PEACE STARTS IN OUR THOUGHTS AND OUR HEARTS We, the citizens of Planet Earth, have created a world of duality. We have tied ourselves to concept of “us against them”. We have perpetuated the belief that there are “good guys” and “bad guys”; and, that we, the “good guys”, are here to either eradicate the “bad guys” or convert them to “love and light”.
This world of duality is an energy matrix of illusion, founded on the belief that opposites co-exist in the world: hot and cold, war and peace, heaven and hell, good and evil. This is faulty thinking. Hot and cold are not opposites. They are the same energy, vibrating differently. Freeze water, and it becomes ice. Raise the vibration, and it becomes water. Raise it again, and it turns to steam. Love and hate are not opposites. Raise the vibration of hate, and you create conditional love. An example is, “I’ll love you, provided that you support me financially, and play the role in my life that I want you to play.” Raise the vibration again, and it becomes unconditional love. “I love you regardless of what you do, say, think, feel or be. No matter what, I will always love you.” Raise the vibration again, and you create compassion and gratitude. Apparent opposites are the same energy, vibrating differently.
How does duality, faulty thinking, and the laws of vibration relate to creating peace on Earth? Our dominant thoughts, feelings and emotions create the reality of our lives, and the world we live in. Ask yourselves these questions: Do I feel worthy of experiencing peace no matter what is happening around me? Do I feel worthy of transmitting and receiving the energies of unconditional love and above?
What we create for ourselves within is the microcosm for what we create on the outside. We externalize and project our judgments, worries, concerns, phobias, and fears into the world.