Including Finningley April 2011
Issue No. 67
Local News
Local Heroes School News
Red Nose Day Motoring And more...
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Editors Letter...
April surely is a busy month, Mothers day, Easter and the long awaited Royal Wedding between Prince William and the very beautiful Kate Middleton. This does mean that we actually have about 3 days to work which may be nice for some people, but a bit of a nightmare to others who still need to fit a month’s work into the few working days available!! Ok, moan over, I will of course enjoy all three of the above events and hope you do to. In March, the villages supported Comic Relief, who celebrated their best ever year for fund raising, an amazing £74million at the last count before going to print. Well done to everyone who did something funny for money, from baking cakes (St Oswalds Church youth group in Finningley, they were delicious too!!) to dressing up in red for the day as did almost every child of school age in Doncaster! The May issue deadline for articles and adverts is Friday 8th April. The May issue will be distributed on Thursday 28th April, a little later than normal due to the holidays. Thank you to everyone who continually supports the Arrow.
Happy Easter Michelle Sidebottom Tel: 01302 534256 / 07795 387937 Email: Mail: 26 Springwood Close, Branton, DN3 3UD
News, News, News, News, News, News... The 91 Bus Service For Branton, Auckley Blaxton and Finningley A second meeting about the above service was organised and chaired by Finningley Village Community Group in Finningley Village Hall on February 21st. The meeting was attended by Mr. Philip Robinson (First Bus Company), Mrs Pam Horner (SYPTE), concerned residents, certain Parish Councillors from the above villages and D.M.B.C. Councillors. A general over view of what had happened since the previous meeting was given and it was agreed that there had been improvement in the level, frequency and punctuality of the service. However, the consensus was that there was still room for improvement and users are urged to continue monitoring and recording any difficulties experienced. Complaints may be made to Mrs. Horner on 0114 2211452.
February winning letters in Auckley Queen Diamond Jubilee Alpha Tote Draw were M. E. T. Prize money £100. There were no winners so therefore the £100 will roll over into March's draw an estimate prize money of £200. Anyone wishing to join contact Pete or Marilyn 771460.
Inconsiderate parking The number of inconsiderate parking complaints to Doncaster Council has increased over the last few months. The Council wishes to raise awareness of the concerns of local residents in the area with regards to drivers parking inconsiderately and spoiling grass verges or obstructing the highway. Where parking restrictions (yellow lines) have been introduced, they have been done so for reasons of road safety and where parking problems have occurred, for example outside local shops and schools.
Other issues raised were, seating in bus shelters, the lay out of bus seating, the omission of certain stops, the lack of timetable information for Branton and the lack of communication about sudden rescheduling of buses, the latter being hi-lighted by the Nov./ Dec.'s snow fall and the chaos caused by the collapse of a high wall in the vicinity of the bus station.
Doncaster Council is working in partnership to make your community cleaner, safer and greener and would kindly remind all drivers to follow the rules and guidance set out in the Highway Code. Council staff will be out on patrol to enforce any motorist caught parking in breach of restrictions and will be issued with a £70 penalty charge notice.
Mr Robinson and Mrs. Horner agreed to take the concerns back to the appropriate bodies to try and resolve matters.
Cantley with Branton WI
A further meeting to review the situation will be arranged for later in the year, the date, time and venue being published nearer the time. N.B A record of the meeting can be found on the Finningley Village Community Group website Finniningley Village Community Group)
Our February meeting was a most interesting talk on Vesta Caces by Mr Woodall. March 10th is our annual meeting to elect our new committee, we have a taste and bake and also a speaker from the Firefly charity. On April 5th we are holding a fashion show by Edinburgh Wool, 7.30pm at Kilham Hall, entry is £3 including refreshments by ticket only. The 14th April meeting has the Tickhill hand bell ringers visiting us. Visitors are welcome, please contact Anne Oakes 536802
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News, News, News, News, News, News... A new Parent and Toddler group called Twinkle Toe Tots starts on Monday 11th April from 9.30 till 10.15am. For further information on any of the above see our new notice board outside the Hall or come to see us on a Tuesday morning.
