Jorge Mario Castillo [Interactive Walls, interactive Words]

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MTI Make



Jorge Mario Castillo Velasquez s3633669

Initial Proposal “Seeking Interactions” Proposal As an Architect, usually we design all the spaces as static elements. The Reality shows that the human and even the world is changeable, for example the light is a huge matter that can change any surface through shadows, so, why we as a designer cannot create something that change the spaces according to the human who lives there? That though has been all the time in my mind and that makes me choose this elective. The interaction is a vital element that this digital world demand in order to improve the spaces and enhance the human experience in any architectural project. The project Changeable Wall looks for create an interactive installation, which are able to adapt and modified using mechanism, sensors and light. This installation can be used in private and public spaces and it want to change this static and unmodifiable elements and modify the perception of any space though the change of this component and make unique every single time that the user interact with its. This change will be made using both Optical Illusion and light that can appear in form of text and shadow that will move with the user who are interacting with the wall. This mechanism want to show the beauty of the light in form of poetry and the words that will appear are related with emotion and felling trying to enhance the experience of the people who interact with this installation. The references that can help to develop this project are the concept of animated optical illusions and the artistic installation “times change everything” made by the Indian artist Daku. The project will be develop in five stages. 1. Research. 2. Mechanism and its components. 3. Flow diagram. 4. Coding and test of the movement. 5. Final Prototype and finals test.


MTI - 2019

References [1]

Temporal [Grafitty]

Melbourne is well known because its graffiti. This urban art that change the face of the streets now is part of melbourne’s culture giving to the tourist and the local a new appearance of the city every time. For that reason, a lot of artist make its job on the urban wall and produce amazing pieces of art transforming some streets of Melbourne every time and also enhancing these spaces because of the dynamism of this art.. The Graffiti is basic an urban expression of art in a personal way. The artist put on the wall theirs felling and likes and in that order they make connection with the users. Is that one of the idea of this project, make the graffiti belong not only for the artist but also for all the public. It is an optimal way of create connection with the city and the context allowing the user to enhance theirs experience within the city and making the urban space more personal and dynamic. This beautiful art is an amazing Inspiration to use as a conceptual idea of this project. In other words this project want to reuse this flat and boring wall and create something new, something changeable, something ethereal that connect the user with that not useful element and reactivate this part of the city creating a new narrative that can be modify by the users and the nature.


MTI - 2019

References [2] Sun [light]

The sun is our main source of light; this massive natural light bulb is an actor who inspire changes in the spaces. From the beginning of the days, the architects are fascinated with this element and the possibility to change a simple object through the composition between shadow and light. This composition not only gives the sense of 3D in any space but also contributes to enhance the qualities and properties of any element. In the cities is notorious the different that makes the sun. The atmosphere and the feeling of the city change every day from morning to afternoon, and even during the year. The sun with its particular and predictable position can change the perception of any space every time and that can also be use the enhance the beauty of the city. The contrast between light and darkness is part of the life and the way that the designer manage this source of dynamism can improve a space or element and make it interactive and changeable with the nature and with the user.


Week 8

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References [3]

“Times Change Everything” Daku Doku is a Indian street artist who start his artistic life making graffiti in the streets of Dheli and Mumbai. According to Daku “The street art is decorative, contextual, layered and artist aren’t afraid of give their name, graffiti is more underground, more revel” In the installation Time change Everything Daku try to apply his knowledge about graffiti in a new way making more ephemeral and powered by the sun. For him took a long time to understand the shadow projection and the size of the letter to produce the accurate and balance dynamic Sun powered graffiti.


MTI - 2019


Interactive [W]alls Interactive ords

MTI - 2019



MTI - 2019

Interactive [W]alls Interactive ords [W]

Interactive walls - interactive words is a public installation, which look for both, engaging the user and make a reflection of the dynamism of the city and the nature. This installation will be located on the wall of the city and using the sun light, as a creator will generate changes come from the shadows projected by a ceiling to some elements of the city (wall or floor) due to the sun’s condition. In addition, this project want to create a poetry environment in which those temporal graffiti projected by the sun are the main actor and the people who pass by the installation are the artist than can draw and modify this graffiti according to some actions. The interaction in this installation look for engage the user in three different ways: passive actor, active actor and the witnesses. All this users will have to opportunity from different perspective to enjoy and interact this installation. To sum up this project want not only make a poetry space using as actors the city (walls) the human (society) and the nature (sun) and combine this three elements in one interactive installation, but also realize the user about the dynamism of the city and the relation with the nature.


