23. HOWDO magazine May/June 2021

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2021 May / June www.howdomagazine.com




Column Monique Mols Which word are you: expat or international?


Visit Brabant Cycle through nature border park De Groote Heide

24 Individual and unconventionalt The way to dine in Brabant


Living in You’ll never get closer to Van Gogh …

A solid foundation. Your notary understands how important that is. We have had our solid foundation in Eindhoven for years. In our motivated employees and in our loyal clients. We would be glad to help you lay your solid foundation. For example, if you are going to buy a house. Your notary will carefully record all your agreements so that you can dream away with the thought of your new home.

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quick turnaround times

also opened on Saturday

index 6

Eindhoven Sport IJCE, on ice and more


Eindhoven in Art 10 Years “Ruimte in beeld”


International Creative Women Positivity in the times of a pandemic


Holland Expat Center South We Are Not Alone in Brabant



Column Monique Mols Which word are you: expat or international?


Visit Brabant Cycle through nature border park De Groote Heide


International School Eindhoven Alumni of ISE: ambassadors for life


Individual and unconventional The way to dine in Brabant


International Women’s Club Eindhoven “The world can be interesting wherever you are as long as you accept that people and cultures are different.”

Living in You’ll never get closer to Van Gogh …



HOWDO magazine is a bimonthly publication. Publisher Niels ter Haar (niels@howdomagazine.com) Editorial Office Stephania Kipperman, Monique Mols, Rebekah Villon Media Advisor Fred van Deurzen (fred@howdomagazine.com) Stephania Kipperman (stephania@howdomagazine.com)

Niels ter Haar

Coverphotography iStock

We are back again!


After a very long winter we are so pleased that we can finally present

Bonkend., Sanne Mulder,

to you our newest issue of HOWDO Magazine. The comeback is always

Claire Blankwaard

stronger than the setback! We have missed making our magazine for over 6 months and we could not be happier to get back into your

Distribution waiting rooms

homes and lives! This weekend we will meet you again and bring our

Tour de Ville

magazine to you on more than 300 locations.


Spring is in the air; nature is opening up and new beginnings are

HOWDO magazine

here. Restaurants have reopened and our city is slowly but surely


getting back to life again. If we keep up this pace, we will have a


very nice summer. It’s been over 6 months since we have seen you, and we hope that the summer edition is accompanied by meeting up

Copyright and disclaimer

with you and having our traditional drink and a bite at another great

All materials and content is

Eindhoven location!

protected under Article 15 of the Copyright Act. Copying is prohibited.

We will launch our summer edition in July. Do you have something nice to share or other tips for us, just send it in!

© 2020 HOWDO magazine HOWDO magazine is not liable

Enjoy our comeback, see you soon, and most of all: stay safe!

for the content of the columns and eventual inaccuracies and/or

Niels ter Haar

typographical errors.


IJCE on ice and more You want to learn to skate? Or improve your skating by training? On ice in winter or inline in summer? And become a member of an active and sociable club? IJsclub Eindhoven (IJCE) is the club for speed-skating enthusiasts in the region. IJCE is not only active on the ice in the winter, but also offers activities such as inline-skating, road cycling, mountain biking and boot camp in the summer and you can do shorttrack skating on the ice-hockey rink the whole year round. You want to learn to skate? Or improve your skating

If you are a beginner, you can learn to skate with

by training? On ice in winter or inline in summer? And

IJCE. We have special instructors for this purpose.

become a member of an active and sociable club?

And when there is ice on the lakes and canals in

IJsclub Eindhoven (IJCE) is the club for speed-skating

The Netherlands, we will go skate touring and

enthusiasts in the region. IJCE is not only active on

introduce you to this real Dutch winter activity.

the ice in the winter, but also offers activities such

IJCE welcomes everybody, whether you are a

as inline-skating, road cycling, mountain biking and

recreational or a competitive skater, experienced

boot camp in the summer and you can do short-track

or just learning to skate, young or old. You can

skating on the ice-hockey rink the whole year round.

participate in skating competitions or skate for recreation when you are a member of IJCE.

In the winter on Saturday and Sunday mornings and on Monday evening the 400 meter ice rink in the

Competition skaters ride on the roofed 400 meter

IJssportcentrum Eindhoven on the Anton Coolenlaan

track on Monday evening and Saturday morning.

in Eindhoven is open only for IJCE members. You

The track is exclusively open to the training of

can improve your technique and endurance by

the competitive skaters, ranging from juniors to

participating in one of the various training groups.

seniors, on this particular hour. These trainings

Of course, your instructors are experienced and

prepare for skate competitions.

certified trainers.

Eindhoven Sport A marathon group is practicing during the same training hours. This training is aimed at endurance. You may have heard of the famous Dutch Elfstedentocht, a 200 kilometer tour on the frozen lakes and canals in the North of the Netherlands. This training group is a good preparation for this and similar tours. Apart from that there are also competitions for senior and juniors skaters on several ice rinks in the region. IJsclub Eindhoven also offers short-track training. In small groups we train on the 30x60 meter track, both in winter and summer when there is ice provided. If you want to improve your cornering technique, please come and see what we have in store for you.

