24 HOWDO magazine jul/aug 2021

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2021 July / August www.howdomagazine.com



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Eindhoven in Art Explore ‘what art can be’ at MU Hybrid Art House


International Creative Women 7 steps to start your small or micro-business in the Netherlands

Photo by Paul Raats Creative Views

24 International Women’s Club Eindhoven

Bringing colors from Lima to Eindhoven

A solid foundation. Your notary understands how important that is. We have had our solid foundation in Eindhoven for years. In our motivated employees and in our loyal clients. We’ll be glad to help you build your solid foundation. For example, if you can’t make vital decisions on your life, because of illness or an accident. Your notary records who can make certain decisions for you, when you can’t do it yourself anymore. With a living will, you stay in control and your wishes will remain the guiding principle.

Your notary. A solid base to rely on.

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quick turnaround times

also opened on Saturday

de Wereldwijzer

basisonderwijs voor nieuwkomers

De Wereldwijzer could be translated as the World wiser or pointing at the World. It offers primary education for newcomers and a fluent transformation to the Dutch educational system. All international children in the age of 4 to 12 are welcome. Pupils can apply and start at any given time of the year. They will be able to understand, speak, read and write the Dutch language within 40 to 60 weeks. After that the pupil can enroll in the Dutch systeem.

Pastoriestraat 88 5623 AT Eindhoven

For more information please contact: T. 040 242 7892


Photo by Camylla Battani van Unsplash

A shout-out to our internationals Every quarter I check the facts and figures of

During the past year I often thought about our

ASML to keep track of our progress. Every time I

internationals in Brainport Eindhoven. It must have

am impressed with our employee population from

been hard to be separated from their families during

all over the world: 102 nationalities at ASML in

the global pandemic. When you are working from

Veldhoven, 117 worldwide. Given the fact that there

home it is harder to adapt to a new environment

are 195 countries in the world, we are truly the

and to find new friends. So, I hope that this summer

United Nations of ASML.

everyone will take the opportunity to catch up - at a safe distance.

Another statistic: one third of my colleagues in Veldhoven does not have a Dutch passport. Half the

And finally a special shout-out to all the spouses

people that recently joined ASML came from outside

who joined their partners and are eager to become

the Netherlands. The Dutch labor market just cannot

part of our community. I admire your courage to

keep up with our growth so we really need our

completely turn your lives around, not knowing

internationals to make sure we can continue our

what will be in it for you. I hope that the employers

fast-paced innovation.

of Brainport Eindhoven recognize that courage as a special skill. If you need help to find your

My international colleagues have changed ASML

way, join Expat Spouses Initiative, International

over the years. They made the company better,

Women’s Club, Indigo-Wereld or any of the other

more vibrant, and diverse. I love hearing the many

organizations that are here for you. And don’t forget

languages in our corridors and learn about different

to find Dutch friends too.

cultures. It is not always easy to work with people from different backgrounds (I am sure that for our internationals it is sometimes a challenge to work with their Dutch colleagues) but in the end you do learn a lot from each other.

Monique Mols Corporate Communications, ASML

A HI GH- Q UALITY PER SONAL APPROAC H TO LEG AL ISSU ES As one of the largest family law firms in the Netherlands, our office is home to high-quality, well-renowned attorneys and divorce mediators. We offer a personal approach to legal services across a whole spectrum of family law and/or inheritance law disputes, both to international, as well as Dutch clients. Every day we advise and represent our clients in family and inheritance law matters. Our services are based on a personal approach, never losing sight of the human dimension of a case. We are at your side in difficult times, but also when you settle in the Netherlands and want to be informed about the family law-related consequences.

If you are interested in no-nonsense advice on obtaining a decent out-ofcourt settlement or a court decision, we look forward to hearing from you. For more information please visit our website or send an email to cvandervegt@scg-advocaten.nl.



