The Hatfield Arrow April 2023

Page 6

Issue No.206

April 2023

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Welcome to the April 2023 issue of the Hatfield Arrow.

You will find lots of local news and events throughout this months Arrow. Its great that people keep sending information about the community to be included.

If you are a member of a local group and would like to have some information in the Arrow, please send it to me at the details below.

The Deadline for the May issue is Thursday 13th April.

Best Wishes

Julie Morrell

Tel: 07854 880882

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The March meeting of the Society was held on Tuesday 7 March at Hatfield Woodhouse Club. On this occasion our guest Speaker was Rachel Barrowcliffe. Rachel is a professional gardener and among her clients is Hodstock Priory. On this evening, Rachel’s subject was “Container Gardening”. The presentation covered a full range of reasons and ideas for gardening in this way including lack of space, decorationg patios and other hard standing, different types of containers, using a different type of soil to that in the garden (eg acid soil in the container in a chalky soil area), and planting schemes featuring both flowers and vegetables. After the presentation were was a lively question and answer session. The very large attendance enjoyed this very informative session. And a few days later, the Spring Show was held at the Club on Saturday 11 March. This Show featured a new class, the HWAGS Daffodill Bulbs, which was kindly sponsored by DUNCAN HEDLEY CARPETS of Thorne. The 37 entries (yes, thirty seven) to this class helped to make for a record number of entries for one of our Spring Shows. When the setting up of the entries was completed, the hall looked an absolute picture. There were also many people paying entry on Saturday afternoon to see the exhibits and prize winning entries. The Trophy winners at the Show were: Bulb Cup - Mel Reed; Kitching Memorial Trophy - Val Geoghegan; Jubilee Trophy - Pam Banks; Jean Lewis Trophy - Pam Banks; Betty Colwill Trophy - Maggy Bastock; Cookery Cup - Pam Banks; Handicrafts Cup - Brenda White and the Darrick Plate - Sally Mainprize.

The Special Prize for the Duncan Hedley HWAGS Bulbs was won by Joan Brown. After the presentation of the trophies, the President, Mr John Brown, auctioned the unwanted exhibits in his usual enthusiastic style. It was an extremely successful Show for everybody involved in any way.

The April meeting of the Society will be on Tuesday 4 April at 7-30pm or as near after as possible. And this time the Speaker will be Haley, giving us a Floristry Demonstration of Dried Materials. As usual, we will meet in the Hatfield Woodhouse Club, and everybody is welcome, members and non members alike.

Friends of Hatfield Church Building Trust Coach Trip to Southwell

The National Trust Workhouse & a local Garden Centre on Friday 12th May.

Coach pickup at Hatfield St Lawrence Church 9.20am & Hatfield Woodhouse WMC 9.30am for a 1 hour journey. Drop off in Southwell town centre for free time, perhaps visit the beautiful Minster then transfer to the very interesting Workhouse, especially if you’ve ever done Family History research, for a 2 hour visit.

The Workhouse had a huge Re-Imagining in 2019 which included adding new reception facilities, a new visitor route, digital handheld guides that tell the stories of past inmates, a new visitor hub, new information boards & redressed rooms with new props & has a small Cafe & Kitchen Garden to wander around.

Finally transfer to a lovely local garden centre with a Swan Sanctuary (extra cost) for free time or coffee before journey home at 4.30pm.

Ticket cost is £26 or only £13 if you have National Trust membership. If you are interested in booking a place please contact either Tina 07873 340307 or Janet 01302 849377.

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Community News

Community Grants 2023

Are you involved with a local charity or community group that is seeking funds? Each year the Rotary Club of Doncaster St. George’s makes donations to local charities and community groups under its Community Grant Scheme. Applications are now being considered for Grants of up to £750. Over 100 charities have benefitted since the scheme’s inception including among many others carers groups, brownies, autism charities, counselling organisations, community libraries, the local branch of the Samaritans and conservation projects.

In 2022 we were able to award grants to fifteen local different charities and groups despite fundraising restrictions due to the pandemic. If you would like an application form and accompanying documents simply look for “Rotary Club of Doncaster St. George’s” in a search engine. For further information on the scheme contact the grants coordinator, Clive Smith, by email to

Applications open on 1st March 2023

Completed application forms must be received by 30th April 2023.