Activities for the younger skaters take place primarily on Saturday

Every HOWDO edition, Ben

morning. IJsclub Eindhoven offers ice skating instruction for children.

Wiermans, sports coordinator

The younger ones learn to skate in groups while playing (on a covered

internationals at ‘Eindhoven

30x60 meter rink), the older and more experienced children skate on


the 400 meter track.


introduces sports


that are happy to welcome In the summer there are also plenty of sportive IJCE activities for you.

internationals to their club.

You can stay in shape with our boot camp in the woods near Waalre. You can participate in our inline skating and bicycle groups. You will

If you would like to keep

be optimally prepared for the ice season when the rink opens early

up to date with what is

October when you exercise with IJCE all year round.




follow Eindhoven Sport on If you are interested in what IJCE has to offer, you can find all info at (the

Twitter and/or Facebook. If

English section of) our website at www.ijce.nl/en. You will find links

you can’t find what you’re

there to participate in a free introductory lesson how to join our club

looking for, do not hesitate

in the ‘becoming a member’ menu. If you have any additional questions

to contact Ben Wiermans at

you can reach us at info@ijce.nl.


de Wereldwijzer

basisonderwijs voor nieuwkomers

De Wereldwijzer could be translated as the World wiser or pointing at the World. It offers primary education for newcomers and a fluent transformation to the Dutch educational system. All international children in the age of 4 to 12 are welcome. Pupils can apply and start at any given time of the year. They will be able to understand, speak, read and write the Dutch language within 40 to 60 weeks. After that the pupil can enroll in the Dutch systeem.

Pastoriestraat 88 5623 AT Eindhoven

For more information please contact: T. 040 242 7892


Photo by Richard James on Unsplash

Which word are you: expat or international? Words matter. They have meanings but also

job and/or the partner’s job. An international has

connotations – they evoke feelings which influence

a local contract, like any Dutch person and intends

how people think about a certain topic or person.

to stay for a long time (perhaps even retire here),

No, this is not a philosophical monologue about

learn the language and be part of the community.

language. But I do want to talk about two words:

An international’s children go to a Dutch school and

expat and international. Which one of the two

probably correct their parents’ Dutch.

are you? Before you answer this question, let

somehow describe your situation? Then you are


an international. And I hope you live in Brainport







Does that

Eindhoven and make lots of friends. If you ask Dutch people to describe an expat, they will most likely tell you this is someone who

The words you use have meaning and influence. Who

comes from abroad to do some high-paying


do you want to be? An expat or an international?

in the Netherlands (Amsterdam). The expat stays

Entirely up to you of course but the two words are

a few years and then goes off to do the same job

not the same here.

elsewhere – usually somewhere more exotic. The expat lives in a huge house, is male and his wife

PS: Of course you should join Expat Spouses

goes out shopping with his credit card. They have

Initiative if you are an international spouse. And the

children who attend expensive schools. They mingle

Expat Center is your favorite one-stop shop where

mostly with other expats. Is this more or less

friendly people help you find your way in the region.

you? Then you’re an expat. Enjoy your stay here. An international (according to the Dutch) settles away from home because he/she is interested in other cultures, in adventures and meeting people from other parts of the world. The reason (s)he came to the Netherland was this really interesting

Monique Mols Corporate Communications, ASML

10 years “Ruimte in beeld”: oasis of peace and quiet just outside of Eindhoven According to Lex: “Antoinet Verhagen received the keys to the building on the Dubbestraat in Nuenen on April 1, 2011. After months of clearing, painting and polishing, the location became clearly visible and was given the name: ‘Ruimte in beeld’. The studio was a fact and the sculpture garden soon followed. Antoinet continues: “Kitty Tijbosch and Jan Opstelten have recorded these 10 years in a beautiful photo book, which can be viewed at the location and can also be ordered at ‘Ruimte in beeld’. In addition to this beautiful book, various festive activities are organized, how these will look like depend on the then current Covid-19 measures. Always check the website for the latest news.” Exhibitions 2021 On our city tour ‘Eindhoven in art’, our local host

Antoinet: “In 2021 there will be 3 exhibitions that

and artist Lex Grote shows us the lesser-known

form a varied range of contemporary modern art,

art hotspots in the Eindhoven region. For this

executed in all kinds of materials and styles. Be

edition, he takes us to the permanent workplace

inspired and enjoy a wide range of abstract and

of an artists collective, formed by Antoinet

figurative art. The guest artists are an interesting

Verhagen, Jan Opstelten, May Oudenhoven, Rob

addition to the work of the ‘Ruimte in Beeld’

Zweerman, Ton Swinkels en Kitty Tijbosch.


