Hatfield Arrow January 2017

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January 2017

Issue No. 131

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Happy New Year! To all our readers, advertisers, contributors and delivery staff. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helps to make the Arrow a successful magazine especially the local businesses who advertise their products or services, without the support of whom the Arrow magazine would not be possible. I would also like to say a huge thank you to Peter Wright for taking the time to write an article each month for over 6 years now. I have received many wonderful comments over the years, from readers who have found Peters articles to be amusing and interesting and I am sure they will be missed now that Peter has decided to stop writing for while. His articles have always put a smile on my face and I hope he decides to come back very soon! Thank you Peter!! As a goodbye for now gesture Peter has included a quiz this month with an amazing prize for the winner. See Page 18 for full details.

Best Wishes, Julie Morrell

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Celebrations at Thorne Camera Club Autumn, as you have no doubt noticed, has truly set in now, and winter is on the way. Recently the weather has been wet and windy, but luckily for members of Thorne Camera Club, it was more clement previously, which was fortunate in light of the recent competition. They invited a well respected photographer, Brian Crossland LRPS, to judge. A themed and open competition gave members ample opportunity to enter in one or both categories. The theme was “Autumn”, with an open section alongside to broaden the appeal to members. The competition was well subscribed, with an impressive number of entrants, as is often the case. The results were as follows: Firstly, in the themed section the following results ensued: 1st place went to David Ulyett, 2nd to Jim Howard and 3rd to Colin Jarvis. Highly commended in this section were: Jim Howard, Mel Brown, David Ulyett and Sunday Akpan. Commended were: Lynda Ulyett, Norman Pugh and Mel Brown. In the open section: 1st place went to Stephen Wall as did 2nd place, 3rd to Tom O’Shea. Highly commended in this section were: Tom O’ Shea, and Jim Howard. Commended were: Tom O’ Shea, Bill Mitchell and Peter Bembridge. Thorne Camera Club continued with their varied programme for Autumn 2016. There has been a laptop night where members could bring their laptops to practise and receive coaching from more experienced members on issues around basic adjustments in popular photographic software suites such as Photoshop and Serif. They worked on basic adjustment layers and explored examples such as how to crop and resize an image and how cloning works. There has been a member’s night where members were invited to each prepare a short presentation on a subject of their choice to the rest of the club, such as workshops with professional photographers, how to make an AV, use of email and the internet and personal favourite images. A presentation by Des Lloyd - Mail on Sunday Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015, was on, of course, wildlife photography, with some fantastic images. Des only began photography on retirement a few years ago but has rapidly progressed to become a very competent photographer in his field. Finally, in the run up to Christmas, a competition on the theme of: Represent a Christmas Song or Carol, judged by members, combined with a buffet supper and social. Thorne Camera Club would like to wish the readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and offer the opportunity to anyone interested in getting more from their camera, to join them. The first meeting will be on January 9th 2017 at 7.15pm at the Methodist Church Hall. Please contact the chairman on 07463821182 , email thornecameraclub@yahoo.co.uk or just come along. You will be very welcome.


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Evolution run weekly weight clinics. Please contact the practice for an appointment.


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Happy New Year to all our customers & THANKYOU for all your custom

S J Roofing

Flat Roofs, Fibre Glass Flat Roofs, Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Guttering, Fascia’s, Chimneys. Competitive Rates No Job Too Small 01302 858164 / 07427 212714 Sj-roofing@mail.com

