YOUNG DOCTORS Physicians, like Theresa Wyrick-Glover, are making a name early. Plus, two lists. BY LESLIE NEWELL PEACOCK PAGE 14
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ARKANSAS TIMES (ISSN 0164-6273) is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Periodical postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ARKANSAS TIMES, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR, 72203. Subscription prices are $42 for one year, $78 for two years. Subscriptions outside Arkansas are $49 for one year, $88 for two years. Foreign (including Canadian) subscriptions are $168 a year. For subscriber service call (501) 375-2985. Current single-copy price is 75¢, free in Pulaski County. Single issues are available by mail at $2.50 each, postage paid. Payment must accompany all single-copy orders. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care; however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to ARKANSAS TIMES will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to ARKANSAS TIMES’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially.
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Baggers in the library An open letter to Tea Baggers: I’ve noticed that in my little town of Conway, your local contingent often holds its anti-government meetings in places like the Faulkner County Library, Conway’s McGee Sports Center or our municipal courts building. And when one of your national Tea Baggers stopped in Little Rock a few months ago to speak, the event was held at the Central Arkansas Library’s Butler Center. Isn’t it ironic that these venues used free by your group for its activities in support of limited government are housed in taxpayer-funded public buildings? Perhaps other locales with active Tea Bag cells might report similar behavior. It’s good that we have public facilities such as these that are available to citizens. You shouldn’t have to rent an expensive conference room at the Hilton every time your stamp club, book club, student group or Tea Bag buddies want to meet. But being members of an outfit like the Tea Baggers, which so fervently rails against government spending, how are you able to reconcile your group’s habitual use of free public facilities? When your local TB chapter is meeting in a place like Conway’s McGee Center, plotting plans to downsize government and fulminating over high taxes, do any of you ever express concerns for the costs that taxpayers must bear to provide this public space for your free use? If your little group is really serious about shrinking government and cutting taxes, show us that you mean it and put your money where your mouth is. Rent a room for your next TB meeting and just say “No!” to free public accommodations. Your local economy needs the business. And you can stay out of our public libraries, too! I love libraries, patronize them often and encourage others to do the same. But when it comes to you small-government types, I don’t want to see any of you browsing the stacks, looking for a free read on the taxpayer‘s back. If you want a book, go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon or Hastings and buy it! Or just stay tuned to Fox News. They tell you all you really need to know, don‘t they? Tom Norrell Conway
More ‘Talking points’ Since my dear son knows what a fan of the Arkansas Times his mother is, he sent me some choice excerpts from the copies he collects for me. Bob Lancaster 4 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
and his “Talking points” column (Oct. 5) gave me a lot of out-loud laughs. Only a very fertile brain could come up with all that! I’ll hold to his promise of more to come. If he finds any more really good stuff, bring it on! I am a big fan. Peggy Wolfe Heber Springs
From the web In reaction to news about Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art founded by Alice Walton: I think it’s great that this museum
is being built. I also think it is a shame that while the family is spending $1.4 billion on the museum, that Walmart is also slashing workers’ already meager health benefits. Walmart associates aren’t asking to be millionaires or have their own museums, but to be able to work hard and provide a decent life for their families. Brad Whitaker In response to stories about Occupy Little Rock: These I see are some of the gripes OWS/OLR have.
“I’m just so thankful for everyone at Baptist Health. How do you thank people for saving your life?” Why the Huneycutt Family chooses Baptist Health: Trey Huneycutt found his mother, Cindy, unconscious on the floor, the victim of a cardiac arrest. Though paramedics restored her heartbeat, Cindy was in danger of losing significant brain function. A new process recently introduced at Baptist Health, Therapeutic Hypothermia, prevented brain damage and helped Cindy make a full recovery. “I can’t thank my doctors enough,” said Cindy, who is back in action at the family farm.
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The feds are trying again to help people with mortgages. Underwater mortgages brought on by the last housing bubble — unregulated lending practices that financed people into homes they would not have been otherwise able to afford by using risky lending schemes. The banks lost and they got bailed out. People lost homes and try as they have the feds can’t seem to stop people from losing a place to live. But still the feds are trying to bail people out for being greedy with too much house compared to what they make. Then you have student loans. People who had tried to better themselves with higher education. But the lending practices are largely unregulated as well. Huge loans being financed by the feds. In today’s economy grads have to pay them no matter what the state of the economy. Sure payments can be put off 3 years. Or, payments reduced — not options with a mortgage, true. But interest accumulates that whole time. Accumulating interest over 3 years can increase a loan amount 30 percent. Then you have to hope you find a job that pays you 30 percent more than it would have otherwise. There is a disparity between the amount you borrow vs. the amount you make. Not all jobs are guaranteed to make a salary to meet loan payments. It is a gamble. It brings to mind, is that gamble in higher ed worth it? The best or worst example are pilots. A junior pilot will easily rack up $60,000 in loans because the labs in school are flight lessons. Very expensive. But, that junior pilot is lucky to make 20K a year each year for the first 2 maybe 3 years out of school. That’s just above single-person poverty. Not enough to pay loans and if they don’t, interest on 60K at 7 to 8 percent is frightening. That individual will be playing catch up for most of their life if the slightest unforeseen event delays anywhere near a top end salary schedule. Student loan defaults have no tangible collateral to collect except one’s indentured servitude for life. I think the next financial bubble will be student loans. Why are people getting bailed out of mortgages and the fed does nothing to help bail out those affected by similar failed student loan practices? Because, bailouts are meant to affect the corporations only. If a bailout plan harms a corporation the feds won’t support it. Ron Rizzardi Submit letters to the Editor, Arkansas Times, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, AR 72203. We also accept letters via e-mail. The address is We also accept faxes at 375-3623. Please include name and hometown.
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A way with words
e’ve noted before the right-wingers’ talent for seizing control of the political dialogue through repeated use of terms that are misleading when not entirely false. For example, their insistence on “death tax” instead of “inheritance tax,” making it appear the tax is paid by everyone when it’s really paid only by a tiny handful of the super-rich. They’ve converted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into Obamacare, believing the substance of this progressive legislation less important than the identity of the person (black, smooth-talking) who signed it into law. They’ve recycled the old “class warfare” slogan so that now it means “any attempt to increase taxes on the wealthiest 10 percent of the population, regulate their financial transactions, or criticize their behavior.” John Powers has collected many of the rightists’ favorite terms in an article in the Nov. 11 issue of The American Prospect. We recommend it highly. A few of our favorites: “PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS: A cabal defending the ‘right’ of sullen, inefficient, and overpaid government workers to drain the state’s coffers, leading to higher taxes. “RONALD REAGAN: The iconic hero who fought abortion, refused to raise taxes, and toppled communism through strength instead of negotiation. Not to be confused with Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, who did none of these things. “THE FUTURE: The past.” Part of that once-and-future past the righties pine for is when only white males were allowed to vote, and only prosperous white males of a certain maturity truly welcome at the polls. Through their subsidiary, the Republican Party, they’re moving the country back toward that exclusive era. As they gain majorities in more and more state legislatures, Republican lawmakers are enacting more and more restrictions on voting. Until this year, only Indiana and Georgia required all voters to present photo identification. Five more states now have strict voter-identification laws and Republicans are seeking their enactment everywhere. A photoID bill sponsored by a Republican member cleared the Arkansas House of Representatives early this year but died in the Senate. Democrats still hold a slim majority in the Arkansas legislature. The bill will be back in 2013, and if the Republicans are in control, it will pass. The record shows that these photo-ID laws do not expose voter fraud. What they do, what they’re intended to do, is discourage voting by people who might be inclined to vote Democratic: minorities, the poor, the young, the elderly, those who move around a lot because they’re not homeowners. These are the people most likely to lack a photo ID that would meet the Republican requirements. In Texas, a concealed-weapon permit will allow you to vote. A college ID will not. Guns for the many, votes for the few is the Republican ideal.
READYING A NEW MUSEUM: Workers check lighting in one of the galleries at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, to open Nov. 11 in Bentonville.
Tax talk one-sided
he Arkansas Democrat-Gazette churned up a little weekend enterprise reporting by assessing the possibility of tax cut proposals in the 2012 session of the legislature. The even-year meeting is the second installment of the fiscal sessions directed by voters by constitutional amendment in 2008. It’s supposed to be a quick budget review, not a time for serious new initiatives. The pitch of the story, however, gives you some idea how successful the Republicans, have been in selling the press and public on the Tea Party narrative. That is, government spending is too great and taxes too high. There is no other story line to consider. It passes for sober leadership now when a comparatively old guard Arkansas Republican, such as Rep. Davy Carter, expresses a reluctance to discuss tax cuts in 2012. But others, such as Eddie Joe Williams of Cabot and Mark Biviano of Searcy (coincidentally facing tough re-election battles) are fully ready to push for tax cuts in 2012, no matter how unlikely their passage. Williams promises his tax cuts will create jobs. This is meant to imply it will be a cure, with trickledown, for revenue reduction. We have a decade of proof on the national level that tax cuts don’t create jobs. We likewise have years of proof in Arkansas that capital gains tax cuts — the Republican default tax cut — are worthless as economic stimulus. We also have ample proof that giving away tax money to corporations is no economic boon. Yet still we persist, even to the point of giving companies money (think Dassault Falcon) that have reduced their workforce. Taxes, in some respect, ARE too high. Our present state income tax was progressive when adopted in the mid-1970s. But a top marginal rate of 7 percent for all making more than $25,000 isn’t progressive today, given what $25,000 is worth in 2011. Taxes are also too low in some cases. The scheme by which national corporations evade income taxes in Arkansas with
bookkeeping tricks is wellknown, but impervious to correction on account of the corporate lobby. The severance tax on natural gas doesn’t begin to cover even local road MAX damage of the drilling rigs, but BRANTLEY the corporate lobby is again organizing to defeat a populist effort to increase it and thus get a meaningful return on depletion of the state’s finite gas resource. The tax code is full of such injustices in need of specific correction. But an overall tax cut? Only a Republican could argue for this with a straight face and silence about what public services would be cut to accommodate a tax break for the wealthy, sure to be the top beneficiary of any major Republican tax cut. Would it be public schools, which consume about half the state budget and which must comply with the state Supreme Court’s adequacy order? Nursing homes, filled with Medicaid-supported elderly? Colleges, where the state’s decreasing support has already meant annual tuition increases that far outstrip inflation? Then there’s the prison population. Would a Republican really lead a charge to incarcerate fewer people? It’s not likely. Republican legislators are already broadcasting near-daily reports on crimes by recidivist parolees to demonstrate the folly of sentence reductions for drug offenders. (The Republicans are not without basis in asking whether drug courts and expensive private-sector treatment programs will really save much money.) There is one proven way to reduce at least some justice system expenses. That would be to end capital punishment, with its punishing legal costs. Can I get a Republican witness to this? Didn’t think so.
Next bailout: Greedy multinationals
he Occupation movement, if we may call it that, may peter out as big money hopes it will in the chill of winter and the distraction of presidential politics. But it will not share the fate of its twin, the Tea Party, which was to be co-opted by the very forces that caused its rage. Occupy Wall Street’s protesters and all its lineage from Jonesboro to Madrid have a clearer sense of what they are mad about: greed, how it manifests itself and how it poisons the country for everyone. The Tea Party, not so much. You never know where or how far an inchoate social movement will go, but this one may strike a chord with the silent populace more than did the Tea Party and its rage against government in all its forms. There is the same aura of helplessness in both movements. Remember the woman’s wail “I want my country back” at a town hall meeting in Little Rock in 2009 that was dominated by Tea Partiers? You hear the same sentiment if not the words at the Occupation rallies. The Tea Party, which basically is the
archconservative wing of the Republican Party, believes everything is the government’s ERNEST fault — the bank DUMAS and auto bailouts, the economic collapse, the long malaise that followed, gasoline prices. The occupiers know that it’s all the fault of greed by corporations and the super wealthy. They are both right, of course. But the Tea Partiers in the end give the finance industry, the big energy companies and the rest a pass. The government made them do it. It’s all about socialism. Now, the Tea Partiers want the government to remove the mild regulations that it put in place to prevent another such catastrophe and while it is at it cut their taxes. But government — Congress more than the rest — is at fault only because it is more or less owned by industry. For 30 years, the policies of government have facilitated the massive gravitation of
wealth to the financial and energy sectors and to about 1 percent of the population, a concentration unseen since Calvin Coolidge or perhaps the Gilded Age. The occupiers know that the country is sliding into a sinister manifestation, but it is not socialism but the opposite, an oligarchy that is run by and for the few with the consent of the many. It did not end with the bailouts, necessary as they probably were. It continues apace even in the bitterly divided Congress. When there is something big business really, really wants, all sides come together. Take the legislation to create a tax holiday for big multinational corporations. The likes of Pfizer and Qualcomm are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in earnings in foreign subsidiaries and won’t bring it home because they would have to pay the 35 percent tax on net income that they owe. A bipartisan bill in the Senate and a Republican bill in the House would give them a window of time to repatriate their earnings and pay a tax of only 5.25 percent (the Republican House bill) or 8.75 percent (the Senate bill). They justify rewarding the scofflaws by saying that the little money the treasury would collect the next two years would reduce the budget deficit and that all that cash coming home would be used to create jobs. It’s not the usual conservative
anti-tax thing. A big champion is Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, Wall Street’s favorite liberal lion. But it is what it is—a giveaway to big political contributors. Congress did the same thing in 2004, when Republicans held the presidency and both houses of Congress. The offshore tax holiday was supposed to produce an economic boom. It didn’t create a single job. The companies brought $300 billion home but distributed it in dividends and stock repurchases for shareholders and executives. After a single year of revenue inflow for the treasury, it magnified the deficits. That is due to happen again. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations concluded that this repatriation bill would add $80 billion to the national debt over the next decade. But, as Dick Cheney said, who cares about deficits? The same report, by the way, concluded the obvious: By rewarding bad behavior, tax holidays encourage companies and their accountants to search for new ways to shift profits and jobs offshore and avoid taxes. But in Congress jobs and deficits are only things to wail about. The wishes of big contributors are things to act upon. You sense that this is the system the occupiers want to change. Good luck with that.
No new Brummett
’m no John Brummett. Max Brantley, Ernie Dumas, Bob Lancaster, Paul Greenberg, Doug Smith or Gene Lyons either. All have strong voices and deep institutional knowledge. I have neither. This isn’t false modesty. Maybe one day I’ll be able to write with same authority they do, but being a political columnist isn’t something I aspire towards (reporter, editor, webmaster and media columnist seems like enough hats). Few others among my generation have made moves in that direction either. Aside from Jason Tolbert, the conservative political blogger who writes a weekly column for Stephens Media and is in his mid-30s, no young political columnist or opinion blogger has developed much of a following in recent years. Though, to be fair, few have had a chance. Kane Webb wrote political columns for the Democrat-Gazette in his 40s. Oxford American publisher Warwick Sabin was in his 20s when he wrote a column and contributed to the Arkansas Blog during his stint at the Times. Ditto for Katherine Whitworth, now
editor of Arkansas Life, who had a column in the Times briefly in 2007 before calling it quits. LINDSEY “It happens MILLAR that a few of us have become entrenched,” said Brummett, who’s penned columns for the Gazette, the Democrat, Stephens Media, the Arkansas Times and the Democrat-Gazette, to which he now contributes. “We get perpetuated by the natural following of the readership. No one has stepped up in the generation behind us partially because the world has changed and partially because we’re not going anywhere.” At 57, Brummett is the youngest among name columnists in Arkansas. Brantley, Dumas, Greenberg and Lyons are all 60 or older. Most of the current Democrat-Gazette columnists — Bradley Gitz, Dana Kelley, Mike Masterson and Rex Nelson — are baby boomers. Ditto for Arkansas Business editor Gwen Moritz, whose column often drifts into
politics. (When Meredith Oakley quit the Democrat-Gazette earlier this year after more than 30 years as a columnist for the Democrat and the D-G, Moritz became the token female news opinion columnist in Central Arkansas. Since Deborath Mathis wrote a column for the Times in the ’90s, best I can tell, no black political columnists have regularly appeared in Central Arkansas outlets). What happens when this aging coterie of white men decide to hang it up? “I retain the faith that great talent will always emerge, whether in this inky business or any other,” e-mailed Paul Greenberg, who started writing editorials in 1962, in response to my question about his and his ilk’s persistence. “We’re always interested in talent and our Voices Page is always open to guest submissions. But I’m not sure if many of the contributors are interested in becoming columnists. I can’t say I blame them. Some of us wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves if we didn’t have to feed the beast daily; others doubtless prefer a more civilized life.” Of course “feeding the beast” daily has become the mantra of any digital journalist or opinion writer worth his salt. That no — or at least few — young
political writers have made names for themselves in Arkansas through web work the way that Ezra Klein, Matthew Yglesias and other national political commentators have owes to several factors, I suspect: The biggest news outlet in the state, the Democrat-Gazette, largely employs a retrograde web philosophy that hasn’t encouraged anything akin to political blogging. Brantley so thoroughly reports and opines that he doesn’t leave much room for anyone else online (particularly those who are progressive-minded). And Arkansas isn’t a place that bright, young, politically minded reporters usually stay for very long. Eventually, some of those factors will change, though I’m counting on Max continuing at his current pace until he’s 100. Opinion commentators will always exist of course. I’m less convinced about the future of the opinion column in print. “If the printed newspaper is fading due to economic change and digital change and demographics, that is to say, its readership is fading, then it would stand to reason that the newspaper columnist would fade too,” Brummett offered. “But we’re not nearly there yet, hopefully.” OCTOBER 26, 2011 7
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Rebels give Hogs ‘raggedy ride’ BY BEAU WILCOX
here’s no better soothsayer after Arkansas’s tortured, ulcerous 2924 win over Ole Miss than Nolan Richardson. Wait...Nolan Richardson? The erstwhile basketball coach was fond of saying, “A raggedy ride is better than a smooth walk,” often using the old saw (hell, I guess it qualifies as a “saw” now) to describe those wins where his team would unearth a win after throwing up bricks or getting killed on the boards all night. He meant it, too, as he seemed to embrace all those shaky performances as teaching implements. You’d assume that Bobby Petrino, being at a minimum every bit the taskmaster Nolan was, will seize the chance to do some colorful instructing this week as well. Pretend for a moment that ArkansasOle Miss is a game that is unaccompanied by the ancillary melodrama that is known as Houston Dale Nutt Jr. I’ll set the scene: Arkansas goes on the road for the dreaded pre-noon kickoff, gets burned early and often by an inferior, but motivated opponent and develops no offensive rhythm due to the sheer disparity of time of possession (three-to-one by halftime). The Hogs trail 17-7 at the break, and but for a nifty, timely touchdown by Dennis Johnson, the scoreboard might even be tilted more decisively toward the foe. All told, things could be better ... and also be worse. A month ago, we trailed Alabama by the same score. In a bizarre homage of sorts, Nutt and co. mirrored the Nick Saban gameplan, starving Arkansas’s offense by feasting on its porous run defense. Randall Mackey replicated AJ McCarron beautifully, firing short, quick passes to the slot to set up later downfield shots. It was the same low-risk, highreward approach, and it worked. Ole Miss, alas, is not Alabama. The Rebels lack depth and discipline — direct indictments of the program’s overseers — and accordingly the wheels spun right off the axle in the third quarter. The Hogs, being pretty savvy at shrugging off slow starts at this point, got it together long enough to string together 22 points over the span of 15 minutes in the third and fourth quarters. Having to sit for extended stretches in the first half made Tyler Wilson atypically erratic, but the junior quarterback continued to endear himself to Arkansas fans by being resilient and unflappable in the second half. Johnson
broke through for a career-best 160 rushing yards, demonstrating conclusively that he is ready to shoulder the rushing load going forward. And Willy Robinson...well, bless his mustache, the guy’s vanilla defensive schemes have as much sex appeal as a Minnie Pearl show, but his players are buckling down every time they have to. Eric Bennett continues to emerge as the most reliable player in a generally disappointing secondary and Trey Flowers has emerged as Jake Bequette’s likely successor at end. To a man, the team is tackling better. Ole Miss’ second-half fizzle was due partially to — wait for it — peculiar playcalling from David Lee (because everyone knows that Lee calls all the plays that don’t work). But Arkansas definitely throttled up on the defensive side as it did against both Texas A&M and Auburn, and the end result was exactly what we all wanted. It is easily forgotten that last season the Razorbacks opened up a 21-3 first-half lead on Mississippi only to let the Rebels ease back into the game in the third quarter. The game memorably became Knile Davis’ coming-out party, but Jeremiah Masoli also posted the best performance of his one miserable year in Oxford against the Hogs. In fact, the Rebels rolled up over 500 total yards in the 38-24 loss at Reynolds Razorback Stadium, and similarly dominated time of possession in that game (36:11 to 23:49). So why agonize over this year’s narrow escape? Last year’s game gave us all a modicum of relief because it was the first win against Nutt in three tries. That Ole Miss team was indisputably terrible, as this one allegedly is, and yet suddenly a year later Razorback fans are panicking about the state of the program because we couldn’t manhandle the Rebels in the same way that Alabama did the week before. The simple truth, my friends: Houston Nutt, given a chance to beat Arkansas, will work his hardest all season to make that happen. He may not do much the other 51 weeks of the year (such as recruit, display accountability or strengthen his pectorals), but he’s gonna chew those nails down to the cuticle to attain what he views as retribution. For another year, we’re fortunate he didn’t. So it’s off to Nashville we go, a Top 10 program with a 6-1 record and BCS aspirations in play. Raggedy ride and all.
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Ten years in Afghanistan: How do we get out? Thursday, Nov. 3rd • 6pm Lecture at Clinton School for Public Service David Cortright, Director of Policy Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame speaking on the conflict in Afghanistan and his book Ending Obama’s War: Responsible withdrawal from Afghanistan. His book offers a critical analysis of U.S./NATO military policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan and examines alternative strategies for preventing terrorist insurgency and advancing development and human rights. Cortright pays particular attention to the status of women and shows how responsible military withdrawal enhances their chances instead of risking them as often disingenuous critics contend. Reserve Your Seats By Email • •
Eavesdroppings Easy droppings: A political blogger wrote, “I eased dropped on a committee meeting at Occupy LA last night. One guy announced to the group, ‘Okay, homework tonight is to find out about GlassSteagall.’ “ The blogger’s homework should have been to look up eavesdropped, which is the word that says what he apparently intended to say. To eavesdrop is to listen silently to a private conversation. Eaves are the overhanging lower edges of a roof, meant to carry rainwater away from the foundation of the house. Way, way back, the area under the eaves came to be called the eavesdrop. And then some sneaky sort discovered that standing in that area was a good way to secretly overhear conversations inside. Most blogs are one-person operations, so there are no copyeditors to catch the writer’s mistakes. State Sen. Jimmy Jeffress of Crossett advises of a blog that used the word “pivotable.” He asks, “Is there such a word as ‘pivotable’, or should it not be ‘pivotal’?” I’m reasonably sure that pivotal (“of vital or critical importance”) is the word the writer was seeking. Sports conquers the universe:
Conversations with Arkansas:
My Life in Public Service Friday, October 28, 2011, Noon Grand Hall, Arkansas Governor’s Mansion Mary Mel French
Author, United States Protocol Former Chief of U.S. Protocol
Bob Nash
Former Assistant to the President & Director of Presidential Personnel Former Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Vic Snyder, M.D.
Former U.S. Representative Former State Senator Master of Ceremonies: Rex Nelson Platinum Presenting Sponsors
It was a good week for…
It was a bad week for …
COOPERATIVE PROTEST. After occupying the Clinton Presidential Park on Friday with tents and tables, the Occupy Little Rock group agreed to move to a city-owned parking lot on Fourth and Ferry, near I-30. City ordinance bars camping in a city park.