KILHAM HALL BRANTON March 17th sees the start of our Rosemary Connelly/Zumba class commencing at 9.30 a.m. for slimmers, continuing at 10 a.m. until 10.45 with the new and exciting dance style South American exercise routines. For more information please telephone 07952 756422. We are hoping in the very near future to run an evening version of Zumba exercising. Watch this space. Kim on a Tuesday evening is keeping our youngsters fit and entertained with her "Street Beat" dance academy. This is not only for the girls 5 to 12 years, but boys as well and they are having just as much fun: Ed our resident Art Master welcomes newcomers to the Tuesday or Friday morning Art Groups 10 am until 12 noon. Why go to the Tate Gallery when you can see Brantons very own Art Exhibition in the Hall on the last Tuesday of each month. Lovely paintings for sale at superb prices. Our Tuesday Coffee Club 10 a.m. Until 11.30 has a "Sing a long" morning on the 5th April with music arrangements by Reg. Our Tuesday Coffee Club 10 a.m. until 11.30 has a "Sing a long" morning on the 5th April with music arrangements by Reg. Come and join in the fun. Free admission but a cup of coffee and biscuits are ÂŁ1. We are all friendly - don't be lonely - while away an hour or so with us.
To advertise please call 07795 387937 or 01302 534256
News, News, News, News, News, News...
4th Doncaster (Finningley) Scout Group Following the re-launch of the Auckley Spar, Amarjit and Sharan Bhdaal held a raffle and have generously donated the proceeds between the Finningley Scout group and Bluebell wood. We have currently raised £10,000 towards our £100,000 target to redevelop the hut. If anyone can help us with our fundraising they can e-mail Many thanks Lorraine Lee Treasurer 4th Doncaster (Finningley) Scout Group
The Workbench Joinery & Building Services Established 1963
3 Months Winter Insulation Offer Roof Insulation laid £13.00 per roll 100mm & 170mm
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Could your business benefit from stronger control on its expenditure? A good place to start is by employing an accountant. Operating a ‘pre-agreed fixed price’ system rather than charging by the hour, call or letter! As a fully qualified chartered accountant I operate a customer-focused business with low overheads, keeping your fees to a manageable level. I’m an owner-driver, so the quality of service is always to the highest standard and I have also recognised that offering flexibility over timings and location for meetings has proved to be a huge benefit to my clients.
Services include: Weekly/monthly/year end support Payroll Book keeping Monthly/annual accounts Annual returns Tax returns VAT and VAT returns Invoicing The initial set up and transition from your existing accountant is not charged for. This is my commitment to you.
For your free consultation call Tracy Crowe NOW on
07912079483 Twinkle Toe Tots A movement to music, parent & Toddler Class
Kilham Hall Branton Starts Monday April 11th 9.30—10.15am Every Monday
Contact Siobhan 07853893917
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Gardens Landscaped
No Job Too Small
For a no obligation quote call:
01302 771162 or 07879271073 8
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NEW*** Little Dribblers A new, exciting and stimulating sessions for babies and their parents aged 0-18 months. Come along and see us! First session Tuesday 1st March 10am—11.30am at the Children's Centre
'Bosom Buddies' A new breastfeeding support group will start Thursday 3rd March 1.30-3pm alternate weeks
Flowers for Someone Special I am a resident of Auckley and just would like to nominate our postman Phillip Kelly for Flowers for Someone Special. Phillip is due to retire on the 30th March 2011. He has been the local postmen in Finningley and Auckley for 30 years. He has completed 30 years service with the post office. He has also over the last year started to cover areas of Branton. Everyone will greatly miss Phillip cycling around the village in all weather with his pleasant smile. I am sure everyone will join in in wishing him a happy retirement in order to enjoy his hobbies of watching football . gardening and reading. His wife Margaret will also be retiring from Parkhill Hospital where she works as a ward Hostess. HAPPY RETIREMENT TO YOU BOTH From BARBARA SCOTT
The Arrow and Petalsflorist would love to send someone special a bouquet. Also, listen to Trax FM to hear ‘Someone Special’ in the morning!
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New diagnostic equipment now in reset that service light or finally diagnose that running problem
10% Off With This Advert
Servicing Any
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'Any make or model new or old, call for a quote today!'
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Bookings now being taken for Mothers Day Sunday 3rd April
£16.95 pp
Exciting New Menu
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Auckley Parish Council Newsletter April/May 2011 Proposed Gating Order, Common Lane, Auckley In 2010 DMBC’s Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with local farmers, asked if the Parish Council would support the implementation of a Gating Order on part of Common Lane, Auckley because of various unauthorised activities occurring on the lane including fly tipping. Council agreed with the proviso that only unauthorised vehicles would be prohibited and pedestrians, horses and disability scooters would have unrestricted access to the lane. The sole intention of the Order would be to prevent further anti-social activities and keep the amenity of the lane for the benefit of members of the public. However, subsequently the Parish Council was most concerned to find the wording of the Order stated that no-one other than those with a lawful use would be allowed to walk down the lane. As a result a large number of parishioners have expressed their opposition to the proposal and the Parish Council, unanimously supporting these concerns, formally registered an objection to the Gating Order. A response is now awaited from the Legal Department of Doncaster Council.
