Also covers Eastoft Keadby Amcotts Althorpe Derrythorpe 3100 copies
June 2020
Issue 127 1
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Welcome to the June issue of The Crowle and Ealand Arrow.
It feels so good to be back and we are so sorry we didn’t produce the May issues of the Arrow. We felt it was the right thing to do to protect our delivery staff and readers when there were still many unknowns about Covid 19. We have given careful consideration to when would be the right time to produce a new issue and taken advice from public health, local government, Royal Mail and others within this sector. I am sure you will have been moved by the generosity of our community, their spirit, good humour and positivity. At such a bleak time, there is so much to be thankful for. I am humbled by the commitment and motivation of our NHS staff who are working with this virus daily and carers who are living with it in their care homes. I sincerely hope we never forget your bravery. To the army of support that has kept us all going, our local shop keepers, I don’t know how we could manage without you and hope we continue to repay your hard work and effort in the future by shopping local. Our police, Fire Service, bus drivers, shop workers, teachers and of course, everyone within the community who has volunteered their help and support to those in need and looked after their neighbours. Our next challenge after lockdown is how we learn to live with the threat of this virus. We still need to work, be educated, exercise, care, pray and socialise. I have been in contact with each advertiser in this month’s issue either by phone or email, whose main priority is the safety of their customers and themselves. Social distancing is paramount to reducing transmission as well as regular handwashing. We all have a responsibility to beat this virus and this is the only way we can help until our scientists find a treatment or vaccine. So, until we are safe, this community will continue to do what it does best, support one another, look after our most vulnerable and be mindful of how we can reduce the chances of transmission. The deadline for the July issue is Monday 15th June. The July issue will be distributed by 30th June. Keep safe everyone.
Carolyn Mobile no 0792 2643010
The Arrow is distributed FREE to every home and business in the following areas: Crowle, Ealand, Eastoft, Keadby, Amcotts, Althorpe and Derrythorpe. Welcome on board Alfie and Tammy who have joined the team delivering the Arrow this month to the village of Keadby.
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
ADDLESEE SKIP HIRE House & Yard Clearance Also FENCE PANELS Concrete Posts, Gravel Boards, Slabs etc.
Tel: 01427 873004 To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Community News Community News If you have any community news please email carolyn@arrowpublications before deadline to be included on the News page.
Virtual events? Please email me by Friday 12th June for any virtual events you would like to include in the July issue.
Rescue Day 2020 – CANCELLED It is with regret that Rescue Day 2020, which was due to be held on Saturday 11th July at 7 Lakes Country Park, Crowle has been cancelled, following the latest guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Several of our organisers are employed by our emergency and health services and along with our stakeholders, who support the planning and delivery of Rescue Day are all under extreme pressure at this time, therefore regrettably a joint decision has been taken to cancel the event. Chris Long, Chair of the Rescue Day Society, said “We thank our hosts 7 Lakes Country Park and all our organisers, officials, volunteers, exhibitors and their families for their support during these unprecedented times. This decision has not been taken lightly and in partnership with our key stakeholders we need to ensure the safety of our visitors, exhibitors, emergency and rescue services.
Furthermore, our social responsibilities extend to the broader population and the potential drain on valuable public health resources on which we are all reliant.” Rescue Day remains committed to promoting the great work of our emergency and voluntary services, raising money for charities and good causes, it has funded many lifesaving public defibrillators and equipment which have been placed in local communities. We know our visitors and exhibitors will be sad to hear that this year’s event has been cancelled, however we are pleased to let you know that Rescue Day will return in 2021 on Saturday 10th July 2021 and we look forward to welcoming you all back next year.
THE POLKA DOTS BARN DANCE BAND lively traditional music for dancing with dance caller for: country dances, ceilidhs, parties, community events. also: MRS PORTER’S MUSIC HALL song performances, comedy verses, sing-alongs
Janet Porter 07939 032224
The Arrow would like to thank the support of all our delivery staff for continued support ensuring the Arrow was delivered safely and to strict guidelines stated by Royal Mail and the government. Hattie and Neve delivering the Arrow and the Parish council leaflet in Low Burnham wearing latex gloves. It was fabulous to see the girls donating their wages to charity. £30 was donated to Lindsey Lodge and £32.50 to the food bank in Epworth. Also a big thank you to volunteers for helping with distribution; Alan Durning, Megan Durning, Molly Durning, Jackie Keeber and Louise Parker. This months Arrow delivery will again be following the advice of Royal Mail and the government. Each delivery person will be issued with hand sanitiser and will be following the social distance rule as instructed by the government.