‘LAST SHOT WITH JUDGE GUNN.’ W.H. Taylor, a Fayetteville lawyer, has sued producers of “Last Shot with Judge Gunn” to seal videos and other records of the state drug court Mary Ann Gunn once ran in Washington County. Three former drug court participants said they agreed to be in the program in hopes of clearing their records and believed that those court records would be sealed.
THE CENTRAL ARKANSAS JOB MARKET. Little Rock National Airport announced that it had extended its lease agreement with Dassault Falcon, for its aircraft finishing operation, through 2040, with an option to extend. The promise of an extended presence of the plant, said to employ 1,800, is nothing but good news, but not a guarantee of the jobs. Dassault has laid off hundreds in Little Rock in recent years. NEW BLOOD AT THE LOTTERY. The Arkansas Lottery Commission hired Jerold K. Fetzer as CFO. Unlike pervious CFO Philip Miley, Fetzer, 61, is a certified public accountant. He will be paid $98,000 a year.
American sports idioms are sneaking into Australian usage. A story in the Sydney MornDOUG ing Herald about SMITH an examination given to high school students said. “Year 12 students were thrown a curve ball yesterday …” This prompted a columnist to ask, “Could the examiners not have given the students a surprise? Or created consternation? Or thrown a spanner in the works?” The Wall Street Journal published an article along similar lines: “Broadcasters covering the National Basketball Association for Spanishspeaking fans from different parts of the world do it from a Tower of Babel where a dunk is not a dunk, but the playby-play guys disagree about just what to call it. ‘Some say donquear. That’d be Spanglish,’ says Jose Paneda, an announcer for Miami’s WQBA-AM radio. [Spanglish is a mixture of Spanish and English.] But donquear doesn’t work in Argentina, where dunk is volcada, he says. In Spain, it’s mate, which literally means ‘the kill,’ as when a matador administers the lethal thrust in a bullfight.” When he throws the bull a curveball, so to speak.
MARK PRYOR. Arkansas’s Democratic senator was one of three Democrats who joined with all Republicans to block a jobs bill to pay to hire teachers and emergency workers. LIVING HIGH ON THE HOGS. Rep. James McLean of Batesville raised questions about the coincidence — and expense — of holding legislative committee meetings in Fayetteville on Hog football game weekends.
Floating for a cause THOUGH BORN AND BRED in Little North Little Rock Mayor Patrick Hayes. Rock, The Observer had never been “The Arkansas River is very much on the Arkansas River until just the underused,” Hastings explained. “The other day. We rolled out of bed at the amount of commercial traffic and opercrack of dawn to set sail with the River ations — barges, dredging, that kind of Revival Flotilla, a group of boat ownthing — could easily be tripled.” He also ers who departed from the Little Rock thinks it’s important that those of us Yacht Club and headed downriver to who live along the river recognize that the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum it’s a great source for recreational activin North Little Rock. It was the first leg ity, such as fishing and camping. The event was also meant to promote the of a 10-day journey that will take the flotilla of 17 boats to Pine Bluff and back pedestrian bridges that are suddenly upriver to Fort Smith before returning such a hit, Hastings said, as we waited to the capital city. with the other boats to get through the We joined Stan Hastings, a local lock and dam, about halfway through our trip downriver. businessman, on his boat the Promotion (at only 72 feet, he insists it’s not quite Underused as the Arkansas River a yacht), along with may be, Hastings and his fellow boathis son and fatherin-law. Hastings has ers are certainly takThe Observer can only ing advantage of it. been on boats his imagine what it must The Observer can entire life; in the early be like beating the only imagine what part of the 20th cenArkansas heat with a it must be like beattury his grandfather raced yachts, and his ing the Arkansas heat bottle of champagne family’s been boating with a bottle of chamand a few good friends ever since. He says pagne and a few good on the deck of the he takes the boat out friends on the deck Promotion. of the Promotion. almost every weekend — it’s his substiOur trip aboard her, tute for a lake house. however, was on one We don’t blame him: with a kitchen, a of the first cold mornings of the year; fairly prodigious living space, two full as we cruised away from the marina, bedrooms and two smaller rooms with fog drifted across the top of the water and a 40-degree wind stung our ears. bunks, and plenty of outdoor seating Not that we’re complaining — the city up top behind the helm, it’s a handlooks different from the river, and we some, commodious piece of marine technology. were particularly taken by the downDespite the fact that there’s always a town skyline as it came around the bend. good time to be had floating around on Meanwhile, the radio was crackling a well-appointed boat, the flotilla had with messages from other boats, chugbigger purpose in mind. It was part of ging along single-file behind. a public relations campaign that was By the time we anchored at the intended to raise awareness about the Maritime Museum the sun was up and commercial and recreational potential a flurry of organizers and press was of the river, as well as the economic hurrying around the deck of the USS goals of the Arkansas River ConnecRazorback. From somewhere nearby tions, a non-profit that advocates the came the sound of a band breaking out development and improvement of tourin cheery WWII-era instrumentals and ist and port facilities. The flotilla took the smell of hamburgers cooking. The Observer enjoyed our ride, but really, part in community-oriented special 10 days aboard a yacht seems a bit lavevents at each stop it made along the ish for our tastes. For a decent enough river, including our stop at the Maritime Museum for a kick-off event that cause, however, we’re sure we could included a band, food and a speech by manage.
FLYING FISH Open Daily 11 - 10
(501) 375-FISH (3474) 511 President Clinton Ave. , Little Rock, AR (in the Rivermarket) ARK TIMES 1/4 PAGE DISPLAY AD Katherine Smith OCTOBER 26, 2011 11
Arkansas Reporter
Mary Ann Gunn, the former Fayetteville circuit judge who left the bench to create a reality show loosely based on her former drug court known as “Last Shot With Judge Gunn,” got a taste of reality herself last week. GUNN Fayetteville attorney W.H. Taylor, who represents three former drug court participants, amended his lawsuit against producers of Gunn’s TV show in an attempt to round up copies of videos made of Gunn’s court sessions and to put a seal on court files that Gunn had removed from the courthouse after leaving the bench, then returned after objections were raised. His complaint came with citation of Gunn’s own e-mails as judge, dislodged by an FOI request to Washington County. They detail not only Gunn’s extensive discussions with TV show producers on producing a commercial enterprise out of her courtroom, but indicate that public employees were put to work gathering and copying information on which shows were to be based. Such activities have been under review by the state Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission, the e-mail indicates, though it hasn’t announced any findings yet. Gunn and others also talked about the potential for participants to earn outside income from the shows even if, as originally envisioned, they were produced while Gunn remained on the bench. Gunn, after some adverse opinions of an ethics advisory panel and the Arkansas Supreme Court, eventually changed course. But Taylor’s FOI produced, among others, this note from the sitting judge in May 2010: “I will continue to set up meetings, phone conferences, court and other relevant matters for your visit, keeping in mind that we need to confirm with appropriate entities that we can indeed conduct drug court and have the proceedings broadcast nationwide. We can discuss compensation after I have briefed you on what has been discussed yet undecided.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 12 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
Rush job NLR penny tax proposal goes from council to voters in 46 days. BY DAVID KOON
orty-six days is barely enough time to plan a fair-to-middling Halloween party, much less educate an entire city on the pros and cons of two new sales tax proposals, but that’s the time North Little Rock voters have to work with in considering a new one-penny sales tax — the window between an emergency meeting called Sept. 23 to approve sending the proposal to the polls and the day voters will actually enter the voting booth on Nov. 8. City administrators, including Mayor Pat Hays, said that though scheduling the election so quickly might look like a rush, the proposed tax is meant to cover concerns the city has had for years. The proposals were approved at a 10 a.m. Sept. 23 emergency meeting of the North Little Rock City Council. The city is asking voters to approve a two-part tax. Half a cent would be permanent, and would go toward hiring more firefighters and police, building and staffing a new fire station in the east end of the city, and upgrading North Little Rock’s emergency communications system, among other projects. The other half-cent would sunset in 2017, and Mayor Pat Hays has said it would be set aside for roads, bridges and job creation projects. One of the planned projects if the taxes pass is the purchase of 2,000 acres in the eastern part of the city, which will be developed into a “business park” — possibly including a new home for the Arkansas State Fair. At their most recent meeting on Oct. 20, the Arkansas Livestock Show Association Board said that they are holding fire on the continuing search for a new location for the State Fair until they see whether the North Little Rock taxes pass or not. If both proposals are approved by voters, the additional one cent would raise the total sales tax in North Little Rock to nine percent. The emergency meeting came less than two weeks after Little Rock approved its own two-part penny sales tax. The North Little Rock tax vote will be piggy-backed onto a statewide Nov. 8 bond election that benefits road construction. Ward 2 Alderman Maurice Taylor said that the tax will help with infrastructure
Reality court
projects that have been on the drawing board for years. If someone spends $10,000 a year in North Little Rock, Taylor noted, the additional tax would only amount to $100 (though, of course, the total tax amount would be $900). “The beauty of a sales tax is, everybody pays,” he said. “If a kid goes and buys a stick of gum, he pays taxes on it. If you go and buy a car, you pay taxes. If you spend a lot of money, you pay more taxes. If you don’t spend a lot, you don’t pay much.” Not everyone is a fan. Joanne Filiatreau, who lives in Sherwood and is one of the founding members of the Arkansas Tea Party, said the group plans to go doorto-door and hand out 5,000 flyers in opposition to the tax. “It doesn’t matter if they rammed it through in an hour or a month,” she said. “In this economic climate today that each and every family is living in, it is just the wrong time to increase the tax.” Murry Witcher, who represents North Little Rock’s Ward 4, which includes Lakewood, Indian Hills and Overbrook, was on vacation at the time of the Sept. 23 vote, but said he personally supports the tax. Witcher said the city is in its budget cycle for 2012 and needs to know the funds they have to work with. “We need an idea of what funds we’re going to [have on hand] to provide increases
in cost-of-living for our employees, and salary increases,” he said. “There’s a whole lot that’s predicated on whether this passes or not, from a budget standpoint.” While Witcher acknowledged two weeks prior to the election that he doesn’t believe the majority of North Little Rock voters know there’s a vote on Nov. 8, he said Hays and several aldermen have been working to get the word out, and newspaper stories will help as well. Mayor Pat Hays said the “meat and potatoes concerns” behind the tax proposal are long-term issues that have been waiting for funds for years. Hays said that the success of the one-cent sale tax proposal in Little Rock had a part to play with proposing the election in North Little Rock. With the new funds, Little Rock plans to go to an all-digital emergency communications system. Because North Little Rock “backbones” onto the Little Rock system, Hays said North Little Rock will have to upgrade its system to be able to effectively communicate in the event of a bi-city emergency. “That’s a non-issue as far as whether we’re going to do it or not,” he said. “That’s going to be about a $5 million dollar cost, so whether we pass our sales tax or not, we’re going to have to find a way to do that.” In addition, Hays said that with funds from Little Rock’s penny sales tax, “Little Rock is going to be going in the market for somewhere in excess of 60 new officers. We’re behind them in salaries right now, and we’re going to need to be competitive.” While Hays admits that he’s never heard a member of the public say it’s a good time to raise taxes, he said part of the half-cent tax that sunsets in five years will go toward job creation. As an example, he points to the North Little Rock Caterpillar plant, which opened in September 2010. “We wouldn’t have Caterpillar out here if North Little Rock hadn’t been able to step up with a good part of the incentive package that the state partnered on in order to get the company to locate here. That’s upwards of 600 jobs.” Hays said that asking more of citizens in the way of taxation is just the way things are headed in many municipalities. “Those cities that are truly going to lay a pathway to the future are going to be those that recognize that they’re going to need to look more at their own front doors and look at themselves to do the things that make their cities better, rather than to look to state or federal partnerships.”
Halloween is upon us, and that means thoughts of spooks and spirits. Arkansas has places rumored to be haunted from border to border, so here, just for fun (and to get your spine in proper tingling mode for the holiday), are a few of the biggies from Arkansas ghostlore. Bonus: many of them are places you can visit.
A legendary Arkansas haunt, the 1886 Crescent Hotel is purportedly haunted by several ghosts. These include a ghost named “Michael,” who, legend has it, was a stonemason who fell to his death during the construction and now haunts Room 218 (a sculpture commemorating the ghost story and the possiblyfictionalized Michael now stands in the hotel lobby).
King Opera House, originally opened as a music hall and theater in the late 1800s, has been rumored to be haunted since virtually the moment it reopened as a community theater in 1979. Employees report lights turning on and off by themselves, strange thumps and footsteps, and the resident ghost of a young man in old-fashioned dress. One of the first plays ever performed at the remodeled theater was a fictionalized origin story for the specter. During the preparation for the show, the ghost reportedly made a personal appearance before set dressers who were working late one night, materializing out what was described as a whirlwind of dust before strolling across the auditorium and disappearing.
HORNIBROOK HOUSE/ EMPRESS OF LITTLE ROCK Little Rock Built by prominent Little Rock saloon keeper James Hornibrook in 1888, the towering Hornibrook House at 2120 S. Louisiana St. is now a bedand-breakfast. Current owners Bob Blair and Sharon Welch-Blair have reported several odd experiences in the house since purchasing it in 1993, including spots of frigidly cold air, unexplained footsteps, and a Jan. 1994 incident in which Bob saw a man in Victorian clothing descend the staircase before dissolving into thin air. The ghost is rumored to be that of James Hornibrook, who dropped dead at from a massive heart attack at the front gate of the house shortly after taking residence.
Once a combined residence and railroad hospital owned by local doctor J.O. Rush, the Rush-Gates House was built in 1906, and is now home to the St. Francis County Museum. Since the museum opened in 1998, staff and visitors have reported a number of strange happenings in the house, including the random and apparently permanent disappearance of items large and small, old ledger books that slide off the shelf where they are kept and onto the floor no matter how many times they are re-shelved, and corner-of-the-eye sightings of strangers walking past doorways, even when the museum is closed and all flesh-andblood inhabitants are accounted for.
ALLEN HOUSE Monticello
This sprawling 1906 Queen Anne mansion is the scene of one of Arkansas’s longest-whispered ghost stories. The ghost that supposedly haunts the house is known as Ladele, named after former resident Ladele Bonner, who committed suicide by swallowing mercury cyanide. The current owners say they have experienced all sorts of strange goings-on in the home, including sightings of a figure in the attic, the mysterious disappearance of objects, and one bizarre incident in which a visitor to the house saw one of the owners in the library silently shelving books, walked to the back of the house, and found the “real” person she had apparently just seen in a totally different room.
Tune in to the Times’ “Week In Review” podcast each Friday. Available on iTunes &
Baking up a profit Rep. Ed Garner of Maumelle has always been something of an unlikely Tea Party favorite with his government accountability talk because of his own sketchy record. He’s turned up periodically on state records for GARNER failure to remit withholding and sales taxes at his Mama’s Manna bakery. Turns out Mama’s Manna has been even more profitable than we knew for Garner, and not because of temporary savings on taxes due. We’ve discovered that he charges his campaign account, with carryover money from his last election, $600 a month for use of space in the bakery. He’s term-limited and so has no continuing campaign expenses as a state representative. It’s a close call whether Garner can charge a campaign account for use of his business in this manner, but it becomes a closer call still when you review the expense reimbursement forms that legislators submit every month. Mama’s Manna submits an invoice every month to the state House for reimbursement of $2,350 for “legislative services for state Rep. Ed Garner.” These unitemized requests for reimbursement are being challenged in a lawsuit that contends they are unconstitutional salary supplements. Constitution, law and ethics aside, Ed Garner is claiming $2,950 a month, or almost $36,000 a year, for supposed use of space in his bakery, a modest space at 1001 Rushing Circle in Little Rock. He’s not returned our calls to ask how he justifies it. Perhaps his likely Republican primary opponent in a race for Senate next year, Rep. David Sanders, will get a chance to ask.
Lyons in the Times As we reported last week, the Democrat-Gazette dropped Gene Lyons’ weekly syndicated column last week. Beginning Wednesday afternoon, the Times will host it on our website, It will be free and available directly via Lyons is a long time columnist, a National Magazine Award winner and co-author of “The Hunting of the President” (St. Martin’s Press, 2000). OCTOBER 26, 2011 13
best doctors 2011
A second opinion This year, we publish two surveys to name the best doctors in Pulaski County. BY LESLIE NEWELL PEACOCK
he Arkansas Times has been publishing a Best Doctors issue every year since 1995. This makes the 17th such issue. But for the first time, the Times is confining itself to Pulaski County and is using two lists: One generated by Best Doctors®, a national survey, and our own online
survey, in which doctors named the doctors they’d go to for a variety of ailments. The Best Doctors® list categorizes by medical specialties; the Times’ list was created with the layman in mind, its categories being ailments, such as AIDS/HIV (which would include infectious disease specialists and
oncologists), asthma (pulmonologists and allergy specialists) and kidney stones (nephrologists and urologists). The Best Doctors® list includes 388 physicians, the Times 190; there is some overlap. That doesn’t mean that the best doctors in Pulaski County number 578 (or fewer, given the overlap).
The Times survey — we sent notice to vote online to a random sample of doctors — is strictly unscientific. Take the results with a couple of aspirin and call around for references when choosing a doctor. Below: the Best Doctors® list. The Times list follows.
Anna-Maria Onisei, Michael L. Schmitz, M. Saif Siddiqui, Abid Ul Ghafoor, J. Michael Vollers.
Forrest B. Miller
P. Martin Fiser, Terry O. Harville, Stacie M. Jones, Eleanor A. Lipsmeyer, Amy M. Scurlock. Pediatric: D. Melissa Graham, Jim M. Ingram, Stacie M. Jones, Tamara T. Perry, Amy M. Scurlock.
Indranil Chakraborty, W. Brooks Gentry, Ahmed H. Ghaleb, Charles A. Napolitano, Robert L. Overacre, Carmelita S. Pablo, Michael L. Schmitz, Abid Ul Ghafoor, Danny L. Wilkerson. Pediatric: James Grady Crosland, Jayant K. Deshpande, Timothy W. Martin, 14 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
Joseph K. Bissett, J. Lynn Davis, James D. Marsh, David L. Rutlen, Eugene S. SmithIII, Barry F. Uretsky. Pediatric cardiology: Thomas H. Best, Renee Adams Bornemeier, Umesh Dyamenahalli, Brian K. Eble, Eudice E. Fontenot, Elizabeth A. Frazier, W. Robert Morrow, M. Michele Moss, Ritu Sachdeva, Paul Michael Seib.
Laura P. James.
New practices, new ideas Profiles of the young and (previously) unlisted. BY LESLIE NEWELL PEACOCK
heumatologist Eleanor Lipsmeyer owns the Arkansas Times’ Best Doctor lists. She made the cover of the first issue in 1995 and has been nominated by her peers to the list ever since. More perennials: ophthalmologist Carol Chappell, cancer surgeons Kent Westbrook and Suzanne Klimberg, oncologist Laura Hutchins. Ditto neurologist Lee Archer. Physicians with a lot of experience, the big names. Mentors to most of Arkansas’s doctors. So this year, the Times decided to dissect the winners list to find some young and previously unheralded doctors. The doctors profiled here range in age from 34 to 41, and many consider themselves to be at the beginning of their careers. These aren’t the only young doctors to be nominated by their peers to the Best Doctors® and the Times lists. We worked with certain criteria — number of times a name was mentioned and our ability to determine a nominee’s age — and so this should be considered merely a sample of what young physicians are bringing to Little Rock. With youth comes advanced techniques learned in recently completed fellowships and many hours spent in clinics and operating rooms. The diverse group, including Arkansans, a Chilean, the son of Taiwanese immigrants, a Ghanan, a Brazilian — even someone from Des Moines — have brought new blood and new ideas to Arkansas medicine.
Jason Badgwell, 38 Pancreatic cancer, melanoma Jason Badgwell came to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences after completing a fellowship at M.D. Anderson in Houston three and a half years ago. He is a general cancer surgeon who concentrates on pancreatic cancer and melanoma, and does some colorectal surgery and “a lot of weird stuff,” rare cases referred to UAMS. (For example: Cancer of the appendix is a 1-in-a-million occurrence; he’s seeing four cases a year.) Badgwell operates on cancers for which there is no good chemotherapy and are radiation resistant, cases in which surgery is the only curative treatment. Yet, 80 percent of patients who present with pancreatic cancer can not be operated on. The disease doesn’t create symptoms until it causes an obstruction and pain. And after surgery, survival to five years is rare; only 15 percent of those operated on will get a cure. So that’s 15 percent of 20 percent. With such dim prospects, what makes Badgwell love surgery? “It’s the most challenging. That’s what drew me to it. It’s the hardest surgery you can do, and there’s a lot of room for improvement.” And the patients he sees “I can
potentially cure.” The ability to treat patients with advanced cases of cancer makes him feel, he said, “like I’m filling a need in the state of Arkansas.” Some of Badgwell’s surgery is palliative — done to ease pain rather than seek a cure. He also has a first at UAMS: An “isolated limb perfusion,” a treatment for melanoma that has spread along the lymphatic system to the arms or legs. The blood circulation from the limb is blocked with a tourniquet so that the doctor can inject an artery or vessel with a high dose of chemo that won’t spread to the rest of the body. It’s a procedure he learned at M.D. Anderson.
