Van Tech Key Club April Newsletter

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In This Issue: Outties farewells Innies Greetings March DCM DCON 2013 2nd Indoor Track Meet Reminders Contact


March DCM

There was a great turnout at our last Divisional Council Meeting! We started it off with icebreakers and soon after ate some delicious food supplied by are very own key clubbers! We also prepared for DCON by learning divisional cheers as well as going over our spirit gear. We had a bunch of fun as the innies performed their secret talents and if you missed this DCM don’t fret! Make sure you come out to the next DCM as it will be held by our very own new LTG, Soobeen Park!



It has been an honour to be the president of van tech key club during the past year. Throughout this year, this position has given me opportunities to enhance my leadership abilities and bond with presidents from different schools. There were difficult times when volunteer opportunities was low but the executive board all put their heads together and came you with amazing ideas. I absolutely believe that next year under the hands of the new executive board, van tech key club would continue soaring! Hey, Key Clubbers...HOW DO YOU FEEL?

Hey Key Clubbers, how do you feel?! You should feel sad for I am leaving, but great because Arlene, another fellow Nguyen-ster will take my place. I am not calling her a gangster, but she's a ninja; a ninja panda, forever. Thank you for making my year successful, especially to those who took pictures. All the pictures made it really easy for me to compile the newsletter. I encourage anyone and everyone to take pictures for Arlene at events when she is not there! I'm sure Arlene has some amazing plans for the future upcoming term! Good luck Arlene, stay classy, stay Nguyen-ey, stay fancy, stay classy, stay creative-ey! Stay Key Club-ey to all! OH AND GO TO DCON, EVERYONE!! It's going to be in Downtown, Seattle. I'll see you peeps there!

It's a bittersweet feeling to end my term as Vice President I'll miss the great experiences and getting to know the members, but at the same time, I'll smile as I look back at the amazing times we've shared. My favourite memories include volunteering at BCMEA and folding roses with Projects Committee. What has truly moved me is seeing how you, the members, have grown: breaking out of your shell while finding the joy in serving others. I thank the execs and Mr. Wyper for helping me grow and learn from my mistakes. I take away from this journey a greater knowledge of how to motivate others, and I am very honoured to have motivated you in any way. Thanks to Key Club, I look to my future with greater confidence and a very open mind – oh I feel so good.

Hello Key Clubbers! It was a pleasure serving as your secretary for this key club term. I had a lot of fun working and volunteering with all of you. You guys made my year as club secretary very memorable! I hope all of you had fun throughout the year and I'm excited in working with you again this year!



Hello Key Clubbers! I'm Diana, your incoming president. I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing spring break. It was such a blast getting to know members from other schools at the March DCM. It was tremendous experiencing so much club spirit and hopefully many more Tech members will come out to the next DCM. I am super excited to work with the new execs to make 2013/2014 an innovative year for Key Club. We will try our best to present a variety of great opportunities and have more fun as a club! I mean who doesn't like to have a great time AND contribute to the community? Please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions or just want to say hi! I'm a very happy person, especially when I have green tea latte from Starbucks! It's making me all jumpy just thinking about working with all of you fabulous members! Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Arlene, your new bulletin editor! I’m currently in grade 8 and I love listening to music as well as of course serving our community! Sadly Tommy is leaving but I’ll try my absolute hardest to make sure my newsletters are just as great as his! There is something about helping others and giving a person a reason to smile that is so special to me. As your new bulletin editor this year I want to help you guys out by getting you easily updated on everything and also pump up your enthusiasm for the club! I’m so excited to get to know each and every one of you! Cheers to another year of key club!

Hey key clubbers! My name is Crystal Song and I’m excited to serve you guys as your treasurer this term! Being part of the executive board, I will definitely work hard to fulfill my role as well as helping my fellow executive members as much as possible. I hope we will grow as a family throughout the year so don’t be afraid to approach me! I’m looking forward to working with all of you and let’s have a great year of service key clubbers!



The past year has been blurred with so many deadlines, exams, dues and stress but also filled with volunteering, learning and lots of cheering. I am grateful to have been part of this year’s exec team and have learned so much. There is nothing more satisfying than watching people enjoying a volunteer opportunity or event and know that you helped plan it. Holding a lot of money in my hands was pretty fun too. Shoutout to my exec team, Mr Wyper, and Projects Committee. My Key Club experience would not have been the same without all of you and I will work to make sure next year is even better! Hi, I’m Grace and I’m so excited to be your vice president for the 2013-2014 year. I love bubble tea, TV, my precious Macbook and of course, Key Club! I have big shoes to fill from my outtie Jane and I welcome the challenge to improve. I am determined to plan as many events including socials, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers as I possibly can. I’m looking forward to working with a new group of execs and having fresh ideas to work with.

Hello everyone! My name is Lucinda and I will be serving as your Key Club secretary for the 2013-2014 term. I am so excited to be on the board this year, and look forward to meeting each and every one of you! This will also be my third year in key club, so my hopes are high for making this the most successful year of service yet! Please feel free to approach me if you have any questions or concerns (especially about your hours) I don't bite, I promise! Let's keep our fingers crossed for another wonderful year of Key Club!



Division 13/15/17 had its second annual Indoor Track Meet and it was a grand success! Around 80 members met on Friday at Killarney Secondary’s gym and participated in many different sporting events. We were able to celebrate our love for service together through some friendly competition. *if you are actually reading this other than just skipping through and looking at the pictures you deserve a double high five from me! But besides that you’ll actually have a chance to win a prize! Please text or email me, info is on the 8th page.* Congratulations to Pinetree Secondary for winning the track meet and Britannia for winning the spirit stick! It was super exciting as later we stuffed ourselves with dinner and everyone left feeling satisfaction - even if they didn’t win and that is what Key Club spirit is all about! If you missed this one perhaps there will be a third annual track meet next year1 Hope to see you all there!! ~



Everyone went wild for service at this year’s 64th Annual District Convention in WA on March 22-24! All the Key Clubbers from Alaska, Canada, Oregon, and Northern California gathered at the Double Tree Hotel to celebrate their love and passion for service. Key Clubbers participated in a such as caucusing, House of Delegates, service fair, workshops, and the governor’s banquet and ball. Just like Olympics, the opening and closing ceremonies at DCON was big and extravagant. Congrats to Van Tech’s very own Jane and Jennifer for taking home some amazing awards! Hope to see more of you at next year’s DCON!




PINEAPPLE CHALLENGE Saturday April 27th @Burnaby’s Swangard Stadium


Orientation: Friday, April 12 at Burnaby’s Metrotown. It will begin at 630 PM in the Community Room (through the hallway to the washrooms) by Old Navy. You will also get hours for attending this!

SUN RUN Make sure if you are a volunteer for the sun run you remember that it is Friday, APR. 19 (PRO-DAY) at BC Place 2:007:30 pm

CONTACT Arlene Nguyen (h) 604 431 5081 (c) 604 259 8101

Ask Away!



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