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Estimated loss due to Covid-19
We are so grateful to our incredible supporters who are doing amazing things for us at the moment! In May alone, due to closed shops, cancelled and postponed events, the Hospice is set to lose a staggering £163,100, which is why #weneedyou and your support more than ever. Why not take on a challenge, fundraise at home or simply make a donation? There are lots of ways you can help. If you'd like help support our Appeal by pledging to raise funds, please contact us by emailing
Alternatively make a donation to our appeal here: Text to donate: Text LINDSEYLODGE to 70085 to donate £5 - texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message You can also text to donate £5 a month: Text LINDSEYLODGEREG to 70085 to donate £5 a month - Texts cost £5 plus two standard rate messages
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Need an accountant? Keep calm and call Gildersons! We offer a wide range of services across all areas of accountancy, taxation and payroll so if you can answer yes to any of the following questions: • Is tax too taxing? • Are you struggling with payroll and auto-enrolment? • Would you like someone to take charge of your accounts? • Would you like an accountant who is friendly and straight talking, and only a phone call away? ......then please get in touch for a free initial consultation – we’d be delighted to hear from you!
Tel: 01724 711047
Office: 51 High Street, Crowle, North Lincolnshire, DN17 4LB
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
THE AXHOLME ACADEMY MARATHON 4 NHS RAISES ÂŁ2144 FOR SCUNTHORPE & GOOLE NHS TRUST 166 students, staff, parents, ex students and governors from The Axholme Academy took on a "Marathon 4 NHS" challenge and it was a huge success! It generated a community spirit, resilience and togetherness aswell as getting many students, parents, ex students, governors and staff active! The challenge involved either covering a marathon distance of 26.2 miles on foot or covering 68 miles on a bike. Distances were recorded daily using an online recording sheet. In just 7 days our Academy community covered a colossal 7343Km which is the equivalent of 174 marathons, almost 25 marathons per day for a whole week! We decided to support our local North Lincs and Goole NHS Trust through this challenge and I am delighted to report that a whopping ÂŁ2144 was raised!
What a way to do our bit during this time of crisis and let's hope this money literally helps save lives! Thanks to every single person who took part in this challenge and also to all those people that sponsored too. It is greatly appreciated. Mr L. Beesley
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Crowle Peatland Railway - Acquisition of a Lisbon Tram Crowle Peatland Railway has been awarded ÂŁ11,392 funding by the SSE Keadby Wind Farm Fund to enable it to purchase a tram to accommodate passengers on its line at Crowle Moor. The peat railways on Thorne & Hatfield Moor did not have passenger vehicles and the Crowle Peatland Railway has had to be inventive in finding a solution that would enable it to carry passengers. The problem was solved when they were offered a Portuguese Tram. The Tram. number 711, entered service in Lisbon in 1936 and remained in service for over 50 years. It and a number of its stablemates were acquired around 20 years ago by a collector in the UK who is now looking to give them a new lease of life. The chassis of 711 was constructed by the Wolverhampton firm of Maley & Taunton, which also built trams for Blackpool and the Isle of Man. The elegant wood body of the tram was built by Carris, the Lisbon tram Operator. Mel Bailey, chairman of Crowle Peatland Railway trustees, commented "the tram is an important part of the development of the railway and will enable us to take visitors for trips at our site on Crowle Moor. Thanks are due to SSE Keadby Wind Farm Fund for the generous donation, Julie Reed trustee in charge of fundraising and our members for their continued support". William Coleman, the trustee responsible for the Tram's restoration said: "we will have a certain amount of superficial work to do on the tram before it can enter service but won't know the full extent until we get to work once the tram is delivered." Crowle Peatland Railway - Crowle
