Mature Arkansas

Page 1

Mature Arkansas february 16, 2012

Ken Grunewald’s rich retirement Page 8

ALSO in this issue

Invest at Your Comfort Level page 12

Time to Prune; Fertilize Bulbs page 12

Diabetes and Your Feet page 15


febrUARY16, 2012



Not Enough Drops in the Bucket By Phyllis Watkins


inally! Our government has recognized what those of us who are caregivers already know. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease to be reckoned with. Already affecting over five million Americans, Alzheimer’s is expected to soon reach epidemic proportions. Currently, one in eight people over 65 has Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Nearly half of those over 85 have AD. Younger people also have AD--approximately 4% of those with the disease are under 65. By 2050, 11 to 16 million people are expected to have AD and the projected cost of their care is $1.1 trillion. I applaud the Obama Administration’s recent increase in AD research spending. However, the redirected $50 million from the National Institutes of Health is still just a drop in the bucket. If President Obama’s request for another $80 million for the FY 2013 budget is approved---that would add another drop to the bucket. Adding another $130 million to the current $450 million for AD research is good, but it’s not nearly enough. We still don’t know the definitive cause of AD; we do not have effective treatments; we are nowhere near a cure. Research is the key to understanding this disease. Due, in part, to underfunded research, AD is the only major disease that does not have a declining death rate. It is the sixth leading cause of death. In January 2011, President Obama signed the National Alzheimer’s Project Act into law. It establishes the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care and Services. The law is important because it shows the Obama Administration is addressing what could be the most important health issue facing our country today. This January, the Department of Health and Human Services released a draft of the Council’s “Framework of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease.” The Plan has five goals. The first one, “Prevent and Effectively Treat Alzheimer’s Disease by 2025,” is somewhat lofty, given the time frame. There will have to be more that $450 million aimed at AD research to fulfill that goal. I am especially heartened that the plan’s other goals address caregiver and family issues such as quality of care, family support, education and public awareness. President Obama’s funding increase also includes $26 million to help meet these five goals. Recognition by Washington that AD is not going away without a serious fight; increased funding for AD research; and funding to address caregiver needs represent just the first steps. I am optimistic that we are on the road toward making a difference.

B y A . H . W asson

Groups Ask Supreme Court to Exempt Medicare Healthcare reform improves Medicare


ey provisions in healthcare reform are “of vital importance to the health and well-being of people 65 and older,” according to six national aging advocacy groups. The six groups made their feelings known in a friend of the court brief, filed recently with the U.S. Supreme Court with reference to two cases that challenge the constitutionality of the healthcare reform law: National Federation of Independent Business et al v Kathleen Sebelius et al and the State of Florida et al v Department of Health and Human Services et al. Petitioners in both cases contend that all the PPACA—Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act-- should be declared unconstitutional if the individual mandate (called the minimum coverage provision) to purchase health insurance is invalidated by the Court. The aging advocacy groups disagree, saying the Court’s decision on the constitutionality of the individual mandate should not be linked to positive changes the PPACA already made in Medicare. These changes have been in effect during the two years following passage of the PPACA. The aging groups want the new Medicare benefits to continue, regardless of the Supreme Court’s eventual ruling. AARP Arkansas State Director Maria Reynolds-Diaz says the changes in Medicare have helped older Arkansans. “The Affordable Care Act includes key protections and provisions that are important to our members and all 50-plus Americans,” she

the definitive cause of AD;

The changes in Medicare have helped

we do not have effective

older Arkansans.

We still don’t know

treatments; we are

nowhere near a cure.

Mrs. Watkins is executive director of Alzheimer’s Arkansas Programs and Services, serving Alzheimer’s patients and their families throughout central Arkansas. 2 febrUARY 16, 2012 MATURE ARKANSAS

Mature Arkansas Publisher Alan Leveritt Editor Anne Wasson Art Director Mike Spain Assistant to the Editor Paige Parham Photographer Brian Chilson Director of sales Katherine Daniels Account Executive Erin Holland Production Manager Weldon Wilson Production Assistant Tracy Whitaker

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Mature Arkansas is published each week by Arkansas Times Limited Partnership, 201 East Markham Street, 200 Heritage Center West, P.O. Box 34010, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203, phone (501) 375-2985. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written consent of the publishers is prohibited. Manuscripts and artwork will not be returned or acknowledged unless sufficient return postage and a self-addressed stamped envelope are included. All materials are handled with due care, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for care and safe return of unsolicited materials. All letters sent to Mature Arkansas will be treated as intended for publication and are subject to Mature Arkansas’ unrestricted right to edit or to comment editorially. All content © 2012 Mature Arkansas

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told Mature Arkansas. “It cracks down on Medicare fraud, waste and abuse; helps those in Medicare with high drug costs by closing the prescription drug “doughnut hole;” expands the number of people eligible for free preventive and wellness benefits; and gives people new options to plan for their long-term care needs.” Reynolds-Diaz also says healthcare reform prevents “… exclusions based on pre-existing conditions and restricts the use of age rating to charge exorbitant premiums to older Americans.” The amicus brief contends that, “a careful review” of the policies Congress enacted shows that the provision affecting Medicare

The Court may defer a decision about the individual mandate because

no one has been harmed by it yet. beneficiaries can be kept in place without any reliance on the individual mandate provision. “The health and quality of life of many older Americans are already improving because of the health reform law,” says National Senior Citizens Law Center Executive Director Paul Nathanson. “We don’t believe Congress intended to let the elderly poor languish in nursing homes or be subject to abuse if the individual mandate was found unworkable.” The brief also highlights the parts of the PPACA that benefit people 65+. The brief says these provisions should not be affected if the Court decides to invalidate the individual mandate provision. They include: • Re d u c e d c o s t - s h a r i n g for Medicare beneficiaries for prescription drugs by substantially reducing the coverage gap

(doughnut hole) • Elimination of cost-sharing for annual wellness visits and other screening services • Medicare Advantage plans are prevented from charging higher cost-sharing for chemotherapy and dialysis than permitted under traditional Medicare • Decreased unnecessary institutionalization of Medicaid beneficiaries • Improved coordination of care for people receiving both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles) • Improved quality and safety in nursing homes and prevention of abuse and neglect of elderly and people with disabilities in nursing and other residential facilities. The brief contends the only provisions that should be affected by the constitutionality of the individual mandate provision are the pre-existing condition, the community rating and guaranteed issue provisions. They want the rest of the PPACA to remain intact. The Supreme Court has scheduled arguments in the case for March. The decision may come as early as May or June. However, a spokesman for the National Senior Citizens Law Center speculated that the Court may defer a decision about the individual mandate because no one has been harmed by it yet. The individual mandate does not go into effect until 2014. Reynolds-Diaz says that while the courts sort out the legality of the law, “AARP will continue to provide information about how people age 50 to 64 are routinely denied affordable health insurance because of their age and preexisting conditions. We will also carry on with our efforts to help older Americans understand how the law will impact them and their families.” Joining in the amicus brief are: AARP, Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc., Medicare Rights Center, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, National Council on Aging, and National Senior Citizens Law Center.

