&You THE MAGAZINE OF THE ARMY FEDERATIONFAMILIES armyandyou.co.ukAutumn2022{for everyone with a soldier in their life}

Other features of our school include: Children’s University • School for the Curious Child Lovely outdoor environments, including Forest schools • Nursery facilities for 2-4 year olds. Visit our welcoming primary schools to meet our Leadership team & enjoy a guided tour of the facilities on offer. Co-educational state boarding & day school for students aged 11-18 The Wellington Academy, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP11 9RR T: 01264 405060 E: www.thewellingtonacademy.org.ukadmin@twa.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk The boarding school provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the school contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children & young people. OFSTEDBOARDING2022HANDBOOK Parents/Carers and Students BOARDING HANDBOOK 2021 - 2022 For Parents/Carers and Students Wellington Eagles Primary Academy Wellesley admin@wep.ascendlearningtrust.org.ukT:SP11Ludgershall,Road,Andover9LT01264316400 wellingtoneagles.org.uk Wellington Lions Primary Academy Oatway admin@wlp.ascendlearningtrust.org.ukT:SP9Tidworth,Road,Wiltshire7FP01264310780 wellingtonlions.org.uk To make an appointment for a tour, contact the school directly by phone or email. LEARNING TRUST LEARNING TRUST

Her unbelievably strong sense of duty and service to the armed forces spanned more than seven decades. Many of you will have experienced the joy and excitement of seeing her in person, maybe even exchanging a word or two, during the countless engagements, parade inspections and duties that she’s undertaken with our units and regiments.

Throughout her extraordinary life, during times of conflict and of peace, The Queen’s links to the military have endured. We will honour and remember her with all our hearts.

Thank you for everything, Ma’am
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 03
HE PAST few weeks have been an incredibly sad time for our nation and The Commonwealth, as we gave a final salute to Her Majesty The Queen.
In marrying Naval Officer Prince Philip in 1947, she became a military wife and of course she’s since seen her children and grandchildren enlist for active service.
Recognising the role of military families, The Queen instituted the Elizabeth Cross in 2009, granted to the next of kin of personnel killed on operations or as a result of terrorism since the Second World War. At the time the award was launched, she said: “I greatly hope that the Elizabeth Cross will give further meaning to the nation’s debt of gratitude to the families and loved ones of those who have died in the service of our country.”
In many ways, The Queen was one of us
– not only someone who served but also a military family member. Her father King George VI was in the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force, and as Princess she answered the call of duty herself when she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 aged just 19, training as a truck mechanic to support the war effort. In doing so she became the first female member of the Royal Family to join the armed forces in a full-time active role.
ENQUIRIES TEAM 8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday 8am to 3pm Friday contact@aff.org.uk // 01264 554004
discusses loneliness and isolation, with many of you explaining how you’ve felt at various points of your soldier’s career. We highlight the many avenues of support that you can tap into.
EDUCATION & CHILDCARE educationsupport@aff.org.uk
MONEY & ALLOWANCES✪ moneysupport@aff.org.uk
FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH fcsupport@aff.org.uk
This issue is very much focused on the ups and downs of being a military family. Your health and wellbeing should always be high on your list of priorities, but we all know that in reality, the daily challenges of army life mean they’re often bumped down to the bottom. So how can you maintain good mental health and find the right support when you really need it?
HEALTH & ADDITIONAL NEEDS healthsupport@aff.org.uk
HOUSING housingsupport@aff.org.uk
EDITOR Lisa Youd editor@aff.org.uk // 01264 554004

Interested in advertising in Army&You? Contact TylerBale Communications. Email: info@tylerbale.co.uk Tel: 01252 714870 / ayads.co.uk
Farewell to our beloved Queen
Elsewhere, we go Stateside for the latest welfare update and postcard (pages 22 and 50), investigate the healing power of horses on pages 18-20, and if you’ve ever considered running your own business, our feature on page 28 offers some inspiration.Don’tmiss the chance to win a break at a four-star hotel in our awesome luck!giveawaysautumntoo–good
ENGLAND englandmgr@aff.org.uk
COMPETITIONS To enter, visit armyandyou.co.uk One entry per household per giveaway. Full T&Cs on the website. Closing date is 6 November 2022.
Our Foreign & Commonwealth team explain how they work together with support organisations and units (page 24), while we also hear from the padres in Europe (page 23) and the brilliant Forces Wives Challenge members on page 21.
In our feature on page 15, reporter Jill Misson

You&Army {for everyone with a soldier in their life} www.armyandyou.co.uk ✪ CharitySoldiers’TheABFbysponsoredgenerouslyPosts Get social! Want to keep abreast of the latest news and views about army life? Make sure you follow us online for exclusive content! Find us @armyandyou on Twitter and Instagram, search for ArmyandYou on Facebook or visit armyandyou.co.uk copyrightCrownPicture: CONTRIBUTIONS If you’ve got a story to tell about army life, then let us know – email editor@aff.org.uk SUBSCRIPTIONS In your own home or private rental? Subscribe for FREE via armyandyou.co.uk – you can unsubscribe at any time via the same link or by emailing unsubscribe@aff.org.uk. If you need to change your details, email update@ DELIVERYaff.org.uk If you live in SFA/SSFA and would like to be removed from our mailing list, you can do so at any time by emailing unsubscribe@aff.org.uk or visiting armyandyou.co.uk, where you’ll find our privacy policy and T&Cs PUBLISHER Army&You is published quarterly by TylerBale Communications on behalf of the Army Families Federation. Editorial content © AFF. Not to be reproduced without permission AFF Army Families Federation is a charitable incorporated organisation registered in England and Wales with registered charity number 1176393 and a charity registered in Scotland with registered charity number SC048282. Principal office: IDL 414, Floor 1, Zone 6, Ramillies Building, Marlborough
As military families, many of us felt a special connection to Her Majesty The Queen. Her dedication was lifelong – not only as a servicewoman, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, but also her steadfast support as the head of our armed forces.

OVERSEAS overseassupport@aff.org.uk Lines, Monxton Road, Andover SP11 8HJ
EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING✪ employment@aff.org.uk
DEVOLVED NATIONS devolvedmgr@aff.org.uk
@ArmyandYou04 Army&You autumn 2022 FROM THE EDITOR
forces of course played a key role in her funeral and also in welcoming the new King – not only with impeccable ceremonials, but the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly with the eyes of the world upon us. Amongst the sadness was an enormous sense of pride.
I’m sure you will have been sharing your memories as we all have here at AFF during the making of this edition, whether it was a fleeting glimpse or being lucky enough to meet her in person, she touched our lives and will be forever treasured.Ourarmed
Healthy Handovers
How equine activities can boost your mental health Mind Your Own Business! Entrepreneurs share their experiences of working life

Routine For Repairs
503934333022 Outstanding facilities, an all-round education and endless opportunities await you at The Duke of York s Royal Military School. Our a ordable full boarding school, open to 11–18-year-olds, significantly out performed GCSE national attainment (2022). Students benefit from excellent teaching, a comprehensive curriculum and breadth of activities beyond the classroom; developing strong character and diverse life skills. Begin your journey as a Dukie today. A co-educational boarding school for students aged 11-18 LOOKING FORWARD WITH CONFIDENCE AND BACKLOOKINGWITHPRIDE www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 05 Army&You autumn www.armyandyou.co.uk Horsing around for health highs THE traced back Greeks and recent the interactionHorsewith our friends reduce depression. bereavedoverseas,equestrianParkForcesitsjourneywithprojectsongoingcommunity,plusmembersoflocalcommunitieswhoplayimportantroleforarmedfromcharityIntervention (HHI) assisted therapy, rehabilitation learning. l Sport contributing health, welfare and Business ensuring the equine safe, deliveringtheefficientlycommunity. Stable results charity’s EquestriandeliveryCentrerunshuge of with support and many different organisations. clear activitiesfrom big effect who take One was wonderful boys smiling, about for days afterwards were so proud achievedof lessons.” Another rider may strenuousnotbuttakepeople’smentalmentalhealtheverytohorses,opentowholeheartedlytheachieving tedworthequestrian.com It’s well known that being around horses can have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing… Equine intervention severe PTSD with HorseBack Equine assisted recovery for wounded, and sick personnel. With help from ABF Charity, both and Catterick working Personnel Recovery assisted learning for children additional physical, educational, behavioural Working Wellington Academy Tidworth to help from serving identified as being with behavioural health issues. Part Invictus Games portfolio for West Region. Working Out Get in Wil the wider Episkopi Club ha in helping and local with wellbeing welfare Forcesoffers lessons and hacking affordable all the instructors work to British Society standards. The club environment where can learn fun and spend caring for the much-loved addition,ponies. charity, RDA Disabled Association), provides for several centres the Limassol suffering health issues that time horses helps relax and teenager explains: “I’m struggled my mental have found stables have massive help friendly environment whenever feelingfordown.ride a great me to stablesforget struggled than “Creatingwherealsodid,”providetheatheyweremove loads the club rely extremely talking KatherineJenny. benefits: have been understanding know she them as family. Being member played her will always for the support she there.” Want Contact Saddle Club’s Jones episaddleclub@gmail.com EPI-C RIDES Catterick Saddle its livery riding providing point service community and“From camps, stable rides through jumping and dressage our aim to make everyone can enjoy the being with horses in them,” says club chairman Townrow. Once Personnel Recovery Unit the for ‘recovery thanks to funding from Soldiers’ giving personnel opportunitythe WO2 Roger Battle Back instructor “Time again, who adamant never near morning’shorses,period, only horsestheridingbeingjustsoldier empowered,stressedForandaretheythoseorhorseshelpthemgivingthemachievement.”TherangeofgroupshirefacilitiesRidingforAssociation(RDA),schoolsandcommunitynisations.Matthew,whosedadcurrentlydeployed,attendsweek:“Whentalkcantellwhichwhatwerelesson.thetimemyofme.Mylots pictures during to husbandmilitaryhim.”Lanaway,spousehasbeentoursandpostings,supportfromMydaughtermilitarybutthestaff,poniesatthe clubsupportmostcompetitionssaddlemilitary HeadSaddle Club emailfind Taking the reins in the garrison Rosie leading Simba EMBRACE WRAPAROUND CARE M service the now Government’stake childcare It’s aimed working offset the cost and after during term Although recognised that not going solution to childcare it’s hoped should go alleviating Veterinarycosts. nurse Green (pictured), took part scheme, says: made huge us as has it offset before school care ha helped the effect life has military spouses myself.” How it works will tax-free account serving person registered confirmed they are participating child’s wraparound childcare. serving person WAC payment calculator to find how much claim back. The person willclaimpayment,receivedOncethroughtheinreadynextwraparoundcare. anwork,overviewreadDefence Instruction Defence(DIN) You can hours week per before care. amount capped region and throughfulltheyouneed discovermybenefits. or drop educationsupport@aff.org.uk Eligibility check requirements2022DIN01-079.include:Atparentmustanarmedregular,this includes on service Both applicable, working an equivalent hours at minimum The serving should be on assignment in involuntarily separated from who remain the ChildrenUK.are and 11 attending school those electively homeshould serving most of mustthe account provider registered Ofsted (or and signed accept payments If you feedback about scheme aspect of contact educationsupport@aff.org.uk “The pilot has helped to mitigate the effect that military life has on working military spouses such as myself.” 2022 Army&You www.armyandyou.co.uk &You ON THE COVER

Holiday Help
AFF Needs You
Gen Sir Patrick Sanders
AFF In Action

Stateside Support
Luxury leave: Win a country hotel break

Financial support for those posted overseas
Young readers enjoy the great outdoors
Discover the latest news affecting army families Book Club
What's life like for families in Tampa, Florida?

What to do when you're at war with next door

A chance to share your news and views
You share your experiences of army family life

How the Government's new wraparound scheme works
Ensure your medical records keep stride with service life
Burger Brilliance
Horsing Around
What does welfare look like across the Pond?
Gone but The Queen (page 3
Embrace Childcare
How issues are fixed under the new housing contracts
never forgotten, Her Majesty

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for lots more news and features – details on page three AFF’s very own star baker Carol Morris takes break from her duties as part of our housing team to offer some tasty tips on serving up perfect patties… Army&You www.armyandyou.co.uk S whatyourbutburgersyoutastebuds,your sneak veggies good you’re dead easy the list of enhance Where Whatever your preferences, the supermarkets nowadays. to take packet of sausages because versatile when family long as you brand than 72 per content go. little some into tablespoon favourite sauce Any advice on toppings? either with just cheese and fried you can town. pickles mixed mayonnaise and sauce. onions, of vinegar teaspoon of sugar caramelise you’ve got left over, crispy, and You really Burger brilliance @ArmyandYou on see Carol’s creation Serving burger’Gregory,wassauces Easy is run known as nning recipe out… burger stack large burger 500g 250g HOT COMPETITION YOU’RE NOT ALONE Army life can be lonely at times, so what support is there for spouses feeling socially isolated? Jill Misson reports… SUMMING up the lows of an army Emma Moore “It’s been rollercoaster of difficulties, challenges adventures.” made some but experienced terrible isolation others: Ireland, was the only there weren’t baby was very Germany, shortage close to live away. boys and husband Iraq, difficult cut-off.” The survey said welcomesquestionedcommunitymembersBritishoffoundlonelyaftermovingmademe,”Percy-Behelppartnersintegrate.“It’sintimidatingtocoffeetimespouses,strugglingAdmittingnotisn’tencourage reach out: helped me welfare suppo helped to amazing counselling.”2020 Our Shoes Selous stigma for help: families believe that cope on their be self-sufficient.” report livingpostingsarrangements”. Away from family Sleeman was her six-month West Africa. families three-hour went of my neighbours agues supportive but two brief from my through Breastfeeding Its Day says: wheretheseyoube Specialist,carers.FamiliesAdditionalacareradditionaldisabilityoftenparent’ssocialisenotAFF FEATURE Emma www.armyandyou.co.uk GiveawaysClick the giveaways at armyandyou.co.uk scan the QR this page for to win. Entries November 2022 otherwise stated. During her IVF journey spouse Stacey Morgan decided channel her into for the child hoped She knew I’d rhyming picture IVF babies “Our two embryos collectedIvy(IVF) great the stages IVF from illustrated dreamy, suitableThisStacey.heart-warming,forall We have copies, A truly a long career NHS, army spouse Hannah Dimbleby decided to start her business for bit of pocket money and took off so well she’s since worked beauty bloggers and influencers showcase her company. HD Sparkle Aroma features hand-decorated home décor diamanté reed diffusers (pictured) being her most product. They come options to make your and car smell amazing! Scented candles, bauble sets, angels, hand decorated sprays and more available hdsparklearoma.bigcartel.comOnelucky Army&You reader both diffuser with Scented sparkle Step into a world of relaxed luxury at Wivenhoe House Hotel with getaway one-night stay for people including three-course meal and breakfast. Its luxury rooms been lovingly restored reflect and celebrate original 18th-century architecture of the beautiful building. From original beams to sash its en-suite bedrooms individually with traditional The on the Essex border, just throw from many attractions, country walks, buzzing local farmers’ markets, gardens and buildings. Whether looking for somewhere with friend couple, there’s plenty explore during your Wivenhoe House accessible and Brasserie restaurant locally sourced food. Service families claim 10% off stays quoting ‘Army&You’ booking wivenhoehouse.co.uk serving regular only. Based guests in luxury availability. must taken 2023, not valid www.armyandyou.co.uk giv competition be marketing T&Cs Army&You TAKE LEAVE IN LUXURY
How Best To Boss It Advice for those considering running their own business Neighbourly Behaviour

Crown copyright CONTENTS AUTUMN 2022

Chief of the General Staff

A Postcard From...
What support is there for the socially isolated?
Tips on serving up perfect patties for your family

