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Meet Titans champion Georgina Rackermann
agility training.
“Leading into a carnival, I tend to start with more endurancebased training, steadily shortening the distance and increasing the intensity as I go, eventually my focus is on repetitive speed, agility and change of direction movements.
Georgina likes to maintain her strength training throughout the year and uses the local gym Complete Body Toowoomba to achieve that.
She’s also a high school teacher and says her goals are to educate, inspire and encourage young people to be their healthiest, happiest and the best versions of themselves.
On the field, Georgina hopes to continue competing at a high level and one day represent Australia again, but at the World Cup. G eorgina Rackemann is one touch footy girl with a serious talent.
Ever since she was little she has always played sports, with her main disciplines being touch football, netball and swimming; even for a few years after she finished high school she competed in Rugby Seven’s.
It was years in the making for Georgina to reach where she is today.
“Here in Toowoomba, I play for Saints Touch Club,” she says. “I also play for UQ Rebels in the Brisbane Metro Cup Comp, and in the NRL Touch Premiership I play for the Gold Coast Titans.”
Georgina has even represented Queensland for the State of Origin and has competed for Australia in the Youth Trans-Tasman Touch Football Series.
“My highest achievement is making the Australian open-mixed squad and representing Australia at the Youth Trans-Tasman Series in 2015,” Georgina says.
She has been lucky enough not to pick up any serious injuries, but this doesn’t mean she doesn’t put her whole body on the line.
“Touch is a game that is very unpredictable and it’s constantly changing.
“There are so many different aspects and people bring unique skills to the sport.
“I’ve actually been very lucky to avoid any serious injuries ‘touch wood’, just a few niggles here and there, but nothing to put me out of the sport for too long,” Georgina says.
Touch football isn’t a seasonal sport either, which means Georgina finds herself training all year round to keep in peak condition.
“I need to be able to balance my strength, endurance, speed and SCOOP