Removal of Bus Shelter at Main Street Since the wooden bus shelter was removed in 2010 the Parish Council has been in contact with the land- owner who has been very helpful and generously agreed to gift the land to the Council in order for a new shelter to be erected, subject to his approval. A local builder has subsequently been awarded the contract to build a stone shelter which will be in keeping with the surrounding area. Hopefully this will be built in the next few months.
Poster Competition DMBC’s Neighbourhood Services has organised a poster competition for children attending the Auckley and Hayfield Lane Primary Schools to raise awareness of problems associated with dog fouling nuisance. Two members of Council have judged the posters, and will present prizes to the winners. The Parish Council has donated the sum of £30 to each school for a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
Play Equipment for Riverside Park Members of the Parish Council met recently with a representative of a play equipment firm to discuss suitable play items for the Riverside Park. The bulk of the funding will come from DMBC via a Section 106 remaining from the Dursley Court development. Council is to contribute £22,500. An architect, resident in the Parish, has kindly agreed to draw up the plans, and hopefully the play area will be constructed later in the year.
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Local Heroes
Back row left to right, Mick Lovell, Andy Bond, Under 7's manager, Lizzie & Shaun Chester We have a special mention this month to two Auckley residents & Eagle & Child regulars, Mick Lovell & Roger Marsh. Roger and Mick organise The Eagle & Child Sunday Meat Raffle and also The Christmas Raffle which usually raises over £1000. In previous years they have donated money to The Secret Santa Appeal, Blubell Wood, Help For Heroes and other local organisations & groups as well as providing Plant Tubs, flowers & plants at Auckley Riverside Parks Memorial Garden. This year the lucky recipients have been Help For Heroes again, Alzheimers Society, Local young Ice Skater Molly Lanaghan (photo below) who was presented with £100 towards some new skates, Branton Juniors FC Under 8's who had new Portable Goalposts purchased for them & Branton Juniors Under 7's who with the help of other E & C regulars, Shaun & Lizzie Chester, were the lucky recipients of a brand new Football Kit. We would all like to say thank you and well done. Jason Fletcher
Jeff Wray, Under 8's manager & the team
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Your parish Council has an overall responsibility for the well being of your local community. Their work falls into 3 categories:
Representing your local community Delivering Services to meet local needs Striving to improve quality of life in the parish.
The Parish Council is made up of a number of councillors who meet monthly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council. The best way to see what happens at a meeting is to attend one. If you are interested in finding out more information on being a councillor please visit or contact your Parish Council Clerk, contact numbers can be found in the back of the Arrow for all local Clerks or visit and search for parish councils. Close of nominations is no later than noon on Mon 4th April 2011. All nominations must be on the electoral register and over the age of 18 years. Nomination packs can be obtained from DMBC along with all further information.
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We fix Lap Tops and Computers Virus Removal Health Checks Ink Refill
Fed up with spex, want contact lenses?
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Friday March 18th , otherwise known as Red Nose Day, was the day the schools turned red!
Red Nose Fun day
All the local schools took part in this charity day event to raise money for comic relief, the charity which raises funds for Africa and the UK. Comic Relief celebrated their best record ever—over £74 million at the last count!
Auckley Junior, Infants and Nursery School dressed in red for the day (above). There was red hair, red wigs, red pyjamas, red noses, red cheeks, in fact, everything you can imagine was red! Lots of fun was had by all and St Wilfrids Primary school had a table top sale and invited parents to a cat walk event so the children could show off their inventive styles as they wore anything red!! Even the teachers joined in and wore something red. Lets hope lots of money was raised for this worthy cause. Well done everyone.
Joseph Grant from Auckley Nursery and his Sister Jodie from St Wilfrids Primary School.
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Free Personal Training & Nutrition Advice Call us now to arrange a free, no obligation, informal, friendly induction, or drop in for more details.