Lanessa Bass, 35 General pediatrician Lanessa Bass likes to teach and see patients, something she can do at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, and she likes living in the big city — which Little Rock can feel like to someone who was raised in Hawkins in East Texas. After getting her MD at the University of Galveston, the oldest medical school west of the Mississippi she tells us, Bass did her residency training at Children’s. After a brief detour back to Texas, Bass returned to ACH in 2007 to join the faculty. (She’s also working on a master’s
Jasen Chi, 41 Arthritis Jasen Chi, a rheumatologist in practice for six years with OrthoArkansas, came to Little Rock from Taiwan as a teen-ager with his family, the owners of Chi’s Chinese, the Sushi Cafe and Sekisui. He learned to speak English, was accepted at Vanderbilt, where he majored in biochemistry, and earned his medical degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He did an internship and residency at the University of Memphis and returned home to do a fellowship in rheumatology. “My surgeon friends say it’s gratifying when they can take a tumor out, or fix a fracture.” His reward: “When someone is confined to a wheelchair, it’s a blessing to be able to help that person get up and walk and have a normal quality of life.” The bulk of his caseload is rheumatoid arthritis, a debilitating disease caused by an overactive immune system. “The new focus now is to treat the disease pro-
degree in education from the University of Cincinnati.) Bass likes inpatient medicine, “working through the complexity of a patient that is admitted … to find out what the diagnosis is with as limited testing as you can do.” Outpatient, she enjoys preventative medicine, working with parents on developmental issues with their babies, preparing them for the next stage, giving them the “long-term view.” She wants parents to enjoy each stage, to favor teaching over punishment and to act as role models. Parents and grandparents need to realize “how much kids are watching, from conversation to how we handle frustration,” she said, because those are the behaviors children will mimic. “What I’ve always been attracted to in our hospital is we have such a great mix: a large children’s hospital with all the services, services for the whole state. It’s very unique,” Bass said. One of those services is ACH’s obesity clinic. Bass says it’s the pediatrician’s responsibility to address the issue of obesity. “I have brought it up with infant feeding habits and toddler feeding habits. … We can do it in a way that is respectful and mindful.” Addressing the overfeeding of an infant or toddler is as important as attending to a child that isn’t growing, she said. Bass laughed when she recalled that in training she was told by patients “you’re too young.” “I don’t hear that as much now,” she said.
cess as early as possible and be aggressive,” he said, to treat during that window of opportunity before joints begin irreversible erosion and organs are damaged. The goal, Chi said, is “when you look at a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, to not be able to tell they have it.” Chi, who is on the board of the Arthritis Foundation, and OrthoArkansas are involved in seven studies looking at new drugs for arthritis and lupus and at cardiovascular risk factors with new drugs used to treat gout and RA. Rheumatoid arthritis is now treated with injected and infused drugs, chemicals that work to slow down the immune system’s “assembly line” that has been turning out too many antibodies. Chi was, but is no longer, the youngest doctor at OrthoArkansas. Younger still is hand surgeon Richard Wirges, 36 — another doctor who got the nod from his colleagues as one of Arkansas’s best doctors and who is profiled below. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 OCTOBER 26, 2011 15
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Jerri Fant, 41 Breast cancer In practice for 10 years, Jerri Fant isn’t exactly in the infancy of her practice. But she is in the infancy of motherhood, with her 4-month-old son, Griffen, so her life mimics that of a younger person. “If you have a career, you can’t do things younger,” she said about her late motherhood. And though she wouldn’t necessarily call herself a young doctor, she said, “I’ll take it.” Fant has been an independent practitioner for seven years, with offices in Little Rock and North Little Rock. She
Matthew Katz, 39 Prostate cancer, kidney stones Matthew Katz is the rare doctor who moved from private practice to a teaching hospital. The cancer surgeon has been in practice for three years, the last year at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, because “I wanted to do academics.” Yes, he took a pay cut. But, thanks to a two-year subspecialty fellowship training in laparoscopy and robotic surgery at Washington University unique among doctors in Arkansas, Katz was gratified to be able to bring new surgical technique to UAMS. With Dr. Stephen Canon, ACH chief of pediatric urology who Katz trained on the
moved from a large group practice to her own shop because “I like the idea of having autonomy in how I handle patient care,” she explained; in a group practice she might have to see far more than the 90 to 100 patients she sees in her two (long) days of clinic. “I spend a lot of time communicating with patients. … I like to have the freedom to make sure they [her patients] understand what they have and the options for curing it.” A Little Rock native, Fant is a graduate of Duke University in North Carolina and got her medical degree from
the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She did a residency in general surgery at UAMS and breast surgery at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas. She had a particular interest in breast cancer — both her grandmothers had it. “I also love surgery,” she said; tying the two together made sense. She does not own her own surgery clinic, but operates at St. Vincent Health, Baptist Health and other surgery centers. Fant sees her patients every six months for five years after surgery and annually after that. She likes that continuity of care, which allows her to have a
relationship with patients that is similar to the family practice doctor’s. Fant also enjoys the “camaraderie” of the multidisciplinary approach that treating breast cancer requires, working with radiologists, medical oncologists and pathologists. The biggest advances being made in treating breast cancer today, Fant said, are in DNA research into the biology of breast cancers. Knowing how certain breast cancers act — which are aggressive, which aren’t — helps oncologists decide the best course of therapy for the patient.
Da Vinci robot, he performed the first robotic pediatric urology surgery at ACH, a partial kidney removal. “I learned from some of the best surgeons in the country,” Katz said; now he is teaching advanced techniques “to the future urologists of Arkansas.” “I enjoy treating cancer patients,” Katz said. “It makes sense to me: someone has cancer and I remove it,” with a cure as the goal. “And on top of that I really enjoy laparascopic and robotic
and I knew it was the wave of the future.” The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force released a statement last week that a review of the science shows asymptomatic men are not benefiting from PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood tests, which screen for prostate cancer, and recommended against the test. The controversial report said the test could cause more harm than good, since some forms of prostate cancer are relatively benign. “We overtreat prostate cancer by 50 percent,” Katz said, subjecting patients with non-aggressive forms to radiation and surgery that can cause impotence and other problems. One in six men will get prostate cancer; age is the risk factor. There are no
symptoms of early stage cancer, which is why the PSA blood screen is used. Katz says younger men should still be screened. But, “Does a 75-year-old man need to have a PSA test? I’d say not.” Katz is involved in research to identify serum proteins that are markers for more aggressive forms of prostate cancer. “If we can find that, we can spare men who don’t need the treatment.” Katz is also involved in a study that fuses PET (positron emission tomography) and CAT (computerized axial tomography) scans to image prostate cancer cells within the prostate or lymph nodes. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 OCTOBER 26, 2011 17
At 41, Jonathan Laryea is pushing the “young doctor” description a bit. But he’s followed a circuitous path to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, one that started in Ghana, took him to Johns Hopkins, Yale University’s Waterbury Hospital and the Georgia Colon and Rectal Surgery Clinic in Atlanta. Along the way, he changed his focus from neurosurgery, which he’d gone into because of his admiration for a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins, to cardiothoracic surgery to colorectal surgery, which he discovered during rotation to be the specialty he loved. He was recruited to UAMS from Atlanta five years ago. “I didn’t know jack about Arkansas,” he said, except that it was where Bill Clinton was from. Talking about matters of the colon and rectum — in a serious sense, at least — doesn’t come easy to people. That shyness, plus fear of a bad diagnosis, means people may drag their feet when it comes to bringing symptoms to the attention of a doctor. But the majority of people will not have symptoms, so colonoscopies are crucial to catch cancer early; people diagnosed with stage one rectal cancer have “upwards of 90 percent survival,” Lar-
Jonathan Laryea, 41 Colon cancer
yea said. Because of the increased use of colonoscopies, colon cancer is on the decline — but it’s still the third leading cause of cancer death in men and women. “For this year alone, the expected incidence is 140,000 new cases in the United States. Fifty-thousand are expected to die,” Laryea said. People with no family history should start scheduling colonoscopies at age 50, earlier if they do. Those
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with genetic disorders that make them prone to colorectal diseases should start in their 20s. Laryea also does surgeries for colitis, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis, fecal incontinence and sphincter repairs. He does both laparoscopic and robotic surgery for colon and rectal cancer. (The robot allows the surgeon to manipulate instruments with precision and stability.
UAMS only has one. The surgeons would like have another, if anyone reading this has $3 million to spare.) So, the inevitable question: Why does a doctor go into colorectal surgery, choose this almost taboo part of the body to focus on? Laryea laughs, and repeats what he read on a listserv for colorectal surgeons: “Some say, ‘I was at the bottom of my class.’ ”
Erick Messias, 40 Depression
need to be aware” of how much time their children are spending online and what types of games they’re playing, he said. Messias presented the results of the research at an international meeting last May. “The idea that we live an online lifestyle is here. We need to learn what the impact is on our lives,” Messias said. Messias got his medical degree in his native Brazil, did a residency at the University of Maryland, got a master’s degree in public health, a PhD in epidemiology and did a second residency in preventive medicine at Johns Hopkins. He bemoans the fact that psychiatry has moved away from talk therapy and into drug management. He allows 30 minutes for med checks with his patients, twice as long as the usual appointment. “I was lucky enough to train when psychiatrists learned to do therapy,” he said. “I think [psychiatry] is losing its soul.” “We have started to define ourselves as brain and we have lost our mind … I think we are at least a mind and probably a soul, though there’s no proof of that scientifically.” To press the issue,
Erick Messias, a psychiatrist and epidemiologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, has a warning for parents of depressed children: There’s a correlation between depression and the Internet and video games. Which came first? The Centers for Disease Control’s 2007 and 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey he examined doesn’t hold the answer. But what Messias, who came to UAMS’ two years ago to head the Walker Family Clinic at the Psychiatric Research Institute, was able to determine was that there is a correlation between excessive Internet and gaming and depression. Teens who spend more than five hours a day — some 10 percent of the CDC’s data sample of thousands of teens — had a significantly greater risk for sadness, suicide ideation, suicide plans, attempted suicide and treatments for attempts. The CDC data also found that 8.4 percent of the teen-agers it surveyed in its annual assessment are spending five hours (highly associated with reports of sadness) or more on the Internet or gaming on school days. Children who are socially isolated because of their depression use the Internet; those who overuse the Internet are isolating themselves. “Parents
Gary Talbert, M.D. Congratulations to Dr. Talbert Kris Shewmake, M.D. and Dr. Shewmake for being Monica Fletcher, R.N.P. selected as Best Doctors! Jennifer Gabbard, R.N.
FINDING QUALITY HEALTH CARE IS SIMPLE: JUST LOOK FOR THE BEST DOCTORS. St. Vincent congratulates these outstanding physicians who have been selected as “Best Doctors” in their particular fields. We’re proud to have them on our medical staff.
Albert S. Alexander, M.D.
Gunnar H. Gibson, M.D.
David Gordon Newbern, M.D.
Jeffrey L. Barber, M.D.
D. Melissa Graham, M.D.
George A. Norton, M.D.
Jodi M. Barboza, M.D.
James E. Hagans III, M.D.
Richard D. Peek, M.D.
C. Lowry Barnes, M.D.
Mariann Harrington, M.D.
Christie B. Phelan, M.D.
Benjamin Joseph Bartnicke, M.D.
R. Wayne Herbert, M.D.
Charles H. Rodgers, M.D.
Frank Michael Bauer III, M.D.
Aaron L. Janos, M.D.
Rosey Seguin-Calderone, M.D.
Joseph M. Beck II, M.D.
M. Bruce Johnson, M.D.
Michael Selby, M.D.
F. Keith Bell, M.D.
Gail Reede Jones, M.D.
Rajesh Sethi, M.D.
Randall Breau, M.D.
John C. Jones, M.D.
Kris B. Shewmake, M.D.
Renié Edward Bressinck, M.D.
Ralph Farris Joseph, M.D.
Steve L. Simpson, M.D.
Wayne Bruffett, M.D.
Susan A. Keathley, M.D.
Kathleen M. Sitarik, M.D.
Hugh F. Burnett, M.D.
Jay M. Kincannon, M.D.
Douglas Smart, M.D.
Vincent Calderon Jr., M.D.
Karen Jean Kozlowski, M.D.
Gary E. Talbert, M.D.
J. Michael Carney, M.D.
Ali F. Krisht, M.D.
David E. Tamas, M.D.
Helen B. Casteel, M.D.
Gregory S. Krulin, M.D.
Kenneth M. Taylor, M.D.
Chris M. Cate, M.D.
D. Dean Kumpuris, M.D.
Emilio Tirado, M.D.
Kay H. Chandler, M.D.
Don Kusenberger, M.D.
Robert Stephen Tucker, M.D.
Carol W. Chappell, M.D.
Robert W. Laakman, M.D.
William Everett Tucker, M.D.
Stephen M. Chatelain, M.D.
Lawrence A. Labbate, M.D.
Shannon R. Turner, M.D.
Joe B. Colclasure, M.D.
James H. Landers, M.D.
Maryelle G. Vonlanthen, M.D.
Kevin J. Collins, M.D.
Dwight A. Lindley, M.D.
Diane D. Wilder, M.D.
J. Lynn Davis, M.D.
David A. Lipschitz, M.D.
Paul William Zelnick, M.D.
C. William Deaton, M.D.
W. Jean Matchett, M.D.
John Roddey Edwards Dickins, M.D.
John N. Meadors, M.D.
John E. Dietrich, M.D.
Rickey D. Medlock, M.D.
Scott M. Dinehart, M.D.
Lawrence A. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Steve A. Dunnagan, M.D.
Forrest B. Miller, M.D.
Jonathan F. Fravel, M.D.
Thomas R. Moffett, M.D.
G. Thomas Frazier Jr., M.D.
D. Keith Mooney, M.D.
Diane Freeman, M.D.
Michael M. Moore, M.D.
Jon D. Fuller, M.D.
Barbara K. Morris, M.D.
Jerome J. Gehl, M.D.
Debra Jo Morrison, M.D.
Maria G. Portilla.
J. Ralph Broadwater Jr.
Paula Jean Anderson, John B. Cone, F. Charles Hiller, Muhammad Jaffar, Larry G. Johnson.
Randall Breau, Renie Edward Bressinck, J. Michael Carney, Scott M. Dinehart, Gunnar H. Gibson. Pediatric: Jay M. Kincannon.
Donald L. Bodenner, Stavros C. Manolagas, Ganesh K. Nair, Debra Lynn Simmons, Robert S. Weinstein. Pediatric: John L. Fowlkes, Stephen Frank Kemp, Alba E. Morales.
Ralph Farris Joseph, Forrest B. Miller, David A. Nelsen Jr., Charles H. Rodgers, Steve L. Simpson, Steven W. Strode, Robert Stephen Tucker.
Helen B. Casteel, M. Bruce Johnson,
D. Dean Kumpuris, Debra Jo Morrison, Gerald R. Silvoso, Douglas Smart. Pediatric: Juliana C. Frem, George J. Fuchs III, Troy E. Gibbons, Maryelle G. Vonlanthen.
William J. Carter, Pham H. Liem, David A. Lipschitz, Ann T. Riggs, T. Scott Simmons, A. Reed Thompson.
Reed Thompson.
G. Thomas Frazier Jr., Michael M. Moore.
For Being selected as one of the Best Doctors 2011 Arkansas Cardiology, P.A. Arkansas Cardiology West Dwight Chrisman, MD, FACC Gary J. Collins, MD, FACC, FACP Scott A. Davis, MD, FACC G. Stephen Greer, MD, FACC J. Douglas Holloway, MD, FACC David G. Jones, MD, FACC Randy Minton, MD, FACC Blake Norris, MD, FACC Alexander N. Orsini, MD, FACC B.K. Singh, MD, FACC 9501 Lile Drive Ste. 600 Little Rock, AR 72205 501-227-7596
Kent David McKelvey Jr. , G. Bradley Schaefer.
Bart Barlogie, Joseph M. Beck II, Peter D. Emanuel, Mariann Harrington, Laura Fulper Hutchins, AnneMarie Maddox, Isaam Makhoul, Diane D. Wilder. Pediatric: David L. Becton, Amir R. Mian, Carolyn Suzanne Saccente, Robert L. Saylors III, Kimo C. Stine.
David g. Jones, MD, FaCC
Like many of the highly trained physicians at Arkansas Cardiology, Dr Jones has brought new innovative therapies to the patients of Arkansas. In 2009 Dr. Jones brought Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH) to Arkansas. TH is used in patients with cardiac arrest and involves cooling their core temperature to 92ºF to preserve brain and organ function. He is an advocate for the implementation of this lifesaving therapy across the state.
Lee Curtis Abel, Robert T. Cheek, Amy J. Fitzgerald, Robert Howard Hopkins Jr. , Robert Charles Lavender, Sara Ghori Tariq, Anne R. Trussell, Sue A. Ulmer, Paul William Zelnick.
For more than 30 years, Arkansas Cardiology has provided our patients with the most advanced cardiovascular services in the state. We’re honored to have Dr. David Jones recognized among the Best Doctors in Arkansas!
Robert W. Bradsher, John E. Dietrich, Rebecca J. Edge-Martin, Dwight A. Lindley, Thomas P. Monson, Michael Saccente. Pediatric: Nada S. Harik, Richard F. Jacobs, Jose R. Romero, J. Gary Wheeler.
Arkansas Cardiology North Thomas D. Conley, MD, FACC, FSCAI Jay D. Geoghagan, MD, FACC Robert A. Lambert, MD, FACC Jeffrey Neuhauser, DO, FACC 3343 Springhill Dr Ste. 1035 North Little Rock, AR 72117 501-975-7676 Heartline 1-800-482-1224 “Our Mission is to provide state-of-the-art comprehensive cardiovascular care to the people of Arkansas in a caring and compassionate manner”
Sameh Abul-Ezz, Michelle W. Krause. Pediatric: Richard T. Blaszak, Eileen N. Ellis, Karen M. Redwine, Thomas G. Wells.
Steven L. Cathey, John Diaz Day, Ali F. Krisht, T. Glenn Pait. Pediatric: George T. (Tim) Burson.
Robert Leroy (Lee) Archer, Bradley S. Boop, Mary Louise Powell Corbitt, M. Betul Gundogdu, Naim I. Haddad, Sami I. Harik, Salah Keyrouz, W. Steven Metzer, Stacy A. Rudnicki, Bashir S. Shihabuddin. Pediatric: Bernadette M. Lange, Gregory B. Sharp, Rolla M. Shbarou.
James E. McDonald, Kathy Lynn Thomas, David W. Weiss.
Nancy R. Andrews Collins, Susan Barr, Alexander F. Burnett, Kay H. Chandler, Stephen M. Chatelain, Cindy A. Hubach, Karen Jean Kozlowski, Curtis L. Lowery Jr. , Everett F. Magann, Stephen Ray Marks, Heather Owens, Charles E. Phillips, Rosey Seguin-Calderone, Arkansas Women’s Center, Michael Selby, Kenneth M. Taylor, Paul J. Wendel. Pediatric and adolescent gynecology: Karen Jean Kozlowski.
Laurie D. Barber, J. David Bradford, Carol W. Chappell, Richard A. Harper, James H. Landers, Rickey D. Medlock, Christopher T. Westfall.
C. Lowry Barnes, Wayne Bruffett, Johannes Michael Gruenwald, Kenneth A. Martin, David Gordon Newbern, Richard W. Nicholas Jr. , Richard A. Nix, Richard D. Peek, Ruth L. Thomas, John L. Vander Schilden. Pediatric: James Aronson, Dale Blasier, Richard E. McCarthy.
Jeffrey L. Barber, Joe B. Colclasure,
John Roddey Edwards Dickins, John L. Dornhoffer, Barbara K. Morris, Brendan C. Stack, Jr. , Scott J. Stern, James Y. Suen, Emre Vural. Pediatric: Charles Michael Bower, Lisa M. Buckmiller.
Aubrey Hough, Jr. , Laura W. Lamps, Robert Lorsbach, Bruce Robert Smoller. Pediatric: Douglas P. Blackall.
Michiaki Imamura.
Stephen G. Kahler.
Adnan Tariq Bhutta, Richard Thomas Fiser, Xiomara Garcia-Casal, Jerril W. Green, Mark J. Heulitt, M. Michele Moss, Parthak Prodhan, Ronald Sanders Jr., Stephen M. Schexnayder.
Patrick H. Casey, Eldon Gerald Schulz.
Rhonda M. Dick, Mary Huckabee, Laura P. James, Rebecca A. Schexnayder, Steven W. Shirm, Kendall Lane Stanford, Elizabeth Anne Storm, Tonya Marie Thompson.
Charles Albert James.
Stephen G. Kahler, G. Bradley Schaefer.
Laura P. James.
Michael L. Schmitz.
John Lee Carroll.
Jerry G. Jones.
Elton R. Cleveland, Brian H. Hardin, Darrell Nesmith, Maria G. Portilla, Jennifer L. Woods.
Juanita Lynn Taylor.
Robert W. Arrington, Bryan L. Burke Jr., R. Whit Hall, Jeffrey R. Kaiser, Robert E. Lyle, Ashley S. Ross III, Joanne S. Szabo, Bonnie J. Taylor, Billy Ray Thomas, Donnal C. Walter.
Stephen G. Kahler.
Shelly L. Baldwin, Lanessa D. Bass, Debra D. Becton, Carrie M. Brown, Bryan L. Burke Jr. , Vincent Calderon Jr. , Dale W. Dildy Jr. , Rosana Diokno, Joseph M. Elser, Charles Robert Feild, Diane Freeman, R. Wayne Herbert, Charlotte A. Hobbs, Anthony Dale Johnson, Susan A. Keathley, James S. Magee, Laura R. McLeane, Eduardo R. Ochoa, Jr. A. Larry Simmons.
Kevin J. Collins, Kevin M. Means. Pediatric: Vikki A. Stefans.
Dr. ranDall Breau
Thomas R. Moffett, Kris B. Shewmake, Gary E. Talbert, James C. Yuen.
Dr. Scott Dinehart
James A. Clardy, Jeffrey L. Clothier Irving Kuo, Lawrence A. Labbate, Jeffrey M. Pyne, G. Richard Smith, John Spollen.
F. Charles Hiller. Pediatric: Martin L. Bauer, Ariel Berlinski, John Lee Carroll, Gulnur Com, Supriya K. Jambhekar, Robert H. Warren.
Michael L. Talbert.
Albert S. Alexander, Edgardo J. Chua Angtuaco, Teresita L. Angtuaco, Jodi M. Barboza, Benjamin Joseph Bartnicke, F. Keith Bell, William C. Culp, C. William Deaton, Steve A. Dunnagan, Eren Erdem, F. Fravel, Jerome J. Gehl, Charles Albert James, Aaron L. Janos, Philip J. Kenney, Don Kusenberger, Robert W. Laakman, W. Jean Matchett, John N. Meadors, George A. Norton, Christie B. Phelan, Rajesh Sethi, Hemendra R. Shah, Kathleen M. Sitarik, David E. Tamas, Shannon R. Turner. Pediatric: Charles Albert James.
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James Howard Abraham III, Robert M. Brewer, Stephen DaCosta Holt Richard W. Houk, S. Michael Jones, Thomas M. Kovaleski Eleanor A. Lipsmeyer, Cummins Lue, Robert A. Ortmann, Laura B. Trigg. Pediatric: Jason A. Dare, Terry O. Harville, Paula K. Morris.
John Lee Carroll, George Davila, Gregory S. Krulin.
Gary W. Barone, Hugh F. Burnett, Chris M. Cate, John B. Cone, Jon D. Fuller, James E. Hagans III, John C. Jones, Ronald Robertson, Emilio Tirado, William Everett Tucker, Youmin Wu.
Ralph Broadwater Jr. , Ronda S. HenryTillman, John C. Jones, V. Suzanne Klimberg, Kent C. Westbrook.
Frank Michael Bauer III, Hugh F. Burnett, H. Gareth Tobler.
Gail Reede Jones, D. Keith Mooney.
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however, “would completely isolate me as a psychiatrist,” Messias said. There is a non-talk and non-drug therapy Messias would like to institute at UAMS: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, for depression that doesn’t respond to drugs. “That’s my goal now. My letter to Santa,” he said. UAMS has a TMS machine that it uses in its tinnitus (ringing in the ears) research, but it’s not the machine the FDA has approved for use with depressed patients. “I think it’s a good alternative and that people from Arkansas should have access to it,” Messias said.
Maurecio Moreno, 38 Reconstructive head and neck surgery, head and neck cancer Here’s what Mauricio Moreno can do: He can take part of your fibula (and the vessels that feed it), cut it up into segments, hook it together with titanium and make a jaw. He can also take part of a scapula and make a palate. That means that patients who’ve had surgery for cancers of the head and neck do not have to be completely disfigured, that they can eat and talk normally. In the two years he’s been at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, he’s done 114 of these microvascular procedures — hooking up the vessels to feed what are essentially transplanted, but not foreign, bones. It’s complex surgery on an area of the body that Moreno finds “fascinating” and “beautiful.” The Chile native did three fellowships at M.D. Anderson (including thyroid cancer and surgical endocrinology) — nine years of postgraduate training. “At that point,” Moreno said, “my dad was like, ‘when are you going to get a real job?’ ” There are five head and neck surgeons at UAMS, but Moreno is the only one doing reconstruction, and half of his practice is devoted to that. Head and neck cancer is associated with smoking and drinking, and UAMS sees “a fair amount of patients with stage 4” tumors. Patients may progress to that stage because, contrary to what one would expect, cancer of the mouth is “not that painful. It’s a little sore that doesn’t go away. If [patients] go see a primary care doctor not familiar [with tumors], they may put them on antibiotics.” Non-smokers and non-drinkers get head and neck cancer too — the
incidence rate among these patients “has skyrocketed” in the last decade, Moreno said. Doctors know that the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus — which causes cervical cancer in women — plays a role. These patients respond better to chemo and radiation and thus have a better survival rate than those whose cancer stems from tobacco and alcohol use. Speech pathologists play a vital role in the life of patients who’ve had reconstructive surgery, Moreno noted. The reconstructed jaw or mouth has no nerves and hence no feeling, so patients have to learn to compensate. While at M.D. Anderson, Moreno learned a technique of operating to relieve lymphedema. It was a procedure he thought he’d never use again. But when he arrived at UAMS, Dr. Suzanne Klimberg, a breast oncologist, asked if he could do the procedure. While head and neck cancer is his “day job,” he says, he is also working with Klimberg to bring the surgery, to relieve what is a common unpleasant aftereffect of breast surgery, to UAMS. The surgery isn’t covered by insurance (though, Moreno noted, it’s the standard of care in Italy); Moreno has been awarded a grant that will allow him to research, and pay for, the technique.
