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Covering Eastoft, Keadby, Amcotts and Luddington

December 2017 1

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010

Issue 98

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Welcome to the December issue of the Arrow!

Christmas is only just around the corner! Once again we have lots of activities and events being promoted. We have the annual Christmas fair weekends at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, which prove very popular. Boston Park are advertising their Christmas events too. A few years ago I went with my son Joseph, it was a great day and I must say it was really like seeing the real Father Christmas! I have also visited Santa at the Smithy, High Street, Owston Ferry, a more traditional way to see the famous man! Santa at the Smithy have the following dates: Saturday 9th & Saturday 16th December 2pm-4pm Sunday 10th December 2pm-5pm Sunday 17th December 2pm-5pm Admission to see Santa is only £3. A visit to Holmes and Gardens at Epworth and you will see Snowy and Logan the donkeys! And don’t forget the famous dancing lights of Brigley House in Saffron Way, Crowle. They will light up the dark evenings once again this December and money raised will be donated to Pride of the Isle charity. Enjoy the festive season and we will be back in the new year with your January magazine. Please note an early deadline for the January issue, Tuesday 5th December for distribution by the 5th January. If you are interested in advertising please be in touch before the date.


(editor) Tel: 01302 532676 Mob: 0791 2643 010

R. WALLACE & SON Ltd Funeral Directors & Memorial Masons


01724 783319

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Community News Tuesday 28th November: Group Meeting at Hirst Priory Crowle at 13:30-15:30. Speaker will be Marilyn Roberts: “The Duchess of Windsor’s Jewels”. Meet last Tuesday of the month. Wednesday 6th December U3A Film Group Market Place Crowle 12-30-14-30 Cost £3-00 including a cup of tea “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” Thursday 7th December Christmas Afternoon Tea at Ingleby Arms AMCOTTS at 13-00 -15-00 Cost £10-00 Tuesday 19th December: Christmas Lunch at Hirst Priory Crowle at 12:30-14:00. Bookings now being taken by Tricia 01724 783614. Please advise of any special dietary requirements. Cost: £17.50 per head. A very Happy Christmas to all our members and look forward to seeing you again in January 2018

Axholme Camera Club News Wed 6th Dec COMPETITION – Ladies v Gents – Prints – open subject Tues 12th Dec Creating Cewe Photo Books Members bring own books to show and discuss Geoff Trinder Wed 20th Dec Christmas Social and Quiz with Allan Rowsell Members only night

We meet weekly in St Nicholas Church Hall, Haxey starting at 7.30 pm to approximately 9.30 pm. We are a very friendly club and welcome any newcomers. The annual subscription is £10.00 plus £2.00 for each meeting attended (reduced for under 18s) which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.

Feel free to contact any Camera Club member you may know or give Joyce Hooley a call on 01427 752323 or just turn up on the night. You may like to visit our website at

Isle Group of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust News Thursday December 7 The Twelve Days of Christmas Chris de Feu is coming along to entertain us with this humorous take on the old Christmas song, so it seems that we are in for a great night of partridges and pear trees, maybe even milkmaids! Who knows. Do come along and join us. Christmas refreshments will be available. Thursday January 4th Hedgehogs Advance notice of a change of programme:We are pleased to let you know that Frank and Veronica Tett will be coming to talk about their hedgehog rescue centre and bringing along a hedgehog that can't hibernate. This talk had to be cancelled in October due to illness so we have rearranged it for January. All our indoor meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month in the Stephen Jones Hall at the rear of the Methodist Chapel in Haxey at 7.30pm. .For further information about the local Trust group and their meetings please contact Tony Lee on 01427 753831 or Chris Trinder on 01427 872051. Details about the group are also on the Lincolnshire Trust web site under area groups.

Budgie found in Crowle Market Place on Saturday 11th November. It is safe and being looked after. Contact for further info.