Tel: 01302 775511 Armstrong House, First Avenue, Auckley
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Kids at Flying Start Holiday Club No 9 Second Avenue Robin Hood Airport
Finningley Doncaster
Tel: 01302 802070
Taking Bookings Now For The Easter Holidays! Children are transported from Flying Start Day Nursery to Coneygarth Farm Day Nursery, Haxey Lots of exciting activities based around extensive secure outdoor areas and woodlands. Healthy homemade dinners and a light tea provided. All snacks, drinks and treats provided. Age 5-11yrs. Open 7:45am – 6pm. Themed weeks to include:
Camp Coneygarth, Cowboy & Indians, Pirate Week, Harry Potter Wk , Narnia Wk , Fancy dress, Dr Who Day, Fete Day, Maize the Maize, BBQ’s, Water Play and lots of Sport Activities.
To advertise please call 07795 387937 or 01302 534256
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Your local electrician For all your domestic electrical needs. Are you planning to refurbish your kitchen or bathroom? Are you planning to installing a pond, shed or garage?
Does this work involve the modification or, alteration, of an existing installation or A new electrical supply? Then you need a registered electrician To comply with the new building regulations. All work certified & insured with the niceic All work complies WITH Bs: 7671
Phone Andy 07786 026091 01302 772314
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Life Helpers LTD New Local Business that cares...
For more information about this service please contact Donna or Chris on 01302 772893
Hi, my name is Chris Makin. My partner Donna and I have lived in Auckley for three and a half years. We both have over ten years experience of working in health and social care so when we decided to start a business, Life Helpers was the logical choice. We both recognise that services aren't always as flexible as they could be so Life Helpers has two fundamental aims; to help maintain independence and, or, improve quality of life. It does this through providing flexible home help that meets your needs. Life Helpers is not just a service for older people who want to maintain their independence, it is for anyone who wants to free up time in order to do the things they want to do. Services can include shopping, cleaning, laundry, social interaction and company, gardening, respite sitting and support for outings and appointments etc... We employ local people to deliver support and want to develop a data base of other local businesses that can be drawn upon if needed by our customers. If you would like further information about Life Helpers please telephone on 01302 772893 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you. Chris Life Helpers Ltd
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AUCKLEY J & I SCHOOL SPRING (EASTER) TERM HOLIDAY CLUB Throughout the Easter half term holidays, we will be holding a number of different activities for children aged 314 in the Doncaster area. Our opening times are 8.00am – 6.00pm every day – Charges are £15.00 per day, or £8.00 half day (except for trip days where entrance fees and bus/train fares are in addition to this). For more information or to book in please contact the school office in term time on 01302 770701, or the club direct during holidays on 01302 770409
Laminate Floor, Kitchen & Bedroom Fitting, Spindle Staircases, Doors (internal and external), Tiling-Wall and Floor, Gates and Exterior Joinery Work (made to measure if required) Fully Qualified
Have you tried the Arrow for local advertising Delivered FREE to every home and business in your area.
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Don’t delay ring Michelle
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and book your space 24
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Branton St Wilfrids School News
Confirmation Service On Wednesday 2nd March Bishop Martyn of Beverley visited school to lead our Confirmation Service for 20 children in Years 4, 5 and 6. The service was very well attended by parents, relatives, governors and friends of the school and was a lovely occasion. ICT curriculum week Our week started with a „remote controlâ€&#x; day. Most children brought a remote control device into school and loved racing them around a track in the hall. We invited ICT technicians in to talk about what different parts of a computer do and we also enjoyed talks about the history of technology and how to stay safe on the internet. In addition to this, Year 6 went to visit Hayfield Secondary School where they worked in the computer suite to produce a comic strip. Throughout the week, each class had a variety of different workshop sessions, teaching us all new skills on the computers.
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Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 created a 2D animation on the computer.