A Word From...
You're Not Alone
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We want to know how you feel about the support, services and allowances you receive as an army family. They’re designed to reward your soldier for their service and compensate for the impact of army life on your family. So in this year’s Big Survey, we’re asking you about housing, healthcare, education, childcare, finances, employment and support. We meet regularly with policy leads within the army and MOD and need your evidence to be able to highlight the issues you face to influence change. This is your chance to have your say! The survey goes live from 1 November so keep an eye on AFF’s social media @armyfamiliesfederation for the link.
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 07
Second job squaddies
Working rights
In the summer edition of Army&You, we offered guidance on the rules for Foreign & Commonwealth spouses’ right to work in the UK. AFF has seen an uptick in enquiries about this issue, with some spouses being suspended from their jobs unnecessarily. Has this happened to you? We’d like to hear about it – contact fcsupport@aff.org.uk to tell us about your experience.
AFF needs you!

overseas posting? If yes, we would like to understand why. What aspect put you off volunteering for an assignment abroad? Have you decided to live married unaccompanied temporarily? If so, how have you dealt with the separation?Pleaseemail your thoughts in confidence to overseassupport@aff.org.uk
At forcesfamiliesjobs.co.uk you can find employment news, courses, details about apprenticeships, business advice and of course search for your perfect job, all in one place. Is there anything else you’d like to see featured on FFJ? Just let us know – employment@aff.org.uk
Picture: Rawpixel/freepik.com
In order to meet the Minimum Income Requirement (MIR) to enable their family members to join them in the UK, some Foreign & Commonwealth soldiers supplement their salary with a second job. AFF has been contacted by a few soldiers who have been unable to prove their right to work to their new employers because their exempt stamp does not allow them to generate a ‘share code’ for employers to do an online check. If you’re having this issue please get in touch so we can provide further guidance – fcsupport@aff.org.uk
AFF is monitoring the way that adaptations to army quarters are processed under the new accommodation contracts. We’d like to hear from you in our short Additional Needs and Adaptations (ANDA) survey going live thisKeepDecember.aneyeon @armyfamiliesfederation for the details.
There’s still time to fill in AFF’s survey about your financial health. We’ve teamed up with The RAND Corporation to get a better insight into the unique financial issues that affect you as an army family. You have until the end of October to head to our website and take the survey – aff.org.uk

Adapting to the changes
Here's where you can share your views and experiences of military life. We use this evidence to get things changed for all army families, wherever you are in the world… SURVEY
Forces Families Jobs, the website specifically for service families looking for work and training, has just passed its third birthday.
Picture: vectorjuice/freepik.com

Picture: vectorpocket/freepik.com

Registered as a charity in England and Wales Number 210760 in Scotland Number SC038056 and in Republic of Ireland Number 20202001. Established 1885. S712.0822 judgementalfeltagencyadopters“Prospectivechosethisbecausetheyunderstoodasmilitaryfamilies,oeredanon-approachandsawstrengthswhichotheragencieshadconsideredasweaknesses.” - OFSTED GET IN TOUCH Call 020 4526 2082 Email adoption@ssafa.org.uk Visit ssafa.org.uk/adoption Regulars | Reserves | Veterans | Families THINKING ADOPTION?ABOUT SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity is a Registered Adoption Agency, covering the whole of the UK and has been rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. We are military specialists, who understand your adoption needs. We promote equality and inclusion, and welcome applications from all members of the serving Armed Forces community.

AVING recently taken up appointment, I want to take this opportunity to speak to you, our families, to thank you for all the support and effort that you provide.
lived experience, including the recent introduction of wraparound childcare for 4-11 year olds.
I recently gave orders to accelerate the mobilisation and modernisation of the army to reinforce NATO and deter the threat of further conflict in Europe. This has been given the operational name MOBILISE and is our highest priority. MOBILISE
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 09
“It’s important that we understand the reality of being a service family.”
The army is built on effective communication and teamwork. Please keep communicating to share your experiences, build trust and improve our support networks. We are here for families, and we need you all to look after and support our soldiers. I look forward to hearing your questions, and responding to them, in the next edition of Army&You and continuing to engage with you all.
Like so many who serve in the armed forces, I value deeply the support offered by my friends and family – not just when on operations but when at home, on exercise or when grappling with knotty challenges that Service life throws at us. Being able to talk to those closest to me has been a source of constant help and indispensable comfort.
is about building an even better army for uncertain times. It complements Future Soldier, the army’s vision for the future and together they support the Government’s intention to use the army’s presence overseas for maximum effect. Although our focus is primarily on Northern and Eastern Europe, our people – your family members and loved ones – will continue to deploy all over the world and the army will continue to do everything it can to provide support to soldiers and their families.
Do you have a question for the man at the top? Put your question to CGS in winter’s Army&You by sending us an email to questions@aff.org.uk
I read with keen interest the recently published results of the Families Continuous Attitude Survey (FAMCAS), which outlines your views on issues such as accommodation, healthcare, spousal employment and childcare. The wellbeing and happiness of service families is fundamental to the health of the army as a whole and we are working hard to improve your
We’re pleased to share a message from the new head of the British Army, Chief of the General Staff Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, on the importance the service places on supporting its families – which remain a cornerstone of operational effectiveness...
It’s important that we understand the reality of being a service family, and I look forward to working with AFF to hear about and understand your issues.

With recent increases in fuel bills, families approached AFF concerned about the cost of oil heating. To gather more evidence, we ran a survey which further highlighted your concerns.We’veraised these with DIO and they have assured us that project work is focusing on replacing oil-fired central heating with other methods (where possible) as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you could try the following:
10 Army&You autumn 2022
Housing Assistant Carol Morris helped a welfare team to secure temporary housing for a mum and newborn baby who were facing being separated from their soldier due to a shortage of quarters nearby. Using her contacts, Carol was able to arrange temporary housing near the soldier while they were waiting for a quarter to become available and the regiment helped them to settle in. Carol says: “This really does show that without our contacts, we wouldn't get the results we do.”
AFF now sits on the Army Charities Advisory Group, chaired by the Deputy Chief of General Staff Lt Gen Sharon Nesmith, which oversees the army’s engagement with charities. This means AFF is recognised as one of the five main charities that the army works with and also features in the Army Charities Strategy.
l If there are a number of you on the estate using oil, consider setting up a syndicate to get a better deal by bulk ordering.
l With the Home Office, we got refunds for non-UK families wrongly charged the immigration health surcharge
We are constantly working to improve your army life and act on your concerns. Here are some of the issues we have tackled over the last year:
l Families who were having difficulty claiming Universal Credit overseas now have a set postcode to use after we raised this with the MOD.
#GoodToKnow PexelsforWilkinsonEthanPicture:
l Look at comparison sites like Boiler Juice.
She says: “My heart sank when they requested police checks from Germany and Belgium (two of our postings in the last 10 years). However, I remembered that there might be some information about this on the AFF website, and I was right – I could apply for a good conduct certificate from the Royal Military Police. I used the email address and within two weeks I had received the certificate and was able to send it on to my training provider. It was definitely far more straightforward than having to work through the foreign authorities, so huge thanks!”
l We fed in your issues with incorrect and incomplete repairs to your quarter during the development of the new accommodation contracts

or damp to Pinnacle.
lIf you know you’ll be in the same home over the winter, consider bulk buying in the summer when prices are usually cheaper. For more, see aff.org.uk

AFF has heard from several families whose moves overseas have been delayed as they have not used the correct process for applying for a UK passport. If you have to travel on official duty or are assigned to a country which requires a valid passport, you should be provided with one at public expense, regardless of your nationality. UK passports will be provided free or replaced if they have expired. You should apply via His Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO) armed forces team using form SE/04/01, available from unit HR staff. The online application process should not be used. Note, you must pay for replacement lost or damaged passports. All completed applications should be forwarded to unit HR staff, who will send them on to the armed forces team. You should not send applications direct to HMPO without authority. If you’re not a British national, you should apply to your country of origin. For more, see aff.org.uk

l We worked with DIO to introduce a damp and mold action plan to resolve issues more quickly
Caroline Cossens used the information on aff. org.uk to help her when she needed to apply for police checks for a university course.
l Ensure that your watchman is working correctly – if it isn’t, report it.
l Report draughty windows/ doors, cold radiators
Following the introduction of the new housing contracts, AFF Housing Specialist Cat Calder has been working with the contractors to get solutions to problems you’ve highlighted. We know that there have been issues with missed appointments, reporting of complaints and claims for compensation. It’s important that you to continue to raise repairs, and log complaints and compensation claims using the correct process and keep your own records –once you’ve done this, contact housingsupport@aff.org.uk
AFF contacted the RBLI team, who have offered to alter the times – or put on a specific course – if they have lots of requests from a specific location. If you see a course you’re interested in, they will try to accommodate you.
The courses are via Teams and cover topics such as dealing with change, looking for work that’s right for you, how to make a CV work harder for you, application forms, and interview skills. You can even link in via a TV so a few people in the room can view the content at the same time – a great way to bring people together. For more, see wearelifeworks.org.uk
Following queries about overseas unaccompanied shipment delays and compensation, Agility has advised us that global supply chains continue to be impacted by COVID restrictions, limited container availability and reduced capacity across a large number of shipping routes, so transit times stated in JSP 800 are only a guide. Unfortunately, you can't claim compensation for delayed delivery. There are also resource challenges impacting road movements within the UK and Europe, so you should not arrange move-in and out dates until you have a confirmed removals date. The supplier conducting your move will keep you informed of the status of your consignment. Visit the housing pages at aff.org.uk for more on the Agility complaints process.

RBLI Lifeworks has restarted its online employment support courses for armed forces spouses and partners, but as they run from 10am to 2pm UK time, it’s not always convenient for those of you overseas.
GORDON’S SCHOOL Years 7, 9 and 12 boarding places available. predicted‘Studentswhoattendtheboardingschoolprovisionexceedtheiroutcomesandconsistentlyreach,andfurther,theirpotential’. OFSTED BOARDING INSPECTION REPORT 2019 BOARDING IN SURREY For Open Events, visit www.gordons.school BESPOKE RESIDENTIAL BOARDING HOUSE FOR YEAR 7 STUDENTS CONTINUITY OF EDUCATION ALLOWANCE (CEA) ACCEPTED CLOSE TO LONDON AND ITS AIRPORTS BY ROAD AND RAIL

COMPLAINTS & COMPENSATION #GoodToKnow PexelsforFiskTomPicture:
Early Years had some great fun for Armed Forces Day, getting their camo gear on. This little dude is winning at hide and seek!

HRH The Princess Royal and Principal Alex Foreman inspect a guard of The Duke of York’s Royal Military School students during Grand Day.

Good neighbours: Soldiers from British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK) visited Likii Hill School in Nanyuki to donate school

‘Our @ArmyandYou has arrived … can’t wait to read it! Introducing it to young #Hugo the Hooligan’ – @Helpformovers, Twitter

Send your pic to A&Y – editor@aff.org.uk or PM on social media @armyandyou
bags, drawing and reading books –@batuk_official, Instagram
While producing this edition of Army&You, we came across these photo gems from our military
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 13
Service families living in Wales and schools teaching service children can join in the latest SSCE Cymru webinar on 12 October – 2pm to 4.30pm. You can find out about Regional School Liaison Officers, listen to presentations from SSCE Cymru members and hear about examples of good practice and funding opportunities. To sign up, visit sscecymru.co.uk
If you’re posted overseas and planning to buy a tax-free car while you’re there, there are HM Revenue & Customs restrictions which apply to UK service personnel. For example, under some VAT-free schemes both the buyer and vehicle must remain outside of the UK for at least six consecutive months from the date of export of the vehicle. Make sure you read the small print of the various VAT-free schemes to ensure you fully understand the regulations.
Nominations open soon for the 2023 Celebrating Forces Families awards. Do you know a family member, military charity or a forces family friendly employer who deserves to be recognised for their contribution to the armed forces community? Awards include Inspirational Family Member of the Year, Young People’s Award, Family Volunteer of the Year and, new for this year, Away from Home, an award for a family, or family member, based overseas who has gone above and beyond to help their local community. The awards are on 28 April 2023 at the Victory Services Club, London. For more, see celebratingforcesfamilies.co.uk

in Woodstock, running until 24 November. The exhibition combines objects, personal stories, art and the photo series War Toys, which brings to life the effects of war on children living in conflict zones. Children can depict real scenes from their experiences using toys and the local terrain too. The museum has partnered with two charities, Little Troopers, which supports service children, and Brian McCarty’s War Toys. Service children get free admission if their accompanying adult shows a valid MOD90 card.
Veterans UK has released its first bite-sized video which provides guidance on the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and the War Pension Scheme (WPS). It gives details on what you need to know before making a claim and examples of supporting evidence which may help to process your claim quicker. Earlier this year, Veterans UK produced a series of Customer Journey Maps to help simplify the claims processes and give answers to common queries. Head to Veterans UK via gov.uk to view the video.
The Military Coworking Network (MCN) – a pilot project funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust – has been extended until September 2023. Its aim is to assess the viability and demand for coworking hubs in the UK and overseas where partners and spouses can work and study with like-minded people. If the pilot, which is being run at nine sites, is successful, MCN hopes to secure longer-term funding and open further hubs at other military bases. There is also a free online community which you can join to access resources, events and job opportunities. For more, see militarycoworking.uk

Following on from Frankie’s blog about being prepared for army life (summer 2022), we asked you on social what advice you would give to a new military spouse, in five words or less…
Glasgow-based charity Brothers in Arms has teamed up with Thrive: Mental Wellbeing to tackle mental health issues among Scottish teen boys. The charity, dedicated to preventing male suicide in Scotland, is offering boys aged 14 and over across Scotland free access to its new app. It provides evidence-based techniques and content designed to build resilience, manage worries and help teens understand their thoughts and feelings, allowing them to learn lifelong techniques to manage their mental wellbeing. To find out more, visit brothersinarmsscotland.co.uk
Ask a lot of questions – Kirsten One day at a time – Carol Keep fridge full of wine – Maisie Plan for anything, enjoy, breathe – @mrsfourzero
Give new things a chance – Andy Don’t be afraid to ask – @celts.and.i Learn to love magnolia paint! – Amanda Plan like a single parent! – Emma
Want to hear stories of service children and their experiences of life in the OxfordshireSoldiersexhibitionthisPopcommunity?militaryalongtofantasticatofMuseum
Following an enquiry from a soldier asking whether those posted overseas are eligible to play the UK National Lottery, AFF discovered that players need to be present in the UK to be eligible. Any families overseas should be aware that Camelot may not pay out any prizes to those who are playing from outside the UK, even if they were in the country when they created their account. The soldier responded: “A lot of soldiers and their spouses might not be aware of this and throw their money away in the hope of winning, and when they finally do, to be told they won’t be able to claim the prize would be devastating.”

