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Enter to Win a trip to Fraser Island
Complete the Style Reader Survey for your chance to win 4 night’s accomodation for 2 at the Kingfisher Bay Resort on Fraser Island in a Wallum Lagoon Resort Hotel Room; including return passenger ferry transfers (excluding. River Heads) valued at $3108.00. www.kingfisherbay.com
All you have to do is complete the survey below and over the page (or on The Chronicle website), cut or photo copy the survey and post it to us at Style Magazine Toowoomba or take a photo and email us advertising@thechronicle.com.au
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Competition will close at 9:00am on Thursday 2nd April. We will draw a random winner at 10:00am on Thursday 02/04/20 and broadcast through our Facebook and Instagram as a live video, and publish the winner in The Chronicle the following day 03/04/20. We will then notify the winner by phone.
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