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Hatfield Community Library Christmas Fayre. The library was busy on Friday evening and Saturday morning as visitors come in to support the Hatfield Christmas Faye which was held in the library. Thank you to all the people who supported the three good causes. It is wonderful that local people are willing to give their time and money to support village events. It was Jan Tovey’s last outing as Christmas Fayre organiser so we all thank her for the time and effort that she has put in over the several years. The raffle made £250 approx. to be shared between the three recipients. The library also received a Cheque for £200 from Robert Forster’s Charity. We thank the Charity for its generosity. All money made by or given to the library is used to fund free events or make improvements to your library. I-pad/tablet course. The next course will be starting in the New Year. If you have left us your details, then you will be contacted with the exact dates and times of the course. Internet Sites for Library card holders. There are free sites which can be accessed at home using your library card and the Doncaster Libraries Arena site. Who Else Writes like. Many people ask us to recommend books which are in a style they enjoy. If you have read all the books by your favourite author, then this site will suggest other authors who write the same genre. Oxford Reference. Where many categories can be selected eg Music, Art. Law, Science and Technology. Some sites can only be accessed from the library computers which are free to use for two hours. Family research. Find my Past and Ancestry. WHICH ? Magazine online. MINT. A large business data base. LATITUDE MAPPING. Needed for o/s maps when putting in planning applications. Access to Research service. This gives free access to over 10 million academic articles and research papers. If you are extending your own knowledge or doing a higher education course these sites mat be useful. Activities at your library All classes will be restarting in the new year. Monday Rhyme Time 10:30-11:15 (or as long as you want to stay in the library). Yoga 6:30-8pm Tuesday, Art Class10:00-12:30, Yoga 6:45-8:00pm. Readers’ group (last Tues of the month) 3:004:00pm. We would like new members to join this small and friendly group. Wednesday, Chair Yoga 3:00-4:00pm. Gentle Yoga 4:30-6:00pm , Yoga 6:30-8:00pm Friday, Readers’ Group (last Fri of the month) 10:30-12:30. Needles and Pins twice a month. 10:30-12:30. This is a friendly craft group which would welcome new members. Relaxing Colouring group.2:00-3:00. Everything is provided. Come and have a stress free hour before the weekend. Closing times at Christmas from Friday 23rd until January 4th. Finally, the library volunteers would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope to see you all in 2017. (Where do the years go?) All our activities can also be found on Facebook and Streetlife. Please share the activities with friends and family to help us to advertise them. We are trying to improve our Facebook site to make it more informative and interesting. We also put posters in local shops that kindly promote the library. Contact. Tel. 842064 E-mail hatfieldcommunitylibrary@gmail.com


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Personal Attention From Jessie Now Practising Part-Time Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Mornings Only

Footcare Advice & Treatment Orthotics (Arch Supports) Fitted 31 High Street Hatfield

01302 351545

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HATFIELD WOODLOUSE AMATEUR GARDENING SOCIETY Tuesday December 6 saw the last of this year’s meetings of the Society. As usual we were at the Hatfield Woodhouse Club to listen to our guest speaker, Pauline Berry. The subject of the presentation was very topical, it being the making and use of Christmas decorations. We were given many good ideas on how to put together colourful and unusual displays. After Pauline’s excellent presentation, which was thoroughly enjoyed by members and guests, the President and Chairman of the Society, John Brown, presented the final trophy of the year. This is the President’s Cup, and it goes to the person who gained most points in total for their exhibits in both the Spring and Autumn Shows. This year the Cup went to Pam Banks. The meeting concluded with everybody enjoying a mince pie. We begin next year’s programme on Tuesday 3 January. On that date the speaker and presenter will be Gail Summerfield, whose subject will be “The Twilight Garden”. We will start the meeting at the usual time of 7-30 pm at Hatfield Woodhouse Club. All members and non members are cordially invited.

Clouds Community Counselling Service Happy New Year to all our clients: past, present and those in the future. Maybe for some of you it will not have been so happy and there will have been disappointments, family tension and disagreements and sometimes a decision to go separate ways, financial worries, redundancy, chronic health problems and children worrying about exams or bullying? These are just some issues that come through our door and nothing is too large or small if it is troubling you. Clouds Counsellors are here to listen, to support and to help you find a way to resolve your difficulty and a way forward for the future. It is a difficult time of the year for many particularly those with no family, unwell and those alone. Please spare a minute to pop in and have a chat. It makes an enormous difference. Bereavement Support Groups will be offered again for the end of February for Adults and Young People. Please contact if interested. Clouds Counsellors offer hope. All Clouds Counsellors are insured, Members of the BACP (Professional Body) and Supervised monthly. Client Contact line: 07962907053 or contact through the website www.cloudscounsellingservices.com Need to talk? We listen!