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PexelsforGeppAnastasiyaPicture: unsplashHepner,KrzysztofPicture: @ArmyandYou14 Army&You autumn 2022
Your soldier can access the revised rates via their Unit HR admin team.
Have a question about university applications or funding? Contact employment@aff.org.uk

An EducationAdventurous
l Get You Home (Overseas) has been reviewed and increased for some countries.
AFF has previously raised the issue of children accompanying their parents on overseas assignments being classed as international students, making it difficult for them to access student finance.
Due to inflation and the rise in fuel costs, the MOD has introduced a number of increases to travel and commuting allowances.

l Get You Home (Travel) and Home to Duty Travel have received a 7 per cent uplift.
l If you are cycling to work, Home to Duty (Pedal) has increased by 5p a mile and the personal contribution has been reduced to one mile.
The MOD has now confirmed that any dependent child accompanying their serving parent overseas should be treated as a UK resident when applying for a university place and student funding, not as an international student. This recognises the fact that children are ordinarily resident in the UK and the only reason they are not is due to their parent’s overseas posting.
Away from family
The survey said In 2018, a Royal British Legion survey of members of the armed forces community found 50 per cent had felt lonely or socially isolated after moving to a new area. “It made me feel awful so I questioned if this life was for me,” says Lucy May Percy-Bell, who welcomes more support to help butyoujustactivitiesandaloneto“It’sintegrate.partnersSheexplains:intimidatinggoingcoffeemorningsforthefirsttimeweneedmoreforspouses,notforchildren.”Admittingarestrugglingisn’teasyLucywouldencourage
Army life can be lonely at times, so what support is there for spouses feeling socially isolated? Jill Misson reports…
others to reach out: “My husband helped me to contact welfare for mental health support and they helped to get me some amazing counselling.”Inthe2020 report Living in Our Shoes, Andrew Selous MP noted the stigma of asking for help: “Many service families believe that they should cope on their own and be self-sufficient.” The report called for
UMMING up the highs and lows of life as an army spouse, Emma Moore says: “It’s been a rollercoaster of difficulties, challenges and adventures.”
disabilities, postings to new areas, and dispersed living arrangements”.
AFF has set up support
Emma Moore and family

Annie Sleeman found out she was pregnant when her husband was on a six-month tour in West Africa. She says: “Our families were a three-hour drive away so I went alone to all of my appointments. My neighbours and colleagues were supportive but I only had two brief phone calls from my welfare officer.” Parents of infants can connect online through the Defence Breastfeeding Network. Its founder Natasha Day says: “No matter where you are in the world these military families will be right there with you to celebrate the highs and support you through the lows of your personal journey.”Aspart of the Armed Forces Families Strategy, the MOD is exploring how to establish more recognition of parent carers. AFF’s Health & Additional Needs Specialist, Karen Ross, says: “Being a carer for a child with additional needs or a disability often impacts on a parent’s confidence to socialise with others who may not understand their child’s behaviour or needs.”
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 15
She has made great friends on some postings but experienced terrible isolation on others: “In Northern Ireland, I was one of the very few new mums and there weren’t any baby groups so that was very lonely. In Germany, there was a shortage of housing close to camp so we had to live further away. With two young boys and my husband deployed to Iraq, it was difficult being so cut-off.”
For some families with health needs it makes more sense not to move with every posting. Kirsty Crowther and her husband live apart during the week. She says: “My daughter and I both have Marfan’s Syndrome and it can take a long time to get appointments at a new hospital. I don’t drive due to medical reasons so that made it harder when we were posted somewhere with poor public transport. We bought a house so that we had stability for me and our children and it means they are settled in education and we can make long-term friends.”
Alone abroad
Project officer Suzette Leach says: “With a focus on supporting all members of the diverse serving community, events will be held in both face-to-face and virtual format and at a variety of times including evenings and“It’sweekends.finetocome alone and everyone will beThiswelcomed.”newinitiative is being piloted in parts of the UK and overseas.
Support at home
The charity Home-Start can offer support to army families who have at least one child under seven. Julie Teasdale says: “A co-ordinator will visit to talk about the issues affecting them and then consider which of our volunteers would be best suited.” The volunteer spends around three hours each week with the family, as Julie explains: “It’s having someone to accompany them to appointments, looking after children in waiting rooms, or just being there to listen.” One army spouse says: “I felt so lonely as I didn’t know anyone and my partner was away. I cried a lot but my volunteer never judged me. With her help I got some mental health support and I feel lots better.”
“The members of a welfare team operate within the Army Welfare Code of Confidentiality and can assist with stress, debt, compassionate leave, information about the local community or can provide a sympathetic ear to listen, especially if someone is feeling lonely. The Army Welfare Project is currently looking at

Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, SSAFA is developing eLearning to teach staff and volunteers how to help anyone experiencing social isolation and loneliness. Community Connection Champions will create opportunities to bring people together, including book clubs, cookery classes and gaming sessions.
how we can assist the welfare teams in the delivery of this critical function.”
Going off patch
@ArmyandYou16 Army&You autumn 2022
Overseas postings can bring new challenges, from adjusting to a different language and culture to finding it hard to communicate with friends and family in another time zone. There may be a lack of childcare or your soldier could be away from home. AFF’s Manager Overseas, Esther Thomas, says there are ways to prepare: “Consider life skills such as learning to drive so you’re not so isolated; or learning basic language skills to break down social barriers; join
either resolving relatively simple issues or signposting soldiers and their families to the appropriate agency.
You can also talk to your unit welfare team. Col Leigh Drummond, Assistant Head Personal Services, explains: “Unit welfare teams provide an essential service in
In addition, the Army Welfare Service (AWS) offers professional services to soldiers and their families. AWS Personal Support can be contacted in confidence to discuss problems including bereavement and anxiety. Staff can signpost to appropriate agencies for specialist advice. AWS Community Support inspires families through play, youth and community work. Your local Community Development Worker can tell you more about activities where you live.
Community ties
Settling in one location can be beneficial for some families but AFF’s Living in Wales survey reported that some spouses who had moved out of Service Family Accommodation into their own homes felt more isolated. One respondent told us: “Once we move off patch we are all but abandoned by welfare. The area is very rural so while my husband is away I usually go all day speaking to nobody but my children.”
groups in Sandhurst and Aldershot, and plans to restart one in Tidworth.
Lucy May Percy-Bell, husband Talbot, dogs Pip and Rex
“It’s intimidating going to coffee mornings alone for the first time and we need more activities for spouses.”
Taking up a hobby may be your key to making friends. Emma from Catterick says: “During my first riding lesson I met another
local and virtual social networks and find out who to contact for welfare support if family life gets Partnerstough.”ofForeign & Commonwealth soldiers also experience difficulties getting used to a new lifestyle a long way from home. Marama Alliance UK runs projects for women in the Fijian community. Trustee Miriama Suraki says: “Ours is the loneliness of adapting to a different culture to fit in while trying to maintain the unique cultural identity of the country we left behind.”
Carolyn Campbell-Baldwin from MCN says: “Disconnection results in feelings of social isolation and loneliness, which in turn, impacts our ability to perform, to be creative andWorkingproductive.”withothers on voluntary projects can also alleviate loneliness. A collective called e50K is inviting members of the military community to enhance the place where they live. At Catterick Garrison, the volunteers have
Current parent
Making connections
Meanwhile, the Military Wives Choir has been a lifeline for Emma Moore, who says: “I enjoy singing, performing and chatting to ladies who understand everything!”
Thinks Differently Blueprint your @MonktonBathwww.monktoncombeschool.comfuture...
army wife and now we meet up most days for a dog walk and to visit the horses.”
“As with many military families, we were reluctant to board our children but, from our very first visit, we were 100% sure that Monkton was for us. It really is a ‘home from home’ and we are as certain of that now five years on as we were when first we visited the school.”
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 17
Many army spouses are keen to work not just to earn money but for social contact. The Military Coworking Network (MCN) offers online support and has hubs where you can work or study and meet others.
Kirsty Crowther and family
been building allotments. Catherine Clapham says: “The experience of being a military spouse can often be disempowering. With e50K, spouses will be part of a community making real, lasting and beneficial changes that they have helped to shape.”

There’s bound to be a club or a class that appeals to you, whether it’s playing sport, learning a new skill, reading books or drinking wine. You’re not alone. Get involved and never be afraid to ask for help.
An boardingindependentandday school for boys and girls aged 2-18 years near
Getting out there

Go to tedworthequestrian.com find out more.
@ArmyandYou18 Army&You autumn 2022
l Equine assisted intervention for veterans with severe PTSD in partnership with HorseBack UK.
Horsing around for health highs
HE notion can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and recent research by the British Horse Society found that interaction with our equine friends helps to reduce depression.
It’s well known that being around horses can have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing…
“My mental health improves every time I’m near to horses, this should be open to all in our field.
The Armed Forces Equine Charity, which began its journey at Tedworth House and Park in Wiltshire, has a network of equestrian centres in the UK and overseas, with a staggering number of projects ongoing in its communities.Theserving community, veterans, bereaved families, plus members of local communities who play an important supportive role for the armed forces, benefit from the charity through:
l Working with The Wellington Academy in Tidworth to help 40 young people from serving families, identified by the school as being disengaged, with complex behavioural and mental health issues.
One parent said: “It was wonderful to see both boys smiling, they talked about it for days afterwards and were so proud of what they have achieved during the lessons.”
“I wholeheartedly take my hat off to all that the team – human and equine – are achieving here.”
l Part of the Invictus Games Foundation portfolio for the South West Region.
l Working with the Get Out Get Active project in Wiltshire, supporting the wider community.
Stable results
One of the charity’s delivery units is Tedworth Equestrian Centre (TEC) – a small team runs a huge number of local projects with support and funding from many different organisations. It’s clear from the feedback that its activities have a big effect on those who take part.
l Equine assisted recovery for wounded, injured and sick service personnel. With help from a grant from ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, both Tidworth and Catterick are currently working with the Personnel Recovery Centres.
l Human and Horse Intervention (HHI) – through equine assisted therapy, recovery, rehabilitation and learning.
l Sport and recreation –contributing to mental health, welfare and wellbeing.
Another rider added: “My job may not be physically strenuous but emotionally it is. I take on other people’s mental weight.
l Equine assisted learning activities for children with additional physical, educational, and behavioural needs.
l Business support – ensuring that the equine centres are safe, delivering efficiently and to the needs of the community.

Episkopi Saddle Club has a long history in helping the serving and local community with wellbeing and welfare in British Forces Cyprus.

Once a month the Personnel Recovery Unit (PRU) goes to the club for ‘recovery rides’, thanks to funding from ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, giving serving personnel the opportunity to meet, groom and ride the horses.
autumn 2022 Army&You 19www.armyandyou.co.uk
Matthew, aged nine, whose dad is currently deployed, attends lessons once a week: “When I talk to my dad I can tell him which pony I rode and what we were asked to do in the lesson. When I cantered for the first time my dad said he was proud of me. My mum takes lots
stable stars and pony rides through to show jumping and dressage competitions, our aim is to make sure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of being with horses in a way that suits them,” says club chairman Jon Townrow.
“I never feel like I’m alone as I know I have loads of friends at the club that I can always rely on and feel extremely comfortable talking to,” says Jenny.
Her mum Katherine also feels the benefits: “The staff have been extremely understanding and I know she thinks of them as her second family. Being able to ride and be a member of the club has played a significant role in her recovery. I will always be grateful for the love and support she has received there.”
In addition, the on-site charity, RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association), provides riding for several local centres in the Limassol area.
“Going for a ride was always a great
of pictures during the lessons to send to Rachelhim.”Lanaway, head groom and military spouse adds: “While my husband has been away on various tours and postings, my daughter and I have received constant support from both staff and liveries. My daughter has struggled with military friends moving away, but the staff, her friends and ponies at the saddle
Head to the Catterick Garrison Saddle Club Facebook page, or email saddleclub1969@aol.com to find out more.
The team at Catterick Garrison Saddle Club runs its livery and riding centre, providing a focal point for the service community and“Frombeyond.oursummer camps,

with my mental health and have found that the stables have been a massive help – a friendly environment to go to whenever I was feeling down.
“Without being mystic about it, the horses just seem to know what the soldiers are feeling and thinking, and they act accordingly. For those who are anxious, stressed or physically vulnerable, the horses react in sympathy and help them feel empowered, giving them a sense of achievement.”
Tahya Lanaway riding Simba
WO2 Roger Coates, Battle Back instructor PRU says: “Time and again, I’ve had troops who are adamant that they will never go near horses, but over a morning’s period, they not only end up riding a horse but are reluctant to leave them at the end of the session.
People suffering with mental health issues often find that time with the horses helps them to relax and be calm, as teenager Jenny explains: “I’m 14 and have struggled

It offers riding lessons and hacking at affordable prices and all the instructors work to British Horse Society standards. The club is a safe environment where you can learn to ride, have fun and spend time caring for the friendly, much-loved horses and ponies.
The club also has a range of groups that can hire facilities including Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), Pony Club, schools and community organisations.
Taking the reins in the garrison
The stables also provide stability in an environment where the community is transient: “Creating a bond with the ponies was helpful as they were always there when friends had to move on.
Want to know more? Contact the Saddle Club’s Manager Jan Jones at episaddleclub@gmail.com
Rosie leading Dolly
escape for me to forget about my stresses. Without the stables I would have struggled a lot more than I did,” she adds.
club have given her consistency, support and focus. Tahya rides most nights and takes part in competitions and lessons at the saddle club on her ponies, she has made so many friends, both military and civilian.”
@ArmyandYou20 Army&You autumn 2022 A co-educational independent school for nine months – 18 years in Bath www.kingswood.bath.sch.uk

Three years ago, I became unwell with a neurological condition. This resulted in me becoming a full-time wheelchair user, with only one working hand and many other symptoms to live with. For the first year, I didn’t attempt to ride, but simply spent time with my horses for both therapeutic reasons and to allow them time to get used to my new way of living.
I’m in the saddle, Bubba is my legs and I feel truly free. She knows when my body is more tired than normal, when I feel weaker, and when my head isn’t in the best place. She provides me a level of therapy no person could offer.
Being an equestrian gives me an identity I will never lose, regardless of how far we move or how my health declines.

For my tenth birthday, my parents treated me to a riding lesson and I became hooked. I’ve been fortunate enough to own some wonderful horses and have competed in a range of disciplines. I currently own Bubba, my beautiful mare who has become my para horse, and we also have Loki, a cheeky and rather naughty miniature Shetland.
With our warm and welcoming boarding community at the heart of the school, Kingswood offers an exceptional education of depth and breadth. Full, weekly or flexi boarding available, our pastoral team providing a safe, nurturing and exciting experience for pupils.
Unique feeling
Equine healing power
Visit us to find out more.
I’m a fiercely independent person who felt like the world had been pulled from under me when I became ill, but my love of horses has given me the strength and motivation I need.When
been a learning curve for all of us and we’ve had to adapt to enable me to successfully ride. But with the help of bespoke tack, and my incredible family and friends, we now enjoy hacking in the countryside and have even started jumping again.
Getting riding again felt like a slow process, and it began with me being lifted onto Bubba for just a five-minute sit. Fast forward to today, I’m now riding just as I was pre-disability. It’s
TEPHANIE Quintrell, an army spouse living with a disability, tells us why being around horses has been hugely positive for her health…

When we moved to our current posting, we felt it was best to leave the horses where they were. Although only seeing them at weekends has been hard to adjust to, they offer me a sense of stability in the unsettled lifestyle that we all know too well.
For anyone who hasn’t yet had the pleasure of being around these kind, powerful and beautiful creatures, I would 100 per cent recommend you give it a try.

autumn 2022 Army&You 21www.armyandyou.co.uk
“Putting myself in a situation I couldn’t predict the outcome of got me completely out of my comfort zone. It made me more open to trying new things.”
Lizzi Keeton has been married to her soldier for four years and recently joined FWC. In February, she’ll be taking part in the Royal British Legion’s Arctic Survival Challenge. Here’s why…

Helen (pictured left with fellow member Kate) had once learned Nordic skiing with the Honourable Artillery Company but had not taken on any form of challenge since having children 13 years ago: “I think putting myself in a situation I couldn’t predict the outcome of got me completely out of my comfort zone. It made me more open to trying new things, which has definitely helped me to be far more positive. The confidence from meeting wonderful people
Earlier this year, a 12-strong FWC team became the world’s first all-female group to recreate the Heroes of Telemark journey across HardangerviddaNorway’sPlateau –