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Due to Operational requirements and abstractions there will be no designated walkabouts during December. However the team will continue with our Walkabouts as and when time permits. BURGLARY AWARENESS – WINTER SECURITY THE Darker nights are now upon us and we ask you to remain security conscious. Please make sure before going to bed,

Scunthorpe Lawnmowers Ltd 187 Cottage Beck Rd, Tel 01724 866581 Scunthorpe, DN16 1TR

That all your windows are closed or if on vents they are locked. Do not leave keys on worktops or key hooks put them in a safe place (not obvious) out of view. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle overnight. Make sure that lights are on in your property if you’re out for the evening, timer switches are not expensive. Don’t leave Handbags, phone or laptops/tablets in plain sight when going to bed. It Doesn’t take long for Billy and Betty Burglar to enter an insecure property and make off with your prize possessions. Don’t give him and extra Christmas Present

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Doncaster Sheffield Airport launches airspace consultation A public consultation on proposed changes to the airspace around Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) has been launched which will outline potential minor changes to the routes that aircraft depart and arrive into the airport. DSA is participating in a UK-wide initiative to modernise airspace known as the Future Airspace Strategy (FAS) backed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which will involve moving away from the traditional ground-based navigation and over to a new satellite navigation system known as Area Navigation (RNAV). The government’s objectives to modernise UK airspace policy are a welcome step which could bring wider benefits across the UK such as noise reduction, less CO2 and other emissions, plus fuel and time savings. The airport has taken the opportunity to utilise this new technology to develop and consult on improved departure and arrival routes from the site, investing over £250,000 in the design process. The new technology will allow aircraft to operate with greater accuracy within their designated flight paths when departing and arriving from DSA. The routes have been designed to be very close to the current routes but improved, where possible, to reduce disruption to communities surrounding the airport. This process will allow us to ensure that we are using our airspace in the most efficient way, whilst also reducing disruption to local communities. We have made considerable efforts to design these proposed routes to the benefit of local communities and to ensure safety. We have worked closely with local stakeholders to develop these proposals, including our Airport Consultative Committee made up of elected representatives, local public agencies, local business, residential communities and airport users. We would encourage all interested parties to participate in the consultation process. The consultation will run until 15th December 2017. More details including the full consultation document can be found on the DSA website: To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


All our thousands of visitors during the season from March to October get a fully guided tour of the house as part of our normal service. So what's different in the Candlelit Tours? As the name suggests we have candles for the tour. but not just the guides carrying candles, as they do, but the entire house is lit solely by candle power as the Wesley family would have experienced it during their 40 year residency in Epworth.

Just to encourage you to eat with us try the recipe for our Pork Pie - Hot water crust pastry filled with pieces of chopped pork flavoured with onion, sage, salt and pepper, and topped off with a layer of Bramley apple. Want the real recipe? Come and see us and each guest who wants it can have a copy of our personal recipe free of charge. Do remember though that places are limited and pre-booking is essential. Call the office on 01427 872268 as soon as possible to book the last few places.

Not only that, the guides and reception staff are dressed in costume reflecting the 18th century so when visitors come along to the gift shop which is the meeting place for the tours, they are met with, not only an array of quality goods, many of which will make suitable Christmas presents, but a member of the sales and reception team who will be dressed in costume similar to the type worn by Mrs Susanna Wesley and her contemporaries. When all the group are gathered together, they are led by the team member using a lantern to the front door where they are received by guides, in appropriate costumes, into the main entrance hall with the fitful flicker of candles and the glorious warmth of the blazing open fire. The house is decorated throughout with seasonal greenery and colourful bows which our guests have time to enjoy as they are taken on a tour around the house, seeing it in the same light as the Wesley family did. Listen to the guides tell the story of Old Geoffrey in the atmospheric conditions of gentle candlelight; hear of the conditions for the family and the achievements of mother and sons; Find out which of our favourite Christmas carols was written so long ago by Charles Wesley; and finally end up in the heart of the home, Susanna's kitchen. From here Susanna started a revolution that, through her sons, became the worldwide Methodist Church. Hear how she educated her children and responded to the needs of the local people in Epworth while enjoying refreshments around the kitchen table, in front of another roaring open fire. Refreshments which include home made pork pie, fruit cake and cheese, mince pies and whatever else we volunteers decide to make for the occasion.

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


North Lindsey College Roadshow visits The Axholme Academy North Lindsey College brought their interactive Courses Roadshow to the academy. Students in years 8 to 11 were able to visit a whole host of interactive activities representing the range of courses at North Lindsey from health and social care, travel & tourism to animal management giving them a real taste of what is on offer at the college post 16. The Road show was really successful because students were able to get a hands on experience of what is on offer at North Lindsey in one venue and actually try out a range of activities as varied as having their nails done, animal care and health & social care.