Reception and Year 1 also enjoyed using the Beebots, a programmable Year 3 and 4 created a 3D animation using Movie Maker and plasticine figures. Year 5 and 6 learnt all about „Podcasting‟ as well as taking part in a fantastic Robotics Workshop session. Class R’s Visit to the Railway Museum On Wednesday 16th February Class R went on their first coach trip to York Railway Museum. Thirty very excited children set off for a full day of activities which included an interactive story-telling session called “Clickety-Clack” which told the story of a train journey to Edinburgh with various sound effects provided by the children. The children loved having their lunch on an old railway carriage, but probably, they would say, their highlight of the day was the outdoor play area which was full of play trains and slides! A fantastic day was had by everyone – rounded off by many children having a snooze on the return journey!! Tag Rugby On Thursday March 3rd, Year 6 played in the Hayfield Pyramid Tag Rugby tournament. Firstly we played Hayfield Lane Primary School and we won 7-0. Next we played Auckley School and we won by 5-3. After that Auckley School played Hayfield Lane School and Auckley won. Last of all we played Auckley in the finals and we won by 3-2. All of us were really happy that we won! by Abigail Kelly
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Class 1 ‘Clean Slate Day’ Class 1 enjoyed pretending to be a Victorian child for the day when we were visited by a company called „Clean Slate‟ to help us find out more about life in a Victorian home. Read Mia‟s diary entry to find out more … Victorian day diary I put on a white Victorian pinny. I went to school and if you were naughty there would be some serious punishments. I did some baking and you had to do this. You had some butter in front of you and some wooden things you had to pat the butter with and you were done. Idid some cleaning and you had to squeeze some lemon juice out of a lemon and clean the pots. I did some washing you had to pat the clothes with the dolly stick. I played with Victorian toys. by Mia We hope you have enjoyed reading some of our school news from the last month. Best Wishes E.A. Crayton, Head teacher
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Anti pick/anti snap cylinder locks supplied & fitted
FREE No Obligation Quotations
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Natural Paving Products is a leading supplier of high quality, ethically sourced natural stone to the Landscaping Market in the UK. Importantly, we are members of The Ethical Trading Initiative which has respect for workers worldw ide. V isit their w ebsite at w to view their objectives. Furthermore, Natural Paving is actively involved in the whole process of producing its range from extraction right up to your door.
Our Head Off ice is situated locally at Sandtoft and is now open for indiv iduals and trade customers in the local a rea to buy from our fantastic range of products and we bring these to you at very competitiv e pric es. As Spring approaches it ’s soon time to get outsid e and enjoy the gard en. Does your old paving look tired and in need of a facelift. Why try to mov e home in a stagnant housing market when you can add value to your own home with a new driveway or patio. Or have you ju st mov ed into a new house and the garden looks bland and characterless. You want to enjoy that cool refreshing drink with family and friends seated at your new Natural Paving patio. Choose f rom our vast selection of colours, textures and finishes to enhance your design. The flagstone range includes trad itional handcut finestone for those w ith limited budgets, traditional handcut classicstone w ith additional choic es of c olou rs and premi astone to further increase the option of textures and finishes. Also, w ith your driveway in mind, Natural Paving offers natural stone block paving, a direct alternative for tumbled concret e bloc k paving. If you are looking for a natural finish on your drive with minimum maintenance that does not wea r away exposing the aggregate as in the concrete which also significantly dulls the orig inal colour then our natural stone block pavi ng provides the solution. Additionally, Natural Paving has forged a partnership with one of the country’s best known quality brands and has launched an exclusive range of new and excit ing natural stone products that will enhance any home or garden. These products have been carefully designed and selected to g ive you the opportunity to choose the v ery highest quality and innovative natural stone. Many other natural stone products, such as Stepping Stones, Marb le Spheres of all sizes, Walling, C opings and Path Edgings plus many more relat ed accessories. These inc lude Stone Features, Decorative Aggregates in bulk bags and mini packs, Topsoil and Bu lldog Tools a re all available for you to buy at inspirat ional prices from ou r vast stoc ks. We have the larg est natural stone Display in the area, so come and visit to a ssist in your decision ma king – brow se at leisure without any pressure – take you r time to make the right choice. Our f riendly Tea m are there to help with any question you may have. We look very much to welc oming you – be inspired , see you soon . (next to the Trolley Bus Museum)
Natural Paving Products (UK) Ltd. Belton Road Sandtoft DN8 5NX 01724 712 349
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A M Plumbing Services All Types Of Plumbing All Types Of Gas Work Leaks Blockages Taps & Radiators Bathroom installed Appliances fitted Plastering Tiling Guttering No Job too small All Areas Covered
01302 743290 07840765996