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Willem Kolff, the Dutch doctor who changed the world Willem Kolff (Leiden, 1911) organized the first

the time of his death in 2009 he had received

blood bank in Europe in 1940. During his medical

more than 120 international awards and was

residency at Groningen University, he became

celebrated by everyone from Life Magazine to

interested in curing kidney disease.

Yad Vashem. His work has saved countless lives

Having joined the Dutch resistance in WWII he

and transformed modern medicine.

worked at a tiny hospital in Kampen. He not only saved the lives of more than 800 Jews, but, using debris from a war-torn country, invented the first functioning artificial kidney. After the war, Kolff relocated to the US, where and his students developed the first artificial heart. He was so modest that he allowed the invention to be named after Robert Jarvik, a young doctor who helped perfect the heart. Kolff is the father of artificial organs, and one of the most important physicians in history. By

Welcome to the friend zone! The freedom to decide when and where you want to do an activity you love? We’ve got you covered! Activitree is the easiest way to do fun-sized activities you love, together. Whether you have been living in or around Eindhoven for decades or just arrived, Activitree is for you and everyone like you. Everybody can join and create activities within the Activitree App for free. Get access to our social offline community. #GoTogether and let’s create a more connected (offline) world!

Explore ‘what art can be’ at MU Hybrid Art House One of Them Is a Human by Maija Tammi (photo by Hanneke Wetzer)

All summer long, MU has plenty of interesting things in store for you. Drop by till 12 September for the exhibition Real Feelings: Emotion and Technology or join the In Real Live Thursdays events: cultural encounters on regular Thursday evenings with a series of surprising performances, films, music, theatre, workshops, and talks. Does technology influence how we feel? Currently, MU is all about emotion and technology during Real Feelings. The exhibition focuses on a topic we all deal with to a greater or lesser extent, certainly in recent times: the role technology plays in our daily lives and the increasing influence it has on our emotions. Real Feelings presents the On our city tour ‘Eindhoven in art’, our local host

works of twenty contemporary artists who explore,

and artist Lex Grote shows us the lesser-known

question, criticize, but also embrace the boundaries

art hotspots in the Eindhoven region. For this

between human and machine. Especially in times

edition, he takes us to MU Hybrid Art House.

of social distancing - in which we see each other more on screen than in real life – technology is the glue that both literally and figuratively connects us.

If you find yourself strolling around Eindhoven’s

But of course, there is also a more grim and dark

cultural hotspot Strijp-S this summer, the exhibition

side to our daily interaction with smartphones,

and events at MU Hybrid Art House are definitely

apps, trackers, and robots. Is technology starting to

worth a visit! MU is all about art in the broadest

take over in such a way that it affects, maybe even

sense of the word. Together with mainly young

manipulates, our emotions? Are we still in control

makers and an international audience, MU explores

of how we feel now that the boundaries between

the hybrid here, now, and later of contemporary art

humans and machines grow narrower?

and visual culture.

Book a time slot to visit the exhibition via mu.nl.

Eindhoven in Art

Encyclopedia of Emotion by Seokyung Kim (photo by Hanneke Wetzer)

Synthetic Seduction by Stine Deja & Marie Munk (video still)

MU’s summer full of cultural encounters

predominate, such an open mentality that takes

Besides exhibitions, MU regularly organizes events

complexity as its starting point is a potential source

for a broad audience – from curious toddlers to

for both depth and perspective.






interested art lovers. Just like last year, MU presents


a summer filled with surprising programs on regular

Visit mu.nl for opening hours, upcoming events and

Thursday evenings - both interesting for a large

to book a time slot & keep an eye on our socials

audience and relevant for insiders and professional

(@mu_hybrid_art_house on Instagram)

designers. Expect workshops by participating artists in Real Feelings, in depth programs with a tight link to actualities and events that will not only activate

All summer long: In Real Live Thursdays

your brain, but also your body and soul.