Edward M. Penick III, 35 Cataract surgery Cataract surgery “is one of my passions,” says Edward (Ted) Penick, something other doctors have observed, if the high vote count for Penick is any indication. Penick has been in practice for five years with Deer Penick Eye Clinic and TLC LASIK center, a 10-surgeon business that Penick says is the busiest eye center in Central Arkansas. He does around 30 surgeries a month. Most of Penick’s patients are older — in the 70s and up — and when this reporter asked how he assures his patients he’s not too young to take a scalpel to their eyes, he acknowledges that “with surgeons, they don’t want to see a young pup.” But, he said, “The gray hair on my sideburns has helped.” Ophthalmology was a last-minute decision in his case, the Little Rock native said. He thought about being a primary care physician, but the opportunity to do surgery, and the innovative technology — he uses 10 different types of lasers in his work, each CONTINUED ON PAGE 25
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Pediatric: Stephen J. Canon.
This list was excerpted from The Best Doctors in America® 2011-2012 database, which includes over 45,000 doctors in more than 40 medical specialties. The Best Doctors in America® database is compiled and maintained by Best Doctors Inc. For more information, visit, or contact Best Doctors by telephone at 800-675-1199 or by e-mail at Please note that lists of doctors are not available on the Best Doctors web site. Best Doctors Inc. has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list, but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Copyright 2012, Best Doctors Inc. Used under license, all rights reserved. This list, or any parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Best Doctors, Inc. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without the permission of Best Doctors, Inc. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission. “Best Doctors,” “The Best Doctors in America” and the Best Doctors star-incross logo are registered trademarks of Best Doctors Inc. in the U.S. and other countries, and are used under license.
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Jon Allen, Ryan Bariola, Joe Beck, Robert Bradsher, Nada Harik, Terry Jefferson, Jose Romero (pediatric), Michael Saccente (pediatric), Keyur Vyas, Gary Wheeler (pediatric).
Scott Bowen, Dale Blasier (pediatric), David Gilliam, Michael Gruenwald, Michael Moore, Theresa Wyrick.
Jasen Chi, Jason Dare (pediatric), Richard Houk, Thomas Kovaleski, Eleanor Lipsmeyer, Paula Morris (pediatric), Laura Trigg, Rachel Wayne.
Paula Anderson, Jeremy Bufford (pediatric), Teri Jeffers, Lawrence G. Johnson, Stacie Jones (pediatric), Manish Joshi, Tamara Perry (pediatric), Lawrence Simmons (pediatric), Robert Warren (pediatric).
Lee Archer, Christopher Cifarelli, J.D. Day, F. Richard Jordan, Ali Krisht, Ali Raja, CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 OCTOBER 26, 2011 23
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affecting a different kind of tissue according to its wave length — won him over. (For example, he described the YAG laser surgery, a treatment for narrow angle glaucoma, as causing a “miniature explosion” in the eye.) Ophthalmologists get hugs, he says, from patients who thought they’d never be able to see so well, who’d quit socializing because their cataracts had blinded them. “It’s such a rewarding service to patients.” The nature of the ophthalmological practice means doctors get family time. Penick and his wife, Jill, have children 5, 3 and six months. Already, he’s coaching his son’s basketball and baseball team. His specialty was “a really good choice and I’ve had no regrets.”
Scott William Rypkema, 40 Coronary artery disease Scott Rypkema, who joined Heart Clinic Arkansas in 2006, is concerned about the future of health care in America. If fully enacted, Rypkema says, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010 “will radically change how care is delivered. With the lack of resources to pay for everything, I think rationing is coming.” He believes that procedures could be denied, for example, to people over a certain age. There already is a kind of rationing, by health insurance companies, he says, “if patients don’t fit into a nice little category.” “I’m a pretty firm believer in trying to come up with the best treatment plan for that individual patient” and he will take it to the mat if insurance companies deny the type of care he wants to deliver. Usually, he’s successful. Rypkema is a native of Des Moines, Iowa, and after an internship residency at Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington University Medical Center, he did a brief stint as a hospitalist. He came to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to do his cardiology fellowship, where he trained in nuclear perfusion, a more accurate stress test using a radiocative trace in the blood flow. The “greatest thing” about cardiology, Rypkema said, is to be able to help people through their problems and illnesses and seeing what a difference you’ve made. … Patients become like family members almost.”
Matthew Steliga, 37 Lung cancer There’s a lot of business for Matthew Steliga in Arkansas, unfortunately, thanks to the state’s high rate of lung cancer. He came to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences two years ago after completing training in minimally invasive chest surgery at M.D. Anderson and the Texas Heart Institute in Houston. “What I like best about my practice is we see a lot of variety,” Steliga said, “from early stage small tumors to more complex tumors. We are able to help a lot of people with lung and esophageal cancer.” The doctors in the multidisciplinary team he works with are “excellent,” he said, and the nurses “top notch.” Steliga’s claim to fame: He was able to do UAMS’ first thoracoscopic lobectomy and segmentectomy, minimally invasive surgeries to remove lung cancers. The procedure requires only a small incision — 4 to 5 centimeters — and smaller instruments, guided by a camera. “It’s a very good option for lung cancer,” Steliga said. There’s less post operative pain and fewer complications and the patient can leave the hospital and get back to normal activities more quickly. These less invasive surgeries are also a good strategy to operate on people not strong enough to have their chests cracked open. Steliga presented his improvement on a surgical procedure to deal with infection this summer at an international conference. He’s looking forward to UAMS’ participation in a multi-center clinical study on new lung cancer surgery techniques with such prestigious medical centers with Duke University, the University of Chicago, Washington University and Cornell. The study would look at two approaches to less aggressive surgical techniques that would preserve more lung function; UAMS is getting protocols approved now. Do patients squirm when they see the surgeon who is going to operate on their lungs is 37? Not after he sits down with them and explains the treatment options “and their families really understand I know what I’m talking about,” Steliga said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 27
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 David Reding, Robert Saylors, Brad Thomas.
CATARACT SURGERY Katherine Baltz, Joseph Chacko, Carol Chappell, Richard Harper, Nicola Kim, Michael McFarland, Edward Moore Penick, David Rozas, Jan Scruggs, Michael Wiggins.
BREAST CANCER Dana Abraham, Jerri Fant, Rhonda Henry-Tillman, James Hagans, Laura Hutchins, Suzanne Klimberg, Issam Makhoul, Kent Westbrook.
COLON AND RECTAL CANCER Ralph Broadwater, Charles Crocker, Rangaswamy Govindarajan, John Jones, Dean Kumpuris, Jonathan Laryea, Issam Makhoul, Jason Mizell, Lee Raley, Ron Robertson.
CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Nelson Ancalmo (Pine Bluff), Joe Bissett, Thomas Conley, Lynn Davis, Ibrahim Fahdi, David G. Jones, Andrew Kumpuris, James Marsh, Aytekin Ozdemir, David Rutlen, Scott Rypkema, Gareth Tobler, Charles Watkins.
DEPRESSION Jeff Clothier, Brad Diner, Michael Hollomon (Springdale), Brian Hyatt, Larry Labbate, Erick Messias, Philip Mizell, Rick Smith, John Spollen, Linda Worley.
GLAUCOMA Katherine Baltz, Laurie Barber, Jay Brainard, Carol Chappell, Inci Dersu, Nicola Kim, David Rozas, Michael Wiggins.
GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER Alexander Burnett, Pam Stone.
HAND INJURY Jeanine Andersson, Thomas Frazier, Michael Moore, Richard Wirges, Theresa Wyrick-Glover, James Yuen.
HEAD AND NECK CANCER Konstantinos Arnaoutakis, Graves Hearnsberger, Mauricio Moreno, Brendan Stack, Scott Stern, James Suen, Emre Vural.
INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE Farshad Aduli, Glenn Davis, Jonathan Dranoff, Juliana Frem, George Fuchs (pediatric), Whitfield Knapple, Dean Kumpuris, Jason Mizell, Arshad Malik, Thomas Meziere.
KIDNEY STONES John Paul Brizzolara, Matthew Katz, Michelle Krause, Keith Mooney, Sudhir Shah.
LEG INJURY Scott Bowen, Michael Gruenwald, Ken Martin, Larry Nguyen, Charles Pearce.
LEUKEMIA Joseph M. Beck, David Becton (pediatric), Brad Baltz, Peter Emanuel, Laura Hutchins, Amir Mian (pediatric), Suzanne Saccente.
LIVER DISEASE Farshad Aduli, Frederick Bentley, Glenn Davis, Jonathan Dranoff, Dean Kumpuris, Arshad Malik, David P. McElreath, Youmin Wu.
LUNG CANCER Konstantinos Arnaoutakis, Brad Baltz, Thaddeus Bartter, Joseph Beck, Matthew Steliga.
LUPUS Jason Dare (pediatric), Jasen Chi, Richard Houk, Thomas Kovaleski, Eleanor Lipsmeyer, Laura Trigg.
LYMPHOMA Brad Baltz, Joseph Beck, Peter Emanuel, Laura Hutchins, Amir Mian (pediatric).
MELANOMA Brian Badgwell, Daniel Davis, Stephen D’Addario, Scott Dinehart, Laura Hutchins, Kent Westbrook.
For additional information please contact the Division of Youth Services at 501-682-8654.
PANCREATIC CANCER Brian Badgwell, Brad Baltz, Ralph Broadwater, Laura Hutchins, Issam Makhoul.
PROSTATE CANCER Konstantinos Arnaoutakis, Ken Gardner, Matthew Katz, Ron Kuhn, Malcolm Moore.
RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Barbara Honnebier (pediatric), Bob Moffet, Mauricio Moreno, Kris Shewmake, Emre Vural, James Yuen.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Columbus Brown, Jasen Chi, Thomas Kovaleski, Eleanor Lipsmeyer, Richard Houk, Paula Morris, Laura Trigg.
SPINAL SURGERY Tim Burson, John D. Day, Richard McCarthy (pediatric), T. Glenn Pait, Richard Peek, Ericka Petersen, Brad Thomas, Ted Saer, Scott Schlesinger.
STROKE Lee Archer, John Greenfield, Brett Ironside, Salah Keyrouz.
THYROID Donald Bodenner, Fred Faas, Richard Griffiths, Lawrence Kim, Debbie Simmons, Brendan Stack. OCTOBER 26, 2011 27
Richard Wirges, 36 Hand injury Russellville native Richard Wirges, a general surgeon who specializes in hands, says that though he gets paid to operate, he goes for the minimalist approach to healing a hand injury. “I won’t speak for anyone else, but my personal belief is [that we have] two main goals … [to determine] what is it going to take to get function and comfort … without subjecting you to other problems. It’s not necessary to go straight to surgery.” Wirges got his medical degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and did his general surgical internship and residency at Texas Tech University. He did a hand fellowship with Kleinert, Kurtz and Associates Hand Care Center in Louisville. “I wanted a specialty that I could feel like I could master,” he said, adding with boyish enthusiasm, one that “had all the cool stuff I get to do,” which is to work with
Theresa Wyrick-Glover, 34 Hand injury, arm injury Theresa Wyrick-Glover has the number of Leeches U.S.A. on her phone’s speed dial for quick access to creatures that will suck blood. Leeches aren’t everyone’s favorite worm, but they come in handy when you’re trying to keep a reattached finger alive and healthy. Take the patient from Louisiana. He was playing basketball, went for a layup and sailed through a plate glass door. He cut all the nerves and arteries going to the arm. “He’s a great kid, very driven,” Wyrick-Glover said, and when he had to have leeches on his thumb, “he thought it was the coolest thing ever.” An LSU fan, he separated his leeches into LSU and Arkansas leeches; he and the friends who came to see him said the Louisiana leeches won. What leeches do, the Arkansas Children’s Hospital surgeon explained, is
“saws and plates and screws and drills.” Wirges has been in practice three years at OrthoArkansas, where he gets to see patients of all ages, which he says is perhaps the favorite part of his practice. “I tend to deal with pathologies that you can see improvement in” — carpal tunnel ailments, trigger fingers, traumatic injury to bones, tendons and nerves. He does not reattach hands (as UAMS surgeon Theresa Wyrick-Glover does) because of the time and medical team required. To be a good doctor, Wirges says, one must be “a good listener.” Training is one thing; knowing what to do and when to do it is another. Doctors must make sure patients understand what’s going on and “are comfortable with what you are recommending.” Another benefit of his hand surgery practice: He gets to spend more time with family. He and his wife have three children ages 7, 4 and 18 months. His field gives him some “protected personal time, quality time.”
secrete a blood thinner to prevent clotting and venus congestion; it sucks the bad venus blood out and lets the good arterial blood flow. There are not many places like Arkansas Children’s Hospital, WyrickGlover said, that have the ability to put fingers and hands and arms back on. Her work there “allows me to do very complex cases that often you don’t see in private practice.” Wyrick-Glover has been at Children’s for two years; it was just after she started that she treated two youngsters with hands mangled in lawnmower accidents. “We did an amazing reconstructive surgery, and they’re playing baseball,” she said. It was so remarkable TV’s “700 Club” did a five-minute segment on it. Wyrick-Glover earned her medical degree from UAMS and did a fellowship in hand and upper extremity surgery at
Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. (She found that people communicate differently there. When she was presenting a patient who she said had been in a “car wreck,” the other doctors looked at her curiously. What? You mean a vehicular accident?) “The thing that I was most pleased to bring back” to Arkansas, she said, was digit replantation surgery, the ability to put fingers back on the hand, using sutures “smaller than the hair on your head” to connect blood vessels and nerves. Post-op, patients head for the hospital’s “Tropicana Room,” which is kept at above 80 F., to keep blood flowing in the replanted digit, and must not smoke or drink caffeine, which are vasoconstrictors. The slender 5’7” doctor also enjoys “being able to teach residents and medical students” and show them “that you don’t have to be a strong football-type guy” to be an orthopedic surgeon.
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Oct 28-29, Nov 11-12
plans to hit hillcrest shop ’n’ sip, NOV 3; 2nd Friday Art Night in downtown Little Rock Friday, Nov 11; heights happy hour, thursday, Nov 17 and Argenta Art Walk on Friday, Nov 18. Shops and galleries stay open late. Plus—enjoy street art, entertainment and all around fun! All sponsored by Arkansas Times!
The Clinton Center, in partnership with the Science and Technology Group and FIRST® LEGO® League, will showcase LEGO® MINDSTORMS Robotics. Arkansas FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®) teams will present their robotic designs and demonstrate their problem solving skills, creative thinking and teamwork for school groups. The demonstrations are free and open to the public. Garden View Room, Clinton Presidential Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations will be held every hour. School groups interested in watching demonstrations and touring the exhibit, please contact Volunteer Visitor Services at 501-748-0419.
Oct 26-Nov 5
Don’t miss all your favorite 80s songs together on one stage in this year’s Young Artist Production at Wildwood Park for the Arts. This always popular production is an annual performance by The Rep’s SMTI (Summer Musical Theatre Intensive) program, or as we like to call it “Smitty.” This year’s show is all about the 80s and is titled That 80s Show: We Built this “SMITTY” on Rock and Roll! Conceived and Directed by Nicole Capri. All evening shows 7 p.m., Sunday, October 30, 2 p.m. matinee only and Saturday, November 5, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
David Cortright, Director of Policy Studies at the University of Notre Dame, will speak on the conflict in Afghanistan and his book, Ending Obama’s War: Responsible Withdrawal from Afghanistan, at the Clinton School of Public Service. The lecture begins at 6 p.m. and is sponsored by Arkansas WAND (Women’s Action for New Directions).
Paws in the Vineyard, benefitting CARE for Animals, will take place from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock at 1818 Reservoir Road in Little Rock. The event includes wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres and prize drawings. Tickets are $40. For more information, visit
Make plans to attend the inaugural Arkansas Cornbread Festival from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Bernice Garden at the corner of Main Street and Daisy Bates Avenue in Little Rock. Enjoy cornbread tasting, live music, vendor booths and games for the kids. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Pets are allowed. n Banks and Shane will be playing at the WOODLANDS AUDIRORIUM Hot Springs Village. A band that entertains with an eclectic mix of music from blue grass to rock and country to pop and the oldies. Tickets are available by phone at 501-922-4231.
thu 3
The UCA Student Activities Board proudly presents Iron & Wine with special guest Marketa Irglova at 8 p.m. at Reynolds Performance Hall on the UCA campus in Conway. Student tickets are $15. Tickets for the general public are $25. Tickets are available at the Reynolds Box Office or call 501-450-3265. They can also be ordered online at
Little Rock’s Market Street Cinema screens the 1962 film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance at 7 p.m. as part of its classic movie series, the second Tuesday of every month. Admission is only $5. Beer and wine are available at the concession stand. Visit for more info.
sat 19
tue 29
9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Clear Channel Metroplex in Little Rock. Museum School teachers will sell original artwork, including drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, pottery, woodwork, prints, jewelry and more. Cash and checks will be accepted. Parking and admission is free. For more information, visit
the Tony Award-winning musical, runs through Dec. 1 at Robinson Center Music Hall. A timeless classic, no other musical has so magically woven music, dance and laughter into such an electrifying, unforgettable experience. Call 501224-8800 for ticket information, or visit
The Arkansas Arts Center Museum School Sale will be held from
Fiddler on the Roof,
Catch the final performance of Agatha Christie’s popular mystery The Mousetrap at Murry’s Dinner Playhouse in Little Rock. This month, Murry’s also presents two must-see acts Eddie Miles in “A Salute to Elvis,” on Nov. 8-9 and The Van Dells, the nation’s #1 rock and roll revue, from Nov. 11-13. For show times and ticket information, call 501-562-3131 or visit www.
THU 17-SAT 19
SUN 13
Dazzle Daze takes place at the Conway Expo Center on Friday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. There is a special Girls’ Night Out event on Thursday from 6-9 p.m. This three-day shopping extravaganza will feature more than 90 merchants. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and children under 12 are free. Tickets to Girls’ Night Out are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Visit www. for details.
n thu 3: Munich Symphony Orchestra with Gloriae Dei Cantores and the UCA Concert Choir Internationally renowned artist Philippe Entremont with the Munich Symphony Orchestra to perform Mozart’s Requiem with Gloria Dei Cantores and the UCA Concert Choir. n Sat 19: Wizard of Oz - There is truly no place like home as the greatest family musical of all time, the wonderful Wizard of Oz, twists its way across the country! The entire family will be captivated as they travel down the Yellow Brick Road and beyond with Dorothy, Toto and their friends the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in this lavish production, feature breathtaking special effects, dazzling choreography and classic songs. n MON 21: James Carville - James “The Ragin’ Cajun” Carville is America’s best-known political consultant. Carville is also a best-selling author, actor, producer, talk-show host, speaker and restaurateur.
Road Trip! El Dorado
Great food, good wine and Southern music are on the menu at the first-ever Southern Food & Wine Festival in El Dorado’s Union Square district, October 2829. Festivities begin with a black-tie optional dinner hosted by Presqu’ile Winery at the El Dorado Conference Center on Friday night. Owned by the Murphy family, Presqu’ile Winery is a world-class California wine with Arkansas roots. Sample palette
pleasers, including pinot noir, chardonnay and rosé, as well as hors d’oeuvres while enjoying music by the award-winning New Birth Brass Band. On Saturday, Union Square will come alive with food vendors, visual art and live music. Don’t miss the last act – Grammy Award-winner Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews. Ticket prices range from $175, for a 2 Day All Access Pass, to $35 for a Festival Only Pass. For more information, visit
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et ready for the “Destination Downtown Living Tour” this Saturday, Oct. 29, from 1-5 p.m. Hosted by the Downtown Little Rock Partnership (DLRP), the tour offers a look into downtown living on both sides of the river. The tour of properties was started in 2007 as a way to “showcase Downtown as a unique neighborhood with different lifestyle options,” DLRP Executive Director Sharon Priest said. Tour goers are invited to board rubber-wheel trolleys and shuttles and take a peek inside some of Downtown Little Rock and North Little Rock’s unique new homes, condos and apartments. Guests will also be able to sample menus from neighborhood restaurants. The 2011 tour will feature Lafayette Square, River Market Tower, 300 Third, The Residences at Gracie Mansion, Cumberland Townhomes, The Enclave at the Riverfront (NLR), Riviera Condominiums and several homes (not for sale) in Quapaw Quarter. Participating restaurants are Copper Grill, Community Bakery, Sufficient Grounds, Lulav, Loca Luna and Red Door. Trolleys and shuttles will run three continuous loops to include each of the participating sites, though participants may drive the tour. Passport tickets are $7 (children 12 & under are free) and may be purchased the day of the event from DLRP in the lobby of Lafayette Square at the corner of 6th and Louisiana Streets. A tour map and property guide is included in each Passport. Passports must be shown to enter each property and will be stamped at each location to register to win prizes. For this year’s event, other activities are planned to showcase all that happens in the downtown area. An art show by members of LifeQuest and music by Fire & Brimstone will be featured at Lafayette Square and a Third Street Fall Fair will be held between the 300 Third and River Market Tower stop. Entrance to these events is free of charge. Free on street parking is available for tour participants as well as in the deck at 6th and Scott Streets and in the Best Park parking lot across from The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Louisiana Street. All proceeds from the tour go to the beautification of Downtown. DLRP is a non-profit, membership-based organization charged with developing and promoting Downtown Little Rock as a high-energy urban environment in which to live, work, play and invest.
Saturday, October 29th 1 - 5 p.m. - Tickets $7 Kids 12 and under FREE • Passport tickets may be purchased the day of the event at Lafayette Square on the corner of Sixth and Louisiana Streets.
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Incredible Views
Sample great food from some of downtown’s restaurants. Enjoy an art exhibit by LifeQuest of Arkansas members in Lafayette Square. Stop by the Third Street Merchants Fall Street Fair while at the River Market Tower. For more information contact Downtown Little Rock Partnership at 501-375-0121.
