Howdo december 2013

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13 A R EA • ed iti on 3 20 EN V O H D N EI IN LS IN TE R N A TI O N A TH E M A GA ZI N E FO R

Interview: Gabriel Dabanch Pur sue s Oly mp ic dre am in Ein dho ven

Holiday special WWW.HOWDO.INFO

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04-12-13 23:02

Howdo magazine is Arrogant Media’s bimonthly publication. Editors-in-Chief Niels ter Haar Noël Hoek Editor Joost Pool Editorial Office Poulack Afr Laura Bastiaansen Rachel van der Heijden Joost Pool Bobby Born Boxx Lana van Stiphout


Marketing Manager Ron Jacobs Media Advisor René Bercx, Berry van Dijk, Linda Willemsen Photography 040fotografie Ruud Balk Bobby Born Joost Pool Eddy Jansen Design Stefan Willigendael Contact Arrogant Media Postbus 851 5600 AW Eindhoven Would you like to receive Howdo at home? For € 17,50 a year you will receive the magazine once every two months. Mail for inquiries. Copyright and disclaimer All materials and content is protected under Article 15 of the Copyright Act. Copying is prohibited.

As we push forward into a new year of publishing at Howdo, we are extremely happy to see more groundbreaking opportunities for expats and locals. Believe it or not, with each new issue, we find that we ourselves learn a little more about this engaging city. In fact, through interviews and in pursuit of collecting tips for articles, our mission has evolved in full. But we are always eager to discover what makes the Eindhoven area such an appealing place to live in. Just over the past few months, we have received so much worthy material and we are delighted with the progress we have made so far. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the enthusiasm and passion of everyone who has welcomed us to their homes and offices, and shared their valuable experience and knowledge, has been superb. Above all, I’d like to thank our readers and contributors for their support of Howdo this year. On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to welcoming you back in 2014. We have all kinds of exciting editorial content planned, so stay tuned. It’s going to be a sensational year! Best wishes,

© 2013 Arrogant Media Arrogant Media is not liable for the content of the columns and eventual inaccuracies and/or typographical errors.

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04-12-13 23:02

Interview: Gabriel Dabanch Pur sue s Oly mp ic dre am in Ein dho ven


Table of Contents: December 2013 11.





Film, art, design and technological culture under one roof


Eindhoven Museum

A long lost city comes to life at Eindhoven Museum


Interview Trinity Church

Walk the Christian Walk at Trinity Church


Stoit Group

Moving to Eindhoven


Abraham Art

Christy Keeney


Interview Aruna Subramanian

Business Mentor at Startupbootcamp HighTechXL and Founder of A&E Management B.V.


Discover E

De Wijngoden (the Wine Gods): Concept pop-up store

33. 40. 43.

Holiday Special Agenda How do you do 3

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04-12-13 23:03

Bulletin board national InterNations a inter Expats r fo ts a p x E m o fr y it commun InterNations is a worldwide international online community for people who live and Dutch Taalles is a non-profit

work abroad. It enables their members to interact with other people in a similar situ-

organisation, that started in 2013.

ation, with comparable interests and needs. Trough this community, members can

Their goal is to ensure that non-

get and exchange information on expat-specific topics about their new city.

native speakers can make themselves understood in daily life. With a broad

As a member you have the possibility to share tips online and you are able to

range of language lessons, Dutch

meet up in person with other expats and locals during one of the monthly events.

Taalles provides for the needs of social

Additionally, you can get together in smaller “Activity Groups”, which provide a more

integration. This goal forms the guiding

intimate setting and focus on your specific interests and needs. Over 800 members

principle in everything that Dutch

are already networking in Eindhoven. In Eindhoven there is a meet & greet once a

Taalles does: the development of the

month and there are possibilities to join the local Drama Group, a dinner group or a

lessons, the organising of activities and

squash group.

the development of the students. For more information visit the website: In future Dutch Taalles want to give lessons in their own building, and have good contacts with various (government) agencies and communities. Dutch Taalles still expect to offer Dutch language lessons, but in addition, for example, computer or cookery lessons could be followed. They will also consider giving lessons in other languages. The core goal remains the same, that non-native speakers feel comfortable and can develop themselves in the Netherlands. For information:

FeelGood Market Every third Sunday of the month the FeelGood Market takes place at Strijp-S Eindhoven. But in December there’s a slight change of plans. The market will take place on December 22 instead of December 15th. That’s because this edition has a Christmas theme. The market is nice and warm inside the Klokgebouw in a cosy Christmas spirit. This is the place for special Christmas shopping. A lot of surprising products, workshops and great live music, will definitely assure a wonderful Christmas edition! 4

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04-12-13 23:28

Christmas Eve at the Effenaar

Inter nationaal Kers


The ‘Internationaal Kerstwintercircus’ in Parktheater Eindhoven is the place to be during the festive month of December. The large hall will be transformed into an arena

Christmas Eve (Kerstbal) is a night

where spectacular acts of the international

to celebrate. And a good time to

circus world will provide young and old

shake of that December blues and

with an unforgettable show. There are se-

work of all those big meals. In the

veral amazing acts on this years program:

Effenaar you can enjoy three decades

The world-famous clown David Shiner,

of music, the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. In

The Astronauts, juggler Zdenek Supka and

our main hall the best and biggest

many more. All acts will be accompanied

hits you can imagine will be filling

by a live orchestra directed by Krzysztof

your eardrums and shaking your

Majewski. Arjan Smit, well known from

legs. Madonna, Wham, The Eagles,

‘Sesamstraat’, presents the circus for the

ABBA, you name it. But if you want

third time. With also many extra activities in

a more alternative take on the 80’s,

the main foyer.

80’s Anders in the small room is the place to be. The Cure, Joy Division and Public Enemy will blast through the speakers. But there’s more, because the Snaren 90-dj team, have

City baker y Bread

collected the best alternative and

Do you miss the bread you are used to at home? Well, here’s some good news.

grunge from the 90’s and will be

Stadsbakkerij Broodt (City bakery Bread) at the Smalle Haven 101 is the place for you.

blowing of many socks in the café tonight. Kerstbal in the Effenaar is a

We bake very un-Dutch bread in a European baking tradition. Our sourdough bread is

celebration of music, you can’t really

made with only organic ingredients. We give it very long proofing time to enhance the

live without! The party starts at

flavor and give the bread a good crust. It is the kind of bread you would find in Scandina-

10.00 PM/22.00 hours.

via, Germany or France. Good taste, firm texture and delicious. According to some of our French clients we make ‘a very decent homemade croissant’. We are specialized in spelt

(Dinkel, Epeautre) bread. In the cosy bakery we serve breakfast and lunch with a nice cup of coffee, espresso, latte

24 DECEMBER 2013

or tea (all organic). You can relax on the couch or sit at the reading table. We have free WiFi. In December we have a special 10% discount on breakfast or lunch for expats! We hope the welcome you in our bakery soon and make you feel even more at home in Eindhoven. Stadsbakkerij Broodt | Smalle Haven 101 | 5611 EH Eindhoven | +3140 2112200

GROTE ZAAL: 70’s + 80’s + 90’s (hits / disco / pop) CAFÉ: SNAREN 90 (grunge / alternative) KLEINE ZAAL: 80’s ANDERS (new wave) vvk: E 12,50 | deur: E 15,00



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04-12-13 23:04

Bulletin board English poetr y & mu s i c perfor mance “bur ni ng blood” For the firs

t time in Oude Rechtb ank, POETRY IN ENGLISH Music & Poetry about Wounded Desires,

Part 1: Musical Poetry Performance

Lost Longings and Reflective Reality

‘As the glass shatters..’ Themes: about uprooting, displaced and creating your own home Part 2: Musical Poetry Performance ‘Fresh felled heart smart’ Themes: about looking back, lost longings and resignation in reality •

Carola Eijsenring: poems

Erik Deckert: didgeridoo

Lian van den Goorbergh: alto flute

Arash Mahdavian: tar Thursday 23rd January, 2014


Rechtszaal in the Oude Rechtbank

Until the 22nd of December 2013 the

Welcome from 19:45 hrs

unique production of the rock musical

Admission Free

RENT takes place. The musical, an initiative

nce ie r e p x e a ls a S te a Ultim Tania Martinez Castro has been passionate about dancing ever since she was a

of the theater organization het Nieuwe Theater, is organized by the Eindhoven student acting association Doppio, in association with the Eindhoven University of Technology.

little girl. You can contact her for everything related to salsa. She provides classes, workshops, shows and Salsa parties. Tania organizes spectacular salsa festivals at

Accompanied by a live rock band,

fantastic locations under the name Tania Salsa Spirit. She arranges that important

talented amateurs and professionals

dancers from all over the world come to Eindhoven to give workshops. With this

play together in a hall on the University

Spanisch lady it’s all about music and she really carries that through. She provides the

Campus which has been especially

total Salsa experience at your request, for example at weddings. Would you like to

transformed for this show. RENT tells the

experience the Ultimate Salsa Experience? Please Contact Tania!

story of eight artists in New York’s East -

Village in the beginning of the nineties. They try to capture the essence of their lives in images, words and music in a time where contamination with HIV meant a death sentence. What choices do you make when you know your time on earth is limited. In a year, these eight friends on their path to adulthood learn an important life lesson: no day but today!


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04-12-13 23:05

GLOW for Kids: kids L M S A y b d te a e r -c o c

Until we meet on Facebook

One of the highlights at this year’s edition of the light art event GLOW in Eindhoven

You move to Eindhoven and get thrown

was ‘Fladderaars van Licht’ (‘Flutterers of Light’). A flock of two thousand flutterers

into the deep end. You have so many

such as birds, bats and butterflies settled in the garden of the Dommelhoef in

questions and they are coming from

the Nachtegaallaan. The colourful art objects were made by school children from

every direction, leaving you helpless

primary schools in Eindhoven and by a hundred children of ASML employees.

on where to even begin. It can be the smallest things, which can be logical

As a financial sponsor of GLOW, ASML now also contributed to the event in a creative

for locals, but hard for you. For instance,

way by taking part in this children’s project. During Autumn break the ASML kids

in the Netherlands, you will most likely

visited the CKE school for visual arts, where they made their own flutterer during a

run into the public transportation scene

workshop. The results were amazing, as the picture shows and as you might have

and realize how expensive it is. To travel

experienced whilst visiting GLOW.

for a reasonable price locals purchase the OV chipkaart, which is something that everyone knows, but a foreigner may not! Meaning that you could be wasting money that you shouldn’t have to! For your questions, problems, and preactical business we have created a Facebook page. We invite you to visit our Facebook page to meet new people, creating a way for us and other expats to help you get acquainted. We

R E N N I D G N I K L WA to meet & eat! for Expats, a nice way

are here to make it easier for you. Howdo! Like us on Facebook :

The first editions of the concept WALKING DINNER in Eindhoven

For more information and tickets check our website:

and villages nearby have been taking place in 2013. WALKING

DINNER is a nice walk through the city while visiting and

You can also send an email to:

tasting a diversity of restaurants. Because of the great success and the fact that there are many expats living in this region, a

Hope to see you at WALKING DINNER for Expats, powered by

special edition for expats will be organized.


