The Barnby Dun & Edenthorpe Arrow July 2020

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Also Covers Kirk Sandall 4550 Copies

July 2020

Issue No. 68



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to the July issue of The Barnby Dun & Edenthorpe Arrow.

It feels so good to be back and we are so sorry we didn’t produce the April May and June issues of the Arrow. We felt it was the right thing to do to protect our delivery staff and readers when there were still many unknowns about Covid 19. We have given careful consideration to when would be the right time to produce a new issue and taken advice from public health, local government, Royal Mail and others within this sector. I am sure you will have been moved by the generosity of our community, their spirit, good humour and positivity. At such a bleak time, there is so much to be thankful for. I am humbled by the commitment and motivation of our NHS staff who are working with this virus daily and carers who are living with it in their care homes. I sincerely hope we never forget your bravery. To the army of support that has kept us all going, our local shop keepers, I don’t know how we could manage without you and hope we continue to repay your hard work and effort in the future by shopping local. Our police, Fire Service, bus drivers, shop workers, DMBC staff, teachers and of course, everyone within the community who has volunteered their help and support to those in need and looked after their neighbours. Our next challenge after lockdown is how we learn to live with the threat of this virus. We still need to work, be educated, exercise, care, and socialise. Social distancing is paramount to reducing transmission as well as regular handwashing. We all have a responsibility to beat this virus and this is the only way we can help until our scientists find a treatment or vaccine. So, until we are safe, this community will continue to do what is does best, support one another, look after our most vulnerable and be mindful of how we can reduce the chances of transmission. The deadline for the August issue is Friday 17th July.

Keep safe everyone

Julie Morrell Tel :07854 880882

To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760


Community News Firstly, we would like to pass on our sincere condolences to those in our area that have been affected by the terrible virus and wish those currently suffering a speedy and full recovery. The issues the situation has caused us as a club pale into insignificance compared to the personal suffering. At present we still await news as to whether there will be any team cricket played this season, after months of preparation and great support from our sponsors it has been a big disappointment that we have not been able to have our usual community events at the ground. Cancelling our VE Day plans was particularly disappointing given it's poignancy. The first tentative steps towards playing have been taken and one to one training sessions can now take place at the ground under strict rules and we are happy to ensure we meet those rules in order to allow some physical activity for our members. Whilst the seniors have been keeping in touch through social media and we have been sending our juniors activities and challenges nothing can beat getting outdoors and active, even with the restrictions in place, and the players have been quick to get out on the field in their socially distanced pairs. As with any organisation, a charity such as ours that relies upon subscriptions and income from fundraising events has been hit hard financially, especially as we had already outlaid all our major pre-season spending totally several thousand pounds but the local council have provided support in helping ensure we will still be here when the community needs us. Our plans for a community pavilion had taken a big step forward at the beginning of this year with additional funding in the pipeline to allow a build to commence this autumn and we were eagerly putting the build programme in place. This funding is unlikely to be available when the crisis subsides given the finances that have understandably been required elsewhere, we will have to re-assess where this leaves us when we have some form of certainty. We will keep you updated as and when we can. Stay safe everyone and thank you for all your support.

darts Artists Inspired by Nature for Children’s Art Week - Children’s Art Week. Monday 29 – Sunday 19 July 2020 Children’s Art Week will see thousands of children, their teachers and their families taking part in fun, creative activities at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Venues of all types and sizes—from libraries to community halls, heritage venues and country parks, schools, museums and galleries across the UK—are hosting online and remote activities that will help children and young people to be inspired, engaged and entertained by art. In Doncaster, darts visual artist, Karen Hall, has created a special activity pack that takes inspiration from the natural world and will encourage children to explore their environment. The arts activities encourage looking, experimentation and play. The activity pack includes Makaton signs and symbols to increase access and ensure that as many young people get involved as possible. Families will be able to access the ‘Natural World Viewfinder’, ‘Making Marks’ and ‘Shadow Drawing’ activities on the darts website on the Arts at Home section. There are also many other creative activities to have a go at here including virtual tours of the Mythomania exhibition, Drawing Like a Sculptor activities, Animal Magic making resources and an Introduction to Collage. Over the past months, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how essential creativity and the visual arts are for learning, connecting and wellbeing. While our venues, cultural organisations and some school buildings may be closed, engaging in the visual arts is more important than ever! darts Artist, Karen Hall, says: “I have really enjoyed creating these inclusive activities and hope that lots of children get involved. I have children of my own and understand how frustrating lockdown can be. Creativity is a brilliant way of engaging children and can really improve their health, wellbeing and happiness.” darts is encouraging those who get involved in the activities to share what they have created. Tag them on social media @wearedarts or email


