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Covering Eastoft, Keadby, Amcotts and Luddington

July 2017

Issue 93

HUGO’S FOOT CARE Are you struggling to cut your own toe nails or generally having problems with your feet?

FULLY QUALIFIED AND INSURED PRACTITIONERS For a warm and friendly welcome please call Hugo or Pippa and we will be happy to see you!

HOME VISITS CAN BE ARRANGED Weekly clinics every Tuesday and Friday at Age UK Scunthorpe

Tel: 01724 629838 Your feet should last a lifetime...

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To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Welcome to the July issue of the Arrow! We are now coming towards the end of the academic year, exams have finished and we await for the results in August. Hopefully all our children achieve the results they have worked for and all have places to go to in September. I will be awaiting nervously for my daughters results, but whatever the outcome I know she has tried her hardest and that is all I asked for. September brings college and driving lessons, another stepping stone into adult life! The big event of the Isle, RESCUE DAY will be held on 8th July at 7 Lakes Country Park. A fantastic day for the whole family. Lets hope the sun shines! Last year the event was cancelled due to the weather. Such a shame with all the hard work put into such a big event. The deadline for the August issue is Tuesday 11th July for distribution by the 1st August. If you are interested in advertising please be in touch before the date.



Foot Health Care Practitioner Belinda Ratcliffe Dip FHCP based in Crowle Footsore and weary? Cannot wait to kick off your shoes? Sore and aching? Simply cannot reach to trim your toe nails?

Mobile no :

07795 260893

Email: Tel: 01302 532676 Mob: 0791 2643 010

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Community News Eastoft Gardening Club meet in the Village Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. Our meetings are open to anyone for just £3.00 per session or an annual subscription is just £15 inc refreshments We have guest speakers and practical workshops. This year we are part of the RHS Britain in bloom initiative greening grey Britain. Along with our PC, School and Hall Farm we are transferring otherwise waste areas of land into wildflower and wildlife areas. We are just waiting for news on funding to placing a rowing boat on the Village green to mark the historical course of the old River Don which once flowed through the middle of the village and along what is now one of the greens. You can find us on face book h ps:// groups/1151459071545366/

A 'Summer Supper' event will be held at Crowle Methodist Church, Fieldside, at 7pm Monday 17th July featuring entertainment by Lauren Chafer and Marion Chafer. Tickets: £6. All welcome.

The Isle of Axholme Gardening Club continue their monthly events. English Tulips, Teresa Clements from Harrogate Competition = Vase of mixed sweet peas PLANT SWAP, bring in yours and swap for someone else’s. All Club nights start at 7.30pm, Imperial Hall, Chapel Street, Epworth, DN9 1HQ. Call 01427 874126 for more information.

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912me 643010 4 Find on

Scunthorpe Lawnmowers Ltd 187 Cottage Beck Rd, Tel 01724 866581 Scunthorpe, DN16 1TR

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Luddington and Haldenby Parish Council Newsletter June 2017 Website www.Luddington and Meeting dates of the parish council are 3 July 2017, 7 Aug 2017, 4 September 2017, 2 October 2017, 6 November 2017, 4 December 2017.8 January 2018,5 February2018, 5 March 2018. All at 7.30pm except 8 January which will be at 6.30pm. The recent playground meeting was well attended and people placed names with the parish council, to be contacted, when a new working group to deliver a playground project is needed. Hanging basket competition. This annual competition will take place once again so we hope the recent winds have not wreaked havoc. Please enter the competition. The baskets will be judged in late July. Public participation/Planning process. There is a 10-minute session at the start of all meetings which provides time for residents to discuss any concerns or to just attend to observe proceedings. Residents are invited to attend Parish Council meeting to provide additional details of their planning applications. 2017/2018 Precept The precept for the coming year is £4400.Most of this amount is spent on cutting the large areas of grass throughout the whole village, some light tree work and litter picking to keep your village clean and tidy. Village Hall events. On the 10th June Comedy Hypnotist returns, Paul Hazell. Afternoon tea dance 17th June The next bingo is on the 27th June On the 7th July Scrap Yard Dogs a local band will be playing.1 October 2017 Bad Apple “Theatre Salsa Verde” Luddington Gala. This year it will be held on the 30 July 2017. Luddington playing field committee meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at the River Don, Eastoft 6.30pm