Hatfield Town Cricket Club

Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel

Monday Coffee Afternoons 2-3.30pm (we do not meet on Bank Holidays)

Monday 24 April in aid of Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust

Monday 15 May in aid of Hatfield Woodhouse Gardening Society

Saturday Coffee Mornings 10-12 with the Bacon Butties and we do take a ways. Any one welcome

Thursday 6 April 2023 Maundy Communion Service 2pm @ Barnby Dun

Friday 7 April 2023 Good Friday Services at 9.30am @Thorne and 11.00am @Stainforth

Sunday 28 May 2023 Pentecost Sunday United Service 10.45am @ Dunsville

Coronation Afternoon Tea

Thursday 4th May 2023 - with the Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School Choir 12.30 onwards. Numbers are limited. Please contact Julie Parker on 01302 883478 for details.

At the time of writing this we have sub-zero temperatures and snow on the ground so it's hard to believe we are so close to the season starting! We plan to begin our Friday family evenings and junior training on the 14th April, with our first fixtures taking place the following day. It has been a busy winter of indoor nets and preparing for the season ahead, it has been amazing to see so many children at the net sessions and have so many local businesses support us with sponsorship. It really makes us proud to be part of this community when we receive so much support.

Our main focus this winter has been planning a new changing room and toilets following our crowdfunding appeal last year. As you can imagine this is never as simple as expected and we are keen to ensure we use the money wisely and seek all other funding options to add to it so we must thank the small group of members that have been meeting weekly to get us to a stage where we are now submitting a planning application. This will be for a changing room with showers that meets ECB specifications and will include a ladies and disabled toilet. As many of you know our 'big build' of a multi-use community facility was scuppered by Covid but we see this as Phase 1 in our long term aim of improving all our facilities. We will keep you all updated as the planning process progresses. As ever we welcome anyone to get involved with the club who feels they can help us in this aim. All our fixtures are now in and on our website and you can follow us on Facebook to keep updated with activities, alternatively feel free to call in at the ground when we are open and pick up a fixture book.

We hope to see you soon at the ground when the sun is shining! HTCC

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The Friends Of Quarry Park

The second of our two February work parties took place on Monday 27th when we gathered to continue with our tree planting project. 15 volunteers were joined by our 2 DMBC Rangers who distributed the tree saplings, canes and guards in the designated planting area in the woodland near St. Mary’s Road car park. The 70 trees are a mix of native woodland species including Silver Birch, Hornbeam, Rowan and Hazel which have been donated to Quarry Park by The Conservation Volunteers in partnership with OVO Energy as part of their 'I Dig Trees' project to plant over 3 million trees this year!

It didn’t take long for our super-efficient volunteers to plant the saplings and water them in. We had a quick break for refreshments with delicious chocolate cake baked by Julie, before splitting up to carry out other tasks including litter picking 3 bags of rubbish, and hedge trimming. We did get caught in a downpour at one stage, but at least the trees have been well watered! Hopefully a good percentage of the trees will flourish to create a beautiful woodland in the future.

Thank you to all the volunteers and Rangers for another successful day.

The Friends of Jubilee Park held their Coffee Morning in Hatfield Library on Saturday 25th February, and we were invited along to promote the work of the Friends of Quarry Park. There was a good attendance throughout the morning with a number of visitors expressing an interest in volunteering with the group. We also had a visit from Nick Fletcher MP, who popped in for a chat and publicised the visit on his Facebook page.

Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Great British Spring Clean’ runs from 17th March to 2nd April. We will be supporting this campaign at our next work party on Saturday 18th March (10am-12noon) by dedicating the whole session to litter picking around the park. Check out our Facebook page for more details nearer the time.

Work parties are usually held on the first Friday of each month, weather permitting. There is always plenty of work to be done, from litter picking, clearing paths and cutting back vegetation. Equipment is provided but please ensure you wear suitable clothing and footwear. The next events are scheduled for Saturday 18th March (Great British Spring Clean) and Friday 14th April 10am – 12 noon, meet at the Green Flag. Full details will be published on our Facebook page ‘Friends of Quarry Park’ or you can email us at or call us on 07546 595144.

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Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, we will all be enjoying some lovely Spring weather.

Can you help us? We are looking for an enthusiastic person to join our team of volunteers, someone who could organise a few events throughout the year to help with our fundraising. Also, our Secretary needs someone to learn the ropes in the office, probably on a job share basis. It would only take one or two hours a week on average. If you can combine fundraising with admin that would be even better!