Coming up autumn 2021: Life As We Know It

MU Hybrid Art House

On show till 12 September: Real Feelings

Exhibitions and events at MU can be unpredictable, playful, touching, stimulating and visionary, and invite you to actively relate to the works and world around you. MU preferably presents new work, surrounded by a stimulating secondary program in which boundaries between disciplines are crossed. Combined with Eindhoven’s innovative strength in the field of design and technology, together with an open, inclusive drive to experiment. The name MU is derived from a Japanese character that stands for synergy. In Zen, the term ‘mu’ exceeds dichotomous thinking. It creates space to

Torenallee 40-06 (Strijp-S)

postpone judgments and see what happens then.


Especially at a time when fast and strong opinions


But Can You Use It For Chocolate? Every language has a funny idiom for things that make no sense. In English, the most common phrase is “it’s all Greek to me”. But the practical Dutch, often more interested in how something is used than in what it means, often use a different phrase. “Daar kan ik geen chocola van maken” means “I can’t make any chocolate from that,” and it’s used to indicate something that doesn’t make any sense. After all, what good is something if you can’t make chocolate from it?


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Education and courses in these branches: administration, payroll, HRM, management, sales, marketing, logistics, (medical) secretarial service.


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Please note: From 2022 on there’s the possibility to redeem the “1000,- euro STAP subsidy” with us. Keep your eye on our website for this. The STAP subsidy is for everybody related to the Dutch labour market who wants to develop themselves through training.

Wadden Sea Despite being one of the most human-altered

humpback and minke whales may be returning

habitats on the planet, the Wadden Sea is home

to the area. Besides that, it is one of the most

to incredible biodiversity and is an important

important habitats for coastal birds in the world,

habitat for hundreds of species. Since 1978, the

supporting more than 1% of over 43 bird species.

governments of the Netherlands, Germany, and

The Wadden Sea is also an incredibly popular site

Denmark have been working together to protect

for recreation and activities, and it’s a wonderful

and conserve the massive wetlands, and in 2009

example of how people and governments can

the Wadden Sea was inscribed on UNESCO World

work together to preserve and enjoy natural

Heritage Site.


The Wadden Sea is home to over 10,000 species of flora and fauna, many of which no longer live outside the protected area. It is home to the only remaining population of houting, and sturgeon, porpoises, and dolphins have re-colonized the area. In recent years, sightings indicate that

7 steps to start your small or micro-business in the Netherlands International Creative Women is a social entrepreneurship organization that empowers, support and promote female entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. We have been working with dozens of women every day, helping them to transform their ideas into functioning businesses. Over the years, we have concluded that registering your business is actually very easy, the part that requires more attention and work is what you need to do before and after. If you are thinking about having your own business, this article will help you to define the steps you need to follow in order to start and run a functioning business.

1 2

Find your passion A good business starts with a good idea, and that business idea normally aligns with your passions and skills. Check within you to identify the skills people would happily pay for. Then, think about the problem you are solving with your idea or skill, get clear on your offering, your why, what and how.

Create a business plan A business plan will give you clarity and a solid foundation for your business. We have worked with many women during our business plan challenge. This is a real game changer but requires some work. Here are some key ideas to consider including in your business plan: •

What do you do that people want to pay you for? What is your advantage that will draw in customers?

Who are your customers? What are their behaviours? Where are them?

What are your revenue streams and what is your value proposition?

Are you working on a regulated field? For example food businesses, cosmetics or businesses running from home require specific permits.

It’s important to take time to create your business plan before investing your energy and money.

3 4 5 6 7

International Creative Women

Register your business at KvK This is the easiest step, it takes only 30 minutes and you pay a non-recurring fee of € 51,30. Before making the appointment you need to choose the legal structure. Are you going to be a freelancer, one person business or is a partnership? You can visit kvk.nl to get all the information. Then you can make your appointment and fill a form (available in English). The form includes very simple information about you and your business.

Choose your taxes scheme If you run a small business in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for the Small Businesses Scheme (kleineondernemersregeling, KOR). Entrepreneurs with a turnover of less than €20,000 per year can be exempt from paying VAT. If you choose this businesses scheme you will not charge your customers VAT and you do not pay turnover tax (VAT) to the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst). You can read all the details on their website: belastingdienst.nl

Build your brand identity High quality branding helps your business stand out and builds credibility. This will draw your dream customers in and let them know that they can trust you. Your brand identity is more than just your logo and fonts. Your brand identity is the culmination of how your brand looks, feels, and speaks to customers. It communicates your values, and influences the entire customer experience.

