Guidelines petronas

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Corporate Identity Logo In this variation, the logo is locked up as a stack


with a white backdrop. This is our official face, and should be used whenever we are speaking as a corporation to our audiences.

Usage - All official applications where PETRONAS is represented as a corporation or legal entity Examples: Business cards, stationery, official documents, corporate presentations - Staff materials Examples: Staff identification card, uniforms - Any application with permanent presence. Examples: Vehicles, offices and industrial environments, signage - When functioning as an endorsement. Examples: Product packaging, sponsorship

Official name and usage Our official singular name is PETRONAS. The name should always be spelled in uppercase to emphasize our gravitas and historic roots. The full legal name PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD should only be used for legal matters and information. It should never be used for branding and communication purposes. Always use the correct logo files available from the Brand Management team. Do not recreate or scan the artwork from this system.



Corporate Identity Logo Structure

Clear space

The logo always sits in a white box with NO

1.4 P

keyline (outline/border). The white box ensures the logo is readable and prominent.

Clear Space refers to the area around the

0.5 P

logo. It should remain clear of visual clutter. The measurement for this area is based on the height of the letter ‘P’ in PETRONAS

This lock-up is a single unit. It should not be

as illustrated.

separated or altered in applications. Whenever possible, the clear space should The proportions and alignments as illustrated

be increased. It must never be decreased 8P

here are fixed and should not be altered or modified in any way.

and no other elements should be positioned within this space.

Always use the correct logo files available from the Brand Management team. Do not recreate or scan the artwork from this system.

When an image is used, the logo must


always remain in the foreground. P

0.5 P 0.5 P

1.6 P

0.5 P

= Clear space 0.5 P

0.5 P Half icon

Half icon


Center alignment

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Minimum size A minimum size has been set for the logo. This is to ensure visibility of the logo. 12mm 50 pixels



Corporate Identity Logo Colour specifications and usage

Full colour (preferred version)

Flat colour


Emerald green (darker)

Emerald green



7719 C


3272 C


C095 M000 Y050 K050


C100 M000 Y050 K000


R000 G127 B123


R000 G177 B169

As much as possible, the full colour version of our logo should be used. However, there may be situations in which the Full Colour version cannot be used due to production or media limitations. In this case, please use one of the other versions shown on this page. Always use the correct logo files available from the Brand Management team. Do not recreate or scan the artwork from this system.

Consult and get the approval of Brand Management team when reproducing the logo as a threedimensional structure.

WEB #00635B

WEB #00A19C

Emerald green (lighter)

Deep gray


3272 C


Black 7 C


C100 M000 Y050 K000


C000 M000 Y000 K090


R000 G177 B169


R060 G056 B053

WEB #00A19C


Process Black C

WEB #3D3935

Deep gray PANTONE

Black 7 C


C000 M000 Y000 K090


R060 G056 B053

WEB #3D3935

Usage and applications

Usage and applications

Usage and applications

- Offset or digital full colour printing (such as

- Low quality offset or digital printing (such

- Single colour offset or digital printing (such as

good quality printed magazine advertising, billboards, etc.) - High quality signage where the logo is printed - All digital and electronic applications

as newspapers, cans, etc.) - Two-colours block printing (such as stencils, silk screen printing, stamps, etc.)

newspaper, monochrome printer) - Single colour block printing (such as stencils, silk screen printing, stamps, etc.)

- Three-dimensional moulded signage

- Facsimile

- Embroidery

- Blind emboss, deboss, etching, etc.



Corporate Identity Logo Incorrect usage Please remember that the logo is a valuable asset. We should all protect it from any misuse which will dilute its equity and effectiveness. It is vital that we use the PETRONAS logo in a consistent and disciplined way. We must not alter


or use it in an inappropriate manner. The images here illustrate ways in which the logo should NEVER be used. The list is not exhaustive,

Do not distort it by stretching it vertically or horizontally

Do not angle or rotate the logo

Do not use as a tint, watermark or create transparency

Do not use as an outline

Do not apply graphic effects or add a keyline to the logo

Do not use another colour or add texture

Do not use another typeface

Do not mirror the elements

Do not reverse the logo

Do not create an outline and violate the white backdrop

Do not violate the white backdrop in any way

Do not reposition the symbol and logotype

but is indicative of the most common misuse of the logo. Always use the correct logo files available from the Brand Management team. Do not recreate or scan the artwork from this system.



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