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Doncaster Advanced Motorists Speed and Acceleration Dear readers, Knowing when to use your car’s power and when to take it easy are skills which every driver needs to master. It isn’t about driving around at a snails pace, its about using power and acceleration wisely, smoothly and safely. Power is nothing without control. This is true of all aspects of driving and a maxim the Advanced Driver lives by. A powerful sports car is at best wasted and at worst deadly in the hands of the amateurish or lazy driver. Never abuse your car’s power. Instead learn how the car delivers its power then use the experience to make the most of it by driving as safely, smoothly, and as progressively as possible. Firm acceleration is sometimes necessary –when joining a motorway or when overtaking for example but to make the best use of your car’s power band takes practice and an understanding of the way it delivers its torque (the power that creates acceleration). Being in the wrong gear at the wrong time can ‘bog’ the engine down, restricting the car’s acceleration and possibly putting you in a hazardous situation. It’s important to learn which part of the rev band delivers the most torque and acceleration. This will ensure you select the right gear for the conditions and the job in hand. Test your sense of deceleration. Here’s a useful way to test your sense of deceleration. The next time you’re driving along the road at the national speed limit and see a 30mph or 40mph speed limit sign ahead, try to time the point at which you ‘lift off’ the accelerator so that the car reaches the speed limit sign at the correct speed, without the need to touch the brakes. On twisty roads you can take this technique a stage further by managing the speed of the car between the bends with accurate use of the accelerator. This will limit the amount of braking you need to do, producing a smoother, more satisfying drive. With smooth road surfaces and powerful, quiet cars, it can take serious concentration not to creep over the speed limit. Advanced Driving is not about driving slowly. A driver who tootles along at 50mph on a busy motorway or a clear country road can be just as dangerous and frustrating as a speed demon. The skilled Advanced Driver looks to make good progress whenever possible by carrying out well-timed overtakes; with smooth, progressive controlled acceleration. Remember just how difficult it would be to enjoy your motoring without a driving licence! If you are interested in the courses that we offer, you’ll be able to find this information on the Institute of Advanced Motorists website at or Tel: 020 8996 9600
Safe Driving Paul Tuke. Doncaster Advanced Motorists.
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Occasional wear for Christenings, weddings and Parties. Monkeys made to order.
10% discount on all purchases of ÂŁ40.00 or more with this advert. Saturdays only. Offer ends 1st May 2011 & does not include layaways.
01302 834 020
3 Mill St, Armthorpe DN3 3DL Photographs supplied by copyright2011
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LTD For care and support when you need it the most Personal service 24 hours a day. Independant family business. Established for 90 years.
19 Thorne Road, Bawtry, Doncaster 01302 710285
L.T.J Plastering Services
Also Kitchen Fitting & Tiling Boarding of Ceilings & Walls Reskims Over Old Walls Reskims Over Artex Floors Levelled Coving Fitted Rendering A Clean and Friendly Service! Free Estimates, Phone Dave
Tel: 01302 370347 Mob: 0788 2578863 34
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St Saviours, Auckley
St Oswald’s & Holy Trinity, Finningley
Tabasco Sauce and Daffodils All over the country at the start of April grateful Mums and carers are pushed back into their pillows. Daffodil’s are being yanked from gardens and parks across the UK, and placed in empty Coke bottles. And the strangest assortment of food known to humanity is being specially prepared just for her. A MIXER whirls out of CONTROL, then stops ABRUPTLY as a voice cries, “I’m telling!” A dog BARKS and another voice says, “Get his PAWS out of there. She has to EAT that.” Mum squirms and then tries to get out of bed, but the YOUNGEST child standing guard, pushes her firmly back into her PILLOW. Minutes pass and finally Mum hears, “Dad! Where’s the chilli powder?” Then, “Don’t you dare BLEED on Mum’s breakfast!” The rest is a BLUR of banging doors, running water, rapid footsteps and a high pitched, “You started the FIRE, you put it out!” The breakfast is fairly standard: a glass of fresh juice, five pieces of BLACK BACON that shatters into a THOUSAND pieces as soon as it is touched, a MOUND of EGGS topped with TABASCO SAUCE to disguise the BLOOD, lumpy PORIDGE, and four pieces of COLD TOAST. The kids line up by the bed to watch you EAT, and from time to time they ask why aren’t you drinking the PRUNE JUICE and touching the PORIDGE with the BLACK OLIVES on top spelling "M—U—M". Later in the day, after you have decided it’s easier to MOVE to a NEW HOUSE than clean the KITCHEN, you return to your bed where, if you’re wise, you’ll reflect on this day. For your children have GIVEN instead of RECEIVED. And they have presented you with the GREATEST GIFT people can give— THEMSELVES. Mothering Sunday falls in Lent – a time in the church calendar when Christians think of Jesus’ journey to the cross and his resurrection at Easter. In the story above the Mother’s children gave their all. In the Bible, the Father’s Son gave his all – he died on a cross for you and for me. Blessings
Revd. Neil Redeyoff St Saviour's, Auckley & St Oswald's & Holy Trinity, Finningley
Jack, Hannah, Joseph, Neil and Catherine
To advertise please call 07795 387937 or 01302 534256
What’s On In Branton And Auckley?