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Verizon Arena plays host on Saturday.
f you’re any kind of snob when it comes to band names, Coloradonative Derek Vincent Smith’s performance name — Pretty Lights — might, at first glance, sound phoned-in. If you know anything about the DJ/ producer’s elaborate stage show — a live drummer, digital light displays, video projection — you might wonder if a vision of that spectacle inspired the name. Not so. According to Smith, the name Pretty Lights refers to the way light serves as a necessary component of painting or photography, and how light “embodies the essence of inspiration.” Yes, that’s right; this is deeper dance music than you’re used to. At first listen, Pretty Lights’ sonic patchworks is reminiscent of older masters like DJ Shadow or sample nerds like RJD2. While his live show incorporates pop-tune remixes and crowd-friendly adrenaline jams, his recorded material is more atmospheric than house-y, beat-heavy but not overburdened, and curiously bereft of substantial vocals. (This tic Smith chalks up to his pickiness about lyrics — vocals are the one sound he admits having difficulty placing in his tracks.) You’ll also be hard-pressed to identify one of Smith’s samples; whereas RJD2, for example, may have taught you to love The Delfonics with his liberal use of long samples. Smith is such a purist and fidelity geek that he won’t describe his song production as straight sampling, preferring instead the term “sample collaging,” which implies borrowing a smaller section of a track, layering it and incorporating it into a new composition so organically it’s undetected. He uses the terms “timbre” and “warmth” to describe the sonic perfection he’s after. He chalks his disposition up to being a musician-turned-DJ, having played in punk and soul bands before he ever touched Fruity Loops. On his newest album, Smith decided to skip the 45-bin altogether, in favor of recording original 34 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
Pretty Lights
With Big Gigantic, DJ Witnesse and Durden 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, Verizon Arena $30-$33
tracks and having them pressed to vinyl so that he might take from his own work from the get-go. He’s also managed to mass market the Pretty Lights experience by offering free downloads of his material on his website. Some Internet misinformation speculates the reason behind the giveaway has to do with song rights, but Smith emphatically denies that. Rather, as any shrewd businessman, he was aware of his anonymity early on, and decided to flood the market with his music instead of hoarding it jealously. Needless to say, it has worked, and as Smith noticed an ever-increasing population of sweaty attendees at his live shows, he saw no reason to keep the albums from the people. The whole Pretty Lights operation generally seems like the eerie-genius product of a marketing mastermind: Curious about his stuff? Get it for free; one day you’ll probably end up at his show. For his latest tour, which has been booking ginormous venues and outdoor festivals throughout the U.S., including the Verizon Arena here, Smith claims he deliberately designed a show so vast and impressive in technological and visual scope that smaller clubs simply couldn’t accommodate it. If you think, as anyone might, he’s concerned about failing to sell out such considerable spaces, Smith says reassuringly, “It’s OK. It’s still a party. We’re just putting on a cool experience.” Smith said he’s played Fayetteville a few times to a warm reception, and hopes the same for Little Rock: “People in the South love to get down and have a good time, and the fact that it’s a Halloween party and I’m dropping some new music — well, Arkansas always puts it down for me.”
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— author of the wildly successful Sookie Stackhouse novels (which were turned into the equally successful “True Blood” series from HBO) — is branching out into the world of graphic novels, the visual, book-length, often more-literary cousins to comic books. Harris recently inked a deal with Penguin’s Ace Books to help conceive and write a three-volume graphic novel series called “Cemetery Girl,” with the first volume set for release in 2013. Details are sketchy at this point, but word is that “Cemetery Girl” is a fantasy piece that revolves around a teen-age amnesiac who grew up in a cemetery, with the plot curving toward revelations about her past. Harris will work with writer Christopher Golden and veteran comics artist Don Kramer to develop the titles.
BLACKBIRD ACADEMY OF THE ARTS, a nonprofit arts education
program based in Conway, will be accepting until Nov. 15 submissions for the Alchemy Songwriting Competition and Showcase. Songs in any genre will be judged and placed into two age groups (13 to 17, 18 and up), and a showcase concert will be held Dec. 3 at Hendrix College, where finalists will be invited to perform their song. Among the showcase judges will be Kris Allen, whose name might ring a bell — he was the winner of American Idol a couple years ago, and remains one of Conway’s hometown heroes. The showcase grand prize is a trip to Los Angeles, expenses paid, to record the winning song in studio with award-winning producers Ryan Peterson and Nolan Sipe. Proceeds from the competition, including entry fees, sponsorships, and showcase tickets will benefit Blackbird Academy. Entry form, rules, and other information is available and COUNTRY POP STANDOUTS RASCAL FLATTS are bringing their “Thaw
Out 2012” tour to Verizon Arena on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012. Tickets, which range from $25.50 to $60.25, go on sale Oct. 28 via the Verizon Box Office and Ticketmaster outlets.
FRIDAY 10/28
9 p.m. White Water Tavern. $5.
In 10 years of existence, the Arkansas Community Arts Cooperative hosted punk rock proms, put on fashion shows, booked touring bands, threw art shows and screened indie movies. The group called it quits earlier this year, but lives on in spirit through a tradition it started eight years ago, when it convinced a handful of local bands to dress up like famous bands from past and present and cover their songs. The show was always an event even if local acts were terribly unprepared. Several years back, White Water Tavern started hosting similar shows, but usually featuring only bands that were really, really serious about doing justice to whatever band they were impersonating (remember The Boondogs as Fleetwood Mac? Good
Fear as Six Tom Pettys and the Heartbreaker?). Now comes a group of local musicians who’re poised to do more justice to their source material than anyone who’s come before. The players include most of Amasa Hines (and formerly The Natives and Romany Rye): Whitman Bransford (keys), Ryan Hitt (bass), Judson Spillyards (guitar) and Joshua Spillyards (drums). Plus Arkansas guitar god Greg Spradlin and Velvet Kente’s polyrhythmic drummer Jamal. That, friends, is a badass group of players, and the same instrumental line-up the classicera Allmans employed. The plan, according to Judson Spillyards, is to, over the course of two sets, play all of the self-titled debut album and visit a number of the hits — “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed,” “Hot ’lanta” and “Don’t Keep Me Wonderin.’ ” LM
9 a.m. Two Rivers Park. $20-$35.
SHREK SINGS: In ‘Shrek the Musical’ at Robinson.
Mud, you know, has positive therapeutic and dermatological properties; people pay a lot of money to dip themselves in it at fancy spas when Neutrogena won’t do the trick. Some of my earliest experiences with mud probably came on an elementary school playground and involved proto-scatological pranks. Most recently, I slipped on it in the
rain. The Mud Run is a convenient combination of all these qualities: restorative, regressive and downright mucky. For the benefit of Little Rock Parks and Recreation, you get to run a 5K through obstacles and ultimately a 300-foot mud pit. Dress to get dirty, and leave your diamond rings at home. Expect exceptionally clean and firm skin afterwards, as well as a lingering sense of Freudian satisfaction. BR.
FRIDAY 10/28
7:30 p.m. Robinson Center Music Hall. $27-$67.
But for the fact that he died in 2003, two years after the first Shrek movie kicked off the franchise, New Yorker Cartoonist William Steig would today be rolling around in royalties today. He is, after all, the original creator of the green ogre who has appeared in four movies, various fast food and theme park tie-ins, and now a Broadway musical based on the earliest Shrek film. It’s the anti-fairy tale, anti-Dis36 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
ney story of the crotchety eponymous ogre who saves a princess from a diminutive, equally crotchety bad guy. Because it gives sarcastic shout-outs to every anthropomorphized member of the Mother Goose canon, and then some, it’s been a hit with kids on its national tour. Just about everybody, though, should get a laugh from its notorious jabs at the fairy tale establishment (whatever that is). The musical continues on Saturday and Sunday with performances at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and 7 p.m. on Sunday. BR
9 p.m. The Peabody. $10.
The Peabody RiverTop Parties continue into the fall with the city’s biggest Halloween celebration. Local DJ Brandon Peck is spinning and Epiphany is emceeing at the voodoo-themed extravaganza. Plus, $5,000 in cash prizes are being given away for the best costumes — first place
gets $3,500, $150 in dining certificates and an overnight invitation to the Peabody’s Presidential Suite. Reservations are available for the VIP Voodoo Lounge, as well as a special ticket package that includes a guest room the night of the party, and breakfast for two at Capriccio Grill the next morning. Better get that costume pulled together if you really feel like partying in style this year. BR.
THE HALLOWEEN COVER-UP As mentioned earlier, now that ACAC is closed, White Water Tavern is the only game in town for locals impersonating bands you know. As usual, this year’s line-up holds a lot of promise. Big Silver, the long tenured folk-flecked pop-rock band led by Isaac Alexander, takes on The Band. The same group that covered Weezer last year at White Water — Michael Inescoe, Jack Lloyd, Phillip Huddleston, Thom Asewicz and Patrick Rippy — offer their take on The Strokes. A group led by Joe Yoder of The See covers Elvis Costello and the Attractions (surely Elvis’ best backing band, but don’t the Imposters make a better fit here?). And Paul Bowling of Glittercore (and Trusty and Il Libertina) opens the bill with a short set of David Bowie covers. LM
9 p.m., White Water Tavern. $5.
LIFE IS A CARNIVAL: Big Silver is The Band at White Water Tavern.
THE SHEEPDOGS 9 p.m. Stickyz. $10. LOVE GROWS: Married couple Kori Gardner and Jason Hammel bring their acclaimed pop album Mates of State to Rev.
SUNDAY 10/30
8 p.m. Revolution. $12 adv, $15 d.o.s.
The husband-and-wife duo is making its Revolution debut to promote “Mountaintops,” its seventh album of highenergy, manageably poignant indie pop. Resorting to hackneyed comparisons, the duo’s still not quite as danceable or infectious as Matt & Kim or Vampire Weekend, and it hasn’t achieved the empyrean, indomitable status of Neutral Milk Hotel or Belle & Sebastian. That said, it seems the couple is getting more in love with each other — as corny as it sounds, their voices are getting more and more similar, much in the same way that couples begin looking like each other after so many years. “Mountaintops” doesn’t get bogged down in musical technicalities, and probably that will lend itself to an enjoyable show. That, and the fact that Halloween costumes are encouraged; come in the most ironically un-ironic getup you can pull together. BR.
As long as human beings possess the urge to sit around all day smoking pot and listening to classic rock, bands like The Sheepdogs will have it pretty good. Hailing from Saskatchewan, they pull off the Southern rock resurgence sound so well it doesn’t seem right to call them nostalgic — maybe that really is CCR you’re listening to? But no, it’s the Sheepdogs, whose claim to fame (besides, you know, their music) is
their democratic triumph against 15 other bands to make the cover photograph of Rolling Stone. More nostalgia at work, apparently, for a time when such an honor would never have been bestowed upon the Jonas Brothers or the cast of “Gossip Girl.” Like Obama’s Nobel, Rolling Stone could be jumping the gun, but the Sheepdogs are earnest and funky and they’ve done their classic rock homework. Why would you want to get high and watch “Gossip Girl” anyway? BR.
7 p.m. Wildwood Park for the Arts. $10-$25.
Way back when I was in high school (early to mid-aughts), it was not cool to like ’80s music; everybody was too busy cramming their old school iPods with the most obscure bands imaginable, all for the sake of appearing more musically nuanced than can reasonably be expected of a 16-year old. The Rep’s Summer Musical Intensive Theatre (“Smitty”), whose actors are ages 10 to 23, offer us a review of hits from the
decade of excess in their program “We Built This ‘Smitty’ on Rock and Roll.” Of course, the joke is that none of them are old enough to have been around in the ’80s, and I suspect that their tunes will be decorated with the hyperbolic tackiness that we’ve come to expect from ’80s nostalgia. Which is awesome — who needs to have lived through them when you can just celebrate the catchy pop melodies and regrettable fashion choices that were? The show continues through Nov. 5 with performances at 7 p.m. and one matinee, 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. BR
UCA’s Reynolds Performance Hall hosts a double-bill of nostalgia with Herman’s Hermits (“Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter”) and The Lettermen (“When I Fall in Love”), 7:30 p.m., $23-$40. Promising young singer/ songwriter Lydia Loveless has drawn comparisons to Neko Case and Exene Cervenka; she performs at an 18-and-older show at Stickyz, 8:30 p.m., $6. The Big Boo!-seum bash offers families a host of local museum venues — Central High School National Historic Site, the Old State House Museum, EMOBA, the Clinton Presidential Library, MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center and Heifer Village — as an alternate, pre-Halloween route for trick-ortreating and games, 6:30 p.m., free. Boo at the Zoo continues at the zoo (through Halloween) with rides, a haunted house, a magic show and more, 6 p.m., $7-$15.
FRIDAY 10/28 The night before DJ Pretty Lights hosts a massive dance party at Verizon, a host of local DJs including DJ Durden, DJ Witnesse, Kramer and more spin at the Official Pretty Lights pre-part at Revolution, 9 p.m., $5 for over 21, $10 for under 21, ticket holders to Pretty Lights show get in free. Mississippi blues royalty David Kimbrough Jr. shares a bill with Brown Soul Shoes at Cornerstone Pub, 9 p.m., $5. Cabaret-rock act Randall Shreve & The Sideshow headlines a bill at Stickyz that includes Shreve sibling Benjamin Del Shreve and Fayetteville’s A Good Fight, featuring Rep. Jon Woods (R-Springdale) on bass, 9 p.m.
SATURDAY 10/29 The Arkansas River Blues Society hosts its annual contest to determine who’ll represent the blues society at the Blues Foundation International Blues Challenge next year. Those vying for the position on Saturday at Parrot Beach Cafe include guitar whiz Josh Stoffer (formerly of Riverboat Crime), Lucious Spiller, Bluesboy Jag and Johnny Baxter, Ben “Swamp Donkey” Brenner and Chris Thompson, 7 p.m., $5. Discovery’s Halloween bash promises to be the best venue in town to see or wear costumes that involve near nudity; Dominque, Hollywood, Ewell, Jacob, Ramon, Jared and Rufio provide the entertainment, 9 p.m. For something likely as hopping, but with less near-nudity and glow-in-the-dark body paint, g-force DJs at Cajun’s Halloween party and costume contest and The Buzz’s Pat Bradley emcees, $5, 9 p.m. At the Afterthought, The B-Flats host a Halloween party, 9 p.m., $7. OCTOBER 26, 2011 37
AFTER DARK Port Arthur Band. Parrot Beach Cafe, 9 p.m. 9611 MacArthur Drive, NLR. 771-2994. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 Markham St. 501-374-7474.
All events are in the Greater Little Rock area unless otherwise noted. To place an event in the Arkansas Times calendar, please e-mail the listing and all pertinent information, including date, time, location, price and contact information, to
Alternative Wednesdays. Features alternative bands from Central Arkansas and the surrounding areas. Mediums Art Lounge, 6:30 p.m., $5. 521 Center St. 501-374-4495. Ben Rector, Andrew Belle. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $12 adv., $14 door. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-1228. Bolly Open Mic Hype Night with Osyrus Bolly and DJ Messiah. All American Wings, 9 p.m. 215 W. Capitol Ave. 501-376-4000. Brian & Nick. Cajun’s Wharf, 5 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-3755351. Former Thieves. Downtown Music Hall. 211 W. Capitol. 501-376-1819. Galactic. George’s Majestic Lounge, 8 p.m., $24. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. Grim Muzik presents Way Back Wednesdays. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 8:30 p.m. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. Monkhouse. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. Octubafest. A series of concerts presented by the UCA Department of Music featuring a 20-piece tuba and euphonium ensemble. University of Central Arkansas, Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall, through Oct. 29: 7:30 p.m., Free. 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway. The Stone Foxes, Catskill Kids. 18 and older. Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 8:30 p.m., $7. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 5 p.m., free. 111 Markham St. 501-374-7474. Wake Dead Man, Wake, The Revolutioners, 5 Point Cover, Vitamin Overdose. The monthly “New Music Test.” Revolution, 8 p.m., $5 over 21, $10 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090.
“Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through Oct. 31: 6 p.m., $5.
Arts in Motion Film Series: “Ballets Russes.” This documentary captures the history of the dance that is credited as the foundation of modern ballet. Arkansas Arts Center, 7 p.m., free. 501 E. 9th St. 501-372-4000.
“BLISS.” Music by DJ Greyhound. Deep Ultra Lounge, 10 p.m. 322 President Clinton Ave. The Carper Family. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. Covershot (headliner), Steve Bates (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. www.
‘AMERICA’S MOST CONVIVIAL ROCK BAND’: That’s the tag this irrepressible pop-rock band from Nashville is pushing (with a wink). Formerly known as Jetpack, the four-piece returns to Arkansas on Thursday with a concert at Browning’s, 10 p.m., $5. The concert is in support of “The Secret of Blennerhassett Island,” the group’s first album in four years. The Medders open.
Herman’s Hermits, The Lettermen. Reynolds Performance Hall, University of Central Arkansas, 7:30 p.m., $23-$40. 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway. “Inferno.” DJs play pop, electro, house and more, plus drink specials and $1 cover before 11 p.m. Sway, 9 p.m. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582. James Joyce. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 9 p.m., free. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010. Leslie Harris Benefit with Trey Hawkins Band, Tragikly White, DJ Chucky P. A benefit for a 29-year-old woman recently diagnosed with leukemia. David Bazzel, of The Buzz, emcees. Revolution, 7 p.m., $10 and donations. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090. revroom.
UnioN UnioN
com. Lydia Loveless. 18 and older. Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 8:30 p.m., $6. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Mockingbird Trio. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., $5. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www. Music in the Garden: Megan Perochka and Devon Krenshaw. Dunbar Community Garden, 5:30 p.m., $3-$5. 1800 S. Chester. The Nobility, The Medders. Browning’s Mexican Food, 10 p.m., $5. 5805 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501663-9956. Ol’ Puddin’haid. Thirst n’ Howl, 7:30 p.m., free. 14710 Cantrell Road. 501-379-8189.
(One blockfrom fromLoca LocaLuna) Luna) (One block Lunch • Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm
Donna Woolfolk Cross. The author of “Pope Joan” will discuss her book. Main Library, 6:30 p.m. 100 S. Rock St.
Dinner • Tuesday - Saturday 5 pm - 12 am Lunch • Tuesday-Friday 11am-2pm Brunch • Sunday 10 am - 2 pm Dinner • Tuesday-Friday 5pm-12am Brunch • Sunday 10am-2pm 3421 Old Cantrell Rd • 501-353-0360 (One block from Loca Luna)
Lunch • Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm Dinner • Tuesday - Saturday 5 pm - 12 am Brunch • Sunday 10 am - 2 pm
Catherine Bertini. The former World Food Prize Laureate and executive director of the United Nations World Food Programme will discuss her work. Clinton School of Public Service, noon 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239. www. “Straight Talk,” A Community Conversation. Just Communities of Arkansas presents a panel discussion focusing on LGBT issues in Arkansas. Clinton School of Public Service, 6 p.m. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239. www.
Taste of the Harvest. Benefit for the Arkansas Sustainability Network. Food catered by Sharea Soup, The Root, Zaza, Boulevard Bread Company, and Loblolly. The Manor House, 7 p.m. 2400 Broadway. 501-375-3903.
3421 Old Cantrell Rd • 501-353-0360 3421 Old Cantrell Rd. • 501-353-0360
Big Boo!-seum Bash. Local museums including the Central High School National Historic Site, the Old State House Museum, EMOBA, the Clinton Presidential Library, MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center and Heifer Village, offer trick-ortreating and other Halloween activities. Support the Arkansas Foodbank by bringing non-perishable food items. Historic Arkansas Museum, 6:30 p.m., free. 200 E. Third St. 501-324-9351. Boo at the Zoo. Includes trick-or-treating in a safe environment, as well as rides, concessions, a haunted train, haunted house, costume contest, magic show, Frankenstein’s Dance Party and more. Little Rock Zoo, through Oct. 31, 6 p.m., $7 general, $15 all-inclusive wristband. 1 Jonesboro Dr. 501-666-2406. CoCo Chanel. DJ party. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $5. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-1228. www. Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil. Little Rock Police Department will honor and remember those who have been affected by domestic violence in Pulaski County. Little Rock City Hall, 6:30 p.m. 500 West Markham St. 501-918-3502. “Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through Oct. 31: 6 p.m. to midnight
Live local music FRIDAY, OCT. 28
Live Local Music Tuesday - Thursday • Never a cover Thursday & Saturday nights • Never a cover
The Allman Brothers as performed by mem-
bers of Amasa Hines, The Greg Spradlin Salas Salsa NightNight on Fridayson Fridays Outfit and Velvet Kente. White Water Tavern,
Starting 9:30cover • $5.00 cover Starting at 9:30 •a$5.00 9 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. www. Live local music Oct. 28: Halloween Party Tuesday - Thursday • Never a cover Brantley Gilbert. Arkansas State University With Costume Contest Daily lunch and dinner at Mountain Home, 8 p.m., $20-$25. 1600 S. Salas Night on Fridays $100 Prize College Ave.
Starting a 9:30 • $5.00 cover
Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials
Crash Meadows. West End Smokehouse and
Drinkand Specials Daily Daily lunch dinner Daily Drink Specials specials
Daily Drink Specials
Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501-2247665. David Kimbrough Jr., Brown Soul Shoes. Cornerstone Pub & Grill, 9 p.m., $5. 314 Main St., NLR. 501-374-1782. Dex Romweber Duo, the Meat Puppets. George’s Majestic Lounge, 10 p.m., $10. 519 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-442-4226. DJ g-force. The Tavern Sports Grill, 9 p.m., free. 17815 Chenal Parkway. 501-830-2100. www. DJ Silky Slim. Top 40 and dance music. Sway, 9 p.m., $5. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582. Don’t Stop Please. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www. “The Flow Fridays.” Twelve Modern Lounge, 8 p.m. 1900 W. Third St. Joey Farr and the Fuggins Wheat Band. Midtown Billiards, Oct. 28-29, 12:30 a.m., $5. 1316 Main St. 501-372-9990. KABF Backroads/Blues House Party Halloween Costume Bash. This benefit party includes tunes from The Salty Dogs, John Goode & Friends and The Port Arthur Band. Parrot Beach Cafe, 7:30 p.m. 9611 MacArthur Drive, NLR. 771-2994. Octubafest. See Oct. 26. Official Pretty Lights pre-party with DJ Durden, DJ Witnesse, Kramer and more. Ticket holders to Pretty Lights concert at Verizon get in for free. Revolution, 9 p.m., $5 over 21, $10 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501823-0090. Profzilla Halloween Bandfest. 21 and older. Bear’s Den Pizza, 8 p.m., $5. 235 Farris Road, Conway. 501-450-3339. www.toadsuckreview. org. Raising Grey (headliner), Richie Johnson (happy hour). Cajun’s Wharf, 5 and 9 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-3755351. Randall Shreve & The Sideshow, Benjamin Del Shreve, A Good Fight. 21 and older. Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Shannon Boshears. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 9 p.m., free. 11321 W. Markham St. 501224-2010. Shannon McClung. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. www. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m., free. 111 Markham St. 501-374-7474. www.
Boo at the Zoo. See Oct. 27. “Conversations with Arkansans: My Life in Public Service.” LifeQuest of Arkansas presents former U.S. Congressman Vic Snyder, author Mary Mel French and former USDA under secretary Bob Nash sharing experiences from their years in public service. Governor’s Mansion, noon, $60. 1800 Center St. 501-2256073. Dugan’s Halloween party. Dugan’s Pub, 8:30 p.m., free. 403 E. 3rd St. 501-244-0542. www. Halloween Party. Triniti Nightclub, $10 for 21 and up; $20 for under 21. 1021 Jessie Rd. Halloweenfest. A family-oriented night of games, a costume contest and more. Philander Smith College, 5:30 p.m., donation or one canned good. 900 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates
Drive. Haunted Tours of Little Rock. Tours depart the museum for visits to historic homes. MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, 7 p.m., $40. 503 E. 9th St. 376-4602. “Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through Oct. 31: 6 p.m. to midnight Juanita’s Halloween Party. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $10. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-1228. LGBTQ/SGL Youth and Young Adult Group. Diverse Youth for Social Change is a group for LGBTQ/SGL and straight ally youth and young adults age 14 to 23. For more information, call 244-9690 or search “DYSC” on Facebook. 800 Scott St., 6:30 p.m. 800 Scott St. LULAC National Scholarship Awards Gala. The League of United Latin American Citizens will honor 20 students for their scholastic achievement and community involvement. UALR, 6 p.m. 2801 S. University Ave. 501-569-8977. “Pinta” and “Nina” docking. Replicas of Christopher Columbus’ ships will dock in Pine Bluff for visitors to explore. Pine Bluff Regional Park, Oct. 28-Nov. 6, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., $6-$8. Cecil Moseley Drive, Pine Bluff. ShakeSPOOKtacular. Students from the UCA Theatre present scenes and monologues from Shakespeare’s creepiest, eeriest, and most hair-raising plays. Faulkner County Library, 7 p.m. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-327-7482.
306 Broadway Nashville, TN
For tickets call (615) 401-2580
Sponsored By:
Conversations with Arkansans: My Life in Public Service. Governor’s Mansion, noon 1800 Center St. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Penn. Clinton School of Public Service, noon. 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239. www.clintonschool.uasys. edu.
