Peace Starts in Our Thoughts & In Our Hearts

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PEACE STARTS IN OUR THOUGHTS AND OUR HEARTS We, the citizens of Planet Earth, have created a world of duality. We have tied ourselves to concept of “us against them”. We have perpetuated the belief that there are “good guys” and “bad guys”; and, that we, the “good guys”, are here to either eradicate the “bad guys” or convert them to “love and light”.

This world of duality is an energy matrix of illusion, founded on the belief that opposites co-exist in the world: hot and cold, war and peace, heaven and hell, good and evil. This is faulty thinking. Hot and cold are not opposites. They are the same energy, vibrating differently. Freeze water, and it becomes ice. Raise the vibration, and it becomes water. Raise it again, and it turns to steam. Love and hate are not opposites. Raise the vibration of hate, and you create conditional love. An example is, “I’ll love you, provided that you support me financially, and play the role in my life that I want you to play.” Raise the vibration again, and it becomes unconditional love. “I love you regardless of what you do, say, think, feel or be. No matter what, I will always love you.” Raise the vibration again, and you create compassion and gratitude. Apparent opposites are the same energy, vibrating differently.

How does duality, faulty thinking, and the laws of vibration relate to creating peace on Earth? Our dominant thoughts, feelings and emotions create the reality of our lives, and the world we live in. Ask yourselves these questions: Do I feel worthy of experiencing peace no matter what is happening around me? Do I feel worthy of transmitting and receiving the energies of unconditional love and above?

What we create for ourselves within is the microcosm for what we create on the outside. We externalize and project our judgments, worries, concerns, phobias, and fears into the world.

When we judge ourselves or others, we contribute to the collective thought pool that helps to keep humanity in a perpetual state of fear, avoidance, and denial. We plant the seeds which blossom into disease, hunger, poverty, famine, pestilence, natural disasters, tribal conflicts, and war. Our negative egos create the havoc which we externalize as “other” and “bad”.

Let’s look at an example. What happens when one is angry with a child, a parent, a relative, a friend, a co-worker, an employee or a boss? That anger projects outward, affecting ones around him or her. Inappropriate cords of energy are sent from the angry one to the others’ chakras, causing discomfort and harm to both parties. The angry one may turn the anger inward, developing physical problems such as cancer. Anger spirals outward and inward, affecting all in its path. It is not isolated. It can cause harm and invoke fear in unconscious ones and ones who momentarily lapse into unconsciousness where ever it goes.

We must pay attention to our thoughts. When we project anger, fear or hatred at terrorists, murderers, politicians, ethnic groups, states, nations, the military-industrial complex, or any other individual or group that triggers us, we are not part of the solution; we are part of the problem. When we allow the corporate media to shape our thoughts and feelings, we are using our energy to maintain old fear-based patterns and beliefs which fuels more fear, conflict, and violence.

There are ones in position of power in our corporations, our governments, our ultrawealthy families, who are afraid of the new. They are afraid of unity and harmony consciousness. They are afraid of anything that would erode their base of power. Their whole focus is to keep humanity and the world on the same destructive path it has been for a very, very long time. A very powerful way to move the world and humanity into a peace paradigm is to start with yourself. Don’t be a fear finder. Be a love finder.

We must use our discernment, seek out alternative sources of information, and consider many points of view. We must be vigilant in ascertaining the truth, by reclaiming our personal power and thinking for ourselves. We have all been lazy and complacent to some degree.

The forces of evil and greed will continue to encourage death, destruction, and demoralization of the human spirit so long as men and women of good will do little or nothing.

What can we do? First, we can change our thoughts. As we change our thoughts, we change our lives. How can we do this? One way is to keep daily journals, recording each time we go into judgment or fear. When we memorialize what we were thinking, feeling, and seeing in moments of judgment and fear, we can do a “re-take”. We can visualize, in as much detail as possible, what we would have been feeling, thinking, and seeing had we been coming from a heart space of compassion and unconditional love. Record this “re-take” in your daily journal, as well. We can re-imprint the Akashic records with unity consciousness and peace by visualizing and recording our “re-takes”. Each time we release a fear or judgment and re-choose to be in our mastery as a conscious, loving being, we re-write the past and future for ourselves and the planet; we make it possible for ones who follow us to access and act upon this new knowing.

