A research project funded by Arthritis NSW Research Name: The development of cyclic
peptides for the treatment of arthritis Name of Researcher: Dr Marina Ali
Top row: Dr Michael Amon and Dr Vera Bender Bottom row: Dr Anne Vanniasinghe and Dr Marina Ali
The aim is to develop a new anti-arthritic drug. The drugs currently available for the treatment of arthritis are not many and patients very quickly over time become resistant and thereby limited by what is available for treatment. In addition, current medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis have a high side-effect profile and are expensive, necessitating further research into the development of new drugs. In the Department of Rheumatology, we have developed a new compound termed C1 which has potent biological activity when tested in assays, and when tested in an animal model of arthritis. Currently our focus is to take this new drug one step closer to the patients and we are investigating mechanism of action, specificity and side-effect profile. At the end of this study the data collected will give a more complete understanding of C1 and its potential as an immuno-therapeutic agent.
From just $15 per month, become a member of the Joint Initiative and make a difference.
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The ultimate goal is to develop a number of new drugs that can be used for the treatment of arthritis.
Arthritis NSW, Locked bag 2216, North Ryde NSW 1670
This is why we need your support to help us one day find a cure so people do not have to live with the pain from arthritis.
1800 011 041
There is evidence that arthritis has been in this world since the start of civilisation, making it one of the oldest diseases in the world. However, in the 21st century, arthritis is a topic that many Australians don’t like to talk about and something that many Australians do not completely understand – it is Australia’s leading cause of disability and chronic pain.
“ Imagine finding a cure for Arthritis. You can turn this into reality. Be part of The Joint Initiative and help find a cure.”
According to the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), in 2009, the share of funding for arthritis was just 3.1 percent. Arthritis receives less funding than other National Health Priorities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or mental illness and this has been consistent since 2000.
Proportion of NHMRC research funding
Australia’s leading cause of disability and chronic pain
Why should you invest in helping to find a cure?
However, the total cost of arthritis to the Australian economy was estimated to be $23.9 billion by Access Economics in 2007*. The average cost of arthritis per person per year is $6,200; 61% of arthritis costs are borne by the individuals themselves. Research investment is needed to move closer to funding that Arthritis Cure. For just $15 per month you will be part of something special in making the difference to one day finding a cure.
Why is health research important? The development of new medical treatments and the possibility of finding a cure needs active research. The outlook for people living with arthritis has improved beyond recognition from the days when people were told to just rest, or that nothing could be done. Major advances in the treatment and prevention of arthritis have transformed peoples lives. Breakthroughs in research have led to the development of effective medications and joint replacement surgery. Early and successful treatment gives those affected a fair chance to enjoy a meaningful life that may include living independently, remaining in the workforce and reducing demands on the health system. However, we are far from reaching a cure for arthritis and we need your support to help us get there.
* Source; National health and Medical Research Council
in in 2009, 2009, the the share share of of funding funding into into arthritis was just arthritis was
3.1% 3.1 just
25 20 15 10 5 0 2000
Cancer Cardiovascular disease Arthritic conditions and osteoporosis
What is the Joint Initiative? We are looking for special and dedicated people to be part of the Joint Initiative. These special members will be the main force in helping researchers in NSW and Australia to find a cure to stop this incurable condition.
How can I join the Joint Initiative? Just by completing the form attached. All we ask you to do is to become a regular monthly giver. All the money raised from this initiative will go directly to funding research into arthritis and hopefully one day help us find a cure.
2004 Year
2006 Mental Health Injury
Diabetes Asthma
join up NOW
you can make a difference For just $15 per month you will have the following benefits: • Paid membership to Arthritis NSW included (for current members, this will commence when your current membership expires) • Jar opener • Arthritis Matters delivered to your door every quarter (Valued at $24 per year) • You will help us find a cure for arthritis by supporting research • Special research update newsletter via e-mail every six months about how the research funding is being spent • Special tour to an arthritis laboratory at Westmead hospital and a presentation by Prof. Nicholas Manolios, head of Rheumatology.