Find your spirit of adventure
Meanwhile Jen cites her struggles with isolation during her fiancé’s deployment as a reason to join. “Living far away from friends and family and feeling like a bystander to life, I searched for help through FWC. I was suddenly part of a team of amazing women, everyone was cheering the other on in all aspects of life. I’ve never met women like it, a true force. Signing up to FWC was one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s a fabulous community which can take you anywhere – there’s an event for everyone, wild swimming, mountain climbing, ultra running and a whole bunch of members who are there to pick you up when things get tough!”
in the same boat who totally get you is amazing and has transferred into my normal non-FWC life! We had a great WhatsApp group where we’d share videos of ourselves training in all types of weather all over the country.”
EVERAL scientific studies show that goal setting is psychologically important for your wellbeing. That sense of working towards something, testing yourself alongside like-minded others, is what Forces Wives Challenge (FWC) is all about…
“I find the feats of FWC inspiring and I think it’s important to remember that we can have our own goals and challenges to celebrate. After being diagnosed with a rare airway disease last year whilst pregnant, I had to have four major surgeries, resulting in a period of poor mental health. Another FWC member inspired me to join the challenge where I will be pushed to my limits, learning to survive in a harsh environment. It’s already had an extremely positive impact on my physical and mental health despite the obstacles that army life has thrown my way. I’m super excited to be part of such an amazing event, doing something worthwhile and pushing myself to see what I’m capable of, not just as a worker, a wife or a mum but just as ‘Lizzi’.”
Beating loneliness
Special group
“I think I naturally have a want for adventure, my job as a paediatric nurse reminds me that life is too
short and that we should grasp every“Beingopportunity.insucha stark environment gave me such peace and clarity. It was perfect for reflection but also just being in the moment. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much than I did in the time spent with this amazing bunch of women. Pushing through, proving to yourself you can do anything you put your mind to, gave me a whole new confidence.
“It’s so special to have a community of like-minded women who spend their time uplifting and encouraging each other but that also have a mutual
understanding of the struggles and frustrations of military life.”
Jemma was one of those who took on the challenge, she says:
Founded by Heather Sharp, FWC is a social enterprise that unites women who have partners in the armed forces through adventure and challenge. It seeks to build resilience, boost confidence and foster friendships to help its 1,000-plus members tackle the challenges of service life together.Fromsummiting Pen y Fan in Wales to open water swimming in Devon, to climbing Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Ojos del Salado in Chile, FWC has now delivered 26 events and raised more than £60,000 for charity.
Sign up for adventure at forceswiveschallenge.org or follow on Instagram @forces_ wives_challenge
one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth.
Nik on a recent visit to the Pentagon
FTER AFF reported an increase in the number of enquiries from the USA in 2019, ranging from schools to health, we were pleased to see the introduction of the British Defence Staff United States portal

Nik, an experienced Army Welfare Service Youth and Community worker, told AFF: “The move to more personal, focused case work has been a challenge at times. When I receive a call or email, I never know what issue an individual or family will be facing. These range from housing, medical, mental health, education, relationship breakdown or intimate partner violence, to supporting families through deployment.”
Since starting his role, Nik has been making families aware of the opportunities and support available, whether through leisure provision, US military education charities or agencies that attempt to mirror what would
A few years on, Esther Thomas, AFF’s Manager Overseas, believes the portal now offers a good mix of frequently asked questions. “It enables you to research pre-arrival basics and you can also ask questions direct to subject matter experts in the US, who have specific contacts and knowledge for individual States,” she says.
Working closely with the families federations and in particular AFF, improvements have been made with communication. This is particularly important for the army families who, unlike the other services, may be the only Brits on the posting, which can lead to anxiety and feelings of loneliness in some cases. Through regular meetings with AFF, Nik has been able to raise current challenges facing families and build stronger communication links. If you have a question about a posting to the States, check out bdsus-sg-welfare-SO2@mod.gov.uk
@ArmyandYou OVERSEAS
A lot of Nik’s work is signposting people to the right area of support. “I’m not a counsellor, although I have attended the welfare officer training courses, but I will listen and give the best advice I can. Most people have been content with the service
He has established links with the Department of Defense so that families can access its OneSource welfare programme –. This is a free, 24/7 facility providing confidential services including non-medical counselling, relationship support, advice on additional needs, tax, spousal employment and training. “This has already helped with a number of families’ relationship issues and provided support via the
“There’s lots of info on administration and processes for when you are living there too. The most positive change has been the increase in welfare support over the last year. We connect regularly with Nik Turk, who took up a newly established welfare role for the United States Support Group (USSG), supporting around 2,400 British MOD employees and family members across 30
l David looks after Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, South West and South East Germany and Spain.
Long-term relationships: Esther Thomas, AFF’s Manager Overseas, is delighted that there’s still an option for unmarried service personnel to be accompanied by their long-term partner. Once authority has been gained from the unit chain of command, your soldier may apply for your relationship to be recognised as a ‘common law marriage’ and you can live out at your own cost.
and regain perspective – off the record, without being judged. You might not always have a supportive friend in the right place when you need one or you may just want to talk to someone independent or outside the chain of command. People approach us for all kinds of things – a one-off chat, something work- or relationshiprelated, a recent or past bereavement, or just a problem that’s bothering them.”
Children over 18: The policy also recognises that many adult children remain dependent on their parents beyond the age of 18. You can apply for them to be recognised as an entitled family member and accompany you.
Some nationalities may require a visa immediately – a list is available here mfa.gov. cy/requiring-visa-to-enter.html
Retaining your quarter: Following Brexit, UK nationals posted to BFC don’t have the right to free movement within the European Union, including the Republic of Cyprus. When your
New ideas
YOU’RE often at your most vulnerable when you move, especially overseas where you can face huge upheaval all at once. And while you’re abroad there can be a lot to deal with – whether it’s loneliness, separation, fitting in to new cultures, relationship issues or illness... the list goes on.
right] are both full-time, commissioned chaplains based at SHAPE, supported by two OCMs (Officiating Chaplains to the Military) – one in Naples and the other in Milan.
l Nia looks after The Netherlands, Belgium (SHAPE), Northern Germany, Scandinavia, France and Eastern Europe including Poland, Albania, Croatia, Slovakia.
nia.williams264@mod.gov.uk or +32 473 62 96 33 +32 470 66 45 82
help with any specialist faithbased enquiries or support that youNianeed.”andDavid [pictured
facebook.com/EJSU.NET – ejsu.net/chaplaincy

“Please do feel free to call, no matter what your concern,” says Nia, “and never be afraid to phone us just because your issue is not related to faith or spirituality. Although the matter will be unique and personal to you, we may have past experience of dealing with a similar situation, and we can point you in the right direction.”
“Although we are Christian chaplains, we are a multi-faith chaplaincy within the armed forces. We are your key points of contact for all the major world faiths – and reach out to our world-faith colleagues for

EJSU is a huge area to cover, so David and Nia have been finding ways of doing things differently to achieve the most impact. They divide locations between them to give you a dedicated and recognised point of contact:
It means that requests to temporarily retain your quarter, on educational grounds for example, will be restricted. Only in exceptional circumstances will this now be approved on a case-by-case basis. Whilst you can submit a request to allow your children to complete a critical stage of education, this is only applicable for the final or penultimate term and there is no guarantee authority will be granted. Entering into GCSEs or A-levels is no longer a sufficient reason to retain.
“People often ask if you have to be religious to speak to the padres and the answer is a big no,” says Nia. “We’re here for everyone, irrespective of faith, world philosophy or status.
IF YOU’RE considering a posting to British Forces Cyprus (BFC), be aware that the policy which affects family members has recently been changed.
they’re coming your way through your local Community Liaison Officers. You can book a face-to-face meeting, join in community events or get in touch on the day to chat. In-between times you can reach them on Zoom, WhatsApp, private message via Facebook, text, email or phone.
Need a friendly face?
They have a rolling visiting programme – find out when
From another faith –or of no faith – here to support you all The team can help with pastoral care, spiritual support and moral guidance, information, and signposting.
autumn 2022 Army&You 23www.armyandyou.co.uk
david.norfield100@mod.gov.uk or
Get in touch
Getting out and about
Esther says: “Such approvals are only eligible for a Limited Dependant Status Stamp, which gives limited entitlements and is subject to supportability clearance and evidence of dependency. Anyone wishing to explore these options should speak to their chain of command as soon as possible.”
posting finishes, most of you will become nonvisa nationals and are afforded 90 days’ visafree travel from the final date of your posting.
The EJSU (European Joint Support Unit) chaplaincy team is here for you, and AFF’s lead for EJSU, Lesley Slater, recently met padres David and Nia to find out more about their roles. They’re here to support your wellbeing and can offer you a safe space to air your worries. It’s informal and confidential and they serve the whole community for all three services and their families, regardless of your customs or beliefs. Nia [pictured below] told Lesley: “Sometimes you just need someone to talk things through with, to offload the problem
Marama Alliance’s mission is to address the issues facing Fijian women in the UK. They do this through encouraging participation in all areas of life in the UK and advocating for improved access to information and services.

Armed Forces Muslim Association Conference, May 2022
“These briefs are often the
of spouses. “To ensure that organisations who work with domestic abuse victims are aware of the service, we present at the Defence Specialist Welfare Worker course and also recently to the Royal Military Police.”
than we would have previously hoped for.”
may face, such as the additional financial burden of saving for visas or the many different ways it’s possible to end up on the wrong immigration route.
“Our presentations are a particularly important part of our job to help ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the service we provide,” says AFF F&C Specialist, Katherine Houlston.
“We’re proud to be regularly invited to many of the defence and army network conferences, including the Fijian, Multicultural, Rastafari networks and the Muslim Association,” adds Katherine. “These provide us with an ideal opportunity to give updates on policy changes affecting the non-UK community.”

Briefing soldiers
Ange Smyth, Unit Welfare Officer at 3 Royal School of Military Engineering Regiment, was grateful for the support given to its F&C trainees. “AFF’s F&C team’s dedication has been outstanding. Through increased knowledge, trainees are better equipped to make informed decisions and plan for their future with confidence, knowing that AFF’s team is available for advice and guidance,” she says.
@ArmyandYou24 Army&You autumn 2022
S WELL as providing tailored advice and guidance to serving families via our mailbox, AFF’s Foreign & Commonwealth team works with units, the wider chain of command and many different support organisations.
In 2020 we gave a Facebook Live immigration brief on behalf of Marama Alliance UK. This initial session was attended by 270 people and has since been viewed a further 11,000 times. “We’ve continued working closely with MAUK,” explains Katherine. “These sessions are brilliantly organised and always wellSulianaattended.”Lotawa is one of the key members of the MAUK team, she says: “These sessions have had a tremendous impact on the Fijian and wider non-UK community. They’ve brought about greater awareness and understanding of the rules and we’ll continue to work with AFF
International reach
“We’ve been presentationsdeliveringtounitsfor many years, usually at the request of those with large numbers of non-UK soldiers. Recently, we’ve been targeting Phase 1 and Phase 2 training establishments to inform new recruits about UK immigration rules and some of the challenges they may face during and after service.
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 25 01963 442 606 | www.hazlegrove.co.uk admissions@hazlegrove.co.uk | Sparkford, Somerset, BA22 7JA Co-Educational Boarding Prep School Outstanding Extra-Curricular Activities Forces Discount Great stories begin here... ‘Boarding lies at the heart of this Somerset School’ Tatler Schools Guide BOOK YOUR SCHOOL VISIT TODAY #GreatStoriesBeginHere AndersonEducationhasawealthofexperienceand uptodateknowledgeofUKboardingschools;we havevisitedover350UKboardingschools,can answeryourquestionsandhelpyouthroughthe process. Oureducationserviceisunique,personaland FREEtoForcesandFCDOfamilies. www.andersoneducation.co.uk Contact: diane@andersoneducation.co.uk +44(0)7442222075 ConsideringaUK BoardingSchool? Wecanhelpyou LeadingUKBoardingSchoolSpecialist Girls and Boys, Day and Boarding, Nursery to Sixth Form We have a long tradition of working closely with Forces Families www.habsmonmouth.org/forcesCharity No. 525616 Pay only 10% of the fees, around £1,000 per term* *This applies to Service Families who are eligible for the Continuity of Education Allowance, entering the School 2022/23.

“For the first time in years, I felt that the complex feelings I had towards living with someone with PTSD were normal, and seeing others living with similar experiences made me feel relieved and lighter.”
“Night terrors, suicidal thoughts and survivor’s guilt consumed my once fearless and carefree husband. Without the support of our family and friends in those dark days I dread to think how life would be now. I only wish that I had found The Ripple Pond sooner, it was life-altering.
Members come from all walks of life, but the one thing they have in common is that they’ve faced the same struggles. It’s a relaxed and friendly community that allows you to compare experiences, listen without
Many members have gone on to professional acting careers, become published writers and sung at high-profile
SAA works with actors, directors, producers, dancers, writers, poets and artists to create opportunities for participants to fulfil their artistic potential. This may be part of a recovery process, it may provide training for a step into a new industry or it may be to help support the transition into civilian life.
Another member said: “A big thank you to everyone at SAA. I’ve enjoyed every workshop I’ve tried and had the chance to meet some interesting people.”
SAA will be premiering its stage adaptation of Sir Michael Morpurgo’s children’s novel Little Manfred at the Polka Theatre, London from 22 to 30 October – polkatheatre. com/event/little-manfred, before going on to perform at Alnwick Theatre in Northumberland early next year.
Your soldier may be entitled to extra leave under the Armed Forces Occupational Paternity Leave Scheme and should contact their unit admin team to find out more.
events. Members have also grown in confidence and many have made significant strides in their recovery process.
not least because PTSD is an ‘invisible’ injury and often people would appear to be judgmental and disbelieving of his diagnosis. What people sometimes don’t see is that although he came back from war in one piece, he came back changed.
For more information, go to theripplepond.org
The leave policy can be found in JSP 760, which is accessible through the Defence Intranet.
It runs weekly, online workshops in creative arts including theatre, art, guitar, singing, poetry and screenwriting. These are open to anybody, regardless of ability or experience, and are free for current and former serving personnel, and their families.
Common ground
The Ripple Pond supports the families of mentally or physically injured armed forces personnel and veterans, and can connect you with a UK-wide peer support community, made up of forces and veteran family members.
You probably dedicate a large amount of your time to sourcing and arranging help for your loved one, but when was the last time you thought about yourself?
Your soldier can apply for two weeks’ compassionate leave in these circumstances, in addition to two weeks’ paternity leave.
judgement, and offers genuine support and advice – should you want to talk. Not everyone likes to share – for some, just being part of the community and being able to read about others’ experiences can be enough.
Amy explains how the charity helped her family when her
One member said: “I’m very grateful for the opportunities provided by SAA and the hard work all of the team put in, often long hours, they are always there and able to offer advice and support.”
Road to recovery
@ArmyandYou26 Army&You autumn 2022
as a military carer can leave you feeling isolated and, at worst, can have a detrimental effect on your mental health and wellbeing.
Go to soldiersartsacademy.org to find out how you can get involved.

The army has asked that commanders demonstrate empathy and understanding in circumstances where greater post-natal support is needed. This may include instances where there have been complications during the birth, you’ve had a caesarean section, or pre-planned support arrangements have fallen through at short notice.
Is your family due to have a baby soon? The army has issued a reminder that additional support post-birth may be available if you need it.

IF YOU’RE part of an army family and have ever harboured an ambition to step into the limelight and develop your artistic side, The Soldiers’ Arts Academy (SAA) could be a good place to start.
husband was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in 2011, after his last tour of Afghanistan. “The run-up to and post-diagnosis was a difficult transition, as we were in our early 20s and our lives changed forever. Learning to live with a new reality was very difficult,
world as a military widow but the ladies in the network made it so much less scary. Through the last ten years we have proved time and time again we are ‘Stronger Together’; we are something special… we are the Military Wives Choirs.”
As a military wife and mother she found the support invaluable: “It’s very different marrying a soldier but when your child becomes a soldier it’s very strange, and the choir was my rock and constant – the only thing that was set in stone at that time.”
YOUR FAMILY autumn 2022 Army&You 27www.armyandyou.co.uk
HE Military Wives Choirs go a long way to help their members who experience loneliness and separation. With choirs across the UK and internationally, many women join when they’re posted to become part of a familiar community built on the joy of Angelinesinging.isa long-standing member of Warminster Military Wives Choir, she joined in 2012 when she found herself alone in a new area. Instantly, she felt welcomed into the network, who became like a second family.