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febrUARY16, 2012


The vanity of man revolts from the serene indifference of the cat. — Agnes Repplier


Knives and Quilts and Wines...Oh My! By Paige Parham

Feb. 16 – Chamber Music Society of Little Rock: Hye - J i n K i m , S t. Mark’s Episcopal C h u r c h Pa r i s h H a ll, Little Rock , 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Features works by Clara & Robert Schumann. Tickets: $25. For more information, call 664-5823, e-mail or visit Feb. 16 – African American Music Listening Session: Motown Hits, Sue Cowan Williams L i b r a r y, 1 8 0 0 S . Chester Street, Little Rock, 6:00 PM. Enjoy Motown hits with other Motown fans. For more information, call 376-4282. Feb.18 – 19 - Arkansas Custom Knife Show, Robinson Center, Little Rock. Sat. 10:00 AM – 5:00 Feb. 16 – Celebrate PM & Sun. 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Admission: $5; for more information, visit Bl a c k H i s t o r y with the Argenta Branch Library, 506 Main Street, North AM - Noon. FREE screenings include: Prostate, Street, North Little Rock. For details or to Little Rock, 6:00 PM. Hear Richard Lindsey, cholesterol, blood sugar, carbon monoxide, BMI, display your artwork, call 993-1234 or visit one of the North Little Rock six, tell his story blood pressure, and flu Shots (limited supply.) of the courageous attempt to integrate North Feb. 17 thru 19 - Arkansas RV Show, Feb. 18 – Nourish: An Ayurvedic Little Rock high school in 1957. Free; for more Statehouse Convention Center, Little Experience, Elevate Community information, call 687-1061. Center, 323 S. Cross Street, Suite D, Little Rock. The state’s largest RV Show will feature Feb.17 - NLR Friends of Animals Chili Rock, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Included in this 100,000 sq. ft. of RV exhibits. Over 125 recreational Supper at the Park Hill Christian peaceful mini retreat: 30 min. of healing vehicles on display--motor homes, travel trailers, Church on JFK Blvd., 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Menu: ayurvedic massage, 60 min. of restorative yoga fifth wheels and camping trailers plus exhibits Chili (beans, no beans, veggie), Cole slaw, and breath work, 30 min. of deeply relaxing featuring resorts, campgrounds and RV accesnachos, crackers, punch, coffee, and homeguided imagery/meditation, 1 plate of delisories. Fri & Sat, 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM; Sun, 10:00 made desserts. Adults: $5; kids 12 and under, cious and nourishing living food, 1 bath bomb AM - 6:00 PM. Admission $5 for adults, kids 12 $4. For details call 501-607-4887. and ayurvedic gift basket. Cost: $108. Email and under are free. For more information, visit or call 888-749-6949 or call 765-1423. F e b. 1 7 - A r g e n ta’s 3 r d F r i d ay for reservations. ArtWalk, 5:00 - 8:00 PM. “Art Inside Feb. 18 – Free Health Screenings by Baptist Health, McCain Mall, 3929 Feb. 18 – Black History Artifacts, Unexpected Places” can be found inside the Dee Brown Library, 6325 Baseline Road, McCain Blvd., North Little Rock, from 9:00 First Presbyterian Church, 4th and Maple


Grandkids Eat FREE These local restaurants offer kids-eat-free options, for children under 12, with purchase of an adult entrée (unless otherwise specified.)


Feb. 17 – Pinnacle Piecemakers Quilting Circle, Roosevelt Thompson Library, 38 Rahling Circle, Little Rock, 10:00 AM. This quilting circle meets every Friday, except the fifth Fridays. All skill levels are welcome. Call 821-3060 for more information.

Little Rock. Learn about important events and African American people that have changed our world from Archie Moore. Call 568-7494 for more information.

cross stitch, you’re welcome to join the fun at this social crafting circle. Bring your project and a lunch – drinks and cookies are provided. Call 918-3000 for more information.

Feb. 20 – Indoor Exercise at the Williams Library, 1800 S. Chester St., Little Rock. Work out indoors using DVDs and online tutorials. This group meets every Mon., Wed., & Fri at 5:30 PM. For more information, call 376-4282.

Feb. 22 - A Walk through History Brown Bag Lunch Lecture, Old State House Museum, Little Rock, noon- 1:00 PM. Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Little Rock Nine’s struggle to integrate Central High School in 1957. Photographs and letters will provide context to this historic time. Free and you are encouraged to bring a sack lunch; beverages provided. More information, visit or call 324-9685.

Feb. 21 – Sit N’ Stitch at the Main Library, 5th floor in the Lee Room, 100 Rock Street, Little Rock, 12:00 PM. Calling all crafters! Whether you knit, crochet, spin, embroider, or

Feb. 22: Monthly Wine Dinner at Starving Artist Cafe, 411Main Street, North Little Rock, 7:00 PM. Enjoy a threecourse dinner with three wines; $50 per person all inclusive. RSVP required. Call 372-7976 or visit www.

CICI’S PIZZA Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet; Hot Springs 3321 Central Ave.; Jacksonville 120 John Harden Dr.; North Little Rock 2815 Lakewood Village Dr. DENNY’S RESTAURANT 4:00-10:00 PM ages 10 and under; Benton 16732 Interstate 30; Little Rock 4300 S. University; Little Rock 310 S. Shackelford Rd. GOLDEN CORRAL Ages 3 and under eat free at buffet. Discounted prices for kids on Tuesdays; North Little Rock 5001 Warden Road LARRY’S PIZZA Ages 4 and under daily and from 4:00-8:00 PM on Wednesdays only, with purchase of one adult meal--up to two kids get a small one topping pizza, drink, and $1 in tokens; Cabot 2798 S. Second St.; Bryant 4500 Hwy. 5 North; Little Rock 12th & Center St.; Little Rock 12911 Cantrell Rd. SAN FRANCISCO BREAD COMPANY Daily and Mondays, one free kid’s meal with the purchase of adult meal, after 5:00 PM; Hot Springs 261 Cornerstone Blvd. ZAXBY’S 5:00 PM-close, dine-in only; Jacksonville 209 Marshall Rd.; Maumelle 104 Carnahan Dr.; Sherwood 208 Brookswood Rd.

