The Ackworth Arrow

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Ackworth Arrow

At last, the rain has stopped! Not wanting to jinx this lovely weather, really hope it stays with us for the Summer.

Huge congratulations to all of the year 6 students who have now completed their SATs, and best of luck to year 11 as they start their GCSE s. Just remember, your results do not define you, do your best and hold your head up high for trying, what ever the result.

The July issue deadline for adverts and content is Wednesday 19th June. The Arrow will be delivered by 1st July 2024.

Best Wishes

Tel: 07795 387937

Welcome to the June issue of the
4 Please mention “The Arrow” when responding to advertisements BRACKEN HILL AUTO ENGINEERS Wakefield Road, Ackworth, Pontefract WF7 7AZ Telephone (01977) 611860 Established over 30 years in Ackworth. Total quality workmanship over 35 years. Local Recovery within a 5 Mile Radius Reliants, Cars & Light commercials, Petrol, Cats & Diesel Testing No Re-Test Fee  FREE Car Loan Service  Pick Up & Drop off facilities  Wheel Balancing OFF MOT With this voucher £20  Tyres & Exhausts  Tracking  Diagnostic Equipment  Brakes  Aircon re-gas  All Types of Service & Repairs Including Vehicles under manufacturers Warranty Phone Garry for a FREE Quote! Also fit Alarms Radiators, Leaks, Blockages, Outside Taps, General Plumbing For advertising contact Michelle Sidebottom Tel: 07795 387937

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This Year the Ackworth Ladies 74 Club Celebrates 50 Successful Years!

Why and How Did It All Begin?

In 1974, the world in general was a very different place and so, in particular, was the village of Ackworth. New housing estates were being built at several sites within the village and there was an influx of new people moving into the area. many of them coming from further away. The people that were moving into the newly built houses ware mostly young families. There were lots of young wives in their 30s many of whom, at that time, did not work. They were at home all day with young children, most probably feeling lonely and isolated in their unfamiliar surroundings and also away from the support of family and friends.

74 Club

The village these young women found themselves living in was so very different from the Ackworth we all know today. There were very few shops and certainly no supermarket. There were no cafes or garden centre, no Indian restaurant and no pubs serving food, therefore there was little opportunity, within the village for people to gather together and socialise,

There was very little nursery provision within the village at the state schools. There was only a private nursery run by Audrey Wilson, known to many as “Auntie Audrey’s” which provided a few places for some lucky pre-school children. This meant that young mothers were kept at home longer caring for their young children. There was a Mothers’ Union at St Cuthbert’s Church but this was, possibly quite wrongly, felt by some to be just for the Church ladies. Howe ver, none of these quite met the need, so it was felt very necessary to have somewhere for the young women of the village to meet.

The Methodist Minister, at that time, Rev’d John McCarthy, was approached and he was instrumental in helping to set up the first group. He offered his services to Chair the very first meeting of the group, that was to be held on Tuesday October 29th 1974. A newcomer, young wife and Mum, Valerie Bamfield offered to act as Secretary, as she had previously acted as secretary of a young wives’ group whilst living in Methley. Mrs Audrey Halstead was the group’s first President and Sue Macpherson undertook the role of Treasurer and a further 19 ladies attended this meeting..

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There was much to discuss at the first meeting, particularly what the Club should be called, the time, date and frequency of future meetings and that members should pay a subscription of 10p per meeting. As to the name of the Club there were several suggestions, Ackworth Ladies Circle, The Tuesday Club, or Ackworth Young Wives, though this was rejected as it would exclude single women. Finally, the name of Ackworth 74 Club was accepted, though some concern was expressed that people might think you had to be 74 to join!

The group had a very successful first year which included many interesting talks and outings. It held it’s first Candlelight Christmas Service in December 74. At the AGM in 1975 the name of The Ackworth 74 Club was formally agreed. The frequency of meetings was to be monthly on the 2nd Tuesday and an annual subscription was introduced of just 50p per annum.

By the AGM in 1977/78, the Club had really got going and doubled it’s membership to 36. Rev’d McCarthy continued to be involved for several years. Sometime in 1988 a decision was taken to move the AGM from October to March in keeping with the financial year.

In the intervening years the Club has grown and flourished. So that now, almost 50 years later the Club is still in existence and continuing to thrive, serving the needs of the women of Ackworth, giving opportunities for them to meet together and build friendships. It now has a Membership of 61.

The basic format of the Club year remains the same with speakers, outings and social events for the Members to enjoy. The Christmas Celebration is still a key event in the Club year but now is no longer candle lit.

The main challenge for the Club and it’s Members in the future is to ensure there is enough interest from the Membership to enable the posts of President, Secretary and Treasurer to be filled each year and enough members willing to serve on the Committee.

9 Calling all Past Members of the 74 Club. Do get in touch to find out about the Club’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Call Sue on 07811698760 or e-mail

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