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Andy Walker Call on – 07799433715 Email – @walkersplumbingandheating FREE QUOTATIONS & ADVICE Over 25 years experience

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FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS covering all areas

To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760


Community News SSAFA and Age UK Doncaster are working together to ensure that during and post COVID-19 Doncaster’s veterans are not forgotten. Doncaster Stands by our Veterans. SSAFA Doncaster & Thorne Division working with Age UK Doncaster has secured funding from The Armed Forces Covenant Trust to support forces veterans over the next six months. This project is free to former members of the Armed Forces or their spouse. The main aim is to ensure that veterans and their family: are kept safe, have appropriate support, for example, collecting medication, undertaking shopping, are not feeling as if you have no one to talk to, and providing one off assistance Many individuals over the past few weeks have been shielding or self-isolating to stay safe and this has often led to a feeling of being disconnected with what is happening locally. It may also be the case that you are encountering financial hardship and between SSAFA and Age UK Doncaster we may be able to help. This project is here to alleviate some of the difficulties we are all enduring and to ensure that you are keeping as well as possible. It maybe you would just appreciate a chat every other week or it may be some practical assistance is required. Whatever the issue we encourage you to get in touch with either of the two contacts below who will then be able to discuss any of your needs further and agree a way forward.

Age UK Doncaster: Call: 01302 812345 or Email: Type ‘Veteran’ in the subject box. SSAFA: Call: 01302 855518 or Email: Type ‘Age UK’ in the subject box.

Advertise in the Arrow Business Directory For Just £2.50 per month. Text Julie on 07854 880882 8

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To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760




Age Concern

0800 009966

Child Line

0800 111




01302 719790


0800 555111

Home / Garden

Doncaster Childrens Information Service

0800 1384568

Time for You, Domestic Cleaning

South Yorkshire Fire Service


South Yorkshire Police (non - emergency)


Hungerhill School

01302 885811

Kirk Sandall Junior School

01302 882827

Kirk Sandall Infant School

01302 882221

Edenthorpe Hall Primary School

01302 882381

Barnby Dun Primary School

01302 883917

Canon Popham C of E Primary & Nursery

01302 884465

Life Church Edenthorpe

07786 967025

Barnby Dun Methodist Church

01302 374826

Church of the Good Shepherd

01302 882861

St. & Paul's Church, Barnby Dun

01302 882835

Edenthorpe Parish Council

07428 005708

NHS Non-emergency


Weldricks late night pharmacy

01302 369699

St Vincent Practice

01302 890440

The Barnby Dun Surgery

01302 841202

The Kingthorne Group Practice

01302 342832

CAR Sales & Repairs Barry Gill Sales & Repairs, Hatfield

01302 842878

01302 352941

Services / Trades C M Developments (Yorkshire) Ltd Building Services

01302 351760

E P G Roofing

01302 532676

Stewart Eversham. S.E. Electrical Domestic & Commercial Electrician

01302 285411 07800 914882

S J Roofing

Flat Roofs, Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Guttering, Fascia’s, Chimneys. Competitive Rates

No Job Too Small 01302 858164 07427 212714

Also Fit Alarms Gas Emergency


Electricity Emergency


Yorkshire Water


BT Faultline



01302 736000

Thorne CAB Advice Line

0844 4994137


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To advertise please call 07854 880882 or 01302 351760


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