POWER! Poetry Slam. Vino’s, 7 p.m., $5. 923 W. 7th St. 501-366-4130.
Friendly Chapel FLAME Fish and Fowl Dinner. Discounts for groups. Proceeds support Bro. Paul’s Soup Kitchen. Verizon Arena, 5 p.m., $10. 1 Alltel Arena Way, NLR. 501-371-0912. www.
Arkansas River Blues Society 2011 Arkansas Blues Contest. With Josh Stoffer, Lucious Spiller, Bluesboy Jag and Johnny Baxter, Ben “Swamp Donkey” Brenner and Chris Thompson competing to represent the Arkansas Blues Society at the 2012 Blues Foundation International Blues Challenge. Parrot Beach Cafe, 7 p.m., $5. 9611 MacArthur Drive, NLR. 771-2994. B-Flats Halloween Party. The Afterthought, 9 p.m., $7. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. Blind Mary, Throbbing Testicles, Price Crew. Juanita’s, 9 p.m., $10. 614 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-1228. Chris Henry. Flying Saucer, 9 p.m., $3. 323 President Clinton Ave. 501-372-7468. www. CONTINUED ON PAGE 41
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Arkansas Symphony Orchestra: ‘Legends’
Oct. 22, Robinson Center Music Hall BY EDWARD WOOTEN
he featured work on the Arkansas Symphony’s second Masterworks concert last Saturday evening was Brahms First Piano Concerto with Norman Krieger as soloist. The concerto is something of a signature piece for Krieger and he did it full justice, making the devilishly difficult work seem no big thing. Also, the orchestra under music director Philip
Mann perfectly captured the sonorous quality of KRIEGER: The soloist star. Brahms writing, and Mann maintained an excellent dynamic between the piano and the various sections of the orchestra. The work received a standing ovation from the audience, who brought Krieger out for two solo bows.
The concert opened with a workmanlike rendition of Haydn’s Symphony #59, not one of the master’s more memorable efforts. I would have preferred Mann to have reduced the number of string players, creating a more transparent sound and a better balance between the strings and the two oboes and two horns that made up the rest of the ensemble. Nonetheless, the entrance of the horns toward the end of the second movement was suitably restrained. They were a bit rough, however, when opening the last movement; but when the motif was repeated
toward the end, the problem had been corrected. Following the Haydn, the orchestra performed the Lucent Variations by the contemporary composer, Michael Torke. Torke takes a short, minimalist tune and treats it to a set of variations in more or less classical form. It was very well played, and an interesting and colorful, even delightful piece. Yet, I still had the feeling that Torke could have done with one or two fewer variations. But Mann and the orchestra, especially timpanist Rick Dimond, were obviously having a great deal of fun.
AFTER DARK, CONT. EKG with Moses Uvere, Talor Thrash, Cloud N9ne, Weekend Warriors. All ages. Revolution, 8 p.m., $8 with costume, $10 without. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090. Four on the Floor. Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-3727707. Halloween Bash. Featuring DJ g-force Cajun’s Wharf, 5 p.m., $5 after 8:30 p.m. 2400 Cantrell Road. 501-375-5351. Halloween Cover-up Show. Featuring local musicians performing as The Band, Elvis Costello and the Attractions, The Strokes and David Bowie. White Water Tavern, 9 p.m., $5. 2500 W. 7th. 501375-8400. Halloween Party with Dominique, DJ Hollywood, Ewell, Jacob, Ramon, Jared, Rufio. Discovery Nightclub, 9 p.m. 1021 Jessie Road. 501-664-4784. Joey Farr and the Fuggins Wheat Band. Midtown Billiards, 12:30 a.m., $5. 1316 Main St. 501-372-9990. “KISS Saturdays” with DJs Deja Blu, Greyhound and Silky Slim. Sway, 10 p.m. 412 Louisiana. 501-907-2582. Pretty Lights. Verizon Arena, 8 p.m., $30-$33. 1 Alltel Arena Way, NLR. 501-975-9001. Skillet, Disciple. Arkansas State University at Mountain Home, 7 p.m., $25-$75. 1600 S. College Ave., Mountain Home. Taylor Made. West End Smokehouse and Tavern, 10 p.m., $5. 215 N. Shackleford. 501224-7665. Ted Ludwig Trio. Capital Bar and Grill, 9 p.m., free. 111 Markham St. 501-374-7474. www. Trombone Shorty. Part of the Southern Food & Wine Festival. Downtown El Dorado, 8 p.m. Main Street and Northwest Avenue, El Dorado. White Collar Criminals. Markham Street Grill And Pub, 9 p.m., free. 11321 W. Markham St. 501-224-2010.
Boo at the Zoo. See Oct. 27. Boo Bash Halloween Party. Entertainment will be provided by DJ Brandon Peck and emcee Epiphany. There is a voodoo theme. Must be 21 or older to enter. The Peabody Little Rock, 9 p.m., $10 at the door; $100/6-top table; $200/10top table. 3 Statehouse Plaza. 501-906-4000. Arkansas Farmers Market. Locally grown produce. Certified Farmers Market, 7 a.m.-noon 6th and Main, NLR. Destination Downtown Living Tour. Lafayette Square, 1 p.m., $7. 523 S. Louisiana Street. 501375-0121. Falun Gong meditation. Allsopp Park, 9 a.m., free. Cantrell & Cedar Hill Roads. Farmer’s Market. Every Tuesday and Saturday. River Market Pavilions, through Oct. 31: 7 a.m. 400 President Clinton Ave. 375-2552. www. Halloween Party. Discovery Nightclub, $20. 1021 Jessie Road. 501-664-4784. “Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through Oct. 31: 6 p.m. to midnight. Hearts and Hooves 10 Year Hoedown. Hearts and Hooves Facility, 6 p.m., $65/person, $500/table of eight. 2308 Kellogg Acres
Road, Sherwood. 501-834-8509. Heifer Ranch’s 40th Anniversary Celebration. Lunch will be served for $8. 10 a.m. 501-8895124. Hillcrest Farmers Market. Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, 7 a.m. 2200 Kavanaugh Blvd. “Pinta” and “Nina” docking. See Oct. 28.
Goran Therborn. Part of the Mid-South Sociological Association’s 37th annual meeting. Doubletree Hotel, 11:30 a.m. 424 W. Markham. 859-868-8042. “True Grit” with lecturer Dr. Rusty Rogers. Dr. Rogers will talk about the way in which the Coen Brothers’ adapted Charles Portis’ novel “True Grit” into a film. Faulkner County Library, 5 p.m., free. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-3277482.
Miracle Wiff 2011. This all-day wiffle-ball tournament benefits The Miracle League. DickeyStephens Park. 400 W. Broadway St., NLR. 501-664-1555. Mud Run. A 5K that involves obstacles, costumes and a 300-foot mud pit. Two Rivers Park, 9 a.m., $25. Rivercrest Dr.
Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser. Benefit for scholarship fund for Arkansas firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics, and related support organizations. Clear Channel Metroplex, 11 a.m. 10800 Col. Glenn Road. 501.217.5141.
Bike Show and Swap Meet for Toy Hill. Fundraiser for children of Arkansas though the 27th annual Toy Hill Bike Run on Dec. 4, and the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots toy drive. St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 10 a.m., $15 registration. 4600 Baseline Rd. 501-590-8763. Pugaloosa on the River. Fundraiser for Pugs and Kisses Rescue with a halloween costume for dogs and other games and prizes. Murray Park, 10 a.m., Free admission. Rebsamen Park Road. 417-230-6775. Tiny Hands Monster Bash. Enjoy a costume contest, cocktails, silent and live auctions, hors d’oeuvres and dancing. Proceeds benefit the UAMS Family Home and UAMS neonatal intensive care unit. Next Level Events, 7 p.m., $50. 1400 W. Markham St. 501-376-9746. United Negro College Fund Block Party. With a battle of the bands, a Greek “stroll-off,” a barbecue cook-off, playhouses and jumpers for children. Philander Smith College, 1 p.m., donations. 900 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive.
“Don Giovanni.” The opera will be aired in high definition in the Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall on the University of Central Arkansas campus. It is sung in Italian with Met titles in English, German and Spanish. Running time is approximately three hours, 25 minutes. 2 p.m. 501-450-3265. I Am Empire, Nine Lashes, Blood and Water, Belair, The Alexia. Vino’s, 7 p.m. 923 W. 7th St. CONTINUED ON PAGE 44
The Van-Dells November 11-13 2 Shows On The 13th The Nations #1 Rock and Roll Review
Eddie Miles “A Salute to Elvis” November 8-9
Colonel Glenn & University • • 562-3131 OCTOBER 26, 2011 41
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Market Street Cinema showtimes at or after 9 p.m. are for Friday and Saturday only. Riverdale, Chenal 9, and Lakewood 8 were not available by press deadline. Find up-to-date listings at NEW MOVIES Blackthorn (R) – A historical re-imagining of what might have happened if Butch Cassidy hadn’t been killed in a Bolivian showdown following his adventures with the Sundance Kid. Market Street: 1:45, 4:00, 6:45, 9:00. Higher Ground (R) – Vera Farmiga directs and stars in this drama about a Jesus freak waiting on the Rapture, until family matters cause her to question her faith. Market Street: 2:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9:00. In Time (PG-13) – Justin Timberlake stars in this movie that takes us to a future where aging has been halted at 25 and time has become currency. Breckenridge: 1:25, 4:10, 7:15, 10:05. Rave: 12:01 a.m., 10:55 a.m., 1:40, 2:40, 4:40, 5:35, 7:20, 8:15, 10:15, 11:15. Puss in Boots (PG) – A Shrek spin-off following the adventures of Puss in Boots, voiced by Antonio Banderas. Breckenridge: 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 9:55 (2D), 1:10, 4:10, 7:05, 9:25 (3D). Rave: 12:01 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 9:30 (2D), 12:01 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30, 3:00, 4:00, 5:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:30 (3D). Ra.One (PG-13) – Who ever heard of a Hindi scifi action film? This one, evidently, is the most special-effects laden extravaganza Bollywood has ever produced. Rave: 10:30 a.m., 5:10 (2D), 1:50, 8:30, 11:50 (3D). The Rum Diary (R) – Based on Hunter S. Thompson’s long-lost first novel, and starring Thompson’s Hollywood persona, Johnny Depp, based on the author’s early career as a reporter in Puerto Rico. Breckenridge: 1:40, 4:25, 7:25, 10:10. Rave: 11:25 a.m., 2:25, 5:20, 8:10, 11:00. Take Shelter (R) – Critically acclaimed and directed by Little Rock native Jeff Nichols, in which a husband must protect his family from his apocalyptic nightmares. Rave: 10:40 a.m., 1:45, 4:50, 7:40, 10:35. Weekend (NR) – Two men undergo a brief and profound soul-searching with each other following a one-night stand. Market Street: 2:00, 4:15. RETURNING THIS WEEK 50/50 (R) – Seth Rogen and Joseph GordonLevitt star in this story of love, friendship and finding humor in the face of serious illness. Rave: 11:55 a.m. Apollo 18 (PG-13) – Turns out the Department of Defense sent a secret mission to the moon in 1974, and this is their footage. We remain unconvinced. Movies 10: 1:00, 3:05, 5:20, 7:25, 9:35. Cars 2 (G) – A group of animated talking cars travel abroad for the inaugural World Grand Prix in this Pixar sequel. Movies 10: 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30. Colombiana: Latina badass hunts down her parents’ murderers. Movies 10: 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20. Courageous (PG) – This is a wholesome family movie about courage and God and police officers and things like that. Breckenridge: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00. Rave: 10:45 a.m., 1:55, 5:05, 8:20, 11:25. Crazy, Stupid, Love (PG-13) – Steve Carell plays Steve Carell in this movie about Ryan Gosling taking on a less serious role to avoid being stereotyped in his rise to fame. Movie 10: 12:45,
FEAR AND LOATHING IN SAN JUAN: Way before there was gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson was boozing it up as a journalist in Puerto Rico. He was nice enough to write a book about it so that his Hollywood incarnation, Johnny Depp, could carry on his feisty, alcoholic legacy in the movie adaptation “The Rum Diary.” 4:15, 7:05, 9:45. Dolphin Tale (PG) – This story about an injured dolphin overcoming adversity and learning to use a prosthetic tale will jerk the tears out of your face so hard you might catch whiplash. Breckenridge: 4:15, 9:50 (2D), 1:15, 7:15 (3D). Rave: 10:30 a.m. (2D). Footloose (PG) – This remake of the 1984 classic will probably make you side with the humorless minister who doesn’t want the small-town kids to have any fun ever. Breckenridge: 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:05. Rave: 10:25 a.m., 1:25, 4:25, 7:35, 10:25. Fright Night (R) – The remake of a 1985 horror flick, with Colin Farrell as a vampire, David Tennant as a vampire expert, and none of the wimps from Twilight. Movie 10: 12:20, 4:55, 9:40 (3D). The Guard (R) – Brendan Gleeson plays an Irish policeman who must team up with an FBI agent played by Don Cheadle in this comedy. Market Street: 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:00. Ides of March (R) – Clooney directs Clooney in this political thriller starring Ryan Gosling, who seems poised to become the next Clooney. Breckenridge: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:05. Rave: 1:15, 4:15, 7:25, 10:05. Johnny English Reborn (PG) – Rowan Atkinson reprises a goofy secret agent role with the intention of whetting your appetite for the next Bond flick (November 2012!). Rave: 11:40 a.m., 2:20, 5:15, 7:50. The Last Ride (NR) – Shot in Arkansas, this film chronicles the last hours of country music legend and tortured genius Hank Williams. Rave: 11:45 a.m., 2:15, 4:35, 7:05, 9:20. Moneyball (PG-13) – Baseball can seem pretty boring, but this movie makes it look funny, but also people learn things about life and themselves. Breckenridge: 6:50, 9:45. Our Idiot Brother (R) – Pothead Paul Rudd returns from jail and frustrates his trio of sisters. Surprisingly, not directed by Judd Apatow. Movies 10: 7:10, 9:50. Paranormal Activity 3 (R) – The franchise continues with more found footage of people who conveniently videotape their lives. This one takes us back to the genesis of the demon from the first two. Breckenridge: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 9:50. Rave: 12:01 a.m., 11:05 a.m., 12:25, 1:20, 2:45, 3:35, 5:00, 5:50, 7:15, 8:35, 9:45, 10:45. Real Steel (PG-13) – You know they’re turning Battleship into a movie, too. (Boxing robots). Breckenridge: 1:05, 4:05, 7:10, 10:00. Rave: 11:10 a.m., 2:10, 5:25, 8:40, 11:40. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) — The
resurrected ’70s sci-fi franchise continues in this origin story of just how those primates got to be so smart. Movies 10: 12:35, 3:00, 5:25, 7:50, 10:20. Shark Night: (PG-13) – Oversexed college students get terrorized by a shark at a lakeside cabin. Movies 10: 2:45, 7:20 (3D). The Smurfs (PG) — The venerable Dr. Doogie Howser must aid a cadre of tiny blue communists as they flee from an evil plutocrat who seeks to control their means of production. Movies 10: 12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World 3D (PG) – Jessica Alba and Jeremy Piven – a.k.a. The Pivert – star in this family friendly romp about … wait, what? This was directed by Robert Rodriguez? Seriously? God, his alimony payments must be crippling. Movies 10:12:15, 2:25, 4:45. Straw Dogs (R) – One of those movies that makes Southerners look like violent, angry hillbillies; remake of the 1971 original starring Dustin Hoffman. Movies 10: 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00. The Thing (R) – OK, so supposedly this is not just another in an endless litany of pointless remakes, but rather a prequel to the 1982 version of “The Thing,” which was a remake of the 1951 original. Rave: 10:50. The Three Musketeers (PG-13) – Orlando Bloom stars in the steampunk adaptation of the adventures of d’Artagnon and his friends, with more explosions than Dumas could ever have intended. Breckenridge: 1:35, 10:15 (2D), 4:35, 7:40 (3D). Rave: 1:35, 4:20, 7:10 (2D), 10:35 a.m., 10:00 (3D). Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (R) – “Deliverance” x “Shaun of the Dead” = this comedy of errors, which looks like it could be pretty funny, actually. Market Street: 1:45, 4:00, 7:00, 9:15. Chenal 9 IMAX Theatre: 17825 Chenal Parkway, 821-2616, Cinemark Movies 10: 4188 E. McCain Blvd., 945-7400, Cinematown Riverdale 10: Riverdale Shopping Center, 296-9955, Lakewood 8: 2939 Lakewood Village Drive, 7585354, Market Street Cinema: 1521 Merrill Drive, 312-8900, Rave Colonel Glenn 18: 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza, 687-0499, Regal Breckenridge Village 12: 1-430 and Rodney Parham, 224-0990,
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT For individuals, pension plans, and trust funds call us at 225-1405.
‘TAKE SHELTER’: Michael Shannon stars.
‘Take Shelter’ a stunner Latest from LR’s Nichols explores dread, expansively. BY KYLE BRAZZEL
ompared to the new “Take Shelter,” Little Rock director Jeff Nichol’s haunting second effort, his “Shotgun Stories” now seems strong but small-bore. (Almost literally so: the screenwriter and director delivers one interpretation of his debut film’s anthological title when he pans his camera over the bare back of Son, his hero, and shows it pocked with buckshot.) If “Shotgun Stories,” which follows a blood feud among sets of Arkansas brothers, was a keyhole character study, “Take Shelter,” admirably, flings open the front door and has the filmmaker running confidently into big-sky Western territory, tinged with some Hitchcockian dread. That “Take Shelter” feels like the more expansive cinematic experience is unusual, given its claustrophobic premise. Curtis, a construction worker striving to provide for his wife and daughter, becomes troubled by visions of blackbirds swarming into a helix formation then dropping dead at his feet. Other premonitions lash him with caramel-colored raindrops and wind gusts from twin funnel clouds. All this makes the shadowy, earthen cloister of the backyard storm shelter look more and more appealing, and life aboveground fraught — too much to take, and let, in. In the film’s opening sequence, Nichols establishes Curtis and his family as residents of a small-ish town where backyards seep into farmland. In these shots, the camera lingers no more over the small mound of earth leading down into the storm cellar than on the rusting junk pile in the corner of the yard, or, for that matter, the rolling clouds at the top of the frame. In Nichols’ new assurance with
the panoptic view of filmmaking the precedent that most came to mind was Richard Donner’s “Superman” — that movie’s early portion, set in Kansas, when a teen-age Clark Kent discovers his otherness amid a placid eyeful of cornstalks and blue sky. The Fortress of Solitude has yet to beckon. The possibility of the supernatural at work — and the sort of looming infinite crisis that usually befalls caped crusaders — rumbles at the edges of “Take Shelter.” So, too, does the possibility that what plagues Curtis, with his family history of schizophrenia, are delusions of the particularly miserable grandeur of doomsday prophet-hood. The horror of “Take Shelter” is not that Curtis makes a fool of himself prophesying when no one will listen but that he swallows his shame, self-medicating and sneaking off for sessions with wellmeaning but underqualified therapists. He’s a male Cassandra whose curse is not incredibility but tightly corked self-loathing. It takes a stolid, self-contained specimen of masculinity to carry this off, and Nichols was smart to resummon his muse, Michael Shannon. (Shannon played Son, of the scarred back, in “Shotgun Stories.”) Shannon brings an aspect of stoic, walleyed noir to everything he does, which most often finds him in period pieces. His Curtis is a period man in modern times. His daughter needs a cochlear implant to reverse her deafness, so there are HMOs to negotiate; still, Shannon’s Curtis is not struggling to make sense of 21st century life so much as resigning himself to its complications, like a cell-phone tower he warily eyes CONTINUED ON PAGE 44
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through a part in the window blinds, convinced it’s giving him a tumor. (It is a sign of Curtis’ timelessness that he not only takes a sit-down breakfast each morning, but one featuring fried sausage patties that have been handformed. Even at his film’s bleakest moment, Nichols never fails to find romance in fatty stovetop food.) Nichols and Shannon are a powerful pairing, but the work of the fine-boned Jessica Chastain, as Curtis’ wife, Samantha, grounds the film emotionally as she struggles to keep the couple’s finances on track for their daughter’s surgery, and, in a very real sense, to keep her husband above-ground. As Samantha awakens completely to her husband’s mania and its terrible ripple effects, the character could have amped the melodrama toward emotional manipulation. But Chastain, beneath her porcelain skin, contains a ferocity for maintaining normalcy to match Shannon’s gathering storm. If this all makes “Take Shelter” sound like a swirling, heart-racing thriller, make no mistake — despite intimations that the sky is falling, the very knotty sense of worry the film incites in the viewer is for the characters’ sanity and stability, not the fate of the world. (Although when the film does give itself over to Curtis’ visions, Nichols shows that, as a technician, he is amply prepared to pull off Armageddon.) In fact, the film so sure-footedly picks up the path of naturalism upon which Nichols embarked with “Shotgun Stories” that “Take Shelter” is scarcely quotable. So to deliver the final summation, it falls to John Givings, the performance of Shannon’s that earned him an Academy Award nomination, for “Revolutionary Road.” “Plenty of people are onto the emptiness,” Givings says, “but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.” Nichols has managed to craft a vision that sees it all, but still sees a way out.
501-375-8466. Mates of State, Generationals. Revolution, 8 p.m., $12 adv., $15 d.o.s. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090. Soprano Joanne McDade and pianist Dr. John Krebs, faculty duo. There will be a reception immediately following the concert. Hendrix College, 7:30 p.m. 1600 Washington Ave., Conway. 450-1245. Sunday Jazz Brunch with Ted Ludwig and Joe Cripps. Vieux Carre, 11 a.m. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196.
Boo at the Zoo. See Oct. 27. “Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through Oct. 31: 6 p.m. to midnight.
Dave Williams & Co. “Spooky Jazz!.” The Afterthought, 8 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. S.I.N. on Halloween with DJ Durden, Platinumb, Justin Sane, Joel, Sniq. Service industry workers get in free with a pay stub or an ID that verifies employment. Revolution, 8 p.m., $3 over 21, $5 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090. Touch: Grateful Dead Tribute. 21 and older Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 8 p.m., $5. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. www.
Boo at the Zoo. See Oct. 27. “Haunted Warehouse.” 3116 Adams St., through : 6 p.m. to midnight through Oct. 31. “Pinta” and “Nina” docking. See Oct. 28.
Melissa Boteach. Boteach, the Half in Ten manager at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, will discuss the project, which aims to reduce poverty by creating good jobs, strengthening families and promoting economic security. Clinton School of Public Service, noon 1200 President Clinton Ave. 501-683-5239.
Brian Martin. Maxine’s, 8 p.m., Free. 700 Central Ave., Hot Springs. Chamber Orchestra All Soul’s Concert. Hendrix College, 7:30 p.m. 1600 Washington Ave., Conway. 501-450-1243. www.hendrix. edu. Don’t Stop Pleas, 1 Oz. Jig. White Water Tavern, 10 p.m., donations. 2500 W. 7th. 501-375-8400. Gil Franklin & Friends. Holiday Inn, North Little Rock, first Tuesday, Wednesday of every month. 120 W. Pershing Blvd., NLR. Jeff Long. Khalil’s Pub, 6 p.m. 110 S. Shackleford Road. 501-224-0224. www. Jeff Rains. Clear Channel Metroplex. 10800 Col. Glenn Road. 501-217-5113. www. Lucious Spiller Band. Copeland’s, 6-9 p.m. 2602 S. Shackleford Road. 501-312-1616. Munich Symphony. Walton Arts Center, 7 p.m., $39-$55. 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-443-5600. Munich Symphony Orchestra. Walton Arts Center, 7 p.m., $39-$55. 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479.443.5600. The Sheepdogs, Zach Williams and the Reformation. 18 and older. Stickyz Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicken Shack, 9 p.m., $10. 107 Commerce St. 501-372-7707. Tuesday Jam Session with Carl Mouton. The Afterthought, 8 p.m., free. 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd. 501-663-1196. www.afterthoughtbar. com.