WALKING DINNER for Expats, powered by Howdo, will take place in the centre of Eindhoven on Sunday 23rd of March 2014 between 12.30 and 17.30 hours. Tickets will cost € 49,50 and give you a signature-dish and matching drink at 6 different restaurants and a drink & bite at the after-party. The exact restaurants will be announced in advance of the event. WALKING DINNER for Expats is a nice way of getting to know the area and the culinary hotspots, getting to know other expats and a great way of spending your free Sunday! 7

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04-12-13 23:05

Gabriel Dabanch

Pursues Olympic dre

am in Eindhoven

It is the ultimate dream of hockey player Jorge Gabriel

Then again, that probably says something about the status

Dabanch to play for the national team of Spain during

of hockey in his homeland. People in Barcelona are crazy

the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. The 24-year old rejected all

about soccer, whereas Dabanch’s former hockey club Polo is

other offers when Oranje Zwart asked him to join. Enjoying

relatively unknown. Due to financial problems Spain no longer

his time in Eindhoven, Dabanch nevertheless remains a

plays a role in international hockey. “For example, we recently

Spaniard true to the Spanish lifestyle and habits.

practiced twice against Scotland but if you want to win a major tournament you need to practice against the top nations.”

Near the Kleine Berg, in the city centre, Dabanch shares a house with teammate Elliot van Strydonck. “Eindhoven is


a great city, but of course incomparable to Barcelona, my

Dabanch, an attacking player, only just missed the cut for last

hometown. Barcelona is a metropolis where I can have a meal

year’s Olympics in London. That will not happen to him again.

at a restaurant and nobody knows who I am.”

“I chose Oranje Zwart, a strong competitor in the best league


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04-12-13 23:08

of the world, to ‘guarantee’ a spot on our next Olympic team.

it”. Currently, the Spaniard is a fulltime hockey player. “At the

You could possibly say that Oranje Zwart is presently the

same time, I also follow an online master course in business

best team in Europe. Take a look at our selection. Everyone’s

administration. Sometimes I have to go back to Barcelona for

an international. We have six Dutch, two Belgian and three

a lecture or an exam. It is nice to combine my studies with

Pakistani internationals. Besides that we have two former

hockey. From Eindhoven I can fly home in two hours.”

internationals and of course I am a Spanish international. With Mink van der Weerden we have the world’s best penalty corner specialist within our ranks.

Winter break The winter break in the Dutch league is from early December

Four months after his arrival in Eindhoven Dabanch has no

till the end of February. There was a chance for Dabanch to

regrets. “Michel van den Heuvel is a good trainer. With each

play in the Indian League in January and February. Large sums

practice-session I become a better player. The level is very high.

of money await the world’s top players for a two-month stint

In the circle I feel good. The circle is my home. So far I’ve scored

in India. “I was on the list, but not selected by one of the teams.

nine goals in the national league and two in the European

Maybe it’s for the best. I don’t know if the coach of Oranje

Hockey League.”

Zwart or the Spanish coach would have been so pleased. Now I can rest whilst still available for matches of the Spanish team.

Oranje Zwart ended the first half of the season as ‘winter

Besides, I can be with my family during the holiday season and

champions’, with notable victories over defending champions

that’s very important to me.”

Rotterdam and number two HGC. “I heard that OZ lost in the final game of the play-offs last season. Therefore it must

Text: Eddy Jansen

happen this year. We have lost some unnecessary points in the first half of the season. We should learn from those mistakes and stop making them in the second half of the season.” Siesta Although living in Eindhoven is pleasant for Dabanch he still has difficulties with the Dutch language. “Your language is pretty difficult. ‘Of ik het al spreek? Sjlecht. Niet goed. Iekke spreken beetje Nederlands.’ But, I can follow and understand everything in a team meeting. I understand what is meant, even if it is in Dutch. And if it is going too fast, there is always someone who can translate it to English immediately. Gabriel Dabanch lives in Eindhoven in a Spanish tempo and with regard for the siesta. “That is my style of living, which is very important to me. I can eat a very good Spanish meal in some places in Eindhoven, but I’m also not a bad cook myself. Many of the teammates have a warm meal early in the evening. I never do, I eat later. In Spain we always eat late in the evening. I’m never in bed before midnight! You guys always have lunch early and pretty fast. After lunch I take time out for a siesta.” Contract The agreement between OZ and Dabanch is temporary and is arranged per season. “Over the next few months it will become clear whether the club wants to keep me on longer. The Olympic Games aren’t until 2016. Anyway, I would like to play at this level for at least a season. Perhaps it is wise to play in Spain during the pre-Olympic year. Then I can think about 9

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04-12-13 23:30

What does stone-coal have to do with language training?

Well, it is part of a well known Dutch saying we use... ...when somebody translates typical expressions word for word into another language. You can imagine the effect this could have on the listener! At Regina Coeli, we strongly believe that an important success factor in speaking a language naturally and conďŹ dently is to understand the true meaning and cultural origin of the well known sayings and expressions. If you really want to come to grips with another language, Regina Coeli is the place to be. We offer language training in German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. Many top managers, expats and knowledge workers choose Regina Coeli and have been doing so for more than 50 years! We are often asked what our secret is. The truth is, we focus on a learning style that suits you, and because it is intensive you learn a lot in a short period of time. At Regina Coeli, everything revolves around you. You have the undivided attention of native speaker trainers and other staff who are there to support your programme in whatever way possible. And, last but not least, we are famous for our hospitality and state-of-the-art facilities.

More information at or call us at +31 (0)73 684 87 90.

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04-12-13 23:25

Photos: Ruud Balk, Text: Ton van Rooij

Natlab Film, art, design and technological culture under one roof

Natlab building can be to visit one or more of the – freely accessible – art/design exhibitions, have a meal or participate in a workshop. Or even better: combine a thing or two. For what Natlab very much wants is to let people experience more. Natlab by Plaza Futura

On 11 October 2013, Natlab, once the physics laboratory of

In 1950, cinema Plaza opened its doors at Leenderweg 65 in

electronics concern Philips, was reopened as the new home of

the quarter Stratum. In 1987, it was closed, but in 1990, under

arthouse cinema and performing arts theatre Plaza Futura,

the new name Plaza Futura, it was reopened as a theatre for

film platform BROET and cultural research and development

arthouse films and performing arts. “Over the last ten years, three

company Baltan Laboratories. Located on the former Philips

new locations for Plaza Futura were considered,” says Pauline

site Strijp-S, Natlab houses five film halls, one theatre hall,

Terreehorst, the theatre’s director. “Eventually the city council cut

two exhibition rooms, a film studio, various workshop spaces

the knot and chose for Natlab, because the Strijp-S area could

and a café-restaurant. As a result it has become one of

use an institution like this.”

Eindhoven’s biggest cultural institutions.

With the move, the name was changed into ‘Natlab door Plaza Futura’ (‘Natlab by Plaza Futura’). “The name Plaza Futura was

A bit of history

heavily linked to the Leenderweg,” explains Terreehorst. “I felt

In 1914, Philips president Gerard Philips and his bother Anton

we had to mention Natlab, first of all to mark a course change

gave the young physicist Gilles Holst the opportunity to create

and furthermore to administer justice to the truly extraordinary

a physics laboratory for the firm. The idea behind this was that

history of this building.”

by conducting research of their own, Philips would be able to

What can people expect at the new theatre? Terreehorst: “We

obtain patents and thus become independent of patents from

receive € 600,000 municipal funding a year on a turnover of

third parties. In the early ‘60s, this widely renowned research

€ 2.1 million. In return, we’re asked to program anything that’s

centre moved to what is now known as the High Tech Campus.

innovative in the field of film and theatre. And just like every subsidised institution in Eindhoven, we need to pay attention

Experience more

to participation and education. On these pillars, we build our

From day one, the goal has been to turn Natlab into a meeting


point for present-day arts, with film as the basis. The film menu

For internationals, Terreehorst has news that may foster interest

ranges from arthouse to YouTube and from small independent

among them. “In 2014, we’re going to make a start with

productions to digital video art. Other reasons to enter the

screening a number of non-English films with English subtitles.” 11

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04-12-13 23:09

Etman envisions it. “There’s plenty of common ground with our fellow residents, which creates room for cross-overs. And thanks to Natlab’s advantageous location, we’re sure we’ll attract many more visitors than would’ve been imaginable before.” Baltan Laboratories Incepted in 2008, Baltan Laboratories initiates, mediates and shares innovative research and development at the intersection of art, design and technological culture. “Baltan Laboratories was founded by the municipality of Eindhoven and others to investigate what the media landscape of the future should look like,” says director Olga Mink. “Just showing works that combine art, design and technology at events like the STRP Festival wasn’t enough to make sure a lively culture in this field would emerge.” The company ‘looks’ into the future by means of research projects and public activities, such as workshops, for local and international creative practitioners. But also, among other things, by strategic collaborations with local, national and international Rob van Gijzel, ma yor of Eindhoven, delivering a speech at the opening of Natlab.

organizations and schools that promote new ways of working and thereby create opportunities for talent development and creative innovation. The name Baltan wasn’t merely chosen because it’s the reverse

According to Terreehorst, the focus will remain on arthouse

of Natlab. Mink: “In the ‘50s, Dick Raaijmakers conducted

cinema. “Every now and then though, we seek the boundaries.

experiments here with electronic equipment to make music

I would be very eager, for example, to have a film like ‘Gravity’

and thus became one of the pioneers of electronic music. Under

screened here around Christmas. But we’re not a competitor,

the name Kid Baltan, he released records and contributed to a

I think, of cinemas like Pathé, because they have a completely

number of major productions. So with our name, we also pay

different target group.”

tribute to him.”