THURSDAY CAPTAIN D’s Benton 1419 Military Rd; Hot Springs 1906 Central St; Jacksonville 1109 West Main St; Little Rock 6301 Col. Glenn Rd; North Little Rock 5320 JFK Blvd. MEXICO CHIQUITO One FREE kid's meal per adult entree for kids 12 and under (Dine-in only) Jacksonville 1524 W. Main St; Little Rock 13924 Cantrell; 102 S. Rodney Parham; 4511 Camp Robinson; and 11406 W. Markham MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 4:00 PM-close. One free kids meal with paid adult meal; Bryant 7409 Alcoa Rd; Little Rock 12312 Chenal Pkwy; North Little Rock 4834 North Hills Blvd.

SATURDAY BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA RESTAURANT Little Rock 3201 Bankhead Dr.—Sat. & Sun. LUBY’S CAFETERIA Little Rock 12501 West Markham

SUNDAY CORKY’S 4:00 PM-close, Little Rock 12005 Westhaven Dr. EL PORTON North Little Rock 5021 Warden Rd.


febrUARY16, 2012


Be wise today; ‘tis madness to defer. Procrastination is the thief of time. — Edward Young

Restaurant g u ide n By bob wood

Ali Baba's Superb Sandwiches I

t’s funny how things get meat is marinated in a variety connected. On a recent of spices. It then roasts as it Saturday morning, I went to rotates on a rotisserie just like the Main Library and wound a gyros cooker. Along with the up talking with a Syrian friend chicken, the sandwich had of mine. I asked her if she some yoghurt sauce, tomato cooked Syrian dishes very and onion, and it was good, I often. She said she made mean, really good. hummus, but when she was I sampled my friend’s falafel hungry for chicken shawarma sandwich, and it was very she went to Ali Baba. tasty, too. I’ve had falafel Ali Baba? My ears perked before where the garbanzo up. The Pavlov effect clicked bean mixture was flattened, in. And, rather than barking, fried in a patty, and then placed I decided to have lunch there in the sandwich. But the falafel that day. I’m the most suggestat Ali Baba is more of a loose ible person I know, and I’m OK mixture with lots of cumin and with that. other spices. All that rolled into Ali Baba is on South a big pita with tomato, yoghurt Baba Ghanoush comes with pickled turnips. University, across from the and onion. Delicious. University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), out wrapped in foil and resembling small diriThe hummus and baba ghanoush at Ali in what people of a certain age will remember gibles. Seriously, I think two people could Baba were prepared a little differently than as the location of the former Discount easily split one sandwich. I unwound the I’m accustomed to, but I liked both. One Records. Remember records? They were the foil, smelled good things, took a large-ish bite, thing that sets them apart from the norm round, black plastic vinyl things we used to and it was DELICIOUS. I was impressed. The around here was the addition of some buy, take home, put on turnpickled turnips (a beautifully tables, turn up the volume and unnatural, pinkish-red color) then revel in the cool sounds and some mild dill pickles on that came out of the crappy the side, plus green relish on speakers. I miss those days… top. Give them a try, and see but I digress. what you think. Ali Baba is two-thirds Prices at Ali Baba are pretty grocery and one-third restaureasonable. I ordered more rant. The day my friend and than I would normally simply I went, we both ordered to try several things. Our total sandwiches. I had a chicken tab plus drinks was $18.74. shawarma, and she had the Not bad. falafel. I also ordered some If you like to cook, the hummus and baba ghanoush, grocery is a great place to buy just to see how they prepared stuff like good olive oil, tahini, them. You get your drinks out garbanzo beans and lots of of a big cooler at the back of other fairly bizarre (to me) the grocery. They have a selecstuff that I have yet to try. tion of American and Middle Ali Baba Grocery and Eastern beverages to choose Restaurant, 3400 South from. University Ave., Little Rock, Be prepared for a reasonphone 501-379-8011. able wait after you order at Ali Baba. In about 10 minutes, Mr. Wood, a writer and designer Ali Baba is in the old Discount Records building, across from UALR. both of our sandwiches came in Little Rock, is often hungry.




Advance Directives Q. My daughter encouraged me to complete an advanced directive. What is it and how will I use it? A. An Advanced Directive is written instructions provided by individuals to define what actions are to be taken for their health, in the event that they are not able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity. It can also appoint a person to make such decisions for them. Several free forms are available online, search Advanced Directive, Living Will or do not resuscitate order to find one you like. Give a copy of the signed document to family members and your doctors. Q. My husband was very ill but the hospital refused to admit him. He didn’t get better and later the same evening we went to another hospital where he was admitted. This doesn’t seem right. A. If a hospital denies admission, it must give you a form called a Hospital Issued Notice of Non-coverage (HINN). The HINN states the reason for denying admission or why they believe Medicare will not pay. It also includes your right to appeal or question the decision. If you receive a HINN, request an immediate (expedited) review of the decision from the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC). AFMC is an independent, nonprofit of group of doctors and other professionals who are not affiliated with the hospital. AFMC contracts with the government to ensure Medicare beneficiaries receive quality care. You can request review of the hospital’s decision from the AFMC either in writing or over the phone. AFMC’s toll free phone number is 888-3549100. The number is also listed on the HINN.

ApArTMenT HoMes For seniors Secure AffordAble efficient convenient sTArTing AT $320 A MonTH For A Tour CAll 501-372-3610 AppliCATions For residenCy AvAilAble during oFFiCe Hours

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For low-income persons 62 and older, or mobility impaired (Hot Springs, Monette, North Little Rock, Palestine, Strong, and The Cottages at Delta Acres only for persons 62 and older). Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Call the local complex for lowincome limits that apply.