“Latin Night.” Revolution, 7 p.m., $5 regu-
lar, $7 under 21. 300 President Clinton Ave. 501-823-0090.
“Pinta” and “Nina” docking. See Oct. 28. Tales from the South. Authors tell true stories; get schedule at Dinner served 5-6:30 p.m., show at 7 p.m. Reserve at 501-372-7976. Starving Artist Cafe. 411 N. Main St., NLR. 501-3727976.
Richard Torrenzano. The co-author of the upcoming book “Digital Assassination: Protecting Your Reputation, Brand or Business Against Online Attacks.” Little Rock Chamber of Commerce Building, noon, $15 for Chamber of Commerce members, $20 for non-members. 200 E. Markham St. 501-377-6010.
Lisa Patton. The author will sign and discuss her latest novel, “Yankee Doodle Dixie.” That Bookstore in Blytheville, 5:30 p.m. 316 W. Main St.
“Cinderella: A Rockin’ New Musical.” Children’s Theatre production of the fairy tale set to music. 7 p.m. Fridays, 3 p.m. Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays. Arkansas Arts Center, through Nov. 6: Fri.-Sun.. 501 E. 9th St. 501-372-4000. “The Halloween Show.” The Vagabond Theatre Company presents this Halloween play, involving puppetry, dance and music. Audience members are encouraged to dress up for a costume contest with prizes. Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church, Oct. 28-30, 8 p.m., $5. 1601 S. Louisiana. “The Mousetrap.” A snowstorm strands a group of strangers and a murderer in an isolated boarding house, in one of Agatha Christie’s most popular works. Murry’s Dinner Playhouse, through Nov. 6: Tue.Sat., 6 p.m.; Wed., Sun., 11 a.m.; Sun., 5:30 p.m., $23-$33. 6323 Col. Glenn Road. 501562-3131. “ShakeSPOOKtacular.” UCA Theatre Department students will perform death and ghost scenes from Shakespeare. Faulkner County Library, Fri., Oct. 28, 7 p.m. 1900 Tyler St., Conway. 501-327-7482. “Shrek the Musical.” Everyone’s favorite friendly green ogre takes to the stage in this musical comedy. Robinson Center Music Hall, Oct. 28-29, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 29-30, 2 p.m.; Sun., Oct. 30, 7 p.m., $27-$67. Markham and Broadway. conv-centers/robinson. That ‘80s Show. Wildwood Park for the Performing Arts, Wed., Oct. 26; Thu., Oct. 27; Fri., Oct. 28; Sat., Oct. 29; Sun., Oct. 30; Mon., Oct. 31; Tue., Nov. 1; Wed., Nov. 2; Thu., Nov. 3; Fri., Nov. 4; Sat., Nov. 5, $15$25. 20919 Denny Road. 501-378-0405. “Under Milkwood.” Dylan Thomas’ radio show adapted for the stage, Verser Theater. Ouachita Baptist University, Oct. 27-29, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Oct. 30, 2:30 p.m., $8. 410 Ouachita St., Arkadelphia. 870-245-5000. “West Side Story.” One of the biggest Broadway love stories ever, featuring some of the best-loved songs ever, including “America,” “I Feel Pretty,” and more. Walton Arts Center, through Oct. 29, 8 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 29, 2 p.m., $63-$73. 495 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. 479-443-5600. CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
Hispanic Parents’ Rights in the Public School System and Juvenile Court System. The Fiesta Event Center, 3 p.m. 14106 Chicot Road. 501.658.1625. “Pinta” and “Nina” docking. See Oct. 28.
AN AMERICAN STORY: David Houston with George W. Pettit’s “Union Refugees.”
A clearer picture Crystal Bridges, a grand tour. BY LESLIE NEWELL PEACOCK
ucked in a corner of Crystal Bridges Museum of Art are three unusual works: Children’s faces are painted onto artist’s palettes, the hole for the thumb incorporated into their faces as mouths. Joseph Decker’s paintings are weird and funny and, founder Alice Walton said in a small press gathering Monday, an example of a purchase for the museum that was more “intuitive” than calculated. She smiled broadly when asked about them. “Humor is important in a museum,” she said. Walton said she was “thrilled beyond belief” that the museum, which she first announced to a room full of journalists and Bentonvillians in 2005, was about to open, and it showed. She was beaming. The press got a quick tour of the galleries — an hour and a half is not enough time by any stretch to see what the museum has to offer — with the exception of the early 20th century galleries, where light protection is being installed to protect the paintings from the light of the glass bridge they are positioned on. The collection — about half is on view, director Don Bacigalupi said — is arranged chronologically, starting with colonial and revolutionary period works and moving into the landscapes of the 19th century and beyond. The portraits — monumental pieces of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton — are grand. The landscapes are luminous. Walton’s prized Asher Durand, “Kindred Spirits,” is detailed and romantic; Eastman Johnson’s “Cranberry Pickers, Nantucket” an impressionist beauty. The selection illustrates, curator David Houston told the reporters on tour, the evolving nature of attitudes toward nation and art, from the heroic to the personal, including a recently acquired portrait of a family of Civil War refugees leaving their home. An outdoor installation by contemporary artist Jenny Holzer, a room with engraved floor and benches that she exhibited first in the Venice Biennale,
ought to surprise some visitors, Houston noted, an apparent reference to those who believe this museum in Bentonville, Arkansas, which wasn’t initially planned to include works later than mid-20th century, would be stuffy. En route to the Holzer: A terrific Calder mobile, a modernistic Noguchi wall piece, a little pre-splatter Pollock and an odd Rothko from his myth-referencing period. The works by the latter two aren’t representative of their greatest works (for the large part already collected by other museums) but are fine works with historical value. That piece of Crystal Bridges — what it can offer in the way of supplementary information, through its acquisition of important collections of prints and books (it has 50,000 volumes) and ephemera — is something that Walton is clearly proud of. She told reporters after the tour that she began to see the paintings as more than images in the 1990s, when she acquired a painting in New Orleans purporting to be that of a mare and foal. “That was no foal, that was a stable buddy,” Walton, a horsewoman, told the group, and so she began to look more closely into the work. She and director Don Bacigalupi spoke about rewriting American art history with new scholarship. Walton herself hasn’t quit studying up, as evidenced by her museum’s expansion from portrait and landscape gallery to a museum that includes Dan Flavin’s tubes of flourescent light (which Houston said referred to the transcendentalist atmosphere of the 19th century), Devorah Sperber’s upside down Last Supper made out of spools of thread and John Baldessari’s enormous and descriptively titled “Beethoven’s Trumpet (With Ear),” which plays Beethoven quartets. Also revealed on Monday’s tour was the purchase of a George Rickey sculpture for the courtyard entrance to the museum. The kinetic piece will have thin arms of steel that are hinged to move in the wind. OCTOBER 26, 2011 45
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‘AMERICAN HORROR STORY’: Connie Britton stars.
ith shows like “Sons of Anarchy” and “Rescue Me,” FX has proven itself to be one of the groundbreaking networks when it comes to pushing the dramatic envelope. Now comes what might be their most edgy and WTF-inducing project to date, the sexy, spooky and sinister “American Horror Story.” I’ve caught a few episodes now, and I’m thoroughly hooked on the show’s weird blend of “Addams Family” meets “True Blood.” In the show, Ben and Vivien Harmon (Dylan McDermott and Connie Britton) are a 40-something couple weathering the storm of the Ben’s infidelity after Vivien suffers a horrific miscarriage. Seeking a fresh start, they move their teen-age daughter to L.A., where they get a sweet deal on a massive turn-of-the-19th century Victorian house. Why such a cool house was so cheap soon reveals itself: the place is somehow cursed, with monsters and baby heads in glass jars in the basement, a history full of tenants killing themselves in horrific ways, a creepy neighbor (played with absolute glee by Jessica
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Lange) who appears in the house at will, a monstrously-scarred former resident who killed his whole family while living there, a suicidal Kurt Cobain look-alike who soon strikes up a romance with the Harmon’s daughter, and a full-body latex gimp suit in the attic (which apparently came to life in a recent episode and got its groove on with one of the homeowners). Just to let you know how strange and awesome this show is: the Harmons hired a housekeeper named Moira in the first episode, a woman who had worked for the former owners (who, predictably, offed themselves in the basement). While the wife sees Moira as a matronly, 60-something woman with a glass eye, the husband literally sees her as a smoking-hot 20-something redhead who wears thigh-high stockings and a super-short maid’s outfit that shows off her tuchus any time she bends over to dust. Yeah, it’s that kind of show. Though Dylan McDermott seems to have one speed (He. Is. Very. Concerned.) and Jessica Lange is pretty much playing herself (though, I might add, her character fits here), the rest of the cast is fairly stellar. Definitely one to watch. If it can draw enough of an audience and get folks to suspend their disbelief over “Why don’t they just move the f*** out?” it might wind up being a winner.
ARGENTA COMMUNITY THEATER, 405 Main St.: “Up with Art VI,” show and sale of work by Kevin Kresse, Ed Pennebaker, Doug Gorrell, Cherylon Reid, LaDawna Whiteside, Terry Bean, Shannon Rogers, Stephano, V.L. Cox and Don Niebert, 6-9 p.m. Oct. 27. All sales benefit the artists. Free admission. 517-3127. CHENAL COUNTRY CLUB: Sandy Hubler, paintings, partial proceeds to benefit UAMS’ Rockefeller Cancer Institute, 5-8 p.m. Oct. 27. 372-7373. LAMAN LIBRARY, 2801 Orange St., NLR: “Al Allen: A Retrospective,” paintings by the late UALR artist from the 1980s to the 2008, Oct. 28-Dec. 12. 758-1720.
THEA CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 401 Main St.: “Home Plate Heroes,” live auction of artistdesigned home plates for the Jim Elder Good Sport Fund (, 6-8 p.m. Oct. 27. CONWAY HENDRIX COLLEGE, Trieschmann Gallery: “Arkansas Printmaking Collective Inaugural Members Exhibition,” work by Evan Lindquist, Win Bruhl, Warren Criswell, Melissa Gill, Dominique Simmons, David Warren, Neal and Tammy Harrington, Norwood Creech, Debi Fendley, Diane Harper, Robert Bean, Tod Switch, Dave O’Brien, Tom Sullivan, Brad Cushman and others, Nov. 1-30, opening reception 6-8 p.m. Nov. 10.
Information in our restaurant capsules reflects the opinions of the newspaper staff and its reviewers. The newspaper accepts no advertising or other considerations in exchange for reviews, which are conducted anonymously. We invite the opinions of readers who think we are in error.
B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner $ Inexpensive (under $8/person) $$ Moderate ($8-$20/person) $$$ Expensive (over $20/person) CC Accepts credit cards
BELLY UP Check out the Times’ food blog, Eat Arkansas
Redbone’s doesn’t skimp on spice
300 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock 372-2211 Quick bite During the week, Redbone’s offers discounted beer from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. With high ceilings and big front windows, it’s a good, low-key spot for an after-work drink.
Cajun restaurant is a welcome addition to River Market.
Hours 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 11 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday.
oo many people too often settle for bland, boring food. We’re not sure if they’re merely unadventurous, enjoy the routine of their culinary rut or are of the “eat to live” vs. “live to eat” set. Anyway, we rarely choose the same-ol’, same-ol’ chain dreck or the overcooked bulk vegetables that are the sad hallmark of many cafeterias and home-cooking joints. We like food that is boldly spiced — not just meaning “hot” — and takes a few chances. Emeril Lagasse is the poster child for “kicking it up a notch” with his cliched “BAM!” exclamation, and the Creole and Cajun cuisine of his adopted hometown of New Orleans is perfect for that treatment. For almost three months, Redbone’s has been dishing up some of the city’s best Cajun and Creole food on President Clinton Avenue in the River Market District. They’re in the building that long housed Flying Burrito and then died after serving contractually disallowed Mexican food for a couple of days as Harry and Jorge’s. Some of the things we’ve tried at Redbone’s easily qualify for best-in-town discussions in a culinary field with only a few contenders. Others — not so much. But even those that didn’t hit the mark were not damned by a boring concept. Redbone’s duck and andouille gumbo ($5 for a cup; $8 for a bowl) rivals the Flying Fish gumbo as our local favorite. Redbone’s roux is not quite as dark as the Fish’s, but it still has plenty of taste, and the mellow hunks of duck were a nice flavor accompaniment to the zesty sausage, Savoie’s (www.savoiesfoods. com), a Louisiana-made sausage that you sometimes can find at Hestand’s and other higher-end local grocery stores. Another star was the homemade pimiento cheese ($5), a huge doublescoop of dense, flavorful cheddar-based spread served with not-quite-enough Ritz crackers. Not as pleasing was the fried boudin balls ($6), decent quality pork and rice sausage that’s rolled, battered and fried. It was fairly bland
NEARLY NEW ORLEANS: Redbone’s shrimp po-boy.
though inoffensive. Not at all bland is the andouille jalapeno dip ($7), though the sausage is so pulverized as to be undetectable. But there’s nothing wrong with a thick and spicy cheese dip, which is the more apt description of this one. One po-boy was a winner, the other was not. The fried shrimp sandwich ($9 with chips) is close to standard New Orleans quality, many crisp, not overcooked, lightly battered shrimp on a decent roll. Be sure to specify how you want it dressed. You can get it with lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, mayonnaise and mustard or “Captain J Style” with Creole mustard, mayonnaise and coleslaw — very different treatments indeed. The debris roast beef po-boy ($8) was a major disappointment. The meat was tender and of decent quality, but it was drowned in a too-thick, somewhat pasty gravy vs. the traditional “au jus” style. There are many intriguing lunch entrees for $9. The kitchen was happy to blacken at no charge our grilled grouper fillet, and it was just about perfect — a decent-sized, moist, flavorful slab definitely kicked up a notch (or two), served with one side — we chose the
meaty, properly greasy dirty rice — and a four-inch-by-four-inch slab of outstanding cornbread. Again, it was just greasy enough, and there was no hint of sugar. Alternately is a large, yeasty roll that also is off-the-charts good. That’s a lot of fantastic lunch for the money. Same goes for the chicken and sausage jambalaya, which has the “holy trinity” — celery, onion and green bell pepper — as its base and features enough chicken to have it in every bite as well as 10 good-sized hunks of the Savoie’s andouille. We were able to take half of it home for a great next-day lunch, along with about half our Corn Macque Choux, corn niblets dosed with chopped tomato. If you’re into the sides, know you can get three of them for $7; we opted for the gooey mac/cheese, cooked down green beans and the red beans and rice, all high-quality versions. We haven’t gotten around to the shrimp creole or the crawfish etoufee ($5 for a cup, $8 for a bowl), and we’ll be back at dinner to try a couple of the dozen entrees served only after 5 p.m. We’ve heard good things about the Black and Mac ($11 for macaroni and cheese served with strips of blackened chicken) and the shrimp and grits ($14) and are intrigued by the bacon cheeseburger meatloaf ($11) and alligator sauce piquant ($14). We did manage to work our way through most of the gooey, boozy, creamy bread pudding and the homemade blackberry cobbler, which was very tasty but needed more and crunchier crust. Redbone’s is a warm, inviting place, and our server, Leah, was excellent. Prices are very reasonable, and the menu a large enough variety of extremely well done New Orleans classics to keep us — and hopefully many others — coming back.
DEMPSEY BAKERY is celebrating
its grand opening on Saturday, Oct. 29. The gluten-free bakery is located at 323 Cross Street, next door to the Diamond Bear Beer Brewery. From 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., the bakery will offer its usual selection of gluten-, nut-and/or soy-free baked goods—veggie and chicken pies, sugar cookies and breakfast pastries have been early big sellers—and Big Daddy’s Dogs will be out front selling hot dogs with Dempsey’s gluten-free hot dog buns. Dempsey is open 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday. The bakery keeps a web presence on Twitter at @DempseyBakeryLR and on Facebook. The phone number is 375-2257. BARBARA STOCKTON of Your
Mama’s Good Food told us last week that the current projection for the restaurant to reopen in its new location at 215 Center St. (in the Pyramid Place building) is the first week in November.
4 SQUARE GIFTS Vegetarian salads, soups, wraps and paninis and a daily selection of desserts in an Arkansas products gift shop. 405 President Clinton Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-244-2622. L daily. D Mon.-Sat. ARGENTA MARKET Big sandwiches along with fresh fish and meats and salads. 521 N. Main St. NLR. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-379-9980. BL daily, D Mon.-Sat. ARKANSAS BURGER CO. Good burgers, fries and shakes, plus salads and other entrees. Try the cheese dip. 7410 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-6630600. LD Tue.-Sat. ASHLEY’S The premier fine dining restaurant in Little Rock marries Southern traditionalism and haute cuisine.111 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-374-7474. BLD Mon.-Sat. BR Sun. BELWOOD DINER Traditional breakfasts and plate lunch specials are the norm at this lost-in-time hole in the wall. 3815 MacArthur Drive. NLR. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-753-1012. BRAVE NEW RESTAURANT The food’s great, portions huge, prices reasonable. It’s great fun, and the fish is special. 2300 Cottondale Lane. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-2677. LD Mon.-Fri. D Sat. BURGER MAMA’S Big burgers and oversized onion rings headline the menu. 13216 Interstate 30. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-225-2495. LD daily. CAFE HEIFER Paninis, salads, soups and such in the Heifer Village. With one of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 48 OCTOBER 26, 2011 47
EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ Across 1 Humped ox 5 Indo-European language speakers 11 Longtime Elton John label 14 “___ (So Far Away)” (1982 hit by A Flock of Seagulls) 15 Cut some more, maybe 16 “Atonement” author McEwan 17 California home of the Crystal Cathedral 19 Something thatʼs burned 20 Morlockʼs counterpart in science fiction 21 It may be felt by a blackboard 23 Hums 26 California locale just south of Camp Pendleton 29 Flightless flock 30 Home ___ 31 Israeli arms
32 Positive 34 Backside 37 Two out of nine? 38 California State University campus site 41 “Ere Heaven shall ___ her portals …”: Byron 43 Guyʼs girl 44 Bordelaise and others 47 Traditional Christmas purchases 49 They play in front of QBs 51 Part of rockʼs CSNY 52 Californiaʼs Sonoma County seat 55 Concise 56 Wound up 57 Shopping site 59 Ocasek of the Cars
60 Urban areas (as hinted at by the circled letters in this puzzleʼs grid) 66 “Naughty!” 67 Rests atop 68 “At Last” singer James 69 Urban grid: Abbr. 70 Obfuscate, in a way 71 Pringles alternative
Down 1 Turn one way before turning the other 2 Prohibition ___ 3 Rare site during Prohibition 4 Like scuba diving 5 View from the Leaning Tower 6 Neighborhood 7 “___ out!” (shout by a 24-Down) 8 Hubbub 9 Skin care product name TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 10 Severe D A U B S P E W S 11 Toyota Camry, e.g. I T S O K I H O P R E V S N U R T U R E 12 Collapsed E S R E L O A D E D 13 Ursula of “The Blue Max” U D S S K Y 18 Trains to Wrigley P O L E S A V A G E 22 Sch. in S W I L D L A R A S Jonesboro N E V I S T A M P 23 Little, in Lyon E R E N T V S B U Y 24 See 7-Down L D R A R A S T S 25 Causes of some traffic slowdowns F R Y H A N D I E E S T E R E S A 27 Cousins of girdles N V S P R E D A T O R 28 Sufficient, I N C O G B A U M informally L O A M Y S P Y 30 Thing
37 40
49 53
28 31
33 38
19 21
20 23
57 61
62 68
Puzzle by Peter A. Collins
33 Alias 35 The Rolling Stonesʼ “___ You” 36 ___-green 39 Puerto ___ 40 Ornamental crescents 41 After a fashion 42 One who deals in rags?
45 Last of the Mohicans? 46 Sow or cow 48 Part of S.O.P.: Abbr. 50 Flintlock accessory 53 Nimble 54 Kidney secretion 55 Start of some cycles?
58 Trouble spots? 61 Japanese supercomputer maker 62 That, in Tabasco 63 Cousin ___ of 1960s TV 64 H 65 Coltrane blew it
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
nicest patios in town. 1 World Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-907-8801. BL Mon.-Fri., L Sat. CAPITAL BAR AND GRILL Hearty sandwiches, daily lunch specials and fine evening dining all rolled up into one at this landing spot downtown. 111 Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-7474. LD daily. CAPITOL BISTRO Breakfast and lunch items, including quiche, sandwiches, coffees and the like. 1401 W. Capitol Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-371-9575. BL Mon.-Fri. CATFISH HOLE Downhome place for well-cooked catfish and tasty hushpuppies. 603 E. Spriggs. NLR. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-758-3516. D Tue.-Sat. CIAO BACI The focus is on fine dining in this casually elegant Hillcrest bungalow, though tapas are also available. 605 N. Beechwood St. Full bar, All CC. $$$-$$$$. 501-603-0238. D Mon.-Sat. CRAZEE’S COOL CAFE Good burgers, daily plate specials and bar food amid pool tables and TVs. 7626 Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501221-9696. LD Mon.-Sat. DOE’S EAT PLACE Huge steaks, great tamales and broiled shrimp, and killer burgers at lunch. 1023 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501376-1195. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. DOWNTOWN DELI Bigger sandwiches and lower prices than most downtown chain competitors. Also huge, loaded baked potatoes, soups and salads. 323 Center St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-372-3696. BL Mon.-Fri. DUB’S HAMBURGER HEAVEN A standout dairy bar. The hamburger, onion rings and strawberry milkshake make a meal fit for kings. 6230 Baucum Pike. NLR. No alcohol, No CC. $-$$. 501-955-2580. BLD daily. EJ’S EATS AND DRINKS The friendly neighborhood hoagie shop downtown serves at a handful of tables and by delivery. The sandwiches are generous, the soup homemade and the salads cold. 523 Center St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-3700. LD Mon.-Fri. FLYING FISH The fried seafood is fresh and crunchy and there are plenty of raw, boiled and grilled offerings, too. 511 President Clinton Ave. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-375-3474. LD daily. HOMER’S Great vegetables, huge yeast rolls and killer cobblers. 2001 E. Roosevelt Road. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-374-1400. BL Mon.-Fri. THE HOUSE A comfortable gastropub in Hillcrest. 722 N. Palm St. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4501. D daily, BR and L Sat.-Sun. JIMMY’S SERIOUS SANDWICHES Consistently fine sandwiches, side orders and desserts. Chicken salad’s among the best in town. 5116 W. Markham St. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-3354. L Mon.-Sat. KRAZY MIKE’S Po’Boys, catfish and shrimp and other fishes, fried chicken wings. 200 N. Bowman Road. Beer, All CC. $$. 501-907-6453. LD daily. LOCA LUNA Grilled meats, seafood and pasta dishes that never stray far from country roots, whether Italian, Spanish or Arkie. 3519 Old Cantrell Rd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-4666. L Sun.-Fri., D daily. LULAV Comfortably chic downtown bistro. 220 A W. 6th St. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-374-5100. BL Mon.-Fri., D daily. NEW GREEN MILL CAFE A small workingman’s lunch joint, with a dependable daily meat-and-three and credible corn bread for cheap. 8609-C W. Markham St. No alcohol, No CC. $. 501-225-9907. L Mon.-Sat. OYSTER BAR Gumbo, red beans and rice, peel-and-eat shrimp, oysters on the half shell, addictive po’ boys. 3003 W. Markham St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-7100. LD Mon.-Sat. PORTER’S JAZZ CAFE Nice takes on Southern cuisine are joined by chicken wings and a fabulous burger. 315 Main St. Full bar, All CC. $$$$$. 501-324-1900. LD Mon.-Sun. BR Sun. UNION BISTRO Casual upscale bistro and lounge. Try the chicken and waffles. 3421 Old Cantrell Road. Full bar, All CC. $$$. 501-353-0360.