MTI - 2019


The city is a space that have diverse visitor or users, and the interaction have to be thought as an opportunity to grab the attention of as much users as we can. Is for that that this project want to generate interactivity in the user in both different ways, passive and active.

Passive[Interaction] The passive interaction is created in two ways by the active actor and the passive actor. The active actor in the passive interaction is that person who activate the system only for walking close the wall. In that moment the system, detect the user and the system start to work. The passive actor in the passive interaction is the witnesses, that person who are look at the interaction and start to read the shadow generated by the ceiling [Text].

Active[Interaction] The active interaction is created by the contact with the fence located in the wall. That fence refers to the need to touch and feel the texture of the city. As a personal perception all the time that I’m walking close to a fence the necessity to touch it and listen the sound that its element produce in natural in myself and other person. For that reason this element play a important role in the interaction because the user will play whit the wall and try to listen the sound of this fence that act as a xylophone. In that order the active user will interact with to different element, first as a Passive actor in the moment when he/she approach to the wall, and secondly when the user star to play and touch the wall. In that moment the change of ceiling will produce different shadows and those shadows are related with opposite words that represent the difference between be active and be passive in the real world.


MTI - 2019

Logical Process[S]

This mind map is created to organize the logical order of the system. To begin with the start of the system. When the system start all the servos have to be initialized in the position 90* which is the base of the movement. After That condition, the Infrared Sensor start the check the user’s position in order to activate the servo that belong to this position. In that case, if the user is out of the range the servos will continue in the original position. If the Infrared sensor detect the user, the system will move the servo belong to that range of distance to the position 2 (180*). That movement will move the first ceiling and allow that this element go through the wall. In this position, the sensor will check if the Vibration sensor detect a movement. If this condition is true the servo will move to the position 3 (0*) and that movement will show the second ceiling and hide the first one. If the vibration sensor don’t detect signal the ceiling No 1 will keep in the same position until the user leave the range of distance belong to this servo. After that the when he user jump to another sector, the infrared will activate the servo belong to this area and the vibration sensor will checked again to continue with the movement.


MTI - 2019

Logical Process[S] Servo Pos Servo Pos Servo Pos


No 1 90* No 2 90* No 3 90*

Infra Red Sensor

P<40mm 40mm<P<240mm 240mm<P<440mm 440mm<P<640mm



Servo No 1 Pos 180*

Vibration Sensor No 1

Servo No 2 Pos 180*

Vibration Sensor No 2

Servo No 3 Pos 180*

Vibration Sensor No 3

Vib<0.15 Vib>0.15

Servo No 1 Pos 0*

Vib<0.15 Vib>0.15

Servo No 2 Pos 0*

Vib<0.15 Vib>0.15

Servo No 3 Pos 0*

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The design of the mechanism was though in order to amplify the number of movement using only one servo. For that reason, was necessary design the mobile pieces with a path that fallow the circular movement of the servo and allow that while one piece is in movement the other is static. This path allows that the servo are able to manage two elements at the same time. This mechanism were design with 3 position, the first position (Neutral) or 90*, the second position (Pasive) or 180* and the third position (active) or 0*. The movement of these three position are allowed by the simple design of the mechanism in which using the circular movement of the servo can be transfer to a linear movement. Servo Movement Position 1 90*

Position 2 180*

Position 3 0*

Design of the Mobile Elements

The Chanels of the Moble pieces was done in order to make different movement using a single servo


Mechanisim Position 1 Servo Position 90*

Mechanisim Position 2 Servo Position 0*

Mechanisim Position 3 Servo Position 180*

MTI - 2019


The interactivity of this project is granted by the use of two different sensors, first the distance sensor and secondly the vibrator sensor. The distance sensors for this project was selected taking in consideration the sensitivity of the lecture. For that reason to be accurate in the distance sensor which is the main filter, the project used the Infrared Sensor Adafruit VL53L0X, that sensor is a time flight distance sensor that allows a precise lecture and the laser allows avoid some interferences that a simple sonar can cause. In term of active interaction The Vibrator sensor that this project manage was the Piezo, which is an accurate sensor that detect movement for the movement of the sheet.