Devastatingly, her new husband was diagnosed with leukaemia, and she found that the only thing that got her through was the support from her choir, not just emotionally but practicallyFollowingtoo.her husband being given the all-clear, Angeline stepped up to be choir lead,

but during her last few months in post, the family received the news that his leukaemia had returned, and he sadly passed away 12 weeks later in 2018. Her choir friends rallied around her: “I cannot express the love and compassion the ladies gave to me and my family at this time. I was so frightened of the new
Want to join? Head to militarywiveschoirs.org

Best thing about running a business? The freedom to do as much or as little as I want to do is great, especially with a young family.
Why start a business? I had a skillset that I’d worked very hard for and didn’t want to let go. After working within the creative industries since the age of 15, I found myself with a very tough decision… we had just had our first child and one of us was going to have to give up their career. Three years down the line, we have two children and one on the way and TKC is doing great. I create and edit podcasts, I still work on the radio and I’m booked to DJ at events several times a month.
Best thing about running a business? Allowing my creativity to run riot!
How do you find juggling a business and army life? It’s been quite easy because apart from DJing, everything can be done from home. I have a studio, an editing suite and a pull-up green screen for TV work.
Esther Lunn, married to Colin, 2 YORKS Lunn’s Mums Fitness Training @lunnsmumsfitness
service spouses and partners, running your own venture can be a great way to generate a steady income that you can take with you when you move. Three entrepreneurs tell us their experiences…

Why start a business? I was originally stirred to make a change when my husband’s postings became incompatible with my first career. My love of fitness and my experience with my first pregnancy inspired me to qualify as a personal trainer, with a particular passion for teaching those who struggle to access classes, or are intimidated by the gym.
Best thing about running a business? I feel fortunate to have spent the past eight years teaching the most incredible women. I’ve taught pregnant mums, first-time mums, mums of teenagers, friends of mums and even a few grand-mums.
Why start a business? I trained as a primary school teacher - my favourite part was always the classroom displays. I started tinkering around with decoupage when we were posted to Inverness, and then stumbled on the antler angle when thinking about Christmas presents one year. Once we moved into our own house and I was able to move from the kitchen table to a workshop things ramped up. I’ve gone from selling decoupaged home accessories at craft fairs to creating high-end exclusive pieces of antler art that have been purchased by luxury holiday accommodation and Scottish estates. I particularly enjoy creating military artwork. A regiment’s cap badge looks spectacular on a set of antlers – although this does mean lots of fiddly crowns and claws to paint around!

Top tip: I would encourage any military spouse to do something they’re passionate about and to access wider support from the military community.

Chris Keen, married to Kelly, REME TKC - Totally Keen Creative totallykeen.com
Biggest challenge so far? It’s safe to say that wrapping and posting a 12-pointer set of antlers beats unaccompanied parenting and running a business hands down!!
Biggest challenge so far? It’s been difficult spreading word of my DJ work in a new area – we’ve moved four times in the last five years! Pretty much all of my work has come from word-of-mouth recommendations.
Jen Mackenzie, married to Scott, Royal Regiment of Scotland Jen Mackenzie Antler Art antlerart.co.uk
Top tip: Don’t rush into it. When I took the decision to go freelance, I wanted to offer every single service I could. I was then reined in by my wife who said to start with the things I’m amazing at, then as the years go by I can slowly add to those services. I’m definitely still in the building stage but I’m so glad I was given that advice because I probably would have been out of my
@ArmyandYou28 Army&You autumn 2022
How do you find juggling a business and army life? In 2014, I moved to Cyprus and began studying online and also signed up to the Supporting the Unsung Hero course. Here, I was given the tools and confidence to start my own business and have since moved to Catterick, York, Shrivenham, Glasgow and back to Cyprus. I’ve just started all over again in Shepperton!
How do you find juggling a business and army life? At times it’s been difficult. You’d find me in my workshop in the wee hours as that was the only time I could get in there. It’s easier now Scott’s home most weekends and the boys are older.
Top tip: Park the imposter syndrome, take a deep breath and just go for it.
Biggest challenge so far? Having to move all the time is hard, but I have found continually meeting new and talented people with different life experiences has given me extra skills and resilience.
If you run a business from your quarter, self-employed or a franchisee, you need to get permission from Pinnacle and the local commander.
Emma Randell, of Scrumptious Bakes by Emma, said: “I have really enjoyed working with my mentor and have learned a great deal. The sessions have been points to look forward to during long periods of time apart. My husband is front-line, and often deployed for seven to eight months of the year.”

Get permission
NEXT-LEVEL BUSINESS GET CONNECTED GET SOCIAL See forcesfamiliesjobs.co.uk/business-start-ups for more autumn 2022 Army&You 29www.armyandyou.co.uk FORCES FAMILIES JOBS
l The Milspo Business Network supports UK military partners and is run by volunteers who are all business experts. Its global community connects via professional networking, regular meet-ups and workshops and it also runs the findamilspo.co.uk directory. Alex Aldhous of ARC Virtual Solutions said: “I joined Milspo as I was just setting up my business in 2020; at the time I felt like a fraud because I wasn’t a proper business yet and I was a girlfriend not a wife! The group welcomed me with open arms – I’ve found clients and a community I can take with me on every posting. My business would not be the same without Milspo!” milspo.co.uk
UR employment and training site Forces Families Jobs features plenty of advice for those tempted by the prospect of becoming their own boss. There are a wealth of great initiatives out there which provide guidance every step of the way. Here we look at Heropreneurs, the Milspo Business Network, Recruit for Spouses’ Career Academy and #SMSpouses...
l The mentoring programme run by military charity Heropreneurs is free and aimed at anyone in the armed forces community who is looking to set up a business or take their business to the next level.
If you’re working from home for another company as an employee, there’s no need to ask for permission.
You can get tax relief for the extra household expenses you have to pay. Typically these include business calls and the cost of gas and electricity to heat and light your work area. Go to working-at-homeuk/tax-relief-for-employees/gov.
Work from home?
Certain types of business require you to have a licence to trade or operate. For example, a beautician would need a licence if offering a massage service. It will usually be issued by your district or county council.
HERE are some things to think about when setting up your own business…
You’ll need to find out what obligations and responsibilities you have as a new business owner –whether a sole trader, limited company or partnership.
As a member, you’ll have free access to events, online workshops and experts in the fields of finance, investment, digital marketing and recruitment.
l Recruit for Spouses’ Career Academy helps to prepare you for your journey back into work. Its free, bespoke programmes and workshops provide professional coaching, mentoring, resources and guidance for those whose CV gaps have led to low confidence, low self-esteem and imposter syndrome, and those who are unsure where to go next in theirClairecareer.Wilshire (pictured) said: “The coaching RfS has provided me with was an incredible experience and has helped me gain clarity and insight into the next phase of my life.”

Emily Norris said: “Being able to talk freely and confidently, without fear of judgement or any sense of guilt, was invaluable. I am now clearly focused on chasing my dreams.” recruitforspouses.co.uk

l #SMSpouses is an online course designed to help spouses and partners obtain the skills they need to find flexible work that fits around service family life. It offers training on how to use social media to grow a business, or to find a career in social media. Elizabeth Morris, who completed the course in 2020, said: “This course helped transform my life. It opened my eyes to a whole world of e-opportunities that can fit in around military life. The course gave me a renewed sense of confidence in my own abilities, and I am now using the skills I learned to build my own future business venture.”
The legal bit
They need to apply using JPA form F024, which must be submitted during their second to last assignment. This gives time for the career manager to see if they can assign you to your desired location.
How do I claim?
Don’t leave it too late
Timing is key
For more details, read JSP 752 Chapter 9 section 5 or speak to your unit HR admin.
You can claim for accommodation and travel costs to and from the location but not food and drink. A package holiday (including all inclusive deals) can be claimed up to the maximum rate.
More information and full regulations are in JSP 752 Chapter 12 Section 5, or speak to your unit HR admin to discuss your eligibility.
Respite Provision helps to contribute towards the costs of a short break away from the overseas location for a serving person and their family who receive permanent rates of Local Overseas Allowance (LOA).
Lesley Slater recently used the allowance and says: “We took a long weekend break in Epernay in France to explore some of the famous champagne houses in the area. It was wonderful to get a break away from the norm and see something new. The trip was adults-only – we couldn’t take the children as they are at boarding school, so they aren’t eligible. It was all fairly straightforward to arrange, thankfully.”

One exception to this is the Final Tour of Duty (FTOD) allowance. FTOD allows those who are not placed in their area of choice for their final posting to be eligible for removals and Disturbance Expense.
HEN leaving the army, final moves are not generally paid for at public expense, so you’ll need to factor this in before moving to civvy street.
Each overseas location is given a set number of respite days – these depend on conditions and how isolated a location is. There’s a maximum
prior to the FTOD move.
If your soldier is assigned within 50 miles or 90 minutes’ travel time of your desired location, you won’t be eligible for your final removals or Disturbance Expense from that final posting.
A toast to... holiday help

You can claim back your costs on JPA within 14 days of travel, but you may be able to get an advance of costs of up to 80 per cent of the entitlement up to 90 days before.
If your soldier is due to complete their service and receive an immediate pension
For final postings of more than four years, the form must be submitted and approved no later than two years before the

(for example, if they have completed 22 years or 16 years of reckonable service for officers), they may be eligible.
Some families have contacted AFF after finding out they’re not eligible because they submitted their form too late.
end of service.
If they’re assigned further away than that, you may be entitled to use the allowance at any stage during the final posting up to and including your soldier’s final day of service, so long as you haven’t moved and used removals and Disturbance Expense within the six months
You can’t retrospectively fill in the form, so it’s really important to get your application in before any final posting – it could save you a lot of money!
@ArmyandYou30 Army&You autumn 2022 MONEY
FOR those of you on overseas assignments, did you know you can take a break and claim back some of the costs?
claimable rate per day, per person, which also varies by location. You can choose to take respite days as one block or individual days up to the maximum entitlement.
What can I claim for?
There are exemptions, so if you are claiming School Children’s Visits (SCVs) for a child, you won’t be able to claim Respite Provision for that child. You can’t use Respite with other travel allowances such as Get You Home (Overseas) either.
ODERN life is placing many stresses and strains on families, and money is one of the main areas of concern.
is being led by
RAND Europe and Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), two world leading research organisations, and is a fantastic opportunity to gain a better understanding of how being a forces family can affect family finances at present and longer term.

work enough hours or get a role for which you’re qualified. Assignments overseas can limit access to some financial services and opportunities.employment
Emergency cover
Share your views
Over the past couple of months armed forces families have been invited to share their views and experiences on how military life affects their finances through an online survey.

AFF wants to understand if service families face unique pressures on their financial resilience due to military life. Your income could be affected by multiple moves or, due to being the main childcare provider, you may struggle to
The survey feedback will help inform recommendations to the MOD on further support for service personnel and their families. Take part before 31 October at finances/money-mattersaff.org.uk/advice/
you haven’t been able to save or have been turned down for a credit card, for example?

and partners on whether military life affects their ability to easily bounce back from any financial set-backs.Wealsowelcome the views of divorced former spouses and widowed spouses, who may have previously been relying on a service person’s income and pension.Thestudy
Having a stable and adequate income is important to everyone. But to be financially resilient, the income needs to cover more than just day-to-day costs. What happens when an unexpected or emergency cost crops up and
We’d like to hear the views of current and ex-service personnel and their spouses

www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 31 01372 371035 info@ciceroeducation.com www.ciceroeducation.com • Face to Face, Individual Tuition in Fetcham Park with Qualified Teachers • Preparation for 11+ / CE / GCSE / A Level • Support for those whose education has been impacted • Holiday Courses for revision, catching up or extra-curricular interests • School Placement Consultancy to find appropriate schools for your children • Individual Tuition for Epsom/Leatherhead/OxshottAshtead/Cobham/area • Preparation for 11+ / CE / GCSE / A Level • Support for those whose education has been impacted • Holiday Courses for revision, catching up or extra-curricular interests • School Placement Consultancy to find appropriate schools for your children 01372 371035 info@ciceroeducation.comwww.ciceroeducation.com DilokaStudio/FreepikPicture: farleighschool.com Farleigh School, Red Rice, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 7PW

If your neighbour approaches you, try to understand how it could be impacting them and see if you can come to a mutual understanding. You might not realise how much the sound travels.
Patch provisos
@ArmyandYou32 Army&You autumn 2022
Limit loud noise between 11pm and 8am (if you know your neighbour is on night shifts, factor this in);

It’s good practice to assume that your neighbours need to get a good night’s sleep, whether you live in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) or not. The Gateway Housing Association and many local authority websites have some good advice…
You must not racially, sexually or in any other way harass your neighbours or cause a nuisance or annoyance or allow members of your household, invited guests or pets to cause a nuisance or annoyance to any neighbours.
You must not make or allow members of your household, invited guests or pets to make any noise that causes a nuisance to your neighbours between 11pm and 8am.
“Our neighbour let us know that our dog was crying while we were at work. We had a dog walker going in later in the day, but the dog was getting upset at the same time each morning. We were so grateful they told us, and changed the time our dog walker collected him, which resolved the issue.” – Emma
Contact your local welfare team who can act as mediator to help you sort it out;
Don’t leave dogs out in the garden to bark – bring them in when you hear them;
Keep parties to weekends (not every weekend) and let your neighbours know –maybe invite them along;
– Katie
“A single soldier moved in next door and had a party in the first week which finally finished at 5.30am. The next afternoon we told her we didn’t mind the odd party, however, we also enjoy our sleep - she was really rude and started swearing in front of my daughter, it was clear she did not care about us or the other neighbours.”
What if you are affected?
Keep a record of nuisance behaviours –dates, times, duration and the effect on you;
If you feel that you’re being threatened or that illegal behaviour is happening you should call the police.
Call the Pinnacle National Service Centre on 0800 031 8628 option 4 who will record the case and pass it to a local Housing Officer;
“We had to be very careful about letting our children and dogs play in our garden as our neighbours’ child would often throw toys and other items over the fence. It wasn’t safe having all sorts of small plastic items just lying in the grass to find. Unfortunately, they were not a sympathetic couple. It only stopped when they moved away.” – James
Keep a record of who you have spoken to, a brief summary of what was said and copies of any letters, emails, texts etc;
Remember that under the terms of your licence to occupy SFA you have agreed:
Firstly, talk to your neighbour calmly and at a suitable time (don’t rock up half way through a party). Explain the impact it’s having on you and try to discuss a way to compromise;
E ALL like to crank up the music on occasion and have a good time but when does the fun become a nuisance to those living next door and how, as the neighbour, do you deal with it?
l Homes will be inspected for current and previous occurrences of and/or historical data will be reviewed
l Call in the issue to Pinnacle on 0800
It’s that time of year again in the UK –windows are closing and the wet weather is setting in which, in some homes, results in damp and mould showing itself.
repair situations include total loss of lighting, water or gas supply, unusable bath, shower or toilet facilities when it’s the only one in the SFA or a blocked main drain.
Alexis contacted AFF because her husband has been assigned to a new local authority and her son attends a SEND school. He has autism and anxiety, so changing schools would have been hugely detrimental to his wellbeing and learning. We explained the retention process to her and within ten days of submitting the paperwork, their request was accepted. Alexis said: “I’m so pleased I contacted AFF for support as retaining my quarter will really help me and my son as he can now continue with the support he needs.”
In addition, Pinnacle has also

