLC to robert W. Palmer, 4 2 2 C h e n a l Wo o d s D r. , $370,000. robert H. Fiser, II, Catherine S. Fiser to Finos b. Johnson, elizabeth Shores, 11106 Rock Valley Dr., $350,000. Christopher C. Monroe, Stephanie Monroe to David

Cassinelli, Courtney Cassinelli, 2809 N. Taylor St., $350,000. elder Custom Homes Inc. to annie Sifford, Charles Sifford, Jr., 127 Lake Valley Dr., Maumelle, $345,000. John Hess Construction LLC to Kui Teng, Zhuo Q. yang, 10 Highfield Cove, $333,000. russell e. Murphy, Teressa r. Murphy to aurora Loan Services LLC, 920 Scott St., $326,733. Keith M. McPherson, Julie a. McPherson to bertrand Courmont, Sandrine Courmont, L17 B2, Woodlands Edge, $325,000. Gregory W. McGill, Caroline S. McGill to brian a. Self, Stephanie J. Self, 21 Village Grove Rd., $325,000. Paul e. Dussex, rhoda b. Dussex to Lawrence N. young, Virginia u. young, 2625 Whitewood Dr., Sherwood, $283,000. Spears Custom Homes LLC to ryan adams, 2641 Whitewood Dr., Sherwood, $280,000. L. J. Muncy, Jr., Peggy Muncy to John e. allen, Lyndsey e. allen, 22 Hayfield Rd., $270,000. rodney Chandler to regions bank, regions Mortgage, L36, Kanis Creek, $258,482. Gerald L. Schaefer, Christine Schaefer to Don Weese, II, L9 B64, Lakewood, $240,000.


Dustin Noland, amy Noland to Karl e. Sorrells, Heidi Sorrells, 106 Shady Dr., Maumelle, $228,000. randy Wiggins Company Inc. to ronald W. Coward, Deborah K. Coward, 8001 Austin Gardens Ct., Sherwood, $222,000. Ola Mae Mullinax revocable Trust, Ola M. Mullinax to bace Properties LLC, Christopher Sanders, april Sanders, eugene e. Johnson, Jr., 3513 Hollmore, Sherwood, $210,000. Herbert F. Crum, Jr., Marjorie L. Crum to Lindsey a. Kenny, L85, Waterside Replat, $201,000. Keith Hardin, alana Hardin to anne L. Michael, edward J. Michael, E/2 NE 32-2N-12W, SE NE 32-2N-12W, $200,000. Lynton egboSimbe, Lynton egboSimba, Phobe egboSimba to Mustafa a. almaqaleh, L3 B9, R. C. Butlers, $200,000. Freddye M. Norwood to Secretary Of Housing and urban Development, 7314 Hidden Valley Rd., $199,529. Vereasia Penigar to robert S. bennett, Natalie M. bennett, 4625 Brandywine Co ve, Sherwood, $195,000. Lawrence N. young, Virginia u. young to Scott W. Stutts, Debra K. Stutts, 129 Basalt Cove, Sherwood, $190,000. Lyndon W. Cook, Laura N.

Cook to aaron C. Hardage, Kate F. Hardage, 11 Carriage Cove, $188,000. Graham Smith Construction LLC to ethel Walters, 3 Chapman Ln., $187,000. bob bracy, Connie bracy to blake C. Jones, rachael W. Jones, L8 B41, Pleasant Valley, $183,000. Centennial bank to Karen J. Payne, L1R, Glen Abbey Court, $179,000. SDW enterprises LLC to Nattaisha edwards, Don a. edwards, Ls8-9 B6, Oak Terrace, $178,000. Commissioner In Circuit to bank Of Little rock, 1 Birdie Loop, Maumelle, $169,007. Thomas J. Morton, Wannetta y. Morton to Deutsche bank N a t i o n a l Tr u s t C o m p a n y, 52 Dove Creek Cir., NLR, $165,750. Sandra P. Kahler to Kyle Graumann, Natalie Sanders, Ls19-20 B3, C. S. Stifft, $160,000. Farmers & Merchants bank Of Stuttgart to Jeffrey a. Pinter, Josephine a. Pinter, 35 Bronte Ct., $152,000. Scott S. allison, bethany allison to Wells Fargo bank Na, 617 Baywood Dr., $151,539. Julio Garcia, Mary C. Garcia to american General Financial