Peatland Railway was formed to preserve the history and heritage of peat extraction in the Humberhead Peatlands – in particular, the story of the peatland railways. It s a project of the Isle of Axholme and Hatfield Chase Landscape Partnership and has been funded thanks to money from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The maintenance shed was made possible with a grant from the SSE Keadby Wind Farm Fund and support from North Lincolnshire Council. Our volunteer members are crucial o the achievement of our aims. More information can be found on our web site or you can keep in touch on our Facebook page
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
VE Day Celebrations
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Gunness Bekki
M: 0759 8017 858
Althorpe and Keadby Primary School Station Road, Keadby (change of venue from 24th Feb)
Monday 5.30pm
Crowle Savina
M: 0782 4642 600
St Norberts Parish Hall Fieldside Crowle Scunthorpe DN17 4HL
Thursday 9.30am and 6pm
Epworth Jacky
M: 0754 7964 985
Thurlow Pavilion Station Road Epworth DN9 1JU
Wednesday 5pm and 7pm Tuesday at 9.30am
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
Chapmans Sheds, Garages & Fencing Tel: 01724 710872 or 07850 876904 40 High Street Crowle DN17 4LD To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
As a charity we are already under great financial pressures. The outbreak of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) only adds further pressure, as we’ve lost the ability to generate sustainable income streams overnight, this will severely impact on our limited financial resources. The reduction in income could have a devastating impact on our ability to continue caring for the thousands of local people who rely on our services annually. As a charity, we rely almost entirely on the donations and generosity of you, our local community. Sadly, following the cancellation and postponement of our fundraising activities, we’re now anticipating a loss of income in excess of £500,000. Even at this very difficult time, our Inpatient Unit remains fully operational, and our clinical team are working tirelessly 24/7 to support local patients and families at the hardest, most difficult time in their lives.
We’re excited to reveal that this year our Open Gardens scheme is going virtual! Due to the impact of Covid19 restrictions one of our longest running and best loved fundraisers is turning virtual for its 2020 programme. So we’re asking all green fingered gardening enthusiasts to get involved and digitally showcase their gardens to the public this summer. For further information please email
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
A big well done to Cassie from Station Raod Keadby for selling her sunflowers from her very own front garden sunflower shop in aid of a very good cause! She grew them herself from seed to raise money for Keadby's covid-19 fund. Her hard work helped fund buying food to make food parcels for people in the village.
A very aspirational young girl!
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
What’s On In Crowle & Ealand? Day
Meeting Place
Crowle Entertainers Drama Group
Community Hall Crowle
Sheila 01724 711212 Gill 01427 873947
300 Axholme Air Training Corps
Axholme Academy
7pm - 9pm
01724 712064
Tiny Talk Baby Signing Class
Ealand Victory Hall
Tessa 0785 5633617
Crowle and Ealand Bowls
Outdoor Bowling Green Church Lane, Crowle
2-4pm 15 April 2019-31 Aug 2019
Vince Blackwell 01724 712476
Cubs and Scouts
Belton Pavilion
Jon Boulton - 07740 597314
Aerobics For All
Crowle Community Hall
07887 503318 Rae
Crowle Crafters
Crowle Methodist Chapel