Address and opening times

Film platform and cinema BROET started out in hall SBX on

Natlab is located at Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven. From Sunday

Strijp-S in 2008. The name is made up of the first letters of the

to Wednesday, it’s opened from 10 am to midnight, on other

surnames of its founders, filmmakers Frans Brok and Ramon

days from 10 am to 1 am. Website:

Etman, the centre’s director. BROET produces fiction and corporate films, screens films and since 2010 organises the Eindhoven Film Festival. For filmmakers, BROET serves as the liaison with the professional film world. “We specifically aim at talents who’re following or have completed an audio-visual study,” Etman points out. “Those people can enroll in the BROET Academy, at which they will get high standard workshops, master classes and seminars from professionals and make a short film. Thus, we give them a helping hand to start or boost their career.” A lot of the films shown at BROET are made by regional, independent directors – and there’s a reason for that. “Many of these films often don’t get a podium,” Etman stresses. “With a program like Kweekvijver [Breeding Ground], held every Thursday at 9 pm, visitors can now get to know those films.” In terms of distance, BROET’s relocation is negligible, but in terms of benefits and opportunities, it’s huge. At least, that’s how


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04-12-13 23:09

Upcoming highlights at Natlab Natlab door Plaza Futura

was the Dutch entry for the Oscars in 2011. From 19 December,

Pauline Terreehorst: “From 26 December, we will program the

we will screen ‘Rauw’ (‘Raw’) by Hugo Metsers, a drama based on

newest film by Danish director Lars von Trier, ‘Nymphomaniac’,

shooting incidents that have occurred in the Netherlands and

which for its title alone will undoubtedly cause a lot of stir. This

abroad in recent years. After the premiere, a Q&A will take place

will be an important film for January, just like another production

with cast and crew members, including the director.”

with an erotic overtone, Roman Polanski’s ‘Venus in Fur’. These films will also be screened at a mini-festival held during the

Baltan Laboratories

weekend of 18 and 19 January. We will then show what was

Olga Mink: “Shown from 10 December to 20 January will be the

ground-breaking 40 years ago, when a ‘free circuit’ of arthouse

‘HOOPGAS’ project that we developed with the Belgian artist/

cinemas arose, and what is ground-breaking now. And there will

researcher Bartaku and the Holst Centre, a High Tech Campus-

be a party, too!”

based R&D company with employees from 28 nations. The exhibited work is a hanging sculpture emitting a glowing light


from behind oiled and stitched banana peels stating: ‘HOOPGAS’.

Ramon Etman: “The Kunstbende (Art Gang) has selected a

In this work, the intellectual legacy of art and philosophy is

couple of short films for Kweekvijver on 12 December. These

linked to technology and ecology.

films are made by talented teenagers who will be at hand to

In January, we will present the result of an open lab session held

answer questions from the audience. In addition to that, they

here with industrial design students of the Eindhoven University

will get professional feedback from director Harrie Verbeek,

of Technology: a sort of pressure cooker. The process from

whose short film ‘Stilte Na de Storm’ (‘The Calm After the Storm’)

‘concept to prototype’ will also be explained.” 13

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04-12-13 23:11

3 course menu in the neighbourhood restaurants are priced at only

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1:27 am



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04-12-13 23:25

The nativity scene It’s December and Christmas season with all its traditions has

nativity scene, but are never mentioned in the biblical description

begun. One of the Christmas traditions that should be included

of Jesus’ birth. They are an allusion to the book of Isaiah, where

is the nativity scene. The nativity scene has a long history that

they are mentioned in chapter 1, verse 3: “The ox knoweth his

dates back to pictures on fourth century grave tombs. With

owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know,

the upcoming activities in the city centre, where Eindhoven

my people doth not consider.” From the fourth century onwards,

Museum will show historic nativity scenes, it is interesting to

the ass and the ox are interpreted in relation to the Christmas

shed some light on the history of this phenomenon.

story. They became symbols for the Jews, the later Christians who recognised their Messiah, and the heathens. In the drawing from

Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) is credited with creating the first

the Florarium Temporum this is shown beautifully. Clopper lets the

living nativity scene in 1223, in Greccio, Italy. He built a realistic

ox, which represents the Jews, look at Jesus, whereas the donkey,

and authentic scene common people could identify with. On

the symbol for the heathens, looks away from the child.

Christmas Eve, Francis performed his mass in front of this scene. According to legend, a miracle happened during the mass: Francis suddenly held a shining child in his arms! The nativity scene was soon adopted by churches and monasteries all over Europe. In 1370, the church in Roermond was the first Dutch church to have a nativity scene. In Eindhoven, we find the earliest depiction of a nativity scene in the chronicle Florarium Temporum written by Nicolaus Clopper

Eindhoven Museum

junior. Clopper wrote his chronicle in the Augustinian monastery

A long lost city comes to life at Eindhoven Museum. In

Mariënhage in 1472. It tells us about the history of the world and

the historical heritage parks in Genneper Parken, you will

includes some biblical events, such as the creation of the world

meet the prehistoric and middle age residents of Brabant.

and the birth of Jesus Christ. The nativity scene in the chronicle

Become familiar and participate in the routines of daily life

was drawn by Clopper himself in grey-brown ink. It is a simple

of that era. The history from the 17th century onwards is

picture of Mary, Joseph, an ox and a donkey standing in the barn

presented in the museum collection, which can be found

while Jesus lies on Mary’s cloak. A shepherd watches them from a

on multiple locations around the Kempen. Eindhoven


Museum organizes educative programs, expositions, events, readings and demonstrations. The lively history and

The ox and the donkey are interesting figures in the drawing and

collection combined give an astonishing image of daily life

deserve a closer look. These animals are traditionally part of the

in “The beginning of Eindhoven.” 15

15_HOWDO_3-13_Eindhoven Museum.indd 15

04-12-13 23:12

This Howdo’s theme is Spain! I think it’s safe to say that most Dutch think of a sun-safe holiday destination when they think of Spain, not a big economical partner. So it’s great to zoom in on that beautiful part of Europe and see what Spain means for Eindhoven! From an hoteliers perspective the first things that come to mind when thinking of Spain are leisure business, beach resorts, great food and great wines! Actually, Spain has been a big influence on the hotel & restaurant business the last decennium. Tapas is widely known and enjoyed in Holland. The great “reservas” are top page on many restaurant wine lists and – last but not least- NH Hoteles, one of Holland’s biggest players in hotel exploitation is Spanish as well! So, in our daily work, I am pretty confident in saying that there is not a day that we don’t work with Spain and its produce! For Eindhoven, there are many opportunities in the collaboration as Spain in not only one of the largest Euro-countries. They are also Europe’s – and so “our”- gateway to Africa. The continent where is foresee huge potential for the European hotels! So enjoy the read and for now, houdoe and adios!

Walk the Christian Walk at Trinity Church Far from friends, family and home, people often find themselves more open to spiritual growth. “It’s the Abraham effect,” says Francis Noordanus, pastor at Trinity Church in Eindhoven. “When people start moving, they start growing. Things they took for granted at home now become precious.” A child of Dutch parents who left Rotterdam in 1958, Francis Noordanus was born in New Zealand in 1961. He’s married to Barbara, a true Kiwi, and has a son and daughter. You packed up your family in 2002 to become a pastor in Eindhoven? “Basically, yes. My daughter was old enough to stay behind, and she now lives in Australia. Myself, my wife and our son, who was thirteen at the time, decided to take the plunge when the bishop in London called me. I had been a pastor in New Zealand for almost ten years, having been a schoolteacher before that, and the thought of moving to the Netherlands excited me. Of course this was partially due to my heritage, but


16-17_HOWDO_3-13_Column_Church.indd 16

04-12-13 23:13

not less importantly, the fact that while the Christian Church is

is of Dutch origin, but our members come from around the

on the rise in almost all parts of the world, it has been in decline

globe. Especially in the last few years, we’ve seen a big increase

in Europe for the past few decades.”

in the number of Indians, due to ASML and other companies. After a service, you will hear Mandarin, Spanish, several Indian

I read that the Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Church.

languages and English, even. People come and go at quite a

Where does the Anglican Church stand? “You could say we

rate; sometimes we have a turnover of 20% a year. Apart from

are Via Media, which is the middle way, when compared to

that, we are a ‘young’ church, there are at any one time typically

Catholicism and Protestantism. One thing that sets us apart is

three babies on the way. We lack older people because they

the role for women. Clergy are allowed to marry and women

move back to their home country. I am not going to buy my

have been able to become priests since the 1970’s. Well, in

grave here either.”

England they’re still arguing about that. But in most parts of the world women can, and Barbara has been ordained as a priest

What do you offer your community? “A loving, safe family where

too. A difference with most international churches is that we

people can worship in English. It’s often not their first language,

don’t really have a base-culture. Freedom is important and our

but it is their trade language. We provide the opportunity to

members shape the character of the church. We don’t have to fit

walk the Christian walk because Christianity cannot be lived or

into a tight mould.”

practiced in isolation.”