Each of us is a very powerful being. Many of us have chosen to disregard or negate this power. We may experience an unexplainable fear of causing harm when we start coming into our power. We may not trust ourselves to do the “right thing” if power is bestowed upon us. Our fears may be based upon actions taken or not taken in past or future lives. We may have decided consciously or unconsciously that we are not trustworthy; that if we come into our personal power and help Gaia or humanity, we will cause death, destruction or harm again.

Part of coming into self mastery and becoming a force for peace is to release our fears and judgments with gratitude. When we do, space is created to ground the new. The new is unity consciousness, compassion, and peace.

How do we come into a space of gratitude in our lives? How do we integrate feeling grateful into the intimate fabric of our lives so that it is just a part of who we are in all moments? One easy way to start doing this is to make a gratitude list. Write down everything in your life, large and small, that you are grateful for.

Decide that your gratitude list will not be a stagnant,

but an ever growing list. Add something to it each week. Read your gratitude list at least once a day, really feeling in your heart how eternally grateful you truly are for all of the blessings in your life.

Each of us can start small with ourselves and move outward. How we live our lives in each and every moment touches more people that we will ever know. Each time we choose to be grateful instead of constricting into anger, criticism, negativity or fear, we choose to ground and express more love. We choose to imprint the conscious, living history of mankind with a positive, new way of looking at and doing things. This is very powerful and easy to do.

How else can we personally become a force for peace? Pray for guidance and direction in how we may serve. Here’s a very powerful way to do this. Sit upright with your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight. Breath into your high heart, feel the love, and relax. Now let’s call forth to God, the Masters, Gaia (the Spirit of Earth), and our guides to assist us in this process. We ask that our cosmic purpose for being here flood from God Force/ God Source down our crown chakras, through all of our bodies, down our grounding cords, and into the heart of the Earth. Feel that higher purpose for being here, flooding in, filling and expanding our

knowingness and awareness. We also have an Earthly purpose for being here, and Gaia knows that purpose. Let’s call forth to Gaia to send the energy of our Earthly purpose for being here up our grounding cords, into our high hearts and flooding all of our bodies. Lets feel the energy of our Earthly and Cosmic purpose flooding into our core star, the heart of the Antakarana (the lantern the houses the Divine flame), “down” from God Force/God Source and “up” from Gaia. This energy center is located below the heart “deep within” the body. Feel the core star expanding in unconditional love, compassion, and gratitude. Now, in this moment, we can pray. We ask Mother/ Father God, “How may I serve right here, right now? How may I serve? I’m open. I’m ready. I’m listening. I’m willing. How may I serve?” Then, feel into the answers presented. Feel and know that our prayers for being the servant of peace are being answered right here, right now. Know this, and feel this. Become an instrument for peace through the power of prayer. Be persistent and consistent in connecting with God Force/God Source and Gaia through prayer, and be inspired!

What else can we do to become an active force for peace? We can take action. We can investigate various organizations, locally, nationally, and globally, that are pro-peace. Which one interests us or resonates with us? Maybe we will give of our time. Maybe we will financially support the work that they are doing. Two excellent organizations to financially support are Greenpeace International at and, Greg Mortenson’s organization which promotes peace by building and funding private, nonsectarian schools for all children, boys and girls alike, in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is important to ground our spiritual mission for peace with concrete action. We are the ones on the ground that are here make a difference. Those on the inner planes can provide support and guidance. But, it’s up to us to do something.

Change starts in our thoughts and moves out

our communities and the world through our actions.

When we believe that any part of us is unlovable, we contribute to the hate and fear we see in the world and read in the news. War is not “out there”. It starts inside each one of us. It begins with our thought creations. When we change our thoughts, we change the world. Psychological clarity in all we do creates the road to self-mastery and peace. When we support that clarity with the power of prayer, tithing, and concrete action, we help to anchor the Golden Age on Earth, right here and right now!

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