Launch it It’s time to make it real and visible. It’s time to set up your social media profiles, website, shop and generate a buzz. Don’t feel overwhelmed by all this, all these things don’t need to be perfect right away. You should focus on generating some revenue so you have money to invest and improve your branding, your website, or your packaging for example. Remember: It is better done than perfect.

Join us If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to Join our coffee and ideas. Being part of a community of likeminded people is highly beneficial. ICW can help you to get where you want, stay sane while doing it, and have more fun. Do you want to know more? You can join our Coffee and Ideas. Take a look on our website and let’s thrive together.

International Creative Women |‘T College 22, 5611EH Eindhoven | www.internationalcreativewomen.nl










r +31 (0)40 238 67 75


256-038 adv Howdo 140x102,5 v1.indd 1

Prakken with Your Food Dutch cuisine is famous for consisting of several ingredients mashed up together in a pan. But did you know that, even when foods are presented separately, the Dutch tend to mash them up together on the plate? Using your fork to mash and mix up the food on your plate is called “prakken”. While dining in restaurants, the Dutch usually slice and cut their food with a knife and fork. But at home, it’s all mixed into a uniform combination. That way the potatoes and vegetables get mixed with the flavor of the meat or gravy, and it’s easier to eat with one utensil. So even when Dutch food isn’t mashed, it’s always mashed.

30-06-21 11:26

The 30% ruling: what does it mean and how does it work?

Expats have some great tax benefits in the

Please be aware that when the 30% ruling no longer

Netherlands including the 30% ruling. But what

applies, you will be treated as a full resident tax

exactly is it and how can I apply for the benefit?

payer and you will need to state your worldwide assets in your Dutch tax return. It is important you

The Dutch 30% ruling is a tax exemption for

are well prepared for this change and seeking tax

employees hired from abroad to work in the

advice is highly recommendable.

Netherlands. If various conditions are met, up to 30% of your salary can be paid as a tax free allowance. This tax break is considered to be a compensation for expenses for the employee working •







The following conditions have to be met for the 30% ruling to apply.

The employer has to be registered with the Dutch tax office and pays Dutch wage tax;

Employer and employee have to agree in writing that the ruling is applicable;

The employee has to be transferred from abroad or has to be recruited abroad;

The employee did not reside within 150km from the Dutch border (for the last 18 out of 24 months at the time of hiring);






Financieel Adviescentrum Eindhoven provides

requirements (gross taxable salary 38.961 EUR

advisory and intermediary services. We are

in 2021);

specialized in expat mortgages and insurances.

The employee’s expertise is scarcely available in the Netherlands.

Please check our website www.mortgage040.nl for more information. Feel free to contact us for

In the past the 30% ruling applied for up to 8 years, but for expats who have arrived in the Netherlands in or after 2019 the ruling applies for up to 5 years. Employees who were using the 30% ruling prior to 2019 the changes will apply only after 1st of January 2021.

a free and non-committal introductory visit.

Light therapy has been proven to be effective for gloominess. Feeling gloomy or sad for a long time without a clear cause can be difcult for a person. You get less and less excited about things, and feel tired and lifeless. “We are seeing people isolating more and more, only complicating their symptoms further. During the fall and winter time we face the familiar “winter depression”. Characteristic for these depressions are symptoms such as sleeping a lot more, fatigue and a bigger appetite. People themselves compare it to “hibernation”: I sleep more, I eat more, I stay in more and when spring arrives my energy comes back. “If this lasts longer than two weeks, it is important to take action” explains Lisette Rops, psychiatrist at GGzE. With these kinds of complaints light therapy is very effective. A treatment that is offered in the ‘LichtCafé’. How does light therapy work? Lisette explains that everybody has an internal clock, also called the biological clock. It’s most important purpose is to release certain chemicals at the right time with regularity. For example hormones. When your biological clock has been disturbed, this can cause feelings of depression or gloom. With light therapy you can set your biological clock right.