Fix – up Workshops On Wednesday the 4th October we hosted a guest speaker from the Fix-up team that came to inspire our KS4 students and help them gain exam success. The whole of KS4 participated in an hour long assembly with host Ayo. Then after this 2 workshops were put on for some of our Year 11 students. Topics that were covered in the assembly and the workshops included:

  

What is success? What it means to be successful in KS4 and beyond Believing in yourself developing the confidence to tackle challenges Getting motivated learning how to motivate themselves to achieve more

Goals and aspiration setting goals towards a brighter future All the students and staff enjoyed the inspirational content of the sessions. Comments from students said "it would help with my revision" "Ayo was very energetic, she was lovely and inspired everyone in the room" "it was brilliant" "loved it, I would love to do Ayo's job" It was brilliant for all students to set goals and develop a confidence that these could be achieved in the summer term A great morning had by all.

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010



"Amcotts Christmas Lights" on Saturday 9th December 2017 to create a little magic for the children/grandchildren of Amcotts.

PROGRAMME Committee members will help set up stalls during morning of the 9th December 4-30 - 7-00 Amcotts Christmas Stalls will be at The Ingleby Arms, Church Street, St Marks Church, The Jubilee Garden, Middle Lane, Chapel Street, Pasture Lane and Dark Lane. Please walk round the village and try to see and support all the stalls. CAKE STALLS in Chapel Street, CRAFT/TEDDY TOMBOLA in Church Street, WINE OR WATER at the Old Post Office, HOT DOGS/ at the Ingleby Arms, GINGER BREAD at Old School House, MYSTERIES in Dark Lane plus.... 6-00 Light up a Life Tree and Father Christmas arrives in Amcotts HEALTH AND SAFETY CAR PARKING will be at Hook Farm and The Ingleby Arms but we hope most people will be walking. TEA and COFFEE will be served in the Church and provide a shelter for those needing to sit down and keep warm. FIRST AID - St John's Ambulance staff will be at the Old Post Office. LOST CHILDREN should be taken to the Old Post Office where Police Community Support Officers will also be available.

CHRISTINGLE SERVICE AT ST MARKS CHURCH AMCOTTS Christmas Eve Sunday 24th December 2017 St Marks Church Amcotts at 6-00 p.m. Proceeds to The Children's Society Mulled Wine and Mince Pies Available Afterwards A warm welcome and a warm Church with toilet facilities

May we wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010 12 prosperous New Year

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


St Norbert's Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy 'To live, love and learn in the footprints of Jesus' St Norbert’s have been working hard to secure the reaccreditation of the British Council’s International School Award and this was confirmed during November. The award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education, helping pupils to gain the cultural understanding and skills required for life in our world today. A community group including three staff members, a governor and ex-pupil visited Malealea in October 2017. A book of images and letters from pupils in our school travelled to Malealea and these are being replied to at present. Our ex pupil, Charlotte Geddes, performed a gymnastic dance routine which the local community thoroughly enjoyed. Local band, Junk Funk, playing with handmade instruments, then entertained our group, together with the local school choir. From the donations received at our Harvest Festival and from our local community, our group were able to sell Wonderbags for a discounted price of 70 Rand (£4.50) instead of the normal price of 600 Rand (£35.50). A total of 5 Wonderbags were purchased on one day and a further 25 purchased during the week. The donations also enabled our group to construct a shade netting area which will be used to increase food security in the school garden and also to purchase fuel wood trees and peach tree saplings. These were all planted by our group before they left. The group also experienced meal times at the local school with maize pap being served up from stocks of aid provided by the World Food Programme. The photograph shows children from our school with the book that travelled to Malealea and the Wonderbags. As Christmas approaches, our children are busy practising for our main school production of ‘The Pied Piper’. This takes place week commencing 4th December. Our friends from Greenacres will once again be attending on the Tuesday morning. If you would like to attend, tickets are available for the morning of Thursday 7th December, doors open at 9.15am with the performance starting at 9.45am Refreshments will be available served by our PTA, the Friends of St Norbert’s, from 9.15am. If you would like to attend, please telephone 01724 710249 to secure your tickets. Our school choir are also busy practising for the Crowle Regen Christmas Concert alongside Hatfield Brass Band at the Community Hall on Monday 11th December and to also visit the residents of Greenacres for an afternoon Christmas Concert. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events very soon! To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010 14

Brigley House Christmas Lights Double the fun!