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Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School Christmas All of the children in Foundation stage and KS1 have worked really hard learning their lines and rehearsing the songs for this year’s Christmas production "Nearly No Nativity". The dress rehearsal went very well and we were ready for our audiences on Wednesday and Thursday, who thoroughly enjoyed the show and were charmed by the children’s singing and acting. The story told by the children, was one of a traditional school play at Christmas. Mrs Higgins, the teacher is trying her best to put on a magical performance. However, she has a cast of children, who all want to be the star of the show. She has shepherds and wise men arguing and fighting, poor Mrs Higgins is so disappointed she almost cancels the show! Until that is, she remembers who the real star of Christmas is...... Baby Jesus! Key Stage 2 children have also enjoyed preparations for their Carol Concert. Traditional carols such as ‘Away in a Manger’ followed more modern songs such as ‘No Room at the Inn’ to make a beautiful performance to tell the Christmas story. Anti-Bullying Award We are really proud to have attained the Silver level Anti-Bullying Chatermark for our work to make our playground a happy place for all children. Mrs Kantecki took representatives from our school council to collect the award recently, where they met the mascots from Doncaster Rovers. We have celebrated through a week of Anti-Bully activities in the classroom and a whole school poster competition to raise awareness of bullying in schools. Year 4 Young Leaders Following a request for help from the local playgroup, Year 4 Young Leaders stepped into action to make their classroom a production line of Christmas Eve boxes to give out at the playgroup Christmas party. Reindeer food was spooned into sparkly red bags and Santa snacks were counted into little dishes and Santa keys were ribboned. It was good for the children to feel part of the local community and do their bit to make a difference. Dragon’s Den at Croda We predict the next of Alan Sugar’s apprentices will come from Year 4! After making their own bubble-bath and designing posters to advertise it, as well as power-points to demonstrate the percentage of bubbles over time…. Year 4 headed to Croda Chemicals in Snaith to face a Dragon’s Den! The three Dragons were impressed with the children’s efforts and their confident communication. Theo’s group won the day with their Honey-Moon Bubble Bath ….I wonder if it will be out on the shelves by next Christmas? Both staff and pupils from Hatfield Woodhouse Primary School wish you all a really Happy New Year and look forward to sharing our 2017 news with you soon!


