3 minute read

President’s Foreword

Dear Members,

As my term as President of Master Builders Victoria (MBV) draws to a close, I am proud to reflect on the many achievements of our organisation over the past two plus years. It has truly been a great honor to lead an association that recognises the vital role that our members play in the building and construction industry throughout Victoria.

The period from 2020 to 2022 has been an extraordinary time for our industry, with the COVID-19 pandemic presenting exceptional challenges. However, despite the difficulties, MBV has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of these challenges, thanks in no small part to the invaluable support of our members.

One of our key achievements during this period has been our unwavering commitment to our members. We have worked tirelessly to ensure that their voices were heard in the corridors of power, and that their concerns were addressed by governments and regulatory bodies. We provided regular updates on the latest developments related to COVID-19, and we created a range of resources to help our members navigate the challenges of working throughout the pandemic.

During my term, we have made significant strides in promoting regulation, advocacy, and collaboration in the building and construction industry. We have advocated for greater oversight and regulation, recognising that these are crucial components of maintaining the high standard of excellence that our members have become known for. By prioritising regulation, advocacy, and collaboration, we have positioned ourselves as a leading voice in our industry, and I am proud to have played a role in this achievement.

At the same time, we have also embraced innovation and technology, recognizing that these can be powerful tools for improving efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. We have worked hard to ensure that our members have access to the latest tools and resources, and we have been proud to offer training programs and support to help them stay ahead of the curve.

Perhaps most importantly, we have been dedicated to supporting our members and promoting their interests at every turn. We have worked diligently to negotiate better contracts and agreements, to offer guidance and support on regulatory issues, and to provide access to the resources and information that they need to succeed.

As I reflect on the achievements of our organisation over the past two years, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your President. I am proud of what we have accomplished together, and I know that the foundations that we have built will continue to serve our industry well into the future.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of our MBV team. Without their support and dedication, we would not have been able to achieve so much during this challenging period, and a lot of MBV’s success can be attributed to them.

As I prepare to hand over the reins to the next President, I am confident that MBV will continue to work tirelessly to support our members and promote the interests of the building and construction industry in Victoria. Again, thank you for your ongoing support, and I wish you all the very best for the future.


Mark Little President, Master Builders Victoria

Master Builders Victoria key contacts and office locations

Key Contacts

Master Builders Victoria CEO

Michaela Lihou (Interim)

Master Builders Victoria

Executive Team

Executive Director, Commercial & Corporate | Chief Legal Counsel | Company Secretary:

Tristan Moseley

Executive Director, Policy:

Megan Peacock

Executive Director, People & Member Services:

Giovanni A. Abelardo

Master Builders Victoria Directors

Director Member & Industry Engagement:

Gavriel Berkowitz

Director Master Builders

Training Institute (MBTI):

Corrie Williams

Director IT:

Phill Harris

Director Advisory & Projects:

Sam Smith

Director Finance:

Carly Hooke

Board of Management

President: Mark Little

Deputy President: Geoff Purcell


Immediate Past President: Richard Hansen

Housing Sector Chairperson: Lisa Hollingsworth

General Contracting Chairperson: Michael Clemenger

Specialist Contractor Chairperson: Ashley Tonkin-Hill

Country Sector Chairperson: Stuart Allen

Materials, Manufacturers and Suppliers

Sector Chairperson: Mark Phillips

Council of Management

President: Mark Little

Deputy President: Geoff Purcell


Immediate Past President: Richard Hansen

Housing Sector Chairperson: Lisa Hollingsworth

Housing Sector: Pasquale Garofalo

General Contracting Sector Chairperson: Michael Clemenger

General Contracting Sector: Dale Kennedy

General Contractors Councillor: Ashley Levin

Specialist Contractor Sector Chairperson: Ashley Tonkin-Hill

Specialist Contractor Sector: Gregory Cole

Country Sector Chairperson: Stuart Allen

Country Sector: David Rowe

Materials, Manufacturers and Suppliers

Sector Chairperson: Mark Phillips

Materials, Manufacturers and Suppliers

Sector Councillor: Neil Grenfell

Office Locations


332 Albert Street

East Melbourne Victoria 3002 GPO Box 544

Melbourne Victoria 3001

Phone: (03) 9411 4555

Email: mbassist@mbav.com.au

South Melbourne

MBV Building Leadership Simulation Centre (MBV BLSC)

49 Brady Street

South Melbourne VIC 3205


35 Hovell Street

Wodonga Victoria 3690 PO Box 700

Wodonga Victoria 3690

Phone: (03) 9411 8070

E: membershipadmin@mbav.com.au

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