Eindhoven in Art

April 18 - June 11: Spring exhibition June 18 - September 26: Summer exhibition October 3 - November 28: Autumn exhibition Spring exhibition April 18 to June 11 “Spring has just started and it’s time to sniff art again! The following guest artists will participate in the Spring exhibition: Josemieke Segers (jewelry and objects), Astrid Stoffels (paintings), Bram Heynen (photography), Noor Geurts (paintings), Hans Baten (ceramics), Jack van Iwaarden de Vreede (steel ) and Glassatelier Light in sight (glass) with works by Ab Evenhuis, Dorothé Thielen, Daphne Hobbelen and Wendy Panhuizen. And, of course there is also new work by the sculpture collective of our group”, Antoinet explains. On Saturday and Sunday you can visit the exhibition for free, from 12:00 to 17:00, in compliance with the rules in force in connection to Covid-19. For more information, visit the website www.ruimteinbeeld.nl or call Antoinet Verhagen 06 23670405.

Ruimte in beeld Dubbestraat 61 5674 AE Nuenen


The Oldest National Anthem in the World Have you ever listened to the National Anthem of the Netherlands? If you have, you’ve listened to music that dates back to 1568, making it the oldest national anthem in the world. The song was made famous by Dutch poet Adrianus Valerius, who published a collection of patriotic songs and melodies about the Dutch Wars. Originally adapted from a French melody, Valerius’ version was published with musical notation and a slowed-down tempo that made it easier for the song to be played in churches and to sing along with. The complete song has fifteen stanzas, but usually only the first stanza and sixth are played at sporting events and civic gatherings. Interestingly, the first letter of each stanza forms an acrostic, spelling out “Willem van Nassov”. Always a popular patriotic song, it’s been the official national anthem since 1932.

The Netherlands by Numbers Let’s take a look back at the last decade and see how some things have changed. During the previous decade, the population of the Netherlands increased from 16.6 to 17.3 million people. This increase is largely due to immigration: the Netherlands has had over 432 thousand migrants in the past 10 years. On another note, while general employment increased 6% between 2010 and 2018, there was a sharp rise in self-employment, which increased 11% over that time period. It must mainly be due to our entrepreneurs: in 2017, the Netherlands generated 203.59






inhabitants, nearly double the EU average of 106.84. It’s been a decade of rapid change, with even bigger changes on the horizon.

Photo: Marc Ras

Cycle through nature border park De Groote Heide The natural landscape of nature border park De Groote Heide crosses the border between the Netherlands and Belgium and is no less than 6,000 hectares in size. It spans across the municipalities of Cranendonck, Eindhoven, Heeze-Leende, Valkenswaard, Hamont-Achel and Pelt. Hiking Municipality of the Year The cycle route runs through nature reserve De Malpie which boasts beautiful heath, meres, woodland and the river Dommel. Interesting fact: thanks to the unprecedented beauty of De Malpie, Valkenswaard was crowned the Dutch Hiking Municipality of the Year 2016. That’s promising! The route continues through the Leenderbos forest which is populated by roe deer, foxes, wild boars, hares, rabbits and more. St Benedict’s Abbey A wonderful stop along the route is St Benedict’s Abbey, better known as the Achelse Kluis (the Vault of Achel). For centuries people have come here for prayer and spirituality, but the abbey also has another function: it is a brewery of beer and offers a terrace with catering. The perfect place to enjoy a delicious craft beer, and there is also a charming abbey shop!

Photo: Marijn Heuts

Practical information The ‘De Groote Heide cycle route’ is marked out along the excellent cycle route network in North Brabant. You simply cycle from one junction to the next junction. Signs along the side of the road have arrows and show the numbers of the junctions you need to follow. Start your cycling tour at the beautiful Mill at Venberg. Visiting adress: Molenstraat 211, Valkenswaard. Follow the junctions: 33 - 36 - 56 - 54 – 53 - 55 - 96 - 02 - 32 - 33. Tip: download the route map with a detailed description and a GPX file of this cycle route for free on visitbrabant.com/cycling.

Positivity in the times of a pandemic It has been more than a year now that the pandemic hit, and things haven’t changed too much, unfortunately. We are under lockdown, and there is a general sense of depression and dissatisfaction at the state of events. Everybody is eagerly awaiting the relaxation of rules and living a in resemblance of normal lives again. As an expat, this journey hasn’t been too easy! It has been very difficult staying away from family and friends and the comfort of home. However, being a part of International Creative

ICW launched their webshop in February, and it was

Women has alleviated many concerns for me! As an

a great way to digitally transform the community.

active member of the community, I have participated

As a creative entrepreneur, it gave me a huge

in the various events they have organised over

opportunity to reach a wider audience by sharing

the last few months. These events have given me

my products on the webshop. For the residents of

something to look forward to, and a way to stay

Eindhoven (and beyond), beautiful handmade and

connected with this amazing community.

crafted products came within reach, just with a few clicks of the keyboard!