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I did it my way….. As I usually do around this time of year I would like to wish all the Arrow readers a happy New Year. Which, I also find quite odd as at the time of writing it is in fact December 12th. I must say these print deadlines really do mess with your calendar!. Anyway, a few editions ago I put you all on notice that my time of recording my adventures, scrapes and tall tales was coming to an end, and so sadly this is my final offering… well almost !! I have decided to take a sabbatical for a while in order to concentrate on other things, reflect on life and to maybe cogitate a little. As I had previously mentioned I have found it increasingly difficult to think of what to write and on the odd occasion I have even questioned my own musings for originality and humour. However, rather than go out on a whimper I have decided to go out on a quiz!! A quiz that is based on my life adventures and offers Arrow readers a chance to win a £25 Bay Horse meal voucher. And so here we go… eyes down!!  What is the name of my canine best mate?  In which Yorkshire town did he learn to read PIN numbers? A) Settle B) Skipton  In which Lancashire city did I go to University?  What sport did I play at University?  On a visit back to this University town I got short for a number 2 but behind what did I almost cause a race riot? A) A Synagogue B) A Church C) A Hindu Temple  What animal once made me a world champion?  A game invented by my dad involved the opportunity to throw what into my sibling’s mouth? A) Peanuts B) Dried Rabbit Poo  In his brief foray into crime what item of clothing did our Dave stuff down his trousers A) A bra B) pyjama’s C) socks  Which famous comedy duo joined me and my then girlfriend on valentine’s night? A) Little & Large B) Cannon & Ball C) The Chuckle Brothers  What knocked me out of the conker tree in Hatfield Woodhouse? A) A stick B) A battered sausage C) A banger  Who did I want to go into business with when I won the Woodhouse sports day obstacle race aged 8? A) Alan Sugar B) John Holt C) Richard Branson  In 2007 a misunderstanding involved me getting a free meal on the pretence of being a food critic for which paper A) The Daily Mail B) Yorkshire Post  At University I fell out with my best mate over how to cook what dish A) bangers N mash B) spaghetti bolognese C) shepherds pie  The first name of the first girl I ever kissed on the lips was? A) Lisa B) Julie C) Ann  At the tender age of 12 I was injured when playing with some stolen exploding bullets, unfortunately dad had to take me to DRI on the bus, in my underpants! But what colour were they? A) lime green B) orange C) purple  Tie Breaker – How many wickets did I take playing for Hatfield Town CC? Please send your answers via e-mail to the Julie (The Editor) on the following address julie@arrowpublications.co.uk Entries must be in by 5pm February 10th. Good luck to everyone who enters…Having never forgotten the astute feedback of a 13 year old kid; I hope you don’t find the quiz too egotistical. I would like to say a big thank you to all you Arrow readers young and old...on the whole I have loved the comments which have been both sincere and generous in nature. It often makes me smile and feel contented when I hear that I have made some of you chuckle at my memories and tales. Who would have thought that one man (and his dog) could get up to so much? Finally, I would like to offer gratitude to the people of the village including the Ingram Arms bar and snooker room chaps, my Bay Horse buddies, the regulars of the No4 Café, all those people who have let me write about them without getting upset and my lovely school chums. Also Julie (The Editor) for all her patience and understanding And last but not least my family without whom I wouldn’t have been able to have had half as many wonderful times and adventures in my life…. 18 AKAPlease mention Arrow” when responding PW The Difference (PS“The – Apologies if I have forgotten anyone….to X)advertisements

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WHAT’S ON? Hatfield Woodhouse Methodist Chapel News Sunday Services at 6pm

January 1st No Service January 8th Rev Sutherby Covenant Service to include Communion January 15th Rev Mumford January 22nd Our Own Arrangement January 29th Rev Sutherby Communion

Coffee Mornings January 7th January 14th January 21st January 28th

Project 2000 Project 2000 Action for Children Project 2000

The New Roof for the Chapel has been scheduled to go ahead in January. A Huge Thank you to everyone that has helped or contributed in any way!


Friends of Hatfield Building Trust


Date for Your Diary - Wed 10th May 2017 'Friends of Hatfield Church Building Trust' Coach Trip.

A Very Happy & Great Start to the New Year to Everyone!

Barn Dance on Sat 14th Jan, 7.30-11pm at Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall with live perky music by The Pigs Ears. Tickets are £10 each & include pie & peas (veg option available), from Vera 01302 840250 or Tina 07873 340307. Proceeds to Regeneration Project, Hatfield.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAR Sales & Repairs Barry Gill Sales & Repairs, Hatfield

01302 842878

Ash Hill Crescent, Hatfield

Counselling Clouds Community Counselling, Free Client Line Confidential Counselling Service 07962 907053 Hair, Health & Beauty All About Me

Casanova Pizzeria

Hair & Beauty

01302 350888

Jessie Credland Foot Clinic 31 High Street Hatfield

01302 351545

Men Only Gents Barbers, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft

07597 568326

The Willows Dental Practice

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Blind Ideas, High Street, Hatfield

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Sunnybank Garden Centre, Hatfield Woodhouse

01302 842954

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Time For You , Domestic Cleaning

01302 352941

Tel: 01302 843364

Locksmith 07768 498668

Locks & Blocks

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E P G Roofing

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Longstaff Electrical Services, Hatfield, 07902 008118

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07928 110146

Martin Johnson Plumbing & Heating Repairs, Hatfield

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JJ Rowney gas & heating engineers. Plumbing Heating Gas

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01302 350557

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FISHLAKE - STAINFORTH covering all areas

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