Your soldier should apply to the Pinnacle National Service Centre via e1132 within 14 days of receiving the assignment order, unless they are deployed, in which case, they need to notify Pinnacle within 14 days of their return.
l A plan will be drawn up to resolve the issues
If you can’t control the issue by basic methods such as ventilating the house every day and wiping down condensation, make sure the you report it to the Pinnacle National Service Centre. There is a new process to report damp and mould:

l Pinnacle will organise for a professional damp and mould survey to be carried out in your home by a specialist
l Depending on the severity, you may be given a temporary downgrade
WHEN you have an issue in your army quarter, it’s good to know how long it’s likely to take for someone to come out and fix it. The Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) contracts set out three standard repair priority categories for Service Family Accommodation (SFA) –emergency, urgent and routine.
Retention of Service Family Accommodation (SFA) or SSFA (hiring) is restricted to the minimum period necessary and will not exceed 12 months. However, you may reapply to retain for a further specified period if the circumstances continue, again limited to 12 months.
Urgent – Amey or VIVO will be with you as soon as possible, but within 48 hours. Examples of typical urgent
Emergency – one which threatens imminent risk of injury or presents a high risk of extensive damage to the property or the environment. The FDIS supply partners (Amey and VIVO) will attend and make safe within two hours of you reporting it to the National Service Centre. Once the situation is safe, Pinnacle books this in for a permanent repair. Depending on where you live, Amey or VIVO will attend your property as soon as possible but within 48 hours.
You may be able to retain your current quarter on medical grounds, but there is a process to follow...
l If the issue can’t be resolved quickly or if it’s particularly severe you’ll be offered alternative accommodation
031 8628 option 1 and then option 3
When Pinnacle staff receive your call, they use a diagnostic tool called Repairfinder. The call agent at the National Service Centre will ask questions about the repair and circumstances to support the andwhereTherediagnosis.willbeinstancestheseprioritiesmayneedtobemoreflexiblethisiswhenPinnacle
Please do let AFF know how the process is working by dropping an email to housingsupport@aff.org.uk
The form and more information can be found in JSP 464, Vol 1, Part 1, Chapter 7 or you can contact our Health & Additional Needs Specialist, Karen Ross, at healthsupport@aff.org.uk
To find out more, visit co.uk/repairspinnacleservicefamilies.
will consider memberscircumstances,exceptionalvulnerablewithinthefamily and any other element that poses a significant health and safety
undertaken that it will not move you into homes with unresolved issues of damp and mould.
Retention for medical reasons can be tricky as often there isn’t a known end date for assessment, treatment or therapy. Therefore, sometimes it will be refused but a surplus licence will be offered instead. Whatever the reason for your retention, you’ll need to submit an application form to the Pinnacle retention team along with specific medical evidence that supports your request.
l Photos are always useful
Picture: ilovehz/Freepik
l After works have been completed there will be a period of monitoring before they are allocated to families to ensure that the works were successful.
l Visits will take place at three and six months to ensure that the work has fully resolved the problem.
l Vacant homes won’t be allocated if they have works outstanding which have been recommended by a damp and mould survey
Routine – a repair that’s not causing severe hardship or inconvenience to you. Amey or VIVO will be with you within 12 working days to make a permanent repair.
FAMILIES regularly contact AFF when their soldier is posted and they need to stay in the area they’re in, either because they’re waiting for a medical assessment or treatment, or to continue with their existing healthcare.
You can request copies of your health records before leaving your overseas location. If you’re moving between DPHC practices overseas and the UK (or vice versa) your health records will be transferred electronically because they work on the same system. However, if you’re in a location under host nation provision, it’s advisable to request a copy of your patient health records before you leave, especially if you’ve had medical care or treatment whilst there.Ifyou’re returning to the UK and have been registered with a DPHC practice but are registering with an NHS GP practice, your notes may take time to transfer. It’s advisable to request a summary of your care record before you leave.
Several families have also raised issues with transferring their health records from England to the devolved administrations and back. In Scotland, Practitioner Services will request your records and will then pass information to the NHS Central Register Scotland. They can then track where you
Not all families living overseas would have this option but there are other avenues depending on whether it’s primary or secondary healthcare records you require. Contact me at healthsupport@aff.org.uk if you need help.
were previously registered. They also ensure that the appropriate authorities in England, Wales or Northern Ireland are aware you have registered in Scotland.
The NHS app
“I didn’t know how to get my or my daughter’s medical records. It should have been simple but it wasn’t,” she explains. After trying several ways to track them down without success, she adds: “I was tearing my hair out. In the end my husband contacted Commander Med and this resolved the issue.”
If you move GP practices some information will remain on your app but certain functionality will cease, such as booking appointments. Unfortunately, you can’t register with a new GP through your account, but once you’ve registered and your health records have arrived, it usually takes about a week for the app to update.
an NHS practice, it’s advisable to request a summary of care or copy of your notes before you leave, as sometimes it can take time to transfer.
If you’re registered with a DPHC practice in Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland and moving to England and registering with
Devolved differences
@ArmyandYou34 Army&You autumn 2022
FF has received several enquiries about transferring health records, especially from overseas or devolved nations, so how can you avoid issues? Karen Ross, AFF Health & Additional Needs Specialist, reports… Problems can sometimes arise if you were registered with a Defence Primary Healthcare (DPHC) practice and then return to an NHS GP practice.
You can access your GP record by logging onto your account using the NHS app or NHS website. You can also speak to your GP surgery. For other health records you may need to contact the hospital or other healthcare provider involved in your treatment.
Stephanie contacted AFF because when she returned to England from Cyprus and registered at an NHS GP practice, her health records hadn’t arrived.
Before you return
If you’re living in England and registered with an NHS GP practice, it’s worth downloading the NHS app as it allows you to access your COVID Pass, view your health record, order repeat prescriptions, book appointments, find your NHS number and much more. You need to be aged 13 or over – nhs.uk/nhs-app
“I didn’t know how to get my medical records... it should have been simple but it wasn’t.”

somewhere will know how you’re feeling, perhaps they have even experienced it themselves.“Sharingyour story can help you get support, but also help others feel seen and understood.”The24/7online community is moderated by clinical professionals and there are sub groups you can join to connect in smaller spaces on topics that matter to you, such as a military specific group and one for parents and caregivers.
www.theleys.net Achieve the exceptional at Cambridge’s co-educationalleadingboarding and day school for ages 11-18 I centretookstage at The Leys Scholarships DramaSTEMArtSportChoralMusicAcademic 186x132 - Army and You.indd 1 12/08/2022 09:29:13www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 35

Putting you first
“When the world feels heavy and uncertain, know that you don’t need to feel alone. It’s important to find safe spaces to connect with others who understand your struggles.”
Engagement Lead at Togetherall. “Not only do they experience changes in environments, priorities and identities, but they may be experiencing this in new and distant places.
Lisa points out that it’s sometimes tricky for army families to get through difficult times, especially if you’re considered ‘the rock’ in your family. “Getting support from others is essential in helping yourself, and your loved ones,” she says, “Someone,
“Military family members take on a lot to support their active duty loved ones, but sometimes their sacrifices are overlooked,” says Lisa Hancock, Military
One Togetherall member shared: “My son was in the army when he got seriously injured. I became his caretaker. I was worried about him, but also worried about where I could get support. I felt myself going further down a dark hole and was shocked at how I was feeling. I felt so alone and needed somewhere to share without judgement. Being able to access Togetherall day and night was a game-changer.
AVIGATING life as an army family can come with a hefty set of challenges and constantly changing circumstances, often out of your control. There’s no shame in prioritising your mental health and seeking a bit of extra support.
Togetherall (formally Big White Wall) is an online, anonymous, and safe support community where you can feel heard and understood. It has supported more than 16,000 members of the forces community, including family members, personnel, veterans and older service children (16+).

“People listened, understood, and responded to me. Feeling understood was life-changing and that’s why Togetherall is so important. Actually, lifesaving.”
Join for free and access immediate support at togetherall.com or scan the QR code below.

@ArmyandYou36 Army&You autumn 2022 COMMUNITY
emergency services, as well as their loved ones can receive support.“When a veteran or serving soldier comes home from active service, it can be difficult to adjust back to ‘normal’ life,” she“Notexplains.onlyfor themselves, but also for their families. Sometimes it can be a case of the whole family having to readjust to a new home dynamic.“Toget used to being together again, it takes some understanding and compromise to find your flow in the home. This can be more challenging if a family member is struggling with physical or mental health issues and needs extra support,” adds Sian.
N 2012, Royal Marine and member of the elite Special Boat Service, Paul ‘Woody’ Woodland lost his life in a training exercise. He was born, bred and schooled in Penarth, South Wales, and had always wanted to be a Royal Marine. His dream had been to build a log cabin where he would be able to

Woody’s Lodge provides advice and guidance on a range of topics from housing and benefits, to socialising with peers.“From family days, activities or to just ensuring that you’re feeling supported through a good cup of tea and a biscuit, Woody’s Lodge is here with you every step of the way,” saysYouSian.canfind lodges in Barry, Colwyn Bay and Llandysul –woodyslodge.org
“To get used to inandtogetherbeingagain,ittakessomeunderstandingcompromisetofindyourflowthehome.Thiscanbemorechallengingifafamilymemberisstrugglingwithphysicalormentalhealthissuesandneedsextrasupport.”
Paul ‘Woody’ Woodland
live with his family once he completed his armed forces career.Hisfiancé Sian, formerly Royal Navy, immersed herself in raising funds for military charities after his death. She also helped to set up Woody’s Lodge, which offers inviting meeting spaces in Wales where veterans, serving soldiers and

Our Armed Forces deserve homes to be proud of. So we work alongside National Accommodation Maintenance Services provider, Pinnacle, to make sure that when things go wrong, they’re fixed. See how we’ve transformed our service in the North and Central regions to help look after your home. ameydefenceservices.co.uk/housing

QueenDunblane,ScotlandVictoriaSchool POSITIVITY | PRIDE | NURTURE | INTEGRITY TRUST|INDEPENDENCE|RESPONSIBILITY|RESPECT|EQUALITY|EXCELLENCEAimingtoprovideaunique,thrivingboardingandeducationalcommunityinwhichallpupilsandstaffworktosupportandrespectoneanotherinrealisingtheirfullpotentialSetin45acresofcountryside,ourco-educationalboardingschoolsupportsthechildrenofUKArmedForcespersonnelwhoareeitherScottish,haveservedinScotlandorwhohavebeenmembersofaScottishregiment.ThemainentrypointisPrimary7,whichisbroadlyequivalenttoYear6inEngland.PlacesarefullyfundedbytheMOD,withaparentalchargeforsomeaspectsofboardinglife.OpenMorningisthe3rdSaturdayinSeptemberandapplicationsforadmissiontoQVScloseonthe15thJanuaryeachyear.FamiliesarewelcometofindoutmorebycontactingAdmissionson+44(0)1313102927oremailqvs.admissions@modschools.orgwww.qvs.schoolCreativeMediaDesignADR007786

“The pilot has helped to mitigate the effect that military life has on working military spouses such as myself.”
l The childcare provider must be registered with Ofsted (or equivalent) and signed up to accept payments from a TFC account.
You can claim up to 20 hours a week per child for their before and after school care. The amount claimed is capped by region and full details can be found through the WAC Portal on DefNet. If you need additional discovermybenefits. or drop an email to educationsupport@aff.org.uk
This is just an overview of how it will work, so do make sure you read the full details in the Defence Instruction Notice (DIN) on DefNet or Defence Connect.
ANY service families across the UK can now take advantage of the Government’s wraparound childcare scheme. It’s aimed at helping working families offset the cost of before and after school care during term time.

nurse Natalie Green (pictured), who took part in the pilot scheme, says: “It has made a huge difference to us as a family. Not only has it offset the cost of before and after school care significantly, it has helped to mitigate the effect that military life has on working military spouses such as myself.”

How it works
pay for your child’s wraparound childcare.
l The child must have a TFC account set up with HMRC.
autumn 2022 Army&You 39www.armyandyou.co.uk
l At least one parent must be serving as an armed forces regular, this includes those on full-time reserve service full commitment.
l The child should live with the serving person for most of the time.
Although it’s recognised that the scheme is not going to be the solution to all the childcare issues you face, it’s hoped it should go some way to alleviating some of theVeterinarycosts.
1. Each child will need to have a tax-free childcare (TFC) account and the serving person will have registered and had it confirmed that they are participating
l Children are aged between 4 and 11 years, attending school (including those who are electively home educated).
For full criteria, check the
3. The serving person uses the WAC payment calculator on JPA to find out how much they can claim back. The serving person will then submit their claim through JPA.
Once they have received the WAC payment, the money will need to be transferred back in to the TFC account ready to pay for the next invoice for wraparound care.
WAC Defence Instructions and Notices –2022DIN01-079. The requirements include:
l Both partners, if applicable, should be working and earning an equivalent of 16 hours at the national minimum or living wage.
l The serving person should be on assignment in the UK or involuntarily separated from their family who remain living in the UK.
If you have any feedback about the scheme or any other aspect of childcare, contact us at educationsupport@aff.org.uk
EDUCATION Picture: Freepik
Malvern College – age malverncollege.org.uk13-18 The Downs Malvern – age thedownsmalvern.org.uk3-13Abberley Hall – age abberleyhall.co.uk2-13

The Feversham Academy story acts as a wonderful reminder that the beautiful music that beats in the heart of our school
Neuroscientists at the University of Southern California (USC) also concluded that music instruction appears to accelerate brain development in young children. What’s more this was particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech
is much more valuable to our children’s development than we often appreciate. Here at SCS, we learn spellings with song, times tables with rhythm and generally ensure music is for everyone every day. And why do we do that? Obviously, it makes learning fun, but it’s also well proven that the more music the better when it comes to improving academics.
Look back to 2010 and the Feversham Primary Academy in Bradford was in special measures, struggling to find and keep pupils and battling low staff morale. The Head refers to the decision to tackle the problem with music, drama and arts as ‘brave’ and ‘a big risk’. A risk worth taking it turns out as not only have results improved across the school but so has attendance which now sits at 98 per cent. In fact, attendance rose steadily as the amount of music taught in the school increased. All pupils now have about six hours of music a week (a minimum of two hours).
AVE you heard about the school in special measures that chose to increase the amount of music in the curriculum instead of pursuing extra academic studies? It’s a happy tale that ends with a ‘Good’ Ofsted rating and the school, which serves a deprived and densely populated community, being in the top 10 per cent of schools nationally for positive pupil progress.
A more recent study (published October 2020) targeting older children, aged 10-13 in Chile, also reports that learning to play a musical instrument is good for the brain. Working with 40 children, the neuroscientists introduced musical instrument lessons, plus at least two hours practice each week and regular time spent playing in an orchestra or ensemble, to half the children. The other half had no musical training outside of the school curriculum. In the final assessments the musically trained children had better attention and memory recall. They also had greater activation in the brain regions related to attention control and auditory encoding which are executive brain functions known to be associated with improved reading, higher resilience, greater creativity and a better quality of life.
Studies with slightly older children, of primary school age, bear similar conclusions. For example, The University of Amsterdam conducted a longitudinal study of 147 primary aged children over two and a half years. The goal was to examine whether structured music lessons can affect executive subfunctions of the brain that may underlie academic achievement. The results positively proved the children who received music lessons had significant cognitive improvements compared to all other children in the study.
between three and six, research has shown that taking early music classes leads to an increase in vocabulary, pre-reading skills and singing ability beyond what could be attributed to normal development.
SPONSORED FEATURE: EDUCATION Racool_studio/Freepikimage:Background