International Creative Women

The regularly scheduled Coffee and Ideas are a great way to connect with other members of the community and also discuss various small business issues over a steaming cuppa. These sessions are particularly enriching for me, as I often share ideas and big news with other ladies, and they give me insightful advice about the same. This was the first ICW event I ever attended (physically, before the lockdown in February 2020), so I have a particular soft spot for this! Over the course of the many Coffee and Ideas I have attended, I have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderfully talented ladies, and it has been a great way to increase my network as an expat. Last month, the first online Wine and Ideas was conducted, which is the drunk cousin of Coffee and Ideas! It was a hoot with Kahoot! and the ladies sharing details about their small businesses and swapping stories. It was a great way to take a break from the usual business atmosphere and have a drink and light-hearted fun with everyone. As a small business owner, the past few months were also a great way to enhance my skills using digital resources, as well as help others with my expertise. In March, I conducted my first online workshop, which was on using Instagram effectively as small entrepreneurs. Many ladies within the community benefited from this, and it was a great way to transform digitally. ICW in collaboration with many talented ladies hosted numerous online workshops, which proved so very useful as a small business owner. However, not all of them were just relevant to entrepreneurs. There were many online workshops on cooking vegan dishes, having a growth mindset, doing yoga at home, and even on photography! As an expat, the past months have been challenging, but things are always easier when you have a community to fall back on. And ICW has become such an integral part of my life in the Netherlands. I could not have imagined surviving the global pandemic without the supportive community I have received through them.

In 2019 Anwesha Dutta’s husband accepted a job offer and therefore they moved from India to this region. Like so many others, she had to find her way in the Dutch way of life and Anwesha, being very creative and open minded, was looking for the right way to start her own business. She came in contact with International Creative Women,of which a significant number are entrepreneurs themselves, and they helped and motivated her to start her own business, The Ink Catalog.


A HI GH- Q UALITY PER SONAL APPROAC H TO LEG AL ISSU ES As one of the largest family law firms in the Netherlands, our office is home to high-quality, well-renowned attorneys and divorce mediators. We offer a personal approach to legal services across a whole spectrum of family law and/or inheritance law disputes, both to international, as well as Dutch clients. Every day we advise and represent our clients in family and inheritance law matters. Our services are based on a personal approach, never losing sight of the human dimension of a case. We are at your side in difficult times, but also when you settle in the Netherlands and want to be informed about the family law-related consequences.

If you are interested in no-nonsense advice on obtaining a decent out-ofcourt settlement or a court decision, we look forward to hearing from you. For more information please visit our website or send an email to cvandervegt@scg-advocaten.nl.



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Don’t Stab that Dragon! If your Dutch friend tells you “de draak met iets steken”, you may be a bit confused. After all, did they just tell you to stab a dragon? Which dragon? Actually, your friend is referring to teasing or poking fun at someone. But where did the saying come from? The phrase goes back to the legend of Saint George, who slew the dragon and saved the princess. In medieval times, Saint George was incredibly popular and celebrated all over Europe. On his feast day, people would host processions and re-enact his great deed. Over many generations, especially in northern Europe, this event became more and more theatrical and entertaining, and eventually comedic. Audiences would be treated to long, funny fights between Sint Joris and the straw “monster.” So “stabbing the dragon” became a reference to poking fun at something, and the phrase is still used to this day.

Alumni of ISE: ambassadors for life The International School Eindhoven (ISE) offers preschool, primary and secondary education for internationally-minded families within the Brainport Region of the Netherlands. Our aim is to ensure that each and every ISE student is “known, cared for, and challenged”. As a school that serves families from 55 different countries, we recognize that we must also provide more than just an ‘education’ in its traditional sense. We, at the ISE, claim to provide a caring and challenging learning environment which fosters international mindedness. We educate and inspire our students to become creative, resilient and responsible citizens who will thrive and be happy within an ever-changing world. In this process students develop strong personal relationships with each other and their teachers that will last a lifetime. We are very proud of the young people who are truly wonderful ambassadors for the region and for our community. In a series of articles a few alumni will tell about their experiences and how ISE helped them to develop into the person of who they are today.

International School Eindhoven Let’s start with April Roach, age 25, who spent

Sometimes students come to the Netherlands for a

ten years at ISE and works as a news reporter for

short amount of time or in the middle of the school

Standard London in London nowadays. She moved

year, which means that you have to get used to a lot

to the Netherlands with her sister and parents to

of new faces. But from my experience the students

live closer to the work of her parents and graduated

were always welcoming and eager to make sure

in 2013 with an International Baccalaureate diploma.

that new students adjusted to life at the ISE, even if English or Dutch wasn’t their first language.”

First experiences in the Netherlands April starts her story with her first experiences in

ISE and Personal development

the Netherlands: “I was seven years old when we

Furthermore, we asked April what ISE has meant for

moved to Waalre (just outside of Eindhoven) in

her personal development.