“Rather light”

Fotograe: De mens in beeld

No waiting list Light therapy in the LICHTCafé is a low threshold treatment. Feel free to discuss this with your family doctor, and they can refer you. This will make sure you can join within around two weeks. Lisette: “You will sit in front of these lamps 5 mornings a week for half an hour, you can read a book, work, or just chat. Our professionals will also speak to you about your lifestyle. Because that can turn out to be a key player in you setting your biological clock. Think about structure throughout the day, activity and a healthy diet.”

“Light and Lifestyle”

occur with antidepressants like weight gain. “That is why we say: rather light than pills. Not just throughout the fall or winter, but also when there is a lot of natural daylight. Light therapy will still have the full effect!” Before you start with light therapy, you will have to ll in a form that asks about your complaints, and how you feel. On the fth day they will present you the same form to be able to measure your complaints. If needed the therapy can be elongated for three weeks. The LichtCafé is open every morning, and has two locations. The estate De Grote Beek and Theater Cafe de Hofnar in Valkenswaard. Want to know more? Have a look at www.ggze.nl/lichtcafe #lieverlicht

Proven to be effective Want to feel a lot better in only ve days? “It sounds too simple to be true,” Lisette continues. “Clients can barely believe it, but then experience it really is true. Also its effect has been proven through science, and has the same if not more impact as medicine”. It is impressively effective for a winter depression. 70/90% of people with a winter depression feel better after light therapy. There are no negative side effects that can

“Winter depression? 70/90% recover with light therapy”

Welcome to Eindhoven! By Olivia van den Broek-Neri

People from all over the world are living and working in the Eindhoven region. A group of these people have moved away from family and friends to start a job at one of the local companies, and are building a life in the south of the Netherlands. Although they may have come for a job, they must also settle into region, which in the best of times can be difficult. My job at Holland Expat Center South is to help make

Our Welcome Evenings will Continue in September

it easier for this group to settle into Brabant. One of the best ways to adapt to a new home is to get to

It is my pleasure to invite you to our Welcome

know the area and to meet new people, which is why

Evening on Friday 3 September 2021! The Welcome

my colleagues and I organize a Welcome Evening for

Evening is a series of events that take place on the

newly arrived internationals. Due to COVID-19, these

first Friday of the month, and is just one of the ways

events were temporarily canceled. This meant that

that the Expat Center welcomes you to Eindhoven.

although internationals continued to arrive in the

Whether you are new to the region, or have lived

Eindhoven region, and to arrange their formalities at

here for one or more years, you are welcome to

the Expat Center, we were unable to welcome them


as we had in the past.

Holland Expat Center South

The Welcome Evening will begin at 18:30 at LAB-

Upcoming Events

1, which is located in the city center. After a short welcome from the Expat Center, attendees will

My colleagues and I are busy organizing events

depart on a guided walking tour of Eindhoven in

to help you settle into the region. An additional

groups. The tour will be led by an official guide

benefit to attending our events, such as the

from the VVV Eindhoven who will tell you about the

Welcome Evening, is that you get to meet others

history of Eindhoven, point out must-see spots and

who are in the same situation as you. This is

share the future plans of the city. After the tour,

especially important today because everyone

attendees will return to LAB-1 where you can meet

has experienced such a difficult year. Check our

with the other participants and enjoy a drink. The

website for more information.

event will adhere to the current guidelines.


There is no charge to participate, but registration is

We hope to meet you in person soon!

required. Register via the QR code: Holland Expat Center South is a nonprofit governmental agency that assists internationals who are living and/or working in Brabant. Contact us at info@hollandexpatcenter.com or +31 (0)40 238-6775, or visit our website www.hollandexpatcenter.com. Register for our monthly newsletter

Attending the Welcome Evening is a nice way to start your weekend in Eindhoven and to get to know the region. Reach out, meet people and settle into Brabant! We are happy to have you here and are excited to welcome you in person!