Could you tell me about the community at Trinity? “Well, it’s

For more information visit

very diverse and constantly changing. Approximately a third Text: Joost Pool


16-17_HOWDO_3-13_Column_Church.indd 17

04-12-13 23:13

Expat Center Revisited

Text: Joost Pool

In the previous issue of Howdo we interviewed Kris de Prins,

Australian Brandon Yeup Hur arrived in Eindhoven a month ago.

managing director of the Holland Expat Center South. Here are

He’s no stranger to the area, having been an exchange student

some impressions of its clientele.

at TU/e in 2007. A month ago he returned to the TU/e, this time as a PhD researcher. The last two years were spent in Kamakura, Japan, where he studied at the local university. What is your impression of the Expat Center? “I think it’s very good. The last time I was in the Netherlands, in 2007, I had to deal with the Immigration Center. That was a really bad experience and I was worried the Expat Center would be just like that. But it’s really good to be honest. I was worried everything would take a long time but I’m quite surprised. Everything is simple and quick, however I am not sure what other services it provides, besides providing help with the standard permits.” How long are you planning to stay in the Netherlands? “Right now the idea is to stay for four years. My girlfriend is in London presently but fortunately she will be joining me in February.” Do you find it easy to adjust to life in the Netherlands? “I’ll just have to find out as I go along. My advice, to myself and everyone else, is: ‘Keep your mind open to new things when you meet people, then you will get along with them.’” What’s the strangest thing you have encountered here? “To be honest, nothing yet. Australia is a lot weirder than Holland. But then again, I haven’t been to the rural areas yet, that’s often where


18-19_HOWDO_3-13_Expat Center Revisited.indd 18

04-12-13 23:15

informative and I only wonder about the rules and regulations for a longer or permanent stay.” What are your plans for the near future? “I’m glad everyone I meet speaks English. But I do believe that you should learn the language of the country you live in, especially if you’re staying for a number of years. So once all the formalities have been dealt with I think I’ll start attending Dutch classes. I’m even considering studying German, being so close to the border as I am. Besides that, my company does a lot of business with Germany.” Brandon and Rushikesh are both satisfied with the help they’ve been receiving from Kris de Prins and his team. One member of the team new expats are more than likely to meet is volunteer Simone Wu. Simone and her husband, both Taiwanese, came to the Netherlands 23 years ago. Simone: “Until a few years ago I used to have a fulltime, paid job. I first worked as a sales marketing manager at Chenbro Europe. After that I went to work for Foxcomm Europe where I was the operational manager. I enjoyed working for both companies but decided I didn’t want to put in so many hours anymore. So two years ago I became a volunteer here at the Expat Center. My husband came here to work for Acer Computers and is now employed by Cyber Power. My tip for newcomers: come prepared and have an open mind to Dutch the weird things happen.”


Indian Rushikesh Bhagwatkar has only been in the Netherlands

Are you planning to stay here or eventually move back to Taiwan?

for a few weeks but this is his second visit to the Expat Center. He

“The chance is fifty/fifty I suppose. I really can’t tell. Recently our

is product manager industrial reducers at Benzlers which is an

only child moved to the Philippines for three years to be with his

Elecon Group Company.

girlfriend. We’re not sure what his long term plans are and we’re

What’s your first impression of Eindhoven? “I can’t really say

not sure about ours. We love living in the Netherlands but of

actually. The Elecon Group Company I worked for in India

course every once in a while we do miss our family in Taiwan. Only

has transferred me to Benzlers in Venlo, so that’s where I live

time can tell.”

now. But speaking for Venlo specifically, or the Netherlands in general, I think this is a great place to live. I don’t feel like I live in a different country. The people I meet are very friendly and the acceptance of expats and foreigners is really high. The only thing I dislike is the cold.” Is this your first experience abroad? “I have been on short-stay business trips before, to Singapore and Dubai, but this is the first time I actually move country and stay for a longer period. I expect to stay in Venlo for three years. What happens after that I don’t know. I might be relocated back to India or anywhere else in the world. I’m here all by myself. I’m not saying I don’t want a partner but being single does make things easier if you are transferred to a different country.” What do you like about the Netherlands? “Like I said, I like the people and the culture. There’s also a good working-culture, or mentality, here.” And your impression of the Expat Center? “Well, this is my second time here and I’m very pleased. It’s all very convenient and the process is smooth. They have been extremely helpful and 19

18-19_HOWDO_3-13_Expat Center Revisited.indd 19

04-12-13 23:15

Broken? Repairlab is specialized in repair and maintenance off your smartphone, tablet or notebook. 30 minute repair service, walk in without an appointment | 040-28 70 700 | Dillenburgstraat 11C | Eindhoven 00_HOWDO_3-13_Adv.indd 20

04-12-13 23:25

Moving to the Eindhoven area As an expat moving to Eindhoven you will discover a progressive

Veldhoven is one of the other possibilities, housing here is

city which sets global trends in technology, art and design.

modern and available in a wide price range. Veldhoven, where ASML is based, is near Eindhoven Airport.

Eindhoven and the region have around 725.000 inhabitants of which 30% is foreign. There is a large all-new international school

The services of Stoit Groep are tailored to the business market.

with all modern amenities.

We provide suitable housing for employees of multinationals, who are residing in the Netherlands for a short stay or a longer

Eindhoven was dubbed the smartest city in the world by the

period of time. We offer fully furnished homes as well as semi-

Community Forum ICF in New York. This does not mean that the

furnished residences in the middle and upper segments, both

citizens have the highest IQ but rather that the region makes

on weekly and monthly leases.

best use of ICT and broadband internet etc. The region accounts

All residences offered by Stoit Groep are in a perfect condition.

for around 40% of R&D investments in the Netherlands and is

Furthermore we provide all necessary support in terms of

officially referred to as ‘Brainport’.

maintenance, cleaning and linen services, invoicing, etc.

The various villages around Eindhoven are also very popular with

Find your new home in our selection of more than 400

expats. Oirschot, for example, is a very nice and quiet village,

properties on:

known for its historic centre with more than 300 monuments and just 12 minutes away from the international school.

We will help you and we will have the perfect solution for your

Nuenen is also nice and quiet. It houses several Dutch windmills


and the older centre stretches around a leafy village green. Nuenen was home to the famous painter Vincent van Gogh (1883-1885). You will find a collection of the history and beautiful art in the van Gogh museum of Nuenen. 21

21_HOWDO_3-13_Stoit.indd 21

04-12-13 23:16


Carefree third party liability insurance In Dutch we have an appropriate saying: ‘een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje’. This means that one small error can have many consequences. While there may be no intention involved from your side, you could still be responsible for the damage incurred. In situations like these, it is good to know that you are properly insured. How much does liability insurance cost? You can take out liability insurance via ABN AMRO Verzekeringen from just € 2.38 per month (incl. 21% insurance premium tax). Liability insurance normally has no excess. You can choose to have excess per incident. If you choose to have excess you will receive a discount on your premium. ABN AMRO International Clients also acts as intermediary for other types of insurance. You can also take out insurance with us for your car, laptop, mobile phone or your home. The employees at the International Clients desk will be pleased to inform you of the possibilities.

It can happen to anyone: suppose you suddenly have to swerve while on your bicycle and you hit a parked car. Or suppose that your child knocks over an expensive vase in a design shop. Or that you have an unfortunate collision with a passer-by during a walk in the park, resulting in the passer-by breaking an arm and being out of work for a while. These are just a few examples in which unintentional damage can occur. This damage must be compensated. In that case, ABN AMRO’s liability insurance provides a solution. Why liability insurance? ABN AMRO International Clients is the intermediary for expats living in the Netherlands for realising a liability insurance from ABN AMRO Verzekeringen. The liability insurance covers any damage that you or family members residing with you accidentally inflict on other people’s belongings or if they accidentally injure someone. It also covers damage caused by your family pet. After all, your dog or cat is a member of the family. You can also call upon the insurance if a tree in your back garden falls on your neighbour’s shed, or if a roof tile is blown through the window of a parked car. More information can be found on our website I already have liability insurance in my own country. Is it valid in the Netherlands? We recommend that you read the policy conditions of your existing insurance carefully. You may indeed be covered for damage abroad and naturally that will also include the Netherlands. In many cases, coverage ends when you temporarily or permanently take up residence in another country. It is not compulsory to take out liability insurance in the Netherlands but it can save you a lot of headaches. Liability insurance for your car, motorbike or other motor vehicle is, however, compulsory.

00_HOWDO_3-13_Adv.indd 22

Do you have any further questions? Please contact the ABN AMRO International Clients desk. Our expert advisers will be pleased to help you. We can answer many of your questions immediately. Do you have any general questions about insurance coverage? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will, of course, be pleased to help you. Visit our website for more information. You can also contact us through one of the following offices: International Clients Amsterdam Office address: Evert van de Beekstraat 2, 1118 CL Schiphol Telephone: +31 (0)20 343 40 02 (for expats) E-mail: International Clients Rotterdam Office address: Coolsingel 93, 3012 AE Rotterdam Telephone: +31 (0)10 402 58 88 E-mail: International Clients The Hague Office address: Kneuterdijk 8, 2514 EN The Hague Telephone: +31 (0)70 375 20 50 E-mail: International Clients Eindhoven Office addresses: Vestdijk 18, 5611 CC Eindhoven Professor Holstlaan 4, 5656 AA Eindhoven (The Strip at the High Tech Campus) Telephone: +31 (0)40 237 90 00 E-mail:

04-12-13 23:25

That Eindhoven ope its first railway stati ned on in 1866?

The Effenaar was sa originally founded a e? youth centr The Effenaar was founded in 1971. Evenings were organized where young people could express their displeasure about

It looked very different than the current station does. The

society, politics and their parents. After a few years, more

new station was built in 1956 to a design by architect Koen

time was spent on programming music. Meanwhile, the

van der Gaast. If you look closely you see that the building

Effenaar has become one of the largest music venues in the

resembles a radio.


e bus We had the first femal driver in 1985? On 22 June 1985, Nellie Kampert became the first female driver of Eindhoven at the Zuidooster.

rre There are some biza in Championships held Eindhoven? For example, the Philips Retirees held a smoking contest in 1952 and in 1956 there was a tea making championship for the Eindhoven housewives.

of The nickname ‘City th Light’ is used for bo ? Paris and Eindhoven

hool in The International Scd in the Eindhoven is locate plex? former barracks com In September this year the school moved to the 10 hectare

This nickname is now attributed to Philips, but is originally

site of the former Constant Rebecquekazerne. Also on the

from the match industry in Eindhoven.

campus: a library, a restaurant and plenty of room for sports.