2003. I grew up in London and I remember being

that the IB programme taught at the ISE prepared

struck by how different Waalre was to a city like

her for the challenges of her university degree.

London. We couldn’t believe how many cycle paths

“At the IB we study six subjects and also have to

there were and one of my earliest memories was of

complete a number of community and service hours

learning how to ride a bike and trying to learn Dutch

and an Extended Essay. At the time, the demands

at school. I was also very happy at the prospect

of the IB course were very challenging. However,

of not having to wear a school uniform! I started

when I went to university I found that I was able to

school in Group 4 at what used to be the Regional

easily adapt to the independent working that comes

International School (RIS). I started school in the

with a degree because of the work I had done at

middle of the year in December but I remember

IB. After completing a number of Community And

feeling very welcomed and was able to quickly

Service (CAS) hours at the ISE I felt encouraged to

make friends. School helped with Dutch lessons and

continue volunteering at university. I had learned

there were so many after school activities like ice

to value the rewards that come with giving back to

skating and swimming. Soon the RIS became ISE, at

my community and when I was studying at Warwick,

the green campus where it is situated now. I really

one of my priorities was to ensure that I took part in

enjoyed the ISE school camps at the beginning of

some form of volunteering alongside my studies. Still

each year. The camps meant that we were able to

now as a grownup, I appreciate having learned to be

get to know our classmates before the school year

‘open-minded’ and able to take ‘risks’. These were

and also experience new sports like abseiling and

two qualities that we were repeatedly encouraged

develop teamwork skills. I also really valued having

to embody as students of the ISE. I think that as

a varied curriculum during MYP and IB.

grownups these qualities are just as important. At

She continues to tell

the ISE we were constantly meeting students from In history class we didn’t just learn about the

different countries and it was important to remain

battles that were taken place on the western front

open-minded when encountering new cultures.

during World War I, but we also learnt about the

When I meet new people at work who challenge my

battles happening on the eastern front. It’s also a

way of thinking I always try to remain open-minded.

much rewarding learning environment when you’re

That is how I experience the worth of being part of

learning alongside students from all over the world.”

the ISE-community, which will remain for the rest of

The slogan of ISE is: “More than a school” How did

my life.”

you experience this? “The ISE is its own little community. Because our

Discover our beautiful

year groups were quite small compared to other

campus on the Oirschotsedijk

schools I knew people not just in my year group but


in the years above and below.



Why are the Dutch so Tall? The Dutch are famous for being the tallest people in the world, with men averaging 182.5 cm, and women averaging 168.7 cm. But they weren’t always that way. In fact, 200 years ago, they were among the shortest people in the world. Why has the average height of people in the Netherlands increased by 20 cm over the past 150 years? The truth is, nobody really knows. Scientists speculate that some of the height may be due to a healthy diet high in dairy products, or to advances in medical care, but other Europeans have enjoyed these benefits without gaining all that height. Instead, the secret may lie in the genes: studies show that taller Dutch men have more children than their shorter counterparts. Interestingly, Dutch men seem to also prefer tall women: taller women have more children in the Netherlands than in other countries. Since height is such a heritable trait, as long as the Dutch keep choosing tall partners, they will continue reaching toward the sky.

The Legacy of Philips It’s impossible to live in Eindhoven and not be surrounded by the legacy and influence of Philips. But the truth is, it’s impossible to live anywhere and not be affected by the legacy of Philips. In the 70s and 80s, Philips invented musthave products essential for commercial television production and MOSFET transistors, launching products that generated income from both sales and intellectual property rights. Philips invented the audio cassette tape, and then invented optical storage, launching the CD with Sony, and then following it up with DVDs and Blu-Ray discs. Transistor technology obtained from Bell Laboratories became early semiconductors, and Philips invented the first SAL electrolytic capacitor. The legacy of Philips is visible in the history, architecture, economy, and culture of Eindhoven. But it’s also a company that has left its mark on the entire world.

‘Living abroad x embracing two cultures…’ Heidi Los

When you live in another country, you are most likely trying to get to know the new culture. Do you feel integrated in the Dutch culture? You know that you are successfully integrated if: • You are not surprised to have 4 seasons in 1 day • You decorate yourself, your face, your house, your street orange, or red, white and blue on King’s day • You are aware of Dutchies having an opinion about a huge variety of topics • You hear yourself (and everybody around you) talking about the weather all the time • You can list the most famous Dutch painters as Rembrandt, Vermeer, Steen, Van Gogh and Mondriaan • You have tried stroopwafels, kroketten and Bossche Bollen • You use your bike for multiple reasons (preferably at the same time) • You are showing up in time (the exact time as agreed on) • You know what a Brabants Kwartiertje is • You know why some houses are decorated with a flag and a school bag at the end of each school year • You know that cursing and talking about sex is normal in the media • You speak up, even to your boss • You know that Vincent van Gogh made ¼ of his artwork in Brabant, Nuenen • You don’t calculate the currency anymore • You have a parttime job, or want one (highest rate of parttime contracts in Europe) • You look people in the eyes when you talk to them • You know it is likely that you live under sea level (6,76 meters below sea level is the lowest point) • You drink tap water, no matter where you are • You are being perceived (too) confrontational by your family members back home • You are not surprised by direct (negative) feedback anymore This list is not complete. Feel free to share your experiences. Contact Heidi heidi@designyour-ownfuture.com if you have (cultural) issues at work or if you find it difficult to integrate at all.