Parkin.................. (870) 755-2939 Searcy ................. (501) 268-7804 West Helena ........ (870) 572-9433 Wynne ................ (870) 238-3388 Hot Springs ......... (501) 318-1317 Monette .............. (870) 486-2748 North Little Rock . (501) 758-8582 Palestine ............. (870) 581-2023 Strong ................. (870) 797-7525 The Cottages at Delta Acres .......... (870) 747-5150


Submit questions to Medicare Man via email insurance.shiip@ or call toll free 800-224-6330.

SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKUP Q. How much of a difference will it make if I defer retirement benefits until age 70? A. It can be significant. Let’s say your full retirement age is 66 and your monthly benefit at 66 is $1,000. If you defer benefits until 70, your monthly amount increases to $1,320, or 32% more. That’s almost an extra $4,000 each year, for the rest of your life. This increase is from delayed retirement credits you get for postponing benefits past your full retirement age. You can estimate future benefits at different ages using Social Security’s easy-to-use Retirement Estimator. Go to www.socialsecurity. gov/estimator It uses your personal employment history to estimate your retirement benefit. When you’re ready to apply for benefits, you can also apply online ( if you are at least 61 and 9 months old and live in the U.S. Have this information ready before you start the online application process: • Date and place of your birth and Social Security number • Your bank’s routing number and your account number, for direct deposit of your monthly benefits • The amount of money you earned last year and this year; name and address of your employer (s) for this year and last • Beginning and ending dates of any active US military service you had before 1968 • Name, SS #, date of birth of your current and any former spouse (s); date and place of marriage (s); dates of divorce or death • Copy of your Social Security Statement. —Social Security Administration

A beautiful retirement community for the elderly, disabled and handicapped Amenities • Community Area • Beauty Shop • Gardening • Library • 5 Laundromats 100 Audubon Dr. • Maumelle, AR 72113 (501) 851-1821

Be a part of the next

22, 2011


Mature Arkansas




ked to Diabetes Lin ression Dep Dementia, PAGE 4

The Gift of Giving PAGE 6 MATU RE

the Cheering Up ents Smallest Pati PAGE 13 ARKA NSAS


22, 2011


If you are interested in learning more about Mature Arkansas and how you could promote your business or services, please contact us at or call Katherine Daniels at 501-375-2985.


febrUARY16, 2012


Grunewald enjoys preserving old things, including his wife’s 1968 MGB. ON THE COVER Ken Grunewald, with rescue dogs Annie (left) and Pandora (right), is passionate about animals.


Ken Grunewald

By Kaye Risser photography by

brian chilson

Little Rock-Loving Nomad


hat does a former military brat do for retirement? He keeps moving! But ask

retiree Ken Grunewald, who

Morgan,” he adds. “I just like to fix old things,” Grunewald reiterates, as he points retains his excitement about out various pieces of antique furniture he has given new life. new discoveries and an active “While stationed in Little Rock in the 70s,” he says, “I bought a appreciation of antiquity. White Flyer Sailboat and raced with the Grand Maumelle Sailing Club.” Shortly after his retirement, The son of an U.S. Air Force pilot, Marlena checked to see if the old boat was Grunewald and his family moved frequently still there. It was, but it was wrecked; it from air base to air base, exploring and didn’t even float anymore, she says. She adapting to new faces and spaces. He spent gave it to him for his birthday that year his impressionable teen years in Europe. and he is in the process of restoring it now. Exposure to different cultures in France and Travel is Grunewald’s passion--not just Germany changed his outlook on people, the short trips he takes to bicycle and hike places and especially “things” forever. in the Ozarks and Ouachita mountains--but Why, he wondered, was life so different extensive international travel. “I want to set in the U.S.? Why, he questioned, do foot on all seven continents, now all I’m Americans go about tearing things down lacking is Antarctica,” he exclaims. Stories while older cultures focus on preserving of his “bucket list” travels are the past? These queries became the basis informative and entertaining. for his lifelong quest. Grunewald says he is interested “When you retire,” explains Grunewald in the cultures he knows nothing from the book-filled den in his Pleasant about and fascinated by those in Valley home, “then you can pay attenwhich things are vanishing. “On tion to what really matters, to your own these trips, I tend to go the oppopersonal interests … like old friends, and site way from everybody else; if they’re pets, and cars, and sailboats … and more turning to the left, I want to go right. I’m travel.” Over the past four years, he has looking for the people and places that completely restored his wife Marlena’s 1968 won’t be around much longer,” he says. MGB, “with a lot of help and advice from His first post-retirement adventure the British Sports Car Club and McLeod’s was to North Africa. From Casablanca, British Motoring Cars of Arkansas, in Morocco, he travelled alone with a Sunni

Arab guide to Fez, a walled, Ninth Century city that had no cars. He trekked the countryside until he met and mingled with the vanishing people of a Berber tribe. The next year’s destination was South America, where in Peru he travelled the jungles, floated the rivers and eventually hiked to meet and experience the culture of indigenous Amazonians in their villages. In Australia, his goal was to meet a group of aborigines he had once seen in a movie. He was pleased to encounter a kindred soul, a German scientist, who wanted to share the journey. With an aboriginal guide, they not only met the natives, but found ancient rock art that their guide could interpret as stories. A month-long trip to Asia found him taking the Trans-Siberian and TransMongolian railroads from St. Petersburg, Russia, to Beijing, China. “The land mass

As for the Antarctica: “No definite plans as yet, but it will happen.” was incredible, travelling from one end of Asia to the other,” he says. He found the Russians to be extremely friendly and says they liked Americans.” En route, he met vanishing nomads in Mongolia and slept in “gers” in the Gobi Desert. “This was an iconic trip for me!” he exclaims. As for


febrUARY16, 2012


LEFT Grunewald bought his first banjo in Hong Kong in the 1970s but didn’t start taking blue grass lessons until he retired. RIGHT Hats make good souvenirs from Ken Grunewald’s international travels. He wears a Russian military officer’s hat and displays a Moroccan fez (left) and Australian leather bush hat.