23_HOWDO_3-13_Did you know.indd 23

04-12-13 23:16

Text: Rachel van der Heijden

y e n e e K y Christ inate

c s fa d n a e ir p s in to s e Continu

In the AbrahamArt gallery works from many different artists are displayed. Recently, more than 20 works by the popular artist Christy Keeney were added to the collection and we are interested to find out more about him. Irishman Keeney makes sculptures from ceramics and he paints at the request of different people, including politicians and the Prince of Wales. He was encouraged by his mother to become an artist and a school trip to a Dublin art gallery opened his eyes to contemporary art and the style in which he is working now. Keeney: “I saw a sculpture, a bronze cello which was divided into several segments. The artist ruined things and then turned it into something new, something completely different. For me it was just a great idea.” The time he studied in London changed Keeney tremendously. “When I was in London, without my family, I turned into an adult. It changed me and made me think about who I was and what I had done in the past. During that time, London was in a recession and there were many empty spaces where I could 24

24-25_HOWDO_3-13_Abraham Art.indd 24

04-12-13 23:17

“Everything is assembled in a unique manner, each piece is distinctive.” work. We used an empty classroom as an atelier. That was the

piece. If you enjoy the object you can choose to buy or rent it. If

most amazing time of my life because I had the freedom to

not, you can just take it back. Feel free to visit our gallery or take

explore without the pressure to sell something. I did not sell

a look online and become inspired.

anything in those days. During this period, I was playing in a band in the weekends and I earned enough money. I spent a lot

For more information visit:

of time with my fellow students and had a great time there. I did

not care about making money with my art. When my daughter was born I changed my mind and started thinking about making money.” You even worked for Prince Charles. “That was in 1986. After my graduation I was asked by Prince Charles if I wanted to portray him. Nobody would pass on such a chance. I visited him and made photos from all different angles. This way you can make the best possible replication. It was a fantastic experience of which I am very proud. I ended up staying in London for seventeen years and in 2001 returned to Ireland.” Keeney also makes ceramic sculptures. He has always had a passion for ceramics and his sculptures continue to inspire and fascinate. He produces different ceramic faces and then paints them. He makes various forms in order to make a unique work in the end. While painting his style is quite similar. “In the beginning I don’t know what I am going to make. I just start and then after a while I see in which direction it leads me. Every single day I work with a lot of passion and I hope this will continue for many years.” The artworks by Christy Keeney at AbrahamArt are both for sale and rent. Through the unique art library concept you can temporarily have a work of Keeney (or other well-known artists) in your home for only three percent of its value. You can save two-thirds of that on a later purchase of an artwork of your choice. At AbrahamArt you will find a rich collection of art from around the world. To choose and buy art is a matter of personal taste and your home interior. The art consultants at AbrahamArt will be more than happy to help you at your home in choosing the right object. They will show a number of works so you can make the best possible choice. Online you can request a trial placement after which an employee will visit your home, no-strings-attached, with the 25

24-25_HOWDO_3-13_Abraham Art.indd 25

04-12-13 23:32

Dogs If you are a dog owner there are some rules you must oblige. This is to make sure that everyone lives in a pleasant environment. The most important rules are that you must clean up after your dog and that the dog should be on a leash at all times. This does not apply to the so-called honden losloopterreinen where dogs are allowed to run free. But even

Paper recycling

in those restricted areas you still run the risk of a fine if you don’t clean up after your dog. In Eindhoven the fine is € 120,-. If you’re not in the possession of clean up material (a plastic bag for example) you could be fined € 85,-. The same fine

In the Netherlands, all paper waste is not disposed of in the

applies to an unleashed dog. Dog owners are also required to

bin but collected on an assigned day. This paper is collected

pay tax for their dog(s). The rates for Eindhoven in 2013 were

once a week in the city centre and every fortnight in the

€ 68,- for the first dog and € 136,- for each extra dog.

other districts. On the given days residents are expected to leave their paper in neat bundles or boxes on the sidewalk. Presenting the recyclable paper on other days could lead to a fine!

Ja/Nee sticker

Sunday opening times It has been a long process but as of January 1, 2014, shops in the centre of Eindhoven are allowed to open their doors

Do you find it annoying to receive a lot of paper in your

each Sunday. Shopping malls outside the centre are as of yet

mailbox? In that case you can ask for a sticker from the city

indecisive whether they will open each Sunday.

hall and put it on your mailbox. There are two types of stickers: By using the no/no sticker you do not receive any advertisements or door-to-door newspapers. The no/yes sticker indicates that you want to receive door-

Bir th

to-door newspapers but no advertising. The stickers are

There are 210,000 babies born daily worldwide. Every

available for free at the counter in the City Hall.

country has its own customs and traditions, and so does the Netherlands. For example, we teach our children the legend of the white stork that brings babies to new parents. Many

Minimum legal age fo and tobacco consum r alcohol ption in the Netherlands

expecting mothers in the Netherlands choose to have their baby at home. Nowadays men have their own roles in childbirth. They support their wives, take pictures and cut the umbilical cord. The Dutch people eat ‘beschuit met muisjes’ (rusk topped with

Presently, the minimum legal age for buying alcohol and

sugared caraway seeds) to celebrate the birth of their baby. If

tobacco is16, but this will change. On January 1, 2014, the

the newborn is a girl, the color of the muisjes is pink and blue

age limit will be raised to 18.

if it is a boy.


26_HOWDO_3-13_Practical Tips.indd 26

04-12-13 23:18

Text: Bobby Born

Ar una Subramanian-Spaans

amp HighTechXL tc oo pb tu ar St at r to en M ss ne si Bu t B.V. and Founder of A&E Managemen

Aruna celebrates a career spanning almost two decades. She

people have been extremely friendly and welcoming. I look

is an expat who has lived and worked in four continents and

forward to developing some of these new contacts into lasting

finally found her home in the Netherlands. Today, she helps


start-up companies with their corporate and exit strategies, governance and fund raising. She agreed to sit down with us

What do you enjoy most about living in the Netherlands?

to answer a few questions about her new life in Eindhoven.

Cycling and being safe! Of course, only when it is not cold and raining. I love the fact that physical activity is an integral part

Where are you originally from?

of life here and doesn’t have to be restricted to ‘fitness hours’. I

I was born in India and grew up in a town near Delhi.

would love my son to grow up with that ingrained in him.

What brought you here?

If you could pick one piece of advice to anyone moving

I have been living in The Hague since 2005 but last April, my

here, what would it be?

husband got offered a position here that he really enjoys. We

Get involved and get out there, there is plenty to do here. It

value our time together - especially with our young son - so we

makes it much easier to meet other enthusiastic people and feel

bravely decided to move to Eindhoven.

more integrated.

How was your transition from The Hague to Eindhoven?

What are your top expat tips for anyone following in your

I was initially skeptical about moving from The Hague to


Eindhoven, but in such a short time I have met many like-

Be open; appreciate the advantages of living in such a safe

minded people here. I am organizing events I hadn’t even

and kids friendly place. Get a good raincoat, make the most of

thought of before – like a workshop for expats who want

summer whenever it gets here, try to speak the language, no

to start their own company. These contacts have also led to

matter how badly, and remember to have a laugh!

opportunities for my company and me. Don’t forget that as an expat you are in a unique position to get Was it easy making friends and meeting people?

the best of both worlds – the one you come from and the one

I found it quite easy to meet people here in Eindhoven. Most

you are in now. So enjoy it. 27

27_HOWDO_3-13_Interview.indd 27

04-12-13 23:18

Wine store - Art gallery - Discussion room - Wine tastings - Wine workshops

The Wine Gods

Concept pop-up store , Kleine Berg 47 Eindh oven A pop-up store is a temporary store in a vacant building which

Ed van den Brule, the owner of the Wijngoden, is a passionate

unfolds and then reappears at another location.

wine-lover and his girlfriend, Chantelle de Ruijter, a business-

The Wijngoden in Eindhoven is such a pop-up store and is

communication trainer. They have far more to offer than just the

currently located on de Kleine Berg 47.

sale of wine.






Tel. 06 - 41268350

Tel. 06 - 41268350 Tel. 06 - 41268350

Aalsterweg 99A, 5615 CC Eindhoven T +31 (0) 40 211 1349

Zeelsterstraat 145 | Eindhoven | T 040 243 9011


28_29_HOWDO_3-13_Discover.indd 28

04-12-13 23:19

The Wijngoden is an “experience store.” It looks like a cosy living

Wine tastings:

room and there are always some bottles open for tasting. The

Van den Brule: “Both in our store and if you’d like, at home, we

customer can choose from a wide range including French,

organize wine tastings. In the tastings we offer, in consultation,

Spanish, Italian and a few South American wines.

various white, pink and red wines. You are able to experience the difference between wines that contrast with each other. You will

Many customers come to the table in the back of the store to start

discuss what you see, smell and taste. For the holidays, we offer a

a conversation about wine. “Although I’m a passionate wine-lover

special wine tasting party. This helps people to pick the right wines for

myself, I have been taught a lot by our customers as well,” says Van

their Christmas dinner or offer a perfect drink to friends and relatives.”

den Brule. Besides the usual wines and glasses the Wijngoden also Wine workshop / Connecting people and cultures:

provide a great variety of accompanying snacks.

Wine tasting and drinking is always a good way to loosen tongues “But that’s not all: the shop we have is a based on a collaboration

and connect people. Talking about each other’s character and

with artists, furniture designers and friends who offered us their

cultural values opens minds and develops perspectives. That’s why

material. Thus everything in the store such as the paintings, the

the Wijngoden and TSPD (Training and Social Participation opens

tables, the antique chandeliers and lamps are for sale. If someone

Doors) created a sublime wine tasting workshop where pleasure,

wants to buy something in the shop, he must wait until the store

information and culture come together and connect your team or

is almost empty before he can take his acquisition home,” says Van


den Brule. The workshop will be introduced by communication trainer Chantelle de Ruijter and Karin Mulders, anthropologist and cultural communication trainer. Both are wine lovers. Chantelle developed a wine workshop in which she merged the wine palette as a metaphor to communicate in an enjoyable and informal way. Karin on the other hand emerged the wine palette as a metaphor in cross-cultural communication. Wine tasting is like meeting new cultures, you need to use your senses. By talking about these senses you develop a whole new exotic vocabulary and the ability to use it in conversation. Think about the next example: If a person or culture is open and hospitable, you can use words like lucidity and clearness in your conversation. So wine is really a metaphor for intercultural teambuilding.


Oirschotsedijk 14a 5651 GC Eindhoven 040 - 262 14 53

CONCEPT POP-UP STORE Kleine Berg 47 Eindhoven

Bilderdijklaan 10, 5611 NH Eindhoven


28_29_HOWDO_3-13_Discover.indd 29

04-12-13 23:19

How do you sur vive a l l the New Year’s festiv i in the Netherlands? ties December is a month of festivities in the Netherlands. It all

The games are put aside for a moment to watch the traditional

starts with St. Nicholas which is celebrated by young and old.

New Year’s Eve entertainment on television. A stand-up comedian

But almost as soon as he has weighed anchor and set sail for

summarizes the events of the year gone by and makes fun of the

Spain in his trusted steamboat, the Dutch are making plans for

various news items, the people involved and the Dutch way of life

Christmas and the New Year. Whereas Christmas is generally

in general. Watching this New Year’s Eve entertainment would be

a more intimate celebration when families get together for a

good practice for anyone who already has some understanding of

festive meal, New Year’s celebrations are much more exuberant.