ISLE OF AXHOLME NORTH POLICE REPORT BURGLARY AWARENESS – SUMMER SECURITY Now the warmer weather and lighter nights are upon us please be security conscious around leaving doors and windows open and where you handbags, car keys and valuables are being left. It

doesn’t take long for someone to enter through an unlocked window or door. ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CROWLE MARKET PLACE The team continue to work with the Youth Club to combat problems in the area and provide high Visibility Patrol in the area during these times. WALKABOUTS – JUNE Thursday 6th July – Garthorpe and Fockerby 1000 -1200hrs Friday 14th July – Keadby and Althorpe 14001600hrs Tuesday 18th July – Crowle 1830 onwards for Youth Club Cover Monday 24th July – Crowle 1100-1200hrs Tuesday 25th July – Eastoft 1000-1100hrs / Amcotts 1300-1400hrs

Please look out for Darius on the above dates, he will look forward to meeting you whilst out and about. EVENTS The team are hoping to attend as many public events as possible across the Isle during the summer and look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Non-Emergency – 101 Emergency – 999 The Isle of Axholme Team now have a TWITTER account, please follow us on @HP_Axholme Regards Jane and Darius

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Sunday 2nd July 11am—2pm

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Community News Axholme Camera Club News

During July the Club will meet only on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday There are NO meetings in August July 5th cameras July 19th

An evening at home with our Chairman – bring your To be announced

We normally meet weekly in St Nicholas Church Hall, Haxey starting at 7.30 pm to approximately 9.30 pm. We are a very friendly club and welcome any newcomers. The annual subscription is £10.00 plus £2.00 for each meeting attended (reduced for under 18s) which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Feel free to contact any Camera Club member you may know or give Joyce Hooley a call on 01427 752323 or just turn up on the night. You may like to visit our website at

Eastoft Gardening Club have launched their boat on the green and their new website Meetings are as normal on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at Eastoft Village Hall

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010

9 To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Latest news from the Old Rectory, Epworth We are now into the 4th month of this season and as busy as ever. We had a very successful event with our Country Fayre. It was well attended by community groups discussing and demonstrating their individual interest areas. The younger members of the community really enjoyed the contacts they were able to make with all the animals on display, and for the first time ever, our refreshments team ran out of cake. We still have lots of things happening in the future including our play about Susanna Wesley, titled "Susanna Wesley, This was your life," A spin on the old TV programme "This is your life." It is a combined church effort and is to be held in St Andrew's Church on the evening of July 23rd. This isn't going to be out only foray into the dramatic arts as there is a production of Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" on the main lawn in August. Get your tickets early and plan your picnic tea - there will be lots of space in the garden to picnic prior to the performance so you can arrive in plenty of time for opening speeches. Lots of groups have booked in this year with three of them being choirs so we can look forward to a very musical summer. Our musical summer was kick started by Epworth Music Day which is always well attended and we had a full day's programme for that. Full information of all our events can be found on our Website and Facebook pages. Gillian Crawley, our manager, Kate, another of our volunteers, and I went along to the recently formed Isle branch of U3A to give a talk on what it's like behind the scenes of the museum, which was well received. There is nearly as much going on behind the scenes as there is in the public eye as many of the volunteers have more than one role which they fulfil. If we didn't enjoy it, of course, we wouldn't do it, although at times it can be very frustrating. One of our main frustrations is the fact that we still need volunteers willing to fill the spaces in the team. If you think you can fill one of those spaces and have three or four hours to spare on just one day each week, do come and talk to us, we're a friendly bunch and love to make new friends. No need to worry about skills as training for any role is provided on site. Come in to see Gillian, or give her a call on 01427 872268. You'll be made welcome.

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Handbards Theatre Company presents… A rip-roaring production of Shakespeare’s

Epworth Old Rectory Gardens Wednesday 9 August 2017 Gates open at 6.30, performance begins at 7.15pm Come early & enjoy a picnic Tickets £12.00, please purchase via Further information from Epworth Old Rectory, 1 Rectory Street, Epworth, DN9 1 HX 01427 872268

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Advertise Your Business!