We Are Not Alone in Brabant By Olivia van den Broek-Neri

Spring is a wonderful time of year in the Netherlands when nature comes alive! We hear more birds, see flowers blooming, and the days are longer and warmer. And now that the population is getting vaccinated, there is a chance that more will open, and things will get a bit back to ‘before Corona times’. Exactly how much back to before, no one knows. Of course most everyone is ready for things to

It highlights the resources that are available to the

get back to some sort of normal. We are ready to

international community and introduces people

be able to barbecue with friends, go back to the

that are interesting to know. The campaign also

movie theater or dine in a restaurant and shop at

gives information about important initiatives that

our favorite stores. But we can’t just yet. Until then,

are taking place to further improve the region and

there is an important message for you to hear: No

shows the strength of the international community.

one is alone in Brabant.

These are resources that can offer assistance to the

You are not alone. I am not alone. We are not alone.

international community, as well as support.

It is not just a campaign, but a voice that echoes the Brabant’s spirit.

Many times we see that difficult times bring people together, and this has happened over the past year

The We Are Not Alone Campaign is an initiative of

that the Netherlands has been in lockdown. The ‘We

Holland Expat Center South, the Living In program

Are Not Alone’ Campaign is just one example. This

and Expat Spouses Initiative. The team consists

campaign focuses on spreading the message that no

of Dilan Saraç, Saumya Paliwal and Olivia van den

one is alone, including the international community.


Holland Expat Center South


“It has been a humbling experience to be part of this project and witness how the various stakeholders came together to build a more resilient community of both Locals and Internationals,” says Saumya Paliwal, Marketing & Communications Consultant. “I firmly believe we will come out of this crisis together and stronger - We Are Not Alone!” There are many great initiatives and organizations that are available for you in Brabant. Make sure that you know about them! Register for the monthly e-newsletter:

“The newsletter provides a great opportunity to be aware of people, news and events and so much more in the region,” says Dilan. “It strengthens the bonds between internationals, society and the region immensely.”

Have you got a story, community or upcoming event that you would

Holland Expat Center South is a

like to share with Brabant’s international community? Please

nonprofit governmental agency. It

contact us at info@hollandexpatcenter.com!

is a one-stop shop for highly skilled migrants,



Now that spring is here, everyone is looking forward to warmer

and their families who can obtain

weather, and the ability to possibly meet with more than one person!

their BSN number and/or residence

There is light at the end of the tunnel. But until then, continue to follow

permit at its office located on the

the rules: keep a distance, wear a mask, stay home if you are sick,

Vestdijk. Contact the Expat Center

get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19, and limit your contact

to schedule an appointment or

with other people. For more information, visit the Corona Portal for

with any questions about settling

Brabant’s International Community: www.hollandexpatcenter.com/

into the region. There is no charge


for their services.

Please know that you are always welcome to contact Holland Expat

T+31 (0)40 238-6775

Center South with any questions you have about settling into


Brabant. Holland Expat Center South is a nonprofit governmental


agency that assists internationals who are living and/or working in Brabant.

Have a look at the Corona Portal for Brabant’s non-Dutch speaking

Contact us at info@hollandexpatcenter.com or +31 (0)40 238-6775,


or visit our website www.hollandexpatcenter.com.

www.hollandexpatcenter.com/ corona-portal/.

We are happy to help you to settle into Brabant!

Individual and unconventional: the way to dine in Brabant Gastronomy and hospitality is what Brabant is known for, and that means it’s always a surprise. Entrepreneurs in the inventive cities of Brabant are given plenty of room to experiment and innovate. They tempt you to culinary experiences at unconventional locations. Strijp-S Eindhoven


Nowadays you can now dine among industrial heritage where the last products from the Philips electronic giant rolled off the production line in the 1990s. Eindhoven shows its most innovative side in Strijp-S, and the hospitality industry certainly does not get left behind. This is where the Pastry Club will surprise you with ‘sweet design’ in the former engine room, or you can climb upstairs to the unsophisticated Radio Royaal. A bit further on you can sample unusual ice ream flavours at the candy pink Intelligentia. Wandering around Strijp-S always provides you with tasty surprises.

Piushaven Tilburg


What once formed the industrial epicentre of Tilburg is nowadays a cultural boulevard. Forwardthinking Tilburg has its own slant on gastronomic enjoyment in the Piushaven. You can enjoy a delicious lunch, dinner or drink in a charming restaurant within walking distance of the centre, or at a street café or even on a boat. From just a few beers at Stadsbrouwerij013 (City Brewery) to Sushi by Shinzo, or the luxurious snack board at GOOD MOOD, to culinary surprises from the chef at Hein by Harboury.