the Antarctica: “No definite plans as yet, but it will happen.” The message he extracts from his travels is not new to Grunewald. “Coming from a nomadic military family, I already knew the world does not revolve around the United States. As an American, I’ve found we are liked by most people, but we are definitely not the center of the world, much less the universe!” Grunewald credits a visionary professor at

next war would be fought over a shortage of water, which is coming to pass. He talked about preservation and other topics which provided some answers for my teenage question: “Why doesn’t America look like Europe?” After graduating from Penn State in 1967, Grunewald intended to follow in his father’s footsteps. “We were in the middle of the Vietnam War,” he says, “and I was commissioned into the Air Force as a 22-year-old lieu-

commercial flight instructor, using his skills both in California, and Louisiana, until he stopped, he says, “the day I went up with a student who wasn’t paying attention.” Lieutenant Grunewald’s first military assignment was at Little Rock Air Force Base as an Intelligence ICBM launch officer. When he transferred to the Strategic Air Command base in Omaha, he helped plan nuclear targeting for U.S. missiles. He explains, “This means we were selecting the sites to bomb wherever and whenever the necessity arose.” A later assignment took him to an air base near Denver, followed by a tour of duty in Vietnam, about which he wryly comments, “I realized within the first two weeks that we had no business there!” Following the Vietnam stint and a further assignment in Korea, he returned to the U.S., and from various air bases, continued to plot the destruction of enemy cities and structures. After 22 years, he retired from the Air Force in 1989. Grunewald met his wife Marlena while stationed in Denver. “Actually, our cars met before we did,” he says. “She was a nurse at local hospitals and lived across the hall from my apartment. We both drove MGBs that frequently ended up parked side by side. One day we parked at the same time, found mutual interests besides our cars and began dating. When I got orders to leave for Vietnam, we decided to meet and marry in Hawaii, during my first rest-and-recuperation break. We did

As an American, I’ve found we are liked by most people, but we are definitely not the center of the world, much less the universe! Penn State University, where he majored in geography, with “sensitizing me to the world. He used words that are commonplace today, but unheard of outside classrooms back then … words like urban sprawl, and he predicted the

tenant. I took the Air Force test to become a pilot but failed the eye test. I knew my eyes were questionable, but I really wanted to fly.” Grunewald wanted to fly so badly that he later took private flight lessons. He became a

10 febrUARY 16, 2012 MATURE ARKANSAS

that and it has lasted 42 terrific years. We have a wonderful son Nick and his wife Wendi.” Marlena adds, “We’re enjoying our first grandbaby, born Thanksgiving Day.” Not ready for retirement, it didn’t take

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Mature Arkansas Grunewald long to find the perfect second career. He joined the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, first as deputy director, and later as director. “I’d spent the first half of my life thinking about blowing things up. Now here was the chance to put things back together,” Grunewald explains. “It was a dream job; I was surrounded by talented people,” he recalls. “We traveled all over, meeting others involved in archeology and the preservation of architecture and building sites. I got to learn about people from all over the U.S., about their various cultures and issues.” He enjoyed his second career for 18 years, retiring in 2007. Grunewald says the core of his existence is his love, care and protection of animals of all kinds. Marlena shares in this commitment and they have been active contributors to many animal groups, shelters and related charities over the past 22 years they’ve lived in Little Rock. “We’ve fostered so many cats and dogs; we would feel empty without animals in the house,” they both say as they introduce their three dogs. A framed print of Little Rock’s “Over-the-Jumps” carousel honors the couple’s 10-year effort to help restore the unique Little Rock landmark. Little Rock also benefits from having a couple who fervently state about their adopted city: “We absolutely love this city and all it offers. It’s our diamond in the rough!”

CELEBRATES your achievements and inspirational stories ADVOCATES for you and your concerns—social, financial, political ENTERTAINS by featuring the best in events, dining, culture, volunteering, so you can live life to the fullest EDUCATES with health and consumer news to stay healthy, independent, and ready to embrace new beginnings and opportunities

Mature arkansas DECEMBER

29, 2011

Dance Your WaY to Healt H

DANciNg' bODy AN S gOOD fOR D SOUL page 8


The Gold Sta ndard of BBQ pAgE 4

Live Long and Healthy pAgE 12 MAT URE

Try Social Media pAgE 14



dece mBeR

29, 2011

If you have inspirational or informative ideas benefiting active retirees, we welcome your input. Please email or call 501-375-2985 for editor Anne Wasson. MATURE ARKANSAS

febrUARY16, 2012



MON EY n By Gar y Garr i son

Invest at Your Comfort Level

O, Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? — Percy Bysshe Shelley

Good planning trumps risk


f you’ve spent any time studying investment vehicles, you’ve encountered classic risk and reward situations. The equity markets (or stock markets) are a good example. Equity markets, especially when viewed with a short-term lens, present variables that make them risky. They’re also potentially more rewarding, posting high short-term gains. But do high investment rewards have to go hand-in-hand with high risk? A good way to approach your investment strategy, whatever your tolerance for risk, is to use the Rule of 100. The Rule starts with 100, subtracts your age and the result is the percentage of your portfolio that can be invested in higher-risk vehicles while allowing for time to recover if the investment suffers a reversal. If you’re 65, your Rule of 100 number would be 35. That means you should invest no more than 35% of your portfolio in higher-risk vehicles such

as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. In this example, if you put 100% of your portfolio in the stock market, and the market declines 40%, you stand to lose a significant portion of your nest egg. It would take a 66.6% return on investment to regain that original principal! There aren’t many vehicles offering that kind of return, especially considering the relatively short time you would have at age 65 to get the principal back. Spreading your portfolio over several investments is the best approach, one that yields consistent results. Your diversification should contain: • “Safe” instruments, like checking, savings, certificates of deposit and fixed annuities

Great rewards don’t always come from great risks; they often come from great


GARDEN I N G n By Carol Sanders

Time to Prune F

ebruary and early March, before bud break, is the ideal time to prune fruit trees, shrubs and vines, says Dr. Obadiah Njue, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Cooperative Extension Program horticulture specialist. Pruning modifies the growth and structure of a plant. The reasons to prune include: • to develop a strong tree or plant structure • provide balanced growth and productivity • provide good quality light penetration • maintain a healthy plant • control plant size • train young plants. Properly pruned and trained trees, shrubs and vines produce high quality fruit, and the plants live longer. Pruning to promote a strong plant structure starts from planting and should be done each year, Njue advises. Pruning controls the balance between plant