Fritzing Bread Board and Schematic


Fritzing Schematic

List • • • • • • • • •

of elements Used in this project. 1 Arduino Uno 1 Bread Board 2 Micro Servos 9g 2 Piezo Vibration Sensor. 2 1MΩ Resistor 1 Infra Red Sensor Adafruit VL53L0X. 1Unclad Punched Laminate Soldering Equipment Wires different Colors.

MTI - 2019


Part of the challenge for that project was using the soldering kit to make proper circuits in order to be more professional and avoid possible problems that the breadboard can cause. For this specific project, the system demanded work with independent small circuits for each sensor and also combine all the positives and the ground to manage a single wire that will be connected to the Arduino Uno. At the end all this small circuits was organized in the prototype and connected the two servos and the main Arduino Uno. Arduino System Bread Board

Arduino System Bread Board


Soldering Work Table

Soldering Vibration Piezo Sensor

Soldering Infra-Red Adafruit Sensor VL53L0X

Soldering Positive Panel Ground Panel

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The main software that will control the interactive wall will manage three different electronic elements, Servo, Infrared Sensor and Vibrator Sensor. It is vital to understand how each element works in order to make the future compilation of the three element in a unique code that run the software of this project.

Arduino Coding Micro Servo

31 Arduino Coding Vibration Piezo Sensor

Arduino Coding Infra-Red Adaffuit Sensor VL53L0X

MTI - 2019


The software of this project look for achieve this movement in an easy way, for that reason the coding manage two conditional the first evaluate the distance, that is necessary to check which Servo will work. The second conditional evaluate the vibration sensor, in that conditional the servo have to possibility of stay in the same place if the vibration sensor does not detect movement or move to the third position if the vibration sensor detect any signal. That cluster of coding have to be repeated for each servo and each servo will manage a different range of distance and also a different vibration sensor. In that order the system allow put mode that two servos allowing the system to increase and the interaction can be realized in a long wall with different contrasting words.


MTI - 2019



MTI - 2019


The First model is made in laser cut using MDF 3mm. The main purpose was understand the relation between light and shadow and how the shadows can interact with the wall. This model helped to check the size and the movement of the ceiling in order to produce the shadow effect that this project need. In addition, this model help to understand the possible scale of the final prototype and helped to start to think about the possible mechanism that the project will use.


MTI - 2019


The second prototype was made also in laser cut using MDF 3mm. The main purpose of this model was understand the mechanism. That model is bigger that the first one and the size was adjusted to the final scale. The ceiling changed in order to check it to the servo movement. The new design of the ceiling was cut to make the movement test. In addition, this model evaluated how will be the interaction of the user with the wall, for that reason, the fence was added to that model and the system to move the user.


MTI - 2019

Final Model[]

The final model was made in laser cut using acrylic clear 3mm. This prototype compiled the experience of the two previous model in order to create a fully functional and an aesthetic final product. That model express the final project and the aesthetics of the project. Both The wall and the fence was designed to show the dynamism of this project and put some texture on the wall’s surface in order to understand the relation between light, shadow and texture. In addition, this prototype was thinking to have three Servo system and was designed the space to allocate the electric system and the sensors in the back in order to leave the front clean as the real project. Finally, the user movement is manage from the front of the model and is connected in the interior of the box to where the interaction with the sensor is made. In the next part this model will be explain in three different aspect, Aesthetic, Hardware and Mechanism.