Request an Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) Add up to $7,618 in Energy Improvements Home Energy Rating Systems Pay off with Utility Savings Certified Home Energy Rating Professionals

501-353-0605 60 February 11, 2010 • arKaNSaS TIMeS

Services I, 2415 Peach Tree Dr., $150,000. rodney L. Nelson, Karen P. Nelson to regions bank, regions Mortgage, L64, Woodland Ridge, $149,238. Cynthia L. elia to Gale e. Campbell, Kathy D. Campbell, 26 Club Rd., Jacksonville, $148,000. Wells Fargo bank National association to Stefano Santamaria, L1 B41, Lakewood, $145,000. Charles M. Noteboom, Judith Noteboom to Marti K. Morrison, 3023 Foxcroft Rd., $144,000. elizabeth Wylie, elizabeth J. Garison, aaron Wylie to Camille C. Parker, 717 N. Bryan St., $140,000. John burns to Michael a. austin, Leigh b. austin, 419 N. Jackson St., $129,000. Walter M. Simpson, Jr., elizabeth F. Simpson to John e. bailey, L22, Riverside, $128,000. a. Paige Nix benedict, a. Paige Nix, Phillip D. benedict to Mary C. Martinez, L79, Ellis Acres, $127,000. Thomas J. Townsend to erica L. Webb, 417 West F Ave., NLR, $125,000. rausch Coleman Mid ark LLC to rebecca a. Gregory, 1110 Aster Dr., NLR, $125,000.

Ledell Williams, Theresa Williams to Secretar y Of Veterans affairs, 5707 Old Pine Rd., $123,382. Shelby Carey, James Carey, II to Chase Home Finance LLC, 10414 Independence Ln., $120,468. Ona r. eldridge to William rogers, barbara rogers, L7, Bonnie Brae, $110,000. Jimmy D. Hill, Jeanie J. Hill to Patrick McNally, 6421 Chippewa Dr., NLR, $110,000. Johnnie M. Gupton to Lions World Services For blind Inc., L8 B7, Woodruff, $105,000.


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by neighborhood ArkAnsAs Times • februAry 11, 2010 61 ArkAnsAs Times • sepTember 4, 2008 61

Too much potus n We’ve had four good presidents, and we won’t have any more good ones, the U.S. Supreme Court having just decided that hereafter the plutocrats can simply buy the presidency, and of course they’re not going to install anyone in the office who’ll serve anyone’s interests except their own. My guess is that hereafter there’ll be a long dismal run of presidents who are either (1) easily manipulable pious rubes, or (2) weasels of the sort and look who today ceo the too-big-to-fails. Crooks and nuts in the forefront, we’ll slide off into another Dark Age. You can take that to the bank, except when you get there they’ll all be boarded up. Four out of 44 is less than 10 percent, not enough to keep a hitter in the baseball bigs, but not a bad average when you’re comparing the ratio of superior presidents to that of superior popes or Caesars or pharaohs or clarinet players. Lots of novelists write 44 books, but it’s a scant few who write four good ones. There might not ever have been a novelist who wrote four good ones. If you have nominees, go back and do some re-reading. I guarantee you’ll at least waver beyond three. Arthur Schlesinger Sr. — not Jr., mind you; this was the old man, a far classier act — published the first historians’ poll ranking

Bob L ancaster presidents in the now-familiar categories of great, near great, average, furniture, and pisspoor, or something like that. The historians in that first poll, back in the Truman twilight, were remarkably charitable in their assessments, naming 5 White House greats and 6 near-greats and only two bums, but the bloom was soon off and by Nixon the greats and nears were down to more reasonable numbers while the duds and the clowns had multiplied like Duggars. That downward trend continues in Century 21. The wildest swings in this game belong to Woodrow Wilson, a consensus great early on, down and up again, more recently down willy-nilly squirting seltzer with the clowns. TR horses up and down the scale too. Consistency champ might be FDR — top or bottom for the same morons he was top or bottom for 75 years ago, for the same reasons. I’d tell you my four good presidents except I’m sure you wouldn’t care any more than I’d care who your four are, if