GINA’S A broad and strong sushi menu along with other Japanese standards. 14524 Cantrell Road. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-868-7775. LD daily. HANAROO SUSHI BAR Under its second owner, it’s one of the few spots in downtown Little Rock to serve sushi. With an expansive menu, featuring largely Japanese fare with a bit of Korean mixed in. 205 W. Capitol Ave. Beer, Wine, All CC. $$. 501-301-7900. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat. PHO THANH MY It says “Vietnamese noodle soup” on the sign out front, and that’s what you should order. The pho comes in outrageously large portions with bean sprouts and fresh herbs. Traditional pork dishes, spring rolls and bubble tea also available. 302 N. Shackleford Road. No alcohol, All CC. $$. 501-312-7498. SEKISUI Fresh-tasting sushi, traditional Japanese, the fun hibachi style of Japanese, and an overwhelming assortment of entrees. Nice wine selection, sake, specialty drinks. 219 N. Shackleford Road. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-221-7070. LD daily. WASABI Downtown sushi and Japanese cuisine. For lunch, there’s quick and hearty sushi samplers. 101 Main St. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501-3740777. L Mon.-Fri., D Mon.-Sat.
CHIP’S BARBECUE Tasty, if a little pricey, barbecue piled high on sandwiches generously doused with tangy sauce. Better known for the incredible family recipe pies and cheesecakes, which come tall and wide. 9801
DINING CAPSULES, CONT. W. Markham St. Beer, All CC. $-$$. 501-2254346. LD Mon.-Sat. DIXIE PIG Pig salad is tough to beat. It comes with loads of chopped pork atop crisp iceberg, doused with that wonderful vinegarbased sauce. The sandwiches are basic, and the sweet, thick sauce is fine. 900 West 35th St. NLR. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-7539650. LD Mon.-Sat.
ARABICA HOOKAH CAFE This eatery and grocery store offers kebabs and salads along with just about any sort of Middle Eastern fare you might want, along with what might be the best kefte kebab in Central Arkansas. Halal butcher on duty. 3400 S. University Ave. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-379-8011. LD daily. CREGEEN’S IRISH PUB Irish-themed pub with a large selection of on-tap and bottled British beers and ales, an Irish inspired menu and lots of nooks and crannies to meet in. 301 Main St. NLR. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-376-7468. LD daily. ISTANBUL MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE This Turkish eatery offers decent kebabs and great starters. The red pepper hummus is a winner. So are Cigar Pastries. Possibly the best Turkish coffee in Central Arkansas. 11525 Cantrell Road. No alcohol, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-2239332. LD daily. LEO’S GREEK CASTLE Wonderful Mediterranean food — gyro sandwiches or platters, falafel and tabouleh — plus dependable hamburgers, ham sandwiches, steak platters and BLTs. Breakfast offerings are expanded with gyro meat, pitas and triple berry pancakes. 2925 Kavanaugh Blvd. No alcohol, All CC. $-$$. 501-666-7414. BLD daily.
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CAFE PREGO Dependable entrees of pasta, pork and the like, plus great sauces, fresh mixed greens and delicious dressings, crispcrunchy-cold gazpacho and tempting desserts in a comfy bistro setting. 5510 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$-$$$. 501-663-5355. LD Mon.-Fri., D Sat. CIAO Don’t forget about this casual yet elegant bistro tucked into a downtown storefront. The fine pasta and seafood dishes, ambiance and overall charm combine to make it a relaxing, enjoyable, affordable choice. 405 W. Seventh St. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-372-0238. L Mon.Fri., D Thu.-Sat. ZAFFINO’S BY NORI A high-quality Italian dining experience. Pastas, entrees (don’t miss the veal marsala) and salads are all outstanding, and the desserts don’t miss, either. 2001 E. Kiehl Ave. NLR. Beer, Wine. 501-834-7530. D Tue.-Sat.
BROWNING’S MEXICAN GRILL New rendition of a 65-year institution in Little Rock is a totally different experience. Large, renovated space is a Heights hangout with a huge bar and sports on TV. Some holdover items in name only but recast fresher and tastier. Large menu with some hits and some misses. 5805 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $-$$. 501663-9956. LD daily. CANON GRILL Creative appetizers come in huge quantities, and the varied main-course menu rarely disappoints, though it’s not as spicy as competitors’. 2811 Kavanaugh Blvd. Full bar, All CC. $$. 501-664-2068. LD daily. TAQUERIA KARINA AND CAFE Freshly baked pan dulce, Mexican-bottled Cokes, first-rate guacamole, to inexpensive tacos, burritos, quesadillas and a broad selection of Mexican-style seafood. 5309 W. 65th St. $. 501-562-3951. LD Tue.-Thu.
Volunteering in the local Great Arkansas Cleanup is your chance to really shine. By picking up litter along roadways, streams and shorelines, you’ll help keep Arkansas clean and green! To participate in the Great Arkansas Cleanup in South End on Saturday, Oct. 29, call Dr. Minnie Hatchett at 378-7695. OCTOBER 26, 2011 49 GAC 1011 003 SouthEnd_Rcrt_6.875x8.875_gs.indd 1
10/24/11 3:39 PM
Natives Guide platforms (as seen on many a celebrity) mixing in hugely popular materials such as fringe, studs, and feathers. Stuart Weitzman, an exclusive line to the store, also has several evening shoes to go with gowns by Roberto Cavalli and D&G and cocktail wear from Halston and Rachel Zoe. 10 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 7811 Cantrell Road. 501-227-0054.
Shoe stores
espite what they say about Arkansas, most of us live a shod life. Many women are, in fact, multi-shod. They’re easy to shop for — trying them on is no bother — if not always easy to purchase. Our guide here includes local boutiques for work and evening, vintage and consignment stores for worn-in leather boots and high-end labels with good price points, and chain stores. THE LOCALS Solemates Solemates, a local boutique in Pleasant Ridge Towne Center, is a narrow, bright pink shoe shop that carries several styles of boots, pumps, and flats, and an impressive selection of dressy shoes — satin sandals in neutral colors such as gold, silver, chocolate, and black as well items from the brand Olivia Rose Tal, a line that is hand-made in New York and features unconventional shapes with mixed materials. Solemates also has a wide selection of fashionable shoes with low heels — a combination that can be somewhat allusive — and custom-painted Toms. Solemates also stocks a wide selection in narrow widths. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Pleasant Ridge Shop50 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ARKANSAS TIMES
ping Center, 11525 Cantrell Road. 501716-2960 Warren’s Warren’s has several boutiques across Arkansas with the most recent location opening in the Promenade at Chenal. It carries an expansive selection of shoes: work-wear in neutral leather and sensible heels, “Saturday night out” shoes in bright colors and lots of embellishment, and many styles of boots, loafers, and flats. Up-to-date styles include leopard-print loafers and black pumps with cone spikes up the heel but also UGG boots and the knee-high fringe Minnetonka’s that show up frequently on young celebrities in People magazine. Warren’s also carries Toms, Frye, Sam Edelman, and Steve Madden shoes as well as Hobo and Michael Kors bags and wallets. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat. Pleasant Ridge Shopping Center, 11525 Cantrell Road. 501225-3515 Scarlet Scarlet Shop is a clothing boutique that focuses on high-fashion mid-range brands such as Elizabeth and James and Alice and Olivia. It now applies that same brand power to shoes. Scarlet
will be stocking more styles than ever this fall, and will be the only store in Little Rock carrying the hot label Jeffrey Campbell. Along with other brands such as Kelsi Dagger and Dolce Vita, Scarlet’s footwear features skyscraper heels, covered platforms, and unusual materials. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. Pleasant Ridge Shopping Center, 11525 Cantrell Road. 501223-8585; Paul’s Paul’s family-owned shoe store has been in business since 1967. There are two locations in Little Rock (Promenade at Chenal and The Crossing at Shackleford) and one in North Little Rock’s McCain Mall. Paul’s stocks men’s, women’s, and children’s footwear. At Paul’s, a customer will find budget-friendly trendy shoes but also comfort shoes from brands such as Clark’s and SAS. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat, 1-5 p.m. Sun. 2612 S. Shackleford Road. 501-312-7463 Barbara Jean Barbara Jean is another clothing boutique with an eye for footwear that complements its apparel. For fall, it’s carrying several styles of boots from Aquatalia, Stuart Weitzman, Valentino and Tory Burch. Barbara Jean also carries the fashion-forward line Brian Atwood — including classic pumps and peep-toes in rich colors and tall
THE DEPARTMENT STORE Dillard’s This Little Rock-based department store covers everyone’s shoe needs. Here, customers will find a large selection of well-priced lines such as Steve Madden, Gianni Bini, BCBG, and Vince Camuto. But you’ll also be able find Coach, Hunter, Sperry, Crocs, and UGGs. Something for everyone, right? The best part about chain and department store are their regular, end-ofseason sales when shoes can be discounted up to 75 percent. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Sat., noon-6 p.m. Sun. Park Plaza Mall, 6000 W. Markham. 501-661-0053. Little Rock is home to several other chain shoe boutiques including Aldo, Bakers, and Shoo Woo, all found in Park Plaza Mall, and DSW, the discount footwear behemoth, found in The Promenade at Chenal. THE CLASSICS Vintage Socialite Vintage Socialite, a new store in the Hillcrest neighborhood, provides a steady selection of clothes and accessories that fit easily into both the vintage lover’s and modern women’s wardrobe. Owner Solita Davis considers shoes a personal mission of hers and seeks out good condition styles from the late ’50s through the ’90s from private estate sales and vintage markets on the West Coast. Her store selection always includes pumps and peep toes in metallics, animal prints, and neutrals from lines such as Stuart Weitzman and Ferragamo. These are styles that have stood the test of time and always translate into a contemporary wardrobe. Flat boots in worn-in leather are another style prevalent in each decade that Solita finds in good condition. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.Wed., 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Thu., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 2915 Kavanaugh Blvd.
OCTOBER 26, 2011
alloween is upon us and with it
Cozy Bamboo throw from CYNTHIA EAST.
some fall styles for home and wardrobe that you’ll want to put
in your treat bag for year-round use. Boo y’all!
Cat eye glasses from SPIRIT HALLOWEEN in Midtowne shopping center.
hearsay ➥ Head to BAUMAN’S October 27-29 for an exclusive show featuring Brunello Cucinelli, W. Kleinberg belts and Scarpe Di Bianco custom shoes and receive a complimentary French Beech shoe tree with every shoe purchase. ➥ Birthday wishes are in order for two local businesses: Happy 11th BOX TURTLE and happy 40th, CHAINWHEEL (you don’t look a day over 39)! ➥ BOTTLETREE is hosting a Girls Night Out with artist Mindy Lacefield at Pulaski Heights Christian Church, 4724 Hillcrest, Friday, October 28, 6-9 p.m. Open to all levels, $65, all supplies included. Lacefiled’s fanciful paintings of sloe-eyed girls can be found at GALLERY 26. Visit to learn more. ➥ Meet Dr. Denise Perron, the creator of ShāToBu, at DILLARD’S Park Plaza, Saturday, November 12, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., and enter to win a ShāToBu wardrobe valued at over $280. The first 50 to purchase ShāToBu receive a free pair of high waist tights. What is this strangely named ShāToBu? Billed as “The Workout You Wear,” it’s shapewear for the ‘00s. Think of it as the lovechild of Spanx and those orthopedic looking Shape-ups shoes. ➥ BOSWELL MOUROT FINE ART (in the Heights) is opening a new Miami gallery November 5. Owner Kyle Boswell says, “I’m excited to be introducing my Arkansas artists to the Miami market. I’m taking about 14 down there.” More to come on this subject in a future issue. ➥ Mark your calendars for the 19th Annual Reigning Cats and Dogs on November 5th. It will be a festive evening with great food, live music and an auction benefiting the HUMANE SOCIETY OF PULASKI COUNTY. Takes place in the Great Hall of the Clinton Presidential Center, 7-10 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $50 at www.warmhearts.
Lacey Hazel top from BOX TURTLE. org or calling (501) 225-3146 or in person at the HSPC Shelter, Just Dogs Gourmet!, E’s Bistro and Green Corner Store. ➥The downtown River Market district of Little Rock will soon add more retail shops and boutiques. Moses Tucker Real Estate is currently leasing “THE GARAGE SHOPS,” short-term retail spaces in the Arkansas Capital Commerce Center parking deck. Rett Tucker says, “The Garage Shops represent 900 square feet of new retail space on Third Street. It is an attempt to meet the growing demand for retail in the neighborhood, and at the same time, provide small space for people who have a specialty retail product.” Tucker confirms that they’ve already leased space to two businesses, one of which is Scott Isslieb’s Jewelry Arts Studio. Other sources hint that the other business might be a high-end liquor store but that has yet to be confirmed. ➥ CANTRELL GALLERY is hosting a festive Halloween Costume Party featuring photography sittings by Sean Moorman, Saturday, October 29. Moorman will be set up to do portraits of trick-or-treaters of all ages, 10 a.m-5 p.m., and there will be no sitting fee for anyone wearing a Halloween costume. He’ll shoot a roll of film, and you will get the contact sheets. Want to come to the party and have your picture made not in a costume? Moorman will shoot a roll of film, and you get the contact sheets for just $100. Cantrell Gallery is not scheduling appointments, just show up and enjoy some refreshments and a fun photo shoot. ➥ Head to downtown North Little Rock, Thursday, October 27, 6-9 p.m., for Up with Art VI, ARGENTA ARTS FOUNDATION’s thank you to artists who give so much back to our communities. The event will have jewelry, sculpture, pottery and paintings for sale by some of Arkansas most generous and talented artists. ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES
OCTOBER 26, 2011 51
Namibian bracelets from the CLINTON MUSEUM STORE.
Pochimon rubber purse from CYNTHIA EAST.
Faux fur cuffs from CYNTHIA EAST.
Wolf necklace from BOX TURTLE.
Felt crow from BOX TURTLE.
Skull ring from BOX TURTLE.
Bright Little Rock mugs from the CLINTON MUSEUM STORE.
Swazi basket from the CLINTON MUSEUM STORE.
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2806 Lakewood Village Dr., NLR 501-753-8700 9100 N Rodney Parham, LR 501-225-6242 52 OCTOBER 26, 2011 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES
eat local
shop dogs (n.) A feature profiling our canine friends in retail. (Not just limited to dogs. Other species—cats, canaries, lizards—appear here, too.)
Small Town
support your community
Briarwood staff member Michael Robbins and resident Lola McGee with her namesake, Lola.
The guardian of Briarwood A protective Pekinese offers comfort and companionship
hough relatively new to Briarwood Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, she’s not yet a year old, Lola Robbins clearly has the run of the place. When we arrive, this plucky Pekinese is emerging from the boardroom, looking very officious, where a staff meeting has just adjourned. Joan Robbins, Briarwood’s Administrator and Lola’s owner, says, “She goes wherever. She gets on the elevator and rides to the second floor by herself. She waits for particular people to come by, visitors, and takes the elevator with them. If we page her, and she doesn’t come, we know she’s on the second floor.” Lola sprawls leisurely on the glossy parquet floor in the foyer, soaking up attention from passers-by. “She’s super laid back,” says Robbins as Lola rests at her feet, lying on her back in total abandon. “And she rarely barks . . . only when she gets to the groomer,” adds Michael Robbins, son of Joan and co-owner of Lola. Joan, who’s been at Briarwood for over 30 years, says that Michael basically grew up here, first working as a teenager
Lola’s Top 5 Finding pet rocks Riding in elevators
Sharing meals with Briarwood residents Watching Jerry Springer Razorback football
mowing the lawn and now in Human Resources. Lola, also in Human Resources, has taken it as her personal mission to meet all new and potential residents and check in on existing ones. One of her favorite pastimes is sharing meals with them in the dining room. “She doesn’t eat at home very much because she prefers to eat here,” explains Joan. “Most patients know her by name. They save part of their lunches to give to her, and the families bring snacks to her . . . She’s
going to get so fat,” she laughs. Lola’s predecessor was a Pekinese/ Shih Tzu mix named Teddy who worked at the facility for over 17 years and was beloved by all. “Teddy was a good judge of character and very smart. You could page him and he would come to the front.” Joan felt confident that Lola could carry the mantle of Briarwood mascot, “I knew she’d work well with the residents. She’s very protective of them. . . . and she also likes to meet new families.” Lola’s namesake, resident Lola McGee, appears from around the corner in a wheelchair and smiles at the sight of her furry friend. Though not technically a therapy dog, Lola provides comfort for those who live at Briarwood—spreading joy and giving freely that uncomplicated, perfect love that only a dog can give.
Briarwood Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 516 South Rodney Parham Rd. (501) 224-9000
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OCTOBER 26, 2011 53
Taking the oath
his unusual request came down from the cloud last week: “Would you ask Assmunch if he has a personalized version of the Hippocratic Oath? I guess you’d call it an Assmunchocratic Oath.” I asked Assmunch. He said yes, he did have such an oath, self-composed, and lived by it. I asked if he’d share it with us. He said: “I’ll not ‘share’ anything in this space — opinions, experiences, recipes, baseball cards — and you should peremptorily absquatulate and bird me if I propose to.” I apologized, and he retrieved, from his budgie’s cage-bottom, what was left of what he said was the only remaining copy of his legendary oath. An extract follows. First, do only carefully calculated harm. Killing Hitler would’ve been harmful in the sense that the bell tolling for any one of us tolls for every one of us. But still the right thing in this case. Because killing one might’ve saved millions. Might not’ve, but might’ve. Worth a try. Truman used the same argument in frying them 100,000 Hiroshimans. Who can say the reasoning was specious in either case? Not easy playing God. Second, if you get nothing else right, spell the names correctly. This rule
becomes less imperative when there’s a multiplicity of accepted spellings, as with the late billowing BOB Libyan butcher LANCASTER now pushing up cacti. Did his last name begin with a K, a G, or a Q? Who cares as long as ends with an R, an I, and a P? Third, fill the hole. With gold nuggets if you can. With brickbats and cowpies, nubs and cornshucks if you must. These are other, lesser self-pledges: Try to remember that your task here is to raise pup tents and not cathedrals. The passive voice will be eschewed. Don’t be off flogging the bishop when a deadline looms. Don’t let your idiots blither. Casting one’s pearls before swine becomes not such an indignity when you remember it’s also a swine doing the casting. Thumbtack onto your cerebrum a reminder that every resort to a cliche is a plagiarism. Don’t confuse originality with shrewd cribbing. Renounce the stupid pretense that
there are two sides to every story — or any specific number of “sides.” Don’t, as John Randolph said of Martin Van Buren, row to your object with muffled oars. Don’t accept bribes, even those seemingly made in jest. Maybe especially those. Do your damndest to reck your own rede. Remember that God and Christmas don’t need your help. Don’t set up straw men and knock them down, one reason being the outside chance that one of them will return the favor. Public references to snow as “the white stuff” might be forgiven when and if Hell freezes over. Abstain from satirizing the overmatched. You have to go after them with hayforks and flambeaux. And hounds. Don’t cave and call it compromising. “There is no cause for panic” is pretty much always going to be a waste of breath. Don’t bandy words with zealots. Don’t smart off gratuitously. Remember that truth is the first defense against talk radio. Always try, as Fowler counseled, to hit it between wind and water. Don’t weenie, weasel, empurple, cavil, waffle, preach, pecksniff, take out of context, blow out of proportion, sweep under the rug, throw under the bus, or take part in a “roast.” Not on purpose anyhow.
Aim a little higher than getting the scoop on the precise degree of curvature in a presidential dong. I’ll not be coerced by a deity that hoosegows me in the belly of a giant catfish to think it over. Don’t streak, waterboard, or pitch juicers, even if someone double-dog dares you. Don’t make reference to “senior citizens.” Go with the Saxon over the Latin every time — well, with the lone exception of when profiling a Mafioso. Abide by all 19 rules of proper composition enumerated in Mark Twain’s essay “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses,” paying particular attention to No. 7 and No. 16. Memorize the six rules for proper composition enumerated in George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English.” They’ll serve you well. Refrain from using words a foot-anda-half long, such as the 14-letter one that means a foot-and-a-half long. Consider calling dog-peter gnats by a politer name if you can think of one that adequately characterizes the little sonsa-bitches. Don’t give credence to any cow that can’t come closer than that to spelling chicken. Etc. …The rest illegible, nonsensical, or too deep in parakeet doo to mess with here.
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2011 ARKANSAS TIMES 54 OCTOBER 26, 2011 26,ARKANSAS TIMES 54 October
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PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois) (AAN CAN)
In the Circut Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas Probate Division 15th Division. In the matter of the adoption of Bladen Ellis Young, Case No. 06DR-11-1664 NOTICE OF HEARING To: Gary Burchette Take Notice that a petition for Stepparent Adoption was filed by Thomas Zachary Young, so that your parental rights to your child can be legally terminated. NOW, unless you file an Answer or otherwise respond within the time required by law, the Petitions may be taken as confessed and an Order entered and granted by the Court. A hearing on this matter is scheduled for December 19, 2011 at 9:30 am at the Pulaski County Courthouse, 15th Division Circut Court, 401 W, Markham St,. Little Rock, AR.
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Nurse PractitioNer Little Rock Community Mental Health Center, Inc. has an immediate opening for a Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nurse or Nurse Practitioner. Qualified applicant should be licensed as a Registered Nurse in Arkansas and trained in the diagnosis and management of common as well as complex mental health conditions. Experience in mental health is required. Competitive compensation and excellent benefits. Apply at:
4400 Shuffield Dr. • Little Rock, AR 72205 or send resume: fax: 501-660-6838 • email: eoe
Automotive Pet-Sitting. Little Rock area. residential setting, $20 per dog/per day. HomeAway-from-Home for your doggie! 501-319-5188. references avaliable.
Little Rock Community Mental Health Center, Inc. is currently recruiting for a fulltime Psychiatrist. The successful candidate performs assessment and treatment of persons with mental health disorders. Makes appropriate referrals for psychiatric evaluation and treatment; Performs psychiatric evaluations; Documents all consultations and progress notes; Actively participates with the multidisciplinary treatment team; Provides input for interpretation of psychosocial assessments; Performs other duties as assigned. Qualified candidate must have an AR medical license. Competitive compensation and excellent benefits. Apply at:
4400 Shuffield Dr. • Little Rock, AR 72205 Or send resume: fax: 501-660-6838 • email: EOE
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ARKANSAS NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, INC. presents its annual 10/15/08 9:58:33 AM Alcohol ad-Teens.Times.indd 2
Coin Show
ARt SHOW by Sandy Hubler At CHenal Country Club
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Sandbags are the best way to strength train. We make the best strength training sandbags. Dale Kirksey • Conway • 501-358-2783 •
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Team Member Job Fair! Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores is seeking Team Members for our new Otter Creek, AR Location! • Retail Team Members • Restaurant Team Members • Tire/Maintenance Technicians • Evening & Overnight Shifts available • Able to work flexible schedules • Competitive pay depending on experience Job Fair Date/Time: November 2nd and 3rd 9:00am- 4:00pm Job Fair Location: La Quinta Inn and Suites 408 West Commerce Drive Bryant, AR 72022 3RD Floor Meeting Room *Please bring your resume To pre-register for the job fair, please apply for our Otter Creek location online at
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Get a cleaning and receive a free bleaching kit to take home. New patients only.
Monday-Saturday October 26, 2011 55
Today’ sHealth Journal November1,201 1
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