Each year we decorate our house in Saffron Way , Crowle with thousands of dancing lights (now over 13,000 to be more precise !) raising funds for local charities. Last year, having ran a vote on our Facebook page, our followers voted that we raise funds for Team Verirco - we were stunned at the response and thrilled to hand over £2,700 to Team Verrico . This year we will be raising funds for another amazing local charity - Pride Of The Isle . During last years vote it was neck and neck in the vote right up to closing the vote - so we are really pleased to be able to support Pride Of The Isle this year and hope to replicate the success of last years show and fund raising success. The dancing lights of Brigley House in Saffron Way, Crowle will light up the dark evenings once again this December and this year it’s double the fun as not one but two houses will jibe part of this years show! Now with over 13,000 lights between the two houses, this years show has a selection of new songs and old favourites and its all shining bright to raise funds for a fantastic local charity - Pride of the Isle. The show runs from 4pm to 10pm every day in December. If you can’t visit in person then you can see a selection of show videos and donate to Pride of the Isle at the Brigley House Facebook page

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Advertise Your Business!

1/8 page ÂŁ25 + VAT per month Contact:

Fits Alarms

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Need an accountant? Keep calm and call Gildersons! We offer a wide range of services across all areas of accountancy, taxation and payroll so if you can answer yes to any of the following questions: • Is tax too taxing? • Are you struggling with payroll and auto-enrolment? • Would you like someone to take charge of your accounts? • Would you like an accountant who is friendly and straight talking, and only a phone call away? ......then please get in touch for a free initial consultation – we’d be delighted to hear from you!

Tel: 01724 711047


Office: 51 High Street, Crowle, North Lincolnshire, DN17 4LB

Success for Eastoft Gardening club at the RHS greening grey Britain and best kept village competition. Pictured between the RHS judges are L_R Brenda Gleadle Annie Moore and Lorna Whitely. Particular mention was made to the boat on the green and Washinghall Pond Area. The group meet in the hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month to welcome guest speaker's from the Horticultural family. The exception is December as it will be on the 6th and the subject is table and wreath making. This was extremely popular last year with some great decorations lasting well into the new year.

Lindsey Lodge Hospice would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your support throughout 2017. To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Tel: 01427 875 835

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Chapmans Quality Sheds & Garages Tel: 01724 710872 or 07850 876904 40 High Street Crowle DN17 4LD To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


What’s On In Crowle & Ealand? Day


Meeting Place




Crowle Entertainers Drama Group

Community Hall Crowle


Sheila 01724 711212 Gill 01427 873947


300 Axholme Air Training Corps

Axholme Academy

7pm - 9pm

01724 712064


Tiny Talk Baby Signing Class

Ealand Victory Hall


Tessa 0785 5633617


Cubs and Scouts

Belton Pavilion


Jon Boulton - 07740 597314


Aerobics For All

Crowle Community Hall


07887 503318 Rae


Crowle Crafters

Crowle Methodist Chapel


Val-01724 710063


Legs, Bums and Tums

Crowle Community Hall

8.00—8.45 pm

07887 503318 Rae


Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

7.00pm - 9.00pm YR9+


'Isle be playful'