Mary 01724 710956
Coffee Morning
Keadby Church Hall
Legs, Bums and Tums
Crowle Community Hall
8.00—8.45 pm
Crowle Youth Club
Crowle Youth Centre
7.00pm - 9.00pm YR9+
'Isle be playful'
Pavilion, Godnow Road, Crowle
9:30-11:30 am
Outcasts Cricket Club
Hirst Priory, Crowle
6pm -7.30pm (Nets)
Phoenix Taekwondo
Community Hall Crowle
6.30pm - 9.00pm
Isle Community Choir
St Norbert's Catholic Primary Academy School, Crowle
Gill 07419 319796 or Richard 01427 872686
Second Hand Book sale and Coffee Morning
St Oswalds Church, Althorpe –12 noon
Diane 01724 601250
Crowle Rural Day Centre
Crowle Community Hall
9.30am-2pm transport
Diana 01724 710732
07887 503318 Rae
07903 501340
Crowle Youth Club
Crowle Youth Centre
7.00pm - 9.00pm YR6
Step Aerobics
7 Lakes Country Park
07887 503318 Rae
Body Tone
Crowle Community Hall
8-8.45 pm
07887 503318 Rae
Andrea Hobson School of Dance
Community Hall Crowle
5.00pm - 9.00pm
2nd Monday
Crowle Youth Club Crowle and Ealand Regeneration Nordic Walking Project meeting
Crowle Community Hall Epworth Garden Centre
6.30pm - 8.30pmYrs 6,7,8 7.00pm 10.00-noon
1st Monday
Eastoft over 50’s CLUB
River Don Pub
01724 798040
1st Wedn
Crowle Angling Club
Crowle Liberal Club
1st Wedn
Tea at Two
St Oswalds Church, Crowle
2pm—4pm Anita Parkin
2nd Wedn
Mothers Club
Crowle Community Hall
7.00pm - 9.00pm
2nd/4th Wednesday
Scrabble Group
Crowle Library
3rd Wedn
Ealand Women’s Fellowship
Ealand Chapel
1st Thursday
Crowle and District WI
Community Hub
3rd Thursday
The Over 60’s
Crowle Community Hall
7.00pm - 9.00pm
Last Saturday
Coffee Morning/jumble sale
Keadby Church Hall
9.00am til noon
Isobel 01724 783497 Diane 01724 601250
2nd Saturday
Crowle Market
Crowle Market Place
07783 440 453
1st Thursday
Epworth’s Ladies Society
Old School Inn, Epworth
17.30pm start
01427 873368
Crowle Community Wellbeing Hub
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010
01724 296250
01724 712221
01724 297280
01724 710726
01724 710413– Jean
01724 711994
Age Concern
0800 009966
Child Line
0800 111
01724 860000
Benefits Agency
01724 274444
SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,
01427 872611
Humberside Fire Brigade
01724 295900
Humberside Police (non - emergency)
0845 6060222
0800 555111
Health Visitor Team
0800 099951
Anglian Water
0845 7145145
British Gas
0800 111999
Pam’s Minibus and Taxi Service 1—8 passengers and 8 to 16 passengers
Central Networks Electricity
0800 0568090
Transco Emergency Gas leaks
0800 111999
Yorkshire Electricity
0800 375675
Axholme Decorating Centre-Epworth 'Mixing Paint For You'
Yorkshire Water
0845 1242420
Fountain Court Florist Epworth
01427 874831
0845 9881188
Brooks HOMECARE Replacement Windows and doors
SSAFA Forces Help www.ssafa,
01476 569764
01427 875314 07973 142963
Citizens Advice
01724 870941
Isle Coaches
01427 728227
Road car
0845 6050605
North Lincolnshire Council
01724 296296
Scunthorpe General Hospital
.01724 282282
Goole & District Hospital
01405 720720
Crowle Health Centre
01724 713920
NHS Direct
St Norberts Catholic Primary School
01724 710249
Eastoft C.E. Primary School
01724 798274
Crowle Primary School
01724 710312
The Axholme Academy
01724 710368
Trentvale Preparatory School
01724 782904
Luddington & Garthorpe Primary School
01724 798228
Althorpe & Keadby Primary School
01724 782344
Epworth & Isle of Axholme Rotary Club
079 0457 3405
HEALTH & FITNESS The Willows Dental Practice-Belton
01427 872106
Blissful Soles Reflexology Mobile Therapist
07901 016688
PEST CONTROL Axholme Pest Control
01427 873608 07766 747245
01724 711941 07707 036 611
TRADESMEN 01427 238941
Fits Alarms
Crowle Community Hall - Available for Hire - Call Hayley Burkitt 07708 396099 Keadby Church Hall - Available for Hire - Call Frank Stones 07510257979 - Eastoft Village Hall - Available for Hire - Email: or via the FB page
To &advertise call- 01302 532676 or -07912 643010 19 3467230 Crowle Ealand please Pavillion Available for Hire Call Laura Varley on 0787
To advertise please call 01302 532676 or 07912 643010