In essence, music makes your brain grow. Neuroscientists around the world have proven this across many research papers investigating different age groups and the over-arching conclusion is that continued exposure to music improves cognitive abilities. Whilst the positive effect of musical education is occasionally hyped – the so-called ‘Mozart’ effect – it is equally physically proven by neurological measurements such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or EEG (electroencephalography).Startingwithouryoungest children, aged
“Here at SCS a lot of our children participate in music – singing or instrumental lessons – before school meaning their brains are fired up and very receptive to learning,” explains Susie Lamb. “Every pupil has at least one timetabled class music lesson each week, around 90 per cent learn an instrument (or two), all regularly sing within other
“I’m not surprised the pupils [at Feversham Primary Academy] progressed so much,” says Susie Lamb, Head of Music at Salisbury Cathedral School (SCS) .
How do you ‘fine tune’ a musically-minded forces student? Take a tour of some of the Army-friendly schools and colleges hitting the right notes...
“Music makes you feel better, whether it’s your favourite pop song on the radio or playing a piece on the piano. I always say: you don’t sing when you’re sad and happy children learn better.”
perception and reading skills.
Furthermore, a correlation between singing ability and language skills has also been highlighted. All great news for the enthusiastic participants of our Bright Beginnings toddler group.
concerts that celebrate all levels of musical accomplishments. We recognise the effort and the bravery behind every performance be it a grade 8 masterpiece or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Friendships are also born and strengthened in the fun environment of our choirs and ensembles. And, the very best outcome in my mind, is that music is for life not just for childhood.”
So, next time you hear one of our choirs singing, or the beat of a drum lesson, trumpets blaring or violin scales
subject lessons like French and Science as well as in chapel and our two weekly assemblies. We usually run 20 ensembles and we’ve managed to keep at least one ensemble per bubble in our pared back COVID-safe timetable. It’s fair to say we breathe music in this school.
“Obviously, the benefits of learning an instrument go beyond academic improvements. The pupils at SCS also build self-confidence through a programme of regular informal
RENOWNED music educator Vaughan Fleischfresser uses his Twitter account to extol the benefits of music in the classroom.
Music is for everyone, it is the accompaniment to our lives. That’s why, at Farleigh, we aim to cater to all musical styles, and all musical abilities. With over 20 ensembles performing a whole host of styles from classical to jazz, from lieder to Lloyd-Webber, from hip-hop to house, nothing is off-limits. And the benefits extend far beyond the almost weekly concerts held in our beautiful Recital Hall or the hour of class music per week afforded to every child from the
Kindergarten to Year 8: music education brings creativity, expression, communication, collaboration, resilience, selflessness, confidence and so much more.
floating across the skies above the school take a minute to remember we are all building our brains as well as learning a life skill, having fun and being mindful. We are so lucky to learn together in a school dedicated to (multi-tasking) musical education.
Earlier this year, one particular tweet resonated with us all in the Music School at Farleigh, especially the final few words, ‘Music reveals the real child.’ We passionately believe (and know!) how important it is to receive a music education.
We’re proud that music occupies a central position in the lives of pupils at Farleigh and our pupils are all the better for it. In fact it goes deeper than that. Is it going too far to suggest that all of humankind benefits from those who have enjoyed a music education?

N integral part of the Duke of York’s Royal Military School (DOYRMS) is the Arts and particularly Music. Students benefit from expert tuition provided by 11 professional musicians while their musical skills are nurtured through a combination of lessons, group practice and performances.

@ArmyandYou44 Army&You autumn 2022 SPONSORED FEATURE: EDUCATION
When students join DOYRMS they become ‘Dukies’ for life, with all Year 7 Dukies receiving free instrumental lessons on military band instruments. All instruments are supplied by the school for the 90-student-strong Military Marching Band, which incorporates a corps of 28 drummers and buglers. Since our foundation in 1803, our Military Band has had the privilege of performing on some of the world’s grandest stages, from the Military Tattoo to Twickenham hosting England vs Argentina. Most recently, the band has performed for HRH Princess Anne at our annual Grand Day and Prince Edward at Leeds Castle.
Within the school’s 150-acre Kent countryside estate, you will find an array of music facilities, from academic practice suites to in-house rehearsal spaces, there is also a piano in our Dukies’ Coffee Shop where students can host recitals and perform to their peers.
Music permeates through the fabric of the School, with all students singing weekly at the School Chapel services and competing within their boarding houses during the annual Inter-House Song Competition. There are a number of regular musical events at DOYRMS including the Musician of the Year competition, musical showcases and concerts, and the annual musical production which encompasses all the Arts; past performances have included Phantom of the Opera, Guys and Dolls and Grease

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saying ‘….I get most joy in life out of music’. Certainly there have been a number of studies showing that not only does music act as a stress-reliever but it also improves academic performance as playing an instrument stimulates the brain and affecting memory and abstract reasoning skills.

The Music School is a vibrant department at the heart of school life and there is provision for musicians at every level. Over 200 instrumental lessons are held every week, and tuition is available on most instruments. There are numerous performing opportunities with regular concerts given in and around Cambridge including the End of Year Concert at Saffron Hall. Choir visits are arranged to cathedrals and colleges, and recordings and tours are also undertaken. The facilities in the school are excellent including a Recital Hall with Steinway grand piano and harpsichord, a state-ofthe-art IT suite, comprehensive music library and recording facilities, and access to a recently opened Performing Arts Centre with full concert and musical theatre facilities.
At Gordon’s, music is regarded as an extremely important life skill in that the character acquired through playing in a school orchestra or singing in its choirs is something that will sustain children through life. Accordingly, as well as offering an abundance of curricular and co-curricular options for students with an interest in music, specific instrument lessons are also available from expert staff. A fifth of all students at the school learn a musical instrument, which is taught by a dedicated team of visiting instrumental staff. Some co-curricular activities are also
Pupils at The Leys build a strong work ethic from the outset. From
early in their school career pupils progress through a structured and tailored framework, taking on increased responsibility for planning their workloads with support from a co-ordinated tutorial system. Academically the school is thriving. However, we believe some of the most valuable lessons are learned outside the classroom and over 100 activities take place every week, enabling pupils to develop independence, self-confidence and awareness. These activities range from debating and drama to water polo and sailing. Sport also plays a huge part in school life and includes major sports such as rugby, cricket, hockey and tennis as well as rowing, squash and volleyball, to name just a few.
focussed on music and range from ‘Funky Brass’ to Djembe drums and DJ skills/Music tech. Concerts are held throughout the year by the Music Department, either co-ordinated by the staff working in it or the students themselves. In addition, students play in the
THE Leys is the leading co-educational boarding and day school in Cambridge. Founded in 1875, it is situated in the heart of the university city of Cambridge on a 50-acre campus that offers boys and girls aged 11-18 the very best education with superb facilities. The school’s unique location allows pupils excellent opportunities to access further enrichment in one of the world’s leading cultural and academic cities.
musicals put on bi-annually at Gordon’s. A unique and famous feature of the school since it first opened as a home for necessitous boys, is the 50-strong Pipes and Drums Band. The band reflects the ceremonial tradition of Gordon’s. As well as playing at

working extremely hard to put together Mary Poppins Junior. This year we are producing our first pantomime, tailored especially for us, the Story of Jack, a young boy from Tidworth who climbs a beanstalk, rescues the Princess and saves his town from the evil giant. Having also gained the rights to put on a production of Matilda Junior, we are very excited at getting our teeth into both of these shows!
the school’s Parades, the Band has performed at the Menin Gate Memorial in Ypres; Windsor Castle, with the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and competed this year in the World Pipe Band Championships. Students demonstrating commitment and enthusiasm for learning the pipes or drums are eligible for lessons funded by the school.Forstudents
As a school we are lucky to have an array of resources for students to benefit from, including the use of our own radio station

autumn 2022 Army&You 47www.armyandyou.co.uk
Last year saw the first production since before COVID, with students and staff
coming into the Sixth Form at Gordon’s, demonstrating outstanding ability in a musical instrument or singing, there is the opportunity to apply for a music scholarship. Creative Arts Scholars benefit from their awards with pre-season

A LOVE of music is well supported at The Wellington Academy where we pride ourselves in providing a stimulating environment where ‘Excellence in Education’ thrives. The Performing Arts department is keen to expand the experiences available to all students and are thrilled to have the largest uptake for BTEC music this year.
and rehearsal rooms as a recording studio. Music students use these facilities to work individually and as small ensembles creating a portfolio demonstrating skills in the areas of performance, creation and production. Year 7 sees students learning basic keyboard, ukulele and notation skills, followed by Medieval compositions, Variations on the Theme of Frere Jacques, West African and Samba Drumming, Blues and Reggae. Cumulating in Year 9 with the use of their Cubase skills on DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), remixing and creating music and foley sounds to match a film clip. Recently, student Judy Swinger created a fabulous soundtrack to a TomandJerryclip performing on keyboards and drums, then creating sound effects to match Hit Points in the clip. Who knew it could be so difficult to create the sound of eggs breaking, without breaking any eggs!
workshops, a creative arts specific mentor and guidance with goal setting, reviewing and performance video analysis. They are also able to take qualifications in leadership and/or the Gold Arts Award for UCAS points.
Picture: pvproductions/freepik.com
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your life
Trust the timing of
Where do I start?
HOP bought burgers can be great and cheap too, but if you really want to tailor to your tastebuds, ensure you know exactly what you’re eating and sneak in some hidden veggies for the kids, it’s a good idea to make you’re own. They’re dead easy to do and the list of ingredients to enhance the flavour is endless.
AFF’s very own star baker Carol Morris takes a break from her duties as part of our housing team to offer some tasty tips on serving up perfect patties…
Serving soldier Joe Gregory, aka @The_moody_bbq, was the winner of our ‘best burger’ competition on social media over the summer. He won a bundle of succulent sauces from the Easy Chilli Co, which is run by a fellow squaddie known as El Saucio. Here’s Joe’s winning recipe for you to try out…

autumn 2022 Army&You 49www.armyandyou.co.uk
Chilli cheese burger stack (Makes six large burger patties)

What flavour adjustments would
You need: 500g lean beef mince; 250g
Whatever your dietary preferences, the supermarkets cater for all nowadays. I like to take a standard packet of sausages because they’re so versatile when it comes to family cooking. As long as you pick a brand that has more than 72 per cent meat content you’re good to go.
You can either keep it simple with just cheese and fried onions or you can really go to town. I like to try diced pickles mixed with some mayonnaise and tomato sauce. If you’re frying onions, add a splash of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar to caramelise them. If you’ve got some bacon left over, grill it so it’s crispy, crunch it up and add to the bun. You really could use anything!
Any advice on toppings?
Sample @ArmyandYou on Instagram to see Carol’s culinary creation
Burger brilliance
sometimes be a little dry. Try adding some grated veg into it or perhaps a tablespoon of your favourite sauce or chutney.

We get together on the water with paddleboards, in local parks for dog walks and for meals out. We’re a small group but make every effort to meet up each week.
How do you find the cost of living?
The humidity can also get right in the bin.
the National Support Element team here in Tampa, as well as the British Embassy in Washington DC.
Would you recommend it as a family posting?
@ArmyandYou50 Army&You autumn 2022
What’s your quarter like?
It’s tri-service; there are five families and around 20 deployed personnel.
Are there any employment/ training opportunities?
How long have you been an army family?
Absolutely, especially if you like sunshine, getting outdoors, amazing wildlife and travel. We’ve found Tampa and the US in general to be a very welcoming place, with excellent customer service to boot. &
Time in Tampa?
The wildlife in Florida is so interesting and there are many

The travel opportunities are amazing, both in-state and across America and living somewhere with such a different culture is wonderful.
What about schools/ childcare?
places you can get out to see it. Alligators, manatees, dolphins, raccoons and armadillos never fail to disappoint!

Children go to local US schools of their parents’ choosing. There are currently no younger kids here but for any family who needs it, there are childcare/ nursery options locally.
Fantastic! We had to find our own place to rent, which has pros and cons, but we found an apartment we love overlooking the sea.
As with any overseas posting, there are cultural differences that can be tricky to get your head around, and things you miss from home, cheese and good sausages being top of that list for me!
Bex Valentine, and her husband, Mike Enever (serving)

How many other military families live there?
Yes. Spouses can apply for a work permit but in our time here, only one spouse has done this.
What are the best and worst things about Tampa?

We have admin support from
Where do people tend to get together and who supports you?
Some things are quite pricey, especially food, travel and visitor attractions. Other things are really reasonable and it’s rare to pay for things like parking or drink refills.
Just over two years, we arrived in August 2020.
22 years.
Want to share your experiences of army family life? Get in touch by emailing editor@aff.org.uk
Whatever your relationship to your soldier, we’d love to hear about your army family.
I joined the army as a chef in 2005 and in 2015 I transferred to the Adjutant General’s Corps. I’m currently with 5 Regiment Army Air Corps in Northern Ireland.
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 51
Candy Msweli was the first Swazi female to join the British Army and is now in her 17th year of service. She’s married to Brian, a former soldier, and they have five children – Jaheim (18), Eliova (17), Gabriel (14), Taddeo (12) and Tirzah (4)…

Email editor@aff.org.uk and follow @ArmyandYou for more stories &
Left to right: Jaheim, Gabriel, Brian, Candy, Eliova, Kwanele (nephew), and Tirzah at the front

Army life is about being part of a great community as you move around to various places meeting new people, making friends, and learning new cultures.WhenI transferred to the AGC, I was able to pursue my dream of becoming an accountant. In 2017 when I was pregnant with my last-born, Tirzah, I enrolled at the University of Ulster. Crazy right? I’m a person who likes a challenge!Ihadmy baby prematurely (a month early) but I was back in class after two weeks – full-time work, mother and wife. It was challenging but doable and it was the main goal at the end that
My family cope well with the challenges of army life. During the time when myself and Brian were both serving it was more difficult – he would come home from exercise or tour and I would be going out of the door to deploy. Living far away from my family and my three elder children in Swaziland has been the toughest call. Northern Ireland has become my home for the past seven years and it has won our hearts. I see it being the best place for us to settle in the future – it’s a great country.
“Who better than lifewhatunderstandpartnersarmytoacrazywelive?”
kept me going. In July last year I graduated with a degree and I’m now pursuing my Chartered Institute of AccountantsManagementqualification.
As a recent graduate, I’d
To my Commonwealth brothers and sisters, I say always work hard. Everything is possible if you put in the effort towards it.
To my fellow service personnel, I’d say grab the opportunities while you’re still serving. The army has a lot to offer and it’s up to you to take it on.
encourage other mothers and spouses to not be afraid of taking on a challenge, especially in developing themselves. Life gets busy, but don’t ever forget about pursuing your own dream whilst supporting your soldier.
Tree-sured times together
Louise Fetigan, founder of Little Troopers, explained how the project came about: “Many families were telling us their children and young people were finding deployments hard; that they were struggling with feeling isolated and they felt being with others in a similar situation would be beneficial. As a charity we promise to listen to what’s needed and do our best to meet those needs. Our aim is to reach as many children as possible and to help them feel part of a special community of other little troopers who are going through the same experience.”
It was the first of many ‘All Together’ events, Little Troopers’ new deployment club that features free residential breaks, adventure days and online sessions to support military children of all ages from all three services who have a loved one deployed.
Go Ape’s Keri Cairns adds: “We are proud to have helped Little Troopers. None of the children knew each other, so some were a little bit nervous to begin with but before long, they were having a fantastic time. It was great to see their confidence grow as they supported each other through their adventure whilst bonding over their shared experiences.”TheAllTogether club has been made possible thanks to generous grants from the Veterans’ Foundation, the Prince of Wales Charitable Fund, Greenwich Hospital, The Henry Sale Foundation and HDH Wills.
HILDREN who have parents serving overseas enjoyed a thrilling treetop adventure over the summer thanks to charity, Little Troopers.
While another treetop trekker, Oakley (7), added: “It was awesome! I was a little scared but I loved the zip line. I want to take mummy there when she gets back.”