12 febrUARY 16, 2012 MATURE ARKANSAS

• “Hybrid” instruments like fixed index annuities • “At-risk” instruments like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. • The percentage of each instrument should vary according to your timeline as illustrated in the Rule of 100. By making sure you adjust your portfolio’s content as time goes by, you can greatly reduce your exposure to risk. Having an investment advisor in your corner makes a huge difference, and gives you several advantages on your investment journey. In his book, Profit Without Panic, Jonathan Myers writes, “The inherent risk of an investment at any given time is stable or assessable, while perception of risk can fluctuate according to whim, bias

size, yields and fruit quality. Pruning opens the plant’s canopy to maximize light penetration essential for flower bud development and fruit set for the following year. It also improves the quality of the current year’s fruits. Removing damaged wood and dead or dying branches injured by disease, insects, storms or mechanical injuries maintains a healthy plant and makes controlling diseases and insects easier. “Training and shaping branches is easier when a plant is young rather than pruning larger branches later on,” says Njue. Late winter or early spring pruning has advantages over early winter pruning. Wounds heal quickly when growth starts. Undesirable branches and wood to be pruned can be seen more easily without leaves on the plant or tree. The bark is less likely to

Mr. Garrison is president of Asset Protection Wealth Management and specializes in assisting retirees.

tear when cuts are made. If you prune too early, plants can be damaged by low winter temperatures. Different fruit trees, shrubs and vines require different pruning techniques. For help on specific pruning methods for your plants and trees, shrubs and vines, contact your county Extension agent. Or, attend Dr. Njue’s pruning workshop on March 10, 9:30 AM, at the UAPB Extension Complex, on the corner of L.A. “Prexy” Davis Drive and Oliver Road, Pine Bluff. Call 870-575-8152 for details Ms. Sanders is a writer with the UAPB School of Agriculture.

Send your financial questions, to be answered in this column, to Gary Garrison at


CELEBRATES your achievements and inspirational stories


, DY HOTEL THE PEABO y Hotel, BRUNCH AT PM, The Peabod 10:30 AM – 2:30 Little Rock. Christmas Plaza, 3 Statehouse Grill Italian in Capriccio Day Brunch selection of includes a wide Steakhouse beef to honeyof rib prime dishes from d pork loin. and roaste desserts glazed ham seafood and for adults; Breakfast items, e. Brunch is $39.95 children also availabl ages 6 to 11; $14.95 for childrenfree. Complimentary eat ed. Call 5 and under g will be provid or visit valet parkin for reservations 501-399-8062 littleroc www.peabody AT THE DAY FEAST 3:00 CHRIS TMAS , 11:00 AM – GTON HOTEL at the ARLIN Room LS AT n Dining RD: LIONE PM, The Venetia Hot Springs, includes a -ALL ABOA in hands-on nal ED DEC. 23-26) a presents a Arlington Hotel and traditio BER 31 (CLOS Collectors Club of Americ Main Library’s 2nd of gourmet GH DECEM festive buffet Hall, the Lionel beautiful holiday and NOW THROU Library Exhibit as Chapter of s, set amidst 5:00 PM. Fri. $15 – Laman In Arkans AM favorite adults; The ages. 9:00 for ion. PM.; LAMAN! Cost is $33 is fun for all eat 9:00 AM – 9:00 extension 105. Free Admiss display that decorations. 5 and under Little Rock, , model train 6-12; children Street, North 501-771-1995 at ages tions. for Orange Wood t Debra floor, 2801 9-2575 for reserva PM. Sun. Contac free. 501-60 Sat.; 1:00 – 5:00

ADVOCATES for you and your concerns—social, financial, political

SHOW L CHRISTMAS E 22 – A SPECIA THE ENTIR DECEMBER MAN AND Central KEN GOOD Theatre, 424 FEATURING tions. PM, The Vienna FAMILY, 7:30 3-2799 for reserva their with Springs, 501-46 Avenue, Hot sweep you away like “The an family will favorites The Goodm a Holly, s of your holiday musical styling “White Christmas,” “Have holiday the Don’t miss Christmas Song,” as,” and more. Jolly Christm prizes. game with THE T JA ZZ AT NDAY NIGH Kavanaugh Blvd., 2721 DEC. 26-MO HT, 8:00 PM, rs on guitar, AFTERTHOUG s Steve Struthe on drums. $5; include Little Rock, and Dave Rogers ton on bass Brian Wolver 5:30 - 6:30 LINI YOGA, Rock. INNER KUNDA Street, Little DEC. 26-BEG Cross S. West 323 Arkansas, to one of the AM to noon, PM, Elevate introduction some IT TRAIL, 10:00 one of Shantz in an of yoga and WEST SUMM Park, Little Rock. Release Join Caren 24-HIKE THE powerful forms State of Pinnacle In Kundalini Mountain DECEMBER the west side oldest and most practices on the planet. are you ad, Pinnacle ided hike up l Yogi Bhajan, shoes and water Summit Trailhe enjoy an interpreter-gu the oldest spiritua of kundalini is free; us hike; sturdy and more in by a master Admission tely strenuo holiday stress breathing and Yoga, taught r and wind. be a modera tain for rs, $7 ul movement, ain. This will for colder weathe Mount will learn powerf ctory course. $5 for membe riately s approp statepa introdu the lesson. A required. Dres www.arkansas this simple cookies after MBERn8, 2011 yogi tea and 8-5806 or visit DECE Ark. Coalitio call 501-86 non-members; donated to 7 tion. proceeds are -6949 or visit BER 22, 2011 more informa portion of the Call 888-749 NSAS DECEM tic Violence. RE ARKA MATU Against Domes www.elevatea

ENTERTAINS by featuring the best in events, dining, culture, volunteering, so you can live life to the fullest

A: There are only a select few variable annuities that I would incorporate into a portfolio. Most of them have high fees and early withdrawal penalties. Find a variable annuity that only charges about $25 per month, has no early withdrawal charges, is 100% liquid at all times. There are variable annuities that also have hundreds of investment choices. And of course, the tax deferral of a variable annuity can be a huge benefit the higher your tax bracket.

Mature Arkansas ➧

and external influence.” Put simply, the investment itself carries a risk that’s easy to define and based on specific and universal measurements. Your tolerance for that risk isn’t. A personalized risk assessment helps you identify your comfort level with risk. Everyone has a different level of risk tolerance. Your financial planner should be able to offer you a questionnaire to help determine your risk tolerance. This information, combined with the Rule of 100, will help put a sharper focus on your investment strategy. Great rewards don’t always come from great risks; they often come from great planning.

Q: Gary, is a variable annuity a good product to include in my portfolio?




