It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, it's official — the season of mince pies, festive lights, and Christmas cheer is upon us. As we embrace the magic of the season, our villages are coming alive with the spirit of celebration. From local fairs and carol singing to winter illuminations and pantomime events that bring laughter and joy, there’s so much to look forward to in the weeks ahead.
This time of year is all about coming together, creating memories, and sharing moments of happiness. But amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s important to remember that for some, this season can feel less joyful. Whether it's due to recent bereavement, isolation, or simply missing loved ones who are far away, this time can be challenging for many in our community.
That’s why it’s so important to look out for our neighbours. A simple act of kindness — whether it’s dropping off some mince pies or popping in for a quick cuppa — can make all the difference to someone who might be feeling lonely. It’s a small gesture that has a big impact, bringing warmth and comfort to those who need it most.
So as we deck the halls and enjoy all the festivities, let’s also make time to spread a little extra cheer to those around us. After all, the true magic of the season lies in the joy of giving and the power of human connection.
Wishing you all a wonderful, warm, and heart-filled Christmas!
The January issue deadline for adverts and content is Monday 9th December. The Arrow will be delivered by 1st January.
Best Wishes
Michelle Sidebottom
Tel: 07795 387937
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Community News
Cantley with Branton WI
Our monthly meetings take place on the second Thursday of the month, with the next one on Thursday 12th December 2024 at 7 pm until 9pm in Kilham Hall, Branton, Doncaster, DN3 3PF which will be our Christmas Meeting. There will also be light refreshments and a raffle. We have weekly coffee mornings, monthly cinema trips, theatre trips and a walking group.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Vice President, Catherine Rusby – Tel: 01302 831638 or 07775834607.
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Community News
We will remember them
It was lovely to see all of our villages awash with red poppies.
The hours that have gone in to making the poppies and displays are so greatly appreciated. Thank you to every person who has volunteered their time to help create the displays and the Parish Councils for their support and organisation.
A new club has started in Finningley.
If you are interested in finding out more, they have a facebook group called finningley cricket club. They are open to all new and experienced players from ages 12 and over to play in an adult team. They plan to have a youth cricket team in the future so any support that people can offer would be appreciated .
Community News
this year gone?
At the time of writing this we hadn’t started the Memory Tree. Please do pop along to see us in the Frenchgate Centre. We will be downstairs near Boots from Monday, 25th November until Saturday, 7th December (excluding Sunday, 1st December) from 10am to 3pm daily. You can purchase a token in memory of your loved ones and/or write a message to place on the Christmas tree in the Centre.
There is also the Charity Christmas Concert in Doncaster Minster of St George on Saturday, 14th December at 7.00pm. Once again the Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers and Hatfield and Askern Colliery Band will entertain everyone, with the proceeds going to our charity. Tickets are £10, concessions £8, available from Co-op Funeralcare on Spring Gardens or any local Doncaster Co-op food store or Funeralcare branch office, or choir/ band members. Tickets are also available on the door, but may be limited. Be sure to get your tickets early as this is a very popular event and last year there was hardly a spare seat!
Our contact details are: 22 Wood Street, Doncaster DN1 3LW (passageway to the right of “The Grumpy Goat Coffee House”), first floor (lift available), Room 104. Tel. 01302 325029. Email: Website: As the office is not fully manned it is best to Email or telephone in advance if you are thinking of coming to see us. We would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and to let you know how extremely grateful we are for all your generous support throughout the year.
Christmas 2023 Memory tree with Ruth Bacon and Yvonne Woodcock
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Local resident, Kath Coulter receives Kings Police Medal award from HRH Princess Anne at Windsor Castle for her outstanding police work.
Through a sincere desire to ins gate change, an outstanding work ethic and an unwillingness to shy away from uncomfortable truths, Kath has indirectly made a difference to the lives of countless children at risk of neglect.
A er almost 30 years in policing and having discovered her voca on in child protec on work long ago, in June 2024 Kath was awarded the Kings Police Medal for her dis nguished Policing career including her drive to support the most vulnerable in society and the crea on of the Child Ma ers program.
Kath iden fied an organisa onal lack of knowledge and understanding around child neglect. Police officers were not always able to iden fy or act upon serious cases of neglect, resul ng in children con nuing to be exposed to significant harm within homes that were dangerous, dirty, abusive, invalida ng and harmful. Children were being neglected, unseen and unheard.
Despite an extremely busy day job as a Detec ve Sergeant, Kath took on an addi onal level of work which went well above and beyond her role, doing the vast majority of it in her own me. She ins gated difficult conversa ons, iden fied distressing issues, and launched a huge project to make the changes needed, unques onably fuelled by her passion to make a difference to children’s lives.
As a subject ma er expert and having led mul ple child protec on inves ga ons throughout her career, Kath has excellent working rela onships with the NSPCC, social care and other agencies. In 2020, she approached the NSPCC and asked them to support her vision of a toolkit for officers to help them understand the different types of neglect, ar culate what they see and make the voice of the child the priority.