You will be helping a local charity that is 51 years old. Through the generous donations from organisations, groups and individuals we have raised millions of pounds over the years. Our most recent purchases have been a second CT scanner, a biopsy machine for the Urology Department (plus two couches) and two dissecting racks for the Jasmine Centre (breast cancer) – all for Doncaster Royal Infirmary. As a local charity we believe that donations should benefit the local community. We are all volunteers, including the Trustees. There are no paid staff.

If you are interested in joining us and would like more information please send us a quick Email to with a brief description of yourself and a telephone number. We will then contact you for an informal chat. We really do need your help so please do get in touch. Our contact details are: 22 Wood Street, Doncaster DN1 3LW (entrance by the side of Kerry Gough Florists), first floor (lift available), Room 111. Tel. 01302 325029. Email: Website:

As the office is not fully manned it is best to Email or telephone in advance if you are thinking of coming to see us. We hope to hear from you soon.

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FUNERAL DIRECTORS A Family Business Giving A Personal & Caring Service

PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS covering all areas

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Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall

Press release

The start of the year has proved a very busy and productive period for the village hall and its management trustees. Over a year ago prior to the war In Ukraine the secretary of the management committee began to investigate the possibility of reducing our carbon footprint as well as our energy bills by the installation of solar power panels. The massive impact of the energy price rises in 2022 seriously impacted the Hall’s ongoing financial viability, to the extent that investment in such a scheme had to be put on the back burner.

The hall had prided its self in not raising its charges for 15 years, since the last financial crash occurred. It had managed to do this through prudent financial planning. Unfortunately, last November the decision had to be taken to raise its charges by 10% [not enough to cover the energy price hike] but as much as the committee felt its loyal users could bear in present circumstances. With the hall’s viability somewhat improved, in the short term at least, the decision was taken to revisit the solar project. Various grant funding bodies were approached and the hall was incredibly fortunate to obtain a very substantial grant from Well Doncaster [ part of Public Health Doncaster] towards Phase One of the project, the installation of Solar Panels on the roof of the building. Though these are invisible they are already in action. We were also doubly fortunate to be granted a further large sum from The Tween Bridge Wind Farm Community Fund [ administered by South Yorkshire Community Fund] towards Phase Two, the installation of the battery storage array. This too is now commissioned.

The hall would like to publicly thank both the grant giving bodies for their generosity and help in ensuring the hall’s future viability. However, there is still much to do to improve the hall and ensure its continuing viability as a muchused local asset. Having completed phases one and two of the energy security plan, this year will see us turning our attention to phases 3 and 4. These are the potential doubling of the solar collection and battery storage and the replacement of the decades old heating control system with a new more targeted and responsive control system. Once again, we would like to thank our grant givers, Well Doncaster and Tween Bridge Wind Farm Community Fund [via South Yorkshire Community Fund] for their amazing generosity and help.

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Hatfield Community Library

The coffee morning for The Friends of Jubilee Park was well attended so thank you to all those people who supported this good cause. I believe the Jubilee group made about £200 which will go towards improvements. The Church jewellery stall and the Food Bank Chocolate tombola also did well and we made about £20 on our ‘for sale books’ and jigsaws.

Lab Rascals, was enjoyed by the lucky 20 children who managed to secure a place. Lab Rascals are coming back at Easter. More information in our events section.

The Friday Sing-a-Long had gained some new members who were not put off by a very challenging My Generation’ originally by The Who but that was offset by one of our favourites ‘Annie’s Song’ by John Denver. Do come to join us if you want to sing your heart out to old and new favourites.


March Sat. 25th Thorne rural Lions coffee Morning

March Tues. 28th Author Event. Peter Pascoe talking about his life in the RAF. National Service and Beyond. 4pm

March Thurs. 30th George Formby Evening 7pm His life story and music with a ukulele of course.


April Thurs 6th Lego Robotics 2 sessions 10-12.30 and 1-3:30. Please book

April Thurs 13th Lab Rascals Colour and Light 1:30-2:30. Please book

April 25th Author Event Dave Pitt. 4pm

April Fri 14th PCSO DROP-IN. If you have any local concerns, come to chat to the friendly officers who will do their best to help you.


TEA AND TECH TABLET course for adults 18+ endorsed by Skills Doncaster, Voluntary Action and the NHS. Enjoy a cup of tea and cake/biscuit as you learn how to use your new tablet and its APPs. You will be presented with the tablet on successful completion of the course which will last 5 weeks. Mondays from 3-4pm.We need to know how people many people are interested so please contact Hatfield Community Library. Chairman Retires.