Check visitbrabant.com for more information and inspiration!

Visit Brabant

CHV Noordkade Veghel



A one hundred year old animal feed mill in Veghel has become a popular food and culture hotspot. Where farmers once shook hands, entrepreneurs are now working together on unusual tasting experiences. You can savour that in the Proeffabriek (Sample Factory) in the town brewery, or at a height of 32 metres in Sillyfox, recommended in the Michelin Guide. There are plenty of other things to admire in Noordkade; recycled factory machinery, lamps made from grain hoppers and spaces with names such as Afzakkerij and Koekbouw recount the tales from this unique place.

Tramkade ’s-Hertogenbosch


The Tramkade in ’s-Hertogenbosch is all about down-to-earth catering. You will be welcomed among the silos on this former industrial site by entrepreneurs who like to do things their own way. And that results in unusual concepts. Combine comfort food and beer with retro games at Barkade, visit the Bossche Brouwers (Bosch Brewers) and discover the challenging formulas at De Lekkere Man and Restaurant Van Aken. The passion of the entrepreneurs on the Tramkade is tangible and you can always be sure of a menu that tells a good story.

STEK Breda


Want to enjoy a beer with your feet in the sand? Eat pancakes next to a radio station? All this is possible at STEK, on the harbour island close to the centre of Breda. You can discover the faces behind the refurbished STEK, including the relaxing Belcrum Beach, breakfast and lunch at Prooef and the musical pancake house Radio Pannenkoek. Under the motto of ‘fewer rules, more creativity’, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to realise their dreams on this patch of waste ground. You can feel it and you can sample it.

You’ll never get closer to Van Gogh …

Wow! “Did Van Gogh really stand here, on this very spot?”, asks an incredulous visitor to the guide. “Yes, he really stood here, and he did so while making this painting”, replies the guide, showing him a copy of the painting. The painting and the real-life situation are almost the same; only the trees have grown thicker. Gradually the visitor gets to understand the similarity. Past and present. That’s 135 years ago but everything is still visible, tangible and believable. The visitor is moved. He’ll never get closer to Van Gogh. “Wow” is the only thing he can say.

Living In Walk in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh. What makes Nuenen so special is that we can show you and let you experience stories about Van Gogh, his letters and his paintings, all in the same place. We get to know him as a person, we see how he developed into a world-famous artist and we follow in his footsteps to the locations he painted. Even though we have none of his original paintings, all our senses feel undeniably the same: you’ll never get closer to Van Gogh…

Van Gogh-Roosegaarde cycle path Gems like stars in the asphalt, which also reflect light after dark. Never was a cycle path so romantic. It’s like being in the starry skies of the South of France, in a way which only Vincent could have painted. The cycle path is located between the Opwetten and Kollen (Collse) watermills. Inspiration Inspiration goes beyond the boundaries of art. If Van Gogh was an innovator in his time, he is still an inspiration for the Brainport Region in South East Brabant. The Van Gogh-Roosegaarde cycle path is a perfect example of this. ASML is also making its contribution: there will be a special Light Lab in the extended Vincentre museum from 2022. The effects of light and colour will be demonstrated using simple experiments. A wonderful adventure for young and old, based on the paintings and letters of Vincent van Gogh.

Vincentre Museum We can listen to stories (and gossip) about him in


the Vincentre Museum and read all his letters about

Visiting address:

Nuenen, where he lived from 1883 to 1885. He was

Van Gogh Village Nuenen,

a Protestant, but also a self-opinionated artist

Berg 29, 5671 CA Nuenen

in a Catholic village inhabited by peasants and weavers. That was the source of plenty of stories. We get to know Van Gogh as a person, we see how he developed into a world-famous artist, including his painting of the Potato Eaters. To help you enjoy your visit to the full, we have audiotours available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Chinese. Outdoor museum

The Living In program is part of the Municipality

After visiting the Vincentre, we go outside, where no

of Eindhoven/ Holland Expat Center South.

fewer than 23 locations remind us of Van Gogh; 14

We help internationals to settle in and to feel

of which are locations he painted or sketched. The

more at home in the Eindhoven region. We work

other objects are statues or buildings of special

together with all kind of organizations in the

significance. There is even a large bronze statue

region. This time we would like to introduce to

based on the Potato Eaters painting. Information

you: Vincentre.

columns along the way tell you all about the places he painted. Ask for the booklet ‘Out and about with

For more information about the Living In

Vincent’ in the Vincentre Museum, this is available in

program, please contact Josine Frankhuizen:

English, French and German.



Doke Pronk-Wahrer, Board member of Internationals Women’s Club Eindhoven:

“The world can be interesting wherever you are as long as you accept that people and cultures are different.”