1/8 page ÂŁ25 + VAT per month Contact:

Fits Alarms

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


PGL 2017

May half term saw a record 45 students attending our annual trip to PGL at Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. This is always a fantastic trip, allowing students an amazing opportunity to take part in some adventurous, exciting and exhilarating outdoor activities that they wouldn’t get to experience in school. We spent four days and three nights (sleeping under canvas) at Caythorpe, and every waking minute was filled with confidence boosting activities, football and rounders on the sports field and sitting down to three terrific meals each day. The tasks were very challenging and it was great to see students working together to conquer their fears and encourage each other to complete very demanding challenges that they never dreamed they would be able to experience. The Vertical Challenge was an activity where the students had to climb upwards on rope ladders, tyres and a climbing wall in order to try and get to the top. Teamwork was very important as they were responsible for each other’s safety: as the students climbed, others had the responsibility to belay for them (which they were all trained to do beforehand). Quad biking proved very popular, allowing students to try their hand at off road biking on a specially designed track. All Aboard tested the students ability to climb up a vertical pole and balance together on a very small platform. An old favourite, Trapeze, is a test of mind over matter where students climb to the top of a high pole, but at the top they then must jump to catch and hang on to a trapeze. Incredible! PGL wouldn’t be the same without the Giant Swing and High Ropes. The screams from our students on the Giant Swing echoed throughout Lincolnshire and, apparently, could be heard back in Crowle! Other exciting activities included abseiling, a

challenge course, fencing and a climbing wall. All in all, the weekend was a fantastic success, and everybody (students and staff) had an incredible experience. Each student was awarded an individual certificate for their effort, participation and teamwork. One group was awarded a special prize for encouraging each other and showing incredible determination to ensure that every member of the group completed every activity possible! All together now: ‘A chicken has a wing, a chicken has two wings. A chicken has a leg…’ Written by Mr C Thompson

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


Owston Ferry Smithy Museum & Heritage Centre High Street, Owston Ferry (DN9 1RE)

Open Beginning May - End September Sundays & Bank Holiday Mondays 2-5pm Admission Adults ÂŁ3, children 50p Phone 01427 728325 or 01427 728169 for group visits outside these times

Now at Doncaster and Scunthorpe

2017 Exhibition: "Chalk dust, the cane and lumpy custard - memories of St Martins Church School"

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010




To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


What’s On In Crowle & Ealand? Day


Meeting Place




Crowle Entertainers Drama Group

Community Hall Crowle


Sheila 01724 711212 Gill 01427 873947


300 Axholme Air Training Corps

Axholme Academy

7pm - 9pm

01724 712064


Tiny Talk Baby Signing Class

Ealand Victory Hall


Tessa 0785 5633617


Cubs and Scouts

Belton Pavilion


Jon Boulton - 07740 597314


Aerobics For All

Crowle Community Hall


07887 503318 Rae


Crowle Crafters

Crowle Methodist Chapel


Val-01724 710063


Legs, Bums and Tums

Crowle Community Hall

8.00—8.45 pm

07887 503318 Rae


Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

7.00pm - 9.00pm YR9+


'Isle be playful'