Meeting place
Pre-School from 2yrs 6 months
Auckley Nursery School Building
9.15 - 11.45
Weight Watchers
Auckley Parish Centre
1st Doncaster Brownies
Auckley Parish Centre
5.30 - 7.00
Friendly Society
Auckley Parish Centre
2.00 - 4.00
Line Dancing
Auckley Parish Centre
Simply Singing
Auckley St Saviours Parish Church
Computers for Beginners
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
AFCL 862388
Coffee Morning
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
Sheila 538542
Art Group
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
Eddie 537480
Cubs 8 - 10yrs
Scout Hut, Auckley
6.15 - 7.45
Pre-School from 2 yrs 6 months
Auckley Nursery School Building
Parent and Toddlers
Auckley Parish Centre
9.30 - 11.00
07815 666068
Slimlines Slimming Club
Auckley Parish Centre
01405 818564
Ridgeway School of Dance
Auckley Parish Centre
4.00 - 8.30
Street Beat Dance Academy
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
Parent and Toddlers
Auckley Parish Centre
07815 666068
Computers for Beginners
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
AFCL 862388
Gentle Exercise
Auckley Parish Centre
2.00 - 3.30
Pre-School from 2 years 6 months
Auckley Nursery School Building
9.15 - 11.45
Beavers 6 - 8yrs
Scout Hut, Auckley
5.30 - 7.00
Tae Kwon Do (Dave Sutherill)
Auckley Parish Centre
6.15 - 7.45
Auckley Parish Centre
01427 752548
91st Rainbows
Scout Hut, Auckley
5.30 - 6.30
Explorer Scouts 14-18yrs
Scout Hut, Auckley
7.30 - 9.30
Pre-School from 2 yrs 6 months
Auckley Nursery School Building
Parent and Toddlers
Auckley Parish Centre
9.30 - 11.00
07815 666068
Coffee Morning
Auckley Parish Centre
Slim & Zumba Exercise
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
07952 756422
St John Ambulance, 5-10yrs
Auckley Parish Centre
St John Ambulance 10—16yrs
Auckley parish Centre
Scouts 10.5 - 14yrs
Scout Hut, Auckley
7.00 - 9.00
Pre-School from 2 yrs 6 months
Auckley Nursery School Building
9.15 - 11.45
Music Bugs
Auckley Parish Centre
08445 781016
Art Group
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
Eddie 537480
Auckley Parish Centre
Mod’ Sequence & Ballroom Dance
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre
Auckley Parish Ctr Bookings
Contact Margaret Ottewell
Kilham Hall, Branton—Bookings
Contact Sylvia Mulligan
Contact 865405 07966 226073
07808 070300
770714 Cyril 532497
886811 10am to 4pm
07856 221470
What’s On In Finningley? Day
Meeting place
Finningley Babies & Toddler Group
Finningley Village Hall
See Saw Pre school 2-5yrs
Finningley C o E School
See Saw Pre school 2-5yrs
Finningley C o E School
9-12 noon
73rd Doncaster Brownies
Blaxton Community Hall
01427 754896
Weight Watchers
Finningley Village Hall
07966 226073
Term Time Junior Youth Club
Finningley Village Hall
See Saw Pre School 2-5yrs
Finningley C o E School
9-12 noon
73rd Doncaster Rainbows
Blaxton Community Hall
See Saw Pre school 2-5yrs
Finningley C o E School
9-12 noon
Art Club
Finningley Village Hall
1.00 -3.30
Reach For The Stars-School Dance
Finningley Village Hall
See Saw Pre school 2-5yrs
Finningley C o E School
9-12 noon
Reach For The Stars-School Dance
Finningley Village Hall
Church Sunday School
Finningley Village Hall
Finningley Village Hall Bookings
Contact Elaine McNulty
Meeting place
2nd Monday in Month
Church Friendship Group
Mrs Huxtable
Last Monday in Month
Doncaster Woodturning Club
Finningley Village Hall Finningley Village Hall
Neighbourhood Watch
Finningley Village Hall
3rd Tuesday in Month
Finningley Parish Council
3rd Thursday in Month
Womans Institute
3rd Tuesday in Month
Tuesday Club
Finningley Village Hall Finningley Village Hall Finningley Village Hall
Meeting place
2nd Wednesday of the month
Auckley Parish Council Meeting
Auckley Parish Centre
1st Wednesday of the month