A Gift Only Can Give PAGE 7


A Novel Idea PAGE 11

a Choosing Laptop Desktop or PAGE 14 MATU RE



8, 2011


EDUCATES with health and consumer news to stay healthy, independent, and ready to embrace new beginnings and opportunities

If you would like your event, classes or volunteer opportunities included in our Calendar, email or call Paige Parham at 501-375-2985.

Fertilize bulbs D

affodils and other spring bulbs are up and growing and February is a good time to fertilize them. When you see flower buds showing, put a complete fertilizer around them, according to University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. Fertilizing them now allows time for the fertilizer to work itself into the soil; the plants to take it up and be ready when the flowers are finished blooming. Remember, all spring bulbs need at least six weeks of growth following bloom. Never cut them back until a full six weeks after last bloom.

shop local support our community MATURE ARKANSAS

febrUARY16, 2012


Th e Ag e of T echnology n B y K ell y F erguson

Position Yourself for Employment Employers want tech-savvy applicants


Facebook friend posted this week about one company may be an albatross when you’re ageism and interviewing on the job front. searching for a new job,” writes author Linda This friend is in her 50s and well versed in all Wiener. “While dependability and loyalty are things media, having had a long career as a still valued, in today’s marketplace, the average reporter. She is active online and in her commustay at a job is less than three years.” nity. She consults and freelances and often is It seems to me that at least making some “job hunting.” She isn’t afraid to jump right sense of what’s happening in the world of into new things, especially if it means keeping technology would be helpful for job seekers, up with trends in technology and in the virtual regardless of age. workplace. If you’ve been in a job for a long while, or The article she posted, from, are retired and shifting gears a bit; working to a popular job site for companies looking for ease financial stress, or just feel like it’s time The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation new hires and for those seeking placement, for a change, don’t expect all that experience to 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 addresses interviewing specifically.For Information Call: “speak volumes.” It 1-800-972-3550 may truly say a lot about For Release Thursday, February 16,2012 2012work ethic, but today you For Release February 10, “Surprisingly, long-term experience with Friday, your loyalty and your

Edited by Will Shortz 65 56 American Attack Shakers founder 58 Telephone trio 66 Language that’s 59 written Againstfrom a thing, right to at left law 67 Italian 60 Popular 2010 Ke$ha scooter chart-topper with 68 Not natural a creatively 69 Map spelled five-word magnification title 70 Kindle file 62 Clichéd Down 63 Series of 1 Like manygames a Nintendo sniper 64 Certain 49-Down 2 Runners 65 Veld Watersheds 3 flower 4 Uncle José, e.g. 5 Hybrid, in a way Down 6 1 Inspect 18-footer, maybe 7 2 Wrongdoing Measured two8 Less than 1% dimensionally 9 “Assuredly” 3 Chickens for 10 Author dinner Beverly 11 “Broom-___” 4 “Marvy!” 12 Much-advertised 5 sleep Surrealist aid Tanguy 13 Fixed up 6 Where Simon of Duran 17 Harrah’s Duran started 7 Sushi Russian 19 bar sauce ballerina 23 The L.A. Galina Sparks ANSWER ANSWER TO TO PREVIOUS PREVIOUS PUZZLE PUZZLE it Monk 8 play Getsininto music all there A P M D SI E T O E R L I O A N T T DI A C B S 25 Not 26 Frankfurt anader 9 Eponym of N A P A C A M P Y O R A L A U N T B E E G O O D A L L ___ frozen food SL W H T E A S TI C O N S E A E M U R N A O S RI AI 27 flicked 10 They’re It may be picked A O A N R P T M A L M T O N S O G I A V N S 28 Exam for woods future up in the A S T C E B A C C PL O E H O E N N TT H H R O N E K S attys. 11 Do a driver’s noB E N L K TI R T E S P E G S K Y 29 H E A N L O Have ___ to pick no UI D S O G O O S II S E C S O O F M S S Y 30 It’ll pass 12 Axis, e.g. G O T O T H E M A T C H F O R A L L F O R O N E 33 “Pow!” 13 Subject Condition L U C G Y N O R A D R N E U A T UI R T OI 34 of known the medically as pes O P E D S N F C L E G 2005 book D O U A I S A A B N W A planus “Conspiracy of B A TT H C H L LE T E N R O A U L LT O S F H T E V S 14 Fools” 1967 hit with the O R C A P T A I V S B O G M I L S B I T E S 35 Drill lyric part “You know T R E S L L EI N Y C T C UI N A T A E D A A D A Z HE 36 Year you’reinathe cute reign S I T E L E O N E D O U R G O O D O N E G A L I L E E of the emperor little T I W C O S O D S Y C H S L E P E D E Augustus S N N L S heartbreaker” Across Across 1 La ___ 1 Company whose (Argentine city) jobs are often 6 Irksome changing? 10 Blacken 10 Museum Working group 14 piece Got to of the 15 Name counties bottom ofin three states, all 16 crossed It takes abybow I-90at a musical 16 Loosen (up) performance 18 Amicable 17 Abridge 1958 Buddy 20 21 Windhoek-toHolly hit dir. 18 Pretoria “Guaranteed 22 “Beloved,” in relief every time” operas sloganeer 23 Begin 19 energetically Historic leader? 24 of Mark 20 Player “Dove ___” Antony 1953’s (Mozartinaria) “Julius Caesar” 21 Sing Thing 27 22 Epithet Poetic for 30 France’s Louis contraction VI, with “the” 23 Kind of strip 31 Singer Alan or 25 Anita Workers’ org. founded by 32 Weather line Samuel 34 Abbr. in classifieds Gompers

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14 febrUARY 16, 2012 MATURE ARKANSAS






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have to be willing to employ those traits with a good grasp of technology. And, have a positive attitude about it. Technology is not going anywhere but up. Naysay all you want, but when it comes to the job hunt, you need to be able to work with some of technology’s tools. The best place to start? Understand what these terms mean and learn how to use them all: • Search Engine/Browser - means Google, Yahoo, Bing • Keyword search – is a type of Internet search that looks for matching documents that contain one or more words specified by the user. • Web-based (Webmail) email services (Gmail, AOL). Know how to send and receive regular No. 0112 0210 emails from these web browserbased email services. Also look 11 12 12 13 13 14 1010 11 at how the calendars, documents, 17 1616 settings and other features work, as 20 18 most businesses are moving to this kind of email service. If you learn one, you can quickly adapt to any 25 of them. Many features are similar. 30 • Social Media – means 35 36 37 38 34 35 Facebook, Twitter, Urbanspoon. 42 Regardless if you participate, at least “read up” on the industry. Chances 49 48 are, any place you choose to inter46 47 49 view will have some sort of presence 53 online in order to communicate with 58 59 60 5757 58 customers and clients.