Eindhoven Library (Bibliotheek Eindhoven) The Living In Program is part of the Municipality of Eindhoven / Holland Expat Center South. We help internationals to settle in and feel more at home in the Eindhoven region. We collaborate with all kinds of organizations in the region. This time we would like to introduce to you Eindhoven Library. For more information about the Living In Program, please contact Josine Frankhuizen: Josine.Frankhuizen@eindhoven.nl THE LIBRARY OF THE FUTURE

collaboration with other parties, should enter the

Our dream library is a place where residents and

neighborhoods with six new-style neighborhood

organizations are actively involved. A place where

libraries. We are pleased with this call for a

diverse groups come together for inspiration, to

substantial investment in the library and hope that

learn and to meet each other. Where several parties

the city council will accept this advice! We look

and organizations offer attractive activities for the

forward to shaping the new neighborhood libraries

neighborhood. For young and old and for people

together with the local communities and social

from all backgrounds.

parties. Do you want to contribute ideas for the library of

An independent committee was commissioned

the (near) future? Share your ideas with us via

by the city council to investigate the library and


its (near) future. Their advice is that the library, in

We would love to hear from you.

Bibliotheek Eindhoven

EINDHOVEN LIBRARY - THE CITY’S LIVING ROOM Everyone is welcome at Eindhoven Library. Here you will find the most beautiful books and there is enough space to study and work for free, even if you’re not a member. Coffee will be ready for you in our Library Café. We look forward to seeing you soon! THE PLACE TO BE

A membership gives you access to a large and

An Eindhoven Library membership gives you access

up-to-date collection of books, magazines and

to a large and up-to-date collection of books and

newspapers. Enjoy all the benefits with one of

newspapers from all around the world. Would you

our memberships.

like to learn Dutch by practicing conversation? Join our (online) Language Café. TIP: The library offers a

Most chosen:

growing range of lectures and workshops in English,


live and online.

Borrow an unlimited number of books and have access to thousands of eBooks.

PLENTY FOR CHILDREN Take a look at the collection of English, Italian


and Chinese children’s books. Later this year the

Borrow an unlimited number of items per year,

collection will be extended with French, Romanian,

all for free! For anyone under the age of 18.

Persian and Bulgarian books. The library also organizes storytelling in Dutch, English, Persian

w w w.bibliotheekeindhoven.nl/Joining-the-

and Italian. Check the website for an up-to-date


program! Are you a keen reader? The library in De Witte Dame has an extensive collection of English novels, thrillers and nonfiction. Do you prefer using an e-reader, or listening to an audiobook? As a member of the library, you can borrow your English eBooks and audiobooks for free via the BorrowBox app. BorrowBox – Your library in one app Eindhoven Library is the first, and only, Dutch library


to offer this great platform for English eBooks


and audiobooks. Sign up for free with your library membership and discover the most popular and

Sign up for our newsletter:

surprising new books.



Yma Gonzalez:

Bringing colors from Lima to Eindhoven How was your life in Peru?

level. Life was awfully hard there, and the people

It was colorful. I had the chance to live in many

were unkind but used to enduring hardships. Then

parts of my country because my parents’ business

I went to extremely beautiful cities with colorful

was located in various cities in the Andes. This has

landscapes where there always was an air of a

taught me to be tolerant since an early age. Life in

party and people talked while singing. That’s when I

colonized countries inflicts great wounds and is full

realized that people are like their weather.

of social differences, but also brings great cultural wealth and a lot of sensitivity.

When I was 18 years old, I moved to Lima to study Art at the “Universidad Catolica del Peru”, where

When I finished school, I took a gap year to learn

I met my best friends. Lima is a city that never

more about my parents’ business and different

sleeps, there is always something to do. I enjoyed

cities in the Peruvian Andes. Cerro de Pasco was the

the nine years I lived there and loved my work as a

place that left the most lasting impression on me,

designer and artist. I was always busy, so busy that

as it is always cold there at 4380 meters above sea

sometimes I just did not sleep two days in a row.