Pavilion, Godnow Road, Crowle

9:30-11:30 am


300 Axholme Air Training Corps

Axholme Academy

7pm - 9pm

01724 712064


Phoenix Taekwondo

Community Hall Crowle

6.30pm - 9.00pm


Second Hand Book sale and Coffee Morning

St Oswalds Church, Althorpe –12 noon

Diane 01724 782477


Crowle Rural Day Centre

Crowle Community Hall

9.30am-2pm transport

Diana 01724 710732



Crowle and Ealand Bowls

Outdoor Bowling Green Church Lane, Crowle



Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

7.00pm - 9.00pm YR6


Step Aerobics

7 Lakes Country Park


07887 503318 Rae


Body Tone

Crowle Community Hall

8-8.45 pm

07887 503318 Rae


Andrea Hobson School of Dance

Community Hall Crowle

5.00pm - 9.00pm


Crowle Youth Club

Crowle Youth Centre

6.30pm - 8.30pmYrs 6,7,8


Nordic Walking

Epworth Garden Centre


2nd Monday

Open Regen Meeting

Regen Shop, Market Place, Crowle


1st Monday

Eastoft over 50’s CLUB

River Don Pub

01724 798040

1st Wedn

Crowle Angling Club

Crowle Liberal Club


2nd Wedn

Mothers Club

Crowle Community Hall

7.00pm - 9.00pm

2nd/4th Wednesday

Scrabble Club

Crowle Methodist Church


3rd Wedn

Ealand Women’s Fellowship

Ealand Chapel


1st Thursday

Crowle WI

Resource Centre Crowle


3rd Thursday

The Over 60’s

Crowle Community Hall

7.00pm - 9.00pm


Knitting Club

Crowle Fire Station


Last Friday

St Johns Ambulance BINGO

Keadby Church Hall


Last Saturday

Coffee Morning/jumble sale

Keadby Church Hall

9.00am til noon

2nd Saturday

Crowle Market

Crowle Market Place


1st Thursday

Epworth’s Ladies Society To advertise


School532676 Inn, Epworth 17.30pm start please callOld 01302 or 07912 643010

Vince Blackwell 01724 712476

01724 297280

01724 712221

01724 710413-Mo

Anne0780 6486726

Isobel 01724 783497 Diane 01724 782477

07783 440 453


01427 873368


Age Concern

0800 009966

Child Line

0800 111





01724 860000

Hurstons Accountants Epworth

Benefits Agency

01724 274444


SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,

01427 872611

The Willows Dental Practice-Belton

Humberside Fire Brigade

01724 295900


Humberside Police (non - emergency)

0845 6060222

Axholme Pest Control


0800 555111

Health Visitor Team for under 5’s

01724 298088

Anglian Water

0845 7145145

British Gas

0800 111999

Pam’s Minibus and Taxi Service to 4 passengers 01724 711941 1 to 8 passengers 07707 036 611 (please note change of number for the mobile number)

Central Networks Electricity

0800 0568090


Transco Gas

0800 111999

Yorkshire Electricity

0800 375675

Axholme Decorating Centre-Epworth 'Mixing Paint For You'

Yorkshire Water

0845 1242420


0845 9881188

SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,

01476 569764

Citizens Advice

01427 873737

01427 872106

01427 873608 07766 747245


01427 238941

Orton Electrical Domestic/Commercial Installations

01427 752197 07850 087696

Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs

01302 845978 07817 300662

0844 499 4137

Brooks Homecare Improvements

Isle Coaches

01427 728227

Road car

0845 6050605

Drain Force Total Plumbing Blocked Drains Cleared Fast!

01427 07973 01302 07507

North Lincolnshire Council

JF Electrical

01724 711448 0779 3708471

Fountain Court Florist Epworth

01427 874831

01724 296296

Scunthorpe General Hospital

.01724 282282

Goole & District Hospital

01405 720720

Crowle Health Centre

01724 713920

NHS Direct


St Norberts Catholic Primary School

01724 710249

Eastoft C.E. Primary School

01724 798274

Crowle Primary School

01724 710312

The Axholme Academy

01724 710368

Trentvale Preparatory School

01724 782904

Luddington & Garthorpe Primary School

01724 798228

Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

01724 782344

Epworth & Isle of Axholme Rotary Club

01427 752464

875314 142963 797876 589224

ADDLESEE SKIP HIRE House & Yard Clearance Also FENCE PANELS Concrete Posts, Gravel Boards, Slabs etc.

Tel: 01427 873004

Crowle Community Hall - Available for Hire - Call Mrs Anita Parkin 01724 710726 Keadby Church Hall - Available for Hire - Call David Patterson on 01724 783546 Eastoft Village Hall - Available for Hire - Call Nikki on 01724 798950 after 7pm

To &advertise call- 01302 532676 or -07912 643010 23 3467230 Crowle Ealand please Pavillion Available for Hire Call Laura Varley on 0787

To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010


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