How do you survive New Year’s Eve and the countless New Year’s drinks parties that are held in January?

Ringing in the New Year The closer it gets to midnight, the more restless people become:

On the last day of the year, you could say that a light form of

the champagne is almost ready to pop and everyone’s eyes are

anarchy takes over and the Dutch streets are no longer safe. From

on the hands of the clock. The moment arrives, the clock strikes

10 a.m. onwards, anyone at all is allowed to set off fireworks.

midnight. A toast is proposed to the New Year and then everyone

Groups of children wander the streets with plastic bags full of

rushes outside for the main event: setting off fireworks. In no time

fireworks that make lots of noise. They set them off continuously

at all, incredible quantities of fireworks explode into the night

and indiscriminately, one after the other. Those who do not need

sky. For the 2012 New Year’s celebrations, the Dutch bought an

to be outside would much rather stay in. They busy themselves

incredible 70 million euros worth of fireworks. Unfortunately,

making ‘oliebollen’ (a deep-fried dough-and-raisin ball a bit like a

setting off fireworks is never totally incident free: while ringing in

doughnut but without the hole!) or apple fritters. Lots of Dutch

the New Year in 2012, more than six hundred people ended up in

towns and villages organize New Year’s Eve parties but most

Accident and Emergency. The best way of making sure you greet

people prefer to celebrate at home. What goes on in the average

the following morning in the land of the living is to steer clear of

Dutch home on New Year’s Eve?

the fireworks.

Dutch homeliness

An ice-cold dip in Dutch waters

During the evening of 31 December as the final hours of the year

And then comes ‘the day after’. Some people are real daredevils

tick by, families settle down to play board games or any other kind

and choose to go for a New Year’s dip. In icy temperatures, they

of game. On the table, there is an enormous plate of ‘oliebollen’.

rush into the sea or a lake and then come out feeling reborn and


30-31_HOWDO_3-13_New Year.indd 30

04-12-13 23:20

Conversations in Dutch? Would you like to amaze everyone with your knowledge of the Dutch language? You don’t need years of training. Focus on specific vocabulary and grammar. Read our tips on task-based language-learning on

ready to face the year ahead. Most people, however, start the

New Year’s Quiz

day peacefully, perhaps watching television (for instance, the ski-

1. What do the Dutch call the evening of 31 December?

jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen) or visiting relations.

a. Oudejaarsavond b. Oud en Nieuw

Toasting the New Year

c. Nieuwjaarsduik

The first time you see family, friends or colleagues in the New Year,

2. What do you say to colleagues when you leave work on 31

it is tradition to wish each other ‘Happy New Year’. Some say that


you can do this until 6 January which is the Feast of the Three

a. Fijne avond!

Kings, but in practice the period goes on for much longer. Many

b. Fijne jaarwisseling!

New Year’s receptions and drinks parties actually take place in the

c. Tot donderdag!

second half of January. Municipalities, clubs and work colleagues toast the New Year and, in doing so, strengthen their relationships.

3. What do you not say at a New Year’s reception?

At these do’s, the food is always good, so why would you avoid

a. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

going? In the right frame of mind, a New Year’s reception can be

b. De beste wensen!

surprisingly pleasant. Here are few tips:

c. Gefeliciteerd!

- You don’t have to wish everybody a Happy New Year, but it can be a good opening line; - There is absolutely no rule that says you have to kiss everybody at a New Year’s reception. You can also just shake hands; - No conversation? Why not reminisce on what you have

4. If you are resolved to learn Dutch in 2014, that is … a. a New Year’s resolution b. good for contact with your Dutch colleagues c. both

achieved together in the year gone by or share ideas for the

And, if you’re really serious… don’t waste another second! Get in

coming year;

touch with the Nuns in Vught! (

- If you’ve drawn the short straw and have to give the New Year’s speech, keep it short! The purpose of a reception is for people

The answers

to mingle and chat.

1.a, 2.b, 3.c, 4.c

We hope you enjoy ringing in the New Year! 31

30-31_HOWDO_3-13_New Year.indd 31

04-12-13 23:20

Located at the terminal of Eindhoven Airport! 120 rooms, bar, restaurant free Wi-Fi en tness for business, leisure, events, meetings

Eindhoven Airport Luchthavenweg 27 5657 EA EINDHOVEN Tel: +31 (0)40 303 0615


00_HOWDO_3-13_Adv.indd 32

04-12-13 23:25

HOLIDAY SPECIAL Arrogant Media The launch of Howdo has made 2013 a special year for all of us. The publisher was the first in the region to acknowledge the need for a magazine for expats. Strengthened by the success of our first issue we continue to grow. Every new edition will be better and more beautiful than its predecessor. We would like to thank all the readers for the past year. We also thank the complete staff who helped make Howdo the success it is now. Special thanks go out to Stefan for his stunning layout. We look forward to all the activities planned in 2014, such as the Walking Dinner for expats, and hope to publish many more splendid issues. On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a very happy New Year and happy reading in 2014!


33-37_HOWDO_3-13_Holiday Special.indd 33

04-12-13 23:20


Hanssen & Vlemmix Financial and fiscal consultancy agency Hanssen & Vlemmix is a family run business where personal involvement is paramount. Its unique quality is that owner Wim Vlemmix is always the first point of contact for each client. By applying fixed rates and having experienced staff in every aspect of the financial law, customers know what to expect from Hanssen & Vlemmix. Wim would like to thank the customers for their confidence in Hanssen & Vlemmix and their pleasant cooperation. Hanssen & Vlemmix wish you a pleasant New Year and will gladly continue to work with you towards a better financial future. Hondsruglaan 89A | Eindhoven | T 040 2485995 |

Hairdresser Anouk A fresh, trendy hairdresser who likes to think along with you, that’s Salon Anouk. Quality comes first and foremost at Coiffure Anouk and is offered at affordable prices. In December you can have your hair cut, dyed and blow-dried starting at € 40,-. The little ones are not forgotten either. Bring your child along and you can both get a haircut for a total price of just € 25,-. Feel free to visit Salon Anouk any time because there are plenty of other special deals offered. Anouk’s qualified staff is more than happy to advice you on your new Christmas coupe. That’s hairdresser Anouk: great advice tailored to your hair! Tongelresestraat 427 | Eindhoven | T 040 2027061|

Decathlon Best In our giant sports store measuring 5.200 square meters you will find everything in the field of sport. From cycling to skating and from fitness to skiing. With years of experience in all sorts of sports you will always get the best advice. The sports mad Best Decathlon team is there for you 7 days a week. They make the fun in sports accessible to everyone, no matter what the sport of your choice is. With 75 sports under one roof you will certainly succeed! Are you excited about an active start in the new year? Then visit our massive sale that kicks off on December 27. Decathlon Best thanks all its customers for their visit in the past year. We wish everyone a healthy and sporty 2014! NCB-weg 14 | Best | T 0499 36 50 80 |


33-37_HOWDO_3-13_Holiday Special.indd 34

04-12-13 23:21


Parktheater Do you enjoy visiting the theatre during the holiday season? Parktheater Eindhoven loves to welcome you to its beautiful productions suitable for the entire family. Come see ‘Het kerstverhaal van kleine ezel’ (The little donkey’s Christmas Tale) by Theater Terra on December 22. Or be mesmerized by a world full of wonders in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Theaterplan from the second of January till January 8. Starting on Saturday December 21 until Monday December 30 you can enjoy suspense, sensation and above all lots of humour during the 43rd edition of the International Christmas Winter Circus. Parktheater wishes you a loving Christmas and a healthy and happy 2014 with even more laughs and emotions. We hope to welcome you to the Parktheater soon! T 040 - 211 11 22 | |

At Engelen Witgoed you will find everything in the field of white goods. They are known for their excellent service and personal contact. Engelen Witgoed has its own service department and repairs all white good appliances. So if you need your washing machine, dryer, dishwasher or other appliances properly repaired contact Engelen Witgoed. Looking for expert advice? Engelen Witgoed is the place to go! Be inspired and advised by the staff. Engelen Witgoed would like to thank all its customers for the past year. ‘’We are very proud that customers have so much faith in our family business. We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014 and guarantee to provide the same quality of help and advice in the New Year.” Zeelsterstraat 145 | Eindhoven | T 040 243 9011 |

Lounge 8 For delicious sushi visit Lounge 8. The restaurant is a romantic venue with a fireplace, lounge music and comfortable seats. All ingredients are super fresh and there is plenty of choice. They have three special sushi rolls: Amazing Mango, Passion Red and Unagi Moon. Just a little different but very tasty. The extensive menu and the atmospheric surroundings guarantee an enjoyable night. Especially for the holidays, Lounge 8 presents a Christmas menu with a Special Sushi Roll and welcoming drink. Lounge 8 would like to thank all the guests for the past year. We hope to welcome many guests in 2014 and wish everyone a savoury and happy new year! Dommelstraat 7 | Eindhoven | T 040 751 0228 |


33-37_HOWDO_3-13_Holiday Special.indd 35

04-12-13 23:21


Festive offer Zenzato Hair and Makeup Zenzato Hair and Make-up is all set for the holidays. In the expensive month of December clients receive a 25% discount on all dyes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And, to look even more beautiful during the holidays, Zenzato offers a 25% discount on all Balmain hair extension systems including the popular Hairdress. This offer is also valid throughout December. Zenzato Eindhoven is the pilot store for Fuente and therefore always up-to-date with Fuente’s care- and styling line. Check out the latest Fuente offers in the salon. Be quick to make an appointment before the holidays. To avoid disappointments Zenzato is also open on Sunday December 22 and Monday December 23. Willemstraat 15a | Eindhoven | T 040 2448882 |

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33-37_HOWDO_3-13_Holiday Special.indd 36

04-12-13 23:21


makes you feel at home”

The real estate agent with offices through the Netherlands and 25 years of experience!

You are looking for a place to rent? Apartments, studios, houses in all price ranges

Furnished or soft furnished

pro’s in real estate Rots-Vast Eindhoven - Willemstraat 14 - 5611 HD EINDHOVEN - Tel. +31(0)40-2440244 00_HOWDO_3-13_Adv.indd 38

04-12-13 23:26

Photos: LICHT op Eindhoven, Text: Lana van Stiphout

After seeing the television show Obese, which has been made possible by Health City, Ferrie took the step to work out again. At Health City this time. ‘’I came in contact with personal trainer Rick de Bont. He asked me if I needed help. After this conversation, the rest went really fast. With the help of my two coaches, Rick and Harry, my lifestyle change already started and they asked me if I wanted to share my story with others. I started to write a blog on Health City’s Facebook page and there is a chart at the club that shows my progress.