you have four. And no good ever comes from showing your hand in this little exercise. It can animate a dinner party that’s died, but disputes based on such disclosure can get out of hand. They can lead to fistfights and divorces, and they used to pretty regularly lead to duels. And the packers of today who might umbrage out over what they see as a cahuna slight don’t fotch popgun derringers. Most often it only confirms the other party’s suspicions of your political perspicacity when you blab your greats and nears and duds and clowns. At best you succeed in making smug bastards smugger and fanatics a little grimmer in their determination to move ever deeper into error and psychosis. For example, just my opinion, but if you’ve been dead-ass certain for 30 years now that Clinton is the Antichrist, the scales aren’t going to fall off your eyes because a pin-headed poltroon the likes of Ol’ Moi has jacked Peyronie Bubba all the way up into his Top Ten. Another Presidents Day looms. We’re supposed to take off work and give thought to these 44 worthies, without surcease, for an entire day. That’s about 20 minutes apiece, if you don’t count sleep time, and if you ask me that’s thinking about them way too much. George Washington deserves 20 minutes of your time and attention, but a case can’t be made for Zachary Taylor or Chester A. Arthur, neither of whom could’ve used up a 20-minute allotment



FieldWorkers- 10 temporary positions; approx 10 months; Duties: to operate tractors during the preparation and maintenance of the fields for the harvesting season and during the harvesting season. $9.09per hour; Job to begin on 3/20/10 through 1/20/11. 3 months experience required in job offered. Must pass drug test provide by employer. all work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; _ guaranteed of contract. employment offered by Monte Vallot’ s Farm located in abbeville, La. Qualified applicants may fax resume to Patrice Vallot at (225) 766-0994 and reference job order #346646.


is now accepting applications! If you have sales experience and enjoy the exciting and crazy world of advertising, then we wouId like to talk to you. This position has a high income potential for a hard working advertising executive. We have fun, but we work hard. If you have a dynamic energetic personality we’d like to talk to you. Please send your resume and cover letter to Heather Baker-

• arKaNSaS TIMeS tIMEs august11, 13,2010 2009 • aRKaNsas 62 February

FieldWorkers-20 temporary positions; approx 10 months; Duties: to operate tractors in the fields during the preparation, planting and maintenance of the crop before, during and after the harvesting season. $9.09 per hour; Job to begin on 3/15/10 through 1/15/11. 3 months experienced required in job offered. all work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; _ guaranteed of contract. employment offered by adeline enterprises, L.L.C. located in Jeanerette, La. Qualified applicants may fax their resume to robert allain at (225) 766-0994 and reference job order #346531. sr. engineer, eMS applications (multiple positions). Support & maintain advance eMS applications. MS, electrical engineering with emphasis or thesis on power systems. In depth expertise in State estimation, Power Flow, Contingency analysis, eMS applications. Job in Little rock, ar. May be transferred to undet. locations in uS. Send resume to entergy, attn. L. Hendler, 639 Loyola ave. 22nd Fl, New Orleans, La 70113. apply w/in 30 days & refer job #29654 to be considered.

ChenAl VAlley with a view 4,800 sf.(5 bedroom/4 full baths/2 half baths) Price: $499,900.Master on main level, luxurious master bath. upstairs: 3 Large brs, all with adjoining baths. Lower level has Media room, Game room, 1 Large bedroom w/full bath. Call-rhonda Flagg 501.580.8505, Keller Williams realty.

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in contemplation of himself. Half in either case would’ve gone to a power nap. Even when it’s not Presidents Day we think about these jokers way too much — a conclusion reached more than 50 years ago by Russell Baker of the New York Times when he was pulled off his regular beat after the first Eisenhower heart attack and named special White House correspondent in charge of covering the ailing president’s bowel movements. If there were any. And 30 years before that five-star poop led all the news that was fit to print, H.L. Mencken noted that it already had the power to stop the presses all over and eclipse all other news when a vehicle in a presidential motorcade ran over a dog. Even if the dog survived. Maybe especially if the dog survived. We have to give it a rest. Maybe point the thing back in the other direction by having a moratorium on presidential coverage for a day. Play Golden Oldie hit singles and Three Stooges shorts instead. Restrict pundits to bloviations on wildflowers. Op-eds only by such as Cesar Millan and Guy Fieri. The Big Picture. Lots of that NASA orbital footage. The ideal Anti-Presidents Day scenario would feature a president retreating into anti-narcissism like J.D. Salinger, going into seclusion and on into hiding — and staying there, like Kafka’s hunger artist, at least until we lost our morbid curiosity and mobbed off after somebody else.


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