Pavilion, Godnow Road, Crowle

9:30-11:30 am


300 Axholme Air Training Corps

Axholme Academy

7pm - 9pm

01724 712064


Phoenix Taekwondo

Community Hall Crowle

6.30pm - 9.00pm


Second Hand Book sale and Coffee Morning

St Oswalds Church, Althorpe –12 noon

Diane 01724 782477


Crowle Rural Day Centre

Crowle Community Hall

9.30am-2pm transport

Diana 01724 710732



Crowle and Ealand Bowls

Outdoor Bowling Green Church Lane, Crowle


Vince Blackwell 01724 712476


Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

7.00pm - 9.00pm YR6


Step Aerobics

7 Lakes Country Park


07887 503318 Rae


Body Tone

Crowle Community Hall

8-8.45 pm

07887 503318 Rae


Andrea Hobson School of Dance

Community Hall Crowle

5.00pm - 9.00pm


Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

6.30pm - 8.30pmYrs 6,7,8


Nordic Walking

Epworth Garden Centre


01724 297280

2nd Monday

Open Regen Meeting

Regen Shop, Market Place, Crowle


1st Monday

Eastoft over 50’s CLUB

River Don Pub

01724 798040

1st Wedn

Crowle Angling Club

Crowle Liberal Club


1st Wedn

Tea at Two

St Oswalds Church, Crowle

2pm—4pm Anita Parkin

2nd Wedn

Mothers Club

Crowle Community Hall

7.00pm - 9.00pm

2nd/4th Wednesday

Scrabble Club

Crowle Methodist Church


3rd Wedn

Ealand Women’s Fellowship

Ealand Chapel


1st Thursday

Crowle WI

Resource Centre Crowle


3rd Thursday

The Over 60’s

Crowle Community Hall

7.00pm - 9.00pm


Knitting Club

Crowle Fire Station


Last Friday

St Johns Ambulance BINGO

Keadby Church Hall


Last Saturday

Coffee Morning/jumble sale

Keadby Church Hall

9.00am til noon

2nd Saturday

Crowle Market

Crowle Market Place


1st Thursday

Epworth’s Ladies Society

Old School Inn, Epworth

17.30pm start


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010

01724 712221

01724 710726

01724 710413-Mo

Anne0780 6486726

Isobel 01724 783497 Diane 01724 782477


07783 440 453 01427 873368


Age Concern

0800 009966

Child Line

0800 111





01724 860000

Hurstons Accountants Epworth

Benefits Agency

01724 274444


SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,

01427 872611

The Willows Dental Practice-Belton

Humberside Fire Brigade

01724 295900


Humberside Police (non - emergency)

0845 6060222

Axholme Pest Control


0800 555111

Health Visitor Team for under 5’s

01724 298088

Anglian Water

0845 7145145

British Gas

0800 111999

Pam’s Minibus and Taxi Service to 4 passengers 01724 711941 1 to 8 passengers 07707 036 611 (please note change of number for the mobile number)

Central Networks Electricity

0800 0568090


Transco Gas

0800 111999

Yorkshire Electricity

0800 375675

Axholme Decorating Centre-Epworth 'Mixing Paint For You'

Yorkshire Water

0845 1242420


0845 9881188

SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,

01476 569764

Citizens Advice

01427 873737

01427 872106

01427 873608 07766 747245


01427 238941

Orton Electrical Domestic/Commercial Installations

01427 752197 07850 087696

Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs

01302 845978 07817 300662

0844 499 4137

Brooks Homecare Improvements

Isle Coaches

01427 728227

Road car

0845 6050605

Drain Force Total Plumbing Blocked Drains Cleared Fast!

01427 07973 01302 07507

North Lincolnshire Council

JF Electrical

01724 711448 0779 3708471

Fountain Court Florist Epworth

01427 874831

01724 296296

Scunthorpe General Hospital

.01724 282282

Goole & District Hospital

01405 720720

Crowle Health Centre

01724 713920

NHS Direct


St Norberts Catholic Primary School

01724 710249

Eastoft C.E. Primary School

01724 798274

Crowle Primary School

01724 710312

The Axholme Academy

01724 710368

Trentvale Preparatory School

01724 782904

Luddington & Garthorpe Primary School

01724 798228

Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

01724 782344

Epworth & Isle of Axholme Rotary Club

01427 752464

875314 142963 797876 589224

ADDLESEE SKIP HIRE House & Yard Clearance Also FENCE PANELS Concrete Posts, Gravel Boards, Slabs etc.

Tel: 01427 873004

Crowle Community Hall - Available for Hire - Call Vicky Hunter 07492263738 Keadby Church Hall - Available for Hire - Call David Patterson on 01724 783546 Eastoft Village Hall - Available for Hire - Call Nikki on 01724 798950 after 7pm

To &advertise call- 01302 532676 or -07912 643010 23 3467230 Crowle Ealand please Pavillion Available for Hire Call Laura Varley on 0787

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


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