International Women’s Club Eindhoven


What made you move here?

What do you value most in the Dutch society?

When I was 21, I fell in love with my now husband.

One of the things that I value the most here is the

Six years later we started our life together in Paris.

feeling of social equality, freedom, and tolerance. As

There I had my big cultural shock and the most

a clear example of this, the education system allows

frustrating time of my life because I did not speak

each child to have access to good education and to

French. I expected Paris to be an international city

direct his life according to his interests and abilities.

where moving around in English could be easy, but day by day I faced the frustration of not being

How would you describe your life now?

able to even buy bread at the bakery because

Extra colorful! New ranges of colors have become

people did not have the interest or the patience to

part of my life and I think that only enriches me as a

understand me. I longed for my life in Peru. Every

person. I feel satisfied and happy. I think I am in the

time some work project was presented to me in

right place. I have a very international family and

Lima, I returned to Peru, which made me happy... but

friends, two extremely creative children, a loving

I missed my loved one very much and returned to

husband and two cats.

Paris. We stayed that way for two years and then we

Although Eindhoven is not an artistic city, I have

decided to move to the Netherlands. I have loved it

found my ways of staying creative.

here from the start; I felt so welcome and so happy

Besides painting, illustrating and ceramics, playing

with the Dutch people, especially because they are

with fabrics has become my great way of expression

so open emotionally and laidback. Of course, it was

in the last years, first making clothes and now

not all easy but this time I knew what to do: to stay

making bags. I enjoy everything I do. I love simple

busy. I decided to do a second degree in the Art

forms and great colors, as that is how I see life.

School in Utrecht and at the same time study Dutch. How did you experience your integration period? Studying in Utrecht with some international but mostly Dutch students was challenging because I was at a different stage in life than they were. On the other hand, in Eindhoven I had the opportunity to be in a language experimental integration group, where I met wonderful people, who today are the extension of my family. For me, the best way to understand Dutch society was by learning their language. After two years I felt at home here and I was ready to go for the biggest step of my life: to have kids. You can visit my world of colors in: The magic touch to this period of integration


was given by the International Women’s Club in

or find Yma Colors on Instagram.

Eindhoven. I couldn’t believe such a fantastic club existed! When I joined it seven years ago my circle of marvelous friends expanded quickly and continues to expand because every year wonderful new women join. International women have been a great

To learn more, visit www.iwce.nl or drop us

support and joy for me.

an email at iwceindhoven@gmail.com.

Eindhoven Chess Club Hi (aspiring) chess players! We are a chess club called

national champions who also competed in European

Eindhovense Schaakvereniging located in the west of

and world championships. Our under-12 and under-10

Eindhoven (Lievendaal). We have a club night every

teams won the Dutch championships last year.

Monday. During these nights we play chess against each other: sometimes fast paced, sometimes slow.

Unique about our club is our wide spectrum of

Besides this, we participate in team games against

playing strength. We start from beginner but go up

other clubs.

to master level, so all players should find strengthappropriate opponents. Improving at chess is not

These are the more ‘serious’ events. We also regularly

easy and requires painstaking effort. We have

organize a pub chess tournament at Hubble. This

training sessions in which we discuss our games or

cozy bar located on the university terrain allows us

strategic concepts. After the Monday night games

to play chess in a more casual atmosphere.

you can analyze your game with your opponents or

For children and teenagers, we have a chess club

to play a game of speed chess. This is also a great

at the International School on Mondays. We teach

time to socialize with your clubmates over a glass of

chess, in either Dutch or English, and afterwards

beer or tea!

everyone will get a chance to show off their newgotten skills on the chessboard. The strongest children and teens get the opportunity to play our

Interested, or want to learn more? Contact us:

adults. We are immensely proud of the youth section


of our club. It ranges from beginner level to many

T 06 1369 6599

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