Health City

goal Help Ferry reach his Health City and Basic Fit are, with 268 clubs all over Europe,

Confrontational? Yes, big time. But now I am in control of my emotions. I was very emotional on the first day of the course. An intense workout that completely pushed me to the extreme.”

‘’ It’s a wish that came true, an opportunity I never expected to get. ‘’

market leaders in the field of sports clubs. Harry Raaijmakers (club manager Eindhoven): ‘’Everything is under one roof at

Ferrie: ‘’ They also pay personal attention to me when I’m at

Health City; group lessons, fitness, the kids club, sauna and

home, not just when I am at the club. In my first week at home,

tanning beds. It’s also possible to train with a personal trainer.

Rick came to visit me and gave a boot camp; we went for a run

We think it is important that the club is clean, that there

through the woods. He listened to me, and reminded me that I

is a good vibe and that the members feel at home and get

would like to be able to run. We ran for 40 minutes that day. He

individual attention.”

checked my refrigerator, gave advice about my nutrition and had dinner with me that evening.”

Besides sports, nutrition is also very important for your body. Harry: ‘’In January we are going to pay attention to nutrition. Back

Ferrie is an open book; he has no secrets and loves people. ‘’You

to basics with five themes we start treating through workshops.

can accomplish a lot more when you’re together. I don’t want

We therefore offer a complete product that gives you answers to

to choose to be a loser, I don’t want to think about what can go

various questions, above all, how to take care of your body.”

wrong, I want my life back.

‘’As a sports club, we offer a thoroughbred service product’’

LICHT op Eindhoven/ Howdo follows Ferrie on his 12 ­­monthlong journey. A personal journey full of ups-and-downs.

The thirty-year old Ferrie Smits decided to start working out. Due

Health City Eindhoven

to him being overweight, 137,5 kilos with a height of 1.96, he got

Stadionplein 2

a lot of physical problems including erysipelas, cellulite and other

T: 040 251 14 56

infections. These infections were fed by his obesity. Harry: ‘’Fats

should protect the body, but lots of fat is seen as an additional member, an extra organ; it will cause inflammatory reactions.” Ferrie visited various specialists in hospitals to address his problems, but unfortunately, this made his recovery increasingly difficult. Ferrie: ‘’ I was uncomfortable in my own body, the medicine didn’t work, I ate less healthy and lost energy. When you ignore your obesity, you’ll get complaints.’’ Reality slowly returned to Ferrie and something had to happen. ’’In 2012 I took my first steps in the gym, but ended up yo-yoing and gave up. Suddenly I was dust to everyone.”

‘’ Obesity is an assassin, sports is a mindset’’ 38

38_HOWDO_3-13_Health City.indd 38

04-12-13 23:22

Maroun Kreidy

Text: Bobby Born

Teamleader at the de Planning EMEA, Philippartment of Site s Healthcare Expatriates have different take on the relocation of their

Did you bring your family with you and did you find it easy to

families. Fortunately, Maroun - with the support of his wife -

make friends?

seem to deal with expat’s worries successfully. We met him, in

Yes, but I moved here eight months before my wife and three kids,

his office at High-Tech Campus, to get some insights about his

which was both difficult and useful. I had the time to look for a

life in the Netherlands.

suitable place for them.

Where are you from and what brought you here in Eindhoven?

Eindhoven is a nice place to stay especially for families. People

I was born in Lebanon and lived most of my life there. After my

say that the people in southern part of the Netherlands are very

first degree in civil engineering, I moved to Lyon and received my

friendly and my experience proves that point. We were even

master’s degrees in about two years. For personal reasons, I had to

surprised with the kindness of our Dutch neighbors. They were

go back to my home country. I worked approximately seven years

(are) really helpful and friendly. My wife is part of IWCE and she

before I take this opportunity to work in Philips Eindhoven.

meets other internationals regularly.

Tell us about your transition experience.

What negatives, if any, are there to living here?

From logistical point of view, I must say that Philips arranged

Not being able to shop after working hours. In my opinion and to

everything very well. They even helped me to find a temporarily

compare to what I used to, shops close way to early here. I don’t

house. But if you are from Lebanon, you easily notice the orders

get the chance to get around the shops during the week unless

and structures here, which is comforting. I think the hardest aspect

it’s Vrijdag Koopavond (Friday late night shopping)

of my expat life was to leave my closest relatives and friends behind; you miss those people around you.

If you could pick one piece of advice to any families moving here, what would it be?

What do you enjoy most about living in Eindhoven?

I have one suggestion for parents with young children. I know

What I really like about Eindhoven is its urban planning. I like the

there might be many schools around but I have discovered that

arrangement where central areas are away from residential areas.

“de Wereldwijzer” is a wonderful international primary school for

That’s something that I missed in my hometown. Most of our

kids. It has the same curriculum than other schools but they do

residential areas are mixed with markets, shops and even clubs.

focus more on Dutch language too. 39

39_HOWDO_3-13_Interview.indd 39

04-12-13 23:22

Agmebner d201a3 Dece TUESDAY 10

Natlab door Baltan Laboratories 16.00 • Baltan Open Lab: Wearable Senses #2

Parktheater Eindhoven

20.00 (19.15 u introduction) • Opera Opera Zuid - Carmen

Cinema De Zwarte Doos

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 19.30 • Music Dutch Brass Ensemble: On Our Way To the New Year’s concert.


19.30 - Music Huismerk

Café Wilhelmina 20.00 • Music Join The 27 Club

Scala TipoTango (Kanaalstraat 6) 21.00 • Dance/Music Argentijnse tango: bar dancing SATURDAY 14

20.00 • Film The Bling Bling

Piazza Center / Bijenkorf

20.00 • Science Café Interaction technology

Van Abbemuseum

Polare Bookshop Effenaar

20.15 • Music Kurt Vile & The Violators + True Widow WEDNESDAY 11

Café Wilhelmina 20.00 • Music Folkbal presents: Peut-Etre Demain

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 20.15 • Music Janine Jansen & Friends

Natlab door Plaza Futura 21.15 • Film/Music Screen it Loud: Last Days here THURSDAY 12

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 12.30 • Lunchconcert Winnaar Young Pianist Foundation Concours CKE (Pastoor Petersstraat 180) 12.30 • Music Lunchconcert

Oude Rechtbank

20.15 • Music State Of Mind: Baer Traa solo


17.30 • Music Eindhoven Metal Meeting met o.a. Accept + Sabaton + Death Angel

Gaslab, TU/e

19.30 • Pecha Kucha Eindhoven #11

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

13.00-16.00 Piazza Podium and Glamour Fashionshow 14.00 • Youth Children’s Arts Club


14.30 • Music Eindhoven Metal Meeting met o.a. Therion


15.00 • Music @Catharinakerk Fontys Early Music Ensemble

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 16.00 • Music Blue Note ClubSessions: Roachford For free 20.15 • Music Michiel Borstlap


19.00 • Music Dutch Garage Rock Explosion with: The Anomalys + De Stekkers e.a.


19.30 - Music Noche Flamenca Hogestromenhal, TU/e 20.00 • Theatre RENT, the musical

Natlab door Plaza Futura 20.30 • Music axesjazzpower: Ensemble306 SUNDAY 15

Piazza Center 13.00-17.00 • Music Parktheater and PopEi op Piazza Podium

20.15 • Music


21.00 u • Music Blue Night Concerts: Erik Truffaz Quartet

Centre of Eindhoven

Symfonieorkest Eindhoven PopEi

20.30 • Music Op the skin of... James Wood

Café Wilhelmina

21.30 • Muziek CD-presentatie Gods Monkey FRIDAY 13


t/m zo 5 januari • Winterfun on Ice

Piazza Center

14.00 -21.00 • Musical Parktheater, Effenaar & Tipo Tango on Piazza Podium

Oude Rechtbank

10.00 • Music Plaatwerk: Platen- & CD-beurs

16.30 • Music Giant Tiger Hooch

Natlab door Plaza Futura Screen it Loud: Iron Maiden: Flight 666


Festival Silent Night with Eefje de Visser, Tim Knol, Tangarine MONDAY 16

Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos 20.00 u • Film Gravity 3D

Parktheater Eindhoven Comedy Academy Presentatie

Oude Rechtbank 20.00 -21.00 uur • Dans Flamenco Cursus


20.15 u • Muziek Nederlandse Bachvereniging: Het kerstverhaal van Schütz € 30,- / € 26,50 21.00 u • Muziek Ad van Meurs presenteert: John Gorka TUESDAY 17

Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos 20.00 u • Film Gravity 3D

Café Wilhelmina Music Kyle Jester Blues Show

Oude Rechtbank Cultuur+ Announcement Eindhoven politician of the year

Parktheater Eindhoven 20.30 u • musictheatere Montezuma Montezuma - run WEDNESDAY 18

Centre of Eindhoven Culture+ Late Night Shopping

Natlab by Plaza Futura • Film/jYouth Finn 20.30 u • Muziek axesjazzpower: Trophies

Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos 20.00 • Film Gravity 3D THURSDAY 19

12.00 • Sunday shopping

Centre of Eindhoven

20.00 • Music Top 2000 Live

Parktheater Eindhoven

Parktheater Eindhoven Oude Rechtbank 16.00 -19.00 • Music/Dance Music on Sunday Flamenco by Eli Zambrano

Van Abbemuseum

12.00 • Free Museumtour Museumticket needed


13.00 • Cosy Wintersquare

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven


14.15 • Music philharmonie zuidnederland 15.30 • Music Kristóf Baráti

16.30 • Music Eindhoven Metal Meeting met o.a. Watain + Tiamat

20.30 • Popquiz Quiz in de B.

