Greenzone continues to innovate in termite management
reenzone has been making lots of noise lately mainly due to the fact they are pro-actively working toward delivering innovative products to the termite management space. “2019/20 has been a big year for Greenzone we have launched multiple products, just when COVID19 hit we launched our termite perimeter system,” Greenzone Technical adviser Neville Hedge said. “This now provides a complete Termite Management System with Greenzone products; we have the construction joint foam, socks to treat penetrations in various sizes and now the Termite Perimeter System
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in multiple widths to suit any kind of construction and rebates on slabs. “We have launched products which are ‘fit for the purpose’ Greenzone Foam product was developed patented by Greenzone and is exclusively available from us through our distributers. “No other system manufacturer has a comparable product; the feedback we have had from builders and applicators has been amazing they Love the products. “We receive phone calls every week from builders enquiring about the construction joint foam and trying
to find someone who installs the product. So, we have made it easy for builders to locate our Greenzone accredited applicators by introducing to the website ‘find an accredited applicator’ function on the front page. “It is just another way we can connect our customers and help builders get the service they need. “While our ‘find an accredited applicator’ system is being constantly reviewed and modified it is a constructive start for consumers to be able to ‘get the Greenzone conversation’ underway,” Neville said.
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