How was your life before coming to

living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I loved living and

the Netherlands?

working different jobs, studying at a local college

I was born and raised in the North of Germany.

and travelling the country. Needless to say, I had

My urge to travel and live abroad started early

the time of my life. Enjoying independence, meeting

in my teens. After school, I spent a year in the US

amazing people and traveling made me realize how big and wonderful our world is. After moving back home to Germany, studying and starting to work, I kept feeling the desire to live abroad again. I moved to Boston and then Amsterdam where I became fluent in Dutch, and then back to Boston where I met my Dutch husband. We got married and had 3 beautiful children, a daughter and two sons. What do you miss most about your old life? We had a great life in the US with a very international group of friends Our friends became our local family as we spent weekends, vacations and daily life with

International Women’s Club Eindhoven


each other, having parties on the weekends and planning our next adventures together. What was the most challenging part? In 2010 my husband got a job offer in Heerenveen, a small town in Friesland. We moved to Groningen in order to send the children to an international school. We experienced many challenges living in the north of The Netherlands, one being feeling included in the community. After almost 2 years of trying to settle into our new life in a familiar yet foreign country, we decided to send our children to a local school to better integrate into Dutch society. For the children it definitely helped making friends, celebrating Dutch holidays and learning the language faster. We were lucky that we were able

in my new city. The IWCE members showed me

to send our children to a school, which was cozy

how EVERYONE has a story to tell. I have been a

and welcoming. However, for my husband and me

member of the board for almost 4 years, organizing

the challenges were bigger. Having spent 13 years

and planning events, and helping the members to

in Boston, we missed our fantastic friends and

ensure that everyone feels welcome.

our lifestyle in the US. We missed the American holidays, the sunny weather and the friendliness

How would you describe your life now?

and hospitality of the American people. Honestly,

My life is settled and I find that the world can be

we struggled with that until we moved to the south

interesting wherever you are as long as you accept

of Holland, Brabant.

that people and cultures are different. Anywhere you go you can find your niche and be happy! A year after I moved to Eindhoven, good friends encouraged me to start my own catering business, Doke’s







personalized meals for my clients. (www.instagram.com/dokescomfortkitchen) I love to be creative and cater to people’s happiness. The enthusiastic reactions I get when delivering the orders are heartwarming to me. In addition to my small business, I currently work at the GGD because I wanted to help with the Corona crisis. I feel fortunate to have experienced so many great How did you experience your integration period?

adventures and fantastic people in my life!

When we moved to Eindhoven, we felt immediately welcomed. I volunteered in the local elementary school and in our neighborhood association. A friend introduced me to the International Women’s

To learn more, visit www.iwce.nl or drop us

Club Eindhoven and I learned that I was not alone

an email at iwceindhoven@gmail.com.

World Trade Center Eindhoven The SME deal is a collaboration between the municipality of Eindhoven, WTCE, OVE, VNO-NCW Brabant Zeeland, Fontys and HTSC to strengthen the broad SMEs. With this deal, the Ministry of Economic Affairs stimulates small and medium-sized businesses regionally and offers support in the areas of business management, innovation and internationalization. Entrepreneurs share their success stories in three inspiring sessions. After these sessions you will be offered walk-in consultation hours. The Municipality of Eindhoven offers you the meetings for free.

May 31: Yes, I want to grow! 28 June: Seize and exploit growth opportunities 15 July: Growing as the world is my playing field The speakers are entrepreneurs from successful companies, each of whom explains a form of growth of companies. Growth has its ups & downs. You’ll have one-on-one sessions with the entrepreneur of your choice to discuss your own questions. You can register via www.wtce.nl Questions for specialists can be asked during the walk-in consultation hours that take place after the sessions. You will receive further notice about this. As an example about the areas of your questions: Strategy, finance, sales and marketing, leadership, innovation, digitization, sustainability, production, change management, business across the border and many other topics.


Peetee Golf At Peetee Golf you can find any golf products you might need. For the starting golfer, as well as for the experienced golfer! Their assortment offers clubs, shoes, clothing, accessories and gloves among other things. They have a large collection of bags. Standing bags, carrier bags and waterproof bags, so you can take everything you need with you. Golfing attire at Peetee Golf is not just to benefit you technically it also looks fashionable! Every season you can find a new collection with brands like Fotjoy, J. Lindeberg, Alberto, Par69, new to the collection are Lacoste, Adidas and Lyle & Scott. They also hold a large assortment of beautiful but

Peetee Golf is also there if you need any repairs on

comfortable golfing shoes. Obviously a ball is very

your clubs. At the store they will gladly help with

important in golfing. Because of their wide selection

any kind of maintenance on any golf products. Make

of golf balls you will most definitely find the right

sure to take a look at their online shop as well:

ball that will give you the best result during your


sublime round of golf.

Peetee Golf Aalsterweg 100 | Eindhoven www.golfstore.nl | 040 202 5851

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