Master Builders Victoria Annual Review 2017-2018

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Radley de Silva



New members of Master Builders Victoria often tell me how impressed they are by the wide range of services and benefits on offer to them. Members have diverse resources available including the MBAssist call centre, training, OH&S advice, industrial relations advice, legal advice, advocacy and insurance services. Our guiding principle is to ensure member interests are at the heart of everything we do.

Master Builders Victoria has 143 years of experience serving its members, but each year we set ourselves new challenges to add value to our members. We have completed another energetic and productive year.

The board’s strategic direction for the organization can be summed up against five pillars: • Knowledge • Member services • Advocacy • Education • Organisational capability The Annual Review showcases our activity in a busy year. For me, it is also an opportunity to challenge ourselves to continue to provide high quality service in all we do. The introduction of new building regulations in 2018 has meant significant changes for builders in Victoria. We continue to work with government on the implementation process but regulatory change has imposed time and cost on our members. There is value in appropriate regulation of our industry but we believe our members already work to high quality standards and should be recognised for their professionalism. Construction is the largest full-time employer in the state supporting in excess of 280,000 full time jobs in 2018. It’s a growing industry in a growing state which means that it is critical to Victoria’s future. In the midst of growth we also face long term challenges such as cladding, housing affordability and excessive red tape. Master Builders works hard to represent the interests of our members as these challenges arise. To remain productive and effective the government and its regulators need to work with industry to ensure a common sense approach to regulation. We advocate for areas that need addressing such as trades registration, industry skills and an improved planning system for the state. Education is a key priority for our team. We continue to expand our training options for Victorian builders and advocate that industry can provide exceptional training for industry. In 2017/18 we provided training to 4095 people and our state of the art BLSC had 16% growth in those participating in its training opportunities. I’m pleased to see the enduring success of our building awards programme throughout Victoria. Our awards showcase the quality of our builders. These include new technologies and innovations and we can be justifiably proud of all those selected in the competitions. Master Builders is a diverse professional organisation that is a voice for high quality, professional builders throughout Victoria. We rely on members who contribute their time and expertise to the organisation at all levels and I want to thank our volunteers. I also acknowledge a year of hard work from the professional and experienced team at Master Builders. 2018 is a significant year for the organisation as Radley de Silva has announced he will step down as CEO after 5 years in the role and a combined service of 17 years. In any organsation this is an outstanding contribution. Radley’s tenure has provided a rare combination of substantial progress and stability. His legacy is a strong foundation for the future in an age when many membership organisations face very real questions about their viability. I add my personal thanks and appreciation to that of the board to Radley for his leadership of the executive team.

Our government relations work on behalf of members covers a broad range of issues from long term industry challenges to day to day issues members raise with us. After a decade of lobbying governments on behalf of our members for mandatory trades registration in Victoria, Master Builders Victoria is cautiously optimistic about the Building Amendment (Registration of Building Trades and Other Matters) Bill 2018 which was introduced into Parliament in July 2018. A state election will be held in 2018. Regardless of the outcome, we need a government with the interests of the building industry at heart. The next government must be committed to improving planning and regulation while removing barriers to efficiency for industry. New building regulations were introduced in 2018. This had a significant impact on our members including a new company registration system. This kind of wholesale change must be infrequent. With the new legislation now in place we would like to see the government pause for thought and ensure the system is operating effectively.