15.30 -17.00 • Pitch 24U Elevator

Café Wilhelmina

Grand Café Berlage

Culture+ Extra Shopping Night 20.30 • dance / music Club Guy & Roni Naked Lunch

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 12.30 • Lunchconcert Fontys Big Band by Maino Remmers 20.15 • Music Cross-linx presents... The Yellow Shark


19.00 u • Culture+ Biologic-dynamic food gardening


19.30 u • Music Quiz’M


20.15 u • Music Will and the People + House of Hats


40-42_HOWDO_3-13_Agenda.indd 40

04-12-13 23:23


Piazza Center 14.00-21.00 u • Music Parktheater and PopEi on Piazza Podium


20.00 • Music Mozes and the Firstborn 21.00 • Music Kris Berry & Perquisite + Eveline Vroonland

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 20.15 u • Music Dianne Reeves Christmas Time is here

Scala TipoTango

(Kanaalstraat 6) 21.00 u • Dans/muziek Argentine Tango Evening SATURDAY 21

Piazza Center 14.00-17.00u • Music Christmaschoirs Hallo Cultuur! podium Hotel Parkzicht Christmas Market


Culture+ Dynamo on Ice

Natlab door Plaza Futura Modern Times

Parktheater Eindhoven 12.30 & 16.30 u • circus International Christmaswintercircus

Van Abbemuseum 14.00 • Youth Family Arts Club

Catharinachurch 15.00 u • ChoirMusic @Cathrien Veldhovens Kamerkoor

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 16.00 • Music Blue Note ClubSessions: Fresh From The Can: Jacco van Santen Bird Lives 20.15 u • Music Chilly Gonzales en het Metropole Orkest o.l.v. Jules Buckley

Hogestromenhal, TU/e 14.30 u • Theatre RENT, the musical

Grand Café Berlage 16.00 • Music Bart in de B.: De Vaste Kerstmannen

Scala TipoTango

(Kanaalstraat 6) 18.00 • Dance/music Argentijne Tango: Salon of dance MONDAY 23

Centre of Eindhoven Culture+ Extra Shopping Night


Centre of Eindhoven Extra Shopping Night

Parktheater Eindhoven 12.30 & 16.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus


15.00 • OrganMusic @Cathrien Hugo Bakker

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 16.00 • Music Blue Note ClubSessions: Jungle By Night + deejay-set

SCALA TipoTango

12.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus

(Kanaalstraat 6) Dance/music Argentine Tango: try-out lessons

20.00 - 21.00 • Dans Flamenco Cursus

20.00 • Music Pubquiz

20.15 • Music Combattimento Consort Amsterdam & Nederlands Kamerkoor

21.00 • Music Handsome Poets + support 23.00 • Music HeartBeats Wicked Winterland

Parktheater Eindhoven Oude Rechtbank

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 21.00 • Music Ad van Meurs presents: Barrelhouse TUESDAY 24

Wilhelminaplein 20.00 • Culture+ International torch procession for peace

Parktheater Eindhoven

12.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus

Café Wilhelmina Effenaar


Van Abbemuseum 12.00 • Museumtour for free Museumticket needed

Parktheater Eindhoven 16.30 • Circus International Christmas Wintercircus

Centre of Eindhoven


12.00 • Shopping Sunday

22.00 • Music ChristmasParty

15.00 • Generatie Flipside V


Parktheater Eindhoven 12.30 & 16.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus

Artspace Flipside

Grand Café Berlage 16.00 • Music Bart in de B.: Bonnie Raitt Tribute with Jodie Kean 20.30 • Quiz Quiz in de B.


SCALA TipoTango

Hogestromenhal, TU/e

12.30 & 16.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus

(Kanaalstraat 6) Dance/Music Argentine Tango: try-out lessons

20.00 • Theatre RENT, the musical

Natlab door Plaza Futura



21.00 • Music Jacqueline Govaert + support 22.00 • Muziek SAW vs Breek SUNDAY 22

Piazza Center 12.00-17.00 • Music Oude Rechtbank & Tipo Tango on Hallo Cultuur!-podium

Centrum Eindhoven 12.00 • Culture+ Shopping Sunday

Parktheater Eindhoven 12.30 & 16.30 • Circus International Christmaswintercircus Theater Terra - Het Kerstverhaal van Kleine Ezel

Oude Rechtbank

16.00 -19.00 • Music Music on Sunday’s: Betty Blue

Van Abbemuseum 12.00 u • Culture+ Free Museumtour museumticket needed

Parktheater Eindhoven

Doctor Zhivago Nymphomaniac (I)

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 11.00 u • Youth 14.00 u • Music Don KosakenChor


22.00 u • Music Atmoz Classics FRIDAY 27

Parktheater Eindhoven 16.30 u • Circus International Christmaswintercircus

Piazza Center

Parktheater Eindhoven 16.30 • Circus International Christmas Wintercircus TUESDAY 31

Beursgebouw 21.00 • Music World of Energy Oude Rechtbank 19.00-7.00 • Music N.Y.E. door La Fête 040


00.30 • Music N.Y.E. Festival

After Christmas SALE


20.00 • Music Amenra + Oathbreaker + Throw Me In The Crater + dj Svn 23.00 • Music FeestDJRuud presents Knaltival

SCALA TipoTango

(Kanaalstraat 6) Dance/Music Argentine Tango: try-out lessons


40-42_HOWDO_3-13_Agenda.indd 41

04-12-13 23:23

das AgAecn tivitie Late shopping night The diversity of shops and their proximity makes shopping in the south nowhere as complete as it does in Eindhoven. For the holidays you can do all your shopping in the centre of Eindhoven. The shops range from large department Christmaswintercircus

stores to great specialty shops. Especially for the holidays

From December 21 until the 30th the spectacular

there are extra Sunday and evening openings. Check the

Christmaswintercircus will take place in the Parktheater

calendar for exact dates.

in Eindhoven. The theater hall will be transformed into a ring, where you can enjoy aerobatics, equilibrists, jugglers, clowns and various animals. After the show you can vote for your favorite circus act and maybe they will win the audience prize on the 30th of December.

World of energy, the New Years Eve Party Do you already know where you will be at New Years Eve? The Beursgebouw in Eindhoven organizes the World of Fakkeltocht Kerstavond (Torchlight Procession)

Energy New Year’s Eve Party which starts at nine o’clock.

Since 1992 Eindhoven has had tradition of a torchlight

There will be live music throughout the night. Some names

procession on Christmas Eve. Thousands of people in

have already been announced. They are, amongst others,

Eindhoven congregate to kindle the torches on the

La Fuente, Yellow Claw and Vato Gonzalez and they will give

Wilhelminaplein and jointly walk for tolerance and peace.

you an unforgettable New Years Eve until 6 a.m.!

Eindhoven shows how many people in the region want to make an effort for a society with tolerance and respect for


each other.

‘BURNING BLOOD’ On Thursday, January 23, Musical Performance Poetry

Fijne Feestdagen Festival

comes to the old courthouse. The entire evening will be

The merry Christmas festival (Fijne Feestdagen Festival), has

dedicated to “letting go and creating new connections’’.

already begun, but there are plenty of other events left on

Musical Performance Poetry will present two musicals.

the program. During the Happy Holidays Festival, Eindhoven

Before the break ‘’ As the glass shatters ..’’ and after the break

will be devoted to intimacy, passion, pleasing, openness,

‘’Fresh felled heart smart “. The lead roles are performed by

creativity, a little strange and challenging, and you can

Carola Eijsenring and Erik Deckert. The doors will open at

enjoy various performances, skating and of course the great

half past seven, have fun!

shops. Everybody in Eindhoven can join in and make this a wonderful Christmas festival for everybody. 42

40-42_HOWDO_3-13_Agenda.indd 42

04-12-13 23:23

HowDo they do it? The current economic crisis is pushing many workers to leave their own country. Yet, other internationals establishing a new living environment in the Netherlands are assigned by their employer. Whether your partner is expatriated or moving by economic force, your partner too will face the necessary issues. Rest assured, you are not alone in this. Preparation is key Little chance on a successful assignment without a happy partner, is what surveys demonstrate and more and more employers are convinced of. Preparation training, language course, building a social network or even a area orientation trip to familiarize with the new living environment will stimulate a better landing. As soon as you have a consistent job yourself, you may consider After landing

exchanging the Dutch dependent residence permit into one of

Do not underestimate the time you need to adjust. It will take a

your own. In that way yours cannot be cancelled if your partner

couple of months until you have completed all the organizational

loses his/her job and is forced to leave the Netherlands.

hassle and you are grown accustomed with the Dutch. In the

Having children and a job? Possibly you are eligible for childcare

beginning it may seem like an extended holiday. But after visiting

benefit; Dutch government may help you covering (a percentage

the Van Abbemuseum for the thousandth time (although very

of ) the day care costs (

nice!) and knowing each corner of the Piazza, the novelty is gone

Back to school

and you are facing lots of free time. You start asking yourself; what

You can also spend your time focusing on something you have

to do next? Back home you had your own job, your own career

had no time for before, like intensifying your expertise by entering

plan and are determined to pursue your career in the Netherlands.

a study. Lots of bachelors and masters are tutored in English and

You feel this is the opportunity for you to enter an MBA or perhaps

can be attended at a public university or the Open University.

you choose to take care of the kids fulltime. As much as it is enriching and fun, being ‘a partner of’ is

Home sweet home

challenging for both of you. Ultimately relocating means jumping

Let’s face it, both pursuing a career and looking after children, can

into the unknown. You’ll never know what awaits in another

be severe. If you decide to stay home and you or your partner

country, it is therefore of most importance to remain talking with

are covered for Dutch social insurance, you are entitled to child

your partner about the practical things. For example who will be

benefit, which is a contribution in the costs of the upbringing.

financially supporting who, who is responsible for the kids, when

Check out for more information.

to start exploring your activities etcetera. Whatever route you take, consider the consequences together.

Go out and socialize Lots of internationals are willing to help you and therefore

Wearing business grey is not boring

socializing is vital for your integration. Eindhoven has a big variety

The Netherlands has a rich international working atmosphere.

of social communities, of which the Hub, Internations and the

Many multinationals have an establishment in the Netherlands

Meet&Greet are only a few examples. Did you know that also

and English is a language often used. Even some job agencies

Howdo organizes get togethers? Check out their FB page. We truly

are dedicated to internationals, like Undutchables and Unique

hope that living in the Eindhoven region, will give you the chance

Multilingual. Apart from pursuing a job, also consider an

to learn from a different environment and will give you a taste of

internship. Maybe not your first choice, but it can help you getting

the international feeling.

to know the Dutch way of working or even provide an opening to being hired within the company.

Please feel free to consult our experts | 43

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04-12-13 23:24

You need less than you think. Address

Heikant 1 3930 Achel Belgium

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T : +32 11 55 99 10 E : I :

15-11-13 23:26 13:37 04-12-13

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