61 59

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Puzzle Bain Puzzle by by Gareth David Steinberg

37 21 Napkin Wife, in shade, Juárez maybe 24 Sister of Helios 38 Party in a legal 27 proceeding: Sibling, at times? 28 Abbr. Sound really 40 Part goodof St. Paul’s 41 32 No 007longer player bothered by 34 something Put to sleep 35 Baron Auto racer 42 ___ Richthofen Luyendyk 46 some runs 36 Like “Refudiate,” e.g.

47 area 37 Small Mythical runner meas. 38 1990s series 48 City once initially set in the divided by the year 2193 Green Line 41 Mixer Place choice for a plug 50 42 Seemingly Mild Irish oath 51 45 ceaselessly Nike competitor 52 47 With Movecruelty to and fro 53 ___ 48 Gay Belong 54 e.g. 49 Plumbing, Women’s wear

57 51 Golf’s Women Ballesteros 52 Lhasa 2005 horror 58 ___ sequelweight 59 Quick for 55 loss Prefixmethod, with port short 60 57 Command Fund-raising eliciting suffix barking 62 On the ___ vive 60 Mantelpiece Iraq war subject, 63 briefly pieces 64 ___ 61 Johnny Volga tributary

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''While age is a qualification for

some occupations (e.g., pilots, firefighters, bus drivers, etc.), chances are you’ll have to redefine your skills and experience to better market them to prospective employers to win in an interview,” Wiener writes. “Lastly, heading into your interview with confidence can set the tone for the conversation and how the interviewer perceives you. Be ready with examples that demonstrate the potential employer’s desired skills, and check how you present yourself from head to toe.” Ms. Ferguson is social media director for the Arkansas Times.

foot work n By Alex andra B uk , D P M

Diabetes and Your Feet 25% of diabetics have foot problems


iabetes is a serious disease that develops from the lack of insulin production in the body or due to the inability of insulin to perform normally. Insulin helps process food and turns it into energy. Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting 24 million Americans; nearly six million don’t know they have it. Fully 25% of diabetics will develop foot problems, arising from a combination of poor circulation and neuropathy.

Treatment for Charcot foot consists primarily of complete, non-weight-bearing immobilization. Feet and ankles are so fragile during the early stages of Charcot and must be protected so soft bones can repair themselves. Shoes with special inserts may be needed after the bones have healed to enable the patient to return to daily activity. Bracing is required for severe deformity. Activities may need to be modified to avoid repetitive trauma. In some cases, a surgical procedure may be necessary.

Preventing foot ulcers Peripheral vascular Foot ulcers can be another serious compliTake care of your feet to stay active. disease cation of diabetes. An ulcer can start as a Diabetes often leads to peripheral Preventing Charcot foot small, insignificant blister or small cut. A vascular disease that inhibits blood circulaCharcot foot is a sudden softening of the bones lack of prompt treatment can turn ulcers into tion. Poor circulation contributes to diabetic in the foot, occurring in people who have chronic, non-healing ulcers, or lead to gangrene foot problems by reducing oxygen and nutrition diabetic neuropathy. The bones are weakand amputation. supplied to the skin, causing poor healing of ened enough to fracture. Continuing to walk Blood flow is a large part of injury recovery. injuries. Poor circulation can also lead to dry will eventually change the foot’s shape as the Because diabetics can have reduced blood and swollen feet. If untreated, it can lead to arch collapses and the foot takes on a “rocker supply to the feet, it leads to slow healing and ulcers, infection and amputation. bottom” shape, making it difficult to walk. an increased risk of infection. Neuropathy prevents the pain of an injury Preventing diabetic foot ulcers is easier Diabetic neuropathy from being noticed and the patient continues than treating them. Lifestyle changes such as Diabetic neuropathy is the impairment or to walk, making the injury worse. controlling your diabetes, exercising, avoiding damage of nerve function due to the increased Charcot foot is serious and can lead to smoking and maintaining a healthy body blood sugar of diabetes. Signs of neuropathy severe deformity, disability and even amputaweight are extremely important for diabetics. include muscle weakness and pain, tingling, tion. The symptoms of Charcot foot can appear Many ulcers can be prevented by making sure loss of feeling, decreased pain sensation, after a sudden trauma or even a mild repetiany cut, sore, bruise or blister is noticed early and burning or numbness in hands and feet. tive trauma, such as a long walk. The sympand treated quickly. Many of these symptoms are worse at night. toms are similar to those of infection: warmth, Diabetic neuropathy can cause severe redness, swelling and pain. Seek immediate Dr. Buk practices at the Arkansas Foot and complications including disability and ampucare if symptoms appear. Ankle Clinic in Little Rock tation of limbs. Because neuropathy masks pain, you may not notice a cut, blister or even a bone fracture. This may lead to serious infection, ulceration or foot deformity. To prevent diabetic neuropathy, maintain • Wash your feet in warm water, dry well between the toes, moisturize and apply sunscreen good blood sugar control. This can be achieved when needed. through proper use of medication, diet and • Keep your toenails trimmed by clipping straight across or smooth with an emery board. If exercise. your nails are thick or yellowed, have a podiatrist trim them. If you already have diabetic neuropathy, check your feet daily. Look at the tops and • Never walk barefoot, even indoors. bottoms of your feet, heels and between the • Do not use hot water bottles or heating pads. toes. Check for cracks or breaks in the skin • Do not use over-the-counter products to remove calluses because the chemicals can and color changes. Use a mirror or ask somedamage your skin. body to check for you. Feel for changes in • Wear diabetic socks specially formulated for sensitive skin. skin temperature: cold could mean circulation • Be sure shoes are well-fitted from the start. Consider Medicare’s Therapeutic Shoe is being cut off; hot could mean infection or Program. Your podiatrist can fit the shoes professionally in the office. injury. Immediately report any changes to your • Make sure a medical professional examines your feet at least once a year. doctor.

Diabetic Foot Care


febrUARY16, 2012


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