Around the regions: In the north
Veronika Larkin Region Manager for North Victoria
elcome to a new feature in Master Builders Victoria magazine called Around the
Each quarter we will focus on a geographical area of the Master Builders Victoria landscape, starting with all our friends in the north. These are just some of the issues making news for our members in northern Victoria.
Shortage of land A shortage of trade-qualified people, land availability, and supply issues were the key issues facing builders in the north. There is currently a shortage of land in Wodonga, Swan Hill, and Shepparton. The trouble is developers can’t find enough land, particularly in Victoria’s north, to meet demand. Victorian land prices have increased quicker than house prices in many areas, fuelling a supply shortage. This shortage means vacant land values are up 20 per cent, while this situation is amplified by a 25 to 30 per cent increase in the cost of some key building materials such as timber and steel. In areas such as Wangaratta, more infrastructure is also needed to support sub-divisions. Lack of infrastructure is slowing the speed of new land releases.
Wodonga TAFE NEW trades training centre Wodonga TAFE has undertaken extensive research and consultation within the apprenticeship and traineeship industry. The need for increased participation
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Master Builders Victoria
in skills shortages was identified throughout the research, with the industry also wanting to see better training facilities for their staff.
As a result of these findings, a brand-new Trades Training Centre is now available at Wodonga TAFE’s McKoy Street campus to better accommodate our trades industry and the needs of future apprentices and trainees.
7 Star Homes Training 22 April 2022
The renovated main warehouse is an impressive multi-level building, incorporating modern classrooms and hands-on practical workspaces.
An informative evening and great learnings from all who attended.
Another great attendance by members to learn about the changes proposed for the National Construction Code 2022. These include an increase in the star rating from 6 to 7 stars and the introduction of a ‘whole-of-home’ approach.
It will have the ability to cater for multiple trades within the construction industry, with mobile equipment available for quality learning practices.
Master Builders Victoria is proud to work with Sustainability Victoria and the Victorian Government to provide 7 Star homes training.
Wodonga TAFE is currently seeking teachers – for retired members, please consider a new career path and share your knowledge, skills and abilities with the next generation. Contact Wodonga TAFE if interested on 1300 698 233.
This training was designed and delivered by Sustainability Victoria on behalf of the Victorian Government.
Wodonga Albury Advisory Roadshow 6 April 2022
It is part of the 7 Star homes program, which works with businesses and individuals across the building and construction supply chain to increase the ability to deliver energy-efficient homes.
Thanks to all members who attended the first of our eight regional roadshows held at the Huon Hill, Wodonga.
Master Builders Australia Federal Election Update 22 April 2022:
Featuring our team of experts from Melbourne, including Monique Burns (Legal), Adrian Ziccone (Industrial Relations), Rod Armstrong (OHS), Phillip Alviano (Sustainability) and guest speaker Nicholas Wagner from Wodonga
At the member briefing in Wodonga, Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn heard first-hand from local members about how the Home Builder scheme aided them during the COVID-19 crisis.
Volume 77 Issue 02