The NSPCC agreed and in collabora on with them Kath subsequently designed the SHAREDD assessment tool. The tool supports other assessment gradings same grading system making SYP the first force in the country to ‘talk the same common language’ as partner agencies, something which is key in protec ng children. Kath leading a small team devised and delivered an impac ve and valuable full day ‘Child Ma ers’ training course. The course features inputs from experts including a forensic psychologist and specialists in dental and medical neglect.
The course is mandatory for all public-facing officers and staff in SYP, and is also open to officer’s from other forces, the Na onal Crime Agency, teachers, nurses, health visitors, RSPCA inspectors, fire and ambulance personnel, representa ves from the Crown Prosecu on Service, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, local authori es and social services among others.
To date, over 7000 people have a ended the Child Ma ers training, all alongside her incredibly demanding day job and in her own me.
The result of her work is that literally thousands of people in a posi on to be able to help are empowered with the knowledge and understanding necessary to engender a greater level of professional curiosity. This has led to more referrals, more interven ons and – crucially – more children safeguarded.
Child Ma ers has been highlighted as an example of innova ve prac ce, demonstra ng its significance at a na onal level.
Children across South Yorkshire and beyond have truly benefi ed from her pioneering work, as have thousands of officers, staff and partners who have significantly increased knowledge, skills and understanding around how to deal with neglect.
Congratula ons Kath, we are all very grateful for your hard work and commitment. We hope you enjoy your well deserved re rement down under.
“Glory to God in the highest”
With All Good Wishes & Every Blessing for Christmas & the New Year Our Christmas Services
CHRISTMAS EVE – Tuesday 24th December
5.30 p.m. Vigil Mass & Christingle for families St Wilfrid’s
8.00 p.m. Midnight Mass - please note starting time St Hugh’s
10.00 p.m. Midnight Mass – please note starting time St Wilfrid’s
CHRISTMAS DAY – Wednesday 25th December
10.00 a.m. Mass of Christmas Day with Carols St Wilfrid’s
Sunday 29th December
6.30 p.m. Carols by Candlelight St Wilfrid’s
NEW YEAR’S DAY – Wednesday 1st January 2025
12.00 Noon Said Mass St Wilfrid’s
Please visit our website: or our Facebook pages: ‘St Wilfrid’s Cantley’ or ‘sthughscantley’ for up-to-date information about Church Services over the Christmas period.
“Peace on Earth”
From Father Andrew Howard, Father Michael Dixon and Everyone at St Wilfrid’s & St Hugh’s
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The Scout Group joined with other uniformed organisations and members of the community for the Service of Remembrance held at the Blaxton cenotaph to give respect and appreciation for the service and sacrifice of the soldiers and their families who helped defend our freedoms and protected us and our way of life.
Occasions like these are important for our young people, to experience the act of remembrance and a precious opportunity to see all five of the Scout Values in action: Belief, Care, Co-operation, Integrity, and Respect. If you have a young person who would like to join the group, let us know. Beavers age 6 to 8 years, Cubs age 8 to 10 years and Scouts age 10 ½ to 14 years. We also welcome adult volunteers to help out at our events or on a more regular basis. Email us if you wish to know more.
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What’s On In Branton and Auckley
Mon Pre-School from 3 months
Mon Yoga
Mon Gentle Yoga
Mon Music Bugs—2 x 1 hour sessions
Mon Dance on
Mon Fitness class for ladies over 40
Auckley Nursery School Building 7.45am—5.30pm 770409
Auckley Parish Centre 9.30—10.30am 07990 513138
Auckley Parish Centre 10.45-11.30am 07990513138
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre 9.30am-11.30am 07827 816175
Auckley Parish Centre 2.30-3.30pm 01302 341662
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre 1.45-2.45pm 07368216114 Linda Mon Little Fishes The Zone, Hayfield Lane Primary School 9am—11am 775160
Mon 1st Doncaster Brownies
Mon Line Dancing
Mon Zumba
Mon Two Circles Aikido
Tue Branton Coffee Club
Tue Art Club
Tue Cubs 8 - 10yrs
Tue Pre-School from 3 months
Tue Parent and Toddlers
Tue Craft Group
Tue Ridgeway School of Dance
Tue Warren Martial Arts
Tue Zumba
Auckley Parish Centre 5.30 - 7.00 01302 770004
Auckley Parish Centre 7.30—9.30 817124
Kilham Hall Branton Community Hall 6.30-7.30pm Vicky 07899980870
Kilham Hall Branton Community Hall 8pm till 10pm John 07876161156
Kilham Hall Branton Community Hall 10.00-11.30am Noreen 831664
Kilham Hall Branton Community Hall 1.00-3.00pm Carol 538033
Scout Hut, Auckley 5.30-7pm 07760 454188
Auckley Nursery School Building 7.45—5.30pm 770409
Auckley Parish Centre 9.30 - 11.00 07915 666068
Auckley Parish Centre 2pm—4pm 01302770004
Auckley Parish Centre 4.00 - 8.30pm 07961 091708
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre 4-6pm Alex 07590965077
Kilham Hall Branton Community Centre Debbie 07952756422