Sarah Squire’s husband is deployed for the second time this year. She said: “The children really miss having their dad around and it’s hard for them, particularly in the school holidays when they’re at home more. The Little Troopers event has been absolutely fantastic and it’s been a great opportunity to get the children out, keep them busy and meet others.”
Georgina is another one of the parents whose children took part: “Deployment is so difficult but they all mostly take it in their stride. It’s little rewards like this, for their patience dealing with a parent’s deployment, that makes all the difference.”
Eighty youngsters aged 7-14 had a great day high on the ropes at several Go Ape locations across the UK. Brothers Bobby (8) and Stanley (7) said: “It was a brilliant. It was great to meet other people whose parents are in the military and we can’t wait to tell daddy all about it.”
Coming soon, there’s a residential weekend for teens, a series of online events and lots of activities planned for 2023. Check out littletroopers.net or follow them on social @littletroopers_

52 Army&You autumn 2022
autumn 2022 Army&You 53
“It’s essential that we support our children and young people by providing robust mental health and wellbeing support that they feel comfortable with.
Rebecca Wakefield, Chief
their family, living overseas, attending several schools, leaving friends behind and making new ones.
The ideal choice for military families whether posted in the UK or overseas. Add to this our generous forces and sibling discounts, Warminster delivers on all fronts. warminsterschool.org.uk | #CommunityofOpportunity “The pastoral care offered is second to none. It’s a community which embraces the child and family whether military or civilian, and this is why we wholeheartedly believe we made the right choice for our son.”
Your youngster can access the service from the age of 11 until their 19th birthday, wherever they are based around the world. The free, safe and anonymous platform allows children and young people to chat with a friendly mental health expert, find support from a helpful community or use a range of self-help tools.
“This is where Kooth can help. Not only does it offer a wide choice of services that resonate with the age group, many are available 24/7. We look forward to seeing the impact Kooth will have in supporting our children and young people.”
Picture: Cottonbro for Pexels
No GP referral is required to join – your child can self-refer at anyFortime.more information and to sign up, visit kooth.com/mod
HE Army Welfare Service (AWS) has partnered with Kooth digital mental health to launch a new online mental health and wellbeing platform for children and young people who have a family member serving in the armed forces.

Community Development Officer for the Army Welfare Service, says: “Children and young people with a parent serving in the armed forces often face moving from place to place with
“Being part of an armed forces family can also mean long
periods of separation from the serving parent when they are deployed or away training.
HAVE SHARINGFUNBOOKS EditionsWelbeckbyPublished

His mum said: “It was such a great story. There is something different to do every time we open the pages. Counting the birds, seeing how many different minibeasts we could find, and talking about where we could build dens and what we could use to do it. It was something that brought the whole family together and encouraged us to use our imaginations.”
In this edition’s Army&You and Reading Force Book Club, service youngsters tell us what they thought of Let’s Go Outside! by Ben Lerwill and Marina Ruiz... CLUB

@RAASchoolGatton the Royal Alexandra and Albert School, a state boarding school for boys and girls aged 7-18. Gatton Park, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0TD www.raa-school.co.ukTel:admissions@gatton-park.org.uk01737649000 DISCOVER Visit our next Open Morning Saturday 8th October 2022

READING FORCE is the free shared reading initiative for forces families where you can share a book and talk about it, together at home or via video call if separated from yourYou’llsoldier.receive a free book and scrapbook to fill in with your thoughts, letters, drawings and photographs. It’s a fun way to keep connected. Teens will receive a special journal.
Ronin said: “I love going on adventures with my family and I build dens with my dad just like the book. It was fun to find the squirrel in all the pages and count the birds. I love the colour of the autumn leaves but looking for the minibeasts was my favourite. I want to go on adventures just like this with my family and remember to wrap up warm when it’s cold.”
If your children would like to review books for the A&Y Book Club, email hattie@readingforce.org.uk with their names and ages

Take part via your children’s school, HIVE, or register online at readingforce.org.uk

Win @ArmyandYou54 Army&You autumn 2022

Enter our giveaway to win a copy of Let’s Go Outside! and a Reading Force scrapbook. See page four for entry rules. Already read it? Tell us your thoughts @ArmyandYou Share a book and chat Sign up Havewww.readingforce.org.ukatfunwithyourfamily Follow our Facebook page for book giveaways Reading Force is a registered charity No. 1159890 “I loved doing Reading Force with all my family because it brought everyone together!” “The stickers and the theme of the journal are perfect.” FREE forallserving &veteranfamilies ReadingForce readingforce ReadingForce and we’ll send you FREE books and resources for your children and teens CMYCYMYCMYMCK J1846 rf_a&y_advert_ART.pdf 1 15/03/2022 17:09

Kiara really enjoyed this book as she loves adventure and going outside. She loved all the different pictures through the book of all the seasons and things you could do outside at different times of the year. This book has given Kiara lots of ideas on what to do on her next adventure outside. It’s definitely one of her new favourite books to read! We will be taking it on our next adventure as there are lots of interactive questions at the back of the book to get involved in while out and about.

Its luxury rooms have been lovingly restored to reflect and celebrate the original 18th-century architecture of the beautiful building. From original wooden beams to sash windows, its en-suite bedrooms are all individually styled with traditional furniture.

“Our two embryos that we had collected became Petrie (Petri dish) and Ivy (IVF) and their great big adventure is the stages of IVF from an egg to a baby, illustrated in a dreamy, imaginative way,” saysThisStacey.heart-warming, feel-good story is suitable for all children but extra special if you have a miracle IVF baby. We have five copies, priced £10.99 each, to give away.
Prize open to serving regular or reserve families only. Based on up to two guests in a luxury room, subject to availability. Your stay must be taken before 1 June 2023, not valid on Saturdays.
It’s the UK’s fastest circuit but offers much more than racing, with special events, festivals, hospitality, restaurants, driving experiences and more.

Wivenhoe House is fully accessible and boasts The Brasserie restaurant with locally sourced seasonal food. Service families can claim 10 per cent off stays by quoting ‘Army&You’ when booking – wivenhoehouse.co.uk

During her IVF journey last year, army spouse Stacey Morgan decided to channel her feelings into creating a story for the child she hoped to have one day. She penned I knew I’d find you, a children’s rhyming picture book about how IVF babies are made.

Click the giveaways tab at armyandyou.co.uk or scan the QR code on this page for your chance to win. Entries close on 6 November 2022 unless otherwise stated.

Step into a world of relaxed luxury at Wivenhoe House Hotel with a getaway one-night stay for two people including a three-course meal and breakfast.
Following a long career with the NHS, army spouse Hannah Dimbleby decided to start her own business for bit of extra pocket money – and it took off so well that she’s since worked with beauty bloggers and influencers to showcase her company.
A truly miraculous tale
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 55
Scented sparkle
One entry per household per giveaway. See page four for competition rules. Your information will not be used for marketing purposes. Winners’ names and T&Cs are published on the Army&You website.
HD Sparkle Aroma features hand-decorated home décor –diamanté reed diffusers (pictured) being her most popular product. They all come with oil options to make your home and car smell amazing! Scented candles, bauble sets, glass angels, hand decorated room sprays and more are available at hdsparklearoma.bigcartel.comOnelucky Army&You reader will win both a home and car diffuser with oils, worth £45.50.

The hotel sits on the Essex and Suffolk border, just a stone’s throw from many famous attractions, country walks, buzzing local farmers’ markets, gardens and historical buildings. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to visit with a friend or as a couple, there’s plenty to explore during your stay.

We’ve teamed up with Thruxton to give away tickets for a family of four for an event of your choice in 2023.
The programme hasn’t yet been finalised so keep an eye on thruxtonracing.co.uk for more – and in the meantime, get your entry in!
You don’t have to be a petrolhead to enjoy the heady, exciting atmosphere and amazing racing at Thruxton Race Circuit in Hampshire.

By Laura Grace @ gracefullygrowing
Turning to horticulture has given me a focus and helped me through difficult times.
Whilst my husband has been deployed, I have spent more time than ever in the garden. When I sow a seed, I feel I’m planting a narrative for the future. It gives me hope. Seeds already have tomorrow built into them and, regardless of their surrounds and external pressure, will still erupt into tremendous beauty and colour.
BEST BLOG @ArmyandYou56 Army&You autumn 2022
“When I sow a seed, I feel I’m planting a narrative for the future. It gives me hope. Seeds already have tomorrow built into them.”
Putting down roots normally means buying a house and building a family base. However, living in SFA I’ve found that putting physical roots in the ground has given me that sense of security and achievement.
flowers and vegetables. Once blooms have finished, seed heads will fall and where they land will be the start of their next journey. Much like our time spent in Service Family Accommodation (SFA), where we end up is out of our control but we absorb our surroundings and bloom.
Look out for Tactical Coffee at events or go to tacticalcoffee.co.uk for more.
Welcome to Army&You’s BlogSpot. Write your thoughtsabout army life and send them to editor@aff.org.uk
On our current base at RAF Wyton, we have launched a new community allotment and growing space, providing service families an opportunity to socialise and share knowledge with those with similar interests.

Tactical Coffee sources the best sustainable coffee from around the world, designing unique blends with its partner roaster. The company uses the finest, specially selected, washed and polished beans - all its coffees are traceable, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade certified.
Laura’s prize includes four 250g packs from a choice of 14 blends, a Tactical Coffee mug, dripper, 100 x filters, travel mug, stickers and badge.

I believe all of us can have green fingers, given the context to discover it.
I advocate for everyone to give gardening a go. The good thing is you can’t go wrong. It’s forever a learning experience. If something doesn’t work out this time round, you then know what to do differently for the next growing season.
I know that with the help of regular watering and nature offering a helping hand with soil and sunlight, I can turn them into something of value. Regardless of my mood, I know I must get myself up and out to tend to my
Laura is our Best Blogger for this edition – she wins a bundle from Tactical Coffee, created by former Royal Artilleryman Darren. He began his journey after being introduced to his first ‘proper’ coffee during a tour of Kosovo in 1999: “I’ve always had a passion for good coffee and after completing my first course in 2015 I decided to study its history and origins. I’ve had many a cup in the guardroom and drank too much compo coffee on operations and exercise to know what bad coffee is!”
Over the past three years, I’ve found myself increasingly turning to the outside world as a sanctuary and a retreat. When it comes to nature there is no judgement, no expectation and certainly no time pressure. It’s a well-known fact that spending time outdoors increases our vitamin D production, which can improve our sleep cycle, mood and wellbeing.
Horticultural healing
When we arrived here in Scotland I don’t think any of us realised how different things would be to when we lived in England, but we all got stuck in to finding our way around.
Since we’ve been here we’ve been lucky to get involved with days out, residentials and even an ice hockey programme which we’re due to go on a residential for soon. Thanks to the support of organisations like these I’m involved in lots of worthwhile activities, I’ve made lots of friends and I’m working towards being a young leader so I can give back to my community and help other children in the same situation as me.

But whilst it’s easy to compare my life negatively to that of my civvy friends, as I’ve got older I realise how lucky I am and how some of the experiences I’ve had wouldn’t have been possible if we weren’t a mobile forces family who follow my dad
Jared (right) with his brother Jensen
Since we moved to the UK, I started my small business – Ro Iva’s Creations – and I’ve recently self-published bilingual children’s educational books to help parents who live outside of Fiji to teach their children the basic Itaukei language (Fijian).
By Ro Iva Seruvatu, @ro_ivas_creations
One of the first places my mum took us to was the community centre on the patch where we met the Community Development Worker, Gina, who organises activities, and she then introduced us to Nina from Forces Children Scotland.
www.armyandyou.co.uk autumn 2022 Army&You 57
fan of blogs? Read more at armyandyou.co.uk/blogspot
now been married for a decade – our daughter currently lives with my parents in Fiji and will be joining us soon once we finalise the paperwork. What keeps me going is having my faith to lean on, and as
My husband and I are a team, and we try our very best to support and encourage each other in whatever situations come our way. When he’s away, I pray for his safety. I make it my business to stay in touch with my

around from posting to posting.

Making the most of moving
Being new to the army family community can be challenging at times. If I have any advice it would be to look after your family and support each other. When you find genuine friends, keep them close.
strong women we learn to cope and adjust. We have a strong support system from our families and friends.
I’ve lived all over the UK and in Germany and Canada. I’ve played rugby and ice hockey in different countries. I’ve spent weeks in the summer travelling around America and Canada
By Jared Yorke, age 17
with my family on road trips and spent my 13th, 14th and 15th birthdays in Las Vegas! To me these kind of varied experiences are a normal part of army family life, but when I tell new friends about things like this they seem so surprised.
Being the child of a serving soldier can be seen as a challenge or somehow negative. My dad is in the REME and we have moved every three years (or less) my whole life. I’ve said hello and goodbye to more friends than I can count, never started and finished my time in any school or had a bedroom any other colour than magnolia!
It’s full of opportunities and adventures like the availability of study, travelling, meeting new people and enjoying time together as a community. Even with its ups and downs, I’m thankful to God every day for the armed forces and for the opportunities that come with
parents, siblings, and our faraway families.
My favourite posting was Germany where I joined my husband in 2012. It holds a very special place in my heart because that’s where we started our lives together as a married couple. I met amazing people and lifelong friends. The freedom of cycling everywhere was something new and exciting for me and I loved it!
Faith and friends from faraway
Before I got married, I thought army life would be a strict and boring kind of life, but I soon realised that life in the army family is very exciting.
She then heard the TV come on full blast downstairs followed
After sorting out this latest disaster, my mate fell asleep on the sofa, only to be woken a few hours later by a knock on the door. It was the postie. He handed her the parcel then burst out laughing. She slammed the door shut and stormed back into the living room. So what if her hair looked like a bird’s nest or that she was wearing her daughter’s six-sizes-too-small Minions nightie (it was the only clean one she could find after poo gate).
unaware of the precursor, to a full meltdown. Snot, tears, the whole shebang. Don’t ever tell an angry woman to calm down readers. You may live... you may die.
Taking long walks with a hip flask full of left over Christmas alcohol stops me from feeling as murderous. We’re only human. Next time you see someone struggling, say hello, ask if they’re okay. We are all in the same flimsy boat with no paddles, so do your best to look out for others. It costs nowt but can mean everything.
& @ArmyandYou58 Army&You autumn 2022
That’s when she saw her reflection on her phone screen – the glasses and moustache the boy had drawn on her face with daddy’s Sharpie while she slept. She screamed, which made the boy jump and drop his Ribena. And that’s when I walk in,
Balancing family life when our spouses are away is hard. It can be a really lonely time if you don’t have anyone close by to bridge theWegap.miss our soldiers when they’re away and rejoice on their return... for about a week. Random bits of kit lying around, undercrackers next to the wash basket, tea bags in the sink, crisps in bed. Once this starts happening, I don’t know about you, but I’m Googling ‘how to dispose of a body’. Your soldier has to fit into your routine and it’s just as hard for them.
by a loud crash. Her eightyear-old daughter, who had also been woken up, had gone downstairs to play Just Dance – and her moves had been so exuberant that she’d kicked the TV off its stand, which had knocked the budgie cage over, releasing the feathered escapee around the house with a flatulent bulldog in hot pursuit.
Holding it together can sometimes be overwhelming. We never really know what’s going on in someone’s head. I recently popped round to see a friend and she was a sobbing mess because her three-year-old had knocked his juice over. Turns out that the 12 hours prior had been enough to make the padre swear.
“We miss our soldiers when they’re away and rejoice on their return... for about a week.”
Y NAME is Sarah and my husband is a senior lance corporal in t’Army.

It started with said three-yearold getting up at 2am because he’d had a code brown in his pyjamas, then walked little poo-ey footprints along the cream carpet to his mum, who was woken up by the stench.
Columnist @mynamessarah3 on the value of support from fellow service sufferers

A recent study showed that stability of family life and soldier satisfaction are linked, so the modern army is all over it. Op Smart for serving soldiers and Op Courage for veterans and families are in place to help with mental health wellbeing. Back in t’day if a soldier had issues they’d be told to man up princess or run it off. Warfare not welfare, mate.
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GET INVOLVED AND RAISE VITAL FUNDS FOR THE ARMY FAMILY ABF The Soldiers Charit y is a regis tered charit y in England and Wales (1146420) and Scotland (SC039189) and registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (07974609) SOLDIERSCHARITY.ORG/EVENTS TO FIND OUT MORE. We have hundreds of events you can take part in wherever you are – from dining at home to jumping out of an aircraft at 15,000 feet. Get your friends and family involved and find something near you today!