Branton Parish Council Meeting
Kilham Hall, Kilham Lane, Branton
2nd Thursday of the month
Branton WI
Kilham Hall, Kilham Lane, Branton
1st Thursday of the month
Monday 16th May 2011
Auckley WI
Auckley Parish Centre
7.15—9.30 771327
Wednesday fortnightly
Mobile Library
Wednesday fortnightly
Mobile Library
Private, Modern, Classic & Sports cars. Light Commercials and Fleet Maintenance Unit 3, Ash-Holt Industrial Park, Blaxton Doncaster DN9 3NT
Tel: 01302 772668 Mob: 07940 592648
Citizens Advice Bureaux - Advice line
01302 735225 Doncaster Council - General
01302 734444
Electricity Emergencies
0800 375 675
Post Office—Finningley
01302 770228
Transco - Gas Leaks
0800 111 999
Post Office - Auckley
01302 770250
Yorkshire Water
0845 124 2424 Post Office - Branton
01302 536053
Care in the Community Age Concern Childline
Robin Hood Airport 0800 009966 08001111
01302 801010
Medical Burns Medical Centre, Goodison Boulevard
08444 140726
Doctor Okleke, 41 Ellers Lane, Auckley
01302 770327
Doncaster Council - Community First
0808 8005000 Doncaster Royal Infirmary Hospital
01302 366666
0845 4647
NHS Direct
Weldricks Pharmacy, East Laith Gate, Doncaster Mon—Sat 9am—10pm, Sun 10am-10pm, 01302 369699 Bank holidays 10am-8pm, 365 days per year.
Community Auckley Parish Council
Oakwood Doctors Surgery, Masham Rd, 01302 770922 Cantley
Branton Parish Council
01302 772493
Safer Neighbourhood Team
01302 385338
Finningley Parish Council
01302 771224
Kilham Hall Community Centre, Branton
07856 221470
Auckley Parish Centre
01302 886811
S Yorkshire Fire Service (non emergency)
0114 272 7202
S Yorkshire Police (non emergency)
0114 2202020
01302 537611
Education Armthorpe Library
01302 833538
Auckley Primary School
01302 770701
Cantley Library
01302 535614
Doncaster Central Library
01302 734305
Doncaster Council - Education
01302 737222
Doncaster Mobile Library
01302 873456
Finningley C of E Primary School
01302 770330
Hayfield School Comprehensive
01302 770589
Hayfield Lane Primary School
01302 770427
Mcauley Catholic High School
01302 537396
St Wilfrid's C of E Primary School
01302 537344
Leisure Armthorpe Sports Centre
01302 834268
My Vue Cinema
08712 240240
The Dome Leisure Centre
01302 370777
Please mention “The Arrow” when responding to advertisements
Business Directory To advertise your business in the directory for 12 months call 01302534256 Architect Wright Design
01302 733622
Domestic Cleaning Svs & Craftsman Campsall Cabinets (and joinery) Doncaster www.
01302 701801
Grifftile, Tiling Services, Auckley, Doncaster
01302 770768
LTJ Plastering Services
07932 491 022
Poppies of Doncaster, Domestic Cleaning Svs.
01302 533663
Funeral Directors W E Pinder & Sons, Bawtry, Doncaster
Garages —Car Service & Repair James Motors, Cantley Lane, Cantley.
01302 370846
The Car Workshop, Armthorpe
01302 834825
General Convenience Stores Spar, Ellers Lane, Auckley
Interior Fitted Furniture DC Interiors, Tesco Precinct, Edenthorpe
01302 886790
The Workbench Joinery & Building Services
IT Solutions Mat & Mouse IT Services Ltd
Established 1963 01302 534449
Medical Health Chiropodist Health Professions Council Registered / Home Visit Service. Contact Brian Tansey M.Ch.S., S.R.Ch. Jackie Fletcher BSc Hons. Registered Hearing Aid Dispenser
01302534959 07784123480
Security Meteor Security Solutions Ltd., Auckley
Taxis Auckley Private Hire, Auckley
BJ7 Taxis 4,6,7 & 8 seaters, Cantley
Takeaway Food The Amraj, Indian Takeaway, Auckley Emilios Takeaway Pizza, Auckley
01302773311 01302772004
Full workshop facilities available Mark Turner Proprietor Ivy Cottage 27 Main St., Auckley, DN9 3HT
01302 771839 07966 178639
To advertise please call 07795 387937 or 01302 534256
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