Non-compliant cladding has been a consuming issue for Master Builders over the last year with a major impact on many members. We have long held that the cladding problem is a systemic one and meaningful solutions will only be found in partnership between industry and government. In July 2017 the government established the Victorian Cladding Taskforce and Master Builders was appointed to the Stakeholder Reference Group supporting the Taskforce. We will work closely with the government for solutions that support industry and ensure member interests are championed. Our research shows that members place high value on the Master Builders brand and their commitment to membership of a peak professional organisation. In 2017 we began a rebranding exercise for Master Builders and unveiled a contemporary logo and corporate style to represent our way forward. The new logo reflects our commitment to providing enhanced products and services, including: • A new website in 2018 • New training programs, like simulation and online training • Online awards applications • Enhanced marketing across digital, print and radio platforms • A graphic identity unified with national and interstate offices. Even with a change of brand, some things endure. Our long term successful marketing campaign; ‘Is Your Builder a Master Builder?’ was reenergized this year with a highly successful print and advertising campaign. This has been a very effective campaign with strong impact on consumers and the public. I wish to thank the board and staff of the organisation for a year of hard work. Most importantly of all, I thank you for your continued membership of Master Builders over the last year and the encourgagement that gives us to work for you. My tenure at Master Builders concludes in 2018. It has been an immense privilege to serve members and to build an organisation with substance, relevance and reach in our community. The key to great outcomes for our members is a dedicated and highly skilled team. Over the years I have been surrounded by teams that put the interests of our members first. I look forward to thanking you personally as the year concludes.

STAY IN TOUCH (03) 9411 4555









Master Builders Victoria is Victoria’s leading building and construction industry association.

Master Builders Victoria is committed to ensuring members receive timely, relevant and high quality information that matters to them, keeps them informed and connects them with their membership community.

Master Builders Victoria communicates, collaborates and engages with members to provide exceptional innovative and valued advice, products and services. Master Builders insurance services is jointly owned by seven of the Master Builders Associations around Australia.

Master Builders Victoria is the leading industry voice, representing member interests and strengthening their reputation as Master Builders.

Master Builders Victoria is a leading provider of first-class learning and development opportunities for members and the building and construction industry at a state, national and international level.

Our comprehensive advocacy programme on behalf of members is broad and aimed at ensuring the member voice is heard by government, regulators and stakeholders.

Master Builders offers comprehensive training opportunities — by industry, for industry — from tailored business management to first-aid refreshers.

Master Builders Victoria is an employer with a culture that values and motivates its people to high standards of service for members. Master Builders has secure governance and financial goals and continuous improvement in productivity and efficiency.

Master Builders provided:

Master Builders provided:

MISSION Master Builders Victoria is leading our industry by: • Providing the best representation of our members’ and our industry’s interests • Providing superior products and services to our members, and • Empowering our employees to provide superior services to our members.

Master Builders provided: • 50,000 copies of Master Builder Magazine • Information feeds reaching 1,548,000 people • A comprehensive building awards programme showcasing quality and innovation in the sector • Growth across our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook feeds • A new technical advice column in the magazine for 2018 • 15 trade nights across metro and regional Victoria with industry, technical and product information

Member services range from thousands of phone calls providing members legal and industrial relations guidance to free face to face information sessions and guidance on builder registration. We provide a service of onsite safety audits for members as well.

During the year our organisational capability was enhanced by: • An annual corporate plan with clearly defined goals

• Extensive consultation work with government on new building legislation

• Training to over 4000 people with over 75,500 student contact hours

• Significant voluntary support through service from our Council, Board, sector committees and other representatives

• 4880 calls through legal services

• Membership of stakeholder reference group to the Victorian Cladding Task Force

• 1247 training sessions with over 7000 direct teaching hours

• Whole-of-organisation training in 2018 to support continuous improvement in member communication

• 5318 attendees spread over 40 functions and events

• Topical industry breakfasts with hundreds attending

• Gala awards nights with more than 5000 attendees • 240 construction site safety audits

• 175 per cent increase in Instagram use and over 10 per cent on all other social media platforms

• 120 small business OHS consultancies

• Representation on committees like BRAC and BAC

• Extensive involvement in review of WorkSafe Compliance Codes

• Introduction of trades registration bill by Andrews Government after more than a decade of lobbying

Master Builders provided:

• Insurance services issuing over 12,000 home warranty certificates

• Training opportunities expanded into courses for estimating, SWMS, waterproofing and asbestos awareness for site managers • Over 90 per cent of our VET students recommended the RTO (compared to the state average of 73.8 per cent) • Training sites in 13 locations around Victoria

• A member-focused operating culture including recruitment of high-quality employees to support our mission • A logo change to enhance the weight of the Master Builders’ brand, creating national consistency across the country

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