I am quite often asked who runs the library. The answer is simple. We are a volunteer run library and like all organisations we have to have a committee to make the running of the library more efficient. The committee is made up of five people each with a particular responsibility. Sadly, we said goodbye to our Chairman, Clive Margerrison at Thursday’s Committee meeting. Clive has been chairman since we first opened as a Volunteer run library in 2014 so it was quite a sad moment. He was especially helpful in setting up our non-profit business plan and bank account. We presented him with a rose bush for his garden so when he looks at it, he can hopefully remember us fondly. (As we will him). Dave is our new Chairman

Picture shows The Committee, from left to right - Lorraine, Sue, Clive, Dave, Marion, Fiona

I mentioned the art club in the last news item so this week it is the turn of the Bridge and Needles and Pins groups. Both groups welcome new members. The Bridge club is for beginners but you can join to learn or improve. The Needles and Pins group usually work on their own projects and share their expertise with others whilst chatting and having a cuppa and a biscuit.


If you would like to meet new people, come to the Library and join some of our groups or just borrow a book and have a coffee and a chat or just come to keep warm.

MONDAY. Needles and Pins 10am. Bring your own work and chat with like-minded people or ask for advice about a project you might want to start. (free activity). Bridge 1pm for beginners and improvers. (free activity)

TUESDAY. Games café 10:00-12:30 Join us in the library to play a variety of games including Mahjong. Refreshments are provided for the small charge of £1. (Free activity). Readers’ groups. The last Tuesday of the month 2-3:30 and the last Friday of the month at 10:30. (Free activity). Gentle Hatha Yoga 6:00-7:30pm. £6 a session

WEDNESDAY. Art Class 10:00-12:30

Tuition from an artist is available to help beginners and experienced artists. New members are welcome. You do not have be good at art to enjoy this class. £30 for 4 weeks)

Yoga (gentle/chair yoga) 3:30-5pm. £6

If you wish to contact the library Tel. 01302 842064 email.

Facebook @hatfieldcommunitylibrary

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Competitions form a major part in all camera clubs programmes with the aim to improve the standard of photography of all members. However not all members like competitions but do have a keen interest in photography and with that in mind the club held its first 'Critique Evening' with Royston Packer providing the critique on a wide range of images where the members had the opportunity to discuss the comments given on their images. All the critiques given provided a constructive view for the growth of each member and the club as a whole.

Two members provided very good talks for the members, one by Malcolm Hayes on camera settings and the typical menus found in most cameras and how the aperture and shutter settings change the visual effect of the images taken and the second member Graham Linley's talk and demonstration on two programmes for the production of Audio/Visual presentations.

Our DPI competition was judged by Nigel Plant from Hebden Bridge. The competition was ‘Open’ and provided many interesting entries. Nigel provided excellent critique on all of the entries and his final choice was:- First and Third Terry Gunnill with 'Bolverk' and ‘Nerthus’ Second Jacki Greenwood with 'Puppy Love'. Well done to all for providing a fine collection of images.

The programme for Highlights for March and April are:-

27th March Black and White Print , Competition Judge, Robert Helliwell

3rd April Trees and Much More. Speaker, Terry Gunnill

Wildlife in Lockdown. Speaker, Stewart Campbell

10th April Easter

17th April The Flat Capped Photographer. Speaker, Tom Marsh

We welcome all who are interested in photography to join our club Monday evenings at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church Hall, Thorne. The membership for the club is £15.00 per annum with a weekly subscription of £2.00.

For further details please contact:-

Chair - Patricia Woodward

Secretary - June Horbury

Membership - Jackie Woodward

Monty's Monthly Tip - The Exposure Triangle (aperture, shutter and ISO) is the basis of exposure control in photography and needs to be understood. When one point of the triangle is moved in one direction then another point of the triangle must be moved by the same amount in the opposite direction to maintain exposure. When making any adjustments to aperture, shutter and ISO settings always check the ‘in camera’ meter and keep the indicator at the midpoint of the scale to achieve a good exposure. For guidance only use ISO 100 for sunny days and up to 400 for overcast days, for poor light conditions use ISO settings of 800 and above. Large apertures (f1.4 – f5.6) give shallow depth of field, small apertures (f8.0 onwards) give deep depth of field. Fast shutter speeds freeze movement and slow shutter speeds blur the movement.

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