MTI - 2019

Final Model[Aesthetic] Mechanism Servo


User Int





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Final Model[Hardware]

Detail Location Infrared Sensor Adafruit VL53L0X and the Conection with the Model in order to read de distance between the sensor and the user.


Detail Rear View. in which is clear the position of the Circuit that compilate all the possitives (White) and the Ground(Brown) in only one wire

Mobile Pieces Micro Servo 2 Micro Servo 1 Vibration Piezo Sensor 1 Vibration Piezo Sensor 2 Compilation Positive Compilation Ground Infrared Sensor Adafruit VL53L0X User

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Final Model[Mechanism]

Pasive Interaction Shadow projection

Active Interaction Shadow projection


MTI - 2019

Future Aplication[] The project Interactive Walls-interactive words is an interactive installation that have a big range of opportunities to improve or adapt in the future according to the needs. This improvement could be develop in all the stages of the project such as Conceptual mechanism, Hardware and Software.

In conclusion, although, this project is a good begin to shows how the people who lives in the city can interact with urban elements (Walls) and improve the experience between city, nature and user. It has plenty of opportunities to be improved or merged in something new using the same concept of the original one. This changes will increase the understanding of the city as a dynamic element and the relation with the nature and citizen could be more that the simple fact of coexist together.


• The conceptual stage of this project can be used as a big scale, in which the user can built a history base on different words, and create every day a different narrative according to the different people. Also this project could be used as a commercial strategy, promoting brand and marketing of specific project, furthermore this project also can be used to make comparison from brands with the same target (For example Coca Cola and Pepsi). • The mechanism of this project can be improved creating more complex mechanism that will allow not only two stages for each servo, that condition will increase the possibility of different interaction and different output. • The hardware can be modified first, using more servos in order to increase the number of words in each wall. Second Using multiples Infrared sensor. That will allow that more than one user can interact with this installation at the same time and Third Changing the sensor in order to create different kinds of interaction, for example sound, light, temperature,etc that will improve the way that the people will interact with this installation. • The Software can be improve, first Making the movement of the servo more natural using trigonometric functions, second make more efficient the code using enumeration and finally including an extra features

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Final Reflection[]

Nowadays the design have to be thinking as an interactive tool, every time we have to design for humans and is for that reason that we have to go beyond the static elements. This static design is part of the past. The human and all the spaces that belong to us are dynamic, are changeable, is for that reason that the design have to adapt to this condition because it is inherent to the human being, to our condition of transcendental and rational animals. The Subject Make interactive things is a great opportunity to engage the design from the interactive perspective. This huge opportunity to learn a different language (Arduino), the computer language that allow you to manage with some action any sensor and electronic devices. Even though the output of any interactive design is quite dynamic and more aesthetic, the process of coding is more rational more rigid. That is the amazing condition of the live and the design. All the time in any design is necessary deal with this duality and the perfect project is that one that have the perfect balance between these two elements. To conclude. This course open the door to think in a different way, to think in a dynamic condition and that is the clue to enhance the design and the relation between object and subject and finally this relation is the base and the purpose for any design.


MTI - 2019

Reference List[]

• My modern Met, Innovative Installation Casts Shadows Like a Sundial to Create Moving Messages, Viewed 28 April 2019, <> • The landscape Architecture newsfeed, Shadow-Casted Artwork Tells the Story of Time on an Indian Street, Viewed 28th April 2019, < article/108701/shadow-casted-artwork-tells-thestory-of-time-on> • CNN style, Indian street artist Daku reveals graffiti powered by the sun, Viewed 28th April 2019, <> • Roc21, Frases de la teoría del tiempo proyectadas con sombras en la calle, Viewed 28th April 2019, <> • Image, Viewed 30th April 2019, < •>, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019


Week 8

• functions/time/millis/, Viewed 28th May 2019 • structure/control-structure/if/, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019 •, Viewed 28th May 2019 • Vibration_Sensor/, Viewed 28th May 2019 • VL53L0X?files=1, Viewed 28th May 2019 • blob/master/examples/vl53l0x/vl53l0x.ino, Viewed 28th May 2019

MTI - 2019

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